Coyote Wash, Wellton, Arizona

Saturday, February 8

I have to decide whether the crew and I will stay camped alongside the lane near where the Perfect Tow Vehicle got stuck, join the group of RVs, or hitch up and leave Coyote Wash.


Hmm . . . Exactly whose land is it?

There seems to be some confusion about ownership of the land we’re camped on.

Well, all the guys who watched the PTV pulled out of the sand aren’t confused.  Only one person is.  They warn me about an individual who confronts everyone who enters Coyote Wash.  This man hassles anyone who does not camp in the group, forbidding them to camp where I’m camped.  He cites wrong information about the ownership of the land.

Everyone else says that I can camp here. 

Chuck (retired computer guy/wind-surfer) and Joe (retired crane operator/fisherman) tell me how they know the correct owner.

“We contacted the City of Wellton.  We were told that the land across the road that used to be a dispersed camping area is now owned by the City of Wellton. The City put up the “no camping” sign.  Now everyone camps over on this side of the road.”

Chuck points to a small, dirt lane .

It runs parallel to the lane the crew and I are camped on. 

“That dirt road over there marks the edge of the private property.  It’s private on the other side where that ranch house is.”

“Well, then, who does own the land I’m camped on?” I ask.

“The City told us this is water district land,” Joe replies.  “We checked on the maps, and we called the water office to be sure.  You can camp here.  Don’t listen to that guy.”

Later the crew and I drive into Wellton.

I want to pick up some groceries at the Del Sol Market.  It’s a tiny store, the only game in town when it comes to groceries.  Two lines of shoppers at the registers, eight carts in each line, hardly moving . . .   Gee, what is this?  The line out of Los Algodones?

Sunday, February 9

This is a beautiful part of the desert, very green.  Bridget, Spike and I are outside enjoying the morning when Joe comes along.


The crew and I love a camp where leashes aren’t needed.

“Come on over here,” he beckons.  “I want to show you the owl.”

I walk with him down the lane.

We go further from any of the RVs.  The crew tags along.

“Oh, my!” Joe exclaims, pointing toward the top of a large palo verde.  “The two of them are together!  I’ve never seen that before.”

Sure enough.  An owl sits on a branch. Two ear-tufts stick up from a nest close by.

“She has eggs in that nest,” Joe surmises.

We both aim our cameras, but the owls are in deep shade and the photos don’t come out well.  (Joe did get a good shot later in the day when the light was better.)

The crew and I take off for the laundromat.

On our way out of Coyote Wash we enter the area of clustered RVs.   A man on a bicycle appears, coming from the opposite direction.

He rides his bike in front of the PTV.  I assume he’s one of the guys I met yesterday and I figure he’s playing with me.  I swerve to the right, smiling.  I’m surprised as the man bikes over in front of me again and stops.  He’s not smiling.  He’s blocking my way . . . . Oh no, this must be that guy I was warned about. . .

With not so much as a hello, he lays it all out for me.

He stands next to my window and his speech goes something like this . . . .  “You can’t camp down there.  You’re gonna’ hafta’ move.  That’s private land.  You know, we used to be able to camp across the road.  We can’t do that any more.  It’s because a few people messed it up for everyone else, and . . . blah, blah, blah . . . .”

I could tell him about the ownership change and what the City of Wellton and the water district say, but this guy isn’t going to listen to me.  He’s been told by the guys, and he didn’t listen to them . . . 

I nod my head as the man continues with a litany of my sins. 

“The locals don’t like people to camp down there either.  You’re gonna’ scare off the owls.  You’re supposed to have a permit.  First thing ya’ know, the police will be out here. Then it’ll be spoiled for everybody and we won’t be allowed to camp here any more.”

He pauses briefly for air.

“Why don’t ‘they’ put up a no-camping sign where I’m camped?”

My question raises his ire.

He starts to sputter and leans into my face with eyes bulging.

“Do you have a no-camping sign in YOUR front yard?”

