And then the rain came

Friday, September 26 (continued)

1-P1000700The road from Field of Flowers camp near Flaming Gorge to the switchbacks to Vernal, Utah, rolls out before us in gentle curves across hill and dale.  Swaths of resplendent aspens are draped on hillsides as if laid out for the king’s approval.

I pull into Steinaker State Park.

I park next to the dumpster.   Bridget thinks we’re at our next camp and goes into her typical frenzy.  I put her in her harness and let her out the side door.  A quick walk around the dumpster area shows her what the deal is and she’s happy to return to her place in the PTV.

Okay.  Now I can get things done!

I toss bags of trash into the dumpster and proceed to an empty campsite that has a water spigot.  I fill up seven one-gallon jugs. I get out the fresh water hose from the back of the PTV, attach it to the spigot, and fill the BLT’s tank.

From there we wheel around to the dump station.

Tasks completed, I place $4 in a pay envelope, drop it in the collection cylinder, and we continue on our way.

The Perfect Tow Vehicle hauls Bridget and me and the Best Little Trailer down the hairpin turns and across the valley to Vernal and . . . drumroll please . . .


My list is long.  Good ol’ Wal-Mart, pretty much the same wherever you go.   I grab two bath towels, two pairs of sweat pants (to sleep in), a pack of toothbrushes, and a bag of “natural enzyme deodorizer and waste digester” for the black tank.  On to the food section!

As I stand in the condiment aisle, who should appear? — Kathy!

She and Gil left Loon Lagoon earlier than planned.  The fish weren’t biting, hordes of flies moved in on them, and they had a Wal-mart-purchased router that wasn’t working.  We hug, we talk, we say goodbye again.  I don’t bump into Gil.

As you may have noticed, I don’t drive long distances between camps.

True to form, I toodle on over to Pelican Lake which isn’t far from Vernal.  This is one of the shortest moves ever.  One big reason for that is the load of dirty dishes in the BLT.   I don’t want to arrive at our next camp exhausted from a long drive and face dirty dishes!

As expected, Pelican Lake Campground is empty.

No one is over at the boat ramp.  Fishing isn’t good this time of year.

1-P1000702The level of the lake is low.  This reservoir supplies neighboring farms and it’s the end of the growing season.

1-P1000708 I choose an easy, level, pull-through site.

1-P1000704Pelican Lake Campground is administered by the Bureau of Land Management.  It has very effective, neat, shade structures.  It has vault toilets.  A few sites, not all, have a picnic table.  Fire rings are absent as are rocks big enough to make a fire ring.

All that being said, it’s a handy stop and it’s free.

Plus the lack of amenities and what some would call boring scenery translates into a campground all to ourselves.   I prefer an empty campground!

1-P1000706I wash the dishes in a basin at the picnic table.  I set up my lounger and read my Paperwhite.  Bridget, as is her nature, stays close.

1-P1000711Before sunset we walk to the boat ramp and back.  

Bridget still has chubbiness to lose, even though she’s done a great job so far in exercising the fat off her rear end!

As usual, I open up all the curtains prior to going to bed.  Bridget and I cuddle in the covers for a good night’s sleep.  I look up at the stars.  Tomorrow morning we’ll get up early and hit the road!

Saturday, September 27

I sit up in bed and look out the big, back window.  Uh-oh.  We aren’t going anywhere today! 

I can see for several miles across this flat, desert basin. 

Lightning bolts shoot out of dark clouds on the north side, west side, and south side of our little home.  Yikes!  That storm is going to be upon us in no time at all!  I slip into my sandals and run outside.

I remove the antenna/tooter pole and slide it under the BLT just as big raindrops begin to fall.

Put this on your bucket list: 

Sit inside a little fiberglass “egg” trailer with a good, clear view out all the windows. Do this in a major electrical storm.  Watch lightning flash on three sides and in close proximity as rain pounds the roof and powerful winds rock you to and fro and small objects fly by a few feet from your face.  Definitely an exciting, must-do experience!

Sunday, September 28

Good heavens, it rained all last night and it’s still raining? 

After coffee, breakfast, and blog talk, the rain stops.  I seize the opportunity for a few photos.

This is westward toward Duchesne, the direction of the first part of the next leg of our journey south.

1-P1000715This is what it looks like to the south toward Price, where we eventually will go.

1-P1000713Hmm . . . There’s something very unpredictable about that sky.  I don’t like driving in rain.   I don’t have to drive in rain.  And what about the dirt road out of here.  It was in great shape coming in, but what is it like now?

I take this photo of the campground road that runs alongside our pull-through site.

That’s water you see.

1-P1000716-001Before going back inside the BLT, I call Bridget.

“You’d better go while you can, honey.  We might get hit with more rain.”  She dutifully hops down the step and takes care of business.

It isn’t ten more minutes and another deluge hits! 

In situations such as this I automatically take inventory.

Well, let’s see . . . . We have plenty of food and drinking water.  One propane tank is full and the other is near-full.  The fresh water tank is full and the waste tanks were emptied recently.  I have internet connection and a good book to read.  My new sweat pants fit and are warm and comfortable.  Our home has no leaks.  Bridget and I are cozy.

We’re in great shape!  Let the rain fall and the wind blow!



UPDATE:  Sunday, September 28, 1:30 p.m.

1-P1000721Blue sky!  (No color enhancement)

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212 Responses to And then the rain came

  1. BadgerRickInWis says:

    Oh boy, oh boy, o boy, Am I first? Am I? Am I? Am I?

  2. Janis Harrison says:

    wow just like a girlscout you are always prepared!! Let it rain……..

  3. The only thing worse than driving in the rain is driving at night. Worse yet would be driving in the rain…at night!

    Better just to ride it out. Hope you can get out of there when it stops!

  4. Fred Wishnie says:

    Best thing about being a full timer is that there’s no place you have to go to and no hurry getting there. 🙂

  5. Barb George says:

    Oh that mud looks icky. Thankfully, you are prepared (what a good girl scout you are!) and toasty with your gal pal by your side.

    Off to enjoy a sunny day here. I know they will go away soon, so I need to enjoy them NOW.

    Hugs from Hoquiam

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barb,

      I’m glad you have a sunny day to enjoy.

      I’m happy to report I see some blue sky to the southwest! Now for the road to dry out . . .

  6. Casitagirlrustewilke says:

    Oh Sue, I just love that feeling of being all snuggled up and warm when it gets blustery outside. Your needs are met–you’ve got food, shelter, a sweet pup to snuggle with and a good book…and even toilet deodorizer! What else do you really need?

  7. Ron Sears says:

    your last paragraph says it all….Life’s Good…be safe.

  8. CRed n Tx says:

    I like driving in the rain in the country, always have. Also like being in my travel trailer with the rain falling on the metal roof with a slightly gusty wind. Reminds me of when I was growing up on the farm and ranch napping on top of the hay bales in the barn with the rain falling on the metal roof. Very relaxing.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It is very relaxing if the wind isn’t too rough. I woke several times in the night and enjoyed listening to the rain.

      I don’t care to drive in the rain, especially when towing, because people drive too fast for conditions and I inevitably collect a caravan behind me. I refuse to drive 70+ miles per hour on wet or dry roads.

      • Barb George says:

        I lost my first trailer due to trucks going 75 MPH on I-5 and the wind combined. It was horrible–but no one was hurt. And I didn’t hurt anyone elses cars/vehicles. Not a fun feeling… I still get clammy near that mile post…

        The weather this year has been scary. We have been basically dry for 60 days… very very little rain collected. While others are getting the storms we are used to

        Here is hoping to the road drying out and the wind not being too crazy.
        Hugs from Hoquiam,

  9. Sidewinder Pen says:

    I’m in extreme southern Utah and had the same weather. Started Friday night and then a brief reprieve Saturday morning, after which the real weather hit. Lots of rain all day yesterday (I see that Prescott, AZ set a record – probably other places did too but that’s what popped along with my local forecast), plenty of thunder and lightning, and wind. Whee. I’m at a campground I’m not real fond of, but saw this was coming and decided to stay hunkered down here. Not a fan of lighning! Scary! But I lived through it.

