Desert perfume and computer experts

Monday, April 17

A desert wildflower “garden” by our camp on the mesa, Overton, Nevada

I keep trying . . . .

After weeks of readers — the blogorinos — reporting problems with opening posts and comments, and me not having any success in resolving those problems on my own, I hire online tech experts.


Scanning, cleaning, securing, and performing brain surgery on my computer takes several hours.

My job during this process is to keep my computer turned on, answer questions and follow instructions as they are delivered via chat room, and — the toughest task of all — stop surfing the internet so they can work!

That last one . . . not easy.

To complicate matters, when I go to pay with my credit card . . .

It is denied.

Huh? Denied?  DENIED?!!!  I always pay the balance at the end of the month!

Apparently my frugality is well-known within the credit industry.  Me spending money is cause for alarm.

One computer says to another computer . . .

“Hey, Mac, take a look at this.  No way this is right.  The real RVSue wouldn’t spend $200 in one lump. . . . OMG!  Something is amiss!  Put a hold on it, STAT!”


I call Visa. 

(All the while keeping an eye on the chat box and the tech experts.)

After a few failures with the automated “representative,” a real person notices that I’m glomming up the system and intervenes.  He gives me a pop quiz.  The topic?  My life.  I bumble through while biting my lower lip.

It appears I haven’t repressed everything in my past because he removes the hold.


What’s Reggie doing while all this is going on?

Lying next to me in his bed, snoozin’ in a sunbeam!

I hate to leave the mesa.

Every day presents more reasons to love it here.  Like this morning, before all this computer tech stuff, Reg and I make our way down the slope toward the wash.  We’re following the river of yellow and green where most of this post’s photos originate.

I stop to breathe deeply of the most exquisite perfume!

What is that?  Where is it coming from? 

The scent is something like rose but not really, something like jasmine, but not quite.  It’s as lovely as any expensive perfume from a bottle.  I say it’s lovelier and more precious because it’s carried on a slight breeze on a bright morning on “our” mesa.

I go from plant to plant, sniffing blooms.

The best I can figure, relying upon my olfactory equipment, is it comes from the combination of plants that are in bloom here at the moment.

Mostly it comes from the rhatany bush (above).  I read somewhere that White Rhatany is a favorite cover for rattlesnakes.  They like the dense shade.  Maybe they like the perfume, too!

Reggie and I will move camp tomorrow or the next day.

In the meantime we will enjoy our day.  You do the same, okay?


NOTE:  Early report on computer repair: Problems persist! — Sue


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122 Responses to Desert perfume and computer experts

  1. Beautiful day and post Sue,,,👣🐾

  2. Kat and Cookie Dog in NYState says:

    Kiss for Reggie, that cheek is just begging for it. Have a great day Sue!

  3. Shawna says:

    Ha! THIRD!!! Now I can go read the post …

  4. Kristi & Daisie (Nampa, ID) says:

    Reggie truly has the best job of all. Sunshine and kisses.

  5. eliza says:

    So if there is still a problem with the blog, does it count if we are in the top five?
    Also, the photos are gorgeous today. I need a nap in the sun

  6. Shawna says:

    I gave that adorable cheek a big ol’ smacker. Oh Reggie, we love you so. Excuse me while I go clean off my computer screen.

  7. Judy in East Texas says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie, the photos today were absolutely beautiful. The mesa is on my bucket list if I ever get to retire…..I do still see the light at the end of the tunnel! ha ha
    Hate to hear of the computer whoas…..I to am having issues and it’s a nightmare to say the least! Surely tomorrow will be better!

    Stay safe out there my friend, judy

  8. Hotel California says:


  9. Hotel California says:

    Not even close.

  10. Suzicruzi from Van., WA says:

    What is it about a (yours) sleeping dogs face that makes us gush and want to kiss it? Like babies, it must be that peaceful innocence. Thanks Sue for sharing!! Lovely post and photos- as usual.

    😎 Suzi

  11. Good morning Sue and Reggie. Love this post.
    Beautiful flowers and their special wild scent is like no other. Wildflowers are to me like rainbows…special blessings and promises from God.
    Hoping your techies make good on a resolution to your satisfaction. My experience (to the tune of $150) was not. The 800 number was “Out of Service” and never was ale to make contact again nor resolve the problem.
    Happy trails to your next camp. Excited to see where it might be.
    Till then Have a great one.
    The kiss me here made me laugh. Charming.

  12. Fred Trout says:

    Hi Sue – the best advice (even though it is a little too late for that now) is to make a disk image of your hard disk when you first set it up with all your applications installed ( ). You can also do this with your website. Thereafter, if it gets damaged by any mechanism, you can install the image on top of the damage system in just a few minutes and it will be just like new – all of the contamination will be overwritten.

    The image can be placed on a DVD, USB drive, or on another disk partition (or even all three to make sure).

    • Fred Trout says:

      Forgot to say, all are free, and if you get this fixed to your satisfaction, making an image then will work fine. If you periodically make an image, any changes made will be saved – USB drives large enough to hold an image are very inexpensive these days.

  13. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Gosh dang those old computer grumblin’s! They need to just STOP!

