Saturday, February 8
I’m going to keep this short. The purpose of this post is to alert those in our blogorino community and anyone else with a compassionate heart about an urgent need for prayer.
Please open comments below to read the request that came in at the very end of the previous post’s comments.
Thank you.
Sue and my fellow blogorinos,
I need your help, please. Prayers are needed.
My youngest sister has not been feeling well since the first of the year. She had a bout of flu, but still felt unwell. Last night she asked her husband to take her to the ER – 1 1/2 hrs away (Thank God!).
They did emergency surgery to save her life to remove fluid & pressure from her brain. My little sis has inoperable, aggressive brain cancer. The surgeon said the outlook is grim. They did not know if she would even wake up after the surgery. Early this afternoon she awoke and was somewhat coherent (Thank God!).
They need to wait at least three days for the swelling to subside to determine if they can offer any treatment.
My family is a mess. Our little sister just turned 45 last month.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping my sister and our family in your thoughts and prayers.
I may not be checking in for a while. Consider no news, good news…as in my little sis is still with us.
So sorry, I meant Denise.
Prayers going up!
Sending prayers and love to her whole family.
Prayers being sent from Australia.
Prayers, for healing from brain cancer. In our Lord and Saviors name.Amen
Will definitely include her and her family in prayers.
Much Love,
Prayers to you and your family. I’m so sorry this has happened. Please know we are keeping you and yours in our hearts.
I will keep your little Sis in my daily prayers.
May the Lord bless your Sister with his healing power and put life and peace in her life,,,, Rusty
Sending prayers and love.
Sending you prayers.
Prayers for the whole family. I cannot even imagine what you are going thru. But there is strength in numbers. Thank you for including us in you circle of friends.
Thoughts and prayers all the way around……… It is so important to have moral support and prayers asking for the Good Lord’s guidance …… Please know I have also requested prayers from the good folks on three different prayer lists.
All my best, Sally Browning
God Bless her and you all.
Sending prayers!
Thoughts prayers and much love come to you from Extreme Eastern Tennessee
Thank you, Sue, for posting this to bring our attention to it.
Dear Denise, I am praying as I type this, and will continue asking that God make a way for your sister, yourself and family to receive healing and comfort. You were wise to ask for our prayers on here, I will ask my believing friends to join us in praying, too. I hope that you and Gracie pup are staying well, and am sending you love and hugs.
Big hugs and good thoughts to you and your family!
Oh Denise, I am so sorry to hear about your sister. Hugs, love and especially prayers coming your way for you and your family. I know this is a is a stressful time for all.
Sending heartfelt healing prayers for your sister and all your family.
Denise . . . You and your family are in my prayers.
Sweet Denise, I’ve added your dear sister to my blogorino pray list as I also add your family.
Hugs and Love,
Prayers sent from Central California.
Prayers sent from Southern Mississippi.. for your sister, her doctors, and all her loved one.
I am so sorry to hear this. Prayers coming.
Prayers coming from Michigan, and hugs too, for your sister and your entire family.
Prayers from NC for your sister, your extended family and your sister’s caregivers and medical providers. May the grace of God provide all with comfort, strength and hope.
Sending prayers for Denise’s sister, Denise, and the family.
Such a sad event for Denise and all her family. Cancer has no bounds.young or old, rich or poor, it doesn’t matter. I pray for strength for the family.
Longtime reader, minimal commenter, but I am praying for your sister!
Oh Denise.
I am so sorry! Praying
Prayers for ur sister and ur family are heading ur way from Southern Arizona.
So sorry to hear this news – sending heartfelt prayers for your sister and all your family.
Prayers for your sister from Australia……………….may your faith give you and your family the strength to support your sister with whatever lays ahead. Hoping and praying for the very best.
Lord, please give this young woman your strength & faith to recover from this fight. Give her love & peace. Watch over her & her family during these troubling times. Into Your hands, give assurance of health & happiness for the future. Amen.
Praying for peace, comfort, wisdom and strength for your sister, you, your family and all the medical staff. Also that He has His very best for her. Much love and many prayers, Judy.
I’m in tears here Denise! I can only imagine the shock and stress your family is going though. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Much love to you!
Prayers sent for your sister and your family
Sending prayers your way. May your sister and your family find strength during this difficult time.
Sending payers for you, your sister and family and those caring for you all during this tough time.
Praying for healing & comfort for your sister and family.
I prayed… but I also need prayer for healing. Blessings, Lynn (Life with Lynnie blogger)
May He help you receive healing and all else you need, Lynn.
And for healing for you too, Lynn…blessings and prayer!
Praying for you too Lynn!
Sending prayers AND love, and beautiful healing light Denise, for your Sister. May things look up as the days pass. Thanks for reaching out to our little community here on Sue’s page for help. We are here for you!

Hello I am thinking of and praying for your sister and your family. Stay strong. God Bless.
Prayers for your sister and all your family!
Nancy in Georgia
Will do and best wishes for each and every one of you!
Don in Okla.
I am so sorry to hear of this tragic news. May God hold you and your family in his loving hands.
OMG! Just know you are in all of our prayers!
So sorry to hear this Denise…and my heart goes out to you and prayers for your sister will be offered as well!! Keep hope so long as you can!! Sending love and hugs to you and your family!! Thank you for letting us know, Sue!!
Praying for healing for your sister, wisdom for the doctors, and unshakable peace for all of you, in Jesus’ Name!
I’m so sorry to hear this news. I pray for her comfort and for wisdom
Of the medical staff in treating her.
Having been on the receiving end of prayers I wish for you and yours all the warmth and caring I felt whatever the outcome may be.
I am so glad to send you as many prayers as you need. This has been a rough 6 weeks in my neck of the woods but I am loaded with prayers and good thoughts and well wishes and prayers for the family too. My little family of angels keeps me supplied. Love to all of you and may His hand upon your heads comfort you and help you through this.
Denise you and your family are close at heart. Prayers are with you .
Prayers and hugs sent for all of you.
Sending up prayers for your sister!
Denise, I am sending prayers for both you and your little Sis, as staying strong for yourself and your family at this time is not going to be easy. Please, take care of yourself! You are both in my thoughts and will be. It is not always easy to be positive when faced with that which seems to be insurmountable but somehow we do.
Prayers for your little sister and your family, Denise. God bless.
Prayers for your sister and your family.
Laurie from Florida
Denise, I truly believe in prayer and because you are asking, I know you do also. Keep your faith strong. I am praying for your sister, for you and your family. Our God hears you and the many that are praying .
Denise, I am lifting your sister and your whole family up in prayer. I am so very sorry to read this. Love and hugs!
Sending your sister and your entire family love and prayers.
Denise, I am so sorry to hear this. I am thinking of you, your family and your sister and hoping for the best. Much love.
Ginger, I am so happy to see a post from you. I hadn’t seen anything from you in a long time and was worried …
Prayers sent for Denise, her sister, and their family.
Denise, I just got home from a trip and saw this post from Sue. I will add your sister and your entire family to my prayer list and pray for you all every day.
Just saw this, Denise. We are travelling. I will be praying for you, your sister and your entire family at this diffcult time.
Please, Lord God, and precious Jesus. Grant your perfect peace at this most diffucult time. Keep your children in your hands.
Denise , praying for recovery for your sister and strength for your family.
Sue and my fellow blogorinos,
Thank you for you kind thoughts, love, hugs, and prayers. Love you all.
If you can, please share this link. Thank you very much.
You’re welcome, Denise.
Thank you, Sue. xo
I am passing on a message from Pumpkin and Porkchop for Reggie and Roger:
Thank you so much for helping our family. We love you.

Denise, just to say you are on my mind and your family in my prayers!!
Sending hugs your way dear lady, Elizabeth
Thank you for the prayers and hugs Elizabeth. xo
Hi Denise. Just wanted to let you and your family are still in my prayers. Hang in there!
Thank you so much for keeping us in your prayers, Dawn.
We can feel the warmth and comfort of love, positive thoughts and prayers being sent our way from so many. It means so much. Thank you all.
Hi Denise, just sending a little prayer your way today. I hope you and your Sis are hanging in there.

I prayed and I am putting a request on the prayer group I am in. In Jesus name she is healed.
Dear Sue and my blogorino friends,
The past few weeks have been so very sad and heartbreaking for our family. We thank you all for the love, hugs, positive thoughts and prayers. Our family is blanketed in warmth from all this love.
Jennifer is still at UVA in the ICU. They have started hospice care. Later this afternoon/evening after her husband, Matt and her boys, Devin and Nathan get there, they will be removing Jen’s breathing tube.
We are praying that Jen will go home peacefully and not linger. The painful and barbaric things that she has had to endure are horrific.
Our family is grateful that we have been able to spend time with Jen while she was “on” and coherent. She knows everyone and loves to talk about all of her fur babies…Pumpkin & Porkchop, Gracie pup and Bella, too. Jen also loves to talk about our nephew’s twin babies. It has been an honor and privilege to help care for Jen and provide comfort. It is a blessing that Jen does not know what has happened.
If Jen continues to breathe on her own, she will remain at UVA; if prolonged, she will be transferred to a hospice facility.
Please join us in praying that Jen has a quick, quiet, peaceful journey home.
Thank you for your love and support xo
Dear Denise,
I’m in tears reading this. I am so sorry you and your family are having to go through this painful time and I hope that Jen will spread her wings and fly very soon. I have never had a sister but I have stood by a loved one and wished for them to be free even though their leaving would leave a space in my heart. I’m glad you have a close family with whom to walk this path. And you have us…..whom you’ve never met……but who care.
With love,
I am oh so sorry that Jen is leaving you soon…sending you hugs with prayers to wrap around your hearts!! This was not what we hoped for…but so hope you will be comforted in all of it, knowing that this is all temporary for those who love GOD!! Thank you for the update so we can surround you with more prayers!!
I am praying for all of you. God’s grace flows through you;God’s embrace surrounds gives you warmth and takes away all fear giving rest.
Dear Denise, I have been, am and will continue praying that all involved be given what is needed throughout this part of your journeys. All you have done in hopes that support, care, prayers and honor be ongoing for your sister, family and those close to them is amazing, and speaks volumes about what a tender, loyal and loving heart you have. Thank you for letting us know about the recent situation.
A few minutes ago, my little sis Jen peacefully went home.
Thank you all for your love and support.
Dear Denise,
Words really don’t help at times like this so I won’t leave you with many….only that I am very sorry for your loss and you and your family will be in my thoughts in the coming weeks.
So very sorry for you and all the family!! So glad she went peacefully…that helps a twinge. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours…take care of yourself gently too, dear lady!!
Denise, I just read this (almost two weeks late). Words are never enough at a time like this. All I can do is pray for you and Jen’s husband and kids. Know that I will.
Dearest Denise, I am so terribly sorry for the loss of your sis, Jennifer. You said that she went home peacefully, and that is all any of us can hope for. May your heart begin to heal, and that during this time of sorrow, your entire family find some joy and laughter together remembering the sweeter times in your lives as family. Blessing to you Denise, love Suzi
I’m so sorry for your loss! She’s in good hands now.
Oh, Denise, I am so sorry for the loss of your sister Jen. I’m praying for peace and love to surround you and your family.
Love and hugs
So very sorry for your loss! Sending loving thoughts for you and your family. May your memories help to comfort you and bring you peace.
As you go through this with your family know you are all being cared about and prayed for, Denise. May having Gracie pup, each other and faith help ease your feelings of loss and sorrow. Whenever you feel ready to visit here, whether about serious or light hearted matters, we will be here.
Dear Denise, my deepest sympathy to you and your family.
How difficult it must have been for you to write about your sister yesterday and today. It would be understandable if you shied away from the task. Yet you, being you, gave us a beautifully tender message from your heart.
