It’s a long way from Yaak, Montana!

I like to break camp and travel in the morning.

Cholla in morning light

Also I like to write blog posts in the morning.  

The crew and I have been on the road for three consecutive days.  It’s difficult for me to put thoughts and words together in the afternoon and evening, especially on a travel day.

After setting up a new camp, I’m not in the state of mind to write.  I just want to push back and relax or explore the surroundings of our new home.

I apologize for not keeping this blog current.

Here is a very strange looking plant.

Mystery plant

We came across it on the trail in Red Cliffs Desert Preserve.  It’s about a foot tall.  Can you identify it for us?

We made it!

Finally we are in our winter home and, let me tell ya’, it’s a heckuva long way from Yaak, Montana!

Reggie, Roger and I will be back to the blog soon with a full post, probably tomorrow (Monday, 11/6).

In the meantime I encourage you to “chew the fat” in the comments section.

Fat with no calories, all goodness.

How can you resist?



Below are a few of the interesting products recently purchased at Amazon by my readers.

Watercolor Brush Set
Instant Pot Pressure Cooker
Set of 6 Turkey Tea Light Candleholders
Classic Cable Knit Rosy Pink Dog Sweater
Timberland Men’s Waterproof Ankle Boot
Happy Belly Deluxe Mixed Nuts, 44 Ounce

RVSue and her canine crew is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

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71 Responses to It’s a long way from Yaak, Montana!

  1. LeeJ in Northern California says:

    Good afternoon!

  2. Virginia620 AL says:


  3. Dawn in Asheville...err, Denver says:


  4. Calvin Rittenhouse says:

    May I just munch the cookies instead?

  5. Diann in MT says:

    Yep. A long way, considering the flora. So, funny, Sue. Enjoy your surroundings. You are so blessed.
    BTW. I think Yaak has been inundated by snow, and is due for more. We are in the grips of an early winter. Southcentral Montana.
    I survive by staying inside where it’s warm and dreaming of the days I skied in Colorado all winter!

  6. Pat from Mich. says:

    Top 5? Beautiful pics as always. You should sell some to mags!

  7. Diann in MT says:

    Oooooo. Moon shot is wonderful fun!

  8. Pat from Mich. says:

    That moon shot is indeed lovely!

  9. Renee still in Idaho says:

    In the Top Ten again – at least I’m consistent! Back to reading!

  10. Dawn in Asheville...err, Denver says:

    Now that I’m “on the road” I’m finding there is NO time to do anything it seems besides pack, unpack, clean (lots of cleaning – pet hair is my nemesis), hygiene, restocking supplies, dumping, refilling water, cooking, get internet set up, check to ensure everything is tied down, answer emails and forum discussions, wash dishes, walk the dog (often)…and repeat! ROFLOL. I am starting to cherish the times I stay one day in one place.

    I’m learning soooo much! Especially reacquainting with the luxury of a hot shower. Or, a laundromat without drama. And discovering that I actually am lonely on the road. I likes me some people – lol. Later this week should be starting the next leg of my trip down south to Texas. We’ll see if the latest $600+ mechanic bill actually fixed the mechanical issue that has plagued me across the country. Hope so. I’ve just about blown my emergency fund. Really insane. Should just turn around and go home!

    But Linda from NC and I have connected and we have commiserated with each other as she’s had some unexpected bills as well before she could get off.

    Loved that pic of a strange plant 🙂

    Safe Journeys!

    • Linda in NC says:

      Hey Dawn- you just cannot go home yet! I might skip FL residency right now. Yes changes again. My overhead fan does not work. Calling Mark tomorrow. Might have buyer for car, so still here. AZ or bust!!!!!

    • Barbara from Camano Is. says:

      Dawn, I am touched by your honesty about how all those many, many daily chores make you feel. I would think right now they take all the energy you have to give, because you are in a total “learning” mode. Hopefully, they will eventually become just background stuff. Getting to stay in one place more than one day will also probably make a huge difference too. You’ll be able to have more human exchange (other than the mechanics you have had to rely on).

      Keep going! I think what you have done so far is amazing! And wonderful, even though it seems only tedious and lonely right now.

      • Dawn in Asheville...err, Denver says:

        Thanks so much for the support Barbara!! I’m sure you are right – just need more time for all the strangeness to ebb and to get my routines down. And just feel comfortable that USUALLY and for the most part things are going to stop breaking 🙂

    • ValGal (westernWA) says:

      I am going through some similar stuff, partly. I moved into a fifth wheel a couple of months ago, except I’m anchored, don’t travel. Of course, travel is the big benefit, but alas, I have no tow vehicle and can’t afford to haul it around anyway.

      I am finding it a huge adjustment. It seems like everything is hands on, nothing is automatic. Things need to be fiddled with, monitored, tweaked, fixed. I had some very expensive surprise repairs. Also, being in the north, I’ve had to spend a lot of time and money getting everything ready for winter. It’s been hard, no doubt about it.

