To the sea and to summer again!

Saturday, February 4

General Patton Memorial Museum, Chiriaco Summit, Interstate 10, California

“Well, Reg, we’re all set.  We’ve got groceries, water, gas, and the tanks are almost empty.  We’re still on the first tank of propane, so we’re good for a while.”

It’s past noon this Saturday as the Perfect Tow Vehicle hauls Reggie and me and the Best Little Trailer up the ramp at Blythe to board Interstate 10 west.

We cross Chuckwalla Valley, passing the exit for Corn Springs Road, where we camped in 2015, and also, 48 miles west of Blythe, we pass the exit for Desert Springs.

We continue westward on I-10 another 20 miles or so.

At Chiriaco Summit (1,710 feet — Yeah, that’s the summitdon’t laugh!), we leave the interstate and I park the PTV at the General Patton Museum.

“This is a good place for us to stretch our legs.”

We wander around the display of army jeeps and tanks, the statue of General Patton (see first photo), and the remembrance walls for fallen soldiers.

So many young lives lost.  Thank you for making possible the life I enjoy . . . .

“Let’s go, Reg.  We have miles to go before we camp.”

We’re on our way to the Salton Sea!

Instead of boarding the interstate to reach the next exit (Box Canyon Road), I take the dirt road that runs westward on the south side of the highway.  Why?  Because I’m curious if there are boondocks along it, for future reference.

A spur road suggests possibilities, but these are soon discarded for future camps when we pass a collection of vehicles with empty utility trailers — OHVers.

We pick up Box Canyon Road which is paved.

The interstate is still visible at this point. 

In the photo (below), you can see the weekend traffic, as well as the snow-capped mountains, which I know better than attempt to identify because I’ll surely get them wrong!

San Bernadinos, maybe?  Do you know?

Box Canyon Road winds through a canyon, of course.  

We come around a turn and there’s a cyclist up ahead.

Great!  He will give a reference for height of the rocks!

I pull over and take this shot before he disappears around another turn in the road.

People camp in Box Canyon.

I assume mostly hikers, rock climbers, cyclists, and off-road enthusiasts camp here.  It doesn’t appeal to me because I’m none of those things.

I prefer camping in beautiful places.  The floor of Box Canyon is all torn up with vehicle tracks.  Not pretty.  I don’t photograph the mess because I’d rather show what’s good about the canyon — the interesting rock formations.

Soon we’re out the other end of the canyon and into an area of agriculture. 

We pass vineyards, groves of citrus trees and palms, and fields of newly planted crops.

I glimpse a swath of blue . . . “There’s the Sea, Reg!”

I don’t stop for a first-glimpse photo because I’m eager to make our camp!

Route 111 south takes us to Corvina Beach.

Before we turn into this familiar, primitive campground, I scan the area to see if my favorite campsite, way down at the end by itself, is vacant.

Yes, it is! 

The sign at the self-pay station reads $10.00 camping fee, minus $2.00 discount for seniors.

Corvina Beach doesn’t have numbered sites.  You pick a place along a wide “boulevard” running parallel to the shoreline.

Hmm . . . Not many RVs here and it’s the weekend . . . .

Corvina Beach has a shower house!

It also has flush toilets, trash bins, and water spigots.  Nice!

I drive past the cluster of trailers and motor homes and back the BLT into “our” private spot at the end.  I’m reminded of the time I camped here with Bridget during February of 2015.

This campsite gives the feeling of having the Sea all to ourselves!

After preliminary set-up of camp, I walk Reggie.

He’s turbo-charged from being cooped up in the PTV for the drive.  It’s a long walk back to the pay station and he enjoys every step of the way.

I insert the pay envelope holding my check for $40 (5 nights @ $8 a night) into the iron ranger.

This is the warmest day we’ve experienced all winter.  It’s like summer!   Oh, there’s something about the cries of seagulls that make me feel I’m on vacation.  Well, actually, I suppose I am!

When Reg and I settle in for the night, I leave one window open.

