Our day begins as usual until Spike’s boo-boo.
(Today’s photos are a collection of photos that didn’t make the cut for previous posts. The lighting is weird in some of them because they were taken very early in the morning, and they aren’t edited.)
Spike, as you know, is a tough guy.
Nothing scares him. Well, thunder does, although not as much as it used to, and then there are The Nail Clippers. Bridget is as nonchalant about having her nails trimmed as a lady at a salon having a pedicure.
Not Spike. He acts like I’m going to cut his legs off.
Therefore, I don’t clip Spike’s nails often.
It’s too dang difficult. The only way I can accomplish the task is to catch him when he sleeps, and then I only can manage one at a time, because he wakes up furious with me.
He snarls and bares his teeth at me!
Fortunately Bridget, Spike and I walk over enough rough terrain that his nails are filed down naturally, except for the dew claw. I’m talking about the claw higher up, on the inside of the foreleg. And that’s a tough position for stealthy clips. Plus one of them is black so it’s not something one can do in haste. Anyway . . .
This morning while I’m outside and Spike’s inside, I hear him yelp.
I run inside and find him licking his paw around that dew claw which obviously has broken off badly to the quick. I assume he’s in pain, although it’s always hard to tell with Spike.
I give him a half-tab of Bridget’s pain medicine.
Okay, this is where I’ll raise the ire of any veterinarians or vet techs who read this blog. Sorry. The crew and I don’t live an ordinary life. We aren’t always in an area to run to a vet when an accident occurs. For that reason, I save pain pills.
Yes! I admit it! I know you’re supposed to throw them away and you’re not supposed to give medications to one dog that have been prescribed to another dog.
Well, I do it anyway.
Bridget and Spike are about the same weight and breed. Whenever one is prescribed pain meds, like when Bridget tore her whatchamacallit in her rear leg chasing a chipmunk, I try to get as many pain pills out of the vet visit as possible. Then when there’s a minor emergency involving pain — such as a nasty thorn removal, insect bite, or nail broken off to the quick– I can offer some relief.
And, if the injury is major, God forbid, I can alleviate the pain until we arrive at a vet’s office, which may take several hours depending upon where we’re camped and the time of day or night.
Back to Spike . . .
The pain med does the trick. He stops pestering his paw and acts normal . . . Spike normal, that is. He takes a long nap in the dog bed by my chair as I read a book. We don’t take our usual long walk and short walk — just a very short walk — and we stay around camp all day.
At supper he’s jumping around, barking at me to hurry it up with the food already, so that’s the happy conclusion of another episode in the life of rvsue and her canine crew.
Posting is difficult today.
The connection drops frequently. Internet signal is weak here among all these hills and mountains. If it weren’t for my Wilson antenna, I wouldn’t have any signal at all.
Hope you don’t mind . . . I’m going to make myself some hot tea, climb into bed with the crew, and read some more of my book!
As always, I appreciate it.
February 20, 2012, the crew and I are boondocked in the Sonoran Desert near Ajo, Arizona.
Love those shots with the moon. Glad Spike is ok. We have juggled meds here too.
My daughter has been a vet tech for the past 13 yrs, but is now changing careers. She has been handy to have around in time of emergency. A few yrs ago I was taking my pill before bed, only to realize that I had accidently taken one of the dogs pills. I panicked, & stumbled into her room & woke her, she thought for a moment to remember what Muffy was taking, and said “You’ll be fine” Whew what a relief. LOL
Hi, Val,
Oh my! Have you started scratching behind your ear with your foot? Do you bark when strangers come to the door? Have an urge to smell lamp posts?
It must have been very scary at the time, but, gee, it’s funny now!
Those pics are really nice! I especially like the one with the mountains and the full moon.
My dog goes ballistic when I try to trim his nails [or when the vet does, for that matter]. One of his dewclaws has a tendency to curl into his paw if I don’t clip it so….I have to sedate him, using some doggie sedatives the vet gave him for traveling anxiety. Anyway, it works. 🙂
Hi, mockturtle,
Thanks re photos.
When the dew claws get long and are curled, they catch on things. I think that’s what happened to Spike, although I haven’t figured out what it was.
Sedatives, huh…. Hmm … It probably wouldn’t be a good idea for me to have access to sedatives for Spike … too tempting!
You make me laugh! Bridget is such a lady!
