“Camp Absaroka” — A river runs through it

Tuesday, August 19

Today is our second morning at our camp north of Dubois, Wyoming.  I’m calling it “Camp Absaroka.”

1-DSC06598Bridget and Spike gobble up breakfast and I sip the last of a second cup of coffee.

“Hey, guys.  It’s a beautiful day.  Let’s go to the river!”

1-DSC06564I grab my camera and we’re off!  We make our way through willows on a path most likely created by the feet of numerous fishermen and fisherwomen over the years.

We ford a small pool of water to reach the bank of the river.







In Spike’s way of thinking —  “Hey, what’s the big deal about a river?  This pond is what I like!”

1-DSC06702He puts his front paws in the water and lowers his belly onto the cool, soft mud.

1-DSC06673Bridget and I let him soak for as long as he wants.

1-DSC06674“You ready to explore, Spikey?”

1-DSC06677The three of us walk over to the river and slowly wander upstream.

A log makes a convenient seat for me to watch the river and to supervise the crew.

Water-smoothed river rock covers the bank.  Bridget gingerly steps over the rocks, and, of course, sits down to survey her surroundings.

1-DSC06665Spike isn’t interested in a soak in the river.

1-DSC06671Even though he can’t hear the rushing water, he knows it’s moving too fast for a soak.  He’s happy to wade through puddles.

1-DSC06704  The two nutcakes nose around and have a great time.

1-DSC06639“Well, Bridge.  How ’bout you show us the way home.”

1-DSC06717She loves being the leader!

1-DSC06726Spike and I lag behind.  Bridget takes her responsibility very seriously.  Here she is urging us to keep up!

1-DSC06720When we arrive at our camp, what do we find?

A clinger!  A fisherman has parked his car in our campsite! (In the photo below the crew cross part of the ample parking space available.  Instead this guy drives around to park on our side of the trees.)

1-DSC06729He’s standing next to the open driver’s side door of his car, fiddling with a fishing rod.  Bridget and Spike walk over to him and stare.  I’m as stunned as they are.  The guy doesn’t acknowledge our presence.

Not wanting a confrontation after such a mellow visit to the river, I step inside the BLT with smoke coming out of my ears.  I hear the car door shut.  I look out the window and watch him go on his merry, damn way, fishing rod in hand.

My plan is to leave tomorrow.

As gorgeous as it is at Camp Absaroka, I’m going nuts using a camera without a working LED screen or viewfinder.  I’m in anguish at all the photos I’m missing!

I need to drive into Dubois for a strong internet connection and to make arrangements online for a camera to be shipped from Amazon to the UPS Customer Center in Riverton.  It’s too far to commute to town from here.

Well, I can spend the afternoon glaring at the side of this mutant’s car, or I can break camp right away and move us to a camp closer to Dubois. 

I do the latter.  Not one to pass up a “teachable moment,” before leaving I write an educational note and insert it under the windshield wiper of the mutant’s car.

I drive over the mountains about 15 miles and pull into Horse Creek Campground, crossing a cattle guard at the entrance.

1-DSC06765The crew and I checked out the campground on our initial drive up this road ($15.oo regular/$7.50 with senior pass).  We walked the campground loop that day and Spike enjoyed a soak in Horse Creek.  I took pics of his soak using my cell phone.  Those photos are still in the phone as I haven’t set it up yet for email transfers.  Don’t ask.

Anyway . . . .

I get out of the PTV to consider a campsite for us.  I’m immediately attacked by mosquitoes.  I jump back into the PTV and drive out of the campground.

I come upon some forest service personnel standing by their truck.

“Say, can you tell me a good place to camp near here?  Dispersed camping off by myself?”  I explain that there are too many mosquitoes at the campground.   “How about (forest road) 507 back that way?” I add, pointing to the north.

The older of the two rangers responds, “No, you don’t want to go on that road.  We’re about to get a lot of rain and that road turns to muck.  The OHVers go up there when it rains and play around.  The road is all messed up.”

“Oh, I know what you mean.”

“Would you like us to show you a few campsites?” he offers.  “We’ll drive the truck and you can follow us.”

“What?  You mean a personal escort by two rangers in the official forest service truck and everything?” I reply with exaggerated delight.  They laugh and slide into the truck.

1-DSC06771I choose the second site they show me. 

It’s opposite Horse Creek (where two people were fly fishing in the photo in the previous post).  It provides a wonderful view of the mountains beyond a ranch.  (Photo taken later on a dark, overcast day.)

1-DSC06809 The rangers get out of their truck. 

The younger ranger remarks, “It’s breezy up here.  That’ll keep the mosquitoes away.”  He helpfully suggests where I can tuck the BLT behind some trees.

I thank them both and give them a big, grateful smile.  With a “Hi-Yo, Silver — Away!” off they go in their truck, ever ready to perform good deeds for other rootless and confused boondockers who may be stumbling around in the Shoshone National Forest.

I set up camp and the very moment I’m finished, it starts to rain.




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152 Responses to “Camp Absaroka” — A river runs through it

  1. Janis Harrison says:

    I would have liked to have read your note !! It is fun to imagine what you may have written . I am sure it was nicer than what I woud have said!!
    Huggs from Grandjan

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      I, too, was wondering what the note said. I mean, sheesh, what is WITH that guy?! Give me a break.

      Say Sue, on the camera pickup. I’m sure you have it all figured out and have your reasons (like maybe you have other errands there, or whatever), but I have sometimes just had something sent to a UPS store to avoid a long (expensive) drive to a “free” UPS Customer center. As an added bonus, even though it is a UPS store, they accept deliveries from USPS, FedEx, etc. Each store charges the amount they set, but usually it is around $2 to $5 per package. (I usually call to check – every once in a while they charge a larger amount.)

      Yeah, it’s aggravating to pay that. But for one or two packages and to save a long drive (or when I can’t tell how it will be shipped), I do have packages sent there from time-to-time. It is easy and pleasant, at least (and they have longer hours than the customer centers).

      I also find that many small towns have some “mom and pop” mail place that accepts packages, even if it is not a UPS store.

      I bet you can’t wait for your new camera! Fun!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        You make a good point, Pen. I don’t know where you found those prices. Every time I’ve called it’s $15 per package. If I order four items I could end up paying $60. I’ve also had my doubts about the young, why-should-I-care personnel I’ve encountered in those places. Not a fair sampling, I admit.

        I’m not driving out of my way by going to Riverton. The inconvenience is in the timing. One of my packages is going to arrive a lot later than the others, according to tracking, which is a pain.

        I’ll remember your advice!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          About the small businesses accepting packages. I did that with a shop in Quartzsite. I received one package. The other two were sent back to Amazon. Never did figure out why.

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            How aggravating! I’ve used UPS stores and other such places dozens of times and had no problems (other than needing to check in advance to make sure they are not going to charge $15 per box, but that’s very rare – mostly places near the Canadian border where Canadians tend to get a LOT of packages).

            The only other “gotcha” I’ve had is making an Amazon order with, say, ten items, and having them ship it in nine boxes (and paying per box…). Although a couple times when I mentioned that in advance the store made me a “deal” and didn’t charge me for all of them.

            It’s just something I use when a UPS customer center won’t work out easily for one reason or another.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I doubt my note accomplished much. If one makes it beyond age 40 or so and is still self-centered and inconsiderate of others, a note isn’t going to initiate a change in behavior.

      • Toni says:

        They’re part of that “oblivions” sect I talked about in an earlier post. They’re everywhere and growing in size.

        • BadgerRickInWis says:

          I know those folks. From the planet Oblivia right?

          • Toni says:

            YES!! They are slowly taking over our roads, stores, neighborhoods.

          • TexasTom says:

            I think this may have been going through this guys mind as he turned the corner to his favorite parking spot next to the path he as beat out over the years to is favorite fishing spot.

            Dad nab it…Another one of them stays for free and spends little or no money around here outfits. Only showin up only when the weather is the finest of the year and the fish should be bittin the best. I’ll darn sure park in the spot I always park at and they can darn sure move if they don’t like it. I’m still here when the snow is deep after all.

