Boulder, Wyoming

Thursday, July 31

After two overcast, drizzly days, the crew and I awake to a cloudless sky over our camp along Boulder Lake, Wyoming.

The lake is brilliant blue again.

“What a beautiful morning!  Let’s go for a ride.”    Spike, Bridget and I board the Perfect Tow Vehicle.  Carefully I maneuver the PTV around the big rocks in the spur road.

We have to find drinking water today.  The one-gallon jugs are empty.

“Oh, look!  The cows are on the beach!”  I stop the PTV and get out to take this picture.

1-DSC06056Bovine Beach Bums

Not far from our camp is the turn to the boat ramp. 

We have all day to find drinking water.  No need to hurry . . . 

I make the turn and follow the winding dirt road through mounds of boulders.  Two pronghorns sprint up a hill and disappear over to the other side.

1-DSC06060Boat ramp area, Boulder Lake

1-DSC06063I cruise the parking area and head out. 

Only one boater this morning . . .

“Sage grouse!  I wonder if it’s the same flock.”

Six hens scurry across the road in front of us.  The PTV creeps forward.  One grouse, bigger than the rest, is separated from the group and clack-clacks on the slope to our right.   Hmm . . . Did your harem run off on you, buddy?


Boulder Lake Road traverses the dry landscape of sage and boulders until it enters the green fields of ranches in New Fork Valley.

1-DSC06073Boulder Lake Road east of Boulder, Wyoming

Over the bridge and through the fields to Boulder town we go. 

I enjoy seeing how people live in different areas of the West.

1-DSC06081 - CopyThose hay bales will help livestock make it through another long and cold winter.  The average low temperature around here in the dead of winter is around -7 degrees.  The lowest recorded temperature is -52 degrees.

1-DSC06082Oh, so this is where rodeo bulls come from . . .


Bridget is a fellow tourist. 

She sits in the passenger seat and takes in the sights along with me.  Spike isn’t interested.  The movement of the PTV has lulled him into a nap on the bench seat.

1-DSC06088It’s about eight miles to Boulder from our camp. 

1-DSC06089I stop frequently to take photos.

Well, if there isn’t a water dispenser in Boulder, we’ll go twelve miles further to Pinedale.  Surely we’ll find some water there.

We pull into the Boulder Store.

1-DSC06095Inside I ask the woman behind the counter, “Where can I find drinking water around here?  I’m camped at the lake and I’ve run out of water.  Is there a dispenser anywhere?”

“You mean you have containers to fill?”

“Yes, one-gallon jugs.”

“There’s a sink over in the corner by the coffee machines.  You can get water there.”  She assures me it’s good for drinking.

Happily I bring in eight containers and fill them. 

The water jugs tucked into the PTV, I go back inside, pour myself a cup of coffee and thank the woman again while I pay.

“You made my day!  I was thinking I might have to drive all the way to Pinedale for water.”

The Boulder Store has an adjacent restaurant/bar with gleaming, polished wood everywhere.  Next door is a rustic inn.

I drive a short distance further north on Highway 191, cross Boulder Creek, and make a left turn.

1-new-fork-river-1_760_570_88autoThe sign says “New Fork River Float Access.”

The meandering river goes through private land but there are access points provided by the Fish and Game Department.

Here’s a photo I took from the Pinedale website.  I put it in this post to tantalize any fisher-people who may be reading.

1-DSC06096New Fork River

1-DSC06097This does look like a good section of river for floating, canoeing or kayaking . . .  .

1-DSC06098Further north on Highway 191 is the Wind River View Campground, a convenient alternative to boondocking in the Bridger National Forest where we are.

1-DSC06101The Wind River Mountains are Boulder’s backdrop.  Houses perch on the foothills.

1-DSC06102We won’t go up to Pinedale today.  I don’t need anything there.  We’ll save it for a day when there’s shopping to do.


I treasure days like this. 

The national parks and scenic wonders are part of the vagabond experience.  To me, moseying around small towns and across the countryside is just as much fun, especially on a fresh and sunny morning!



Here are a few of the items recently purchased at Amazon from my blog:

Coleman LED Quad Lantern
VIAIR 300P Portable Compressor
Norpro Stainless Steel Deluxe Corn Cutter
Olympian Wave-6 6000 BTU LP Gas Catalytic Heater
Handi-Drink Dog Water Bottle- 17 Oz – The Portable, Spill-proof Way to Keep Pets Hydrated

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126 Responses to Boulder, Wyoming

  1. Kaye from Oregon says:

    I just love getting to see our great western states thru your eyes and pics!!! Thank you for hours of enjoyment !

  2. RachelDLS says:

    You are seeing the country girl! So Bridget likes to look out the window too, does she? I know Macha would probably die of curiosity if she wasn’t able to look out the window when we go for our drives. Beautiful pictures and Yes, these days are to be treasured! 🙂

  3. Lee J in Northern California says:

    I’m sitting here drinking my morning coffee and ding, a new post, and there you are! Hope you have a lovely day, thanks for sharing your excursion to get water..wonderful!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Big happenings with RVSue and crew! Going to get water! Wow! 🙂

      Glad you enjoyed our excursion, Lee J.

    • Jool says:

      Hey, I don’t get a ding from RVSue! 🙂 I just wait for a new headline to appear in my RSS feed.
      Sue, the photo of the bovines on the beach? Priceless! We have thousands of cows around us, but no beach for them to sunbathe on. (Nor lakes, streams, or any kind of live water – we are in severe drought here).
      Thank you for taking us on your wonderful tours.
      Big hugs to you and crew,
      Jool in North Texas

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        You’re welcome, Jool. It must be tough on the ranchers to maintain cattle when the water supply is low. I know those Texas Longhorns are hardy in the heat, but still they need to drink.