We’re tired and sleep well, except we do wake whenever a train passes by.

Gee, I don’t remember the trains being this loud.  Other times we’ve camped here, I hardly noticed the trains in the night.

Then I realize the “problem” isn’t the trains; it’s us!

The nights at Midland LTVA were perfectly quiet, except for the rare sound of the roadrunner or coyotes in the big wash.  After two months of blissful seclusion, we’re so accustomed to silence that our ears are hyper-sensitive.

All the better to eavesdrop on the shore birds!

More to come from the Salton Sea in future posts . . . .


P.S.  That was a short summer — It’s Sunday as I type this and much cooler!

NOTE:  In case you missed it . . . To see the details on the final bill for the refrigerator , its installation, and other service issues ($1,600.73) , see the bottom of the previous post.  — Sue



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113 Responses to To the sea and to summer again!

  1. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Hugs Sue!

  2. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    NO WAY ~ Me first!? LOL And I skimmed the post to start!

    Really pretty spot! Gee I envy ya! Cloudy and snowy rain mix here today. Jimbo is cold to the bone (skinny man… :p ) and huddled near the stove. Ribs are in the oven for his Super Bowl event (lol… one man, two racks of ribs… where he puts it I never could figure!). Me, I head out to the trailer to read, as I just don’t care (though am rootin’ for our beloved Falcons ~ if the SeaHawks aren’t playin’ then we gotta root for the other home team!).

    Happy Sunday Sue and Reggie!
    Hugs again,

  3. Lee J in Northern California says:

    Nice spot..have fun!

  4. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    Top ten????

    • rvsueandcrew says:


      BTW, I’ve worn my crocheted hat a few times. Snuggy-warm!

    • Pauline in Mississippi says:

      Now, that I have read the post, I can say it is a good one. I love the picture of your front yard. Looks like a great place to stay for a few days. Like the picture of the sea gull (?) also.

      Hope you have a happy stay at this camp.
      Sending lots of love and big hugs.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        We will probably stay more than five days. It may look like there are loads of places to camp inexpensively during winter when looking at the public lands on a map, but really there aren’t that many choices for me. I want warmth and privacy, the latter wipes out most of southern Arizona at this time of year! Haha!

  5. Pat Hall says:

    I’m glad you made it to my favorite area. My plan is to head there in a couple of weeks. Enjoy the birds!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pat,

      This is your favorite area, too! The birds are fun to watch, aren’t they.

      There aren’t as many as last year in front of our camp. That doesn’t mean anything though. They may be congregating in a different part of the shoreline and might move from one day to the next. I bet more will arrive during their migration by the time you come here. 🙂

  6. Pam and Maya, still in NY says:

    Wow, I love your campsite! I never had an opportunity to camp at the salton sea which is too bad since I kayak. It will be on my list when I get back on the road!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pam,

      If you didn’t see my post and photos of the Salton Sea when we were here last year, be sure to follow the link I made in the text.

  7. Judy in East Texas says:

    Sue and Reggie , that is one gorgeous place. It seems that’s a place dreams are made. I hope you enjoy your little Boondock and tell us all about it in days to come.

    Stay safe out there and rock on your friend Judy

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Judy,

      Salton Sea gives plenty of photo opportunities, so I’ll have plenty of pics to show here. Today is very overcast and hazy, obscuring the mountains. I love that we’re camped in desert next to water with snow-capped mountains in view!

  8. Marcia GB in MA says:

    Very nice spot to settle in for awhile, now that you have all your repairs done. Does the sea have more water in it this year? And may I just say -Go Pats! To each his/her own 😉

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Marcia,

      I was curious to see if the Salton Sea’s level had risen. I can’t see that it has, although that doesn’t mean it hasn’t. I’m pleased that the level doesn’t look like it’s dropped.

  9. jenny Johnson says:

    here i am — am i first

  10. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Hi Sue,

    This is glorious! What a fabulous place! I could see myself sitting in your chair with my new hobby of crocheting! I just started again and had to go to Youtube for help since I haven’t done it since I was a teen.

