Do ya’ wanna’ dance?

Bird sighting!

Upper Pahranagat Lake as seen from the campground, Alamo, Nevada

A few days ago, while puttering around at our previous primo campsite, a sound — something like a two-syllable shriek — grabs my attention.  I turn and spot a strikingly handsome waterfowl bobbing on the waves.  The top of his head is black and his chest is bright white.

I run for my monocular and field guide!

Aha!  It’s a Western Grebe.

Oh my, those are the birds that do the graceful courtship dance on the water! He’s trying to attract a dancing partner! 

(You can hear the “advertising” call by scrolling down the page at the All About Birds website .)

He gets results!

Another Western Grebe emerges from the reeds and swims over to him.  I hold my breath eager for the dance to begin.

Nothing.  The second grebe turns around and returns to the reeds.

Aw, darn!

Maybe the chemistry just wasn’t there.

You know.  It happens.

“Hi, there, beautiful!  How ’bout you and me do a little dance?”

“That’s it?  Hi there and let’s dance?  No.  Not gonna’ happen, Romeo.”

Or maybe courtship is over and these two have settled down.

“Dance?  DANCE?  Are you out of your mind?  I’m stuck all day in those damn reeds chasing after OUR children while you’re out here bobbing around in open water, free as a bird.  And now you wanna’ DANCE? You’re supposed to help feed the kids like other Western Grebe fathers . . . .”

Oh, well.

Here’s a short YouTube video of the dance of a pair of Western Grebes (actually they may be the very similar Clark’s Grebes).  It’s only 1:44 minutes.  Stick with it.  It’s worth it.  The voice-over ends and is replaced with lovely music in perfect accompaniment to the courtship display.

Turn up the volume, set it to full screen and . . .


That video chokes me up every time I watch it.  We do live in a wonderful world!

Friday, April 28

A cold, cold wind blows across the lake and our campsite (above photo taken yesterday).  Reg is wrapped up in a ball of comforter while I’m at this computer with a hot cup of tea nearby.

I promised more photos of our primo primo camp but it’s too cold to be out taking pictures. Unless the wind stops, we will spend most of the day inside the Best Little Trailer.

Reggie’s new “soft harness”. . .

You can see from this photo from yesterday that it’s too big.

I’m not going to bother to exchange it because I think he’s between sizes.  When I get a big needle with stronger thread than what I have on hand, I may be able to snug up the strap that goes around his chest so the harness doesn’t swivel.

Or I suppose I could adopt another dog who will fit the harness (anything to get out of sewing!).

Update on the Western Grebe!

Looking out our back window at our new campsite, I see him!  He’s way out in the lake, diving for his lunch, even though the waves are high and some are even capped with white.

I guess he decided to pause his calling for a mate.  Better to wait for a calmer dance floor.



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110 Responses to Do ya’ wanna’ dance?

    • rvsueandcrew says:


    • Surprise today. I picked up iPad just as you posted today. Just went back and read the post and absolutely love the video. I have the free version of th Cornell Lab Merlin Bird ID on my computer. It has helped me identify many birds. I have enjoyed using it you might want to check it out sometime Hope it warms up for you and Reggie to get out

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        I think one can find that app by following the link I posted for the All About Birds website (which is Cornell lab). I love using my Audubon Field Guide or bringing up the website online. I should take a look at the app, might be better. Thanks for the suggestion.

        If the wind stops, it will be a lot more comfortable and we will go out. I need photos for this blog!

  1. milliehubbard says:

    Dang!! Judy is too fast!! 🙂

  2. Susan in Phoenix says:

    Lunch with you, two days in a row?

  3. milliehubbard says:

    Been meaning to say, I love the Banner Photo of Reggie…looks like he’s saying “Are you coming Sue?” hehehe

  4. Airstreaming Pagey says:

    Would love to see the Grebe dance. Hope you get to.

  5. Deena, Phoenix, AZ says:

    Happy Day, Hi Sue and Reggie, enjoying your words today…

    Deena and Miss Mollie

  6. milliehubbard says:

    Oh my gosh, that video of the Grebes is amazing. I hope some day to see that in person…my fingers are crossed for you that you’ll see it live!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Millie. I hope one of us does see the dance happen before our eyes. Yeah, that video is a joy to watch. Another thing to see is a grebe walking on land. I wanted to include a photo of that but I was afraid I’d violate copyright.

