The common language of a small Nevada town

Tuesday, April 4

The Perfect Tow Vehicle rumbles across the mesa, leaving the Best Little Trailer behind.

Reggie and I have errands to do in Overton. 

Our first stop is the library.  I park the PTV in a patch of shade.

“I’ll be back soon, Reg.  I promise.”

The librarian greets me pleasantly as I hand her a book and several DVDs. A few minutes later I return to the counter to check out another batch of DVDs.

(I’ve learned that in any given batch of movies, I’m lucky if half of them are worth watching to their end so I bring home twice as many as I want.)

The librarian scans each DVD and then hands the stack to me.

I thank her and, before I turn to go, she replies cheerily, “You’re welcome.  Have a good one!”

Next we go to Family Dollar to fill up water jugs at the vending machine in front of the building.  From there we go to Lin’s Grocery next door.

While waiting my turn at the deli counter, the deli person hands a young man his order.  Before he walks away, he thanks her and says . . .

“Have a good one!”

Next it’s my turn.  And, wouldn’t ya’ know, when I thank her she replies — yep, you guessed it

“Have a good one!”

I pick up a few more items in the store and proceed to check-out.  As the cashier hands me my receipt I receive another “Have a good one!”

What is this?  Overton code?  Apparently everyone got the memo.  Weird.

Our last stop is Overton Community Park. 

I open the passenger side door and Reggie, seeing we’re at his favorite place in town, becomes so excited he leaps into my arms.

“Hold on, buddy!  I have to snap on your tether!”

When we walk by the playground area, a dog emerges from a group of people sitting under a tree.

“Gee, Reg. I think you’re gonna’ have a good one!”

Immediately Reggie shows off how fast he can run.

When he figures he’s made a favorable impression, he introduces himself to the young lady.  Together they lift a paw.

It isn’t long before Reggie has her following him wherever he goes.

Overton is very big-rig friendly.

Two-lane Route 95 becomes a wide boulevard, slicing across the length of town.  This boulevard, Main Street, has wide areas along it.  If you want to make a quick run into the grocery, the thrift shop, or other business, and you don’t feel like hauling your monster rig into the parking lot, all you have to do is pull over to the curb.

Many times I’ve found very little traffic on Main Street.

These days, however, one frequently sees RVs on their way through town, and it seems like every one of them is heading north.  Perhaps some of the snowbirds want to be home in time for Easter week when the grandkids are out of school.

Which reminds me…

Soon we will reach the camping days limit at our present location. (Poverty Flats doesn’t have a camping days limit.  On the road to the mesa we’re camped on there’s a sign that says “15 day camping limit.”)

I need to find a camp for us for the week of spring break.  And in order to do that, I need to make a decision regarding what route we will take toward this summer’s camps.

As usual, this annual decision is hampered by a pesky problem . . .

I want to go EVERYWHERE!

“Come on, Reggie!  Time for us to head home!”

Wednesday, April 5

The day begins with another lovely sunrise.

For our morning walk, Reg and I follow the road below our camp.  

It’s rough and rocky and leads to a wash that winds through a canyon.

As we walk along, I see that the mountains received a dusting of snow while we got rain the other day.

The road deteriorates.  There are a few major wash-outs.

“Oh, for heaven’s sakes!  The burros came through here!”

Ever since we made this camp, Reg and I have searched for the burros.  We hear them every morning, beyond the canyon and near the river.  At first we thought they were close.

Off we went, determined to find them.

After walking about an hour, crossing the boundary into Lake Mead Recreation Area, I realize that once again I’ve been fooled by desert distance.  Sound carries very far and those burros are well beyond our capability to hike.

Even so, hope springs eternal.

And this morning I find a heap of fresh burro biscuits!

“Gee, I bet they walked right by our camp!  Probably during the night or very early in the morning.”

Well, I have seen a lot of burros since full-timing, so I can’t complain.

If you like burros, take a look at this post of June 2013:  “Hundreds of burros!”

The discovery of those burros is one of those serendipities that makes a life on the road so much fun!

Later at camp I disconnect one of our propane tanks.

We take it to the same garage that put on the PTV’s new brakes last fall.  The young man comes out of one of the bays to pump the propane and laughs at the sight of Reggie peering out the driver’s side window.

“What a cute dog!” he exclaims.

When the tank is filled, he hands me the slip of paper with the amount of propane written on it, which I’ll take into the office to pay.  Even though I move toward the tank to lift it into the back of the PTV, he quickly steps forward, “No, I’ll get that.”

He hefts the tank into the PTV.  Before turning to resume his mechanicking, he gives me a smile, and then, as he walks away, in his best Overton manner, he calls over his shoulder:

“Have a good one!”



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154 Responses to The common language of a small Nevada town

  1. Nancy in California says:

    Am i first??

  2. Robin (from Oregon) says:

    13 minutes late and are I be 2nd??

  3. Sherri D says:

    I had to laugh at your “burro biscuits” comment. I raised horses in my earlier life and we had “road apples”. lol

    Have a good one!

  4. Robin (from Oregon) says:

    Geez, sorry about that. I tried to correct my typos and ended up with two. ANYWAY, we understood that mid-April was when snowbirds started returning north, but in Green Valley where most everyone in our condo complex was from the Midwest, mid-March was when many of them packed up to leave. We decided staying until late April/early May would be best for us.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Well, Robin, no problem… with my handy delete key, I can fix those duplicates. 🙂

      Boy, the snowbirds are leaving here like Canada geese in formation. One right after the other, away they go!

