Cathedral Gorge! Part 1

Friday, May 5 (continued)

This is a quick summary because I’m far behind real time with my posts . . . .

Reggie and I leave Caliente for a search-and-explore mission.  We take a look at the tiny town of Panaca and stop at the Visitor Center of Cathedral Gorge State Park.  The day being very bright and sunny, I decide to postpone touring the park until another day when photos won’t be washed out by glare.

We continue north and drive the scenic loop through old Pioche before returning to our camp at Young’s RV Park in Caliente.

Saturday, May 6

The wind convinces me to laze around home all day with Reggie.  Not that I need much convincing!

Sunday, May 7

The forecast for today is a high temperature around 70 degrees (F).

“Ya know, Reg?  This is a perfect day for Cathedral Gorge.  Let’s go!”

While filling out a pay envelope for day use ($7), another car pulls up.  Children spill out and gallop to climb the spires.  I quickly grab my camera.

Usually I avoid taking photos of children, but in this case they aren’t easily identified and they do give perspective on the size of the rocks.

“Well, Reggie, if kids can explore the rocks, so can you!  Is this a weird place or what?”

At first Reggie acts stunned.  I wonder if he thinks we’re going to camp here.

It doesn’t take long for his curiosity to take over.  Off he goes to see what’s around those rocks.

Of course, I want to capture the surreal beauty of this place.  I’m hampered by the light on my camera’s LED screen.  When I hold up the camera to frame the shot, all I see is black.  I point and shoot anyway.

(I never use the viewfinder.  Wearing glasses that are trifocals. . . . well, I’m not comfortable with it.)  I know my best efforts are not going to portray the immensity, the grandness, the mystical atmosphere of this place.

I had no idea . . . “Cathedral” is the perfect name . . . .

Reggie and I wander around for quite a bit.

Such a pleasant Sunday afternoon and hardly anyone is here . . . 

“C’mere, Reg.  I want to move us to the next stop.”

Moon Caves . . . 

I leave Reggie in the Perfect Tow Vehicle with the windows down a few inches.   I don’t want to be worrying about him when exploring what the sign says are “moon caves.”

In the photo below, you can see the entrance beyond the collection of rocks in the foreground.

A narrow path of white sand squeezes through the rocks.  I go nuts with my camera.  This place has everything to the nth power!  Light, shadow, form, texture . . . .

I take a few moments to stand still.  Perfect silence.

Light reaches from above.  The photo below was taken with the camera held above my head (to give you an idea of the height of the walls).

The walls become so close together that I have to squeeze sideways.  I don’t follow the serpentine path all the way to the end.  I’m satiated with the experience.  Besides, Reggie waits for me.

In the next post . . .

More Cathedral Gorge photos, including the campground!


NOTE:  Nevada has large areas where internet signal is weak or non-existent.  I continue to struggle with computer problems related to Windows 10 on my new computer, such as not being able to open my Amazon Affiliate account, access my email account, and other irritating situations.

Wait.  There’s more!

Simultaneously, the 12 volt outlets in the Best Little Trailer no longer deliver power for my new inverter.  The Perfect Tow Vehicle has three 12 volt outlets and two of them are worn out, too.   That one remaining outlet in the PTV is what I’m using to charge my computer and the Verizon jetpack.

Oh, did I mention my stupid Smartphone died?

In order to pick up internet signal so I could post, Reggie and I are parked at a gas station in a northern Nevada town.  I apologize for the irregularity of my posts and also for my absence from the comments section.  As always, I appreciate those of you who take the time to write, especially during times when I’m absent.  Thank you!  — Sue




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76 Responses to Cathedral Gorge! Part 1

  1. Kat and Cookie Dog in NYState says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie!

  2. Sherri D says:

    Almost! lol

    • Sherri D says:

      Currently it looks like I am second. Kat and Cookie Dog were too fast for me! lol

      Love the gorge photos and Sue you never need to apologize for spastic postings. We cherish each and every one!

      Happy trails!

  3. Dawn in MI says:

    Sooooo beautiful!!!

  4. Rochelle in IN says:

    Thanks for the new post!

    • Rochelle in IN says:

      Replying to my own comment – how gauche. 😀 A 3-way tie for second – yay me, Dawn & Sherri!

      The pictures are absolutely stunning!!! I keep a spreadsheet with separate tabs for each US state and Canadian province with notes about places we want to visit when we finally hit the rod (only 3 more years!). Cathedral Gorge is now on the Nevada tab. Thank you SO much for this inspiring post, especially since you had to wrestle with uncooperative technology to do so!

  5. Dawn in MI says:

    Amazingly beautiful.