  7. Sue says:

    Wow! Beautiful camp site!l great video!

  8. Wouldn’t it be great to see the Western Grebe dance in person? Although the video is quite something. The primo camp site looks quite nice, I’m sure the primo primo is even bettter.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lisa,

      I wonder if any one of the blogorinos has seen the grebe dance in person. I’d love to my own video!

      Both campsites are really nice. Neither is better than the other; they’re different. This primo primo site is better for us because we’re away from the comings and goings of the other campers. It has two levels.

      On the lower level you can walk partway around the peninsula at the water’s edge. That’s where the picnic table is located, in the shade of a cottonwood. I haven’t sat down there yet or used the table because of the wind. I hope to do so before we leave some time early next week.

  9. Linda Rose, Muffin, Molly & Midgy Carmichael, Ca says:

    Hi Sue, I’m chuckling over how excited we are to be first or even in the top ten. I’m glad you posted the video to entertain us until you can get out and take some pictures.

  10. Nora now in Benson AZ says:

    Hi Sue,
    Thanks for sharing the video. It was amazing.
    I am currently listening to a ladderback woodpecker pecking the mirrors and front window of my car parked next to the RV (He’s been doing it every day since I arrived.) and listening to the Gambel Quail shriek. The wind has been fierce here for days. I’m not too far from the 50,000 acre wildfire in southern AZ and the firefighters have not had a rest from the wind.
    Is that a Puppia harness on Reggie? I have had those for my dogs and they’re my favorites.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Nora,

      I haven’t kept up with the news in Arizona. I didn’t realize there’s a wildfire of that magnitude. The dear firefighters don’t need wind! I hope you are out of the path of the fire, Nora.

      The wind is fierce here, too, and cold. Yet I see a report that the temps will go into the 80s on Sunday. That will feel so good!

      Yes, it’s a Puppia harness. They’re my favorite, too. Remember Spike and Bridgie in their black suits? Those were Puppia soft harnesses. I like how the pressure is against the shoulders, rather than constricting the neck.

      • Nora now in Benson AZ says:

        Thanks for mentioning it but I’m well out of range of the fire, only getting the smoke.
        Sorry I wasn’t with you when Spike was there. I missed that part of your journey.
        I’m headed to Oregon and Washington and I’m trying to stay behind the cold weather. That’s why I’ve been staying in Benson for two weeks. Another two probably in Casa Grande. Wish it would warm up up there!

        • Karen in Pacific NW says:

          It won’t be warming up in the Pacific NW anytime soon, I suspect not until July this year to break the 70 degree mark. We are having very few days when it breaks into the very low 60s. But at least the sun will peak out between lots of showers during the next 3 days.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          You’re so right about the weather. We’re at the most northern part of this section of Nevada that I dare go. Up the road apiece, in Caliente, they’re expecting a low in the 30s. If we go toward Dave Deacon Campground in the Kirschner Wildlife Refuge, it’s still cold and windy. Well, this certainly builds anticipation!

          You’re wise to wait a bit longer before heading out for Oregon and Washington.

  11. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    Wow, there are some very strange things going on with your blog. When I first opened today’s post there was no way to comment and there was no way to go back to an older post at the top of the page (although there was a link at the bottom). So I went to yesterday’s post to leave you a message and then when I came back and reopened this post, everything looked like normal. Now I’ll go read it 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, I am so sick of these problems! I imagine readers are even more tired of dealing with them! 🙁

      It seems that three things help when confronted with the blog not loading well…. 1) Wait a while, 2) Refresh the page, or 3) close the page and then reopen it (or return to it).

      Thanks for the report, Cynthia.

  12. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    I don’t know, no one else commented about comments being unavailable so maybe there’s just a demon in my computer! I loved the Grebe video and watched it twice. From what the voice-over said it seems like they part ways for a portion of the year and then come back together in the spring. That made me laugh – there are days I’d like to see my husband only in the spring!!! But he’s not a very good dancer, so I guess that wouldn’t work for us – lol!! I hope the wind calms down so you can enjoy everything this beautiful spot has to offer.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      While you’ve been occupied with your step-dad, readers have mentioned various annoying problems with the comments section of the blog. I’ve tried umpteen “fixes” such as trying a new theme, sending support tickets to Jetpack (wordpress), eliminating or reinstalling plug-ins, even hiring tech people to clean up any viruses or malware. I’m taking a break from that until I think of something else to try.

