A new boondock in southern Arizona! And a favor please.

Wednesday, March 7

Boondock near Benson, Arizona (Photo taken shortly after arrival, March 7, 2018)

From our overnight camp in Gila Bend, the crew and I travel east on Interstate 8 through the Sonoran Desert National Monument.  Traffic is light.

At Casa Grande we merge onto Interstate 10.

Its southeasterly direction takes us to Tucson.  Its lunchtime and there’s more traffic on this six-lane section.   Continuing southeast, we arrive at Mountain View where our direction turns due east, taking us to Benson.

We exit the interstate and find a lovely boondock in the grasslands.

The first thing I do . . .

Before positioning the Best Little Trailer where I want it, I clip Reggie and Roger to their leashes and take them for a scout around the area.   They have a lot of pent-up energy, even though we stopped for a couple, brief walk-arounds during the drive here.

Next I set out my camp chair.

“Here.  Have a drink,” I suggest, setting out their water dish. “I’m going to take a little break before setting up.”

It’s peaceful here.  We could stay for two weeks.  There’s  a Wal-Mart and Safeway nearby and lots of services in Benson.  The boys can run around.  Yeah, this is perfect for us!

I need a favor.

Usually I give a detailed description of the location of our boondocks.  I often explain exactly how to drive to the secluded spot where we’ve made our home.  I share our good fortune, knowing there is a risk involved, because many of you seek this information.

Frequent readers of this blog know not to visit or even to drive by. I’m bringing it up again because at this camp it’s especially important that my desire for privacy be known and taken seriously.

I suspect that a lot of my readers are in the Benson area right now.  It’s a common place to stop to get off the interstate.  The large Escapees RV co-op is here, in addition to commercial RV parks.

You may recognize where we are camped.

You may have boondocked here yourself.  The favor I need is this:  If you recognize the landscape around our camp and figure out our location, please do not reveal it on the internet.

At some point you might be tempted to say to someone, “Hey, let’s go see if RVSue is camped where we think she is.  C’mon!  It’ll be a fun drive!”

Please don’t.  

I’m letting the crew run around off-leash because very few vehicles go by.  Please help keep it that way, okay?  Thank you!

Thursday, March 8

Say what you will about Wal-Mart, the place is a comfort for this full-time traveler who’s often in unfamiliar towns.  I see the big blue sign and I know what the inventory will be.  I find every item on my shopping list.

Returning to camp, the Best Little Trailer coming into view always gives me a happy feeling.

You can see from the photo (above) that this campsite is very similar to the one we recently enjoyed at Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge. (See February 2018 post:  “Treasures at Buenos Aires NWR boondock, AZ.“)

Waving grass.  View of a mountain.  A level and easy loop around a few mesquite trees. Peace and quiet.  Solitude.

In the photo (above) the dirt road is to the left, out of frame.  The dirt road on the right is a narrow, spur road.

I positioned the BLT so the boys’ tether won’t get tangled around the mesquite trees.

Friday, March  9   

An enjoyable day at camp! We have only one neighbor and he’s quite far away, perched on a low ridge.  See zoomed-in photo below.

Our campsite is nice.  His is better.  That’s one reason I don’t put out the blue mat.

Maybe he’ll leave soon.

Saturday, March 10

I’ve fallen behind on my blog posts.  This morning I’m determined to put one together. While I’m making links to Amazon (Usually that’s the first thing I do when starting a post, kinda’ like a warm-up exercise.), I see the tan trailer go by.

“He’s leaving!”

I snap the laptop shut and hurry to pack up, hitch up, and move camp.  I hurry because it’s Saturday and someone else could show up.

I want that site!

Well, we settle into the campsite — Love it! — and the blog post isn’t written.  

Oh, well . . .

Instead, I let Reggie and Roger run loose!

Photographing their fun is entertainment for me and seeing them run is a joy.

These photos were taken before I set up the outdoor room.

Weary from consecutive days of travel, I pace myself.  Instead of putting down and staking the blue mat, I toss the crew’s two big pillows on the ground.  This tells them we’re home.  I’ll do the outdoor room tomorrow.

What happy pups they are!

Besides having a large, open play area for a front yard, a rarely used, two-track lane is handy for our walks.

One of the first thing Roger does is find an old bone!

