Rainy days in a cozy camp and a pelican parade!

Monday, October 5 and Tuesday, October 6

P1070825The crew and I camp at Minersville Lake Campground for three days.

Much to my surprise, we find a fellow camper and reader of this blog is here — Jack, whom we met last spring at Ward Mountain near Ely, Nevada.  He’s the guy who told us about cleaning up campgrounds and establishing a positive relationship with forest service office people, and, in so doing, earning longer (and free!) stays at forest campgrounds.

I tell Jack that we’re here for the electric hook-ups due to the propane heater not working.  After I share details, he says the problem is probably caused by a thermocouple needing replacement.  I agree.

We have scattered showers for these days and nights. 

A few people come out to the reservoir to fish in various small watercraft.

P1070817It’s a treat for me to have a hot shower whenever I want!

P1070816Tuesday afternoon a passenger van pulls up to the sites behind us.

People with tents and gear spill out.  They’re conservation volunteers.  I knew they were coming by the reservation signs on the shelters.  Tents pop up all around.

P1070822After three nights at $20 a pop, along with the weather clearing and more campers pulling in, I’m restless to hit the road.

The next photo shows what the campsite looks like with the Best Little Trailer’s interior light and outside door light on, along with the light above the picnic table.  These shelters are in good shape with fresh paint.  They even have cupboards!


Wednesday, October 7

Bridget, Reggie, and I step outside to a bright, sunny morning.  Immediately I see a large flock of pelicans on the shore of the reservoir.

“Hang on!  Let me get my camera!”

The three of us make our way toward the reservoir until I’m within range with my zoom lens.  By this time the pelicans are in formation.  I count over one-hundred-thirty in a line!

P1070839“Well, isn’t this a lovely send-off for us!  A pelican parade!”  I zoom even further.  The line is breaking up.

P1070841To learn more about the American White Pelican and to hear their sound, click here.

“Okay, time for breakfast and my coffee, and then we break camp!”

P1070819On the way out of the campground, we stop at the dump station.

“Ready to find a new home, Reggie Man?”

P1070835On the road again . . . . Blue skies up above . . .


NOTE:  As several of you know, today, October 15, is my birthday in real time.  This blog post is a week behind.  In order to get the happy birthday business over with now instead of waiting until I catch up the blog to the 15th,  I’m going ahead and sharing a photo of the much-anticipated birthday cake.  It was all I hoped it would be.  Sweet!

P1080048Thank you for sending me wishes for a happy day.  The crew and I went on an outing to a special place in order to make this birthday memorable.  We had fun!  I’ll be sure to post about it soon.  Thanks again for the “cyber-party.”  — Love, Sue



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294 Responses to Rainy days in a cozy camp and a pelican parade!

  1. Donna says:

    Happy Birthday Sue! As usual, your photos are wonderful, including the cake!

  2. Calvin R (Ohio) says:

    Cozy is good. The picture of Reggie looking at the scenery just works out.

  3. Hi Sue,

    Wow, Happy Birthday! This camp ground looks very nice, especially if no one else is around. 😉 I really like the photo of the BLT and the picnic shelter at night.
    Pelicans, yes! That must have been a sight to see. We are in the Bay area visiting my partner’s family, so I snuck out to a local park today. It was nice to see a small flock of Pelicans there.
    Have a great evening.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lisa,

      We’re connected by pelicans. 🙂 Thank you for the birthday wish and the comment on the night photo. I don’t use outside lights very often. I wanted to show what it would be like if folks wanted to eat dinner outside after dark. You have a great evening, too.

  4. Pat, Oregon Coast says:

    Happy Birthday!!!!!! You and my oldest son share the same birth date. I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy many more birthdays doing what you love.

  5. carlene from Heron Lake, north central New Mexico says:

    So glad you and the crew had a great day… sharing these special days with our “furry” family is just the right thing to do… Happy and Safe Travels!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Carlene…. Heron Lake! I hope to camp there someday.

    • Mary in CO says:

      Many good memories of sailing on Heron Lake in the early 90’s. It could be a real challenge when the winds changed! Our family was young then and we camped many night in a pop- up camper near there. Heard that the lake lost a lot of water in later years.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        Nothing like a mountain lake for challenging sailing winds – I can imagine it. Sounds like good times and memories.

  6. Sharon in MO says:

    Happy birthday, Sue! May you enjoy many more years of boon-docking with the crew.

  7. Dave Stewart (in missouri for now) says:

    A simple Happy Birthday. Hope it is all you wish it to be!

  8. Renee Galligher says:

    Happy Birthday to you.
    Happy Birthday to you.
    Happy Birthday dear Suuuuuuuuue.
    Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu!

  9. mockturtle says:

    Is it your Wave heater or your furnace that isn’t working?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It’s the Wave 3. I didn’t choose the furnace option for the BLT. I didn’t want the weight, I heard they were loud, and I knew I would boondock a lot.

  10. Linda from Oregon says:

    Happy Birthday. Guess we missed the cyber party but really hope that you did something special for yourself and had a great day.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda,

      Oh, I called all the happy birthday wishes a cyber-party, so you didn’t miss it. I did have a special day with the crew. Thank you!

  11. Sherri D says:

    I knew there were more than one reason that I like you…MY birthday is this month too. 🙂 Very happy birthday! And remember, you’re older than you’ve ever been, and now you’re even older! . . . . . . . . Now you’re older still!

