Dunes, dunes, dunes!

Sunday, October 2 – Thursday, October 13

So much time has passed during the break in my blog posts that’s it’s difficult to know where to begin.

I receive advice from Reggie aka The Reginator aka The Zoominator . . .

“Jump right in, RVSue.  That’s what I do!”

p1140412“You mean just start writing and . . . .”

“Yeah!  First thing ya’ know, you’ll be like me . . . zooming!  I don’t let anything slow ME down!  I live like I mean it!”


“Okay, Reg.  I’ll give it a try.  Thanks, buddy.”

~ ~ ~


Reggie and I are camped at Ponderosa Grove Rec Site.

This little, BLM campground of nine campsites sits along Hancock Road, off Route 89, between Zion National Park and Kanab in southern Utah.   You can see more photos and obtain more details about Ponderosa Grove Campground in the post I wrote when Bridget and I camped here in October of 2014.

The campground is rustic (vault toilet, picnic tables, fire rings, no water).  Situated at 6,300 feet elevation in a uniquely beautiful area of coral-pink sand dunes, one can use it as a base for day trips or as a wonderful destination in itself.

Supplies can be purchased in Kanab, a 15-mile drive to the east, and water can be obtained at the state park just up the road a few miles.

Camping fee is $5 regular and $2.50 for seniors with an Interagency Senior Pass (Golden Age).


I park the Perfect Tow Vehicle to separate us from a neighboring campsite. 

Once again the long extension cord between the PTV and the Best Little Trailer makes it possible for me to do this.


No Verizon phone signal here. 

Fellow campers tell me they can’t use their phone here either.

However . . .

With my handy-dandy Wilson antenna attached to my Verizon jetpack, internet signal of 1G/1 bar is boosted to 3G (sometimes 4G!) and 2 bars.  That’s been strong and steady enough for me to work my way through the recent “blog maintenance” fiasco and for us to be here with you now.  *smile*


A cold front moves through!

The first couple of mornings at this camp the temperatures dip into the mid-30s.  As you may recall, I can’t turn on the Wave 3 heater due to a propane leak.

Reggie and I are able to stay warm enough.

p1140485 He wears his green jacket to bed and we snuggle together under the comforter all night.  In the morning I do something you are never supposed to do!  Never, ever!

I turn on both burners of the propane stove to heat up our home.

You know the saying — “Do not try this at home!”

Our home is so small that within a few minutes the two flames take the chill out.  Soon the sunshine hits the back side of the BLT and we’re cozy again!

For a week since then, the weather is perfect.


Reggie and I are on a new exercise program. 

Every day we visit the dunes.  Ever climb a dune?  If you have, you know what a work-out you get!


Almost 1,000 acres around Coral Pink Sand Dune State Park is set aside for ATVers and other motorized, off-road vehicles.

Reg and I appreciate that there are some dunes along Hancock Road, within walking distance of Ponderosa Grove Campground, that are reserved for people and their pets (no ATVs).


To get to the dunes, all you have to do is walk across the road from the campground entrance.  A path takes you to a piney area and the dunes are beyond that.


In the photo above the dunes beyond the trees are pale, more tan than coral pink.  

You’ll see in my photos how the sand changes color depending upon time of day, light and shadow, angle of the sun, moisture, sand content . . . whatever.


I mention this just so you know it’s not me playing with the color or my camera being untrue to the conditions at the time.  The variety of color makes for fun surprises for photography!

To illustrate . . .

This next photo shows dunes between our campground and the state park.  Knock your eyes out color.


An eighth of a mile or so further along the road and only a couple minutes later, I take this shot.  See the difference?  Soft, subdued, pastel.  Lovely (even with vehicle tracks).


Well, gee, I was going to talk about the new exercise program for Reggie and me and got carried away with photography and the dunes . . . I have so much to talk about!

Besides visiting the dunes, every day we go on a long morning walk and a long, late afternoon walk.  In between we walk around the campground.

Our walks often lead to more dune exploration and play. 

Really, how can you pass by the beckoning path shown in the photo below?


Lots of sagebrush (above). . . .   Is this is a century plant (below)?


Besides dune-zooming (yes, I had to try it!) and appreciating the variety of plants, I like to examine the tracks left by wildlife.

The volume of night-time traffic on the dunes is astounding!

The best time to do this is the morning after a breezy night.  The sand is swept smooth for tiny feet to draw upon . . . . rodents, birds, lizards, coyotes.

I think I see a snake track until I realize . . . . Oh, for heaven’s sake, that was made by Reggie’s tether!


Coming up . . .

Reggie meets and plays with canine-campers and I break out into some rare, major socializing with fellow people-campers.

Yep.  It’s true.  Talking with other people.  Me.  Can you believe it?





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194 Responses to Dunes, dunes, dunes!

  1. Linda Rose, Muffin, Murphy, Molly & Midgy in Carmichael, CA says:

    Yay! A new post.

  2. Dan in Michigan says:

    Hey Sue!

  3. Kristi & Daisie (Nampa, ID) says:

    Beautiful photos…Reggie makes me tired just looking at his photos. Little zoomer. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:


      You’re tired looking…. Imagine what it’s like being with him! (a joy)

      Be back later… Reggie is whining for a walk . . . 🙂

  4. eliza says:

    Nearly first? I’m glad to see your blog is back – I can almost imagine the zooming sound of Reggie on the dunes.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, eliza…. The zooming has to be imagined because it doesn’t make a sound. Very fine sand, almost powder. Doesn’t even crunch. 🙂

  5. Velda says:

    Your posts are so great to wake up to!! So glad you and Reggie are back to chat with us.