            Not saying he has the high ground but he thinks he does.

            Sad you weren’t there when he pulled up. Sometimes a little howdy neighbor and letting the locals know how much you love there neck of the woods makes them better folks. You could have offered for him to park at your spot a few hours so they could use the nice trail to the river and his fav fishing spot adding I’ll keep and eye on your truck while your fishing so you have one less thing to worry about. This would have been a great way to make a local your new friend and more tolerant of the boondockers that show up when the weather is nice. Maybe a free fresh fish dinner.

            I think what we had here is a failure to communicate.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Where did you pick up that this guy was a local? From his outfit he looked like a tourist.

              How am I not paying and he is? This is public land.

              What we have here is not a failure to communicate. We have a failure to respect boundaries.

              It doesn’t matter if he’s parked in that spot for 40 years, I’m in that spot when he comes along. He needs to park where all the other fishermen parked while I was camped there. He isn’t more special than anyone else.

              He’s lucky I wasn’t there when he drove on the grass of my campsite.

            • TexasTom says:

              Sue, I didn’t say he was right. I was just putting forth a possible motive for his action beyond being oblivious.

              Using land that belongs to all of us should make our interaction with each other as friendly as possible.

              You two did not communicate as fellow travelers at all. A note on a windshield never makes any situation better.

              Your blog seems to take up more and more space about how the rest of us should act and how we use the land we all own so you get what you need.

              I need to take a vacation from your blog and I will check back to see how you are doing in time.


            • Jolene/Iowa says:

              Wow… Texas Tom, I think you said the words “Your blog”. Yes it is her blog and she has a right to say what she wants. She is there and living it. I know I would have felt the same way.

              I am one of those fly fishermen that can’t wait to get to where I want to fish when I get to a body of water but I ALWAYS respect other people. What happened here was over the top with this guy. Total disrespect of Sue and her area she was occupying at the time.

              I hope you enjoy your break from the blog. I hope Sue continues to share every aspect of her journey with us just like she does now. I think it is important for people to see every aspect of what fulltiming is all about. It is not all wine and roses.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Tom… You pretty much told me I was the one who was rude for not being all howdy-do to the guy. I overlooked it. You, however, are taking offense when I pointed out how you misunderstood the situation. I think I ought to be allowed to explain my feelings and actions without being insulted. Now I’m the selfish one. Incredible.

              This is the thanks you give me for spending several hours preparing something to entertain you. Give me a break.

            • AZ Jim says:

              I think a “vacation” is a wonderful idea for you, Tom. Enjoy the sabbatical.

  2. Alan Rabe says:

    Ha, I am first and I read your response from the previous post before reading this one. As usual you have a great site and Spike looks very happy. It was sure nice of the rangers to assist you. You don’t always get that reaction from them.
    Best wishes and Enjoy.

    • Alan Rabe says:

      Darn missed by two minutes. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      These rangers were especially nice and helpful. Maybe they had an ulterior motive — They didn’t want to find me needing help to get out of the mud! I don’t think so though. They’re simply good rangers.

  3. Glad that the actions of the two rangers made up for the actions of the fisherman.

    The things that make you shake your head. Once, we overnighted in the huge RV section of a Cabela’s store outside of Detroit. Room for perhaps 50 RV’s and there were maybe only 3 or 4 others there. At 6:00am, we wake up in the morning to the awful, annoying drone of generator noise coming from the space right beside us! With all those empty space, these two guys (who were apparently sharing a brain) had parked up right beside us. You gotta wonder…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kevin and Ruth,

      I wonder if it was fear of being by themselves. It doesn’t make any sense. If one is that afraid– have to park alongside another RV– then one should stay home and watch tv. Sorry you had that experience. CPLM…. City Parking Lot Mentality!

  4. ZenOnWheels says:

    Ooo, that clinger situation would have left me steamed too! It is hard to understand how someone could be that clueless. I do like how this lifestyle let’s us simply change address when annoying neighbors show up. It is so much more complicated when that happens in a sticks and bricks house.

    It was good to read the story about the helpful rangers. It seems they went a little out of their way to help, which is exactly how I thought of rangers while growing up. I glad they were able to guide you to a nice new spot that was mosquito free.

    Good luck with the camera purchase!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Michael,

      It’s always a delight when someone in a job that involves interaction with the public does more than toss off a quick answer to a question, but rather offers to see the situation through to a happy resolution. They made sure I found a good camp that I liked. That’s pretty darn nice!

  5. CheryLyn(Oregon) says:

    I’m amazed at the lack of consideration of some people, glad for the rangers help. Enjoying the scenery of Absaroka County an author I read, Craig Johnson, lives and uses that area for the settings of his books. Good read if you like mystery type stories.
    Question: I know blogging and associated activities take up a large part of your days, if you didn’t manage a blog what do you think you would be doing as you travel?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, CheryLyn,

      Thanks for the author suggestion!

      What would I do if I weren’t blogging? I’d probably read more and I’d pursue a hobby that in some way enhanced our travels… probably painting landscapes and/or becoming more serious about photography. It’s hard for me to imagine not writing something about what I’m experiencing living on the road.

  6. ja says:

    I’m sure my comment won’t be popular but going to leave it anyway.
    I get you want your privacy and hate having others close by. But, since the fisherman was only in a car and didn’t seem to be making any noise (shoot, he didn’t even greet ya!), I don’t understand how his just parking near by was so rude? It didn’t appear he would be spending the night or even hanging around his car. Perhaps it was his special spot for fishing? Isn’t the risk of any camping, be it a campground or dispersed, having unexpected/unwanted neighbors?
    I think its a shame you felt the need to leave a nice spot.
    Guess I just don’t understand why you felt the need to move away for such a minimum intrusion.

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      I can understand moving. That spot would have been completely ruined for me.

      To each their own, but if I drive 20+ miles up a mountainous dirt road into the forest, I would HATE to have someone right next to me. I don’t go that far out of the way in order to have someone 20′ away. Just the fact that they can look at me and I can see/hear them would be extremely bothersome. Now, if I were parked at a boat launch, or the only parking area for miles, I totally get it – I’m not the only human on earth. But if there is ample/convenient parking that is NOT right under my nose, and I’m already set up there and yet someone comes and parks right on top of me? Why?! Why park right on top of someone who most likely wants their privacy (or they would be someplace much more convenient/populated).

      I would never do that to someone else.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, ja…

      The rudeness was two-fold . . . by parking in a campsite I was occupying and by not saying hello or asking “Is it okay if I park here?” as I walked nearby on my way home.

      Imagine this…. You are on a gorgeous, tropical island. It took considerable effort to get on this island. Only a few other people are on the island and they are not in view. You’ve set up a lounge chair under a large beach umbrella. Your cooler of drinks is nearby, as well as a tote bag of beach stuff. You sit enjoying the view in front of you. The beach is vacant for miles in both directions.

      You decide to go for a swim. When you come back out, a woman is sitting between your chair/umbrella and the ocean. She is directly in your view and close enough that you can smell her suntan lotion. As you walk by to get to your spot on this empty beach, she doesn’t say hello or explain why she’s spoiling your view.

      The fisherman had to drive through and past an area with room for six cars or more to park. That area is MORE convenient to access the river than my campsite. In other words, he went out of his way to spoil the beauty of my camp.

      This isn’t dispersed camping where everyone is a stone’s throw next to each other. I drove a long way over treacherous road. I chose a campsite out of the way from other camp sites. The forest is vast! Acres and acres of land, miles and miles of river…. and he parks 15 feet from my door?

      It’s what I call City Parking Lot Mentality.

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        We straight up call ’em cityidiots!

