Wednesday, September 21 . . . Where to camp?
The crew and I further investigate the shoreline for a good campsite. Large, flat, water-worn rocks border most of the shore in this area. Yesterday evening when we walked down here there were only two campers. Now there are five and they are crowded close together because of the wide ruts and big rocks restricting where campers can maneuver and park.
There’s a lot going on down at the lake.
A guy has his truck doors open so we can all hear his choice of music. It’s just loud enough so mercifully the lyrics are unintelligible, just the boom-boom-boom. A guy in a Class C starts a generator. Is that his way of saying hello? Another guy casts out his line, props his rod, and walks off (one of my pet peeves). Two jet-skis roar past. People are talking and laughing, drinking beer. A woman squeals. I instinctively recoil at all the people-made sounds in such a serene setting. I’m glad they’re enjoying themselves, but I bet these folks don’t quiet down until late at night.
The crew and I wade into the water.
It’s very clear, and delightfully cool and soothing. The day and the lake are so beautiful that the annoyances fade from my ears and my mind. I set my camp chair in the water. Spike immediately lies down in the water to relax and survey the scene.
Bridget is timid at first.

This photo was taken immediately after Bridget's water play. She stirred up the bottom and made the water muddy.
I coax her around my chair with the leash and words of encouragement. She high-steps around me, her confidence growing . . . “Gee, this is fun!”
Bridget reminds me of a very young child marching around in a puddle to make splashes. Her eyes are big. She wants to see my reaction to her antics. “Wow, look at you! What a BIG girl you are! You’re a water dog!”
Her confidence grows to where she goes out far enough for the water to cover her back as she holds her head high!
Now I have two water spaniels!
We walk up the hill to our quiet, private campground. I let Bridget off-leash. She’s feeling perky and proud after her aquatic display. She runs part of the way, kicking up dust, then stops to watch Spike and me catch up. She does this all the way. What a muddy, happy mess!
It does my heart good to see her lose her dainty, cautious ways and just let loose. We females should do that more often. Just have fun, darnit.
I like the quiet solitude of our camp.
The crew can wander about the camp freely. I can sit in my camp chair and read. The silence is lovely, interrupted only by birds or the distant drone of a motorboat down at the lake.
Thursday, September 22nd . . . What a lazy day!
After a walk to the shower house and breakfast, Spike and Bridget mosey around and take naps in the shade of the Casita. I read my kindle almost all day . . . . The heat of the afternoon sends us down to the lake for a swim. We eat outside and watch the sunset beyond the lake.
You know what I love about my Casita?
By drawing up the blinds at the rear of the camper, I can lie in bed with my head on my pillow and look up at the stars. The crew and I sleep with two windows and the roof vent open. The temperature is just right for sleeping, no need even for the Fantastic fan to operate.
Friday, September 23rd . . . Still no neighbors!
I’m feeling ambitious so I clean the exterior of the Casita, right down to her white wheels with their red and blue striping. Somewhere recently I drove around a corner right into a bed of road tar in my lane. Tar is splattered on the fiberglass wheel wells. I want to look up how to remove it, but, alas . . . no internet!
I write the blog entry (offline) about our arrival here and then we go for a swim, followed by supper, sunset, and stars.
And so it goes until we leave Sunday afternoon, having thoroughly enjoyed our stay at Conchas Lake!
I’m enjoying your blog and your style!
Hi, Judy! I’m happy to hear it!
One of my pet peeves…doors open….music blaring…but it sounds like you have a great attitude about it all. Love your description of Bridget and her increasing confidence. I am certainly enjoying reading about you and your crew. Happy Travels.
Hello, Donna!
Bridget is really blossoming. I’m seeing more of her personality now that she’s exposed to many different experiences. Before hitting the road, she’d sleep all day or wait nervously for me to come home from work, and then cling to me. I think she feels more secure now that I’m with her every minute. She’d better! LOL
I’m glad you’re getting some enjoyment out of reading about our little adventures.
There’s got to be some product that will remove that tar. I’m sure you’ll get some ideas once you have internet again.
So enjoying your travels…thank you for sharing with us.
Hi, Teri!
Thanks for reminding me about the tar. The people at fiberglassrv or rvnet or one of those forums probably know what to do. I haven’t checked yet.
I hope you continue to enjoy riding along with the crew and me!
Good to hear from you. Betty was worried today that you hadn’t posted anything in awhile. Did you get my text? I sent you a picture.
Hi, Tawny!
I got the photo. What a handsome baby! He looks great in that big chair! Thanks for sending it.
Your text came through, however, I lost it somehow before I could read it. So nice to know you haven’t forgotten me!
WD40 or kerosene on a rag will take the tar off, rub it clean, wash with soap and water.. YOU DONE!!
And it won’t take the shine off the fiberglass? I must have shiny wheel wells. It won’t do to have them dull!
Thanks, Old Texan . . . I knew it’d have to be some sort of solvent.
