The search for a new crew member

Sunday, January 4

Bridget and I take off for Yuma Palms Mall.  What?  RVSue goes to a MALL?  Why, that’s insane!

If you keep up with my posts, you know why Bridget and I are at the mall.  I bet some of you have already scrolled this post looking for a photo of the new member of the canine crew!

1-P1020068Of course, I’m excited at the possibility of finding that special someone today as I approach the adoption center inside the Petsmart store.

1-P1020067 The adoption center is small  and there aren’t many dogs inside it. Petsmart has been running a deal that was extended from the holidays.  Pit bulls and pit bull mixes are $40 and chihuahuas and chihuahua mixes are $20 (plus licensing).

Yesterday being Saturday, maybe a lot of people came out and adopted dogs.  Only a few remain. I leave the store and return to Bridget waiting inside the Perfect Tow Vehicle.

“You have me all to yourself, Bridge, for a while longer.”

The search continues and I’m ready!

I’ll use the canine condo to bring our new family member home.

1-P1020071Bridget demonstrates how the newcomer will ride with us back to camp.

1-P1020073The condo has a mesh door that drops down and zips closed.  The way it’s situated between the back of the bench seat and the steel mesh barrier behind the driver’s seat, it is secure.  (That’s one of the camp chairs wedged in between.)

I don’t want a pecking order dispute while I’m driving!

Tomorrow morning we will go over to the Humane Society of Yuma’s adoption center and see if Butters is available.  If he isn’t, I’ll look at the other dogs.

I know, another darn cliffhanger. 

This time, however, I’m hanging on the cliff with you!



Click on these links to see items recently purchased by readers.  If you end up shopping, I receive a commission.   You don’t need to do anything else but shop!

Portable Tow Truck (black)
Ultra Paws Durable Dog Boots Black Medium
Coleman Hot Water-On-Demand Portable Water Heater
Antigravity Batteries Micro-Start Jump Starter/Personal Power Supply
Coffee Variety Sampler Pack for Keurig K-Cup Brewers, 40 Count
Dutch Harbor Gear Men’s Sou’Wester Hat, Yellow, Medium

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140 Responses to The search for a new crew member

  1. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Sigh…. and the wait continues!! Can’t wait to see what happens.

  2. John K - Mobile, AL says:

    Good things come….

  3. Tammy says:

    I am excited for you, a new chapter for the crew- You know you will find the one meant to be… but Butters sure is cute I must admit. I told you before when I got my Daisy I went to get another who was adopted before I got there, I was very disappointed but while Daisy wasn’t what I went for she is certainly the right one my Tuff luv’s her and when I brought my Gaby home, Daisy loved her – they are a family and we would not know what to do without them.

  4. Chris B says:

    LOL! Bridget looks so serious while demonstrating the proper behavior in the condo.

    Chris B

  5. Jean/Southaven, MS says:

    I am so excited for you. I know that you will find just the right crew member. I have a feeling that Butters will be waiting for you. So glad you have gotten to the point where you are ready for a new crew member. It is so exciting to think about. I had a
    Chihuahua and rat terrier mix for 16 years. Her name was DeeDee. She would chase the windshield wipers thru the windshield. When we would turn them off Dee Dee would go up under the dash looking for them and growling. We would turn the wipers on everytime we got in the car just for her. She was so funny in so many way. She has been gone 12 years and still think of her and laugh. Such wonderful memories. So sorry you have to keep your locations secret now until you have left. But, so glad you ae willing to keep on blogging anyway. You make my day with your pictures and stories. Thank you so much.

  6. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    I WANT BUTTERS….I WANT BUTTERS!! I know it may not be but I think that one is so CUTE!!!! However, you will find the right member for the crew. (Please be Butters, please be Butters)

  7. Ann M says:

    I agree with Pauline!

  8. DebsJourney says:

    Hi Sue,
    Fingers crossed with hopes for Butters to become part of your crew. Adorable pup for sure and hey the little pup next to Butters looks pretty cute too, Just in case you need to look further. I’m sure you noticed him or her.
    I’m home for the next two days than back to Brooksville where I left my little home on wheels. It’s waiting for me. They charge $5 to keep the camper there (per night) It’s $23 a night with electric and water hook ups when I stay in it
    I have made up my mind to get in better shape this next few months so I am able to do all the camper chores. Otherwise I would probably not be able to be happy with this active lifestyle.
    Good luck tomorrow~ what’s meant to be will be.
    hugs, Deb

  9. weather says:

    Bridget is looking terrific.It pleases me that you found a balance with meat you so nicely cook for her and a healthy kibble.With her newly found extra energy and your current excitement you must be having lively times.Great transport system you’ve put in place,really could you show any more readiness?Ha!