      All this to say, these challenges are ones others have, too. I believe you’ll get more used to your chores as they become routines. Hopefully, you’ll have fewer repairs now that you’re getting things fixed. And once you get places where you can stay a little while, you can enjoy the area and meet folks, as well as rest if you need to.

      Wishing you happy travels!

  11. Rover Ronda (WA) says:

    I hope someone knows that plant. Very interesting

    • LeeJ in Northern California says:

      I have no idea what that plant is, but I sure have looked at some beautiful plants online using search words like pink, desert. Flower, spike….!

      • NovaScotiaSue says:

        Hi Lee
        I googled ‘pink cholla’ and it looks like that’s what they are. I stand to be corrected though.

        • Ed says:

          My guess is that NovaScotiaSue is on the right track. I would say that it is cane cholla that has turned purple because of cold weather and/or a lack of water.

  12. Anna from NC says:

    Waiting patiently!!!! Rest up, we’ll still be here!

  13. Beautiful photos, as usual. Glad you made it to your winter lands. I hope you have a lot of great relaxing days ahead with the crew.

  14. Maryanne Davis-Baldwin-CT says:

    I are hope you are not where the weather thingy says you are—13 degrees? Here in CT there’s only been a few frosts but enough to carry off the veggies, & damp enough to make the wood stove attractive enough to fire it up. The camper is all covered up waiting for January when we trek south.

  15. Cinandjules 🌵 says:

    Can you imagine living in Yaak?

    Don’t ever feel like you have to write for us…we are along for the ride!

    Enjoy your Sunday

  16. Ilse in Sequim and Tacoma, WA and Reston, VA says:

    Hi Sue,
    I did a puzzle of the desert this morning and promptly got homesick. Wish I could go south this winter. I’ll once again enjoy it through your blog.
    Cheers, Ilse

  17. Joe Bruner says:

    Sue, I have to do blog posts in the morning mainly because I never in my life had an original thought after three in the afternoon. Looking forward to learning about your winter home.

  18. Susan in south central WA says:

    Snow in my zipcode today. And are you sure the plant wasn’t cochineal (insects) on a host cholla?

  19. Robin B (Oregon & Arizona) says:

    As usual, I love reading this blog, and so admire you, RVSue, for keeping this up as well as you do. As I’ve discovered, it’s not easy keeping up with posting as much as one wants to, and like you, by the time I sit down to write something, I’m too tired or too muddled to do some quality writing. Kudos to you for doing what you do.

    I am trying to get a book blog going and hoping to get it going by the end of the month. May I mention it on this blog when I do?

    In the meantime we are loving our weather and time in Green Valley, AZ. The pools are divine and every day we pretty much have it to ourselves. and with 88 degree water, who can resist?

    I’ve also discovered we have a new neighbor and not sure what to think. Most of the units in our complex are four in one building but we are in more of a duplex with a villa on one side. The unit sold a few months ago, and being the kind of person who likes to meet new people, I was looking forward to meeting someone new (and I give away free books!) but it appears as if our neighbor doesn’t even care to acknowledge our existence, and that’s tough considering how our patios are connected. The other day I ran across her in the laundry room and before I realized who it was chirped “Good morning!” only to be met with a “Mmfph…” But I guess a quiet, non-friendly neighbor is better than a chatty, always-in-your-business one.

    A reminder that if you haven’t read it yet, try Jessica Bruder’s NOMADLAND. I’m most of you will find it fascinating.


  20. Joy says:

    Within 6 months I became childless and husbandless. A little over a year ago my now ex and I purchased a used AirStream and was renovating it, had a good start on it, then life happened. I’ve thought about purchasing a small travel trailer (and in turn would have to purchase a vehicle to tow it as my current one won’t) and hitting the road with my pup. I am scared to death as it would just be me and the pup. Fear is crippling me. I’m also afraid of getting a 9-5 job and be stuck in this tiny town for the rest of my life and that being ‘it.’ I want happiness and adventure but told ‘it’s not all about you’ and ‘you’re being selfish.’ Sigh.

    • Cinandjules 🌵 says:

      First and foremost condolences on your loss. Being apprehensive is common for any event outside your norm!
      Do yourself a favor…live the life YOU want! Others can say whatever they want but no one will ever walk in your shoes! Sorry..but it IS about you! If you live your life to please others…it’s never going to be enough anyhow!
      Perhaps the naysayers are “stuck” in that little town you spoke of…and are envious that you have the courage to venture off!
      Live your dash!

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        I am sorry for your loss, Joy.

