Sagebrush to cedars and pinyon pines

Friday, March 27

The crew and I enjoy our usual morning routine.  At noon we climb into the Perfect Tow Vehicle and zip over to the hot springs pool.  Before I take a soak, the crew and I walk a nearby road.  Then I pop them back into the PTV.

“You wait here.  Take a nap or something.”

I luxuriate by myself in the pool for twenty minutes or so.

1-P1030757-001The afternoon passes quietly.  I read.  Bridget and Reggie hang out in their pen.

Late in the afternoon we go to the dam at Lower Dacey Reservoir. 

1-P1030764Rather than drive across the dam, I park the PTV and the crew and I walk across on the dirt road.  We come upon a young man and woman fishing.  We exchange hellos.

“What are people catching here?” I ask.

“Bass and trout,” the woman answers.  She tells me they haven’t caught anything yet.  “We just got here and it’s too early in the day.”

1-P1030763The crew and I continue our walk.

On the return to cross the dam, the couple is near their truck and we strike up a conversation.  I learn their names are Kenny and Jasmine.

Kenny’s work is associated with the copper mine in Ely. Jasmine is in her last year of school, about to earn a degree in natural resources.

“We’re going to be married in three months!” Jasmine announces, grinning, her eyes bright.

1-P1030765The black dots on the water are American Coots.

I ask Kenny and Jasmine if it’s okay for me to mention them in my blog.

I tell them the name of the blog and Kenny reacts.

“RVSue?  I’ve heard of you!” he exclaims.  He pulls an electronic device out of his pocket and immediately brings up the blog.  “Yeah, here it is . . . rvsue and crew dot net.”

The time arrives for the fish to bite and for the crew and I to return to camp.

“I wish you both many, many years of happiness together,” I say in parting.

What a nice couple, well-matched . . . .  I do wish them well.

When we return to the campground, the weekend campers arrive. 

1-P1030760By nightfall we have campers all around us.

Saturday, March 28 and Sunday, March 29

Dave Deacon Campground is full.  Up until now the campers were quiet people, here to fish the reservoirs.

Most of these new folks are here to fish, too, but they’re a noisier bunch.  I’m happy to see people who work all week having fun.

Adults gather in small groups or fuss around grills or set up picnic tables.  Children run around.  Music plays.  The ever-present generators rumble.  The obnoxious sound of a television pours out our neighbor’s open doorway.

It’s impossible to read outside.  The crew and I stay in the BLT a lot.  After dark big campfires glow all around.  More campers arrive in the dark with their OHV trailers.  They park near us.

Monday, March 30

Rather than walk the crew around the campground, after breakfast I toss them into the Perfect Tow Vehicle and drive across the flat, sage-covered desert until we come to a rarely-used lane.

“This looks good.  Let’s walk this little road.”

Bridget, Reggie and I follow the two-track to a tank of water set out for cattle.  No cattle are within sight.

At last, Reggie begins to slow down.

“Far enough, guys.  Time to go back.”

What a beautiful morning.  Blue skies, no wind, no noise.   We should move to a new camp even though it will put us at higher elevation.  I’ve had enough of people and their machines.   I could stay here where it’s warm and be irritated or move to where it’s cold and be happy.  

An easy decision!

When we return to camp, I leave the crew in the PTV and set to work.

In a short while we’re packed up and hitched up.  Before leaving the campground, I stop at the dump station.  A couple is filling their water tank and dumping waste tanks.

“Nice set-up you have there,” the man remarks.  “Mind if I take a look?”

Of course, I take that as an opening to brag about the Best Little Trailer, the PTV, solar power, and my lifestyle.  I learn their names are Russell and Cathy and they come to Dave Deacon Campground from Las Vegas.

They go on their way and I complete the necessary tasks at the dump station.

1-P1030798“Goodbye, Wayne F. Kirch Wildlife Management Area.  It’s been fun!”

1-P1030729How I want to remember our camp at Dave Deacon

It’s great to be on the road again!

I always feel a rush when setting out to a place we’ve never been.  We travel northward through White River Valley on Route 93, through the town of Lund, and stop for gas.  I’m relieved that gas is $2.89 a gallon since it’s the only place to buy gas for over a hundred miles.

Our new camp!

We turn onto Route 6 and head toward Ely, Nevada.  (pronounced EE-lee.)  Gradually we gain elevation until we reach Murry Summit.  Shortly past the summit I turn into Ward Mountain Campground which is ten miles southeast of Ely (very handy!).  The elevation is 7,400 feet.  (I must be crazy.  It’s the end of March!)

1-P1030801Ward Mountain is 10,800 feet, the tallest in the Egan Range.

The campground website says it’s closed.  I’m assuming it means closed to reservations.  In real life, there is no indication it is closed.  No sign.  No gate.  Well, we’ll try staying here.  If we’re told to leave, we’ll leave.

The pay station doesn’t indicate a fee.  In fact, the drop box for payment envelopes is open and empty.

The campground is large with three loops and it’s empty!

1-P1030803Some campsites have two picnic tables.

I drive around looking for the best campsite.

All the campsites are well designed, neat, and level.  Gee, not a soul here!  Everything is in like-new condition.  Very nice.

I step out of the PTV at a site I like. . . oh, that lovely pine scent!   It’s not cold up here.  Of course, tonight may very well be a different matter.

This one looks good  . . . level, sunny, and no steep drop-offs . . .

I unhitch, set up a basic camp, walk the crew around the loop, and then we go into town for supplies.

I know!  I’ll pick up a rotisserie chicken for supper!

1-P1030805 - CopyNestled among the cedars and pinyon pines



Every purchase, large or small, is appreciated.  Click the links to see a few of the items readers ordered recently.

1-P1030806Quik-Fold® Side Table
Vitamix Standard Blender
Over the Sink Shelf, Chrome
Stovetop Percolator, 4-Cup, Stainless Steel
Complete Protein Powder, Chocolate, 2 Pound
No Pull Jacquard Print Neoprene Dog Harness



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144 Responses to Sagebrush to cedars and pinyon pines

  1. Dawn from Camano Island says:


  2. Dawn from Camano Island says:

    Hot dog–I think I’m actually first! Dang, do I love being retired! “Take a nap or something”–cracks me up! That hot springs is such a find! The weekend crowds are…enthusiastic, aren’t they? Your new camp site is gorgeous–that’s a good find too! Have a good week, Sue; ear skritches to the Crew!