    Your enthusiasm is infectious,great post!I noted the fee for Chi’s and immediately thought”Gosh ,that’s pocket change,note January in Yuma,the troupe sure would have fun playing with a couple of those little guys,and they really take barely any room,and…and..!Sue you’d better find dream dog soon,this looking at pups and adoption possibilities is getting to me. 😉

    Thanks for including”You have me all to yourself,Bridge,for a while longer.” because it’s a warm wonderful way for me to envision your time together at the moment,and because it’s peace helped me resettle into being grateful for all the love here right now.

  10. So glad you are going to rescue a new little one, Sue!

    We here (Charlotte; Chi, Lilly; Shih-Tzu, Binky; Shih-Tzu), and me eagerly await the news!
    BTW, you likely will be able to bring Bridget in to meet a potential new crew member. Most places have a room for such getting acquainted purposes, and highly recommend doing so.

    Good luck tomorrow!!

  11. shirlene says:

    Hanging on with you from Florida. ..

  12. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Oh dear god woman! We are ALL patiently awaiting the arrival of the next crew member!

    Bridge is a love….she too knows SOMETHING is up! She knows SHE isn’t riding in the crate! That can only mean one thing…a little brother! She looks absolutely great…slim and trim..with anticipation in her eyes!

    Patience is a virtue!

    Let’s all go to sleep early…tomorrow will come faster! Worked when we were kids!

    Positive thoughts for tomorrow!

  13. Tesaje says:

    Exciting to find a new crew member but doesn’t Bridget get a vote? It is important that she finds him acceptable too. When I adopted my dog, the cats got veto power. Fortunately, they said OK.

    Butters is very cute, but if not him, then another will come along when everything aligns. Nice that they allow RVers to adopt.

  14. Sharon says:

    Best wishes on your search for a new crew member! Whether it is Butters or another sweet pooch, you will know when you find the right one.

  15. Nora says:

    Good luck! I work with a rescue group here in Texas and know it’s magic when the dog and the adopter find each other. The perfect one will come along!

  16. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    Say you might check out the Pit Bulls. I had one once (called him Sage). He was a great dog…only problem is that now days RV parks don’t allow them because of problems with aggresion. But for protection a Pit Bull can’t be beat. Raise them from a pup with plenty of love and they won’t be aggresive to strangers except they can be a powerful force if they or their pack are threatened. I wouldn’t worry so much about you if you had a Pit Bull watching over you and Bridget. Remember what they use to say about Boys Town (ain’t no such thing as a bad boy just the way they are raised that makes ’em bad). Well the same thing I think can be said for Pit Bulls. Of course I may be wrong, as my Sage was a ruff tuff dog that wasn’t affraid of anything except Hot Air Balloons ha, but that’s another story… 🙂

  17. Timber n' me says:

    OH Bridget, soon and hopefully you’ll have a bo to play with, we’re hanging on this cliff with you and you know me, how excited I get, Give a hug to Sue for Rusty, will ya. ,,,,,Timber

  18. Gary Wood says:

    This is too much.
    I have been watching on and off to see the next post but avast, no news. I am excited for you. I just went through this process about 7 months ago with Jagger. Good luck on your search.

    PS: I like Butters too, but I am sure a wonderful puppy will be available if he isn’t.

  19. One of our acquaintances notified us that their dog was killed over the holidays by “the neighbors dog”. I don’t have to tell you what breed it was. Sure was not a Chihuahua.

    Maybe give yourself a bit more patience. The right companion will be presented to you in good time. Good hunting.

    Gosh! Your in Yuma, we’re over here in Apple Valley, not all that far. Maybe we should come for a visit unannounced. From here, we’ll probably arrive around 1:00 A.M. You don’t have a doorbell. No mind, we have an airhorn. 🙂

  20. Dawn in MI says:

    Whoever you find will be one lucky pup. Does Bridgett get to vote?

  21. Hey Sue and Bridge!

    I’m shivering with anticipation! I sure hope it’s Butters but I’m with the rest of the gang, sure the right one will be with ya’ll soon.

    Best wishes and the best of luck! 🙂

  22. Dawn says:

    This reminds me when I adopted Freyja. I had lost my Cerbie the year before, and I just couldn’t get over the loss. Everytime I’d go for a walk and see people walking their dogs I’d just burst into tears. When I made up my mind it was time for a new companion I started scouring all the shelters in Denver. I had a certain kind of dog in mind – and I fell in love with a little black one named Tosh. Same situation though. I walked him. My heart fell but he had a hold placed on him. I checked back at the last day – but as I came in the family was there finalizing the paperwork. My heart broke and I literally had to leave as I was in tears. But – I kept searching and there at the humane society I found Freyja. COMPLETELY not what I was looking for – a black border collie mix that had delivered puppies she was unsocialized, had very little hair and her teats were down to her ankles. But she looked in my eyes, we had “that moment of recognition” and I drove through an ice storm the next day on Valentines to bring her back to our RV home. It was a challenge to say the least. She had to be socialized to the cat, learn to walk on a leash, climb steps, not attack herself in mirrors, not to chew EVERYTHING…it was months of frustration. We finally made it through (the biggest lesson I learned was to stop expecting her to be Cerbie and accept her for who she was) and I’m so glad I rescued her. Being black and the state she was in – I suspect she didn’t have long before she would have been euthanized. You’d never recognize the glossy fat HAIRY adorable girl she became and how lets the cats snuggle up to her. Now I’m not saying you won’t get Butter, but just that you’ll get the RIGHT dog I’m sure. The one that is meant to come home with you and Brigid. Best of luck in your search. It’s done my heart good knowing you two are opening your hearts to a rescue!