      • Marcia GB in MA says:

        Same here in Florida. They are booking up north now and leaving breathing room in their wake 😘 We will be late to the migration this year.

  5. Dawn in Asheville says:

    I thought ‘have a good ‘un’ was a Southern thing (I know I’m guilty of it), but what impressed ME was that everyone offered a goodbye! Lately I’ve been very grumpy about how dismissive most of the cashiers are at our local grocery. Barely acknowledge you and guess they don’t have to. Only game in that corner of town. Too busy talking to each other and the bag boys (facepalm). Okay, climbing off my soapbox. I sound so crotchety!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn,

      I didn’t realize it’s a Southern thing. If it was common in Georgia ten years ago, I’ve forgotten it or was in a “pocket” of the state that didn’t get the memo. 🙂

      You make a good point. Everyone with whom I’ve had transactions in Overton has been cheerful and polite. I do know how the behavior you describe can rub one the wrong way. When I get that treatment I give a big thank you, even if they aren’t paying me any attention and although the customer is the one who should be thanked.

      Hey, crochety is a valid behavior. I’ve perfected crochety.

    • Linda-NC says:

      Hi Dawn- I haven’t contacted you yet because I have been sick. I had my first cataract surgery Tuesday and Wednesday came down with a terrible cold and laryngitis. The surgery went well and everything looks so much brighter. Second eye April 24. Making chicken soup and resting. I am feeling kind of crotchety:))

      • Karen in Pacific NW says:

        Hope you are feeling better soon. I would not want to be sick following any surgery. But I would be in bed “sleeping off” that eye surgery anyway. Easier to sleep through the recovery than be frustrated by an itchy feeling eye 🙂

      • Hi, Linda,
        I hope you get good sight back by two eye surgeries. Take care, please.

    • Cheryl Tucker in The Lower Thumb of MI [Vassar] says:

      Oh, contraire, Dawn, It’s not just your small town, It’s ours too! Seems “Please” and “Thank you” are devoid of ‘some’ small towns! When I don’t get a reply, I just say in a rather loud voice, “YOU’RE WELCOME!!!!!!” Then I USUALLY get a, “Thank you”, or “Have a good one.” OR I get ignored.

      We had an interestingly Cold night, last night (Thurs.), because of high winds and sleight flooding, we lost power around 3:30PM until 10:30am today (Fri.). Temperatures dipped into the low 30° mark last night. We don’t have a home generator, so out came the kerosene lanterns & Long Handles (long johns), and extra blankets! Luckily, we have a Jack Russell/Chihuahua who clings to my side and generates a LOT of heat. We were toasty warm, but went to sleep a lot earlier than usual. No TV, or INTERNET, what else were we going to do? LOL, make babies? That cart left a looong time ago…(delete that, if inappropriate, Sue!)

      Take it easy…

  6. Dawn in MI says:

    Lol. I think most of your days are “good ones!”

  7. Dawn in NC says:

    Yes, it is that time again for schools to have spring break. I am a bit jealous of my sister and niece going to the beach next week in celebration. Everything in good time, I suppose. I’ll get my break this summer. I also get breaks by riding with you Sue! So Have a good one! 😉

  8. Nancy in California says:

    Now that i read your post instead of just rushing to be first! I love that Reggie is such a happy, social dog!
    Are the burros you are talking about free-roaming wild burros?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes, the burros around Lake Mead and the area around Overton are wild burros. The ones at that link were also wild burros that were rounded up by the BLM.

      Reggie is an extreme extrovert to my extreme introvert. Notice how he captivates most every dog and person he meets.

  9. Stephanie Albany OR says:

    Thanks to your fabulous pics and descriptions, I’ve made the decision to join the ranks of full time RV’r’s this summer once my house sells. You are the first to know. My friends I’ve mentioned the possibility to think I’m nuts and need to find more to do. I’ve thought about it for so long if I don’t do it I’m afraid I’ll be 90 wondering what I missed. Now as to what to travel in. Went and looked at options and think a slightly used Class C might fit the bill. Other blogorinos with opinions, I’m listening! I apologize in advance for any pesky questions. Will now go back and reread your earlier posts having a context to understand the info. So thank you. And I promise never to intrude on your space should our path cross. Excited, nervous, scared and filled with anticipation.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Congratulations, Stephanie, on making this life-changing decision! I’m honored that we’re the first to know. 🙂

      Before I post a shout-out to blogorinos, I’ll express my opinion…not to be a discourager but to help you consider your choice of rig thoroughly. Obviously I prefer a travel trailer. Like you, I once thought I wanted a Class C. I changed my mind because I thought a Class C might become a drag on my explorations, since a Class C is not as nimble as a regular vehicle (and I didn’t want a toad). Many folks are happy with them though.

      BLOGORINOS: Stephanie would like to know what you think of her starting full-time living with a slightly used Class C. What is your experience with Class Cs? Please share your thoughts.

      • Dawn in NC says:

        Way to go Stephanie! If the time ever comes that I have the means, I am getting a trailer and a van and am heading towards the sunset! I don’t have any experience with trailers, or else I’d be happy to comment here.

      • Jean in Southaven, MS says:

        Don’t go with a huge class A as a first. That is what we did and it was a mistake. I wish we had bought a class C instead as our first RV. Ours is too large and too much to manage.

