“Thanks, Wally!” – Rolling down the road again

Monday, September 28 (continued)

“Hey, Reggie Man!  We can go now!  It’s fixed!”

P1070609-001“Let me explain things to the folks first, okay, li’l buddy?”

Barry at the Wal-Mart Auto Center in Richfield, Utah, tests the battery in the Perfect Tow Vehicle and finds that it needs to be replaced.  He shows me the readings on the tester and explains them, which I understand and promptly forget.  Something about it should read around 200 and it only reads at 70.  Good enough for me.

Barry removes the old battery and hooks up the new one.

“You know, if you wipe down your battery now and then, it will last longer.”

“How does that help?”

“If your battery has a lot of dust and dirt on it, that can absorb the charge.”  (I don’t know that he used the word “absorb.”  Something like that.)

“I never heard anything like that.  Well, we do go through a lot of dusty places.”

Okay, here are the details on the battery.

It’s an Ever Start, Maxx 78N.  It cost $106.33.  To that is added $12.00 “battery core fee” and $7.51 tax.  The total cost is $125.84.  If the battery fails within the next three years, Wal-Mart will replace it.  For two years after that, it can be turned in for pro-rated credit on another battery.

Are there better batteries and better deals in the world? 

Sure.  I’m happy with what I purchased, mostly because it was convenient and quick.  I’m also happy that the only thing wrong with the PTV is it needed a new battery.

We’re on the road again!

Before leaving Richfield, I buy groceries at Wal-Mart and dog food at Tractor Supply across the street.

Then I do a dumb thing.  A very dumb thing. I’m so happy the Perfect Tow Vehicle is perfect again that I drive up the ramp onto Interstate 70 and motor southward without giving any thought to the fact that I might need to buy some gas.

Happily I roll along with the crew, right past the big sign sticking up in the sky above the town of Joseph . . . “Unleaded $2.63.”   One would think this would jog my brain, cause me to look at the gas tank gauge maybe?

Nooooo. . . .  I wait until there are several miles between us and any gas station, either behind us or in front of us or any where around us.

That’s when my gaze drops to the gas gauge.

“Oh no!  We’re almost on empty!”

All the way across the Pahvant Mountains, long grades up and down, I try not to think about being stuck along the interstate waiting for someone to rescue us.  My plan to spend the night at Castle Rock Campground is thrown out the window, simply because it takes gas to drive off the interstate to the campground.

At long last a sign before an exit says “Gas — 2.5 miles” with an arrow pointing north!

This is the exit for Cove Fort Historic Site.

I don’t care about history right now.  I want gas!

P1070611Cove Fort (photo taken after I bought gas)

What a relief to pump gas into the PTV, even if it’s 40 cents more per gallon than way back there in Joseph!

Behind the “travel center” is an RV park. 

After that stressful drive, it would be nice to stop for the day.  Driving through the RV park I notice large propane tanks hooked up to each RV, but it doesn’t look like one of those RV parks where none of the RVs have moved in years.  These RVs are fresh-looking. The grass is trimmed.  Everything is neat.

An elderly man in a long-sleeved, white dress shirt and black pants steps out of his RV and hails me.  I ask him about the park and he tells me it’s a private RV park.  Meaning not for the public.

His wife comes to the door of their RV and clarifies.

“We’re missionaries,” she says.

We leave and I park the PTV in the truck area next to the travel center.  After a lunch of rotisserie chicken shared with Bridget and Reggie, plus a brief walk-about, we are revived and ready to push on!

We backtrack past Cove Fort  . . . .

P1070612Cove Fort,  built in 1867 with lava rock rather than wood — That’s why it is still here.

We take Interstate 15 all the way to Beaver!

The crew and I camped near Beaver in 2012 at Upper Kents Lake, way up the mountain.  I don’t want to climb a mountain right now.  Route 153 enters Fishlake National Forest from Beaver and follows the course of Beaver River through the canyon which happens to be named — guess — Beaver Canyon, of course!

This boondock is right on the river in an easy pull-through.

P1070626I park the PTV and BLT in the site and the crew and I give it an inspection.

That’s when I notice cows resting in the shade nearby.  I scoop up Reggie and toss him into the PTV before he notices them.  We resume our search and find another campsite not much further up the road.

“I like this!”

P1070614“There’s Beaver River.  Beautiful!  This will work for us just fine.”

P1070683I put down the mat, the doggie beds, the toys . . . .

P1070620This is the view from our front door.  The river flows in front of those rocks.

P1070676This is the view on the other side of our camp.

P1070622The site is closer to the road than we usually camp.  There isn’t enough traffic to bother us.

After I relax a bit, I put up the Wilson antenna for internet.

See it?

P1070680Signal is weak and drops frequently.  That’s the way it often is when one camps in a canyon!  At least with the antenna I can read the comments on my blog.

P1070619We’re only a few miles from town.  I can drive there for signal in order to blog. 

P1070681The crew and I enjoy this camp from Monday, September 28 to Sunday, October 4.

P1070678More about our time camping near Beaver, Utah, in the next post!



P1070694“Bridget.  Are you hovering?”


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203 Responses to “Thanks, Wally!” – Rolling down the road again

  1. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    First, finally?

  2. Pookieboy in SE Texas says:

    well I almost got it….close but no cigar!!

  3. carlene from southwestern colorado says:

    Thought I’d make it to Utah in the next week… but looks like I might be in central New Mexico for some volunteer work…nothing firm yet but should know this week. I hope it works out.
    Maybe I’m first… but I loved the blog today and so very happy for you that it was just the battery. Nice warranty.
    Happy and Safe Travels.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Carlene,

      I’m glad you liked this post. Thanks for your kind words.

      I hope you get to do what you want. Utah can wait. 🙂

    • Carlene, if you are interested, Desert Haven an animal rescue, provides a very nice campground for volunteers! It’s in Williamsburg NM, near Truth or Consequences. You can stay a week, a month or more as long as you volunteer! Good people there!
      Also, Riverbend Hot Springs uses workampers and all the free soaks you want overlooking the Rio Grand River in Truth or Consequences! They have a website, Google it! This was BY FAR our favorite workamping gig!

      • carlene from southwestern colorado says:

        Thanks Geri, I’ll bookmark what I’ve found. And I hope with 4 days off I’ll be able to get out and about with a lot to see in New Mexico.
        I was contacted by the volunteer coordinator and I’ve got a 4 month job, to the end of February 2016 at Bosque del Apache wild life refuge, near Socorro NM. 1.5 hrs south of Alburquerque.
        There are 18 rv sites, work 3 – 8 hour days, there is a volunteer lounge which include laundry, kitchen, pool table, internet.
        Another blogger that I’ve been reading for a few years, Winnie Views, Lynn, is back this fall. Along with some others returning and some new ones like me.
        So Utah in the spring sounds ok too.
        I’m heading to Taos and Santa Fe in the 2 weeks I’ve got till I need to arrive.
        Thanks Sue, will be watching for updates, love the Reg-Man pic. what a cutie!

  4. Hooray! Glad the battery issue has been fixed. You should take up fishing with all the beautiful rivers you camp by!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jill,

      I know. It seems a shame that I don’t fish. It must irk the people who do! Ha!

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        This made me nod in agreement. I have a boat type that many people use for fishing. Oftentimes when I’m getting gas or etc. people ask me about the fishing. I feel almost slightly guilty when I tell them that I haven’t fished since I was a teen. Of course in reality it’s nothing to feel guilty about (because each person can enjoy their boat their way), but you likely know what I mean.

