From the Sea to a feel-good camp

Saturday, February 11

Reggie and I walk the length of Corvina Beach primitive camping area.

It’s another sunny day at the Salton Sea!

We pass a rig where two men are having a conversation.  Reggie, of course, runs to the end of his tether in an effort to meet them. One of the men immediately calls Reggie by name, revealing he’s a reader of this blog.

I learn that John is a former geography teacher who has traveled the world.  He’s at the Salton Sea to escape the cold and snow at his home in Pennsylvania.  This trip is a “test” to see if full-time RVing is the right plan for his retirement.  So far he likes what he’s experienced on this trip.

“The taxes on my little house in Pennsylvania are four thousand dollars a year,” he laments.

Meanwhile Reggie plays with Willy, a scruffy terrier smaller than he is by three pounds.  The other man standing with John and me is also named John.  He isn’t aware of this blog and asks me what it’s called.

Second John snowbirds at his place in Yuma.  He’s at the Salton Sea because he plans to join friends at a golf event tomorrow.   Second John contrasts where we are at this moment –blue sky, sea gulls calling, warmth on our shoulders —  with his other home.

“It’s 17 degrees in Saskatchewan and they’re expecting a foot of snow tomorrow.”

Sunday, February 12

Reggie and I continue our happy routine of walking the sandy path to the Salton Sea Recreation Area where there is a campground and day use area.

Even though I’m enjoying the walk, I sense the emergence of that ol’ bugaboo . . .  depression.  It’s hardly noticeable, but I’m always on guard to catch it when it emerges.

It starts as a slight distraction from living in the moment.

Of course, I have no reason for being depressed, just the opposite!  That is what is so maddening about it!

Anyway . . . I’ve learned a few techniques to deal with it, until it runs its course and my spirits lift again.

One trick is to change my scenery.

“You know, Reg, we should take a little ride.  Go up to Mecca or someplace.”

It’s a pleasant, little jaunt, rolling along in the Perfect Tow Vehicle with the windows down.

At Mecca, the PTV turns left, away from the town, and takes us to a hub of activity around a travel center at the intersection with Route 86.

I pull up to Subway and go inside where I direct the lady behind the counter in the making of a sandwich with “carved turkey.”

Returning to the PTV . . . “Hey, Reg, you’re gonna’ love this!”

He sniffs the bag and wiggles his butt.

“But we’re not eating it here, honey.  It’s too hot.  You have to wait until we get home, and we’ll have a picnic together.”

I’m feeling much better! 

Until the Best Little Trailer comes into view . . . .

Next to the BLT is a car . . . .

What the heck?  Of all the places to park, why there?

It’s soon obvious the occupants are gawkers.  There’s no other reason to park there.  The giggling women crane their necks to look as we drive past.  Their pretense at getting out to stretch (while gawking) at the very moment Reggie and I get out of the PTV, well, there’s no question what they’re up to.

Disgusted, I open the door of our home. 

“Come on, Reg.  Let’s have our sandwich inside.”

With some people, no matter how much you give, it’s never enough.

Monday, February 13

Depressed most of the day.  I try to blog.  No good.  I still experience waves of anger at the people lying in wait for our return home.  And then I’m irritated with myself for letting them spoil my state of being.

There are people, like the two Johns, who are fun to meet in the normal course of a day.  Then there are the others.  We should leave first thing in the morning.  I want to remember the Salton Sea as the wonderful retreat it has been.

Tuesday, February 14

“It’s goodbye to the Salton Sea, Reg.  Time for us to go. ”

We had a wonderful time at Corvina Beach, walking the sandy trails, watching and listening to the sea birds, as well as the trains, and basking in the sunshine.

Reggie assumes the co-pilot position in his doggie bed next to me.

Before leaving Corvina Beach, Reggie and I stop at the water spigot and I fill up a few jugs.  Then we zip north on Route 111, cross over the train tracks, and zigzag our way around fields of new crops and rows of vines with their fresh leaves waving in the morning sunshine.

The Perfect Tow Vehicle follows the winding road through Box Canyon.

Beyond the canyon the road straightens and Interstate 10 comes into view.  This desert area at the edge of the Orocopia Mountains Wilderness is home to a variety of plants.   I camped on Box Canyon Road a while back, but only overnight.