    Those last words are in a song that my husband and son sing: http://www.jinglybits.com/jinglybits.com/music/older.mp3
    My son was about eight years old then. It is a silly birthday song. Hubby says bonus points for those that know the song that fades in and then out at the end. 😉

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s delightful, Sherri! Your son’s voice is so pure and sweet. What a beautiful keepsake for you and the generations that follow. Thanks for sharing it here.

      Happy birthday to you and to all the October babies!

  12. Reina & Arrow (AZ) says:

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted a comment although I read all your posts… I always look forward to reading them! I wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday!! I hope your day was wonderful!! P.S. I love the Casita photo at night….so cozy!!

  13. MK in NE GA for now says:

    Hey! another OCT baby here 10/11/50 ~ Just had my 65th! Enjoy your day!

  14. Jack Spratter says:

    Happy Birthday for the 67th time, RVSue!

    I am still at Minersville Lake. The conservation group packed up a couple of days ago and left. The nights are cool but the days remain warm. So, as long as they do, I will be here before moving southward toward warmer climate.

    I hope that your birthday was a special day for you and the crew!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Jack. It was nice to see you! I thought we’d talk again before we left. I looked to see if you were outside that morning so I could say goodbye and happy travels…

      You may be interested in our present camp which is “southward toward a warmer climate.” I plan to post about it tomorrow.

      Enjoy Minersville Reservoir!

      • Jack Spratter says:

        When I saw you go by, I went outside and waved good-bye. I am sure that we will meet again. Happy trails.

        BTW: the ATV’s have arrived in force with the beginning of deer hunting season. The teenagers run them constantly. I stopped a driver that constantly ran by my site and politely asked him to do it around their site down by the lake. HA! He told me that his parents told him to go somewhere else other than their site. So, I went down to his parent’s site and asked them if they had asked their teenage son to run the ATV up and down next to my TT and around it? They apologetically said, “No, and we are very sorry.” I asked them why they thought it was alright for him to run the ATV around someone else’s area when they did not want to hear it around theirs. They said that they would immediately take care of the matter, and apologized again. With all the acreage of trails, one would think that the ATV drivers would want to explore them instead of driving them around the RV park.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          That was you waving to me? Gee, I think I’m losing the part of my brain dealing with face recognition. Oh well..

          I feel your pain, Jack. I was walking the crew and saw a kid on a four-wheeler drive along the water’s edge. I tried to take a photo but didn’t catch him. He was so far away. Then he roars up to the campground and goes around the loop twice. It’s a good thing he didn’t come around a third time.

          A man has an industrial size, cheapo generator running, radio on at high volume (must have big speakers). I walk by and of course he’s inside with the door open, a pile of beer cans next to his fire pit.

          I HATE WEEKENDS!!!!

  15. Monica-CA says:

    Happy Birthday!!! Hope your day was wonderful!

  16. Pat in Rochester says:

    Happy birthday! And I think I’d better get to bed. I read the headline as “penguin parade” and kept reading to find out how you found penguins in your campground. Oye.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s funny, Pat, because I typed penguin by mistake twice in this post. When I read your comment I quickly scrolled up to see if I put penguin in the title! Whew!

      Thanks for the birthday wish.

  17. GB in norcal says:

    Happy Birthday! What a nice place to spend it! In the outdoors with your crew! Fall is all around us now. Liking this cooler weather!

  18. Pamelab in Houston says:

    Happy, Happy Birthday, to you, SUE!! I was going to sing to you, but looks like Renee already did that. We have lots of family birthdays in October, and my late husband’s is October 15, just like your’s. Hope you had a fun time and spent a lovely birth day.
    Warmest Wishes :0)

  19. Lynn Brooks says:

    Dear Sue,
    Happiest of Birthdays!!!
    Wishing you miles & miles of safe, healthy travels!!!
    Lynn B. Baltimore, MD.

  20. Sheila Melcher says:

    Happy Birthday to you RV Sue! I hope you and crew celebrated in style.

  21. Happy Day! What a swell birthday! And I knew there was a subliminal reason the birthday cake ice cream called my name in Depoe Bay today.


  22. Pookie in SE Texas says:

    HA…I cant keep up with you………
    happy birthday young lady…so glad to
    see you made another one………
    now to go read your blog…

  23. Kay in Wa State with 16 tiny paws says:

    Happy B day. My birthday is the 31st of Oct. of course I have to be late for everything. I have read your post from the beginning and have the upmost respect for how you are living your life. Been around for a while but am shy about posting but here it is.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kay!

      No need to be shy about posting… Anyone who has an October birthday and makes their home with 16 tiny paws is most welcome here!

      Thank you for the birthday greeting and for your words about the way I live. Please feel welcome here anytime.

      Oh, and have a happy birthday on the 31st!

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Welcome, blogorino Kay 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Welcome to the blogorino family, Kay! Sending you early Birthday wishes! 🙂

  24. Bev says:

    Happy Birthday Sue!

  25. Jenny Johnson Manuel says:

    Hope your birthday was a wonderful one!!

  26. Ede says:

    ??HaPpY bIrThDaY tO YoU & many more ??