      • Linda-NC says:

        Hi Stephanie- I have been on the road for almost two months now. I pondered and pondered about what I wanted. Ended up with a Class C 23 ft. It is kind of a cross between a B and C. No overhang in front. Anyway, there are things that I like about it, like being able to drive it about anywhere without a problem. I will say I miss my car. I feel that it put a damper on some of my explorations, as I just didn’t feel like I wanted to unhook everything and go. Places like Charleston, I did not see because I was a little wary of just driving in to that city knowing nothing about it. So for now a bicycle or scooter will get me further in my explorations. If I decide to keep doing this, I may change to something else. There are pluses and minus’s to both. You might want to rent one for a week and see what you think. That is my take on it.

        • Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

          Renting one is an excellent suggestion!

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            This is an estimated cost I found on the internet (GFC website):

            14 Nights $938.00
            3000 Miles $1020.00
            State Tax 5% $97.90
            Total miles included with rental: 3000 miles
            Total Charge $2055.90
            Security Deposit $500.00
            Less Reservation Deposit -$300.00
            Balance Due on Pickup $2255.90

        • Mush says:

          I got a cross between the bike and scooter. I have a folding electric bike from Prodeco. She is not inexpensive, but I sure love being able to pull her out and ride to whatever I want.

          I have owned a trailer, Class C, and a Class A. My dream vehicle would be a shorter (30-32′) Class A with great basement storage and NO towed vehicle.

      • Linda from Oregon says:

        I have traveled, sometimes full timing and every time I want a class a, b or c, I think about how much work it would be to disconnect or take down stuff every time I wanted to drive to town to get groceries or water or what ever. It is nice to set up your trailer and then have the freedom to sight see knowing that your home will be waiting for you. Also if something mechanical happens, with a motor home you are stuck at a shop while it is worked on or you have a stay at a motel. With a trailer you can stay put and solve your tow vehicle problems. Be it getting repairs or replacing you still have your home set up and things stored safe and sound. This is how I think. Everyone thinks differently and have different needs; so play out a day to day and see how often you would have to move everything.

      • Cynthia from San Clemente says:

        Congratulations Stephanie! The rental idea is a good one – although pretty expensive. I would suggest going to a large RV show, where you can see a wide variety of rigs. We got a fairly large (almost 33 foot) Class A, but I’m sure I would get something different if I was a single gal doing it on my own. Obviously you don’t just unhook a Class A and run to the grocery store.We use our bicycles for that, but bicycles limit the distance of your side trips and what you can carry back to your RV. We don’t tow a toad yet because my DH is worried about total length and weight. However, we will probably sell his jeep this year and buy a smaller, lighter weight vehicle to tow. The Class A is wonderful for comfort and room, but it certainly can’t handle the bumpy roads where Sue goes boondocking, so we’re primarily limited to campgrounds.

      • Donna n Girls says:

        I travel in a used class c with a toad. I bought it from cruise America so it’s pretty basic but great for the girls and me. I highly recommend a toad, I don’t even know it’s there and it sure is handy for seeing the sites.

        • Stephanie Albany OR says:

          How hard is it to tow? That’s my big concern. Thanks.

          • Donna n Girls says:

            Not hard at all. Hooking up the first couple of times takes some concentration but after that it just flows. I keep the tow bar attached to the r.v. all the time with a locked pin, and the car part stays attached after installation. I tow a Toyota rav4 standard transmission.
            I’m no kid and it is easy no muscle required.

            • Stephanie Albany OR says:

              Thanks Donna. I’m starting to feel better with all the encouragement. Was getting overwhelmed yesterday. Today better.

    • Sarvi in OR says:

      Good luck! And with the housing market in Albany going nuts, you shouldn’t have a problem at all selling your house!

      • Stephanie Albany OR says:

        Thanks Sarvi. Now question is what to travel in. At 68 I’m thinking a bit of comfort might be nice. Keep coming back to the Thor Axis. Any thoughts?

        • Sarvi in OR says:

          Would you have a toad?

        • Sarvi in OR says:

          I looked it up, it’s beautiful! Do you have anything right now?

          • Stephanie Albany OR says:

            No toad at least not at first. That’s my worry with this one or Class C. Not simple for quick trip to run errands. I plan to take driving lessons to help acclimate. Maybe work up to being secure to add toad. What do you have?

            • Sarvi in OR says:

              I have a pull-behind… 33 ft trailer with a Ford F250 Crewcab. I’m 55 feet or so in length. I’m not sure I’d want to drive the class A for a quick trip to the store, or sightseeing up a mountain or something.

            • Stephanie Albany OR says:

              I don’t own anything. Actually this would be my first foray into the RV lifestyle. So I’m nervous but I’m a bit of a go ahead and try it type. I’d just like to get it right or close to it the first time. 55 ft is a hefty length. Is that hard to change lanes and merge into traffic? Through Escapees found a guy locally who gives lessons and thought I’d do that to get off on the right wheel so to speak. I have to wait to close my house until end of June (taxes) but trying to get ready because you are right. They are selling fast.

            • Sarvi in OR says:

              PS. If you have a trailer or something to camp in, Linn Co parks is having a camping special until May 1… buy 2 nights get one free. I’m staying at Sunnyside on Easter weekend.