      Funny about taking a break from husband. 🙂

      Weather doesn’t seem to stay the same for long here, not in spring anyway. I think it will be warm and calmer in a day or two.

      You watched the video twice! I’m so pleased! I think I’m up to four views, maybe five. Ha!

    • Cynthia I have been having problems with comments also. If I open it once then come back later I can not see it again to see the later posts.. Today I closed out and opened again in a couple hours and got back to it. That didn’t work last week but did today

  13. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    I loved the video of the Grebe Dance. So amazing and beautiful. I love everything nature has to offer.
    Angel has a harness by Bark Appeal that looks like the new one Reggie has. I too like it’s softness and fit around the shoulders. The strap the goes around the girth, should have an adjustment that will tighten up. Hers is just above the clip. When I get them all the clips & adjustments are together and looks like one thing to hold onto, and the strap is folded with a plastic thing holding it together. Kind of a dumb way to package stuff. Just trying to be helpful, not implying anything.
    You are the best, Sue so please don’t take it the wrong way.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barbara,

      I’m glad you loved the video. 🙂

      Reggie’s new harness is tightened as far as it will tighten. It’s a medium. Reg is at the very upper end of the small size and the company recommended going to the next higher size. I guess Reg is in between sizes.

  14. Pat from Mich. says:

    I’d never seen the Grebes ‘dancing’ before. That’s really something! Thank you. Just a suggestion, if you can find a shoe repair place, they can sew the harness with shoe repair thread. Most only charge a buck or two. If you don’t want to do that, upholstery thread is pretty strong.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pat,

      I appreciate the suggestion. I haven’t see a shoe repair shop in years. I didn’t know they still exist. Instead of cutting the strap (taking a section out) and sewing the strap together again, I’d rather fold the strap so it would still hold if my sewing should come apart. Trouble is, that means pushing a needle through three thicknesses of strap. Nothing I have right now is strong enough for that.

      If I do come across a shoe repair place, I’ll ask them to fix it for me.

      • Pat Hall, New Mexico says:

        Sue, buy a curved upholstery needle. It should be easier to use instead of a straight one. They are usually sold in a pack of assorted sizes.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Well, you know what I did since my last comment to you? I found an embroidery needle and using regular thread (all I have available at home), I folded the strap and stitched it all around and across with close, tight stitches. Then the sun broke through the clouds, the wind subsided a bit, and we went outside for a walk and a run. Reggie wore his new suit I altered. I think it will hold well.

          Thanks for all your suggestions, Pat. You did teach me a few things and probably others, too. 🙂

          • DesertGinger says:

            Just so you know there is a shoe repair in Overton, NV and one in St George Utah. Just for future reference.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Really? I’m surprised. I didn’t see one in Overton. Lots of empty buildings though. Maybe it’s on a side street. Thanks for the tip.

      • DesertGinger says:

        Well bad news for you Sue; I only see shoe repair shops in big cities. Eeeekkkk!

  15. LeeJ in Northern california says:

    Funny..taking a break from husbands, lol. I’m doing that right now, back up in Klamath Falls doing grandma duty while my daughter in law is away for a bit.
    I love bird watching..this lake is huge, one of the largest west coast lakes, great sailing here. And bird watching? Oh my goodness! I always bring my binoculars when I come up!
    Looks like my husband will have to drive up to retrieve me, big derailment below Dunsmuir Ca tore out a was totaled, so no trains running for a number of weeks while repairs are done,,so no return trip on Amtrak!
    Love your campground and your special spot, wow. Cold wind here too, brrr…we are at 4000 feet so still chilly.
    Just a floss is prime heavy duty repair thread, I repaired a horse blanket strap with a length of it!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lee J.,

      That is a big lake, if you mean the one north of Klamath Falls. I remember the pelicans there. Stay warm and enjoy your No Husband Holiday!