Here he is, holding it between his paws while chomping away and keeping an eye on Reggie that warns, “Don’t you dare!”

I have to trust Roger will chew the pieces well.  There’s no way he would let me take it away from him.

Okay then, be fully dog . . . . 

When finished, Reggie invites him to play.

The weather pattern here is cool mornings, warm by mid-morning and into early afternoon, wind and cooler air by late afternoon.  Highs in the 70s, lows in the 40s or 50s. Last night we had intermittent, light rain.

I like it here.

And it looks like the boys do, too!



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4-Piece Canister Set
Threading Machine Dies
6-in-1 Instant Pot – 3 Quart
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Knitting Bag Yarn and Tools Storage

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107 Responses to A new boondock in southern Arizona! And a favor please.

  1. Joy says:

    Good afternoon.

  2. Cat Lady says:

    top 10?

  3. Judy in East Texas says:

    RVSUE and crew….I just love the photos of those precious pups having the time of their life. You rest up plenty as spring and summer is coming and lots of traveling ahead. Can’t wait to find out your direction for your summer adventure.

    Stay safe out there my friend, Judy

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Judy,

      Thank you for your kind message. Aren’t Reggie and Roger having a great time in those pics? They are delighted to be off-leash in this big area.

  4. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Hi Sue, love your site and seeing the Boys enjoying their playground. May ya’ll have continued peace and contentment!

    Take Care

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Deena. I’m glad you’re still enjoying my blog and my boys.

      • Deena in Phoenix says:

        You bet’ca…it has been busy here and I don’t like posting on my phone (fat fingers) but I’m home now and have my PC…I check several time a day as I also enjoy the comments (blogorinos have become very much a part of my family and friend stories). I all of the pictures with the flying feet of the pups…so sweet.

        Take Care

  5. Diann in MT says:

    Great relaxing place, Sue.
    May the desert gods grant you anonymity.
    I don’t know what to say each time you plead with the readership to respect your privacy. I just want to jump through the screen and get them before they can get near. I am sure the crew will raise cane with intruders.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Diann,

      I appreciate the feeling behind you wanting to protect our privacy. 🙂

      This past year has been great! Because of delayed posting and our many camp moves, we were not bothered at all. A few lookie-loos and hovering fellow campers, but nothing like in previous years. The down side is I don’t enjoy blogging as much when I’m on a time delay.

      You’re right about the crew. They know how to raise cane!

  6. Gingerita says:

    Beautiful area! I love seeing the pups be fully dog!

  7. weather says:

    My, oh my, what a nice camp! Gorgeous views, private and lots of room for this boys to run, gosh I’m so happy for you. Luv the smiles on Reggie and Roger.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, weather. I hope you’re smiling, too, because you’re having a great day!

      The boys are outside as I type this. I read a comment, check on them, write a reply, check on them again, etc. It’s sunny on the mat and they have some store-bought bones.

      • weather says:

        Hi, Sue,
        It’s so good of you to buy bones for them. That way Reggie gets to enjoy his own, too. Roger does seem to have a real talent for finding old ones, still a fresh one is a nice treat to have.

        Thank you for the wish for my having a great day. The relatively heavy snow falling as I type is expected to continue until tomorrow morning so I won’t be driving today. I’m fortunate to have that option. Last Friday during a similar snowstorm 55 car accidents occurred on a section of the interstate just south of here before they blocked the entrances to it. I’m sure most people involved with that were expected to go to their jobs despite the poor conditions on the roads.

        Meanwhile everyday the sunlight grows stronger, so whatever ice is left on the lake continues to melt and diminish. The folks that own the marina close to my home are already doing the annual springtime dredging along the shore to keep the water deep enough for boats to launch from there. The most recent addition to morning song here is the cooing of the mourning doves that have arrived. I hope your morning has been as lovely…

  8. Don in Alaska says:

    Good choice. The Benson area is between the Chiricahua foot hills and the plains where things really get hot. (Tucson is the place which proved asphalt has a liquid phase..)

    I have a brother, now living outside of Denver – who is actively looking for a home in that same part of the county. Growth has been explosive, and I have to wonder how much longer boondocking will be allowed out in the farther reaches of the county.