  6. Hi Sue, looks like you found a great place to visit for a second time. It looks like Reggie enjoyed the dunes. He is such a whirlwind of activity. We had that plant in our backyard and called it a century plant. Don’t know if that is the correct name or not. But that is what everyone in Southeastern Arizona called the plant. You need to get that line fixed soon or you’re going to be cold this winter!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lisa,

      I, too, think it’s a century plant. I had one in my yard in Florida. I didn’t want to stick my neck out — usually I’m wrong! — so I asked. 🙂

      I’d like us to settle in a winter camp and have several things done at the same time, including the propane leak taken care of. The heater really could use a check-up after five years of being battered by flying objects as we go over rough roads.

      • KC --Pacific NW says:

        Fivc years of travel over some rough roads in the back country means most likely it is just a connection that has backed off from being a snug seal. That is something you could check out on your own and even fix yourself.
        Mix up a little really soapy water and brush it on wherever there is a connection and look for bubbles. The bubble blowing liquid for kids works great too. Find a small bottle of it at the dollar store next time you are close to one and keep it on hand for analyzing leaks if you smell propane.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Yes, I know I could do the bubble test. However, any “repair” I would do, I would not trust. And when you’re living in a small space, it’s uncomfortable wondering whether the “repair” will hold.

          I just don’t want to monkey with it. I want a professional to check the unit itself as well as the line.

  7. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Golly Miss Sue you have been MISSED! And that Reggie boy is just too much cuteness for anyone!
    We have had two tornado alarms, and down near Cannon Beach OR one has hit. Expecting high winds all weekend. LOTS of rain. Pump is running, and we are ready to rumble!

    Hugs from a drippy Hoquiam,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barb,

      You coastal folks are tough! Wind, rain, storms, more rain, and tornadoes!! Stay safe and dry, dear one…. Keep in touch.

  8. Rosie Indiana says:

    Hello Sue and Reggie, I’ve followed you through all your travels and travails but have never commented. I so enjoy reading about you and the crew. it was our dream to wander but, unfortunately, my partner has Alzheimer’s and traveling has ended for us. I wander vicariously through you and the crew. Thank you for sharing your life with us all.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Welcome, Rosie Indiana! I’m always thrilled to meet another reader! Thank you for riding along on our travels and for letting us know you’re with us. Always room for more blogorinos!

      I’m sorry your partner and you are dealing with that dreadful condition and that it keeps you from travel, in addition to other compromises, I’m sure.

      I’m glad you found us and will continue to be our camp buddies!

  9. Judy in East Texas says:

    Hi Sue and the Reg. Was so happy to your last post as I was about to go into RVSUE withdrawals.
    Love the new Campground and Reggie is having such a time.

    We’ll stay safe out there and rock on Judy

  10. Dave Stewart (in missouri for now) says:

    Your Pictures have made me Mark this place in my Benchmark. Thanks for posting these wonderful places to stay. Glad your Back, And thank the Reginator for his permission to Post. They are always enjoyable.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Dave, for the feedback on Reggie’s input. He’s working on becoming a guest blogger someday. 🙂

      Sure, come out to this area! There’s much to enjoy here, as well as within day-trip radius…. Paria, Vermillion Cliffs, Zion NP, Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, Kanab’s museums, art galleries, restaurants, and events….

      I like how people follow along with their Benchmarks. It’s like you’re in the passenger seat!

  11. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    I am closer to the top than I have been in months. Such fun trying to be first. Love all the colors in the photos. Hubby and I do some for real talk about retirement and taking RV on the road this morning at breakfast. I am excited. Maybe by this time next year. Glad to have you back and great to see Reggie. We are getting rain today for the first time in over two months. It is so welcome. Everything is brown and very dry. You would think I lived out where you are. Be safe Sue and Reggie.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It is exciting, isn’t it, Jean!! Dreaming, talking, planning…. and there are so many choices in our beautiful country with its diverse landscapes, interesting historical places, charming towns, national parks….. Have fun.

      Enjoy your rain. Hope you get just the right amount!

  12. Marilyn Moore says:

    Hello Sue and Reggie
    So glad that you are back and out of the internet eithers. Missed your posts and photographs. Reggie’s antics make me smile if not chuckle and your thoughtful approach to a challenge is helpful. Love Southern Utah and the interesting people there too. Happy and safe travels.

  13. Din Milem says:

    I can’t imagine I’m first. I’ve never commented before but have followed, and admired you, forever. Sunday I set out on my own with my dog, Balto. Just getting my feet wet for several days of solo travel.

    • Din Milem says:

      Sorry! I just could not see any other comments until I posted mine.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        No need to apologize, Din Milem. The important thing, what makes us happy, is seeing you here. Welcome! You and Balto are now blogorinos! 🙂

        Best wishes to both of you on your trip! What part of the country/world are you in? Stay in touch. We’d love to hear about your experience getting your “feet wet.”

  14. Linda Rose, Muffin, Murphy, Molly & Midgy in Carmichael, CA says:

    Happy, happy day. I’m pretty sure I was first!! Sue I love the new headline photo. I laughed about the “snake” track. Great pix of Reg holding fairly still for the profile shot. He has such lovely orange spots. He kind of matches the dunes. Leave it to you to take such awesome pictures of SAND. I think you were in the visiting mood because you missed us as much as we missed you. I’m so very happy you are back. We are enjoying some much needed rainy weather so I am sewing and baking cookies. So cozy and the house smells wonderful. Hugs from me and the 4 M’s

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You may be right, Linda Rose. I didn’t have y’all to talk to so I talked to my campground neighbors.

      Your house does sound like a wonderful place to be during rainy weather. I bet the four Ms are snug and cozy!

    • Velda in Roseville CA says:

      Hey, Linda Rose, that rain was nice wasn’t it! We sure enjoyed the pitter pat on our skylights. I guess more this weekend.