    • Val R. Lakefield On. says:

      Great story Dawn, thanks for sharing. Brings back memories for me of the time I found a bedraggled looking dog on my way to work. We had Parvo at the shelter at the time so I took him to work with me and called the local dog catcher to report my find. That afternoon when I met the kids at the bus they were all excited to see a second dog with me. What’s her name, they shouted. I said, “we are not naming her, because we are not keeping her! I put ads in the paper and in town but no one claimed her. “Girl” lived with us for the rest of her 13 yrs of life. 🙂

      • Dawn says:

        ROFLOL – so true!! How wonderful!

        Cerbie was a dog my boss found – he was THE ultimate rescuer. He had the back of his pick up truck caged so he could safely transport strays he found and a 25 acre ranch devoted to the dogs that he rescued but couldn’t find their owners or place.

        So here I am – my roommate and I deciding to separate and go different ways because a dog that was given to us for Christmas was eating EVERYTHING (and I didn’t bond like she did with the pup) – and what do I do the day she’s moving out, bring home this dog my boss found!! It was insane. But to this day I cry missing him. He was my best friend ever. He protected me, he was my constant companion.

        If he’s not at the Pearly Gates when I pass over, then I’m not going in :-)))

  23. Rand says:

    Last weeks cold mornings reminds me of the rock group: Three Dog Nights!
    Driving home yesterday noticed a new building north side of I8 west of El Centro. Sign said “Animal Control”.
    (I usually announce those observations to the Toughguy Terrier–who jumps up barking provocatively.)
    We had been camped next to a dog rescued from Yuma– great desert dog — mortal enemy of wily coyote.
    Craigslist?? Wanted :male, young, terrier, light-colored, short-haired, small-to-medium size, photogenic, intelligent, friendly, a touch of rascal-ality, and, of course, cute as the dickens!

  24. Jenny Waters says:

    Oh, I hope you get him. Butters is so cute! If not, though, I know you will find the perfect little companion for you and Bridget.

  25. Velda in Roseville Ca says:

    I just had to go see what a portable tow truck was! See I did read all the way through because I know tomorrow is the day you go check on Mr Butters. I am with the others who say, just like we say about a PRV ( perfect rv) for a person, that you will know it when you find it, you will know your new family member when you meet him. I am keeping myself busy waiting to hear what tomorrow brings. Just thinking, isn’t DessertGingers surgery coming up? Keeping her in my thoughts. Deb, you might check into a Curves if there is one near you, for getting into shape. By week six of membership I could really feel the difference in increased strength and stamina and it both motivated me and gives me structure I need in about 40 min three times a week (you can go more often). And if traveling you can get a pass to use at other Curves Clubs which are in many places. RattlesnakeJoe, I really don’t think a pit would be a good match for Sues style of living or training as they do require discipline and training ESP depending on their background. Sue, we have a “condo” just like that but in maroon which we call our kitty condo, and use for confining our girls if we need to be in and out the door of the coach a lot such as set up or break down of camp days. Or visitors in and out. We have one who will watch for opportunity and leap clear over your head landing six feet outside the door to go exploring and playing keep away with my hubby! Have a good day all.

    • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

      Hi Velda,

      How do your cats do in that condo? Looking at them in the stores, a visual of a put-out cat with sharp claws shredding the netting to threads comes to mind. Those soft-sided carriers have been in the shopping “cart” for awhile but never saw them in use when in the animal hospital’s waiting room. Hope to hear that they hold up. Any more tip on having cats “along for the ride”?

      • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

        We don’t keep them long in the condo as they are good in the bus/rv. But the two who have been buddies almost since birth, are fine. If we needed them in longer there is enough space for a water dish though tight for a litter box. Our girls adapted right away to the RV. We left in summer of 08 on a long journey, their first longer trip and the first day they hid while the bus was moving and came out each time we stopped, but after a day or two they were so comfortable with it that one began to enjoy laying on the back of the sofa watching the world go by. We started them fairly young in what are called Savannah jackets. Sorry no Amazon links as they were custom by a woman whose daughter breeds Savannah cats to prevent escape by very acrobatic Savannah cats. The only thing I don’t like about them is the inner fabric is always black, so very warm in summer. Anyhow Stormy loves to go exploring wearing her jacket on leash where “sister” Mandy is more laid back, preferring to go a little way then lay and watch the world. But neither fight the jackets and will go look at the cupboard where they are stored and meow wanting to go out. Our cats are never allowed outdoors off leash. We had too many bad experiences years past with other cats and abscesses from fights, and made the decisions our cats would be indoors or on leash if out and supervised at all times when out. The mesh in the condo we got is very sturdy and our girls have not even tried to shred it. Keep in mind they are made to contain a boisterous dog and cats are not usually as powerful. Ours is much too large to use to take to vet, for that we have hard sided carriers just big enough each for a cat. Before we traveled, we had our vet update what shots he thought appropriate and we got their RX flea/tick drops (Savannah’s can’t use the regular over the counter type flea drops as a few have died or had seizures from the chemical used per our sister in law who was a founding breeder of Savannah’s .) we took enough food so they did not have to change food during travel and they drink water filtered through our Berkey filter so their water is same. Our girls loved our big trip and if we can get hubby so he can be away from doctors for a few months, then we hope to take two to three month trips again and I know our girls will love it. They looked forward at each stop to exploring, much as Bridgette does for Sue.

        • Cinandjules (NY) says:

          Ah Savannahs!

          Never knew what they were….until I was assigned to the airport and one got loose going thru security!

          The lady was returning it to AZ because it was too much for her! It was 2nd generation I forget what she called it!

          I was able to corner it (my mistake) and grab it while she went back for the carrier! It was scared…understandably and it proceeded to tear my hand up! Bleeding like a stuck pig…I tried soothing it…nice kitty…nice kitty….didn’t work..he growled, snarled and continued to struggle! It’s last resort was to pee on me…look little feller I’m REALLY trying to help you! Deaf ears!

          Managed to get it back in the carrier! The lifeline on my right hand has increased by several inches!

          • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

            Have you been able to handle any of your outside cats?

            • Cinandjules (NY) says:

              Yes…the outside ferals are NOT feral to us anymore! They are skittish with everyone else..humanoids that is!

              They greet AO every morning! Not to mention bring us “presents” or half presents!

              They are fixed and once a year we take them to the vets to get their shots! They make their crates…resemble the spin cycle of a washing machine! OY!

          • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

            If indeed it was a second generation, that is called a F 2. Our A1 Savannah’s Stormy Spring F2 is the love of our lives but can be a handful. Mandy is an f4. This means Stormys Grandpa was a full blooded Serval Cat and Mandys Great great Grandpa was a Serval. Most domestics are hundreds to thousands of generations from the actual wild ancestor. Fortunately we have the advantage of being related to Joyce Sroufe, one of the founders of the breed (husbands sister), so in addition to their always having cats growing up and our having had cats from kitten hood through age 17 when they passed, we had the advantage of being able to call Joyce for advice. Stormy and Mandy are nearing 10 now and still very lively girls. They can easily clear 6 ft jumping either vertical or horizontal and chase through the house like Gazelles. They can be entertaining and are very much in demand of attention hours daily. They also need to know who is boss in the house. They play fetch and walk on leash and often know exactly what is said. Stormy will “talk” to Mel on the phone. You call him and she hears his voice and will look at the phone and talk back at his words to her. If he asks if she wants some chicken and she does she will answer then run to the kitchen and wait while it’s prepared. She eats raw meat only but we slightly warm it before adding vitamin powder under the skin. Not just anyone can handle the demands of these special felines which are a hybrid of African Servals and domestic Oriental Short hair ( which look kind of like Siamese). Sister in law bred Servals as well and we were privileged to meet with several of her friendlier Servals and be head butted and chirped at. I would not recommend just anyone take on the demands of these special cats unless they really know what they are getting into.

            • Cinandjules (NY) says:

              There was nothing I repeat NOTHING domesticated about this one! It was making sounds I’ve never heard before. (probably warning me that it was going to tear me up). The woman paid thousands of dollars for it!

              It was in the contract to return it to the breeder!

        • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

          Lots of good-to-know info. Thanks for your reply.

    • DebsJourney says:

      I am thinking of joining weight watchers and getting more walking in each day. It has been months of basically sitting and doing only what I had to do. But I know fulltime rving takes a lot of physical moving and always shifting things around bending a bunch and I’ve been very tired after doing all the needed stuff it takes to pack up and unpack then pack moving the food from the camper to my house etc. thanks for thinking of me 🙂 I finally got health insurance so I might go get a physical and have a drs guidance.

  26. Diane, Blue Ridge Mts, VA says:

    Yep, we are HANGING…….. checking back and forth to see if we need to still hang on… Nice carry all dog house! Ha Bridge is breaking it in I see… Okay still hanging.
    Take Care Sue and Bridge

  27. Lisa W says:

    As others, I am hoping Butters is the one. But if he isn’t I’m sure the perfect one is on the horizon. Looking forward to reading all about settling in the new crew member when he finally comes.