    OK, well. On the bright side. You are NOT on I-20 or I-85 or Buford Hwy or any of the OTHER places that are falling by the wayside! Thank goodness for big favors!
    One of my friends who lives in Marietta, just was ‘reassigned’ to a College Park high school. Three years from retirement, and she is looking at 3 hr/day commutes? On a GOOD day! With all the road gods in alignment. I just can’t…

    Wishing you the best of bests!

    Hugs from Hoquiam!

  14. Pat in Rochester says:

    The flowers in the first photo are my college colors – purple and gold. Go Danes! lol

    I can sure sympathize with your credit card issue. I’ve had it happen because of my location, not lack of use. When you never go far from home, and then you do, the credit card computer takes notice. The first two times it happened I asked if I could give advance notice before traveling. Nope. Now I think there’s a way to do that, at least for one of my cards. However, I travel so seldom I’m not sure I’ll remember to do anything until – bam – denied again. sigh

  15. Elizabeth in WA says:

    So hoped your computer issues would be gone, Sue…but that is not easy these days!!
    Life continues as usual here…more troubles…now the water (well) is ruining things…so I will have to take my laundry to daughter’s or elsewhere…I guess I must look bored or something (NOT!!) Oh well…and this has all happened the last 2 weeks…but the landlords say all is fine. Well, twas ok when we moved in so what changed?? But hubby won’t let me say a word…nor will he. So we will be kind of camping here. At least it is quiet enough to sleep here…so I will try to be grateful for that. And oh well…if it is too hard to cook here, guess we will be eating out more and keeping the local economy in better shape (when I cut fresh veggies etc, and wash my hands, the water turns my hands dark…like I have been playing in the dirt). How weird is that? Strange how history repeats itself sometimes…my mom had to take her laundry elsewhere too…but she LOVED being social so that worked for her!! We do grow used to having our luxuries!!

  16. ValGal (westernWA) says:

    I have had no problems receiving, opening or viewing posts or commenting. I usually view it on my iPad.

    • ValGal (westernWA) says:

      Ps. Love your flower and Reggie pics. Don’t you sometimes just wanna be a dog? Especially when computer issues strike!

  17. Linda Rose, Muffin, Molly & Midgy Carmichael, Ca says:

    I did as instructed and kissed the appropriate spot. Love it…still chuckling. I can almost smell the perfume too. Thanks. Sorry about the ‘puter issues. :+(

  18. Dawn in MI says:

    Kisses for Reggie. I hope thecomputer problem is resplvef…tho I have not experienced any.

  19. First Thought… (a question), CAN I BE REGGIE? Please??? LOL

  20. Retiredcajunlady N Louisiana says:

    Sunshine, lollipups, and rainbows, everything that’s wonderful…Reggie dreaming as he snoozes beside you!! My gosh, he is certainly an adorable, kissable pup!!
    Sue, you have gone to so much trouble to publish your blog for us all…thank you! I am glad all is well again with your computer, but I sorry it was costly. Hopefully all will go well not for a long time.
    I enjoyed your Easter blog, but didn’t comment as my sinuses were driving me crazy between the headache and sneezing. Much better today! I could almost smell the fragrance in air here as you described it to us (with sneezes). What a lovely aroma for you! And those photos…simply beautiful! The very first one made me think…Mardi Gras!…I am such a Cajun. Those colors mixed together…the purple, yellow, and green…might make some folks think, “YUCK”. Not so in nature. Gorgeous!
    Oh-oh…you have a wind advisory posted I see, and for most of the day. I pray you and Reggie-Man are safe and inside and not out chasing chairs again.
    Thank you again for the delightful post and pics. Belly rubs and hugs for Reggie and prayers for you both.

  21. Karen in Pacific NW says:

    Years ago I went to the local community college and took a whole series of courses for understanding computers. Classes on building them from components, on programming, networking, various basic and useful software program skills etc. It was inconvenient to hire someone to come in and fix all the junk that can go wrong on computers That I need for business and pleasure. Over the years that educational investment of time and money has turned out to been a very sound investment. It was not my desire to be a computer repair tech for work, I just did it so that I did not feel helpless and always dependent on hiring someone to rescue me from the inevitable problems.

  22. Dawn in Asheville says:

    Aww–that photo of Reggies snoozing in the sun just made me take a deep breath and go aaaah. All is going to be alright with the world!

    Glad you got your computer problems fixed! Sadly not for cheap, however. I have been struggling on the line of “am I too cheap” lately. I thought I could fix the shroud on the a/c unit but finally gave up and placed a camping world order today. The idea wasn’t bad – use a fiberglass kit to ‘bondo’ it back together but my skills were lacking and ultimately it was ridiculous. The plastic was so old it was disintegrating. I’ll have to find $200 to take off elsewhere. Hope it’s not off new upholstery – LOL.

    Have just skimmed your posts as every spare minute is working, school or trying to bumble my way through RV fixing up – they do help me keep my eye on the prize! One more weekend (of no rain) and I should finally get the majority of the sealing finished and am starting to work thru the systems. It still feels like such a huge task!! Even though I’ve done this before with an RV – well that one was much newer – it feels daunting. It took me half an hour to stick my hand in the oven with a lighter to try to figure out what piece of metal was the pilot light! Took me two on Friday morning to get the courage to get up on the roof – LOL.

    One step at a time, though!

    Thanks for your wonderful posts and beautiful pictures. They keep me inspired and encouraged.

