I drive to the Pacific Coast to do laundry

Wednesday, June  3

P1050413-002Whittaker Creek Campground,  west of Eugene, Oregon

Another beautiful day in the neighborhood!

The fact that the “neighborhood” consists of the camp host couple and one other camper adds to the delight of the day.  I love an empty campground!  Most of this post’s photos are views of Whittaker Creek Campground.

P1050400After our morning stroll, I tidy up the Best Little Trailer, enjoy a second cup of coffee, and tend to this blog.  The crew and I are outside all day, relaxing at our campsite.

P1050409Two book recommendations:

I promised I’d share books that I’ve read and enjoyed.

Maude by Donna Foley Mabry.   Boy!  Don’t let the plain and simple writing fool you.  This book has substance!  Writing in the first person, the author tells the story of her grandmother’s life from 1906 to the late 1960s.

15 Months of Winter: My Year in North Dakota by John Bayer.   North Dakota as experienced by someone out of Los Angeles — laugh out loud funny!  A collection of articles written for a small town newspaper, it’s light reading and fun.

P1050423Thursday, June 4

I drive to the Pacific Coast to do laundry.  No kidding!  The situation is desperate.  I load up the Perfect Tow Vehicle with dirty clothes, towels, quilts, comforter, etc., leaving just enough room for Bridget, Reggie, and myself.

Off we go to Florence!

Okay, let me explain some things for you before I go any further.

First off, the drive from Whittaker to Florence on the coast is not what one would call leisurely.   The two-lane road has curves like ribbon candy, at least as far as Mapleton.

The Oregon Department of Transportation relies heavily on pull-outs which are wide places in the road.  I think there’s an Oregon law that states you’d better get your butt outta’ the way and let people pass if you persist in driving the speed limit.  Which I do.

P1050426Something like that. 

Cars pile up on the PTV’s bumper in A Conga Line Going To Hell as we head to Florence.  I pull over, let them go by, and another bunch takes their place, I pull over and let them go by and . . . .   You get the picture.   Anyway . . . .

P1050403I find the laundry on Route 101 in Florence.

It’s a very spiffy laundry.  One of those kind you have to buy a card first in order to start the machines.  Well, I’m old school and cheap.  I prefer the add-a-quarter-as-you-go method of running the dryers.  This card method makes it difficult to be thrifty.  Laundry that normally would cost $15 at the most, costs $20 and I leave with drying time remaining on the dryers.

Another thing I want to tell you. . . .

P1050430-001Florence isn’t like you might imagine.

When you approach it from the east and get on five-lane Route 101, it doesn’t look like a coastal town.  In other words, you can drive to the laundromat past McDonald’s, Taco Bell, a few thrift stores, auto parts, blah, blah, blah without seeing any beach or ocean.

Don’t get me wrong, Florence — “Old Town” — is lovely.  The crew and I enjoyed it very much in 2012.

Why do I tell you all this stuff? 

Because I hope you’ll understand my behavior.  I do the unthinkable.   I load up the PTV with the clean laundry and drive myself and the crew right back to the campground!

P1050425I want to be in the right frame of mind when we explore the coast.  I want to be fresh and excited and EAGER.

We will go to the beach, all in good time . . . .

P1050378The Best Little Trailer waits for our return.

P1050451-001(The photo above looks like we’re in an overgrown mess.  That’s foreshortening.  Our campsite is open and there’s clear “lawn” around the BLT and picnic table.)

It’s good to be home!

Friday, June 5

Bridget, Reggie, and I head up the trail.

P1050433The Old Growth Ridge Trail is 2.5 miles.  I don’t expect us to walk the complete trail, but we’re energetic and motivated to hike.

P1050440Soon we’re brushing our way through vegetation more energetic that we are.  Gosh, we’re gonna’ need to swing from the trees to get through this!   I almost step on a six-inch long banana slug.  “Ewww!”  Okay, that’s it.

“Tally-ho, guys!  We’re going back.”

Returning to our campsite, I notice there’s an influx of campers.

People who don’t tow a trailer come up with ways to hold their campsites.

There’s the traffic-cone-in-a-chair method.

P1050453These folks keep it simple with a sheet of lined paper and a rock placed on the parking pad.  Good thing it didn’t rain!

P1050454The campsites on both sides of us are occupied. 

One is a man with three children, preteen age.  Oh, these are the ones I heard yelling when we were on the other side of the campground.  It’s evident this is their usual way of speaking.

“Hey, crew!  How about we move camp today?”

It’s too beautiful a day to be annoyed by neighbors, and they’ll be here all weekend. 

In a flash we’re packed up, hitched up, and venturing deeper into the forest.

P1050448Our destination is Clay Creek Campground. 

I figure the additional sixteen miles of forest road will keep a lot of folks away . . . .  plus it’s always fun to find a new home!

To be continued.



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239 Responses to I drive to the Pacific Coast to do laundry

  1. Velda in Roseville Ca says:

    Am I actually close to the top! Looks like a beautiful spot. And cooler than here in northern Ca where we are expecting 100 plus degrees today. Have a great day all.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      CONGRATULATIONS, VELDA! I hope you’re keeping cool and having a great day, too!

      • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

        It topped out at 105 today! But in case we did not like that, tomorrow remnants of the Hurricane/Tropical storm which has been blowing into Baja will blow our direction so we will cool into 80’s and have possible sprinkles Wednesday before heading back up into 90’s!

  2. Pamela says:

    Well, I’m glad you did the laundry before you went another 16 miles into the forest! I will be in Oregon later this season and your posts are helping me map out my way. Thank you, Sue. No doggie corner, come on Bridget and Reggie, don’t get lazy.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pamela,

      That laundry had to be done. Two things make me feel like my life is out of control… 1) piles of dirty laundry and 2) a lawn needing to be mowed. I don’t have to worry about the latter any more. 🙂

      You’re welcome, Pamela, regarding places you might visit later this summer.

  3. You are going to love the Ocean, though I guess you’ve been before! Is that as big as Reggie is going to grow, he is TINY. So cute. Dogs are looking well, wonder what they will think about the ocean!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jill,

      I do believe this is as big as Reggie will get. He will probably fill out more in his later years, but his long bones are done growing. At least I think so, him being 3 years old.

  4. Diann in MT says:

    Awesome portrait of Bridget!

  5. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Cute photo of Bridget!! And glad you moved, Sue!! Right choice in my opinion… being I am another person who prefers NOT being bothered!! Heh!! Beautiful forest you are in!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      I’ve learned what I can tolerate and what I can’t. No sense suffering, might as well move on!

      Oh, gee… Reggie is having a fit for attention. I thought I’d reply to all these comments. I’ll have to come back later.

      What a little tyrant. A cute tyrant. 🙂

  6. DebsJourney says:

    hi Sue!
    Looks beautiful there and those flowers are absolutely gorgeous. Not looking forward to using laundry mats for sure. Hey am I #4 here? Cool!
    I purchased a few things through your Amazon link. A solar foldable panel to trickle charge my batter and charge my laptop and phone. Also a water filter and a few other things so let me know if you see them.

    • DebsJourney says:

      ok I’m #6 and that’s good for me

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Deb,

      Yes, I see those items. Thank you! I can’t be absolutely sure they’re your order as those items are ordered frequently by readers, but probably so. I appreciate you shopping from my blog.

      Laundromats aren’t what they used to be. Almost all I’ve frequented over the past four years have been clean and pleasant places. I like how using a laundromat gets all your laundry done in a short period of time. I end up folding it and putting it on hangers, and then I can forget about it for a long time. When I had a washer and dryer of my own, the laundry was always in process and never completely done.