  27. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Happy Birthday and many more, Sue!! Glad you had some cake…looked yummy!! Reminds me of our wedding cake. We left after the reception, having only the small bite of cake that you feed the other…were gone 3 days. When we left a lot of our cake was left…but when we got back?? Almost non, other than the top which went into the freezer, was left. In retrospect we should have eaten the top THEN…a year later it was not too tasty anyway…the reason our cake was gone? I had a brother who loved white cakes and white ice cream…so I guess he must not have eaten a whole lot else besides our cake while we were gone…but there were lots of similar events surrounding our day that went along with this….sigh!! Could have saved a lot of money and quietly eloped. Would have had more cake too!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      I bet there are a lot of couples who would agree with your remark about eloping and saving a lot of money. I’ve been married twice and both weddings were on the cheap. Haha!

      Thanks for sharing your story of the disappearing wedding cake and for the birthday wish!

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Yea, no doubt Sue…you know, we work so hard to put together a big event (as cheaply as possible of course) but with many people involved and this anniversary (#43)…only 2 friends who have only known us about 15 years, remembered the day even…those who were there are some already gone and the rest evidently not a big deal to them…so save the money!! That is my advice!! Our youngest who has not married yet, says if she ever does, it will be just closest of kin and friends and to some destination…so all will get a vacation out of it…seems like a nice idea…ah, but hindsight for a lot of us is so perfect eh?

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I know a couple who opted for a vacation-for-everybody type wedding. I think it was in Belize at an all-inclusive resort. Great way to get hitched!

  28. Deena in Peoria AZ says:

    Happy Birthday Sue and may you have many more on the Road with the Crew.

    Deena, Family and Miss Mollie

  29. Cheryl says:

    Happy Birthday, Sue!

  30. Julie, Molly & gizmo (Idaho) says:

    Happy happy day to you sue! Saw a casita in mammoth cg this week. Am enjoying October in Yellowstone. Happy travels. Looking forward to next post & location. Take care!

  31. Renee (Datil/North Ranch) says:

    Happy Birthday, Sue! We went by Minersville Campground en route to Panguitch. Looking at it on Google Earth, the sites didn’t look big enough for us, but it looked like a cool place. We’ve moved about 20 miles south to an RV park between Bryce & Zion. One other person here (I don’t think the owner advertises much). Like being in a forest service campground but not as crowded, not as over-used, and with full hookups. Of course, it does cost more than a forest service campground, but the location is spectacular!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for the birthday wish, Renee!

      Oh gosh, there are sites at Minersville Campground big enough for a huge Class A! Shame on Google Earth for misleading you. 🙂

  32. Gail from Buckeye AZ says:

    Sue you are a very Special Lady and your Blog is always a special treat to read, thank you for writing it and you have a Wonderful Birthday!

  33. Ann M says:

    Happy birthday, Sue! Been a while since I commented, but I always read your posts. Love your pictures, too.

    Ann M (Virginia)

  34. Ann M (Virginia) says:

    Now I got it!

  35. Edie in Colorado says:

    Happy Birthday, Sue. We just got back home after a week in The Capital Reef area in Utah. Time to put our Tab away for the winter. Two years from now, I hope to be retired and begin our traveling adventures. Until then I will continue to enjoy your adventures and squirrel away the information you so graciously share.

  36. Karen LeMoine says:

    Isn’t it wonderful Sue to be celebrating B-Days boondocking with your fabulous precious Crew! You are blessed and surrounded with love! The Casita,glowing in the dark, is just a stunning sight!My wish for you is many more years of the vagabond lifestyle with the furries! Life is grand on the road! As always thanks for all your incredible postings!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Karen, and thank you for that wonderful wish!

      Yes, I am blessed by every kind reader of my blog. You enhance my life experience.

  37. Sidewinder Pen says:

    Mmmm, cake. I like the photo of Reggie looking out the PTV window and then you can also see him in the side mirror. And the BLT at night by the shelter is great for “atmosphere.”

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Pen. I like those pics, too. I remember looking wistfully at a night photo of someone’s Casita, way back when I was saving and waiting for retirement. I imagined being inside that cozy home… and here I am!

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        There is something about seeing the warm glow of the windows from a tiny shelter at night. Just wonderful 🙂

        • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

          Exactly! I remember walking around the trailer camp at Estero Bay, Ensenada, in early 60s, at night, thinking how very cozy it looked. And it was.

  38. Pam N says:

    Happy birthday, Sue!

  39. Penny in AR says:

    Almost the end of the day, but want to wish you happy birthday, and also wish you three many more happy wandering days!

  40. Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

    I said Happy Birthday yesterday, but the timing of these posts always confuses me, so I’ll say it again! You are a wonderful, vibrant, adventurous 67 and an inspiration to many of us in that decade!! I loved the photo of Reggie Man looking out the window … it’s as if he has finally proven himself as a real boondocking dog and is on the look out for the next best spot!!

  41. Reine in Plano says:

    Happy Birthday…gosh it’s hard to believe it’s been over 4 years since we camped with you at Navarro Mills Lake when you picked up your Casita. 2011 was a good time to retire. And now we’re all on Medicare but still camping and having a wonderful time. How time does fly. We’re getting ready to head out for a month – a couple of rallies with some “just us” camping in between and a several days camping with our kids and grandkids. THAT should be interesting.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It has been a wonderful four years, Reine… for us and for you. Your family has grown and you’ve made some wonderful camping trips. I’ll always be thankful for you and Paul helping me launch into this lifestyle. Have a fantastic month!

