Friday, March 15, at home in Arizona
Roger has a new thing.
When he’s in a playful, happy mood, he grabs one of my slippers and carries it around the house, head held high. Cute as heck.
He doesn’t harm the slipper; that’s not the point.
Of course, I can’t know exactly what’s going on in his little noggin, but I do get the feeling that possessing my slipper and being allowed to strut around with it in his mouth is his way of proclaiming . . .
“See, everybody? She belongs to ME! And I belong to HER!”
(I wish I had a photo. One of these days I’ll catch him with my camera.) The other day I open the patio door to let the boys outside and Roger comes around the corner carrying my slipper. He zips past my legs!
“Roger! You little devil!” I holler after him in my mock-angry voice. “Come back with that!”
Obviously delighted with his prank, he keeps on going around the corner of the house.
I hope he doesn’t bury it. I like those slippers.
Later . . . .
“I found it, RVSue! It’s over here!”
“Thanks, Reg.”
Roger shows very little interest and doesn’t pick it up. Maybe he’s pretending he had nothing to do with the wandering slipper?
~ ~ ~
Finally the PTV gets attention!
Those of you who have read this blog for several years know that the Perfect Tow Vehicle is a reliable, trusted vehicle. Since her purchase in April of 2011, she has hauled me, my crew, our stuff, and the Best Little Trailer over 74,000 miles. (Odometer today: 182,737 miles.)
Many of those were hard miles, rough or steep, yet she hardly complained. Oh, one time she threw her serpentine belt going down the interstate in Montana, but, gee, that’s forgivable.
Who hasn’t, when under pressure, come loose and let it fly?
Several months ago . . .
The PTV wasn’t starting and running well. This was after a transmission rebuild, which was troubling. Happily I report that the passing of time cured whatever ailed her. I’m guessing it was my fault. I let her tank sit almost empty during the heat and heavy rains of Arizona monsoon season. Probably condensation in the tank.
Anyway. . . .
The ol’ gal goes in for her tune-up.
The mechanic discovers the oil pressure switch is leaking so that is added onto the job.
8 spark plugs: $81.60 and spark plug wire kit: $87.98 , also one air filter: $14.79. Labor: $224.00
Oil pressure switch-gauge: $90.01 Labor: $24.00
Shop supplies: $11.16
Total bill with tax comes to a little over $550.00.
~ ~ ~
Something for you homies . . . .
A few items from the thrift shop create a pleasant place to eat a meal while watching the birds through the window. The next photo shows how the morning light floods the room.
- Grey table with drawer (top needs repainting): $10
- Metal chairs: $12 each (perfect condition)
- Place mats: 25 cents each
- Bowl from Portugal (handpainted): $2.00
- Curtains (4 panels, crewel embroidery on linen): $12.00 for all
Total cost: $48.25 and I love it!
~ ~ ~
Is it time to put the Best Little Trailer on the road again?
I’m toying with the idea. I want to go and yet I want to stay. A few days ago I inventoried the BLT’s interior, did some cleaning, and brought out a few things from the house.
I’ll get her set up for travel and then see how I feel about heading down the highway.
NOTE: As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. — Sue
Dawn in North Carolina recommends:
KEEN Women’s Newport H2 Sandal (link to Amazon)
“I can’t say enough good about the Keen Newport H2 Sandals! They are my go-to shoe all summer. They are as comfortable as tennis shoes. Very versatile. It’s a good thing you can get them wet, as one of my cats threw up in mine. No worries, easily washed!” –Dawn
RVSue agrees! KEEN makes great shoes!
“Years ago I bought a pair of KEEN sandals and a pair of KEEN hiking shoes and they still serve me well.” — Sue
RVSue and her canine crew is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.
Shop Amazon Gold Box – New Deals. Everyday
I love Keens too! I’m constantly knocking my toes and open toed shoes are a danger.
Good shoes are a safety item. My KEENs have kept me from slipping while wading in streams and from twisting an ankle when climbing over rocks in the desert. I wear them in town, too.
I’m glad you found out how great they are, Alex, and well worth the money.
I’m glad you and Roger and Reggie are having fun and building your bonds.
Also, it’s encouraging that the PTV is holding up with relatively little maintenance. That’s a pretty good update, and the oil pressure switch will probably save you trouble down the road.
The morning light picture is gorgeous, and the thrift makes it even better.
Hi, Calvin,
Yes, the PTV’s performance with little maintenance is very encouraging and has been so for years. She’s given us a lot of transportation for $8,500 spread over 8 years. Her biggest repair was the tranny rebuild. Even so, a good deal….
Thanks for the comment on the photo. You know? I don’t think I’d enjoy that little arrangement as much if I paid full price for everything. That’s me, always a saver.
Yes, I’m sure you are first in many ways, Bruce. Hi there!
Stay in Arizona while it is still nice (October 1 to May 1) or Thanksgiving til Easter. Then leave for the summer.
Hi, Susan,
That would work, except there would be some driving and camping in heat on the way out of southern AZ. We don’t go far in a day. If I can say goodbye to air conditioning after being spoiled . . . .