  6. Michael says:

    Beautiful place, thanks for the pictures. Sorry to hear about your electrical problems.

  7. Pat Hall, New Mexico says:


  8. Reine in Plano (when not camping) says:

    How fun – the place not the computer and outlet problems. Take your time. We’ll still be here when you get it all solved.
    And thanks for posting links to several of the things folks buy. I can’t remember what it was (serious senior moment) but a link you posted in the past couple of weeks gave us an idea of something else we could spend our money on.

    • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

      😀 I’ve found stuff in the list before too. It’s interesting to see what other people find useful. Or desirable. Some things we just want whether we need to use them or not. We use them for our enjoyment. Like the pretty painted dishes Sue bought a while ago. As my husband often says…”It’s not the bill of needs.”

  9. Anna from NC says:

    Beautiful place. You take wonderful pictures!!
    I don’t post much but ALWAYS read your blog. I love it!

  10. Judy in East Texas says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie … today’s photos. Wow at the magnificent beauty Mother Nature has delivered.
    Hate hearing about your computer issues. Those problems make me crazy as I haven’t a clue how to fix, which just males me crazier…lol.

    Be safe out there my friend, Judy

  11. ValGal (westernWA) says:

    So many electrical issues! Yikes! It never rains but it pours.

    Cathedral Gorge looks like a really cool (or maybe hot) place to visit. I love rock formations, really anything to do with rocks, and I love caves. I wonder if there was a cave at the end?

    And the quiet you find in rock places! It’s sublime.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I don’t know if there’s a cave at the end. I quit before the walls started pressing in on me. 🙂

  12. Jackie Dolan says:

    Sue I truly understand when getting a new computer and having to use a new Windows. I am not use to mine an I think it is a Windows 7 or 8. I just gave up and only use it when I have too. I use my I-pad most of the time or iPhone. Love the pictures. You and Reggie just enjoy and try not to get tooooo!!! Frustrated.

  13. Dawn in Asheville says:

    Glad you are okay and doing well – well, okay, that’s relative. You do seem to be in one of those places where troubles come in big herd!

    The photos are amazing. I have to add that place to my must visit list.

    If it makes you feel any better today I discovered some rot next to the front cab window (thought I’d dodged that bullet but found it when I took the curtains off – hopefully it will be a small area, but who knows til I pull a bunch of wood off and maybe take out the window), and after finally getting the water pump moved and the connections replumbed I tested and discovered a leak behind the toilet – NOT a fun place to access and work on! Ah well, it is what it is. I knew there were going to be things I’d find once I started getting deeper into reno 🙂

    I’m just telling myself to remember “this too shall pass!”

    Noogies to Reggie.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hang in there, Dawn! Your challenges make mine seem smaller. Thanks.

      • Dawn in Asheville says:

        Hahah – oh I will – actually I’m really pleased how simple everything is. I’m learning by doing. Only one t-connection behind that panel – easy to replace if that’s the issue, but haven’t had a chance to test it yet – it’s either that, or the connection into the back of the toilet or, what I’m hoping it isn’t, something in the inner workings of that toilet connection itself. I’ll know more this afternoon.

        Nah, I’d say yours are just as frustrating and potentially as expensive! We can commiserate. I saw you just had a new blog post – going to go read that next – hopefully you’ll have made some progress!

  14. Jenny J says:

    I am here does that mean i am almost first

  15. Jenny J says:

    I am here does that mean i am almost first
    now to read

  16. Errr when my husband down loaded windows 10 I thought I was going to kill him. It’s been a nightmare with my website and my photos. I HATE WINDOWS 10!!#!#!#######

  17. Linda Rose, Muffin, Molly & Midgy Carmichael, Ca says:

    Boo on your technology but hooray for your pictures! They are absolutely awesome. Was it cooler down in there? How did you know about Cathedral Gorge state park? Had you been there before? I’m bookmarking this post so I can remember to check it out next time I go that way. Thank you, THANK you, THANK you!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Linda Rose,

      Found the park in my Benchmark map, of course! This was our first visit to Cathedral Gorge.

  18. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    Oh Sue, I can really empathize with your technology problems. It seems when piece of technology (software or hardware) fails to work properly, two or three more follow suit. Maybe that’s because of all the interconnectivity. I know how difficult it is to deal with, without being on the road. I can’t imagine what a pain in the hind side it is for you.

    However, the photos are stunning – love the caves. I’ve never heard of that state park, so will have to add it to our list!

  19. Cinandjules (🌵) says:

    Those formations don’t even look like they are on earth! Especially when you were inside.