  23. Marilu in Northern California says:

    Hi Sue,
    I just wanted you to know I enjoyed your post, your story of the computer repair and to let you know things seem to be working from this end. I’m looking forward to seeing where you end up next. It seems like spring should be arriving but it’s still stormy in northern California. I hope you find perfect weather.

  24. Jan From MI now NV says:

    I think you are not too far from us but we are stuck here until our antenna gets fixed and sent back. Heading back to MI via SD to see some sites as we missed them last time thru due to the Sturgis motorcycle rally in July and August.
    Love the pictures as always. Someday I will start my blog.
    One year full timing and I cant believe how fast times flies.

  25. Nancy from South Georgia says:

    From your earliest blogs you spoke about always having a garden when you had your place in GA and I knew you to be a person who loves the soil and spring and to feel the satisfaction of growing your own things. Now you are showing that you still have that appreciation of all things botanical through your beautiful flower photos.

    Like you were when you quit gardening, I’m getting to be a little bit too up in age for the backbreaking work in the hot sun so this will be my last year. But it will take me awhile to give up all my plants, some of which (crown of thorns and a couple of christmas cacti) I was given by my now-deceased grandmother back in 1999.

    Thank you for all of the beautiful floral photos over the years.

  26. Renee from Idaho says:

    Awwww, such a sweet, sweet, boy. I like the “place kiss here” direction because he is so dang cute, you can’t resist. What a lovely descriptive post on the floral fragrance.

  27. Carolyn H in AZ says:

    Love the photos of the wild flowers. Beautiful! My Chihuahua loves to sleep in the sun, too.

  28. Pat from Mich. says:

    I think desert flowers are so pretty and you seem to always find lovely flowers. Reggie is so kissable! The only problem I have is that when I open the email from you, I get a short way down and the ‘close the program’ comes on. I can’t get past that, so I have to go to the favorites and click on RV Sue. Then it works properly. Maybe I need to take some computer classes too!

  29. Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

    Beautiful flower photos Sue, now if I could just smell them! Sorry your computer still has issues, especially after paying $200 to get the issues gone! Will they try again at no charge? Sheeesh! Hope it all works out. Love the pic of Reggie snoozing in his bed, give him an extra hug from us! Tster is curled up in my lap now!

  30. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Hi Sue and blogorinos,
    Sorry I haven’t been commenting lately but sure have been reading. My husband has had some health issues, which gave us quite a scare on March 28th and are still ongoing.
    He is in a rehab facility now and will be there for about 2 months. Then last Friday I went in the hospital for my heart and had to have another stent. Things are getting a little better, but DH is not out of the woods, yet. They took him to the local hospital last night to get more blood, they think there is a small interior bleed at the site where the pacemaker was inserted. Anyway, I will not be commenting too much for a while.

    Sue I love the photos and had to kiss that little Reggie cheek. I kiss Angel in the same place. Both of them are just too cute to resist. He is just so adorable.

    • Retiredcajunlady N Louisiana says:

      Oh Barbara, you two have been through so much lately. I am so sorry for you both. Know that y’all will be in my prayers. Blessings for you both.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Hi, Barbara,

      Please know that you and your husband are in our thoughts – even if you don’t comment. Angel, sweet pup: make sure to give your mom some extra love and kisses. Keeping you all in my prayers. Sending you a hug.

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Barbara, asking GOD to help you both…so awful you both have been ill at the same time!! Hard enough when one is…do take care…hope to hear better news from you ere long!!

    • Stephanie Albany OR says:

      Sorry to hear of your health challenges Barbara. I will include you and your DH in my prayers for a full recovery for you both.

  31. Lee J in Northern California says:

    I hate computer issues! Hope you are able to get it fixed to your satisfaction and not break the bank.
    Lovely photos by the way. I love flowers, wild or otherwise.
    I ordered a Brother serger thru your link, hope it shows up…I have been enjoying sewing lately, I finally realized my reluctance to sew was from how cold I get sewing in my basement sewing room, moved things to the dining room and am having a ball!
    Heads up to blogorinos in California, Diggins 1852 is coming up in Columbia state park, middle of May this year, four days of history and fun, come join us!

  32. Jan NHs says:

    Big kiss on that adorable cheek!

    I guess I’m oblivious to computer issues you are mentioning as I still receive emails and can access all posts and comments…I just tend to be a little behind reading most days but having to work tends to cause that 🙂 I have to wonder if the issues reported are maybe certain devices or browsers?

  33. Linda-NC says:

    Hello Sue and Reggie! Computer problems=UGH! I just walked away from mine today as I was getting too aggravated. I can usually muddle through fixing things but have to be in the right frame of mind with infinite patience. Today was not that day. I am trying to decide if the computer needs professional help or me!!!!!!! I was talking to it and not nicely!:))
    I loved your flower photos and Reggie gets a kiss from Aunt Linda! He is family you know!
    I think you need to start the RV Sue Dictionary! From past posts-eggnnificance! Made me laugh. There are others and I will have to research and post. There is a dictionary in the making!
    I hope that this posts like it should. I am so far behind on my email and reading that I am playing catch up.
    I always read your posts whether I comment or not.
    Have a nice evening and hugs to the little man!