We will continue to pray for you. May time, the love of family and friends — both close and far — as well as the nearness of God bring healing for your broken heart.
Love to you and Gracie pup,
Oh Denise,
I am so sorry for your loss. I too have sisters. The thought of losing one of them is more than I can bear. I am praying that you and Jen’s family would know the love and comfort and peace of the Holy Father. There are just no good words.
Denise, I am so very sorry for your loss. It’s been such a difficult time for all of you. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. His Peace to you and your family.
Denise, I am sorry for your loss. May the love of family, friends and Gracie Pup help you. Know that he blogorinos are adding their love and prayers to you All. Peace be with You.
Take Care
Warm, gentle embrace around you.
Hi all: I just thought I would check in to see how everyone is doing during this coronavirus situation. I hope you all are safe and staying healthy and calm. Sending good thoughts and prayers.
Thank you Cynthia. You have stated my thoughts as well. Sue, I hope the rains are not to severe in your area.
Take care E1
Hi Sue, Cynthia and Deena,
Our governor declared a state of emergency today. At last count, there were 17 people that tested positive for the corona virus in VA – a big jump from 2 cases yesterday.
In the Richmond area most K-12 public schools will be closed for at least 2 weeks starting on Monday. Most public universities are asking students to take another week off for Spring break. Afterwards, they are not to return to campus – classes will be taught online. Sport events, travel, and field trips have been cancelled. They will be monitoring the situation and adjust timelines accordingly.
I feel that our governor is doing a good job handling the situation so far. Years ago, in a previous life, I took part in developing and testing disaster recovery measures for financial data. At least on the state/local level this type of health crisis has been addressed in emergency training and plans are in place to try to prevent the spread of the virus.
Staying calm…Gracie pup and I are keeping calm and collected. We are prepared and have what we need. The media is whipping up panic. Yes, one needs to be concerned and prepared in case they get the virus and/or are quarantined for a couple weeks. All week big box store shelves have been empty – no toilet paper, paper towels, diapers, baby wipes, hand sanitizer, disinfectants, Lysol products or water. We are not in a hurricane situation where water might be turned off or become unpotable (sp?) – not sure why folks need to horde water.
I have been picking up an extra pack of toilet paper when I make my several times a week small grocery run. My sister and BIL who watch nephew #1’s twins went to 6 stores last night in search of toilet paper, diapers, and baby wipes. They finally found toilet paper at Lowe’s.
I hope everyone is safe, well, and has their emergency supplies on hand. Don’t forget to fill prescriptions and make sure you have a supply of pet food, too.
Thank you all for keeping my sister and our family in your thoughts and prayers. It means so much! My little sis is home; she is happy, whole, and pain free. We are heartbroken but will be ok. xo
Sue, sending you, Reggie, and Roger lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! xo
I saw my first butterfly of the season on Tuesday. He was black with a fine bright blue line around the edge of his wings, with yellow dots just above the blue line. So pretty!
Thank you, Denise and Gracie pup, for the love and hugs for me and my boys. We send you the same. You and your family have been in our prayers. It’s good to read your “report” from Richmond. You sound well and prepared.
Isn’t it amazing how something as delicate as a butterfly can bring cheer to one’s day? You’re ahead of us here in the high desert — not seeing butterflies yet, but our yards are green!
Take care. Love you!
Hi, Sue,
Gracie pup and I thank you for your prayers, love, and hugs. xo Butterfly sightings always makes me smile.
This morning after Gracie took her 1st potty break of the day, we spent some time “watching the world go by” in our back yard. Watching the day unfold for our animal and bird friends is one of our favorite things to do.
We watched 5 squirrels eating breakfast – the sweet blossoms of our Cleveland pear tree. Two of them were content to stay in the tree, moving ever so slightly to eat each flower cluster. The other three would grab a mouthful of flowers and scurry to an adjoining tree to enjoy their feast.
There is a nest in that tree; I wonder if it belongs to the pair of squirrels who ate their buffet in place. I have named one of the pair Sparky. He is quite bold and vocal and likes to antagonize Gracie. He will sit atop the pergola and peer into our home through the kitchen window and chatter at her. This drives Gracie nuts!
Hello everyone!
I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the beginnings of Spring. We truly haven’t had much “winter” here so it feels a little strange. I am not looking forward to the heat, humidity and bugs but for now am trying to concentrate on the beauty of Spring. I had the door and windows open last evening and could hear the frogs, peepers and birds….very relaxing.
I live in VA, so what Denise has written applies somewhat to me too. I’m not aware of any cases in our area. Still….things are missing from the shelves.
I am doing exactly what Elizabeth suggests plus keeping away from all the hype. Staying informed is one thing but there is so much misinformation out there. I have a source or two that I trust and check in now and then.
Love to you all!
MB, Bella and Molly
Hi, MB!
I agree with you! Northern and western Virginia had snow – other than a brief flurry Richmond got skipped. Mother Nature sent Sue and our blogorino friends out west snow that was meant for the Mid-Atlantic.
Fingers crossed that we have Spring for a while before the heat and humidity set in. Your evening with your windows open to enjoy nature’s concert sounds wonderful! My allergies prevent me from doing the same.
Enjoy the weekend, MB!
Thanks Denise! You do the same!
Thank you, MB!
Have heard that there will soon be enforced quarantine in this state (at least in Seattle area)…who knows for how long. We live south of there, but not sure if or when same will be the case here. Some business is asking folks to work from home, so daughter is home now. Take care everyone…eat lots of veggies, drink lots of water, take herbs and vitamins to build up your immune so well as you can!! LEAVE SUGAR ALONE for now…good idea anyway.
Hi, Elizabeth,
Take good care of yourselves, too. I thought of you and your family when I heard that Seattle has been greatly impacted by the C-virus. Keeping you and yours in my thoughts and prayers. xo
Thank you, Denise…being it is also Spring here with blooming stuff on trees now, we both are having allergies too…hubby has been coughing a lot so it does worry me…but not a lot can be done, other than we are already doing…and trying to stay home. He does drive me to store when we need to go…and I go in while he sits in the car. I don’t think we have it…YET…but time will tell. Thanks for the prayers and thoughts!! Hoping everyone else on here is doing well!!!
Hello again, Elizabeth!
You may already be aware of this, but I wanted to share just in case it is beneficial to others.
My dermatologist gave me the following advice to help reduce my sinus infections and skin flare ups due to air borne allergens. These simple changes have helped me tremendously.
When the allergen counts (tree and grass pollen, mold) are high and trigger your allergies, be sure to take a shower before going to bed. The spores stick to our clothes, skin, and hair. If you go to bed without showering, you are literally rolling in and inhaling the allergens.
Also, wash your bed pillows (poly filled – not sure if down pillows are washable), pillowcases & sheets, and mattress pad in hot water.
Stay calm, safe, and well everyone. xo
Yes you are right Denise…been doing that for years…I had kids with asthma…but NO DOCTOR ever told me this then…it was another mom…so it is important for folks to share things, isn’t it? THANKS for letting me know…glad you shared. It may helps someone else here too.
I think…and finally Hubby is thinking maybe he has it…watch this on youtube…a couple’s personal experience: These folks are so fortunate that they landed in a hospital in Japan…they are so thorough over there. My little granddaughter here is having a lot of symptoms yet so far no one will see her…maybe eventually we can buy a test kit someplace and find out ourselves eh?
Good morning Elizabeth,
I can only imagine how it would feel to wonder if myself or a loved one had this virus but not know for sure. I hope your husband and granddaughter will be feeling much better very soon.
We have cases in this state but thus far, none in my county. Still, all schools in the state are closed for 2 weeks. I am doing anything for my uncle that would require him to go to public places….groceries, drugstore…..ect. Other than those places, he rarely goes out anyway. I will continue until the students are allowed back in school. I think that would be a good “all clear” sign.
Take good care of yourself and know that I’m thinking of you and sending love from VA.
Thanks so much, MB…hope you and yours stay well too!!! Hubby is a twinge better today…so we are glad for that!! We will be staying home so much as we can, nonetheless…for a long while yet.
Hi, Elizabeth,
I am so sorry that you and your family are getting the run around. I hope that your husband and granddaughter start to feel better soon. Other than folks who require hospitalization from the severity of their case, it appears that the virus needs to run its course like a “regular” flu strain.
Take good care of yourselves and try to get plenty of rest. You and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers. Sending you **hugs** xo
Thanks so much, Denise…Hubby seems better this afternoon and evening…so I am grateful…granddaughter was doing well enough to take a walk today (sun came out) with her family and the dog…so grateful for that too!! Sunshine is likely a big help…tomorrow if it is sunny, hubby plans to repark our car here at the apts and sit in the sunshine awhile. (Where we park rarely gets sun…in fact, only in late summer does any sun come into our apt…not the best I guess…but this is the quieter side of the bldg. I surely hope you and yours will be safe and well from this too Denise…sending you hugs and prayers too!! And hopefully all others here will be safe and well too!!
Hi, Elizabeth,
That is good news that your hubby and granddaughter are feeling better!! Soaking up a bit of sunshine helps both body and spirit.
Thank you for the hugs and prayers! xo
… and the DOG ? ! ! A while ago you had mentioned their hoping to get one and then I don’t think you told us anymore about that. When did they get a dog, what kind, how old, are they all happy with their choice and the way it affects their lives? Any details would be appreciated, I’m guessing this is a good news story
I second weather’s request, Elizabeth. Blogorino inquiring minds need know all about the new four-legged member of your family!
Yes, I third Weather’s request. Blogorinos want to know!!! I have been out preparing for the virus. I have plenty of food and cat food. There are cases in my county. I have a very good boss who used her discretion to let her employees work from home. With my job, the only thing that I can do from home is writing, of which I’m rusty at. It feels like being back in college with a big term paper due. I have to do research and write the paper! Ha! I don’t miss those days. However, I am extremely grateful to have a job that allows this. Many do not. My heart goes out to the service workers who are being laid off or who have no customers. I know several people who are in basic training during these times. I wonder how much harder this all must make it for them.
Non virus news for me: I have a new diabetic foster cat named Roxy. No, don’t worry, I am not keeping this one! Promise ;-). She has an owner, but she is in the military and in training right now. It’s through a group called PACT. They pair military personnel or families with long hospital stays with pets with foster people. The foster is only for a certain period of time, and the owner’s pay the bills. I encourage y’all to check it out.
I was so glad to check in and see people chatting. I love catching up with you guys.
What a good attitude you have, Dawn. Rather than just be upset about the research and writing you are grateful, nice ! Enjoy Roxy while you can.
Hi, Dawn!
I am so glad you are able to work from home and that you have what you need for your little family. You have a big heart, fostering Roxy. She will get extra loving with you being home. Working from home is win-win! Are your cats getting along with Roxy? They will love having you home, too!
Happy to see you here on Sue’s virtual front porch. Have a good evening, Dawn!
Hi Denise,
The cats all get along with Roxy, save for one who doesn’t like other cats. Thanks for asking!
Ok ladies…sorry forgot about the doggie!! Yes, they got a mixed breed female, about 4 months old…she has already grown a bit…she is a darling!! VERY smart, and learns quickly. She is mostly black…they say some lab, and sure enough webbed front feet anyway (I looked) and though they are not sure, she appears to have some blue heeler (spotted white and black front feet and a tiny blaze up her nose)…and from the shape of her head and ears, it looks like possibly border collie. Like all puppies, she chews and DIGS DIRT at this point…argh!! But now that they are all at home she is super happy. She is a happy doggie anyway…but daughter says on the times I have gone to the garage door to hand off items, that she misses us…and will escape to run out and greet me. The kids and daughter are so very happy with the dog too!! It is hard when everyone is gone all day, and hubby and I were going over to let her out and play with her a bit…but now it is not needed for some weeks, as everyone is to stay home. So far in this area (we have a few cases) there are the largest crowds in stores I have ever seen…we tried out the Walmart pickup yesterday…only partially successful. I think at some point folks will be more or less stocked up and will not be out so much. But I am so glad that daughter got the puppy…esp. now…as it makes being at home all the time, way more exciting for the kids!! Thanks for asking…happy to share!! SO nice of you to to take care of the kitty too, Dawn!! (My NC daughter used to help take care of her Army friend’s dogs).
