We’re back!

“RVSue and her canine crew” is back!

Over a week ago Reggie and I leave our camp at Lone Rock, 10 miles west of Page, Utah.

p1140350-001One of the views from our Lone Rock camp

We roll westward on a sunny day.  I’m totally unaware that the blog has been catapulted into the black hole of cyberspace.

At Kanab I pull into a gas station.

After filling the tank of the Perfect Tow Vehicle, I park us in the shade, turn on the Verizon jetpack, and open up the laptop.


The blog was pulled “for maintenance.”

Well, nothing I can do about that now.  We need to find our camp and get settled.

Reggie and I continue westward on Route 89.

We turn left (south) on Hancock Road and return to a former camp, Ponderosa Grove, set among the coral-pink sand dunes.

Soon I’ll post more about our new camp and also about Reggie’s new favorite past-time, zooming on the dunes!

p1140401I owe a big thank you . . .

During this past week a few of my readers contacted Al at Travel with the Bayfield Bunch using his Shoutbox to inquire about this blog.  Al responded with the information he had, even including updates in the text of his blog.

When I’m done with this post, I’m going over there to give him a thank you.  I encourage you to visit Travel with the Bayfield Bunch.  I’ve been reading Al’s blog for years, starting before I sold my house in Georgia.  His photos are outstanding!

p1140403 Another blogger, Micky at onewanderingspirit,  put a notice about this blog in the first paragraph of one of her posts.  Micky is a blogorino who set out on the full-timing life with a Casita and a canine crew (sound familiar?).  Visit her blog.  Always good writing and photos!

Thanks, Al and Micky, and also anyone who helped spread the word that Reggie and I were fine during our absence and that this blog would return.


To all my readers who were concerned, I apologize and thank you for your patience.

It’s good to be back!



p1140416 Reggie, the very happy dune buggy


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255 Responses to We’re back!

  1. Jenny Johnson Manuel says:


  2. Kristi & Daisie (Nampa, ID) says:

    Your MIA status was noted on a few women’s RVing Facebook pages too. Good to have you back. 🙂

  3. Sherry Waldrop says:

    Glad to have you back! Thankful all was well. The Casita Forum was also letting people know you were fine. Enjoy yourself and don’t let any of this bother you.

    • rvsueandcrew says:


      Hi, Sherry . . . . I appreciate the Casita Forum spreading the word. No, I’m not bothered. Stuff happens. 🙂

  4. Donna from Texas now in California says:

    I have been lurking and recently been worried trying to catch up on your blog glad to see you back

  5. Pat from Mich. says:

    Hi! Good to see you back!

  6. Deb D says:

    Good to see you and Reggie ! Such great pics. Reggie is a happy pup !

  7. Sharon Adkisson says:

    I am glad to hear you are fine and back from the black hole of cyberspace! It looks like Reggie really enjoying your current campsite.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Sharon. Yes, Reggie loves it here! He’s meeting lots of canine campers and goes to the “dune zoomerama” every day.

  8. Pat from Mich. says:

    Wandering Spirit wrote that she had talked to you and you were all right, just no internet.

  9. Susie Rollyson says:

    I am so glad your safe and happy. I missed you.

  10. charles brooks says:

    YEA……so glad to see ya’ll back…you made my day

  11. Annie in Oregon says:

    Ahhh! Sigh of relief you are back🙌. Thanks to Mickey for the reassurance that all was okay.

  12. That’s a relief. Kept wondering where you two were. Glad to hear all is well now!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Shawna… Sorry to drop out like that. If I knew more about technology, I might have avoided such a long period offline. Oh well, we’re back!

  13. denimlady in DSM says:

    So glad you’re back & both doing okay! I follow both Micky & Al, so I knew not to worry, but we do anyway! ;o) Good to have my Reginator fix for the day; always makes me smile!

  14. Sheila Melcher says:

    I am so glad you and Reggie are back – we were worried about you!

  15. Dawn in Asheville says:

    So good to have you back! You were both missed 🙂 Exciting news here in your absence. Finally bought my RV!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Congratulations, Dawn!


      Okay, you have to tell us more….. What did you buy?

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Congratulations, Dawn!!!!

      Yes, more details, please!!!! 🙂

    • ApplegirlNY says:

      Good for you! Congrats.

      • Dawn in Asheville says:

        Thank you! You know I’ve been looking for what felt like forever.

        Well, technically I haven’t seen her in person yet. Just have pictures from the Craigslist ad. My guy who’s out in Denver on a job checked it out and did all the legwork. We full-timed eight years ago so I trusted him to ensure she was solid. I won’t see her until Christmas when he brings it home. I had been looking for one of those Toyotas but this one caught my eye. 20ft Mallard on a Dodge Ram truck chassis. Seriously baby bear sized. Not sure you could get smaller and still have a toilet!

        64K, solid, really well designed I feel – I like the larger over cab bed, no leaks, brand new tires, cargo box, hitch (can tow – something the Toyotas really couldn’t) and while I have a couple major expenses ahead (new reefer and truck a/c is out) I got such a great deal that I couldn’t pass it up. Even putting those in I’m still well below the budget I had set. She’s going to be amazing when I’m done with her…soooo excited.