    Thanks for the photos, they bring back many a pleasant memory. Eons ago, I used to ride in the Benson Rodeo, spending the nights sleeping in my cavernous 4 door Dodge……

    I look forward to your next adventure stop!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Don,

      I enjoy the interesting details in your comment, how you share glimpses of your life. Yes, this is a nice area. Not too far from Tucson, yet it has a country atmosphere, complete with rodeo. 🙂

    • Kathy says:

      Son fun to read that story, THANKS!!!

  9. Kat and Cookie dog from NY says:

    Hi RVSue and crew, looks like you found a lovely private place to camp, enjoy it. I am sitting in Phoenix, road with a friend. Can’t wait to return to my rig and Cookie Dog.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kitt,

      Not sure if I understand your comment. I hope you can return to Cookie Dog soon…

      • Cat Lady back home in Baton Rouge, La. says:

        Maybe she’s reading/replying to your post on her cell phone while she waits for her friend to get thru with whatever she’s doing. Just a guess.

        BTW, Sue, I plan to start boondocking and I’m going to need a coffee pot, crock pot, etc, that I can use w/propane/generator (infrequent/and 100 watt (suitcase) solar. Do you think I should go with 200w instead? Any items you recommend on Amazon will be appreciated. Thanks, Sue.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          The solar wattage will depend upon how much or how little you don’t mind using the generator. I have 200w and that’s what I’d recommend. More solar is better and your fellow campers will appreciate less generator use.

          Giving up an electric coffee pot is a good idea. Use the propane stove instead. I started with a percolator. Then I switched to a french press which brews faster.

  10. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Hi Sue,

    Oh my, what a lovely campsite! I am happy that you can find places where the boys can be “fully dog” sometimes! Your post reminds me that it may be time once again to address this in my RV Tips and Helpful Hints group to respect campers and their privacy especially in these boondocking areas. We get I bet 100 requests a day to join our group and many of these are new campers. I am happy to do a public service announcement to help “train up” some of these new campers! Enjoy your stay!


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I appreciate that, Jolene. Maybe that’s part of the reason fellow RVers have backed off. It was so bad a couple years ago, especially in Oregon, that I lost the desire to return to that state.

      You provide an important service in many ways. Good job!

  11. jenny Johnson says:

    TOP 20!!!!

  12. Carlene and Corky western AZ says:

    We had rain also over the weekend here north of Q. What a joy except I’d washed my windows last Thursday. .. Oh well that’s what happens when I don’t pay any attention to weather or news.
    I know we have crossed paths but I truly accept your desire for privacy. I’ve found so many rvs to be the same including my self. I’ve so enjoyed the solitude as much as I love volunteering at refuges I cherish my alone time when I finished and ready to move on.
    Had coyotes visit last night… Scary and cool at the same time.

    Safe travels…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Carlene,

      You mention another reason to respect the solitude of others. They might need a break from people and the recuperative rest that solitude provides. I’m happy to hear the rain was widespread across Arizona.

      Safe travels and camps to you, too.

  13. Dawn in NC 🐈 says:

    Hi Sue. Isn’t it wonderful how we can take pleasure vicariously through the utter joy of our pets! They truly know how to enjoy the present moment. I’m glad you’re having good weather there. We had sleet and snow ❄️ today. It’s a typical NC march. One week you are mowing the grass. The next week the grass is covered with snow ⛄️

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That weather changing back and forth must be hard on the flowers. Reminds me of the bed of tulips I planted years ago in Georgia.

      I was so thrilled when they produced buds and then the day came when they opened to their full glory. I enjoyed them for a few hours. A wind came up and blew the petals away. Haha! Beauty can be fleeting at times.

      Sleet and snow. You’re giving me chills, Dawn! 🙂

  14. Rochelle in IN says:

    Oooo, I absolutely love the picture of Reggie’s play bow invitation to Roger !! You certainly have 2 very handsome boys!

  15. Susan in south central WA says:

    My first thought when you got the recent Bob accolades was “Oh no more traffic to rvsue and her world”. My brother and SIL spent the last 9-10 days in the Tucson area touring around, attending Colorado Rockies spring camp games and enjoying the weather.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Susan,

      Nice of you to think of me and my crew. I think the intensity of my followers has abated now that many excellent blogs are available, along with youtube videos. There are several long-timers from whom I’ve heard nothing for a long while.

