Curious neighbors sneak around our campsite!

The first thing I do every morning upon waking is look out the window.

I like to leave the blinds up when camped in a secluded spot.  Here at Ivie Creek Camp in east-central Utah the Best Little Trailer is nestled in a bower of young oak trees.  Filtered light descends through the branches.  An open window lets in fresh air and the comforting sound of the brook.


I sit up in bed and look out the window. 

“Oh my gosh!” I exclaim in surprised whisper.  Bridget lifts her head out from the covers and then sleepily retreats.


A big tom and two hens step about ten feet from my window in that careful way fowl have of placing each foot purposefully on the ground.  They see my movement inside the BLT and pick up their pace, heading down the slope toward the lawn below.

I grab my camera and rush out the door in my bare feet.


Hobbling down the slope I lose sight of the tom, but I do manage a few shots of the hens.


They cross the creek and slowly walk up the slope on the other side to disappear into the sage brush.  I chuckle on the way back to the BLT.  Well, that’s a new way to start the day!






The crew is up and ready to start their day.

Spike is always up before Bridget.  He peers out at a new day, unaware that we’ve had visitors.


While Bridget and Spike are eating their breakfast and I’m replying to blog comments and drinking coffee, I happen to look out the window.

1-P1050026“Oh my gosh, they’re back!”

Tom Turkey is right under the back window by the spare tire and quickly disappears again.

I grab the camera and take a photo of a hen through the window.  The quality is poor but this proves we do have some curious turkeys around here!

What’s funny is these turkeys must have circled around under cover of the sagebrush, come down the bank out of my view, across the creek and the little meadow, and up our slope to sneak into our campsite again from the back of the BLT.  What nosy neighbors!


Okay, that’s enough turkey talk.  Let’s go down to the creek!






    That Spike! He sure does know how to live!   His motto?  “If it feels good, do it.”



You think all we do is play all day, right?

Well, that may be true of the crew, but I actually accomplish something today.


I got out the stepladder, a bucket of water from the creek, some rags, and my bottle of NuPolish.  See how the fiberglass has lost its shine?  I put another coat of polish on the upper front, sunny side, and back.  It’s the perfect day for this kind of activity, not too warm and a gentle breeze.


Later that evening the crew and I walk up the road to the campground sign.  The gobbles of turkeys emanate from the oak trees as we turn and head for home.


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65 Responses to Curious neighbors sneak around our campsite!

  1. Bob says:

    Well, some of our neighbours are turkeys, but I’m not going to bother taking their picture.

  2. Rev. Mary says:

    You never said how the crew reacted to the noise of the turkeys.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      The turkeys were far enough a way that Bridget barely noticed and Spike probably didn’t hear them at all.

  3. Elizabeth says:

    We used to live where wild turkeys came all around the house…and they kind of disappeared….hmmmm, well the neighbors told us to be more alert when we did not see turkeys and deer around….and sure enough, twas a cougar!!! Faced hubby down in the garage soon after we noticed they had not been around for awhile….so they are a good thing to have nearby….if they go…do be extra careful!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It can be helpful to know how to “read” wildlife and our natural environment. Wow! Your husband has a story to tell.

  4. Vicky says:

    Sue, your blog puts a smile on my face and hope in my heart every day. My husband and I are planning our journey into full timing within the next 2 years and we can’t wait! Keep on living your dream and thank you for sharing it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Vicky. Those two years may seem like a long time, but one day you’ll wake up and realize time has flown and it’s almost time to hit the road!

  5. Jean/Southaven, MS says:

    So glad you are back. Missed you and the crew. Loved your pictures over the last few posts. Brings back memories of when I lived out there. We cut wood for our wood burning stove in some of the National Forest you have been in. In the last 70’s you could get a permit to cut upto 5 cords of dead wood on National Forrest land. Utah got cold back then and the wood fire felt good. Beautiful Beautiful country.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      So glad you’ve enjoyed the photos and your memories of this part of Utah. It’s been fun taking pics of the creek and our camp.

      Thank you for your sentiment regarding our return to blogland. It’s good to be back!

  6. cinandjules (NY) says:

    What a wonderful way to wake up.

    That NuPolish works well……….I slapped a coat on each of our vehicles..AFTER I jet sprayed the road salt off. The BLT’s looking great. What do you use on the black rubber window trim? I used to use MaGuires but it left those dastardly black streaks…so unattractive and un RV like.

    I see you Bridget under the shadows of the BLT! Spike you upside down ham bone!

    When a big rig passes you on the highway…..does it pull you toward it as a one or does it pull the BLT and then the PTV?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi cinandjules!