      • ja says:

        Hi Sue,
        Thanks for the reply. I too find it rude not to speak to someone, or at least give a wave. Perhaps he couldn’t talk? (playing devil’s advocate there ) or had a good reason for being rude. And I get your analogy at the beach. That too would not be considerate for anyone to do. I don’t know why this guy chose to park so close to you. I could think of reasons why but in the end what I think doesn’t really matter. You were uncomfortable and upset and I do truly get that and as you are there and I am not, what you felt/needed is all that matters. As someone said before..we”re all different with different ways of being.
        Thanks again for your reply. : )

        • ja says:

          I do hope you did not find my comment judgmental or that I was not validating your feelings. I was simply asking so I could understand from your viewpoint your decision to move.
          Again, thanks for the clarification on his available choices and the ones you made.

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Your comment was fine, ja. The guy’s rudeness may not be as obvious to someone who isn’t actually in the campsite and seeing how isolated it is.

            At my age, like many folks, I know what “gets my goat” and it is inconsiderate behaviors, not just with me but for anyone. Any questioning of whether the man was rude or not, when he so obviously was, irritated me momentarily. Nothing personal to anyone, including you, ja.

    • jonthebru says:

      I’m with Ja. The old man has no clue about how you feel about your privacy. He has probably been fishing in that same spot for decades. He has absolutely no concept about clingers. And to boot he will probably leave when he is finished fishing and never be back. Not so scold you, please don’t get me wrong. But it behooves us all to select our battles carefully.
      The fact that he didn’t acknowledge you was weird, maybe he already felt your “get the helk out of my space vibe…” I would have. And yes he probably did park to close for comfort but go with the flow. Maybe you should establish a perimeter when you arrive set out a chair or awning or something, that may help. No worries!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Read my reply to ja. I’m amazed that you are making excuses for the man’s incredibly inconsiderate behavior. I think you are missing something about the situation… That “same spot” he may have fished for decades was available and more conveniently accessed from a parking area between my campsite and the river.

        As for choosing my battles… I didn’t go to battle. I left! I forfeited.

        Your suggestion about setting out a chair etc. makes me think you aren’t aware of the environment I was camping in. This is an isolated camp. I had out my lounger, my camp chair, a patio mat, and the crew’s beds. It was obviously a camp. All the excuses in the world aren’t going to change the fact that this guy was incredibly rude.

        • Cinandjules (NY) says:

          Camping whether it be campsite or dispersed…has it’s unwritten rules…which basically is a matter of respect.

          It’s like the folks who tromp thru your site on their way to the bathroom…because they are oblivious or simply don’t care.

          Camp etiquette. Nuff said?

        • AZ Jim says:

          I am with you Sue. This guy literally invaded your camp site. He was inconsiderate. As to those who defend him, you obviously don’t understand the concept of wilderness camping. He got off lucky with a note and Sue leaving, I would have provided him with a little gift when I left. Quick story. I had a guy decide to park his dump truck in front of my home in a cul-de-sac in California and leave it overnight. This went on a couple of nights and a weekend. I spotted him one day parking and leaving. I went out and asked why he was parking where he was. He said he lived on the street that our cul-d-sac was off of but his neighbors complained when he parked there. I asked him to not park in front of my house. Next day, he once again did it. When he came to get his dump truck the next day it had two flat tires. He didn’t park there again. Nice guy? Me? Sure but when you have no respect for my rights and defy me as he did, these things happen. I’ve mellowed since those days.

          • Cinandjules (NY) says:

            Oh my! AZ Jim..a little bit spunky weren’t ya!

            I hope you got the sidewalls. JUST kidding!

            So you know…a dump truck is over the limit in weight and cannot be parked in a residential area.
            A call to the local PD will generate an overtime/overweight citation that packs a nice punch without the ramifications of restitution for vandalism.

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Well, Jim, I understand completely why you did that. I don’t have a problem with it.

            In fact, if I had been home when that man pulled onto the grass of my campsite, I would have told him to park in the area where the people who fish usually park.

            If he objected or ignored me, I would have said, “Look, it’s your choice whether you park here or not. You should know, however, that I’ve seen horses flying over this campsite and if they should start pooping all over your pretty white car, well, sir, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop them.”

            (People with horses camped at that site prior to our arrival.)

      • Jenny Waters says:

        I think if he makes a point of not saying hello, he definitely knows he is intruding in her space. What difference does it make if he has fished there for years if the space is already taken? It is kind of like going to someone’s campground and eating at their picnic table. That is very odd behavior. I can see why you left, Sue. At least you found another spot. That would be even more irritating if it was too late to scout one out.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          You’re right about him not saying hello.

          I can’t see how anyone can look at the photos in the previous post and think it’s okay for someone to drive up to that campsite and park there. And he had to pass better parking spots to get there! Unbelievable! What’s with this guy? He wakes up and says, “Gee, how can I be offensive today?” God help his wife, if he has one.

  7. Jolene/Iowa says:

    I loved the campsite you had to leave, the nerve of people!! I like your new spot too. I think I just love this area in general!! So nice to see Spikey soaking and all of you out checking things out.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jolene,

      I think one could come here for summers all their adult life, never camp in the same camp more than once, and every camp would be outstanding. There are pretty views in every direction, lots of rivers and streams, and many forest roads where camping is allowed.

  8. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue and Crew!

    Love the pictures of the little nutcakes! Your current site is gorgeous! Hats off to the helpful rangers! The overcast skies really make the colors pop! I’ll say it again…you are managing to get some awesome shots despite the lack of a viewfinder or working LCD.

    Sounds like you need to start setting out the Allen party sign. For that guy to not even acknowledge you all….sheesh, what a jerk! Hope some Mosquitos found him and had him for lunch! Heh heh…(insert evil laugh)

    Hope you all enjoy the rest of the day…exploring, soaking, reading, napping or just being in the moment – allowing the beauty of the area to enchant you. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Denise,

      It’s good to read you enjoyed the photos. I do so much want a camera I can see through! Today on the way home from Dubois I spotted a huge nest at the top of a pole. I think it was an osprey sitting in it with babies. I was in a perfect position to grab a close-up shot from my seat in the PTV.

      I took several shots at different angles, hoping to score at least one good one. While I’m clicking the shutter, another osprey — the male perhaps — rises up from the nest and takes flight above the nest. I’m clicking away and I think I caught him with wings outstretched above the nest of his mate and offspring. What a fabulous shot!

      I get home, put the photos on the computer, and, lo and behold, I have about 20 photos of the interior top frame of the PTV’s passenger door. Not one shot with an osprey in it.

      Oh well, at least I saw it!

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Well, I am glad you saw it – you’ll forever have that memory!

        I think my cameras were having sympathy pains with yours camera. When I was on vacation a couple weeks ago, my small point and shoot was not focusing, All the pictures looked blurry. I had my big DSLR with me while at an aquarium, but even with a fast lens, it was having issues focusing because of the dark environment. After fiddling with it for about 5 min, I made a conscious decision to put away the cameras and just enjoy what I was seeing! It was not worth missing the moment stressing about “stuff”. By the way, the NC aquarium in Emerald Isle is very nice! 🙂

  9. Elizabeth in WA says:

    That fisherman maybe thought you were in HIS regular spot?? I was just thinking, maybe some of that bright tape, any color…I would choose pink if available….and strung between some trees, or perhaps between 2 folding chairs…..at some distance from your spot, esp. if there was no road going beyond you that was needed for access to others. Don’t forget your family reunion sign idea too….maybe you need to put that up every time you camp in dispersed areas. I have read enough to think that our lovely country is actively working at making such places more and more less available. Such things would annoy me too. But then you and me and some others are way more sensitive to things…I think our nerves for starters, work overtime while others have nerves that take regular vacations. (For instance, all these obnoxious people pestering me here….my hubby chooses to ignore…though when he got home from surgery they bothered him too….which leads me to think, my nerves must be everyday as his are when he has just had surgery). I think often we humans cannot understand the needs of others because for some reason we ourselves maybe don’t have those needs. And too another thing that divides us from others is simply experience. If you had lived my life…and by the way, growing up I was beaten quite regularly and without mercy and most of the blows hit right in the center of my lower back, which is where I first “FEEL” these bothersome annoyances…nerve center? Any rate, I think that and my truck wreck probably have damaged my nerves. Therefore I need more quiet and peace than others. Just a thought for those who simply cannot understand how this fisherman caused Sue to leave….heh, and leave a note. I do however think he would have been majorly upset if you had followed him to his fishing spot and decided to throw rocks in the water….which you would have been no more out of line than he was parking on top of you, by the way….so you left and left a note…much nicer!!