  28. Pamela K. says:

    Sure hope Butters is ready and waiting for you tomorrow! That would be such a happy post, to see him in the pet condo of the PTV…if it’s meant to be.
    I have an idea… whoever the new crew member is will need some doggie stuff. Well, we should hold a cyber-doggie-shower for the newest crew member once he is on board! Gift cards or something for Miss Sue to outfit him…and of course special gifts for Miss Bridge so she is not left out of the fun! Then Sue could photo all the gifts she bought them and let us know what all she picked out 🙂

    About that privacy issue thang.
    Sue, you need a sign, one of those metal street sign looking ones…
    ~NO! I’M NOT RV SUE AND CREW. Deal with it!~

    That would be enough for me to stay put about 1000 yards away.
    That sign and a brown wig should do it up right. 😉
    Sigh. HRH Bridget would have to agree with the plan else she would give it up in a heart-beat! Treats, lots of treats for the Princess…

  29. Val R. Lakefield On. says:

    Sorry for laughing Bridget, but your little face looking out of the crate was just too cute.
    Well Sue, good luck, can’t wait to see the new crew member.

  30. Cari in Plano Texas says:

    I forced myself to read slowly through your post and not scroll to the bottom to see if you had found a new crew member. 🙂 Sigh….I know the right one will come along for you! Waiting with bated breath to read the outcome of tomorrow’s trip. Will she get Butters? Will another sweetie steal her heart?

    And I agree with the others about letting Bridget have a vote. But then, you probably already thought about that!

  31. Norm says:

    I noticed when I was looking dogs in Yuma in November that if you took away the Pit bull/pitbull mix and Chihuahua/Chihuahua mix dogs they would not have a lot of dogs left. 😉
    Just got to Yuma myself this afternoon for my morning dental appointment tomorrow in Algodones, yuck. 😉

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good luck at the dentist, Norm!

      You’re probably a great guy and fun to be with, and maybe you have no interest in meeting me. However, just in case, to avoid an awkward situation, I remind you and anyone reading this that I am not accepting any visitors. Thank you.

  32. I’m so excited to see who makes the cut… Can’t wait!

  33. Applegirl NY says:

    “You’re killin’ me, Smalls!”
    We’er all waiting with baited breath.

  34. Shari G says:

    I sure hope your newest crew member found you! I am sooooo.. waiting to see the pics of him!

  35. Betty Shea says:

    Aww….so will the “perfrect fuzz ball!”

  36. Lynn Brooks says:

    Hoping Butters is still there waiting for you & Bridget!!!

  37. Teri in SoCal says:

    I’m sure you already know this, or someone else may have mentioned it. But some dogs (and cats too of course) are very scared in the shelter environment. So their true personality doesn’t shine through. But I think most shelters let you take them out of the cage and spend some time with them. If your personalities don’t mesh, so be it. But I guess what I’m getting at is a dog may not look right at you, or appear friendly, but just imagine what most of them have gone through. By spending even a few moments with them out of those cages you might see a little more light in their eyes. Like I said, I’m sure you already know this, but on behalf of these shell shocked dogs, I just thought I’d mention it.

    Best of luck to you and Bridget in choosing your new family member. That will be one lucky dog.

  38. Kay says:

    I am keeping my fingers crossed for Butters. He looks like he could really give this blog some good insight to shenanigans in the boondock. And, the fact he knows how pose for the photo already is a real plus. So, we all at this Kamp, are hoping Butters is the man of crew and soon.

  39. DesertGinger says:

    Yep, I’m hoping for Butters too, but interested in whoever you find. My friends are arriving tomorrow for a day or two…driving from Florida to NY. That will be fun. Other than that, not much to report. Happy evening all.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Will your friends be with you next week during/after your surgery?

      • DesertGinger says:

        No….just here for overnight really. My other friend from Wisconsin may come down; not sure yet. I’m used to be alone ne in hospital and after. It will be ok regardless. Appreciate your concern.

  40. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Well, good for you, Sue…keep looking. Kind of like talk is cheap…if we don’t try, we won’t find what we need!! And yes, I do feel you need another dog!! Bridget is looking very good these days!! Nice coat!!

  41. TXBX says:

    It’s time for a nervous breakdown! When I saw this post, I honestly DID scroll down before reading it through! I was guessing that you HAD gone by the shelter today, probably because “I” wouldn’t have had the patience to ‘not’ check with them!

    This has gotten to be serious business, and I have to remember time zone changes, and that writing a blog takes a certain amount of time, too!
    May I suggest that you write up two different ‘drafts’ / ‘scenarios’, or even 3 different ones, and all you’d have to add is the photos?

    Just imagine / believe people all across the USA and elsewhere, are reading this cliffhanger and many needing sedatives!! **GRIN** Blessings and Best Wishes!
    Becky in Texas

  42. AZ Jim says:

    One word: Hanging.