Hoo-boy.  This guy is a piece of work.  I nod my head and tell him okay.  He turns to leave, straddling his bike.  As an afterthought, he mumbles over his shoulder, “If you need any help, let me know.”

Ha!  Where were you yesterday, little man!  I drive away.


This tree growing near the Wellton golf course has puffy, gold blooms and pods.

Later, Chuck drops by and I tell him what transpired.

“Chuck, I think I’m gonna’ leave in the morning.  I don’t feel comfortable with there being any question about my right to camp here.  And I can’t camp up there with the group.  I have to be by myself.  If I stay here, it’s only a matter of time before that guy gets on my case again.”

Chuck tries to talk me into staying.

“. . . and you aren’t bothering the owls.  Those owls have been here for years.”

“Well, it’s been wonderful.  It’s so pretty.”  I look around us and continue wistfully, “The trees, the lane, all the little washes to walk, the sunset at the mountains, the twinkling, gold lights of Wellton on the horizon at night.”

I look at Chuck.  

“You guys have been great . . . but it’s time to go.”




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110 Responses to Coyote Wash, Wellton, Arizona

  1. CheryLyn(Oregon) says:

    Wow! I’m first? Wishing you a great day.

  2. LeeJ says:

    That ole boy knows how to throw cold water on a perfectly good day..sounds like maybe he doesn’t have both oars in the water, probably not something that would be good to confront again…
    I try to keep things peaceful as far as I am concerned, you too probably…he is not adding to the ambiance.
    Stay safe sweet lady. I love owls, we have burrowing owls around here, sweet long legged things!

  3. Alan Rabe says:

    You are right to leave, not because there might be an issue about camping where you are at but because there is a major nut case running lose. All you need is for him to vandalize your equipment or attack your person. There is no fun in having to watch ones back, even if you are in the Garden of Eden.
    Best Wishes and Happy Valentines day.

  4. Pen says:

    Ugh. I would leave too. Not because I’d “have to,” but because I know I’d constantly be trying to keep track of that guy (and or expending energy to “ignore” thinking about him) — and that is not my idea of freedom or fun. Yes, part of me would want to stay just because I’d hate to let him drive me out (especially with the other good people there who would be happy if you stayed), but…. I think I would leave anyway.

    Ironic, since “that guy” warned you that you might spoil it for everyone else. In reality, he is the one spoiling it.

    Luckily you are mobile and there are many wonderful places (that you should not HAVE to seek out today, but….).

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yeah, it would’ve been nice to stay. Any sign of negativity and I have to leave.

      There is an element of the mobile population who take ownership of a dispersed camping area. This translates into resentment toward anyone else who wants to enjoy camping there. I don’t understand why, but there it is.

      • Pen says:

        Long live wheels!

        (Although yeah, it’s too bad when someone does this; I know of a foreign anchorage where one person (a US citizen and not a citizen of the host country!) decided it was “his” anchorage and set out all kinds of rules, threatened that the local authorities would do this and that to those who did not follow his rules (he has no real connection), etc. By all accounts it’s a lovely anchorage, but you can probably guess that I passed it by. Of course this is more annoying because you are all nicely settled.)

  5. Sam in the Ozarks says:

    I came out and stayed south of Ajo for two weeks to try out my $200 solar system three weeks ago. It worked fine. I can do it too. Thanks for all your information. Happy Valentines Day, Sam

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yay! Great news! Yes, you can do it . . . Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too, Sam.

    • Pen says:


      Sue’s a great “enabler” for those who want to try out boondocking. I put that in quotes because of course what I really mean is that she shares information generously, so it’s there to find for those who want to try it out but just aren’t sure where to start. I’ll always think of Sidewinder road fondly as my first SW/desert boondock 😀 (I had often “boondocked” at rest areas and other quick stops, but that’s not quite the same.)