  3. Isn’t it cold? Too bad there isn’t a hot spring around there to go and bathe in 🙂 On a different topic. How do you deal with condensation in the BLT? Or are you usually in warm enough climates that you don’t have to deal with it? Where we live condensation is always a problem when winter camping.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jill,

      I was pleasantly surprised to find the temperature at the campground to be in the 70s with no wind. That’s not going to last!

      The only time condensation forms on the windows is on cool mornings when I make coffee and breakfast. Sometimes it forms on the fiberglass channel where the overhead cupboards are. I wipe that off. I don’t see it as a problem. The windows clear once the sun comes up and warms the windows.

  4. Lee J in Northern California says:

    Good move! Let’s hope this high pressure ridge lasts and you have warm weather for a bit.
    Our local TV station, Sacramento, says rain by the weekend and that means snow in the higher elevations..heads up!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lee J.,

      This warm weather is on the way out. Snow is in the forecast for the day after tomorrow! I don’t see how we can avoid snow without backtracking which I won’t do. Snow is predicted all the way up into Idaho.

  5. Needle in Plano, TX says:

    Looking good. As Dawn says ” “Take a nap or something” also cracks me up. I had a vision of you returning to the PTV to find Bridge teaching Reggie poker, and Bridge wearing a dealers eye shade…….and Reggie, being the character he is, seems to have learnt the game very quickly and already has an enormous pile of chips in front of him……….there I go….imagination running wild again. Hope that the new campground remains nice and quiet for you, and no one comes along and asks why you are parked in a “closed” CG.

    Julian (aka “Needle”)

    ps. Have you noticed that there seems to be a few Blogorinos from some place called Plano (suburb of Dallas TX)…..Must be a popular place for people wishing they were somewhere else)

  6. Pauline In Mississippi says:

    Looks like another lovely campsite…and just like you like it….no neighbors. You take the best pictures!!! I love them all but especially Bridget and Reggie, the water, the birds, the mountains, the trees, the flowers, the animals, etc, etc.!!!
    Enjoy your new camp
    Sending lots of love and big hugs

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Love and hugs to you, too, Pauline. Yes, this is how I like it. I’ll probably freeze my arse off — overnight lows are supposed to go down as low as 18 degrees — but, you know me, I’ll do anything for alone time!

  7. Deb D says:

    Nice quiet pine campground. Peace again ! The weekend crowd letting off steam.
    But when you enjoy the peace the activity is not so relaxing . A beautiful
    New spot. Enjoy !

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Deb. We are enjoying this camp, especially Reggie. I don’t think he’d been in a piney forest before. He’s going nuts sniffing everything and wanting to go on walks all the time. That’s why it took me so long to put up this post!

  8. Hi Sue, Gee, I hope you get to stay there and a ranger does not come by and kick you out!….it looks beautiful, just where you belong…Nestled among the cedars and pinyon pines..I think I have to visit Ely…it keeps popping up in my life…My daughter and son-in-law made that their overnight stay when they were moving to Idaho, and another blog (not my favorite) posted video of the town and camp sites around it…but that was in the summer…I hope your day stays warm and comfortable, I know your nights will be….A 2 Dog Nite tonight…I am really enjoying your photos and living somewhat through them…Sorry the OTHER campsite became so over crowded, but it was so nice of you to realize that maybe the others were just needing to let off a little steam after working all week….only you would be that would probably not occur to me…I think I need to get better at that. Love to the pups..hugs to you.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Shirlene,

      I’m not always “that generous” about people crowding into a campground. It’s easy to become spoiled by having a campground all to yourself. Add to that many, many camps alone in the woods or in the desert and, well, I’m easily annoyed by the presence of others. I can be understanding about the noise now because I’m no longer hearing it! Ha!

      Definitely some 2-dog nights here…. There’s a nice state park near Ely, has a lake. No point in us going there… more people and it’s only 200 feet lower than here. I haven’t looked at the town of Ely. We drove down the mountain and there was the grocery store. Very convenient… didn’t have to drive into town.

  9. BadgerRickInWis says:

    That’s my boy. Let em’ know you’ve been there. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It’s funny to watch Reggie. He runs and runs, stops, lifts his leg, runs and runs, stops, lifts his leg . . . .

  10. Karen LeMoine says:

    I guess the lost dog was never found. Very sad. Looks like a nice camp. Hopefully it will be nice and quiet during your time there.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Karen,

      By the time we left I’d seen three different hunting dogs run loose around that campground. Whatcha’ gonna’ do…. That’s the way it’s done out here, I guess.

  11. Applegirl NY says:

    Nice post. Exciting to see the pines. Are the American coots “old coots?” LOL

    Stay warm.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Makes you wonder where the word “coot” came from… and why are old men called “old coots?” It’s important we know this!!

      • BadgerRickInWis says:

        It’s a Hen/Rooster thing.
        Men are Coots.
        Women are biddies.

        Seems to date from at least the 14th century.

        • Applegirl NY says:

          Interesting. I really enjoy word origins. I would never have thought it went back that far, in my head they were early American terms, dating to pioneer days. Fun stuff.

  12. weather says:

    Fresh pine scent and sunshine-how exhilarating and delightful! No one else around for miles-perfect.Hot soup for late supper,fur friends for blankets,I’m guessing low temps won’t dampen your joy a bit.You certainly made the most of all that Dave Deacon Campground and what was near it had to offer.I was hoping you left there with clean tanks,meeting soon to be newly weds was icing on the cake.Are you amazed still when someone says “I’ve heard of you.”? Makes it clear as day to me why you will camp in places others would avoid.It’s terrific that you can find them and have all you need to stay there.I’m so happy for you !

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      The propane heater warmed up our capsule of a home and, even though I turned it off before going to sleep, it was still comfortable in the morning. Challenges lie ahead for my Wave 3 heater! I don’t think we’ve camped in weather when the temps were in the teens.

      Yes, it always surprises me what someone knows who I am or recognizes me. As I walked into the travel center north of Lund, a woman drove slowly by me, staring and grinning. I waved and she waved…. It’s very nice that people like to see me. Not so nice for me though. People are still hovering around my camps while I’m at home, taking photos, and posting them on their blogs. I have to keep moving or I become paranoid.

