Echo Bay, Rogers Spring, projects, picnics, and a super moon!

What’s going on with us these days . . . .

Reggie and I motor south from our camp at Poverty Flats, south of Overton, Nevada.

Northshore Road (Route 168) takes us to Echo Bay on Lake Mead.


We’re not here to accomplish anything.

We’re out to enjoy a cool morning in a new place!


Sadly, the glam on Echo Bay “resort” has faded. 

The windows of a blue motel are covered with plywood, as if the low-water bay is too unpleasant to view.  A “No trespassing” sign hangs glumly on the door.

A humongous, long, boat ramp, several lanes wide, reaches downward to dirt and weeds.  A new road has been scraped out of the desert to provide lake access for boaters.

The RV park has RVs in it.  So does Upper Campground, although not many.  Lower Campground is almost empty.   Very few people are out and about.

Reggie and I walk along a huge, empty parking lot, an asphalt sea with islands of palms and oleander bushes.


A rescue group approaches, each person in charge of a Siberian Husky.

They quickly pass us by.  Apparently they’re more interested in leash training at the moment, rather than socializing their dogs with a little chihuahua-Jack Russell on a long tether, wearing a green jacket, and hopping around with no sign of discipline whatsoever.

“C’mon, Reg.  Let’s find another place to explore.”

On the return to camp we stop at Rogers Spring.


The water is pleasantly warm.

The main pool has a muddy bottom and traces of algae cling to the grass at the edge.  Two women toss pieces of bread into the pool for the large number of small fish.  I don’t know much about aquaculture but I suspect feeding bread to the fish doesn’t help the natural equilibrium of the pool.


Rogers Spring, as we find it today, is not a hot springs pool I’d soak in.


Returning to the Perfect Tow Vehicle, Reggie finds coyote scat along the sidewalk.

The pool probably draws plenty of wildlife at night.  I’m glad for them.

Campsite activity these days . . . .

I have the side table on top of my “wash station” table.  Once a day for three days I apply a coat of stain/sealer and today wraps up that project.

I pull everything out of the PTV, placing it on the ground. 

Boy, the PTV sure does hold a lot of stuff!

I would love to take a water hose, one with good pressure, and blast the heck out of the rubber-mat flooring.  Give every nook and cranny a really good cleaning.  Instead I’ll have to tackle the floor with bucket and scrub brush, something I can’t procrastinate about.

I like a neat camp.  Having most of my belongings lying in sight is intolerable!

The refrigerator panel is acting wonky. 

Usually only two lights are lit on the electronic panel on the door — the “gas” light and the temperature-setting light.  Sometime during the night a third light comes on, the “auto” light.  The refrigerator seems to be cooling still.

Dear God, no fridge problems please. Thank you.  Amen.  

Almost every day, around dusk, Reg and I roll into Overton.

Either we pick up our supper at McDonald’s or something tasty from the deli at Linn’s Grocery.  Then we head over to Overton Park for a picnic.

“Well, Reg, I don’t see Francesca running around, looking to get herself knocked up . . . .   Okay, okay, you’ll get your burger . . . . Hang on while I set up our picnic . . . . Here ya’ go, sweetheart . . . .”

When we’re done, I gather up our papers from the picnic table and drop it all in a trash bin.  Just then a couple comes up the street, walking a West Highland Terrier.

Of course, I don’t hesitate to jump on that opportunity, on behalf of the Reggie Man.

“May my dog meet your dog?”

Reggie does his best to initiate a play session by zooming in circles.


Boomer is friendly, sweet, and unimpressed.  He’s not playful, maybe because of age.  That’s okay.


Reggie is in constant motion, for which I’m grateful.  Get rid of his excess energy before bedtime.

On the return to Poverty Flats the super moon rises!

It’s huge!  I pull over the PTV and grab a quick pic out the window — There’s no time to find a picturesque foreground!

p1150056In the photo above, the tan is Mormon Mesa (See trees at bottom, far right, for reference for size.)