Someday I should look for a secluded boondock closer to the mountains.  Would need to bring plenty of supplies and we’re not prepared for that today.

Reggie whimpers.

“Good idea, Reg.  We’ll go for a little walk and then you can settle down for the ride on the interstate.”

We follow a wash that is bordered by bushes displaying new leaves. The creosote has “greened up.”  The wash meanders around palo verde and ocotillo.

We board the PTV again and head for the on-ramp for I-10.

As we approach I notice several RVs, widely spaced, along the road running parallel to the interstate and bordering the perimeter of Joshua Tree National Park.  It’s too cold for camping in Joshua Tree now, due to the elevation. (That’s my opinion; surely others may disagree.)

Those camps provide a good base for exploring the park during the day — lower elevation than the park itself and free!  Maybe someday we’ll do that . . . .

The PTV, with Best Little Trailer tagging along, zips eastward to Blythe.

At Midland LTVA, I dump tanks and then search for a camp in a new-to-us area across the road from the main area and where we camped previously.  I set up camp, check the blog, and then take a break, sitting in the outdoor room.

I smile at the Big Maria Mountains.

This was a good move.  I can get more stuff done in Blythe.  We have a peaceful, private campsite.  Every day brings us closer to the time when we can begin this year’s explorations. 

And I’m feeling really good again!




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126 Responses to From the Sea to a feel-good camp

  1. Dawn in MI says:

    I’ve changed scenery big time…a quick trip from MI to Jacksonville FL, and now over to AL. Lots of sun and flowers. Sure beats cold and rain and snow!

    • Dawn in MI says:

      PS: I’m sorry you had invading tourists. I’m sure they aren’t regular readers or they’d know better, just like John did. Hugs. Glad you’re feeling better.

    • rvsueandcrew says:


      Oh, those women know about my privacy policy. That’s why they were being sneaky.

      Keep enjoying the sun and flowers!

      • Sandy Riley Lancaster, PA says:

        I live in Lancaster, Pa which has an abundant Amish population. So many times tourists will go up to their houses and “peep” in their windows. To counteract this, many Amish homes keep their green shades pulled down. It’s very obnoxious.

  2. Brenda says:

    Beautiful scenery! I can’t wait to retire and spend some time on the road!

  3. Linda Sand (Minnesota) says:

    Wow! I have to comment just because there’s only one ahead of me right now. Usually there’s about 30. 🙂

  4. Pat Hall, Salton Sea says:

    Good pictures……you went the way I just came!!!!

    I know what you mean about the depression, it hits me when rude people invade my space. It happens more often than people think and I don’t understand why people have to park so close when they have the whole desert….lol. I’m sure not going to protect them from whatever they are afraid of……LMSAO

    Oh well…takes all kinds. Enjoy your new home.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pat,

      You’re at the Salton Sea! I hope you’re loving it!

      Yeah, there are the clingers and then I have gawkers, too. I must say I’ve enjoyed a very long stretch of privacy. No one came around our camp for the two months we were at Midland, except for the camp hosts whom I welcome and who do a wonderful job as gatekeepers.

      Are you okay with the trains?

  5. Virginia620 (AL) says:


  6. judy in east texas says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie, so glad you were able to beat back that old black cloud and the new camp looks great. I’m still trapped in this windowless office in Atlanta, but as always you know exactly what i need to beat back that old black cloud.

    Thanks for all you do for us who live vicariously thru you. You bring me great joy, hopefully someday I will be able to return these favors.

    Stay safe out there and rock on my friend, Judy

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Judy,

      I thought of you when I wrote about not having a reason to be depressed. Thank you for shining your light here. No need to “return these favors.” 🙂

  7. I am so sorry to see that your peace and quiet were disturbed by those thoughtless people. Shame on them!! I would love to meet you and Reggie someday, but would never do that to you! Would rather know you from afar through your blog than disrupt your life. I hope you have peaceful, quiet stay in your new location.

  8. Elaine in BC says:

    Sue. Glad you’re feeling better!

    We camped in the area you mentioned near Joshua Tree a few days ago . It is lovely and warm with pleasant well spaced camps.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elaine,

      I noticed how the RVs were widely spaced. That’s a handy place for free camping — handy to Joshua Tree and handy to the interstate. I’m glad you had warm weather there.