        RV Sue, and everyone here, has always bucked me up when I was feeling that my dream was unreachable. THANK YOU.

    • Krystina McMorrow says:

      Way to go Dawn! Happy to hear you found your RV!!!! 🙂

  16. Donna (Fairview, TN) says:

    Yay, I knew you would find a way back! You were missed!

  17. VictoriaEP says:

    Yay! I’ve missed you and Reggie! I imagine you were even more frustrated than us that you were offline. Looking forward to continued updates.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Victoria . . . . I had a tech team working on the migration of my two blogs (dot net and dot com) to a plan that will allow for growth/increased traffic. The team did a great job. However, there were times when I had to do stuff and, of course, I’d hit a snag. So I’d contact the team and have to wait for a response before trying again. It required a lot of patience! Glad that’s over…

  18. Susan in Dallas says:

    Ah, that infamous “black hole of cyberspace”, I know it well. As a former computer teacher I spent a lot of time there. Whenever we had our district department meetings our director would begin her presentation, and inevitably, some technical error would occur. At least she had a whole auditorium of folks who could troubleshoot! Never failed to make us all laugh. That photo of Reggie peering in that hole is priceless!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Susan,

      That reminds me of my teaching days. Same thing would happen during in-service meetings…

      I like that photo, too. I think Reggie is listening to the occupant!

  19. Pat in Rochester says:

    Yeaaa! phew. hugs.

  20. Martha in PA says:

    Thanks Sue for telling us where else to look when the blog goes down. Hopefully that will never happen again.

  21. Deb from NJ says:

    Welcome back!

  22. Renee Galligher - Idaho says:

    Most definitely it’s GREAT to have Sue and Reggie back! I love that last photo of Reggie, after the others with him zooming, he looks like one plum tuckered out puppy!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Renee,

      I wondered if Reggie’s exhaustion would come through that photo. He was very “tuckered out” after racing up those dunes several times, turning and flying down, zooming in circles… That sand is tough to walk in — It’s deep and very fine. Yet Reggie ran in it!

      • Renee Galligher - Idaho says:

        Hi Sue. Thank you for responding. I clicked on the Ponderosa Grove link you included and saw that you were there two years ago around this same time and with only Bridget after losing Spike earlier. What a beautiful little campground and either Happy Birthday or soon to be Birthday! What a celebration to have. Bless you and little Reggie poo.

  23. Whooo Hooo Sue and Reggie are back, glad to see that Dune Buggy Reggie love’s the great camp you’re in and love the post,,,, have a great week and stay safe,,, Rusty n Piper

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Rusty and Piper… You have a great, safe week, too. I hope your health is good, Rusty.

      • My flutter in my heart and blood pressure is doing well as the meds are regularting them all and the wound on my leg is healing really good, says the wound Spellilest at the VA. But the rashes are still giving me a lot of itching and I’m still broke out all over and my body is flaking and peeling because of the reaction to the iv meds and I have a lot of allergies to the meds that were given to me back in the week of the 13th to the 16th of September, which put my body in shock thus caused my heart to go haywire and my blood pressure to rise, then gave me back powerful meds to lower my pressure to low as 88 over 55 over 78, I all most died right there, but now my BP is 123/78/70,,, I quit smoking and I’m doing better so far,,,,

  24. Dawn in NC says:


  25. Welcome back Sue! Nice pics, glad to see some photos of the Reginator in action! 🙂

  26. Dawn in NC says:


  27. Pam and Maya, Still in NY says:

    So relieved that you and Reggie are back! These are great photos of the Reginator, he sure loves those dunes!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pam and Maya….. As soon as Reggie put his paws on that soft sand he went crazy! Such fun to watch him having fun…

  28. LoupGarou says:

    Glad everything is sorted. I plan to spend at least Xmas at our favorite site near Why. Don’t beat me to it.

  29. Robin B (Oregon) says:

    SO glad you have returned. We were returning home from Arizona via Utah and I realized I hadn’t seen any updates for a while. I checked your blog for what you did in Southern Utah and couldn’t access it. Then I worried.

    Anyway, glad you are back and wish I could have read about your experiences in the Bluff/Blanding area before driving through there! We ended up taking the wrong road to Canyonlands (wanted the Needles canyon overlook and ended up on other Needles access by Newspaper Rock, which was loooong but stunning beautiful). And also glad to know we didn’t miss much by not taking the side trip to Goblin Valley SP. S Utah is quite beautiful and would love to return and do more exploring.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Robin,

      I know the long road you’re talking about. I think that’s the road I took when we left Newspaper Rock…. Goblin Valley State Park is interesting. One of my favorite boondocks is nearby in the San Rafael Reef…

      I’m sorry my blog wasn’t available when you wanted it for trip info! You went through some beautiful country…

  30. Larry M from the Pac NW says:

    I’m glad to see you’re back Sue! I tried to access Amazon from your blog site a half dozen times during this time, but of course, no go. Maybe you should have a back up site for such things?