        I agree with you Cin. Find myself felling a little apprehensive at times also. My dream is to do as Sue and Crew, should my DH go before me.
        His health is not good and we got a call from his nephrologist last week and his kidney function is down to 21%. At 20% he will need to do dialysis. In addition, he has heart issues and has had 2 minor strokes. The heart issue is so severe the Doc won’t even give me a % of blockages. With the other issues he is not a candidate for open heart surgery.

        But then I read some RV blogs and look at travel trailers and I’m revived about getting on the road with Angel. She is a good traveler. Just hope she can handle other dogs.

    • LeeJ in Northern California says:

      Maybe at this point it should ‘be about you’. I never understand people that have a certain set of values and expect those values to be one size fits all.
      As for fear, at my age, 71, I have found that there are so many things I still can do, so I do them.
      One time when I was about 40 I read a magazine article about a woman that held herself back from following her heart and in the end her epatath read, She Read a Lot of Magazines. I didn’t want my life to end up like that, reading what other people did and never experiencing it myself.
      I always wanted to ride my horse on the beach, to be brave enough to load her up and drive to the beach, unload and ride….so I did…it was an epiphany . I really could ‘just do it’.
      I was in an rv store recently to see about some things I needed….the young woman that waited on my friend and I, was astounded we actually drove big trucks, pulled trailers, camped without hookups, could back up a trailer! So many wome sell themselves short. And miss out on so much joy.
      When one door slams shut it your face, find another opening. It won’t bring your former life back, but the door is there just open it and walk through. Don’t read other people’s stories, make your own.

      • Sue from Michigan says:

        Great advice LeeJ. I’m 70, I travel in my converted (by me) van. YES CAN do it!! Don’t need to be full time, just DO IT, YOUR way. It expands the spirit!

    • Gail from Buckeye AZ says:

      Joy I am so sorry for your loss! Five years ago my Dear Husband suddenly died, was diagnosed with cancer on a Tuesday and 4 Tuesdays later was dead! He had never been ill in his life so losing him so quickly was such a shock. I had wanted an RV for years but he was not very interested in getting one but when he was laying there dying he told me when he got better we would get an RV and travel. After he died I sat here 5 years still wishing for an RV so in June I decided I was not getting any younger and if I was going to do it I had to do it now and I went and bought a new truck and a 25 foot travel trailer. Its been an experience learning all that is needed to tow a travel trailer but I am doing it one step at a time. I just got back from a 3 week trip with it. I still am not very good at backing it up so only stayed at places where I could get a pull thru. It gets easier towing it and things that were hard are not so hard anymore but there are still many things I don’t know. I am 68 years old and its all been a lot to learn but I decided no one was going to do this for me and I stepped out of my comfort zone and am doing it by myself for myself. My family is behind me telling me to go for it. You keep going it gets easier, not every day is perfect not every campsite is either but the good times out weigh the troubled ones! Its just me and my little Yorkie, Teddy!

      • Kathy Nagy says:

        I am so very happy to learn of another “older woman” buying a truck, camper, and hitting the road. I am 67 y/o, retired recently, and have done just what you are doing. Sometimes I do such stupid things while on the road, that I just feel that I should give up. BUT, being a type A and one of those people who does what she wants (when others think I nuts), I have pushed myself onward.

        As far as backing up with a camper, I was sooooo bad for soooo long. The light finally went on at the very end of my second whole month of travel, this past January. That’s right…it took 2 months of travel, with change in campsites about every 3 days (on average) to finally get it. WOW, it just finally clicked near the end of those journeys one day. I WAS SO PROUD OF MYSELF.

        If you would like a list of my screw ups…you could email me at…but I won’t list them here…too embarrassing.

        I did a Pure Michigan summer (I live in Michigan) , camping along Lake Michigan and Lake Superior. It was so gratifying to be backing up “all by myself”. I must not be that great yet, however, since I often got asked if I needed help and one fella asked me if it was the first time I backed up with a camper. Hahaha. I may be slow and not very good yet, but I do get ‘er done.

        • Dawn in Asheville...err, Denver says:

          Kathy and Gail – both of you – high fives!!! Just loved reading your comments. I’ve felt so challenged since getting on the road, but you reminded me how good it feels once you actually master what you set out to accomplish. Bravo!

          • Gail from Buckeye AZ says:

            Dawn its great to read about other Ladies getting out there and Living the Dream! It does feel good to finally master a new task. Most of us have grown up thinking only men can do these things, I laugh to myself when I realize a task is really not that hard I only thought it would be hard to do! LOL!
            Of course the Backing up the Trailer thing is still a hurdle that I am slowing getting the hang of!

        • Gail from Buckeye AZ says:

          Hi Kathy, I sent you an email!

  21. Mary says:

    Nice to read about something that has nothing to do with ear violence and death. Thank you Sue, you help to save my sanity.