  5. Lynn Brooks says:

    What a beautiful site!
    Lynn B. (Baltimore,MD)

  6. Pookie in SE Texas says:

    HA….I think we have all done that….just drive along not paying
    attention to the gas guage…when your low like that $5 a gallon isnt
    too much to pay….
    Bridget looks like she needs to go on a diet…she is living the good
    life like I am….fat and sassy….

  7. Teri LiveOak Fl says:

    Beautiful camp. I am always on the edge of my seat while reading your adventures. Glad you made it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re on the edge of your seat? Gee, I don’t mean to stress you out! Ha!

      Thanks for your concern, Teri. We made it!

  8. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    This camp looks nice with the river flowing right in front. I don’t know how comfortable I would feel that close to the road, but if I was tired, i would probably drop in anyway.

    The first picture of Reggie smiling looks just like Angel when I come home from someplace where she can’t go with us. I had to take my husband to the doctor today, then stopped at the grocery and drug store. Our 3 hour absence must of seemed like months to her. She wears herself out with welcoming us home and she is so happy and smiling so big. Of course, I have not been able to move without an escort the rest of the day. Funny little girl!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Number One Barbara,

      I didn’t feel uneasy at all in that camp. Anyone going by was so intent on climbing the mountain to other campgrounds that they didn’t care about us. Since we faced the river and not the road, it didn’t seem like we were close to the road.

      Aww…. little Angel loves her new family. She wears herself out with happiness. 🙂

  9. Mf says:

    You had me at pic #1! Usually Bridget is my favourite (my niece’s name) but Reggie was so cute in this pic! I can’t wait to meet up with you & the gang on the road some day! My 2 guys love playdates ;o)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mf,

      Are you new to my blog? If so, welcome! And also welcome to comments…

      You may not know what a hermit I am. I cringe at the thought of meeting up with readers, even though I love ’em! I hope you understand. It’s nothing personal. 🙂

      I’d love to get to know you better right here on my blog!

      • Don in Okla. says:

        I have to vote for the first photo too. It is a real saver!! But then again, most of your photos are. Such a neat pup and Bridget is too. Thanks so much for your blog. We all sure enjoy it.
        Best wishes for safe travels.

  10. Calvin R says:

    I’m glad it was only a battery. I have learned to keep an eye on the fuel gauge, but I didn’t get that lesson the first time.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Calvin R.,

      I’ve always prided myself on being diligent about fuel. I hope this isn’t going to be a new thing with me! I need to keep my focus!

  11. Rob, still in Oregon today says:

    The battery core fee is what they charge you when you don’t have a used battery to give them.
    You have a nice looking place today!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Well, isn’t that interesting. They charged me and I gave them my battery!

      I’m going to call the Richfield Wal-Mart about this. Thanks, Rob.

      • Teri LiveOak Fl says:

        I just today bought a battery from NAPA and the core charge was $27.00. I had no old battery to give them..

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Owee…That’s a lot tacked onto your bill! I wonder if NAPA charges that much for all batteries, or if it’s based on the battery you buy. Gee.

          • Teri LiveOak Fl says:

            It has to do with the size of the battery

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            And somewhat related, some auto parts stores (Advance, for example) will

            “pay” you if you drop off old batteries (I mean, when you are not getting a new one). It’s not a huge amount, but was like $5 per or something, and IIRC it was a store credit.

            I’ve also dropped them off at recycling/metal places. For something heavy like a deep cycle Group 31 it can be a pretty nice chunk of change (a friend had to replace his house battery bank and gave them to me to dispose of).

            I think this mostly has to do with the lead content, but not positive.

            • Sidewinder Pen says:

              PS: Yes, I’ve never had to pay a core charge if I had an old battery to “trade in” when I got a new one – that seems wrong.

            • Pookie in SE Texas says:

              Academy stores in Texas will give you $15 credit if you bring in any used battery…..I took 3 with me last time I bought a battery from them…..Im very cheap..

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Cheap is good. 🙂

  12. Linda Hughes North Carolina says:

    Hey RV Sue, the close up of Reggie Man is so funny, it made me laugh out loud! I love the area you are in from your pics, but there is one questions I have for you…..the first boondocking site and the one you ended up staying in, was there a sign or how did you know it was a boondocking site? I realize that is a totally stupid question but just wanted to know. Thanks for the area pics again, so interesting, love your blog !

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s a great question, Linda!

      Three things tell me it’s a boondock…. 1) We’re on public land. We passed a sign that said “Fishlake National Forest. 2) It’s obvious that vehicles have driven there. 3) There’s a fire ring (bunch of rocks in a circle with evidence of a previous fire). The fire ring doesn’t show in the photo. It’s close to the river.

      That’s all there is to it!

      That photo of Reggie gave this post a big opening!

  13. That very first picture of Reggie is so cute! And Bridget seems to be a little more relaxed these days about being included in the photos. 🙂 I really like the photo at the fort too. Looks like a lovely new camp for yall to enjoy!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda in Austin,

      Did you notice Bridget ducking under the BLT when I took that photo? Reggie is looking at her like, “Where are you going?” She still has her moods. Some days she loves the lens. Other days she acts like it’s a weapon or something. Maybe she thinks she’s having a bad fur day.

  14. Norman in San Diego says:

    Hi Sue,

    Glad you are back up and running. Nothing like a new battery to make the PTV happy.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Norman in San Diego,

      One good thing about having battery trouble and writing about it…. It gets the attention of my male readers. 🙂 Nice to see you here again!

  15. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Oh, I forgot. I’m glad it was just your battery. They all seem to run around $100.00 or more these days and the warranty sounds good. My Hyundai has this “range to empty” feature so I seldom look at the gas gauge anymore. If I am doing an expressway drive, I check the gauge, as my mileage improves under those conditions.

    Glad I finally made first after nearly 4 years. It was fun!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      How nice to have your car keep track of the gas tank for you. All the PTV does is go “ding” and it only does that after I’ve driven several miles past the last gas station!

      Four years…. Wow, Barbara. You’ve been with us that long… Thank you.

  16. Jenny Johnson Manuel says:

    New Battery – Satisfied Puppies – All is Well – We’re all Happy for you!!

  17. Dawn in MI says:

    Glad it was just the battery and was easily fixed. I can understand you being so excited you forgot all about fuel. I’ve done that even here at home. Once I ran out of gas about 1 mile from the house. With an old dog in the truck that I had to carry with me back to the house because she couldn’t walk that far. Then walk back with gas (luckily had some for the lawn mower) and then drive home…all without letting my husband know (who was sitting on the sofa watching sports….because I didn’t want him to know I hadn’t been paying attention to the gas gauge. That’s a story I never told anyone!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You never told anyone and you’re telling us now! Wow! I’m honored…. seriously.

      Your husband watching sports was a lucky break. He probably didn’t even know you were gone. Oh my, that wasn’t very nice. Haha! Just kidding, Dawn!

  18. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Good news…”on the road again!” Hope things will go well with the rig now. Cleaning often seems good advice!! Seems I have helped hubby with such in times past…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      Funny, in all these years I’ve never heard that one should clean the battery. It’s always about the terminals… Well, now I know! Hope you are having a good evening…

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        We had a good day thanks…it was our 43rd anniversary…we celebrate simply…doesn’t take a lot for me to be happy!! 🙂 And we live in a kind of vacation destination anyway…which is nice…for now…at least when it is quiet anyway!! 😉

  19. We left Burns OR heading east and after leaving the city limits and after the last gas station they put up a sign that says “Last gas for 99 miles”…why not put that back a few blocks and give people a chance to buy gas? We made it, but were on fumes. The next day as we were leaving Crane, OR, the sign said “Last gas for 125 miles”… no problem today.