  42. Glinda says:

    Happy Happy Birthday! 😀

  43. Chaunte in West Tennessee says:

    Hi Sue!
    So glad your birthday was good! You have, once again, picked a beautiful spot to call home. Reggie sure is a great boondocker and Miss B has done a great job guiding him through this life change! You are one lucky lady! Have happy and safe travels.

    Chaunte, Shea, and the 2 Chihuahuas

  44. BadgerRickInWis says:

    It looks like I was posting this comment on the last post while this post was coming in. So I hope it’s all right I’m going to cut and paste that one here so that everyone can see that the Boondocking Throne is on sale. 🙂

    Ya know I liked Shirlene’s idea so much it sent me over to my Amazon wish list. I don’t want or need much but in honor of Sue’s birthday I ordered a fire proof lock box that someday will ride in my dream rig protecting insurance papers, passport and other important stuff. Happy Birthday Sue.

    But I want you to know that no mere physical token can be thanks enough for the continued inspiration that you provide to me and others. This magical place that you have created helps me keep my dream alive and visualized on a ongoing basis. That means more to me than I can put into words.

    Having said that I also noticed that the Caravan Sports Zero Gravity Chair is currently 34% off on Amazon. Now this chair is the official lounging throne of the Boondocking Queen herself and it can be yours for the low low price of just $34.87. Get yours today!!! 🙂

    Caravan Sports Infinity Zero Gravity Chair, Beige

    This is one of my links. –Sue

  45. Ilse says:

    Happy Birthday Sue! I wish you continued health and happiness on the road with your crew!

  46. I hope you had a grand birthday – I compiled a blog especially for your celebration. …and always get the before or after day thingie mixed up, being in Australia. …I will be forever grateful that I stumbled into your blog at a time when I needed it…hope to be with you next year for more celebrations…..cheers and best wishes lesalp.blogspot.com.au

    • Nice job on Sue’s Birthday “Card” on your blog, Leslie. I for one checked it out.

      Happy Birthday Sue! Hope you bought yourself a rotissirie chicken cake.:)

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        “A rotisserie chicken cake”… Oh my, Bridget and Reggie better not hear about that! I’m pestered enough by those two.

        Thanks for the “Happy Birthday,” Ed.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      My gosh, Leslie… I can’t believe you did that! I don’t know what to say. I’m stunned!

      I tried to thank you in a comment on your blog and couldn’t make it post. Maybe because I’m not signed up with Google… Anyway…

      Thank you for a very special, incredible, birthday card! Wow.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Leslie….

      I had a chance to read your blog. Your mosaics are gorgeous!

      I don’t know if any readers will see this, as it may be lost in all the comments… READERS… Click on “Leslie from Australia.” Below the post celebrating my birthday (!) you’ll find her beautiful mosaics, a treat for the eyes!

  47. Debbie Hearne says:

    Happy birthday Sue. We wish you many more healthy, happy birthdays rolling through the beautiful west. We appreciate all the time you dedicate to your blog even on your birthday

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Debbie, and thank you for the birthday wish. Contact with good people like you is a pleasure for me.

  48. Rob, still in Oregon today says:

    Happy Birthday Sue!

  49. Rob, back in Washington with grandpa duties says:

    It’s a thermocouple.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Wow! From Oregon to Washington in three minutes! You know how to travel, Rob! LOL!

      Oh, thermocouple, not thermocoupler? Oops. I’ll fix it.

  50. Happy, Happy Birthday SUE!!!! Hope you had the most amazing day!!! May the road stay wide and free before you!

  51. Merle from WA says:

    Happy Birthday, Sue! Couldn’t resist wishing you the very best birthday ever. Loved the photo of Briggett lagging behind and Reggie checking out the area from the PTV. Both hubby and I have birthdays in October as well AND today we headed out as “Snowbirds” for the SW. So love being back on the road to adventure

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Merle, and Happy Birthday to you and your husband! Have a safe and enjoyable journey to wherever you make your home in the Southwest!

  52. Colleen from Tehachapi says:

    Happy Birthday Sue! I always look forward to your posts. You have actually been staying in a place I have been to for a change. Sounds like you enjoyed your day, love the cake!

  53. Casitagirl says:

    Happy Birthday Sue! Hope you had a great day today. Thanks so very much for sharing your adventures–they have inspired my husband and I and have truly changed our lives.

  54. Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

    Happy Birthday, fellow Libra! Libras are notorious for not being able to make up their minds about anything. Is that true or not … I can’t make up my mind! P.S. Have you heard from Rusty lately?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Gayle!

      Rusty commented under the previous post. He and Lady Piper are back in Arizona and both are fine. Rusty was out of touch for a while until he purchased another laptop.

  55. Tawnya says:

    Happy Birthday Aunt Susan! I love you !

  56. Marcia GB in MA says:

    I’m a little late to the party. Happy, Happy Birthday, Sue! Love your cake ?

  57. Bill (NC) says:

    Happy bday Sue!!!! Mine is Oct. 16 and my father is Oct. 17. We rock in October!!!

    Bill n Sadie plus Mic

  58. Glenda from Glendale says:

    Happy Birthday Sue! Glad you had an awesome day!

  59. Jim says:

    Happy Birthday Sue. I’m one day after you… meaning today! Wahoo

  60. Deb D says:

    Happy Birthday Sue ! Hope you have a great day and safe travels with your crew.
    We all love reading about your travels and great pics .