  9. Pat in Rochester says:

    I’ve been cranky the last two days. Colleague-induced crankiness. But I have a box of chocolates waiting for me at home, and Sue and Reggie pictures here to brighten my day. (As it snows away outside my window.) Depression stinks. I am glad you know ways to help yourself. Do also know that there are a lot of people who only know you from here who care a lot about you.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I do know that, Pat, and I’m grateful. 🙂

      I’m sorry you’re feeling cranky lately. Sounds like you know the reason and also how to deal with it. “This too shall pass,” right? In the meantime, eat chocolates!

  10. Larry M says:

    It’s good to hear you’re feeling better Sue! 🙂 If you delayed publishing your blog by a week, I bet the vast majority of us readers would be fine with it! 🙂 I know I would be. Happy Trails! Best wishes! Larry M.

  11. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    I can identify with depression creeping in. I suffer with that too. I will be just fine then before I know it I am having depressing thoughts and starting to feel bad. I think that is why I love this blog so much. I cannot change my location or routine physically, but I can mentally by joining you in your travels. I love the pictures and the narrative and especially the comments with the other blogerinos. No a cure all, but a nice distraction from whatever is making me upset. I loved the Salton Sea. Does it have more water in it now that California is getting more rain and snow? Maybe there will not be a fish die off this year. It is like spring here, we have Forsythia and Hawthorne blooming already. I am sure that is going to trick my peach trees into blooming and then the frost will get them again. the pictures are pretty with everything green. Enjoy your new camp and your peace and quiet. Thank you for taking us along.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Jean, and thank you for your nice comment. You remind me of the good that my blog can do.

      I debated with myself whether I should include the gawkers and my depressed mood. I try to keep my blog a sanctuary from ugly stuff, keep it light and positive in tone. At the same time, I want to give a complete picture of what it’s like to live full-time on the road. A complete picture includes ups and downs. . . . We can drive away those black clouds!

      I’m glad you loved the Salton Sea. I didn’t notice that the water level is higher due to the rain and snow.

      Forsythia in bloom…. How lovely. I had a huge forsythia next to a home I rented in New York state several years ago. Those yellow blooms against an old snowbank were just the remedy for the winter blues! 🙂

      • Jean in Southaven, MS says:

        Yes, only we have green weeds and brown grass next to them, but they are a welcome site for sure. When the forsythia blooms that means that the soil temperature is at least 45 degrees and many garden veges can be planted. I remember you used to have a huge beautiful garden. I remember the pictures you posted many moons ago. It is amazing the stages our lives go thur isn’t it? Happy Trails to you.

        • Barbara (Nashville) says:

          Jean, I’m surprised the Forsythia aren’t blooming there. It has been so warm here that some Daffodils, Forsythia and Red Bud trees are starting to bloom in my neighborhood.

  12. Dawn in Asheville says:

    Hmmm. That story sure rubbed me the wrong way. I’d been deciding if I should make cookies or not today (cuz I don’t need them) and then Pat talked about her box of chocolates…

    But, in the end, it provided some impetus to get back on the road which sounds like it did you some good, so I guess there’s a silver lining?

    Haven’t made much progress on Juno as it’s still cold and rainy more days than not, but I did take advantage of the warm weekend to re-secure a loose marker light and reattach the license plate / light that fell off on the trip over. Learned all about butyl tape, loctite, mineral spirits and how to size up on screws to deal with reamed out holes. Plus probably a whole bunch of other stuff I didn’t actually need to know for the job. I do lots of research 🙂

    I also finally squirmed under to take a look at the tanks – nothing cracked like I was worried about but I do have a broken off t-handle – the good news is it’s the gray water tank and not the black since that has to be dumped (I can’t believe the PO didn’t do that before selling it – ugh). Once the mechnical is taken care of I can dump and clean tanks and will probably replace both valves. Not a fun weekend but new is better than waiting for another one to break.

    Otherwise, I got more stickers off – window decals and more velcro off the medicine cabinet. I may finally be done with that chore but I’m thinking there is velcro one other place I’m forgetting…of course the real fun begins as I begin to strip the silicone someone used to try to seal the corner trim (shaking my head). Actually, it’s all good, I smile more than I curse. She’s mine and it’s so much fun to work on her.