      Nevertheless the crew and I are happy and let the snow fall! 🙂

      • weather says:

        There has to be a silver lining in here somewhere.Let’s see,by altering my own life to avoid the privacy invasions- I actually became a stronger woman,better at defending my boundaries than I would have otherwise.The extra confidence that gave me translated into my being ready to try even more new or difficult things,find and take paths less traveled.Do you suppose we’ll end up remaining young at heart and in mind and body longer,so really,freer because of all that?

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I don’t know, weather. I think it’s making me more eager for isolated places. Seeking and traveling to remote spots has increased my confidence and will continue to do so. Also feeling freer… The silver lining is what we get to appreciate and enjoy, having been chased into private places.

          The crew is in the PTV and we’re off on a little excursion! Hope you’re enjoying your “silver linings”… 🙂

      • weather says:

        Just a reminder-stored liquid things may freeze in the PTV overnight,you might want to make sure they aren’t so full that expansion causes problems,take an extra jug of water into the BLT,make sure exposed tubes or pipes on the trailer are used a bit each time you wake up to keep things flowing,covering your head with anything really keeps you warmer-…you probably know the routine from experience in NY way back when.I’m not worried or trying to sound like an alarmist,just mentioning the subject because the crew and blog take so much of your attention and energy,and I know cold has a way of sneaking in quickly at times.Anyhoo- though it’s early ,wishing you starlight tonight and beauty in the morning,n’nite

  13. CRedd n Tx says:

    Hi Sue and Crew,
    Scenic views, beautiful pine trees with their refreshing scent, clean cool air, looks like a very nice camp. I can envision sitting in my lounger in the crisp air enjoying a hot cup of coffee while watching my crew, Gabby, investigate the smells around the camp. You have found another very relaxing campsite.

    I have always pictured Ely to be in more of a desert setting, but what a pleasant surprise to discover, through your eyes, the beauty of the area. I will most definitely have to visit the central section of Nevada when I get back out on the road. I have been only in the southern part of the state from Laughlin, Vegas and Mt. Charleston.

    What a great camp to hunker down and enjoy a little snow. For me, snow is okay for a few short days as long as I can get out in it at the time of my choosing, instead of having to commute to work in it most of the winter months as I did for over twenty years.

    Enjoy your time at this camp, Hope it doesn’t get too cold.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Clayton…

      It’s nice to know your name, much better than calling you CRedd. 🙂 I’m glad you like this camp. I expected to receive a lot of negative comments about leaving the warmth behind to camp on this mountain. I underestimated the blogorinos! Yes, it’s good to be back where the air is crisp and scented with pine. I don’t mind a few days of cold either. I may have to slow our northerly trek and stay here a few days. I have a boondock in mind but if it snows I don’t know what the road in and out will be like when the snow melts. Here I have good, solid roads, even if we are up high.

      It will be fun trying to keep the Reggie Man amused and exercised if we’re hunkered down and snowed in. Thanks for the wish at the end of your comment.

  14. kgdan from WA says:

    Scurrying around but soaking in our last day in Laughlin. Good-bye til next fall Riverside RV, Laughlin Library, Humberto’s Mexican Food, Colorado River and Snowbirds galore. Loved our time here.
    Early tomorrow hello open road & camping a la RV Sue. Yea!

  15. The forecast for Ely for the next 10 days shows virtually no precipitation, mostly sunny although temps will drop from low 70s to mid to high 50s. Of course, that is in Ely, elevation about 6400 ft. Even though you are 800 feet higher, I’d be more concerned about cool nights than snow.

    In another life, I was a meteorologist (weather guesser) and even taught meteorology for a time. I can guarantee that my forecasts were either right or wrong 100% of the time. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ed,

      Since living on the road I’ve found to be the most accurate in predicting weather for the upcoming week. If you check this link, as I type this it shows snow on Thursday in Ely, NV (scroll down).

      Yesterday the snow was predicted for next week. Now it’s moved up to the day after tomorrow. Maybe by tomorrow it will be moved to last week. 🙂

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        Ha, that’s funny!

        I like Weather Underground too. You probably do this also, but I choose an area, and then “change [local] station” to one that is very nearby, or at least matches my altitude. Seems to work pretty well. I looked up Ely, NV, and it was showing close to your altitude – I see the nights in the teens and snow chance. Brrr! But I would have made the same choice! I could physically feel myself relaxing as you drove through the empty, piney campground. Ahhhh. Bring on the hot soups, Wave 3, blankets, and doggers 😀

      • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

        Sue that might be possible, snow Thursday because our weather guy here said at 11 tonight northern Sierras may get a dusting Wednesday night so if jet stream is just right it could be over Ely by Thursday . He said it won’t stick even in high Sierras so mostly a nice dusting.

  16. Susan in Dallas says:

    I think Reggie had the best comment of all in the last photo! Go Reggie! The new camp is so beautiful and well worth its isolation and maybe snowy weather. As someone else said, it’s OK if you don’t have to commute in it. Snow in Dallas doesn’t bother me one bit. I can look at it from the inside and just wait for it to melt. A little early, but Happy Easter.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Susan,

      I agree. Having to drive in snow is awful. Snow itself is beautiful and fine with me because I don’t have to go out into it. Happy Easter to you, too!

  17. Taranis says:

    All good things must come to an end – which bring even more good things!

    I am so glad winter is almost over. This sedentary winter lifestyle is shrinking all my clothes.. bah! We’ve started off with particularly nice Springtime weather; I had to eschew thoughts of firing up the smoker for some babybacks, as the jungle formerly known as my back yard needed attention in the worst way. Fertilizer, flower beds, lawn, patio, shrubs. I’m about 90% done and I haven’t injured myself once, a feat my wife is most impressed with, and loathe that I try to repeat. 🙂

    Wishing you pine-scented breezes and mild weather for your stay.


    P.S. Check the doggie treats – I’m pretty sure the crew were using those during their poker round. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hoo-boy, Taranis. You bring back memories… yard, garden, trimming the shrubs….

      Thanks for the wish for our stay at Ward Mountain. I hope you fire up the smoker soon!

  18. Hi Again Sue, I was just looking at the picture of Reggie marking his territory on the tree…It reminded me of the first time my little guy went out to mark a tree…he stood real close to the tree, his first time without squatting, and he lifted the outside leg and marked the lawn right in back of his front foot…it laughed histerically and that was the last time he ever lifted his leg, he squatted the rest of his life…true story…the little guy I have now has never lifted his leg, unless it is his front outside leg he lifts sometimes…what is it with my male dogs? No complaints though, he can go anywhere without lifting on anything.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Aww…. Shamed out of leg-lifting.. I don’t know what is with your dogs. I’ve never had a male dog that didn’t squirt sideways….