I hurry us to the top of “our” mesa in a race with the fading light and rising moon.

From the PTV, I capture our super home under a super moon.



Follow any of the links or ads you see on my blog and your Amazon purchases will send a commission which defrays the cost of presenting “RVSue and her canine crew.”  Here are a few of the items recently ordered from Amazon by readers:

Merrell Women’s Slip-On Shoe
Waterproof Roof Top Cargo Bag
Cuisinart 14-Cup Food Processor
Indoor/Outdoor Waterhog Floor Mat, Orange
Wild Alaska Pink Salmon, Boneless & Skinless
iPhone Leather Cover with Flip Case Design in Rose

p1150061“Are you wanting to go to bed, little guy?”


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135 Responses to Echo Bay, Rogers Spring, projects, picnics, and a super moon!

  1. Kat and Cookie Dog in NYState says:


  2. Rochelle in IN says:

    2nd? Maybe?

  3. Barbara (Nashville) says:


  4. Dave Stewart (in missouri for now) says:

    Cant Believe it #2 ready for the picking.

  5. Pat in Rochester says:

    I was thinking “why doesn’t Sue roll into a town with a do it yourself carwash and blast the mat that way.” Then I got to the part about your stuff lying all over out in the open. Oh. Right.

  6. Lori says:

    Looks like I may make the top 5. I’m a little slow these days. Busy filling my head with van conversion ideas. “Ideas” may be too strong a word for the confusion that fills my head. So much to think about!

    Those are some awesome moon pictures!! Sadly, I didn’t get to see it from my vantage point.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lori,

      Feel free to toss out any questions or ideas you have regarding van conversions.

      • Lori says:

        Thanks, Sue. I might just do that. Just trying to wrap my head around solar is giving me a migraine! I don’t like paying someone to do something I can do myself but sometimes I have to admit when I’m in over my head.

  7. Hi Sue and Reggie man! The moon sure was pretty last night! I’m glad you enjoyed it as well. That Reggie sure is a social butterfly. My two Chihuahuas aren’t very social at all, except with each other and our kitty cat. I hope you have a grand day!

    Chaunte, Shea, and our canine/feline crew

  8. Sandy Riley Lancaster, PA says:

    What a fantastic picture of the moon over the mesa. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Judy Johnson says:

    Thanks for the beautiful, clear skies pictures. Our days and nights have been smoke-filled for over a week. The wildfires in western Carolinas/northern Georgia are horrible. Please pray for the firefighters, people and animals in their paths. Grateful that we only have smoke issues here in Greenville, S.C., a new experience for our area!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Judy,

      I had no idea there were wildfires in northern GA and western Carolinas. I’ll look it up on the national fire map…

    • Lori says:

      Hi Judy. I heard about those wildfires. I hope that tragedies don’t occur. Thoughts to all in the affected areas.

      • Sadly I am aware of at least one death in NC, a young woman, friend of my friends daughter, died in an auto accident when smoke descended around her and she crashed her car. Praying for all in path of this horrible destruction.

        • Linda-NC says:

          Living in Western NC. There has been smoke hanging in the air for week now. Not pleasant! With constant breezes and extremely and uncharacteristic dry weather the fires are poorly contained. Fireman are working as best they can for conditions. Dry leaves all around and rainfall being very little-we are in a drought now it is a hard battle. Dry leaves and trees all around my house. No large fires very near to me but close enough to make one very careful.

    • Geri says:

      Believe it or not Judy and Sue, we are getting that smoke down here in the Florida Panhandle! Not heavy, just a light haze. It didn’t diminish the gorgeous and HUGE super moon though!

  10. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    Yay!!!! I’m in the top 100!!

