Creeds and a nature walk

I can’t take it any more.

I’m all for people having fun on the weekend. I just don’t want to hear them.  A Minnie Winnie parks in between our shelter and the lake, and runs a generator ALL day.  A teenager on a motor bike revs the engine while riding around the campground loop several times.  People take short-cuts so close to our shelter causing Spike and Bridget to bark hysterically. Loose dogs get them going, too.  The loud talking, the motor boats, the road noise, all of it . . .  It’s too much. 

Sometimes I need quiet.

When Spike and Bridget see me grab the keys to the PTV, they’re on their paws, ready to go!  I can tell how Spike’s muscles and joints are working by his success or lack of it while trying to jump into the PTV.  Today he’s a spry little guy, jumping high and clear, no problem.

We’re off to explore the other side of the dam!

Once we drive over the dam, a right turn puts us onto a dirt, deeply rutted, one-lane road, very steep and winding.  It takes us up and over the hill to another campground near the dam’s spillway and Beaverhead River.  It’s a brushy, worn-out campground, the sites consisting of warped picnic tables and fire rings.  If the road weren’t so difficult, I would’ve camped over here for the weekend.  At least it’s quiet.  I see one truck camper and two tents.  Some fishermen’s vehicles are parked next to the spillway.

A chipped and faded sign reads “Wildlife Viewing Area.”

The three of us follow what used to be a paved lane and is now a burgeoning wildflower and weed garden.  We walk about a mile and on the return, Spike starts to droop. 

He spies a pool of water fed by a stream gushing out of the rocky face, and yanks me down the embankment.  I slip and slide in my sandals, pulling Bridget along with me, and land on my behind.  Spike goes in the water, lapping it up, unconcerned.

A brief soak and he’s rejuvenated, as evidenced by his dash up the embankment.  “I guess we’re going, Bridget.”  Bridget and I scramble up after him. 

On the way back to the campground, the reservoir and Clark Canyon Campground come into view.

Warning:  Quick topic change ahead with no transition 

Tomorrow (Monday, the 20th) I’ll drive up to the Dillon post office.  If the vehicle registrations are in, the crew and I will break camp on Tuesday.  If they haven’t arrived, we have to break camp on Tuesday anyway (14-day limit). 

In the latter case, I’ll move us up to Barrett’s Park, a fishing access place where people can tent or squeeze into one of two, very short, rv spots.  Barrett’s is about 10 miles north of here on I-15, and about 9 miles south of Dillon.  I hope I don’t have to do that because it means parking with boat trailers all around us . . . plus I’m anxious to get going!

I’ve decided the crew and I will go to Oregon!

Two considerations led me to this decision.  One:  It’s smoky all around here, in Idaho, and in Utah, too, so wandering around southeastern Montana and to the south is not appealing.  Two:  I don’t know what the future holds — none of us does — and I want to take the opportunity now, while I have my health, the money, and the gumption to go!  

Then I can die happy.  Ooh, that’s a bit dramatic, don’tcha’ think, rvsue?

I like Tioga George’s creed.

In 2003 he hand-wrote it on a scrap of paper and taped it to his bathroom door. It’s still taped there.   Years ago George’s simple and powerful creed inspired and encouraged me.  I hope he doesn’t mind me printing it here:

“I don’t run away from my dreams because of my fear of what might happen.  I have faith that, no matter what fate brings me, I shall overcome.”  — Tioga George

You may prefer “life” or “God” instead of the word “fate.”  However you change that word, the secret for a full life remains.


Canine Corner:  “My Creed” by Bridget and Spike

“No matter how hard Spike tries to trick me into doing bad things that get on rvsue’s nerves, I will be a good girl and love rvsue with all my heart for all my days.” — Bridget

“No matter how many times Big Mouth Bridget squeals on me or gets on MY nerves with her holier-than-thou attitude, I will be true to myself for all of my days.  Oh yeah, and I’ll love rvsue, too.” — Spike

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65 Responses to Creeds and a nature walk

  1. Lisa says:

    Ok, I’m gonna admit it… I love reading your posts, Sue. But since you started the Canine Corner, I’m like a kid who can’t wait to get to dessert. I rush through the post, mostly scanning for anything needing immediate reading. Then I get to the pooch section and indulge. Then, I go back and read through the whole post again, lol!

    One time, Spike referred to a story you had told about him earlier in the post and I was caught – I hadn’t read it yet!