      I’m hoping to have a solar system to test out sometime in the near future.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        I feel that way about Ajo. I had spent the night in a truck stop on the way there. Ajo was my first “real” boondock and I always will be fond of that place, as you will be of your Sidewinder boondock.

  6. Elizabeth says:

    I have always valued peace…I would choose your choice too. My folks lived next to some of THE nastiest people on earth…for the last 30+ years of their lives. I would have moved the next possible day. I could write a book on those nutcakes. Being Mormon, you would have thought with the church within sight, they might have behaved a bit better…it did improve some once one of the sons married…and those 2 youngers were very active in their church…seemed that helped the most (though they did build a building over on my dad’s land by about 10 feet…and no the old man was not that stupid). But I never understood my dad’s thinking. That property was his life’s dream…but people can sure spoil it by destroying the peace. Nicest thing about your life…SO EASY to move!! That is one of the things that appeals most to me about rving…if ever we get to do that…MOVING when the urge strikes.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      Nothing ruins a home quite like bad neighbors. I’m sorry your parents went through that. I sold a home I loved simply because I couldn’t tolerate the behaviors of the neighbors. Looking back, that experience helped prepare me for wanting a life on wheels.

      • Elizabeth says:

        Sue, things CAN work together for good…if we are willing to make changes and live as peacefully as possible, don’t they?? Life is just too short to have strife with other people…but sometimes people make it awfully hard…like kin, esp…you cannot always “drop them off the list”…of course, living as you do…heh, takes away more opportunity to that kind of strife too, doesn’t it??

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Yes, I believe it does. I think retirement lessens the likelihood of strife also. Work places put people together who affect each other negatively.

          • Elizabeth says:

            For sure the work places do that…I think you are right!! I have learned that some folks simply will NOT be pleased in life!! My hubby had to quit his job as soon as he was eligible for social security…but he had planned to be working yet awhile from now even…but the good thing is we finally got to really be part of at least one grandchild’s life as an infant…finally, at number 6 out of now 7!! That was a huge joy!! So you sometimes have to have less money to have a better life, eh??

      • Rattlesnake Joe says:

        ‘ In every tragedy there is always opportunity, you just have to look for it ‘.

  7. Diane, Blue Ridge Mts. VA says:

    Wow what an interesting experience…uncomfortable to be sure. That bike guy must be a nut case. Glad you chose to leave, even though the RVer’s were so nice.
    Hoping you got a shot of the two owls when the light was better. Had a screech owl living on my window seal this winter for a while. They are such wonderful birds.
    hummm…now where are the crew going next? Take Care Sue and Crew.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      No, I never did get (didn’t try again) a pic of the owls. Their hooting shortly after dark was very pleasant and added to the charm of that camp.

  8. Barbara says:

    I’m sure the guys were right, but in view of the nutcase, I would probably leave too. No sense taking a chance of possible destruction of property or person. I would however, have said my peace first. What nerve of the jerk!! Take care Sue.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      The fact that the man had been told about the ownership of the property, including the verification of that ownership, and he still makes his rant to every newcomer, tells me that he can’t listen. Nothing I could have said would get through to him. I wouldn’t waste the energy anyway.

      • Gayle says:

        Would there have been any value in joining the other RVers simply to all hold down the fort together as a show of solidarity, rather than let him harass you, one at a time, out of there?

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          There were 30 RVs or more in the group. I wouldn’t make any difference. Everyone ignores him since they’re all camped in what the man considers “legal” area.

          I don’t have a “dog in that fight.”

  9. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Yes, I do agree with the consensus that it’s time to move on!

    The guy on the bike is obviously lacking communication 101 skills! Perhaps he isn’t playing with a full deck!

    But from what it sounds like this fella has “warned” folks about the land…and basically they blow him off. At what point does this man exceed his breaking point and becomes aggressive? He may feel that those who ignore his “warnings” are indirectly interfering with his lively hood. Who knows!

    Not worth the hassle! Did you get the laundry done?