            • Sarvi in OR says:

              If you buy from Guaranty, they give free lessons. I didn’t take advantage of that though. It can be difficult to maneuver, but once you get the hang of it, its not terrible.

            • Stephanie Albany OR says:

              Thanks Sarvi.

            • Sarvi in OR says:

              Since we live in the same town, you are always welcome to come check out what I have, or come by Sunnyside next weekend. My trailer is WAY too big for just one person, but I bought this particular one because I still have kids that live at home.

            • Stephanie Albany OR says:

              Maybe will drop by Sunnyside. Thank you for the invite and suggestion. Just got my Oregon Benchmark after ordering off Sues blog. Will give me a chance to use it!

    • AlanOutandAbout - Over the hump back in Pahrump. says:

      Since you say no to a “toad”. Then as far as I am concerned that rules out any class A,B, or C. Get a small trailer, the biggest that can be pulled by a standard 8 cyl. truck or van, or even a large SUV. Here is why. As you tour the country and setup camps do you want to have to break down every time you need to go somewhere say to the store, library or take a day trip out and about to enjoy the surrounding local. Do you really want to deal with that extra size. And then when your are done you have to re-setup your camp. Also the gas and servicing of said vehicle will cost you a fortune. Put all that on a vehicle you can get easily repaired or replaced without affecting where you live. Think about going to the doctor in a 24ft truck, not many dr. offices will handle a vehicle of that size. Not everywhere is Walmart.

      Just my opinion.

      • Stephanie Albany OR says:

        Thank you so much. I’m coming to that conclusion. Your perspective as well as some other input has been very helpful. Appreciate your taking the time to reason with me!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        I don’t know this from experience. I’ve read this a few times. If one has a mechanical breakdown with a large RV, a long tow trip may be involved in order to bring it to a garage that is equipped to service RVs. I don’t think you can expect to drive a Class A or C into any garage and receive service. This was what turned me away from Class As and Cs from the get-go, along with the added upfront expense and continued expense of maintenance and repairs.

        Anyone have a comment regarding taking a Class A or C to a garage?

      • Gal and a cat in Fl says:

        I was lucky enough to borrow a small C from a friend my first time out. Granted it was a little older Minnie Winnie, but drove like a truck and got around 6mpg. I loved the comfort of it, how nice it was but decided not for me. Having a small car I opted for a teardrop that I pulled first time towing 13000 miles across the country including the Rockies. Time of my life! Just too small. Came back and sold it for a stand up one that is bigger with a sink and micro inside. Yay I can stand up and not sleep on the floor. I also got a little bigger SUV to tow it’s 1200 lbs safely with. While I do like the idea of a B, they are really small inside and most have no basement storage. And we all have *stuff*. For *me* the pleasure of driving in comfort in my own well equipped car, being able to leave the camper in a campground safely while I go off to the store, or to explore is worth everything. I have found small for ME is better and consider myself an expert as to what to take and in what amounts. There is a store in every town. Sorry to be so wordy, but I am getting to see the country, have a comfy bed, a potty, tv and pc along with me in a small footprint is a G*dsend. For each person there is an Rv or trailer and the first you buy may not be your last. I only travel all summer (getting ready now) and have a home for winter in Fl.

        • Stephanie Albany OR says:

          Hi. Your comments very helpful and contributed to my current thinking. So Thank you. I’m tending toward the Thor Axis, a small Class A at 26 ft. And I will do a toad. Heck, if everyone else can pull one, no reason to think I can not. No final decision but. Their sticker price is a put off but researching reveals some great deals especially slightly used. For a toad I’m looking at Mini Coopers and similar sized cars. So where it sits today but I’m nothing if not flexible! Thank you again.

        • rvsueandcrew says:


          The topic of what rig is right for you is continuing under the next post. If you would like to add your thoughts to the discussion, please do so under the next post in order for more readers to read what you have to contribute.

          If you want to say something to Stephanie, simply put her name at the top of your comment.

          Thank you!


        • Susie Muldowny says:

          Sounds like you’ve got a good set up!

    • Sherri D says:

      We have owned a class B and two class C’s. If it is just you and maybe a fur baby or two, I would say a Class B or a truck and trailer. A Class C DOES limit you on site-seeing, shopping, parking, etc. I have a hubby that takes care of most of the Class C ‘stuff’. If I were alone (and I am 62) I would go with a truck and trailer. Being able to leave the trailer parked while taking the truck to shop or to be repaired, etc. is so much easier! And yes, it can be tricky to find places to work on your Class C. We’ve used RV shops with mixed results and these are local shops. If we were in a strange area, I would be very skeptical of using an RV shop!
      Plus the upkeep on a Class C can be daunting. We’ve had our latest rig for two years now. We’ve put thousands into repairing a leak, resealing the seams, new tires, and more. Not just any shop can do brakes, oil changes, tires, or tranny work.
      Hope your house sells for you and you head out soon! I’d love to be full time if I didn’t have ties to a stick and brick home for now. Someday perhaps. 🙂

      • Stephanie Albany OR says:

        Thank you Sherri. While I’m emotionally attached to the idea of an all-in-one rig, practically the reasoning of all of you with experience can’t be ignored. Thank you for your thoughts and sharing your experience.