    Hope you don’t mind… 😉


    P.S. Listened to your advice some months back and got myself a trailer and passenger van instead of the Winnebago View I had been considering. So glad I did that and thanks!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Whew! Your postscript made my heart skip a beat! I was thinking you were going to blame me because you didn’t get a View! I’m so glad you’re happy with your rig, Lisa. Many, many happy days and nights in your new home!

      Oh, did you get me laughing with your “like a kid who can’t wait to get to dessert” line. That’s funny. Those two upstage me every time.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Lisa… Is there any way you can put a link here to a photo of your trailer and van? I and others would love to see it.

      • Lisa says:

        I’d love to! I don’t have Naomi (my trailer) yet. I had to leave her in storage at the dealer. She’s a 2009 Jayco travel trailer.

        I do have my van, but I’ll wait ’til I have the two of them together and then post some pics. I’m still in the process of having tow equipment installed. My van is a Ford E-series passenger van, but I removed the back two benches. Not sure if that’s a permanent removal…

  2. Anne H says:

    You’ll have a lovely time in Oregon – I’ve only camped in either State or Federal campgrounds – but I’m practising dry camping and getting up the gumption to try some dispersed camping. I know a lot of folks on the Molded fiberglass site who do dispersed camping in OR – maybe a post there would garner some good suggestions. If you don’t know the site –
    If you see an Escape trailer (the ‘Greyt’ Escape) accompanied by a retired greyhound – that will be me.

  3. Pat says:

    Go for it !!!!!!!!!! You won’t be sorry, but maybe cold……….LOL The coast can be cold and windy, but it is worth it. I must think so……I am on my second tour this summer. If you see a 22 ft. Sunseeker with AZ plates, stop and say “Hi”.

  4. Elizabeth says:

    It is so sad that people are so completely “out to lunch” so often these days…a bit of good manners would sure make all things smoother and better…but this is indeed the ME generation!! I can see what you mean about weekends…will have to keep that in mind if we end up RVing…I would be bothered by some of the things you mention too. People are so into their own “rights”, they often cannot think anyone else has some too. I hope it will be a nice quiet peaceful night tonight!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I took the crew for their nightly walk and the campground is nearly empty. The noisy people have to go back to work. It’s peaceful again. The best solution, when the noise gets to you and it’s daytime, is to go away and come back later. Now if it’s 11 o’clock at night, you know how I handle that because you’re one of my loyal readers.

    • Pat says:

      They have no manners and it is not just the young campers, some of the oldies can be very rude and loud sometimes. I usually go in my motorhome and turn on my generator and watch a movie until 10:00 when they should start to quiet down……….LOL

  5. Cindy Kingma says:

    I’ve been thru Oregon several times. Its similar to Washington (my home state) but unique to itself as well. Hope you have a great time visiting all areas. The coastline is cooler and often blustery. The interior is mountainous and foresty. The east side is deserty. The Pacific NW is rainy alot of the year but right now its pretty warm so you won’t have as much of a weather shock.

  6. Donna K says:

    As an Oregon resident, I can say with complete honesty and no bias whatsoever (haha) that this is one of the prettiest states in the union. Hope you enjoy your visit. We usually have an Indian summer during September in the Willamette Valley. You can find anything you want here; desert, mountains, plains, valleys, rivers, lakes, and ocean. If the weather is not right, you can usually find something else that suits by moving a few miles. It has been cold here in Eugene the last few nights but heats up well during the day. September and October are actually my favorite months in Oregon, but this year we will be spending that time in Glacier NP and then south (somewhere!!). Good luck on your trip to our fair state and welcome.

  7. Glenda Cornwill says:

    So looking forward to experiencing and seeing Oregon through your Blog Sue………..bring it on!!

  8. Dianne Long says:

    Lovely photos of your adventure on Sunday. I hope you get an opportunity to see Portland…my daughter went to Lewis and Clark College a “few” years back. The city is amazing: beautiful rose garden, interesting activities on the river and a great book store. There is a heart stopping view of Mt. Hood from the L&C campus….if it’s clear. I remember a blue hydrangea bush on campus that was so sunning I couldn’t believe it was real! Everything that grows, grows beyond expectation in Portland.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dianne,

      Glad you like the photos. You obviously have fallen in love with Portland. I do want to see that area. I may have to save it for another summer trip when I also explore the Columbia River, and maybe Washington and California, too. That would make a great summer!