  20. AZ Jim says:

    Ya know Missy, I don’t know who I am more relieved about, you, Reggie or those cows. I am glad you spotted them before our little wrangler did or all hell would have broken loose. Reggie would have been in a uproar and upset and those poor cows would have had to get up and go. Their fate is to grace our tables as steaks so we owe them all the peace they can get. Glad ya didn’t run out of gas, that is a pain….Take care guys…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Jim, and good morning to you and Detta,

      Yeah, that was a close call with the beautiful bovines. Reggie would’ve tore into them without mercy. I would’ve had to get out his wrangler suit, the blue with red bandana, so that he’d be properly dressed for the task …. All that was avoided by my quick action.

  21. Patrick says:

    “Barry at the Wal-Mart Auto Center in Richfield, Utah, tests the battery in the Perfect Tow Vehicle and finds that it needs to be replaced. He shows me the readings on the tester and explains them, which I understand and promptly forget. Something about it should read around 200 and it only reads at 70. Good enough for me.”
    “It’s an Ever Start, Maxx 78N. It cost $106.33. To that is added $12.00 “battery core fee” and $7.51 tax. The total cost is $125.84. If the battery fails within the next three years, Wal-Mart will replace it. For two years after that, it can be turned in for pro-rated credit on another battery.”

    If the man at Wally World Auto Center removed and replaced your battery you should not have been charged a Core Charge. Many years ago I worked in a Richfield Gas Station. I do not know how many battery’s I replaced and charged them a core charge, even when they had us remove the the “Old Battery” and put in a new one. You got cheated out of $12.00, i am sorry to say. Glad you got your PTV fixed.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Patrick,

      Good to hear from you again… I did a little research online and found that this is a common practice. I suppose it’s profitable to have the old battery and the core charge, too!

      The following is only anecdotal, a comment I read — Customers (at an unnamed garage) who complain that they turned in a battery and were charged a core charge are told that it really is a disposal fee and it’s the computer that lists it as a core charge.

      I’m going to think the best of Richfield Wal-Mart Auto Shop and its employees unless I learn the intent behind the action was less than honest. Barry exchanged the batteries. A different employee rang up the bill. I’d like to think it was an oversight…

      Thanks for sharing your long-ago experience with this.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        The weird thing is, if it WERE a disposal fee and not a core charge, then what do they charge people who DON’T turn in a core? Two core charges?

      • Pookie in SE Texas says:

        I believe I would still check and see if that core charge is refundable at your next Walmart stop…..$12 is worth it….

      • Patrick says:

        I would take all of your paperwork to any WalMart and ask to speak to the Auto Service Department Manager, explain what was done and explain your question. If it was a Disposal Fee/Hazardous Waste Fee I do not believe it should have been $12.00 I just put a new battery in my 95 Ford P/U the core charge was only $12.00 for the battery.
        and there was no disposal fee, Also I don’t know if I made it clear, when I said I worked in a Richfield Gas station, I did not mean in Richfield UT. I meant I worked in a Richfield Gas Station aka ARCO Gas Station, now I am starting to show my age you’re not old enough to remember Richfield Service Stations. Have a great day glad you got your PTV up and running again.
        Here in San Diego it’s been hotter than Blue Blazes today it’s now 1205 AM and it’s 78 degrees out according to my Atomic Clock and Weather station. Have a safe week.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I did think you meant Richfield, Utah. Thanks for clearing that up for me. I’m old enough to remember Richfield gas stations… 🙂

          I’m not near a Wal-Mart at the moment. I’m not really far away from one but the traffic to get to it keeps me away. I’ll get over my usual procrastination and call the Wal-Mart that charged me.

          Too hot in San Diego? I thought that town had perfect weather every day. Almost 80 degrees in the middle of the night? Reminds me of Florida….

          You have a safe week, too, Patrick. Thank you for keeping after me about the core charge. I will report the outcome…

  22. Carol S says:

    We stopped in that area when passing thru Utah earlier this summer. Stopped at Cove Fort and took the tour of the old Fort and spent some time with the Missionaries. they were very low key and cool. I loved the history and looking at the buildings. Hope you made time to stop!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Carol S.,

      There were several people taking the tour as we passed the second time. We didn’t stop… two reasons. First off, the crew would’ve sat in the PTV. The afternoon was warm and they had to stay in the PTV for the drive there and for the drive to wherever our next camp would be. Secondly, we started our move late that day, by the time the battery and groceries were bought, and it was more important that we complete the rest of the drive and find where we would sleep that evening.

      I rarely take a close look at historical sites and “attractions” along the roads we drive. That seems strange, I know. I guess it’s because I’m still caught up in the enjoyment of travel, seeing new places, and living close to nature…

      I’m glad you enjoyed your visit to the Fort.

  23. Pamela K. says:

    About running so low on gas… here’s a tip to keep in mind.
    Most farmers keep extra jerry cans of gas for their equipment, especially if they are in remote areas.
    If you are ever in a critical bind, and it’s anywhere near farm land, pull into the farmer’s farm. Be sure to park as close as possible to the farmer’s house! They will often have large dogs (who may not friendly to strangers or other strange dogs so honk several times before ever getting out of the PTV and wait for them to come to their door or windows. Most farmers will be glad to share so gas, for a small fee, once they see you are not there to cause them harm.

    • Pamela K. says:

      BTW, that first photo of Reggie is super wonderful! Good gracious he is such a handsome little guy!!! And always so full of life 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I agree.. Farm people are, in general, friendly and helpful. It’s part of the culture of farming. I can’t imagine, though, me driving up to a farmhouse and honking the horn before getting out. My dear father would roll over in his grave!

      Thanks for the tip. There are times when the best thing to do is give another person the opportunity to be helpful.

      • Pamela K. says:

        I know, the honking thing sounds so, well, not farm-like. However, I would do that in a micro-minute. Here’s why… Not doing that can come with a costly price tag! My, then husband, didn’t bother to heed this warning and found he had woken a rather large and ever so quick dog out of his afternoon nap. That dog jumped out of a perfectly good pickup truck window and lit into my, then husband, for being on his turf. All we wanted to do is ask for some directions on how to find the main road again… Did we ever get the needed directions? Yes. Several hospital stiches later we knew exactly how to get to the main road…at the corner intersection where the hospital was! Needless to say, I won’t ever get out of my vech until invited because of this. I would find another farmer, if need be, before risking getting out without an invite. Times change, your father may not turn over in his grave, but rather agree with my thinking in today’s world 🙂 Anyway, it is a good travel tip, carry it with you if you ever need it 🙂

  24. Deb D says:

    Great picture of Reggie . Bridget and Reggie are happy pups. So glad it was just a battery. Nice pictures of the old fort. Enjoy your lovely campsite.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Deb D. I’ve wondered how you are, whether you’ve had the surgery yet… I hope you are well and enjoying the journey!

  25. weather says:

    It must have felt wonderful to find such a pretty riverside place as home to finally relax in right then.Waking up parked at Walmart and much of what that day held had no doubt made being surrounded by nature for a few days especially welcome.

    That’s a good deal for a new battery considering it was convenient,quick and they didn’t pretend that you needed an alternator or anything else that you didn’t.With one night in their lot and the next six beside the river being free ,too,what could have been a very problematic and expensive event became overall a lovely affordable week,nice!

    Forgetting to do something one normally does automatically ,like check the gas gauge,is common when life isn’t normal.You rarely ,thank God,awaken poorly rested because street cleaning machines and bright lights surrounded the BLT overnight.I’m just glad you at least still had the good sense to forego Castle Rock Campground so changed what could have been an awful rest of the day into one with a happy ending.