    So nice that those rangers were so helpful to you….a beautiful view there too!!
    Looking forward to your next stop. Enjoying your photos, even without the viewfinder!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      Yes, some people are more sensitive than others… light sensitive, noise sensitive, touch sensitive, movement sensitive, allergies, and so forth. I think the older one becomes, the more sensitivity one develops. I’m ridiculous when it comes to noise. And the more silence I enjoy, the more I seem to need!

      I’m sorry you were abused while growing up. I can’t imagine how a child copes with that.

      Yeah, can you see me putting my blue camp chair in the water right next to that guy fishing? Haha! And moving the chair whenever he moved? Kicking my feet to make splashies in the water. Like a scene in a movie comedy!

      • Jolene/Iowa says:

        Sue, That was a great analogy of putting your camp chair in the water and splashing next to the fisherman. Speaking from experience, it would have drove him nuts!!! 😉

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Well, my friend, you cope with what you have to….everyone tries to survive. I have friends who have suffered much more, believe it or not….sigh….what a world huh? But I shared that merely to hopefully get people to think….sometimes our past lives result in things we CANNOT change…like our need for quietness. It is not a choice. The choice is in how we respond to it. I think your choice was right!

        • Elizabeth, thank you sharing that. Ooo, didn’t mean to sound like some sort of counselor, but I can definitely relate. It’s good for people who don’t know that some people need whatever they need for some reason they might have never thought of. Kudos, sister. 🙂

          I wish that fisherman would’ve thought about that when he parked there. Maybe those of us who are sensitive to some things understand and he’s not or… like you said, it’s “his spot” and he has just as strong feelings about it. Even if it was “my spot” I wouldn’t park on top of someone. No matter what.

          (((hugs Elizabeth)))

          • Elizabeth in WA says:

            Thanks Carrie….HUGS back to you too, sister!
            I have a brother that “boondocks” as he calls it. Funny thing however, he was irritated if someone else “found” his spot…what is it with taking turns anyway? Most of us with sibblings learned that one early on…well, and sadly later in life? Some forget… but it surprised me that he would not want someone else to have the same joy in a place as he did.

            Yea, I am with you too…I would not want to park on top of someone else.

  10. weather says:

    What a beautiful post.One wonderful campsite,a great time there for you three,and then lickety- split ,just when you need it-help to find another one ,too!

    You’ve made your blog so much more than a place to find information about RVing,pretty places and options in life.It’s a place where we find things are still true,-that most others never bring up.People in trucks,on horses,or afoot,whether working or at leisure are still found-helping each other out of goodness today as much as we have through out history.

    The efforts-you, people you meet and readers here make- to help people and critters -,
    all usually only portrayed in old books and movies-restores people’s faith in humanity.I hear that expression a lot in my life-this world is starving for hope.Giving that is surely a large part of your purpose in life-why your so gifted at all it takes to do that here-and why your blog is so much more successful than most.

    One day in your life-details and pics of it-you turn into golden times -thanks

    • weather says:

      P.S.something above this ,that I just read. makes me feel prompted to note something.

      If I’ve had a couple great months in a row, of life pretty much as usual,then a stranger of unknown character’s parking beside my front door would be less upsetting than let’s say:

      How our host on this blog must have felt to have her few precious hours of she and the crew being able to feel good enjoying life interrupted!This has been a very difficult stretch for them,it’s been going on for quite a while.

      Expecting people to greet everything with sparkling smiles ,no matter what’s going on ,might work for someone directing a toothpaste commercial,but in real life ,whether meant to be insensitive or not,is kinda the very definition of being inconsiderate.

      • AZ Jim says:

        I love ya Weather.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        You know Weather…especially if this guy saw her and parked there intending to bother her in some way (being she is a woman)…it may even be safer that Sue moved on…there are so many looney tunes loose these days…a person cannot be too careful. And as my hubby remarked, “Well, what is she supposed to do…he was a man after all…?” Sometimes if a woman even says anything, who knows what response some nutty person might have. I consider it threatening when people park right on top of you, when there is acres of room all about.

        Reminds me of a time when I was a young woman with my 2nd baby in arms, grocery shopping…this guy right after me, practically stood on my feet standing so close. I kept inching farther away…he kept on getting right next to me…finally I said, “Listen you do not know me well enough to stand that close to me!!” ARGH……

        I am glad Sue shared this story…she was so right to move on!! One of my full time RV friends told me years ago, “The best part of this lifestyle is that when your neighbors bug ya, ya can quickly move away!!” That does sound like one of the nicest parts!! 🙂

        • weather says:

          You’re so right,Elizabeth,receiving good outcomes,including safety,is often the result of Sue’s trusting her instincts about where to be and when.

        • Crystal says:

          I’m late to the game here, but my first thought upon reading this is that he wanted her to move, and hoped that by parking that close she would get the hint.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Again, a kind and perceptive message. Thanks, weather.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Weather, you always lift me up. Your comment reminds me to include in my life stories the people I encounter who are good, kind, and helpful. Sometimes I’m the recipient of a small gesture, a polite smile, or a helping hand which doesn’t seem like much to the giver, but makes my day float along, instead of scrape bottom. It’s pleasing to think of my blog bringing hope and “golden times.” How wonderful that is! Thank you.

      • weather says:

        Being able to lift you up matters a lot to me,Sue.Primarily because you deserve to be,and also because without that,friendships don’t have enough life to make them worth the effort we put in to develop and maintain them.

        Being aware of the value in the wonderful gift you give the world should feel great to you-you’ve certainly earned that reward by all you’ve done to make it happen.

        Hope your night floats along right to an early bedtime,you’ve had a productive and busy long day

  11. Toni says:

    Totally off topic but why don’t the slide shows work in the older posts?

    • Mick'nTN says:

      They work fine for me, Toni. I am using Google Chrome for a browser. Your security settings may be blocking the slide show system?

      • Toni says:

        Mick, I’m using my neighbor’s borrowed MacBook. They didn’t work on my computer, a Dell either. What settings would I need to change? It wasn’t always like that. When I first started reading from the beginning of the blog, I did see some slide shows. Now I can’t.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Toni,

      My blog is in two parts . . . before I self-hosted and since I’ve been self-hosting.

      The first part is rvsueandcrew.com (note the .com). The more recent part is rvsueandcrew.net (note the .net).

      You only can see slideshows when you enter my blog at rvsueandcrew.com. Make sure it says rvsueandcrew.com in the address bar when looking at posts prior to June 2013.

      When I began selling Amazon products, I had to self-host as WordPress doesn’t allow that. The slideshow feature was only available when my blog was a WordPress supported blog.

      See the note in the sidebar “To view posts prior to June 2…”, if you forget how to open my blog in a way that shows slideshows.

  12. Diane, Blue Ridge Mts., VA says:

    WOW the shots of this place is so crisp and clear. Gorgeous! You ever read the mysteries about “Walt Longmire”? or the made for TV mysteries called Longmire? Well I really like the books and they take place in Wyoming, a place called Absaroka.
    Seems you got the royal treatment from the Rangers, thumbs up!
    Take C
    are Sue and Crew.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Diane,

      No, I haven’t read Longmire or seen the Tv mysteries. Thanks for the suggestion. It’s fun reading books that have a setting I’ve recently discovered.

      Yeah, wasn’t that nice of the rangers? I especially appreciated their guidance because, as you can see in the photo of their truck, the sky was darkening and rain was about to fall.

  13. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Yep that river looks a bit swift! Spike is one muddy buddy! I foresee a trip to the laundromat soon!