      That’s life. We also have several new readers! 🙂

  16. Cinandjules 🌵 says:

    Fully dog……and lovin it! Off lead to boot!
    Oh my that’s a I mean it face from Rog! Probably goes back to his day as a ahem shhh stray. No worries buddy!

    You make me laugh when you’re scoping out another site…are they are they..furtive movement…come on boys let’s go!

    As for your location…enjoying this blog AND respecting your privacy goes hand in hand. It’s a two way dirt path on a wash in the desert….folks.

    Enjoy your site and your day

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Cinandjules.

      Yeah, we’re ready to pounce on a better site at any time. The dust hasn’t settled from the former occupant and we’re pulling in.

      Roger is a master at finding bones in the wild. Reggie knows to keep his distance when Roger reverts to survival mode. Not that Roger would ever do anything to hurt Reggie, but he would get in his face in a scary way.

      Enjoy whatever you’re doing today!

  17. Kathy and Jolene, I posted my thanks and comments on previous page just before I got notice of this post.
    Sue, glad you found a peaceful home for your time there. After a clear blue sky morning, sun is dimming with clouds as tomorrows rain begins to hint its arrival. I’m resting before taking husband to palliative radiation for first of 5 treatments aimed o make his last few months more comfortable through tumor reduction.
    Sorry I haven’t been on much here , but hospice at home is a busy, though worth it time.

    • Stephanie Turner OR says:

      Velda – I’m sorry you are having a rough time right now. Will keep you in my prayers for strength, patience and peace. Stephanie, now in Oregon but formerly Roseville and Lincoln.

    • Jolene/Iowa says:

      I did see your comment Velda. Thank you! We still have challenges ahead but I am staying optimistic. I will keep you and your husband in my prayers.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Velda… I admire your steadiness during this time. I suppose that comes from your nursing training and experience. I wish things were different for your husband and you. Thank God for hospice.

    • Cinandjules 🌵 says:

      Thinking of you and Mel..hoping his treatment provides some relief.

      Every time I speak to my dearest friend in Lincoln, who you suggested get the coconut infused product…she always asks about Mel. She can’t thank you enough for the relief it gave her.

      Take care

    • Thank you everyone for the caring messages. It’s been a long fight against a relentless beast, but we keep doing what we can. The thoughts and prayers of others are what holds us up when we think we can’t take one more day. Today was day 1 of a low dose radiation (done when cure is no longer possible) in attempt to shrink the most painful tumors, aiding pain control. 4 more to go.
      If any of you come through the area, I often can make time for quick lunch, though maybe for now I may not.

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        I don’t always get to respond to comments, but you an Mel are in my prayers as well. There are quite a few of us who are going thru difficult issues right now. Pray we all get through them. Take care.

      • Desert Ginger back in the desert! says:

        Hang in there Velda. Thinking of you guys,

    • Kathy says:

      Hi, Velda,

      I did read your comments in the last post. Thank you, again, and you are a strong woman for sure. Very caring since you are so busy and yet make time for us.

      Hope it’s not too far a drive to the radiation office. I remember taking my dad, who is now gone, to his 6 wks of daily radiation. We drove about 22 miles each way very early in the morning so I could then get to work. On his death bed, as I sat with him, he told me that he loved our daily trips there and back and it was one of his best memories. You, and all of us, make a difference when we care.

  18. Michael Leonard says:

    Love your pictures!

  19. Columbus Calvin says:

    It looks like R & R are having fun! One of the nice things about dogs is they’re not picky about places. They seem to enjoy one as well as another as long as they’re comfortable and getting good care.

    I like Tucson (still cooler than Phoenix), but I never took a look at Benson. Your pictures tell me I should do that. Having mountains in my scenery, and easy access to them combined with easier hiking, biking, and driving on level terrain where I’m camped is close to ideal. I’ll have to look at that area one of these times.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Calvin,

      You’re right about dogs!

      I agree with you also about mountains. Great for scenery but it’s nice to drive on flat ground. 🙂

  20. Sue Divjak says:

    Pictures of the pupsters are delightful. I have a question about dog care. With all of the walking and running your dogs do, are their nails kept sufficiently short, or do they require extra care? Thanks for sharing your life with your readers .

    Sue in Calofornia

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Sue, and thanks for the compliment on the photos.