  34. Boy I would like to get a long smell of those beautiful flowers. What a treat to be in the desert during this amazing super bloom. Wonder why some folks are having troubles and others aren’t – like me for instance.

  35. Linda in NE says:

    I’ve never had a problem with seeing your posts or the comments. I suspect the problem is on your readers’ end. I’d say if all your readers were having problems then it would be on your end or your blog host’s, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. Sometimes an update to a computer’s operating system can cause problems in itself. That could explain why they didn’t have problems before and now they do. Or maybe they installed a program or app that doesn’t play nicely.

  36. Virginia620 (AL) says:

    Great post and pics!! Hugs to both.

  37. rvsueandcrew says:


    Congratulations to Rusty n’ Piper and Kat & Cookie — Tied for FIRST PLACE!
    Yippee for Shawna in SECOND PLACE! Hooray for Kristi & Daisie in THIRD PLACE!

    Barbara in Nashville, TN
    — Wishing you and your husband the patience, strength, and healing you need to resolve your health issues. We understand if you don’t comment often. Get well soon! Hugs. 🙂

    Lee J. in Northern CA — I saw the Brother serger on a recent orders report and did a happy dance. Great item for you; tidy commission for me! 🙂 Thank you. I hope it works well for you for many years.

    Thanks to all who wrote compliments in response to this post and its photos. And on behalf of Reg, thank you for all those screen kisses, too!

    Reggie and I were very busy today preparing for the next camp move. It’s very windy on the mesa right now but I’m trusting the forecasters when they predict a calmer tomorrow (Wed.). As long as the wind isn’t terribly strong, we will hitch up and move out in the morning.

    I’m excited to hit the road again!


    P.S. If you don’t hear from us soon, remember we may be camped in an area with weak internet signal.

  38. Beautiful bouquets of flowers! Didn’t know you were having issues with your blog, but glad all is well now. Looks like Reggie has it all figured out 🙂

  39. Rover Ronda (WA) says:

    Thank I did enjoy my day.
    😘 to Reggie🐾

  40. weather says:

    It’s easy to understand why you’ve loved having your home on the mesas . Your being there was perfectly timed to experience so many wonderful gifts-the glorious rainbow, exhilarating windstorm, river of wild flowering plants, perfumed breezes…

    Your being excited about hitting the road again seems perfectly timed, too 🙂 ! There are different types of beauty waiting for you to enjoy somewhere else. May whatever wind today has be light, and your move and finding a new camp be joyful and fun .

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      This was a good travel day, weather. We traveled through beautiful scenery, driving was easy, and camp not hard to find. 🙂 I hope your day was “joyful and fun,” too!

      • weather says:

        My already joyful day is more so now.Thanks for checking in, Sue. I always smile with a sigh of relief when I know your moving days have gone well.

  41. Cheryl from lower thumb of MI (Vassar) says:

    With all the pretty flowers, you would think “Spring has Sprung”! Sue, I commiserate with seemingly endless problems with your computer. A couple of weeks ago I spent just as much $$ (maybe more); haven’t had the courage to check my money accounts yet. It only took them 10 hours to get me straightened out. They took to calling me on the phone when they lost connection, and I had to reconnect for them! I was one tired person by that time!! AND my laptop’s running slower than ever! Ghrrr! I’ve had a LOT of choice words for my expensive ‘paperweight’! #!$_@:?”;####!€¥»«{}], you get the gist…

    Reggie had the right idea, “RV Sue’s on the computer, “talking (chatting)”, AND on the phone!” Time to take a quote from the late Charles Schultz, “Dogs were made to sleep in the sun!”

    Hope you can get this situation fixed w/o more expense, likewise. You’ve got much better things to do than coup yourself up in your egg, talking gibberish with some computer geek! I’m praying for good weather & greater times at you’re new camp.

    Sorry, such a long post. Feel free to delete any portions you wish. TTFN!

  42. Barb from Illinois says:

    I’m looking for a new camera. Didn’t you used to have a link to the camera you had? I can’t find it anymore. Wanted to put that one on my list to check into.

    • weather says:

      Hi, Barb, you might want to try this- click on one of the ads beneath the post, type cameras into the Amazon search box you’ll see when you get on their site. Scroll down to the 12th product shown there-Panasonic Lumix dmc 16.1 mp digital camera with 60x zoom. I’m fairly certain that’s the one Sue has. If she sees this and I’m mistaken she’ll correct me. At least for now it may be worth checking into .

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Thanks so much, weather, for filling in for me while Reg and I were traveling. You identified my camera correctly.

  43. Joy says:

    Beautiful flower pictures…can’t wait to start my adventure in the next year or two. Taking lots of notes from your blog. Are you still using the same camera?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Joy… I don’t know what you mean by “the same camera.” I’ve used four, I think, since starting my blog. This last one is a couple years old… Panasonic Lumix 60x F70. 🙂

  44. Judy Bailey says:

    I hate to mention it, but make sure you are dealing with one of the “real” computer repair companies. I hate to see someone spend that kind of money and not get a problem fixed.

    I almost got caught by one that called itself something like “Dell repair” which found a fake virus and then offered to fix it for $150. Since I had Norton, that bothered me, so before I agreed, I called them (Norton) and they did a free super scan and found no viruses. I later called Dell, and they had to remove and reinstall my operating system. All worked fine after that.