      There’s usually a silver lining. . . . 🙂

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        That’s so true. I loved having my own washer/dryer at home, but on the other hand I did six loads of laundry the other week (blankets and etc.) and it was all done in around an hour and fifteen minutes. On top of that the washers were the type that lock and run for 30+ minutes, so I ran an errand during that time (returning before they were done; I try not to be one of *those* people).

        Kind of makes me wonder why I dread it?

        I love all clean clothes folded and put away – it’s like money in the bank!

  7. PookieBoy SE Texas says:

    number 7….hmmm….Im slowing down in my old age…
    now to go read up!

  8. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Wow, Top 10. Hope the campground up the road is as beautiful as this one. Maybe you can com back after the weekend. Too bad the weekenders had to spoil the peace & quite. The last photo of Bridget is really cute with that look of determination on her face.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barbara,

      Well, the working folks need to get away from it all. They’re all wound up from the rat race and haven’t had time to mellow out. Hence the loud voices and need for things that make noise.

      Bridget can be quite lovely when she’s in the right mood. Remember this?

      “There once was a girl, who had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good, she was very, very good, and when she was bad, she was horrid.”

      That’s Bridget… A girl of extremes.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        Ha, my Mom used to say that about me (affectionately).

        (And I don’t like my picture taken either :D)

      • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

        Wow RVSue!! My father used to say that to me when he came in to say goodnight (in a nice way) as he traced the curl on my forehead. Fond memories 🙂

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          Sweet…you are so fortunate to have that kind of memory of your dad!! Some of us did not get that kind of treatment!!

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        Love that. My mom used to say that to my sister and I. Too think we didn’t behave!!!

  9. PookieBoy SE Texas says:

    Sue, you speak of the camphost couple….have you had any bad dealings with any of these people? I often camp up on the north end of Lake Conroe at Cagle campground and there is usually one couple that is there for the year then they are replaced by a new couple…some of these folks think they are the Gestapo…..dont park on the grass! dont do this, dont do that…..but some of them are nice….
    dont think Ive told you this before but I have a neighbor about 5 mies down the road that has a casita sitting out back that you can barely see…Ive seen it before but never paid any attention to it til I started reading your blog…..plus I saw one of them little lay down in campers that you can stand up in….Ive forgotten the name of them….
    BTW, I ordered some butcher block paper from amazon thru your blog….I use it to wrap my briskets….which I am fixin to smoke come July 4th….
    keep on bloggin girl…

    • Teardrop, Possibly? .”Can’t stand”?

      • PookieBoy SE Texas says:

        yep, thats it! teardrop….looked like an older model made
        out of old looking aluminum….it sure was cute…

    • Pamela K. in GA says:

      Sounds like a Teardrop or Pod camper. Most of them you cannot stand up inside. I have been a long time fan of Teardrop campers. Almost bought a MyPod before buying the Conversion Van. Still would love to own one, maybe someday later. The TearJerkers Group seems like they have a lot of fun with their Teardrops. Always enjoy reading about them.

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Or maybe an A-Liner? It is a flat box, sets up to a hard-sided “A” that you can stand up in….

      • Crystal the T@B owner says:

        My T@B is a “standie” teardrop, meaning you can stand inside. Hubby is 6’1″, and he can only stand at the front. However, it’s a U-shaped dinette in the back so you’re sitting anyway. I also have the interior kitchen, and not the clam shell.

        • Pamela K. in GA says:

          I like the Tabitha. They are a hi-breed of the canned hams of yesteryear, updated by Little Guy. I have looked at the little brother to the Tab. The T@G. Love those! Would consider teaming up the van with one of those. But so far the MyPod by Little Guy has my vote for something later down the road.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Chuck,

      Thanks for ordering the paper through my blog! Every bit makes my 2nd retirement seem more possible. 🙂

      I met the camphost couple, the wife only briefly because she had to leave for a family event. The husband is friendly and gracious. He welcomed me and always has something nice to say. He stopped by our campsite yesterday and we had an enjoyable talk. He gave me some suggestions for travel on the coast. He’s the kind of camphost who would rather not have to tell people the rules, but he will, if necessary.

      Someone was fishing from their campsite over the weekend. There’s no fishing allowed in this creek (don’t know why that is), and he had to tell them that, even though signs are on trees in various places along the banks.

    • Pamela K. says:

      I, too, have heard some recent stories about fussy or mean campground hosts. It seems that with the bad economy some private campground owners sold their campgrounds and applied to be campground hosts for state and national campgrounds. It seems as if they come to their new jobs with a chip on their sholder sometimes and retain their old ways from thier private campground ownership-style. That I-Own-This-Campground-And-I-Make-The-RULES mentality. More and more campers are feeling this newer trend in some of the southern states. Some private campground owners have very sparse people skills. They don’t need them since they are the land owners. But it does go to WHY their campgrounds went belly-up once the economy downturn took hold. Some are so bad you have to wonder how they survived as long as they did, even before the downturn. Often the campers at those campgrounds are over-niters or have little options to go anywhere else. During our years of travel we have found that nice, fun campgrounds are ran by nice, fun camphosts. Bad, fussy campgrounds are ran by bad, fussy camphosts. It does seem to hold true that the kind of campers who stay there are mostly like the hosts… I guess that makes sense, like much of society…birds of a feather that way. Here’s hoping you don’t have to stay at any of those warden-like campground places, public or private. No fun at all, not even if it’s FREE.

  10. Timber n' me /near Chemult, Oregon says:

    Yepperey , Sue, That Bridget sure is lookin’ good on that trail, but wheres the Reggie Ops Man?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, We’re east of Chemult ’bout a mile or two and Dads out talkin’ to a fella that just fell a very large Ponderosea, we heard it fall,,,Cerashhhrummmpp it went and I jumped,,,,,,,,,,,,, Have a good day you 3,,,,,,,,, Shakin’,,,,,,,,,,,, Timber

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Timber,

      Did someone call your name when the tree was cut? TIM-BERRRRRRR! 🙂

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        You silly woman!

        • Timber n' me /near Chemult, Oregon says:

          No I didn’t hear my name bein’ called be fore the big tree fell down, but it shor shuke the ground, that’s why I like to jump out of my fur and I yelped and my Dad said it’s ok, that the tree fell down quite a ways from us ,,,,,,,,,,,,Timber

  11. Susan in Dallas says:

    Great blog title! Immediately a picture of you beating clothes on a big rock on the pacific coast came to my mind. Tee-hee. Bridget looks like a girl on a mission in that last photo. Love the camp sites and can’t wait for you to show us the ocean again.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Susan,

      It struck me as weird that I drove all the way from southern Arizona to do laundry on the Oregon coast! Well, not really… 🙂

  12. Terri From Texas says:

    Hi RvSue,
    I read Maude-a very good little book although a bit sad in my opinion. What a life!
    I think she should have used the “tough love” approach, though!
    Another gorgeous campground and great photos!
    Stay safe.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Terri,

      Yeah, the woman’s life was laced with tragedy and that was sad. I felt like it was very authentic though, as that’s the way it was for many women/mothers. . . . babies and children not making it to adulthood.

      I agree that tough love would have been best. It’s difficult for one parent to take the stance of tough love when the other parent undermines it all the time, especially in those days, but even today.

      Thanks re: the photos!