    This morning dawned blue and sunny…. and loud, as a neighboring campsite housed a toy hauler plus family with around seven kids, all of whom are apparently allowed (encouraged?) to stand around the campsite and scream. Sheesh, a generator is starting to sound positively lovely in comparison.

    I’m probably wicked, but they are folding up everything and getting ready to leave, and I’m (hiding out) in here cheering them on. Yes, go…. go! 🙂

    I don’t know about where you are, but the storm here “changed” the weather from very hot to much cooler. Now it’s pleasant with highs in the mid 70’s (was mid 90’s).

    Very pretty leaf photos! I’m enjoying them as I’m in a “non leaf” kind of place.

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      PS: And by “scream,” I mean constant screaming/shrieking, starting at 6:30 a.m. and still going now…. keep on packing up, people! (Who raises these people anyway? I’d say wolves but wolves seem much more considerate ;))

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Wolves know when to shut up, too.

        • Sidewinder Pen says:

          Exactly! “Raised by wolves” would do a huge disservice to wolves in this case. Actually just the word “raised” might be taking things too far.

          I should probably have gone over and confronted them (the hosts don’t care, and I have no phone reception to contact a ranger), but I just kept trying to roll over and go back to sleep (not a morning person… heh). Fat lot of good that did. Also, clearly the parents didn’t give two hoots.

          My usual solution is just to avoid people, but… sometimes I get caught like this for one reason or another. I should try to be a bit more assertive (I did go talk to a loud group the night before, at midnight with radios blaring and bottles clinking) but… ugh!

          Anyway, they are GONE now. Blessed silence. Thank heavens. I just want to drink it in! I can hear birds! And now the other campers (whom I normally don’t like to hear either) sound like church mice in comparison 😀

          It helps to be able to come here and know that others “get” my rant. Thanks!

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Sounds like the camp hosts are impotent. Part of the job is preserving a reasonable amount of peace and quiet. Is it a BLM or national forest campground?

            • Sidewinder Pen says:

              No, it’s a campground in an NRA, but one run by “concessionaires’ (in fact, a large one that operates quite a few campgrounds). I’ve been here before and would classify the staff as polite but “disinterested” beyond the minimum. It’s aggravating, but also not the type of place I typically camp just because of this combination of tons of people/noise/expense. Of course that doesn’t stop me from complaining about it 😀 Thanks for commiserating!

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              I think you mean NWR, not NRA. 😉

            • Sidewinder Pen says:

              Well I’m at a National Recreation Area. Maybe NRA was not the best acroynm to use though! (Although maybe I could have fired a few shots in the air this morning…)

              I looked it up and it’s part of the National Park Service. That makes sense now that I think about it (concessionaire, etc.)

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Oh, you taught me something!

      • Alan Out and About says:

        Pen, Where is this exactly? Does it have a name. I thought I knew this area and I don’t remember such a place. Is it the Coral Pink Sand Dunes or around Kanab.

      • Alan Out and About says:

        Sounds like you need Sues bear horn. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pen,

      You were smart to hunker down when you saw the storm was coming.

      You’re more tolerant than I am. In a situation like that, if kids started screaming at 6:30 a.m., I’d be over there talking to the parents before the clock struck 7 o’clock. I don’t put up with inconsiderate behavior any more. I assume there is no camp host. Another option is dial for a ranger. Those people need to be run out of there. Well, if they’re leaving, maybe you don’t need to take action.

      Like I wrote in this post, I like an empty campground.

      It’s incredible! The sky is blue and almost cloudless! What a quick change! Maybe we can leave in the morning . . . It did cool things a bit. Very pleasant outside.

      • Cari in Plano Texas says:

        I tend to agree with you, Sue. If it’s a state park or official campground, there are “quiet hours” and 6:30 a.m. definitely does not fall into that category, in my opinion. Pen, you are more tolerant than me, especially if there were 7 of them! At least they left. 🙂

        • Sidewinder Pen says:

          Yep, that was the best part. Buh-bye!

          Another thunder/boomer/rain storm just came through (southern UT), but it was more the short/isolated type (vs. an all-dayer like yesterday). Looks like this type will continue throughout the afternoon here, with the real “clear coast” starting tomorrow.

      • Denise - Richmond VA says:

        Times like this I feel like giving someone a good smack. The question is who. The kids or the ignorant parents who don’t have manners and would rather ignore their brat’s bad behavior. It is maddening! So glad that there are still people who are considerate and teach their kids what is expected and that bad behavior will not be tolerated.

        Thank goodness it is Sunday and they need to get home for school! Pen…you have more patience than I do!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Pen’s situation with the noisy neighbors in the campground perfectly illustrates why I prefer camping by myself in the desert or forest or wherever there are no people.

          • Denise - Richmond VA says:

            So true! Birds singing, water lapping against the shore, crickets, frogs, and wind rustling grasses or leaves is the preferred soundtrack! 🙂

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            Hear, hear! (Or is that don’t hear, don’t hear?)

            This is not my typical type of place for this very reason. Funny thing is, campgrounds like this are about 80% less private than my last sticks-and-bricks home was. It’s more like coming to a city, but minus the cultural amenities and good restaurants, LOL

            That said, once the “Louds” left, it’s been quite pleasant, and there was an amazing fully-arched rainbow out my window this afternoon. Really pretty! And I’m taking full advantage of the paid amenities as long as I am here (even my toothbrush will be fully charged :D)

        • Sidewinder Pen says:

          I know what you mean. It’s like being irritated at a poorly behaved pet: It’s really the owners most of the time. I was just hoping, hoping, hoping that it being Sunday would mean they would pack up and leave at check-out time. Oh was I glad to see the “garage” open up and toys and gear being tossed in (which, of course, you must scream and shriek while doing). When the fly came off the huge tent, I practically danced a jig 🙂

      • Barb George says:

        OMGosh I would have been off my rocker at that, Pen! WOW!

        The last camp we did with one of our groups there was another group there with lots of kids… Oh they just were awful. If you have to put your earphones on with nature sounds, that is just not fair!

        Hope the peace has and will return for good.
        Barb in Hoquiam

  10. kgdan says:

    We survived the torrent here outside of Moab as well. Don’t you just love a snuggly Casita?
    Wanted to say hi to Penny from Utah. We remember you & Rich? from Baja. Wondering if you are going back there what with the hurricane going through. We are thinking of a shorter trip to Gonzaga Bay this year.

  11. Good day Sue an All! You made the right choice in staying cuddled up, safe and warm. What’s the rush? We’ve made mistakes in the past regarding weather. It almost never works out, particularly when in the boonies.

    I was thinking of you and others yesterday as I was starting my solar project in earnest. Got the panels this past week and started building tilt brackets for each panel copying a design I found online. They wanted $100+ per bracket for something I could build myself. The first of 4 is done and I’ m quite happy with the result. I intend to document the project and progress on our blog.

    Have a great day, whether (weather) staying or going.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ed H,

      Good for you… putting together the tilt brackets yourself and saving a pile of money. As for me, I had a friend do all the work on my panel’s tilt mechanisms. 🙂

  12. weather says:

    Love your inventory list, in situations, that make us feel secure- as we batten down the hatches to ride it out!I can’t count the times I’ve done the same.The details on the list change according to the circumstance,yet the result is always a familiar gratitude!We’re set,we’ll make it,all’s well in our world,Thank You-it’s cozy time again!

    Beautiful first paragraph-worthy of Story’s status.Switchbacks,hairpin turns and all else taken in stride-your brave competence is intact.The hose you carry and attach to spigots may come in handy again soon.The mud encountered along the way would be easier to remove with a hose than by hand,even if they charge you to use it,and though rendering a less perfect result, will still feel like an accomplishment and give you pleasure in your home.Just sayin’-sometimes I’d rather spend a dollar and save my energy instead-happy’s worth it-

    Add to bucket list:let storm make a rocking cradle and rocking chair at once out of my home-I love it!!!Add cuddling a fur friend-perfect-a sigh just finished the smile

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      Taking inventory does provide security. The unspoken question when finished taking stock of the situation is “Why worry?” As for the mud, I’ll take the easy way… I’ll wait and when the road is firm and dry, we’ll drive out. The sun is already working on it!