Spike must have had a bad experience when he was younger! Some dogs don’t ever get use to nail clippings!
My mom’s dog will scream like I’m killing her BEFORE I even touch her! This happens only if my mom is present. Once my mom leaves the room…..not a peep!
I almost have to stand on my head to get the clippers in the right position for the dew claws. I use a LED penlight to see where the quick ends. At home nails are cut every Sunday! If you opps…hydrogen peroxide will stop the bleeding immediately.
OMG your photos are absolutely gorgeous! How relaxing to go to sleep and wake up to that scenery! Spike’s fur is a different color today. His coat looks thicker!
Enjoy your evening!
I am glad to know about the peroxide stopping the bleeding. I have used flour and that works too. I will have to try the light too.
I agree, the pictures are wonderful.
I didn’t know about using flour! Thanks for the info.
Yeah, Mary… great tip!
If the cut is very bad, surgical glue works really well. If you don’t have surgical glue, Super Glue works the same way. My dog is horrendous at nail clipping. He started his dancing on the grooming table and I accidentally cut the same nail twice. Blood all over! I tried everything and it wouldn’t work. Finally, no option but to go to the vet where they tried everything I did and finally moved on to surgical glue. It quickly did the trick. However, it did nothing to ease my guilt and horror!
Hi, Deborah,
What an ordeal, both for your dog and for you! I know what you mean about “guilt and horror.” I’ve done things with pets — inadvertently of course — that caused them pain or distress. It’s tough because you can’t explain to them that it was an accident and that you’re truly sorry. And then they love you anyway!
Amazon sells a styptic powder for dogs! When they bleed from cutting nails too close… this works!
Kwik-Stop Styptic Powder 1.5 Ounce
Good info, Geri! (I changed your link to one of my Amazon links.)
Hi, Cinandjules,
About Spike’s coat… I’m looking at the thinning of his fur around his torso as a good sign. His fur became very coarse. It still is around his neck. The coarse fur around his torso fell out. Maybe it will be replaced with better fur, especially now that he’s taking salmon oil. We shall see . . .
Yeah, Bridget is the perfect lady when I clip her toenails. She watches everything I do very intently. Maybe she relates it to me clipping mine. Gosh, the way she watches me wash dishes… I bet she’d do them for me if she could.
Boy what would a psychiatrist say about some of the things I see in your pictures, those rock formations look like all kind of things. Love the description of the tea, the curling, and the book, yawn… Stunning pictures of the moon, hope you howled!
No guilt about the pain meds here.
Ok, I’m sleepy now, nightie night,
Phyllis in Oklahoma
Hi, Phyllis,
I don’t have guilt about the pain meds either. It’s awful to see a pet in pain and not have anything to help.
Glad to read that Spike seems to be ok. Those dew claws can be a royal pain.
Thanks, Teri. Spike is back to his regular self.
Really good photos of the moon. I am a firm believer in hanging on to pain meds. You just never know when something painful is going to happen out of range of medical care.
Do you like museums? The Eastern California Museum is about 15 miles away from you, it’s a nice local history museum. We were fascinated to learn how Los Angeles stole the valley’s water rights.
You’re in one of my favorite places to be.
Hi, Allison,
I like museums, although I don’t go to them like I used to. I went through a phase where I visited a lot of museums. I might go over to the one you mention.
Yeah, Chuy told me about the water situation with Los Angeles. In his words, “Los Angeles owns this town.”
Thanks for mentioning my photos of the moon. Nothing like a full moon to add a mood to a picture!
Bubba is a big baby about his nails too, while Skruffy is just fine about it. Bubba is so bad, neither Marcia or I have the heart to do his nails anymore….have to let a vet, groomer or place like PetSmart do it for us, even though we hate paying out those $$$$ for doing it. –Dave (GoingRvWay.com)
Hi, Dave,
Bubba and Scruffy . . . What a pair!
It’s not only having to pay, it’s the inconvenience. Well, you do whatcha gotta’ do for the ones we love . . .
I’m glad Spike is ok. It must hurt like hell when they break a dew claw off up in the blood portion. I know it hurts people who break a nail up too high. Have a nice rest Sue.
If I thought either of us could stand it, I’d sing you a lullaby.
Thanks, Jim . . . I did have a very nice rest. So did the crew. No middle-of-the-night desert walks with Spike!