      I haven’t put anything on the black rubber window trim. I should. It looks like it’s beginning to dry up. Maybe a reader will recommend a product for both of us. 🙂

      I wondered who would be the first to mention Bridget hiding under the BLT. I should make that a daily puzzle… Who can find the hidden Bridget? LOL

      This may seem strange but I haven’t felt much pull at all when a big rig passes. I guess that means we’re pulled “as one.” The sway bar makes the PTV-BLT combo into one unit. I always put it on, even when there’s no wind. I think it improves handling. Plus I try to do everything having to do with safety the same way and completely every time so it stays automatic in my brain.

      I love that photo of Spikey on his back. I watched him kick his legs in the air and wiggle for the longest time . . . .

      • Don Gelinas says:

        Hi Sue

        You may want to try Protect All found at most rv supply stores
        Definitely at campers world

        Great for everything rv including fiberglass and rubber

        Go to

        Don GELINAS
        Clermont, Fl.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thanks, Don. I’ve seen that product but I didn’t know if it were any good.

          • Don Gelinas says:

            Sue. I love it. I think you will to.

            • cinandjules (NY) says:

              I used the roof protector on the roof of the rv every six months.

              Worked great and the roof never had problems…

              For the fiberglass sides I used NuPolish and Liquid Lustre..which I could only find at the county/state fairs.

  7. CT says:

    What fun to have some interesting new neighbors!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes! And they don’t play the radio loud, run a generator all day, or get drunk and yell at each other!

  8. cinandjules (NY) says:

    Was he also making grunting noises? Silly boy!

    Thanks for the info….I hated getting sucked toward the rear of a passing big rig. I didn’t know if it was as bad with a trailer. Apparently it isn’t…which is good!

    We saw a truck pulling a trailer that was seriously seriously wagging down Donner Summit (I-80) . We both were absolutely terrified for that person.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Some of the “wagging” I’ve seen trailers do is because people drive too fast. I wonder if that truck was in second gear. I’ll never forget the time when I was first towing the BLT and a guy zoomed by me, trailer roaming across the other lane and back again. He was going about 70. Crazy!

      No, Spike wasn’t grunting then, although he does his fair share when falling asleep.

  9. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    Didn’t you just polish the BLT a couple of months ago? I got a nice new bright orange bottle but have been procrastinating using it. It doesn’t appear to last very long? I use to use a silicone car polish that came in a brown & gold can with a red squirt plastic top, it worked like magic. I could put it on in the shade or the sun and it wiped right off without much effort. I haven’t been able to find it anywhere…do you suppose it worked too good and it was bought out by the competators?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes, I did polish it a few months ago. I wanted to put on a second coat and there was a section I missed. I like the shine it gives and it is easy to put on and wipe off. One bottle lasted for two polishes of the entire BLT.

  10. Cherie from OH says:

    Love that pic of Spike rolling in the grass. He’s one happy camper, that’s for sure.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yeah, Spikey is intense in everything he does … whether eating, drinking, sleeping, keeping guard, or playing.

  11. I camped at Folsom Lake (CA) last year and the turkeys ambled through the campground several times a day. I could even get close with my camera without bothering them. I think it’s because no dogs are allowed in the campground.

  12. EmilyO of KS says:

    Okay, next goal is to find those moose. As I remember you didn’t get to see one last year.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      No, Emily, I got to see a mama moose and her baby. What I haven’t seen and am not totally convinced actually exist, is elk. 🙂

  13. Ron Sears says:

    Wow what a great camp site! Turkey hunting is one of my favorite hunts. Don’t kill hens or jakes, but let one come by draging his beard he’s in the frying pan that evening.. Enjoy your site, it’s the best this year!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It is a pretty nice camp. Now I’m psyched to find a camp that’s even better so you’ll have a tough time deciding which is best! I suppose there’d have to be lots of fat turkeys . . .

  14. I just love your new location! This looks like a spot one could spend a LONG time. The stream near by is the crowning touch. Do you every use water from a nice stream like this by filtering it for consumption?

    So glad to see Spike totally enjoying himself. Maybe he will become friends with the turkeys!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      No, I don’t ever use stream water for drinking or even for cooking. It’s easy and inexpensive enough to get water that’s been tested as safe. I suppose if I were a person who took long, long hikes and camped off somewhere in a tent, I’d need to know how to make stream water safe. But we all know, that’s not me!

      I do occasionally use stream water to fill a bucket or basin to clean stuff or wash clothes.

      Spike would bark his fool head off if he ever saw a turkey.

  15. Barbara B says:

    We have a lot of wild turkeys here in TN. There are two different flocks that roam our community. Their talons can be quite lethal when provoked, so be careful.
    Spike and Bridget, what a pair. No wonder you are always happy. Love the site and pics.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      The crew does keep my spirits up. I never have a day that they don’t make me laugh, usually more than once. Nice to have you drop in, Barbara.