    Just for fun scroll down through this post’s photos without reading a word.Does that put a big smile on your face or what?! That makes two stories with happy endings in one post,thanks,Sue,good morning.This part of NY State is getting prettier by the minute.I hope where you are is,too,and that you get to enjoy that today.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      You make a good point about the little expense involved when one camps for several days for free in a lovely camp, then stays overnight right next to the auto place, again for free, and follows it up with several days at another lovely, free camp.. . All that makes the battery bill shrink! I do remember the days when it seemed impossible to go to an auto shop without being told I needed a new alternator. All in all, the entire experience went well, from the folks helping us with the jump start onward.

      We are blessed to live away from the noises and irritants that many people suffer daily. As for Castle Rock, maybe someday we will go that way again with plenty of gas in the tank and see the interesting rock forms and visit neighboring Fremont historical site in the state park.

      About scrolling down to see the photos… When I opened up my laptop and went to this blog this morning, Reggie’s eyes were peering just above the bottom of the screen. Scroll so that he does that on your screen and you’ll receive a happy “good morning” greeting from us!

      • weather says:

        Thanks,Wow,I did,then I expanded that on my screen!Staring into the brown eyes of a dog ,ah-h…feelings don’t come much better than that,all deep happy sighs here.This morning has been birdsong,bumblebee,kittens sweet and just got even better 🙂

        Off to play in the T@B for a while,have a great day,catch ya later

    • weather says:

      Bright yellow buttercups and butterflies in the yard, kittens scamper through vibrant green grass thick with September’s wildflowers ,we’re having some the best things of both summer and autumn at once.It was so warm yesterday afternoon that folks were wearing shorts and sandals.Yet I was glad I’d worn a warm robe when I refilled the cat families water and food dishes at dawn this morning.Seagulls were slowly drifting through the mists hovering on the lake’s warm waves. Finches among coral and copper colored leaves of treetops sang in rhythm with the chipmunks and squirrels chattering from trees that haven’t changed since late spring.

      Thanks,Sue,and Good Morning,it was fun playing in the T@B ! I hope your move yesterday went quickly enough for you to be able to enjoy your new place when you got there.Do you see and feel much in it that shows the season is changing?

      • weather says:

        P.S. While you were moving yesterday Roxann(first time commenting here?) left a comment at the bottom of the “Trusting everything…” post.Though it might be too late for her to see a response,I thought you might like to read it,and in case she comments again you’ll know at least what info she included in her short note .

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thank you, weather, for helping me find new blogorinos. I’ll look for Roxanne’s comment.

          LATER … I found the comment. This is Roxanne’s second comment, I believe. (There are two Roxannes. I try to keep track of everyone, and I’m the one who has three containers of mustard!)

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        As always, weather, it was fun entering your world through your words. …. butterflies, wildflowers, mama cat, kittens, seagulls, finches, chipmunks, squirrels, colored leaves… “These are a few of my favorite things!”

  26. chas anderson says:

    My diesel Ram has 2 batteries,big ones, recently had to replace both after 160 K miles.

  27. Suzette (TN) says:

    Great post – both in content and visual impact. Love the opening photo with The Reg. He’s quite the cutie! I can totally relate to your gas adventure. Twice in the last few years I’ve wandered down an unknown road, chasing who knows what. Without giving a thought to gas. I guess I always assume there’s a handy convenience store or gas station around every other bend. Not always true. But, both times it turned out OK, as your situation did. Maybe I would have learned a better lesson, had I actually gotten stranded. So, yeah…I’ll probably do it again. 🙂

    Glad you got to enjoy that lovely spot for several days!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Suzette (TN),

      This blog tells me I’m not the only one who drives off with nary a thought to what makes the vehicle move. Ha! I’m glad you haven’t been stranded somewhere and I hope you don’t have to learn the lesson the hard way. You’re probably right about assuming there is always gas available. Usually, before leaving a town, I go through a checklist mentally. Do I have all the groceries, sundries, propane, water, dog food, etc. that we need? Should I empty waste tanks? Do I have enough GAS in the tank?

      Thanks for the compliment on the post and photo of Reggie.

      • Marilyn, Dania Beach, Fl says:


        There you go….dog food. That is why you forgot about the gas.

        I believe the relief knowing the issue was only a battery allowed you to relax and forget to check the gauge. You are forgiven.

        As I sit here I am able to relate to your pleasure of sitting among the trees, listening to bird calls and the many other different sounds of nature. The leaves are slowly losing their chlorophyll allowing the reds and yellows to appear. It truly is wonderful although I do enjoy my bike stops along the ocean, smelling the salt air and feeling the maritime breezes. I even hear a small pooch barking, reminding me of the crew.

        Take a deep breath and smell the fresh air.


        • Marilyn, Dania Beach, Fl says:

          I forgot to add, drinking a glass of wine which I cannot do while riding my bike.

        • Pamela K. says:

          You write so perfectly about the essence of the Florida beaches. I can’t wait until I leave out for my Fla coastal trip. I want so badly to smell and to feel all things *ocean*. I am so overdue for my yearly dose of the ocean and all things beach. Next weekend is my heading out date 🙂 And the annual Cruise-In is on my agenda. Love seeing those old cars stroll the beaches.

  28. DesertGinger says:

    Well, I just put a long post on the previous blog. Twice I’ve done that now. Oh well.

    So glad it was just a battery Sue. On the road again! Got an email from my son. He will arrive at my house in Tucson on the 25th. That means I have to head out in a week to ten days, at the most. I will have to move along fairly quickly. Oh well, gotta do it sooner or later. I’m sad to leave my friends here, but not the cold! It’s 80s in Tucson and that sounds great! Plus my lovely southwest sunsets! It will be good to get home. I’ve got to get caught up on my HR Block classes. Things to do, people to see. I hope that I can buy a van by next spring so my trips back and forth can be a lot more leisurely. Well I’m off to breakfast, then I have Knife work. Ta-ta! Great day everyone.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ginger,

      The cold breath of fall will help you say goodbye to your friends and move back to Tucson. Even though you had a few setbacks while in NY, I’m happy to see that your overall visit with friends and your classes were enjoyable. Sounds like you had fun!

      Now you have much to look forward to in the Southwest and on the coast, even plans for Christmas. I hope you begin your journey sooner rather than later in order not to feel too rushed. We want you to have a safe trip. Thanks for keeping in touch, even when you have to do it twice to keep up with this fast-moving blog! 🙂

    • Applegirl NY says:

      Hi DG, It will be peak here in about a week, so you should have a beautiful ride back to the southwest. Enjoy the rest of your time in NY.

  29. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    Love the picture of Reggie. Such a happy face. I saw a Casita on Goodman Road in southaven, MS this morning being pulled by a white pick up with a camper shell on the back. That is the first time I have ever see one other than pictures. I pointed it out to the hubby as we were eating breakfact at Sonic. He was interested. We have a 36′ Class A but it is so big and eats so much gas we will never be able to take it on the road when we retire. A Casita just might be the answer. This area is not my favorite, but the river looks nice and I bet the sound of it is nice to have in the background all the time.

    So glad for your posts. I get so excited when I see your emails pop up. They make my day. Stay safe and be blessed.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jean,

      You and your husband are smart to consider the costs of maintaining and running a 36′ Class A when you retire. Casitas are eye-catching, aren’t they? You don’t say exactly whether you will full-time or keep a home and take trips. I’m guessing the latter. A Casita for two people is not for every couple, not for long trips or full-timing anyway. Yet there are couples who live in a Casita.

      I can see why this area is not your favorite. One of the things that makes this a very good camp doesn’t come across in photos or in my stories. That’s the weather… This time of year the weather is a big factor where we consider camping.