    • Sarvi in OR says:

      Oh no (about the train)! My daughter’s boyfriend lives in Redding and they take a train back and forth to see each other! He was planning on coming up here soon… guess he might have to drive! I don’t like my daughter driving to see him, her car is very old and the roads between the Willamette Valley and Redding can be pretty difficult.

  16. DesertGinger says:

    Aaaaaahhhhhh, finished my work today. Other than about an hour tomorrow morning, I’m off for the weekend. I still have to go to the lab for some blood work today. Trying to move around as little as possible since I can’t breathe. On my third day of steroids, which hopefully will fix this soon.

    Have misplaced my debit card again! I don’t know what happened. I went a couple years with this one and suddenly in the last dew weeks I have lost several times. Hope I find it again this time.

    Well m off for my errand. Hope everyone has a great day.

  17. Suzette (TN) says:

    Thanks for sharing the Grebe video. It is absolutely stunning. I never even heard of them before. I find them fascinating.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Suzette. I find them fascinating also, and their dance set to music touches my heart. It’s nice that you appreciate them, too. 🙂

  18. Carol says:

    Thanks Sue, I loved the video of the Dance!

  19. Kim says:

    Love your stories and pictures. What kind of monocular do you use?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Kim. I don’t remember what kind of monocular I have (It’s out in the PTV at the moment and the wind has turned fierce again.) but I do remember it didn’t cost more than $12 when I bought it about 4 years ago. I’ll see if I can find it at Amazon and report back to you.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        I found it at Amazon…Tasco Essentials 10×25 Compact Roof Prism Monocular (Do a search to see it.)

        It works okay for me. Not too big, fits in a pocket. I’m not recommending it necessarily because I see there are many more choices now and probably there are others that are better than mine without being too expensive. I’ve found the best indicator of the quality and value of a product is the number of stars (and reviews) given by Amazon customers.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Looking at the ads at the bottom of this post, that Roxant High Definition Pocket Monocular shows 5 stars with 783 reviews. If I were shopping for a small monocular, that’s the one I would choose. A bit pricey but it should last forever.

        • Sarvi in OR says:

          Out of curiosity, do you get a commission off your own orders?

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Sometimes I do, even though I try not to. It’s against the operating agreement of affiliates because, as we know, there are always people who work toward “playing” any system for their own benefit. I never use a link, search box, or ad on my blog to enter Amazon to avoid receiving a commission. Either I use a link on another blog or I go to via a search.

        • Kim says:

          Thanks. It’s nice to find something that works for you and doesn’t need to cost an arm and a leg!

  20. Liz says:

    I once told my mom that the city had charged us for two dog licenses and wouldn’t refund us one of them, so we might as well get another dog since we were already paying for it. I had her going for about a minute! Any reason to get another dog is a good reason in my book.

  21. Kevin in CO says:

    Nice photos and stories from your Primo campsite. Sure beats the snow falling right now at home. I got out hiking this morning with friends, a few miles from home. Nice morning, but it started snowing just as we got finished with lunch. Ran home, mowed the lawn, and covered all our plantings. Springtime in the rockies.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Shame on me for laughing, Kevin. It’s the way you wrote that. I know it’s not funny. Mowing the lawn in the snow. Oh, dear. “Springtime in the rockies”… Hahaha!

  22. Nidia Szucs says:

    Oh wow. Nidia

  23. Hi Sue
    Betty from Damascus Oregon. Thank you for sharing the beautiful dance of those birds.

  24. Judy says:

    Really enjoy your blog. Thank you taking us along on your adventures.

  25. Dawn in MI says:

    Oh Sue. That was so beautiful. Just what I needed after a stress filled day . Getting ready for a conference I’m moderating starting tomorrow. I was feeling overwhelmed but this was perfect. Thank you.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Dawn….You’ll be great tomorrow. I hope you can let go of the stress and sleep well tonight. 🙂

  26. Jenny J says:

    Gee I made #63 today — Guess I just have to get up a lot earlier –from my nap — Love your new camp and the video was awesome — i hope you get to see the dance in person—and I need to mention Reggie – isnt he the cutest — you might try using velcro to snug up that collar no sewing involved

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jenny,

      Didn’t you win first place a little while ago? You can “rest on your laurels.” 🙂

      Reggie’s harness is already sewn and it fits him now. The center strap slides a little too much so I’m going to sew that down, too.

      I’m pleased you enjoyed the video. Have a good evening!

