Bluff and blunder

Soon after we arrive in the area, the crew and I drive through Bluff.

I have my camera ready for out-the-window shots.  It isn’t long before a picture presents itself.

P1110388Along Main Street, smack dab in the middle of town

Huge rocks stand guard around houses tucked among cottonwood trees.

P1110389-001A neighborhood next to enormous rock

Horses graze in a pasture along Main Street.

P1110393Gray hair is beautiful!

We pass a few restaurants, of course . . . .

This one is named for a nearby landscape feature, not the punk hairstyle.

P1110387 Is this where I ate blue corn pancakes?

At the heart of Bluff is the Bluff Fort settlement.

If you visit Bluff, you must tour Bluff Fort!

P1110401You-know-who sticks his ears into the photo.

In the meantime, follow this link to Bluff Fort for excellent photos of the fort and for fascinating information, including the Hole-in-the-Rock Expedition, part of “one of the most extraordinary wagon trips ever undertaken in North America and a fine example of pioneer spirit.”

The homes of Bluff display architecture from simple to ornate.

In a post written during our 2014 visit to Bluff, I included photos of houses, so I’ll only include one house in this post.

P1110399Pickets and roses always go well together

P1110400A composition of triangles

Here’s a business opportunity!

P1110390The crew and I camped here with friends a few years ago.

Main street leads to the Twin Rocks Cafe on the east side of town.

P1110392“Where are the twin rocks?” you ask.

Here they are!

P1110397Tiny people in the parking lot below

The crew and I return to our campsite at Sand Island Campground.

Next time we’re in town I’ll order something from the Twin Rocks Cafe.

P1110406“We all live in a white submarine, a white submarine, a white submarine . . . .”

The crew and I conclude our day with a sunset stroll-and-roll to the riverside.

“This cool air is nice, isn’t it, Bridge.”

P1110355The light of early evening turns the San Juan blue.

P1110357Reggie smells the wheels because that’s what he does.  Smell stuff and run around.

P1110356Bridget is above that.  She sits with the flowers, watching the river flow by.

 Oops!  Classic blunder of the amateur photographer!

I did it.  I took a photo of Bridget with a post sticking up from her head!

P1110366She’s so darn cute in this shot that I’m including it anyway!



When you go to Amazon via a link or ad on my blog, the crew and I receive a commission from your purchases.  Prices remain the same.  It’s a win-win!

Take a look at what readers have ordered from Amazon lately:

Titanium 750ml Pot
Telescoping Hiking Poles
Acer 15.6″ Chromebook Laptop
Blood Pressure Monitor with Extra Large Cuff
Mesclun Lettuce Seeds- Salad Mix- 500+ Seeds
Widescreen HD Webcam with Video Calling/Recording

P1110367“Bridgie, you little doll.”


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120 Responses to Bluff and blunder

  1. We really liked that area.

  2. Colleen from Alabama says:

    Do you rotate thru the same areas from season to season? Where do you go when the heat is on?
    Nice pictures. I love that your off the touristy route. Bought a few of the Benchmark map books (hope you got credit). Studying them and learning to understand them. So many things to learn. …

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Colleen,

      I’d rather not “rotate thru the same areas from season to season.” There are only so many ways one can go north from southern Arizona so after a few years, we revisit previous camps. I try to vary the roads we take (like coming to Bluff by way of Canyon de Chelly — that’s a first). Where do we go when the heat is on? We go UP and/or near water.

      Thank you for buying your Benchmarks from Amazon through my blog. I’ve seen that Benchmarks have been ordered but I have no way of knowing who placed the orders. The more you look at the maps, the more you’ll see.


  3. Cat Lady finally on the road in TN says:


  4. Marcia GB in MA says:

    Love the rock formations – especially Twin Rocks. Bluff looks like a great area to explore.

  5. Barb from Illinois says:

    That last photo…Bridget looks so happy. Beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing them with us. We are so fortunate to have such a diversity of landscapes to visit in our country.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes, we are, Barb. And often that diversity can be seen within a few hours’ drive.

      Thanks re the photos.