  10. Deb from NJ says:

    So sorry you have to leave such a nice area. But between getting the PTV stuck, the owls and the guy on the bike you will never forget this place thats for sure.
    I am sure the next area you find will be even nicer.

    Have a great day and Happy Valentines Day to you and the crew!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Happy Valentine’s Day to you, too, Deb. My most vivid and long-lasting memory of Coyote Wash will be the kind men who helped me.

  11. Tawanda says:

    Quite the adventures of late you have had Sue, the sand trap and good people paying it forward…
    Have to say your encounter with the lil’ man on the bike gave me a chuckle, why, he is a self appointed play ground monitor (in this case boondocking monitor ) 🙂 I know about that sort of thing as I was one myself (in grade school), after starting 4th grade I missed the K-3 playground side of the school so much, so fixed the situation by cutting class and made myself the play ground monitor on that side, it was a grand time in my young life, for a few months anyway.

    But I digress, that guy sounds scary in his approach and ramblings I’d be hitching up and moving on too…
    How awesome you got to see the nesting owls… The sunshine blooms on that tree are pretty neat too!
    Trust you are at ease in your new camp!!
    Happy Sunsets,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s funny, Tawanda. One way to get what you want is to put yourself in charge! You learned that early.

      Yes, the new camp is lovely and we’re by ourselves.

  12. Edie says:

    I would have left also. I’m all about the peace!

  13. Maura says:

    I hate bullies! So I say stand your ground!….But, Life is short so why spend one minute with any a–hole! I guess we have to respect the ability of any human that can carry the amount of weight that joyless soul carries! He sure don’t have no Valentine in his life!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Probably it all comes down to insecurity. He’s afraid he’ll lose his free camping spot.

      There’s no point in bothering with him. There are too many great camps to find!

  14. Ladybug says:

    Hmmmm…..looks like you changed your header photo! I assume that’s Bridget close to the BLT (looking for a place to hide)?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Nope. It’s Spike next to the BLT in his classic stance. Bridget, as usual, has her eyes fixed on me. I know that’s not a great photo. I’m tired of the other one. One of these days I’ll make a good one.

  15. Reine in Plano says:

    What do you mean not a great photo. The clouds in the sky behind the rig look great and remind us why you’re out there.
    And I’m with the group that says don’t stay where you’re not totally comfortable. My instinct would be to leave because there’s a nutcase on the loose.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I do like when day slips into night and the clouds are pinked by the sunset across a blue sky. Thanks for pointing out what’s good about it.

      The dimensions of the header make it difficult to place a good photo in it. I don’t do well using the panorama feature. Instead, I end up cropping and enlarging a slice of a photo of the BLT taken from a distance. Hence, the fuzziness. I do admit I haven’t tried very much for a better shot. Too busy living life . . .

  16. DeAnne in TN says:

    Life’s too short for that kind of upset. Or as my students would say, “Ain’t nobody got time fo’ that!” Seriously; you are blessed with the chance and opportunity to move away from that negative energy. Rock on, Sue!

  17. Any Mouse says:

    No way I would leave. I would tell him what he could do with his advice.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      If I did that, I’d become more uncomfortable staying there, wondering what his next move would be. Some battles aren’t worth engaging in.

      • Cinandjules (NY) says:

        And there is no “reasoning” with someone who is obviously “unstable”.

        Nowadays……People kill people over the dumbest things! Road rage, parking spot, merely looking at someone wrong, or wearing the wrong colors!

        I’m not one to back down from a situation (no…really?). ;). but the wiser choice is choosing your battle.

        You’re an OWL! Older Wiser Lady!