  11. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    So … I agree that the last photo of the super home, super moon and super Reg was just … super!!! Usually your pics of Reggie are fairly close up and he looks like he’s a pretty good size. But in that last photo, he looks so small and forlorn with that big vista behind him. Made me want to just bundle him up and snuggle him. We went out to see the moon last night when we took the pups for their last walk, but I was a little disappointed. It looked a bit larger and brighter than usual, but nothing like I was expecting. Maybe it’s because we live in suburbia and there’s a fair amount of ambient light??? Hope you have wonderful plans for Thanksgiving next week. I would expect there will be more campers out there.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cynthia,

      You’re right about Reggie’s size being misleading often times in photos, especially since he’s very muscular which we tend to associate with big. When I carry him, curled up in my arms, hardly weighing anything at all, I realize how little and vulnerable he is.

      The super moon looks biggest and best a few moments after it appears above the horizon. If your horizon isn’t low like here in the desert, I imagine you’d miss that part.

      I don’t know if there will be more campers at Thanksgiving or not. One of the regulars told me there are half as many here as there were at this time last year. He attributes that to the money exchange for Canadians to the dollar.

  12. weather says:

    Gosh, I’d hoped you’d take a picture of the super moon, thinking any photo of it would be nice to see on here. The three you have are much more wonderful than I expected, thanks ! Having scenes like that around your super home hopefully makes up for the disappointing ones at Echo Bay and Rogers Spring. Reggie would be a distracting influence on huskies out for leash training. Your description of why they passed you by made me laugh.

    The mention of rescues brings up a question I’ve been wanting to ask you. When you fostered dogs was it common for you to have one you’d describe as shy? Several mixed breed young dogs have been called that in their bios that I’ve looked at recently. As I have rarely met a shy dog, I wondered if perhaps it was their being in transitional short term homes or the foster parents too high expectations for confused animals that made people write those remarks.

    Taking yourselves out to eat on a semi-regular basis sounds like fun 🙂 It must always be a treat for Reggie plus a nice break for you, too. As you aren’t paying camping fees it won’t hurt your budget, either, nice!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      Thank you regarding the super moon photos. I’m happy you like them. I wasn’t terribly disappointed in Echo Bay and Rogers Spring since I’m blessed in many other ways and places. An atmosphere of “past glory” or “past prosperity” makes me sad. I hope our economy flourishes and the shuttered businesses open up again.

      Your question about whether I ever fostered dogs described as shy: I really don’t remember any like that. The only shy dog was Janie, the one I adopted from a rescue. She was horribly skinny and shy until she saw me checking Spike and Bridget for ticks every day (a Georgia ritual). She wanted that attention, too. Soon she was comfortable being touched, no longer shy, and her sweet personality surfaced. I don’t think shyness was part of her nature. I think it was learned from poor treatment by a previous owner.

      As for the descriptions written about dogs in shelters or rescues…. It would be normal to be “shy” in a strange situation with a crowd of dogs. People feel that way when in a strange situation with a crowd of people!

      I do remember while being a foster for dogs and being around the people in the rescue organization that sponsored me that I often shook my head at the reasons people give for turning in a dog. I received some phone calls after placing a dog in a home… complaints. “He peed on my rug” or “She cries at night” or whatever and I’d have to talk them through the adjustment period or they’d be running to drop the dog off somewhere.

      Yes, it is nice not having to pay camping fees. 🙂

      • weather says:

        Thank you for your thoughtful reply, Sue. I enjoyed the gratitude, empathy and hope expressed in your first paragraph. Your response to my question shows that essentially given patience, understanding and time newly rescued or adopted dog’s problems, including being shy, can be overcome . My “gut instinct” would be not to rely on information about personality from others, to instead meet each animal and make my own assessment. What you’ve said confirms that. I’m grateful to have your experienced take on the topic.