  61. Linda Hughes North Carolina says:

    Happy Birthday to someone I admire so much…..hope your day was a blessed and happy one! The campground looked great, the showers a blessing for sure. I remember the feeling of finding a good hot shower, but some of the bath houses are kind of creepy sometimes so a nice one is a good thing. Reggie Man looks so much like the baby we had for 14 years, such a wonderful part of our lives, his name was Booger and he was a little man just like Reggie Man. Miss B has a huge job keeping up with Reggie but she is cool and can definitely do it. The weather you way is getting cooler, it is great that you can move with the weather and experience whatever type weather you like. Take care Miss Sue and again Happy Birthday!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda,

      How very difficult to part with your Baby Booger after 14 years. Reggie hasn’t been with us a year and I can’t imagine letting him go.

      The weather widget, as I type this, shows Minersville. We aren’t there anymore, having moved about a week ago. It’s much warmer here. I wear short pants, short sleeved shirts and sandals. Yes, this way of life is great for having comfortable weather almost every day.

      Thanks for the birthday wish!

  62. Glenda Laine says:

    Sue, please email me. Jeff died suddenly & I need to pick your brain learning how to continue this lifestyle alone.

    • Patricia K says:

      Glenda, So very sorry for your loss. You will be alright, it takes time. Sending good thoughts your way. Pat K in Bulverde

    • Glenda, may I also offer my condolences. What a very difficult situation to go through. I feel confident that you will know how to do this lifestyle on your own once all the shock begins to wear off. My best to you!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Glenda… I sent you an email.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Since I haven’t heard from you yet, let me say here how sorry I am that Jeff has passed on. You have my sincere sympathy, Glenda. I remember Jeff as a smiling, kind person. I enjoyed meeting him and spending time at the campfire he built for us. It must be difficult for you now and I pray for you.

        I’m honored that you reached out to me. I hope to hear from you, when the time is right for you. Let me know if there is anything I can do. I’m checking my inbox frequently.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Glenda replied to my email. She told me there are people around her to offer assistance as she needs it. Tonight (Sat.) at 7:30 a memorial service will be held for Jeff.

          • weather says:

            Thanks for updating us,Sue.Just seeing written words from people she’s met and trusts ,like you,will help her at least absorb the shock more safely this soon after.A new reality is easier to begin to face when familiar good things soften harsh times.

    • Sidewinder Pen says:


      So sorry to read this. I imagine you must have a million thoughts about the future (in addition to the past of course). If there is any way we blogorinos can help, I hope you feel free to ask in the comments section (as you see fit of course).

      There is no one “right” path to choose, but it is nice to hear you thinking about traveling and how to make it work.

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      Oh no….saddened to hear about Jeff. Thoughts are with you and Kira during this difficult time. I have no doubt that you will continue on living the lifestyle you and Jeff loved.

      Adirondacks NY

    • Velda in Roseville CA says:

      Glenda, my heartfelt sympathy for your loss. May you be comforted by joyful memories. Know we are here for you, all of the RVSue family!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      So sorry for your loss. Glenda. Take good care of yourself.

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      So sorry for your loss…you are going through what most of us most likely will at some point…hugs to you and prayers for the adjustments you are making!

  63. Sue, I’m sure you and the crew made your special day most memorable! Happy birthday! Loving the conga line of pelicans! Any idea why they would do that?

    My car which broke down with clutch hydraulic issues has finally been fixed after 3.5 weeks! At least they gave me a rental car during that time! In the meantime, since the tow truck driver broke part of the base plate (needed to tow my car) I’m still in limbo. I’m waiting for the insurance company on that. In the meantime, I’ve fallen in love with the NC mountains and have decided to put down some roots here for the time being! At some point with all the weird things going on I guess I just had to pay attention to how everything seems to be in agreement with keeping me here! So here I will stay – for now!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Deborah K,

      Life is a mystery…. It will be interesting to learn where this “fork in the road” leads you, what will happen in your life dependent upon your being in NC for an extended time. Your acceptance of the situation (rather than resignation) has you in the state of mind to greet new experiences with optimism. You will “bloom where you are planted.” 🙂

      Thanks for the birthday greeting and for keeping in touch! Enjoy North Carolina!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Forgot to say… You asked why pelicans form a line like that. I don’t know. My guess is it’s a carry-over from the imprinting that occurs between baby pelicans and their mothers.

      READERS: I added a link to Cornell’s All About Birds website for anyone interested. It’s below the second photo of the pelicans.

  64. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    Happy Birthday! I know you had a good one. I hope you see this. I did not see your new post until this morning (Friday), I hope you see this.

  65. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Happy Cakey Day!!! 🙂

    I am sorry I missed it by a day…
    Hugs from Hoquiam!

  66. Joanne says:

    Happy Birthday, Sue! Reading your blog always brightens my day. I hope you had a great birthday!

  67. Betty -Shea (Tucson AZ) says:

    Happy,happy birthday!!!
    Love the cake ?

  68. Maryanne Davis-Baldwin-CT says:

    After I looked at another “blog” about camping-boon docking- I think that’s what it is called-I really appreciate your gentle appreciative style even more. Not to mention the gorgeous photos!
    Re Wanda’s sudden loss of her husband; my husband died in January 2012 & in February I took the camper he’d built to Florida by myself to a favorite county campground. I had only driven it for short periods of time & never parked it. but everyone was so kind & helpful that first year. Perhaps I just lucked out, but no-one was bossy or takeoverish, just offered to help if they thought I needed it. Your site, though I didn’t find it until a year or so ago is very helpful, particularly in your independent attitude, but you still will seek/accept help when needed. Thank you for all the work you’ve put into this.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Maryanne,

      That was pretty gutsy of you! To cope with your loss and take a camper from Connecticut to Florida with little experience to guide you. I bet you are a very capable person.