  6. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    WOW! love the house with the rock formation in the background. Cute little town! You know who’s ears are darling! Bridgeeee babeeee’s smile is precious!
    And the BLT looks so quaint….home is where you park her!

    Thanks and have a great evening!

  7. Dawn in MI says:

    Bridget is soooooo cute! Especially that last shot. She seems very very happy that you got her the ‘car.’ I’m actually considering getting Katie one, though I doubt she’d sit in it so nicely. She and I go for a walk and now she just sits down when she doesn’t want to go further. I can barely get a mile out of her now days. She’s 10 this December, but I think it’s more attitude than lack of ability. If you know what I mean.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn,

      I thought the same thing about Bridget — that she was staging sit-down strikes, not wanting to walk when she could. As time went by, I realized it might have been that, but mostly she simply wasn’t enjoying the walk due to her leg injury and aging.

      It got to the point that Reggie and I weren’t getting the exercise we need and what walking we did wasn’t fun because we had to stop and wait for Bridget. This “car” has made all the difference.

      • Renee from Idaho says:

        Bridget definitely looks happy in her little car. I love it. I will too, buy one when the time comes. I had a little doggy backpack for my little Maltese when we hiked, and she was light enough to carry, but my little Terrier, Mica, is a bit huskier (and not fat), to toting her would not be the way to go.

      • Dawn in MI says:

        You’re right. Maybe she isn’t having fun. But she loves to go go go! So…maybe I should invest.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          It’s tough to know what they’re feeling and thinking. BTW, if you do invest in a pet stroller, the bigger wheels (with shocks) are worth the extra money, unless you’ll always be pushing on smooth pavement. I’m surprised how smooth Bridget rides over very rough terrain and in and out of gullies.

  8. Jan Johnson says:

    Horses on Main Street – that is MY kind of place! The twin rocks are amazing as are the other rock formations. I so hope to make it out west someday and see some of these things, so different from the Southeast!

  9. Sealarkesmiles says:

    Hi Sue,
    Oh, that Bridget! She has been quite the ham since she has gotten her new car! Reggie, on the other hand, is a natural. 🙂 I need some more Benchmark maps as well and will try to remember to put them through your site. I am usually in such a hurry to get orders from Amazon to the right Post Office for General Delivery in time before I leave an area that sometimes I forget. Canyon de Chelly looks so magical from your previous post and some research I have done. Arizona won’t be until later in the year for me. Maybe then. Thanks for sharing your travels. Stay well.

  10. Pat from Mich. says:

    Bridget is so funny! She sits in her car like a queen and never tries to jump out. She looks so self-satisfied sitting there! You just have to love her!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pat,

      That’s Bridget! Those photos were the first time she changed her seating in the car. I think she was delighted that she could ride “side saddle.”

  11. Deena in Peoria says:

    Dear Sue and Crew,

    Love the respite that your blog, stories and pictures gives me as I try to finish downsizing and prepping the house for sale.
    I too have been very interested in Bridgee’s ride as I think Miss Mollie will benefit from one; she and I have been stressing some with all of the changes. I have continued telling her your stories outloud as when I read to myself she whined (probably too much time on the PC and not with her); she now sits on the loveseat in Partner’s place and listens intensely as I continue as if things are the same. I must admit it has also been helpful to me speaking out loud. and she seems calmer.
    We visited a dog park near the condos I might lease, it was quite an experience but I think we will be able to survive the move from a big back yard.
    Enjoy the cool air around the river and your Babies.
    Sweet dreams,

    Deena and Miss Mollie

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Deena,

      I noticed that riding in her car is very soothing for Bridget. Sometimes she has a zombie face by the time we return to the BLT. I lift her out and up the step and she takes a nap. Maybe Mollie would find it relaxing, too.

      Your voice is a comfort for Mollie. Hold her close for me….

  12. theboondork says:

    I sing the SpongeBob SquarePants song, now you’re singing Beatles songs from the 60s, when does it all end ? ….. Or does it ?


  13. That is the building that you had your blue pancakes and we had ours, but now it is an upscale restaurant and not fun:( We really like the other place, more relaxed and amazing blue pancakes!

