Canine Wisdom: “Play every day like it’s a holiday”

Wednesday, July 4

* * *  Happy Independence Day!  * * *

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Wishing you a safe and playful holiday!   

 Roger, Reggie, and RVSue

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97 Responses to Canine Wisdom: “Play every day like it’s a holiday”

  1. Pamela bohanek says:

    Happy 4th

  2. weather says:

    Great card for the holiday!

  3. Pam and Maya says:

    Happy Fourth to All!

  4. 😍😻💩👅💖😍❣💞

  5. dave in missouri says:

    You certainly are enjoying your freedom! Happy Independence Day!

  6. Nancy in California says:

    Hi!! First?

  7. Nancy in California says:

    Oops! Not even close!! Happy 4th to all!!

  8. Columbus Calvin says:

    Have a great holiday, and thanks for the reminder!

  9. Happy Independence Day… Freedom is a wonderful thing.

  10. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Beautiful Blog today…love those Pups of yours.

    Happy Fourth of July to Everyone! Stay Safe out there!

    Take Care

  11. Ruthie in Fontana says:

    Love the canine wisdom and the pic’s! Happy independence day.

  12. Jason fro NY says:

    Happy 4th to you also!👍🏻

  13. JoanneG from San Rafael says:

    Happy 4th, Sue and Crew!

  14. Marilu in northern California says:

    Happy 4th to all! Keep those four footed ones inside and safe from the booms of fireworks.😀😺🐕🐶.

  15. Alice says:

    Happy 4th to all. Love the puppy pics

  16. Dawn in NC 🐈 says:

    How did the pups get so wise? You could write a book 📚 on wise sayings by Reggie and Roger! I hope you a relaxing and stress free 4th!

  17. RachelDLS says:

    Happy Fourth of July! We were just staying at an Air force base here in Arizona. Listening to reveley in the morning, and TAPS at night, has been a good reminder about why we can celebrate our freedom. Charlie and I, and the girls, Macha and Kanami, Charlie’s puppy, are currently at a truck stop. Oh my! But we are going to look at a piece of land that we might be able to rent tomorrow morning. You never know. It could happen. Have a blessed day.

  18. rvsueandcrew says:

    Thanks, Blogorinos!

    Anyone want to share how they are spending Independence Day? Your plans for the rest of summer? Any updates?

    I encourage your participation. I can’t make this a fun, informative, entertaining, friendly, supportive community all by myself. The more who contribute, the better it becomes.

    Those of you who have never made a comment, I welcome you to become a blogorino! 🙂

    If you’ve been gone for a while, take the time to let us know you’re back! 🙂

    Regular posters, thank you very much! 🙂

    An invitation to every reader:

    Feel free to add something about yourself and write replies to fellow blogorinos.

    Be back later,

  19. AZ Jim says:

    Checking in. Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts for Detta and me. Please continue to pray for Detta. She is having terrible arthritis pains in her back, shoulders and knees. I’m getting better. My love to all my fellow blogorinos. Stay in Sue, it’s getting warm. NOTE: CinnandJules…Thanks so much for your sweet offer, I am keeping your number and will contact you if I need a little help. Right now a neighbor is driving Detta and me to DR appts. God bless you…

    • weather says:

      It’s so good to see you here,Jim,thanks for checking in.I’m happy about your getting better,and will pray that pain leaves Detta.

    • Cynthia in San Clemente says:

      Thanks for updating us Jim. So sorry Detta is having such pain. Our dentist recently mentioned to us that he got some type of cannabis cream for his mother’s knee pain and she has been rubbing it on her knees daily and is experiencing great relief. You might want to ask your doctor about it.

    • Cinandjules 🌵 says:


    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Thank you for taking the time to give us an update, Jim. I am glad that you are beginning to feel better. You and Detta are in my prayers. I hope there is something that may give her some relief. Sending you both gentle **hugs**.

  20. Joe in TN says:

    Happy Independence Day from the hills of Tennessee!