  27. ValGal (westernWA) says:

    Love, love, love the grebe video! What a grand courtship.

    Sorry the wind has been so strong and kept you in the BLT. Still, such loveliness to watch out your windows.

    Who knew there were so many options for harness adjustments.

    Hope you and the Reg are warm and toasty this evening.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, ValGal,

      The wind did stop long enough for Reg and me to get out of the BLT and walk off some energy. Actually quite enjoyable with a brisk breeze and the waves breaking at the shore. And I got a few photos.

      Yes, we’re “warm and toasty”…. Hope you are, too!

  28. Archae says:

    Thanks, Sue, for your posting. It was really appreciated after a long day.

  29. Stephanie Albany OR says:

    Great video. Wish I could dance like a Grebe. Jealous.

  30. MK Reed says:

    I’m lucky enough to have seen the Grebe dance several times on Klamath Lake it’s really breath taking live!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, MK! You’re the first eye witness! CONGRATULATIONS, MK, YOU’RE NUMBER ONE GREBE TODAY! 🙂

  31. Terri from Texas says:

    I too watched the video-absolutely wonderful! By the way, I live near a small town and work on its main street. Right next door is my husbands office and right next to him is a custom boot maker and shoe repair shop. I had him stretch out my motorcycle boots when I bought them. That shop has been there for at least 20 years. Gotta love small town America!

  32. Anything to avoid sewing – ha! But a lovely “reason” to add a crew member 🙂

    Perhaps Mr Grebe thought it best to bring home some supper before attempting another dance……

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yeah, make Mrs. Grebe happy before (as the voice-over on the video says) “renewing their partnership” with a dance.

      Good morning, Jodee! Is it windy in Bakersfield this morning? Still windy here.

  33. weather says:

    That video is absolutely beautiful, Sue ! Thank you so much for including it, and for the All about birds links in this post. We really do live in a wonderful world. It’s beauty often takes my breath away, and watching it can choke me up.

    Though I have yet to see a grebe or watch a pair of them dance together, I have seen swans dance, in real life and in videos with music playing. Both are great experiences, I really hope you get to see grebes dance near you sometime.

    Your imaginary courtship scenes made me laugh. Both because they’re hilarious and because of how close to reality those conversations could be.”….while you’re out here bobbing around…”, -perfect!

    Have many more campers moved in there this weekend? I hope you’re still enjoying being there, and that today isn’t too windy for you and Reggie to spend time outside.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, weather,

      Swans dancing… Oh, how lovely that must be! I’m pleased with your reaction to this post. 🙂

      To answer your question — The campground is nearly or completely full every day by noontime. It’s that popular. The peninsula we’re on (3 sites total) has one other camper (a van) that stays during the week. People with a tent came in yesterday, but instead of setting up in the tent site, they started to pitch their tent on the lower level of our site, right next to the fire ring.

      I heard talking close by and opened the door to find them there. I told them, no, this site is occupied. They didn’t give me an argument or attitude (how refreshing!) and looked like they knew they were wrong. Someone may think I’m wrong for not sharing this beautiful site, but if I didn’t tell them to move, I suspect the camp hosts would. At least I caught them before they put any work into setting up.

      I did them a favor. It’s still windy and cold and it’s especially so near the water. They set up their tent where they parked their car… at the third site on the peninsula, meant for tenters.

      Other than that brief incident, I have no awareness of other people being here. The only sounds are the the wind through the trees, the waves breaking at the shore below, and the slight rattle of my ceiling vent. Oh, and Reggie’s faint yipping in his sleep next to me.

      I trust the wind will stop long enough for us to enjoy a good, brisk walk. It always has so far! 🙂

      Wishing you happy Saturday snuggles with your kitties…

      • weather says:

        Wind through the trees, waves at the shore and Reggie’s naptime yipping- what a nice combination of sounds! I enjoyed adding that to the picture I had of your morning there.

        There are good reasons sharing campsites isn’t allowed. I’m glad you didn’t encourage others to or participate in breaking that rule. Aside from it just being the wrong thing to do and setting a bad example, letting the couple stay in their tent there could well have other consequences, for the ecology and people.