    Don’t forget to get your Navajo Frybread Pizza!! You were responsible for my addiction:) Also, please try the Chicken Noodle Soup. It really isn’t Chicken Noodle Soup as we think of it but a creamy stew type with little dumplings and a flavor to die for. We were in Bluff at the end of March and ate there three times having the soup each time…oh, my mouth is watering as I write!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Pamela,

      That soup must be pretty good. Your description has me wanting some. I went to Twin Rocks yesterday — If I’d known, I would’ve ordered the soup.

      I thought that was the blue pancake place but it looks so different. Yes, it did have a pleasant, warm atmosphere.

  14. Jo in OR says:

    This town speaks to me, love all the pictures. This is on my list for next year. Miss Bridget stole the show, she is so precious.
    Thanks for sharing and enjoy your Sunday.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jo in Oregon…. Bluff has an atmosphere that I interpret as welcoming. Plain and simple, rough around the edges, always people coming and going, but not rushed.

      I had two brief encounters with native Americans while in Bluff and both times they were extremely polite and I felt a friendly warmth. I don’t know if they were Navajo or Ute. Both reservations are nearby.

      Enjoy your Sunday, too, Jo.

  15. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Bridget is looking mighty content!! Glad the weather is cool too!! We even had some rain today…YEA!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Elizabeth,

      I hope you have a wonderful day today, whether it rains or not. Yes, we enjoy the cool, fresh air in the evening. Temps are very comfortable during the day… I like high 70s…

  16. ValGal (westernWA) says:

    Beautiful place!!! And Bridget really loves her car, doesn’t she?

    Hope you are well and happy. I love your posts.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, ValGal,

      I hope you are well and happy, too. Yes, the car is a big success. Next thing you know I’ll be complaining that Bridget is smiling too much. “Aw, c’mon, Bridge, show me a scowl for the camera… pleeeezzze?”

  17. JazzLoverWMa says:

    Sue, you are so right on when you said that “this car has made all the difference”. It’s like Bridget poses for you to take her picture now in her new wheels. If I’m tired enough I can see her going and picking up Reggie to go for a spin. She’s too particular to let just any four legged canine ride in her car and I think Reggie has passed the Bridget test by now. Good going all the way around, she’s happy and you and Reggie get your exercise. Have a wonderful day you three.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, JazzLover. One time I put Reggie in the car with Bridget. He immediately jumped out. I won’t put him in there with her again. She loves her car too much to have to share it. It’s HER car. 🙂

      You have a wonderful day, too!

  18. Krystina ~ Sutton, Vermont says:

    Good Morning RVSue and bloggerinos! Love the pictures of the rocks and of course Miss Bridget in her car. She does look content and happy and happy to be the Queen of her Kingdom. Whenever I see an RV on the road I drool and stare at it…missing it all but am happy to be back in Vermont with my family. I continue to work on the house and now the yard. Yesterday I mowed the lawn for the first time…like 4 hrs. YIKEES. The biggest problem was figuring out how to mow it. The backyard has 5 BIG apple trees and 6 fairly small ones…pain in the neck to mow around and the big ones have limbs that barely knocked me off the riding lawn mower. Luckily my (not very close) neighbor came up with his chain saw and cut the lower limbs off. It really looks beautiful. I also had my snow plow guy come and rototill a 4′ garden in front of the house so I can plant some bushes and flowers. I have to say I am having a great time sprucing up everything. Can’t move my arms this morning with all the work but that too shall pass. Hugs the babies for me. Still anticipate your post everyday. Stay safe RVSue. xxoo

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Krystina,

      Your property sounds beautiful with all those apple trees. I can smell the blossoms! You’re going to have fun planting and tending the garden. I loved it when the garden was all tilled, the soil “fluffy” and ready, a spring day perfect for planting.

      I’m glad you are enjoying your new home and being near your family. Thanks for keeping in touch. Hugs to you!