    Check the fuses for the 12v outlets. Not sure where it might be…but ours was below the fridge. I’ve never heard of an outlet wearing out! I’ve “burnt out” a few at the house when I was a kid…not sure what I did…but the end result was…the outlet was black and it didn’t work any longer…meh thinks it was the vacuum.

    No worries…everything always works out in the long run!

    Enjoy your evening.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Cinandjules. Fuses checked and okay. The 12v outlets have already been replaced once.

      • Karen in Pacific NW says:

        If you have not yet purchased replacement sockets then you might consider going with some from Blue Sea Systems. They sell top quality ones that are made to withstand harsh marine conditions. Better to pay a bit more for the socket and get something that will last a lot longer.

        It is the kind of item I install myself, one of the easier electrical installation task as far as RV systems go.

  20. I was there the 9th and 10th. Had breakfast this morning at the Brandin’ Iron in Caliente, thanks to you mentioning it. Now I’m in Rachel, gettin’ all UFOed. If you never hear from me again, either the aliens or the black helicopters got me.

  21. Rover Ronda (WA) says:

    Oh sorry to hear you have tech challenges. Glad you’re otherwise ok.

    Thanks for this post! Wow! I’ve added it to my places to go list. You’re right “cathedral” is a perfect name.

  22. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Cathedral Gorge is has the most awesome rock formations I’ve ever seen, and the moon caves are totally amazing. It ranks right up there with the Utah parks. Thanks for sharing.
    Sorry to here of your electrical issues. I think Cinandjules might be right on the fuse issue. I think you had purchased some extras a while back. That might be a pretty simple & inexpensive fix. Hope everything gets worked out.

  23. Jill says:

    Nice pictures! Gods country for sure. Have a nice day!

  24. rvsueandcrew says:

    I want to reply to every comment — so encouraging to see y’all here! — but I’m running out of charge again. What a pain. Have a great evening everyone!

  25. Pat from Mich. says:

    Boy, they say it never rains but it pours! You seem to be having lots of trouble all at once! Those rocks look eerie when you look up and up at them. As usual, nice pictures. Your readers are getting a tour of the US through you!

  26. Archae says:

    I downloaded Windows 10 onto my laptop last summer. It does not recognize internal cd/dvd drives, something that I planned to use in my van-living existence. The only fix was to wipe the hard disk and reload everything and use Windows 7. Tried to bypass that with an external cd/dvd drive but the ports on my laptop are worn out so that didn’t work. Now my laptop is in storage, and I have no computer for the first time in 30 years. My iPad does just about everything that I need but not everything so I do need a new computer (laptop). Any suggestions would be helpful. I would like to stay with Microsoft rather than apple. What laptops are being used that people are happy with? Thanks for any ideas.

    • SuziCruzi says:

      Curious; You have an Apple product you like, so why not a MacBook? Expensive yes, but you get what you pay for. (Got 8.5 years w/ my first one, and it worked fine still. Just couldn’t do any more updates with the old operating system.) And- they run like a dream! I was a hard sell, but I’m sooo happy with my MacBook!

      • Archae says:

        Thank you for responding to my post. I am not a fan of Apple because they are not fans of older people whose arthritic hands can’t easily grasp the tiny chargers to plug and unplug the phone or pad and whose older eyes need serifed fonts to aid in reading. Microsoft allows customized menus, etc. for the serifed fonts, and the chargers are big enough to grasp and plug in. The rest of my family has migrated to Apple and Mac books and they are happy with them. They are also younger and not faced with age related problems that I have.

    • Try up dating the Windows 10…it straightens out after all the updates. I had trouble with Windows 10 on my desk top too.

      • Archae says:

        Thank you for responding to my post. I am not a fan of Apple because they are not fans of older people whose arthritic hands can’t easily grasp the tiny chargers to plug and unplug the phone or pad and whose older eyes need serifed fonts to aid in reading. Microsoft allows customized menus, etc. for the serifed fonts, and the chargers are big enough to grasp and plug in. The rest of my family has migrated to Apple and Mac books and they are all happy with them. They are also younger and not faced with age related problems that I have.

      • Archae says:

        Thank you for responding to my post. I will try the updates next time I have my computer out of storage. That might help with the programming but won’t help with the worn out ports. I think a new computer is in my future.

  27. We walked through several cathedral rocks and it is amazing.

  28. MelindaK (TX) says:

    Love the photos! Great post, too.

  29. DesertGinger says:

    Those photos are fabulous! What an interesting place. I lived in Nevada for 5 years and didn’t see as much as you are Sue.

    So…I have news! **trumpet fanfare plays**. I passed my 6 minute walk test 2 days ago and I am OFF oxygen! Hooray! I can go to the pool again! I am set free! And my doc said it would never happen! I showed them!