  10. Retiredcajunlady N Louisiana says:

    Doing the “happy Sue Blog Dance”!!! Reggie at play with a pup-pal!!! Doesn’t get any better…well, maybe it ties with sunrise pictures and the the promise of another blessed day!
    My niece said I had to watch the Bridget Jones movies, so I watched the first two. Too funny! Not really my cup of tea, but I do love to laugh and Renee Zellweger does do a great comedic role. She said it was loosely based on Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”, but I doubt she has read the novel. However, if you do enjoy silly romance movies and want to laugh, try one.
    And speaking of laughing…burro biscuits?? LOL Too funny!
    Thank you again for the wonderful pictures and commentary. Belly rubs and hugs for Reggie and prayers for you both.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Retiredcajunlady,

      I’ve seen two of the Bridget Jones’ movies. I don’t know if that’s all of them or not. The main thing I remember about them is Zellwigger in big ol’ white cotton granny panties.

      Funny that you mention Jane Austen. Last night I watched the movie version of “Sense and Sensibility.” Lately I’ve been picking up Masterpiece Theater DVDs and British flicks.

      • Retiredcajunlady N Louisiana says:

        I enjoyed the BBC versions of both “Sense and Sensibility” and “Emma”. I liked the movie versions of both, but BBC really tries to follow the stories and make the characters true to the novels. A&E (at least I think it was) did a version of “Pride and Prejudice” with Colin Firth quite a few years ago that I really enjoyed and thought was well done, but it was long. Not Austen, but made for Masterpiece are “The Crimson Field” (WWI) and “Homefires” (WWII) that I really enjoyed. Season 2 of “Homefires” is on PBS now. Enjoy you DVDs and your beautiful “home”!

  11. Love the glowing Sunrise photo and the photos of Reggieman greeting the other dog,,,, Have a Good One and give Reggieman a huge hug from us and stay safe,,,, Rusty n Piper 👣👣🐾

  12. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    So funny that you are surprised by “have a good one”. I say that all the time. I don’t want to have to think about if it is afternoon or morning or anything else. It just seems to fit everything. Overton sounds like a nice place. I can’t wait to see where we are going to spend the summer. It was Colorado last year. I vote for Utah again where the cute little cabin with the chickens is located. But we haven’t been to Washington in awhile. That might be nice also. Be safe Sue, and “have a good one”.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Jean. I didn’t realize the saying was popular throughout the country as I don’t remember hearing it in other places. In Overton it’s like the town had a meeting and it was decided that “have a good one!” would be the signature greeting and all agreed to say it. 🙂

      I smile at you writing “I can’t wait to see where we are going . . . .”

      That cordwood cabin impressed a lot of readers. My administration page shows how readers come to my blog. Repeatedly I see readers arrived here when they did a search for “cordwood cabin.” It is a sweet little abode.

      Who knows where we will go this summer? I don’t! I’m glad you plan to keep riding with us, Jean.

  13. weather says:

    Could Reggie and his playmate be any cuter? I love the picture of them lifting a paw together. Your hunting for a glimpse of the burros sounded like fun, until they eluded you again 🙁 . I expect that joy will be yours once more at some point in the future, now you have that to look forward to.

    “I want to go EVERYWHERE” made me chuckle. Have fun deciding, and have a good one.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, weather. It was fun seeking the burros.

      One night I heard something bump, not against the BLT but maybe against the PTV. I looked out the windows but it was dark and I couldn’t see the PTV. Having found burro biscuits, I’m wondering if the burros came to our camp and nudged the PTV the way cows have nudged the BLT in the past.

      I DO want to go everywhere, even those places others may describe as desolate or uninteresting. All of it interests me!

      • weather says:

        You see beauty most others overlook or seem blind to, I love that ! Wonderful things can be found , and experienced, in places some describe as desolate or uninteresting . That type of difference in perspective is something I often notice when people talk about nature and how they view it.

        A couple of days ago we had a pretty intense rainstorm. The wind’s sound grew from whistling through the trees, to wailing and then finally began roaring as it tossed the lake’s waters into enormous magnificent waves along the shoreline, and brought gorgeous navy blue clouds overhead amid the slate grey sky. I felt all of that was a thrilling and exhilarating gift. Later I heard others describe the day as having had threatening skies and clouds , and some lakes the storm had touched as having been filled with angry looking waves.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Good morning, weather,

          Your last paragraph has me thinking about how commonly accepted descriptions of nature can affect what we “see”. When the lake churns and rises into white-capped waves, some describe the waves as “angry” and the day as “threatening,” negative perceptions that make a person draw back or stay shuttered inside their home — “It’s such a nasty day today, I’m staying inside.”

          You, on the other hand, see “magnificent waves.” Magnificence inspires appreciation, awe, respect, exhilaration — all positive reactions.

          There’s a lot to be learned from your comment. Thank you for painting that picture for us!

          • weather says:

            Your current header photo is a beautiful picture!

            This is a test reply, to see which quirky things will happen at the moment when I leave one 🙂

        • votre amie, weather says:

          Hi, Sue, I viewed your blog using someone else’s iPad earlier .( It may be of interest for you to know that she has never left a comment on here, and isn’t on your followers list for email notices of new posts, yet access to all of the current comments on the newest post was inaccessible from her device, too.)I was able to see your reply on this post,with your suggestion that I change my name on here. I’ll try that now to see if it makes a difference.

          It was 81 out for our lakeside picnic, wow! I hope you and Reggie had a good day, too 🙂

          • votre amie, weather says:

            P.S. My reply was not below yours that I was responding to because I didn’t understand in what order they are placed on this new theme when I wrote it. oops, now I get it.