  15. Cinandjules (in da zone) says:

    Dune buggy Reg man! Such a silly boy! Yes it’s a work out! He’s either going to sleep really good or you’re building up his endurance!

    As long as you vent the area..the propane won’t suck up the oxygen! Back in the day, we used to get dressed in front of the oven. You’re aware of the warnings regarding using the burners…you know what you’re doing!

    Live that dash!

  16. Dawn in Asheville says:

    I could definitely stand to borrow a page from Reggie’s Book of Philosophy 🙂 Lovely pictures.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Dawn. Animals give us good lessons on how to live right. Simple stuff like: live in the moment, eat what’s put before you, chase butterflies, soak in streams, nap whenever you feel like it….

  17. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Hey Sue! Have you seen (on Pinterest and other sites) clay tealight heating units you can build? They actually do pretty dog gone well at heating a small space with little cost. Below is one that is sort of complicated in design, but there are others… Just a thought.


    Stay Safe!

  18. Guy in Texas says:

    Looks like a beautiful area, and the Reggie Man, is having the time of his life!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Guy in Texas — I think you’re a new blogorino? It’s getting so I can’t keep track of who has appeared here and who hasn’t. Well, anyway…. WELCOME!

      Yes, Reggie loves living here. You’ll see in an upcoming post some of the fun he had meeting other dogs… and then there are the dunes, of course.

  19. Lori S says:

    Missed your lovely writing and glad you’re back. Was WP doing maintenance? I’ve never used them for hosting. And forgive my naïveté but why can’t you light two burners to get warm? I’d really like to know because I really like keeping all the hair on my head and would not like to see it burned off.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lori S.,

      Thanks for calling my writing “lovely.” It’s good to be back with you.

      No, WordPress wasn’t doing maintenance. That page you saw in our absence is a standard, all-purpose page. The blog being down wasn’t the fault of WP or Hostgator. To be honest, I hesitated spending the money for a bigger plan that could better handle all that goes on with my blog.

      Migrating my dot com and dot net blogs to the new plan was time-consuming because it was a shared effort between the Hostgator team and myself. Of course, whenever it was my turn to “do something technical” I screwed up or didn’t understand and then I’d have to notify them via support ticket and wait for a response and so forth…. (No cell phone coverage here.)

      Oh well, it’s done and the blog should be able to continue growing without that happening again.

      I think the main reason people are told not to use their stove for heat is the same for in a regular house — the chance of it being forgotten, of something catching fire from the open flames…

      • gayle beach boomer says:

        Nearby, a trailer resident used burners to heat his 20 ft trailer, and he was in the shower when the paper towel roll caught fire. He dashed naked through the flames and outside into the rain while his trailer burned to the ground in less than 3 minutes.

  20. Ilse Beijen says:

    So glad you are back, missed your pictures and writings.

  21. Dawn in MI says:

    Wow! Pink dunes!!!! We have dunes here in Michigan, but they are not pink! I’ve climbed high dunes, it’s a lot of work! Glad you’re there, now I have another place on my list to visit!

  22. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday Dear Sister
    Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!!
    October 15th….a day that will always be remembered by the older sister.
    Sending lots of love and plenty of big hugs
    Love you bunches

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Pauline.

      Yeah, I bet your 3-year-old self was absolutely THRILLED to have me push my way into your perfect, only-child life! Hahaha!

      Love you loads.

      Okay, blogorinos…. No happy birthday stuff until I show you my birthday cake!

      • Pauline in Mississippi says:

        You know, I don’t remember any comments about your “intrusion” I am sure, being the spoiled first child and first grandchild on Dad’s side, that sharing the spotlight was not what I thought it would be. HOWEVER, I must have outgrown any of those feeling ’cause I sure do love you!!

  23. Renee Galligher - Idaho says:

    Oh yes, Sue. I double checked your last stay here with Bridget and you celebrated your birthday – October 15. Happy Birthday! I was looking to see if anyone remembered, but your sister did!
    We’ve been there and thought it was amazing and the colors! That last photo of Reggie is him beckoning you to follow him for more zooming!

  24. Pam from Wisconsin says:

    Kanab? You must be close to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary! My dream is to volunteer there and live in an RV.

  25. Jeff in AZ says:

    So glad you’re back.

    I was getting concerned.

  26. Tom Moore says:

    So glad you are back.

    Nothing wrong with making face to face friends on the road.

    If they refuse to abide by your limits of engagement its just the maker of all of this telling you to move on.

    The house is on the market next week. When that is gone then I’m off to see this great country full time.

    Told a friend about my plans to do some boon-docking. He ask how I was going to run my air conditioning. I laughed and told him, I will move on until I find a place I don’t need it. Strange how we get locked into how we live in the sticks and bricks and can’t fathom there is another way.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Tom,

      Your last paragraph is thought-provoking! Yes, part of the happy adjustment to full-timing is realizing what doesn’t apply anymore. Dump the old thinking and live a new, more flexible way.

      You’re so right about air conditioning. The method of moving to comfortable air rather than manufacturing comfortable air is a lost concept for many folks. Kind of funny…

  27. Looks awesome there!!! Love seeing Reggie running like a mad man all over the place…we took our little 14 year old chihuahua Chaquita on the beach a few months back, it was her first time ever, and she was running like crazy back and forth, I was laughing so hard I was crying!! All your Reggie running pics makes me think of my own dog!

    So glad you are back, I know I haven’t been commenting much, I’m lucky to just read your posts these days, so busy with work 🙁 But, I was getting worried when you weren’t here for a week!

    Oh, and Happy 1 day early Birthday!!! Blessings to you, as always!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Marla, for the sweet wish.