      Reggie and Roger still need to have their nails cut regularly. I think our walks and runs on hard surfaces do trim them somewhat, but not enough. I admit I’m bad about keeping up with their nails.

  21. Marilu in Southern Arizona says:

    Hi Sue, Crew and Blogorinos,
    For those of you down here in the Arizona desert I want to send an important reminder. Baby rattlesnake season is here! We are at Gilbert Ray campground near Tucson. We were walking around the campground last evening with our year old pup when he startled a bit and showed interest in something on the road. It was a freshly flattened baby rattlesnake! Thank goodness it was dead because we didn’t notice it until we were very close. Where there’s one there are more so watch where you walk and where your dogs poke their noses!
    I love your posts, Sue. Happy boondocking!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Marilu, for letting me know you love my posts. Gilbert Ray looks lovely. Someday we should camp there.

      Thanks also for the reminder about rattlesnakes. I’ve had to put the boys back on tether due to another camper in the area. I don’t want them running over there being a bother.

      • Marilu in Southern Arizona says:

        Gilbert Ray CG is lovely but may have too many campers for your taste. It’s like a huge cactus garden. We appreciate the electrical hook-ups on hot days as well as the views of the mountains and the valley.

  22. Virginia620 AL says:


  23. Lauri C says:

    I have some totem words that are important to me; they are Joy, Enthusiasm & Bliss – these are essentially feelings that equate to being “in the flow”.

    Quite often when I do my art these apply to my present state-of-being. But one activity that guarantees these emotions…… watching dogs! Of course watching MY dogs is fantastic, but really, ANY dogs will do! Utter enjoyment!

    Thanks RV Sue & Boys!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Lauri.

      We all know there are health benefits to having pets. I imagine one’s blood pressure might drop to an optimum level when watching one’s dogs play or by cuddling them.

      Keep enjoying the love of your dogs!

  24. Joe in TN says:

    Hi Sue! Would love to be in Arizona right now because we’re here in Tennessee with snowflakes falling all around us. Our tulips came up and we are keeping our fingers crossed that they will hold their blooms. Enjoy the quiet and those lovely mountains.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Joe.

      Tulips in the falling snow… a lovely mental image you’ve given. You must be moving closer to the last snowfall of the year. 🙂

  25. Love the last photo of Reg and Rog. They always look so happy 😀. Its great that they enjoy the life they have! Two lucky pups they are. New camp looks nice, like the grasslands setting. With the desert so dry this year a good change of pace.

    I had a long (for me) travel day today, about 200 miles. I was at Lake Havasu City and was going to spend a couple nights. First checked the Lone Tree boondock. What a mess, rigs everywhere! Just couldn’t bring myself to stay there so went back to check Craggy Wash. It was just as bad. Went in about 3 miles and finally found a place just for the night. I decided to keep heading north and I’m now at one of your previous spots near Overton. It’s peaceful here at the moment. 😀

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Debra & Misty!

      I guess a lot of snowbirds are moving northward and populating the boondocks along the Colorado corridor. I’m glad Poverty Flats is working for you! I hope it doesn’t get too cold at night. It’s a good spot with convenient Overton only 3 miles away.

  26. Hoot says:

    I hope people respect your request for privacy. I just started blogging and I’m sure I’ve got a few years before I have to worry about uninvited guests. But it does worry me from a safety perspective. Any advice you would give me?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Hoot,

      The only advice I can give about safety is to stop being concerned about it.

      In my almost 7 years of camping in different states and different environments I haven’t had one problem. It’s a non-issue for me. Part of the joy of living as a fulltime boondocker is shedding the conditioning that has us (women especially) living timidly.

      You can go and live fully and confidently!

  27. Jan NH says:

    As always, I so enjoy seeing pictures of the crew frolicking around but today I find the picture of the lines of clouds with that beautiful blue sky very intriguing. What an interesting pattern!

    We are getting ready for our 3rd nor’easter in the past 12 days. The office already sent out notification that it would be closed tomorrow. Of course with telecommuting being what it is today, this just means I work from home which I had already decided to do:). I was lucky enough to be in CA during the first nor’easter 12 days ago but there was no significant snow during that storm. The 2nd one that arrived the day after my return from CA, dumped about 18 inches and of course my snowblower conked out during the first swipe of my driveway so THAT was fun. Snowblower now repaired and dropped off this afternoon so am prepared for the 14 inches we are expecting tomorrow.