    Right now I am making a scarf for a shoebox gift for Operation Christmas Child. So excited to bless a child with this.

    Enjoy the rest of your day!! Hugs to you and Reggie!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      What a relaxing picture you make, Jolene — crocheting while in a lounger near the Salton Sea. 🙂 It’s nice that you have a skill that can provide warmth for another.

  11. Linda-NC says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie-That looks like a beautiful place to stay. You pretty chair and rug just look homey and comfortable. Geez-the people that are in their houses day in and day out don’t know what they are missing! Of course not everyone can RV either. I just feel sorry for them. I am headed out Friday-I am going to spend a week at Lake Hartwell State Park in SC. Then? Not sure yet. Meandering Me. Who knows what I might find. I have to thaw my bones first:))

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda,

      I’m familiar with Lake Hartwell State Park! Long before the idea of living on the road appeared in my brain, I rented a cabin on Lake Hartwell with my parents. I hope you have a wonderful week, as we did, especially my mother who enjoyed floating while sitting in a tube out on the lake.

    • Teri Live Oak Fl says:

      We’ve had a mild winter so far here in Florida. Meander this way and warm your bones.

  12. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    I know you like to go to bed early, but you might stay up late one clear night and take a look at the stars – they are especially beautiful out by the Salton Sea because there is so little ambient light. According to my maps, the Eagle mountains are north of Chiriaco Summit and the Orocopia mountains are south of it. Hope you have a lovely stay out there!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cynthia,

      I saw those mountains on my map, too, but I didn’t know if they were in front of the snow-topped mountains.

      I look at the stars every night, either before I go to bed or whenever I get up in the middle of the night. I also see them as I lie with my head on my pillow. Star-gazing is one of the delights of RVing!

  13. Dawn in MI says:

    I’m glad you were able to snag your favorite spot at this location! Looking forward to reading more of your adventures here. I went back and reread the Feb 2015 post about this camp, and enjoyed seeing Bridget’s pictures there too. I bet Reggie is going to love it!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Reggie is loving this camp! He loved how warm it was yesterday and today he loved walking on the beach. This beach isn’t great for walking along the shore because of the barnacles and bones. However, if you stay close to the bank that you see between our outdoor room and the picnic table in the photo, it makes a nice walk. Also there’s a path on the higher level that goes all the way to the state park. We walked that this morning. So, yeah, the Reginator likes this camp!

  14. Dawn in Asheville says:

    Love the spot! That’s amazing. On my list to go now – and thanks for the flashback with Bridget 🙂 I missed that post first time around. She looked like she was enjoying that spot, too.

  15. Marilyn says:

    Naw, but happy first day of summer! Marilyn

  16. Pat Hall says:

    Sue, where do you fill your fresh water tank in Blythe?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pat,

      I missed your comment somehow…. For water in Blythe, I go to the vending machine on Hobsonway, near the Smart and Final store. 5 gallons for a dollar. I fill up jugs which I can pour into the tank or use otherwise.

      Some folks drive the short distance to Ehrenberg for fresh water.

  17. Teri Live Oak Fl says:

    It was nice to see Bridget again. She looked pretty fit then. Looks like a nice spot and I think I’ll read a Johnny Shaw book. I like to laugh.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Teri,

      Johnny Shaw has a new book coming out in March called Imperial Valley. I’m looking forward to that. It’s fun reading books set in places you’ve seen. Enjoy your book!

  18. Norman in San Diego says:

    Hi Sue,

    Glad the refrigerator is installed. Not bad for 5 years of being bounced around and hopefully the new one will last just as long.
    Amazing the wonderful campsites right here in California that I hope to visit. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a wonderful week in California. Rain coming Monday and Tuesday to San Diego. Oh yes what fun on the freeway with the rain.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Norman,

      Nice to know you agree with me on the refrigerator! Yes, you do have many great campsites not far from San Diego and I’ve only camped in a few of them. I’d love to visit San Diego if I could be airlifted in. I avoid urban areas whenever possible.