      I know what you mean about laughing so hard you cry– simply by seeing your beloved pup full of joy and excitement, running full-out, feeling free! I’m glad the sight of the Zoominator brings that back to you. Cuddles to your chi!

  28. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Fantastic photos of the dunes. Reggie sure is having himself a Grand Ole Time. I am really glad your site is backup and running. It was real boredom not having your blog to read for a few days.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m pleased you like the dune pics. Thank you, Barbara. So nice to receive such a warm welcome from you and many others. Reggie and I will try to keep you entertained! 🙂

  29. Rick & Brock the Dog, WA says:

    Hi Sue,
    You are at my favorite campground of all time. I love that area. Brock and I stayed there a whole week when I first adopted him. He had giardia so I was trying to get hism over that before heading back to Washington from our vacation. Don’t let Reggie drink any water in the creeks. Cattle are in the area and the water may very well give him some tummy problems you don’t want to deal with. Safe travels and enjoy the dunes!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rick,

      Good warning about not drinking water in the creeks… Cattle graze (and do their business) on much of the public lands and around campgrounds that we frequent. It is tough sometimes to keep a dog from drinking.

      I’m tickled that you can see your favorite campground on my blog. Enjoy your memories!

      Did Brock come from Best Friends?

      • Rick & Brock the Dog, WA says:

        Hi Sue,

        No, he came from a county shelter in WA. Brock was confined to a 4x8ft concrete cell for eight months by a county animal control shelter in WA due them turning a dog loose that started a fight with him. He got the blame being a Pitbull. Poor guy.

        I had access to him through being a dog walker in the shelter system and advocated for him to be adopted. Each weekend for eight months I went by to take him out hiking and camping. After awhile the county was talking of euthanizing Brock so I came up with a plan to take him to Best Friends and see if they would take him.

        So I booked a room at Best Friends for a week and also figured we’d take a week to camp. Worst case scenario is Brock had a good time before going back to the shelter and what awaited him. As providence would have it the night before I was to leave for Best Friends an apartment came open right across the street from where I lived that would allow me to have Brock. So I went to the shelter that night and adopted him.

        The next day we left for Best Friends in Kanab since I already had a room booked there. Brock smelled like that damn kennel and I wanted him clean since he was my dog now. So I took him down to the Kanab creek to give him a bath not thinking of the cattle issue. He drank some of the water and for the next few days he had the worst case of the runs I’ve ever seen. The vet in Kanab was fantastic and we got some drugs to cure him. But he felt really bad so we just hung around the Ponderosa campground for about 10 days while Brock got better before heading back home.

        He’s been my dog ever since. Has his own 4×4 truck and camper. He’ll soon have his own Escape 17B travel trailer. And we’re looking for 20 acres outside of the city to retire to. He’s a great dog and I’m glad I have him.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I’m glad you have him, too, Rick. What a great story! Well, not the beginning, but how it turned out for both of you.

          You have some wonderful plans… the Escape TT and 20 acres out of the city…. I wish you and Brock the best in living your dreams together. Thanks for a day brightener for me and my readers!

        • Cinandjules (in da zone) says:

          What a great story! Meant to be! Thanks for sharing!
          His “own” TT…..but will he share the bed?

        • Cinandjules (in da zone) says:

          What a great story! Meant to be! Thanks for sharing!
          His “own” TT…..but will he share the bed? Let me guess…he’s in the double and you’re in the single!

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Rick, I am so glad that you and Brock found each other! You both are lucky dogs with an Escape 17B (the TT of my dreams) on the way!! 🙂

    • weather says:

      Oh, Rick,what a touching and wonderful story 🙂 !!! Brock is so very fortunate that you came along, well, really, you both are…happy sighs, here

  30. Carol in MT says:

    Great to hear from you! Glad you and the Reg are doing good.

  31. No, it was not a Century Plant, just a common Yucca plant.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      See what I mean when I said what happens when I stick my neck out and identify something? I end up being wrong! 🙂

      Hi, Charlene!

  32. Linda-NC says:

    Beautiful photos! The sand looks so soft. Yeah socializing is good sometimes, but only when you feel like it. Today – OK, tomorrow-probably not or whatever:)) Reggie just makes me laugh. I swear he would go vertical if he could. He is definitely living like he means it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda,

      Reggie is the most cheerful dog I’ve ever known. People often remark, even when first seeing him, “What a happy dog!” or “He’s so cheerful!”

      Thanks for the compliment on the photos.

  33. kgdan from Wapato, WA says:

    Speaking of the wave . . . we decided to get one and Gil just installed it. Oh my! That is a very nice heater. Since our winter departure has been delayed he has used the extra time to put some shelves in my closet and also in the closet at the far end of the trailer. Also now have a nice adjustable reading lamp by the bed. I’ve now got 6 days to go and then we can go! The weather here is starting to get dicey. Want to get far to the south !

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Chomping at the bit to get going, eh? I don’t blame you. It’s tough to hold back after you’ve planned to hit the road.

      I’m happy your health and Gil’s health allows you to leave home and travel south. You have a comfortable rig and lots of enthusiasm — Now go have a grand time!

      And enjoy the heat from your new heater. 🙂

  34. rhodium, RI says:

    So glad all went well with the blog upgrade. In addition to worrying about you, I worried about the disappearance of the archives. Now, to me, everything is a research project, but I think someone interested in American social history would find the full-time experience worthy of study and reflection. What is more American than movement and freedom and enjoying the grander of our country? Your blog, and the comments, document the life and reactions to it. I think it has historical value. I hope when you finally stop you find a good way to archive your content. Of course, I wanted to add MsTioga to the Smithsonian, too.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, rhodium,

      You bring up something regarding archives that interests me. What does a blogger do with their blog after they “retire” from the blogosphere? I mean, I’m not going to pay for this forever!