  13. Jolene says:

    This is so beautiful in this area, it would be tough to leave but I could about guess as soon as all the campers started showing up that you would want to move, and you did.

    Looking forward to going deeper into the forest! Till next time! 🙂 Enjoy!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jolene,

      I’ve become allergic to neighbors! I tell you, the sound of people drives me nuts. All that quiet boondocking. . . . *sigh*. . .

  14. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Always fun to do laundry with you!

    I like the quarter method also….the card seems like too much “added work” for the task at hand.

    Probably easier (for the business) to require paper currency to obtain the card and not having to empty the machines (of quarters) periodically. Then again it can be hit or miss trying to straighten a bill to get your quarters.

    Still loving the greenery! Love the different “occupied” signs.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      All those reasons make sense for the card at the laundromat…. plus it’s more profitable. I spent five bucks more than I would’ve at any other laundromat. Of course, on the way out of Florence I see the laundromat that I used in 2012 and liked!

  15. Terri From Texas says:

    There is an old wonderful movie with W.C. Fields called “If I had a Million” which highlights he and his wifes great solution to roadhogs, and bad drivers in general. If you can find it, I highly recommend it! The movie itself is a series of little stories about what people do with a windfall of a million dollars.

  16. Wow HRH Bridget actually looked at the camera as she hiked that trail! Yay! That campground was so beautiful with all the foxglove! Too bad other campers had to move in on you! But moving on to a new camp is always exciting too! See you there!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Geri,

      There seems to be more people on this side of Eugene. Maybe not. Maybe it seems that way because school is out and the weather has warmed up.

      Yeah, Bridget can be a doll-face when she wants to be.

  17. Pamela K. in GA says:

    “I drive to the Pacific Coast to do laundry”…

    First thought:
    I go to the Pacific Coast to do ANYTHING other than laundry, HA!
    Then again, regardless of where we go laundry has a way of telling us it’s time to get’er done.

    Second thought:
    I’d do laundry if it meant getting to go to the Pacific Coast 🙂 !!!
    Oh yes! Flipflops on and laundry basket full and ready. Any excuse to be at the coast is grand in my book. (There’s a theme here…coast, beach, flipflops, YES!)

    Well Sunday was laundry day for Klemper and me. I sometimes go with him but he is the one who always does all the laundry related chores. He sorts them, loads them in the car, hauls them into the laundry, does the wash thing and dry thing and folds them and loads them away in the car again. It is relaxing to him, he says. I don’t get it but I sure am glad he does it.
    On this past Sunday, we read our atlas and did some planning for a short trip. Nothing out-of-state, just here close to home in a National Rec Area. Should be fun. Anyway, there was a Mexican grocery next to the laundry and I LOVED that store! Such great fresh produce! I bought a “thing”, a bundle of fresh produce called VERDURAS PARA CALDOS. I am fixing it later today and have high hopes for it tasting really good! The “bundle” has an ear of corn, white potatoes, red peppers, green peppers, carrot, cabbage, cauliflower, zucchini, some kind of light green thing, not sure, something like a different zucchini maybe, and some kind of leafy greens. The grocer says to fix it like a soup with the meat of your choice added, usually beef chunks. It is suppose to be very popular…a sort of Latin Vegetable Soup. Anyway, sounds great and can’t wait to try it. VERDURAS PARA CALDOS, anyone hear of this before? I think I may have to Google it and see how much water and beef to add with it.

    Well then, that was our Sunday laundry day. It was an enjoyable mixed bag for the day. BTW, Sue, are you still learning Spanish? I speak zero Spanish but have always thought it was a beautiful language to listen to.

    • Pamela K. in GA says:

      Oh My! Just Googled VERDURAS PARA CALDOS and came up with tons of info, even Videos showing how to fix it! How swell is THAT?! Yes, it is a Latin version of Vegetable Soup. I also see that you can fix it without the meat added. I will do that instead of adding the meat. I’m really pumped now 🙂 Should taste wonderful!

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Sounds yummy, Pamela. Made my dinner of leftover chili look kinda lame! Do let us know how the recipe turns out, and if it is a keeper! 🙂

        • Pamela K. in GA says:

          I finished simmering the soup and then let all the veggies soak in the broth. I let the soup cook until the veggies were tender but not mushy, somewhere between a boil and steamed in texture. I really liked it that way. Each veggie retained its own flavor while soaking up the broth’s taste. I added no meat but did add some chili powder to the broth. I will make this again and do it the same way as I did today. It is very easy to make this in a big pot. Just the pre-sorted veggies, no butter, add chili powder, salt and black pepper. Reminds me of my grandmother’s old fashion Veggie Boils. We plated them up and then we would have a side bowl of the broth with them. It was very much the same in taste except she added lots of butter and did not add chili powder.
          Klemper liked it very much but had to have some meat with it. He chose to boil some hot dogs in his! As it turns out, that was very good too! I would have never thought of hot dogs as a meat choice, but then again, Klemper is such a great maker of soups so I am not surprised. Well, we both were pleased with our versions of the Latin Vegetable Soup. Glad we both liked it, there is a lot still left! It makes a huge pot full!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pamela K.,

      I enjoyed your comment! The “some kind of light green thing” could be Mexican squash. It probably has a different name than that. That’s what it’s labeled in U.S. supermarkets. It tastes similar to zucchini. I buy it because it’s usually cheaper. Any spices in that soup?

      I can relate to Klemper relaxing while doing laundry. 🙂

      • Pamela K. in GA says:

        Yes, when I Googled it it showed the ~green thing~ as Zucchini or Mexican Squash 🙂 Spices, I didn’t add any thing other than salt, black pepper and chili powder to taste. I thought about some other spices I could add for the next time maybe. This time I wanted to taste the base broth before making any other additions to it. Sue, as much as you love boiled veggies I would think this would be right up your alley! One thing of note…I did NOT cut up the veggies small. I only cut them in halves. It made it take longer but the flavors of each veggie were preserved that way. I could also see this being made in a cast iron dutch oven too! That would be very good, a slow cook! Just thought of that and might do it that way next time. Oh! And I did NOT put any onion in it. The pot of soup is so large I was afraid that an onion might ferment the broth in short order making saving the leftovers harder. BTW, what spices would you maybe add? I’m thinking celery seed maybe. I did like the lite flavor of it as is though. Some spices can make it seem heavier or change the Latin flavors altogether making it something else less Latin. With the added chili powder it is already sorta Tex-Mex.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Interesting… You don’t want my suggestions for spices. You obviously know what you’re doing. I’m not an accomplished cook. I know a few things I like and I keep meals pretty simple. I don’t know if I could handle all those ingredients in my little kitchen!

          • Pamela K. in GA says:

            All the ingredients came in a pre-wrapped bundle from the Mexican grocery store. I didn’t have to do anything except add the water and chili powder to cook them up. I did cut the potatoes in halves, and the carrot in half but other than that it was as easy as putting it in the pot and letting it boil up. My kind of camp cooking 🙂 With all the ingredients being so basic I figured if we didn’t like it the birds and squirrels would have a fest on it but as it turns out we DID like it. Sorry birds and squirrels, l’ll save some leftovers for you guys later, there’s plenty to share 🙂

    • WTXCal says:

      Hi Pam,
      Caldo is very popular in south Texas. Ask the butcher for shank steak, very inexpensive. Turns out to be a great vegetable beef soup. Enjoy!