      While at this camp, the weather a few miles up the road was too cold in the morning (Reggie would suffer in it!) and a few miles in the other direction (lower elevation) it was too hot in the afternoons. Of course, I’m talking about a boondocker without hookups for air conditioning… Our camp had perfect air temperature: Warm with cool breezes coming down the mountain and through the canyon.

      I’m thrilled to think you are excited upon receiving an email that I’ve put up a post. What a great compliment! I’m glad to have you with us, Jean. Regards to your husband!

  30. Lisa, Tommie and Buddy in NJ says:

    Reggie has grown up, he’s not a pup anymore. He’s lost that round headed baby look, and his snout has changed too. That’s a great head shot and smile, if he ever becomes a model. Bridgette is looking happier too lately, contented pups. I was glad to see you needed a simple fix and could get it right where you were. That’s another Sue-ism for my tool belt, park next to the store!

    My crew and I had a short drive yesterday to a much warmer 63°, smile. The traffic and roads were rough, but better in daylight! My TT pulled the little PE through it all with no trouble, and the trees are starting to hint at fall colors. Now a little r and r while we plan our course around the devastated Carolinas. Travel safe all.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lisa, Tommie & Buddy in NJ,

      You made it! Great! And it’s warmer… 🙂 Good luck finding the best route around the recent flooding.

      Thank you for the nice things you wrote about my crew. Yes, Reggie is maturing, at least in looks anyway. I was looking at the first photos I took of him from last March and noticed the round baby face… oh, so cute!

      BTW, what does TT and PE stand for? I thought TT means travel trailer and I haven’t a clue about PE.

      Enjoy your rest and relaxation. Always good to hear from you, Lisa!

      • BadgerRickInWis says:

        I’ve thought that to. Makes me think that the little guy is a lot younger than the rescue folks were guessing. So many of his reactions are so puppy like.

        Who knows? Who cares? Just keep lovin’ him up.

        • DesertGinger says:

          If he was a puppy they could tell by his immature teeth, if they have any experience. Maybe his face has slimmed down because he is getting more exercise now. I doubt they misjudged his age much; vets are very good at guessing a dog’s age by his physical characteristics.

      • Lisa, Tommie and Buddy in NJ says:

        TT is my Terrific Truck and PE is my Perfect Egg fiberglass Boler. I am finding it to be a “just right” size for me and my crew. Although the inside is only 65 square feet, it is planned very well to include a couch, small kitchen, closet, a dining table that converts to a cozy double bed and lots of storage. I also have an external screen room with panels to close up in rain which will more than double the space once I find a support frame for it. As if that’s not enough, I also have a little ceramic heater for cold weather! As long as I have an electric hookup, we are comfy.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          You’re set up very well and I can tell you’re happy with it. That’s great, Lisa!

        • Sidewinder Pen says:

          I like the sound of your setup 🙂 Reminds me of when I was traveling some on the east coast with small fiberglass trailer and car.

          I forget, are you planning on traveling to the west? I might have that confused with Janis P Not in Ecuador as I know she is….. or maybe you both are? (Not that you have to share if you prefer to maintain privacy.)

  31. Jodee Gravel on the road in Carson City, NV says:

    As expected you were back on the road quickly – almost too quickly 🙂 Nothing better than a gasoline sign when your gauge is near the bottom! Love seeing that water, what a pretty spot to spend a few days.

  32. Martin Cade Mccamey says:

    I am looking for the best solution to receive television and wifi. Anyone have information to share about this?

    Note: This comment was moved from the Internet page in order to be seen by a greater number of readers. — Sue


    • rvsueandcrew says:


      Re Wifi…. There’s a drop-down menu from Internet in the header which is called Mifi Schematic. The air card is one I purchased from Verizon. Any Verizon office will set up with one. The Wilson antenna isn’t necessary. It boosts the signal.

    • The best solution for TV would be some type of portable satellite receiver like a TailGater(or). You set it outside with a view of the southern sky and i will lock on to the satellites and viola, you have TV.

      Internet will be via some type of MiFi device like what RVSue uses. I use one from Straightalk and it works OK about half the time. I will be getting a Verizon MiFI soon.

    • Mick'nTN says:

      Hello MCM, I can give you some general information on TV, cell phone, and Wifi reception. There probably is no “best” solution due to the number of variables.
      Frequencies: TV – VHF – channels 2 – 13 are from 54 Mhz to 220 Mhz
      – UHF – channels 14 – 51 are from 470 Mhz to 700 Mhz

      Cell phones: Between 700 Mhz and 2000 Mhz

      Wifi : 2400 Mhz (2,4 Ghz), 5000 Mhz (5 Ghz), and others.

      This wide difference in frequencies means you would need more than one antenna to cover everything.

      RvSue’s antenna is a great wide band antenna with about a 10X power gain from 700 Mhz to 2700 Mhz so it s a good answer for cell phone and Wifi reception. It is not good for TV. Not good for the new 5ooo Mhz Wifi band.

      For UHF TV you can find a fairly small antenna with good gain.

      For VHF TV the antenna get large for good signal gain.

      IMHO TV will turn your brain to mush.

    • Pamela K. says:

      We have Winegard. A lot of long distance trukers use them and the locally owned RV store here carries them. We like them because most Truck Stops carry parts or upgrades for them too.

      • DesertGinger says:

        Wine gars what.? TV? Antenna? Dish?

        • Sidewinder Pen says:

          I don’t know exactly which model Pamela has, as they make a number of different ones, but in general, the Winegard company makes TV antennas for RV roofs.

          • Pamela K. says:

            It is the one that is for in-motion. Used for tailgaiting and in-motion driving. I’m not very techie on it all. It’s the round one that sits on top and seeks the signal when driving or when stopped. An all-in-one unit. Hope that helps.

  33. Dawn from Camano Island says:

    Good morning! Gosh, what a sweet beginning to this blog post! Reg, you are just aglow with love for your Miss Sue! You also look like you’re ready to go for another adventure! You have become the quintessential boondocking dog, thanks to your mentor Miss Bridget & the love of Miss Sue. And Bridge, you’re a little camera shy there. So glad you made an appearance for the camera later.

    Sue, glad you got a new battery–I don’t think I’ve ever heard you should keep a battery clean. I just asked Jim & he said “Pfft. Every year or two you should use a terminal brush to clean off the terminals.” I trust Jim’s wisdom–he’s told me many times in the past that I shouldn’t let the gas tank in my car get below half a tank. I’ve never run out of gas but there were several times I was on fumes. I follow his half a tank recommendation & it’s a comfort, actually.

    Love this camp site–your riverside camps are my favorites. Happy trails & ear scratches to the crew!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn,

      Reggie is turning into a great boondocker! He patrols our camps and is ever alert for intruders, like those terrible bovines…. Bridget has her moods. I do, too, so I can understand. 🙂

      I wonder about the clean-battery advice. I’ll be hitching up the BLT in a few moments for us to move to a new camp. When we’re settled and if we have strong internet, I’m going to research the subject. Not that it will make any difference. I wouldn’t remember to keep the battery clean anyway!

      Best wishes to you both!

      • BadgerRickInWis says:

        Do you make a point to check your oil?
        (Knowing you I cringe a bit at what the answer to that might be. 🙂 ) If you do just try to remember to wipe down the top of the battery with the clean part of whatever rag you used to check the oil. Do it 7 times and it’s a habit.

        • BadgerRickInWis says:

          Oh, and yes it makes a bit of sense. A lot of dust on top of the battery can hold moisture. Enough dirt and moisture can make a connection between the positive and negative terminals. Not a good thing. Probably not enough to be the cause of why your old battery needed replacement but since you spend a fair amount of time on gravel/dirt roads it’s not a bad habit to get into.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, Rick,

          Yes, I check the oil regularly, as well as the tire inflation. Usually I do that the day before we move camp. It’s part of our pre-breaking camp routine.