  13. DeAnne in TN says:

    What a great shot of the Bridgester! She’s absolutely posing. Back to paper grading 🙁

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Ugh… grading papers… The Sunday afternoon ritual of teachers across the nation. The best part is when they’re all done!

  14. Jenny Waters says:

    That fall color is lovely, but it sounds like you have had some crazy weather. How does Bridget do with the thunder? Our dogs freak out. They were fine with it when they were pups, but we tend to get a lot of neighbors blowing off fireworks in the summer and at some point they decided they were afraid. They seem to equate fireworks, thunder, and bass sounds all as one terrifying sign. It must be interesting to watch the lightning from the trailer.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jenny,

      It is quite a sight to have lightning flashes all around. A Casita is so small and the windows so large that one feels outside when inside. . .

      How does Bridget do with thunder? She goes to sleep, which is her reaction to a lot of life. It’s too bad your dogs developed that fear. It’d be better if the neighbors were the ones who freak out over loud noises.

  15. Cari in Plano Texas says:

    Oh, wow, some of those clouds definitely look a little ominous! The one towards the south reminds me of tornado-spawning clouds here in Texas. Fortunately I’ve never been in one, but have been close a few times.

    How fortunate that you were able to stop and stock up before the storm hit. I like being inside when it’s raining, I can only imagine how snug the BLT must have felt! Someday…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cari,

      The land is so flat and treeless that wind and storms move very quickly.

      I added an update photo at the end of the post. It shows how quickly blue skies can return, too.

  16. Marcia GB in MA says:

    Freedom is being able to change plans at the drop of rain! Tomorrow is another day. Hmmm, where have I heard that before?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Marcia,

      Freedom, yes! No schedule, no appointments, no deadlines, no need to follow a plan.

      • Sondra-SC says:

        This is what I look forward to when my time comes, and it will because that is my desire. Good that weathered the storm with no mishaps,….Im sitting here waiting in my mom to return from a month away and with her is my CO sister who is helping us with our hospitalized family member. cant leave alone for hours while I go to the hospital, so she is here to help. Tuesday we will be cleaning out my X’s apartment, Im sure he had no idea it would be me doing this…neither did I we have not lived together as husband and wife for 15 yrs! Many tears will be shed…

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Life certainly does take unexpected twists and turns. I’m glad you are getting some help and some company during difficult days.

  17. Teresa from NC says:

    Hmm…bucket list? Well, as long as there aren’t any leaks, I guess you can figure out something to do with those buckets:-) Question. Do you experience a lot of condensation inside the BLT? I don’t know why that crossed my mind. Any who, glad everything turned out pleasant. I love the blue skies!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Teresa,

      The only time there’s a lot of condensation inside the BLT is when it’s cold outside and I make coffee or boil water with most of the windows closed. (I always have the vent open when using the stove.) The water droplets collect on the windows and underneath the fiberglass channel that runs around the edge of the ceiling. I wipe them off, only takes a minute… not a problem!

  18. Mert says:

    I think an electrical storm like that with the wind,rain and lighting in a camper would scare the crap out of me. 😉
    I enjoy your blog so very much Sue.
    I moved back to NE Kentucky to help my mother after 20 + years in Sw Florida. I have been here in KY for 9 years now and have not left the county hardly. So therefore, I am doing my traveling through you. Thank you so very much for such a wonderful blog and exciting adventures. Hugs to bridge and you. And safe travels.
    Ps. I am ready to go whenever you all are 😉

  19. Cherie from OH says:

    “What some would call boring scenery” is anything but boring to me. I find beauty in various textures and subtle color differences that others don’t even notice. Even in a big city, I could be happy up on a rooftop staring at the spacious skies. Love watching the clouds take shape. Also, that lightning show would have thrilled me to no end! But I am curious…is fiberglass more or less apt to be hit by lightning than say aluminum or steel? What precautions can an RVer take to avoid their rigs being struck by lightning?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cherie,

      I wouldn’t think that fiberglass is more prone to lightning strikes. I don’t know anything about precautions against lightning. Check back here later. Maybe a reader will have something more substantial to add in answer to both your questions.

      It was thrilling watching the lightning. I was reading at the time and had to put down the Paperwhite and watch with wonder at it all.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        I’m not positive I’m right, but I did some research on this back when I was in my wee Boler (fiberglass camper). I was in a place with a LOT of lightning, and wondered what would be best: Huddle in the camper, huddle in my tow car, or huddle in a nearby building. So I did some reading online. I already knew a little bit about a metal enclosure, because on boats people would put their electronics in the oven (not on!) to make a protective “Faraday cage.” Also a sailboat mast gives you a certain type of “cone of protection” below it (although the boat still gets hit).

        So anyway, here is what I took away from my reading, which may or may not be exactly correct:

        1) Being in a tent or something like a fiberglass camper leaves you basically unprotected. Not that you should run out and stand under a tree, but there is not a lot “better” inside (except you are dry, and have blankets to huddle under).

        2) Being in a typical car is better, because the metal roof and sides make a sort of Faraday Cage (it’s this latter that helps, not the supposed “rubber tires” theory).

        3) Being in a “real” building is best. The reason I wrote “real” is that apparently what makes it protective is that it has a grounded electrical system, with wires in the walls, etc. (So this would not include a basic lean to or other primitive building.)

        My previous Class B had a fiberglass top, so I don’t think it gave me a Faraday cage like a metal-topped van would. Now I have a small C with a fiberglass body (darned fiberglass! LOL). Things I wonder: Is there any benefit to being in the cab portion, which still does have the stock metal roof back to about the seat backs? Or does the huge opening just behind that negate it (my guess would be it does)? If I’m at a campground plugged in to shorepower, do the wires in my rig (and the ground that must go to shore outlet) make my rig more like a building then? Or is it better to unplug in case lightning hits nearby and the shorepower feed could cause damage to my rig (what I did).

        Maybe someone more knowledgeable can answer these questions. I do know that on boats its still a somewhat “inexact” science, as lightning is not 100% predictable or understandable, but it may be a bit less so on land.

        Here is where I got some of my information:

        After reading this, when I had my fiberglass “egg” camper or tent, I did the following during electrical storms:

        1) If I was near a building that had a full electrical system (i.e. a “real” building, not just a shelter) I went there.

        2) Second choice was to sit in my tow rig (full metal car) with the windows up and not touching the sides (with laptop unplugged and watching radar of course if I had signal :D)

        3) Last choice was to stay in tent or camper, knowing it was just to stay dry and have a “false” sense of security. And blankets to huddle under 😉

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Wow, Pen! You are thorough. Now I know my fiberglass egg provides no protection! Thanks a lot. Haha!

          • DesertGinger says:

            But you also know the PTV does!

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            Oops, sorry 🙂 I had the same feeling when I found out a tent is *worse* than being outside. Who knew? And yeah, the egg…. But at least you do have the PTV, as Desert Ginger said.

            For folks who are really outdoors, the NOLS document linked in the previous (NOAA) link gives some really good info, including debunking a few myths. Here is a separate link to that document.


            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Like I’m going to sit in the PTV with Bridget during every electrical storm. Not gonna’ happen. I know me.

            • weather says:

              Good to hear,Sue.Of the few people every year injured by lightening,you’re among the safest-by your routines,habits and choices of camps.Even in the one-above that you’re at-the shade structure would have taken the very unlikely hit,and it’s cement would have kept it there.I’m starting to sound like Ed,so I’ll just say glad you’re wise enough to feel safe 😉

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              “I’m starting to sound like Ed…” Oh, dear. . . .