  21. Happy Independence Day from the Sierra Nevada mountains. We are here for another week. Trying to head to the east side of Oregon (a little hot – but the entire west seems to be hot this year). The man who installed our solar is also here; and has just asked us to help him and his wife navigate a portion of the Pacific Coast Trail, dropping them in one place and then picking them up about 10 days later. One nice thing about having an RV you can be fluid.

  22. Linda Sand (Minnesota) says:

    Just sitting here thinking about the fact that freedom isn’t free. Our service personnel have paid the price over the decades. If you see a soldier, sailor, or any other military personnel today you might want to take a moment to thank them for keeping us free.

  23. Happy you from firecracker hot Tucson!!

  24. Susan in Dallas says:

    Thank goodness there are some clouds today in Dallas and the temperature is below 100. Is that a red, white, and blue rope toy I see Reggie and Roger playing with? LOL

  25. Chris B and Diego says:

    Happy 4th of July, Sue! I’m getting ready to jump in the pool after a morning of gardening. 77 degrees here, in the sun, it’s warm, but delightful in the shade with a nice ocean breeze with the wind chimes chiming. 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Sounds like your 4th of July morning was a touch of heaven, Chris. Gardening, warm temps with an ocean breeze, followed by a dip in the pool. Ahhh! 🙂

  26. Cynthia in San Clemente says:

    We are just catching up on some gardening after being gone for 2 1/2 weeks – it’s a lovely sunny day – warm, but not too hot here. We’ll be staying home this evening so we can keep the dogs company in case there are any illegal fireworks going off in the neighborhood. Luckily, we are about 5 miles from the fireworks shows at San Clemente Pier and Dana Point Harbor, so hopefully the noise and percussion at our house will be minimal. Hope all you blogorinos, Sue and The Boyz have a safe and fun 4th! Thank you to those of you who served our country and preserved our freedoms!

  27. Pamelab says:

    Happy July 4th to you all, as well. Thank you, Sue.

  28. Suzicruzi says:

    Yes Sue, everyday IS a holiday now that we are on the road. We have had the best of times together. Slept in our tent again at Mesa Verde last night, and it was a really nice campground with free showers, water, trash, dump. Tent area was well done but too close together for my liking. The RV spaces had some privacy. Over-all a good experience. Did I mention the showers? Free showers! HaHa. They felt good after being on the road 6 days now.
    Today we are in a room in Durango as Pagosa Springs area didn’t work out and the fires around here are bad enough that many things are closed. We tried to drive the million dollar Hwy up to Silverton, but we turned around. The smoke is just too thick to enjoy the scenery.
    Tomorrow we head into NM. There were (are?) some closures in the Santa Fe Nat’l Forest too, so we caved and took a sure bet at a KOA. Oh well, no big deal. It’s all an adventure!
    We loved our spot at Dalton Springs! We had a huge, private site, and were graced by many deer all the time. Also wild turkeys. I remember your turkey posts from before, and how Spike and now Regg, loved to bark and chase them off. Back to DS, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it. Toilets were immaculate, LOL, but they were! Nice little camp. The morning we left, we took the loop to Newspaper Rock, just like you did. Nice little side trip that was. Fun to imagine what all the carvings meant to the people who drew them. I love visiting petroglyphs, and other ruins. We did get a peek at some of the cliff houses in Mesa Verde. Just “wow”.
    Thanks again for your blog and all the tips Sue. It’s been helpful and given us great ideas.
    5 more days and we’ll have our tiny house! Yay! No more tenting for awhile! Whoot! 🙂

    • Barb in Florida says:

      suzicruzi – Hi

      I’ve been waiting to hear about your Durango/Silverton stay/drive. Sorry the smoke changed your plans. Now you have a reason to go back someday. Fond memories from my honeymoon. Totally forgot to say we camped in Mesa Verde. Visited the cliff dwellings. One of my favorite places that we stayed.