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Thanks. Our day was good. Our temperature matched yours. 🙂

            I appreciate the additional details on the access problem.

      • weather says:

        Have you received any helpful response to the support ticket you mentioned having in? I continually need to adapt my efforts to view whatever is current on here . Some things seem to work only for a short period of time. I imagine everything involved with the recent technical problems concerning the blog has been a frustrating issue for you to contend with . I dearly hope you are able to not let that diminish the enjoyment other things in your life give you.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, weather,

          I’m very sorry this is happening. What I’m working on now is revamping the blog with a new theme. There’s a possibility that the theme I’ve been using for this blog for six years is unable to sustain the high traffic, the plug-ins, software, etc. There are software fixes I cannot attempt because they are not compatible with the older theme.

          I work at a snail’s pace because it seems every step presents me with new terminology that has me wandering in a maze of technology stuff in order to understand what I’m supposed to do or to realize what I did was wrong and then slog on to figure out how to fix it.

          In the meantime, you might try altering your name slightly to sign in and see if that helps. It must be very exasperating for you. I appreciate your perseverance and faithfulness, weather. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

          • weather says:

            think I’ll flow with the mystery in all of this for now, there seem to be parts of this thread hidden, like sunrise and moonlight allow us to see more, time will reveal the rest of what is here to me

  14. Cat Lady says:

    I like it better than that perky, “Have a nice day,” voice. So, Sue, have a goodun, lol.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Haha! Yes, an overload of perky can be annoying. I haven’t done perky in many years. You have a goodun, too, Cat Lady.

  15. Linda-NC says:

    Hi Sue- I always say “have a good day”. I especially like to say it to rude clerks and smart alecs. HA! Cataract surgery done in one eye. All is well now have a horrible cold and laryngitis . Pooh!! Reggie entertains as always and loved you sunrise pic. What a way to start a day. Now Sue you have a REAL good day!!!!:))

  16. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    Overton sounds like a friendly place!!!! Haven’t heard people say that here in Mississippi. Lots of us say ” Have a Blessed Day” The pictures of Reggie are so cute. He is such a social fellow!!! Love the sunrise picture.
    Can’t wait to see where “we” camp next!!!!
    Lots of love and big hugs!!!

  17. Shawna says:

    Adorable Reggie makes friends wherever he goes! Loved that Sunrise (set?). The gorgeous mornings and some dramatic transitions into night were a favorite feature of my winter in southern Arizona. Have a good one. You knew that was coming didn’t you?

  18. Ruthie in Fontana says:

    Hi, I will put in my 2 cents! Next time you check out DVD’s see if they have Lost in America, its a comedy with Albert Brooks. “Have a good one”! (Love your blog and all of the blogarinos)

  19. weather says:

    By the way, I hope if anyone has written something that I should have responded to understands why I have not done that. When I am able to leave a comment it takes a day or two for me to be able to see that on here, and all the comments/replies that are posted after it, too.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I am very sorry you are experiencing these problems, weather. You’re not alone. I have a support ticket in and hope to find out how to solve these issues.

      I went to the library, logged onto a computer, opened up my blog, and it didn’t open the most recent page until I used the HOME tab. What a mess.

      • weather says:

        Dealing with the “mess” is worth it to get here, Sue. I hope they offer you solutions that are easy, successful and not very time consuming for you to implement.

      • weather says:

        P.S. Now I am no longer experiencing those problems. I am currently back to clearing Cookies and saved website data before opening your blog, that allows me to see anything that is new on here since a prior visit. Clearing that does happen to also make me sign in to view my email each time, yet that is easy to do so I don’t mind.

        That wasn’t necessary before all the recent problems developed, yet is a nice solution to have available until things all function normally again.

  20. I arrived at Poverty Flats this morning. This is my short term answer to where I want to go next. My decision is being hampered by the weather. It’s shorts season as far as I’m concerned. And no more freezing nights. And no high humidity. I guess I’ve work myself into a corner. Oh well. Can’t have everything all the time. 😉

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Al,

      I see where you camped at Nipton before coming here. Yes, the weather is a big determinant regarding camps at this time of year. It does feel like one is worked “into a corner.” Eager to move and hesitant to drive into cold.

      I’ve been wearing shorts, too!

  21. Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

    Hello y’all!

  22. Lee J in Northern California says:

    Sweet doggies!
    My dogs still rip and play like that despite their advancing age. Arlo and Zoe are ten now and Maggie is did that happen? When I went out to the horse pasture this morning they went with me, running and sniffing and peeing. At one point Arlo found a very aromatic ‘biscuit’ and started rolling it by pushing it with his nose…so naturally Zoe and Maggie had to see what the fun was all about…so we had…. three dogs doing doggie keep away with a horse turd….you take you fun where you find it!
    Big rain and wind storm headed in… time for soup!

  23. Suzicruzi from Van., WA says:

    Morning! There’s a lot of “that” going on in these parts too: “Have a good one!” I always chuckle and respond with, “Yup, I plan to!” with a big smile. When in Rome…

    Sue, Have a good one! 😆

  24. Mush says:

    Funny, I’ve spent most of the last two decades living within 150 miles of Overton and you are absolutely right this is a localized saying. They actually pronounce one, it’s not usually ‘un. My favorite local phrase is “oh my heck”. Makes me smile 🤣

    As for the roads, Overton was settled by Mormons. You will notice that most of the older streets in areas settled by the LDS are very wide. If I remember right they are wide enough to turn a full size wagon around in. Great for on street parking!