Sweet sentiment… singing me a lullaby. 🙂
LMAO! Couple of the comments had me roaring…the lady who took her dogs pills and AZ Jim offering to sing a lullaby. My daughter often looks at me in horror as I take a pain pill prescribed for a different ailment from sometime back…when I need to take a pain pill which isn’t often. I also save pain meds from vets just in case. I normally don’t use all the pain meds…vet said if pets feel a tiny pain it’s good so they won’t move around much and restricts them to rest. I found out the hard way when I almost lost our cat Inky after she was spayed…she over reacted to pain meds and didn’t feel any pain so she tried jumping around and climbing…I had to catch her and restrict her to her crate until she healed. Our two dogs have no problems with nail clipping and sit still. Of course we trimmed their nail since puppies so I guess they prob think it’s okay.
Hi, Rita,
Hey… pain is pain. If you can “kill” it with a pill, that’s a good thing.
It makes me smile to read you got a laugh out of comments. That’s why I encourage people to take the time to write something here. We can always use a good laugh as well as good information. I enjoy the mini-stories people write of their experiences . . . Thanks, Rita.
Hey bud, you must be careful, ya aint getting younger Spike. hope ya feel better on Bridgets drugs. I got a boo boo on the top of my left rear paw by running over the stubs of trees that my dad cut and didn’t dig up yet. Hi Bridget, how are ya doing girl? Oh oh I got to go, my Dads coming ,,,,,,,,Timber
A old horseman’s trick to stop bleeding is to use Corn Starch, it works faster than Flour, it’s also good for heat rash. love those photos ,,,,Rusty
That’s right, Rusty! I forgot all about good ol’ corn starch. Thanks. It’s good to know what you might have in your cupboard that will work.
We save all our pet meds as well. With Vet prices being what they are & circumstances sometimes being what they are, it’s a necessary & right thing to do.
I’m fortunate that Bridget and Spike are the same weight and similar breed so they can share meds. I wouldn’t give Bridget a pill meant for the Pheebs!
Glad to hear Spike is on the mend. Poor baby!
You and the crew were one of our topics of conversation this past weekend. We had fellow RVers/bloggers stop for a visit. We all read your blog and that brought us to sharing how much we enjoy following you and the crew. Of course, one of our favorite parts is the conversation with the crew. Also, we look forward to Spike’s soaks:) Keep up the great writing:)
Thanks, John and Pam. Good to know you enjoy my writing and are interested in what the nut cakes have to say.
It’s amazing to me that some folks in PA had a conversation about me and the crew . . . The power of blogging!
I agree about keeping pain meds back if you can, but if you ever do run out you can always purchase an over the counter buffered aspirin called Ascriptim. It has a coated shell that dissolves slowly and won’t upset their stomachs. A dog their size could take one of those every 8 hours if needed. I just wouldn’t give it for more than two days without seeing a vet but it could get you through until you do.
Just another thought to have in your doggie first aid kit! And yes, you should have a kit just for your pets when traveling! We are less likely to confuse our meds with theirs if they are separated. 🙂
Glad he feels better!!
Shelly (former vet tech)
Boondock or Bust
Hi, Shelly,
You have given me the information I’ve been looking for! The last time I was in a pharmacy dept. I looked for buffered aspirin for Spike (and Bridget if she should need it), but I couldn’t find any in a low dose. All they had was mega-dose Bufferin.
Spike sometimes feels achy at bedtime and I’d like to give him something mild to ease him to sleep. I have Bayer low-dose aspirin tablets (81 mgs) but I don’t know if that is the kind that’s good for dogs. It doesn’t say it’s buffered. It says it’s “enteric coated,” whatever the heck that means.
I’ll look for Ascriptim. Thanks a lot. And thanks also for agreeing with my practice of saving pain meds for the crew. I thought I might get a different response from a vet tech . . . 🙂
The bayer low dose can work in a pinch if needed but the Ascriptim is better if you can find it! Glad I could help! Our pets are our kids so they are well looked after. 🙂
Thanks again, Shelly.
Sympathy from Max, my Cha-weenie, who behaves in Spike fashion over nail clipping.
Hugs to Spike! I look forward to each email announcing a new post. Thanks Sue.
You’re welcome, Ruth . . .
A cha-weenie… must be quite an interesting guy!