        Hugs to you, too.

  4. Frenchie says:

    Great pics! My favorite is the cows on the beach. Priceless:)))

  5. Susan in Dallas says:

    Ha, ha, ha! Bovine Beach Bums- what a great caption. And that photo of Bridget viewing the scenery is priceless. Love the relaxing scenery.

  6. Marilu in Northern California says:

    Good Morning Sue, good morning Crew,
    That’s a great picture of Bovine Beach! I’m guessing you won’t be going barefoot on that beach 🙂 We had dry lightning 30 miles north of us the other night. Now there are fires burning in the extremely dry forests. We have been procrastinating about packing a “go-bag” of necessities for us and our pets in case we have to evacuate in a fire. With the smell of smoke in the air, this is going to be the day to get that chore accomplished.
    Have a wonderful day Sue and Blogorinos and all the crews out there!

  7. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hello, Sue and Crew!

    Thanks for sharing your trip for the quest for water! The picturres of the cows playing beach blanket bingo and Bridget enjoying the scenery are too cute!

    I shared your advice about Benchmark Maps yesterday with a friend at work. He and his wife are planning to retire next September. He has started planning their trip to Oregon, where they have a daughter. After visiting for a couple weeks, they will explore and mosey back to VA leisurely. He anticipates the return trip to be 6 weeks or so. They are looking forward to exploring more of the Northwest. I am so excited for them! I also shared Michael’s (ZenOnWheels) blog about his experience in purchasing the maps. It is funny….for the 45+ years that my friend has camped and explored, he had never heard of Benchmark maps. Since they are interested in staying in BLM areas, the maps will be a wonderful resource. Thank you for sharing with us, Sue! You and your blogerinos provide a wealth of knowlege – I love this little on-line community! 🙂

    Have a great day!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Denise,

      You’re welcome. Thanks for sharing the Benchmarks with your friend. You’re right, they are a great resource for anyone wanting to camp on public lands and it’s convenient to buy them from Amazon. My Utah Benchmark is all beat up from use.

      You have a great day, too!

  8. Ron in TX says:

    I love that country your in.
    When you go to a new spot that is pretty isolated ,how many days can you go on food and water without resupplying and do you try to keep a few days surplus?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ron,

      I’ve never made efforts to see how long I can go without resupplying food and water. I never saw the need since I usually am restless to drive somewhere after about a week in an isolated place, and that invariably brings me near a store and water.

      Offhand I’d say 2 weeks.

      I always have surplus food in the PTV’s “pantry.” I have the surplus to give me variety in my diet and because I want back-up for essential items to me, such as coffee, not to lengthen any boondock’s duration. Two weeks away from stores would have me craving things like fresh vegetables and other perishables.

      If I really put some effort into it and was willing to go without fresh foods, I probably could live in the wild for 18 days or so, but then I’d be pushing my luck with the black tank. 🙂

      The forest service was smart in making camping limits 14 days in most places (16 days in Utah).

  9. BadgerRickInWis says:

    Curious, I assume that on a long string of boondocks you don’t use the water tank in the BLT and I know you use the 1 gal ice tea containers.

    But how did you decide that 8 gals was the perfect amount of water for boondocking?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rick,

      I don’t know that 8 one-gallon containers is “perfect.” I had 10 at one time; two developed cracks (I found it’s not helpful to slam them with the door of the PTV.).

      I probably would be better off with 10-12 one-gallon jugs for the rare times when water isn’t easily found. This instance — going to Boulder for water — is a good example. I needed water, I found it, and I enjoyed a little excursion in the process, something I would have done anyway.

      I guess that’s the difference between being a full-time vagabond enjoying retirement as opposed to someone who wants to remove themselves from civilization for long periods, like a prepper.

      To answer your question, it wasn’t a decision, just what I happen to have.

      • BadgerRickInWis says:

        Thanks, todays post also make me see the wisdom of the 1 gal jugs. Probably a lot easier to fill several small jugs at the local store than come walking in with a couple of 5 gal jerry cans.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          You’re right! Anything bigger wouldn’t have fit under the spout. The other reason is weight. One gallon of water weighs 8.34 pounds. That’s heavy enough. Why make work for oneself?

          For convenience I place a gallon jug on both sides of the crew’s water dish inside by the front door. It’s handy for keeping their dish filled and also for me to grab for making coffee and cooking. No strain to lift or pour.

          • Jolene/Iowa says:

            Hi Sue,

            Been gone all day so it was nice to check in when we got home. I loved the beach bovine picture, BUT I am drooling over the fish picture. I would love to be fishing that water! lol

            I love all these small towns you visit. I really think you see the real America on these back roads.

            Your talk of water and containers got me thinking. When my mom arrived this last time for our camping outing, she brought with her an empty liquid laundry detergent container. The ones that have the push button spigot.

            She had seen on Facebook that if you rinse them out really good they make great containers to keep sitting out on your picnic table to use for washing your hands or whatever.

            I do all my cooking outside for the most part as well as doing my dishes outside. Having that jug handy for washing hands after going to the bathroom(outhouse), washing my hands after taking off a fish or whatever, it worked great.

            Have great weekend and I look forward to “our” next adventure!!

      • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

        Gosh, I never thought of that… must make a note not to slam the door on my water jugs. LOL Nothing like the voice of experience…

  10. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Enjoy the photos…even these mostly treeless places have some beauty of their own (I am still partial to trees however!!)…and seeing the cows taking their probably noontime siesta ON THE BEACH!!! Hilarious!! Ours always all laid down someplace around noontime to chew their cud for awhile. Snoozing sometimes too. Such peaceful animals really. We had a breed called polled Hereford (born without horns) and they were the most placid of animals. Humans never needed to fear this kind…they were curious but not ever threatening.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      Cows aren’t as dumb as they look. Probably the coolest place to rest and chew cud is at the beach where the lake breezes come in.