      • Renee Galligher - Idaho says:

        Thank you for your comments about shelter dogs, Sue. All of our dogs have been shelter dogs and none of them came perfect. A few were tough to adjust to, but we did, and as a result they did too. They blossomed. The only one we had that wasn’t a shelter dog was our little Maltese, Missy. She was a runaway and we found her. After a week of advertising, her owner came forward. After we asked if she could pay for her medical care that we had to do as a result, she said no, but would turn her over to us since they had others. After we took her to our vet to get her really checked over and spayed, our vet said we did her a favor. She knew her owner and she had a little puppy factory business and didn’t vaccinate her dogs. Well, poor Missy, we never could get her potty trained fully. She was probably used to doing it in the house with all the other dogs she previously lived with. If we were home, she used the pet door religiously, but when we weren’t home, she didn’t. We had lots of cleaning supplies on hand. In spite of that, we loved her dearly. She was one of those that needed one of those shelter descriptions of “needs to be with a fulltime, at home person as does not do well when alone”. I’m not ready for another dog, but I still peruse the local shelter websites.

  13. Judy in East Texas says:

    Hi Sue and the Reggie… all the photos even though the adventure wasn’t what you wanted. I know I say this every time but that little boy is just the cutest darn thing.

    Stay safe out there and rock on Judy

  14. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Nope but that’s okay. I even read the post. Don’t you just hate it for him when Reggie wants to play and gets no interest from the other dog? Poor little guy!
    Angel is at the groomer right now, getting all prettied up. She’ll get her little flower on her harness, even though she did not want to go there today, for some reason.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barbara,

      Does Angel act like she knows she’s pretty after going to the groomer? I had a dog like that once. So funny!

      Oh, I usually don’t feel sorry for Reg when the other dog doesn’t want to play. Only if he seems sad about it and that has happened very rarely. As long as I provide interesting days for him, he’s happy. 🙂

  15. Renee Galligher - Idaho says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie. I really like that last photo of Reggie looking at you intently. I don’t think you have many of him sitting still. Plus, I love all the blue in that photo and the contrasting colors of neutral. Ah, Francesca, yes, I thought the same of her if she is not spayed. Poor thing.

  16. Kristi & Daisie (Nampa, ID) says:

    We had too much cloud cover in our area, so we couldn’t see the super moon. I’ve had to live vicariously through other people’s photos. 🙂 The shot with Mormon Mesa is really quite nice. That is one flat piece of hill top!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kristi & Daisie,

      As an easterner all my life, these flat-topped mesas do seem weird. That may have factored into why I drove past Poverty Flats in the past, as well as other potential boondocks on mesas. Now I’m ready to be Mesa Woman!

      I’m sorry you missed the super moon….

  17. A fishy request! I ordered some of that great canned salmon a while back which I see someone ordered. I need new ideas besides putting it on a salad. Thanks in advance.

    • Michelle from Salt Lake,UT says:

      We take the canned salmon. Add a egg, one slice of bread broken up and a little milk mix it up make patties and fry it up. Goods as a fish sandwich or put cream of chicken over it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Blogorinos: How do you cook with canned salmon?

      • Pamelab in Houston says:

        Hi, Sue and crew – I usually have rice, mayo, onion, with my canned salmon. It can all be cold or warm – I just really enjoy that combo. It’s one thing my mother made. She would also make salmon croquettes – salmon, cracker meal, egg and shape into little cone shapes. Pan fry on all sides and serve with a white sauce or gravy. Yum.

      • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

        I just slice a whole tomato, lay it out on a plate n pepper it. (The pepper is important) sometimes I mix it mayo onion celery but I usually don’t want to take the time I just drain it n put it over the tomatoes. =fast food 😃

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Velda,

      Like Michelle, I make patties out of canned salmon. I add finely diced onion, green and red peppers to the mix. Very tasty! The cooked leftovers freeze well, too. 🙂

    • Judy Johnson says:

      Hi, Velda. I just do the usual things with canned salmon. I googled “canned salmon recipes” and came up with a lot. Hope you find some delicious ideas!

  18. Diane J says:

    Yes, the wildfires are very bad……….there has been a smoky haze across Atlanta for the past week.

    Love the photos……especially when Reggie is a blur zigzaging around other dogs…..and the Super moon shots are gorgeous!