      • Pamela K. in GA says:

        After it has mixed and sat a full day, it is a much heavier broth than it was yesterday. I can see that it would be wonderful with the meats added! Especially hearty meats during the Winter months. I can see why it is such a popular soup, almost like a Pot Roast in its own broth 🙂

  18. Larry M from the Pacific NW says:

    My guess is you still had plenty of company over the weekend. No escaping on a nice weekend, unless boondocked! Maybe not even then. 🙂



    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Larry,

      I’ll tell you about it in the next post. Nothing beats a quiet, private boondock. 🙂

  19. Hi Sue, I drive to the Pacific Ocean so I don’t have to do the laundry! LOL. I would love to see some ocean pictures….don’t tell anyone (glad we are the only ones here), but I am kinda getting tired of green….need some blue, brown, wildlife (other than Reggie)…. Anxiously waiting more pictures in your great classic style. Enjoy your visit to the blue Pacific Ocean and trip back to your green campsite…lol.

    Hey Marla! Warming up here, come out and play!

    • Pamela K. in GA says:

      I agree with you. Green is nice but Ocean Blue is Wonderful! 🙂
      Sue, ocean beach photos, yes, lots please 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Shirlene,

      There’s a lot of summer ahead for those ocean photos. 🙂 You and Pamela want blue… well, the last time I came to the coast there wasn’t much blue, mostly grey and white (fog). I’ll do my best!

  20. Teresa from NC says:

    Hey Sue and Blogorinos, it’s been a long time since I’ve commented, but there’s a good reason why…I’ve been keeping a secret! For the last year we’ve been working to get our house on the market (closing is next Tuesday), we bought our new home (5th wheel, for now), quit our jobs and travelled all the way to ALASKA to begin our new lives!!! I’ve kept up with all the posts, and I’ve tried to keep up with the comments.
    Being a tad superstitious, I didn’t want to say anything about the house until we were for sure the closing was going to happen as scheduled. The urge to shout it from the mountain tops has been excruciating, but…
    Nervousness, anxiety and excitement has all been overwhelming and the journey has been amazing. Thank you Sue and everyone for getting us through all the craziness, and I look forward to getting back to sharing and commenting regularly, now that I’ve reached the fork in the road and chose the one I wanted to!!!!

    • Yay for you! I still have my income property on the market…Multifamily unit so not as many buyers as single family dwelling….but I have hopes….Congrats to you…I hope to be right behind you next year.

      • Pamela K. in GA says:

        About your income multi-family property…
        Have you ever taken some info-flyer pages to your local hospital?
        Doctors love those kinds of properties for either income producers or as tax write-offs. Often doctors own them and have ~their guys~ do the rent collecting and needed repairs. Doctors will often look for those properties on their own time, without a Realtor, because their own work hours make it hard for them to pre-schedule a Realtor’s appointment times. A friend of mine in Orlando, Fla, has long sold multi-units to doctors there. I would guess she has sold 20 different multi-family units to doctors over the last few years. Might be worth a try to get the info in front of them or their front desk person.

        • Pamela K. in GA says:

          CONGRATS! I’m sorry, I totally forgot to send out congrats to you and your hubby. I read Shirlene’s comment and headed straight down the list from there, silly me. When I am 100 years old I MIGHT get the hang of typing comments, until then i’ll try my best lol 🙂

          • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

            I’m with you Pamela. I have zero clue as to what I am doing on a computer!!

            • Pamela K. in GA says:

              We type, We typo, We wing-it, We laugh, We sometimes cuss at it…But mostly we love it for all the wonderful friendships it brings our way.
              Other than that, well, we are admittedly CLUELESS about it 🙂

            • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

              Sooooo true!! 🙂

            • shirlene says:

              Do you want to share how things went today? I have been checking for your comment this evening. ..I hope you posted your comment from your trailer. .

            • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

              I just posted it Shirlene!! And yes I am in my RV in a nice park with lots of trees and a nice breeze. Thank you for thinking of me.


    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Congratulations to you and your husband Teresa, on the start of your “next chapter.” How exciting! I am happy for you! Whoo-Hoo!! 🙂

    • Sue CleanerGreenerVegas says:


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Teresa,

      Welcome back to comments! Are you saying you’ve already gone to Alaska in your new 5th wheel? Wow!

      Congratulations on the sale of your house! It’s a wonderful feeling to break free of that responsibility. I wish you a smooth closing and many happy miles ahead.

      • Teresa from NC says:

        We are in Alaska taking in sights I’ve only ever see on postcards and in the movies! First trip…thousands upon thousands of miles from our old life. We decided to “go big,or stay home,” haha! Now, home is wherever we are, and oh what a feeling it is.

    • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

      Congratulations on your new lifestyle and the sale of your house.

    • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

      Congratulations Teresa!! This was a well kept secret. You have been VERY busy. Alaska – have a friend there and it is on my bucket list! Enjoy your new home.


  21. Nicole says:

    Wow! What a gorgeous place. I have never been to that part of the country but need to add that on my list of places. Thanks for sharing and hope the noisy neighbors don’t stay long.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Nicole,

      The noisiest neighbors are usually those who leave on Sunday. Those did, as well as many others.

  22. BadgerRickInWis says:

    Like others have said I just LOVE that last shot of Bridget. Without doubt one of the best of her I have ever seen.

    The earnest look of love in her eyes, the skip in her step, the sly smile across that adorable face.
    I have but one question. Were you holding one rotisserie chicken when you took that or two? 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rick,

      You never fail to make me smile. I think that’s Bridget’s post-rotisserie-chicken smile. It did capture her happy face.

  23. I’ve been lax in my blog-reading, so I missed Reggie’s entrance. So, hurray!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It’s nice to see you here, Roxanne. I’m always lax about blog-reading. Can’t seem to find the time . . . like I have such a busy schedule!

  24. Sondra-SC says:

    Love your foxgloves One of my favorite flowers!! Hope you get the perfect day to go to the Beach.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Sondra.

      I suppose some people think foxgloves are nothing more than weeds. I love them. They’re all over the place, in and out of the campground, but mostly here. We have some around our campsite, although the previous campers stomped all over half of them. Don’t get me started . .. . 🙁

  25. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    Thanks for another glimpse into a day in your life. I get the feeling that once you all get the the coast, that you will not want to go back into the green canopied forest areas. I get squeamish around slugs, too. Yuck! I loved the pictures of the Crew – what a great shot of Miss Bridge! No stink eye!

    A curiosity question for the blogorinos who camp in a car, van, Class B, or small Class C with no toad. How do you “mark or keep” your spot in a campground/boondock (not a formal campground with assigned spaces) when you leave for the day to explore? Have you ever had issues of someone taking your spot? How did you handle it? Thanks in advance for the info!

    Have a great evening, Sue! Hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Denise,

      How ya’ gonna’ keep me in the woods after I’ve seen the ocean? Ha! I like it all, and it’s the change, the variety of camps, that I love. I’m excited to see the ocean just like I’m excited to go back to the desert and so forth. I hope I can take some good ocean/beach photos.

      You have a great evening, too, Denise. Hugs to the Gracie pup!

      READERS: How do you keep a boondock if you have to take your rig out of it?

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Like they say..,,variety is the spice of life! 🙂

      • Pamela K. in GA says:

        I have a beach towel that has the word RESERVED printed on it in the middle in huge letters. I bought it at Walmart earlier this summer. I made a hem longways, the length of the towel and put paracord thru it. I stake it from one side to the other side of the driveway on the campsite. It has always worked and someone would have to stop, remove it and then take the site to get it. That would be pretty BOLD of someone! Should that ever happen, well, I wouldn’t want to mess with taking them on about it, I guess. They would have already shown me what kind of person they are and I wouldn’t want to have anything to do with them after that…again, should that ever happen.