Love your little breakfast nook — it’s charming and you can’t beat the price! It’s fun to see your home shaping up and I know you’re having fun poking around in the thrift shops.
Glad Reg found the errant slipper!
Hi, Arden,
Thanks for your approval!
I’m sitting in the breakfast nook room as I type this. This is the room that also holds the orange-ish, dotted chair and the duck lamp. I’m pleased with the entire room so far. I’m still looking for a few items for the walls.
Why not mount some of your favorite camping spots with both your crews…great memories.
Love my Keens too!
Another smart Dawn!
I’ve been wearing Keens for 15 years! Now they have many styles.
Don’t think I’ve posted before. Loving the blog and the doggies!
Welcome, Leah! Always a thrill for me to see a new blogorino! I’m glad you love the crew and my blog. I hope you will comment again (and maybe let us know what part of the country or world you’re in). Thanks for writing.
Yay for Keeners!
Hi Leah, I’ve been wearing Keens for about 14 years now, because they fit my fat feet in the toe area. Just broad there from running barefoot in the sad as a kid. “Chimpanzee feet” we all called it in Hawaii. We even played marble games with our toes. Oh, TMI probably, LOL. However, I just bought a brand new pair of Keen Sandals day before yesterday as a matter of fact. We spotted a REI while passing through Tucson, so I replaced my old ugly ones. (Which oddly enough are what Sue bought when she got hers and posted the link). I’ve had two pair of those waterproof sandals and worn both pair out. Mine were the Venice H2os. Loved them.
Anyway- welcome to the group here!
Hi, Leah!
I love it when a plan comes together. What a perfect breakfast nook and you have light and bird song. One time I got creative and took out our “coat closet” right off the kitchen and turned it into a pantry. Best decision ever. California is too warm for a coat closet. The next thing I made a beverage center out of a dry bar! Now people are not in the way getting their own beverage. Good for Regie finding the slipper. Roger probably want’s you to know how safe he feels.
Hi, Ruthie,
I like your creative re-designs. Yeah, a pantry has more value than a coat closet in California.
Maybe I’m “reading” wrong, but often I find Roger doing things that make me think he’s proud to be a part of our little family and that his heart is full of love for Reggie and me.
I agree with that. He seems so happy and content with his life being part of the RV Sue crew.
And I agree too!
Roger is happy to be part of your happy family!
Nice breakfast area… and i’ve had simular thoughts about a home base… but also know i’ve bedn on the road less than 4 years but have plans way into 2020… so it forsure is down the road a ways.
Have fun planningI bet it will get you in the mood..
Corky says hi from the SoCal desert…
Hi, Carlene! Hi, Corky!
SoCal desert is a good place to be these days for warmth. It can be windy but every place has its challenges.
You having plans way into 2020 tells me you’re enjoying your life on the road . I’m happy for you!
Hi! Lovely post as always. Li’l Roger and the slipper. Ha. I love when my animal kids play their pranks. I always loved the attention! They wouldn’t do it if they didn’t love the play with their humans.
Love your nook for birdwatching! I always loved a small kitchen eating nook with a view. Especially if it was a morning sunrise view. But that’s just me; I love having my coffee and watching the sky lighten.
We have been happily exploring Bueños Aires NWR these last two days. Today we saw many hawks: Swainson’s, and Red Tailed. Also a small group of Mule deer. 10 to be exact. It’s a high overcast day, with patches of blue here and there. It’s about 65*, and very little wind. Last night it dipped below 30*. Yikes!! We have a nice camp, which would most likely look familiar, Sue. Maybe tomorrow we’ll hike the Arivaca Creek trail, and up Mustang ridge, then into the town of Arivaca for a few groceries and to have a look around. I don’t know how long we plan to stay on the refuge. By Tuesday we should see high 70’s for the daytime highs, and mid 40’s for the lows.
Sue, should we expect similar camps and scenery at Las Cienegas? I bet we take a look there before heading to Benson. Also, since Larry wants to do the Tombstone tourist thing, would you by chance know if camping on Middlemarch Road might be a good choice for going back and forth into Tombstone for a day or so? Further up Middlemarch road I’m told are some nice boondocks, however I’m curious to know if there might be any fairly decent spots closer to the 80? Any- who, just curious.
Catch you later Sue, and Blogerinos,
Suzi, Larry, and Kitty
Hi, Suzi, Larry, and Kitty,
I’m glad you made it to Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge. Remember to bring your trash with you when you go to Arivaca. A handy transfer station is on the way.
Cienegas is similar to Buenos Aires, flatter with round hills and knolls. Either the campground or dispersed camping is good. Nice to have a dump station up the road at Quail Ridge RV park (for a small fee), Huachuca City.
I’ve never been on Middlemarch Road nor do I know much about it. I did do a search and read that it is about 26 miles from Tombstone. A photo shows it as grassland so it should be okay. If it’s rainy, just be careful with mud, that’s all.
I don’t know any boondocks along Route 80. That’s one reason why we camped at Quail Ridge.