    I saw Linda in NC made Lake Hartwell!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn,

      Wow, you’re a busy one, getting lots a things accomplished and learning a bunch of stuff that’s good to know. I wish I had your ambition!

      “She’s mine and it’s so much fun to work on her.” Love that line!

      Sorry this post rubbed you the wrong way… Hope you’re over whatever you meant by that. Keep smiling as you bring out the best in Juno!

      • Dawn in Asheville says:

        Oh – your story about the gawkers! I was so mad for you! That’s all I meant. Then I got distracted by chocolate…LOL!

    • Linda-NC says:

      Hi Dawn- You are really busy. What did you buy? I know that you have been talking about Juno, but I have been so busy, that I lost track. I am like you-if I can fix it, I will. So far I have had a few problems, cracked water valve, probably froze, CO2 detector going off for no reason-probably needs replace, back up camera quit working. Now batteries read low and I am plugged in. Go figure. I think Gypsy is haunted. Anyway, going with the flow. I am pretty much all by myself here. There are a couple of others about 100 yards away and that is good. So far I am still loving it and resting up. I have been reorganizing and fixing whatever I can. Stuff happens and am going with the flow. I feel better already. I was exhausted when I left. I hope that you will be ready for a trip soon!

      • Dawn in NC says:

        So glad that you are out there living your dream Linda!

      • Dawn in Asheville says:

        So good to hear from you Linda! I’m glad that you are taking the little setbacks in stride – from my recollection of fulltiming back along there was always something, so it’s good you have the right perspective going forward! Cracked water issues are so much easier to deal with after things are unfrozen 🙂 The batteries are odd, but not knowing your system not even sure where to suggest you start. Our Bounder had a switch to flip back and forth but the Juno doesn’t have anything like that. There must be some automated switch when shore power is plugged in but haven’t found that yet (I have a list as long as two states now of things I have to figure out!).

        I love that you’ve named her Gypsy! Did you bring a pooch? I seem to remember you have one…Freyja is still gimping about. The Rimadol hasn’t been the amazing cure all the vet seemed to imply. I’ve added turmeric paste and last night started homeopathic arnica. Verdict is out for me on homeopathy, but if it’s nothing but a sugar pill can’t hurt. Actually today I thought she was doing better – we even went for a short walk. Anyway, my reason for bringing it up is I can’t wait to get her out and having adventures. I wanted to see how your’s was enjoying it?

        Do you have a good forum you belong to, to help out with advice? I belong to one I love and there’s a bunch of guys in it who are very patient with this “gal” and have taken time to explain things to me and help me out when I post pics. Between them and youtube I feel much better able to handle things than I did eight years ago. Although this week I discovered I need to add water to batteries! Doh. Sometimes it’s the most basic things. So I’ve got my distilled water, my turkey baster and this week I’m suiting up with my gloves and goggles and see about that little chore 🙂

        I look forward to your next posts and even though I don’t go backwards except maybe a week, I do always look for you on RV Sue’s current posts.

      • Dawn in Asheville says:

        Also, I still have good friends from when we full-timed. Just reaching out and talking to other campers you’d be surprised the people willing to help and give advice. That’s what I miss the most about RVing. The amazing wonderful people you meet.

  13. Pat Hall says:

    I was there a couple of days ago and had people pulling into my area. They blocked my view and were right in my face. They really didn’t care as long as they could park. That’s why I left…..very rude uncaring people.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pat…. Are you referring to Midland LTVA, Salton Sea, or the boondocking between the interstate and Joshua Tree? Sorry, I’m confused…

      I’m sorry you had that happen. As you probably know, I’ve experienced that, too.

      BTW, I moved your other comment up with your original comment and my reply.

  14. Kat and Cookie Dog in NYState says:

    So glad you are feeling perkier. Sorry about those who invaded your privacy. Some people just don’t understand why personal space is so important to others of us. CookieDog says he would come woof at those ladies and scare them away…LOL..he is so cute he never scares anyone with his woofs (please don’t let him know that, he thinks he is a wonderful protector). If I ever accidentally met you I would have a hard time staying away from petting Reggie, he is just so cute and perky. However I promise I would respect your right to privacy.
    Enjoy your new location and think of us who are tired of the snow back east. Love your pictures, thanks for sharing with us. Go explore…

  15. weather says:

    First things first- I’m so glad that you’re feeling really good again. That last photo showing where you are now is gorgeous, that really is just a great and beautiful place to stay.