              I looked at those shelters during the storm and thought, “They’ve been here a while and haven’t been hit yet!”

            • Sidewinder Pen says:

              I hope I didn’t sound like a paranoid worry-wart. For me I just prefer knowing the facts, and then I can choose to follow them or not as I prefer. If I had Sue’s rig I would likely not run to the PTV for every little storm, but then I probably would hang out in it for big whompers (bringing snacks and my laptop, of course!).

            • Mick'nTN says:

              Your fiberglass trailer will not be transparent to lightning. The energy will take the path of least resistance and a wet fiberglass shell will have a resistance far lower than air. Your bigger danger of equipment problems will be lightning traveling along the ground, before it is dissipated, and coupling into your antenna cable or power cord from the PTV. You might consider disconnecting these if you know a bad electrical storm is imminent.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Okay, clarify please.

              I do disconnect the inverter from the 12v socket. I will also disconnect the antenna cord from the Verizon jetpack and pull the cable out of the window and place it under the BLT along with the pole..

              The power cord (for BLT lights/brakes) is already disconnected whenever we camp. I guess I need to disconnect the cord that equalizes the three batteries, right?

              You can answer in a new comment at the bottom as there is no room here.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Did you mean to say “a resistance far lower than air?”

            • Sidewinder Pen says:

              Well it would certainly be nice to know that a fiberglass shell does provide protection. If so, I’m in a lot better shape than I thought going by the NOAA paper (but it did not specifically go into fiberglass of course). I can still have snacks though, right? 🙂 🙂

            • weather says:

              Pen,you have me laughing!Nope,fiberglass doesn’t protect you,but some snacks do!Any Frito Lay product or chocolate snack is believed by some tribes(like my troupe)to protect from all danger always 🙂

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Do you put them on your head?

            • weather says:

              yes,and better than aluminum cones against aliens and all bad stuff-they have mysterious properties that make you smile if you eat them as well 🙂

        • Karyn says:

          Checked on the Faraday Cage when we had inclimate weather in the Motorhome. The motorhomes (and trailers) are built on a metal frame which is the same as the Faraday Cage. As long as you aren’t touching the metal, if a lightning strike hits your casita, the bolt would be absorbed by the metal cage and not what’s inside. It basically would burn out on the metal.
          I worried alot about that when we did treks through the prairies as there was lots of activity up above.
          The wind however, could be another story.
          That’s where being in a proper shelter would help, but only in a tornado.

          Enjoy the blue sky (not so blue here I’m afraid, we have had steady rain for the last few days… ugh).


      • Mick'nTN says:

        Any wire outside the BLT could pick up a charge from lightning and send that charge through the BLT wiring. Disconnect the antenna as you do when traveling. The battery coupling cable should be disconnected at the BLT end. Continue to also disconnect any charging devices to your computer or Kindle. That should be the best you can do. Don’t park the BLT/PTV in wide open spaces during lightning storms. Surrounding high trees are good lightning protection, except for falling branches.

        • Mick'nTN says:

          The resistance of the fiberglass shell will be less than the resistance of air and electricity will take the path of least resistance. This means the lightning charge will travel around the BLT shell and not go through it and zap you sitting inside. But all bets are off with a direct hit. As Sidewinder Pen said, there is not a lot known about lightning; it is very hard to measure.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Okay. I parked well then. There’s a big ol’ cottonwood nearby but not too close. Thanks, Mick.

          • Cinandjules (NY) says:

            I thought tires were insulators…

            • Sidewinder Pen says:

              From reading NOAA’s, NOLS, and other articles on lightning safety, the rubber tires thing is basically a myth (although an oft-repeated one). There is some protection being in a metal vehicle (which happens to have tires) but it’s not because of the tires; it’s because of the metal “skin” around you that gives the lightning a preferred path (rather than going through you).

  20. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Hi Sue, I have missed reading your adventures this past week. I am all caught up now. The aspen trees were beautiful in your previous post.

    I love rainy days sometimes when we are camping. Stay inside and just mellow out and relax.

    We have just spent a glorious 10 days out camping. Leaving for work from the campground that was 13 miles from home. We would get back and I would have time to go fishing and walking with our dog Harley.

    Harley and I would start our day before we had to leave for work by taking a mile or two walk around the lake. Sometimes before the sun was even up yet. It was total bliss.

    Hoping for you that your grief eases sooner rather than later and that you and Bridget have happy filled days with the wonders of our beautiful country and each other. Hugs.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That does sound like bliss, Jolene. Early morning is the best time of day, in my opinion. Isn’t it great how a slight change in surroundings (13 miles) can have such a positive effect on your daily routine? Walks around the lake, fishing… It puts the workday in perspective. I used to hate it when I looked back on a day and asked myself, “Well, what did I do today?” and the answer was “I went to work.” Bleaggghh.

      Thank you for the hope and good wish for me and Bridget.

  21. DebsJourney says:

    Sounds like a very dramatic time in the BLT. You never cease to amaze me on your bravery. I’ve always been told I am great in an emergency so perhaps I’ll do good in those stormy times. Poor Rosie hates thunder and lightning. (woosey girl) She shivers and can’t move till it passes.
    My weekend was pretty good although I went to a game night at a meetup I joined and brought dessert for 17, and left before it started. I just couldn’t handle all the people and between a major rain storm and lack of breathing room I left. Grabbed a brownie (had to) and split. Just couldn’t be out and home sounded wonderful. Grief can follow you and sneaks up fast. Being alone now was important.
    Be safe and careful cause you are loved.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You did the right thing, Deb. When that feeling hits, get outta’ there quick! My only advice is, if it happens again, take more than one brownie! For heaven’s sake, girl, load those pockets!

      Home is your sanctuary. Being alone is often necessary in order to deal with the sneaky grief-gremlins.

      If you’re good in an emergency, you probably are the type who would go through a storm with ease. Thank you for the love in your closing statement, Deb.

  22. AZ Jim says:

    Storms…yep we got ’em too. Phoenix metro area, micro bursts, wind blown rain, 17,000 without power (not us out here in Surprise though), huge power and light poles on the road, Hwy 17 closed for deep water on roadway, and on and on….I saw it coming on radar so I knew to get out to the patio and roll up my sun shades, etc. You need to get desktop weather with radar if you don’t have it. I used to worry about those micro bursts when we had that huge Mexican Palm out back, you saw pics of it, but I had it taken down this year. I got sick of pulling up little “wannabe baby palms” all over the yard. Those pods produce thousands of seeds once a year. Good riddance. Detta wanted to save 3 feet of the trunk to put a large pot and plant on so I had the guys cut it that way. It does look nice now and the plant she put in has beautiful yellow flowers the butterflies love. Looks like by the time you and Bridget get here it’s gonna be nice. Watch the weather Missy…Hugs
    Storm info:

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jim,

      Thanks for the link. What I’ve been using lately is the weather widget in the sidebar. When you click on it you can see a satellite or radar view, and since I already have told the widget where we are, it shows our present location.

      Bridget and I just took a walk over to the boat ramp/day use area. Two cars are parked there — People fishing on a Sunday afternoon. I looked at the condition of their tires which told me the road out of here is in good shape.

      Your Mexican Palm reminds me of some of the plants we had in Florida. I learned that you have to be careful what you let grow in your yard when your house is in a sunny climate with a long growing season.

      I’ll take your advice and keep an eye on the weather. It’s very changeable this time of year . . .

  23. Paula says:

    Time flies! Only a few short months ago you were sitting at Pelican Lake. What a nice summer in the north, and now heading back to a warmer winter.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Paula,

      And we sat here in Pelican Lake waiting for the higher elevation of Ashley Forest to warm up . . . Time did pass quickly this summer!

  24. Diann in MT says:

    Hi, Sue,
    Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. I would miss it if I couldn’t read it.