Thanks for keeping in touch. Always a pleasure!
Thanks, Geri.
Funny thing about the yellow flowers that grow wild here. The adjacent, empty lot is covered with them, a beautiful yellow carpet. I’m outside when I hear the neighbor on the other side of the lot start up the riding lawn mower. A few minutes later his wife screams “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!! THE FLOWERS!!!!”
I peeked around the fence and watched him continue mowing one more row, slowing down all the while, obviously thinking do I want to wish I was never born? He put the mower away. Now the yellow carpet lies alongside a green carpet.
Suzi Cruz, it would be a good idea to ask a local about Middle March Rd, even someone who works at a restaurant in Tombstone perhaps. Years ago Middle March was a washer board due to traffic on it. Same for any places to camp. There never were many close to 80 but things may have changed. Good Luck.
Thanks Jazzlover! Great info here- just what I was hoping for.
We will certainly ask some locals ahead of time how the road in looks.
One other thing I do sometimes is to look at a place on Google Earth. Their pictures are surprisingly detailed sometimes.
Thanks Columbus Calvin, I forget that is a great place to go for good updates.
Suzicruzi, just lost a text about Benson. You may have gone already but if not or if a history lover, check out the San Pedro Valley Arts and Historical Museum which is on So. San Pedro St I believe. Benson has a wealth of interesting history to it starting with when the Southern Pacific Railway created a stop that ended up becoming Benson in 1880. My friend who has always been a history lover did research for four or five years and ended up writing a book, The Hub City, Benson, Az two years ago I believe. Anyway for any history lover check the museum out if around. Happy Traveling.
Suzi, just found out the San Pedro Valley Arts and Historical Museum is NOT the place to get good up-to-date info. Lady there is just interested in 4000 year old bones! Check out the Chamber of Commerce and Endeavor Art Store on San Pedro and 4th Sts. Sorry about misinformation.
I once had a chihuahua/fox terrier mix who would walk around the house with my slipper in her mouth at certain times of the year. She would whine, too. My vet said she is experiencing “mommie” issues even tho she was spayed that some dogs do that. It is can be very comforting to them at that time. She would lick and lick the slipper and sleep with it.
My daughter has several pairs of Keen shoes and she tells me I need a pair so on my bucket list to purchase before walking season here in Illinois begins
Hi, Judi,
Oh dear, mommie issues. Maybe she was weaned too early?
Roger’s slipper prank is a happy time for him. He practically skips with that thing in his mouth. As long as he does no damage, I’m happy to share my footwear.
You have a Keener daughter. Great! Yes, get yourself a pair… and you know where to find them.
I loved all the pretty little yellow flowers in your yard!
I love Roger stealing your slipper! What a sweet boy! Reggie and Roger are perfectly matched in size and in personality!
I am happy for y’all and the new home you have created!
Thanks, Geri.
Funny thing about the yellow flowers that grow wild here. The adjacent, empty lot is covered with them, a beautiful yellow carpet. I’m outside when I hear the neighbor on the other side of the lot start up the riding lawn mower. A few minutes later his wife screams “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!! THE FLOWERS!!!!”
I peeked around the fence and watched him continue mowing one more row, slowing down all the while, obviously thinking do I want to wish I was never born? He put the mower away. Now the yellow carpet lies alongside a green carpet.
Hi, Sue,
Glad to know the PTV is back and ready to roll. We have our fifth-wheel hooked up and loaded and heading to AZ for a month. Would love to meet you and the crew. Send me an email. I’ll buy lunch.
Aww, Joe. That’s sweet of you. I don’t meet up with my readers, no matter how nice they are.
Thanks anyway.
So you’re ready to roll! How exciting! Have a safe, enjoyable drive to our beautiful state. I’ll do what I can to make sure the weather is perfect for you.
Just subscribed to your blog.
Cat Lady,
I saw your name added to the roll. We’re delighted to have you Easin’ Along with us. We are looking forward to spending time in the Southwest and hopeful that the wildflowers are in bloom.
That framed picture with the table, the chairs, the window & the curtains is a good one!
Check the weather before you go, from what I’ve seen on the weather channel Mother nature is taking her time with Spring this year!!
Hi, Rob,
Thanks for the compliment on the photo. I had to play in Picasa to get it visible due to the camera facing the sun. I hear Picasa is kaput tomorrow. Always sumpthin!
Oh yeah, always check the weather. I hope you are enjoying southern Florida!
Hi Sue,
Love your thrift store finds. I too love to shop at thrift stores. Your little area looks great!
It is stating to warm up here in Northern Arkansas. The jonquils (daffodils according to my husband, who is from the north) are starting to bloom. Soon the redbud trees will all be decked out in their purple finery, and soon after this the dogwoods will show off their beautiful blossoms. I sure love spring!
Love the pics of the boys. My little Stevie is a Velcro dog. She never runs away, too worried about what we might be doing! Enjoy your house. Take a short trip to get the wanderlust out, then hightail it back home. You have the best of both worlds.
Hi, Lisa,
Yep, I say daffodils, too (NY state). A property up the street has a gorgeous redbud in bloom. No dogwoods around here though.