      Four more days!!!! How exciting! Let us know – I’ll be waiting to hear how happy you are 🙂

      • Suzicruzi says:

        Oh Barb, thank you! We are blissfully happy, lol, if that’s possible after traveling with our cat ( never a traveler!) and the three of us in a tiny backpacking tent together, working out the details as we go. Ha. I actually was unimpressed with our room in Durango,as I felt it was hugely overpriced for what we got. And, guess what? I “hated” the king bed! I felt separated from my little family, and longed for the closeness we had in our little tent. Larry way over on his side, me on my side, and kitty cowering under the bed alone. I think being in a different place everyday has messed with his kitty mojo. The room we had just freaked him out. We are back in our tent now, outsideof Santa Fe. Kitty is back to feeling better and we three are curled up inside waiting out a desert thunderstorm. So cool! We have been 2000 mi, and 6 States in 7 days already. Wow! What an adventure. 🙂
        As for Durango, yes, we’ll go back! Loved it! I hadn’t been there in 35 years – hard to believe really. Colorado is my “smitten with” State. :-).
        We head into TX tmro, and begin the countdown until we arrive at the Casita factory in Rice on Monday. Eeeek! Can’t wait! The Casita will feel like a palace compared to Vanlife and tenting. :-). I can’t wait to fix it up to suit us and begin our new journey on the road.
        Thanks for showing interest! 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Thank you for sharing your trip report, Suzicruzi. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time! Safe travels! 🙂

      • Suzicruzi says:

        🙂 Thanks!!
        And I might add that the KOA in Santa Fe is a really nice one, and the bathrooms are just like the Hilton!! No kidding! Worth the 30$ price tag for a night. 🙂 Also a helpful, super friendly staff too! KOAs are not our thing, but this one is super nice and worked out well for our needs. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it.

        • Barbara (Nashville) says:

          Your trip sounds like a great adventure. I am so excited for you to get your new Casita. Sounds like you planning some mods from the get go. Have fun and let us know. I know you are so excited.

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Wow! $30 is a bargain! 🙂

  29. Harriet says:

    Happy July 4, Sue! Just chilling today with my buddy Vito, ( my I G) trying to stay cool.
    Hoping all the dog owners out there pay heed to the warnings about the fireworks and how they effect our beloved pets.
    Enjoying your post, about your new digs. I don’t have the energy you have to paint rooms, I’ll stick to watercolors on paper. The boys are sooo full of energy, they are a joy to see. Stay cool!

  30. KathyN from MI says:

    Wonderful wonderful.. for both the advice and the photos!

  31. Hilogene in Arizona says:

    Hi RV sue and crew.
    I read your blog regularly but don’t usually comment. I really enjoy the changing topics on this blog and also very glad you have moved to Arizona.

    Happy 4th of July!

  32. Marcia GB in MA says:

    Wonderful pics! It’s 90 degrees here in MA but we are on a lake, so that makes it better 😀 Happy 4th to you and the boys!

  33. Gingerita says:

    Happy 4th every one!! Getting packed up and ready to hit the road tomorrow. Going to a mini family reunion in Pennsylvania. I am quite excited. Great pics of tug o war:)

  34. Elizabeth says:

    Well, Sue, I love photos of the pups…so cute playing tug of war. I think some of the times we laughed the most at our dogs were when they played that game. They seemed to enjoy being clowns for us. Saw the CUTEST dog in town…a mutt mix between some kind of spaniel and Papillon…what a darling mix…we could not tell WHAT she was…so we asked!! She was similar in size to your dogs. Seemed very smart too.