      • My male dog Picasso only pops a squat! He has never lifted his leg and I’m thrilled that he doesn’t! I had a marker once who lifted his leg everywhere, inside and out! One day I went to pick up a cookbook and the evidence was obvious that he had lifted his leg on the cookbook. A squatting male dog makes me happy! One who only goes outside makes me even more happy! 🙂

        • Sidewinder Pen says:

          My (male) pup never “lifted a leg” either. I always thought that maybe it was because he was neutered at a very young age (slightly before I got him, so I don’t know for sure, but apparently much younger than usual). I never minded because that also meant that he didn’t “mark” everything. He just squatted to relieve himself and that was it. He was also not very “A-type.”

          I used to leave him with a friend/co-worker occasionally for a few days (when I had to go to a conference or etc.) and they gave him the “Indian name” of “Pees-Like-A-Girl.” All in fun though, as he and his wife were devoted dog owners and loved my guy too.

  19. CheryLyn(Oregon) says:

    Worst snow storm I was ever in was between Wells and Ely. Cooling trend for a few days even maybe snow here but it’s spring so it won’t last. The mtns. need it.
    Ely is an interesting area, explored a copper/silver? mine when the kids and I traveled thru once. Pick up lots of pine nuts in the pinon forest there. Love ’em. Love the high desert there as well. Enjoy.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, CheryLyn,

      No, we don’t want to complain about precipitation of any kind. Fill up the rivers and lakes!

      I saw the copper mine from a distance on the approach to Ely from the south. I won’t go for a tour though.

  20. Dave Burdick says:


    Soak n Suds laundry mat, near the “Prospector Hotel & Casino” is, by the far, the cleanest nicest laundry mat we have ever used on the road. Not sure if they will let dogs inside, but I wish all the laundry mats were as clean and nice as this one! –Dave

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Dave, for the information. It’s okay if dogs aren’t allowed inside. In this weather Bridget and Reggie will be fine waiting in the PTV.

  21. Rick says:

    Hey Sue, I met you last summer at Lake Roosevelt in AZ. I was the guy with the sidecar outfit with “Beans” my dog. I’m presently in Mexico waiting for the Easter Week to pass by and then my attention will be heading back North and “on the road again.” I’ve been thru Ely, NV a few times and one time at about 20 below zero with a nice 20 MPH breeze, oh boy, the VW van heater worked real well, as one might imagine…… Just about every piece of clothing a person could put on and still froze my butt……

    Take Care and hope to see you somewhere on the road this Summer…. Rick

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rick,

      I remember you. It’s nice to know you visit my blog. Apparently these mountains around Ely form a cold pocket. Twenty below zero? I’m preparing for twenty above zero…

      Save travels…

    • DesertGinger says:

      Hi Rick! I remember your side car and dog! Happy to see you here. Welcome!

  22. Pamela K. says:

    Hi Sue,
    Your new camp is very nice. Pretty trees and a comfy feel to it.
    I must say I did think of you and the crew as I read today’s news about a drive to bring the masses into the National Parks to help pay for needed improvements. The project is called Find Your Park. It tells how many of the young people are not going to the National Parks and how the park service wants them to come in order to off-set some of the repair costs. I wondered how the masses would react to the Find Your Park drive and if that would mean others would come to the BLM areas also. I also had a thought that repair costs to the parks would maybe mean higher fees to enter and higher overnight fees. I sure hope the powers that be do not make so many upgrades that the throw-back feel of the National Parks are lost. That would be so very sad on so many levels. Noted were your photos of some of the many rule signs around too. I hope they do not go rules-happy after all the repairs…upgrades.
    Anyway, I know you and many of your bloggers love the solo camping experience so I thought about you and your needs, too, while reading about the Find Your Park project. Glad you found your solo space so you can fully enjoy your own form of camp. There should always be a place for everyone to enjoy it all 🙂
    As for the closed campground rules…Geez!…no one is there enjoying it right, such a waste, so I do hope they let you and the crew stay there! Sometimes rules can be soooo silly and they are often over-rated at best.

    • Pamela K. says:

      And Reggie, he is all BOY, that one is! Gotta love him! Watering all the plants…marking his mark. After all, he does live in an all GIRL world now 😉
      A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do 😉
      Loved your humor 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pamela,

      My thinking about rising fees in campgrounds . . . and I admit I’m no authority, just a hunch… More and more people are coming to campgrounds with 50 amp rigs wanting electric hook-ups. Older campgrounds have to be “modernized” to accommodate this demand. Then everyone gets to pay high fees whether for hookups or not. I imagine the older campgrounds in the national parks have or will go through this process.

      I wonder why the younger people aren’t going to the national parks.

      • Pamela K. in GA says:

        I don’t know why they aren’t but I think it is money and time related. Young people and young couples with children have jobs, often shift work and many have more than one job, some even have three jobs…leaving no time except the basics for family life M-F and chores on the weekends need done. Then there are the young college age ones, they often have jobs to pay for the high costs of student loans…it seems endless for them at times. Let’s see, college kids and the choice of Spring-Break at the beach or a National Park? Most would opt to spend their well earned dollars at the beach among like feathers. During my college days I opted for the same so I guess it is still that way now-a-days. College day classes, night studies and holding down a part-time job is the college life now. Leaves little time to relax I guess. Anyway that’s my thinking on it, who knows? And maybe it’s the rules thing, many of the rules are just silly…no live bait and one trout limits. And no motors allowed on your Johnny Boats -that must be fun! I had to snicker but them-are-the-rules! I shall abide 😉

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          In the wildlife refuge, the rules are to protect the wildlife because that’s the primary purpose, not to provide recreation. The one-trout limit may be related to the problem caused by the illegal introduction of pike. The pike eat the trout and when the trout are gone, the pike eat pike. These situations are analyzed carefully. The one-trout limit may be in place to prevent the over-fishing of the reservoirs.

          Maybe motors disturb nesting or some other crucial wildlife function that we don’t know about.

          No live bait rule may be to prevent imbalance in the habitat or introduction of species that will cause problems. It’s a complex situation. I don’t think the rules are made for the purpose of preventing fun.

      • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

        My best guess: no cellphone or internet signals. we once saw a guy in Glacier National Park standing on a picnic table holding his laptop skyward!

        • Pamela K. in GA says:

          Good point, that too would cancel it for some of the hard core tech types for sure. And for some the high costs of designer labeled hiking and camping gear…one must stay in fashion when you are a co-ed, lol, oh those were the days! We thought it would never end 😉 The pressures of being young in a dollar-crazed economy…

          • Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

            The Millenials simply do not exist unless they have their technology with them at all times, i.e. imagine this: girl breaks up with boy by text. girl sends text about why boy does not meet her requirements for a relationship. AND THEN … IN COME THE VOTES! Her network of friends VOTE on whether they liked her “dear John” text. No privacy, no face-to-face interaction!!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Also 10 p.m. quiet time. . . And do national parks allow alcoholic beverages? I’ve been in state parks where booze is prohibited.

          • Pamela K. in GA says:

            Interesting question. I don’t know about the alcohol rules for the National Parks. I would guess they do not allow any at all. But if so, maybe only in the confines of one’s own campsite or RV. Most State Parks do not allow it…but most do bring it beer anyway. I think the Rangers tend to look the other way about beer unless someone or group is rowdy. Again, moderation is normally the key…play, have fun, enjoy, be nice, clean up the site afterwards.

  23. Rick says:

    Forgot to click on the follow comment box below…

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        There’s a place at the bottom of the reply box that says “Notify me of follow-up comments by email.” I think that’s why Rick commented again, so he could check that…

        • Pamela K. in GA says:

          Oh, I understand now. Yes, saw that. I didn’t check either of those since I almost never check my emails for this account. I’m not one to text via phone either, lol. I live under a mushroom most of the time when it comes to The Electronic Age. Certainly multi-tasking is not my thing at all. Those who can, do. I am not one of them. Why I can’t even talk and cook at the same time…no joke…ask my hubby. He’ll tell ya that I burn the dinner every time I try the talking while cooking thing. Not not one of my gifts in life…

    • DesertGinger says:


  24. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    Glad that you found a quiet spot to relax and enjoy the quiet. Being surrounded by lovely pines that whisper in the breeze is a bonus. I hope you continue to have the campground to yourself! Are the days warm enough to lounge in the sun to read?

    Ah…one last soak in the hot spring…perfect! The picture of Reggie marking his spot made me chuckle! No need to leave breadcrumbs to retrace your steps, just follow the Reggie trail! 🙂

    Hope you, Bridget, and Reggie enjoy the evening! Sending you wishes for a cozy night. Hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

    P.S. – Congratulations to Kenny and Jasmine on their upcoming wedding!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Love the picture of the mountains dusted with snow! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Denise,

      Yesterday and today it has been warm enough to sit in the lounger to read, if dressed warmly or with a good “throw” blanket. Moreso yesterday than today because of wind picking up.

      I encouraged Kenny and Jasmine to look at the comments. Maybe they will see your congratulations for them.

      Good night to you and Gracie pup!

  25. Lovely campsite, Sue. Glad you have it all to yourself and I hope no one comes to make you leave or crowd you out. I laughed out loud at your admonishment to the crew to “wait here, take a nap or something”. I know mine would be staring out the window waiting for my return.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lisa W.,

      The crew and I went on an excursion today and when we returned a fifth wheel was parked a few sites away from us.

      Which reminds me to remind readers…. Lots of you are heading northward. If you come to Ward Mountain Campground, please don’t hover at my camp. Enjoy the crisp air and pine scent, and ignore us. Thank you. (I hate having to write that, but it needs to be written.)

      Anyway… Nice hearing from you Lisa W. I imagine you’re staying warm… 🙂

  26. DebsJourney says:

    Hi Sue,
    I meant to write on your last post but things got busy and I didn’t get back to it so here I am now. I wanted to say how wonderful that hot spring sounded to me. Now that is my kind of camping. I remember enjoying a hot spring up in Wy with my husband. It was part of the Snake River I think that was it. Loved it.
    When I sold my camper not sure I told you that someone had taken my license plate. I wondered if you ever worry or think someone might rip off your plate on the BLT.
    I decided to have a real estate company help me sell my home. Hoping that was not a mistake. Anyway hopefully you can stay at the new campground because it looks really nice and quiet.
    enjoy… Deb (waiting to start this new lifestyle)

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Good luck with your home sale, Deb. Hopefully the realtor will provide your property more exposure to potential buyers. I have my fingers crossed for you! You are in my prayers. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Deb,

      A good idea to enlist the aid of a realtor. Let them show the house when you aren’t there… less stress… and then you don’t have to do all the work to make the sale.

      No, I hardly ever think about people stealing from me. If it happens, I’ll deal with it. I’ve been fortunate so far. I’m sorry that happened to you.

    • CheryLyn(Oregon) says:

      Hope all goes well with your home sale. Just listed mine today. Fingers crossed we can both be on the road by summer!

  27. dahkota says:

    ” I could stay here where it’s warm and be irritated or move to where it’s cold and be happy.”
    Ha! I felt the same thing. Which is why we are up in Klamath, CA in March. It is almost 60 here, during the day, but all the people are still further south.
    Glad to ‘find’ a kindred soul. I wish you many peaceful days and quiet nights at your new site.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, dahkota,

      I wish you many peaceful, quiet days and nights, too. You may have noticed from reading my blog that I don’t do the big attractions well. The “little” camps, out of the mainstream, in an area often overlooked by the traveling hordes, are the best!

  28. Sherri D says:

    How funny! I am from Minnesota originally and we pronounce Ely, ee’ – lie.

    Sure wish I could be in that natural hot tub! ooooo that sounded sooooooo nice.

    Didn’t blame you a bit for leaving the noise behind. Hope you get to stay in the new spot for a bit of peace.

    Adore Reggie but don’t tell Bridge, I wouldn’t want her to get jealous! hahaha

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sherri D.,

      I think Ely is normally pronounced ee-lie. This EE-lee business is weird.

      If something is annoying, it’s best to get away from it if possible, rather than trying to tolerate it. It’s a form of stress no matter how well one deals with it. When I’m driving, I never let anyone tail-gate me or pressure me if I can do something about it, such as pull over.

