Sunday, April 12
He is risen!
Jesus said unto her, “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live . . . .”
Happy Easter from RVSue and crew!
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NOTE: Your Easter greetings are adding warmth and sunshine to our home. Thank you! I hope you are enjoying this special day.
A regular post about our recent travel with the Best Little Trailer will appear early tomorrow morning. — Sue
Hello everyone – I just wanted to say Happy Easter and wish you all health in these challenging days. I hope you are all finding good things to do at home to keep you engaged and busy, and for those who must go out, I hope you are finding ways to stay safe. Miss you all and you too Sue!!!
Happy Easter Sue and Crew and all blogarinos!
Happy Easter Sue and crew.
Happy Easter to all of you. Stay safe. Everything will be ok.
He is Risen indeed
Happy Easter to you & the pups. So glad to see you back & hope all is well & you are staying healthy during this difficult time. Looking forward to your next posting..
Well it’s a little late, but I hope you and the boys had a great Easter! I hope you are all well and happy!
Amen! Wishes you Happy Easter! Happy Resurrection Day! Love and blessings…
Happy Easter, Sue, crew, and blogarinos! Stay safe and healthy during this craziness!
He is risen indeed!!
Easter greetings to you and your boys!
Happy Easter, Sue and Crew!
Think of you often and wish you the best of health and happy times.
He is risen indeed! Happy Easter everyone!
He is Risen !! Halleluiah !
Happy Easter Sue & crew and blogarionos.
Happy Easter everyone ! This has been among the most meaningful and favorite days of my year since I was just a kid. Our family always wore our finest clothes (including Easter bonnets
) when we went out to celebrate in a tiny little church . Today when I go walking outside I’ll wear my most colorful knitted hat and my least muddy footwear, Ha! I hope you all have an especially joy filled day, too.
Happy Easter to all!
Wishing everyone good health, happiness and safety during these trying times.
Many thanks to those on the front lines taking care of the rest of us (medical staff of course but also those that are keeping our grocery and other stores/businesses deemed necessary open). I am so very grateful and since I am fortunate enough to be able to work from home, I am trying to do my small part to support the many small businesses severely impacted.
Happy Easter Sue, so good to hear from you and the Good News that our Savior is risen. Praying for everyone today and every day.
Happy Easter Susan. I hope you and the crew are doing well. So nice to see your post this AM. I have been wondering how you are. Have you gone anywhere in the RV lately? Any just short week-end getaways?
Happy Easter, Sue,
Great to know you’re still out there and checking in with all of your readers once more. We miss your posts. We’ll be in virtual church this morning and sending up a prayer that this challenge will end soon. Stay safe!
Wishing great Health to all and to all Have a Pleasant Resurrection day. I received a call from my doctor and the tests came back Negative for any Cancer in my body. I’m being smart and staying in here at Liberty Point U.S.VETS, Prescott and waiting this out by ordering online for Groceries and such, but you all stay safe and be careful too,,,,,,,Rusty
Hi there Rusty! Glad you got good news.d
Happy to hear you are doing well, Rusty!! Sounds like your current plan is a good one too!!
That is wonderful news, Rusty!
Thank’s all, I’m one to be careful, I’m 70 going on and have Copd, no Oxygen is needed and I am getting over it, I can lay down on my back with no problems breathing, in fact since I have quit smoking and walking around more to just get outside my Lungs are clear. I take my temperature every day and I have been drinking Creosote, Chaparral, tea, I have a friend who is picking it down in the Desert Valley and I wash it twice and dry it in the Microwave, then Brew it up and add Honey and Lemon to it, I make a Gallon a week, been drinking it for a long time, even when I was out boonin’ a lot. It gets rid of all the things that one can get, like Cancer! A old Indian Remedy! And Prayers help a lot too! I thank God for the love and plants that heal , really everything he gives us! You all be Blessed with Wisdom and Great Health,,,,,, Love Rusty
So happy for you, Rusty. Prescott is a beautiful, fun place to be…healing. We all could benefit from drinking your concoction. Maybe you could sell it. Prayer is powerful!
How’s your family and pup? Great to hear from you. Take care.