  25. DesertGinger says:

    So you had an exciting storm! I love storms. Used to watch them out my big patio door of my house in Las Vegas. When it storms in the desert you can really see the action. I was in Wisconsin once, working on my computer when lighting struck the house and burned my computer connections to toast! That was scary and expensive. Learned to unplug the computer.
    I am home again, with a big open wound in my abdomen packed with gauze. I will have a nurse in every day to change dressing and repack. And I’m back to more lovenox shots in belly because my INR is low. I hope I don’t get any more abscesses. Good to see my Chloe. My friend took her to groomer so she has cute new haircut. Pretty soon she is going to belong to half the people in this park.
    I was working on my mail and filing when I left to go to urgent care 10 days ago, so I came home to my same mess. Except I don’t feel like working on it. Maybe tomorrow.
    It seems so quiet here after noisy hospital. I think I’ll put some music on.
    Rock on!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Well, your life is moving right along! I wish your INR would get where it’s supposed to be, whatever the heck an INR is. (I’m ignorant about medical stuff.)

      Little Chloe, bless her soul. . . She’s had several adventures. I like your statement, “Pretty soon she is going to belong to half the people in this park.” Ha! Chloe, the Community Dog…

      I’m glad you’re home, Ginger. The mail and filing can wait.

      • DesertGinger says:

        I don’t know what INR stands for but it is an internationally recognized measurement of the clotting factor of your blood. A low number means your blood will clot easily, while a high number is blood that is less likely to clot and thinner. They want my number to be 2.5 and right now it is 1.0.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, DesertGinger,

      You are home – wonderful! I bet Chloe is adorable with her new ‘do! Glad that you have friends in the park helping you out with Chloe when needed.

      Take good care, strong woman! 🙂

    • weather says:

      Rock on,Ginger!I love it-keep practicing those dance moves in your head and whatever feels good enough to move!Fill that place with our kinda noise,we’ve got celebrating ahead 😉

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Chloe is becoming the official mascot of your community! 🙂

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Glad to hear you feel up to rocking on 😀

      It sounds like you have just enough community where you are – they helped you take care of Chloe, but you also have peace and quiet.

      Isn’t it irritating that your paperwork didn’t take care of itself while you were gone? It’s the least it could have done!

    • BadgerRickInWis says:

      So nice to hear that you are home and with Chloe.

    • Applegirl NY says:

      Glad you’re back home. Hopefully you will have the rest and peace of mind to heal quickly. Hang in there!

  26. Lee J in nortaHern california says:

    You never cease to amaze me with your practical wisdom! You looked at the fisher men’s tires to check the condition of the road. Gotta file that away in my memory banks!

    I live on a dirt road, when we moved here thirty years ago, it was pot holes and mud skiing to get down our road, all the years of having road base hauled in makes it possible to get the big garbage truck down our road without mishap, no more checking tires!

    Be safe and dodge the mud holes…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lee J.,

      Bridget and I walked over there so I could ask the people about the road. One look at their tires and I thought, “No need to ask!”

  27. Still raining here in Florida too! Raining so hard we had to turn off the TV because we couldn’t t hear it! 5th day in a row of rain. Days start out nice but like clockwork it’s raining again by 6 pm! Lots of thunder and lightning to accompany the pounding rain!Hope your rain has stopped by now Sue! Chuck and I have traveled that highway from Flaming Gorge to Vernal several times. Yup, it is twisty and turny and beautiful! Beautiful country for sure! The Aspen photo is breathtaking!
    Stay safe and snuggle little Bridget!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Gosh, Geri, that rain has to stop soon! You’re stuck in a weather pattern of daily rain showers. Do the weather forecasters offer any relief? From your reply to my questions below your previous comment I got the impression you are staying at the campground, only on higher ground. No campers to look after because the campground is closed.

      • There are 3 campgrounds here in Myakka, 2 are closed because of flooding as well as the whole north end of the park. We are actually in the area where most of the volunteers camp, the carpenters, electricians, plumbers etc., etc. The “professional” retired crew! lol 🙂 higher grounds but lots of big puddles. Forecast is more of the same for at least 3 more days. Good thing I have my Kindle Paperwhite to read!

  28. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    Wow! That was a heck of a storm! Lightning storms can be beautiful, but scary at the same time. I am glad that Bridget does not get stressed by storms. Gracie hates thunder, fireworks and the sound of heavy trucks (trash or UPS) driving by.

    Hope you enjoy your evening! Hugs to you and Bridget from me and Gracie pup!
    Having a stocked pantry and plenty of propane and fresh water provides priceless peace of mind. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Denise,

      Oh, poor Gracie. Spike was the same way about loud noises (especially thunder) until he lost his hearing. “Silver lining” . . . .

      You enjoy your evening, too. Hug Gracie for me!

  29. Lolalo says:

    Know what else I LOVE about your blog?
    As I visit other blogs, I am bombarded by advertising – everything flashing, and popping up, and obnoxiously trying to get my attention. Ugh. I now avoid most of them. And I do have adblocker – just doesn’t work on some.
    Your occasional and comparatively discreet Amazon plug is no problem whatsoever. Your blog is like a vacation!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lolalo,

      Sometimes WordPress sticks ads into blogs without the blogger having any control over it. I hope this doesn’t happen much on my blog. From your comment I gather that it doesn’t. Thanks for the feedback. It’s important to me what kind of impression my blog makes.

      Often I wish the ads that Amazon provides to its Associates weren’t as in-your-face, but rather more subdued. In order to inform readers of Amazon promotions I have to use the ads that Amazon provides. Good to hear you aren’t turned away by the ads.

      • Lolalo says:

        Sue, I hope I didn’t come across as being anti-Amazon for your blog. Exactly the opposite – I’m glad that you have this opportunity to make some extra dollars. No way does your little Amazon link distract from your site. I guess so far you have been skipped by WordPress adding the ads. I never see them on your blog. Just great stories and photos.

  30. Willow (AZ) says:

    I had clinger at the pool yesterday lol. I went early for a swim then sat on one of the loungers to read and enjoy my book before the storm rolled in. There were only 3 or 4 people because of grey skies, so there were about 20 loungers in a row that were vacant. A few minutes after I sat down a lady sat down in the chair right next to me and started to exercise on the chair with legs up in the air and arms flaying around. I could hardly believe it. Of course I couldn’t read anymore. So I said in my sweetest voice ” do you have enough room? I’ll move.” She said “that’s ok you are not bothering me.”
    I said “well it’s hard to read with you moving around, so close so close.”
    She was quite annoyed! So I moved then saw the humor in it, I just got clinged!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s so typical, Willow. She’s the one who decides to cling and when you object, she gets annoyed. What is it with people? I wish one of these clingers would explain their behavior.

      People have suggested that RVers park close to another RV because they’re afraid. Well, this woman at the pool wasn’t afraid. Gosh, how obnoxious! I’m glad you said something to her.

      Now someone’s going to say… well, maybe she’s lonely. And you know what I say to that… Too bad! That’s not the way to cure it.

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      Oh that’s rich! And funny, in retrospect. In a “what is WITH some people” sort of a way. She clearly could not pick up on your initial sarcasm (but I thought it was funny).

      Reminds me of a time I had to fly somewhere (ugh). It was a last minute booking so I was stuck with a middle seat (UGH). At first I was alone in the row (too good to be true, clearly), but then a man sat on one side of me, and a woman on the other. I didn’t realize at first that they were together. Well, we take off and then next thing you know this couple are sharing articles from a (single) magazine — looking over decorating ideas, pointing at the various features, etc. Can you guess where the shared magazine was? Yes, right in front of me! I shrank back in my seat as far as I could but it didn’t help much, they were so in my face.

      So finally, when I could see this was going to go on and on, I said, “I’d be glad to trade seats with one of you, so you could share your magazine and conversation without me right in the middle.” “Oh no,” said the woman, “I like to sit by the aisle and my husband likes the window seat.” Well geez, fine then, don’t mind me! GEEZ O PETE! Thank goodness flights end. (And I have a friend who wonders why I would rather drive…)

  31. weather says:

    Following the lightening thread down here.That you disconnect what you do is one of your habits/routines I was referring to in my comment.-Mick will answer hopefully,off hand I’d guess he was suggesting you do what you do already.