  43. Mert in Kentucky says:

    Hi sue, my thoughts and prayers are with you as you find the baby. Butters is adorable.
    When I lost Stevie , I also mourned for many years before I would even consider looking for another companion. One day I saw an add in pa paper, free litter of pups. And for some reason it hit me… Go look. So I locked up my office and drove 30 mins to where they were all 13 bouncing balls of joy. I set down in the floor with them and was mauled with kisses. All but one… She was eating. She wandered over a time or two to see what all the commotion was but right back to the food bowl she went. I picked up everyone of them. The little eater I picked up and she wanted down to go eat. She squirmed all over saying let me down. I looked at a couple that I was trying to choose from possibly. But my mind and eyes kept wondering back over to the one eating. I walked over and squatted down by the food bowl and for the first time our eyes met. She came over to me ( after getting a drink) wiped her mouth on my pant leg. I picked her up and got kissed from chin to forehead. Enuff said… Her name is Asia Mae
    Good luck Hun , my fingers are crossed.
    Mert and Asia

  44. Captain K (UT) says:

    Butters looks much like our rescued Bailey, a blond terrier mix with a little white on her chest. She’s medium sized about 40 lbs and full of energy. When we went looking for a shelter dog, the one we originally saw on line was no longer available. We went and visited two others advertised on line before attending a PetsMart adpotion event. As luck would have it, instead of finding one, we came home with two! The other is larger, a Boxer mix, male and they get along beautifully. Of course the little girl is the boss and we all agree it’s best to let that be! They both love to camp in our 40 ft. motor home – can’t imagine life without either of them!

    It may take a little time for Bridget to welcome another after having you to herself. I do recommend letting her meet and greet. Best of luck!

  45. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi Sue,

    Anxiously awaiting to see what news tomorrow brings! I know you are excited! 🙂

    In regards to your comment about Jessica Lange and Sam Shepherd in Walmart….they both were dressed in well worn, simple clothes – jeans…she had no makeup on, and honestly they looked like they rolled out of bed and did not bother to neaten up much to go out. They even drove an old pickup. I guess the glitz and glam is saved for Hollywood. It kinda makes me happy that they can so successfully separate the two worlds and hopefully live a “normal” , simple life when not in the fishbowl! 🙂

    Sending you loving prayers and wishes! xxxooo

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      My sightings were years ago, before cell phones were popular. These days, there may be some idiots who would whip out their phone to try take a picture IF they realized who they were…sigh….

      Some saving grace….most younger folks would have no clue who they are! 🙂

  46. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Ok. Night y’all !

    Butters is a cutie indeed. I hope he is still available…but I won’t be disappointed if he’s not! Any pup that you decide to get….will live the life of a king!

    Good luck finding Mr Right! 😉

  47. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Ditto! 🙂

  48. weather says:

    Good morning Sue,
    Hopefully you were able to rest well and awaken feeling refreshed- even with as much anticipation and excitement as you’re probably feeling( about what your experience at the Humane Society will turn out like). May whatever the outcome is be simply wonderful!

    It was so disappointing to read the comment a couple above here concerning a drop in visit.Though finding it here appalled me personally perhaps in light of recent events and discussions on that topic it will become a perfect example useful to stop repeat occurrences of it’s sort.I phrased my sentence that way because it’s the only positive thing at the moment that I could think of in hoping it doesn’t mar what should be a day of only sweet things to consider.

    Enjoy the morning,have fun and please don’t feel so pressured to update us that you miss any precious moments of it.So looking forward to hearing whatever you next share,blessings,weather

    • weather says:

      P.S.Seeing you reply to XXXXXXX that way makes me proud of you,relieved and happy.Selfish,self serving comments and actions towards you couched in gracious language make them no less wrong!!!His choices weren’t something he had to do,they were purely inconsiderate and totally unacceptable!Thank you for all our sakes for not encouraging him or others to continually not honor your repeated requests for no drop in visits!

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        Both you and Sue are so eloquent with words!

        Me? I straight up have no filter!

        So many of us understand and feel her aggravation! How many times and in different ways can she explain to get her point across? She has a right to her privacy and private life! She’s not famous! She’s like everyone else…just trying to enjoy life!

        It only takes a few to ruin it for the rest. I will be PISSED!

        Hey y’all come stalk me! We live under the radar by choice! Dare you to show up at my house unannounced! Trust me I won’t be so polite!

  49. Chas Anderson says:

    The right dog will come.Our latest addition,Eddie (named for Ed Norton of the Honeymooners) wandered in from the woods and walked into our garage.He was flea ridden and obviously living in the woods as an abandoned pup.He is a good dog and we feel he was meant to be with us.

    Juice the superdog took him under her wing and Eddie is headed for his second Arizona snowbird trip in a couple of weeks.

    P.S Juice (the dog who lost part of her jaw to cancer) is doing well.She is running around and playing like she was 10 years younger.Miracle.Been almost a year since her surgery and no sign of the cancer spreading.