  16. Lana in Phoenix says:

    This looks like an ideal place to camp – lots of green trees and grass, shade, bubbling creek, fresh clean air, quiet and solitude, cool temperatures, and non-lethal guests stopping by for a “howdy!” I am green with envy! I went through your pictures three times. We hit 112 degrees here today! And it’s only the beginning of summer…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh dear, 112? I’m sorry to hear that, Lana. And here I am in perfect weather, window open all night…. It just ain’t fair! 🙂

      I wish you could wade in this creek. Man, is it cold! I can only stand it for about 15 seconds. I don’t know how Spike can lie down in it.

  17. Jean wheatley says:

    I surprised you didn’t hear them,we used to raise turkeys, and therewerealways a dozen or so that escaped their pen.They would stroll down to the house to peek in the window. when in a strange place, they stretch out then necks, and make acauyious chirping soun, peek pek one can hear them a long way.Skeeks was always right there barking at the window to put them back.if I opened the door, shed chase them back where they belonged!!”

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      When I call these turkeys sneaky, I mean… sneaky! Not a sound until later that evening from the oak trees up the road. I had the window open and they were right outside it.

  18. Timber and Rusty says:

    Hi Sue, The Elk in Utah are up in the high meadows, Above Fareveiw, to the North East of you, or if you go up towards West Yellowstone and into Yellowstone Park, you will see em, even on the East Side of the Grand Tetons and Jackson’s Hole, But we don’t need to go that far to see Elk, they are here in all the Forest, from eastern Ash Fork, AZ to Flagstaff and above The Mugyon Rim. Timber and I see Elk in the Spring and Fall and I try to shoot them with the camera you gave us in trade of the Oregon Benchmark at lower Ash Fork, two April’s ago, remember?, meeting Camo man and Timber for the first time? ,,,,,,,,,,,,Heey, come on Spike, Let’s do the twist,,,,,,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I remember you showing me where to look for elk across that field at our Ash Fork camp. Never saw one. I went to Yellowstone where there are lots of elk. Never saw one. I went to Custer State Park in South Dakota where elk roam all over the place. Never saw one. I’ve passed so many road signs that say “Watch for elk” or “Elk crossing.” Never see one elk. Elk must see me coming and run and hide!

      • Timber and Rusty says:

        Well if you lived in Trout Lake, Washington, they walk all over till hunting season, then ya can’t find one for miles. K— and I was comin’ home one night from Fort Vancouver, going up 141, between Husum and BZ Corner and it was a fogy night and late, all of a sudden lower BZ disappeared and we almost ran into a very large heard standing on the road,,,,,imagine hitting a Bull Elk with a VW Transporter, (bus) , We didn’t, lucky there was room in a field to go to keep from hitting em,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  19. AZ Jim says:

    This is the time of year when it gets warm here in Phoenix Metro (Surprise). I see Rita says 112 but we had 111 here. In either case we look at your site and see the rushing cold water and have to envy you. One good spinoff of summer is the snowbirds have left so there’s lot’s less traffic. When I was living in South Dakota years ago I used to fish the James river which was about 10 miles from my home. I never went there when the wild turkeys weren’t all over the place. Enjoy your new site and say hi to the furry ones for me.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I remember sitting at my computer at home on a summer’s day in hot and humid Georgia (with no air conditioning because I was saving for my rig) and I’d gaze at photos of mountain creeks and rivers on blogs. I’d stare at those photos remembering what it felt like to wade and lie down in cool water. By the time I could retire and I had enough money saved seven years later, nothing could stop me short of incapacitation from finding that cool water.

      If you’ve read my blog from the beginning, you may remember when I saw the cool water flowing beneath the footbridge and I lay my head down and sobbed.

      • Rita from Phoenix says:

        I remember I sobbed at Niagara Falls…I was so over come with the beauty, immensity, thunder, and powerful water. It made me feel so insignificant. The plains made me feel the same…the endless sky, emptiness, vastness of it all overwhelmed me.

  20. Timber and Rusty says:

    p.s. You know Sue, I moved closer to Flag’ , because of a bunch of Turkey’s of the rv kind, I heard in my past, some fella said; It’s hard to soar like an Eagle when ya have a bunch of Turkey’s around ya. Oh now I remember, the fella was an Air Born Ranger, 101st, screaming Eagle he was, God bless his soul, ya Spike, watch them Turkey’s, Timber,,,,,,,,,

  21. Rita from Phoenix says:

    Ok, I’ve been curious what you eat while in the boonies….what do you eat? I know the cows trashed your grill while you were near Wickenburg, AZ. At the beginning of your blog, you told us lots about what you consumed…eggs in the morning, etc. I love oatmeal when camping and that campground looks like a perfect place to eat a hearty meal. Love your camp site. It’s hot in Phoenix but not sizzling yet. Glad Spike & Bridget are enjoying the lovely camp. How’s your new toaster working out?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Rita,

      My diet is uninspired. Breakfast in hot weather — oatmeal, no sugar, fat-free milk. In cool weather — oat bran stirred into fat-free milk or a bowl of cereal with fat-free milk.