      You mention treeless places having some beauty of their own. Very true!

      I’m reminded time and time again not to overlook the “plain” places — meaning the unspectacular. Because I want to avoid people, I choose less popular places to go (most of the time, if I’m not seeking a national park experience). Those less popular places can seem ordinary at first sight. Camping there, I soon discover wonderful sights like the hidden beach or lovely wildflowers or a brook or wildlife that comes close because there aren’t any people talking and running machines nearby.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        You are brave in seeking solitary places…however, I will say having a couple dogs does provide a bit of help in the guarding dept. Neither animals or people up to no good, prefer to deal with yippy, biting doggies!! I always felt pretty brave with our last one. I do not know that she ever bit anyone…but she wanted to look you in the eyes, so would jump up to face level to have a look-see…that was pretty scary to those who did not know her. At that height she would snap her teeth together too….funny thing…learned early that intimidation gets you places I guess. 🙂

  11. Cindy says:

    Beautiful, beautiful people-less pics, Sue!

    I also love the one from behind Spike’s (or Bridgette’s) ears!!

  12. Kay says:

    (clearing throat) Not sure of your direction. I also can’t remember the name or number of the road north of your spot but it comes into the Sheridan area. BEAUTIFUL place, SCARY road. I cant go up or down with the RV. I know how you grip the wheel on some roads, and that one road up there in the mountains is down right more than scary.

    So, mystery continues. We’ve waited two weeks for the cable TV company and Telephone company to show up and take their lines / boxes, NO SHOWS. I call this morning and let them know the backhoe and frontend loader arrives at 7AM in the morning and all their junk is going to be dug up and removed. Would you believe, they now are sending URGENT messages to the people who have to do something about it! Big corporations, the bigger they are, the slower they are. Grrrr

    UPDATE: 406.0 miles from me. Or, 5 hours 48 minutes depending how you look at it.

    Thank you for taking and sharing the “Bovine Beach Bums” with me, I busted up laughing when I saw it. Couldn’t help but think, those cows are smart, its Friday. Nice beach, campers on their way and they are going to stake out and lay claim to the best beach. Their own special Bovine Family reunion for this weekend! LOL

    Oh, almost forgot. Sounds like we have a workamper couple headed to us with the desire to give us some helping hands. Pretty excited.

    Glad you found some water, cute rustic looking place. The little small towns in America have such hidden little gems.

    Enjoy your day, I’ll return to working…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kay,

      Looking at the Wyoming Benchmark, my guess the scary road is Route 14 and Route 14A going from the Bighorn Canyon National Rec. Area to Sheridan. It crosses the Bighorn Mountains before connecting with Interstate 90.

      Interesting how fast people move when it is in THEIR best interest. Good move re: the phone call and the digging to begin at 7 a.m.!

      Well, a circle around Boulder, WY, with a radius of 406 miles is a pretty big area. Another hint though!

      You have workkampers coming… great! I’m sure you can use the extra hands. Will they work as camp hosts after you open?

      • Kay says:

        Yes, and they are also interested in possibly following us to the next park. They are a younger couple who both have online businesses, and are working towards paying off mountains of student loans. They tell us, once they have those paid off, then they can take to the highways and travel more because their money can go for fuel rather than student loans. Glad to hear they are paying those off!

        Yes, the 14’s…. BEAUTIFUL route…. scary as all get out.

        You are actually straight north of where our roof blew off the RV back in April.

        Still no sign of the cable or telephone companies. I was hoping at least the cable company would show up. I really could careless about that telephone company. Everyone pretty much has cell phones nowadays. I want to put in cable TV throughout the park and high speed internet, so I am being as nice as I can to the Cable company.

        We are considering HOT WATER ON DEMAND for the showers. Does anyone of your readers have experience with such a setup, feel free to let us know.

        Hubby is planning on a “service” shop for oil changes, AC charging and other messy mechanical needs. I don’t know all the details yet, when he starts talking about it… I begin to smell the grease and then I think, oh boy. Another bathroom with shower and washer/dryer needed in that shop! I hate the smells.

        We measured out last night for the pull through sites. Looks like I can get about 23 sites but there is a nice large evergreen and I don’t want to chop it down. So, I will take two spots away to keep the tree and use the area for the Spike Spa and such. We haven’t measured out the other side yet, that side will be back in sites. All capable of 40 feet and more.

        So far, we’re having fun with this venture even though it is hard work. I can see the end result, and I think because of that skill, it keeps me pretty excited, even though the telephone and cable companies are slower than you know what.

        I am collecting suggestions from full-timers of what they would love to see in small parks for those times they need to pull off the roads and take a breather. Even ideas of what products they would most like to find in a camp store.

        Back to work I go…. Enjoy!

        • Marilu in Northern California says:

          Hi Kay,
          We are part timers but I have a suggestion. Provide lists of doctors, veterinarians, dentists, hair dressers, dog groomers, podiatrists, etc. who are willing to see folks who are not permanent. Good luck with your venture.

          • Kay says:

            OH what a great idea! I love it and THANK YOU so much, Marilu.

            Also, we could include those services from nearby small towns as well.

            We will be printing a magazine with all the details of each park and could include the list. Thanks again, a wonderful idea.

            • Elizabeth in WA says:

              Oh my…if it is near Sheridan…that is some of the most awesome country we found as we went cross country back in 2003 on our jaunt to live on the East Coast for awhile….we always said we wanted to come back one day to explore living there!!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        READERS: Any suggestions for Kay’s RV park?