    Best wishes. Larry

    • Ann in Washington says:

      What I did was click on Amazon from Sue’s blog, and then bookmark that link. Now I shop from Amazon through the bookmark, and it always counts for Sue.



      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Thanks, Ann. Sometime, when you shop again and if you don’t mind, let me know something you ordered and the date so I can check to see if I’m getting credit.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Larry… Best wishes to you, too.

      I’m still stinging from the cost of upgrading and you’re suggesting another blog? Another site to maintain and drive me crazy? Ha!

      Thanks for trying to shop Amazon from my blog. As you can guess, my sales were down the toilet all week long.

  31. Your blog is my “campground reading program”, and also when I catch up since I’m always behind. I had 2 back-to-back weekends at my favorite COE. I had to actually buy a book! lol So glad you’re back. I’m still reading back in June anyway, after a trip to China when I got really behind.

  32. Carla in North Texad says:

    Glad you are back. I read on Al’s blog that you were ok. Glad Reggie is having some fun!

  33. Ladybug in Mid-Tenn says:

    And there was much rejoicing in the land!!


  34. ALadyinKansas says:

    So glad you are back! You were greatly missed.

  35. Retiredcajunlady says:

    Welcome back to cyberbloggerland, Sue! Love the pics of Reggie on the dunes. That pup sure knows how to have a good time. Take care. Belly rubs, hugs, and prayers for you both…well, only Reggie gets the belly rubs!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re right, Retiredcajunlady — Reggie does know how to have a good time. He had me running down the dunes, too, slipping and sliding… When we got home again, I emptied orange sand out of my shoes…

  36. So happy you are back. I usually read Al’s blog but haven’t over the last week or so. We have missed you.

  37. Renee (Datil/North Ranch) says:

    We’ve been on the road since last Sat morning, en route from Montana to NM. Although we knew you were at Lone Rock, it was a bit disconcerting to click on your web page & get a message (forgot what it read). And to add even more concern — that old posts were gone. Yikes! Glad to hear all is well. And forgive my bad memory in my comment to your entry a couple posts ago when I mentioned Best Friends. I totally did NOT remember that you had been there before. I wasn’t exactly helpful in my suggestion, was I?

    Welcome back! I missed you.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Renee…. Hey, no problem about forgetting old posts. I’ve actually had an experience of forgetting a road we were on before. I’m rolling along, looking around — Hey, this looks familiar….

      Wishing you a safe and enjoyable trip to NM with good weather all the way…

  38. Peggy says:

    Sue and Reggie, Glad you are up and running again!!!! Missed both of you and the blog. Glad everything is ok.

  39. frenchinvegas says:

    So glad you’re back and doing OK. Been sending good vibes your way:)

  40. Sandi Stewart says:

    Glad to hear all is well and you’re back! I was elated when I read one wandering spirit blog and found an update there the other day. What a relief.

  41. Dave Stewart (in missouri for now) says:

    Glad you are Back!! You and Sir Reggie were missed.

  42. Linda Hughes NC says:

    Great to hear from you RVSue!! Give Reggie Man a hug!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Great to hear from you, too, Linda. Little Reggie Man has been very patient with me while I’ve been online all morning. He’s lying in his bed next to me with a long face. I’m going to leave blogorinoland for a while and give him some attention, including a hug from you!

  43. Elaine from BC says:

    Yaay. Now I can resume my “morning coffee and catching up with Sue” routine. I knew it had to be a tech glitch because your blog just disappeared. Still I worried, it must have been hard for you to be cut off like that, so unceremoniously.

    While you were away ..finally, picked up the new and improved travel mobile. On the road to Arizona in December as soon as we get it built out. Exciting times! M is keeping a blog about her design and build here . http://truckcamperdesignandbuild.blogspot.ca. She’s the brains, I’m the brawn and consultant.

  44. Wheelingit says:

    So glad all is ok. Several people contacted me and I referred them to Al’s blog where you said you’d be offline for a while. I also sent a personal note, but I’m sure you were overwhelmed. Hope the blog repair process wasn’t too painful.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Nina,

      Thanks for the referrals. I haven’t seen the email you sent me. I bet you sent it to the email address I no longer use. I’ll go look for it.

  45. ValGal (westernWA) says:

    Whew! I was worried, what with your recent loss and the problem with the PTV awhile ago. Glad to hear you and the Reg are ok. Hope it wasn’t too much of a pain to get the blog running again. I always say tech is a four letter word.

    Looks like a nice camp.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, ValGal,

      I think this blog fiasco was more trouble for my readers than for me! I’m glad it’s over. Sorry to worry you. Yes, this is a good camp which is why we returned here.

  46. Marilu in Rome says:

    A couple days ago I did some Google searching and learned you were only in a cyber hole; not a real hole. Still I’m very relieved to know you are up and running. I look forward to reading about your adventures and it’s just not right when you are gone.
    P.S. We’re really getting into higher math now!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Marilu…. Are you in Rome Rome? Or Rome, Georgia…. 🙂

      After reading your comment, I opened up CAPTCHA and eliminated multiplication questions. 🙂

      • Marilu in Rome says:

        I was in Rome, Italy but I’m now in Northern California. I forgot to change it. It probe doesn’t hurt us to dust off our multiplication facts.😁

  47. Dawn in MI says:

    Very happy that you and Reggie are ok. The pink dunes are amazing.