She sounds like a delightful dog, Elizabeth, thanks for telling us all that you have. It’s such a joy for young ones to have an animal at home to love. May your family enjoy many years with her. Hugs, dear lady, stay well and in touch .
Thanks Weather…I hope you are well and stay so too!! But you live a bit from a town right? There are advantages to living away from town. We have at times in our lives…but right now, we are in our own little “town”…55+ apt. Hope you keep in touch too!!
Yep, I live quite a bit from town. There is a tiny village a few miles away, the closest town is several more miles from here, and the closest city is about an hour’s drive away.
Hi, weather,
How are things in your neck of the woods? Have your snowbird neighbors retuned to the lake yet? I hope you are doing well and have your emergency supplies on hand so you don’t need to worry about shopping. Sending you a *hug*
Things are good here, thanks, Denise. Our warm season only friends come back around summer’s start, so it’s too soon to expect their arrival. A few types of wildlife and budding plants have come to greet springtime with us to though!
Hi, Elizabeth!
Thank you for sharing your grand dog with us! She sounds like a sweet, loving addition to the family! I’m sure she will love having the extra time and attention from your daughter and grandchildren while they are home. May she bring your family many happy years of love and puppy kisses!

I hope you are able to find supplies later this week. Hopefully folks will start to feel like they have what they need. Take good care of yourselves. **hugs**
Have a good evening, Elizabeth!
What did they name the puppy?
Stopping by for some time on Sue’s Porch. At this time, all’s well in my world. Our bowling leagues were on schedule until last night then AMF and other’s have closed for now. I had already told my team mates on Sunday. I don’t understand why some people think that Covid-19 is a hoax or fake news. I kinda of wish I was able to volunteer to help my former co-workers, front line medical personnel but I know that is out of the question. I pray for all of Us. I like coming here to keep up with the blogorinos and I do hope Sue and the Boys are doing well. You are all on my Pray List. Elizabeth what is the little puppy’s name? Shamrocks to Everyone!
Hi, Deena!
Glad that you stopped by Sue’s porch to chat! Most events are being cancelled or postponed here, too. Whatever it takes to minimize the spread of the virus, right? I hope you have food and supplies on hand and do not need to worry about shopping. Hopefully store shelves will start to fill back up as stock is replenished and folks who shopped (or hoarded in some cases) last week stay home.
I am thankful for the grocery and store employees who are tasked with sanitizing their stores and restocking. To help reduce possible contact with folks who may be carriers and not sick, some grocery stores are starting to designate shopping hours for folks with compromised immune systems and/or 65 years or older. The first 1st morning hour is set aside for them to shop. Less early morning shoppers = social distancing in practice.
We are all in this together. I pray for all of us too, even the folks who think the pandemic is a hoax.
N’nite, Deena! Take good care of yourself!
Thank you Denise. Yes I okay though I need to pick up my meds today, drive thru at CVS. I’ve been ordering online for 4 years on the 1st Wednesday of the month (Senior Day) with delivery. Still go out walking every day at dawn stopping at the 1/2 mile mark to watch the dogs at the dog park. I noticed that most are being kept on the leash and are following the new norm of 6′ between each other. This morning I saw owners letting one dog at a time enter the area and they have 10 minutes to allow their dog to go nuts running around. It is amazing, the dogs are quietly standing in line then once the leash is unclipped it is zoom time. Then return for a sedate walk home. Everyone is smiling and working well with the new norm. Enjoy your day.
Take Care
This was posted on Instagram (@brorichard) by Fr Richard Hendrick, a Capuchin Franciscan Priest-friar. Catholic Monastic tradition.
Yes there is fear.
Yes there is isolation.
Yes there is panic buying.
Yes there is sickness.
Yes there is even death.
They say that in Wuhan after so many years of noise
You can hear the birds again.
They say that after just a few weeks of quiet
The sky is no longer thick with fumes
But blue and grey and clear.
They say that in the streets of Assisi
People are singing to each other
across the empty squares,
keeping their windows open
so that those who are alone
may hear the sounds of family around them.
They say that a hotel in the West of Ireland
Is offering free meals and delivery to the housebound.
Today a young woman I know
is busy spreading fliers with her number
through the neighbourhood
So that the elders may have someone to call on.
Today Churches, Synagogues, Mosques and Temples
are preparing to welcome
and shelter the homeless, the sick, the weary
All over the world people are slowing down and reflecting
All over the world people are looking at their neighbours in a new way
All over the world people are waking up to a new reality
To how big we really are.
To how little control we really have.
To what really matters.
To Love.
So we pray and we remember that
Yes there is fear.
But there does not have to be hate.
Yes there is isolation.
But there does not have to be loneliness.
Yes there is panic buying.
But there does not have to be meanness.
Yes there is sickness.
But there does not have to be disease of the soul
Yes there is even death.
But there can always be a rebirth of love.
Wake to the choices you make as to how to live now.
Today, breathe.
Listen, behind the factory noises of your panic
The birds are singing again
The sky is clearing,
Spring is coming,
And we are always encompassed by Love.
Open the windows of your soul
And though you may not be able
to touch across the empty square,
How beautiful! Thank you Denise!
Now for a little levity.
I was at the grocery store doing a bit of my weekly shopping (my pantry is always fairly well stocked, so thankfully, I wasn’t in an emergency buying mode.)
The pasta aisle, of course, was just about empty with the execption of rows of whole wheat pasta. Apparently we’d rather starve than eat that stuff! It made me chuckle.
Does anyone else have something to share that is a funny or light hearted observation? I’m tired of being pulled down by it all.
Well wishes and blessings to all of you.
Not sure it is funny…but you know, sometimes being an allergy person has its benefits…just like you mentioned about the healthier product left on the shelf…and I suspect you maybe prefer the whole wheat product…but not only is “our” food more nutritional…generally still on the shelf for purchase!! I am still (many years now) experimenting with recipes, using the very unusual flours that I can eat…no glutens for me!! So now it seems I may even have a bit more time for so doing!! I don’t go out as much as some years, but even less now…the extra time is useful isn’t it?? Hope you have fun watching some fun stuff online or TV too…we have sure enjoyed those folks who share their everyday lives on youtube…from Canada, Japan, and places we likely will never go…but we can still learn and see how other countries do things, etc.
How beautiful! Thank you Denise!
I don’t have anything current, but a funny story from the recent past comes to mind. My oldest sister got married in her thirties. After eight years of marriage, there were no children. We never asked them about it, considered it their business. So, one day my sister calls my mom and tells her “You’re going to be grandparents!!!” My Mom, not hearing this correctly asks, “You’re going to Paris?”!!!!;-)) Ah, that story will be forever told in our family!!!!
Another funny mistake happened to me this week. I was texting my small group from church this week trying to come up with ways to stay connected, since my church has suspended all meetings during this time. My auto correct had quite the laugh at my expense. I thought I’d typed and send “I really want to stay connected with you all.” What I’d actually send was “I really want to stay connubial with you all.” Needless to say, there was much laughing and kidding about that.
Hilarious !! That may be the funniest autocorrect I’ve heard of.
Well, you have a good attitude about the lousy techie stuff!! Funny all of your comments!! Thanks!!
That is too funny!
Hi, Applegirl!
My Kroger’s pasta isle was wiped out of everything other than the whole wheat pasta, too. I guess panicked shoppers can be choosy!
I am also really enjoying the at home concerts of musicians streaming daily songs from their homes. It really helps me feel connected and happy.
We are loving music more right now too…it is indeed lovely of the talented folks to be sharing!!
Hi, Everyone!
The crew and I have been camping since Sun. Left the PTV at home. Using my new to me truck with the BLT. We have everything we need and are “sheltering” in this desert place. No solar panel so computer will be kaput soon.
Stay well!
Sue, Reg and Rog
Sue and boys…what a perfect thing to be doing…aren’t you glad you still have your rig?? Lovely!!
Good for you!!! Thanks for telling us, Wow,I look forward to the time when you can tell us more about this. Enjoy !
Hi Sue and Boys,
It is a very happy thought that you have given us with the three of you are taking your truck out for a ride and “sheltering” with nature.
Take Care
Deena in Phoenix – Looking at the world from the Patio
So glad to hear from you, Sue, I hope you enjoy your time in the desert with your boys.
Sue! What incredibly happy news for me to read when I popped on here! You. Are. Camping. Yay. Yay. Yay!! Happy dance!! I know eventually you’ll spill the beans about the new truck and deciding to hit the trail again. Gosh, I’ve missed the crowd here! But I’m baaack!
Love & hugs all the way around,
Suzi Larry & Kitty
Hi, Sue!
I am so happy and excited for you and the boys to be out camping again! A new truck – great news! I hope you enjoy your time in the desert. Peace and quiet and gentle beauty….ahhh….that sounds wonderful!
Sending you, Reggie, and Roger lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! We love you!

Yep, we love our pickup for hauling stuff. We always have had one but when we were shopping for our Casita tow vehicle we looked at lots of alternatives and finally decided we just had too many times we would need a truck so we bought our Toyota Tacoma and it has served us well. Hope you get good service out of whatever you got. We have a 100 watt solar panel we can plug in if we are going to be camping for more than 3 days. Works great for us. Hope that won’t be a limiting factor for you for too long.
Good to hear you are enjoying being out and about again!
Tonight I heard the Prez speaking…he told of a drug that would help with this virus problem…yea, right…the one that hubby took which is CIPRO (link:…I would not go near that with a 10 foot pole!! It is what he took 10 years ago that began his decline…and he is one of the fortunate according to online reports of others!! It will ruin your health!! Or at least it has for many…what a terrible solution!! Mr Trump has been duped. I must share this with you, my friends…my hubby began getting broken tendons in his legs within 3 days of beginning the meds. So far as we know now, it is not reverse-able. Last time we saw our doc who gave it to Hubby, which was about 2.5 yrs ago now…Doc was in terrible shape…worse off than hubby…tho I did not ask him what happened…I am very suspect. Also shockingly the doc GRABBED ME and hugged me for the longest time…we did not have that kind of relationship…no worries, twas in front of hubby plus I am a fat old woman…Doc was no longer practicing medicine…I never thought to ask him at that moment as to what happened to him…but I am sure he hoped that hug would tell me he was sorry…as I did tell him at that time how badly Hubby had fared. He was a nice guy…and smart…he too was apparently duped. My daughter found a class action suit ongoing still…at this time Hubby does not want to be bothered. This situation has caused us a great deal of trouble…not the least is that it is unlikely we will ever travel back to NC again. And therefore not likely we will ever see our son or family again…as they have 2 adopted handicapped daughters…1 of whom they cannot travel far with either. I try not to think about this…but I had to speak out. I am trying to help Hubby best I can…and hope to find a natural doctor of some sort…I suspect IF he can be helped, that is his only hope. It is very disturbing that when medical here in this country, ruins your life…often they cannot fix what they caused. To the buyer beware!!
Taking Cipro temporarily caused problems for me, too, Elizabeth, (months with diarrhea). I’m sorry your husband fared far worse than I did. I was given it to fight off a really nasty virus that several co-workers had ,too, about 10 years ago. Fortunately I and my physician felt the drug’s side effect on me made it worth listing as those I’m allergic to, so now doctors never try to prescribe it for me, instead I use alternative anti-biotics if needed that don’t cause problems for me.