  19. Krystina ~ Sutton, Vermont says:

    Forgot to mention how nice the town looks. Would have loved to have gone there. 🙂

  20. marg-tn says:

    OMG………….I love this blog!!!!!
    It just keeps getting better and better…………..makes me want to go camping and I never had a desire to before……
    Thanks for all your hard work making this such a delight

  21. Kay from KC, MO! says:

    Good Morning! Sue, loved the history on the town and area. The Southwest has such beautiful scenery and esp. so with the Reggie and The Divine Miss B in them. Keep enjoying and keep posting!

    Kay from KC, MO!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Kay. When I wrote that the history is fascinating, I meant it. What those people did and with children in tow is beyond incredible.

      On behalf of the crew, thanks for the compliment. They do add to the scenery…

  22. weather says:

    That town certainly has an interesting mix of things to see, I’m glad you had your camera ready as you drove through. The horse with the gray mane is beautiful, sometimes as those age they turn white. They are a wonder at all stages of their life. The beauty that evening brought to your camp could easily compete with the golden hour in other places . I’ve never seen the San Juan looking blue, how gorgeous! Add the crew and you feeling cool and happy, simply precious , and delightful to see.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, weather,

      That horse’s age is unclear to me. The face looks very mature and the body looks youthful… to me, that is. I don’t know much about horses other than their beauty.

      You have me curious where you’ve traveled. I’m getting the impression that you’ve experienced several of the places where the crew and I have camped. Now I know you’ve seen the San Juan! You’re right. Most times I see the river, it is a dull color. The miracles that light can perform!

      Last night I woke up around midnight. The full moon threw light onto the tops of the cottonwoods, visible through the window above my bed. The leaves shone so brightly they looked like stars. A slight breeze made the leaves flutter and the “stars” began to twinkle. How can one feel alone with that going on . . . . 🙂

      • weather says:

        Your last paragraph put me there, seeing and feeling it, sighing in grateful awe …It rained overnight here, at sunrise I could hear the extra happiness in the bird’s songs, they were feasting on all that the newly wet and shimmering earth had brought . This world is full of miracles that Light can perform 🙂

        To satisfy a bit of your curiosity about where I’ve traveled I should explain that the majority of it was what I considered to be of necessity. For the sake of my son’s education, and other family or friend’s needs I’ve twice moved across the country, also crossed north to south, east to west and back many times, and spent time in the countries along our borders . While I couldn’t afford to travel for it’s own sake, I was blessed with the means to be able to vary the routes enough to stay at many wonderful places. Camping at many of those was for pleasure and to save money. So while I have experienced some places you’ve camped, you have shown me far more that I’d like to!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thank you, weather, for satisfying my curiosity and for sharing the birds’ rejoicing.

          • weather says:

            It’s been a pleasure having you on here recently, Sue, it always is. I saw below that you’ll move in the morning. Sending squeezes to the pups,and hopes- for smooth roads, for your finding good groceries,beauty and a camp that you like, and for your resting well when you do. Catch up with you when you’re able to check in or post again.N’nite

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              N’nite, weather. I’m working on a post this evening, something for you to read in the morning. Sleep well and thanks for the travel blessing.

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      Potty box update see previous post

      • weather says:

        Aw-w, they’re happy! I know you must be, too. It can’t be fun for any critter to need to “go” overnight and risk nocturnal animal attacks to do so. You’ve been so great to them all this time, sending a huge wish for the vet report to keep your plans as smooth and successful as the potty box story has been 🙂

  23. Such a pretty little town in a beautiful area. With the water and the rocks and the flowers, looks like a sweet place to buy an RV park and settle down……for someone else of course 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I hear ya,’ Jodee. Retirement is too much fun to spoil with work!

    • edlfrey says:

      RVSue does make the place look very quaint and a ‘sweet place to settle down’. However, you are absolutely right … for someone else!

      Nearest WalMart is 75 miles away, which gives you some idea how far it is to other places to shop for most of the ‘things’ we now ‘need’.

      The average low temperatures in Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb and Mar are 28, 20, 20, 26 and 32; the average high temperatures in Jun, Jul and Aug are 92, 96 and 93. That leave 4 months when I would even consider ‘settling down’ much less own a RV Park.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        The voice of reality! Hi, Ed!