    • weather says:

      reply to self-Mick answered above,it’s all good,just good night. OK,….N’nite

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      There are two things I haven’t been doing that I should be doing: disconnect the cord at the PTVs bumper that connects the batteries in the PTV with the house battery…. and pull the antenna cable out of the BLT. I’ve been leaving it inside, giving a convenient conductor of electricity into my home!

      My father was an electrician. None of that knowledge rubbed off on me.

      Goodnight, weather! 🙂

  32. Deborah says:

    As so often happens, I’m learning from your blog! I never would have thought about all the prep that goes into facing an electrical storm! Certainly gives me much to think about.

    BTW I’m supposed to be closing on my RV on Thursday. Still have another five months after that before getting on the road full time. I guess Thursday will make it real!

    Stay safe and dry!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hooray! The rig is yours on Thursday! How exciting, Deborah. . . . It will be your play house for five months and then off you go. What is your rig?

      • Sue, it’s a 27′ Class C. I’ve been back and forth, up and down in terms of what I wanted to get. Then one day I had a dream. In it I was driving a Class C and took the corner a little too close and crimped the back, passenger side. I read about my RV in an email that I got from a dealer and went to see it and, yes, the crimp I dreamt about was there. I knew it was supposed to be mine. No more debates between this or that RV. As a result, for the most part I’ve been feeling pretty calm about the whole thing since I feel like it has been somehow ordained for me. Crazy, yeah, I know but whatever works!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Not crazy… Dreams and intuition can lead us where we need to go. And with this rig… now you know that when driving a Class C, take the turns wider than you’re used to with a car. 🙂 Twenty-seven feet is a good size. Enjoy!

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            Just a note from a former “work” driver (and Sue, I know you were just using a figure of speech and are a perfectly capable driver yourself).

            Anyway, Deborah, as you have figured out by now, you can’t just take turns as tightly as you would in a regular car. If you do, you’ll scrape either the rear outer tire or the passenger side of the rig. This goes for any longer-wheelbased vehicle, and/or when towing. BUT, generally there is no need to “swing wide” in the opposite direction to make the corner. It actually drives me nuts when (to use the most extreme example) people in vehicles just *slightly* longer than usual (say, mini-vans) swing WAY OUT to the opposite side prior to making a turn. Hey, you’re not driving a semi here, I think you can make the turn without using the lane OPPOSITE to the side you are turning into!

            Okay, now I sound like a meanie making fun of people, but I don’t mean it that way. I was taught (by good drivers at my job, after I got myself into an embarrassing situation right at the start) and these “swingers” probably never had the benefit of that. Anyway, in almost all situations, it’s better to NOT swing wide (e.g. swing left to make a right turn) but instead to stay in your lane and just keep on going straight, but go further ahead then you normally would before initiating the turn. In other words, turn just like you do in any normal car, but don’t START turning until you are further “past” the corner than you would be in that small car. Don’t swing wide to the opposite side at all. Especially in a van or Class C, you have more room than you think you do for the front of the vehicle to go further past the turn, because there is little “hood” to get in the way. This will cover you on almost all turns.

            There may be the very occasional time you do need to swing “wide” to the side, but those times are very few and far between in my experience. As a side benefit, by not swinging wide (i.e. to the left prior to making a right turn), you will be much less likely to get into an accident with folks passing you from behind or in the oncoming lane.

            Currently when I’m towing I’m 50′ long, and even so, I very, very rarely need to or do “swing wide” before making a turn. On the contrary, I just go straight for a bit longer before starting my turn, then simply turn in the direction I’m heading for. So there is no “left in my rights,” nor “right in my lefts” except on very rare occasions.

            If you are driving a semi, then that’s different; but few of us are.

            • Sidewinder Pen says:

              So just watch out for clingers and swingers 😉

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Thanks, Pen, for clearing that up. I shouldn’t have written it that way. I do what you explained (go ahead further, don’t make sharp turns). I was careless in translating that into words. You’re right… Going into the other lane may cause an accident.

            • Sidewinder Pen says:

              That’s what I figured, Sue. And to be fair, you said “wider,” which could also be used to describe going ahead further before starting the turn. I just “used” your mention of the subject as a reason to get my “swinger” post rolling 🙂

              (But seriously, I hope it will be useful to some folks — given the number of needless “swingers” I see out on the road I realize that everyone likely didn’t have the benefit of good commercial vehicle instruction like I did.)

  33. kgdan says:

    Getting bombarded again this evening in Moab. Lots of lightning, thunder, wind & rain.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I guess this storm has been all over the state and still continues. You know that photo of the blue sky at the end of this post? Dark clouds have moved in!

      Stay safe…

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      It has finally passed here (very south end of Utah), but not that long ago. Today was almost more dramatic than yesterday due to the back and forth nature of sun/storms/etc.

  34. Linda Rose, Muffin, Murphy, Molly & Midgy says:

    I love sitting in my Roadtrek with rain pelting the roof, all snug and cozy with my Kindle and the dogs curled up nearby. Of course it wasn’t so much fun when I had tornado warnings, hail and 60 mph winds. Your storm sounds quite tame so I’m glad you could hunker down til the roads dry. I am so loving your blog!!

  35. Good you stayed put until things dried out and the sun was shining:) Nice to know you were safe!

  36. RachelDLS says:

    Macha and I had rain and hail! It sure an change your plans. 🙂 We are hoping for a few sunny days! Until then, Batten down the hatches!

  37. Elizabeth in WA says:

    HI Sue,
    Glad you are safe and dry…lots of interesting remarks made about safety too. I was thinking well at least it is not Florida or N. Carolina, the 2 lightening capitols of the nation. So maybe you would be ok in the storms. It can be a bit un-nerving however if it gets too wild and windy, etc. Nice you had just taken care of food and other needs so were all set to stay in one place so long as needed. That kind of flexibility is nice!! Happy travels to you both!!

  38. I’ve been here in Sparks , NV for 3 days waiting for the weather to clear so I can go across Donner Pass. Not my favorite place to be but that storm is over this way too, with forecasts first for snow and then for ‘frozen mix’ for the Truckee area. I have no desire to tow my little Casita through the pass with any of that going on. Forecast for today is clear! Yay! We’ll be leaving soon. At least we have been right here next to the Truckee River, so between raindrops Joy and Shiloh have enjoyed many dips…just about their favorite thing to do. Had no lightening or thunder here…but it turns out we are right near the airport, and directly in their flight path, so it’s been noisy…I have a lot to learn about picking places to stay!
    I’m here because I need to get back to what used to be home (Monterey, CA) for some family matters. Between the fires, smoke, and snow forecast this is the route I chose.
    I hope the rain storms helped with the many CA fires!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Micky,

      You are wise to stay put until the weather settles. I understand choosing a route to avoid smoke and snow. I’ve done the same. I never want to be caught on a road with a forest fire raging nearby or zero visibility due to smoke or snow. As for camping in a flight path, I’ve never had that problem because I’m rarely near a city. I’ll probably do the same thing when I attempt to camp in that part of California!

      I’m glad Joy and Shiloh are enjoying the benefits of camping and travel. Best wishes for today’s trip through the pass!

  39. weather says:

    Iridescent ribbons of light streamed between purplish gray clouds overhead-in the stillness they posed for a while.As slender feathers of clouds turned into bands of blues the water took it’s cue and did the same.A small golden pocket on the shoreline-made so by a bank scattered with trees – was all that remained unreached yet by dawn.No more eager than it -to let time hasten anything- I let my attention drift to sounds.

    Familiar sweet tones in gull,goose,and duck voices told me fishing is easy today. Small branches snapped as critters climbed trees.I’ll finish my coffee before I climb into anything-even a tee-shirt and jeans.Good morning,Sue-hope you’re feeling as free to keep whatever pace suits you.Did you find dry ground anywhere yet today?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, weather,

      The motion pictures in your comment give me respite from what’s going on here… more rain! The coffee pot is perking as I sit here looking through foggy windows wondering if we will be able to leave today. At this point, I don’t think so. The blue sky in the last photo of this post was a quick promise of bright days ahead, quickly covered over with rain clouds. It’s been years since I’ve seen this much rain in such a short period of time. The plants with purple and yellow flowers here will be revitalized. I will be, too, once the blue sky returns and Bridget and I can roll down the road.