      Thank you for the compliment on the style and tone of my blog.

  69. Lisa says:

    Hope you had a joyous birthday with the crew!

  70. Sidewinder Pen says:

    October 16…

    Happy Birthday to blogorino MollyLuvsRoadtrippin! Now it’s just 3.4 weeks until the big present arrives 😀

  71. weather says:

    Great nighttime photo of your home and crew,Sue,I love it! Those putting the campground together were very thoughtful to include cupboards in that shelter.Have you seen that done anywhere else?I hope you rested well after celebrating yesterday with the crew ,and us,and being on here so late for this new post . May your special day’s afterglow and a day’s new gifts make today wonderful for you,too.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      There’s something about a nighttime photo with lights aglow that makes a person feel a part of the scene. I’m glad you liked it.

      No, I’ve never seen cupboards (with shelves and doors!) in a campsite shelter before. I’m going to make a generalization here — It seems that the culture of parts of Utah includes a work ethic and pride in one’s surroundings that is evidenced by neat, well-maintained homes and yards, tidy businesses and city streets, and anomalies such as cupboards in a campsite shelter. It’s nice.

      Wishing you a day of wonders, too!

      • cc and canine (Eastern Missouri) says:

        About the cupboards…lots of campgrounds out west have these…I think that they are for people with tents and pop ups can put their stuff in there to protect against critters, (and people) walking off with your possessions. Usually you can bring your own lock to secure it. If they are made of metal, it could also protect against bears!

        Happy birthday again from Missouri!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I’ve seen food containers at campgrounds before, mostly, like you say, to keep food away from animals. These are different, like cupboards in a house, and they are at all the shelters, not just tent sites.

  72. Bill & Ann, Nevada says:

    Happy Birthday!

  73. Pam and Maya says:

    Happy belated Birthday, Sue. I’m glad you and the crew had a wonderful celebration. Maya and I are back in New York trying to adjust to a stationary life for a while. Sometimes Maya just looks at me like – when are we leaving again? I’m bored Mom! So we take a long car ride and have a mini- adventure. I’m fortunate that upstate NY has so many beautiful places.
    We love your blog ( I read it to Maya) and think you are a very wonderful crew!
    Warm wishes, Pam and Maya

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you for the birthday greeting, Pam and Maya! If it’s necessary “to adjust to a stationary life for a while,” I can attest that upstate NY is a beautiful place to do that, as long as you’re prepared to keep warm. Enjoy! I’m happy that you love my blog. 🙂

  74. Sorry I’m a day late. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RV Sue! You have been such an inspiration to me. And we are in Utah, headed to Green River right now.

  75. Laura says:

    Happy Birthday! I went to the link you shared (ty for sharing the link) about the pelican sounds…. that is NOT what I expected at all! They almost sound like a dog barking! Whoa! I learn something new everyday!

    Huggles from Laura

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for the birthday wish, Laura! What pelicans lack in musicality, they make up for in their flight. I love to watch them in the sky, very graceful.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        What always makes me laugh about pelicans is, you look up, and there they are, flying along so regally and gracefully. Then they head into a dive. Down they go, like precise, graceful arrows. It’s all so fluid! Then…… just before the landing, it looks like it all goes haywire, and at then end they just sort of “spraddle” into the water, all splashy and clumsy looking. Never fails to crack me up 😀

  76. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Hope your birthday was great. The cake looks delicious. I did post birthday wishes in the last post. I too love the nighttime photo of the BLT. Think that might have been a first. Thanks you for your wonderful blog, sharing your life and RV knowledge with all of us, especially us wannabe’s.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barbara, and thanks again….

      There was another nighttime photo…. the one in the post about the bear attacking the BLT under a full moon… ooh, scary… 🙂

  77. Toni says:

    Happy birthday Sue!! It must be such a joy for you knowing that your dream came true. I’ve gone back to the beginning of your blog a couple of times and it brought a tear to my eye, reading about your plans and how hopeful you were. Thank you so much for sharing your dream with all of us!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Toni, for the birthday message, and also for reading my blog with sensitivity. You’re most welcome to share with me the unfolding of my dream!

  78. Mick'nTN says:

    I saw my first Casita today. It was going south on rt. 111, towed by a white, 4 door pickup, Toyoda I think with Texas plates. To my surprise it turned east on rt. 30 and went past my turn to home. They must have been going to Fall Creek Falls, TN state park.

    Which Blogorino was that?

  79. When you were leaving Minersville CG, did you happen to see an Airstream parked a few spots over from you on the front row?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Aha! That was YOU! Of course, I saw it and I even thought of you, John. 🙂

      • That was us. When we first pulled in there you were gone so we didn’t even know it was you. As I started down the row I said “Look there’s a Casita!” As we got closer and I saw the SD plates I said “Look. There’s a Casita from SD…could that be RVSue?” As I went around the end of the row and I saw the chair, I KNEW it was you. I’d recognize that chair anywhere. So, we hid as best we could, but I did see when you came back from your side trip, Sharon asked me “does she drive a white van and have white hair?” to which I said “Yes, she does”. So I took a quick peek and was able to see Bridget and Reggie and even you!