      I take your comment as a wonderful compliment, that we — me, my crew members, past and present, and all the blogorinos — are creating a historical document of the full-time RV live, living free in America!

      Nice hearing from you, rhodium.

  35. Deena in Phoenix, AZ says:

    Reggie, I sure wish Mom would get me a longer tether, mine is 25 feet. I am now going to the park daily. I just adore your pictures on the dunes. Mom got me two vests from Amazon…purple and green…but I think she is looking at the black one you are modeling in the century plant snapshot which would be find with me. Glad your Mom’s blog is back so my Mom will start shopping again through your link.

    I’m looking forward to more of your story and pictures. Today’s was perfect story time for me, now it is nap time. Bye

    Miss Mollie

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Dear Miss Mollie,

      That’s not a black vest. That’s camo! For special ops work and for being cool no matter what you’re doing. I got mine at Wal-Mart but you can order one from Amazon (RVSue made me say that.)

      I just took my nap. I hope yours was as good as mine was!

      Your friend,

  36. Virginia620 (Mobile AL) says:

    Happy birthday, Sue. Hope your day was AWESOME!!

    Heading back to read post & comments. We’ve been busy getting rig clean and packed. Leave tomorrow for Hiawassee, fall leaf peeping. Can’t wait!! Well, I guess I can. Haven’t traveled thia year due to hub’s diagnosis last Oct.

    Hugs to you both.

  37. Beth AZ says:

    Hi Sue!
    I’m living vicariously through you. I love your photos and your blog and Reggie, and you too! It’s been a rough summer, lots of stuff happened in my life, or a few things happened that makes it feel like lots of stuff.
    My mom’s stroke was a really bad one, she went home to be with God 12 days after her stroke. Right before all that happened my lower legs were swelling up pretty bad, then while my mom was in the hospital and then hospice, my legs got an infection, the doctors finally decided I had cellulitis. (Good thing I went to the doctor while dealing with my mom’s trip home or I might’ve joined her! You can die from cellulitis! I didn’t know that!) The blogorino’s plus you all encouraged me to take care of myself while dealing with my mom’s situation and I’m glad I listened! A big thank you for the advice!
    It’s been tough losing my mom. We lived together the last ten years, she moved into independent living and I started my full-timing and it was only 2 weeks apart when mom had that stroke, everything happened so fast! So I’m still in the grieving stage of losing her and the doctor says no traveling yet. 😕 The infection is gone, but the swelling comes and goes, it’s always here, just some days are worse than others. So I’m parked near Wickenburg, close enough to the doc who’s running lots of tests, yet out of the big city. So, that’s why I said I’m living vicariously through you. I missed you lots, and Reggie too! He’s such a cutie! I can easily imagine him dune zoooming! The photos are gorgeous and make Reggie’s running so entertaining! Thank you for bringing smiles back through your blog and photos!
    Hopefully whatever is going on with my body gets figured out. Taking care of me needs to come first which I’m finally accepting…I was wanting to take off on my adventure but I’m learning, living, grieving, dealing, and a lot of other “-ings!”
    I didn’t want to comment much while “stuff” was going on because I was in a negative zone. So, know I’m reading and enjoying your awesome posts, even if I don’t comment a whole lot. I commented a whole lot today, though! lol I hope that’s ok.

    Thank you for being you! And Reggieman will always be the Reginator! Zoom, Zoom!

    • Virginia620 (Mobile AL) says:

      Beth AZ, prayers for your health and hugs. May you find peace in your grief. Soon hopefully you will be able to travel.

      • Yes , best of our prayers to you Beth, my Wound Specialist gave me 6 pairs of Compression Socks to control my circulation in my legs,, you can look it up at mediusa.com ,, they make socks for folks who have leg problems like me and you, yep its a disease that we get when we’re born, called getting old,,, I truly hope this information helps you and have a great weekend,,,, Rusty n Piper 😎🐾

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Beth,

      Good to hear from you again. I can understand you not being here, what with all you’ve gone through over the past months. Grieving is hard, painful work. To have health issues at the same time, well, I can’t imagine!

      I’m glad you are committed to taking care of yourself. I wish you healing and good results with all the “-ings” in your life.

      Thank you for the detailed update, Beth. I’m sure your comment will touch many who will relate to the mountains you’ve climbed this year.


    • ApplegirlNY says:

      Take care of yourself, Beth. I will keep you in my prayers. My mom has been with us for almost 15 years, and I’ve see a real change this past year. She’s definitely declining quickly. We just keep going one day at a time, one foot in front of the other.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Take good care of yourself, Beth. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. **hugs**

      • Beth AZ says:

        Virginia 620, Rusty, Sue, Applegirl and Denise,
        Thank you all for the kind words, prayers, hope of future travel, hugs and also advice on compression socks 😊 and the disease of getting old! I bought one pair of good compression socks and wash them out at night (they’re expensive!), but I don’t use them much because they were actually causing some problems and the doctor said to quit using them! “Do this, no, do that!” LOL
        Part of the problem could be age, but the doc is thoroughly checking my heart, kinda like the problems Rusty went/is going through.
        I appreciate the prayers to help me deal with grief. Grief can definitely bring ya down!
        Thank you for your thoughts and prayers and hugs! I appreciate RVSue and the fact she has managed her blog so that it attracts some very special Blogorinos!

    • Awe the golden years, you are not alone Beth. So many of us are waiting to get on the road. Thanks Sue for great pics and happy birthday.