        Interesting that you should mention the distance to the nearest WalMart. One thing about Bluff, if anyone is planning to visit, BRING FOOD. My diet of fresh fruits and vegetables has taken a serious dive. In fact, I was dreaming of lettuce the other day. Lettuce!

        The only grocery in Bluff is actually a large convenience store with no vegetables other than potatoes, bananas and maybe something else. The crew and I are moving soon before I come down with scurvy. Sheesh.

        Talking about business opportunity… If someone could figure out how to set up regular, cost-efficient transport of fresh fruits and vegetables to Bluff, Utah, they could make a killing.

        “Our next item is a head of broccoli. Dark green, no yellow, firm, not flabby. We’ll start the bidding at $4. Will someone start us at $4? Yes, thank you. $4.50? $4.50. The lady in front at $5. $6, I see your hand, sir. $7? $7 for the lady in front. $8?. . . No? Sold to the lady in front for $7! Very good. Our next item is a carrot. Who will start the bidding at $4?”

  24. Diane, Blue Ridge Mts, VA says:

    Been camping Sue, came back and caught up on all your wonderful stories. Unusual weather this May…I see you got it too. I find myself hoping all those lakes are finally filling up some with water. Love all your sites and journeys. The twin Rocks are awesome and so are the little fur babies. Take Care Sue and Crew.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good to have you back, Diane… Thank you for reading the blog posts you missed. I hope you enjoyed your camping excursion, whatever weather came your way.

  25. Pamela Avery says:

    What a charming place! Thank you for giving us the virtual tour. And your little white submarine looks so sweet and cozy in it’s spot!

  26. Renee from Idaho says:

    Last time we were in Bluff was in 2008 on our way to Monument Valley. I remember the homes too with their picket fences and beautiful backdrops. This reminder makes me yearn for the open road. Thanks for the post, Sue. Have a great day!

  27. Suzette (TN) says:

    Wow! This post realllly makes me want to get up and go there!

  28. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    I wonder why that RV park was named Cadillac ranch? Do you suppose Cads are out and Smart Cars are so in…that Cads are finally out? Speaking of RV parks have you ever seen any new ones. I have yet to see a new RV park anywhere? When I get on the internet to look for a new place to live I find beautiful fresh new looking photos of the park…the only problem those pics were taken forty years ago?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Joe,

      I looked it up on Wikipedia:

      “Cadillac Ranch is not a ranch but a public art installation and sculpture in Amarillo, Texas, USA.. . . It consists of what were (when originally installed during 1974) either older running used or junk Cadillac automobiles, representing a number of evolutions of the car line. . . from 1949 to 1963, half-buried nose-first in the ground, at an angle corresponding to that of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.”

      I also learned that it’s the title of a Bruce Springsteen song.

      At first I thought it was a whorehouse in Nevada.

      Interesting observation about the lack of new RV parks, Joe.

    • Geri says:

      Hi Joe!
      We have a very nice NEW RV park the just opened last year right next door to us. Coastline RV is divided into two RV parks actually, first is the “resort” park and the one down the road a bit is the “affordable” park! Both are right on the bay across from BEAUTIFUL St. George Island FL and across the river from the quaint and quite wonderful town of Apalachicola Florida! I believe they have a website!

  29. Deadeye, in The Texas Hill Country says:

    Sue, Did I see a hint in a previous post that you may be headed to Colorado?

    I enjoy your “travelogue blog” very much and look forward to the next post. I also am using your blog for Amazon purchases. But, I wonder if you get credit because when I click on your Amazon link, my account is recognized. Do you know if this matters?


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Don,

      I’d like to travel in Colorado, if I can avoid the high altitude. We shall see . . .

      Your Amazon account popping up should not interfere with the code that sends a commission to me and the crew. Very nice of you to wonder about that. If you’d like me to check, simply tell me one item you ordered and the day you ordered it, and I’ll let you know.

      Thanks for being an RVSue shopper. 🙂

      • Deadeye, in The Texas Hill Country says:

        One of them was a book. “The Buck Never Got Here” which I ordered in the past week.