    We have just taken it easy…slept in…I fixed gluten-free pancakes for part of breakfast as we don’t do that often…we went over to daughter’s house (they were gone camping) to get water (our bad water here is not fit to drink and most washing is off that list too)…fed her cat, did some dishes for her, washed sheets and some white stuff…and watched a bit of TV while waiting on sheets to finish washing, then went to eat at one of our fav places: Taco Time…then I went to grocery for a few things…and we came home. Celebrated with some yummy ice cream bars (nondairy for me)…and we got some new chips to try out: lime flavored corn chips…right nice they are! Not too exciting…but we are simple folk. Oh also went by our post office box in town…YIPPEE, new book came…on I plan to read to hubby and then send on later to my NC daughter. A Good day!! Hope everyone else is having a fun day too!! Oh, it is currently at 5:30 PM 83 degrees and overcast all day…not bad.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      Lime flavored corn chips sound yummy! What is the brand? Have fun reading your new book! It is always such a treat to crack open a new book, escaping reality and getting lost in the story. 🙂

      • Elizabeth says:

        Hi Denise,
        It is from Late July Organic…found in a local store here that is only on West Coast…but maybe Amazon has it? My book is about the Oregon Trail…being some of our kin came West that way…we wanted to learn more of that story. Supposed to be from true accounts.

        We loved the months we lived in Providence Forge a few years ago, and went to many events in Richmond while we were there. Turned out to be probably the best 5 months of our lives so far. Some fine folks in that region!! We had planned to stay on for however long…but our daughter here in Washington state needed our help. Still does. So likely we will never live there again…but it is part of our best memories!! Hope the weather is bearable…I know it can get awfully hot and humid there…it is hot today here!!

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Hi, Elizabeth,

          Thank you for the chip information. I am glad that you and your husband have such fond memories of the Richmond area. It is an ideal location; drive three hours or less to get to the mountains, beach, or Washington, DC. It is amazing how much it has changed in the 30 years that I have lived here. Maybe you all will be able to visit in the future. I understand about needing to be there for family. Your daughter and grandchildren are blessed to have you and your husband. Not all parents would move cross country and/or step in to help when needed. You all are a treasure! Have a good night, Elizabeth. N’nite! 🙂

  35. Kitt NW WA says:

    Hi All,
    We are all hunkered down to endure the neighborhood fireworks. I do enjoy the ones that put on a show but the ones that just make noise can be just startling.
    Riley is tucked away in his bed in the dark of the closet. He has on his Thunder Shirt, an herbal calming chew in his tummy, and the radio is playing soothing music. He hates gun shots and the fireworks! By midnight or so it should be over for another year- happy 🐕.
    Hope all of you are enjoying celebrating the day!

  36. CherylinTheLowerThumbofMI says:

    Late to the party, as usual! July 4th is history, for us, here. DH took pity on the dog & took him into the…umm….uhh…bathroom to smoke a cigar & distract the dog from the fireworks! IT WORKED! Peace is reining supreme now! YES!!

    Love to all Blogarinos, Sue, Reggie, & Roger!

  37. Cinandjules 🌵 says:

    Hope everyone’s 4th was safe and sane!
    Those with furkids who hate the fireworks…I’m hoping your night went well also.

    Fireworks on New Years Eve and the 4th can be hard on pets and Veterans…totally understandable. Tonight Animal Control open their doors for people to comfort dogs and cats who are already stressed being at the pound. They showed a photo…every single dog kennel had a person or two sitting on the ground giving them attention..and treats!

    Around 8 pm an alert dings my phone…”All dogs and cats inside with collars on? It’s time.”

    There is a group of people (an entire village..kind of like us blogorinos) that drive around rescuing lost pets. The “matchers”, using the lost pet posts, can usually identify the owners within minutes. They have reunited dogs and cats who have been lost for 7 months to 3 years. Kind of amazing to watch it unfold.

    Did you know pet microchips can migrate? I sure didn’t. Not typical..but yes it does happen! One was located in a dogs paw! WHAT??? Next time you take your pet to the vet…have them scanned.

    Cray cray huh?

    • Lisa in San Diego says:

      such a kindness to do for the pets at Animal Control — thanks for sharing that

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      What an awesome village of people! The shelters around here were reminding folks to be mindful of their pets. July 5 they always see a huge uptick in arrivals; pets run away from home when frightened by the noise.