Sounds like you have some good docs there…but here? We have found a great dentist…that is all. Her husband works in the medical field and he says there are no good docs here…sigh…oh well, we know WHERE we are going…and if we get there sooner, twill still be ok!! So far, the docs seem to be mostly in the pockets of the pharms… Glad you are ok, Weather…your presence here is much appreciated!! A friend today sent me a link to one of the docs helping the Prez…the little short man…he let it be known that this is not a PROVEN solution…so at least that!!
That’s terrible. I stay as far away from doctors as I can. I know most of them are good people, doing the best they can, and we have certainly been blessed with the availability of great medical care for our family over the last year, since my son’s accident, but anything you put in your body is going to have side effects.
Take care, everyone! Eat right, get fresh air, keep moving, and pray!
Hi RV Sue and Everyone,
First, Denise, I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs and prayers to you.
I haven’t been on much. Rick and I both got that nasty flu at the end of Jan. We both ran a temp for 6 days. We both were very sick. It took close to a month to get over the cough that went with it.
Now we are trying to stay away from the Coronovirus mess. I hope all of you are doing well and staying safe. I pray all the time for our country.
Hugs and prayers for all of us!
Thank you, Jolene. xo
Stay safe and well.
Denise I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my sister a few years ago and no words can help the pain, I just want you to know you are loved and my prayers are with you and your family and we will see them again.
Hello to my dear friend Sue, the two lovely boys R & R, and all the Blogerinos here,
Larry, Kitty and I are truckin’ along doing just fine and dandy. Currently somewhere in the Sonoran Desert hiding out from the mighty cootie that has descended upon us. We have food for a month, if we are careful. Hopefully enough TP and paper goods in general, Kitty Supplies, and water for about 2 weeks I’d imagine. Water will be the thing that drives us to a town somewhere, and then eventually food. The hardest thing about having to stay quarantined out in the fringes of America, for me, will be the lack of fresh leafy greens and produce in general. My diet is vegetarian, and WFPB. Soooo I have to nurse along what we had room to bring, and suck up the fact that this too shall pass and it’s only temporary. Larry’s attitude is “Thats camping”, which has been his answer to everything, from day one. Surely we will do just fine when I dig out the canned goods almost exclusively. Our freezer, and Sue you know how small it is, is reserved for Kitty’s frozen raw diet, (70% of the space there), 1 frozen Smartwater bottle and 1 small blue ice for our cooler items, a sm silicone ice tray, and a sad and lonely frozen bag of peas which we ration; “two for you and two for me…”.
We treated to a small handful of peas last night as I made a down home comfort dish of my childhood. We slurped it up and loved it! 
We spent the Winter in our favoritist-spot of all time; Ajo AZ. We moved around but stayed out near the mine off Darby Well. Ajo really is a lovely small town and we enjoy it there very much. This year we met, and make good friends with, 2 new artists that show their art in the square on Saturdays. They are both traveling artists, taking their show on the road. We also ran into a couple of gals in the Agave Grill in town, whom (one of them) also comes from my small home town of Kailua, O’ahu. Oh did we have a couple of good hours “talking story” about growing up in Kailua in the 60’s. What a joy! One of the servers at Agave Grill is also from my home town area. We met her last year! She’s a hoot, and we have had many lingering convos about what foods we miss from Hawaii. She knows all the Hawaiian restaurants in Tucson and Phoenix. Ajo has become dear to us, and I guess you could call it our second home.
We finally left that area to make our way to Yuma so we could get Kitty his meat which needs to be purchased at one of the boutique pet stores that carry raw diets. While in Yuma we went to Frys for food and gas. What a mad-house!
Gosh- crazy times!
Because we are limited on room for food storage, and refrigeration, I can see why having to quarantine for a month or more might be a problem. Hopefully the small town we are (28 mi) fairly close to, has food available. I made a call yesterday inquiring about things like showers, dump, laundry, and grocery stores. I got the answers I needed- food and water is it, but that’s our main concern anyway. Showers and shampoos (conserving water) can wait. Sponge baths work fine! The hair and scalp? Well, that’s another story! I have to dunk my head in a bucket I think?
At least the sun and flowers are out, along with swarms of butterflies! Wow! So pretty! The cacti that are blooming these incredible hot-pink and fuchsia flowers are called, Beaver Tail. At first I thought they were prickly pear, but no, Beaver Tail they are. I took a few photos when we got here bc I was so crazy with delight when I first saw them! There were none of these 250 miles away in Ajo! In fact when we left Ajo last week, things were just starting to bloom; Ocotillo, and the cholla. The brittle bush was in full bloom everywhere. Unfortunately no desert lilies that I could find. Not a one!
As always, we are grateful for all that life on the road has provided us. I am grateful for you Sue, that gave us guidance and so many wonderful ideas early on. In fact, Sue, I’m about to go back and read your blog all over again, from the beginning. I thought about that the other day, and I want to revisit your first couple of years on the road with Spike and Bridget. It will be like reading a good novel!! I am grateful too, for this warm and caring community that you have cultivated here. It’s a nice, informative, safe place to hang out. I’ve missed everyone! It’s hard to think about the few that are no longer with us,
and I think of them often too. There are too many of you to name personally, but I enjoy your company and thoughts. My thoughts are with everyone here, right now, that you all are safe and healthy where ever you are holding up. Remember, “this too shall pass”. Love and Aloha to all, and smooches On the beaks of Reggie and Roger!
Suzi, Larry & Kitty

What a great way to spend this time!! I hope it all goes well…including the food!! A couple months ago, before this mess, we bought some dehydrated food from Thrive Foods…basically because they do sell the different fruits and veggies without mixing them with other things…which is so important for us allergy types. I REALLY love some of their things. The rehydrated peas are better than you would think…the chopped carrots are a lifesaver for when arthritis comes to visit. I am not as impressed with the meat we have tried, but it is edible and if you are able to put into pasta sauce etc, I imagine it would not be noticed then. Hubby has tomato issues, sadly for me!! So we do other things. I am hoping to be able to try out some new things…like making cheese without milk products…found some great tutorials on youtube for that. They claim they can taste as good as the real thing!! Happy trails to you and everyone else (hey us armchair types are also touring via youtube which hubby set up on our TV…we have “been to” Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden…marvelous!!)
Elizabeth, thanks! I will look into the dehydrated items you mentioned. When we are in a place we can get orders, and when all this fuss is past, I’ll try a few things and see what we think. Great ideas- kind of you to pop in with these suggestions! We do carry a few backpacker meals with us, just cause there are some really GOOD ones. It’s like take-out for us- no cooking and no clean up, just boil water. HaHa.
I made a nice pot of curry this afternoon from scratch using some fresh green beans and cauliflower, half a sweet potato, onions, fresh ginger and jalapeño, carrots, onions, and 3 little broccoli flowerets we had left. 1 can of coconut milk and 2 T of red curry paste which we keep on hand. I made a pot of rice to go on the side. It was heaven! Tmro is boxed Annie’s Mac & cheese with a can of tuna. (Not my fav but Larry loves that!) like I said, I hate the thought of running out of fresh greens. Now you have me thinking.
You are welcome Suzi…glad you too are coping…new recipes no doubt will come out of this time!! Thanks for your idea…will send onto my daughters who love curry…I am dangerously allergic to cilantro…which is also coriander in seed form…but probably could make my own mix one day, leaving those out. Hubby is also allergic to the cayenne (red pepper)…so for the time being…heh, too lazy to try to reinvent that…but my daughters eat a lot of curry stuff and love it. Younger bodies can eat more variety!! Ha! Wishing you all the best along with the others here…especially during this trying time!!
Suzi the pot of curry and a side of rice sound so yummy! I’ve never had curry, I will try to make your recipe. Here in the Austin Texas area we are in quarantine, only essential businesses are open with more closings everyday. At first it was hard to get supplies as all the shelves were bare but stores cracked down on hoarding. A few things scarce but most everything available and regular gas $1.47. I sold my fifth wheel 8 months ago and moved into an apartment so I could help with getting my grandson to school and back everyday until the end of March. Plans were to order a camper shell for my truck (Which I did) and go boondock in New Mexico and travel all summer. Now this, so I’m staying with my daughter for a few weeks. I’ve missed everyone on this site and so glad to see the interaction. I watch funny YouTube videos and don’t listen to news. Check out senior boogie woogie videos.
Have a blessed day
Hi, Suzicruzi!
Thank you for giving us an update on your travels. We armchair travelers are always happy to share your latest adventures. How cool that you ran into several people that grew up in your hometown area. What a small world!
The desert cacti bloom must be so beautiful! Maybe cold, wet winter resulted in a bumper crop of blooms. I bet they are gorgeous!!
Glad that you, Larry, and Kitty found a quiet spot to weather out the “storm.”
Regarding showers…maybe a solar shower is a possibility? It is basically a plastic (rubber?) bag with a small sprinkler head attached on it. The water heats in the sun. I wonder if it would work with an gallon water jug. Poke some holes in the lid??….probably would work best with a screw-on lid. I know soap runoff can be a concern. Maybe a plastic drop cloth could catch runoff. The water would evaporate; any residue could be scraped off and put in the trash. If your campsite is remote enough, you would not even need a shower curtain! This may not work in real life….in my armchair travels, it works like a charm!!
Something that helps a bit – massage a small handful of powder into your hair, starting at the roots to the ends. Brush out the excess. Not as good as a wet shampoo, but it is better than nothing.
Stay safe and well, Suzi, Larry & Kitty!! Thank you for sharing your trip with us!
Thanks so much for the up date Suzi. I so enjoy them!
Wow can’t wait to hear more about truck and camping out. Glad all is well with crew. Take care and stay safe.
Hi, Rita!
Hey Denise, what’s up? I’m hunkered down in my home since first of March. My children have been on lockdown and they do my errands…never had it so good. Daughter delivered wine and tasty beer to enjoy in back yard yesterday along with a bag of oranges. My son is picking up my mail and going to post office for me. He sprays mail with Lysol before I can touch them. I guess we’re overly cautious but they say safer than sorry. Take care and stay safe.
Hi, Rita!
I am glad that your kids are looking out for you. Having wine, beer, and other goodies delivered is sweet. I have been spraying my mail with Lysol, too. You are not being overly conscious – just smart. I am grateful to be able to work from home. I go out only if necessary; even then, I am staying pretty close to home. Stay safe and well!
Glad you’re home safe and sound. We don’t want to unknowingly catch the virus and give it to innocent people who may dies because of our carelessness. My son has taken to walking our dogs late at night and they get sprayed down before entering house.
It’s good to get a note from you. Glad you are out and about with ‘da boyz.
Shout out to Blogorinos!
MV Gal
Hi, Maple Valley Gal!
Spring has lots of daffodils showing their faces here. What’s colorful in you ‘hood?
Hi again, Maple Vally Gal!
My neighbor’s daffodils have popped – they are so pretty!
The white blooms on the pear trees are just about gone, the bright green leaves are starting to appear. The ornamental peach tree has burgundy leaves and is covered with double pink blooms; the leaves will turn green with the heat of summer.
The cherry tree has very pale pink, almost white flowers. This morning, my Persian lilac started blooming; the scent is heavenly! The azaleas are just about to pop with shades of deep red, pink, and salmon.
The crabapple (pink) and sand cherry (pale pink) will bloom usually by the end of the month.
Lastly, I have a tree that blooms in May. The flowers face downwards….almost like tiny white umbrellas amongst deep green leaves.
I love the waves of Spring color!
Denise, you have painted a lovely picture of spring color! Thank you!!!
The Mystery of the Metallic Ping….
The last couple days I began to hear a strange, intermittent metallic ”ping” in my living room. Similar to when a fly is caught between a window and curtains, and it keeps flying against the window. Maybe there was a bug caught between the metal front door and glass storm door? I had opened the door a couple times this week to retrieve deliveries. Nope….no trapped bug. Maybe a bug was caught in the metal floor heat / A/C vents….nope…no trapped bug.