        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I don’t see it, Don. I went back as far as May 13th, checking both books and kindle ebooks.

          How did you access Amazon before you chose that book? Was a wish list or gift card involved? Was it an ebook or a regular book? Part of a Prime promotion? Any details you can give will be helpful.

          If you went to Amazon by clicking a link or ad on my blog, put the book in your cart, and then finished the transaction, I should see it on my orders report. Other books are showing up.

          I’m sorry to bother you with this, but I want to figure out what is going on.

  30. Kaye from Oregon says:

    The fishermen/women bloggerinos want to know if you spotted any ” BIG ” fish from the periscope of the white submarine ???? We didn’t notice any lakes/rivers in any of the pics…..Just kidding…..That is my fav pic of Bridget yet !!!!! I sure enjoy your blog….Thank you for sharing your travels with us !!!!!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Kaye. The periscope hasn’t spotted any big fish. However, a big bird or something (I don’t know what) jumped or landed on the antenna last night causing it to slam against the side of the BLT. Lifted me off the bed! Plus an animal near the river made quite a noise. I don’t know if it was in pain or calling to a mate or just speaking to the full moon. It sounded like a cross between a cat and a crow. Weird. Maybe some kind of duck… I have no idea.

      • Rattlesnake Joe says:

        Most likely the thing that landed on your antenna was an owl. Probably a big horned owl. The bats in your neck of the woods don’t get big enough to do that. Hope that sound you heard wasn’t a Banshee.

  31. Carol in MT says:

    Although your photos are always quite good, I love the study in triangles! Very nice!

  32. DesertGinger says:

    I like the looks of Bluff. Very pretty and interesting. If I ever get well enough to travel it will be on my list!

    I got my pacemaker adjusted this week and am feeling a bit better; not so fatigued and short of breath. I’m thinking I may be close to able to go back to gym. Woohoo!

    Been having a million expenses…air conditioning repair, car repair.NY house repairs. Need to get back to work, so I’m going to sign up for assignments this week. Hope I can do well.

    It is starting to get hot here, although still not constant. But 90 degree days getting more normal all the time. Oh well, I spent one summer here and survived, and I got my AC fixed so I’m good.

    So where are we headed next?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ginger,

      Good news that you’re feeling better and that your air conditioner is fixed. That sets you up for your assignments and for summer.

      Where will we go next? We’re heading north. In a few posts you’ll see! 🙂

  33. Eileen Dykeman says:

    Yes, gray is beautiful – on both horses and human. I’ve often thought of starting a “Growing Graysfully” club, limited to people (? and maybe horses?) who have dye-free gray hair….. In your post today, Sue, I learned that I’m never too old to learn. I never knew the names of any punk hairdos; but, quite honestly, in the time it’s taken me to scroll down and write these few sentences, I’ve already forgotten the one you referred to (which is no big deal ’cause I’ll never have the need to remember it on any of my walk-in visits to the discount haircutting salon I visit every other month….. Those twin rocks are AMAZING! And, last but not least, I just love those perky ears of Reggie’s and Bridgett’s sweet smile!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Ha! Comb ridge!

      I don’t know if that’s the name of a hairdo. What came to mind is the hair creation of combing spiky, short hair into a center line from front to back, making a ridge, blue hair dye optional. Very non-conformist among the younger set. It’s so popularly non-conformist you see it everywhere.

    • DesertGinger says:

      I don’t know why but my family doesn’t seem to go gray. My mother had brown hair till she died at 92. Mine is still blonde, my older brothers are brown and blonde. I guess I got lucky with hair but she also gave me her fat behind.

  34. A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

    Happy Sunday, Sue.

    You have mentioned that you don’t put too much brain juice into finances these days. However, I was wondering if you have compared the pricing/cost of living in the quaint, smallish towns that you have visited. Are the prices much higher in the local stores than those in a different area? Or state? I’m not asking for comparison to Wally’s, but just looking to see if a ‘small town’ would be any more affordable than a higher populated urban local. Like, if the goods and services were so high that a lower housing rate wouldn’t be worth it. I realize you only hit a local store when no other option is available and rarely at that. But I know you have a sharp brain and you think about more that just pie. Berry pie. Every berry pie . A la mode… oh. sorry, how a gal can drift.