  45. Terri From Texas says:

    I, too, have never had many problems reading the blog or comments. If I have, it is usually an issue with my kindle fire. I can read it fine at work, as well. Love all your Spring pictures. Spring has been absolutely gorgeous in my neck of the woods (100 miles west of Houston) Wonderful weather, as well. Here is hoping the summer is not a scorcher with high humidity this year. I kissed Reggie, too. He is so darn cute! Why is it animals are so cute when they are sleeping? Hope you scout out a good campsite!

  46. Marcia GB in MA says:

    Love, love, love these Reggie pics! Hope your computer issues are all solved.

  47. Lisa in San Diego says:

    When I get to the web page and the Comments, I always hit the refresh / reload button on my browser. By doing that today, the comment count changed from 48 to 58. If someone isn’t doing that, they might not see the latest page or their recent comment.

    But that doesn’t mean the web site has a problem. I think it’s my browser’s fault for using whatever was last saved in the cache, and not always getting the latest info. I don’t know if there’s a browser setting that makes it refresh automatically. But doing it myself works fine.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Refreshing the page is a good idea, Lisa. I do that several times when reading comments. I’m glad you mentioned that.

  48. Jami in Las Vegas says:

    Hi Sue! I absolutely love your posts! Glad to see you are enjoying our area and you & Reggie made it through the winds although they seem to be sticking around. I grew up dry camping with my parents, mostly weekend trips down to the Salton Sea area and the abandoned paved streets off S-22 near Borrego Springs. There is nothing quite like sunrise on the desert! You & Reggie are a great team, take care ~ love the photos!

  49. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    I did not get an email notification again. I just happened to check back on the post before this one and saw that there had been a new post yesterday. I wish I could smell the breeze there. It looks beautiful. Wish I was there snoozing in the sun with Reggie. Thanks Sue for working so hard to keep all of us out here in blogorino land hooked up with you. I really appreciate it. Hope you find another great camp today.

  50. Sarvi in OR says:

    Good luck with the issues!

    Reggie is, yet again (or is that always??), so freaken cute!

  51. Val R. Lakefield Onario says:

    Here you go Reg 💋💋💋💋💋💋💋. You are the sweetest little guy!!!!

  52. Joyce sutton says:

    My email notification went away a long time ave before anyone else had a problem. I suspect our problem.
    I refuse to click on on those hats. Lol. Good thing I do t need anything as I’ve been your best customer for a while. I’m ready to go but my camping companion has back out. Anyone want to follow an old fat lady thrumcanada to Alaska. Leaving next mo th and returning in aug

  53. cc and canine ( now in Oregon) says:

    Hi Sue….I hope that you found a nice camp today..

    I clicked on the hats to do some Amazon shopping. Did 900 dog poop bags and a jogging baby stroller show up on your report?? I like the old system…at the top of your blog you had “Shop Amazon Now” (very convenient!) and if you clicked on it, in the URL you would see RVSue, that way I knew you would get credit for it! Also liked seeing some of the stuff other blogorinos would purchase. With this new system, Amazon thinks I really am looking for bird books (or hats) and keeps showing them to me ad nauseum..

    Happy campin’

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, cc..

      Thank you very much for your purchases! I will check my orders report.

      I know people don’t like that the links are not posted. The ads require one extra click. Can anyone blame me for wanting 12% commission instead of 4%? 🙂 If I posted links, that’s what people would use.

      It’s only for the month of April, then the readers purchases links and the link at the top will return.

      • cc and canine ( now in Oregon) says:

        I had no idea there was such a difference in your commission. I’m glad that I went ahead and ordered the stroller today! Our new grandgirl (aged 6 weeks) will get a lot of use out of it.

        I’m glad that you found a new camp with internet…

  54. Susie M. says:

    Susie M. says:
    April 19, 2017 at 7:22 am

    In 2013 I drove our 40 ft class A towing a Saturn Outlook all the way from Louisiana to Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks. I wanted to go but my husband was unable to leave his work for more than a week. I had driven before on trips with my husband, but had not taken a trip without him, so we went to a local campground where I learned how to park, connect water, sewer, and electric. I also learned how to attach the tow vehicle, and detach it, as well as the other procedures required for towing all 4 wheels down (remove fuse, place in neutral, turn ignition switch to a certain position, etc.).
    I wrote notes/instructions about EVERYTHING that I needed to do prior to departure and on arrival. My notebook was my personal “how to” guide for the trip.
    With a motorhome of this size, you just do not get in a hurry on the road. It requires a bit of planning for travel days, because you cannot just pull in to any gas station or parking lot due to size. I used the book called “The Next Exit” extensively so that I could confidently exit the interstates and find big rig friendly truck stops, and stores with large parking lots.
    My sister was my co pilot, and we had my youngest daughter and her two daughters with us. WE HAD A BLAST!
    I am so glad that we were brave enough to take that trip on our own because that trip is one that we will never forget.
    Here is the downside… We had one incident that wasn’t terrible, but was avoidable so I’ll share so others will learn what not to do from me, lol!
    Long story short, I do not remember why or how I chose the setting, but the sensitivity was set a little high on the brake buddy system for the tow vehicle which means that the brakes were applied while we were traveling from West Yellowstone to Gardiner Montana or possibly even before the West Yellowstone stop (we only overnighted there), and never let up, brake pads were completely worn down to nothing. When I unhooked my tow vehicle in Gardiner (northwest entrance to Yellowstone), and put my foot on the brake pedal to shift into reverse, the brake pedal went to the floor without resistance. NO BRAKES! I had to call a local repair shop to tow it in for new brakes. We managed without the car by taking the Yellowstone in a day tour, and river rafted on the 2nd day. By the 3rd day we were back in business with new brakes.
    I tell this story not to scare anyone, but to inspire others to be adventurous and take the trips that you want to take. Have someone teach you the ins and outs of driving a motorhome safely, or towing a trailer. Practice, practice, practice, and then go do it.
    I do want to downsize to a smallish class C, and tow a vehicle that can get off the beaten path. A 40 ft class A is just too big and limits where i can go.
    I love reading your blog Sue and the readers’ comments are fun to read and very informative.
    Happy travels to all!