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          No suggestions…but sure liking what is planned!!! What a fine thing to do!!

        • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

          I used on-demand water heaters overseas and loved them, but they were always gas rather than electric. I really have never understood why the US didn’t jump on this idea, improve it, and get rid of those giant power sucking tanks that we have to find a place for in our homes.

          Last I read about them, gas was more efficient. Electric ones seem to be more dependent on water pressure to work best. But I haven’t researched it all lately, so hopefully someone else knows more about the latest choices.

        • Is the RV park near Kalispel, south of Glacier?
          My suggestion is a place for compost dumping. Love the pictures RV Sue!

          • Kay says:

            There will be one in that area, Karen. I think it will be the 3rd one that will get opened though.

            Composting, hum I will mention to hubby and put the brain to work on it. Thank you for the suggestion.

        • Crystal says:

          I’m not a full timer, but we used to enjoy church services when we were on the road. Maybe a list if churches and their times of service, or a speaker to come in on Sunday.

          • Kay says:

            Great idea! Thank you.

            • Jolene/Iowa says:

              Kay, Along this same idea. If you are going to have a list of local church’s, and since you are going to have wifi at your parks, you could include the church address for the church I attend online. Sue told me I could post it before, so I will post it here for you also.
              Not only do we have 4 live online services on Sunday. We have services every day of the week via similcast or whatever it is called. These online services are 1 hour and include service notes and the worship music. Our worship team is really good. Just a thought for those who may not feel like getting out but might be interested in a service and not only on Sunday but any day of the week.

    • Jolene/Iowa says:

      I have 2 guesses Kay, both in Colorado now. One is near Estes Park. My other guess is more western Colorado near Montrose. Both are near National Parks and both areas would have high volume of RV’s in the area. If I am right on either area, you should do very well with the location.

  13. casitagirl says:

    Hi Sue!

    I love your photos and attention to the everyday bits of life–Life speeds right by if you don’t slow down and pay attention!

    My husband and I are trying to bicycle in all 83 counties in Michigan–it is our way of slowing down a bit. We load up our RV every weekend and head out for another adventure. We are going to Bay County this weekend and will camp right on the edge of Lake Huron this weekend. This will be county 70–13 to go.

    Thanks for sharing your adventures!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, casitagirl,

      At first I thought you meant you’d bicycle from county to county, all 83 of them, as your way of slowing down. What?!! Now I get it… You camp in different counties and bicycle there. Much better. 🙂

      I have never been to Michigan. With all the waterfront, I imagine there are plenty of primo camping areas. Have a wonderful time! Thanks for the positive feedback on the pics.

  14. rhodium says:

    Right before I saw a new post by you I was looking at some comments by the economist Nassim Taleb, namely “If you know in the morning what your day looks like with any precision, you are a little bit dead-the more precision, the more dead you are.” I think that idea encapsulates one reason your daily journal is so popular, even when nothing much seems to happen. Its so unlike what most everybody’s life is like, but what we would like it to be (except for maybe the bears).

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Interesting comment, rhodium. The quote is very true, at least I’ve found it true in my life. Teaching is a perfect example. The class schedules, the rigid format teachers are required to follow right down to “3 minutes for this, followed by 5 minutes of that, etc.” … all day long! DEADENING!

      You’ve apparently noticed that I don’t have much of a plan for my travels, for my days, nor for my blog posts. The days and the journeys seem to unfold under their own power.. Ha! You’ve given me insight into why this lifestyle makes me feel more alive.

      That quote brought something else to mind. I hate making reservations for anything! It puts me in the position of having to do something or be somewhere.

      Related to that . . . Something odd I’ve noticed in other people… They’ll set out on a day trip and about halfway through it they begin to tire. Do they stop? No… “We planned to do such and such, so that’s what we’re gonna’ do” is the mindset. By the time they return home they’re worn out and the last half of the excursion was a trial and not enjoyed.

      I admit there have been times I’ve set off on the road to go somewhere and never made it. I changed my mind and went back to camp!

  15. DesertGinger says:

    Good day everyone. I’m moving slow today. Woke up to overcast sky and cooler temp; rain forecast for later. Really enjoyed these pictures. Love the Boulder store. Reminds me of some of the buildings you find in small Northern California towns. Got that gold rush feel about it. And the two bikes parked outside it look like those two are camping their way cross country…what fun! Oh to be young again…but with what I know now. Would I ever do things differently!
    My foot is still all swollen and painful so won’t be doing much today. Rest, ice, elevate. I’ll be so glad when this is over! Your blog is so helpful; at least I can go places in my mind.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, Ginger… I’m sorry your foot is bothering you. I’m glad to give you some diversion here with me and the blogorinos.

      I’d bet it’s a rare person who, looking back over their life, wouldn’t do some things differently.

      Those bikes were ridden by Brits, guessing from their accents. I didn’t talk to them but would’ve liked to hear their reaction to touring the U.S.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Yea, Sue is right…only a rare person would say they would do nothing different if living their life again. I would not have the courage to walk through some doors, knowing now what is on the other side!! Will pray you feel better soon, Ginger…getting over surgery is not easy as we age.

  16. Ron in TX says:

    My reason for asking about how much or how long you have supplies from came from an experience I had hunting in Colo. We were camped (tent) in a national forest about 30 miles in , (dirt road)it started raining and didn’t quit for 7 days , it took 3 more days to dry enough we could get out. We had supplies for 12 days so we cut it pretty close
    You park in some remote spots so I was just wondering about your supplies
    Nosey aren’t I lol

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi again, Ron,

      No, you aren’t nosy. When one puts up a blog, questions come with the territory and I’m happy to answer them.