Stevie Velcro… Sometimes Reggie is like that. Yes, I do have the best of both worlds. There are times when I stop and look around in amazement and gratitude.
Hi, Sue,
Roger is just too cute! Animals can show their love for us in so many different ways.
And Reggie is just as cute, wanting you to know that he found your slipper….but he was not in on the slipper theft!
Years ago, my previous Westie girl put her favorite toy in my Dad’s slipper. He got upset, not wanting her to slobber on his leather slipper (no slobber!). I explained to him that she was showing him that she loved him by hiding her prized toy in his slipper. Some folks are just not animal people…
One of my doctors passed away unexpectedly (way too young @ 52) a year and a half ago. Over the years, I watched their family grow, heard stories about the kids and family vacations. This was not just a doctor, but a friend. I saw his wife the other day; gave her a long hug and asked how she was doing. “I am doing ok…actually pretty well. I am seeing a therapist to help me deal with my grief. That is helping a lot, but even more so, our dogs are helping me cope.”
Immediately after her husband passed away, both of their dogs started sleeping with her in their king-sized bed. Uninvited, they jumped onto the bed and settled down for the night and refused to leave. They normally sleep in their crates. The smaller dog, a Pekingese mix sleeps with a “stuffed” animal which she has de-stuffed. The 2nd night, the little dog climbed into the bed with her toy animal and settled in. A few minutes later, she got up and hopped off the bed. “I thought maybe she did not want to be in the bed after all. A few minutes later, she returned with another of her “stuffed” animals and set it on my pillow next to my head.’” An offering to comfort her Mommy. “The larger dog started to follow me around the house. I almost stepped on him several times because I did not realize he was there. He is my silent shadow, always making sure that I am ok.” I was trying not to cry to begin with…but her telling me about the dogs made me tear up. Her furry-faced angels are doing a good job taking care of their Mommy.
One of my neighbors brought home a golden retriever puppy tonight. She is cute as the dickens! I got to hold that squirmy little girl, full of sweet puppy kisses.

I love your breakfast nook! Once again, you found so many wonderful bargains – especially the beautiful curtains! Glad the PTV had the maintenance done, and will continue to provide you reliable service – on the road or at home.
Have a wonderful weekend, Sue! Sending you, Reggie, and Roger lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! Thank you for putting together the post and sharing your adventure with us! Were your ears burning yesterday? I was telling a co-worker about your travels and boondocking setup. :-).
You’re welcome, Denise!
What a lovely, poignant story about the sensitivity of dogs and their desire to comfort their owner during her grief. What a gift our pets are! You’re right — some people are not animal people. Others just aren’t paying attention. Those of us who are animal people are very fortunate indeed.
I hope you and Gracie are well and ready to enjoy the weekend. Thank you for taking the time and effort to write that touching story of canine compassion.
Gracie pup was extra happy this morning when I sang her our silly song. “Gracie! Guess what?! It is Friiiidaaay!!! That means when Mommy gets home from work tonight, it is the weeeekend!!”
I give you permission to sing the song from my working days. Spike and Bridget loved when I started the day with this little ditty:
“It’s Saturday, I don’t go away! I stay home all day so we can play! It’s Saturday! Hooray!!!
How cute! Thank you, Sue. I will add that song to my repertoire!
Thank you for sharing the story of your friends and the dogs!! I am SO longing for a dog again!! I HAD to get my little granddaughter one of the softest of bunnies in Hallmark’s last week…her birthday is soon…and my daughter told Hubby to get me one too!! Haha…that is not what I WANT I told him, I WANT a dog!! Guess we will have to buy a place…cannot have one at this rental.
How cool that would be that our RVSue and her Crew would be on the road again!
I am being selfish here, but I would love it if you could come to Montana again. I loved your comments on the visits here, especially, those so near me (and I didn’t even know).
Hi, Diann,
I remember how your pride in your state came through your comments when the crew and I camped there. Montana has a lot to offer anyone who loves nature and being outdoors. It’s fun seeing the familiar through “fresh eyes” that see what you overlooked. It’s happened to me in Florida and in Georgia, probably will here in Arizona, too.
We enjoyed our riverside camps in those small campgrounds frequented by people who fish. It was fun “hopscotching” along the Yellowstone River and others. At the time I had no idea I’d be buying a house so I didn’t have any sadness when leaving, thinking “I’ll come this way again.” Now I don’t know if I will. One thing I do know is life is unpredictable!
That is a poem.
Love this post. I really like the breakfast nook. Wish I could find a small table like that at our thrift store. Since the kitchen is finished and I have cleaned out all of the unnecessary stuff I now have an open nook area. Those curtains are not only beautiful, they were a great bargain.
Commented above about Roger and the slipper. Also love that Reggie found it for you unscathed. Those two make quite the pair.
Glad you are considering some travel this year.
Have a good weekend everyone.