  50. Kay Dattilio says:

    We will all be checking this site all day to find out what amazing dog you will get, if today is the day! Good luck!

    Kay from KC

  51. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Good morning all!

    Well…apparently another person decided that the rules didn’t pertain to them! Really? I just had to? As fresh as this pet peeve has been discussed? Part of RV life is to wave at other folks…I understand that…it’s just a courtesy…it doesn’t mean stop and invade someone’s privacy!

    I’m blue in the face! Because of this ^^ and more so from holding my breath for two days waiting for Tuesday to arrive!

    It’s Tuesday….drink down that coffee, eat your breakfast and hit the road….oh don’t forget Bridge’s potty break, heh heh.

    Have a marvelous day! Hope the sun shines bright on you!

    You can delete my post if you feel the need! It just truly irks me to no end!

  52. Since you’ve told us that Bridget will naturally have a say in the final choice, and have defined the exact size and type of dog you’re looking for, I think we can foresee much of the outcome – and patience be damned, you’re ready now 🙂 Nearby in Burbank there are two rescue organizations next door to each other – one German Shepherds and one Chihuahuas. No one ever looks at both places – they know what they’re looking for. The “chorus” of barking from the two kennels is pretty funny – you can definitely pick out who’s who!
    This is very exciting Sue 🙂

  53. Cheryl Ann says:

    We recently lost our German Shepherd, Lady. Hubby said, “NOT ANOTHER DOG!”, so now we just have Ripley, our 7 year old black lab. I actually spend much more time with her now and she sleeps at my feet while I’m blogging. I did notice, however, that HE found an ad for a basset hound up in 29 Palms! Didn’t work out, so we just have the one dog (for now)…

    I know you will find the perfect match for Bridget and yourself and I wish you all the luck (and patience)!

    Take care.
    Cheryl Ann

  54. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Good morning, Sue!

    Just checking in for a new Crew member update….not yet! 10:45 EST…..The shelter is not even open yet, I am sure….just call me Miss Anxious….along with the rest of the blogorino family…. 🙂

    Hope everyone has a great day! 🙂

  55. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Perhaps you should add to your disclaimer:

    The NEXT visitor gets buried in the desert!

    Sad that some folks continue to press your patience!

    Drive safe! Best of luck…you have so many that stand behind you, feel for you and truly want the best for you and Bridge!

  56. Elizabeth in WA says:

    This issue of personal space, be it in living as Sue does, or even in how close people come when chatting, etc. in person sure varies. Though Sue has made very clear how she feels. I remember years ago when I was taking care of a child belonging to my friend, how that child drove my younger daughter batty because she simply could not understand my daughter’s need for her to not get so close to her all the time. Within different cultures there is a great difference in how much space is needed to feel comfortable. Hopefully Sue will find a way to avoid these things in future…though if she gives away her location in any way, that makes it more difficult. Some people love a puzzle…

  57. Edie, OK says:

    Sue, good luck today!!

    And very sorry about the most recent drop in.


    And YES this means YOU!!!

    Sorry for yelling but I don’t have much of a filter either!


  58. rvsueandcrew says:


    Many of you are anxious to know the outcome of our visit this morning to the humane society. Butters has been adopted. I didn’t find another dog to bring home. All the small dogs, with the exception of a few very old dogs, have been scooped up by rescue organizations or they have a sign on their cage that they are being held for “rescue.” I’ll explain in the next post.

    My friends left. Bridget and I will leave Yuma tomorrow.

    • Ann and Bill left Ajo today, headed to NC!
      I am so happy Butters found a new home but sorry he will miss out as a crew member! The right pup will show up! I just know it!

    • Aw shoot. Thanks for the update Sue! Have a nice trip to your next site. 🙂

    • weather says:

      Thank you for the update Sue.I pray this note, day and the time between now and your next post find you feeling hopeful and at peace…- as you navigate the bumps today has brought the journey you are so good to share with us.May knowing that Love and the support of the vast number of loyal readers you have is accompanying you contribute to that,friend.

  59. Penny in Ark. says:

    So sorry to hear about Butters….how disappointing….but the right little guy is out there somewhere awaiting you.

    Sorry also that some reader had the smug self-satisfaction of “outing” you, even if he doth protest too much.

    It is my hope that all of us who so enjoy your blog, get to travel vicariously through you to beautiful southwestern spots, and get to chuckle at Bridget’s expressions and antics, will continue to have access to your writings and photos.

    Everyone, please respect Sue’s privacy so we may continue to enjoy her blog! We love her writings, but she does not belong to us.

    Happy travels,

  60. BagerRickInWis says:

    I’ll uncross everything for now with the knowledge of course it just means that the perfect new crew member is still out there waiting to make the connection.

    But the waiting must be hard on you in the mean time. Hang in there, and know that you have lots of folks here holding you in our hearts.