          • Elizabeth in WA says:

            These routines remind me of what Tioga George used to tell us as to his list he checked off. If we ever do get to fulltime RV, or even parttime…I think checkoff lists will be what we must do!!

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Since I’m terrible about checking a list, I connect what needs to be done with another routine. Prepare to move camp + check oil and tires.

              Another example… I always chock the wheels even when it really isn’t necessary. That way I never forget to chock the wheels. (I did one time before I established the habit and regretted it!)

            • Sidewinder Pen says:

              Me too on the chocks. Even though people laugh sometimes (yeah, but my vehicle won’t be rolling away).

              I think it comes partly from growing up in snow/salt country, where using the parking brake was basically just an invitation for the cable to stick so that it wouldn’t release.

      • Taranis17 says:

        The July thing I’ve heard about battery maintenance is to keep the terminals clean and check that the cables aren’t loose on the terminals.

        As for cleaning, an old trick is to use a tsp or two of baking soda in a large cup of water and a wire brush. Loosen the cables a bit, then liberally use the water mixture and brush. The alkalinity of the baking soda will dissolve the acid deposits that build up on the terminal posts – think bubbling peroxide on a fresh cut – and will leave your terminals bright and clean with almost no scrubbing.

        Wash it off with clean water, wipe off the excess and tighten the cables back down and you’re done.

        I do this about once a year, or whenever they’re looking a little ugly, and have never had an issue in the decades I’ve been working n cars.

        As for keeping dirt and dust off it? Can’t hurt I suppose, but that’s not going to kill your battery by itself. You were just due to replace it, IMO. It happens.

        Hopefully you got the alternator tested too. If not, most Autozone-type places do it for free, if you happen across in your travels.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          No, I didn’t have the alternator tested. I don’t know how long it takes for a bad alternator to make a battery go kaput. Over a week has past and the PTV starts up fine. Good info about “Autozone-type places”….

          I think you are right about it being time for replacement. That battery was 4-5 years old.

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            Okay, this is the part where I don’t mention that the Scan Gauge II can show you the alternator’s output all the time. Not in an “in your face” way, but ever since I had an alternator go out at a very inopportune time on a trip (towing all my belongings in a U-haul in the middle of nowhere, pre cell-phone) (if I had caught it earlier it would have been much less inopportune!), I like to keep a casual eye on the voltage.

            The Scan Gauge II (I know, I sound like a stockholder, but I’m not) can show four things at a time, all in simple block text, easy peasy and “low tech” style. My standard three are engine coolant temp, transmission fluid temp, and alternator voltage output. The fourth one I vary between RPM, MPG, or something else I feel like seeing.

            There is a slicker/newer one called an Ultra Gauge, which is nice, but it’s not my style (I like the simple, stolid Scan Gauge II).

            Of course you can also have your alternator tested at a shop, no problem. I just like to keep an eye on it all the time (or I mean, be able to glance over – not that I watch that instead of the road).

  34. Applegirl NY says:

    That Reg is such a cutie. So glad that your battery problem didn’t end up being too much of a hassle. I have found myself completely stressed out because I am practically running on empty. Then I’m great about checking the fuel gauge for a long time, but eventually, there comes a time when I forget and there I am out and about hoping to make it home or to a gas station.

    I just picked a yummy Empire apple from one of my trees. The Cortlands are just about done, and I’m still packing some off to folks. I have some friends who will use everything left over to make their own cider. Autumn in New York is wonderful!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Boy, are you bringing back memories of the autumns of my NY childhood! I can almost taste the fresh apples and sweet cider. Good for you and your friends for utilizing the bounty given so plentifully to you. Enjoy another fall day!

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Ah…one thing I miss out here in the west is those yummy Cortland apples!! We go in Nov for a visit again…I hope there will be some left in the stores!!! YUMMY!!

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Mmm, fall apples. And of course caramel seems to pop up around the same time 😀

  35. Whew! So glad you got that battery and are happily camped again.

  36. rvsueandcrew says:

    So long for now, blogorinos! Carry on without us…

    The crew and I will be pulling out soon for a new camp which may possibly be at the end of a long drive. Thanks for all you share here on my blog. Talk to you again when I can!


  37. Dennis says:

    Reggie has such a great face! Love that dog.

  38. BadgerRickInWis says:

    Quick reactions to todays post:
    Oh, no!!!!!!!
    Hummmmmmmmm (Missionaries in a private RV park in the middle of Utah. What’s up with that?)

    • Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

      I’m guessing perhaps retired Mormon missionaries?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rick,

      The impression I had of the RV Park is that missionaries of the LDS church do a stint at Cove Fort, typically 18 months or so, and reside in the RV Park during that time. I think they bring their own RVs and, of course, are usually retired people because younger people have families to raise and jobs and all that.

      Missionaries in Utah? Lots of tourists from other areas and who are not Mormon come to Cove Fort as it is in the proximity of (or on the way to or from) Zion, Bryce Canyon, Grand Canyon, Cedar Breaks, etc.

  39. AlanOutandAbout - Pahrump says:

    I now know what you meant when you said you were on the same side of the mountain as me when I was in Beaver. We were only a few miles apart.

    Nothing wrong with Walmart batteries, I have 2 in my rv.

    We got snow on the mountain tops so fall is on its way down this way.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Alan,

      I had a laugh over that. I wanted to say, hey, Alan, I’m in Beaver, too! Didn’t want to get ahead of the blog… 🙂

      I saw snow on the mountain tops far away while at the camp following this one. I think they were the mountains east of Beaver. Hope you are finding lots of things to like about Pahrump!

  40. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    Glad you are back on the road. Love the camp next to the river. Looks like another lovely area. Always love the pictures of Bridget and Reggie.
    Sending Big Hugs to you and the crew!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pauline,

      This area is prettier the higher you go on the mountain. It’s hard for me to believe I drove up that thing my first year on the road! At that time it wasn’t paved and part of the road fell off the mountain. Oh my, good times.

      Love you!

  41. Patricia in Colorado says:

    Hi Sue
    I was told long ago to put some dry baking soda on the terminals of the battery to keep it dry and clean. I haven’t done that for years but I used to do it on an old old car I had. I would just leave baking soda on each terminal and once in a while dump some water on it to wash it all off. It is kinda the lazy way to take care of it, don’t know what the fellas will think of this idea though! Love the kids and your new home..Patti in Colorado

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Patricia,

      I think we had more problems like corrosion on battery terminals, back in the day. The terminals on the battery that died were clean and shiny after 4.5 years. I remember the baking soda trick, that and Coca-cola….

  42. AZ Jim says:

    Speaking of gas, I bought some today. Chevron was $2.28 but with my Safeway card I got $.50 off so net I paid $1.78. Not too shabby and so a whole tank cost $23.14. Arizona has much better gas prices than surrounding states, especially California.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jim,

      $1.78 a gallon for gas… I bet that brought back memories. I remember my mother pulling into a station and telling the attendant, “I’ll have two dollars worth please.”

      • AZ Jim says:

        When I first started buying gas in 1953 I was paying around $.28 per gallon. So even the best prices today still seem very high to me Missy….

        • edlfrey says:

          Gas purchased for $0.28/gallon in 1953 would cost $2.50 today just because of inflation. That does not take into consideration the increase in federal and state taxes.

          So those greedy oil companies, Chevron in your case, are selling it at a bargain price and then that big greedy Safeway store cut the price another $0.50. We need more regulations on Big Business to stop this ripping off the consumer.