      You’re the one dreaming of an Aliner Sport Lite trailer… 🙂

  19. Jan In MI, Now AZ says:

    What a beautiful site. We are still in Quartzsite for a while enjoying the warm weather.
    So glad you have refrigerator fixed now and can move on.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Jan,

      Isn’t this weather grand? I’m looking out my back window right now and the sky over the lake is unusual… a puffy bank of gray. Don’t know what that portends!

      Enjoy the warmth!

  20. Kitt, NW WA says:


    Thanks for all the information on replacing the fridge! I just let my husband know what you went through. Hopefully, we won’t have to replace ours but if we do, it will be coming in the door, not the window!

    I am envious of your Salton Sea camp. Sun, warmth, birds, and the lonely sounds of passing trains. I am sitting here looking out at the ice storm and snow that has left all the trees bent over and breaking. We still have power but some in Whatcom County don’t. Next we are expecting strong winds which no doubt will break many ice laden trees and branches and create drifts. More snow is expected tomorrow. Hopefully we will keep our power. We have not had such winter weather for a number of years and have become used to mild wet winters.
    Riley is not happy about the icy snow covering the ground. The ice is hard on his paws and we don’t have boots for him. Who knew we would actually need them? His trips out are pretty speedy. He too is looking forward to later in the week when we will thaw out – I hope.
    With you in the Southwest, and our daughter and son-in-law in Hawaii, we will be enviously enjoying your pictures and stories!


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Well, gee, Kitt, your daughter and I are making this winter tough on you! 🙂 You describe your snow-and-ice world very well. I can imagine being there. I do hope you keep your power on and/or have an alternate source of heat. Poor Riley!

    • Karen in Pacific NW says:

      Taking out and putting back in a window is a whole lot less labor hours than taking apart a fridge 😉 It is also not very risky in terms of developing future leaks if you take the time to learn how to do it and what tools you need. People who don’t know how to do these things often worry about problems that are not likely to happen.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Good morning, Karen! Thanks for letting us know it was the wrong thing to do. You must have more experience removing Casita windows than either Chuck, Jared or I have.

  21. Chris B and Diego in Southern California says:

    Nice campsite! It’s like having an aisle seat on the plane but better!

  22. Marieta says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie – are you camped near Slab City? It is part of a closed air force base where lots of people camp during the winter? There was an article 10-12 years ago in Trailer Life describing it. If I remember right, lol, it was near the Salton Sea. Have fun guys.

  23. rvsueandcrew says:

    Did anyone think it weird that I posted the same photo twice?

    Ha! I changed the last photo to the one I meant to put there. It shows the snow-capped mountain through the haze.

    Sheesh. Sorry about that…

  24. Marilyn says:

    Sorry ththe double post. Using an old tablet while my new one (Christmas present) is being shipped back east to be repaired or replaced.
    Feeling more energetic since joining my local Del Webb Wellness Center. Enjoying the pool exercise classes…Easy on the knees 😉 and other joints.
    Even washed my front room windows inside and out. The hard water deposits came off with a little help with 00 steel wool and spray with vinegar and water. Nice to see out again.
    BTW I took a photo of the very first iris bloom today. It joined the Snapdragons and stocks. Love them. Now if the rabbits stop sneaking through the fence. They might be surprised when I finish adding chicken wire this week.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      An iris bloom and snapdragons? I have to ask, Marilyn — Where are you?

      Pool exercise is great! My sister Pauline leads a class.

      There’s nothing wrong with posting more than one comment. That’s a good thing! 🙂

      Now send me some of your ambition… Maybe tomorrow I’ll clean the BLT’s windows. Or maybe not.