Happy Easter, Sue, crew and blogerinos!
Happy Easter to all. This day all memories of past Easters come flooding back. Love to all, Thank you Sue for your blog.
Happy Easter Sue ! Reggie, Roger & Blogorino’s Too!!!
It’s A beautiful morning here at Mountain View RV Park.
Be Well, Keep Safe & Stay Happy!
He is risen indeed. Happy Easter Sue!
Happy Easter to All!
May you all have a blessed Easter Day and healthy joyful days ahead. It has been so pretty outside in Ky. The flowers, blossoms and bushes have never been more beautiful! My little dog and I have enjoyed many walks. I pray for a cure for this horrible virus so that life can go on, not like before but better. May there be more love and appreciation than ever! God bless you!
Happy Easter to you and the boys. Hope all is well. Miss your posts. Wish you would just post, even if it is about nothing extraordinary. You have a great style of writing that I so enjoyed.
Sounds weird, but here I am, on an island in Puget Sound, pretty isolated. Your posts brought much needed connection with another human, even remotely.
Wondering about your thrift shop finds!
Happy Easter all. He is risen indeed.
I have my new Casita but with the state of the world she sits waiting to be let loose to roam the roads. Stay well.
Happy Easter Sue, Reggie, & Roger, and all who find themselves here. Today is a most blessed day because we have all been brought together in new and unforeseen ways, that I believe will strengthen our relationships as human beings.
Sue, please tease us not and tell us about your new truck and your camping trip of late! Please! Ha Ha.. caring minds want to hear the full scoop!
As for us, we remain on BLM land right outside the Kofa refuge. So far, so good. I am real glad NOT to be in UT or CA right now, as people we communicate with have been pushed off of BLM land right and left. Yay for things being a little relaxed in AZ right now.
We have been offered a 3 week dog/housesitting job later this coming week. We are really tossing that idea around today. There are pros and cons to this, of course. I promise to keep you all posted.
I’m sending you all wishes for a blessed day today, wether it be face-timing the kids and grands, doing some yard work in the sunshine, reading a good book on the porch, playing fetch with your puppers, throwing catnip mice with your kitties, cooking a yummy meal, or taking a long hot bath or shower. *accent on “long hot bath or shower”. That right there may make our decision to take the housesitting job. There would be no shame in admitting that, would there?
xo Suzi, Larry, & Kitty @rooniecat.travels
Love, laughed out loud!
Hi Suzi!
Always a pleasure to hear from you. I’m glad that you found a safe harbor for now in AZ. I love to hear about your travels, so that I can participate vicariously. I hope that you had a wonderful Easter. As for the untold magic and mystery of a long, hot soak in the tub, I am right there with you. Look forward to hearing your decision about the pet sitting gig.
Happy Easter Sue and Crew! Hope you are all staying safe in these times.
Happy Easter Sue and boys and all reading this. I second what Joe from Tn said about being happy that you are out there and checking in with us again. Yes I am not one to speak having fallen into the rabbit hole but no longer. Here’s hoping this finds everyone healthy and finding ways to occupy our time until this latest test upon us lifts. I’m reading Yankee magazines and Mother Earth news from 2004 and 2005 and later, still interesting and now I seem to have more floor space?
Please be well, hugs to you, Reggie and Roger.
Sue, Happy Easter to you! So good to see even a short post from you, but as so many others have said, we would sure like to hear more about how life is going for you and the crew. Main thing is to stay well. If you have to be out and about, I hope you are wearing a face mask. The idea being that you wearing a mask protects others, and others do the same for you by wearing a mask.
Happy Easter Sue and the boys.
My grand nephew texted me very early before sunrise to tell me he named his Easter rabbits Reggie and Roger. I thought that was great and he also wanted that I should let you know real early too; however I fell back asleep while waiting for the laptop to rev up. Just woke up at 1pm, guess I needed more sleep. I missed my sunrise walk and it was the one that I really wanted to see. I smile at the memory of gn and his story of how much the real doggies R & R would enjoy the new Flemish rabbits; he also learned a new word – namesake, told him to look it up in the dictionary. He goes “I know, the word book you gave me”.