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Great idea – thanks!

        • Pamela K. says:

          Almost forgot, I also use tight clamps on each end of the towel to hold it in the correct place while on the para-cord. That way the towel/sign is in the middle of the driveway. Ya just can’t miss it that way!
          And I will sometimes use two of those battery bicycle yellow lights on the towel ends if I’m going to be out later after dark. You can buy the really tiny ones that do not cause too much attention but lets anyone know there is a driveway sign there and not to try and cross it.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        I have a few ways, just depending. If I’ve used Lynx blocks to level, I sometimes just leave them there (although I have had them stolen twice, once in a boondock and once in a state campground). I’ve also used a small/cheap tent (like an $18 Wal-Mart kids tent). That can be doubly handy as you can put a few things in it (like say a chair on a windy day). Never had that stolen (figures, as it was half the price as the Lynx blocks and less easy to pick up).

        Other times I don’t really have an “outdoor site” set up (boondocking), so I’ll just go about my day, and if the same spot isn’t available when I come back I find a different one. That’s one thing with a B or C: You don’t have the trailer to mark your spot, but on the other hand to take a new spot you just put it in Park and … voila. But then too, setting up a little homestead like one often does with a trailer is also nice 🙂

        For campgrounds (although that has been awhile), I made a little plastic placard with a rope (sort of like a big necklace) that I would hang on the site number, or etc. I can’t remember what it said, but something like “site occupied.”

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Thanks, Sidewinder Pen! Great suggestions. Anything cheap that is used as a placeholder is good…not so painful if it walks away! 🙂

  26. rvsueandcrew says:

    GOOD HEAVENS! I installed a weather widget in the sidebar and it says the high today is 118 degrees! It’s hot, but I didn’t think it was that hot. These trees must be cooling more than I thought!

    • Connie & Mugsy (AZ and MN) says:

      High 118 and a low of 56!! Wow… that would be a bit of a shock to the system. LOL I try to keep up on reading the blog and pass through to get to Amazon when I order something, but I rarely have time to post. I have put the ND book on my wish list. How the heck this LA guy ended up in Crosby ND… spittin’ distance from Saskatchewan… It has good reviews, so will have to check it out. My only news is that I traded in my big fancy LTV Libero (since Mom passed away, I don’t need to be running back and forth to ND so much) and have ordered a new little Roadtrek. I plan to also sell my car and use it as my daily driver. I’ve been enjoying the pups and the photos…

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Hi, Connie,

        I’m delighted to see you here again. I thought maybe I’d lost you as a reader.

        My condolences on the passing of your mother. She was fortunate to have an attentive daughter in her last years.

        You don’t have the Libero any more…. I can see where a Roadtrek would be a good choice for you since you travel between AZ and MN twice a year. . . . a nimble rig, great on the highway, compact and sleek.

        Gosh, I’m so glad you stopped by with a report. Thank you for remembering my blog when you go Amazon shopping. Hope Mugsy is well… 🙂

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        So sorry for your loss, Connie.

        Which Roadtrek model did you order? Are you including solar? The new Zion model looks nice with the twin beds.

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        My sincere condolences on the passing of your mom.

        Road treks are VERY nice. AZ to MN is a haul!

      • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

        Wow, I don’t understand not wanting the Libero which is only 25 ft long, just 3 ft longer than my Sprinter. But then I am prejudiced to my Diesel Sprinter Free spirit by LTV. Have fun with the new Roadtrek. How much smaller is it, I thought. They were close in size to the Leisure vans. My condolences on the loss of your Mom, I still feel it when I think of losing my mom 20 years ago. Happy travels.

        • Barbara (Nashville) says:

          Hi Velda,
          I have long looked and admired the LTV Vans. The Libero is my favorite, but I like the Free Spirit Vans also. While I have pretty much decided on the Casita Independence TT, I still keep the LTV in my thoughts as an option. I will make any necessary adjustments on what I get, depending on life stages. Lord knows I may not be able to travel at all.
          How long have you had your van?

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      Speaking of weather…..where is our dear weather?

      The weather has been weird here the past couple of days..HUGE band of unsettled Tstorms, tornado watch etc. A large “red” mass on the Doppler went through Onieda Lake area earlier this afternoon. Hopefully you are safe and dry…thanks for sending it up this way…our lake is now at normal.

      • weather says:

        Ha!Send it ?!!That mass was too wild to accept any of my directions!About four hours before Sue put this new post up,I’d mentioned on the last one eagles and seagulls withstanding (not mastering or soaring on) wind,and it’s tossing tied down boats around.This place is wind central,I downplay problems,find what-so-ever is lovely to focus on,folks here know how to secure things when prepping for storms and the birds that survive are strong and practiced-my casual mention of the conditions near sunrise meant something intense was going on 🙂 Thanks,Cinandjules,yup-safe,dry and unscathed here ,hope you are,too.The atmosphere just had too much power in it to make being on the laptop and other stuff smart moves during parts of yesterday-ya know-cell signals,electricity,satellite,cable flickering,disappearing at will kinda Monday,no big deal,only worth watching with a nod of respect.I hope you enjoy your lake’s level now being normal so it’s real size shows,your view is part of why you’ve paid dearly for that place in so many ways.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Even though I know that about you, weather… that you glory in the good things and downplay the rest… I didn’t realize you were in a powerful storm. You were wise to stay offline and “weather” the storm. 🙂

        • Cinandjules (NY) says:

          That was another doozie!

          We go so far as to unplug all the electronics…..we sit downstairs with all the fur kids…have the Luminara (fake) candle on. It sits on a table between my mom and SA’s ashes…kind of our protector candle.

          Hopefully the water tables will return to normal for the folks …wells that are already “dry”. As for activities ON the lake….we like our peace and quiet.

          • weather says:

            On the lake activities are usually not very intrusive here,I hope they aren’t near your place this summer,either.Smart of you to unplug so much.I have,several times,run a tub to take a bath,thought better of it when day became suddenly dark and started over when the sky calmed down.Once today in fact 🙂 At least after it blows through our places we step out into great spaces.City folk lose power,swelter inside boxed in homes and step out afterward onto cement.This’ll do!

  27. Tanya says:

    That is the problem at Florence, you can’t get to the ocean easily in town and then lots of people. Just north on Hwy 101 are several waysides to park and walk on the beach before hitting the hills and curves into Yachats.
    Going south on 101, no easy beach access until Winchester Bay, but if you like crab and other seafood several cafes on the harbor.
    Florence usually has the cheapest gas on the coast, about 10-15 cents less than other towns. Check out Safeway fuel, very busy but great prices.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Tanya. The Florence beach seems to be all about the dunes. People sliding down them on “dune discs.” And then south of Florence are the ATVs, even a campground for ATVers. I found access difficult. Of course, the plover was doing something important and areas were closed to people. I plan to go northward and will probably revisit some of those waysides you mention.

      • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

        Before I came here to Corvallis I was in the Yachats State Recreation area (senior pass $10). Nice spot. I was in a site that had a super view of the beach. I bypassed the Oregon Dunes Recreational Area because of the ATV’s.

        • Hi Krystina, how are you feeling? I look daily to see your comments on how things are going with you. Hang in there and keep us posted…lots of prayers from here.

          • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

            Good Morning Shirlene (and fellow Bloggerinos) I d0 not know what to do. I have been waiting for the Dr. to review my (at most) one page “chart” now for 7 days!!! Could it be possible that he is not EVER going to call??? What the heck is going on? Now I don’t know what to do. I found another Urologist in Albany, OR but am now afraid the same thing will happen. Does anyone know if Medicare pays for an emergency room visit? I just don’t know what to do. Thank you Shirlene for keeping track of me 🙂

            • Sidewinder Pen says:

              I’m not sure exactly what you should do (especially re: Medicare), but for me, I would seek someone else, pronto. If someone has taken that long to get back to me (and still has not), I’m probably not going to really trust what they say anyway, and the “click” between us is non-existent.

              I mean, okay, if it were Dr. Debakey and I was on the list for a heart transplant, maybe I’d wait more than 7 days, but this is not that. I say find someone else, ASAP. Then you can either deal with what you have (once you know), or know you are in the clear. I’d be tortured every minute until then (I mean, just mentally, if not physically).

              I know it can suck though, when you are on the road and not connected to the “local” scene. So I don’t mean this in a “how can you be in this situation?!” way. Not at all! I have been putting off some dental work for AGES because I’m not near the folks I know and trust, and don’t know whom to choose “from a hat.”

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Hi, Krystina,

              What in the world reason are you given for the delay? Do they know you’re traveling? That you drove several miles for the appointment? That you need medical attention? Have you pestered the office? Told them you’re desperate? You don’t have to answer those questions. I’m venting here. I am very irritated that you’ve been treated this poorly.

              I don’t know if Medicare pays for an ER visit. You could call the ER and ask. I wish I had some advice for you… I can help with places to camp, but medical stuff is beyond me.

              BLOGORINOS… HELP!


            • kgdan says:

              I don’t know all the ER – Medicare answers yet after our recent visits to ERs in Twin Falls, I’d and Yakima, WA. We have still not received official statements from Medicare but have received a few bills from the two hospitals. So far it does look like Medicare is paying as our part is minimal. Ex.- one bill for $15,000+ states our part is $1,245.

            • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

              The reason they constantly give me is “we are busy, the Dr. hasn’t gotten to it”!!!!! Really??? I looked up another Urologist in Albany and am going to call him shortly. I did give the receptionist all the info that I was on the road and that the urine culture had no bacteria in it and the CA Dr. told me I needed to go to a Urologist. I mean how long does it take to look at a 1 page chart!! I do like it when you vent RVSue 🙂

            • Hi Krystina, I am so sorry for your troubles with that Dr.’s Office. Sounds like you may not want to go to him anyway. I think that his STAFF is the culprit…they would probably just screw up your paperwork anyway. I think that a new Dr. close by is the better plan. Please keep us informed. Are you in any pain, any symptoms? Is your urine still dark….so sorry to get so personal, just trying to asses for emergent care… GET BETTER and move on as soon as you can.

            • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

              Hi Shirlene….yep urine is extremely dark now that I am out of the antibiotics the Dr. in CA gave me. As I posted a few minutes ago…I am going to the ER shortly! Done with this !#%&*()))_~%^+_!

            • Good Luck Krystina…Put on your big girl pants and take no prisoners! Get ur done!

            • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

              LOL Shirlene!! I called the hospital and found out they have RV Parking with no hook ups – Free – and if I have to stay…RV Parking with FULL hookups!!! The folks on the phone were wonderful!!! I think it was Velda that said the hospital was wonderful. Wish me luck.

            • Great Krystina, I was going to send you a message stating that a lot of hospitals have RV parking for patient’s…I know that they do in Idaho where my daughter lives, I was hoping that to be the case. Well, so good luck and good news for you. Keep us posted, you know we are with you.

            • Barbara (Nashville) says:

              Just did the Urologist thing myself, Had a CT scan of the abdomen at 8:30 am and a scope in his office. at 9:30. Had all the results by 10:00am. same day.
              I believe ER trips are covered by medicare.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              NOTE TO KRYSTINA AND ALL….

              This thread continues a few comments below starting with one from “Terri from Texas.”

  28. Jenny J says:

    Would be a terrible thought to be caught 16 miles into the woods without clean undies……I thought Florence was a neat little town — ate my first cup (bowl) of Mo’s clam chowder there many years ago….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jenny J.,

      Florence was one of the highlights of our trip to the coast in 2012. The harbor area was fun with the crew. Bridget was in a stroller then. As for clam chowder, I never developed a taste for it, either the white or the red. It seems that people who like it, love it!

  29. Joy Sutton says:

    Been awhile since I posted. DH had a huge blood clot to add to his misery and I have a new pacemaker. I kept up reading the blog in the hospital though even though I often had to read on a little phone. Something to be said for the huge ltg one. Back to iPad finally . Oregon was not on my list but now is . Thanks to Sue. What with DH s health right now will be content with the short trips to COE park, his preference. Love those flowers. Are they the foxglove? Jake dog is glad we settled down.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Joy,

      Great to see you here — out of the hospital and back to your iPad. 🙂 I’m sorry you and your husband have had health issues to deal with. I wish you both full recovery!

      Yes, the flowers are foxglove. The ones here range from white to hot pink and fuschia. There’s one outside our window that is a few feet taller than I am, a cascade of perfect pink blooms.

  30. Monica-CA says:

    A beautiful field of foxgloves and a peaceful road to your next campsite…oh so breathtaking. I too would return to enjoy more time wandering around in those lush, green woods seeking solitude.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Monica,

      Aha! So not everyone is in a hurry to get to the beach. 🙂 As hot as it has been, the shade is wonderfully cool. Bridget, Reggie, and I walk up the road that continues past the campground, following the river. The shade is deep and dark and there’s often a breeze.

  31. weather says:

    What a great display of how creation’s astonishing beauty can be found anywhere ,by ones receptive to such things, your close up of the foxglove flowers is,Sue,simply gorgeous! A couple of hours spent in town amid civilization,pavement and overpaying (w/money and the inner disturbance such places cause) for what’s needed makes the order of nature and ones clean laundry put in place so appealing…I understand you choosing home and it’s refuge instead of a public access beach that day.When I need my peace restored the rarest treasures on the planet among people hold no appeal,I crave only freely breathing the comfort of solitude with my troupe close by.As that was quite a while ago by now you’ve certainly enjoyed the freshly washed , by laundry soap,and likely by wind and surf.I hope it’s all been terrific and that today is,too 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      There are so many factors influencing what we do and when we do it. One of the benefits of being retired is one doesn’t have to force an activity or excursion. If I don’t feel like the beach one day, we can go another day. Everything is more enjoyable, is appreciated more, when the timing is right.

      Strange that I did not feel the concern for you and your troupe during the turbulent weather of last night, not the way I felt during a previous time. This “connection” which is not limited by distance is a form of communication. Personal tension (hard to explain!) is the conduit.

      In other words, you had a heartfelt concern and strong emotion and I became aware of it during a restless night with thoughts of you and your troupe and a feeling that something was “wrong.” You did not project those intense signals during this latest storm and I slept peacefully with no uneasiness. At least that’s my guess. Obviously this fascinates me!

      Wild, windy, and wonderful… That’s how I imagine your home, high above the lake. . . freshly washed, not by laundry soap…. 🙂

      You have a terrific day!