Hi, Barbara,
Let me tell you about that table. For a long time I looked for the right size table for that window. It couldn’t be too long and had to be narrow because the room is small. Just big enough for a chair at both ends. Well, nothing showed up at the thrift stores so I researched online. Tough time finding the right size and when I did, oh gosh, $250 or more? No, not going to do that.
Then I walk into the thrift store one day and see this gray table. Plain, scuffed on the top, gray… No, that will never do. I take my stuff to the register and while there I think, “Well, maybe I could use that table somewhere. Put the griddle on it or something. $10? What do I have to lose?”
I bring it home and it hits me….. I just bought the right size table for that window!
The very next day I return to the thrift store and find the two chairs. The very next day after that, the curtains! (I already had the place mats and bowl.)
Thanks for the compliment on the curtains. I agree with you! Good luck finding the perfect size table for your nook area and you have a good weekend, too.
Ok, am I the only one that wants to caption the last picture ‘Whoo-whee Sue, your shoes stink!!’?
Sorry, couldn’t resist. LOL
Well, Ladybug, I’ll have you know that Reggie and Roger LIKE the stink of my shoes. So I say the caption should be, “Mmm-mm, I love the smell of RVSue shoes in the morning.”
Those curtains are beautiful! What a find!
Thank you, Diane! Who would think it’d be so much fun being thrifty? Ha!
I loved the picture of Roger’s little face. ADORABLE little scamp that he is. Your window spot looks lovely. You always inspire me with what you can find at the thrift stores.
As far as “hit the road or stay home” I was just talking with a friend about how much we have loved our travels but how much we now love, love, love being at home. I’m trying to make some plans to hit the road in my Roadtrek and I’m going on a sewing cruise in 4 weeks for 9 days. Should be fun but 10 days is about my maximum for that kind of trip and being away from my “girls”. I’m taking my 2 pair of Keens on the cruise. Very comfortable and good support for all the walking.
Happy to hear how well your Chevy van has held up since that’s what my Roadtrek is built on….a Chevy G30 van. Thanks for the post. Loved it as always.
Hi, Linda Rose and crew,
I didn’t know there was such a thing as a “sewing cruise.” It’s hard for me to picture it. Do you bring your own Singer?
Thanks for the compliment on the window arrangement. Goes to show it doesn’t take expensive, high-end furnishings to make a pleasant, attractive home.
Best wishes as you plan your travels! May your Roadtrek carry you smoothly and safely over many miles and make wonderful camps for you along the way.
On the sewing cruise a store near the embarkation supplies the machines…hoping to make some sales of course. Geesh I’d hate to have to haul a machine across the country on an airplane. Thanks for the wishes for smooth travels.
I finally did it! On your recommendation, I purchased a 17″ Blackstone griddle and boy do I love it. There’s something about having plenty of space to cook on and no worry about having to clean up the mess on the stove afterwards.
So far I have cooked sausage and eggs. It was my first time, so the sausages were very well done (which I like). The scrambled eggs were fine but I was surprised to see the beaten eggs go three different directions when I poured them on the griddle. I chatted with Blackstone online and told the “chatter” that the griddle is not flat. I was told that each one is unique (translation: no quality control, made in China). I also had sent a note to them about the issue and was told that I need to check my leveling. Obviously, they aren’t level headed. How can eggs go three different ways due to leveling? Wouldn’t they all be going in the same direction? That’s something that a magician can do, but I can’t, no matter how I level it! So, I was a little disappointed about that.
I continued to do two more tests meals. I made chicken fajitas that were delicious! I found a great, simple recipe where I didn’t have to purchase any spices in particular, just stuff I have in the house. Onions, green pepper, yellow pepper and orange pepper and a package of mushrooms along with the marinated chicken. MMMMmmmm!
I also whipped up a mexican dipping sauce that a local restaurant makes. It’s so simple and soooooo good. Recipe? 1/2 cup mexican cream, 1/4 cup mayo, 1/4 cup cilantro, 1 clove mashed garlic, salt to taste. I’m not sure if that’s the exact recipe, but it sure tastes like the stuff in Lola’s in Long Beach. They serve it with tortilla chips. I pour it on everything mexican when I eat at home. So simple and so tasty!
The last meal was cheeseburgers with grilled mushrooms and onions. Delicious!
So, I do love the griddle but don’t like the lack of flatness, so I bought some egg rings to corral them on the griddle. That’s my plug for the Blackstone Griddle. If you camp, you’ve got to get one of these. It runs on a regular Coleman brand propane or you can buy an adapter and use a larger tank.
Sue – I really like those crewel drapes. They are beautiful. You sure do have great thrift stores there. We have a Habit for Humanity store, but I’ve never been there. My neighbor picked up a beautiful patio furniture set for next to nothing. I need to pay it a visit.
I just now read above that you were talking about a table for your griddle. How funny!
Hi, Chris,
Your descriptions of your griddle creations made my mouth water!
Now my plain, dry Cheerios for breakfast are just not cutting it!
For as much as the grill costs they should offer a replacement. Your eggs going in 3 directions – yeah, that is not a leveling issue.
Hi, Chris,
Fantastic comment! Chock full of great info, well, except for the egg “rebellion” on your griddle. That’s weird. The egg corral is a smart remedy.