Earlier tonight I was on the phone with a friend. I told her that I must have mice in the crawl space climbing on the metal ductwork. That was the only thing that made sense. Mice have attempted to make a home in my crawl space in the past. I had visions of them eating through the ductwork, making their way into my home…their little heads popping up from a floor vent. Oh my gosh – Gracie pup would go crazy!
About half an hour after my phone call ended, Gracie was snuggled on my lap when we heard a loud ping. Little Miss flew off my lap in attack mode – ready to protect me. This time, the sound seemed to come from the air exchange vent. Maybe the mouse was behind the vent, trying to squeeze through the thin slats. I got a flashlight to see if I could locate the little bugger. And then I saw it….
A while back I bought a new ironing board cover. The cover has two Velcro straps and a D ring that cinch the cover tight underneath. It had been a bit of a fight to get the new cover fitted onto the ironing board. One side of the straps was not sewed on properly and came off. Despite not being able to cinch the cover in the middle, the ironing board top was smooth, so I tucked the strap under the edge of the cover.
The other night I vacuumed. I moved the ironing board so I could get to some dust bunnies that gathered at its feet. The ironing board is next to a HEPA air cleaner.
My “mouse” turned out to be the metal D ring hanging on the Velcro strap, hitting against the metal air exchange vent. After I vacuumed, I must have moved the ironing board closer to the vent & air cleaner. The slight draft from the air cleaner was just enough to move the strap. The Mystery of the Metallic Ping solved!
I hope everyone stays safe and well. We are in this together….keeping us all in my thoughts and prayers. Take good care of yourselves!
Tis a great relief to find some simple answer to such, isn’t it?? I am always hunting whenever we hear something odd too…though being in an apt now…maybe those noises are harmless coming from other apts. (And dogs…heh, yes you can have them here, though our lives are not set up for them right now.)
Yes, Elizabeth. I was dreading having to set traps for the mice. What a relief!
Denise, That’s so funny. Glad you don’t have unwanted critters to deal with!
Our daffodils are up, but not yet blooming, just as well since we got over 6 inches of snow yesterday. It will all be melted by Saturday. My mother used to call it “poor man’s fertilizer.”
Take care, everyone!
Hi, Applegirl!
I like my little critters outside, in my yard!
You all had the perfect snow – pretty for a few days, but melted before it causes problems.
Poor man’s fertilizer – that sounds familiar. My paternal grandfather would put down grass seed just before a late Spring snow. The seed would be watered as the snow melted and the grass would be well established before the heat of summer. That was one of the secrets to his immaculately green, weed-free, tiny yard. No pretty clover or dandelions allowed!
Hey Denise!
So glad that your “mouse” turned out to be a metal D ring! Thanks so much for keeping the comments section going. I really appreciate it.
My town just issued a shelter in place order until April 16. I have been working remotely, but can only do some aspects of work from home. However, I am blessed to still have a job right now. My cats seem to be enjoying having me home more. They keep me company while I work from my dining room table. On the plus side, since I no longer have to commute to work and back, I have taken the extra time to start walking outside. Yesterday I saw a bluebird! I never see those around this area. It was such a wonderful treat. I felt really blessed to have seen it.
Just as you so vividly described in your comment, the trees are blooming all sorts of beautiful blossoms and leaves. I saw a large bush with a big purple flower. I don’t know the name of the bush, but it was gorgeous!
Since I am now at my dining room table for 8 hours a day, I bought some cheap birdseed and put it out on my back porch. My table is beside a set of sliding glass doors that look out onto my back porch. It has been such a pleasure to see the birds start to find the seed and bread. Right now I have a mourning dove that is either way too cautious or not that bright. He keeps hovering over the feeders, but is too big to eat at them. However, I spread seed on the ground, but he won’t land to get it. So far I have had sparrows, a pair of mating cardinals, chickadees, and an Eastern Towhee. I think that I”m watching the birds more than my cats!
Ok, back to work for me. I hope you all stay safe during this time!
Hi, Dawn!
Enjoy the beauty of your yard, Spring blossoms, and visiting birds and other critters. Similarly, I work from my kitchen table which has a double window view of my backyard. I enjoy watching the world go by. We have an active nest of bluebirds just off the patio. Dad and Mom hunt for tasty bugs for the babies, then perch atop the pergola to look around to make sure that they safely can feed their little ones. Just on the other side of a neighbor’s fence, robins and cardinals each have an active nest in two separate shrubs.
Please be safe and stay well!
Living in central NY state ( where it’s ordinarily quite a bit colder than where most blogorinos live) today’s 63 degree afternoon lakeside walk felt especially wonderful. Really not much is in bloom yet. The greatest difference is our robins and a few other birds have slightly fuller shapes, I expect to see tiny eggs in nests soon. The gulls, ducks, geese, swans and eagles are happily fishing for their meals now that there’s no ice or nearly frozen water in the lake.
Today when I ran my errands I so appreciated the stores having everything that was on my shopping list. Thanks to each of you that have been checking in with a bit of news. I feel relieved when I see you here, like hearing all’s well with my family.
It’s great to hear from you. So glad that you are having beautiful days with which to enjoy spring. You paint a wonderful word picture with your description of all of the birds. I just discovered today that a pair of mourning doves is building a nest in the bushes right above my back gate door, which leads to my garbage cans. It’s a bit of a precarious place to build as i would brush against it were to I walk under it. This means that for the next few months, I’m going to have to walk around the building with my trash to access the garbage cans, instead of a few step. However, it will be work it when i can see the baby birds hatch!
I hope that you stay well during these times.
How nice ! I love mourning doves, their sounds, appearance, behavior…
Thanks, I’m quite well and happy, and expect to remain that way, or even improve in wonderful ways. Enjoy this lovely springtime, Dawn, and keep in touch.
Hi, weather!
Your little slice of heaven sounds like it is the perfect haven for wildlife.
I am glad that you were able to find everything on your list to restock your pantry.
Please be safe and stay well!
Thanks , Denise, all’s well here with me, Polly and Kyla kitties. I’m glad to see from your comments that it is with you and Gracie pup, too.
Yes, when left undisturbed this is a perfect haven for wildlife. A few months ago a small crew paid to do repairs and some outdoor maintenance for “the grove” I live in took apart and removed an old storage shed( in obvious need of repair) that they believed wasn’t being used by anyone.
So when early winter’s freezing nights began some skunks found themselves without any place for warm shelter. A couple found an opening into the crawl space beneath my cottage, and decided to make that their home until springtime’s warmer temperatures arrived.
They only felt the need to spray their defensive scent 4 times throughout the few months of living here. I just opened my windows to dispel the scent that drifted upwards through my floors, and chose to peacefully coexist with them. Any other choice would not have helped them survive, or allowed me the joy of knowing they were alright.
There are now other unoccupied structures here that they have easy access to. The opening to my crawl space may be repaired sometime this year as part of the grove’s ongoing maintenance projects . Knowing the skunks will be alright nearby I won’t care if the repairs are done or not. They and I had the gift of appreciating a warm home together, how precious is that?!!
Weather, I am in awe of what a kind and generous person that you are. To allow skunks to live under your house for the winter is a beautiful thing. I am so glad that I have the pleasure of knowing you here through Sue’s blog.
Hi, Dawn, if you’d ever had the chance to closely watch wildlife, to see how they behave, watch them care for their family’s needs, and struggle to survive in harsh conditions, I think you would also try to help them in any way possible.
Ordinarily those I’ve helped move on after I’ve become emotionally attached to them. Is that healthy and right- yes, do I enjoy the feeling of no longer always knowing they’re safe, or enjoy losing the chance to feel they and I are a part of each other’s lives- not at all !
It may feel about the same as when you foster a cat temporarily… then they’re gone. Yet, despite the loss you likely feel then, you do it again. That, my dear, takes kindness and generosity.
Hopefully, at some point in time, you’ll have a Wi-Fi connection and see this, Sue. If it’s during daytime, may you, Reggie and Roger enjoy each other and being wherever you are. If it’s during an evening, n’nite
Hi, weather and everyone!
Thank you for the kind messages. The boys and I made it home safely from our camping excursion. I want to tell you all about it! I took photos with my camera (should have used my phone), and at home I discover my computer will not accept the card reader for transferring pics from the camera’s memory card. Don’t know what that’s all about. Immediately ordered a new card reader from Amazon.
Thank you, dear blogorinos, for keeping this place alive. I’m sorry for the excuses. As soon as I’m able to retrieve the photos, I’ll be able to put a post together!
Reg and Rog enjoyed being boondockers again. Me, too!
Hope y’all are well and happy . . . . Bye for now.
Seeing your reply this morning was a joy, Sue ! I appreciate your letting us know that you made it home safely. I can just imagine your frustration and disappointment upon discovering the problem with the card reader. I’m really looking forward to a post about your recent boondocking, and will patiently wait until you’re able to put it all together. Have a wonderful day
Hi, Sue!
Welcome home! Glad to hear that you and the boys enjoyed going back to your boondock roots! If you chose to share information about your new truck and your trip, we would love to hear about them. Do not worry about the pictures; while we enjoy looking at them, your words always paint a vivid picture of your travels.
Sending you, Reggie, and Roger lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup!
Please stay safe and well! xo
Hi Sue!
So glad that you had a great excursion! Whenever you get it ready, I am happy to see and hear about what you have been up to with Roger and Reggie! Is the desert in bloom yet? Trees, bushes and flowers in are in bloom here. I really enjoy seeing them on my walks.
OK, I have to get back to work! Check in with you later.
Thank you for your quick note to us, Sue. I’m looking forward to hearing more about your time away. So glad you had an enjoyable time. I hope others realize that it is still possible to have joy in our lives every day if we choose to search it out.
Blessings to you!
PS Just had to let you know…regarding your current “addiction”, I’m right there with ya all the way!
Good morning all!
I’m sorry I haven’t visited in awhile. I’ve been learning a couple of new tasks for work so that I can build my hours back up….and pay along with it. Always a good thing. Thankfully, this job is done remotely.
I’m glad to read that most of you are doing well during this difficult time. Us too. We just had our first case of the virus in our town. I live between a decent sized town and a tiny, main street town. I am doing any shopping I possibly can in the tiny/rural town. And I walk 3 miles/day there too. I rarely pass anyone on the sidewalk. I am not a anxious person by nature. In fact, I can take the “it’ll be ok….let’s wait and see” deal a little far sometimes. LOL! So, it took me a day or so to realize that “that weird feeling in my mid section” was anxiety.
The walks help. My dogs help. The internet helps. Reading helps. Being outside helps. And being here helps. I am trying to “look for the helpers” and to be one when I can. And I am enjoying the Spring.
My uncle’s life really hasn’t changed that much. He rarely went out anyway. And now not at all. I do all shopping.
Stay safe and well all!
Love from VA!
MB, Bella and Molly
Hi, MB, it’s nice to see you here! Thanks for checking in and sharing a bit of news with us. I’m glad things are going as well as they are for you and yours. Sending some love back’atcha from NY state
Thanks Weather and Denise! Always good to hear from you both. It’s amazing how much we can care for people we never have and never will meet, huh? Groups like this one and a closed FB page… with amazing people as well….are helping me to retain my sanity. I have always been comfortable in my own skin and love my alone time. But this not being able to go out to lunch with friends, visit family or just “go window shopping”…..gets to me some days. But I am so very fortunate to be healthy and have lots of outside space…..and have two of the sweetest dogs on the planet to walk, play and snuggle with. Denise, Molly and Bella said to please tell Gracie Pup hello from them and to keep up the good work! I’m also fortunate to have the opportunity to move forward with this job. Have a wonderful day! Love, MB
Hi, MB!