      • weather says:

        Your “right on the money” again,Sue,yesterday was one gift after the next for me…dawn broke with majesty in it’s wings.Tall roaring waves and windswept trees as pulse to morningsong with coffee ,oh yeah,bring it!!! I knew by the direction of the air that we’d ride it,not be pummeled.As each new phase of it came so did the assurance that we and what I own were lashed in right,Light bold one second ,shadowed the next…we emerge stronger,healthier and more life filled than ever after such events,better prepared with knowledge on how to be ready for- most enjoy the next.The previous ones concerns had been associated with hours of a one time only weird dog illness,full body memory of my husband and literal earth shaking thunder converging and needing to be fought,overcome and withstood.It fascinates me,too.that this kind of connection is most “alert” when the other is about to or at the moment encountering a threat of some sort.I felt no red flags within or necessary yesterday,so gave none off,so you felt none either-that’s how it’s supposed to work,nice ,huh?

        Wild.windy,wonderful…above…Accurate imagination you have!

  32. Good Morning Sue, I started my morning with a nice cup of sugar free Hot Apple Cider, read the blog comments, and was just about to settle into a long day of reports…then it occurred to me…..Only coffee satisfies me in the warm your belly, good friend kind way, in the morning. I hope your coffee and your pups satisfy you in the same way.

    Hello to fellow blogorinos, hope all are enjoying their day as well. Storms moving across most of the country now, everyone is getting a bath!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Shirlene,

      You’re right. It’s coffee or nothing. I don’t know how the Brits can be so crazy for tea. For me the best tea is not as good as the worst coffee. Same goes for hot apple cider… 🙂

      What a difference this morning in air temperature! Yesterday it was hot — wunderground reported a high of 118 degrees in Mapleton — and this morning the air is fresh and cool. Makes me want to stay here!

      It looks like rain for us on Wednesday. . .

      Have a wonderful day!

      • Wow Sue, I could hardly believe it was 118 degress. What kind of Oregon is that anyway….I am so glad you are not affected by that, so maybe I am liking the green around you after all….too hot elsewhere…I guess you can enjoy the rain, probably won’t even get down to you because of all the cover above you. Enjoy, its going to be a forecasted hot summer… And I did go get a cup of coffee…Ahhhh 🙂

  33. Terri From Texas says:

    I just googled Do Ers take medicare? Everything I found states that they do. I would get to an emergency room ASAP-You have to be proactive. If a Doctor’s office screws you around, then find another one. I just recently left an appt. cause I waited over an hour. I won’t wait that long! (unless its warranted). Maybe the office you recently “clicked” with in California could help you out with a decent hospital. Also, remember your friend GOOGLE! If you have problems with research ask on here, I would be glad to help you, as I am sure many others would. Be safe!

    • Krystina, Remember that the ER doctor’s job is to get you out of his ER as soon as possible with as little billing as possible. Take your medical history from his ER and seek another opinion… We are with you…be proactive, you are your own best resource. Ask lots of questions!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Not to overwhelm you with suggestions and comments…. Looks like there are a lot of urologists in Corvallis, associated with Samaritan Hospital and rated high by patient reviews. In Albany, not as good.

    • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

      Thank you sooooo much Terri for checking if the ER takes medicare!!! I am going to leave for there shortly. 🙂

  34. Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

    Well that turned out well…NOT! I called the second Dr. I found in Albany OR. No dice…booked out 6 weeks. I guess it’s the emergency room. This is terrible!!! I am going to have to fake being in terrible pain. Should be fun. Ugh…I am disgusted with the medical system!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’ll get through this, Krystina. Do what you have to do . . .

    • Sidewinder Pen says:


      Maybe you have left already, but another option is Urgent Care, IF there is a good one. Note that you may or may not get a doctor or a practitioner (not that there is anything wrong with that, but I like to know and I have found sometimes they “let you think” they are all doctors).

      I hope it goes well – power to you!

      • Pamela K. in GA says:

        Pen and Krystina,
        Urgent Care is NOT really a good option for this kind of need. Here’s why:
        Urgent Care staff and doctors are instructed to call to call an Ambulance if it is something they feel they cannot treat at their clinic. Once the ambulance is called, then and only then are you told it is on its way for you! Once inside the ambulance, you give up many of your medical rights to “them” to medically treat you as they see fit. Sometimes, not always, that is not a good thing and the billing costs are often sky high.
        Bottom line: If you can drive yourself to the ER then you have many more options and say-so about your own medical care once you get there. I personally NEVER give away ANY of my medical rights unless it is something I simply cannot avoid!

        • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

          Wow Pamela! Thanks for that information. Who knew???? I am beginning to learn that I know nothing…and what I am learning mostly makes no sense at all.

          • Pamela K. in GA says:

            So glad you got this info before heading out to any Urgent Care. Don’t get me wrong, Urgent Care has its place but it wasn’t a good fit for what you were experiencing for this medical go-round. And I agree with you about medical care not making sense a lot of the time or being so hard to know about things. Sometimes I don’t see the need for all that ~shrouded in mystery~ stuff.

    • Pamela K. in GA says:

      I am just now getting to reading all about your current health problems! Oh Girl! I hurt for you and with you!!!
      That other doctor, hiss, hiss, cat scratches to him. I hope you find the best doctor for your needs ASAP. Dang, wish I could be of help but I am worthless at medical stuff except for getting accurate medical info records when people need them. That always falls under the research field and fraud field guidelines so I’m pretty good at that part. After that, no clue.
      Hurry to the ER and let us all know how you are doing, we care bunches!!! 🙂

  35. Timber n' me /near Chemult, Oregon says:

    Good mornin’ Sue, We woke up to a hard rain with a lot of thunder, a whole lot cooler than yesterday,,,, I’m lettin’ the rain rinse my laundry ,,,,,,, And Timber was hidin’ under the truck till he finely barked to come in,,, he’s dry now and up in the bed hidin’ from the thunder,,,,,,,,,, enjoy your day and give them pups a hug from us,,,,,,,, ,me

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rusty,

      I’m looking at my Benchmark and found Chemult in Winema National Forest. I’m not familiar with the area around Chemult. You’ve had your share of rain lately! I’m glad you aren’t driving in it.

      Up in the bunk is a good hiding place for Timber. He probably feels safest there.

      Yes! It’s a lot cooler here, too… I don’t use a fan often but I had it on yesterday.

      • Timber n' me /near Chemult, Oregon says:

        I had the Fan on all day and up till 10:30pm, the one you gave us, What’s with this weather, not supposed to be this warm here till July or August,,, oh well, maybe just a spell we’re all goin’ thru ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  36. rvsueandcrew says:

    Oh my, take a look at Edith at The Pixie Project! Wouldn’t she make a perfect girlfriend for Reggie!

    Good thing she’s in Portland because if she were nearby I wouldn’t be able to resist.

  37. Timber n' me /near Chemult, Oregon says:

    She’s adorable, She could be Reggies sister and not know it, Sue

  38. Hi Sue!!!

    I’m back! Been super busy and had to do a lot of catch up reading!!! I, for one, am loving this campground…love all the green! I may not want it forever, but for a while is just perfect! Those banana slugs are really so gross, we saw one on our trip and I have a pic of it next to my shoe, it was crazy long! Ewww……

    I clicked on that link for The Pixie Project….Edith is Reggie’s twin! How cute would that be?!?

    Hi to all of the blogorinos as well!

    Krystina, hope all goes smoothly at the ER, prayers for you that you get some help ASAP! What a nightmare for you! 🙁 Keep us posted….

    Enjoy the rest of your day, Sue….hope it stays cool! It was toooo hot here yesterday!