  25. Ilse says:

    Hi Sue,
    It seems there are less campers everywhere this winter. I wonder, if it has anything to do with the horrible weather California has had lately. I’m back in Q after I took my RV to the factory in Montclair to get it fixed and Got back from WA. It’s practically deserted here. Tomorrow I will go to Kofa for a few days, check out Imperial Dam, and then go to Ajo. I’ve been reading all your past winter blogs to make sure I know where I’m going. Don’t have to make another trip to WA until around March 10, so I’ll slowly make my way towards Phoenix in a round about way. Looks like you are at a perfect spot. I had debated, if I should go down there, but this way I finally get to see the Ajo area in person. Enjoy your solitude. It’s my favorite way of living, too.
    Cheers, Ilse

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ilse,

      I’m glad you’re going to Ajo. I think you’ll like it. If you don’t find a campsite you like off the Darby Well Road (part of it has been fenced off), there are more nice, boondocking spots south of Why on righthand side. Also RV parks in Ajo and Why…. and a campground at Organ Pipe National Monument.

      It’s a good feeling to have the RV service done. I think one reason there are fewer RVers around is the money exchange rate with Canada. Someone told me fewer Canadians this year.

      Enjoy Kofa!

  26. Linda Hughes - NC says:

    Hey RV Sue, I love reading about the Salton Sea! It looks so beautiful. I have read there is a terrible smell there and dead fish along the shore, but it looks beautiful to me. Is there a limit to how long you can stay? Thanks for sharing the Salton Sea with us, take care.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Linda,

      The “terrible smell” is greatly exaggerated, a hold-over from the time there was a fish kill at the Sea. There aren’t dead fish along the shore, but you will see skeletons here and there (dried). It’s not a great beach for walking because of barnacles….Nicer if you take the path on the higher level above the beach.

      I haven’t checked but I’m guessing there’s a 14-day limit at any of the campgrounds along the Salton Sea.

  27. Toni says:

    Beautiful spot! And ouch on the final cost for the refrigerator.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Toni,

      No surprise with the refrigerator bill. It’s one of those expensive items that’s worth every penny. I’m fortunate that I have enough “pennies.” 🙂

  28. Geri, Florida panhandle! says:

    The Salton Sea is one place Chuck and I missed while we were out that way darn it! Wish we had taken the time to check it out! Great photos by Sue will have to do! I bet Reggie is having fun in the sand, Radar likes the sandy beach here too. We will have to take Tater soon and see if he likes it. Well, we did very well again Saturday, we sold out! YAY! Love when that happens.
    Sit back with your new chair and enjoy the view, or a book or both! Give that furry one a bug hug from us!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Your Mermaid Tears sold out! That’s fantastic, Geri! Wow!

      Yeah, it is too bad you didn’t come by to look at the Salton Sea. I felt I should come here again before leaving this part of California. I always wonder if it will dry up and I won’t have another chance. You would love taking photos here.

      I took of photo today of Reggie back-kicking in the “sand”… which is really coarsely ground barnacles. He looks like such a tough dude! Hugs to Radar and Tater!

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        Do you have any photos of the “Mermaid Tears?” I either don’t know what they are or we call them something else.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          They’re light-catchers to hang in a window, made of tumbled glass. Maybe Geri will see your question and explain better than I have.

  29. Rover Ronda (WA) says:

    I’m glad “your” space was available.

  30. Sarvi in OR says:

    Hi, I’m new. I’ve spent the last several weeks reading every post, very cool blog! I am about 10 months into my 10 year plan to full timing. I love how detailed you got when you spent that much time in Oregon! I have bookmarked that so I can take my trailer to some of those places this summer. My PTV is a 2015 Ford F250 super duty power stroke diesel crew caband my BLT (at this point) is a 2010 33 ft keystone sprinter select 29bhs. I still have kids at home so still need a good size trailer.

    Keep up the awesome work with the blog, and I look forward to your new posts, now that I am caught up.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Welcome to my blog, Sarvi! Thank you for reading all my posts. I hope you enjoy some of the Oregon camps that I enjoyed. It’s a beautiful state with lots of wonderful camp spots. Best wishes as you plan for full-timing. I hope we hear from you again!