      Occasionally I’ll buy a half-dozen eggs and eat them fried or scrambled or made into an omelet. I never eat eggs on consecutive days.

      My stove-top toaster works great. I bought a loaf of bread (marbled rye), had delicious toast every morning for a week, and I’m sure I put on ten pounds. I’d eat toast every day if I could get away with it.

      Lunch … Progresso soup or a green salad or lean turkey slices from the deli or skinless, boneless chicken breast or Greek yogurt — not fun.

      Supper … Something like lunch above or a 3-vegetable plate (potatoes, brussels sprouts, squash, corn, peas, green beans). When my carb craving gets the best of me I have spaghetti or a rice dish. And then there are times I let loose and have turkey hot dogs (no bun) or sausage and fried peppers and onions.

      Snacks . .. an avocado, a banana, crackers, popcorn. Sweets… I indulge in sherbet.

      I pay my dues by going on the Dukan diet about once a year.

      The cows kicked my grill but it still works fine. I’ll probably grill a batch of chicken today.

  22. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    Is your stove top toaster one of those folding steel things that only cost $3.99 at any sporting goods store with wire sides for holding the toast? If so, I tried one once and I used too much propane to get four slices of toast? What’s your secret for making toast?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      First off, Joe . .. ahem . . . The camp toaster can be bought from Amazon (see Shopping Links “For the road and campsite” page) for less than five bucks (June 2013) and it will be delivered to your home. 🙂

      Mine cost about $7 at an RV place. I’ve only used it on the stove inside the BLT so I don’t know anything about using it on a propane camp stove. The toasting time depends a lot upon the kind of bread. It’s important to have it centered over the flame.

      The amount of propane didn’t seem excessive to me, but then I LOVE toast, especially with coffee in the morning.

    • Pen says:

      If you are talking about the kind where the base is a circle and wires pop up to let you toast four pieces of bread: I had one of those and used tinfoil to cover up two of the “slice racks” and a little bit of the top “chimney.” It then worked well for toasting two slices (not that I couldn’t eat four … or EIGHT…. mmmm toast!).

      I later got a more box-shaped two-slice toaster (doesn’t fold but is smaller so not as much of an issue).

  23. Geri says:

    It’s a special kind of place that energizes you enough to put a shine on the BLT! Chuck says if you want to work some of that cleaning energy off, we will drive the MotherShip up to meet you! LOL! Leaving Wed. for AZ ! Chuck got me a great RV reclining chair made with heat and massage for my back! Got it from Amazon! Free Freight no less! A Relaxen 60-425111 if you wanna peek! I love this camp and the turkeys and the stream and the waterfall! If the water wasn’t so cold, I could imagine bathing under that waterfall!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      When I saw the order for that heat-and-massage reclining chair with ottoman, I clicked on it to see what it was all about. Very nice! That will be wonderful for you. Let me know how it works for you after a few months. If you love it, I’ll add it to the product pages as a suggestion for replacing an uncomfortable RV chair.

  24. Aerolite Steve says:

    Trying to find your campground on Google Earth using the name given. Doesn’t show up.
    Beautiful pics! Looks like a place I’d like to visit.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Maple Grove Campground doesn’t show up? Find Salina, follow route 50 northwest, look for a road going off to the west that makes a sharp lefthand turn to the south. It’s south of Scipio Lake, a small body of water.

      • Aerolite Steve says:

        I know where Maple Grove is …. been there. Beautiful in the fall colors. But Ivie Creek Camp I am unfamiliar with.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Ivie Creek Camp is my own invented name for our campsite along Ivie Creek. I can imagine it is beautiful in the autumn when the oak trees turn gold.

      • Aerolite Steve says:

        Ok, I read your post from the other day of when you first went into Maple Grove area and now see that you are somewhere in that area. I will have to look for that road you used.

  25. Ruth says:

    Can’t tell you how much I look forward to your posts and pictures! I just read your Ivy Creek post and am still laughing. Took the first step a week ago with a 24 foot trailer. It’s new and the hitching unhitching and backing thing is really challenging, in capital letters! I will master it! I can fly an airplane and ride a motorcycle, why not tow a trailer???? I love your crew, give them a pat. Max, a cha-weenie, is game for anything, even riding an ATV with me. He should like rv’ing. Your information is very helpful, thanks. Been doing some Amazon shopping. Hope you are getting credit for it.

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