    Have a good one Sue and Reggie too! Whatever that “one” is to you😘

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Mush. I knew this was a saying different from others I’ve heard.

      Here’s another peculiarity of language. Blogorinos, see if you hear this where you are. It’s like marionettes on strings. Once you know the strings are there, you can’t not see them. Well, once you hear this said, you’re likely to hear it again and again, at least in the western states I frequent.

      Here it is: In the 30 and under set, the words Thank You are no longer pronounced to rhyme with ‘sank two.’ The new, hip way to say Thank You is to pronounce Thank as tank, and You as yow (rhymes with cow).

      That’s right… Tank yow!

      My guess is this pronunciation is from a popular sitcom. I remember about 10, maybe 20 years ago young women would sit on their foot in restaurants. Really. Sitting in a booth, they would curl one leg up onto the seat and place their butt on their foot. The perky look, I guess. I didn’t watch tv then or now but my guess is Jennifer Aniston or someone like that sat on their foot and it became de rigeur body language. The trend died quickly, probably because they later found dirt on the seat of their pants.

      Tank Yow for reading this comment. 🙂

  25. rvsueandcrew says:


    I see the Smart TV you bought from Amazon on my orders report. Thanks again! 🙂

    • Chey (WA coast) says:

      Good! Today I got table, guitar strings and a grabber and remembered to go through an ad at the bottom of your post for double credit!
      Great shot of Reggie’s greet with raised paws, wonderful.

  26. Love that sunrise photo! Glad Reggie found a friend to run around the park with. Small towns are great for their friendliness; Overton seems like a really good one.

  27. rhodium says:

    Unless I am misremembering, “Have a good one” is used in Rhode Island. Every time you get a coffee at Dunkin Donuts (which in RI is 5 or 6 times a day each at a different DD) the cashier says have a good one.
    We’ve landed in a hollow in western VA for a few weeks and I spent some time listening to Copland’s Appalachian Spring, appropriately enough. It would be cool if somebody made playlists for different popular camping areas, or maybe even for each area around a national park. When I saw your rainbow pictures, I thought they would be nice accompanied by some music (although they were spectacular enough already). I don’t know enough about music to get it done myself.

  28. Kitt, NW WA says:


    Another great post with fun photos! Thanks for hanging in there and continuing to blog. I always look forward to your posts and all the comments. I’ve learned a lot.
    We will be hooking up and heading to the Oregon Coast the 17th. Our destination is the Northern Oregon Gathering of fiberglass trailers at Beverly Beach State Park. Now we need some sun and dry weather to go along with the beach!
    Riley has done the zoomies from one end of our Casita to the other, around and around. Now that is a sight to behold!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Zoomies in a Casita… That ought to be exciting! 🙂

      The Oregon Coast in April– I wish you and all the fiberglass eggers beautiful days at the beach.

    • Mush says:

      My Teena Kitty adds a new dimension to zooming, lol. She has a path down the middle of the 40′ coach, up across the dash, and (the exciting part) up on the bed in the back up to the right valance and across it-back to the bed. Rinse and repeat several times.

      We call them midnight crazies because it is usually right before bedtime. She only does this maybe once a week but I figure she just has to expend her extra energy so she can sleep. She is a great little girl! Unlike most cats she sleeps through the night. In fact, if I’m up too late she will go to bed without me after a good tongue lashing.

      Love traveling with my best little buddy. She brings such joy to my life!

  29. Hi, Sue,
    My today’s word was “serendipity” while reading your new post.
    You are my serendipity! 🙂

  30. PNW Alison says:

    Beautiful photos as usual Sue; the sunrise is especially gorgeous! There is no better way to start the day than a sunrise. Pure magic.
    Love the saga of the burros too!
    Looking forward to your next stop. I will keep my predictions to myself so I won’t have to be publicly wrong!

  31. Debbie from So. Cal. says:

    Hi Sue from a full time reader who is addicted to your blog. While you are in that area , have you ever been to Oatman, AZ.? If not, look them up online. Beautiful, friendly burros that walk the street. I’m looking forward to see where you end up this summer.

  32. Sarvi in OR says:

    Here in Oregon the kiddies have already had spring break, they’ve been back to school for almost a week now. Although, I don’t recommend you come this way yet, we’re still being inundated by rain pretty much every day. They say it’s the third wettest winter on record in the mid Willamette Valley… I believe it! Today we have a pretty significant windstorm going on, it’s roaring out there!

    Have a good one!

    • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

      I heard a Seattle radio report February was second most rainfall on record and March was fourth most rainfall on record. Looks like April is following the same pattern.

  33. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    The discussion of “have a good one” reminded me of my late mother’s usual response to rude clerks or others. She was originally from Paducah, Kentucky and never lost her souuthern drawl, despite moving to California in her 30s. She would say, “Now I hope your day gets better, dear.” It was a polite way of telling someone to get over themself.

    And then there was the female attorney I used to work with who had a fabulous way of dealing with rude and obnoxious opposing counsel. My office was next to hers and more than once I heard her respond to a nasty attorney on the phone with, “I’ll tell you what, why don’t you just give me a call back when you’ve had a chance to calm down and take your meds.”

    Loved the photos of Reggie playing with the cutie black dog. He is quite the “party animal”!