I’ll be sure to use parts of your comment to try to sell more Blackstone Griddles
. Thanks for the help. Recipes sound delicious! I’m sure there are several readers who appreciate the suggestions, as I do.
BTW, I’ll take this opportunity to state something I’ve been wanting to say to those who have the Blackstone griddle (some readers got one for themselves immediately after I bought ours.) I’ve read in places that people can’t get the griddle back into the carrying case. I’m pretty sure that’s because they don’t flip the cooking surface over first. Then it will go into the case without any problem. That case is very handy!
I hope you are completely mended and mobile since your surgery. I bet Diego took good care of you. What a special dog….
Yeah, go thrifting!
Love the thrifting finds!! And great prices too!! Lucky you, Sue!!
Good morning, Elizabeth,
If there is such a thing as a Guardian Angel in charge of decorating on the cheap, well, I think I have one watching over me!
Wishing you and your husband a great day….
What a little buggar!
Glad to hear the PTV is ready to go! Aww…HRH Bridgee babee!
And when you do go…and it’s blazing in AZ leave the air conditioner set at 85-87. If the house gets too will dry out any wood/plastic/rubber in the house. Water in the p-traps. Some even turn off their water at the main. You can google “az snowbird closing up the house”.
Did you know you can actually turn off your water heater or set to vacation mode during the summer? There is no such thing as cold water from the tap! Hah! You’ll see!
Have a great evening…oh we had rotisserie chicken from Costco and thought of you and the crew!
Hi, Cinandjules,
This is information I can use! I didn’t know about turning off the hot water heater in summer and the temperature setting when leaving the house for a length of time, also water in the p-traps, are reminders I needed. Thanks!
Ha! More than once someone has reported having rotisserie chicken and thinking of me and the crew. Someone should open a rotisserie chicken shop and call it “RVSue’s Roto-Chicken” …. or something. (I’ll take a cut of that!)
Drawing the shades closed on the west side of the house..will keep the temps down..just like positioning the fridge side on the BLT.
The water gets so hot AO can’t get a bath.
Zonie way of life…is quite different.
Have blinds on the south side. The west side windows are protected by the roof of the patio, except for one window in the laundry room. I like the way you connected the BLT to the house…
Must be something wrong…I can’t be first.
Too funny. I don’t know why I couldn’t see the other comments. Sue, your notices are going to my Spam box. I don’t know how to remedy this. Suggestions, anyone?
Good morning, Cat Lady,
In short, you probably need to put my blog on what is called a whitelist. Go to this website and you will find a definition of whitelist and specific instructions on how to keep emails from going to your spam folder.
“How To Whitelist Emails“
Ha! You found the Goldilocks table! Not too long, not too wide, but just right!!
I’ll be taking my plate of food and saying, “Hmmm…. I think I’ll eat this at the Goldilocks table.”
What a nice, chatty little update. I always enjoy the boys’ escapades. It will be interesting to see if, with the passage of time, the slipper remains YOURS.
I always enjoy your thriftstore finds. This one is particularly nice. Wish I could sit there with a cup of tea and watch those bird with you!
Also happy to hear you’re contemplating going back on the road. You’re in the perfect spot to have a great mix of travel and homelife. It might be good to get up in the mountains this summer when the Arizona heat sets in. We’ll be watching and rooting for you!
Hi, Suzette,
When the time comes to fold up this blog, I’m pretty sure what I’ll miss the most are messages from blogorinos cheering for me and my crew. Everyone should have someone “rooting” for them…. and I have a bunch. Thank you.
From now on, when I write about birds and show photos (which, Lord knows, I’m bound to do), you imagine sitting at the table with me while we look out together at our feathered friends.
Love the slipper story. The first time I went to NYS after getting Sassy, Jerold found my slipper in the bed. He put it back in the bathroom with the other one. Next night…same thing. Finally he caught her and decided that she could keep the slipper in bed.
Love the table in front of the window!! What a bright and sunny way to start a day there.
Your home looks so cozy and pretty, I would be tempted to stay put also. But everyone needs a break every now and then. Go for a little adventure… you will appreciate your home even more when you come back.
Sending lots of love and big hugs
Hi, Pauline,
I imagine the daffodils are up in Mississippi by now. Y’all will be outside at your grills and griddles soon.
Love you, too! Hugs to all….
Hi Sue- That window is gorgeous! And your table/chair arrangement enhances it nicely.
Roger is such a little cutie- I bet you are so happy you decided to make him part of your crew.
About a road trip, you seem to be really enjoying your new home. I would guess when it is time to travel again, you will definitely know it. If you are undecided, maybe it isn’t time yet. After all, you lived on the road for a long time! Relax anxd enjoy life, whatever you decide…
Hi, Becky,
Your reaction to the window arrangement has me enjoying it even more! Thanks for the cheer.
The reason I’m considering travel right now is there’s something happening soon that I don’t want to miss. If we don’t leave in the next week or so, we probably won’t go anywhere any time in the near future. Certain things need to be done at the house before we can go and I’m not getting them done fast enough to suit me!