Good luck on getting your training completed and getting used to your new workflow. Anxiety: Our pets really have their paws full taking care of us these days… I thank Gracie pup every day for taking such good care of me. I am so glad I have her. I am glad that you have Bella and Molly to comfort you!
Please stay safe and well!
Glad to hear some of you are doing well!! Thanks for the updates!!
Hi, Elizabeth!
I hope you and your family are doing well and that loving and training the new puppy provides comfort and joy! What did they name him/her?
Please stay safe and well!
Glad to hear some of you are doing well!! Thanks for the updates!!
Haven’t commented in so long, but I read. A lurker for the most part I guess. Reading about Denise’s sister was heartbreaking and my thoughts go out to her.
Hunkered down in stix n brix in Fl, rarely go out only for needed supplies like food. And then order online and pick up. Higher risk here prefer to stay as safe as possible. Scary out there something we can’t see! My house is cleaner than usual, every weed pulled tree trimmed but it’s really hard. I miss going here n there just to pick something up or lookie see. More $ in pocket though. My biggest disappointment is I workamp in gorgeous NW Montana right outside Glacier park and can’t go. I tow a small standie across the country enjoying all the back roads and get there by May 1. I keep a larger trailer there at the RV park and count the days when I get back in Oct till I can leave again. So being stuck here is worse for me than some. I try and tell myself maybe, just maybe this lockdown will not be all summer and maybe I can go at least for a few months before the snow drives me out of there. I miss Montana so. But for now me and my old kitty will remain here safe hopefully. Miss seeing family, boating to gether and such but, there will come a time for that again. Good to hear from Sue and the boys and others. Be safe and healthy folks
Thank you for your kind words and thoughts, gal and a cat in Fl.
I am glad that you are safe at home and can have supplied delivered. I, too, miss being able to get together with family and friends. Thank goodness for the phone, texting, email, and FaceTime. Not quite the same, but at least it is something.
Please stay safe and well!
Hi Sue and crew
We haven’t heard from you in a long time. I hope you are all well and stay safe, please let us know how you are doing. We worry…..
Sue left us a note on March 26th, scroll up a few comments,see- no need to worry,yay!
Thank you ! I missed that one.
So glad to see you had a good time with your two friends!
I am a lurker as well, I rarely comment.
Denise, so sorry to learn about your sister. My heart goes out to you.
Sue, glad you and the boys were able to get out and about for awhile. Nature is very restorative.
Hub and I are hunkered down in Texas and have been since the beginning of this month. We are scheduled to drive to our seasonal work camping gig on April 1. They have given us the go ahead to come on. It is also in Texas and about 300 miles away from where are are currently staying.
I hope we will be able to make the trip with no problems. Truck is full of diesel, so we will not have to stop along the way. Just hope we have no problems with our Florida tags. Please send positive vibes for us on April 1.
To All, please be safe and well and remember to wash your hands and greet one another from afar.
Thank you so much, Pagey.
I will send up extra prayers for your safe travel to your work camp location.
Please stay safe and well!
Safe journey tomorrow! Love from VA!
Hello Sue and my blogorino friends,
Just a few minutes ago, I had Gracie out for a potty break. There was a caravan of at least 50 cars slowly passing by on the road behind us. It was our county teachers; they had signs on their cars that said they love and miss their students. They were waving out their windows and honking their horns. It was nice to see such a happy, joyful procession. It made me smile, but then cry, too.
Last week our Governor cancelled the rest of the school year for K – 12. I know it has been hard on the kids and teachers, too. I cannot imagine how parents of young and special needs children explain the unexplainable.
I hope each of you are well and find something to smile about today. Please stay safe and well, my friends!
What a moving story, Denise! I’ve seen videos and stories being posted from several countries about people practicing social distancing while demonstrating love for each other.
One I was especially touched by was a few of the elderly residents of a retirement community in Virginia standing outside singing “God Bless America” while others (perhaps with mobility problems?) sang with or listened to them from their balconies, windows and doorways.
Here in NY state most nursing homes and elder care medical facilities were ordered not to allow their resident patients to have visitors. Hopefully, soon, officials monitoring numbers of virus active and recovered cases, will lift these restrictions.
By the way, you and I keep missing each other’s replies because we aren’t here at the right time. I leave a note, check in the next day and see you left a note the day before 4 minutes after I left here, Ha! About half way up the page you replied to me, then this morning I responded to you. Good thing the scroll function works on our devices or we wouldn’t know what’s going on
Hi, weather!
Yay! At least we are both are here on the same day! I saw your note about sharing your home with the skunk family this winter. Yes, that was a special gift! They had a safe, warm place to call home and you were happy to provide them shelter.
Nursing homes and assisted living facilities started lockdown two weeks ago here. Unfortunately, one location alone has 30+ positive cases, with a dozen deaths so far.
I saw that same news story that you mentioned – it was heartwarming.
As of last Friday, all Virginia hospitals are on lockdown – no visitors allowed. The only exceptions are pediatrics (1 parent or guardian) and labor & delivery (1 spouse or partner). My heart goes out to all of the families who cannot visit their loved ones.
Today our governor ordered our state to be on complete lockdown until at least June 10th. “Stay home!!” Too many Virginians thought the guidelines he issued 2 weeks ago did not apply to them. The past couple weekends, Virginia Beach was crowded and there were large gatherings all over the state due to the nice weather. He also ordered the closure of public beaches, state parks, and RV parks.
One may only leave home for medical treatment, work if they are essential personnel or to get groceries and/or supplies. Oh, and “you better not be going to the grocery store to pick up just one item – wait until you have a list.” He spelled things out for the “selfish folks” who were ignoring the no gathering of 10 or more and social distancing guidelines. Those who disobey the no gathering order will now be charged with a felony. Sock it to ‘em!!
I am so very thankful and grateful that I am able to work from home. Other than doctor appointments, and occasional grocery & Rx runs, Gracie pup and I stay close to home.
Today one of my Kroger pharmacists told me that things were going pretty smoothly. No problems getting their drug orders and they were still open normal hours. He said the only issue has been people getting upset because stock of toilet paper, hand sanitizer, gloves, masks etc. is wiped out as soon as it is replenished. That is happening everywhere right now.
Folks need to remember we are all in this together, and that a little kindness and courtesy goes a long way.
Have a good day weather! It is 12:46 EST N’nite! Please stay safe and well!
Hi, Denise, I really do enjoy, and appreciate, our conversations on here. As I read your reply my thoughts about each part varied, from “How- nice…sweet…sad… upsetting…oh, I’m glad Denise has everything she needs…
Then I sat thinking about your saying “a little kindness and courtesy goes a long way”, how many problems, wars, divisions, harmful things and lack of all that’s good could be avoided if everyone lived in accordance with that small phrase.
My personal choice is to limit time spent giving attention to anything about the whole virus subject. I don’t find it helpful to my wellbeing ,so spend the majority of my time considering whatsoever things are lovely. As part of following that decision for myself I will begin essentially refraining from discussing that subject on here with anyone. Quite honestly, I don’t judge anyone’s choices about what they choose to discuss as their being right or wrong, so I hope no one is offended by anything in this paragraph.
Hi, weather!
I enjoy our conversations, too.
Today a gentle rain started this afternoon. It has made the color of the azaleas pop – so pretty!
I loved teaching kindergarten in the small rural-ish school. In fact, I student taught there and spent the next 20+ years there. Great school and community. And I made life long friends. I loved my kids and it never felt like a job….till it did. At that point I knew it was time to get out. Had absolutely nothing to do with my students, parents or co-workers. Just time. Since I still live nearby, I see some of them around town and I just love it!
Sorry Denise and Weather…..don’t know how my response also ended up in your conversation thread.
What a lovely picture your words paint, a gentle rain…thanks for letting me “see it” with you,Denise xx oo
The more the merrier, jump in any time,MB….
Hi, MB! No worries! Sometimes my comment to end up in wrong place, too.
MB…in addition to my comments sometimes ending up in the wrong place, spell check occasionally “corrects” my words so my note does not make sense. My previous note to you is an example…
Yes! Spell check can do some strange and truly unwanted editing at times! LOL!
Isn’t that the most wonderful and sad thing ever!? They are doing it around here too and it is giving everyone such a boost! The schools are also providing free lunch to students. As a former teacher, I will be honest and say that I loved my breaks and an occasional snow day BUT I would have been so sad to not be able to finish the year with my students and send them on their way as well prepared as possible. I would be so worried about some of them too. In fact, I still worry about some….and I’ve been out for years now. I am FB friends with some of my former students and have loved watching my 5 year olds grow into adulthood. I even had the opportunity to teach some of their children!
I also think of those poor parents who are trying to home school right now. Some feel so stressed out and inadequate. I would love to give them all a hug and remind them that it will be OK. But…….. On that same note, I was grocery shopping yesterday and saw a mother with three children. They were extremely active….to put it mildly. And if they said “MOM!” once they said it a million times. At least I’m sure it felt that way to her. In all of this she kept her voice level and kept shopping…..when her face said she’d just love to scream! Bless her!….and all those out there like her.
And blessing to all reading this blog!
Hi, MB
You made a positive impression on many young minds! And the fact that some of your former students still stay in touch. Wow! You were an awesome teacher!
I loved teaching kindergarten in the small rural-ish school. In fact, I student taught there and spent the next 20+ years there. Great school and community. And I made life long friends. I loved my kids and it never felt like a job….till it did. At that point I knew it was time to get out. Had absolutely nothing to do with my students, parents or co-workers. Just time. Since I still live nearby, I see some of them around town and I just love it!
Lovely!! So happy for you…what a wonderful life you have had!!Rural places often are wonderful!! My grandma who taught over 31 years, had students who sent cards at holidays until she died. It was in a very small town too. I miss living in a small town…much to be said for it!! One of the more remote was a 750 acre place, with just us and the landlords…deer everywhere…and so peaceful!! Loved shopping at the one grocery store in town too…and one cafe, and one little roadside stand with the best tomatoes ever!!
Dear Elizabeth,
I just wanted you to know what a positive impact your words, “What a wonderful life you’ve had” had on me this morning. I am a very positive person…glass more than half full most of the time. But lately, I’ve been going over how some choices I made in the past are impacting me in not such a great way now. And while, most of the time, I can make myself look at the positive effects of those same choices…..the past few days have been a little difficult. But, your words were like a jolt of good coffee. I do have had a wonderful life and the opportunity to make different choices every day….beginning with my attitude. So, thank you! PS…can’t wait for home grown tomatoes!
I know that I don’t check in everyday. But I wanted to thank you Weather, Denise, MB and Elizabeth for your comments and thoughts. When I come to check the comments, it’s like a breath of fresh air. I love how thoughtful you are and how caring you are about each other. Thank you for continuing to come back often and check in on each other and me!
I know what you mean MB, about thinking about past choices and the consequences of them to where you are in life now. Over the Christmas break, I was really doing some ruminating about things I hadn’t done…no children, never married. However, as a dear friend pointed out, everyone has regrets and it’s not too late for some things. I realized that yes, I wished I would have taken more chances earlier on, there is still time for me to take more chances now. Generally, I am content with where I am in life. At least, I am much more content than when I was in my twenties.
Ok, enough of my introspection. I hope that this message finds all of you well.
Hi, Dawn, I just left a reply to your note to me, scroll up to see it
Hi, Dawn!
I enjoying chatting with you on Sue’s virtual front porch!