  48. Linda Rose, Muffin, Murphy, Molly & Midgy in Carmichael, CA says:

    Yahoo!! I’m sooo glad you’re back. I still got a message a few minutes ago that your site wasn’t working so thought I’d try again and I got in!!! I wonder if you realize how much you are missed when we don’t hear from you. Again, YAHOO!!! Now to read the post.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I can tell from all these wonderful comments that the blog was missed. Very good feeling to know my readers won’t abandon me the way it looked like I abandoned them (you)! 🙂

  49. Judith says:

    So glad your back! I missed you and Reggie. Happy tails.

  50. Jan Johnson says:

    So good to see you back! I was trying not to be worried and to assume it was a computer thing, but glad to know that’s all it was!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jan….. Not only was there work to be done on the blog hosting, also my computer signal drops or weakens sometimes, plus….. my keyboard gets cranky and it’s an add-on computer after the original keyboard died of coffee drowning. I need to buy a back-up computer pronto!

  51. Jack McManigal says:

    Welcome back! U were missed!

  52. Cat Lady, still stuck at home in Central, Alana. says:

    It’s wonderful to have our favorite blogger back! You both were missed. Now we can rest easy.

    Cat Lady

    • Cat Lady, still stuck at home in Central, LA says:

      Central, Alana. (?). …where did that come from and where’s it near? My fingers have gotten where they type the strangest things.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        That’s supposed to be Alabama, right? Well, at least you’re here! 🙂

        • Cat Lady says:

          No, Sue, it’s actually Louisiana. My fingers have gotten to where they inadvertently touch something and it either types the word or takes me to another site. Than I’ve got to try to back up enough to the spot I was before I whangied the keys.

          Cat Lady

  53. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Thank Goodness!
    Sherry and I were worried (we are Rollin Oldies friends) and I even got off my duff and wrote Kristyna which was nice to catch up! We missed you!!!

    Glad you are A-OK!

    Hugs from Hoquiam,

  54. The Zoo says:

    Glad you are back and ok. I was worried. I kept trying to search for something, even in Facebook land.

  55. Tawnya says:

    I’m glad your back ! I love you !

  56. Sandy Riley says:

    So happy you are back. I automatically figured it was something on my end; what can I say? Anyway, just know that you and Reggie were missed.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Sandy…. You sound like me. Something not right with the computer and I’m going “NOW what did I do!”

  57. Rick & Brock the Dog, WA says:

    Hi Sue,
    Brock and I are so happy you and Reggie are ok. I was just about to start sending out requests to other RV bloggers to check on you two. I figured either the blog host went down or someone hijacked your domain. Very glad things have gotten ironed out. Good to have you two back.

  58. Ginger Davies says:

    Hi Sue, so glad you are back in business with your blog. I don’t comment any more (I feel like I am repeating everything that everyone else says) but I read every post. I love all your photos and you crack me up with your commentary on them.
    Ginger D from Las Vegas Nevada

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ginger D!

      Thanks re the photos. I’m happy to see you here and hope you will stop by more often. I know you have lots to offer. You know we talk about all kinds of stuff — important stuff like what we ate for supper. Ha!

  59. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    OK, I can breathe again – you’re really back. I had no clue to check the Casita Forum or Bayfield Bunch or One Wandering Spirit. Next time (hopefully a l—o—n—g time from now) you end up in a cyberhole, I’ll know where to check. Honestly, I considered lying about your age and putting out an Amber Alert for you two!!! Looking forward to hearing about how you spent the week. OMG – I just looked at the math probem – we’re doing multiplication now? What’s next? Trig? Calculus? Then I’ll really be in trouble 🙁

  60. Deena in Phoenix, AZ says:

    Miss Mollie and I are so happy to see you today…I did go to other sites to search for info and was relieved to see their notices to the Blogorinos. You have a created a wonderful world that cares about you and Reggie. I for one am very glad.

    Happy to know that your maintenance is completed; knowing that you enjoyed your life as you find it…with joy and lots of Reggie watching

    Deena and Miss Mollie

  61. Rachel Smith says:

    Too much fun, running under the sun!! Lol. One of these days he and Macha will need to meet! Glad your back, Gal. Take care, talk at ya soon!

  62. Kim in TX says:

    So glad that you’re back and to see all is ok. You were missed (obviously given the number of responses up there)!!!


  63. Chey (WA coast) says:

    Welcome back! Oh, thank goodness! It was Bob Wells who I reached out to along with Becky @ Interstellar Orchard. I am so relieved all is well. What happened? Are you so loved that our numbers crushed the thing we love? Big hug for you and big belly rubs for the dune racer.

  64. Bob Miller says:

    Love that last pic of Reggie!!!

  65. Marieta says:

    Welcome Back – we missed you. I was getting worried but didn’t quite know what to do about it. My imagination was getting the better of me – we don’t want to go there, lol. Happy Birthday. I don’t remember what day but I remember it being in October and that I am 1 month older than you. We are just children with many miles to go yet. Give Reggie a hug from us.