    That said, I’m sorry that you’d begun to feel depressed while at the Salton Sea. Even a pleasant chance encounter with a reader, such as the one you had with John can trigger an internal alarm that you’re at an approachable camp and so many know that. I hope that was all that was contributing to the emerging feelings that you had (because, if so, hopefully moving on means that it’s past and won’t bother you anymore).

    Having gawkers arrive is sickening, it’s great that you didn’t waste anytime high tailing it away from there to a secluded camp. I totally understand your being angry, then and afterwards, I’d be livid. There’s just no excuse for their selfish and intrusive behavior-period! Even a casual reader that misses some posts knows very well by now that they’ll ruin your day(to say the least) by doing what they did.

    How lovely for you to be amid the ironwood trees and other desert plants again, secluded, smiling at the mountains, Yippee! I love seeing you given beautiful havens to enjoy. Hugs to You and adorable Reggie, thanks for the post, I hope the rest of your day is wonderful 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      It means a lot to me that you understand my reaction. Gee, I almost had the depression on the run and then that happened. Well, I’m much better now. It’s wonderful how a new camp “amid the ironwood trees and other desert plants” can give a new start with a fresh outlook.

      I hope your day is bright, too!

  16. Dawn in NC says:

    Great to hear from you again! Sorry about the gawkers, sometimes people suck! I am so glad that you found a nice new camp on your own time table. The weather here is quite variable. One day you need a thick coat and the next short sleeves! I usually don’t look up the weather before hand, so the temperature’s a surprise to me everyday when I walk out the door! Woke up to rain on the roof, and now it’s a sunny day. Doesn’t get much better than that! Happy Trails.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn,

      Your home does sound delightful! Whenever I spent time in North Carolina, I found it to be a lovely experience… whether in the mountains, at the seashore, or somewhere in between. I’m glad you enjoy your surroundings.

  17. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    Always love your photo but the 4th (golden) one really caught my eye…with the lone seabird near the shore.
    Here’s a bit of good news for you. Granddaughter Taylor Beth has been accepted into the architecture school at Mississippi State!!!!! She will start in August. Everyone here is doing well.
    Sending lots of love and big hugs to you and Reggie.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Fantastic news about Taylor Beth! Give her my congratulations and best wishes. Mississippi State should be grateful she applied there. 🙂

      Love and hugs to all!

  18. Pat Hall says:

    The trains…lol

  19. Pat Hall says:

    The BLM area south of Joshua Tree. I had it happen when I was a Quartzsite a few weeks ago. I’m beginning to think I attract scared campers…

  20. Get I in FL panhandle! says:

    I am so glad you are back and feeling good again! Yay!

  21. Rosalyn says:

    I do not understand the mindset of a gawker. Course I was never one to stake out the home of my favorite movie star, or rock singer either.
    What is it they expect?….. To learn more about you than what they can enjoy learning through your blog?
    Just annoyingly strange to me.
    I promise you Sue that I will never seek to find you. I will not even walk over to your camp if we just so accidently camp in the same location.
    Privacy is privacy. No one has the right to make their curiousity, YOUR curiousity.
    Sorry that your kindness in sharing your life, makes others feel they now own yours.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Your empathy is touching, Rosalyn. Thank you.

      “Annoyingly strange” is right! The impression I get from the many times this has happened over the past five years or so is that the people see it as a game, as in “Let’s go see if we can get a look at RVSue” or something like that.

      I’ve had people peek through the bushes, plop down at a neighboring campsite’s picnic table, drive to a remote camp to stop and gawk, stalk me at a campground… It’s very weird and I don’t know how to get used to it. Gosh, I’m just an old lady who has a dog and who blogs!

      • Retiredcajunlady 'N Louisiana says:

        Sue, you are so much more than lady who has a dog and blogs!! To so many your courage and moxie to live the life you want is uplifting and inspiring. Your blog educates, delights, and inspires many to dream of more in our own lives. I know it makes me think–could I? should I? Never doubt the positive influence your pictures and words have on us who wouldn’t miss a post.

        With that said, I am in NO way defending those who intrude on your life in any way. It is rude and childish. They were so wrong in so many ways. Shame on them.