    Just wonderin’. Thanks.

    MV gal

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, MV gal,

      Interesting question. Not one that I’m qualified to answer because I’m not aware of the cost of housing, for one thing. And I don’t know much about other items either, not being a big shopper.

      As for the price of food, there can be a substantial difference between small, rural town and bigger towns. While at the grocery (convenience store) in Bluff, I reached for a pack of frozen chicken breasts and saw the ticket was $14.57 and that was skin-on, bone-in. I wish I’d looked at the price per pound. I did notice a carton of ice cream (1.5 quart) was over $8 and that was for the cheapo ice cream which is pretend food badly acted.

      I’m not saying the prices are wrong. It is what it is. The alternative, in these small towns, is making bi-monthly or monthly trips to a Wal-Mart or some such and stocking up. The last grocery store I was in — I think it was the Wal-Mart in Grants — the woman in front of me in line bought almost $500 worth of groceries, mostly meat and other things you can put in a freezer. She was native American and I imagine she lives on the rez in a very remote area, saves her money and makes the long trip to Grants periodically. So there’s the price of gas.

      As for services, I haven’t noticed a great increase in automotive repair, for example. Of course, what do I know about city prices for that. Another consideration are the sales taxes.

      When you come right down to a decision between living urban or rural, quality of life (or the kind of life you prefer) is the greater determining factor by far.

      Happy Sunday to you, too, MV!

      • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

        Thanks, Sue, for the input. You did answer what I had suspected. I was wistfully thinking about life in “Mayberry, RFD”. To be able to walk to the library, market, etc., in a small town and afford to live there. The price of housing that I have checked out was do-able but one’s monthly allotment would not allow anything but beans and rice at the cost of the local economy.

        You have highlighted MANY charming small towns in your adventures. Perhaps it’s the romantic in me that said “Gee, that looks like a nice, quiet, small town I could live in for a time” when you did a mini tour in your posts. I’d rather spend my retirement $$ where it might help an area that could be boosted by my contribution.

        I could not afford $8 for ‘frozen desert’ (??!??) and wouldn’t want to have a life without it.

        Glad you could chat. Gotta go … a baby squirrel is sitting IN the bird feeder just screaming it’s fool head off. Complaints to the chef/waitress? Improper ratio of corn vs sunflower seeds? I’ll go inquire ……

        • DesertGinger says:

          Well, Sue is in really small towns that often don’t have all amenities. There are many small towns but still having most amenities; in those cases it is often cheaper. Then there are large towns that are cheaper. Tucson, compared for example to California, or even Phoenix, is much cheaper. And we have 500,000 people. Many factors contribute to expense in towns. Location is a big one. Small towns in Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas….dirt cheap. But the weather is pretty awful with heat, humidity and tornadoes in summer, ice and snow in winter. Every place is a little different.

  35. As always, reading about your life and travels is an uplifting break in the day! I’m impatiently tapping my foot, waiting for Thing to Get Done that Have to Get Done Before We Can Hit the Road.

    I do hope you figure out a way to get to Colorado. As bad as my altitude sickness has been a couple of times, I still always feel it’s worth it, and usually don’t have much trouble. Slowly raise your elevation. Drink lots of water. Don’t exert yourself. You should be able to adjust pretty easily if there’s nothing else going on in your body, and once you’ve adjusted, you’ll be fine to stay as long as you want!

  36. AlanOutandAbout - Alpine AZ. says:

    Well as you can see I’m no longer in NV. Drove from Pahrump to Holbrook yesterday and then on down to Alpine this morning, Yesterday was a minor nightmare. 30 mph crosswinds the whole way. Almost tore my door awning off. Now have a new task, figure out how to secure it when I am on the road. Got 3 to 4 months to figure it out. Alpine, elev 8059, pop. 149. Two diners, 1 tavern, post office and a Cell tower. Getting 4 bars and 4g cell and data. Best reception I have ever had anywhere. Oh, also no tv, I’ll probably go nuts. The local cable company closed years ago. Sitting in the Colorado Trail RV park. $328 a month. Nice little park, mostly pine trees but a few open sky spaces.