      The fifth wheel that moved into a site a few sites away from us is running a generator, of course. It’s a good thing that it’s too cold to be outside. We’re inside with the windows closed (except to vent the heater). Only a dull rumble can be heard… If it becomes annoying I’ll hitch up and squeeze us into a spot over in the tent section. They might run the thing all night. I hope not.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        Huh, I’m a Minnesotan too, and I always knew Ely, MN, as “Ee-lee.” Funny.

        • Pamela K. in GA says:

          My husband is from MN and he, too, has always heard it called Ee-lee. Especially from the state high school hockey tournaments. Right up there with Warroad and International Falls…Ice Box Capital of the world 😉
          The Ee-Lie thing must be something new in the last few 15 years or so.

          • Sherri D says:

            Maybe it depends on where you live in MN? I’ve heard it said both ways too. I grew up in southern MN and I think that is where I heard it as ee-lie. In my 30’s I lived in Duluth and that is where I heard it pronounced ee-lee.
            Oh, here in Arkansas they pronounce Eldorado, el-dor-A-dough. Same with Nevada, pronounced Na-vA-duh. Both are towns in this state. It has always sounded so odd to me! lol

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        “Argh!” on the generator. If it were me I’d go to a hookup site somewhere (I can’t IMAGINE running a generator in a quiet wilderness type campground – I just couldn’t).

        At least it’s good weather to bundle up inside. But still. Ugh!

        • Sidewinder Pen says:

          I meant, I’d go to a hookup site somewhere if I needed /wanted power enough to run a generator (and had no other way). In other words, if I were them. Not you!

          • Pamela K. in GA says:

            Some of the little portable gens like the Honda 2000ie are pretty quiet. When placed well behind a tree to def the sound and when several camp sites from others they can be used with little to no bother to others. I have looked at them after hearing them run. Not bad but costly to buy. Right now I just run the on-board inverter/gen in my conversion van…sparingly 😉 Those little Push-Lights are the best for extra lights at night. They even have them in LED lights now! Very bright and very nice for reading and cooking/eating late. But I must admit, sometimes I would like a little more electric current when it is a full day of rain… You can even put those tiny gens under your vech and still run them even when it’s raining…that’s nice in a pinch.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              I spoke with a couple in the past who ran one of those “quiet” Honda generators.. The couple stayed inside for the hours they ran the thing and I’m sure it was quiet for them. They thought it was quiet for me, too.

              Two “quiet” Honda generators made me leave the last camp.

              Quiet is quiet. It doesn’t come in degrees (not talking scientifically). Sorry, generator people, that’s my feeling on it.

            • Sidewinder Pen says:

              I have to disagree vehemently. In fact, I find the Honda generators MORE bothersome, because “knowing they are so quiet” people run them all the time and in places they might not run a “loud” generator. I can hear a Honda from a long way away, and the incessant drone is very bothersome. I say use all the power you want, but if it makes noise that others have to listen to (for hours on end) do it somewhere besides camping!

              Yes, I’m irritable about this. I find that it is very possible to enjoy camping without a generator. I am in the process of adding solar so I can have more power for comfort/fun, but as of yet don’t have it and I have not run my generator ever (one came with the rig).

              Anyway, just know that the Honda generators may be quieter than super loud ones, but they are still very noticeable to the people not running them. I wish no-one had ever said they were “quiet”!

              As I post this I’ve been on BLM land for a week or so. The spot is not super special, but I am loving it because…. no generators! (So far anyway.)

              Okay, had to get that off my chest. Sorry if I sound mean.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              No need to apologize. Your comments are valid, Pen. We have a clash of two cultures…

            • Pamela K. in GA says:

              Sue is right. No need to apologize. You didn’t sound mean, just a little extreme about your viewpoint. I like moderation in most everything, live and let live kinda gal. Like I said, I do NOT use the onboard generator very often and when I do use it I do it very sparingly. I certainly do not seek out to trash on anyone’s good times while camping. I would NEVER ask someone to stay away from nature just because they sometimes use a generator…that would be like asking someone to read a book only at the book store or a library. Nature is supposed to be enjoy by all people as god’s gift to us all. I camp my own camp, period. I make no apology for it to anyone…and I play by the rules and it is legally allowed. I do like having my extra levels of comfort while I enjoy being in and around nature. Free makes it even better so no pay-campgrounds if I can avoid them. Sorry, not gonna happen.

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Pen… I know what you meant. I’ve noticed many times people who come to wilderness-type camps and run generators rarely come out of their RV. The campsite is a parking space and that’s it. I don’t think they realize what they’re robbing from those of us who like to hear the breeze in the pines and the silence and such. They’re oblivious.

            • Sidewinder Pen says:

              That’s it exactly. Hey, I have no problem if someone wants to buy an RV and stay inside 24/7 watching TV. More power to you. But please don’t come to a wilderness camp (or a paid/scenic/non-hookup campground loop) to do so. I beg of you.

              It’s getting so I think I’m going to have to get a 4 x 4 just so I can try to get away and listen to the wind/birds/nothing. I don’t really even listen to music anymore (when there is silence) because quiet is so precious I’m not going to waste it (OTOH, I do sometimes listen to music to try to drown out generators or stereos).

              Again, I’m not against noise/TV/etc. I mean, I don’t like it, but to each their own. But must you come to a quiet wilderness setting then? Argh.

            • Pamela K. in GA says:

              Geez, Pen, am I reading this comment of yours correctly? Are you really asking everyone, me included, who runs a generator or onboard inverter to NOT COME and enjoy the wilderness parks???
              Did you even go so far as to BEG us not to come and then suggest that we go to a for-pay campground???