I appreciate you putting your state next to your name. That’s so helpful for me. I like to be able to remember people who write here and not stick my foot in my mouth mixing people up . . .
Hugs to Max!
Sue and crew,
I follow your adventures with joy and love seeing all the new beautiful areas you find to call home, Bridget and Spike are lucky dogs to be able to walk and explore so many places.
My husband and I used to own a beautiful small campground in the foot hills of the Ozarks. Our dogs thought it they were part of the cleanup crew, the minute they pulled out they zoomed over to see if there might be a stray crumb or morsel left, they had a beautiful life also and were all from the local animal shelter although one was a Welsh Corgi.
My husband passed away and I am now living in Arizona near my beautiful grandsons.
Happy trails to you Sue and remember the best revenge is a happy life.
Hi, Willow,
I so enjoyed your comment. Yes! “The best revenge is a happy life.”
You must have many wonderful memories of your days in the foothills of the Ozarks when you had your campground.
Good for you — pulling your pets from the pound. It’s a joy to be able to provide a good life for animals who love unconditionally. Yeah, I know about “clean-up” crew. Spike loves to sneak off when we camp in campgrounds. He goes around to every campsite, vacant or not, to scarf up anything left in the fire ring or wherever. Sheesh.
Enjoy your Arizona winter coming up and also those precious grandsons!
Sue, your images are excellent. The landscape looks like it should in morning light. You see all the shadows which give the image depth and the colors of the peaks are right on. Even Bridget is white as opposed to too white from being in full sun. The shot of the setting moon over Mt. Whitney is supreme. Whitney is in full sun while the other peaks are in various degrees of sun depending on their height, excellent timing of the shot.
So you think trimming a dogs nails is tough. Try cats claws. They don’t scream bloody murder, they try to murder you. I don’t even try anymore, just have scratching posts so they can do it themselves.
Hi, Alan,
I really appreciate your detailed commentary on my photos. I learn from the points you make, plus the compliments are good, too! Thanks a lot.
Both moon shots were an experiment. I wanted to see if I could make the blank sky an important part of the composition. I think it worked!
I wouldn’t even consider clipping a cat’s claws. Murder is the right word. And cat scratches can make you sick very easily.
I’m with you on the cat’s claws. I have a 20lb cat, but when we try to get his claws, I swear it feels like wrestling a 7 foot alligator.
Oh NO SpikeyPoo!!! Feel better soon! Need your adventures to continue long and vast!
Sue, I think you are so smart to save those things for emergencies. Our wee chihuahua has an allergy to rabies vaccine. Evidently it is not uncommon, but he nearly went into cardiac arrest–even the SECOND time we had it happened…. and the note was in the file! The tech made no change… Ugh. Anyway… we have had benadryl for the critters (child version) to calm them on air trips… and gave him this as we were 12 miles from the vet up a mountain. It saved his life (twice). You must do what you must do. Hope he feels better soon.
Gorgeous photos of course! Can’t wait to use my new camera this weekend, we are goin’ camping! We haven’t gone most of the summer due to babies coming, so I am very very excited. Off to load up old Moosee.
Have a great day!
Hugs from Hoquiam,
Hi, Barb,
That’s awful! Mistakes like that shouldn’t happen. What a scare . . .
You remind me to pick up some benadryl in case we need it. I have some but it’s probably way out-of-date… bought it before we hit the road.
Have fun on your camping trip… and enjoy your new camera!
Hi, Jool,
Hmm . . . Makes me think of the saying . . . “We see what we want to see.” That isn’t a martini glass. It’s the glass lid to my stew pot! Wow… What a martini that could hold!
When my dog tore a ligament, the vet said to give him 1/2 a buffered aspirin. NOT regular aspirin, and NEVER give Tylenol either. (This dog was 40 lbs.) It seemed to work great.
And, I don’t think its a big deal about you saving the puppies pain meds, for all the reasons you say. I saved a few of my own pain meds to have on hand for emergencies, although that’s probably an even bigger no-no. Also I’m selling them for $5 a pop if anyone is interested.
(only kidding of course)
Kidding? I was just tucking $10 in an envelope for you……I’m also just kidding.
Like you I hoard pain meds not only for the dog but for me (grin). I do hope the Spikesters on the mend now. I also have a recommendation; cordless dremel, they are quiet and can be re-charged via the PTV with the right attachment and there will be no more blood or ooppses. I’ve trained all my adult rescued dogs to it and won’t use anything else ever again. Oh and they aren’t real spendy either.