  18. JodeeinSoCal says:

    How exciting! Now you can cross “slightly-obsessed-wingnut-guy-on-bicycle-in-the-desert” off your list of must-sees. Excellent. He’s one of those people who always make me curious about the journey that led them to this point. Like everyone else, I’m glad you moved on and left him to finish his story with the multitudes camping in his territory. Of course that was a week ago and I’ve already moved on to wondering what mischief you’ve gotten yourself into since then!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I try to keep my blog fresh with up-to-date posts. My detailed account of crossing the border for dental/optical care has put me behind, and also taking two posts to tell the stuck-in-the-sand episode. I will catch up! 🙂

      I didn’t want to write about the man. I didn’t want to lose the upbeat tone of the previous post about the successful rescue of the stuck PTV. However, after thinking it over, I decided to go ahead and write it without glossing over the negativity. Encountering disagreeable people is part of life, including life on the road. Dealing with them — in this case, leaving — is part of it, too.

      • mary (in Colorado) says:

        I, for one, am glad you wrote about him. Life is not all rainbows and sunsets, even in the boondocking world. He must be a very unhappy person distributing negative energy to all, including the owls.

      • Jodee says:

        I’m really glad you wrote about him and hope it didn’t sound otherwise :-). He is another interesting character who has crossed your path and now a part of your incredible journey.

      • Elizabeth says:

        Thanks for being real, Sue…and sharing your choice, which I think was the only wise one…even if it was both hubby and me in that situation, I would want to leave and quickly!! They do not lock up everyone today that is loony tunes…besides, now if you WANTED to write a book…just another story for it eh? And you didn’t even need to go looking for him!!

  19. Roger in SoCal. says:

    Hi Sue,
    It was a good idea to move on…
    Funny, yesterday I parked my MH on a street and wanted to leave it there just for one night. Waiting for my brother to pick me up I hear a knock on my door, it was a man walking his big doberman. The man tells me I have one hour to move my rig off his street, he says he lives up the street and all his neighbors are self policing the street. He tells me in one hour he will call the police, and that he knows the police captain well. I know that in this city I can legally park my rig up 72 hours, as long as I’m not sleeping in it. Well to avoid problems I did like you and moved around a corner and solved the issue.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Very similar situation, Roger. You were in the right, as was I, but why fight about it? It’s better to brush off those stiff-necked types and move away.

      It’s a power issue. Very often these situations spring from a person’s need to control others. It’s pathetic because the path of a happy life is not found by manipulating other people to do your bidding.

      The “big doberman” fits the profile. 🙂 (Okay, nothing against dobermans. I love all dogs.)

  20. Trip and Lisa says:

    Kinda makes ya wonder what a Psychologically challenged individual like that does for Valentines day,,,,,,,don’t it?

  21. Cheryl Ann says:

    Oh, I wish I could see owls in the desert! I have yet to get a photo of an owl. It’s on my “to do” list. I do see them every now and then up at the horse ranch where I board my horses, in Anza. And, last year, a little burrowing owl would stand on top of one of the white water towers near my school. and I did get several days’ worth of pics of him. I’ll have to dig out my photos of the little guy! You were fortunate to see the owls and I can understand your reluctance to move spots, but that guy did seem like a nutcake, and who wants that? I think you made the right decision, Sue. You DO have to pick your battles.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You have horses and want to see owls. I have owls and want to see horses. We both are fortunate!

      This is going to sound crazy and superstitious. Here goes anyway . . .

      Now that I’m retired and have a home on wheels, I have more control to chart my life, day-to-day. Our days and circumstances — past, present, and future — are linked. Decisions are “forks in the road.”

      Maybe that man put me back on the road toward a place where I’m supposed to be or toward a person I should be with. One thing that vagabonding teaches me over and over again is the importance of good timing.

  22. Dawn on Camano Island says:

    I learned while raising children that you have to pick your battles & that most of what we consider battling isn’t worth the effort. That’s the case here. I really respect you for not harboring any ill will–and indeed demonstrating empathy. Conflict & the resulting stress is such an energy-draining thing.

    We have an owl on our property. There’s nothing better than hearing that ‘hoo hoo’ in the quiet hours of the morning. So glad you got to experience the local owls AND meet some mighty fine people in the larger group.