  19. Geri says:

    Sue, beautiful photos as usual! Loved the last one of Reggie all weary and ready for bed, standing patiently (for him!) waiting for his mom to finish taking photos of that bright light in the sky! Sorry Echo Bay was such a bust. Drought has affected a lot of folks there. Actually we are in a drought status here in the SE, you would have thought after the hurricane dropped all that rain and there was so much flooding…. just not enough rain in all areas so now there are all these wildfires!
    We got adopted! We went to the Humane Society and adopted a 7 year old Chi-Pug named Tater! He is ugly/cute/hilarious/ a real character and we love him! DoogieBowser he is not, but he acts like he has always lived here with us! I am glad he adopted us!
    I loved all your Super Moon photos! It was amazing wasn’t it?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      CONGRATULATIONS! I love the name Tater! What does Radar think of him?

      • Geri says:

        Actually, we first met Tater last Thursday and decided to come back Friday with Radar and see his reaction. Well, they started to play! Haha! So Tater got in the car and came home with us and he acts like he has always lived with us! Rescued dogs are definitely the best BEST breed! Thanks for sharing the email!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Everybody — Here’s the cute introduction to Tater I received from Geri in an email. 🙂

      “Well, we got adopted! Hahaha! A funny 7 year old Chi-Pug mix! What a character! . . . . He has 2 bottom teeth that stick up and makes him look hilarious!

      We went just to talk to Karen, the lady and friend who is in charge of our local no kill facility to let her know what we wanted! We wanted a cute older dog with good manners. Hahahaha!

      She says, “oh, y’all have to meet Tater!

      When we got to his cage, here sat a fat ugly dog with 2 bottom teeth sticking straight up! But damn, he had the sweetest eyes that smiled and a grin, yes he grins too!, that we knew he was coming home. Then that’s when we realized why he had been returned 3 times.

      Tater farts! Not just your run of the mill sorta smelly farts… nah… not Tater! The damn walls turned green from the green fog that descended from the ceiling to cover everything on it’s way down! Now, don’t expect me to explain how the green fog rose to the ceiling … because I don’t know! It didn’t smell on the way up I guess, but on the way down… WICKED! lol! We both cracked up!

      I think he needs a change of dog food! Hope that helps! But we are gonna keep him because we know nobody will adopt the fat, ugly, funny, farting dog but us! hahahahaahahahahahaha!” — Geri

      • Dawn in NC says:

        Ha! I love it Geri, and I love you for taking a cute/ugly/ farting/ grinning dog and giving him a forever home!!!! I think that the best pets are the adopted kind! I also love the name Tater!

      • Diann in MT says:

        You are the greatest, Geri! How kind! How merciful! I’ll bet there is a vet out there who knows just what to do for Tater’s problem. Love all Rescued Dogs! My little cattle dog-Sharpei mix (if you can imagine) is a faithful really beautiful girl who will guard me to her death if need be. I live alone most of the time, and she is a comfort. I have to take some precautions to make sure she doesn’t scare anyone, but it’s all worth it. She had been returned twice before she became mine.

        • Geri says:

          Thank you Diann! Actually, we may have already solved the smelly problem. He has now had 4 meals with us, I have been adding a big dollop of canned pure pumpkin to his food! NOT pumpkin pie pumpkin, but pure pumpkin! It is very good for dogs, if a dog has runny poop or constipation OR gas…. pumpkin is great to solve all of these situations!

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Thank you for sharing, Sue! 🙂

      • MB from VA says:

        I am literally LOLing! Thanks! And congrats on the new addition to the family!

      • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

        😂😂good for you!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Congratulations, Geri!! Tater sounds like a sweetheart! Poor thing with the bad gas! I hope a change in food helps! 🙂

      • Geri says:

        Thank you Denise! We have not had a bad odor for 2 days now! YAY for pumpkin! Chuck jokes that now the farts smell loke pumpkin pie! hahaha!