  9. Bear says:

    I have to agree with one of the other readers, I love the new part with the crew having their say to.. That spike pulling you down the hill, I had a great laugh and can just picture it happening and you falling on your rear and Brigette just giving Spike the evil eyes… I to agree people have no manners, I camped out where it was trailer to trailer, and i have to admit there was some nice people there, but noicy something I can do with out… take care and looking forward to reading about you and the crews new adventures. Take care your northern ontario reader – PS yes its still cold here and its only August really – thought I might have to turn my heat on tonight… no way another layer lol…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Your summers must be very short in northern Ontario. I can’t blame you for not wanting to turn on the heat. That’s like saying summer’s over. No! Not yet!

      Nice to hear from you again.

  10. Chinle says:

    When I as 18, I camped all down the Oregon coast. It was beautiful. A friend and I had sleeping bags and we’d just lay them out on the sand. I doubt if you could do that now, too many rules and maybe not so safe. One morming we woke up with the tide lapping right at our toes.

    But remember, you’re going into Bigfoot country! Be sure to have some pancakes ready for when they come knocking at your door.

  11. gingerda says:

    The good thing about the young noisy people is that they leave on Sunday. School is starting soon and the campsites should be a little less crowded. Glad you decided to tour Oregon. I think you will really enjoy it.
    I love the quote that Tioga George posted. I need to follow it more, and stop letting my fears hold me back. I have a terrible time thinking “what if” what if my rig breaks down, what if I get sick on the road, how will I get my mail, etc. Can I afford it? I won’t ever find out until I try it.
    Cute post by the crew.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I figure I’ll do what I have to do on the road, just as I would if I were home. If the rig breaks down, I’ll get it fixed. If I get sick, I’ll go to a clinic. Mail, banking, vehicle registrations, etc. can be arranged. As for money…. there’s a point at which I have enough. That and any more I have could be wiped out at any time, just like it can disappear when I’m not on the road. I might as well live the life I want.

      Glad you enjoy the crew.

      • Dominick Bundy says:

        Hi Sue, I’ve been quietly reading your posts. But had to respond to your comment here. And that it is a very simple and valuable piece of philosophy you just shared . Thanks for sharing such. It’s a keeper I’d like to save in my file of inspirational quotes. Cheers Dominick…

  12. cinandjules says:

    The canine corner is absolutely hilarious!
    Be positive…the registration will be waiting for you.

    I also have to agree with the campers who don’t have etiquette. Generators can be quite annoying and more annoying than generators are people who cut thru other peoples campsite. Argh!

    Not dramatic at all………just think later on in life you won’t find yourself saying,”should have, would have, could have! Been there, done that is more like it!

    Is that algae blooms in the water? Don’t know if you know about the toxicity algae blooms are to dogs. So you know…if it looks like green paint on the surface…it is bad ju ju. Problems with that due to the early warm weather this year. Dogs can ingest it by licking their coats when they dry themselves off.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I don’t know if it was the bad green stuff or the okay green stuff. Fortunately Spikey’s a shaker, not a licker. Not that he can’t get sick from tainted water. I’ve gotten to the point where his persistence and hardhead are more than I care to do battle with. So far, so good, and he’s always sticking his face in water.

      I do notice that different people have different concepts of territory and space. Some people walk a few yards from our picnic table between where we are and the lake, while others go around the back side where I don’t even notice them.

  13. julieinoregon says:

    Hi Sue and Crew!
    I’m so glad you decided to come to Oregon! Don’t forget I live in Klamath Falls, in the Southern part of the state. It’s about 1 1/2 hours to Crater lake. I have a friend in Chilioquin that has a large yard on the Williamson River. She is an RVer too! Chiloquin is closer to Crater lake off of Hwy 97. It would be great for us all to meet! We are all single women with dogs! LOL Julie.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I have to remember this! I do want to go to Klamath Falls and Crater Lake. All the times you’ve told me to come see you when in Oregon, I doubted it would happen. Maybe it will after all! Ha!

  14. cathieok says:

    Glad you were able to escape the hub-bub for a bit.
    Both good creeds to live by!