    Have you ever heard of baby powder to clean and freshen up? We had an alpaca rug and was told when it gets dusty dirty and grimey…sprinkle some bb powder on it and brush it off. Worked on a sheepskin rug also.

    You and rangers!!!!! Hahhh!

    As for the note….it may or may not have a direct effect on his “clinger behavior” the next time he goes fishing….at least it made you feel better….without a confrontation. I sincerely hope anyone who decides to “get their panties in a knot” over it…remembers you’ll do whatever you damn well please!

    You have a great night!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      Yes, I have heard of the wonders of baby powder. I remember being late leaving for work and not having time to wash my hair. Sprinkled baby powder on my head and brushed it out. I may have smelled like I a baby all day but at least I didn’t have greasy hair!

      Thanks, you have a great night, too.

  14. Lee J in Northern California says:

    Somehow I think correcting you for your feelings over a matter is sorta rude in itself..hmm..note to self, respect the feelings of the writer and validate those feelings by being silent if I disagree…. Which I do not by the way. I have had way too many clingers in my camp trip experience.

    Love the photos of the mudpuppy, I need to try that, might feel special!

  15. Mary in CO says:

    Your last picture show yellow leaves on the willows. Have the leaves started to turn.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mary,

      Only a few of the willows have turned yellow. Since we left, the weather has been much colder. Maybe more are turning now.

  16. Phyllis says:

    That gave me the heebie jeebies when clinger man didn’t acknowledge your presence. Listen to your intuition.
    Serene pictures.

    Phyllis in Oklahoma

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Phyllis… I didn’t get the heebie jeebies from him. The feeling was that I was invisible and unimportant to his day. The only thing on his mind was his fishing gear.

  17. Diann in MT says:

    Hi, Sue,
    You did the right thing by leaving. In the middle of nowhere and a creepy Creep-o shows up, it’s definitely time to leave. By, hey, you would never have run into the lovely and helpful rangers if you had stayed. I am so glad you left–for your safety.
    I am disappointed that you used Absaroka to name the camp because the experience turned out sour. I live in Absarokee! and I was so hoping you would have a lovely, comforting time at Camp Absaroka. Maybe you could name another delightful spot Camp Absaroka!
    You are close to my territory, so WELCOME, SUE AND CREW! Enjoy the view! Albeit, it’s been a might cold in the area. I see snow atop the Beartooth Mountains where I was just camped a couple of days ago. Before you know it, the sun will be out and the fall colors will be coming into their splendor! 80’s predicted for next week!
    It’s Back to School time around here, and I am shouting, “Glory Be”! I ain’t goin’ into the school no mo’, no mo’! YAY for both of us and all the retired teachers who read this blog!
    Hugs to you and the crew!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Diann… Thanks for the big welcome! It’s great to be here!

      Oh, that camp experience didn’t turn out sour. Our day relaxing at camp and the morning by the river far outshine the incident with the clinger fisherman. He was there, I wrote the note, I packed up, we left, and the day returned to goodness and light. It just seems like it soured the camp because of all the talk about it here in comments. Camp Absaroka was wonderful! Short and sweet, incredibly beautiful, magnificent mountains, lush greenery, clear, cold, and wild river…. We enjoyed it very much and it deserves to carry the name Absaroka. Convinced? 🙂

      You make be laugh with your Glory Be song….

  18. BeckyIO says:

    Gorgeous! A shame that clinger pushed you out of the old spot, but this one looks just as nice.

    Like you I’m a single female full-timer in a Casita, but I’m still work camping to pay my way (only 30, I retired early ;). Been on the road two years now and am loving it. finally made it out west this summer (working at Zion National Park in UT, a very scenic area). I’m looking forward to upgrading to solar power and getting a propane heater so I can go boondocking myself, thanks for being an inspiration!

    • Alan Rabe says:

      Becky, I see you have been to the Coral Pink Sand Dunes lately. Is it still an ATV park. I have recently read that some scientists have finally found some beetle that they claim is endangered and are trying to close it to ATV’s, they have been looking for 40 years. I am not an ATV fan but when you take away a place they have been using for 40 years they will just go find somewhere else to tear up. I haven’t heard of the outcome as yet but I think the claim is rediculas.

      • BeckyIO says:


        There are signs up with info and pictures of that beetle, seems pretty real to me. There was nothing about closing the park for ATVers, 90% of it is open to ATVing.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, BeckyIO! Wow! To be a full-timer at age 30… That’s sumpthin! And Zion is such a fantastic place to be.

      Good luck getting set up with solar power and a propane heater. You’ll love the freedom from campgrounds and RV parks. I enjoy the use of both sides of the brain or whatever it is — analytical and creative — that goes into choosing a camp and positioning the BLT in relation to rising and setting sun, available shade, best views, most level, etc. No parking pad forcing me to park the BLT in someone else’s decision for the best position. Boondocking is addictive!

      • AZ Jim says:

        30? Becky, I have tee shirts that old. Wow! I retired early too but I was 60. Have fun…..

        • BeckyIO says:


          I’ve met so many retirement aged folks who hear what I do and wish they would have started sooner.

          I don’t feel at all disadvantaged by the decision to go early. I make enough work camping to pay the bills and save some too. I have health insurance, an emergency fund, and an IRA for rougher times. And I certainly don’t miss all the “stuff” I had!

      • BeckyIO says:


        Yes, I have no regrets about leaving the rat race early, full timing has been an amazing experience.

        I’m really looking forward to the chance to try boondocking for myself, it’ll be a great thing to do in the winter months when paying seasonal jobs are hard to come by anyhow. I’ve been saving up for the equipment for a while now, probably won’t happen yet this year but hopefully next. I’m going to savor the freedom from campgrounds and being crammed in with other RVers like sardines.

        • Crystal says:

          Becky, are you work camping solo? I wonder about the opportunities for one as opposed to a couple.
          Most ads I’ve seen are for a couple. I would love to work at a visitor center some day in exchange for a site.

          • BeckyIO says:


            Traditional work camping options for solos are less numerous, but still out there. Expect to do more work than a couple that can split hours between 2 people though. If there’s a job you really want that advertises as for a couple, it doesn’t hurt to respond and politely ask if one person can do it. I’ve had more than enough opportunities to keep me funded, good luck!

  19. Applegirl NY says:

    Hi Sue,
    Love the picture of the fence on the side of the road framing the mountain view. Beautiful.

    It never fails that if I’m in an empty movie theater that a tall person will come in and sit right in front of me.

    Glad you met those forest guys and it worked out well for you. Maybe your early departure kept you from the muddy road camp…. a bit of lemonade. You know how to make it, girl!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Gee, I replied to your comment and it disappeared!

      What I said was….

      Thanks for the compliment on the mountain view beyond the fence photo. I like that one, too.

      Ahh, yes, the movie theater… What you do is sit in a seat you don’t want, wait for the tall person to sit in front of you, then move to the seat you want. Or skip the movies. I haven’t been in a movie theater since the eighties.

      I don’t make lemonade.. It just happens! If we had stayed at Absaroka Camp another day, we would’ve been at that higher elevation during the cold snap and rain, and then I would have slid down that mountainside on a soupy-muddy road. It did work out well.

  20. BadgerRickInWis says:

    I bet your note will make a difference. When I have experienced folks like that they are usually ignorant or as Toni said just oblivious rather than trying to be rude. With any luck it will give them something to think about next time. I think you handled it perfectly although it stinks that you are the one that needed to pull up stakes. I don’t think is was coincidence that you shortly afterwards you met some Rangers to steer you away from the OHV’s and towards a more perfect spot.

    So, so good to see Spike soaking and seemingly doing better. And it is just hilarious to see Bridget taking her new duties so diligently. She even turned back towards the evil camera to insure that her charges were keeping up. Give that girl a merit badge.