Easter was always a reminder to our family of love, growth, inspiration and giving of self. I get that from your blog, Sue. Thank you.
Take Care
P.S. and chocolate marshmallow eggs, something I do miss. LOL.
Hi Deena!
Your stories about your grand nephew’s love of RV Sue and Roger and Reggie really touched my heart. The fact that he named his new bunnies after them!!! How sweet! I also love the fact that you went old school and gave him a dictionary. Please keep in touch on the blog.
It snowed here today so the world looks new and pristine. What a great symbol of today. Also, all those lilies that had been reserved by local churches, which are closed, have been delivered to senior housing so we have one blooming on our kitchen table. What a blessed life we lead. Good to know you are doing well, also.
Glad to hear you are doing well, Sue…has been awhile…so I assume you and the boys were having some fun times!! Will look forward to hearing of your travels!!
Sending Happy Easter wishes to Sue, Reggie, Roger, and the blogorinos!!
Today brings back sweet memories of Easter past when my sisters and I were small. We had a new dress, lace trimmed socks, white patent leather shoes, lacy gloves, and a white straw hat. Our maternal Grandma would lovingly make flowers out of ribbon to accent our hats, making each unique. After Easter Mass we would come home for a feast of ham and all the trimmings. We had Easter baskets and the Easter bunny left us goodies, but the best part of holidays was having our grandparents share the special day with us.
Sue, sending you, Reggie, and Roger lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! We love you. xo.
Please stay safe and well, everyone.
Hi Denise,
I am sorry that this is the first Easter without your Sis. Keep her alive with your wonderful, sweet memories okay? Thanks for sharing your story. 
I can relate to what you wrote about our childhood Easters. Ours was very much the same, dressed in our best outfits, including those patent leather shoes and bows on my hat. I was a Tom boy though, much to my fathers dismay.
I am glad for your happy memories, Denise…a good thing to hang onto!! Or maybe even write down for the younger ones in the clan…who will tell them of this, if not you?? I am slowly working on such for mine.
Sending hugs and happy thoughts, Elizabeth
Happy Easter

Just getting around to email today. Hope everyone had a Blessed Easter in spite of all that is going on. Think of you all often. Hubby is doing pretty good, but keeping me hopping and I’m getting too old for hopping. LOL
Easter Blessings to you all!!
I remember an Easter years ago where Sue’s big treat was Tillamook ice cream. BlackBerry I think.
I see you have been on the road. Looking forward to hearing about that.
I hope everyone had a pleasant Easter, even though stuck at home. Stay safe everyone.
Happy Easter to all! What joy hearing from Sue and R&R. Easter is my favorite “holiday” so many memories. I was fortunate to have loving Christian parents and family. I love the colors, decorations, candy and playing Easter Bunny. The cactus are blooming, so amazing! We left too early last year…it’s not so bad to be stuck in AZ due to CV.
We had a delightful day! Spur of the moment, I decided to make Easter dinner for hubby and a couple of neighbor’s, we’ve gotten to know, with no family here. Normally I wouldn’t shop on Easter but needed a ham to serve. Safeway to the rescue. We had a blast…two couples and their dogs joined us and our dog. Total entertainment just watching the dogs. The food and wine wasn’t bad either. Anyway, life is good! God is good!
Happy Easter All!
Happy Easter Everyone! (a little late!)
I hope that everyone had a nice Easter despite the fact of not being able to be with family. I had a nice quiet Easter. My Easter treat was that a friend of mine, who is an amazing chef, hand delivered an old fashioned freshly baked whoopee pie. I don’t know if you guys know what these are or not. They are basically two chocolate cakes, top and bottom, with a middle of creamy sugar icing goodness. My mom used to make them when I was a kid. Back then, the middle was Crisco and sugar. My friend assured me that no Crisco was used. It was such a treat! It tasted just like I remembered!
Happy belated Easter R.V. Sue and Crew.
May God Bless you all until the end of days.
S. Kaeseman
Happy Easter to you and the boys. Luv the pic of those sweet little faces!
Happy EAster Sue! We are just hanging out at home staying home and away from family. I hope you have had a great Easter!