        • Mick'nTN says:

          My condolences on your loss of DoogieBowser. I hope he and Spike are having a great time together.
          You must post a picture of Tater. 🙂

          • Geri says:

            Thank you Mick! DoogieBowser was well love and he is sorely missed. Tater is trying real hard to fill the empty space in our hearts and succeeding!

  20. AZ Jim says:

    Riding along Missy. Nice post. Hi Reggie, you take care of Missy Sue, ya hear?

  21. Retiredcajunlady 'N Louisiana says:

    Wow…gorgeous Super Moon photos, Sue. Hope you and Reggie are well. Did you find a laundromat? Belly rubs and hugs for Reggie and prayers for you both..and your fridge.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hmm… Maybe if I give the fridge some “belly rubs and hugs”…..

      No, I didn’t find a laundromat but I found an alternative. 🙂

  22. Cinandjules (da zone) says:

    A parade of Siberian huskys!
    The fridge…..yikes! Running low on propane? Are you parked somewhat level? Hope it figures itself out.
    The last photo is absolutely adorable! Reg man’s expression is priceless!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Well, the fridge is level and I just hooked up a full bottle of propane. I cleaned out the area around the ignition and it lights okay. It’s like the panel is malfunctioning. Sometimes it turns off the gas and then it’s a challenge to have the on-off button stay put….

      I can limp along with it until we’re someplace with the right kind of service for it.

  23. denimlady in DSM says:

    That last photo is ADORABLE!!!! He is such a cutie; reminds me of my little guys. Give him a big hug from me for brightening my day (almost as much as my guys do!) Thanks for posting for all of us working towards that dream. You give us hope!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, denimlady. It’s a pleasure to know my blog helps keep hope and dreams alive.

      Aww… Reggie is adorable, isn’t he. My sweet little boy…

  24. Sunny says:

    Those are beautiful super-moon pictures and the background is just fine! I intended to get a picture last night of the super moon through the huge tree limbs at the campground I am currently in, but after giving my pups their last out, I forgot all about it, so I enjoy seeing yours and others.

    It makes me sad to see rv park places that once were full of life, and now but a shell of what they once were. The one at Overton looks like it has enough going for it that it could be put into use again.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Sunny, for the compliment on my super moon pictures. I’m sorry you missed the chance to photograph the moon from your campground.

      Seeing the boarded up motel at Echo Bay made me wonder how the growing popularity of RVing has affected that industry, in addition to economic factors.

  25. Linda-NC says:

    Big fat moon in the sky! Didn’t get to see it all that well in the smoke haze. Loved your pics though. Zoom on Reggie and explore on RV Sue! Enjoying it all. Thanks!

  26. Pamelab in Houston says:

    Hi, Sue and crew – Love the photo of Reggie just staring at you. Reminds me of my cat, Duke (the kids named him), who would come and stand in front of me, turn his back to me and face the stairs – “Time for bed, you little night owl.”
    Thanks, Sue, for your wonderful blog. I always enjoy reading.
    Pamelab in Missouri City, TX for a while

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Pamelab. I’m happy you enjoy my blog.

      Smart cat! Duke knows to point his nose toward what he wants. I wish Reggie would do that.

  27. Lisa in San Diego says:

    I’d like to give a shout-out to edlfrey — thank you for recommending Greek Gods yogurt awhile back. I recently tried their Honey Vanilla and Honey Strawberry flavors. Very good! Now I have an excellent alternate to my strawberry Chobani.

  28. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Hope the wonky fridge just needs something simple done… know house fridges have to have the coils and the area the heat comes out cleaned once in awhile…I always forget about those things…but be safe…and hope all works out for that issue!! Love the photos of Reggie of course!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Elizabeth,

      I did do some cleaning of the fridge, probably not thorough enough though. At least this issue arose at the right time of year. Winter is my time to take care of stuff, like cleaning out the PTV . . . . I hope you and hubby are having a great day!