    • Diann in MT says:

      What a civil way of handling lost pets during this horrendous holiday.
      No apologies. I hate fireworks and the consequences on pets and wildlife. I buried a young robin today while her dad watched quizzically from the fence. Fireworks here were relentless and uncontrolled. I am surprised that there was only one dying robin on the lawn. I respect the holiday, but cannot condone the huge “bombs” that go off all night long. Thanks, blogorinos, for the opportunity to vent. It’s like I attended a funeral.

  38. Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

    Hi Sue! Just came by to update on all the comments and realized my comment made yesterday didn’t stick. Still floating around in cyber space I suppose.
    Hope you had and all the blogerinos had a good fourth! Chuck and I stayed home and worked on Mermaid Tears! Chuck drilled glass and I assembled!
    All fireworks were called off because God sent his own light show! Big thunder boomers, constant flashes of lightning all over the sky followed by a lot of rain! It was Glorious! Grin! I’m going to try again to post my comment!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Geri,

      Your comment about the smoothie maker appeared and I replied, as did weather. We posted links.

      • Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

        Maybe it’s something in my tablet then, because I just checked again, twice, and don’t see it or your responses! Mmmmm!

        • Denise - Richmond VA says:

          Hi, Geri,

          Try clearing your browsing history, and then reload Sue’s blog. I sometimes have the same issue.

      • weather says:

        It’s not on this page, it’s on the previous post.

      • rvsueandcrew says:


        7/4 –Happy Birthday AMERICA!💗
        Hi Sue, would you mind putting up the link to your blender again? I went back looking for it, but can’t find it! All these comments about this blender has me wanting one!

        7/3–We have a fire ant invasion here. After 3 days of rain, fire ants are popping up everywhere! Yuck!
        Glad you were able to move the horned toad to a safer location! I miss seeing them in Florida!
        Our library has a good selection of dvds available too! Nice diversion on a hot day!
        Hugs to the crew and you!

        weather’s reply to 7/4 comment: One post back( titled -monsoon rains appear) has that blender link in the section with recent purchases from Amazon.

        My reply to 7/4 comment: Sure, Geri!

        Here is the one I have:

        Smoothie Blender AICOK Personal Blenders Single Serve for Shakes and Smoothies with 20 oz Tritan BPA-Free Bottle, Detachable Blade Assembly, 300W, Black

        AICOK has other models and also you can order the one with two bottles.


        I notice the link takes you to a page with only one customer review and “available from only these sellers.” Mine came directly from Amazon and had a bunch of reviews. ???

        It probably is okay to order the AICOK, however, if you want an alternative….

        Magic Bullet Blender, Small, Silver, 11 Piece Set

        Use one of my links to go to Amazon and do a search for the above items (if you can’t find my original replies with working links).

  39. Steve says:

    It’s amazing what dogs can teach us. Now if they would only understand when we tell them “Heat Advisory”, we can’t go for a walk right now, we would have it made. LOL

  40. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    DH & I just hung around the house. It is so darn hot here, nobody wants to be out. It was still 87 degrees at 10:30 last night. I’m praying the A/C hangs in there. It is working so very hard with this weather. Today is about the same as yesterday. It is 11:45, 91 degrees, feels like 97.

    This condo is finally all ours. Made the last payment 7/1. Hallelujah!!! Now I can get some updates done, and pay as I go. Need some minor things done first, want to clean up in the crawl space, like level, new vapor barrier, fill in a hole with concrete so the ground hog can’t get in. I want to paint & hang my new light fixtures. Thankfully it doesn’t need any major work. I do think my hot water heater and HVAC units will need replacement soon. My sister is going to come up in the fall to help me paint. She is excellent at painting. She will be doing my kitchen and bath cabinets. Yay! Then I will focus on new kitchen flooring & appliances.