  15. Sherry says:

    Sue I just have to say that the noise of other campers and their toys is the only thing about full timing I find I don’t like. I know they’ve been cooped up all week and are ready for a rip roaring good tinme so I try to be understanding of their vocal noise during the day but by 10:00 enough is enough. It’s the incessent motor noises that bother me most.. I’m not sure I could manage a day next to someone running a generator constantly all day long. I breathe such a sigh of relief when the week-end is over. And it seems to me week-ends are worse in boondocking spots especially national forests. In campgrounds there are quiet hours and they are often enforced though not always. I don’t blame you one darn bit for having had enough. Although it makes me feel like a crumudgeon to say so.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It’s something that can’t be helped, I guess. Everyone has their own way of enjoying life. Unfortunately they are in conflict. People don’t understand the boundaries of time and location. It’s perfectly okay to yak it up loudly in your back yard at seven p.m. It’s not okay to yak it up loudly next to somebody’s camper window at 11 p.m. Some people don’t see the difference.

      To ask for consideration might lead to a confrontation, so I avoid that if possible. Leaving is really the only way…. The only thing lacking today was the thump-thump-thump of the bass from someone’s “music.” I had a good day with the crew somewhere else.

  16. JandH says:

    We are also thrilled you are coming to visit!! We like the drive on Hwy 20 from Idaho Falls-Mountain Home better than the interstates. You may have time to visit the Wallowa Valley/Joseph. Gorgeous over and back drive to I-84. Or. . .Hwy 26 from Baker City all the way to Sisters, then either the McKenzie River to Eugene, or. . .Hwy126 – Hwy 22 to Salem along the Santiam River are pretty breathtaking, if you like green trees and rivers! Or. . .follow I-84 through the Gorge (begins at about The Dalles). Wildhorse Casino just East of Pendleton is very, very nice, but may be hot this time of year.
    BLARS/TECHNOVIKING from Cheap rvliving (and his own blog) is camp hosting less than two hours from Portland. A good place to camp, and leave the trailer for the day to explore Portland. You will be happy you visited regardless!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, JandH!

      Someone else — I think it was Henk — suggested Hwy 20 from Idaho Falls to Mountain Home. Looking at the map, I believe that is kind of close to the big Idaho fire (Featherville)… The smoke might be bad. I’ll have to see what it looks like when I reach that turn off the interstate.

      Thanks for all the suggestions. Very helpful. I may not make as extensive a trip (not as big a loop) as my readers want me to take…. There’s so much to see, places to camp, that I’ll have to save some for another year. I appreciate the help!

  17. Lynne says:

    Oh Sue. I have been reading your posts for a few months but it never occurred to me to go back in time until you posted about your one year anniversary. I got to wondering how far apart we were last winter as my husband and I were in AZ for two months in our 16′ Casita. We were at Dome Rock twice, missed you both times, and our favorite place was the campground next to Tortilla Flatts in the Tonto National Forest. Our delight in that place mirrors your awe of the desert as it was our first time to experience winter in the SW. I have a few pictures which do not do justice to the beauty we experienced. (Jan 2012 and Feb 2012)
    The price was not free. It costs $3 per night, water and sewer included!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lynne, Great blog! Love the header photo…. Looks like you’re ready for anything, especially fun. I’ve wondered about the Tonto NF. The photo on your blog is lovely. The desert is captivating, isn’t it. I never thought I’d take to it as much as I have. You know what i mean, having had the same reaction during your first winter in the SW. Isn’t it wonderful to be able to choose where you want to live and change your mind often? I know you aren’t fulltimers, but you have the freedom a Casita gives. Enjoy and thanks for the link and info!

  18. Ron says:

    I just thought of this, in Calif you have to stay in the right hand lane with a trailer ,and they will write you a ticket if you are in the other lanes.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Glad you thought of that, Ron, and also that you shared it with us.

    • Ed says:

      CA is also broke so they will also ticket you if you exceed the 55mph speed limit when pulling a trailer. Just remember that, the state is broke and will ticket you for anything and everything they can.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        California is losing its luster, what with high prices, traffic, ticketing, forest fires, crowded campgrounds, closed campgrounds, rules, rules, rules…. Not many comments here on how great California is. What a shame. Once it was considered paradise . . .

        • Elizabeth says:

          Tis people that ruin everything!! California will always be wonderful for the climate in places and the beauty in some as well!! I was born there and lived there until age 14 (and then hubby was stationed at Vallejo the last 5 months of the Navy in 1975)…then we only came back to visit in 1967, 1970, and 1985 plus slipped over via the back roads from Carson City, to take youngest to see Yosemite for just one day back in 2003. Considering all the kin I knew growing up were still there, that is not many visits!! I have many BAD BAD memories of living there, but that is mostly due to having an abusive dad and having to attend some of the roughest schools imaginable. The best people we have ever been around come from Idaho, Montana and Wyoming!! I suppose that is maybe one reason I have stayed away. I am hopeful that I can go back once more to see a few of my kin still living however.