  31. Ah yes those Trains! I remember them well…and I remember your perfect private campsite….Enjoy it for us..we won’t be there until April or May…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Shirlene,

      I thought of you when I drove into Corvina Beach. I really was a snot for being so reclusive. Sorry about that; you’ve been such a good follower of my blog.

      I hope there are lots of birds at Salton Sea when you arrive!

  32. AZ Jim says:

    Hi Missy! Good to see you on the move again. I had my first set of tests Fri. and of course I know nothing of the results now. In fact I won’t most likely know until the 22nd. I don’t like dwelling on it because it does no good, it’s part of the process of aging for most folks. I read one of the blogorinos comment about using Reggie’s picture on the last post (his portrait) as a background or screensaver and I now use it too. He’s such a little doll. I’ll be in and out in the next few days. Hugs to you and the Reg…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jim,

      So good to hear from you! You have been on my mind and the minds of many blogorinos. We will try to be patient about your test results. 🙂

      Ha! I have to laugh about people using photos of Reggie as screensavers. I never put one of his photos as my screensaver. I look at his face all day long anyway!

      Hugs to you and Detta…

  33. No infamous bad odors from Salton Sea?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Al,

      There’s a smell of sea… not bad at all. But don’t tell anyone… The dead-fish story keeps the crowds away. 🙂

  34. Cinandjules (da zone) says:

    Love your view!
    Sleep well! Enjoy your stay!

  35. Nancy in California says:

    Hi reggie and rv sue and blogorinos! Getting closer to my official retirement at end of summer and my purchase of a t@b trailer for part time rv adventures. Today, i went to Menifee, CA, and picked out a lovely german shepherd puppy to join my life. I lost my beautiful 13 y/o GSD just before Christmas.
    I continue to look forward to all
    your posts Sue, and love the comments
    Raining pretty good again here in
    Woodland Hills. Hope you are dry, if not toasty warm! I think maybe the
    Salton Sea was out of the trajectory of
    this particular storm. Sue, i use frequently. When i click on your link, it takes me directly to my amazon account. Is that correct? Nothing else i need to do for you to get
    a commission?? About to buy a stroller
    for my new puppy to protect her from parvo until she has had all her shots. B

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Nancy,

      Congratulations on your new puppy! If anything can assuage the pain of losing an old, canine pal, it’s puppy kisses. I’m sorry for your loss and glad you are looking forward. I wish you and your pup many wonderful years of love and travel together!

      You’re doing correctly. (Nothing else to do.) Thanks for thinking of me and Reggie when you shop!

  36. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    This is such a pretty area, even if the beach isn’t good for walking. Water and mountains, and little cutie Reggie, what more could you ask for?
    I should put Angel on my computer as a background. She has been out for her walk, been fed and had her meds, so she is sleeping peacefully in her bed at the moment, but she will be following me around when I get up to put towels in the dryer and put the next load in the washer. I think I get too far out of her site.
    It’s amazing how much she looks like Reggie. Well, I better get busy. Hope the weather improves.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Barbara,

      Angel doesn’t want to lose you! Our pups are like little children, following us around, and if you give them plenty of food and exercise, they’re down for a nap. 🙂

  37. Rob says:

    Great header picture!

  38. weather says:

    It’s terrific that your favorite campsite there was vacant. Like having the Sea all to yourselves, what a great feeling, I’m thrilled for you! Yesterday’s Super Bowl may have played a large part in why so few were there yesterday. Almost everyone I know tries never to miss seeing those, usually at a party. Not being a big fan of either of those, I haven’t seen the game in recent years. My point in mentioning it is next weekend more may camp there, yet because you were fortunate enough to get “your” place they hopefully won’t really affect your enjoyment there if they do show up, sweet!

    Perhaps going through Box Canyon Road’s enormous rocks would be a prettier drive after a good rain had fallen. That usually brings out any colors in the rocks so the patterns become nice to look at. I was only at the Salton Sea once, right after a large fish “die-off”, so actually enjoyed the round trip ride from San Diego more than the beach and sea. Your photos of it are so nice that I’ll make a point of staying there next time I’m on the west coast. I love seeing places where nature’s been restored.