Roger cracks me up. Typical kid, all fun and games and then once everyone catches on, he’s no longer interested.
Those yellow flowers are beautiful. In the spring we mow around the wildflower displays the first or second time, after that, it’s every blossom for themselves, as we plow through everything.
It would be fun to see you on the road again. Wanderlust is a powerful thing. Of course, it’s hard to leave a comfortable and wonderful home. You’re rediscovering staying in one place, and that’s an adventure in itself.
Hi, Applegirl,
Welcome home! From your reluctance about leaving Florida, stated in your comment under the previous post, I take it that you had an enjoyable vacation. You needed a break!
I’m hoping our yellow flowers go to seed soon so I can mow. They’re growing tall.
, love
, love
the slipper story! My sister ‘s now deceased pug would do that with her slippers! Such a sign of love and affection! I love the curtains, which is quite a statement for me as I usually prefer blinds to curtains. Those curtains are sooo pretty! Great find!
I’m glad you got the PTV fixed. My old car recently had a major break down. It was old and I was hesitant to put more money in her, so I ended up getting a new car! It’s scaled down, nothing fancy, but it DOES have AC , which I haven’t had in a car for about 15 years. Needless to say, I’m so excited about that!
Hi, Dawn,
CONGRATULATIONS ON THE NEW CAR! That IS something to be excited about… and with air conditioning. I’m happy for you! May it serve you as well as the PTV has us.
I’m pleased you like the curtains. You know, because of the embroidery the back is lined with a material of the same color. Very well made. The thing about quality workmanship is it not only looks good itself, it elevates everything around it.
I hope you are enjoying this weekend, Dawn…. Take the car out for a drive.
Hi, Sue. We are having a beautiful day here in Southaven, ms. Sunny!!!finally no rain. Not real warm, but not too bad. I am planning my vegetable garden. I have big plans, will have to see what actually happens. Give the boys a hug and have a wonderful day. Thank u for sharing.
Hi, Jean,
I hope you are having fun today, getting dirt on your hands, making your dream garden…. or whatever you do this Saturday. I’m glad you have nice weather.
It’s a sunny day here, too. I’m going to go offline and get outside with the boys!
Always happy to see you here, Jean.
Hi Sue, I think I may have just goofed in a reply I made to suzicruz I was talking about the history museum in Benson if they were going and mentioned the name of a book a friend of mine who lives in Benson wrote about the history of Benson. I didn’t think so feel free to delete the name of the book. Also found out the museum is not a good place to get local information. Sorry for any faux paux…say what?
Why do you want me to delete the name of the book?
Hi Jazzlover-
I got this message, thanks! No worries!
We are still at the refuge, and are now going to wait for a package anyway! Larry is really diggin’ this camp. Our last camp in the Ironwood Forest was very thorny, and so he admitted “this is better, let’s hang around a bit”. This gives me time to do some research about the whole Benson/Tombstone/Bisbee area. I believe we are going to Las Cienegas after this anyway.
I appreciate your efforts in trying to give us useable information. This is what I appreciate about Sue’s community here. What will we ever do if she decides to fold?
Sue, that’s it. No folding. Lol.

I’m so pleased you and Larry recognize the positives of camping at Buenos Aires NWR. You probably will like Las Cienegas, too: For the free campground enter from Route 83 north of Sonoita. For dispersed camping enter from Route 82 east of Sonoita. (You can travel through Las Cienegas from either entrance. These are just easy entrances to those destinations.)
What sweethearts Reggie and Roger are! You probably are right in thinking about why Roger happily prances around carrying your slipper, most creatures were created with their own semblance of home and family as special treasures to enjoy… I think the whole window, curtains, table, chairs, placemats and bowl combination is simply lovely!
If you feel like going down the highway soon, I hope you do and that it’s just a great time for you and the boys
Thank you, weather. I owe you and your kitties an apology. Recently I called Kyla by the name Kayla and didn’t include Polly at all. Further evidence of my bad memory! I’m sorry. Give Kyla and Polly extra cuddles from me. Speaking of “home and family as special treasures,” your girls are fortunate to have a home with you and I bet they know it.
Kyla and Polly appreciated getting the extra cuddles you asked me to give them from you, Sue
. With so many blogorinos mentioning details about our lives it’s amazing to me that you remember as much about us as you do. You never have any reason to apologize to me, Sue, seriously. Though it was very nice and well-mannered of you to do so.
Hi there Sue and CREW!
Gosh that ole buddy and his slipper! Love it. I have been too busy to keep up with stuff very often, and when I do it is usually on my phone which is hard to write from… I do enjoy your adventures be them stationary or moving…
Spent the day in the garden today, unleashing my compost (and zillions of very happy worms!) and weeding… even built a fire in the firepit just to pretend camp…
Hugs From Hoquiam, where the clamtide is grand and everyone looks to be gettin their limits!
Such a cheerful comment! Hi, Barb! I can almost smell the compost, the smoke from your “campfire,” and over it all, the wonderful sea air!