      One difference between me and your experience hunting… Since I’m not hunting, I’m more likely to move away from bad weather. I’m not saying I’ll never be caught in 7 days of rain but it’s unlikely. I have moved camp in anticipation of rain, due to the tendency of that particular ground to turn to mud.

      I could go a long time on the supplies I have and I also have a good amount of canned dog food in case we are ever in a situation where I can’t buy meat for the crew.

  17. Applegirl NY says:

    Lovely pictures, especially the cows on the beach! Adventures around every turn – Boulder Store, nice people, and beautiful landscapes. Today’s read was a breath of fresh air. The pic of Bridget looking out the window made me smile. Great critters, you have there, Sue.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Applegirl,

      That bovine-beach-bum photo is a hit! It’s all down hill from there . . . 😉

      We’ve all encountered the clerk who, when asked a question, responds with a look that says, “You are a blot on my day.” Then there are those fine people who help you out without hesitation. When traveling, the latter are especially appreciated.

      Funny how something as little as letting me draw water from the sink will probably be the positive impression I’ll have of the town of Boulder for the rest of my life.

      Bridget likes to go places. She’s the one who’s excited whenever I prepare us to go somewhere. Spike hangs back.

  18. CheryLyn(Oregon) says:

    My Wyoming benchmark came today! Gives me a chance to follow along and learn how to use it at the same time. Went to a family reunion in outside Pinedale at a rustic resort on a lake ( I forget the name). Family stayed IN a small log cabin, skunk stayed Underneath. Whew! Beautiful area.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      My guess is your family reunion was at Fremont Lake. It’s the biggest and most popular lake near Pinedale. A sailing regatta takes place on Fremont in August.

      Okay, CheryLyn, here’s a little assignment for you with your new Benchmark…. Find the two places mentioned in this post: The New Fork River Float Access and the Wind River View RV Park. Then find forest road #780. 🙂

      • CheryLyn(Oregon) says:

        Fun. Took a little looking and re-reading the posts but found them I think. The detail is small do you go to another source for more detailed maps/info? Great practice, getting excited all over again, last few months have been a drag.
        Thanks for letting me ride along.

  19. Sondra-SC says:

    …its been a “not much doing kind of week for us here”…the cattle are smart enjoying a whole lot of down time looks like a good idea to me..we are in for a rainy weekend…so I’m
    gonna see how long I can sleep in tomorrow…I plan each day when I first wake up…check the ceiling for any changes and think it over. Hope your Saturday will be quiet and sunny!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Sondra. I hope you have a good Saturday, too. It slipped my mind that tomorrow is the weekend!

      After the sunny and bright day of this post, now more dark clouds have moved in. It’s cool and breezy. Bridget and I walked down to the beach and the waves off the lake are coming into shore, fast and foamy as they break on the sand. We may have a thundershower this evening.

      I don’t anticipate weekenders affecting us at this camp. We’re separated by lots of sagebrush and rabbit brush.

      Sleep well!

  20. Kathy says:

    I’ve been lurking for months, hopefully will be on the road next spring. I so enjoy reading about your adventures with the crew.
    I was reading your posts about starting on the vagabond life and I can’t find any posts after March 31, 2014. At that time you said you would post about the options you picked for your casita but I can’t find the info. Did you quit posting about this subject or am I just missing the next episode? Thanks

    • rvsueandcrew says:


      I shouldn’t make promises I might not keep. My interest waned and the crew and I came to all these fantastic camps and I dropped that thread altogether. I’m sorry you were looking for something that isn’t there.

      Welcome to my blog! I’m glad you’ve made an appearance here. If you have any questions about options, I’ll be happy to answer them. In short, big tanks, high clearance, and an awning. 🙂

      I hope you will drop in with a comment at any time!

      • Kathy says:

        Wow! High clearance, an option I would not have even thought about but absolutely necessary for back road boondocking.
        I can see how your interest could wander considering all the great places you have been camping.
        thanks for the info and the great pictures

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          You’re welcome, Kathy. I’m more likely to write about equipment and options when our travel slows down in the winter months.

  21. Cari in Plano Texas says:

    I’ve changed my handle because you seem to be collecting more blogerinos from Texas 🙂

    I love the Bovine Beach Bums photo! In my work travels I drive by some ranches and often see cows bunched up under a tree. Guess they need coffee breaks just like we do. Maybe yours are ‘claiming’ the beach before the weekend campers get there LOL

    Your picture of Bridget watching out the window reminded me of my dog Bandit. I would keep him in the back seat, for safety reasons and because he soon outgrew the front seat. He would always be looking out the side window wherever we went. I wonder what they are thinking?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cari,

      Yes, the Texas contingent is growing! One thing about cows, they like the company of their own kind. See a cow all by itself and it’s probably a rogue — watch out!

      I wonder, too, what Spike and Bridget are thinking. With their highly developed sense of smell, I also wonder how they process all the information they are receiving. This is a very smelly world!

      • DeAnne in TN says:

        Haha–the English teacher in me found the above first paragraph to be quite amusing. You said the Texas contingency was growing and then went to cows sticking together! HYSTERICAL–I don’t think you meant the Texans were cows! Thanks for giving me a chuckle.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Oops! Bit of a non sequitor there…


          DeAnne…. I’ve looked over past posts and found misplaced modifiers and clauses all over the place. I wince and let ’em lie. That’s the difference between being a blogger and a book author… No time for revisions, no editors to please!

          Glad you got a chuckle from it… 🙂

  22. weather says:

    You had me at heron,throwing in the turquoise water of the river’s last photo was just being nicer than you had to be 🙂 Your camera,life and writing add such sweetness to my days,guess the real Sue would dumbfound me with gladness.