  66. So glad to have you and Reggie back. You were missed here in Horn Lake

  67. Donna n Girls says:

    Sue, I’m glad you’re back, I’m glad we’re all back!
    I’m looking forward to hearing about the new camp, the girls and I stayed at Jacobs lake last year and while there went to see the dunes. Beautiful. Love the pictures of Reggie, what a happy boy.

  68. Guy says:

    Glad your back, like a lot of others, I was worried about ya’ll.

  69. Carolyn H in AZ says:

    Yea! So glad you are back. Reggie is so cute running on the dunes!

  70. Cinandjules (in da zone) says:

    What? 102 posts already? Welcome back! I must say I checked several times a day and did go over to Al’s to see if you checked in!
    Good to see Reg Man zooming around like a banshee! The look on his face is so silly!
    Have a great day!

  71. So great to see you back! I use to follow a recipe blogger that simply disappeared and I have often wondered what happened to her. I still feel a loss because she shared a lot about her growing family – then suddenly nothing more. So now her followers are left to wonder what happened. Did she die? Did she tire of blogging? Did she become ill???? Just left on the unknown.
    We know that you love your blogorinos and would not willingly leave us in the same manner, but your recent absence caused plenty of us to become concerned. So relieved that you and Reggie are okay. We missed you.

  72. Gene in Ohio says:

    I missed your posts. Glad to see the Reginator and you are on full speed.

  73. Jan NH says:

    So glad to see you back…went through RVSUE withdrawals while you were away. Also glad all is well!

    I wasn’t as successful as others in checking other sites on a status….I must have somehow missed it on Bayfield’s. Just happy you are back!

    Can’t wait to hear about Reggie’s new ‘thing’ on the dunes!

  74. I knew you were gone and wasn’t worried since I figured there must be a good reason but I didn’t know that anyone, even from your server site, could pull your blog for maintenance without letting you know when and why. Were you upgrading something and they just didn’t tell you how long they would take or when they would do it? How dare they? They must not realize who you are.

  75. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    I have not had time to read all the comments here. Your site has been down for me most of the day. I got you email notification, but it would not open. I went to every site I knew of to see if they had anything about you, but I did not have any of the sites that were listed in the first few comments here. I am so glad you are back. I had just decided that you had started a new life away from the blog, since Bridgett was gone. I was so excited to see you email today. Soooooo glad to have you back. I know that keeping up with this site is time comsuming. I is probably a lot like having a job and you are supposed to be retired. I love your story today and Reggie looks wonderful. Welcome back from a great big fan.

  76. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    YAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Glad you are back up and running!! Glad that Reggie is running too! Sweet dog, looks like he always has fun. Those red dunes remind me of the clay we have here in Mississippi

    You will be busy getting us up to date!!
    Love you and sending hugs!

  77. Susan vlastelica says:

    First I thought it was me that made you be away for maintenance! Happy you and The Reggie Man are back!

  78. Ilse says:

    I’m glad “you” are back, Sue. I have enough to worry about without you disappearing into cyber space.😆😘

  79. MnDreamer says:

    So glad you are back, safe and sound. I thought of you and Reggie every day. 🙂

  80. Sswhew!! You made my ‘lil ole heart go pitter-patter when I saw “We’re back!” Glad the CyberGod’s decided you needed to be hear!

    P.S. Please stop making the entry problems so difficult!! You know, new math and stuff. B|

  81. Rover Ronda (WA) says:

    Yay! I’m glad you’re back too. Missed you terribly 😞

  82. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Welcome back, Sue!!!!

    I missed you, Reggie and the blogorino family! I was in touch with cinandjules; Cindy was able to ease my mind (thanks again!). What a pain – you must have felt like pulling your hair out. So very sorry that you had to deal with that!

    Is your Amazon link in working order? I held off ordering a few things, patiently waiting for your return. I will let you know what and when I place the order so you can verify that everything is kosher.

    Sending you and cute Reggie extra love and hugs!!!! We missed you dearly!!! xxxooo 🙂

  83. Love those pix of Reggie in the Zoomies! Zoomies are so funny!

    Sorry you’ve had a struggle with your site. My little blog was hacked once, and the people who hosted it wouldn’t help me fix the problem. I didn’t know what the heck to do. So, I just set it up on another server. Problem was, all of my photos and graphics had URLs that referred to the old server. I had to go in and edit every dang reference. It’s a HUGE job. I eventually just gave up and eliminated the earliest pages. It was an unsatisfactory solution, but I got so burned out on it that my blog never really recovered. I pretty much ignore it now. I was so hoping you wouldn’t have the same outcome. 🙂

    I knew the outage would hurt your sales, so I held off on a big purchase, which I entered as soon as I could click your link. I hope things are back to normal for you real soon.

    Looking forward to more tales from the road.