    rvsueandcrew says:
    April 19, 2017 at 6:11 pm

    • Susie M. says:

      I was late to the party on the discussion about RV types and choices, so my post above was copied and pasted here as suggested by Sue. I just realized that it looks a little off the wall among the comments about the beautiful flower photos and the comments about sweet Reggie.
      Hope you have found a nice new camp spot Sue.
      Safe travels to ya.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Thank you for reposting your comment here, Susie. I wanted folks to have the benefit of your experience. In the past I’ve harped on the importance of everyone knowing how to handle their rig in case of emergency, knowing there are women totally dependent upon the husband to drive and do tasks. Your can-do attitude is wonderful!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Awesome trip, Susie! Thank you for sharing your valuable lesson about setting the brake controller. 🙂

    • Stephanie Albany OR says:

      Great tips. I’m still shopping, reading and researching but one thing I know is I will for sure get some hands on instruction from an expert. I’m glad you had such a wonderful time on your adventure. Very encouraging.

  55. Retiredcajunlady N Louisiana says:

    The link simply lets us enter Amazon so Sue gets the credit. You can go from that page to any page you want and Sue will get the credit. Sue, I do order from Amazon and link for you any way I can. Remember the John Paul Pet Wipes? Me for Willee. I don’t mention each time I purchase because I know you get the credit. I think it is a Win-Win for both Amazon and you!
    I am so happy that you got to your new site safe and sound!! Please give Reggie a hug and a belly rub…and I will say a prayer for you both.

  56. Sheila says:

    That last photo of Reggie asleep is absolutely precious! Reminds me of my little pup.

  57. Linda from Oregon says:

    I have a request for you Sue. I know that over the years you have developed a recipe for your dog’s food and I think that it mostly involved chicken that you cooked yourself. Our new to us dog is not processing the store bought foods we are offering and I mentioned that you did chicken. DH said to see how you did it. I searched through the blogs but can’t find what I was looking for. Any suggestions would be very appreciated. We thank you in advance and Chavela thanks you too.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda,

      I’m sorry Chavela is having a problem with her food. I don’t have a special chicken recipe. For Spike and Bridget, I used to sautee boneless, skinless chicken breasts. Reggie is so small and receives such a tiny amount in the morning that I don’t cook chicken for him. He gets pieces of rotisserie chicken, baked chicken from the deli, or canned chicken breast. His main meal of the day is grain-free kibble in the afternoon.

      A better source than me is a website with recipes for special diets for pets. Do a search and see what you can find. I’m sorry I don’t know more for you. Good luck!

    • Rochelle in IN says:

      Hi, Linda!
      I’m sure our process is more involved than Sue’s, but we have been cooking our dogs’ food for over 8 years now. We originally started because our 6-yr old lab mix had VERY high kidney numbers and our only options was an expensive canned food or making our own food. We chose the latter and were absolutely amazed at the results – it’s like she was a puppy again. We couldn’t believe it! Our neighbors just started the same thing for their 14-yr old pit mix and noticed the same thing – he is acting more alert and is more active and clearly happier.

      Our process is geared to a sticks-n-bricks lifestyle. We make 2 big stew pots of food and then store it in quart-sized ziploc bags. We then feed 1/2 bag for supper each day. Breakfast is a piece of toasted homemade wheat bread along with oatmeal topped with a dollop of cottage cheese.

      Here’s our dog food recipe – makes about 12 qts or 3-week’s worth.

      Per pot:

      1/2 lb boneless chicken or pork, cooked
      2 cups whole grain rice
      6 cups water
      2 cans (15-16 oz) stewed tomatoes with no added stuff – watch out especially for onions
      1 can each (15-16 oz) peas, carrots, mixed veg, and green beans
      3-4 medium potatoes (cheapest possible) shredded in food processor

      Cover and bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring every 10 minutes. Reduce heat to low, still covered, until rice is cooked through, stirring every 8 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in 2 cups uncooked pasta (cheapest – we use elbow macaroni). Cover and let cool overnight, by which time pasta will have cooked. Bag it up and store it in the fridge. We heat it up in the microwave just to remove the chill before feeding.

      This may be more than you want to do, but it has made a WORLD of difference in both of our dogs. It extended our lab’s life another 8 years of good health and has our hound mix still enjoying life at age 13.

      Hope that helps!

      • Rochelle in IN says:

        OK, add me to the people who are having comment trouble. Not until I submitted my comment beginning with “Well, that stinks”, did my long comment with the dog food recipe show up.