      Coffee’s done! 🙂

      • weather says:

        Sounds as though you’re being held from driving at the moment,to avoid mishap -and arrive- just when the gifts at your next place become ready -to make your arrival there all the more sweet.I’m so glad your having been to Wally World makes waiting easier and nicer- in your dry refuge from damp surroundings.Glad to share pictures and coffee again-here’s to purple when we see it and revitalizing all that blooms…!-especially trust in blue sky ahead

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          It’s not the on again – off again rain that holds me back as much as the poor visibility and threatening clouds in the direction of our journey. You’re right, once the weather clears, the open road will be a joy (but, of course, it always is!).

          • Shirlene says:

            Good Morning Sue, Weather, and All. Just finished my coffee and reading the comments on the blog. Rain huh! I wish we had some of that. Drought here has taken the most part of my lawn…as I am saving my watering for my plants…Keep my car in the garage so I don’t have to wash it and drive my Jeep, who cares if a Jeep is dirty, isn’t that the way it is supposed to be anyway…Have a great day everyone, far and wide and weather challanged.

      • weather says:

        Now and then I hear someone say they wish the news would tell success stories as often as reporting crime and tragedy.It really would be nice-“This morning neighbors were seen sitting together in several parks-looks like another nice Monday here folks.The farmer’s market is still open all week long-will be until the harvest’s over.You might need umbrella’s if you get there after three,but walks after supper should be dry.”

        Today I wish the same kind of thing about some phone calls.A nice one to get would be”Hi,just wanted you to know traffic’s nice and slow here now,everyone’s being cautious for the kids and critters sakes,and we’re especially glad ,it being apple season and all-we hardly know whether to expect deer or horses heading towards that orchard!”

        To their credit-they care enough to call at all.Today I found it harder to choose understanding instead of frustration ,so I paused between sentences until I could.Someone called to say a dog had just been hit by a car and was still alive.Long story short-within the hour the vet dispensed pain meds and set the leg,which will heal fine,the owner’s two kids will surely be more careful about leaving the front door open now.

        It’s hard to make money stretch when you raise a family ,fences are expensive,cars can’t stop on a dime-I get all that.And I love happy endings as much as anyone.Yet today I wished I’d heard one first-instead of “A car just…”

        Thank God,I’ve got fresh bread.I’m going to make a huge egg sandwich for dinner.Whimpering is usually just a sign that I need protein- like a child needs a nap.

        Hope the rain’s expected to let up soon there.We won’t get any until Friday night.The foliage here grows more colorful every day.Saturday I’m taking my grandson and his new girlfriend horseback riding through woods north west of here a ways.We’re all excited-they’ve never seen this states autumn in the woods or ridden horses!By the way Saturday I’m not answering my phone at all,good plan,huh? 🙂

        • DesertGinger says:

          Weather you are just fun to know. You ride horses! Awesome. Have a great ride, and enjoy your egg sandwich.

          • weather says:

            Thanks,I’m going to add salsa ,wish I could offer you half 🙂 My parents-got a great deal on my first one,she just -thank God- had barely been “broke”. So we taught each other gentle wild ways.I was eight,she was small it was perfect.If you never learned to fear it,it’s wonderful.I’m glad my grandson trusts me-I wouldn’t want the wrong person to introduce them to it-it’s supposed to be fun!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Sorry you received a distressing phone call. I like your version of the news!

          Oh, horseback riding in the woods of New York in autumn with a grandson you cherish… How wonderful is that!

          • weather says:

            Don’t think a newspaper would like my reporting,glad you do 🙂 If Saturday’s predicted clear skies are here, I’ll let you know how wonderful it is .We’ll postpone if it rains-I also find poor visibility makes driving torturous instead of fun,and I’m not married to any schedule,tucking in soon-sweet dreams and Bridget snuggles when you do

  40. BadgerRickInWis says:

    Funny, ever since I developed this full time dream / obsession whenever we have a severe storm at night I close my eyes, pull the covers up tight and imagine that I am snug and warm inside my little someday egg.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I did something similar, Rick. I bet a lot of people in “the dream stage” prior to full-timing do something like that.

      I went so far as to empty my house, all except a small bedroom, in order to imagine living in a small space. As it turned out, I enjoyed my house more when most of the living was in one room.

    • Shirlene says:

      Hi Rick, you know I do the same thing, snug in my bed at night, I think about when I am on the road and hunkering down at night, under the blankets and imaging the rain hitting the roof of my RV. I expect it to feel just like what Sue describes as she hunkers down, snug like a bug in a rug.

  41. Shirlene says:

    Can some of you guys collect all that rain and drive it to California…my lawn could use some water!

  42. kgdan says:

    We are staying put in Moab as well. Skies keep opening up just as we think they’re clearing up. Just as well, I guess, as we decided to have an odd noise checked out on our TV. Turns out as we speak we are having a new water pump installed. Now the rain appears to be a blessing as it didn’t go out on the road.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I think a lot of RVers are stalled by this weather. Glad you found some things that needed attention to take care of now, rather than later.

  43. Sunny says:

    Hi Sue, I am just getting back to reading blogs again, and writing some posts when I can. Good to see you are still out there doing your thing 🙂 I was so sorry to learn of you losing Spike. I no longer have Curley Joe either. Just me, Lady Blue and Izzy, too. I am planning on leaving PA in a couple weeks and heading south and then west. Maybe our paths will cross again, who knows, but glad to be reading about your adventures anyway.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sunny,

      I’ve very sorry to hear your Curley Joe has passed. It’s tough to go on without our sweet babies. I’m glad you have two others to comfort you.

      Have a wonderful, safe trip south and then west with good weather all the way! Nice hearing from you again…

  44. I made it across Donner Pass! In all my worrying about the weather I forgot how beautiful it is! Hard to look away from the road, but I stopped in a few places to just take it in. Good to be on the other side of the pass, AND on the other side of Sacramento. Whew. I need to be in the Monterey area for about a week, then I’m off to the Pine Knot Casita Rally in Texas. I know that’s not your thing Sue. but I’m really looking forward to meeting the Casita Forum people. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It doesn’t matter if it’s not my thing. I’m tickled to read about your travels. Over Donner Pass, past Sacramento, familiar territory around Monterey and then off to the Pine Knot Casita Rally in Texas! You’re taking advantage of those wheels!

      The Pine Knot Casita Rally is very popular and successful. While there you may meet Paul and Reine who are followers of this blog. They’ve attended several of the Pine Knot get-togethers.

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Donner Pass…you can be glad it is this time of year. Hubby got out of the Navy in Dec. 1975…and THAT very day we headed for “home” at that time…Idaho!! We left Sacramento (were there to say goodbye to some of my kin) as it was raining, and of course that meant snow in the mts. Crazy we were…with a 5 week old baby and a dog and loaded to the hilt (movers had already taken everything else)…we drove through the worst blizzard, nearly a white out….the small truck in front of us, made sure to let us keep up with it…so we followed our wheels where his were…I don’t think we even had chains on, or maybe not even in the car!! They had not scraped the road it was probably 6 or more inches deep then. We got to Reno by about 1 AM…and we and that truck were the last ones on that road before it was shut down awhile. GOD protects fools and children!! Sometimes. We are grateful HE did…and yes, we slept in a motel for a few hours, got up and headed for home…still in snow, but much less across that desert. Looking back, we think we had to have been crazy…of course, we did not want to have to stay in California for weeks till the roads were better either.