    I’m ready for spring!!!!

  28. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Nice camp and happy pups, what could be better? I have to read comments later, need to get back to work.

  29. Joe S says:

    No worry. I live in Delaware and have limited vacation time. LOL

  30. Cathy M Van Booven says:

    Glad you found a good set up. There is peace in your voice. Enjoy

  31. Robin B (Oregon & Arizona) says:

    Walmart is often maligned and I understand its critics, but sometimes there simply isn’t a choice. When we were outfitting our condo, driving to Tucson wasn’t really an option and so WM was the only choice for getting fairly low-cost items such as kitchen and bathroom items, towels, and whatever else was immediately needed (the rest we’ve found through the estate/garage sales that abound around here). Plus we planned on getting our prescriptions there so they would be available wherever we went. So we are Walmart shoppers.

    Love the Benson area and a few years ago had a wonderful day going on a tour of the Kartchner Caverns. Plus lunch or dinner at the Horseshoe Cafe is always a fun treat.

    A week from tomorrow we are loading the trailer and heading north towards home (Oregon) and at that time our little condo will be up for sale. We are ready to enjoy some other forms of travel, which will most likely include the trailer.

    Happy trails!

  32. Wendy - Thailand says:

    Love the pics of the boys playing.

  33. Linda not in NC says:

    Hi Sue and crew-

    I agree with you about Walmart. I have spent a few nights in their parking lot in between places and I can go in and pick up anything that I need. They are handy!
    I stayed at Gilbert Ray and it is nice with Saguaros all around but not private and was kind of crowded when I was there. I also stayed near Benson and it was enjoyable there as well.
    Loved the pics of the crew being fully dog. The joy shows on their faces.
    My rig is still in the repair shop and I had to get a motel while they paint. I am hoping that it will be done soon and I can get back home! Hannah and I go to the dog park every morning but today she got bit by something and her face swelled up to twice it’s normal size, so to vet I went just to be on the safe side. She gave her a shot of benadryl and checked her out, but thinks probably a wasp. She is still swollen but resting and eating so all is well. I have benadryl in my rig in case it happens again.
    Your new spot looks great-enjoy!

  34. The boys are so dang cute with their rough and tumble play time. We fall more in love with that area every time we’re able to visit. For me there’s just nothing more beautiful than the golden grass plains.

    Hope you are able to spend a long time enjoying your great campsite!

  35. Eileen says:

    Luv the fun pics of ur sweet little canines!

  36. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Good morning, Sue!

    I hope you are enjoying peace and quiet at this camp. The boys are just too cute! I love when pups play hard and just grin with overflowing happiness! 🐾💕

    The lines of puffy clouds in the second picture is reminds me of a bedspread: rows of chenille! 🙂

    Yesterday afternoon/evening, we received the tail end of the storm that is headed to the northeast today. Sleet/snow mix. Just a couple inches of accumulation, but enough to make walking and driving slick and treacherous. Driving home from work yesterday was a slow and steady 25 mph crawl. The mess then turned into black ice overnight. Hopefully the temps will rise today as predicted. To the blogorinos in the path of the storm, please stay safe. Shovel smart, stay home if you can, and be extra careful when walking. I am ready for Spring! 🙂

    Have a great day, Sue! Sending you, Reggie, and Roger love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Denise!

      Wise advice for those living in snowstorm and black ice country. I’m glad you made it home safely yesterday and hope that your morning comment means you’re staying home today. 🙂

      “rows of chenille” — Perfect description of those clouds. You and Gracie pup have a great day, too!

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Yes, I stayed home today, Sue. Better to burn a day of vacation, than to be out for months with a broken hip! 🙂

  37. Linda in Ky. says:

    Sue, I rarely post, but, when I saw the pictures and where you are, I just had to comment. I used to live in Benson. Had to leave a couple of years ago to come back east to help care for my disabled son. I love and miss Benson so much. My son and I are talking about returning there to live one of these days! I’ve been reading your blog since it began. I love it!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda,

      What a pleasure to open my laptop this morning and find you here. Thank you for reading my blog these many years. I’m tickled that this post is like a gift to you after you’ve given me the gift of your faithful readership. Best wishes to you and your son from Benson, Arizona!