        We are now over south of Moab at Windwhistle CG. Nice place but Moab is having a Jeep week so it is a madhouse. We are here until Sunday.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          If there is a time when Moab isn’t a “madhouse,” I’d like to know. Until then, I’m staying clear. You probably have a higher tolerance level than I do. Enjoy what you can, safe travels as you move on… Regards to Sharon.

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            I was thinking the same thing about Moab (and I’m sure some folks love that about it).

          • Cinandjules (NY) says:

            When it rains cats and dogs!

          • AlanOutandAbout - Pahrump, Pahrunp, Pahrump says:

            now that Moab has gone Jackson Holeish winter is the only time it isn’t packed. I started going there in the mid 90’s each fall every 2 or 3 years, it was great not many people at all. Then around 2005 it started getting too popular with events going all the time. It is a shame because the area around it is some of the most beautiful areas in the country but the crowds are making it difficult.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              It is a shame. Jackson Hole gave me “the creeps” and I about went crazy in Moab. I don’t have the nervous system for places like that. Apparently a lot of people do, bless their hearts.

        • Cinandjules (NY) says:

          How funny…….I’m reading the description…yep yep yep White hair???? Oh that made me bust out laughing!

  80. AZ Jim says:

    Missy, all I can say about your Birthday is (1) Happy Birthday and (2) I have tee shirts older than you. Cheers to you and the little guys.

  81. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Warmest Happy Birthday wishes Desert Woman!

    Enjoy your day!

  82. Dawn from Camano Island says:

    The very happiest of birthdays, Sue! Jim & I owe you eternal thanks for the great boondocking tips you’ve shared. We lose track of how many conversations begin with “RV Sue said/did/camped here…”. The photo of your sweet abode bathed is light is so peaceful & beautiful. You have crafted such an amazing life for yourself & the crew.

    Happy travels! Ear skritches to the crew!

  83. Pamela K. in GA says:

    Love the night photo! I must admit, I am an evening person so that photo looks just perfect for enjoying a late dinner, playing cards, listening to the night sounds and watching any campfires that might be near by.
    Now, about that cake… I see the white icing, what kind of cake is it? Details, we want details 🙂 All those cute polka dots, on the plate and on the table cover, so fun and festive. Love’em!
    Happy, HAPPY, B’Day!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Pamela. My day was a happy one! White cake, white frosting, my favorite! Wedding receptions are torture for me. A tiny slice, just enough to make me crave more! As for the rest of the details of my birthday, that will have to wait until the blog is caught up to the 15th!

      It’s very pleasant at the picnic table under the light. The tables are covered with some kind of thick, vinyl-like material, very smooth… Cards would slide easily when being dealt!

      • Pamela K. in GA says:

        Oh COOOL! You, too, are a white cake, white icing gal!!!
        My FAV for sure. And they are getting harder and harder to find by the slice around here. Seems everyone wants to sell that combo in larger sheet cakes. WELL, now that gives me a ready made excuse for buying the super-sized one, doesn’t it?! There is one grocery, locally owned, that has the best white cakes ever. While it is a grocery store, I call it The Cake Store and Klemper knows it must be time to resupply my sweet tooth 🙂 You mentioned wedding cake…just slap me now! I try to leave some for someone else, LOL, honestly I do. But they are just so darn good!!! I am weak, I have no self restraint…SLAP.

    • Velda in Roseville CA says:

      Happy Belated Birthday to ” the kid”! After all you are a whole month younger than I am! Hee Hee

  84. Paula in Indiana says:

    Happy Belated Birthday, Sue! I just love pelicans. I lived in Florida for a few years and I never tired of watching them. They look like pterodactyl descendants!

  85. Wendy in Thailand says:

    Happy Birthday!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning or good evening, whatever! Wendy, I was thinking of you as I fixed my coffee. Thanks for the birthday greeting! I hope all is well with you. 🙂

      • Wendy in Thailand says:

        Hi Sue and crew, at the moment I am dealing with a curve ball life threw at me, I hope to get back to Thailand soon. Keep smiling, it is a light in my life reading your blog. Take care.

  86. JazzLover W Ma says:

    Happy Birthday Sue albeit a tad late, still heart felt. You continue to bring sunshine on a cloudy day to many of us and I always smile when you “toss” the kids in the PTV when you get ready to go somewhere. You must be pretty proficient at tossing by now. I’ve been following along quietly, not commenting for a while as I get used to a new shoulder. I think they should put an age limit on new body parts in some cases. Not as easy to get used to as we get older. Thank you for the Spike soak pictures, keep them coming. Glad you enjoyed your cake. Be Well, Jazz Lover
    Thank you for the beautiful pictures you take and share with all of us. There are more as time goes on that look like paintings.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, JazzLover,

      Good to have you back with us! A new shoulder? I didn’t know you could replace a shoulder. Thanks for the birthday message and for the compliments on the photos.

      Ha! I do toss the crew a lot. I haven’t come up with a synonym I like. “Put”, “lift,” and “place” are too blah and “throw” seems a bit violent. I guess I’ll keep on tossing! 🙂

  87. weather says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY DENISE-I hope your day includes enjoying some of the beauty you’ve added to what’s near you and to this world

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Good morning, weather!