  29. Adrienne in Carlsbad, CA says:

    I love the moon shot over Morman Mesa! It’s very artsy and abstract, I think it is a prize winner.
    Ps, I too am in the planning stages of a van conversion…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Adrienne. I’m very pleased with your kind words about the “Moon over the Mesa” photo.

      P.S. Feel free to share your thoughts/plans on van conversion as you go along. 🙂

  30. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Good morning, Sue,

    Thank you for sharing your gorgeous photos of the super moon! The first night I missed its full glory, as I was tied up doing something other than moon gazing. By the time I had the chance to look, the size looked like a regular moon, but brighter. We have had cloudy skies since then to mar optimal viewing. Reg’s little eyes look huge with exhaustion in the last super moon photo. I bet he slept well that night! So sad to see Lake Mead levels so low….. That area must have been a premier destination at one time. Glad to hear that your table project is complete – yippee! Hope the wonky fridge is nothing serious/expensive.

    How does our little Reggie cope when you have to leave him in the PTV to get groceries? Does he cry and fuss like Bridget taught him?

    Have a great day, Sue! Gotta get ready for work…. Sending you and Reggie love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! xxxooo 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good afternoon, Denise,

      I hope you are having a good day at work!

      How does Reggie cope when I leave him in the PTV while I go in a store? Perfectly! He doesn’t make a sound, not even a little whimper. He accepts my leaving momentarily as part of our routine. When I return I usually give him a treat — a new toy or a little piece of chicken — and a lot of “good boy!” 🙂

      Thank you for another note from you and Gracie pup! Hugs!

  31. MB from VA says:

    Sounds like a fun day! And Reggie’s “stare” reminds me of Bella’s (Chihuahua) when she thinks it’s time to go to bed….orrrr…..when she thinks I just may have forgotten the evening Dentastick! 😉 She keeps me straight.

    I had an interesting week-end. My boss and I had a talk and I let him know that when he moves to the farm full-time in March, that will be my cue to leave. It was a good talk. One we’ve needed to have rather than me know and him wonder. It was a weight off my shoulders….and probably his too. I think I can trust him to treat me fairly in the months to come. And if not….he can get up the leaves and gather/apply the pine mulch….ect….. ;-). Don’t know when I will actually be able to leave VA. But the first step toward leaving my present life in search of the new one has been taken. Thanks for listening….

    MB from VA for now

    • MB from VA says:

      PS…..still hoping the farm sells before March. 😉

    • Dawn in NC says:

      I’m glad for you MB. I so happy that you got that conversation out of the way and that it’s not hanging over you any more. Please keep us updated!

      • MB from VA says:

        Thanks neighbor. 🙂

      • MB from VA says:

        Are you near the fires Dawn? You may have said in an earlier post. I haven’t read them all yet.

        • Dawn in NC says:

          Thanks for asking MB. No, I am not near the fires and don’t see the smoke.

          • MB from VA says:

            Good! I hope they are out quickly. It is so incredibly dry! We haven’t really had any rain in close to a month. My boss lives in Charlotte most of the time and he says it’s dry there too. After our very rainy spring/summer….can’t believe I’m saying this but, “Sure could use a few days of rain.”.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      And thanks to you, MB, for letting us know your steps toward a new life. I suspect your progress inspires others to do what needs to be done, even if uncomfortable. I’m sure you are greatly relieved to have this conversation over with. Now you are “above board” with your boss. (Hmm… I wonder what the origin of that phrase is.)

      Note to Bella: Keep up the good work! 🙂

  32. Mick'nTN says:

    This should make a great Toad:

    • Pat (Ky) says:

      Wow, that’s amazing…84 mpg. It should be serious competition for the Smart car. I don’t think I would want to go at top speed, although come to think of it; it might give one quite a thrill at 100 mph.

  33. Deadeye, in The Texas Hill Country says:

    Fantastic photos as usual. It seems to me there should be a sign south of Overton that reads “You will be richly rewarded at Poverty Flats”.


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