    Checked and enjoyed your reply to me on the last post and this page down to here, especially noticing the bits about plans.Part of my current plan involves implementing a policy of giving directions to the antique store along scenic routes that don’t have competing stores on them.

    Marketing-dead zone paper work or wildly fun tour of backroads?I chose #2.Met a couple in their late 80’s with a fruit stand a few feet from the nicest porch imaginable.
    A picture of that scene showing a midway point to stretch your legs and get something to take home for dinner served on plates from the last century.That’s my kinda brochure!

    So done with my end of that,I swung by my mechanic’s -who get this-to save me money,set my gauge panel lights on test mode.The only way the computer will run it’s own diagnostics for me is if I drive it for hours.Now,in the name of prudence I must spend part of a day driving to Lake Ontario for lunch by it’s massive waves.

    It’s a wonder- all this work and responsibility yet I’m giggling about the pups giving me the “let’s have a snack” dance.

    Took your advice,wore the pigtails and shiny hi-tops,spoke briefly to someone about their used 19’class c.The bunk over the driver’s seat makes a great high bed for kitty,a tall cupboard will lose the door so the bird’s cage let’s them see out a window from their safe place,the bed’s just right for 2 pups and me,it can tow the jeep down tracks undiscovered or fit in a city parking spot when I visit city churches and symphonies.Trying it out soon-test drive’ll be a once over by my mechanic, swing home,load us all in,watch the troupe’s reaction in it -then I’ll know.It’s a step up from what I have already,without spending more than I’m happy with.We’ll see,no hurry needed but fun to try out.

    Hope the skies change from bright to the cloudy coolness pajamas are meant for finds you three delighted with each hour together tonight.

    • DesertGinger says:

      Weather, you are thinking of hitting the road? How exciting! I had no idea your menagerie could travel! I know you love your place, but wouldn’t it be great to miss part of the long, cold Winter? You could head south to Arizona!

      • weather says:

        Hi Ginger,hope the ice is working so you can get comfortable enough to appreciate having pillows to prop your foot up ’til it’s just right.I’ll go through Arizona,can’t miss Organ Pipe Nat.Mon.’s air colors changing with the sun levels over the sand,guess I’ll have to see Tucson again now ,too 🙂 ,on my way to San Diego,my old stomping grounds and current home of my son.

        So you know,I’ve loved everywhere I’ve had or visited.This place may be one I hang on to for people I care about’s use at times needed.When I become home to critters or people it’s for the long haul,period.

        Seasons don’t direct me,they please me,each in their own way.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Wow, weather! You surprise me once again! I had no idea you were thinking of going on the road with your troupe. Funny thing… Today I thought of you and wondered what brought you to my blog as you’ve never mentioned anything about travel, that I can recall anyway.

          I’ll be curious how the test drive goes and whether your critters approve.

          • weather says:

            Thinking I had made up the idea of visits becoming homes in a row,I surfed the web for weight/wheel base stats for the jeep as ptv sometimes,toad at others.A reviewer of my tow set up mentioned full timers,I followed the thread and found you.

            My need to be methodical,thorough and discreet about locking down my assets,coupled with refusing to let any “helpers” interfere with the time of solitude I chose,- to let God be my only healer and counselor during-, has resulted in a slow approach .As news was never pressing or imminent about changes,I rarely allude to it.Easy to miss.

            If I found 100 out of 102 car parts,I’d consult the designer about it’s reconstruction rather than end up with a uselessly crippled mess..The sudden distance from here to heaven seemed so long when my husband went there that I shattered and needed a couple of my parts I’d given to him recreated .

            I only trusted my Designer with the job.As usual that trust produced wonderful results that describing is what I meant- in my recent reference to the arrival of beauty I’d been expecting being astonishing.

            The rv options have been considered taking all of our preferences into account.We all happy together whenever circumstances change,my guess is my mechanic will be the voice that makes me buy or keep looking.I’m at peace about the process and all possible outcomes.

            I’ve never met a strange future,just one’s I haven’t enjoyed yet 😉

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Good morning again!

              Interesting how you were led here. Glad you found us!

              I don’t consider your approach “slow.” Healing takes time and the wound of your husband’s departure is deep, made painful by the depth of the love you share and by the breadth of your life with him in this earthly realm.

              Being “at peace about the process” ensures a good outcome. I look forward to seeing how your future unfolds!

              Wishing you a good day at the store . . .

            • weather says:

              Your thoughtful response to each part of my reply makes me grateful that you took good care of the crew first,and took the time to really consider the process I described.Your 2nd paragraph shows your focused attention to key descriptions of parts of my journey.I find that gratifying,thank you.Off to take care of stuff now.

    • weather says:

      P.S.Good morning Sue,Saturday’s are a late day start at the store,happily I have time to check in with you.Hope my reply made sense to you,and each of our skies clear enough to bring a window of sunshine to our day.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Good morning, weather…. I skipped over your message because I wanted to clear up some confusion re: my internet and phone in messages below yours.

        Clear skies here! Spike is yelling at me to fix breakfast again. Will reread your main message after I take care of the crew . . . . 🙂

  23. R. (Western Colorado) says:

    Sue, would you please tell Bridget I loved seeing her looking out the window.
    I often hiked where cows hike too. So far so good and my boots are clean.

    Is it getting a little warmer? Is it warm enough for Tillamook ice cream?
    I got four coupons $1.00 each. Do you want them? Expiration date 9/30/14

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, no, don’t give me those coupons! It’s all I can do to walk by the ice cream case without loading up my cart! Thank you for your thoughtfulness, R… You go ahead and enjoy.