      Thank you for your sweet birthday wish! My best friend is treating me to lunch today. She is taking me to a restaurant in the country, actually an old farmhouse, that has outdoor seating all year in their gardens. They have those heater towers, which keeps the temps comfortable. Definitely will need them today! Since we both love to garden, it sounds like a perfect setting! We usually stop in at a bakery for a treat, too. Yum! This is the start of my celebration month! I will get together with my sisters in the coming weeks. 🙂

      Hope you and your troupe have a great day! Sending you a hug! 🙂

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Hope all your celebrations are wonderful, Denise…sounds fun!! Happy birthday!!

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        Happy birthday!

        Have a great time!

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        Happy Birthday, Denise. I, too, like the idea of a birthday month. Great idea!

        Having sisters sounds lovely. Growing up I always imagined what it might be like (naturally, only the good parts since it was daydreaming). Having sisters as an adult must be wonderful.

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Thanks, Sidewinder Pen! 🙂

          Yes, I feel blessed to have sisters. Growing up, and even as adults, we have had our spats, but always find our way back to each other. You daydreamed about sisters…I always wished I had an older brother or two, to look after and protect me! 🙂

          • Denise - Rixhmond VA says:

            I am lucky to have nephews who are good young men, and a couple of my sisters husbands are good eggs! And I have several adopted big brothers – family by choice! 🙂

          • Denise - Rixhmond VA says:

            I am lucky to have nephews who are good young men, and a couple of my sisters husbands are good eggs! And I have several “adopted” big brothers – family by choice! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:


      I like your idea of a birthday month. Enjoy every day, Denise. You have brought much enjoyment to me and to those who read here!

  88. Pete says:

    Happy birthday Sue! We may have broken the Internet with all these comments.

  89. weather says:

    Good morning,Sue,I saw in a reply you made that you’ve been wearing short pants and sleeves.How terrific that you can be in a warm desert whenever you choose to be…I’m always so happy for you when I think through things like that.Like yesterday you mentioned tidy well-maintained yards .Reading that ,seeing that you can appreciate the positive in those views as well as natural wilderness,to me indicates how happy you now are.

    Late last afternoon I showed a friend the T@B.One her reactions as we sat looking at the lake in all the beauty of this season was to say a bit wistfully “You’ll be able to have your home in places like this whenever you want to.” I’m hoping that at some point she’ll stop struggling to hang on here and just enjoy a more affordable life still surrounded with beauty,the way you’ve helped so many people to do.

    May you ever remain blessed with your child-like laughter at and pleasure in life for all that you give 🙂

    • weather says:

      oops,I should have placed a space between the period and One

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      I missed your comment earlier. Glad I caught it before publishing the next post!

      Your phrase “struggling to hang on here” struck me as sad. I realize that many people love their stationary homes and are perfectly happy to live out their lives in one location. However, from my point of view, after experiencing many settings as my home over the past four years, I can’t help but encourage others to do the same. I’m so happy for you, weather, that you have a home-on-wheels!

      I was thinking about my writing style. “People who come to my blog must think I’m a simpleton, the way I write.” Haha! You reminded me of that thought when you mentioned my “child-like laughter.” Yes, may we never lose that because that’s a sign of happiness! I say “we” because I’m pretty sure you know how to laugh like a child, too!

      Thank you for your kind words. Bye for now… Time to hit the publish button for the next post!

      • weather says:

        Sue,I dearly love my friend so naturally wish she had no struggles.So you understand though,those of us living around here have been gifted with living amid constant beauty.That’s why so many hang on ,expensive as that may be.Like you,I’ve seen how wonderful other places far from here are ,and would rather live frugally and simply to have it all without the burdens .Thank you ever so for being happy for me !

        Trust me,anyone intelligent enough to be analyzing someone’s writing style can see the genius of your appealing to a broad range that’s made you so successful as a blogger.I’ve seen,and know, your capacity to write stunningly beautiful and profound things when you choose to.

        Ha!I think we both live,and laugh,like a child a lot of the time,and mainly put our “grown up ” faces on just to get some things done-like when somebody seems to need it to hear what we’re saying 😉

  90. John Abert says:

    Happy Birthday, Sue! Maybe we’ll cross paths sometime this winter or beyond!

  91. Brenda says:

    Belated Birthday greetings Sue. I was surprised to hear your birthday was on the 15th, as mine is on the 16th, yesterday. Only I am a bit older then you are though. Glad you enjoyed your cake, did the crew get a taste? Still riding along with you and enjoying every minute of the adventures.

  92. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Apparently Mother Nature is a bit confused today.

    Today we started at 34 degrees…..so far we have been getting rain, snrain, freezing ice-hail and lake effect snow. But every other 10 minutes or so its total sunshine.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Wow! That is a crazy mix of weather! Do you all have the roof rake ready for the season? Sounds like we may be in for a challenging winter this year.

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        The roof rakes are still hanging in the garage. Nothing is sticking. The autumn leaves are still on the trees…gotta rake pine needles, leaves and finish putting things away.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Ah, New York State… 🙂

  93. Norman in San Diego says:

    Hi Sue,

    Happy Birthday from San Diego! Hope you had a good one.

    Norman 🙂

  94. Happy Birthday! Glad you had a good day.

  95. Buddy Boomer says:

    Very nice blog. I was directed here by watching a video by technomadia. I am a single man in sixties in my second year as a full-time rv’r. I think I am really taking to it and look forward to socializing on the road. I am in Desert Hot Springs now and plan to be in Quartzite by late December. Hope to rendezvous with like minded folks then.

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