  22. Lee J in Northern California says:

    I am so glad you take such a take charge attitude about changing things if stuff is not right. It makes me feel so, how to express this….disappointed in moronic people that feel you are public property. I wonder how they would feel if someone chose to camp in their driveway just because,they thought they were somehow exempt from following the rules of common decency. Sheesh… ashamed of them.
    So…I am planning a train trip in March, going to visit my sister and family,then visiting my son and his family, all in Oregon! I love train travel, and enjoy seeing everyone briefly. Any of your blogorinos that have on their bucket list to take a train trip, just do It!
    I love to hear what you are up to, hearing the stories from the other blogorinos…ahh…

    • Rochelle in IN says:

      Hi, Lee! A train trip is on our bucket list, too and we’ll be heading out from Indiana to Oregon in October, also to visit family. We’re really looking forward to it!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Me, too! I’ve wanted to ride a train across country for years.

      Have a great trip, Lee J! You, too, Rochelle!

    • Sarvi in OR says:

      Just a tiny bit of advice… the Coast Starlight train going north is notoriously fickle about being on time. My daughter’s boyfriend lives in Redding, so they will take the train back and forth to visit each other. My daughter’s last trip back home, she was over 4 hours late. Her boyfriend’s trip up here was supposed to be Friday, but the train hit a car just south of Redding, and was delayed like 12 hours, so he was stuck outside in the cold all night long waiting. Pretty much every time either tries to come north, something happens!

      • Lee J in Northern California says:

        I do know that! I usually catch the train in Sacramento to go north, at least there I can wait inside for the train! One of those unforseeable events I suppose. I do this trip three or four times a year for probably fifteen years and fortunately have only been held up on a couple of occasions. Redding only has a cover over the seats…not a good spot for waiting.
        I still love train travel…way more user friendly than flying.

        • Sarvi in OR says:

          I’ve actually never traveled by train in the US. I did in Europe a few times, and wow, that’s an efficient way to travel there!

          • Shirley Altenes says:

            I’m so sorry but I meant to hit the reply button under Lee J in Northern California. I’ll get this all figured out some day!

        • Shirley Altenes says:

          My husband and I love to ride the train too! We rode the train twice from Salt Lake City to Washington D.C. and then in November we got a free ride to Truckee CA because we got a rebate from a detour that we had to take on a bus from Pittsburg to D.C. Riding through the Rocky Mountains is absolutely gorgeous and the little bit that we saw of the Sierra Mts from Reno to Truckee was beautiful too!

        • Shirley Altenes says:

          I left a reply but accidently replied to Sarvi in OR. I’m slow at learning to do things the right way.

    • Cinandjules (da zone ) says:

      A trip by train sounds like fun! Missed the opportunity to take the train from Seward AK to Anchorage. I would think the route north from Sac would be absolutely gorgeous. Cross country would have to involve a sleeper car for mwah!

      We are thinking about the scenic touristy train from Williams AZ to the Grand Canyon.

  23. Rochelle in IN says:

    Ooooo, those gawkers just make me so mad I could have a rip-snortin’ hissy fit, if it would do any good! I hope they DO read this blog and comments and see how truly revolting their behavior was. I also hope they notice you moved on immediately and feel ashamed of themselves!

    OK, I’ll calm down now, but…..really! Harumph, harumph!

    You bring SO much joy to so many people with your blog and your pictures. I hope the mental picture of people all across the country – the world, for that matter (where has fuji-maru been lately, I wonder) – sitting at their computers, having their day brightened by you outweighs the stress caused by the few people who don’t seem to have the common sense God gave a chicken!

    Hmmm, maybe I’m not really calmed down yet – I’d better go in search of some chocolate – ha!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Aw, I’m sorry this post got you worked up, Rochelle. How kind you are! Thank you for writing in my defense.

      No, they didn’t notice we moved camp the following Tuesday. Once Reggie and I went inside and shut the door, they took off…. their mission accomplished! It was the sight of them waiting by the BLT for us to arrive home that really got my dander up.

      It’s over now. We’re settled in a place where no one will bother us and it’s a beautiful day, with or without chocolates. 🙂

  24. rvsueandcrew says:


    Reggie and I are going to town. I turn this place over to you. Have fun talking with each other!