  45. Tawanda (Ut) says:

    Well according to the local reports 3 inches of rain fell out your way (that was up to last night) Sue, we got about 2, another storm is just passing over here again now, sure would be nice to share with those who really need it more than we do right now.
    Hopefully some clearing and drying tomorrow or next day!! You may see snow on the mountain tops if it clears enough, enjoy!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Tawanda,

      Three inches of rain sounds right. After photographing that pretty blue sky, that night it rained for hours. The forecast indicates we may have a break tomorrow and then there will be more rain, one very cold night, then followed by clear skies and pleasant temperatures. I’m talking about central Utah.

  46. Sidewinder Pen says:


    Can you remind me what your new camera is? I remember when you did mention it that it was one I had already been considering, but now I can’t find where that mention was. Thanks.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

    • Pat in KS says:

      There is a nice photo of the camera, a Panasonic Lumex, with the Amazon picture., Pen.

      I want to say “welcome home” to DesertGinger. I am glad you are back where you belong with your newly trimmed dog. I am hoping to hear that you are healed and healthy. No more strokes.

      Utah and Arizona have to dry up someday. Rain is so much nicer when it isn’t everyday. And it would be such a blessing if it would fall where it is really wanted.

      Thank you for the “clinger” story. I have this dreadful picture of an overweight woman flailing about on a chaise. It sounds as tho she should have been doing those exercises in the privacy of her own home, with the shades drawn. I’m sure I’d have been overcome with the desire to laugh.

      Keep safe, Sue. Hug Bridget for me.

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        I don’t see that Amazon picture (?). I did look through Sue’s Amazon links, but didn’t find the camera; I also searched “new camera” but there has been enough discussion of it (and various new cameras) that I didn’t find it. I believe it’s the same camera I was looking at a while back (but did not keep track of), which has a great lens and very good low light ability. Anyway, just wanted to look it over again, as I’m feeling the limitations of my current, hand-me-down camera.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Thanks, Pat. You keep safe, too.

  47. Kay says:

    Rain, BOY DID IT!

    Puddles every where…

    It woke me up and I had to close windows in my sleepy state of mind. Haven’t seen it rain like that in a long time. Much cooler today, but I guess SUN will come back in a few days. For now, I’ll just stay under cover, like Bridget!

    Have a good day, the photos are lovely!

  48. Marg in Ouachita's says:

    Well Sue, I just posted two of your pictures on Facebook and your paragraph about how comfortable you are and I am wishing I was in that little egg you call home. Maybe sooner or later I will be. My favorite times in the 5th wheels was when the wind was blowing and it was heavy raining. You go girl!!

  49. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Driving in rain is not fun. I always fear the other driver!

    The sound of rain hitting the roof is soothing. Yuck what a muddy mess! How clever you are!

    Snugging with Bridget….how sweet and comforting for both.

    During electrical/lightning storms we unplug ALL of our electronics. Often times you can hear the crack….way too close!

    For those blogorinos having wild weather… safe!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      You’re right about other drivers. If no one else were on the roads, I’d have left this camp yesterday. The thought of trucks and big RVs bearing down on my on a road going down a mountain (big descent ahead of us… that same road that I whined about going up it), passing us in dangerous places, splashing water onto the windshield… ugh.

      Yeah, when in doubt, unplug it anyway! I’m sure you have plenty of experience with lightning storms at your place. Have a good night!

  50. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Hi Sue,
    Out walking today we saw one of these little guys and was such a cute and well behaved little thing….do you know anything pro or con about this breed:

    We cannot get a dog yet…but still thinking….and anyone else with ideas, feel free to chime in too. I liked that these can live to be 18-20!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      Here’s something I found that may be helpful…

      A Toy Fox Terrier may be right for you, if you want a dog who…

      Is small, easy to carry, and doesn’t take up much space
      Is quick-moving, agile, and light on his feet
      Has a sleek satiny easy-care coat
      Combines terrier traits (sturdy, spunky, energetic, impulsive) with toy breed traits (likes to cuddle, is more responsive and more trainable than most terriers)
      Is comical and playful and especially loves to play ball
      Is extremely alert and makes a keen watchdog
      Is quite hardy and lives a long time

      A fox terrier might not be right for you, if you don’t want to deal with…

      The fragility of toy breeds
      High energy level — providing enough exercise and activities to keep them busy
      Suspiciousness toward strangers and strange dogs
      Housebreaking difficulties

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Thanks Sue…I am curious too…were both Bridget and Spike housebroken when you got them, or did you have to train them and if so, was it difficult??

  51. Cazz (Scotland, UK) says:

    Hi Sue,
    Just wanted to let you know that I am loving your blog – I am always readily awaiting the next post and pics. You are doing a great job and are an inspiration to all. Safe travels

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cazz,

      Welcome to my blog! Thank you for complimenting me on this blog. It’s always a thrill for me to hear someone loves riding along with us on our travels. I hope we hear from you again!

  52. Shirlene says:

    Good Morning Sue, I am just finishing my coffee and a piece of toast with your favorite, peanut butter on it. Yum, I am a big “dunker” and love to dunt my toast in my coffee. I hope you are enjoying your coffee and I have not see the weather report this morning, but are the storms starting to move on. The weather man said they are stalling. I know you will not attempt to move on until it is safe for both you and Bridget, that is for sure. So we will just be here with you, enjoying the time until you take us to a new adventure. How much fun are you! Enjoy your day, I will be lurking.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Shirlene,

      I wish I had some toast to dunk! I didn’t buy a loaf of bread in an effort to keep from packing on more pounds. Bread does that to me fast. Then I sit here with my coffee and kick myself, wishing I had some TOAST! And yes, I’d dunk it with wild abandon . . .

      Unless another storm moves in within the next hour, we’ll move camp today. I’m ready to make another post and then I’m closing up the laptop. You enjoy your day, too, Shirlene. Always nice to hear from you!

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        If you get gluten free bread, you won’t be interested in eating extras!! Ha…so far that is my experience anyway!! It is better than nothing…that is all I can tell you. The best one I have made was in a book using Almond Flour…and my recent allergy tests show I am very bad with Almond Flour…oh well…not like I am starving anyway!! I think all of the ones I have bought at the store were rice based….and it just lacks, that is all.

  53. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Good morning, Sue,

    Hope things have dried out for you. Potty breaks for Bridget in muddy, rainy weather are not fun!

    It has been rainy and gray here the past couple of days – but nothing compared to what you and other blogorinos are experiencing!

    Hope you have a good day – whether hunkered down, waiting for roads to dry out or moving on to your next location! Hugs to you and Bridget! 🙂

  54. weather says:

    Gathering their tapestried robes about themselves,branches resettle on limbs-the next gust lifts them higher- and they sway…as if admiring their lovely new clothes in the light

    Today the trees closest to shore appear thoroughly feminine,realizing that some would be surprised by that description,I smile as I think about Shirlene for a while …most of us on here are in many ways different yet really so alike

    Reluctant to leave the beauty every sense is awash in, I linger -until an adult bald eagle with a less mature one(her white head the only difference )fly close to each other in front of me.The unlikelihood of that pairing-though it may well be short lived-is somewhat miraculous by itself in September.To have them come near and show me is astonishingly so.

    What an act to close the month with-I applaud Him- and once again give thanks for a seat in the theater.Hi,Sue-you may be driving or out by now,hope whatever you’re doing feels delightful.I understand you capturing what you can by camera so often.This world is just too great not to share.

  55. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hello, Weather,

    How special, to be greeted to the day with a visit from not one, but two bald eagles! I wonder if the younger one was her baby or if it was passing through, migrating. Most of the time, eagles are very territorial and will defend their “area”. We have several pairs of eagles that call Richmond home. They each have an area along the James River. A couple years ago, I took a lazy boat tour down the river. Our sole purpose was to see and shoot (photos!) the magestic birds. We were blessed with the sighting of one pair. It was an awesome trip!

    Hope you have a great day, Weather! 🙂

  56. weather says:

    Hi,Denise-that boat tour must have been amazing-I’m so happy you were able to have it!Eagles ARE just fascinating,hope you have a great day,too 🙂

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