  38. AZ Jim says:

    Sure good to see you guys again. I am glad you finally were able to get back up thus rescuing many of us who sort of depend on our daily ration of RVSue and crew. No more disappearing acts young lady. Hi Reggie, you keep mom in line now hear? Keep on keepin on Missy….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jim,

      Anxiously awaiting the results of the MRI on your ankle. I know you’ll share what you find out. I wish you didn’t have to wait so long… That brace sounds terribly annoying!

      No more disappearing. I promise!

  39. Beautiful New Blog Header, it’s a sunrise or sunset? No matter it’s Beautiful Sue and your Dune pictures are fantastic too,,, are you going to add a young lady to your little family, cause your close to “Best Friends Pet Sanctuary ” , just asking and not pushing,,,, we might get a home this year mabee,,, that way I’ll be close to the VAMC and now I agree with my body that it’s truly time to let this rolling Stone to start collecting Moss,, I’m truly tired and I can still roam by following you on your Blog,, think I will call the place Dunn Rohmin’ ,,,,, have a great plesent weekend and stay safe and give Reggieman a huge hug from us,,,,, Rusty n Piper 😎🐾

  40. ApplegirlNY says:

    Great to see you and Reggie “in the pink!” He is a happy guy. God bless him.
    So, Sue, here’s something I’ve wondered about for quite a while – how do you keep track of everyone? Do you take notes? Do you have an exceptional memory? You amaze me, really.

    Happy Birthday, dear Sue, in case I don’t check in tomorrow.

    We’re heading up to the mountains. The foliage is at it’s peak. So beautiful. We’ll probably close up camp for the winter.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Applegirl,

      Great to see you, too! Thanks for the birthday wish.

      How do I keep track of everyone? Mostly by memory and hints that people give in their comments, like their location or the name of their dog or cat. With some names I have to check. On my admin page I can put a blogorino’s email address or name in a search box and all that person’s comments will come up. That’s a sure way to remember people. I don’t do that often because I try to save data. Now you know why I ask people to put their location by their name!

      ApplegirlNY is one of the easy ones…. Not only because of the name, but because of who you are. 🙂 Have a wonderful time in the mountains!

  41. Norman in San Diego says:

    Hi Sue,

    Glad you are back and all is well.


  42. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    Welcome back, my friend! After a long day at work, I fired up my PC to find your new post! Do you realize how comforting it is to find the familiar layout of your blog, the wonderful prose and beautiful pictures? And let’s not forget the blogorino family…. Ahhhhh…… Thank you!! 🙂

    The changing color of the dunes is so magical and gorgeous! I am glad that you gave zooming a try. I bet Reggie still ran circles around you; he is sure full of energy!

    I wish you a peaceful, warm night…..add extra blankets if necessary! It will drop into the 40’s here overnight. I decided to switch out the bed sheets to snuggly flannel. They are in the dryer now…no chills for me tonight!

    Happy Birthday (a day early I believe), dear Sue!!!! I hope you enjoy your day tomorrow! My birthday is the 17th….the celebrating starts tomorrow with a friend treating me to lunch. Crab cakes on a chopped salad with a light vinaigrette dressing will be devoured!

    Have a nice evening! Once again, it is SO wonderful that you and Reggie are back! Thank you again for taking the time to share your journey with us. Sending you and Reggie love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! xxxooo 🙂

  43. EmilyO in NM says:

    Happy Birthday Miss Sue. One of my favorite places.

  44. Jeff Billingsley says:

    Sue re-read you Oct. 14, 2014 post and I see today Oct. 14th is your birthday. Happy birthday from Jeff, Ruth, and Dubbie, in Farmington, NM. It’s good to have you and the handsome crew back. Jeff

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you very much, Jeff, Ruth, and Dubbie! Actually my birthday is the 15th. I think that post you read started with the 14th. Good to hear from you again and now that I’ve driven through Farmington I have some idea where you are. 🙂

  45. weather says:

    What a great and cute demonstration of jump right in your photos of Reggie make. Now we can add giving good advice to the list of ways he enhances your life, and all those extra walks can only be improving your health. It often seems that we’d do well to learn from and imitate a lot of what our little critter friends show us…I’ll leave it at that for now or I’ll be typing all night, Ha!

    You have probably been grateful countless times to have that extension cord enable you to position the PTV wherever suits you best. It’s amazing how much nicer life is when we can create a sense of privacy though others aren’t far from our homes, isn’t it?

    Thank you for showing so well how lighting changes everything. People (unaware of that) have asked me why I watch for every sunrise. They think it’s seeing something many times, when in reality no two are ever alike. Neither are the land, water or plants if one really sees everything within a scene. I think you know exactly what I mean by that. Which may be a large part of why full-timing has made you as happy as it has.

    Will you move a bit further south after the weekend or haven’t you decided yet? While you always manage to keep Reggie and yourself comfortable, I suppose autumn’s cooling trend has been part of what you consider as you make your plans. The fall colors here in Central New York State are incomparably beautiful already, and aren’t even at their peak yet. The chillier temps have us all pulling out heavier sweaters and blankets already.Sleep warmly with your sweet boy when you do.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      As always, I enjoyed your comment and find it stirring my thoughts…..

      Every sunrise and sunset is different and our world changes throughout each rotation because of light. This reminds us that if we really want to see, to understand, to experience fully, we need to turn toward the Light. Nature has a way — including her creatures — of teaching us.

      Reggie begins each day by wiggling to reach my neck so he can plant many kisses that tickle me awake. He squirms with delight with the realization of where he is and who he is with. He’s cheerful from the moment he wakes until he falls asleep at night. A simple lesson that I hope to learn!

      Our 14 days are up on Sunday. We will move further west, keeping to low elevation for warmth. We could move to camps near Bryce Canyon but we won’t because the elevation is too high. It was freezing at Bryce recently.

      Reggie and I stay warm, cuddled together, although I do miss the BTUs (Bridget Thermal Units).