    • Dawn in NC says:

      Congratulations Barbara! That’s got to be a wonderful feeling!!!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Congratulations, Barbara!!! Whoo-Hoo!! 🙂

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        Thanks All. It has been goal and I have managed to knock off 10 yrs. of payments. It meant giving up a lot of wants and reduced the frivolity to needs only, but it was worth it.

        When I get the upgrades done, I will get my car paid off and hopefully will be able to enjoy my efforts. We always wanted to say we stayed in one place long enough to actually own without the bank. HA!!!

  41. Becky in NJ says:

    Hi Sue-
    Of course I don’t know your exact location, but the morning news has been showing terrible reports of extreme heat and fires in the southwest. I hope you are safe from all that!
    Here on the east coast we have been sweltering under high heat and humidity all week. It has been challenging to keep our farm animals comfortable in this. Our 2 dogs are enjoying the a/c in the house…

  42. Desert Ginger says:

    Hi guys! Hope everyone had a nice 4th. I didn’t do much but I did have a treat, some yummy Haagen Daz Trio ice cream. Chocolate, coconut, caramel flavor. Yummy! I’m just preparing now for my upcoming eye surgery. Left eye is July 10. Cannot wait to be able to see again! I’m also testing my lungs and think I may be ready to be off oxygen again. Hooray! I’m definitely a bit more comfy with it, but it is such a hassle and I can’t travel. So I want off! Beyond that, I don’t have a lot of news. I work and read…that’s about it! I think volunteer work on campaigns will start soon but I may travel for a month if I can getoff the oxygen. How about you guys?

    • Dawn in NC says:

      Hi DG! Great to hear from you. So glad to hear about your upcoming eye surgery! I’ve not heard a bad word about having cataracts removed. It’s also great to hear that your breathing is getting better. I can’t imagine how annoying it must be to have to be tethered to an oxygen machine. A long time ago, when I was sick, I briefly needed one, and it was quite a drag. Please keep us informed. I hope that you are able to travel. Are you doing any writing still?

      • Desert Ginger says:

        Yeah, a little bit. More research and analysis. But still having fun! And how are you doing?

        • Dawn in NC says:

          I’m doing pretty well! I get to go on vacation to the beach in the next few weeks. The beach is my happy place! Thanks for asking.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Desert Ginger! Good luck with the eye surgery. Many folks I know who have had it no longer need glasses. Yummy ice cream combination! 🙂

      • Desert Ginger says:

        I know! They not only get rid of the cataract, they put in a new lens that corrects your vision! How cool is that? I’m so excited to be able to really see again! How’s everything in your world?

  43. Mary Batt says:

    Hello RVSue and all!
    Happy belated 4th! We just got back from our trip. We have been on our first extended (6 weeks) camper trip. All campgrounds were booked in advance; caught a few surprises! We had more good ones than bad ones! Favorite peaceful spot was Balsam Cove Cmpgrnd on Toddy Pond in ME. From Louisiana we did the Smoky Mntns, Beckley, W VA coal mine, then through PA forests, NY hills to see cousins and old friends and back road hill driving. Stopped in the Adirondacks; got to see the 2018 Americade bikers and other fauna! Wended through VT, NH, (wow) Boston for a “Duck Boat Tour”, “BAHABA” ME; took a lot of pix! Detoured over to Poughkeepsie NY to catch a train into Grand Central Station NY just to see GCS (MORE wow) per our sons ‘suggestion’! Took time to visit Gettysburg and the park-we just missed the re-enactment that lasts 3 days! Really would be something to see! Drove the hills/mountains through PA through Shenandoah Valley, Best campground was Fancy Gap Blue Ridge Parkway KOA! Spent a couple days touring the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC.
    We enjoyed all the history from guides, google, and touring ourselves. This was our “training wheels” trip and we did learn a lot! Toll roads! and Turnpikes! Finding campgrounds that seem lost from civilization!! We learned how to determine “zones” in place of rooms to store stuff. (Even a large Zip Baggie can become a cabinet or room!) Even the car had “zones”. We did a lot but would have to slow down for a longer trip with longer times in one place (3-4 days minimum)! And finally bought a clothes rod for the car! Also, next time we will proactive to PREVENT “shower shoes feet”! And of course, just learn to accept the techno limitations when “on the road!”
    I am the navigator, and I navigated 6,700 miles for the driver!! If we can do that on the east coast, we can go anywhere out west!!! That will be next! We averaged about $35 per nite for camping fees, ate in most of the time, and averaged 18.5 mpg in the 2017 Honda Touring Pilot towing the Lil’ Snoozy. I will say also that this car is THE car for traveling mountains, hills etc. We used “Sport” gear and very few times did we have to brake going down grades. We never had to use the “paddle shifters” to hold back the transmission; the car did it all! Genius Honda Engineers!!
    Now I am shifting back to the house and its routine!
    Happy Trails to all gypsies and wanderers! And thanks Sue for the wealth of info you share!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Wow! Sounds like you all had an awesome trip, Mary! Thank you for sharing your trip report. You really saw a lot in six weeks! 🙂