  61. Pamela K. says:

    Oh Sue, there are no words to comfort you today. Drop in visits, feeling the need to move again, Butters being adopted by someone else, no other dogs making the cut as the newest crew member, needing to chew up and spit out someone for an unannounced visit… TODAY has not been kind to you! We all had such high hopes for this day but it was not to be. Like Scarlette O’Hara, Tomorrow Is Another Day, and we wait…we ALL wait with you. We know you are strong even in the weakest of times. I, for one, believe that Spikie, dear boy, has it all under control…he will see to it that the PERFECT new crew member is found! I am certain that he still watches over you and Bridge. Think of it as his way of playing with you alittle longer 😉 After all, he was such a stinker – I could just see him doing that 🙂
    I hope I made you smile today, knowing that Spike has it all wraped up in his own plans for your next crew member. Wishing on pennys, life is full of small change.
    Hugs and stay safe,
    Pamela K.

  62. Ron Sears says:

    I keep checking back to your site to see if there is any news! I sure hope you get Butter, but if not there are plenty more pups out there that needs a great home that you and Bridget can provide. I will check back tomorrow!! be safe.

  63. Bill & Ann says:

    Take care, Sue.

  64. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Bridget wants to go for a run! She also wants you to soak in the stream and lay in the mud! Attach the blinking light to your jacket…for a midnight potty run…and drag something dead back!

    Bridge and you for a bit longer! The dynamic duo!

  65. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Me too! I want to know. Racy REALLY wants to know… 🙂

    We are dealing with mud and sludge and flooding here in our Harbor home. Made the national news this morning I guess. Our home is fine, the shed is — well — I don’t wanna know. Ignorance is bliss, at least til I can get to it with just my boots on and not waders, right? 🙂 My trailer is dandy, so all is right in the world. Friends have it worse, so we have been out sandbagging where we can.

    Hugs from Hoquiam, where it is wet and wild. 🙁

    • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

      Was hoping to hear from you. Heard about the landslides and evacuations and you and your *hugs* came to mind. Sending you warm and dry thoughts. Very glad your damage is manageable so far.

      • Barb from Hoquiam! says:

        Well thank you! Yes we are doing fine. A friend had a young visitor (age 7) come by her home, where flooding had taken out her fish pond–he brought her HER FISH back! 🙂 she was very concerned about her fish flopping around…and here this young man brought them to her. We have silver linings.

        Our hillsides are still scary bad. OSO comes to mind–many many displaced. But we are OK. Made some deliveries today of things people needed… tomorrow will be bright and sunny and we move forward.

        Thank you again!
        Hugs from HOQUIAM!

  66. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Hope your next spot works out better, Sue!! And that the new little doggie is found soon!!

  67. Virginia says:

    Hi Sue:

    Just thought I would check out your blog and see what you were up to. One look at that cute little Butters and I knew. Well, if it is meant to be, it will happen and the crew will be intact once again. Best wishes for 2015!

  68. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Oh Sue. I missed your message and am sorry.

    Sending you hugs.

  69. Terri From Texas says:

    Good luck in finding a new crew member! I am sure it won’t take too long! Don’t have too much to say-just testing my computer to see if this posts. I wrote a long post yesterday and it didn’t take-don’t know why.

  70. AZ Jim says:

    Missy, Don’t be discouraged. We love ya!!

  71. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi Sue,

    So sorry that it has been an unneccessarily stressful day for you. I wish I could do something to make things better. I know you have found a new spot and hope you and Bridget have a peaceful, uneventful night. Mr Butter did not work out, but there is someone even better just waiting for you and Bridget to fall in love with them. I know this in my heart. Sending you warm wishes and hugs from me and Gracie pup. 🙂

  72. AZ Jim says:

    You go girl.

  73. suzago says:

    Hi Sue, Just another faithful reader sending you whatever comfort I can through these blips and dots. I am one of your non-RV readers (though I hope to have a fiberglass trailer someday), but I find lots of connection with you. I am hiding “in plain sight” in a new community where I know no one, and where I’ve rented a very small one bedroom apartment. (So it almost feels like a trailer – every little closet has to be arranged and organized with just the essentials.) My family and friends have asked if I miss them, and I hesitate to explain how happy I am to be on my own. We still have cell phones and internet, and I spent two weeks visiting over Christmas, so I haven’t fully escaped. But I feel very sympathetic to the healing space you have created for yourself and the distress when someone compromises that. I am in awe of the way you communicate so clearly with so many loyal readers, yet without revealing anything you want to keep to yourself. You do it all with grace and consideration. Overall, despite a few kerfuffles here and there (and I recall every one), you have been wonderfully successful at managing your “fame.” I know you will take some time, a few deep breaths, and keep on with what you’re meant to do – whatever that turns out to be. I share with all your other readers the optimism that the right pup will come your way. I have the same story so many others do – the right dog fell into my lap ten years ago and she’s still strong and youthful. I am grateful for my blessings. Best wishes to you, Sue.

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