    The nice walk on the bank you mentioned in a reply must be so refreshing for you and Reggie after your long stay at your previous camp where you’d both grown familiar with everything you saw. Are the birds still scant today? Were you able to sleep through any of the trains noises last night? Extra awakenings are a good reason to take naps within your lovely little home or outside in the shade of your awning if it’s a warm enough day. I hope you do get some really warm days there. They still only have cold water showers there, don’t they? A cool night might actually be a treat so you could use your heater and not have to wear warm clothes to sleep in.

    Can you tell that I’m picturing you enjoying your stay there? Ha,Ha!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You may be right about people staying home or going to parties in order to watch the Super Bowl. Last night the people from the cluster of RVs had a campfire and I could hear a tv or radio announcer for the game.

      There are more birds here this morning… more pelicans, in particular. I love watching the pelicans skimming above the surface of the water. Such grace in the air!

      I think Reggie and I are more accustomed to the sound of the trains. He slept right through their passing and it doesn’t sound to me like a train is on its way through our window! I do like the trains, another facet of the Salton Sea’s “personality.” 🙂

      I think today will be warmer than yesterday. When it was chilly yesterday, I took the comforter out to the lounger and wrapped it around Reg and me.

      I hope you are comfy and cozy in your home today!

      • weather says:

        It’s kind of you to hope that I’m cozy here, thanks, Sue, I am. I’m blessed that the heat turns on without fail when I need it to. Each time it does that overnight Polly makes what sounds like a small chirp in her sleep. When the fan kicks on she fully awakens, ready to play and wanting me to. Usually I humor her with a few nuzzles and go back to sleep. Hours before sunrise this morning instead I stayed up.

        For years when I was awake that early I would kindle a fire in the woodstove we heated our home with. I always enjoyed doing that. Not needing to here I sat waiting to see the original kindler (of stars) daily gift. The sun arose revealing that all but the smallest branches were perfectly still. As quiet as it is when we don’t have wind the slightest noise stands out, the sound of a train would seem enormous. I’m glad you’re acclimating and like your seeing places as having their own personality.

        The one the Salton Sea has when there’s no nearby crowds seems to blend well with yours. I hope it’s charming qualities offer their best so that you have a wonderful day there.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thank you, weather, for that good hope and for another thoughtful comment.

          Kindling the fire to warm your home seems like a pleasant ritual, much like that first cup of steaming coffee … 🙂

          Little Polly doesn’t want to miss anything! She seems a cheerful spirit, like Reggie. He wakes up and Play mode clicks in. How nice it is to have these warm creatures to love.

          Ah, the personality of places. I recall a former camp like an old friend, smell the perfume that is distinctly hers, hear her laughter or feel her calm, see the sunlight and shadows of her moods, marvel in the quirkiness that makes her unlike any other. It’s wonderful! When I pull into a former campsite, it’s “Hey, how ya’ been? Good to see ya’ again!”

          Very few campers at the Salton Sea, even less than over the weekend. I wish you and Polly a wonderful day, too.

          • weather says:

            Great paragraph about a camp’s personality 🙂

            Reggie and Polly are so cheerful that if they could speak the way we do they might wake up singing Zip-A-Dee-Do-Dah, the song from Disney’s film Song of the South. My other cat, Kyla, that’s shared life with me for longer, plays at times, yet is more laid back and just a great sweet friend.

            You’re right, it is nice for you and I to have these warm creatures to love. Now I’m going to leave a quick comment on the next post before I take care of a few things this morning, what fun!

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              I left out Kyla! Sorry, kitty!

            • weather says:

              It’s the first time I’d mentioned her by name 🙂

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              I thought so! You have Kyla and Polly and a finch, right?