    Cin, great to hear the feral’s are domesticating. I know how much you were worried that they wouldn’t. I wonder how they will do going from the enchanted forest to the land of sand. quite a culture shock.

    Best to all and to all a good night.

    • AlanOutandAbout - Alpine AZ. says:

      PS. I think that park has been for sale forever

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Interesting adventure, Alan. Something I’d rather read about than experience! I’m glad you didn’t lose the awning.

      You should have a pleasant few months in Alpine, weather-wise. Kind of on the cool side now, but it will only get better. Enjoy!

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      Yikes your drive must have been a nail biter! Glad you both made it safe!

      The ferals are once again locked in their cat house for the night. They actually didn’t balk! I opened the human door…they jumped in and I closed it.

      Thanks for your input in regards to the transitioning. Hah hah pretty funny going from the enchanted forest to the land of sand. They will be happy because they are inside with us!

      Enjoy your time in Alpine.

    • DesertGinger says:

      Where do you go to buy supplies? Springerville?

  37. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    Thank you for sharing the lovely photos of the Bluff area. I remember the last time you and the Crew were there….seems like just a couple months ago! I love the picture of the house with the roses growing along the fence. They look like they might be the Double Knock Out Roses – the pink variety. So pretty and tough! Reggie is so darn cute, and Bridget is precious as ever! Your little white submarine is just the right size! 🙂

    I just enjoyed a dinner of poached salmon (seasoned with dill and fresh lemon juice) over parmesan couscous, with steamed carrots. A yummy meal, with leftovers for lunch and dinner for the next couple days. I hope you are enjoying something tasty for your dinner, too! Have a good evening! Love and hugs to you, Miss Bridget, and the Reginator from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Denise,

      Your dinner sounds absolutely wonderful! As for my dinner, not tasty at all. I’m almost out of groceries. I should’ve driven into town and ordered something from Twin Rocks. Instead I’ve been busy getting ready to move camp tomorrow. Don’t ask what I had for supper. It doesn’t bear repeating (although it may be repeating later!). I hope to find a real grocery store tomorrow!

      Have a good night, hugs to you and Gracie pup.

    • Cinandjules (NY) says:

      Did I miss the dinner call? Sounds scrumptious!

  38. Lisa and her pack in SoFl (for now) says:

    Hi Sue,
    I think that post is clearly behind( and beneath) HRH Miss Bridgette. Clearly SHE is in the foreground and therefore takes precedence over any other composition considerations. Hmmmph! As for Reggie, I like his impromptu photo bombs. Who knows where his nose and or ears will show up next?

    Well, we are down to the wire here in our preparations for the road. I need to hitch up and pull out next Monday, yikes! 7 days till we go. Living in the trailer these last weeks has shown me where I want to fine tune my tiny house. Some of that will have to happen up North, which is OK because it will give my Dad a distraction he badly needs right now. I will start on the road like you Sue, no Solar and plugging in as we go. The Solar will be our next upgrade, for now we have the necessities and can comfortably travel. I’ll try to keep you posted as we go…., but you know how that can be. Best wishes and good camping until my next comment.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I love your reports, Lisa. I relive my own preparations through you. Good luck with tying up loose ends during this last week before launch. I look forward to hearing more, as you go and whenever you can write to us.

  39. Pookie in Todd Mission Tx says:

    another great report Sue…….keep em coming…

  40. Chuck Hajek says:

    WOW! Nice horse pictures! Miss B is getting younger looking and seems so happy in her Royal Carriage as she looks out over her domain! Prince Reggie keeps everyone entertained…maybe he should be retitled to the Court Jester. Bluff is still our favorite small town and not be the boondocker that you are, we enjoyed are stay at Cadillac Ranch. Too bad the ‘blue pancake’ place is gone. Is the good steak house on the south side still there? Well, Twin Rocks Café is great and could take care of 1/2 our meals!

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