Hi Dawn! Your reply made me want to ask you a question…..and anyone else feel free to chime in too……
I am thinking about starting a blog. Not sure….may chicken out….LOL! I had thought that it would be a sort of travel/out of the way places kind of blog but not sure that will happen now. So, I started thinking of a blog for women like me who are not married and have no kids/grands. I have lots of wonderful friends and I absolutely love hearing about their kids and grandkids. It’s one of the reasons I have Face Book….so I can see their pictures. This is not “sour grapes” or regret speaking at all. It’s just that women like me (60+, single…) have different priorities sometimes than our counterparts. I would make it a “lifestyle” blog….with several different categories and everyone would be welcome….but it would still be a forum of sorts for women without families to toss ideas around and support one another. What do you think? Would there be interest? I do enjoy writing and especially “interactive writing”….as we are doing now. I just thought it might be fun.
I love rocking on Sue’s front porch with you!
Hi MB! I would be so totally reading that blog of yours! I think that it’s a grand idea! You should go for it. Life is short. I love rocking with you too!
I would read your blog, MB!
I agree with Dawn – go for it!
I would read your blog
Sue and Crew, Hope you three are doing well during these trying times.
Take care and keep having fun as you can in your home.
S. Kaeseman
Dear MB, Dawn, Denise, Weather, Sue…and whomever else here…I want to voice my appreciation for all who have shown concern for the others!! And to those who are feeling regret over part of their lives…please know you have company…probably much more than you know. I have to work at feeling positive really…it is sort of a job actually…:) Well, there is much I would likely tell you if we were in person…but being this is a public forum here…cannot. I know a lot of people who have wishes that their lives were different. I think it is common. If we live long enough, I think we will experience many difficult days and problems. Yes, it helps to think of our blessings. But in some areas…and I know plenty about my friends lives in this one area…whether to have had children or not, is a very mixed bag. My mother used to tell me that being a mother was a very thankless job…heh, and let me tell you…so is being a wife a lot of times. One thing I have learned in my life is that IF something happened, it must have been meant to be…often for reasons I figure I won’t understand until the next life comes. And if not then, well, maybe it won’t matter by then. I have often wished that all the nice people could live someplace in the same area…and the rest live elsewhere…ha!! Right now, we are trying to stay calm…the virus being the least issue for us…tis the STOMPING person who moved above us a couple weeks ago…and how anyone can stomp that much is beyond me!! But it is causing my heart to race and I feel physically not so great. But moving for us, is not possible right now…or anyone likely. It is never fun feeling like a prisoner. But I am hoping an answer will come soon. Well, at least once it warms up enough, I can go out and sit on the porch or go sit in the car eh?? Everyone needs some peace…living in an apt is not that easy. But I know many others are also facing less than ideal situations too. Thanks to everyone here who provides a breath of fresh air…it is most welcome!! As a little postscript here…to those with children who have rejected them…sometimes life holds changes…the child here who so wants us nearby and does all she can to help us…used to be estranged…for many years. So one never knows just how life will change in good ways!! A few years ago, I would not have believed we would have ever had a close relationship again…I am grateful. Very.
Hi Elizabeth,
Whew-weeee…..I am feeling for you….living with a stomper upstairs when it’s difficult to escape. My home is very quiet except for when I have not been able to exercise Molly enough. Then there is barking and squeaky toy noise when Bella and I just want to settle down and read/sleep. Occasionally there’s shooting nearby which none of the three of us like. I really can’t imagine having to deal with that noise upstairs. Any chance you could get some earphones and listen to your favorite music?
I am so glad that you and your daughter have a good relationship now. I would love to be able to talk to my mom and dad right now…..Well….I do talk to them and believe they hear me….and sometimes that they have answered me. But, it would be nice to see their faces too.
Hang in there!
MB, Bella and Molly
Gosh, Elizabeth, getting so upset that it makes your heart race and that taking a toll on you physically is an awful thing to go through, I’m sorry that’s been happening ! I don’t know if that’s because the stomping startles you each time, or if it’s because you think the guy is doing that on purpose without caring if it bothers anyone, or both those, or some other reason?
On one job I had for about two years I had to deal with someone that bothered me a lot. So I made myself imagine that something was wrong with them, and that they were actually unable to stop behaving the way they did. Then every time they upset me I said a silent prayer that they’d be healed. It helped me feel calm and peaceful, every time,though they hadn’t changed. So I kept doing that.
In real life I had a friend with a physical condition that caused very painful muscle spasms in his legs and feet several times a day. The only way he could relieve that was to stomp around until it stopped. If he was driving he’d have to pull over, get out of his car and stomp around. Now, that might not be your neighbor’s problem, still, praying for someone has a calming effect on us .
One other thought, if my place is quiet, noise that interrupts that quiet can jar my nerves. When the summer residents are occupying places near me some are loud while outside. So I keep the tv or radio on, turned on a very low volume, because with a steady background sound loud noise seems “less out of place” somehow. Anyway, I don’t know if any of that helps, just want you to know I care.
Hi, Elizabeth!
I am always happy to see you visiting on Sue’s virtual front porch!
So sorry that you have a heavy walking person in the apartment above you. Since this is a new neighbor, could you call the rental office to voice your concerns? The fact that the stress is causing your heart to race and make you feel sick is very worrisome. I hope the rental office can help you. Sending you some *hugs*
How is your granddog doing? What a positive, happy addition to your daugher’s family.
Thanks friends…each thought is important to me!! As to WHY the stomper is so doing…my thinking is perhaps they are almost deaf…but how could they hear the echo in our apt either…or maybe senile…or it might be that the legs hurt too…but I think the stomping would be most harmful to them…it would be to me, for sure…I have a damaged knee that I HOPE to never have to have surgery on…so being careful is important to me. But as to doing on purpose…I doubt all of it is. Maybe they have never lived where it was needed to be more quiet. We have never met the person (they do not want us doing anything with others in these parts…so we have stayed in our apt, other than in leaving or taking trash out). My husband can sleep through anything…and usually is able to ignore things…but he is bothered too. I think Weather, if you grew up as I did…and the fight or flight was so often put into play…no amount of anything, prayer included, will stop it…and in fact, GOD put that there to save our life and often I am sure it has. It is kind of like having asthma and asking GOD to stop the breathing in order to stop the asthma…cure is worse than the problem. Noises…and yes, loud ones, but moreso, the unexpected, have always bothered me. And I am able to sense motion that other folks seem unable to feel…even small earthquakes that are not noticed by others, I feel them, esp. if in bed and not moving myself. Also, probably a good skill to have maybe…if it should be that earthquakes become more a problem in these parts. I do believe, no matter what, that I will not live one moment farther than is intended nor will I die one moment sooner than is planned for my life. So I am not fearful of death…but I wish I had better health. One small solution is when we got home from running a couple errands today, Hubby parked the car so it will be in the sun (usually parked next to bldg with no sun on it)…so now I can go out there and work on handwork, writing, or whatever…or simply rest if I want to…and soak up some sun at the same time…and not be cold…tis only 40-50 out…so still too chilly for old bodies yet. And when the warmer temps come, then I can go out on the porch more. Those will give some relief. Oh that I still had my old upright piano…that could really push out fabulous sound…it did help me to play some really dramatic music in other times of stress. (With practice you get better too…heh). I do have a keyboard, but have not played in a couple years…tis NOT the same you know…and yes, we do listen to music. And eventually I hope we can go over more to daughter’s place…to help her, as she also has a wonderful upright and loves me to play some too…so that will help. And I hope GOD will provide a different place to live…but I must continue hunting too…so we shall see…thanks for the ideas however. At least I have no worries that anything I do play should be of any concern upstairs…if I have to drown out the stomping eh? We were told upon moving in that the floors were insulated so sound would not carry…I am wondering if that was true…
Ok all you folks with a sewing machine out there…Joann’s has a free pattern…actually a couple of them…one even has different sizes for different ages etc…and since there is quite a bit of noise out there than soon we will have to wear them to go out in public…and so far none for sale most places…making some we can wash and wear…and might be more comfortable to wear…plus those loving to sew can now make matching stuff for their outfits…heh…here is the link:
I am not convinced it will help a lot…but if we are going to have to do it…just as well spend some of our enforced quarantine working on it, seems to me. I have some kiddie fabs here so hope that will help the grandkids happier to wear them too.
Hi, Elizabeth!
I will be making some masks, too. I will be making fabric ties instead of using elastic. At, I found some non-woven fusible interfacing to sandwich between the fabric layers.
Have you heard of Martelli Enterprises? They are a small family-run business in FL that invent helpful products for quilters & sewists. They have created mask templates. Their templates have a proprietary nonslip surface on the bottom which allows multiple layers of fabric to be cut at once. Martelli is charging a nominal fee for the templates to cover shipping charges. They are open and processing online & phoned in orders. I ordered the 3-pc set ($10) and received my order a couple days later.
The first link does not work. Please try this one.
I missed seeing this…thanks for the info, Denise!! I got the first 4 done and now 4 more cut out…a ways to go for those I wanted to make them for…am making some extras for the grandkids who might loose them etc.
Hi Elizabeth,
I am sorry about your loud neighbor upstairs. I know that it must be very hard to bear. I am very fortunate where I live right now. The walls are pretty thick and to each side of me live two very quiet older ladies. The nice thing about working from home is that I get to see them more than I used to. Usually, by the time I would get home from work, they would have gone upstairs for the night. I hope that with the beautiful spring weather coming that you are able to get out of your apartment and enjoy the beautiful blooming flowers, bushes and trees in the sunshine. One positive thing for me about being quarantined is that I am going on a lot more walks and enjoying nature.
Thank you Dawn! I am glad you are living in such a nice quiet place…those ladies no doubt really appreciate you too!! I would anyway!! Well, we will probably go out a bit more now…it was raining most days the past couple weeks…so with being told to stay home…that does not leave a lot of choice eh? Other than the noise, however, we are perfectly content here. And now I have a fairly large project…making some masks. So I hope I can make some progress there today…at least for us and our daughter’s family. Enjoy the nice Spring!!
Good Morning Sue, Reggie, Roger and blogorinos, I am stopping by the porch for a few minutes. I have been grocery shopping once a month online with delivery for three years.
I wasn’t able to get a delivery time for two days so I switched to pick up which worked. Wasn’t able to get any cleaning or paper products but that was okay, I had restocked in January for six months, no worries. I was so excited to go pick up my order, weird I know, haven’t driven in awhile. I arrive, call and after some discussion, no order…what!?! then explaining I only shop on senior discount day, this was my store…it dawns on both of us that I was a day early. The store’s employee an I just start laughing. He was thanking me for making his day with laughter and I was thanking him for not making me feel like a “senior citizen”. I told him I would be back April 1st.
I found I was not upset, got out in the sun, listened to music, enjoyed the drive without the usually packed I17 and hearing the laughter. I went back yesterday at my scheduled time and Ron delivered my things to my trunk. Yes, Ron was the man I spoke with on Tuesday, he gave me a red rose for making his day. And he gave me an apology for the missing items and hoped that the substitutes were acceptable. I told him that it wasn’t his fault and I would be fine with whatever. Then I saw that my 32 oz of instant coffee was subbed with 2 little boxes of 7 .07 oz packets each…I enjoy my coffee even learned to drink black. Oh well, it isn’t his fault so I smiled, wished him a safe day with more laughter. Got home and found I have to rethink a month of menus, enjoying name brands rather than store brands, having more in the bank and having a cup of coffee every third day.
This morning I came back from my 2 mile walk and find a box on the mat…hm, what! There was a note on the door from Ron, my new friend from the grocery. He was on overnight restocking duty last night and with permission from his boss, he got me the coffee, crackers and cranberry juice. He wanted to give it to me but thought I would be happier with a new receipt; aw, he knew me in such a short time.
These are tough times and we will get through them as a world together. I think of each of you.
Sue, my young grandnephew says a pray every night to Roger and Reggie and their Mom when he hugs his own R&R (his name for his 9 month standard bulldog) goodnight. He told me one day that he was glad you had a solid home and yard but did miss the new moving homes. Just love this Kid.