            • weather says:

              My finch is at a bird loving friend’s home . Kyla was great about, and could be trusted to let her be. Polly had been outside in nature too much for me to expect her to behave that way. As Polly clearly wouldn’t stay with anyone else but me, just ran away from them to come back and find me, I knew her life would be in jeopardy if we didn’t live together. A lone finch is not a happy one, so I feel that I did my best for all involved, and as a bonus was given the tremendous joy that I now have.

  39. Glen from Huntington Beach says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie! Up until 20 years ago or so, the Salton Sea had a thriving population of Corvina in it, a fish that grew very large. (30 lbs. +) I remember many days there catching fish till my arms hurt. The water eventually became too salty for the Corvina to survive, and now there are only millions of Tilapia in the lake.

    A couple of times per summer, the dissolved oxygen content in the lake drops, and there are fish die-offs, that’s when the “dead fish stench” happens.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for the information, Glen. You explained the big die-off I was referring to (Corvina) as well as the regular die-offs that occur in summer. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to camp here during the heat of summer, with or without the smell of dead fish!

  40. Shawna says:

    YIKES! That’s some bill for your fridge repair, but a price you pay for the mobile life, no? Happy to hear you found your old camp unoccupied and available to you. Must be like going home … Looking forward to more from the Salton Sea!

  41. I didn’t read all the comments but that is Mount San Jacinto – one of my favorite of all mountains 🙂 Fun to see my old haunt, Chiraco Summit. Have fun on your beachfront. Bet you get used to the train very quickly!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for naming the mountain for us, Jodee. I’ll take your word for it as this is your part of the country. 🙂

  42. Judy Johnson in upstate S.C. says:

    Whew… what a relief! No updates/postings for me since the day before you were to have your fridge installed. I’ve been like a mother hen, wondering if you were still feeling bad. Finally, just got updated on your site tonight. Anyhow, so enjoying all the latest: wonderful new fridge, Reggie and his cat adventures, getting to read news from all the blogorinos, library return problems (been there/done that with the little slot in the wall that couldn’t be found), and more. I missed checking in and knowing you’re all still around. What did you think of the Clifton series book, Sue?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Judy,

      Thank you for your concern! All is well here….

      I only made it 3/4 of the way through the first of the Clifton series and almost didn’t make it that far. I haven’t figured out if I read the book previously, saw it in movie form, or simply found it too predictable… I knew the plot ahead of time and it was deja vu all over again. Not that I’m super clever… It was familiar! I wouldn’t discourage anyone from reading the series.

  43. Hi Sue
    Salton Sea! One of my favorite stops. The sunsets, the sunrises and the moonrise all seem that much better with the blue water and mountains in the background. We spent one night at the parking lot at the end of the road to the Box Canyon.
    The walk into the Canyon is spectacular, but I would recommend just a day visit. The overnight stay was a little spooky on our ownesome.
    Did you see any paragliders flying from Salton City over the weekend? I think the annual fly in was on the go at Salton City.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sue,

      I know exactly the parking lot you mention, and I understand the spookiness of camping in the canyon. Closed in spaces, rock walls, sound of wind through a canyon, sunset and sunrise blocked from view… For me the “open” places are more appealing.

      The only gliders I’ve seen are the pelicans and gulls. 🙂

  44. Mush says:

    Oh my! I was in the dry camp area behind the museum when you rolled through Saturday 😜 So close!

    We (Teena Kitty and I) left Ehrenberg Friday morning. Stopped in Blythe. Then had a massive tire blow out (big damage changed ALL our plans😫) about 5 miles east of Chiriaco Summit At least that is where we had planned to stop for the night Road service changed out the huge 22.5″ tire and I started the insurance claim process Gads!

    Won’t make it down to the Salton Sea this year. Headed to Vegas for weeks of repair. Enjoy it for us😘

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mush and Teena Kitty…. Are you new here? If so, I send you a hearty welcome to my blog! Sorry to hear you had a blow-out and now are tied down for repairs. The important thing is — you weren’t hurt and you have insurance. Enjoy Vegas! 🙂

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