  39. weather says:

    If a sign on a site says occupied I would expect to see someone currently in it,is it just me ,or could that have been written by the same folks that painted the “your beyond hope” sign?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      What power of recall you have, weather! I’m trying to remember what state that town called Hope is in…. I can see it, not much more than an intersection…. and then the sign.

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      The times I did use a sign like that, it was specifically because I was not in it. The thing is, if you have a Class B or C and no toad (and if you don’t have a lot of stuff set up outside, which not everyone does), then if you go out for a drive or to town or etc., there is often nothing to show that the site is yours (and if it is at a campground, you may have paid for it – they don’t all have methods to show that). Those are the times that folks put out the “occupied” sign. I’m glad they do (as long as they are legit) because I don’t want to take someone’s campsite (nor to have them take mine).

      I wouldn’t use “site occupied” at a boondock, because…. it’s not really a site in the same way a campground is, plus I didn’t specifically pay and it is public land. But I might leave a small tent, some Lynx blocks or etc. Most boondockers will get the idea (a few folks will proceed to steal the Lynx blocks, but it’s rare enough that I just consider it the cost of doing business).

  40. Cinandjules (NY) says:


  41. rvsueandcrew says:

    Hey, Rubbernecker who drove by a few minutes ago with the stupid grin. Get a life!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      He/she just got called out! If they double back, you could always moon them!
      I can see it now….”I got a picture of that RVSue showin’ her ass.” Hehehe (wiping tears from my eyes from laughing….)

      Have a good evening, Sue! 🙂

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        You’re right. There’s no way I can win. 🙁

        • weather says:

          There’s really no possibility that you can lose,Sue!Have you noticed that people that behave intrusively and disrespectfully open their lives to intrusion and disrespect?They become beset by intrusion of trouble and disease and being looked down upon by people and Providence.Those,like yourself,that behave with true goodness of heart open their lives to goodness.They become surrounded by honor,the good in this world and the best gifts Providence bestows .Be annoyed,upset at the moment,feel all the nasty frustration and things that go with the turf,repeatedly defend and readjust our boundaries-granted.Lose-never!!!

          • Denise - Richmond VA says:

            Weather, as always, I love your perspective! 🙂

          • weather says:

            P.S.as always,feel free to edit/omit this should you choose to.

          • Timber n' me /near Chemult, Oregon says:

            Use the Grizz Horn on them, Sue, or get a Siren , like a cop,,,,,,,,,,,,

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            You’re right. By “not winning” I meant the situation only deteriorates the more I try to stop it. Of course, I’d rather be me than someone who spies on others for entertainment.

            In the past I’ve been criticized for over-reacting. Since then I decided to make a brief note here on this blog every time someone intrudes. That way I’ve documented how many times it occurs and maybe my strong reactions will be understood in context and not be seen as over-reactions.

            • weather says:

              Now I get it,clear views help folks see what really goes on,good plan.I’m glad you were just implementing that and not just sitting around feeling upset.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Well, I admit to venting, too. 🙂

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Like an annoying piece of lint on your shoulder….just brush it off. 🙂

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Right. If I didn’t brush off these intrusions, I would’ve lost my joy quite some time ago.

            Okay, enough on this topic… 🙂

  42. Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

    I’m back!!! There is no way to describe how WONDERFUL the Good Samaritan Regional Medical Hospital in Corvallis, OR was as well as the people in it!!! When I got to the RV parking a nice women called a security guard to take up to the hospital. I immediately got in to have the paperwork done and then only waited about 30-45 minutes to get looked at. I did my best “actress” act and told them I was having terrible pain in my kidney. The Dr. did a cat scan and could not find any kidney stones and he couldn’t find a tumor either!! He is running another culture on my urine (there was a bit of blood in it) and will call me as soon as it is in. Of course all that meant was that he didn’t know what was causing the dark urine. He referred me to a primary care Dr.in Corvallis so if the culture comes back with something that I have to go to another Dr. for, it would be easier to get an appointment if my primary care Dr. requests the appointment for me. What a difference a day makes!! RVSue and all you Bloggerinos were so wonderful to me…I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it. Thank you all for your advice!

    Krystina xxoo to you all! 🙂

    • shirlene says:

      Ok now I can sleep tonight. …no tumor or mass!!!! That is such GREAT news…thanks so much for the update…sleep well tonight. ..

    • cc and canine (Eastern Missouri) says:

      I’m so glad to here that you finally got treated with the respect that you
      deserve. Having things checked out will help ease your mind. It’s also good
      to have a primary to help follow up with the ER visit. You go girl!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Fantastic, Krystina! What a difference and such a relief. I assume you’re at the county park in Waterloo. Sleep well tonight; you must be tired. No need to reply to this.

    • Velda says:

      Keeping you in thoughts and prayers Kristina. Wishing one of us was close enough to hold your hand.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        I concur with Velda, Krystina…wish one of us was close enough to come hold your hand, give you rides to doc, etc!! GLAD at least no tumor found nor stones!!!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Rest up, Krystina. Glad that you are on the right path to getting answers and feeling better. Sending up lots of prayers for you. Wish I was in the area to drop you by some dinner, if you wanted me to. Sending you some hugs, too!

    • Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

      Wonderful news. Hope and pray the next tests come back with nothing serious.

    • Pamela K. in GA says:

      Such wonderful news! So fab that you can relax a bit and put some of your fears aside because you got such good care there. Please tell all of them that ~all of us~ thank them for taking such fine care of you…All of RV Sue’s 2 Million hits strong of us! Ah, just explain to them that you have a ~large extended family~ 🙂
      Wonderful update, keep us posted.
      Happy Hugs!

      • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

        Good Morning Pamela (and Bloggerinos) I thanked all of them to the moon and back!!!!!!! They all were sooooo nice and helpful and kind and I told them that too. One of the nurses was actually from Vermont!!! I knew exactly where all her relatives lived. It was freezing in the hospital and I mentioned that I was cold…someone ran and got me a WARM blanket….aaahhhh. I actually had a good day. Today I will make an appointment with the primary care Dr. and then wait for the culture to come back. Again, thank you Pamela for being there for me….as well as all my Bloggerino family. 🙂

        • Timber n' me /near Chemult, Oregon says:

          Yay!!!! I’m glad to hear that you got to a good hospital that cares and your on your way to recover,,,,,,, my prayers are still continuing for your well being,,,,,,,,,,,, me

          • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

            Thank you so much for your continuing prayers Rusty. I very much appreciate them.


        • DesertGinger says:

          Yay Krystina! So happy you got good care. It makes such a difference. Now let’s get that culture back and find out what is going on!

          • Krystina - Corvallis Oregon says:

            Hi Desert Ginger! I have had two cultures done and they have both been negative! Ugh. Quite honestly I am exhausted!!!

    • So glad to hear some positive news, Krystina!!! And to know you were well taken care of, that makes it even better….praying the good news keeps rolling in!

    • Teri in SoCal says:

      Hope you’re doing well!

  43. Barbara in Scottsdale says:

    I had to go to my local ER recently because of a nose bleed I couldn’t get to stop after 5 hours of constant bleeding. Thought I needed to do something about it as I was getting
    weak. I found out all hospitals accept Medicare, but not all doctors will accept the fee that medicare will reimburse them. They sometimes will bill you for more. Always ask first. Krystina you are in my thoughts and prayers for speedy revolvers!

  44. Barbara in Scottsdale says:

    Excuse my iPad it has a mind of its own. I wanted to let you know you are in my prayers for a speedy recovery!

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