    Life is full of opportunities for growth. Take good care, Sue.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Your owls hoot in the early morning. These owls hoot soon after dark. I wonder what that’s all about . . .

      My mother used a well-known saying, “Leave ’em wanting more.” I’m trying to remember the situations when she said that. I think it was in connection with not over-staying one’s welcome when a guest. Anyway . . .

      It was kind of bittersweet leaving so soon after I bonded with the guys during the stuck-PTV episode. I can see me dropping into Coyote Wash again someday to see them again and to catch up on their travels.

      • Dawn on Camano Island says:

        I checked with Jim, who is much wiser about owls than me. He took the tactful approach & said he thought owls hoot while it’s dark.

        “Leave them wanting more”…reminds me of ‘fish & company start to smell after three days’. Guess you could say the same about cranky old guys.

        Dropping by in the future to catch up with the fine folks there in the wash would be great! They are definitely angels in your life.

  23. G says:

    Sue, that guy needs a hobby AND a hug! Wow, good thing you can move.

    On a side note, I am building a site with a training and fitness blog and I am converting over from blogger to WordPress.

    I am structuring in a way like my favorite bloggers of which you are at the top. What ‘theme’ are you using for yours.

    Thanks and keep on posting, always love to start off the day seeing what you and the crew are up to.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I think my theme is Twenty Ten (been around a while). An update is available, which I’ve procrastinated about. There’s also Twenty Eleven, Twenty Twelve, etc.

      I suggest you play around with the different themes until you find the one that suits the content, form, and purpose of your blog. What impression do you want to make?

      My blog’s theme suits the homey, down-to-earth atmosphere of “rvsue and her canine crew.” My theme wouldn’t be a good choice for a blog about fashion, for instance.

      I don’t know much about the training and fitness industry. My guess is you’d want a more professional looking theme than mine. There are themes that are classier, slicker, more “with-it” looking. Experiment!

      Good luck and have fun!

  24. Ken says:

    Sorry the guy is such a twit. However, being a guy myself, I would have quickly gone to the “step back out of my face you jerk.” Life is way too short to listen to idiots like him. If he did not move his bike, he would have needed a new one. The PTV would have never noticed the bump. Public road, move over jerk. Following that, knuckle junction. just sayin’.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Ken. . . I’ve read your comment more than once, simply for the laughs. You certainly have a punchy writing style. LOL!

  25. Pauline from Mississippi says:

    Glad you moved. No need to let that man spoil your time. Who knows when he would really be in a bad mood and show up at your door!

    Stay safe

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pauline . . . I got the feeling he’s an all-talk-and-no-action kind of guy, but one can never be sure! I’m glad I moved, too. We’re in a good place.

  26. LaneVids says:

    Wow! That guy is something, isn’t he? Well as least you got to spend a night there and see some owls before he started bothering you.

  27. DeAnne in TN says:

    As I was up this morning (well, it was before noon) I enjoyed the comments about the owls. Ha–that will be my motto–On Wheels and Leaving…anyway, I was fortunate to live in Germany for seven years and we lived next to a forest. In Germany they don’t have woods; they have forests. We had a stork who nested in our chimney every year which was cool. But, there was a cuckoo who lived in the trees of the forest and every evening at dusk he would start singing himself to sleep. It sounded exactly like the clock! Most definitely one of those moments that I will never forget.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’d love to hear a real cuckoo (the bird, not the guy at Coyote Wash). If they sound like the clock cuckoo, I imagine it’d be hard to sleep with that going on. You said “dusk” so maybe they quit soon, like the owls do. Interesting .. .

      • DeAnne in TN says:

        Yes–we really only heard them for a longer time period at dusk. Kinda like they were settling in and letting everyone know that it was time for bed. The first time I heard it was very surreal and I was seriously looking for what could be making that sound. Then it became the best time of day. I’ll never forget that memory.