        However, the “Well, that stinks” comment does not currently show up. It’ll probably show up when I submit this comment. ??

    • Rochelle in IN says:

      Well, now, that stinks! I typed up a big long reply with the recipe we use and it apparently vanished when I hit post. Sigh……

      • Lisa in San Diego says:

        your recipe is right there, up a few inches from your “that stinks” post

        after you hit the send button, wait a minute or three, then click your refresh / reload button symbol in your Internet browser

  58. Rover Ronda (WA) says:

    😃 Hi!

  59. Cat Lady says:

    Sue, here’s S a picture of Reggie’s twin;jsessionid=00000000.app296a?utm_medium=email&utm_source=luminate&utm_campaign=enews&NONCE_TOKEN=619C5C03E575C75208758D391FDD7FF7

    If that doesn’t work, it’s on the Best Friends site for the 2018 calendar photo winner. Wish you could swing by the (big swing?) and adopt this little guy.

    • Cat Lady, Oh he is sweet, but I think Sue is or might be looking for a lady sister for Reggie ,,,,, Rusty

      • Cat Lady says:

        Thanks, Rusty. How are you and LP doing? Hope to head West before long. Gotta get my windshield replaced ($1,400) and iMac a new screen ($476). Cats knocked the computer off the table and shattered the face/screen. Glad I still had the wrap on it; otherwise, chards of glass would have been all over the place. Close to $2K and I’m not even outta the driveway {sigh}. I gotta leave home to be able to save some money…no joke. Take care.

        • Wow, thats alot for a windshield replacement, I got mine replacement on the truck for 280.00 in Havasu City,, we are waiting for a Benchmark Colorado map and a UHF/VHF Scanner so we can hear if there is fires in the Rockies where there’s no Internet, we are doing Sue’s trip of last year in Colorado and New Mexico,,, I have all the posts book marked on Chrome on my Tablet, we will start out from Flagstaff, AZ, up to Sand Inland west of Bluff, Utah, just mostly the Boondockin camps, hopefully and end up meeting with my Bro and his Wife and dogs somewhere west of Pueblo, he is coming from Kentucky, a straight shot, in September,,,, then slowly back to the Zone and the back to Lake Havasu City area,,,,,, Piper says hi too,,,,, Rusty

  60. Joyce sutton says:

    Well I did it in clikked on a hat. Groan. Lol. My son wanted to buy something and I do appreciate Sue so I did it. Not I can stare at hats on my shopping pages. I don’t guess it’s any worse than the turkey callers he bought.

  61. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    Thank you sharing the beautiful pictures of the flora. The scent you described must have been heavenly! Reggie is just too cute! I understand your aggravation with your computer. I am currently having issues with my home and work computers! I am ready chuck the $&@*^% things! Argh!! I feel your pain!

    Sending you both love, hugs, and a kiss on the head for sweet Reggie from me and Gracie pup. I am looking forward to see where we land next! Have a good evening! 🙂

  62. JazzLover says:

    Sue, a question for you and forgive my sieve brain, I probably should have the answer and not have to bother you. Earlier this month I ordered a 3 pack of printer ink but went to Amazon from the list of what readers have ordered, not the ads below that. My question is did you get credit for that purchase because of how I got to Amazon? Have my list of what I want to order but need to make sure you get the higher reward for April. Thanks for your patience, now have to clean my screen from my kiss to Reggie! Bet I’m not alone either. Be Well.

    • weather says:

      Hi, JazzLover

      Apparently Sue has been unable to check in here today. You may be waiting to place your order until you receive an answer so I’ll offer you one.

      You can rest assured that she received credit for the printers ink you purchased. When Sue can check in , if you’d like her to verify that, an approximate date of when you placed the order for it would help.

      It doesn’t matter what type of link to Amazon Sue provides-those on lists of what readers have ordered, an ad, one she uses in a reply to someone, ones on the side bar, or the Shop Amazon Now one – they all work the same way. Ya done good 🙂

      • JazzLoverWMa says:

        Weather, thanks for the information, you are correct I was waiting so Sue got credit for what I’m going to order. Was afraid I’d goofed with the ink order, I’m good with your word that she received credit, cause you are right on with things. Sue is fortunate to have so many in the know blogorino friends to step in when she is without a signal or whatever the reason. Have a good weekend albeit a cool one.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thank you, weather. Jazzlover, I do remember seeing ink cartridges on an orders report. Thank you for thinking of Reg and me when you went shopping.

          Yes, you’re right. I’m very fortunate to have helpful blogorino friends!

  63. rvsueandcrew says:


    I should have updated you sooner on the whereabouts of Reggie and me. We are happily camped in a place of peace and beauty. However, all is not peace and beauty in the realm of my cyber-life.

    I wrote earlier that I enlisted the aid of tech experts to clean up my computer and hopefully remove problems with operating Windows and also annoying glitches within my blog. After a day of that (ugh), improvement was noticed.

    Then a turn for the worse — Picassa crashed and burned. There’s no replacing Picassa. Next my computer’s basic functions went haywire. Several months ago I started using a plug-in keyboard as the computer’s keyboard had several keys that wouldn’t work. Well, the plug-in keyboard fizzled and the computer’s main touchpad (or whatever you call it) stopped performing things like cut, copy, and paste.