    Hope your morning turns clear and sunny.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rick,

      It all worked out well in the end. I was planning to move to a camp closer to Dubois on the following day anyway. Every camp seems to have it’s special attributes. This camp has great choices where to take walks. The road goes by beautiful, meandering Horse Creek that I showed in my photos. A two-track trail has been cut into the forest behind us by people who drive pick-ups that way to gather firewood (a truck went by yesterday early and came out in the late afternoon loaded up with wood.) That trail forks a couple of times, forming more choices for walks. Then there’s a walk along a classic Wyoming pole fence. Also a steep hill we’ve climbed that gives a fabulous view.

      Hope your day is clear and sunny, too, Rick, in more ways than one.

  21. Linda in NE says:

    Hope the guy had a moment of enlightenment after reading your “teachable moment” note.

    Mosquitoes are bad here too. I went out to pick tomatoes late this afternoon and they attacked me as soon as I disturbed the first plant. We went to our annual family picnic out at my BIL’s place for lunch and the flies about chewed my ankles off. Summer would be so nice without the biting bugs.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Mosquitoes ruin outdoor activities. I don’t care how much repellant I put on… I’d rather go inside. Around here the skeeters are only bad near grassy, wet areas. That campground is right by Horse Creek and the vegetation is high and thick.

      Once you go to a higher piece of ground where breezes blow, they disappear. At this camp we get a few at dusk which is when we go inside anyway.

  22. Kay says:


    I hope that note was a real hard core one. Why can’t people RESPECT others? I just don’t get it.

    Ugh, just the idea rattles my cage. I love people, and I do like socializing too, but there is a time when I NEED and WANT to be ALONE and so I take off to be alone. It allows me to think and day dream, and plan, and think some more. Then, when ready I can emerge from my solitary and be part of society again. I don’t do it often, but when I do, it means I NEED MY TIME!!!! I hope that jerk didn’t catch one fish.

    Allen Rabe: Come on down, stay as long as you like……

    Great pictures, and the Crew sure knows the routines! I can just see them standing there staring at that fisherman with the looks and thoughts of “get the hell out of our camp.”

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Your last line about the crew is funny, Kay! They do know how to give an evil eye, especially Bridget.

      I’m glad you like the pictures. Thank you.

      I’m not even going to mention the C word. Have a good night!

  23. EmilyO in NM says:

    Sue’s angel sent her two rangers to end her day on the right.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Gee, Emily, I just thought of something — Maybe those rangers have wings hidden under their official forest service ranger coats!


  24. Libby Nester says:

    I agree with Phyllis. That gave me the heebie jeebies, too. I’m not a very trusting person. I feel that was mighty odd behavior on his part. Makes me wonder if he was checking to see if anyone was around so he could take something. Or, possibly try to start an argument. My goodness, there are acres around to park on. I would have left, too. He messed up the tranquility of that spot for that moment. Glad you left a note. I would have.

    In any case, it ended well. Glad to see Spike enjoying the water. Glad you found another nice spot.

    I look forward to your blog. I enjoy it so much. Bridget was cute leading the way.

    Take care.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Libby,

      I replied to your comment earlier and now I find it’s gone. I’m sorry. I hope you didn’t think I was ignoring you!

      You understand perfectly why I moved camp. “He messed up the tranquility.” Once the tranquility of a place is lost, I find it very difficult to restore it. It’s easier and better to find another tranquil place. . . which this new camp is!

      I’m glad you get enjoyment out of my blog, Libby. Have a wonderful day.

  25. Timber n' me says:

    That site looks very beautiful Sue, The pups look like they’re having fun, especially Good ol’ Spike getting in on his soaks, Timber says Hi too! ,,,,,,,Me

  26. Well at least the Klingon sent you to a beautiful site. I love the next to the last photo.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Allison…. I took another look at that photo. The light on the mountains make it look like a far-away land where mystical creatures roam.

  27. Willow (AZ) says:

    I understand exactly how you were feeling. I went to a football game this evening with family, we had a wonderful day and finished it off with going to the game. The man who sat in front of me stood through most of the game, I missed all the good plays, I wasted my money and was so annoyed the the game was ruined. He had no concern about his rudeness or for anyone who was sitting behind him. It’s very sad.
    But the good news, we left early and
    Had a pleasant time, sometimes you just have to remove yourself from the situation.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      What a shame that guy’s behavior spoiled the game for you. You reminded me of a concert I went to many years ago. It wasn’t a rock concert… folk singer with a guitar, I think. Can’t remember who. Anyway, it wasn’t the kind of concert where people go crazy, jumping around, and diving into the crowd. This was a sit-down concert. At the end of each song a small percentage of the audience would jump to their feet and applaud and whistle.

      I could see an elderly lady down the aisle. I had watched the effort it took for her to make it to her seat. The poor woman had to look at this man’s butt at the end of every song. Not a great hardship, but it certainly didn’t enhance her enjoyment of the show!

      I’m glad you were able to have a pleasant time with your family, Willow.

    • AZ Jim says:

      Willow, you didn’t miss much. The Bengals pretty much dominated the entire game. Well pre season games don’t count in the standings so we’ll be ok. I gave up going to games, I have a front row seat in front of my 52″ High Def Sony TV. We have popcorn and beer just like the folks down at the stadium many of whom are watching strangers backs. Sorry for your spoiled game.

  28. Kay says:

    C = Careless
    L = Lazy
    I = Idiotic
    N = Nameless
    G = Gutsy
    E = Earthly
    R = Rubbish
    S = Shitheads

    CLINGERS: My definition (sorry, came up with this the evening that woman moved 5 feet from my RV to use my INTERNET CONNECTION) I doubt I will ever forget that CLINGER.

    Gosh, think I have a winter project now… making wooden signs with this definition which can be placed in a RV Window for all to see….. hummm, I’ll add “DON’T BE A CLINGER- THIS IS OUR SPACE FOR NOW”

    Good Night, All…. (clingers, ugh)

  29. Hey Sue! So glad ya’ll left that camp!

    Clingers… they can be anywhere.

    K, first, gotta tell ya, there are people walking their dogs so close that I can’t see the dog, just the person and leash ’cause the dog is under the TT. It bugs Todd more than me, I really just want to see the dogs because they’re cute! We have the biggest yard in the campground (I think) so they have to come all that way off the beaten path. We did have a car park but they asked if they could park here (you betcha), was just for a bit.

    In the launromat… why do people stand so close? You could lose a eye doing that! Snap of the towel and there ya go. That’s the one that gets my goat. I like elbow space.

    Anyway, love the rangers and your beautiful spot! Your photos are still amazing!

    Oh yeah, even if I’m feeling down seeing Spikey soaking makes me smile! 🙂 The Bridge taking the lead is a bonus!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Carrie,

      You made me laugh with your “lose a eye . . . there ya go” remark. I’m sorry. It struck me as hilarious. I know what you mean!

      Good heavens, how do you tolerate people wandering around your rig with their dogs? I’d pour hot potlikker out the window! Golleee…. You and Todd deserve medals!

      Thanks for the compliment on my photos, Carrie.

      • Carrie says:

        Hi Sue! I sure hope you and sweet Bridge are doing as well as possible.

        I’m so glad that made you laugh! You made me and Todd laugh too! 😀

        I guess I can tolerate these people because they make me grateful to have common sense.

        Here’s one you won’t even believe but I swear it’s true… We have a spigot splitter so Todd can wash the truck or camper without leaving me dry in here. When we stayed in Salt Lake City our neighbor actually hooked her hose up to it to water her lawn! She had one of those hoses with the holes in it and just let it run! Our spigot on our site! LOL! We could not believe it ourselves. Todd was going to go out and get all over her case but I talked him out of it. I said she’s obviously really not right in the head and she isn’t hurting anything. If one of us was about to take a shower I would have said something to her.

        Yeah, OK, we’ll take those metals now. 😀

  30. Bob's gotta bus! says:

    Sue, in your reply to Phyllis, you hit upon the underlying issue with the fisherman. He was thinking only of his gear and catching fish. He was “otherdirected.”