  84. AZ Jim says:

    WOW!!!! Wouldn’t just know it! Days of checking almost hourly and it was still down and today I had to take Detta to an appointment and I get home and here I am. Not only am I not first, I am so far down the line it’s not worth counting, BUT my favorite blog is back and I can catch up with Missy and Reggie so this ole guy is happy and Detta will be too when I tell her. I am doin a happy dance. NEVER allow this to happen again Missy!!!!!! *Happy Huggggg*

    • Cinandjules (in da zone) says:

      And word on the slow healing of your fracture?

      • AZ Jim says:

        I am still not healed.. I took a MRI to see why but I don’t know what it showed and won’t till I go back on the 25th. I don’t want to bug them before then so I’ll wait it out. Still in a very restrictive brace. I am getting tired of it too. Thanks for your concern…I appreciate it.

        • Cinandjules (in da zone) says:

          If that’s you off of N Reems…..you are not far from us! If you or Detta need something let me know…we drive past there daily!

          I’ve got your numbah…….👮

  85. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    The holidays are around the corner, blogorinos. Place your Amazon orders through Sue’s link now – then you can sit back and enjoy while others panic!! 🙂

    • Cinandjules (in da zone) says:

      Gracie pup just emailed me and said she would like toys without stuffing!
      They are called Skinneeez.

      Here is the email:
      Dear Cinandjules,
      It’s me Gracie Pup. My tooth is all healed and I can no longer chew on Nylabones. What is the name of the dog toys with no stuffing? My mom was trying to figure out what to buy on Amazon and I didn’t know the correct name to tell her!
      Thanks Gracie Pup

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        That sneaky little girl! She must have been surfing the web on the iPad while I was sorting laundry! What was she looking at? Pictures of the dashing Reggie! Thank you for the info – I will definitely look for those toys. She has a stuffed owl toy that one of my sisters gave her last Christmas. She popped the squeaker, but “Miss Owl” has survived. Since her oral surgery, she now wants her friend to snuggle with in her crate; her equivalent of a comforting security blanket. 🙂

        If I see any unusual activity on my Amazon account, I will know who to blame! If only I could teach Gracie pup to dial 911 in case of an emergency! 🙂

  86. weather says:

    Hi, Sue, Gosh it’s nice to be able to type that on here again 🙂 Quite the busy day you’ve had on your laptop- putting a post together and replying to everyone’s comments. We blogorinos keenly felt your absence and now little Reggie may be. Did he visibly seem to enjoy having more of you to himself while the blog was down? I imagine you are more at peace with the blog’s problems having been solved. I hope you rest well when you settle in later this evening. I’ll still be smiling when I do, about how glad I am for you , myself and all of us that our normal sweet gathering place is back!

  87. Mick'nTN says:

    Very happy to see you back RvSue & Duneanator. To see if your Amazon was working while you were off line check for a Lithonia LED entry light $42. I used a book-marked link.

  88. Alane in Durango Colorado says:

    Ahhhhhh! Such a relief to have you back. I so rely on reading this blog to keep my goals clearly in mind as I work my way through my remaining 20 months of employment.

  89. Paula in Indiana says:

    Welcome back, Sue! Missed you. That Reggie is such a character. I sure I wish I had half his energy 🙂

  90. Marcia GB in MA says:

    I wasn’t worried because I saw Micky’s note on her post. But it sure is good to have you back!

  91. Linda-NC says:

    Yippee-Sue and Reggie are back. I have missed your antics. I had to check around and find out what was going on and did, but still checked everyday to see if you were back up. Reggie is certainly a little nut. Belly rubs for him and a thanks for being back for you! Nice pics! Have a great evening and know that your blogorinos will never forget you.

  92. Virginia620 (Mobile AL) says:

    I tried to join the Casita forum to see if I could find out any word about your hiatus (;~). Never received the email with registration confirm link so gave up.
    I also started reading the Bayfield Bunch blog on Sept 25th hoping to garner any info about your absence but didn’t see anything in what I read. Thru you .com blog rereading I found Julia in Mexico and started reading yours and her blogs from their beginnings. So glad you’re back!
    We’re not going to Fall Creek Falls in TN. All booked up. But we’re leaving Saturday headed to No. GA Mountain campground in Hiawassee, GA to enjoy fall leaf colors. EXCITED! Hitch itch will get some relief. 😁

    • Geri says:

      We have friends workamping in Hiawassee GA somewhere, maybe you will end up in their campground…. they are Bill and Jill and worth a shout out! Have fun!

  93. Lisa, Tommie and Buddy in NJ says:

    Boy am I glad to hear from you! I was getting worried, but you have landed right side up so many times I was confident you would be back. Tonight is our last night at Mom and Dad’s. Tomorrow we head west for my brother’s burial, then south for the winter.

  94. Shelley in California says:

    Glad all is okay I was worried.

  95. Pamela Avery says:

    So happy to have you back. Glad things are well with both you and Reggie.

  96. Geri says:

    WOW to all the responses already! We all needed our RVSue fix! Glad to see you back!

  97. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Hi Sue,

    I am so glad you are back!! I was gone for a week camping, came home ready to catch up and you were down. After a few days I even asked in our RV group on Facebook if anyone knew anything and we did get some of this information and we were spreading that news in our group also.