  22. weather says:

    Yay! You must be so-o glad to be at your winter home, it’s certainly been an interesting summer for you. You had problems I’m glad your earlier years on the road didn’t hold, it wasn’t easy yet you handled it all really well. You also had tremendous gifts given to you, though, and long term those are what counts. Now, with Roger having joined your family, you three can relax, enjoy a slower pace being home and with each other, deal with any needed repairs at your leisure…I’m all happy sighs for you, Sue 🙂

    a heckuva long way from Yaak, Montana !?! Ha, ha! That’s where the moose (you mentioned in a reply a couple of days ago) suddenly crossed the road you were on, whether or not you consciously made that connection, it’s a really funny line.

  23. Mary says:

    It is your lifen no one has the right to tell you how to grieve or to live. It is all about you go and enjoy. Life is short.

  24. Linda a says:

    Reggie and Roger are looking fine!
    Always enjoy their antics . 😊

  25. Joyce sutton says:

    That isn’t insects. I magnified and it looks like tiny blossoms. Do cholla bloom?

  26. Rita fr Phx says:

    I guess you are in Nevada 🙂

  27. Sonia W says:

    It was such an honor to have met you Saturday morning. You are the reason I began looking into full-time RVing. I could tell you were heading out and I did not want to hold your attention but there were so many things I wanted to ask you. When I pulled in Friday night I saw the BLT and began to tell my girlfriend (who was camping with me) all about wanting a Casita. She is interested in full-time RVing as well. When the PTV pulled around the bend pulling the BLT I second glanced. As you approached my campsite, it hit me! Hope I did not scare you when I approached you, I was just excited. Have fun on your future travels and safe wishes.

  28. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    I have no idea what the plant is but it is unusual and pretty at the same time. the double R’s are looking happy, frisky and ready to have a good time. Great shot of the moon.
    Are you back to Midland LTVA?

  29. Renee (Datil/North Ranch) says:

    I think it’s a long way from anywhere to ANYWHERE in Montana! At least that’s what it seems like every year when we make our annual trek to visit the grandkids outside Bigfork!
    We’ve been enjoying our 6 weeks at our NM property; heading to AZ this coming Saturday. If not for dentist appts, we might stay longer. The weather has been gorgeous the whole time we’ve been here.
    The “new” pups have been enjoying the freedom to roam some (within sight), too, and this time has given me some time to work on a bit of training.
    Travel safe!

  30. Chey (WA coast) says:

    Did you see the Pro PAC dog food and Advantage II? I adopted an 11 year old rat terrier named “Chance” 🐾🐾 from adopt-a-pet! He’s on a grain free diet.
    I wonder where you will winter? And off you got the heater hooked up?

  31. Jim in Hidden Valley Lake, Ca says:

    Looks like Poverty Flats will be in the mid 70’s all week long this coming week!

  32. Archae says:

    Hey Sue! Take your time. We’ll still be here.

    Could the mystery plant be a chenille cactus of some variety?

  33. Laurie in NC says:

    I am a morning person as well and if I ever had a blog, I would have to write in the morning. I am not very creative or energetic after about 5:00 in the afternoon.
    Looking forward to more adventures of Reg and Rog and your beautiful pictures! I have briefly visited the Nevada and Utah areas and I am fascinated with the flora and landscape of the desert!

  34. Terri in Tx says:

    Hi Joy,
    What’s wrong with getting a trailer and starting off slowly? For Pete’s sake, don’t let others tell you how to live your life! We only go around once! I am 57 and chomping at the bit for my husband to retire in 2 years. I, too, am afraid of things like not having enough money for health insurance. Mine just went up, as it does every year, over 500 a year. We want to retire at 62 but can we afford it? But then I tell myself if we don’t do what we want to do time is just going to pass anyway and insurance will still be high! I know our situations differ a lot but stress is stress! Bottom line-Do what is best for YOU!! And have faith that things will work out. Now, if I can just follow my own advice…☺

  35. suzicruzi from Van, WA. says:

    Gee Sue, looking at the current weather bar on the side of your page, it looks nippy in Overton!
    Bundle up!

  36. SuzieQ says:

    The plant is Halogeton. From wikipedia:
    Halogeton glomeratus is a species of flowering plant in the amaranth family known by the common names saltlover, Aral barilla, and halogeton. It is native to Russia and China, but the plant is probably better known in the western United States, where it is an introduced species and a notorious noxious weed.

  37. Li says:

    Hello from SW Ontario. This summer I saw this very tall, vividly hot pink plant at a funky little roadside plant nursery. The lady told me she had grown amaranth from seed. It was a conversation piece for sure. I might try it myself in the spring. Safe travels!

  38. Pauline from Mississippi says:

    Always love the pictures!! And of course, the post that goes with them. Interesting name of camp…Cedar Pocket! That was an interesting plant you had identified. I wouldn’t have any idea. Sending lots of love and big hugs.

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