  43. Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

    I was so relieved to read that the only “mistake” you made was forgetting to buy gas. For some reason, as I read that sentence: “I’m so happy the Perfect Tow Vehicle is perfect again that I drive up the ramp onto Interstate 70 and motor southward without giving any thought to …” I had visions of you motoring southward on the northbound side of the interstate. Trust me, I’ve almost done it when I’ve been overly tired and in an unfamiliar area. So glad everything worked out with the PTV. That first photo of little Big Man is priceless!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Gee, Cynthia, I didn’t imagine anyone thinking I went up the exit ramp. I must have given you a scary moment! Sorry about that…

      Reggie’s photo is a big hit! He certainly gave this post a jump-start!

  44. Chey (WA coast) says:

    Hi RVSue, I love your blog and love what you love! Thank you!
    I’m up to Oct 3rd, 2014 in your archives. I haven’t learned yet how Reggie “rocket man” came to join the fold”. I look forward to your posts, first thing I open after my eyes. Just checked in to let ya’ll know I’m not lurking. Just muckin’ the sh#t off my feet and carrying determinately on! (gee, how I love spellcheck!) lol

    Soon, after costly repairs, I’ll get my (32 yo/new to me) up and running soon. On fixed income of $733

    My focus was intent on boondocking. I got a good rig with a manifold thaT needed to be replaced….that done ( $900) I went less than 15 miles and the timing belt broke, ($810 + $184 tow). Now I’ve lost my cushion of money in case of breakdown and can’t go! So I’m sitting Zen like on my bony butt. Your blog is a boon for my spirit and love, thanks!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Chey, for letting me know you love my blog. It’s fun to share with others who “love what you love.”

      I’m sorry you have had so many repairs! Maybe you are being told to slow down, postpone, save up a “cushion,” before launching. You are smart to sit on your butt (bony or not) until the time is right for you. Your budget will be tight and you need money set aside for maintenance, repairs, and the other stuff that one encounters that cost $$.

      In the meantime, continue to look forward to my posts. 🙂 Thank you for reading all the way up to last fall.

      • Chey (WA coast) says:

        Thanks for the condolence and encouragement. I will press on… and with that effort joy! And yes! I love this blog and the many spur roads that you and the blogerinos introduce me to.

  45. Linda Sand (Minnesota) says:

    My Mom frequently cleaned the terminals on the battery in her VW bug because she liked the way clean terminals looked. One day she was with people taking about needing to buy new batteries and she was surprised how often they seemed to do that. When asked how old her battery was she replied, “Fifteen years.” I guess cleaning those terminals is a good thing.

  46. Anon in Utah says:

    We inadvertently ended up at the same campground as you this week. Purely coincidental. We respected your rules and did not approach or take any pictures. Hopeful you were unaware that we were there. I hope your departure had nothing to do with us being here. Safe travels.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Anon in Utah,

      Were you the lady in the red car? 🙂 No, I didn’t move camp because of you. Mostly I moved because there were several new campers that came in and I had been spoiled by having the place almost empty for three days. It’s a little pricey for my budget, too, although having hot showers , electric, and a dump station made it a good value.

      Thank you for following my “rules.” Gee, that sounds awful! Ha! Enjoy your travels….

      • Anon in Utah says:

        No, we weren’t in the red car. Good, you didn’t figure out who we were! Lots more people here tonight including a bunch of young people in tents. We are leaving tomorrow as well. It is a lot more than we like to pay as well.

  47. Sidewinder Pen says:

    I think I recognize that boondock! I think I mentioned a few posts ago that I had camped in a nice little campground up the road from Beaver. I think this boondock was on the way up (but people were in it). The road goes past kind of a neat looking stone… power station I think? Anyway, the campground is just a little bit further along and I had the end spot in a cul-de-sac by the creek (good audio :)). It was just right because I was towing and so not able to really “explore” for a site. Town was nice and I think I parked at a big shady park for awhile.

    Okay, not earth-shaking, I know, but it was fun to see that spot I recognized (I was there in spring of 2013).

    Just came off a few days of not much Internet (some of which was in the Alabama Hills, which is cool enough to excuse that). Now it’s ripping fast — I can just click on anything!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Pen!

      “Ripping fast” internet while camping — perfect! I know you will enjoy that and we will enjoy seeing you here.

      You remember correctly! The campsite is next to the hydroelectric building. That sounds terrible and ugly. It wasn’t. Trees and bushes are in between. Even the lights that came on at night on a timer didn’t bother us at all.

      And I know the campground you stayed at. In fact, that’s the subject of the next post.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        Thanks for letting me know. I was curious if it really was where I remembered. I loved that stop. Would have stayed longer in the area but I was “enroute” to the PNW, and towing, which ends up being different than puttering along “just living” (which I am doing now, and enjoying!)

        I really liked the construction of that power plant – and the lettering up top.

        I don’t remember the details of the park in town, but maybe I was there because the Internet wasn’t good at the campground. I DO remember it was a tidy little town and had those huge shade trees that you often find in such a place (and yep, I had that “I wonder if the locals thing I’m casing the joint” feel, but the shade was soooo nice – it was late May, so warmish). Friendly post office too 🙂

  48. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    That opening picture of Reggie man is so cute! No more little baby boy! His eyes sparkle with happiness and joy. He has that special look that all animals who are loved dearly have…pure contentment! I could almost read his comment to Miss Bridge going to hide under the BLT…”Where are you goin’, Miss B? We just got here!” Both pups are adorable!

    Glad the battery is now replaced, and you did not run out of gas! I had a similar experience this morning. I took my shower this morning, had my hair and makeup done, and was dressed, ready for work. When I went to gather the towels and dirty laundry to take downstairs to the laundry room. I could not find my wash cloth. I usually chuck it over the shower curtain before my final rinse. After searching the behind the toilet and in the waste basket, I checked the shower. There was my wash cloth, hanging on the little towel bar thingy…dry and unused!! So, apparently I just washed my face with a scrubby sponge, and washed and conditioned my hair! I did not have time to hop back in the shower…I guess the runoff of soaps and conditioner was enough to get the grungy feeling washed away. Where was my mind?!

    Have a great night! Sending you and the Crew hugs from me and Gracie pup! Shower fresh! LOL! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Denise,

      I call those experiences the walking black-outs. All of a sudden you try to remember what you were doing a few moments ago and …. nothing. 🙂

      The walking black-outs are why I find myself beginning a task and then, “Wait a minute. I’ve done this already!” It makes for happy surprises when one attempts a housecleaning job and finds it’s been done. Ha!

      Did I ever tell my mustard story? I think I did. I can’t remember! What a mess… Anyway…..

      I’m in the grocery store and remember that I need to buy mustard. I buy the mustard. The next shopping trip I’m thinking, “What was it that I needed? Oh yeah, mustard.” I buy mustard.

      And, yes, I do it a third time…. I buy mustard. I’m still working on the first bottle of mustard!

      Well, Denise, you could put a sign up in your shower that says, “Remember to bathe.” Thanks for the chuckle.. Love on Gracie pup for me!

  49. Pamela K. says:

    So dust and dirt were the cause of the battery not holding a charge, right?
    I have read about that sort of thing happening to other travelers before. On one blog the blogger suggests to always carry an extra can or bottle of Cola to pour some on the battery if it won’t start. Seems that the *FIZZ* in Cola will clean the battery poles enough to get them to start again. Of course there does have to be some spark left in the battery for that to work but it would certainly be worth a try when all else fails…

    That Reggie Man, he is so macho for such a little guy. I wonder if he knows he has a mustash?! Macho-adorable!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Pamela K.,

      The battery had to be replaced because it died of old age, and maybe that’s the same as dying of dust and dirt. As Barry explained to me, people who take very good care of their batteries can have them last more than 5 years. I’m not one of those people!