  24. PJ Crim says:

    We backpacked in the Winds year before last starting from the Big Sandy Trailhead which is pretty close to where you are. On the way in I noticed RVs camping short distances from the road – little did I know then that it was called boondocking! Anyway, there is a beautiful river with grassy areas and fantastic views of the mountains – plus antelope, deer and other wildlife. It might be a place you would want to spend 14 days! Also – I love the airhorn idea, but still think you should carry bear spray hiking. It is quite possible the bear you encountered was actually after your dogs.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, PJ . . . You don’t say where the beautiful river is… the Green River perhaps? the Snake River? the New Fork?

      At this time of year I have to be careful about two things: 1) grassy areas where mosquitoes live (often by rivers) and 2) elevation. I estimate we’re presently at 7,400 feet here at Boulder Lake. Any lower than this would probably be too warm in August.

      I haven’t forgotten my resolve to buy some bear spray. We don’t wander far from camp — Spike can’t do long hikes anymore — but as I recently experienced, we don’t have to go far from camp to encounter a bear!

  25. Eileen in Phoenix says:

    I smiled at your comment about “moseying around small towns”. When I travel, I really enjoy taking time to wander around the small towns as well. Once in awhile, I’ll stumble across a small town local museum — I always try to stop, if only for a few minutes. The volunteers who work those places are always great fun to chat with.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Eileen,

      Every small town has it’s own atmosphere, personality, and character. I enjoy getting to know a town. I analyze the things I see, the way people live, how they make a living, the architecture, what is important to them, what they take pride in, that sort of thing.

      Once you go to the bigger cities those indicators are hard to see for all the McDonald’s, Taco Bells, Maverick stations, chain stores and restaurants, etc.

      • I call it “taking it all in”. That’s why I prefer road trips over air flights, and back roads over freeways. My family’s always said I’m an observer, and yes I am. I’m a people, place, and thing watcher!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          You know one of the things I don’t like about air travel? I hate being deposited in a location with no sense of journeying from point A to point B. It’s disconcerting for me.

          We share the same “observer” tendency.

  26. PJ Crim says:

    It’s the Big Sandy River, and the Big Sandy Forest Service Campground is at the end of the road. From Boulder you’d take Hwy 353 southeast, and then gravel roads to the Big Sandy campground. The dispersed camping is all over the place on the way to the campground. I don’t have my topo map out, just the Rand McNally so I don’t have the numbers of the gravel roads. Since it is quite a big closer to the mountains than Boulder, it should be higher and cooler. About the mosquitoes, I would think they’d be over at that elevation by August 1, but I’d ask a local. Most people who go there start from Pinedale or Farson so they don’t have to go so far on gravel. Anyway, it is a beautiful area. I’m enjoying reading about your travels in Wyoming and getting ideas for camping for free. We actually paid $7 to camp at the campground, but we were lucky enough to be at the one good campsite right by the river. If only I’d known about boondocking then.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, PJ,

      I found the Big Sandy River and the campground at the end of Forest Road # 850 very easily. I imagine it is quite beautiful there as it is further into the mountains. One big drawback…. Lots of miles on gravel/dirt roads for supplies. I estimate an 80-mile round trip to go to Pinedale. I have to consider internet, too.

      We’re moving in a northerly direction from here and may stay in a more remote location for a few days. I appreciate you telling me about Big Sandy as that may be my choice for a remote stay in another trip to this area.

      • PJ Crim says:

        I’m looking forward to seeing where else you go in Wyoming, I’d really like to explore that state more myself!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          It’s tempting to rush here and there to see what we can see. I’m determined to savor each and every place we camp.

  27. (second time trying to post a Comment…poor internet/phone service)

    Sue, I’ve finally figured out why I enjoy your blog so much: you write in the same vein as Charles Kurault and Bob Phillips of Texas Country Reporter on RFD-tv. To me, their laid back, casual, come-along-for-the-ride-and-just-enjoy-the-experience-reporting is just what I need and enjoy. Thank you, Sue.

    When I was finally able to get on the internet this a.m., I order a historical romance from your Amazon site. I’ve decided I’m tired of trying to improve my mind so now I’m just going to read fluff and eat bon bons, lol. Next week, I’m going to check out the no-contract Verizon phones/internet service that you suggested. I’m just hoping this comment will finally post.

    Take care, Sue. Hugs to the nut cakes.

    Cat Lady

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cat Lady,

      Thank you for comparing my writing style to the journalism of Charles Kurault. I enjoyed and admired his work very much. (The other person I haven’t seen.) Maybe Mr. Kurault influenced my writing without me realizing it.

      I have a contract with Verizon for my jetpack air card for internet. It’s my phone that doesn’t have a contract. The phone is a GoPhone I bought at Wal-Mart. At the same time I bought a card of minutes. I’ll renew those minutes every 3 months. If I wrote otherwise somewhere, or was misleading, please let me know where so I can correct it.

      Consider the nutcakes hugged. 🙂

      • Not you, Sue. I have absolutely no grasp on the workings of anything pertaining to the internet/cell phones/texting, you name it. Unfortunately, when someone tries to ‘splain it to me, I get a goofy, glazed-eyed look and it goes completely over my head. I’m sure it wasn’t anything you said/didn’t say and that everyone else understood your statement. I’ll just tell my daughter what I want, show her your blog re. this, and let her figure out what I need it and am willing to pay.

        Thanks again, Sue.