  28. AZ Jim says:

    My first and immediate reaction to the “camping site cop” is I would invite him to KMA but then on second thought I would have had to fret and fume for the entire time I was in the area where he was so there would have been no further joy in my visit. So, reluctantly I would have left too. There are always those who make what others do their business. In this case this guy is probably a wannabe cop who couldn’t realize his childhood dream of his own badge and gun. You did the right thing even though it might have been more fun to play games with this jerk. Hang in there Missy….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I don’t think it’s good to “fret and fume,” so, yes, leaving is the best response. One of my reactions is “Whew! Glad I’m not married to that!”

  29. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    I forgot to mention…..when you first mentioned the guy on the bike…….I initially thought it was Dale.

  30. Cindy says:

    It’s a shame you will be leaving an area full of generous people because of Bipsycho man. It’s people like him that end up costing everyone else an open camping area. I’m sure you and the crew will find a new, less stressful, area to call home. Love the owls!

  31. Bill & Ann says:

    It is good you left. You took three good images along with you. The beautiful tree with the gold blooms, the owls and a very, very nice helpful group of people. This is what camping and boondocking is about. The good times.

  32. DeadEye says:

    Stuck in a rut + jerk = move on. Done. The owls were reminding you to be wise and absent yourself from his presence and this place.

    A better place dawns and you are undoubtedly already there.


  33. Sergio says:

    Wow… I have a hard time understanding all that bickering about camping on private land, City land, State land and BLM land. You’re in the desert, my golly! Not on Wall Street.
    I also understand you have «no camping signs» planted in the middle of the desert and need confirming ownership with the City Land Surveyor Office. Amazing… I don’t get the point of all this fuss.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      The point of all this fuss is trespassing. Trespass on private land and the police might come knocking on your door. Camp on government land you’re not supposed to camp on could result in a hefty fine. Camping on state land may require a permit. Besides, in principle, I don’t want to camp where I’m not wanted or allowed.

      Don’t be naive, Sergio. Desert land is real estate, not some vast free-for-all, however much we may wish it to be so.

      In Canada is it okay to camp on someone else’s private land? Can you squat on all government land?

      • Sergio says:

        I’m not naive… We live under different rules. On private land, namely farm land, it’s courteous to ask for permission but I’ve never been denied… some owners even offer an electric connection. On Government land… never heard of any restriction… its public right!. When there’s a restriction it’s well posted and fenced. I’ve never experienced Police harassment or heard about fines. But we have parking tickets… but in the city of Montreal. loll
        Quebec is less populated and we are welcoming people. Ownership doesn’t give someone a divine right…

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          What about land owned by corporations, businesses, and land that’s privately owned by an absentee owner? How do you ask permission?

          Not all government land is “public land,” i.e. free for camping. Some government land, such as the U.S. Army Proving Ground in Arizona, is restricted (no camping). Some is conservation land or wildlife refuge where no camping is allowed. These are a few examples.

          I’m sorry if I was impolite. Your comment gave me the impression you thought one could just wander all over the country, camping wherever one wished with no regard to ownership, boundaries, ordinances, etc.

          Re your remark about ownership not giving a “divine right.” In the U.S. private ownership gives the owner certain “rights” regarding his/her property. One of those rights is to keep other people off it.

          I didn’t mean to imply “police harassment.” I was referring to a private owner enlisting the aid of a police officer to remove a trespasser, i.e. a camper using private property without permission.

          Rules are useless if there’s no consequence. Camping on public lands is often limited to 14 days. Stay beyond 14 days and you may have to pay a fine of $245 although one is usually given a warning the first time.

          In Canada you can camp on public land indefinitely?

          • Sergio says:

            So different… I’m more and more afraid to travel «boon docking» in your country. To many regulations. That’s why I’m reading about your day to day experience… to learn and beware.
            My previous experience 93 years) was, spending winter (182 days max) camping in private camping in the US and travelling boon docking in Québec for the summer.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Nothing to be concerned about, Sergio. Just make sure you have an atlas that shows the different types of land and you’ll be fine. Enjoyed our conversation!