      The terminals were absolutely clean and shiny.

      I had that battery in the PTV for over 4 years and, prior to that, it was a loaner at an auto shop. I have no idea how old it was, never checked that.

      Macho Reggie Man is presently a little ball of fluff, sleeping next to me as I type.

      How is your back? Is the Florida trip going to happen?

      • Pamela K. says:

        Sue, I understand now, I’m not one of those who take extra care of the batteries either…I can relate. 🙂
        Yep, sure enough the Florida trip is going to happen. This weekend I am going to do a full shakedown overnight campout to make certain all systems are GO. Then will he heading out the following weekend as the start date. My back, I must have simply hurt it and not pinched a nerve thank goodness. It seems fine now. Once in a great while I sleep on it wrong and it hurts just a tad, nothing major now and nothing that will keep me from a full agenda while on my trip (sighs with relief).
        That Reggie, when he does finally turn off his on switch he is no doubt the cuddle furball, lol. He is just simply *pure love* that one is! 🙂
        Sue, it was so sweet of you to ask about my back and my trip. With all you have to do on your plate, it touched me that you thought of me. Thanks! 🙂

  50. Rita from Phoenix says:

    Wow another lesson learned…it prompt me to check and clean the truck’s battery terminals 🙂 Another story: Sister Sue and I were at the rez home miles from our nearest neighbor when her truck wouldn’t start one morning. She said her truck had been slow to start for the past several months. So, I got a stool (I’m less than five feet tall) and looked at her battery…it was dry, dry, dry. We put water in the battery and cleaned the terminals but we needed to jump the truck. About that time, the Navajo Tribe Utility Authority truck came along to check the house electrical meters, we got a jump from NTUA and off we went back to Phoenix. Sista says they check their battery often now 🙂

  51. kgdan from Wapato, WA says:

    ‘Morning, Sue!

    Did you see I purchased 2 more Bmarks? Nearly a complete set— just missing CA but it is not a priority.

    The G man says we will set off one week from today. I am not going to count my chickens yet though.

    Remember the young couple I said would be in the rental? Well, we like them so much that we moved them into the main house & changed their status. They are now going to be our housesitters at a greatly reduced cost to them and great service to us. This way we will have someone full-time and they will have extra dollars to start college in Jan. Keeping my fingers crossed!

    Put an ad out for rental & made contact with a single young lady moving out here from New York who is taking a position as nurse in a nearby hospital. She arrives in two weeks. The magic of the tech world has allowed us to see pictures of each other, for her to see the rental from all angles, to check references and to make financial transactions. We won’t even be here when she arrives. Now that’s putting faith in mankind!

    Still lots to do. Details, details, details. But soon we will join your blissful world ?!

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Just a note on the California Benchmark. It’s a great atlas, as the Benchmarks are, but it is printed at a fairly small scale (1:300,000). Benchmark scales vary by state (for example, Utah is larger scale, at 1:250,000).

      I have the California Benchmark, and I find the 1:300,000 scale a bit small. Another somewhat similar series of atlases I collect is the Delorme Gazetteers. They are similar in philosophy, and I had many of them before I found the Benchmarks as they have many more states available (east coast, for example).

      At any rate, I see that the Delorme Atlast & Gazetteer of California is at a scale of 1:250,000. I think I’d prefer that, so I’ll probably be adding one to my collection, even though I already have the California Benchmark. The size/form factor are typical paperback atlas, like the Benchmarks.

      The Delorme California Atlas & Gazetteer is available on Amazon. Sue may come back with one of her links, but if not (or in the meantime), you can just go to Amazon via her shopping link, and search for it.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        PS: Although I should qualify that by saying read the reviews. Previously, the Gazetteer came in two volumes, Northern and Southern California (at an even larger scale…. drool!). Some folks aren’t as enamored of the new, combined one (although the scale is still larger than the Benchmark, the cartography may be slightly older).

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kathy and Gil,

      Boy, everything is coming together nicely for you! Not long ago you wondered if you’d find a good renter and look what you have now — not only a good renter, but also a caretaker for your house. You’re over the “rough spots” of several months ago….

      Yes, I saw several Benchmark purchases. (Amazon doesn’t reveal who makes purchases, only the items that are purchased.) Thank you very much!

  52. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Hi Sue!

    Glad your fix is fixed!
    I love the little old towns in Utah. I have always been fascinated by the folks who came out with the handcarts… How much gusto that took! And we think we are tired!

    I sure just want to scratch that Reggie Boy behind the ears. Not too many pups are as personable as he seems to be (not against Bridget, she just has a more refined and subtle class about her). 🙂

    Hugs from Hoquiam!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barb,

      I hope you are well and enjoying this time of year. 🙂

      Yes, Reggie definitely is a people-dog. He loves everyone!

  53. RVSueandcrew says:

    Having tech issues. Be back soon! –Sue

  54. ainley53 in Houston says:

    Hello Sue:

    I’ve been following your blog for a few months now. I found you via Bob Well’s site (cheapRVLiving.com). Love your posts; the info and the pictures. Reggie is a real camera hound. LOL. I noticed in this post that you have a directional antenna and thought it would very useful to us Newbies if you would list the phone apps and computer programs/wesites that you find most useful in your travels. And forgive my ignorance; but what’s the deal with being “first”?

    Safe travels,

    • DesertGinger says:

      Ainley53, I will answer in Sue’s absence….for those of us who follow this blog consistently for years, we get excited about being first. I have been twice. It doesn’t mean a thing, but is just something silly for us to get excited about. And yes, people do ‘try’ to be first. Since Sue posts new entries at random times, based on Internet availability and many other factors, being first can be a challenge!

      Also, I think most of her tech info is posted at the top of the page. The antenna info is posted, for sure. She has a phone but doesn’t use it, virtually ever. As for computer programs…I don’t know. She sometimes watches DVDs, but no TV as far as I know. Sue is on the low-tech side I think.

      Welcome to the blog.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Welcome, ainley53 in Houston! By posting, you are now an official blogorino.

      I second DesertGinger’s assessment regarding Sue’s dependence on technology; she is pretty low tech. Sue relies on her trusty Benchmark maps to find dispersed camp sites.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Welcome, David!

      I know you commented previously, but I may have neglected to welcome you.

      I don’t use phone apps. I suppose that’s because I didn’t purchase a smart phone until recently and by then had already developed skills to find camps by using Benchmark atlases and by driving forest or BLM roads. As for websites, I rarely use them. Camps on websites often turn out to be too popular for my liking. Several campers are there at the same time (too many neighbors) or the camp is worn from repeated use.


      In case you’re confused, here’s why. We have several Dave blogorinos, including “ainley53 in Houston.” There’s “David in Boston” and “David Greybeard” and “Dave” (who said he’s from VA), and “David” who commented recently about Butch Cassidy’s home. (If I missed any Daves/Davids, I’m sorry.)

  55. Susan in Dallas says:

    That opening photo of Reggie should be in the dictionary to illustrate the word happy or excited, or carefree. It says it all! And the one of Bridget looking up at you with loving eyes could be used for loving and/or contented. A picture is worth a thousand words. You sure have had some great adventures lately. Can’t wait to see where you end up.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Susan in Dallas,

      Thank you for always including your location!

      “Happy” and “Contented” — Just what I want my crew to be. 🙂

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        I neglected to mention it above, but that really is a wonderful photo of Reggie. I have one particular pic of my pup that shows a similar joy (in a different way) and I cherish it.

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