              ~What sheer and unabashed EXTREMISM on your part!~

              I do agree, however, maybe it IS time for you to look at getting that 4X4.
              I’m not a purest camper, never said I was. Leave my basic comforts at home while camping and enjoying the great vast wilds?
              Sorry, NOT gonna happen. Period! Those who hold such extreme views do NOT own the wilds…Thank Goodness!
              So yes, I DO seek to Speak Up for all of us Generator-Using Hordes 😉

      • Pamela K. in GA says:

        I did some quick fact checking this morning and both towns, Ely, Nevada and Ely, Minnesota are pronounced Ee-lee. Yep, sure enough. Both in Wiki are that way and the mayors of each of those cities pronounce their city’s name Ee-lee. I just watched a few videos about both towns. Guess the whole ~Ee-lee thang~ is not that weird after all 🙂

  29. Rita from Phoenix says:

    Years ago my sister and I took a road trip up the western coast from CA to BC, Canada…what an awesome trip that was. Coming back we came down 93 thru Ely and camped at Cave Lake State Park. We had to do laundry so we drove to Ely and asked for a laundromat facility…we were directed to a small tin shed with one washer and one dryer. The town was very small back then….it seems to have grown looking at satellite map. Driving south on 93 north of Ely we saw what looked like a huge dust storm ahead so we looked for a sheltered place to park the rental car until the worst of the storm past but as we got closer there was no sign of wind, sand or dust…it turned out to be fog rolling down the valley in middle of summer (July). It was real weird. Visibility was prob about 25 feet out…it got so dark. I often wondered if it was some chemical release down the way but the fog had no chemical smell. BTY beautiful camp ground and love the photo of Reggie leaving his mark…he is such a character!! Love that guy already 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rita,

      Interesting comment, as always! The crew and I were in the wide flat valley between mountain ranges yesterday and saw a strange phenomenon at the far end of the valley. It looked like rain going up to the clouds, rather than down… hard to describe. The wind was wild and dust swirls (haboobs) popped up.

      Stay tuned for more about Cave Lake Creek State Park. 🙂

      I have a photo of Bridget utilizing the same tree immediately after Reggie. I couldn’t post it. How mortifying!

  30. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Lovely lovely spot!! I would love such a place!! And even if it snows, usually Spring snows are gone quickly too. Southern Idaho where we lived for a number of years and have other kin there yet generally gets a snow storm on Easter Sunday but mostly melted by end of the day. And most years no more snow after that till Fall sometime. Or even Winter some years. The thing I loved about that climate was 4 very distinct seasons. I enjoyed things about each one.

    We are working like mad…making progress, kids and oldest grandson helped some too on Sunday afternoon…those strong bodies sure made it quicker!! But there is lots to go through yet. We decided to get a smaller unit which we are already filling up with bare bones survival stuff there (no furniture however)…in case at some point we do live on this coast again…or elsewhere across the sea. Trying to be sure the kids get everything they want. Goodwill has been receiving a lot so far…we are tired but so far doing ok.

    Stay warm…ya can always put on more clothes…but you can only take off so many…one main reason I like cooler weather!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      Ooh, that is hard work! I’m glad you had some help from the younger ones. Makes a big difference…

      The crew and I will be in southern Idaho soon. Your description of spring snows is very true… They don’t last long. We may not get any at all. The report says something like 50% chance… I figured the percent chance is higher on the side of this mountain.

  31. DesertGinger says:

    Well, I’m kind of sad to see you leave the desert. You aren’t my neighbor anymore. Not till next winter. But I look forward to the new adventures too. However, you can have the snow! Had enough for a lifetime.

    I’m considering going to NY in May. There’s a class there I want to take. Difficult to decide. Aaaarrrggghhhhh! I like last minute, snap decisions. Planning ahead is hard!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Your last comment you were contemplating where to go this summer and now you’re thinking about NY in May. You, girl, are a whirlwind! Love ya!

  32. monica- CA says:

    Your title sounds like a clue to Forrest Fenn’s treasure hunt, pinyon pines & sagebrush, but he states the treasure isn’t in Nevada. I like the new campsite, even if it’s missing the hot spring pool. I do hope the three of you stay warm at night, and if it does snow it’s just a light dusting.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you for your nice message for us, Monica. We did stay warm.

      I have to take Reggie outside! He’s pestering me… 🙂

      We’re back… a short run. I think he forgets how cold it is outside after being in the warmth of the BLT.

      You have a great day!

  33. MOMMM!! Peeing pictures??!! You’d better hope Reggie doesn’t get his paws on your camera any time soon; payback is hell, you know! That looks like a great campsite, love the pines and I can almost smell them from here! Hope you don’t get kicked out. And I hope you do get some snow; it’s pretty once in a while, and don’t you love how silent it is when the snow is coming down? I do, as long as it goes away quickly!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, JanisP,

      Well, we haven’t been kicked out yet and there’s another camper here. I think we will be okay. Thanks for the kind wish.

      Best wishes preparing for your big move!

  34. LoupGarou says:

    Sue looks like it’s a great campground. The reason it’s empty is that its open from June to September. But if you can get away with staying there, more power to you.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, LoupGarou,

      Yes, this is definitely the off-season for the campground. I don’t think they care whether people camp here at this time of year. The water is turned off. Reservations are not taken for this time. Different definitions for “closed.” 🙂

  35. PookieBoy north of houston says:

    doesnt surprise me any that the young couple knew your blog…
    your world famous gal!

  36. weather says:

    Good morning,Sue,do you know what the temp is where you are?When I first got up it was about 15 degrees with the wind chill,the sun’s been up for over 3 hours and has warmed it to 34.Used to the cold here in NY state I wouldn’t call it pleasant ,yet it’s warm enough to make the errands I have planned doable.You must really “feel it” as you are no longer acclimated to the cold.Are the crew acting as if it bothers them?

    Did the fifth wheel folks use the generator long enough to cause you to move?Seems odd in a nearly empty campground to park anywhere near someone already set up.Was your site close to the only nice ones there?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      I still haven’t picked up a thermometer and I could have yesterday while in town! I keep forgetting about it. My guess is it went into the low 20s and it’s not much higher than that now as the sun hasn’t cleared the mountain for long.

      I put the heater on high for about a half-hour before letting myself go to sleep. I never sleep with it on. With the BLT closed up snugly, we stay warm. I turned it on this morning and we’re comfortable. The crew seems okay with the weather.

      The generator was going when I went to sleep. I awoke later and it was off. Don’t know the time. There are about ten sites in this loop. All the sites in the campground are nice. We are at the very end. They are camped three away. In other words there are two empty sites between us. They probably chose that site for its length. Their rig is huge.

      • weather says:

        Using “we’re comfortable” as a way to determine the temperature is nicer than having a thermometer,and really all that I wanted to hear,thanks 🙂 It makes sense that the new neighbor chose a site based on size,I hadn’t thought of that.I’m glad they left “elbow room” and ,for a while overnight at least,limit their use of the generator .Sleep’s essential with a crew that’s as much of a handful as your loveable one is.Enjoy the beautiful setting you three are in,your day and each other!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Generator going all morning. We moved.