I love your writings!!! Can’t wait to tell Taylor Beth about Bridget and her water escapades. TB still carries a picture of “junk in the trunk” on her phone.
How gratifying it must be to watch Bridget become more confident and develop new skills. I’ll bet she has inflated Busby Berkley dreams now about paddling the English Channel or something (while Spike remains onshore all pouty, yet admiring).
As for your evolution, I predict you will blossom once the time comes to boondock and get away from annoyances (i.e. other people). I bet you feel that way too.
Jupiter will shine so brightly in the next few months, you may have to close the window blinds!
Hi, Kim,
Sounds like you know something about astronomy . . . . I usually wake up once in the night. It’s nice to look at the stars until I fall asleep again.
I’m going to keep up her swimming lessons next summer. It’ll be fun having them both out in the deeper water with me.
Anything that will take off the tar will take off the shine. You just have to put it back.
Kerosene will probably work, as the other Texan said. WD40 works sometimes well, sometimes slowly. Not so good on stuff that is really dried on. What works best of all for tar on painted metal, like your van, is diesel fuel. Wipes right off, doesn’t hurt the paint, and is cheap and available. You just have to have a container for it. A little on a rag goes a long way.
I’ve never tried diesel on fiberglass, so try a spot first. But it works GREAT on your car paint. It is a little oily going on, but it wipes right off. Wax afterward.
Good to know about how to remove tar from painted metal. The PTV’s wheel wells are not painted so there isn’t any place that I need to remove it from the white paint. Not this time anyway. Thanks, Bob.
One of your best posts yet. I love your blog. I have 3 dachshunds who love to travel too. Haven’t really let them off the leash when I have all 3 with me. Two of them, Harley and Gretchen, would turn right around and come back when I called but Willy is a little more adventurous. He’d head for the other people to say hello. You might want to start leaving them alone in the casita for short periods of time while you walk away just so they get used to being there alone. You won’t always be able to take them in places and the casita would be more comfortable and safe than the tow vehicle. So glad you are enjoying your new life and hope we get to meet up sometime soon.
Hi, longdog!
What a nice compliment! I appreciate you sharing your positive opinion of my blog!
Spike is more like your Willy. If people or a dog are around, he will take off to go socialize.
I keep their leashes attached to their harnesses when I let them go off-leash. It makes it easier to catch them if they start to go off too far. If Spike sees me coming for him, he pretends he didn’t see me, just starts walking a bit faster in the other direction (the rascal!). With the leash dragging on the ground behind him, I can catch up and step on it.
You’re right about the Casita being better for them. I try to keep them in it alone, however, they make an awful fuss. Just today I needed to get something out of the PTV . . . only a minute or two and they were howling by the time I got back to the Casita! I worry that they’ll really go berserk and tear up my window blinds.
Oh well . . . maybe with time . . . Best of luck with your dachsunds. They must make a cute trio.
Hi, Pauline!
Bridget might get rid of the load on her behind. She’s walking several times a day and now she’s into water sports! So maybe the next time Taylor Beth, Ellie and Jake see her, she won’t have any “junk in her trunk!”
Sue and Crew, we drove by Santa Rosa, NM a couple of days ago and waved at you. Did you see us? We might have even stopped to say hello for a couple of minutes, but we didn’t know where you were. At the far east corner of Oklahoma for a week, then head back west along H40. Will wave again as we go by.
Hello, Hotel Cal,
It could have been me. Did you beep your horn? Whenever I hear a horn I always assume I’m doing something wrong, instead of looking for someone I know (paranoid).
Enjoy Oklahoma. Probably by the time you are going back through NM, I’ll be in the southern part of the state. Who knows? Give me three short beeps so I know it’s you!
I sent you an email with some pictures we took at Navarro Mills Lake for when you have good connection. What a great time you had “just relaxing” and letting that NM parks camping pass pay for itself! By my calculations you’ve already repaid your initial investment and are in the making money category now. Looking forward to the next installment of RVSue and Crew
I got the photos. Thanks so much!
I love the NM parks pass! I don’t know why more states don’t copy the same system. Wouldn’t it be great if they did?
Hi, Sue and crew,
This was one of your best posts … and I like them all.
Bridget deserves praise for conquering one of her fears. You deserve praise, too for being more understanding of others who are oblivious of the peace of others than I would be.
Bob (aka stude53)
Hi, Bob!
Thanks for the compliment but I don’t think I would have been so “understanding of others” if I didn’t know there was a peaceful, empty campground waiting for me . . . just out of earshot.
It’s interesting to hear what posts readers like the best . . . I never would have chosen that one. I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
Hey, JoJo . . .
If Bridget can do it, Fred can do it!
I’ve been on the road myself and just now able to catch up on your posts. Just in case you still have that road tar on the Casita, regular old motor oil will disolve it off. Then wash the motor oil off with soap and water. No harm done.
Hello, John!
Motor oil? Great! I have some! Thanks for telling me.