    Otherdirected: A person, including a child, not paying attention to their immediate surroundings, wherein their minds are directed towards some other goal or object, their behavior often having a negative impact on others.

    It’s a technical term. Never mind that I made it up.

    Viewed from your perspective, he’s a clinger. Because he appears to cling to you. But he could care less about clinging, never enters his mind.

    He cares about fishing, He is directed towards the other. Thus, his condition is more accurately diagnosed as otherdirected. Not sure if there is a pill for that.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Bob,

      You may call it otherdirected; I call it self-centered. I know the type. It’s all about them. They do what they want, when they want, how they want with no thought of anyone else.

      No, there isn’t a pill for self-centeredness or rudeness. The closest thing to a cure is a swift kick in the a^*, repeated as necessary.

      Nice hearing from you . . .

  31. weather says:

    Good morning Sue,
    There’s a yellow flowered plant here that’s blooms lasted for weeks.Today’s the first time it lost petals.Beside it a small roundish leaved one popped open a prettier yellow blossom just now,I’m thrilled,yet not one bit surprised.I’ve never lost anything nice without getting something better thereafter.

    It’s Monday,I still have a habit of letting that be notable,though it’s been a while since I had a reason to face the week in front of me with dread.Wyoming weeks might start with Friday’s feed store sales date ,since time’s counted so differently everywhere.

    About one hundred and sixty seven weeks ago,you wrote “a thousand is amazing”,because your site meter,seen after work ,had reached that number.One million,four hundred and twenty five thousand,one hundred and six is the figure it showed when I last looked.

    Yesterday I mentioned the glorious influence you have on the world,so I wanted to illustrate it this way.Radio waves caught in satellites make print appear on pages everywhere.Though I’m no mathematician or scientist,even I can tell,something powerful’s going on around here.So today when you’re walking the crew,take it easier than you sometimes do.It seems the more you enjoy life,the air carries goodness further towards people looking for a reason to smile.

    Do Monday’s still make you glad to teach hitching trailers is easier than they think?Does morning coffee time feel wonderful now? I know the answers are yes,

    I just like how it feels to share happiness together about the same things,so I asked that to make sure-that toasting the day with cups raised across the country we’d have a picture in common to see.Here’s to blossoms and adventures,Sue,pet the crew for me

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, weather,

      “I’ve never lost anything nice without getting something better thereafter.” That’s been my experience also. It took me a long time to recognize the “something better” that follows in all matters, big and small.

      I don’t have the Monday feeling of relief much anymore, mostly because I have a hard time keeping up with what day it is. I get that good feeling when I see people rushing off to work or grabbing a pre-packaged sandwich to take back to the job, things like that. Yes, Monday coffee time is wonderful, as is Tuesday, Wednesday . . . .

      I remember the thrill of reaching 1,000 visits on this blog. I didn’t think anyone but family and a few friends would read it. I’m still amazed.

      I raise my cup, “to blossoms and adventures!”

  32. katydid in Chicago says:

    Hi Sue,
    I just have to chuckle at your clingers and all the comments about your reaction to this one. I’m with you and would hate to deal with someone so “clingy.” Yet I suspect that my husband would be a bit like that guy. He is such a social guy that he will be glad to park near plenty of others, enjoy the noise and hustle and bustle. I will go with him to parks where he can do that.
    I on the other hand, much prefer the chance to commune with nature in peace and quiet. I’ve made it known to him that dispersed camping will be as much a part of our lives as the social life of commercial parks. Your blog has made it possible for me to look forward to our future in full-time RVing. I did not want to envision a future where nature focused quiet time wasn’t on the agenda.
    I suspect I will have to remind my husband that parking in dispersed areas will mean just that. Sometimes he just doesn’t “get” the idea of personal space. Maybe it’s a good thing that he has me to remind him of that. I’m sure he will call it nagging, but I’m determined that he won’t be a clinger when we are boon-docking!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good for you, katydid! Your comment makes a point. There’s a place for people to group together and there’s a place for people to stay apart. It’s not hard to figure out which is which.

      I hope that when you full-time RV in the future that you find a balance that meets both your needs and makes you happy.

  33. Ron in TX says:

    Ya,ll need to help these clinger and be more sociable (cough Cough) Sue now if that had been me I would have figured this poor ole gentleman(cough) is just lonesome for some company.
    I travel with a black lab named mago ,he is the gentle giant ,loves everyone, 105 lbs of love. He does have some quirks but who doesn’t ,you put that dog on a leash and get close to a tire and he just naturally is going to be a good dog and wash down that tire, I would have to take Magoo over and introduce him and myself walking around the car . Now I dont see how Magoo doesnt get dehydrated but I promise you he would do a good job on all four tires.
    I would then go back in my trailer put on my waders grab my fishing rod and Magoos throwing dummy and head down to the river . Magoo loves to play fetch and he will take a running start jump six feet out into the water everytime you throw the dummy. I know the fellow has to be interested in such a fine retriver so I would make sure I was close to him when Magoo brought the dummy back,Magoo does have another trait that is sort of weird , he want shake off until he drops the dummy so I would naturally tell him to give iit to the nice man .
    I like to use a spinning rod with big topwater lures ,they make a lot of noise but work for bass ,guess I will have to see if any bass are in this creek , throw ,splash ,chug chug, as you reel it in everytime , of course I am not to good so I would cross his line a few time but that is just the price of bonding ,I am sure he wants company so would stay close to him alllllllllllllllllllllllllll day Now I dont have a good singing voice ,I sound like a bullfrog with chapped lips ,but I might sing a few bars of honky tonk angel just to hear it echo of the hills , a little music always helps the bonding process , now as he walked back up to the car I would ask for his address and telephone number so I can call him next time I camp here and we can go fishing again and explain to him when someone parks in my camp spot I figure that they want company and I try to make them feel right at home.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Ron, sweetheart… I wish you had been there! 🙂 Thanks for the laughs.

      • AZ Jim says:

        My kinda guy Ron!!

      • Kay says:

        Laughing So Hard, I can’t drink my tea!

        My favorite thing to do when someone decides its too late, dark and scary to park by themselves at 2AM, and they park RIGHT next to me in a HUGE open area……

        I lay in the dark, patiently waiting for them to get ALL TUCKED IN and I start up the diesel and place a box on my air horns. Now the key to this receipe is to give them a few minutes to get undressed, all snuggled into that bed and get it a wee bit warmed. Then Blast Away.

        So far, all 5 have moved within about 10 to 15 minutes. A couple of the people moved to the other side and the following day asked me “Why” my air horns went off last night” and I simply say one of two reasons. 1) Oh, I have a short or something and the dang thing goes off at darn worse times, most often when trying to sleep. And, 2) Well, my hubby snores so loud I don’t want the people who park so close to us to hear him snoring. I use #2 the most. Had one guy tell me that “well, it makes it hard for people like us to get to sleep we had to move last night.” To which I took the great opportunity to tell him “Maybe next time you won’t pull in and park NEXT to someone when you have a WHOLE field to park in.” Shut him right up, I did.

        I sure like Ron’s thoughts on CLINGERS!

        Okay – it’s raining here and going to be about 75 today, so they say. Waiting on Gas company to come hook us up…..

        Have a GREAT Day, everyone!

    • LindainKentucky says:

      Now THIS is funny Ron!