    The final blow was the battery. It ran out of juice and would not take a charge. The computer itself would not turn on, even when plugged into power. Dead, dead, dead.

    Oh well. Reg and I go for a walk. Before heading out I replace the camera’s memory card because the old one is full. I tap the button to snap the first photo and the camera tells me to reinsert the memory card. Several tries later I realize the memory card is incompatible with my camera!

    I get out a cheap little acer notebook that I bought a while back. I learn how to set the thing up and operate it, only to realize that it doesn’t have the memory to handle a new photo editing program, plus other issues.

    In the meantime I contact the tech experts via support ticket explaining the sudden death of my computer and that I don’t want it fixed. What I want is the security subscription I paid for transferred to a new computer. They agree with this.

    Okay, how do I buy a computer when I’m miles and miles from a tech store and no UPS facility anywhere around? I find a place of business that will accept packages for me, I go to Amazon to choose a computer, which, of course, means more time researching what’s available and prices. I also put a few memory cards for the camera into my shopping cart. Progress! The computer won’t arrive until next week.

    In the meantime I will attempt to write a post about our new camp. It won’t have any new photos because I don’t have a photo editing program to work with.

    So that’s where it stands as I type this… Lots of computer conniptions while camped in a lovely camp which I see out the back window of the Best Little Trailer. I know you’ll understand if I’d rather be out there, rather than at this computer.

    Thank you for participating in my blog while I’m absent. I appreciate every one of you! Thanks also for shopping Amazon. Your purchases have made the outgoing flow of money less painful for this tightwad! Ha!

    To Barbara, her husband, and all those with health problems, I wish your well-being restored. You remind me that I have much for which to say thanks and I really don’t have it so bad with these tech annoyances.

    Bye for now,
    God bless you,

    • jenny Johnson says:

      I never trust those online computer experts — I got scammed once — instead i would wait until i could take it to a reputable computer repair place to see if they could revive it.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        I’m sorry that happened to you. Maddening, I’m sure! This bunch seems legit… Reimage for Windows and McAfee Norton for security.

  64. weather says:

    Hi, Sue,

    When I noticed your absence on here I had hoped you were just somewhere without a strong enough signal to receive access to the internet. I am glad that at least you and Reggie are happily camped at a place of peace and beauty. Please do your best to enjoy that. I’m very sorry that your computer needed to be replaced on top of the technical problems you have already had to deal with.

    Gosh, it’s a good thing you bought the acer notebook. Not being able to stay in touch would certainly have been a worse situation, for you and for all those of us that follow you. Thank you for the update, now we needn’t worry, because we know you and Reggie are alright, just some equipment isn’t. Sending hugs and blessings to you both.

  65. Retiredcajunlady N Louisisna says:

    Oh, Sue, you have had a tough time with that computer! I am so sorry it crashed and burned. I am glad you had the Acer to be able to keep us all posted.
    A place of beauty and peace…sounds like a wonderful place to spend the weekend and just relax. This gives you time to enjoy your “home”, to just veg and think and walk and appreciate all the beauty around you. And to give Reggie so extra lovin’ and cuddles!! I pray your whole weekend is filled with that beauty and peace and Reggie snuggles!
    Belly rubs, hugs, and lots of ear scratches for Reggie and prayer for you both!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Retiredcajunlady,

      Thank you for another kind note. I hope we can stay here for longer than the weekend. We’ll see how it goes. . . Wishing you a weekend that makes you happiest!

  66. JazzLoverWMa says:

    Dear Sue and Reggie, are your temps really going to be in the 90’s where you are or was that the previous where you were place? You have a lot of pluses here, a quiet, sweet place to stay, no loud people around, hopefully no winds to make you chase chairs all over, a new place to explore, or maybe an old place to re explore. Besides the computer troubles, the only real negative is “No Rotisserie Chicken”. Ok, that will be rectified in the future. Enjoy Earth Day and each others company. We are right here with you. Hang in there, this will pass.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, JazzLover,

      Now you know one of the reasons we left Overton (our last camp) when we did. Like many of the snowbirds, I was waiting for the temps to rise further north so we could move camp without moving into cold..

      While Overton was under a wind warning, we had light winds. This morning is calm and it looks like we’re in for a warm and pretty day. Thank you for the sweet message. Good to know you’re staying with us through this time of pesky tech troubles. Enjoy your weekend!

  67. ApplegirlNY says:

    Ah yes, our love-hate relationship with technology. We’ll all have to be patient. You have us spoiled with your timely posts and beautiful pictures. I knew things were still not up to par because the comments are really lagging behind. I’m confident you’ll get it all worked out, and, if you’re like me, you’ll have a day or so of hair pulling while you get used to your new computer, and then you’ll fall in love with it.

    Hugs to Reggie.

    Barb- thinking of you and praying for you and your husband.

    Tech Support Request – I can’t figure out how to turn off my ad blocker for this site. Any suggestions? Will the regular link return after the April promotion?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Applegirl,

      In the the upper right of your screen, you should see a small icon (mine is red) that is marked with “ABP”. Open that icon and you will see a drop down menu. Look for “disable this page only.”

      Yes, the other links will return in May. I’m sorry for the change… Trying to “make hay while the sun shines!”

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