  98. Linda Esoll says:

    So relieved you are back!! I inquired on Facebook “Casita Owners “, and someone replied that you were fine and you would be back, but I was still worried! It seemed so long…Whew!

  99. Sue, You were sure missed. At first I got worried but I found out after searching, Micky had written about you being off line and you were fine and would return. I am a happy camper.
    sharon from Fl.

  100. Monica-CA says:

    So glad that you and Reggie are well and back!

  101. Mel from North Texas says:

    Welcome back to you & the Reggie-man… Thought I was going crazy – checked each day and then VOILA! Here you are again – Yipppeee! Know you were missed..

  102. Beth, currently in Congress, AZ says:

    I’m SO GLAD YOU’RE BACK!! I’ve missed you, your blog, but most of all I was worried about you and Reggie!! *sigh* I can quit worrying!

    The last 4 months for me have been hellacious and it’s still that way. I look forward to someday having something good to report but it’s not quite there yet.

    I’m just so happy and grateful you’re back online! Yay!!!!

  103. Rose in Houston says:

    Hurray! I’ve missed your wit, your writing and your adventures.

  104. Colleen/Maryland says:

    OH !!!! I have missed you so000o…. Glad you both are doing OKAY !!!!

  105. Chris B and Diego says:

    Hi Sue – Glad to see that you are back! Reggie looks so happy running around those dunes. He’s definitely smiling in the last picture.


  106. MelindaK (TX) says:

    Welcome back!!! Great photos of Reggie. I would love to have some of his energy. I knew you would be back just not sure when. I had looked for info on Al’s blog while you were gone, but did not find it. I kept myself busy reading your past post and comments I have made it to May 2013. It’s great to be able to read from the beginning. Oh, you coming back on my birthday is a nice present😀. Thank you!

  107. Mary Batt says:

    Hey Sue,
    I, too, am glad you are back. Are you getting tired of hearing that? That is it simply…glad you are back. It had gotten to the point that I did not even want to look to see if your were back because it was such a disappointment when I got the ‘Maintenance’ message…glad you are back. Funny how your absence left me at such a dead end…crazy! I am still perplexed at that!! I did google other camper blogs to try to fill that ‘dry spot’ (‘void’ is too dramatic!) These pix of Reg, sights and light are some of your best…Thanks for that! Happy trails!

  108. Heda says:

    Yay, so glad you and the Reggie boy are back.

  109. We were worried, but very happy to be connected again. Love the Reggie dune buggy photo.

  110. Chuck says:

    OK…call me strange…terribly worried about a person and a puppy that I’ve never met, but that’s the way it is. Checked every day, sometimes even two or three times, to see if RV Sue was online…to no avail. So pleased that the two of you are safe and taking nourishment. Good karma from your friend in chilly Minnesota!

  111. Krystina McMorrow says:

    Yikees!!!! I was worried until I read Mickey’s blog and saw that you were in the dead zone. Phew. Barb from Hoquim (sp) emailed me to see if I knew what was up and I was able to tell her. Soooo happy to hear from her and catch up. Love the pics of Reggie. Stay safe RVSue! 🙂

  112. MB from VA says:

    YAY! So glad you are back….and from the amount of scrolling I had to do to post this….so are a lot of other folks! Can’t wait to read about the dunes! Glad you are OK.
    Getting cool here. Just shut the farm pool down for the last time and am preparing for my last fall here. It is a beautiful place and I have been very happy here. But it’s just “time”. Love from VA! MB, Wyndy and Bella

  113. Sabine Seidel says:

    I am so happy that you and Reggie are back and that you guys are ok. Missed you two. Looking forward to read your posts again. Thank you Sue for share you are a treasure!

  114. Laurie in NC says:

    I am so glad you are back and loved the post! Reggie is such a cutie! Looking forward to more adventures!
    We survived Hurricane Matthew and now facing flooding in Eastern NC. We lost power for a few days, but got it back last night! It was so quiet in the neighborhood after all the generators were silenced.

  115. Dawn from Camano Island says:

    Good morning Sue & Reg! Welcome back. We were pretty much off the grid for a couple of weeks while on the Oregon Coast–I kept checking & you were still lost in the ether. Reg sure looks as if he’s having fun–the last photo of him is just adorable. Reading your blog closely for future travel tips–we have relied so very much on your blog over the years. Thank you for your detailed descriptions & gorgeous photos!

    My brother Kim & I have been visiting our 87-yo Mom this week. We’ve had such a good time. I’m going home to Jim & Ari this morning–will have a rainy drive home but will miss the forecast heavy, nearly cyclone high, winds forecast for tomorrow. El Nino & La Nina have most definitely left the neighborhood!

    Take good care, Sue. Hugs to you & ear skritches to Reg!

  116. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Like everyone else, I am so glad you are back. Your blog is always a happy place in my day. I love all the scenic views and the seeing Reggie and all his antics.
    He and Angel looks so much alike. He was my inspiration to look a JR mix. However, Reggie is much more active than Angel. She loves being outside, visiting with people and kids and she likes to run, but I am a little to old for that. She really doesn’t know how to entertain herself, except for socks. I have bought so many toys and tried to play with her and get her interested, but nothing after a day or 2.