  34. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Well, I notice here where we live now, many say that same thing…and it is a bit more “countrified” than the area north of Seattle was too… I appreciate the nice clerks in the stores…it was pretty good north of Seattle, but it seems people here are more open to more conversation…where it feels like one could become friends…nice so far!!

    Burro biscuits…that is a new one…ha!

  35. Cheryl Tucker in The Lower Thumb of MI [Vassar] says:

    On your ‘estimate’ of rental, what does “GFC website” mean??
    Tanks, in advance!

  36. Donna n Girls says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie,

    Be careful if you do meet up with the burros, they could stomp Reggie.

    I was in Oatman, Az. last November to see the burros, I had the girls with me and was trying to get pictures of Bailey and Lily with a burro. One of the locals told me that the burros will stomp small dogs and to watch to see if a burro starts watching and moving toward us. Sure enough when we started back to the car a burro started walking toward us, I debated walking into a store with the girls, when the shop owner came out and told me to stand still and bring the girls close to me, which I did. Burro kept coming our way so the shop owner sprayed it with water from a spray bottle and girls and I made a dash for the car.
    Lesson learned, never knew burros could be so dangerous.

  37. How fun to be in a town where there are plenty of “good ones” to have!! Love that Reggie makes so many friends – what a good boy. Beautiful sunrise :-))))

  38. Joyce sutton says:

    Just now got to the blog after searching for two days. Read on phone from full website version and phone refused to open it without opening in mobile. That has limits such as not letting you advance or retreat between posts. And no comments etc. finally here but late.
    The Burros after dogs is ledgendary. Blm rounds them up like the horses and adopts them out sometime. Locals here buy them to keep the coyotes out of the cattle. We had a cow that served that purpose. She hated dogs. If we had a calf expected this cow was always pastured with that herd to keep coyotes from interrupting the birth

  39. Nova Scotia Sue says:

    Hi Sue
    I’ve finally found time to sit quietly and read the comments section of your post. Great people with so much to say. Also love your show around the poverty flats area.
    I must say that I was pulled by your Amazon Benchmark ads. I have Nevada and California in my shopping cart, but had to hold myself back, remembering that it will be a couple of years before we go out that way again. My heart aches at the thought of not scanning the maps and finding more potential free boondocking locations to try out in the great Western States that you travel in.
    By the way, we just spent two months meandering through the free Florida boondocking hotspots. Well worth the trip.

    • JazzLoverWMa says:

      Nova Scotia Sue, can you share how you found the free Florida boondocking hotspots? I’m seriously thinking about going south next winter and was not aware that Florida had many free boondocking places. Had spent time there many years ago but in a rv park with full hook ups. Circumstances have changed and that way is not doable now so need to find less expensive places to stay. Appreciate any insight you can provide.

    • Jazzlover says:

      Nova Scotia Sue question for you, did you find the potential free Florida boondocking spots by using your map of the state or other ways? Back in the mid 80’s my husband and I camped there but in a regular rv. park with full hooks ups. I seem to remember that the Ocala Nat. Forest had something like that with a time limit. In the early 70’s went camping with friends in Nova Scotia for 2 weeks in the summer in a tent and tent trailer. What an experience that was. First time in Canada, such peaceful beauty, friendly people everywhere we went, went fishing and came back and fed all around us with the fish we caught. Are you a native or did you move there? Appreciate any help you can give.

      • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

        Deep Creek Preserve is one FL spot not exactly boondocking since you need reservations and code for the locked gate but it’s free to stay there. I’ve seen a couple you tubers stay there. Willful Wanderer also has some good info on free or inexpensive FL camping.

  40. R. (California desert) says:

    Are there long hiking trails in the area? I’m always looking for places where I’m able to hike.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, R.,

      I understand there are hiking trails at Valley of Fire State Park (red rocks).

      There’s a trailhead on the southwestern end of the Virgin Mountains. To get there, take I-15 northeast out of Vegas. At Exit 112, go a few miles on Route 170 to Riverside. The follow Gold Butte Road to Whitney Pocket. There are petroglyphs in the area. I haven’t been there. There are boondocking sites. I was considering camping there but my timing is off. I expect the OHV crowd will be there during spring break. I’m told it’s a pretty spot with red rocks but I have no info on the length of the trail.

      Whitney Pocket is only about 5 miles from the western border of Grand Canyon Parashant National Monument (BLM, remote area).

      My Benchmark shows several trailheads in the Red Rock National Conservation Area, west of Las Vegas. Here’s a PDF map of Mt. Charleston trails.

      Higher up ….Several trails and and campgrounds(probably not open until May) are in the Humboldt Toiyabe NF, northwest of Vegas, around Fletcher Peak (10,253′).

      Here are photos and info.

  41. Thought about you this morning. I was watching Sunday Morning, and they did a piece on New York City bodegas. The ending scene was someone walking out with their purchases, with a departing wish – “Have a good one!” It’s everywhere! 🙂

  42. Elizabeth in WA says:

    On the latest post, comments will not work due to the addition problem at the bottom…won’t accept the number. Not sure if this will help…but it may be part of the problem on your blog Sue…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Elizabeth. I deactivated CAPTCHA this morning. If it still appears you may have to refresh the page. Also, clear your cache regularly (which you probably already know).

  43. Pat Gabriel says:

    Hi Sue
    Just trying to register

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