“Clamtide”…. Never heard that word. I like it. I understand about not commenting from your phone.
Great hearing from you… Enjoy your Hoquiam evening!
LOL Razor clams are a BIG deal here in the harbor. People come from Seattle and beyond to dig the clams (very large-not Gooeyduck large but big). The highways become clogged, people cannot get out of their driveways and it stalls all us ‘natives’. HAHA The motorhomes line up like Macy’s at Christmas. If ONLY they will take out their own garbage! (insert eye roll here).
We have dug them twice. We are NOT good at it, and Jim does not like to get cold… I don’t know if it is worth it (the limit is 15) but people head out there all the time for it! I do have to say the chowder is dandy!
Hugs from sunny Hoquiam!
Roger’s slipper antics are adorable. What a character he is!
Love those pretty curtains. Your home is delightful in every way.
Thank you, Jodee.
I haven’t had the time to look at your blog in many, many moons so last night and today I took a good look. I love the thrift finds you have been posting over the months since moving into your home. It all seems to make it very cozy and really nice. The sweet little dogs seems very happy there too. I am glad to see you are enjoying life and doing so well.
Somehow, when I saw the title of this post in my email, I knew Roger was the slipper thief. Cute little boy – he has a foot fetish!!!! I adore the crewel drapes and the way the green mats pick up the green in the drapes. And the metal chairs (which look black?) complement the window frames. So cozy and cheerful – I would love having coffee there in the morning.
We just got home from four days of camping at Vail Lake KOA – out near Temecula. My youngest grandson had a mountain biking race there and we went out to watch him. The campground is owned by the water district that owns Vail Lake – which is a reservoir. Apparently the campground was operated by someone who let it get pretty run down and it just recently became a KOA facility. By the time I made our reservations, all of the sites with full hook-ups had been taken by families who had kids racing in the event, so we ended up in an area that just had water and sewer, but no electricity, no wi-fi, no cell service. And it was wonderful!! We had an enormous campsite partially shaded by a 100+ year old oak tree, next to a running stream. The weather was perfect, there were tons of beautiful birds, and even some deer at dusk. Our son, DIL and grandson pitched their tent right next to our coach and we had a great time. I noticed that the full hook-up sites were pretty unlevel, so I guess we lucked out getting what we did! We didn’t go wine tasting (except at our own campsite – lol!), but if you want to the Temecula wineries are nearby. All in all, a good place to stay.
Cynthia, your comments are such a delight. Your message under the previous post was particularly eloquent and poignant, as this one is rich in wonderful details. Your description of the campsite sparked memories of the same joy that comes when coming upon a campsite in a lovely, natural setting. I’m very glad you and your family received that beautiful gift! Thank you for transporting me to the shade of the old oak tree. And, wow, a stream nearby, too!
I’m happy that you and your family made these beautiful memories together.
Thank you for your positive reaction to my window arrangement (Yes, the chairs are black). As for Roger, he continues in his thieving ways. Ha!
Hey Sue,
We haven’t ordered our grill yet, but plan to do so and have it shipped to Nogales Distribution Center. Probably a few things to go with it- the steaming cover, etc. There will be some fish oil on the order too- who knows what else?
Is there anything we definitely should get with and for the grill, that we can’t get cheaper at Walmart? Besides the steaming cover I mean? Unfortunately (???) there is no storage/carrying bag for the 22”. Strange. They have them for the 17” & the 28”. I know, weird right?
Headed out in a couple days via Rio Rico. We can stay on Ruby road near there, while Larry checks out the old mission in the historic district. . On to Nogales from there where we can shop, do laundry
, pick up our goodies, then walk across the border for a taco and a cerveza.
We enjoyed seeing an amazing sunrise today, and around 8am, a beautiful, healthy looking coyote sauntered past our site, illuminated by the morning sun in the golden grass. It was spectacular!
Thanks for the tips about Arivaca. Handy spot to resupply.
Cheers Sue!
I totally forgot to mention this book;
We hiked up to her old family homestead the other day via the Arivaca Creek Trail on the refuge. How spectacular to walk through the ruins, then look this book up on amazon and read the cover preview. What a facinating story of growing up in such a harsh land at the turn of the century! I’m dying to read her book!
Hey Sue!
A really quick line here…
I am time-jammed, but I checked in to your blog (to check in). I did a condensed power-read. By that I mean I looked at the pix-no reading! Your breakfast nook and those pix made me smiley! AND then I had to take the time to to tell you “How nice!” Sweet. Later,
I’ve been lurking and checking up on you and the crew from time to time…… your home and your life while not on the road. Look forward to the next trip away whenever that may be. Cheers from OZ
Have enjoyed your blog since almost the beginning!
I’m hoping your not phasing out this blog as your posts
seem to be further apart. HOPE I’m wrong on this
The story of the slipper was so cute and then your take on it “I belong to her and she belongs to ME” actually brought tears to my eyes. I can certainly relate to that sentiment with my dogs.
Belonging is such a meaningful word and I’m so happy for all three of you to have found your place with one another.