      New York in the fall — glorious! I know you appreciate your world no matter what the season or the weather. It’s nice though, I’m sure you’ll agree, to have a big hurrah before the limbs go bare in November. Enjoy the display. It’s created for you.

      And with that I say, “N’nite” to you and your feathered and furry friends!

    • weather says:

      Hi, Sue. I hope you enjoyed yesterday, and today’s first hours. Among the lessons being aware of nature has taught us- respecting the storms and other forces around us comes to mind this morning.With the wind advisory for the area you’re in if you do move today “the earlier, the better” seems to apply.

      The site I looked at to find out about wind speeds there all day said this morning’s 6-8mph would be 19mph or higher by 2pm and then essentially stay at least that high for several hours thereafter. Whether you decide to drive to a new place or wait another day or so, may you be blessed with only favorable and fair conditions surrounding you and your cheerful little boy.

      Though the forecast here called for rain to arrive late this afternoon , in real life well before sunrise the quiet sound of it falling on the trees and my home awakened me. I so love the gifts we’re sent, especially the delightfully surprising ones…

      Among those is how calm and sweet my once feral golden-eyed kitty has become. She has such a positive way of greeting me and all else that I named her Polly(anna implied yet not spoken). She comes and responds to that name in a way that she didn’t to any other term I used to use with her. She and my other kitty are for now being kept in separated spaces so that within a week they’ll (I pray, and so trust)be familiar enough to be friends that cohabitate as peacefully as troupe members tend to in my home.

      Well, now I’m off to enjoy the displays created for me/us 🙂 , until we get our next chance to visit on here I hope you do , too!

  46. denimlady in DSM says:

    Love these pics & what a great work-out partner! ;o) This is another post (one of many!) that I bookmark for future reference, when I can take my own “canine crew” off to explore. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences & helping us see the possibilities! Not to mention the wonderful photos!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, denimlady,

      Thank you! I’m pleased you find my post worth bookmarking.

      Reggie isn’t my workout partner as much as he’s my personal trainer!

  47. Stephanie from Albany OR says:

    Hi Sue – I must have gotten somewhat attached as I missed your posts, fellow blogorino’s comments and your dazzling photos. Shoot. I just wanted to be a lurker and learner. So much for that! Welcome back. And Happy Birthday tomorrow.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Stephanie. I’m feeling very appreciated after disappearing for a week and returning to all these comments about being missed. 🙂

    • AZ Jim says:

      Steph, you cannot be just a lurker…You miss too much that way and we want to know what you’re up to so keep us up to date…You are a fellow Blogorino..BTW I used to have a very dear friend in Albany.

    • Cynthia from San Clemente says:

      Haha, I bet a lot of us started out with Sue by just lurking. Somehow, she lures us into blogorino land. Sneaky, she is.

  48. Sharon in MO says:

    What beautiful photos of the dunes and of Reggie zooming! Glad you are enjoying your stay there.

  49. DesertGinger says:

    Happy dance, happy dance! Missed you like crazy. I was getting paranoid. Maybe she moved and didn’t tell me her new address. So happy you are back!

  50. DianeJ in Atlanta says:

    Hey Sue,

    Happy Birthday! I actually just had one myself on the 11th. Glad to see you are both having FUN! The dunes and all their glorious color look amazing. I’ve been to the Grand Canyon but not up to were you are and most certainly need to add it to my MUST see locations list.

    Take care 😉

  51. gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

    I was thinking of contacting Technomadia to check on you just as you turned up again. What exactly is a “503 not available maintenance” mean, any-hoo? What do you have to do to fix it? Do things just suddenly black out on your end of the blog?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I saw the same message that you did and I was shut out of the blog just as you were. 🙁 To fix it, I had to go to my webhost’s site and beg for help… and then, well, it’s a long, dull story….

      • gayle beach boomer says:

        And here I thought you were “inside” looking “out” at us. Now I realize how bad it was — you were “outside” like us looking in at your own blog — maybe thinking “how much is that doggie in the window, the one with the waggety tail.” Am relieved, must laugh now.

  52. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy Birthday dear Sue-ooooo, happy birthday to you!! Enjoy your special day!!

    Sending you and Reggie love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! xxxooo 🎂 🎉

  53. Linda in western Ky. says:

    Happy Birthday Sue!

  54. Gloria in Prescott, Az. says:

    Happy 68th Sue

  55. Geri says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie! Good to see y’all ZOOMING around again! Sorry it was such a hassle getting the internet hassles fixed, but it sure is good to see you both again!
    Chuck and I have camped there at the pink sand dunes also and loved it! Good that Reggie is now your fitness partner! Couldn’t find a better place to huff and puff than climbing the dunes! haha! Have a great weekend! Please give belly rubs to Reggie! Radar and DoogieBowser are wagging tails to Reggie too! Waiting now for the next bend in the road! We love ya, Geri and Chuck

  56. Geri says:

    OH NO! BIRTHDAY TIME AGAIN? Have a GREAT time and TREAT yourself to some goodies today!

  57. charles brooks says:

    happy birthday, Sue….and many more……
    I gotcha by about 5 years is the reason Im slowing down but
    you keep it up!
    its good to see you talking to other folks too! I find it helps the
    healing process….
    thanks for the report today….it helps me get thru the week…

  58. Alice says:

    just read the previous years post so it’s your birthday !! Happy Happy Birthday !!
    have a wonderful day.

  59. Diane says:

    Hi…I’ve never written you before but just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your posts. I truly missed you when you had your recent break…don’t do that again!