I love the photos they are stunning, you’ve again found a great spot so enjoy it for all of who live vicariously through your adventures!
Hi, Mindy,
Is the Spikester on the mend? Do you mean is he being a royal pain in the arse? Yep, he’s mended!
Do you mean a Dremel with a sanding attachment? Hmm . . . interesting. Never would’ve thought of that.
Happy to hear you enjoy the photos!
Cordless dremels are used all the time on dogs my Vet recommends them and they are so much safer and they are easy to introduce to the dogs…note the cordless dremels are much quieter and yes the little sandpaper thingies…just get the ones that aren’t too rough.
Well, Mindy, I’m liking this method . . . Gee, I may have to place another Amazon order . . . I could get some new sandals, too. . . 🙂
LOL another spending spree in the making! I’m charging mine as we speak. I flip my dog on his back and hold the feet with one toe nail in fingers and just touch it to the nail and then move to the next – repeat. To introduce to the dogs let ’em get lots of sniffies done on it then touch to nails (not on) then turn on and just let the hear it, then touch to foot or leg or body. Sometimes it takes a while with an older dog but yup they’ll learn. I think there’s some youtube video too.
I used to hate to clip toenails and all my dogs seem to have black nails so this has been a huge change and I never have to worry and my dogs pick up on my very calm relaxed ‘tude.
Hi, Jool,
If you’re keeping 68 dog feet trimmed (a total of 540 nails!) on a regular basis, then you certainly must know what works. Thanks for the good advice.
I’ve used a Dremmel on my two for years. I started by getting a little pile of treats and gave one when I turned the Dremmel on, then for each toe, and now just for each completed foot. If your pooch happens to have long hair be careful to keep it well away as it will get caught around the rotating shaft and pull like crazy. With the treat method they practically line up to get their manicures!
Marilu, Northern Ca.
Good plan, Marilu.
I got one of those small mustache trimmers at Wallyworld and trim the hair on the feet with that prior to dremel work.
My current dog is a rescued Swedish Vallhund that didn’t have a good start in life after leaving the breeder who bought him back so he’s very nervous nelly about just everything and he’s doing well with nail sanding versus clipping.
You know talking about pain management, years ago I fell off a roof and onto my back. I later had spinal surgery for a couple of ruptured discs but first I saw a MD who gave me some pain meds and sent me home. When I got home I took the medication and noticed the label said “notice: Alcohol will enhance the effects of this medication”. I hurt so bad I couldn’t wait to pour a tall Gin & Tonic or two. Later when I woke up from my “little nap” I did hurt a lot less. It was only a short term solution but very effective.
Jim! Not a good idea!
RVSue, seriously you say the greatest words to live by, and I hope we blog readers are paying close attention! For example:
“When the birds fly backwards, cancel the picnic.”
And today:
“Well, I did it anyway.”
I intend to use the second one a lot — on everything from dollars to donuts!
Thanks; read ya tomorrow!
Hi, Gayle,
You gave me a chuckle. You certainly are paying attention. I would’ve loved having you for a student!
Instead of “I did it my way” — I lived by “Well, I did it anyway.” Hilarious.
Let’s just say Frank Sinatra died before he got to record your version. But, you’re the math expert, so you can clearly hear that your version has 2 beats too many. (BTW, my high school math teacher wrote on my grade card: “Do not go on in math.” Do teachers still say such things?
I hope teachers don’t say such things! That sounds like old stereotyping, i.e. girls don’t do well in math and science. I still resent that I was forced in junior high to take home ec when I wanted to take drafting (boys only).
Such a lovely shot of the full moon.
But the BLT looks so alone and vulnerable. I’m a scaredy-cat … I’d be afraid to be so isolated. Guess I’ll need to use popular boon docking locations.
Hi, Caroline,
I don’t mean to be oppositional…. but …. The more alone you are, the safer. Really. That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it, both in words and actions.
Nothing wrong with being ‘oppositional’, Sue.
And it’s a tribute to your photographic skills that the photo evoked such a strong emotion in me! Honestly, I almost had chills. It was so surprising for me to feel so vulnerable … I live alone, always have, and I LOVE my own company so it never occured to me that boondocking in an isolated area might be an issue. Of course I’ll give it a try … you never know until you try.