  38. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    Reading your posts is so peaceful!! The pictures of R&R always make me smile. I am so glad you are happy with your life. Wow, 7 years!!! It doesn’t seem that long!! See? Time does fly when you are having fun. I am so very proud of you, My Sister, you have spent the last 7 years doing what you love and sharing the country with rest of us. You have given inspiration to those who want to do what you are doing . You have allowed us to travel along with you and “experience” your lifestyle from the comfort of our own homes.
    Happy Trails to you, Roger and Reggie
    Sending Lots of Love and Big Hugs

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pauline!

      You’re my best cheerleader. 🙂 Yes, the decision to live on the road was one of the best (if not THE best) decision of my life. Sometimes I ask myself, “Is this real?” because I can’t believe I’m doing this. Ha!

      Think of you and the rest of the family often… Hope everyone is well and happy. Love you!

  39. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    I love that the boyz are having such a good time being fully dog!! Isn’t it wonderful, that even though they just said good-bye to their playmates, they have reset to their “new normal” and love it? Dogs are wonderful about living in the moment and not worrying about the past or future. We humans can learn a lesson from then, can’t we?

    I’m glad you found such a nice place to stay for a couple of weeks. The views of the mountains are really pretty, although from the photos I can’t tell if the sun rises behind them, sets behind them, or ???? We are taking our new motorhome down to Pala Resort (the kind of place you would just hate, Sue!) for the rest of the week and weekend. We just got it back from the dealer after 3 weeks of warranty fixes and want to test it out on a real trip. I do have a question for you Sue … we would like to try boondocking in this coach (which we’ve never really done before, other than a little dry camping) since the tank capacities are larger. Do you think the BLM and COE roads you travel on are doable for a large Class A rig? We will be almost 40 feet and I’m just wondering if we would be able to maneuver successfully. And I promise we won’t sneak up on you!!! 🙂 It’s a little hard to sneak anywhere at this size!

    • Ruthie in Fontana says:

      Cynthia, Hi I read your post and I know of a blog you could also read. It’s called wheeling it. They also have a very big rig and have boondocked for years in it. Check out their archives. They have so much info.

      • Cynthia from San Clemente says:

        Thank you Ruthie. I have followed Wheeling It for a few years and they do have some good boondocking info. I’m kind of sad they’re moving to Europe, although they say they’ll continue to blog from there!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cynthia,

      Yes, there are several boondocks that have roads suitable for a large and long rig. You’re more likely to find those in lower elevations as the mountain roads often are narrow with tight turns. The desert areas around Quartzsite and our two camps at Buenos Aires NWR are examples. I could think of more but invariably they are boondocks that Nina and Paul of Wheeling It have written about.

  40. Steve says:

    Always good to see the dogs having fun. Roger ‘fell’ into a great home situation with a great owner.

  41. ReneeG from Idaho says:

    No way I’m Top Ten, but I did make it to First last week. Lovely spot and lovely weather too. Usually when we boondock we stay put unless there’s a lot of activity or we know it’s a safe place which is what you must know since you often run errands, but then again you must in order to restock or take care of mail, etc. I’m assuming that if you were to see anything suspicious at a neighbors you would probably say something or ???? I add the question marks because you would have to be sure you too are careful and not put yourself in an unnecessary situation.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Renee,

      The places I camp are safe to leave the Best Little Trailer while we go on errands or sightseeing. As for saying something to neighbors if I see something suspicious, I rarely have had close neighbors when boondocking and during the times I did, I never saw anything suspicious. Therefore, I don’t have an answer for your question.

      Readers, especially females, focus on safety when the subject of boondocking comes up. Imagine walking across a very large field and standing in the middle of it. The chances you’ll be molested in any way, robbed or harassed, is practically nil. That’s the way it is when you are camped off by yourself.

      From my experience “situations” don’t occur that often because I haven’t had any, regarding me and my possessions or any suspicious activity around anyone else or their rig. (I’ve only encountered those negatives when I lived in a sticks-and-bricks.)

      I need to add that I don’t camp near population centers or places that are crowded, are worn down by heavy use or show evidence of bad behavior (beer bottles, graffiti, trash, bullet holes, etc.)