  60. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    Sue: I loved your comment about turning t’ward the Light and the beauty and uniqueness of every new sunrise. Each new day gives us the opportunity to sing the praises of Him who called us out of the darkness and into the light ( I paraphrased a little there). May your birthday and your year be filled with the light of love, health, warm puppy snuggles, and fond memories of BTUs.

  61. Kathy (NC) says:

    Happy Birthday Sue – wishing you many more beautiful sunrises and sunsets. Enjoy your special day, I’m sure Reggie will help!!

  62. rvsueandcrew says:


    Yes, today is my birthday and I’m going to make it special somehow. I already have a head start on that goal by reading all the wishes here for a happy day. Thank you!

    I apologize for the group thank you to those of you who wrote toward the end of this comment page. I appreciate every one of you. Blogorinos are the greatest!

    Bye for now,

  63. Cinandjules (in da zone) says:

    Enjoy your day!

  64. DesertGinger says:

    Happy birthday Sue! You have caught up to me again; I turned 67 in August. Imagine that! We are 67. That seems much too old; I’m about 38 in my head.

    I’m really enjoying the autumn weather. It gets pretty cool at night and most days are in the 80s. Really perfect weather. I finished my cardiac rehab so this weather is helping me want to get out and walk. Thank goodness. I need exercise but just can’t do it when it is so hot.

    Welll I hope you have a fabulous day with some birthday cake. I guess you need to go to town for cake and Tillamook ice cream! Anyway, have a lovely day.

  65. BadgerRickInWis says:

    Hope it’s the best day EVER!!!!

    And than tomorrow is even better.

  66. mark parry says:

    Hi Sue

    Kathryn and I just made it to our home in Santa Rosa Ca. It was a joy and a pleasure to have those deep and engaging conversations . Humbled and glad to be part of your “major socializing” we enjoyed meeting you so very much. And look forward to keeping up with you through your blog.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kathryn and Mark,

      Welcome! I’m very happy to see you here! I, too, enjoyed meeting you and sharing thoughts and stories at your campsite. I will remember those conversations for a long time.

      Thank you for your kind note. Do keep in touch!

  67. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Happy Birthday Sue and many more…I hope today will be a good one for you!! We are sitting here awaiting the big storm that may take out electricity for awhile…this afternoon supposed to hit. Our daughter is over on the island for what was to be an outdoor wedding today…hah…I doubt it!! Oh well, they do have a small inside place to go so at least that!! Glad to hear things are going better for you…and the computer blog whatever issues are better!!

  68. Deena in Phoenix, AZ says:

    Happy Birthday Sue!

  69. Ann in Washington says:

    Hi Sue,

    You asked me to let you know when I shopped through the link I bookmarked from your site, to see if it worked. I was on the fence about this purchase, but hey–what a good cause!

    Today (October 15) I bought LEGO Classic Creative Bricks 10692.



  70. Rachel Smith says:

    Dunes remind me of the ocean! Ever camped on the Pacific ocean? I’ve been hankering to see the ocean again. It has been a long time. That Reggie! Lol. He and Macha could go zooming together!

  71. Donna n Girls says:

    Happy Birthday, Sue.

    You and Reggie have a great day.

  72. Happy Birthday! Your BD nearly snuck past me, but I caught up with the rest of the world, finally. I hope the day was 100% what you wanted it to be.

  73. Barbara in Phoenix, Az says:

    Hello Sue and Reggie, It’s so good to have you back. . .you were really missed! Hope you both have a fun time today as you celebrate your birthday.

  74. Judy Johnson says:

    Happy, Happy Birthday, Sue! We share the same birthday, except I have a few years on you. Isn’t it amazing how we still feel so young “inside”?! I think this is such a blessing. We’re recovering from our travels of 15 states/5200 miles. When we’re at “new to us” places, just can’t seem to stop ourselves from going around the next bend. May your new year ahead be filled with much joy as you adventure on. Reggie is a gift everyday…his pure love for life shines through; just seeing his picture always makes me smile and feel happiness. So glad to have you and all the blogorinos back again. Makes my day every time I see a new post!

  75. Pat in Bulverde, Tx says:

    Happy birthday, Sue 🙂 You share this birth date with Nick Russell who writes the Gypsy Journal. And it is also my brother’s birthday. Thanks for your post 🙂

  76. Joan Latrell Roberts says:

    Sue, so glad you are back! I missed reading your blog.

  77. A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

    Happy Birthday!

    And many, many more.

    Wishes??? Words of wisdom???

  78. Jan NH says:

    Hope you are having a wonderful Birthday, Sue!

    Absolutely love your description of Reggie waking up, greeting you and the day with so much love and happiness.

  79. Beautiful pictures! So glad to hear you’re back and in great spirits. Some commenter from Becky’s blog at interstellar orchard let me know you guys were okay :-). So glad to hear it from you and Reginator though! Enjoy your beautiful surroundings and friends to boot.

  80. Marcia GB in MA says:

    Fantastic dunes! Reggie sure looks happy zooming around them.

  81. rvsueandcrew says:


    I hope you’ve enjoyed all these comments as much as I have!

    Reggie and I were going to leave Ponderosa Grove this morning. For a couple of reasons I decided we will stay one more day. One reason is the wind. We will definitely leave tomorrow.

    A post is almost ready.

    Thanks again for the birthday wishes!

    Talk to you later,

  82. Terri From Texas says:

    Hi RvSue
    We just returned from the Ozarks camping completely unplugged so I did not miss you like the others did! (although I did miss your blog!) Hope you had a great birthday! Looking forward to your next destination!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Terri,

      I hope you had a wonderful time in the Ozarks. I’ll write about a new destination soon. We move camp tomorrow (Monday).

  83. Linda Crowley says:

    Hi, not sure you get these, but sorry to hear about Miss Bridgett….to sad for words. Take care.Linda,rusty,lizzy

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