Speaking of loving a Kid. I have a niece that will be 18 this Sunday. Her job is gone, her school has stopped and may close and her birthday party is cancelled and her future is in question. We are going to do a surprise birthday drive by her home. We (26 vehicles) are meeting at a nearby park to decorate our cars, trucks and one rv. My one brother and his sons are going to set out traffic cones for us to keep acceptable physical distancing. I understand that the very young, 6 and under are so excited to go for a car ride and to see cousins. The out-of-staters, at-workers and stay-at-homers will join us using some kind of techy thing. I am going dressed up as a eccentric witchy aunt and am doing a dance outside the drivers door. You are only 18 once and I want her to remember us doing something we can control and not the out of control world.
Well, this is quite long but I enjoy my time on Sue’s porch. Holding my cup of coffee up and smiling.
Take Care
Thanks for sharing your stories…enjoyed them both!!
Hi Deena,
Thanks so much for sharing your stories. There were a ray of sunshine. I repeated your grocery story to my mom, who also enjoyed it. Great to hear from you.
How fun! Love your stories. I feel do bad for the kids missing out on their senior year festivities. I love your idea to make your niece birthday so special in this crazy world.
Hi Deena!
I’m so happy that you stopped by and chatted for a bit. I loved both of your stories! The grocery store one could have soooo been me! LOL!
And I love your family’s plans for their 18 year old! It might not be the birthday party she had planned but I know she will remember it and the love shown her for the rest of her life!
Our schools are closed for the year too. And it’s bad enough for K-11. But those poor seniors! I do really feel for them. I have heard some pretty creative ideas for graduations and celebrations for them too.
Hang in there and enjoy AZ a little bit for me too!
MB, Bella and Molly
Dear Sue,
I hate to just show up on your porch asking for favors right off the bat. However, and I’ll keep it simple, We could use a couple suggestions. Considering time of year, and land use restrictions, IF you were out here, as you had been for years with no home to go to, to shelter in place, where would you be hunkering down right now? We just used up our 2 weeks on the Kofa, and were asked to move along. We are currently closer to the highway now on BLM.
Thank you for any input you could share! I have no problem with an email response. Whatever works for you.
Sincerely, Suzi, Larry, & Kitty
Hi, Suzi,
I’m happy to share ideas with you. I’ll be able to reply more fully later today. In the meantime….
Do you have an idea where you want to go this summer? That used to influence our route from our winter home . . . through NM? through NV? over to CA? through UT?
I’m not aware of the restrictions for land use due to virus concerns.
In the meantime, use the archive search box to research April and May camps during various years. You’ve probably already done that!
Talk to you later…. Sue
Hi again, Suzi,
I gave your question some thought, considered where you’ve camped these past few months. April is a tricky month because one has the tendency (the itch) to move north and get traveling after hanging around south for the winter. A couple snowy camps early in the year taught me to hold off moving north too quickly in the year. I learned to stay in AZ (or southeastern CA) until the first week in May.
That’s why I advise maintaining a slow pace, resisting the urge to head into UT, for instance, before May. I’d probably hang out at Overton, but you’ve been there recently.
Maybe find a camp near Bouse (Plumosa Rd) with easy access to Quartzsite grocery and laundry.
You might enjoy Parahnaghat at Alamo, NV/Caliente/Cathedral Gorge area — See my posts for May 2017 and beyond. You could work your way north from there visiting the hot springs at Dave Deacon cg, Ely (lots of history to explore) . . . .
Thank You Sue! I’ll be back in a day or so to chat further. Many of the places we have researched are completely closed to the public. One of which is Parahnaghat. For now the BLM just outside the Kofa boundary is home.
Many hugs! Suzi
Hi Suzi in New Mexico near Fort Stanton there’s BLM land Rob Jaggers park some electricity and water first come first served I spoke with their office today and said it’s open and they have a couple sites There’s a YouTube video done this week by Rusty78609 of a guy there in a 13 ft Casita
Happy Trails
Suzi, I don’t know if this is helpful, but I just received an email from KOA corporate saying that most of their campgrounds are open to acommodate full-timers and snowbirds trying to get home.
Hi RV Sue,
Gorgeous header picture!
Just want to wish you and bloggerino family a beautiful, joyous Palm Sunday.
Can’t wait to see pictures and stories of your camping trip.
Hope all of you stay safe and healthy.
Peanut Joy says “woof” to Reg & Rog and blog dog’s.
Sue I miss your upbeat posts and cute dog pictures
Hi Everyone!
Suzi, I hope that you can find a place(s) that you like to camp in order to hunker down during this mess. Elizabeth, I hope that you are able to get away from the stressful upstairs neighbor more now that it is nice outside. MB, I hope that your new found job skills are serving you well. Denise and Deena, I hope that both of you are well.
One positive thing to come out of quarantine for me is that I slowed down and am really appreciating the beauty of the spring. I was sad to see today that the Wisteria had peaked last week. Wisteria in bloom are my favorite thing! They have been since a movie from the 90s called Enchanted April introduced me to them. I highly recommend that movie, if you can still find it. If you are not a Christian it’s a great movie. If you are a Christian, there’s a lot of allegory in it. The vacation house they all go to is named The Body of Christ in Italian. I remember the first time that I watched it, I was very down, and it made me feel hopeful again.
I miss new posts from Sue, but I do enjoy being down here at the end of the comments chatting with you guys! I have been doing a lot of walking recently. I’m hoping to build up enough stamina to start riding my bike again. I was never a speedy rider, but it was always such good stress relief.
I hope that everyone is doing well and staying safe during these times!
Nice to hear from you, Dawn…and thank you for the well wishes…it IS quieter of late from the stomping…and we are oh so glad!! I have been working on making some masks for us and our daughter’s family. But we have not gone out hardly at all…and it is getting sunny…but too chilly to linger outside yet!! Glad you are doing well there…take care and stay safe too!!
Hi Sue, Crew and all.
Hop this finds you all and yours all doing well and staying sane during all this.
May God Bless and watch over you all and please keep up with the stories and contacts.
S. Kaeseman
For the first time in my life I just saw a muskrat swimming within a foot of where I was standing ! Having only seen some from a distance before I had no idea how cute and handsome it could be. One could find a photo on the internet if curious about a young muskrat’s appearance. It’s hard to describe, like a mixture of kitten/baby hedgehog?
Because hardly anyone else has been walking around outside here recently a lot of wildlife feels safe enough to not stay hidden as much as they usually do. Most of them soon become familiar with me and know I won’t disturb them, so though I step through my door alone I am then surrounded by birds and four legged creatures while I walk or stand watching them.
Hoping all that visit here are happy and healthy
You paint such a beautiful picture of the natural world around your house. I did look up a picture of a muskrat. They were beautiful indeed. How fortunate of you to see one up close. It is always a feeling of amazement to me when I see something in nature that I hadn’t previously noticed or seen. I’ll never forget the time that I was so blessed to be present when a sea turtle nest hatched. The official volunteers were there to keep people from interfering with them. They count them and make sure the baby turtles head in the right direction, to the sea. I was incredibly fortunate indeed, as they were short of volunteers that night. One of the baby sea turtles kept getting washed back onto the shore. Since I was in shorts and had no shoes on, they asked me if I would pick up the turtle and carry past the waves into the sea. It is one of my all time best memories of being at the beach. I remember laughing in amazement, feeling like a little child again. It was also humbling to think that by the time one of those turtles returned to lay eggs that I would be in my seventies.
I love how the creatures around you know that you mean only the best for them. How blessed they are to have you as a companion observer. I hope that you are staying safe and well during these times.
What a gift your experience with the baby sea turtle was, Dawn! When we’re in the exact right place , at the exact right time to have a wonderful encounter I always take it as being a deliberately sent gift from above. I’m glad I’ve seen videos of baby sea turtles or I wouldn’t have been able to picture your delightful story as well.
Thanks, I am staying safe and well. Without most of the usual people being out it’s a bit like living on a deserted island here. I can only imagine what this all would be like without phone calls, texts, emails and our little gathering place here on Sue’s blog.
Last evening just before sunset I had not intended to go for another walk. Then I felt an unusual sudden urgency to be outside. Just as I got to the edge of my yard instead of looking at the water I looked up and saw the male and female great blue herons’ annual return flight to where they nest here during the warmer months. Breath-takingly beautiful encounter, reminded me of a quote in a book I have
“Let me not recognize Your voice just on the printed page, but also in the percussion of the rain…”
Hi, Sue and all my fellow blogorinos,
I hope everyone is doing well and holding their own.
For those who are interested in making face masks to donate, this website provides detailed information.
We had some light showers pass through today; they ended by early evening. Gracie pup and I spent some time outside. We enjoyed the cool breeze and a break from the heavy pollen. It was quite delightful.
Yesterday I saw our first chipmunk of the season. Remember last summer when a mama fox and her babies were in my backyard? Mama was teaching them how to hunt. They resolved my mole/vole flowerbed invasion problem. Since then, my neighbor has seen a young fox in my backyard several times. He thought maybe two different pups. I am glad that they feel safe enough to come back to my yard to hunt. I bring this up because I had not seen any chipmunks for several months. I thought they might have been part of the foxes’ feast. The sighting made me so happy that I called one of my sisters to share the news. We both agreed that chipmunks are happy little creatures and cute, too!
Sue, sending you, Reggie, and Roger lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup. We love you!
My friends…..please stay safe and well.
Oh, Denise, I’m so glad you saw the chipmunk! Thank you for sharing your happiness with us. I really enjoy picturing everything around your home teeming with life, beauty and your love for it all. How kind of you to use your resources, talent and time to make & donate masks that help others remain healthy. May you be amply blessed for all you do for others, and have a wonderful day
Hi Denise,
I share your joy about the chipmunks and the foxes! It is indeed delightful when we can offer shelter to summer of our wildlife neighbors. I share your excitement about the chipmunk! I have had one to recently find the bird seed that I sprinkle on the ground. Seeing them with cheeks stuffed full of seed is wonderful.
I hope that you have a great day!
Thank you for the link Denise…am working on some here…and more ideas are always welcome to me!!
Felt in the mood for some Okonomiyaki tonight!! My daughter here loves it too so I share it with her. Hubby is not keen. Well, it is not meat and potatoes. It is basically a Japanese (well, my version at least) cabbage pancake with toppings. A street food in Japan…youtube has some awesome videos…my recipe is simpler and with less ingredients…and all veggie, except the eggs. It is comfort food. I have to change out most recipes to make them allergy free for me…and this one was not too hard. Did you see that now there is bird flu on a farm in S.C.? All those chickens killed….so yet another shortage for awhile I guess. One thing I seem to need less as I age is meat…so that is a good thing right now I suppose. I try to only get organic, grass fed, range free, if I can find it. And use very little at a time.
Lucky you watching wildlife!! We are not allowed to feed birds here at this apt. Sigh…oh well…maybe it would be too active for them anyway. We had some squirrels that frequented our yard in NC years ago…but those rascals would come inside if you were not careful. Cute…but if you feed them probably better to do so away from the house a bit. Haha…how does Gracie feel about the chipmunks??
Our dear friend from Richmond called to check on us the other night…so nice to hear her voice. We only lived in the area for 5 months…5 of the best months of our married years we agreed. You know, Virginia is for lovers is state slogan…but I take that to mean, lots of love to go around for all kinds, friends included. Nice. We loved going to Williamsburg so often as we could too!!
Take care and enjoy all you can!!
Hi, I hope everyone is having the best Easter they can, take care everyone in this unusual time,
Hello everyone – I just wanted to say Happy Easter and wish you all health in these challenging days. I hope you are all finding good things to do at home to keep you engaged and busy, and for those who must go out, I hope you are finding ways to stay safe. Miss you all and you too Sue!!!