        Cat Lady

        • Cari in Plano Texas says:

          Cat Lady, I laughed when I read your response. My mother is 84 and refuses to have anything to do with the Internet or cell phones. Her eyes glaze over and you can see the walls coming down around her brain. She only has a cell phone because my sister-in-law gave her one for Christmas a few years ago and put her on their family plan. However, she has no qualms about calling and asking me to look up stuff for her online. She calls it “that Internet thing.” LOL I’m sure both of you are quite intelligent, you are just selective about what you choose to engage with. BTW, I’m laughing with you, not at you 🙂

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Cat Lady… I didn’t have a clue either. I walked into a Verizon store and told them I needed internet on the road and they set me up with an air card which, at the time, I didn’t know existed.

  28. H. Park says:

    Hello Sue.

    Several weeks ago I started in reading your blog – from your very first entry. I have read every entry since. It took the better part of two weeks to read them all, but I find your writing really enjoyable.

    I have a GMC Savana cargo van (very much like yours, only the GMC variety, rather than the Chevy) that I converted to a camper that I am hoping to use to hit the road fairly soon.

    We have a bit in common in addition to the van – I am a woman about your age, and have two elderly terriers. Not Rat Terriers, though.

    I read under today’s comments (08/01/14) where you wrote about a no-contract Verizon internet plan. I assume this is what you are using during your travels. I checked the Verizon website and couldn’t find anything like that (no contract) so if you have a link, I would really appreciate it.

    Also, I am another that would be very interested in how you came to make your choice of the Casita, and how and why you selected the model you have. I’m going to do a bit of vanning first, but the Casita has quite a bit of appeal. Have even looked at a couple of used ones, but haven’t found the right one just yet.

    Looking forward to your response.

    Thanks again!


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Anne,

      Welcome to my blog! I am pleased to read you’ve read all my posts written over the past three years. Thank you.

      I DO have a contract with Verizon for internet. It’s my phone that doesn’t have a contract. (See reply to Cat Lady above.) I’m sorry you searched for a non-contract Verizon internet which I’m pretty sure doesn’t exist.

      To answer your questions about why I chose a Casita and the Liberty Deluxe model:

      I chose a fiberglass trailer for it’s light weight, minimalist style, lack of roof seams for leaks, and fiberglass which appeals to me more than metal. I didn’t like the picture of sitting outside with metal at my back in the desert sun, for instance. Individual quirk of mine.

      Once I made that decision, the Casita factory location in TX was easiest for me since I lived in GA and have a sister in MS. Also I liked what Casita has to offer.! I liked that I could order the option of high-lift axle with 15-inch D tires and also, larger tanks.

      Liberty Deluxe was chosen for its flexible interior design. Being solo, I didn’t need two captains chairs nor did I need a dinette. A dinette seems wrong to me… Chairs and tables can be moved. Why have them permanently affixed to the interior? And I don’t need two seats. Space is precious when living in a 17-foot trailer. I also imagined finding Spike standing on the table whenever he could sneak up there!

      The Liberty can be set up in many configurations. There’s no wall sticking out. I also didn’t want my stove next to my bed and in the Liberty all kitchen stuff is further up to the front so I have the feeling of getting out of the kitchen when I sit at my removable table under the back window.

      I don’t mean to offend Casita owners who have different models. My bluntness is due to the short space to explain. Everyone’s needs vary and the aesthetic of a trailer is an emotional thing. No model is better than another. However, one model is better than another for YOU. The trick is figuring out what your needs and wants are and then matching them to a trailer model.

      There’s something about the shape of my egg home that I find very pleasing. Good luck in your search, Anne. You’ll know she’s right when you find her!

  29. virginia Henkaline says:

    The pictures today are beautiful, Sue.

  30. mugs says:

    FYI – if you happen to be driving through Pinedale and want an incredible piece of pie – visit in The Wrangler Cafe. You will not be disappointed! Actually all the food is quite good and the cafe has been there for a very long time. Its a place where people just don’t buy a piece of pie – they buy the whole pie.
    Travel safe…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, mugs,

      And I love pie, of course! Your statement about it being a place where people buy the whole pie reminds me of the Chimacum Cafe in Washington. It’s been a year since I was there and I still have visions of all their magnificent, luscious pies in the glass case!

      Thanks for the suggestion.

  31. Rita from Phoenix says:

    Reading comments and your blog about 1 gallon jugs of water brought memories of long ago. When I was a young shepherd, I’d take the flock many miles from home. So mom or granny would make sheep herder special (tortilla with fried potato hash rolled like a burrito) and a gallon of water to take with me. If I was lucky and the horses were around, I’d saddle one up and load my gear into a saddle bag and off I’d go not to be seen until dusk. Anyway, if I hadn’t drank all the water, I’d bury it under a tree and cover it with dirt for when I’m in the area again or for emergency if I ran out of water at another time. Back then they had glass gallon jugs not the plastic we see today so water kept for a long time. I might have water buried somewhere out on the rez still LOL.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You were a resourceful, clever girl, Rita. I marvel at the many different lifestyles that children experience, based simply on where and to whom they are born. Interesting glimpse at your early days as a shepherd.

  32. Liz says:

    Hi Sue & Crew!,
    I’ve been reading your blog for about a year now….love the pictures of where you stay and your crew. What wonderful companions you have!! So, I have to comment on the RV park (yes, I had to go back & read the previous blog’s comments, which I never read comments. Something I will have to start doing). I’M FROM BOISE!!! Yes, it has grown a LOT! There are a couple of rv parks in the Boise area. One immediately at the Broadway exit by all the businesses…can you say concrete. There is one in Garden City right by the Boise River & Green Belt…..not bad but it is “neighbours to the horse racing stalls……dusty. There is one up Highway 55…..always see this place packed. The one thing I notice that is missing, you seem to be in the next persons campsite. I like some of the OR/WA State Parks where there are trees & bushes separating the campsites. I wish Kay and her “nameless” husband the best on your new adventure. Love the idea about the snack shack!

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