      • Renee still in Idaho says:

        Thank you for your feedback. Makes sense on the safest places to camp. Just here, in areas frequented by other campers, we’ve seen possibly unsafe behavior attesting to your comment of not camping near crowded places. We’ve since changed where we camp, but sometimes it’s hard to get away from it when everyone else is trying to do the same.

  42. Willow (AZ) says:

    I moved to AZ. 7 years ago myself. I love it, the sunsets are so beautiful, almost mystical. I like to sit outside in the morning when it’s so quiet and peaceful and just enjoy the quiet. so I understand your need for privacy, I crave it too.
    I hope your life with with Roger & Reggie is wonderful and peaceful.

  43. Donna n Girls Chandler, AZ. says:

    Hi Sue,
    One of my favorite places, I stay at the Butterfield r v park.
    Great location for Kircher caverns, Tombstone and Bisbee. Plus they have an observatory at the park with free viewings, led volunteers. The original owners were amateur astronomers, they built the observatory.

    The boys look happy, that’s a good day.


  44. Mary Batt says:

    Hey Sue,
    Warning-Introspection here
    I am remembering a country song…”my best friends are strangers…” Well it sort of goes along with the ‘don’t get too close’ mantra I hear from you and one in which I see Great Value as of recent years. I like people But things can get sticky if you know them too well! !!! I know I could lean into being a hermit. So…I am glad that I found your blog; it is entertaining and supportive and…the bloggers always offer perspectives that I appreciate. I am missing my ‘part-time’ lab that I gave away but am looking forward to having her back for 3 weeks in April! We will have such a good time because she rules! What I mean to say is the joy you have with R and R will be ours again once she is back! Thanks for such a really nice blog! Also, I ordered 6 Blue Bottle brushes thru your site from Amazon FYI because they are THAT good! If that may be important to anyone…See you in the posts

  45. Mertandasiaim KY says:

    Hi sue,crew and everyone. I am still following you, I just do not comment often
    But I needed to stop in to let you all know that I had to put my sweet baby girl asia mae to sleep last Tuesday. She had cancer and was very sick. It was the hardest thing I have ever done, I’m broken hearted and miss her so much. But I had to do what was best for her and she didn’t suffer. We had 10 wonderful years together. She was the best. Safe travels sue and everyone. And blessings to all!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Oh, Mert…I am so sorry for the loss of your dear Asia Mae. Take good care of yourself. **hug**

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Dear Mert,

      My heart breaks for you. Your little girl was such a comfort and bright light during the losses and challenges you’ve experienced in the past few years. And yet, at the same time, you had “10 wonderful years together.” Take care and know that many of us here understand what you are going through.

      Blessings to you, too.

      • MertandcharlieinKY says:

        Thank you all its been a rough week. However, about 2 weeks prior , my neighbor had a 8 month old boxer/beagle mix that they were not able to keep as their 2 year old daughter was afraid of him (his name is Charlie) so I tool charlie to try to find him a forever home… I couldn’t keep him because Asia did not like him at all. She was super jealous. Well as fate would have it, Charlie now has his forever home. He is not Asia, none could ever be.. but the crazy little feller has sure helped my heart and soul mend a little. I have my hands full with this little guy…. Shew! ! Lol

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Aww, Charlie has his paws full, too — healing your “heart and soul.” I’m happy that you have each other.

  46. Jo in OR says:

    Mert, love the name Asia Mae, so sorry for your loss. Bless your heart.

  47. Desert Ginger back in the desert! says:

    Hello all! We have had a couple of warm days and nights here in Tucson, Woohoo! The older I get, the colder I get. However I’m going to need to buy a window AC soon; always something! I’m finally over my COPD exacerbation and can breathe, and I went to Mexico and bought the drugs I can’t afford here, so now I can take care of myself. I got my results from my cervical spine cat scan and my problems have gone from moderate to severe. So now I’m in a weird place. My heart, lungs and kidneys are doing ok, no stroke risk, but I am in pretty much constant pain with no relief in site. So that’s a dilemma. How long do you want to live in pain? But I’m no quitter so I will be researching any kinds if palliative methods I can find. Aging is not for sissies! Meanwhile I am managing to work 5 days a week. Love my work and my teammates. I hope I’m going to make it to NY this year and see them.

    I think I’ll go for a deep tissue massage Saturday. That sounds good!

    I’m off to sleep. Ta-ta!

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