Great attitude and honesty! I like your willingness to try something beyond your usual boundaries. Also by analyzing your reactions you gain a better understanding of yourself.
I love the photos of the moon at the end, as well as the one of Spike looking back at the BLT. That one gives a great perspective of the emptiness of the landscape.
And I agree with you – the farther away people are, the safer I feel. Although once, several years ago, I was staying in a cabin at a state park, and I was the only human in the area. I heard noises outside late in the night and was kinda spooked, but the door and windows were locked, so I wasn’t too worried. The next morning I investigated and found deer tracks next to the cabin.
Hi, Cari,
Your experience points out that the things that frighten us are often imaginary.
When I look back over my life, I can’t think of one bad thing that hurt me when I was alone, other than those I imagined (which I don’t do any more). All the hurt and trouble came from people. I think most individuals could say the same, yet they’re afraid to be alone!
As all of them, this is a great post. I, too, love the photos, especially the sky/full moon shots. I’m a long way from getting that gorgeous a moon shot.
As for the nails, it’s a terrible job, but somebody has to do it! The dew claw thing seems like an evolutionary hold over – like our appendix. If Spike doesn’t need those dew claws, why didn’t his creator leave them off!
My dog, Lacy, a Standard Poodle, has the ‘poodle ear problem’ in that they’re flopping which makes moisture, etc. build up and they itch like crazy. I ran out of the antibiotic ointment and stopped at a vet’s office on my way through town. No, they couldn’t sell me the ointment, even though I showed them the empty I had with me. Oh, and No the vet can’t see you until Tuesday (it’s Thursday and I’m heading out of town). Geez! It’s a racket. I’m not opposed to paying for vet services but some charges, etc. are maddening!
Good Boy, Spike, feel better!
Hi, Mary-Pat,
I have to watch that Spike doesn’t lick Bridget’s ears (obsessive-compulsive behavior). Ever since I’ve prohibited him from that activity, Bridget’s hasn’t been shaking her ears.
Spike had a vestigial toe removed from the back of both front legs shortly after I adopted him.
Mary-Pat . . . You might want to try using hydrogen peroxide, half water and half hydrogen peroxide. If you use it full strength it burns the first layer of the skin and inpeds healing. I would be concerned about infection, so soaking in hydrogen peroxide and water will help keep it clean.
Sue, several of your photos look like you’re on the moon! Absolutely stunning and beautiful composed.
Hi Eileen,
Thank you!
You do feel like you’re in an alien world when you first drive up Whitney Portal Road out of Lone Pine and make the turn onto Movie Road. One of these posts I’ll include photos of the Alabama Hills for those who haven’t seen them already in person or on other folks’ blogs.
Would you be so kind as to take pictures of your solar connections.
thank you
Of course, Lee. I’ll include them in a future post as I cannot insert photos in comments.
Hi Sue,
Those curled dew claws can grow in so keep your eyeballs peeled. Also some folks have dew claws removed when they are puppies. Love your posts………Reba
Hi, Reba,
During Spike’s first visit to a vet shortly after I adopted him from the pound, he had two vestigial toes removed. They were on the back of his front legs.
So love your early morning shots Sue……….that light on the distant hills is beautiful. I especially like the one at the header of this entry. The tree in the foreground almost looks as if it is painted in…..a lovely effect. So enjoy seeing the photos of these more ” desert” type areas. They have really different feeling. Hope Spikes dew claw injury heels ok and no worries with giving him Bridget’s meds!
Shew! I was scrolling through my email and saw your post about the pain meds. I wondered which one of the crew had gotten hurt. As I was frantically scrolling back to find your email regarding your post, I came across the post of another full-time RVer. I mistakenly thought it was yours. I clicked on it and it started out about the person wanting to skydive in their lifetime. Then, I saw the picture of the person skydiving and it was a man. I said, “Well, that’s not RVSue.” I was thankful it wasn’t you, because I immediately thought you had gotten hurt when I read the title. Happy to know you weren’t skydiving. I don’t think Bridget would like it too much. (LOL) I had to laugh at my shock when I saw the picture and it was a man with a beard.
Sorry Spike had an incident and I am really glad you had something to relieve his pain and anxiety.
I enjoy your blog. The pictures are super.
That is too funny, Libby! No, I didn’t go skydiving and No, I didn’t grow a beard (yet). LOL!