  44. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hello, all! Glad that everyone and their animals survived the 4th of July festivities! 🙂

    Gracie pup and I had a wonderful holiday! We were up early and spent the entire day watching movies on HBO during a free 48-hour preview. This time the preview was great, as access was given to all of the HBO channels. We watched the gamut of movie genres and a couple episodes of Westworld. Now I want to watch Westworld from the beginning of the series. I cooked a simple steak and vegetable stir fry for dinner. Gracie was fast asleep by the time the fireworks started. Thankfully, she was oblivious to most of it. She did wake later when someone set off several firecrackers. Gracie was startled, but calmed down quickly. The best thing about our 4th? It actually felt like a day off from work! I would check the time….”Hmmm…it is only 2PM!” Weekends usually fly by – this was a leisurely, lazy, oh so wonderful day! 🙂

    Hope everyone is being mindful of the high temperatures. We are supposed to get some welcome rain tomorrow. The weekend will be a bit cooler and more comfortable. Hydrate, stay in the A/C, and do not exert yourself in the heat. Please stay safe!

    Have a good evening, Sue! Sending you, Reggie, and Roger lots of love from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      …and hugs, too!

      Sorry! I got distracted – I was being paged by Gracie pup for an urgent potty run. “Now! No! I cannot wait a minute, Mommy!”

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Denise. I send the same to you! I’m glad Gracie pup made it through the holiday without upset.

      I see what you’ve done on the blog — so good of you to keep it alive in my absence! I appreciate your help very much. 🙂

      A short reply because I have a new post almost ready. Thanks for the chatty report. It’s always fun to hear from you!

  45. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Sue love the pups playtime photos. They are a hoot.
    Will Nancy be coming in early or late August? I’m sure you are anxious for her arrival.

  46. Attention Blogerinos in California or Oregon: a fire started this afternoon ( Thursday july5) near the border of CA and OR near I-5. It has jumped the interstate several times. Entire communities are being evacuated. I-5 is closed in both directions at this time. From the first note I saw from a fellow RVer around 5, until around9:30, fire had grown to over 8000 acres and Gov Moonbeam has declared an emergency in Siskiou County. Alternate routes are limited and require backtracking and long distances. Praying for the fire crews and residents and emergency crews.Around 8 the CHP abandoned their station as it was being over run by flames.

  47. rvsueandcrew says:

    Hi, Blogorinos!

    I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday. Your comments are entertaining and informative, as usual. Thanks for participating and please forgive me for not replying to each and every one . I’ve been working on the next post and it’s almost ready.

    See ya’ later!

  48. Renee still in Idaho says:

    Happy 4th, Sue! We just returned from a short trip.

    What incredible photos of Reggie and Roger! Very beautiful. Great composition and color.

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