          • weather says:

            Hope your new spot is even nicer than the other one.They must love their appliances,I’m glad you love enjoying creation and it’s beautiful sounds far more.I had to grin about the replies concerning why so few young people use our beautiful parks.I pictured some of them so busy texting that they walked into trees.They crack me up by doing that in the most ridiculous situations.Oh,well,everyone has an Achille’s heel.

  37. Just Lurking says:

    Yes, I am one of the people you have referred to as a “lurker”. I rarely read the comments either. I just enjoy your photos and writing. However, I decided to give you some information about hot springs. You probably already know about this problem and are careful but here you are:

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, just lurking,

      Yes, we discussed amoebas and red mites under a previous post. A link was also provided by a reader which lists the condition of hot springs in several states. Thank you for caring enough to post a link.

      I experienced no problems from Hot Creek Springs.

      BTW, the term “lurker” isn’t something I invented. It’s a common term for someone who is around but doesn’t make their presence/purpose/intent known. In the blogosphere, it’s someone who reads the blog but doesn’t participate in comments.

  38. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Uh oh! Stay warm!

    Dealing with a “conflict” in CA…..with guess who? He wasnt there for 12 hours when it started!


    Have a great day!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      So sorry, Cindy, that you are dealing with that. It gets old. 🙁 And it’s okay that you vented here. We all have had relationships that are difficult.

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        Thanks…I’m done venting. Done period! Hahh

        my posts have been short…just wanted to let you know I’m still around and explain why.

  39. Hiya Sue!

    So, I just got back from a quick trip to Vegas to visit some family who were there vacationing from Indiana, and on our way home, I see a Casita being pulled by a white vehicle, one smaller than the PTV, and at first glance, I think “Oh, it’s RVSue!!”, even though I know better 🙂 I do point it out to my hubby, as I keep him well informed of all things RVSue, and I proceed to fill him in on why I knew it wasn’t you! Is that normal? haha!

    Hope you are enjoying the new campground!! I love camping when its cold…brrr!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Marla,

      Great hearing from you! To answer your question, yes, it’s normal. The problem though is that normal isn’t normal any more. Got that? Ha!

      I’m glad you had a chance to visit family in Vegas and made it home safely. Yeah, I’m liking this cold camping! Thanks for a fun comment.

      • Yes, I’m glad we made it home safely, too! We were meeting the family for breakfast on our way out of town, and on our way there, we were at an intersection at a red light, one car in front of us. The light turned green, the car in front of us started to go and some idiot (probably on their phone or doing their makeup, who knows!) blew their red light and T-boned the car in front of us!!! All their air bags went off, so we couldn’t see inside. I called 911 while my husband got out to check on them, he told me later he was worried what he would see looking in the front windshield….

        Thank God the three ladies inside were all fine, shaken up, but fine. It scared the you-know-what out of me, and my hands were still shaking an hour later! And can you believe no one else even stopped to check on these people, everyone else just drove on by….sad. We were glad to get home in one piece!

  40. DesertGinger says:

    Everybody! Go check out It’s gone retro for the day! Very cool.

  41. kgdan says:

    Cannot BELIEVE how nerve-wracking first day back on the road can be. First edginess involves making certain all systems for travel are functioning. Then dealing with traffic & directions. Since our first day involved approaching Las Vegas and hunting for a Best Buy to replace my tablet power cord— more nerves. Then we discover that Clark County does not allow overnight RV parking. To save what’s left of our nerves, tonight we are ensconced In a KOA camp. Tomorrow we will be out of this mess hopefully there will be a site available at Pahranagat. Thank you, RV Sue for teaching us about it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Kathy. I had no idea about the overnight RV parking restriction. I guess in a town like Vegas they’d have down-and-out gamblers and drinkers hanging out in parking lots, maybe? Oh well, better days are coming… I hope you snag a good site at Pahranagat.

      Safe travels tomorrow…

  42. wa_desert_rat says:

    When you get up into WA there are two BLM sites you might find interesting. I told you about the first one, Lakeview Ranch, which overlooks Pacific Lake; now dry. But the camp sites are free, there is a toilet, no water or power but reasonable camping with old ranch buildings you can check out and good hiking paths.

    The second, which I alluded to but didn’t link to, is Escure Ranch. This is a large ranch founded by two brothers from Europe in the 1930s. Mostly they raised sheep but also some cattle. A beautiful stream winds through it (with a bridge over to the ranch buildings) and a falls 3 miles down a windy road (open to vehicles in the spring, usually).

    The ranch buildings at Escure are also still standing and in good shape. The BLM has shrouded them with some sort of wire netting to keep out birds, bats and batty people but you can still check them out.

    The Escure Ranch is located east of Ritzville, WA and the directions are not so easy to follow but the country is beautiful rolling hills dotted with lakes. Not a lot of trees as it’s on the edge of the border between the desert and the Palouse but still pretty. Most of the roads are gravel but in good condition.

    Free camping at both locations and some historic interest, too. 🙂


  43. kgdan says:

    Oops, I left out an important detail. No overnight RV parking in casino parking lots.

  44. wa_desert_rat says:

    US 93 is one of my favorite roads. The far west at its finest. Ranches sometimes 50 miles (or more) apart, wild horses, herds of mule deer, eagles and red tailed hawks. And not much traffic. Ely, where you are near now, is a terrific old west town with a historic casino and a railroad museum worthy of a visit even by people who aren’t railfans.

    Traveling south towards Las Vegas you go from the far outback to the big city in a very short period of time; once you hit the freeway your old west adventure is done.

    Be sure to watch for large deer on the highway; I came across one that had totaled a pickup truck and was down but not out.

    Did you know that road to Area 51 was just a few miles west of when you were farther south? 😀


    PS: If you don’t know what Area 51 is… it isn’t. Google it. 🙂

  45. Ladybug in Mid-Tenn says:

    Sue, don’t forget….this is a holiday weekend.

  46. Timber n' me says:

    Well we hope you and the pups are doing great up there near EEE-LEE, Nevada. We are camped purity close to where you camp between Cords and Bumble BEE with I-17 way off to the east. The cars look like ants. We left Kingman this morning ’bout 09:30, after getting a tire and our supplies at Walmart and we dump our tank at Flying J for the first time and got H2O . We are settled and eating Tuna casserole. give HRH and Sir Reginald a Big Hug from us,,,,, me

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m not sure where you mean… “between Cords and Bumble Bee”…

      Hope the tuna casserole was good. Hugs to Timber!

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