  34. Rand says:

    Not sure the lesson learned.
    Another angle:
    BLM didn’t like the fact the land being camped on was actually private but that didn’t stop them (they knew). They put notices on the vehicles but never came back. Some left (mostly Canadian). The ones that stayed were uncomfortable for awhile but cleared the issue and maintained the rights provided by law.
    If its Our land, We have rights to be there, don’t give them up.
    p.s. Mom’s condo balcony was a jungle; doves would nest in the ferns which meant they owned best for the duration. Condo law is “air space”.

  35. Bill from NC says:

    I really like that tree with the yellow blossums. Seems like anice camp spot, sorry the guy is causing you to leave. But hey Rvsue takes us to a new adventure!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Bill,

      Wish I new the name of that tree. It’s not necessarily native to this area of Arizona as it’s part of landscaping.

  36. R. says:

    RVSue, are there any wildflowers blooming where you’re right now? Are you planning to visit the southeast AZ? I always enjoy visiting Sierra Vista and Bisbee around mid-April to see migration of many colorful birds.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      The brittlebrush are coming into bloom. I saw my first cactus flower the other day… bearpaw cactus. Tiny wildflowers, white ones and yellow ones, less than a cm in diameter are starting to bloom close to the ground.

      Funny you should mention SE Arizona…. I was studying my atlas a few minutes ago, honing in on that area. Haven’t made any firm plans.

  37. R. says:

    I spent lots of time with my husband in that part of AZ watching birds and hiking. There are many places in the area where you can walk with your dogs. If you get there maybe you should consider getting inside Fort Huachuca and hope to see trogons. You would need to get a pass at the gate. It is a simple procedure, just bring your license, car registration and insurance card. I don’t think your kids need separate passes. To see amazing number of hummingbird species go to Beatty’s Orchard on Miller Canyon Rd. The forest service has RV camping on that road. I have to stop myself here because I can go on and on with many more ideas.

    I’m going to Anza Borrego Desert SP in a few weeks and can’t wait to see brittlebush in bloom. Do these yellow and white wildflowers look similar? Maybe they are wooly daisies? Maybe?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      The tiny yellow or white flowers grow flat on the ground. They do look like miniature daisies. I love the way brittlebush line some roads.

      Interesting info re bird watching and hiking. Thanks, R.

  38. Ron says:

    You probably did the right thing moving.
    I would probably have still been there , I dont take pushing very well.
    PS Your smarter than I am and I think there must have been some jackass in my ancesters

  39. Virginia says:

    It was ironic hearing your story about getting stuck in the desert sand. I got my car stuck in the wet slushy snow here in Maine and needed a lot of sand and salt to get it out. No nice guys around here offering to give me a push or any asssistance. It was a bear getting that car out. Being a single woman on or off the road has it challenges. I say many prayers during the course of the day for guidance, direction and for other people. Owls are really interesting creatures. Had a house in the woods once and used to hear their eery hooting every night in the summer months, thought it comforting. Later learned the owls were considered by the indians to be an ill omen.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m sorry you had to deal with a stuck car in the snow. I assume you got out okay! I refuse to think the owls are a bad omen. 🙂

  40. Lacy says:

    You can’t fix stupid. Glad yall are safely settled in another nice spot. 😉

  41. weather says:

    beautiful photo of that tree!many copies of it would make a breathtaking wallpaper for a small wall by a bath or tea/coffee corner.spent time searching out great images of sunflowers once.what I look at affects me.knowing this has me choose a positive outlook…
    long time policy of mine is that I never reward bad behavior with attention.winning is having a great life unaffected by someone’s effort to sully it.
    saying good job handling “wanna spread my unhappiness boy”
    let the turf scrappers keep their chosen prison,we have the horizon

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I agree with you, weather. That guy got to rant and I got some blog material. We both got what we need. Win-win!

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