        You’ve mentioned camp hosts are good sources of information about an area’s other amenities and good places to camp. Likely they also share a lot of information with other camp hosts, too. Folks could easily establish a bad reputation for themselves among the staff of public lands and thereafter find themselves under uncomfortable scrutiny.

        We are at my favorite stage of springtime here. The buds on every branch have given way to small light colored leaves. It’s like everything growing is wearing garments made of lace. As I stood in my doorway yesterday watching a rabbit eat fresh blades of grass nearby I thought of your seeing a cotton tail instead of a jack rabbit.

        Thinking about what a wonderful, diverse, and beautiful world we live in I remembered your having thought being a ranger may have been a nice career. I think being a botanist could be an enjoyable one. It delights me that you now have the chance to experience some of the best parts of those fields without their attendant problems and responsibilities.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, weather! I hope you had a lovely morning. Thank you for helping us really “see” nature. Yes, I agree… botany would have been a good choice for me.

          Busy this morning walking Reggie and working on a new post. It’s almost ready to post!

  34. Andrea in Glendale says:

    So WONDERFUL ! This video was the perfect way to start my morning and to appreciate again the nature of this world. Best to you and Reggie🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Andrea, and good morning!

      I wondered how folks would respond to the grebe video. From the many positive reactions like yours, it was a good idea to include it. 🙂

      May your day be blessed with wonderful moments…

  35. Tammie Villanueva says:

    Sue n Reggie
    If your going up north you should stop at
    Sunnyside Nv. there is a hot springs and
    camping lot to see up that way bet therr are some really good walking trails.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for the suggestion, Tammie. We camped near there in March 2015 and I soaked in the hot springs. I don’t know if it was the same one you refer to.

      Here’s the post with photos:

      Hot springs!

  36. Tammie Villanueva says:

    Im sorry Sue you have been to Sunnyside.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, that’s nothing to feel sorry about. You were wanting to make sure I didn’t miss it. I appreciate that!

  37. Jean in Southaven says:

    Still having trouble commenting. Sometimes I have trouble see the comments. I like video of the birds dancing. I had seen it on TV before. Beautiful birds and very interesting. Love you new camp. Take care

  38. Joyce sutton says:

    The video was indeed a double wow!

  39. Glenda in OZ! says:

    I love your new camp…………….how serene it must be and those birds, how unique…..what a privilege to see them!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It is serene here. Like any place, it has different moods. Yes, it’s a treat to see the Grebes and other waterfowl here. 🙂

  40. Betty says:

    Thanks for the video of the birds. They really give new meaning to the phrase
    ‘Walk on water.’

  41. Renee from Idaho says:

    Hi Sue, I know you’re on to the next posting, but seeing grebes dance is an incredible experience. Last year’s Memorial Day weekend we camped at Sugarloaf State Park off of Cascade Reservoir and we watched the grebes dance all day from our site. In addition to this we watched two juvenile hawks practice landing and hovering. What a weekend. The “show” made up for all the people at this popular site.

  42. Luvmyhorse - Ohio says:

    Hi Sue,

    I’m writing because I want to thank you profusely for mentioning The Conservative Treehouse at one time in one of your posts last year.

    I had no idea that TCT existed, but now I am addicted to it! In fact, I find I need to increase my data plan because I spend so much time there. It’s so refreshing to actually read real news about our government.

    Anyway, I know it must be difficult to decide sometimes whether to share things like TCT with your readership. There always seems to be a few who object to you actually having and expressing your personal political and spiritual beliefs on YOUR blog…which is why I am posting this on older entry.

    So please feel free to delete this comment…I don’t want it to be the cause of another “uprising”…I simply wanted extend my thanks to you for mentioning TCT so that your readers like me could check it out.

    Have a good evening!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Luvmyhorse! I’m glad you see the immense value of TCT. It’s the only site I know that offers primary sources of news without biased commentary and other propaganda tricks of the mainstream media.

      I’m very concerned about the brainwashing of the American public. I commend you for possessing the intellectual curiosity to make your way “behind the curtain” to find the truth. Isn’t it amazing (and sad) that so much great news isn’t even reported by the mainstream media?

      Yes, I do have to be careful with my blog. Because I’ve encouraged comments and discussion on a variety of topics, some readers see my blog as a forum and forget that it is my personal place.

      Thanks for writing. You have a good evening, too!

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