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            You make strong points re California, Elizabeth. Most people can’t wait to get back to the places of their youth. I can understand why you prefer other states, like Montana and Wyoming, which I’ve come to love, too. Thank you for sharing your personal feelings.

            • Elizabeth says:

              We moved to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho for just one year when I was 14!! I will be forever grateful for that one year because of all the fun, the great friends and great experiences I had there (not to speak of how gorgeous it is there!!). It made ALL THE DIFFERENCE in the rest of my life. I had a boyfriend there, but half of my feelings for him were connected to his fabulous family that I loved so much. Then we moved away and of course, I eventually married (someone else) whose family never really cared for me and worse, did not treat my children as they should have. But knowing this other family (and the sister still emails, etc. with me yet today, plus his mom wrote some till she died a few years ago) helped me because I knew that indeed there were some very wonderful people on earth!! Yea, folks, you DO MARRY the family too…sometimes I wonder if that should determine at least 50% of a decision to marry someone!! But Idaho people are special…at least the ones back in those years…and actually there still are some very wonderful folks there too. It has been 2 years since our last visit to Southern Idaho and a decade since I was last in Coeur d’Alene…too long!!

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              That’s something a lot of other cultures have that we lack… the importance of considering family in marriage.

  19. Oregon is beautiful and if you make it down to california, also beautiful with many climates. You may be able to slide into early winter in california.

  20. Judie says:

    It’s not dramatic, just plain truth. I’m so glad ur doing what u want while u have the health because without the health, the money won’t mean anything. God bless u, Spike and Bridgette on ur travels. And thx for letting us enjoy it thru ur eyes……and the crew’s eyes too. I love the comments from them.

  21. Teri says:

    Have you checked out the website ( – it shows all active wildfires. There are wildfires in Northern California. Not sure which route you are taking to and from Oregon. Have a safe and fun trip.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I think this is the same website mentioned by another reader. I hadn’t gotten around to looking at it. I appreciate the reminder, Teri, and the wish for our trip further west. I’m going to check those wildfires right now!

  22. libertatemamo says:

    Oregon is outstanding. We’re currently spending our second summer on the coast here (this summer we’re lighthouse hosts) and really love it. Sept is the perfect month to be here. If you get close to us let us know.
    Nina (

  23. Elizabeth says:

    How interesting…some of the folk here are doing such fun sounding things!! Hubby got excited hearing about lighthouse hosting!!

  24. akwoman says:

    Sue, I’m so glad you’re going to Oregon! I have many friends from there, including one whose sister is a campground host at Horse Thief Lake. If you get that far, her name is Jan and she will remember her “moose friend” from Alaska. (…That’s a story for another time!) I know your camera will be clicking madly away in all the scenery to be had. I can’t wait to see the photos.
    Be safe!

  25. Renette says:

    Dear Sue,
    we are currently camped at Ft. Stevens state park, which is as far north as you can go via coastal oregon. Perhaps when I said cool, I should have said damp. after a summer in the high desserts of wyoming, it feels cool to me. we have used our heater a bit just to remove the damp, then its fine. the northern portion of the coast, while very beautiful is not very good for those of us looking for inexpensive camping. most of the state parks here are “reseverable” and seldom have space for those who just show up (like us). from the middle of the central coastal to the southern there are a number of National forest campgrounds. if we had realized how difficult it was to camp here in the north we would have skipped it. although we did manage to get into Ft. Stevens, we were told we could only stay two nights. so tomorrow we are heading east and towards home. We found Montana and Wyoming to be much easier in terms of finding camping without a lot of people. that being said, oregon is beautiful and i don’t regret coming here.

  26. Karen says:

    Hi, Sue, Glad you were able to escape from the “It’s All About Me” campers. It’s fine for people to enjoy themselves, but a little thought for fellow travelers is always nice. Who in the world needs to run a generator all night? I admit that I had to chuckle at Spike’s quick dash to water with you and Bridget in tow. Hope your registrations arrived so you can get us all to Oregon soon. We’re all ready to keep you company. Have a wonderful day!

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