    So I’m off to bed but just needed to crow a little. I have been dragging an oxygen tank around for the last 18 months. But I’m getting better!

    Love to all.

  30. Nova Scotia Sue says:

    Lovely photos RVsue!
    I did not take the detour to Cathedral Gorge when I was last in Nevada. Now I have it on my ‘must see’ list for my next visit to the area.
    Glad to see you experiencing new places of interest to inspire your readers to travel further off the beaten path.

  31. ApplegirlNY says:

    Absolutely stunning. Your pictures make me feel like I am right there with you. Thanks for your dedication to all of us. You go above and beyond duty.

    Our one old dog is still in failing health. Keeping him comfy. Hoping we don’t have to make that impossible decision. I’m so sad, and I don’t know what his brother will do without him. They’re from the same litter and have never been apart. They are so fun to watch together, when they run and walk and they even usually occupy the same dog bed – always together. Oh well, no more sad thoughts. Today is a beautiful day, and we’ll grab what we can.

    • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

      My heart goes out to you. Sorry to hear your dog is ailing and that you see difficult decisions in the near future. May you share many more beautiful days with him and his brother.

  32. Carol in MT says:

    We have enjoyed camping at Cathedral Gorge in the past. Glad to see you’ve discovered it too. Today we’re camping at the Sunset Crater boondock you introduced to us years ago. It has become a favorite. Continue to enjoy your blog. You should know you have enhanced the lives of many by sharing your adventures. We had a rotisserie chicken in your honor yesterday. Thanks Sue! And sincerely hope your technical difficulties are resolved soon.

  33. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    I just now found your new posts. I had to go to 10 year old grandson’s baseball game last night and cheer him on to a 13 to 2 loss. He got hit in the head with the ball by the pitcher. Thank goodness they make them wear batting helmets now. He might have been hurt otherwise. I love your pictures. I have heard of this area of Nevada, but it wasn’t for the landscape. I bet it is HOT in the summer. I would love it. My old body does better in hot, dry better than our hot, humid weather. Hope you get all your technical problems taken care of. I wish my son was close to you, he could have all that taken care of in a jiffy. We don’t know what we would do without him. He finds my keys and my glasses and when I get frustrated with my phone or my computer, he comes to my rescue. He has a new puppy that is looking more and more like Reggie everyday. She is sweet and we love her, cats not so much, but I have hope they will come around. I hope she calms down like Reggie has. I am looking forward to your next post. Be safe.

  34. Dawn in NC says:

    Thanks so much for the updates Sue. We will all be here waiting when you are able to post. So, don’t worry about us. Just take care of yourself. I experienced my own small technical problem the other night when my ipod fell into the toilet. The toilet won. Now, one new ipod later, I am much more careful shall we say! 😉

  35. weather says:

    Great photos, Sue, wow!Thank you for going through as much trouble as you did to get this post up for us to see. Cathedral Gorge looks awe-inspiring. I’m glad there were no crowds to interfere with your experiencing it’s mystical quality during your visit there.

    Gosh, I’m sorry you have so many technical problems to deal with. 12volt outlets wear out fairly often when used with high watt devices like laptops so I guess that was bound to happen eventually. Combined with your smart phone’s demise, and the new Windows 10 issues, that must be really stressful to go through all at once. Hopefully you still have the use of your smaller Acer for what you can’t yet with your laptop (?).

    When your time isn’t being spent on resolving difficulties I hope you and Reggie are enjoying life in that gorgeous area. Sending happy wishes and hugs to you both 🙂

  36. Cathi in Texas says:

    My favorite part of Nevada. My folks lived in Pioche years ago & we loved visiting and exploring.

  37. Judy Bailey says:

    I’ve added Cathedral Rock SP to my schedule for next January. Can’t imagine how I missed this place, but am looking forward to it. Will be chilly in January, but that’s OK.

  38. What an interesting place!!! Great pics of all the fins and canyons.

  39. AZ Jim says:

    Slow down Missy! It’s hard to keep up in my wheel chair. I like your photos in this post. I’ll jump in once in awhile so you’ll know I’m still hanging in there. Be well and say howdy to Reggie.

  40. AZ Jim says:

    Slow down Missy! It’s hard to keep up in my wheel chair. I like your photos in this post. I’ll jump in once in awhile so you’ll know I’m still hanging in there. Be well and say howdy to Reggie.

  41. Barb from Hoquiam says:

    Stunning photos!
    So sorry you are havin power issues!!!! Not good!
    Stay safe!!!!
    Hugs from Hoquiam

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