    • Timber n' me says:

      I’ll be listening to a good Christian radio station and some big fancy rig pulls up and starts unloading it’s gear and occupants, all of a sudden I get the feeling they need to hear about a simple, better way of life for their future, I turn up the radio a little and go out with my Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth Manual and When most are not into a better Life, the Rig leaves just as fast as it pulled up or faster, Sometimes , it takes a little more to love them, and it starts to set in. It’s like a knife fight, God Wants you, each time he jabs at you, and you in a way, try to defend your self and in the end of the Fight, you and your rebellion ways loose and you become saved, and the more God wins folks hearts, things in life gets a little better for us All. ,,,,,,,

      • weather says:

        Great adventure stories where life gets better at the end always have won folks hearts!Visiting from Oblivia, ill-mannered oblivians were here,From Qo’noS some Klingons stopped in.Angels wore Rangers clothes as quirky dogs washed tires.Mystical creatures roam a faraway land,while loud trucks run away from a radio and a Book.The only thing this campground is missing is candy to nibble as I watch the movie here.Next time I come I might indulge in a Reese’s cup instead of my veggies -that sounds like fun,think I’ll drive the long way to the store-the sunflowers on that road are tall… 🙂

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          OHhhhhh driving the long way to the store can be oh so nice!! In fact, I have learned, it can be safer too!! Good to follow those “instincts”…those little ideas GOD places in one’s head….enjoy the sunflowers!!

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Hahaha, Ron….so funny!! Thanks for the laugh!!

  34. Opal says:

    Can definitely understand that you were upset. But please do be cautious. It is better to give up a camping spot than your life. Not trying to scare you but for him to park IN your space and then NOT speak when you came up was definitely not normal behavior. People who as a normal rule don’t care about anyone’s feelings but their own–wouldn’t care to really hurt you seriously. Praying for your safety and that of the nutcakes as well as healing for Spike. And am so totally, absolutely, thrilled you are sharing every part of your life with us again. I want to hear every single detail you are willing to share with us. And YES your feelings matter! Just be careful. Because all of us care about you and what happens to you, and we want you not only HAPPY but SAFE as well.

  35. John says:


    I would have not left a note; however, I would have let the air out of all four of his vehicle’s tires. What a jerk!


  36. weather says:

    Morning always finds a way to surprise me,I’ve learned to not question what I’m led to tell about it,I don’t need to select timing,rhythm wasn’t my invention,I just feel it.

    There are elegant noises and things that form views-it seems noble to focus on profound or even somber things at times.Yet those concepts come from society’s values and aren’t always true.

    The first thing outside that drew my attention was a duck quacking-how ridiculous,funny and plain.Then the audacity of mosquitoes daring to challenge giants, and winning.Nonsensical things everywhere!

    The first time I noticed I was feeling relief that the burden of care for a loved one had come ,I brushed away feeling guilty,it had-amidst love and precious time with them,been a weight after all.I’d gladly have done that forever,if need be,but finally realized it was right to feel it all.

    Being happy they were finally having perfect pleasure -unburdened and free-…..being torn ,stunned ,weak or a mess at the same time

    needing laughter-relieved to have it,relieved my vigilance was over-daring to let whatever the truth was be seen by whoever-I felt free-To live life my own way,even at those times-standing or falling-with whatever I felt-feel-the Truth is always perfect

    Once again I choose the “back page”to write on-this time not for privacy.Sue,the “front page” seems best left as a place for good byes and tributes to hold.And life ,including that,goes on.I love you and honor whatever you’re feeling-remember to drink lots of water,may turbulence or peace be met by your being well in body-the rest will follow as it should

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, weather.

    • weather says:

      Yesterday I spent a few hours with a friend I’m so grateful to have.She is one of those gifts so rarely found-being as good a friend to me as I am to her.This morning while thinking about that happy part of the day,something occurred to me.

      What our conversation had given me was a measure of where I am in the climb!We’ve been connected for more than twenty years,so of course know about each others whole lives to a degree from conversations over time.While we talked about our journeys and how we got where “here”is for each of us,it became clear

      That to have ascended to where we are from where we started is astonishing.So many seemingly insurmountable obstacles have become just part of our past.Sue,a measure of where you are in your climb is simply amazing!What’s wonderful about looking at that for ourselves,is that it rejuvenates our enthusiasm for what we have and what we still want-for our purpose-our walk with the One who led us-the fun meant it all.

      May some of your time in thought be spent visiting what offers you life,miss you-in a good way,me

  37. weather says:

    When a one room schoolhouse near us closed, my father bought it’s merry-go-round for our family’s yard,usually I liked it a lot.Yet whenever my siblings or just a force of nature-like gravity or a storm -started to make it go fast, it got hard to hang on- so I’d let go,- and jump off so I wouldn’t end up hurt anymore than I had to be

    “Jumping off the merry-go-round” is what I’ve always called taking time off from what people expect me do.Whether it’s to relax,heal or have fun-whoever’s waiting for whatever they want from me,or you Sue, will have to wait or get it elsewhere .I show back up when I’m ready,when and if I want to.Everyone gets to make those calls for themselves on our playground,I think that’s part of why it’s so nice to be in.

    • weather says:

      P.S. All it would have taken for me to know that this strangely misted part of your journey has held much shadow ,was to read you stepped out your door and saw frost and still said “halleluiah”!! Rough terrain you’ve been through lately,traveler,half wears me out to share.May the blue sky soon be found more often shining for you,heck much more of this and you’d end up like me”Well sure it’s nasty cold,I just look up so’s I don’t notice it much,it’s gettin’ better ,it just has to 😉 hang in there,it’s just life bucking you in the saddle,we’ll ride out of this yet!

    • weather says:

      Leaving you a daily message felt wrong to stop- especially now,so I continued,yet only on this page for two reasons- the one I already stated and one more.If my sister were holding calling hours for days ,to better assure peace for the whole family,I might just stand near the back gate to leave a note.Grief makes some be in such misery that they lash out at her and me and others,hurting,maybe they resent the attention we give each other.That can affect the whole group’s visits the wrong way.So I try to make it easier for her and everyone by being near but noticed as little as possible sometimes.Hopefully you get this, speaking plainly isn’t gentle enough now.

    • weather says:

      Hi Sue,
      In case this is a rough day- May the direct breath of God flowing through every part of your being keep making you ever more well.Felt or not that’s what’s happening in ways that are best seen looking back.I remember periods of time when confusion,pain,weakness or longings-made me think I was getting worse instead of better-but I was wrong.I was so frustrated with myself for being unable-to make myself do what I thought I should.Looking back I see how much understanding I gained,how I’m more who I like now because of it.May your thoughts carry sweetness sometime today-of our fur families,anything- most importantly and especially of you.At our best,highest,worst or lowest-we’re awesome-and you know that that’s true.Everything’ll be alright, friend,really is,and will be ,I promise.

      In case this day already has seen you smiling-whether I get to hear about why or not,that picture warms my heart the way it always does,…-for being such a gift to me,no matter what’s going on,thanks

    • weather says:

      When the wind driven waves here approach from the east all the wildlife and I pay keen attention- to what approaches this place -carried in an atmosphere known to us yet remarkable.Most of the year the air pattern is what’s common to the climate here-only seasonal fluctuations in temperatures-predictable and something to appreciate,yet so “here”,so N.Y.

      The gales that will follow today’s type of change are what you’d expect to find 1700 miles further south-warmer with a suddenness and power the wind on an Atlantic shore in late November has.

      Getting ready to ride it out with their own versions of battening down the hatches none had approached a small landing I was on-save one.A white twelve legged black headed caterpillar one inch long took a thirty foot journey to put his face close to mine,wow.

      Those that spend journeys in solitude can be more deliberate in choices than most-therefore offer singular gifts.My bent,and yours,since childhood,has been to go off alone to resolve or explore things. It seems we’re able to travel further discover more ,because of that.

      These methods have made us see ,know and have things few do and some envy,though they often wish we were more accessible to them.The rare gifts of being able to live well untethered by connections needed more by most others…

      May whatever this morning brings your heart include knowing I’d want it no other way for either of us.This is best-for right now -always has been-such paths have glorious effects-on us and the world around us.Sue,I find sometimes -if I let myself not struggle against what I am -the peace in it’s really better than even sleep at offering the deep rest -the peace-that makes life light to feel.

  38. BeckyIO says:


    Traditional work camping options for solos are less numerous, but still out there. Expect to do more work than a couple that can split hours between 2 people though. If there’s a job you really want that advertises as for a couple, it doesn’t hurt to respond and politely ask if one person can do it. I’ve had more than enough opportunities to keep me funded, good luck!

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