  117. Nancy S says:

    So glad you’re ok. I was one who contacted Al and he was such a great person to email me back. Very nice guy. Glad you and Reggie are doing well. I’m still sad about Bridgett, she was such a sweetheart, but what a memory book you have thanks to this blog. Love to Reggie.

  118. Connie & Mugsy (AZ and MN) says:

    Good to see the two of you back here. I couldn’t get into the Casita forum to check on you, but found the message on the Bayfield’s blog. Forced me to make an Amazon order without you getting credit. Sorry…

    Mugsy and I will be heading for Arizona tomorrow. Will take me about a week wandering through the driveways of a few friends along the way.

  119. Cindy in OR says:

    YAY, so relieved to know that all is well with you and the Reggie Man!

  120. Kitt, NW WA says:

    Sue and Reggie,
    So glad you two are back and have everything all straightened out! You were missed.
    There is nothing like sand between the toes to get a dog into rocket mode! Riley, like Reggie, loves running full tilt through the sand, any sand anywhere! Love the photos of your Rocket Dog!
    We are battening down the hatches here in the PNWest as we are expecting big storms to roll through for the next few days. High winds and inches of rain will get us back into late fall/winter weather.

  121. Diann in MT says:

    YIPPEE! You’re back, Sue!

    Now, just don’t ever do that again! 😊

  122. BadgerRickInWis says:

    So glad to have you back. I did see the update that Mickey posted so I wasn’t too worried just assumed it was computer demons.

    That last shot of Reggie might be my ATF of him. Red rock sand and such a big smile. It really captures all of the energy in that little dynamo of love.

  123. So glad to see you back, Sue. We are on the road near Kayenta. Meeting up with family on Sunday. Been on the road a week and loving it!

  124. A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

    First header without the rig in it? Nice capture! Very ‘reflective’.

    As others mentioned, rather nervous with the combination of heavy rain for 8+ days and 30 – 70 mph winds that make prime conditions to uproot the tallest of trees. When down, the base sits taller than a two story house. So glad the temps are not freezing yet. It’s a good time for snuggling with my fur-buddy while getting into a good tome. I like that he can sleep through a storm but wakes up when I open the fridge.

    Wish I was there.

  125. Michelle Pickett says:

    Glad the blog is back – I’ve never been more worried about someone I have never met in my entire life. 🙂

  126. Linda Sand (Minnesota) says:

    To show how widely you were missed your absence caused an inquiry on the Escapee’s forum, too. I’m married to a tech guy so I wasn’t AS worried as others but still…

  127. Gary and Cindy says:

    So glad you two are back! It seemed like an awful long maintenance schedule but that’s because we missed you guys.

  128. rvsueandcrew says:


    Wow! Well over 200 comments! And every single message is kind. Thank you for missing us when the blog was down and for caring enough to write, letting me know.

    I fully intended to write a post today. Really, I did! First thing this morning my keyboard turns on me. I couldn’t even type a good morning comment. First chance I get, I’m buying another computer! I don’t want to buy another plug-in keyboard like I’m using now.

    After breakfast I take Reggie for a long walk and the rest of the day I’m socializing with fellow campers. I know, that’s SO not like me!

    Reggie and I had another long and pleasant walk this afternoon. With Bridget gone, we walk farther and more often — two long walks (or dune-zooms) and two short walks every day. The weather is perfect and it’s beautiful here.

    I can tell a post is not going to happen until tomorrow. I don’t want to appear ungrateful for your loyalty and kind words, but I’ve learned that when I don’t have the energy to post, there’s no use me trying!

    Thinking of you folks in the Pacific Northwest — Hope the storm passes without causing you problems or harm.

    Bye for now,

    • weather says:

      It’s nice to read that being tired from enjoying your day is all that prevented you from posting. In case that happens again today, Happy Birthday tomorrow! I hope besides cottonwood tree leaves sending you lovely wishes something as beautiful as your new header photo presents itself to you.

  129. Cat Lady still stuck in Central, La. says:

    10/14: Happy Birthday, Sue, and many, many more. Hope you have a wonderful day.

  130. What? Me worry???? Glad you two are back among us once again. Must have been so frustrating to me disconnected. Was good to get the update from Al – it’s an amazing community, this blogger world of ours :-))) Dog zoomies in the sand are the best.

  131. kgdan from Wapato, WA says:

    Happy Birthday, Sue! May this be the start of another glorious year.

  132. AZ JIM says:

    I didn’t know about your birthday but now that I do, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! A fellow Libra. No wonder I understand and like ya. Best wishes to you Missy!

  133. JazzLoverWMa says:

    Welcome back you two. Do you get the impression that you were missed? Like many others I’d check a few times each day growing more irked the longer you were not able to communicate with us. Not at you but at those who have the ability to do that and not even let you know. Grrrrr! OK, so I took a page from your book and just waited and here you and the dune zoomer are, back with us. You are correct, Reggie was put on this earth to remind us to smile. He deserves a raise! Happy Birthday to you Sue. Be Well,

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