  25. Airstreaming Pagey says:

    Gawkers… sheesh. We get them, too.

    Hope your days brighten as the weather warms and the snowbirds return north.

  26. Diann in MT says:

    Dear old lady who has a dog and blogs!
    You are too funny!


    I feel really protective of you, Sue. I don’t even know you!
    Take care and keep seeing the sunny side of life.

  27. Retiredcajunlady 'N Louisiana says:

    Your new site is indeed pretty!! Lots of fresh green to see. I am so glad you found a nice, private new “home” near where you can get your errands done.

    Depression is one tough nut to crack. You are so blessed to be self aware and know just what you need to do to keep it at bay. Sadly it plagues so many of us. Not fun, not easy, and definitely not healthy. I find it creeps up on me when I least expect it, but it feels so good when it passes. I hope your “visitor” doesn’t return anytime soon…nor mine.

    And as for “gawkers”…Sue, that is just weird! How dare they intrude on your privacy! I am sure you would understand if they were curious about your Casita and wanted to know more; but to stalk you in such a rude and mean spirited and intrusive way in totally unforgivable. I am so sorry that happened.

    This is day 4 of winter in SE Louisiana! Low was in the forties last night and will be again tonight. It is only in the 50’s today, but tomorrow will begin warming up. By the weekend, it will be back up to 80. It has been quite a warm winter here.

    Enjoy the peace and beauty you have found in your spot. Belly rubs and hugs for Reggie, and prayers for you both.

  28. Cat Lady, Central City, La. says:

    Well I’ve tried everything thing and still can’t see the Comments. Must not be livin’ right, lol.

  29. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    I got so angry at those gawkers I wished I was there to give them a piece of my mind! You show much more restraint Sue. I’ve never understood people who drive by celebrities’ homes or approach them in a public place for an autograph, but at least those people have sought fame and it’s sort of part of the package that comes with their wealth. I truly don’t understand people who follow your blog and know how important your privacy is to you, but still choose to invade that privacy. I suppose you could take it as a great compliment that you’ve made your lifestyle so interesting, but still – it’s just rude.

    We are having a few days of sunshine and pleasant temps here in between rain storms. The hummingbirds who migrate south to Mexico for the winter seem to have returned earlier this year and I’m really enjoying filling up the 9 feeders in my yard and watching their courtship rituals. Soon they will begin building nests – I’ve put out balls of lint from the dryer to help them.

    For those of you who are praying types – please pray for the folks and animals up in Northern California (Oroville area) who live in the flow area of the Oroville Dam and spillways. They have been allowed back into their homes but heavy rainfall is predicted again this weekend and they will need all the luck and providence they can get.

    • Reine in Plano when we're not camping says:

      Definitely concerned for the folks around Oroville and northern California. Hopefully the work already done will stabilize the spillway areas and the rain will be contained by the dam without too much damage downstream. Those folks could use a break.

      And any gawkers reading this – GIVE SUE HER SPACE

    • Lee J in Northern California says:

      My husband’s family are in Gridley, evacuated but were able to go to an unused family home in Santa Rosa…but still…
      I live near the San Joaquin river that is at flood stage, so far the levees are holding…in 1997 they didn’t. And my firefighter son was very involved in evacuating folks off their roofs by way of helicopter. It is always an adventure here, drought or flood!

  30. Stephanie Albany OR says:

    I appreciate that you share so much of yourself with us. Stalking you at a campground seems to be the height of being oblivious. I’m coming up to decision date on whether to get a rig and travel or just move to another conventional residence. I worry about the little big things so having you share how you handle depression, unwanted visitors and keeping Reg happy and socialized has been very helpful. I hope my fear of the unknown doesn’t make my decision. Meanwhile, as one of the other blogorinos said, take a break. We understand.

  31. linda clark says:

    Hello Sue..Just to say hi from a very long time looker.

  32. Sabine Seidel says:

    Hi Sue…..and the rest of the blogerinos. I finally caught up to your blog. Read all of your brilliant story from the get go in Georgia. Told ya, loved reading your blog as good night stories, so I could continue and dream about being out and about.
    Started already to liquidate my merchandise from my online store and “stuff” from the house. And looking at a Lazy Daze on the weekend. I came up with a 3 year plan, to continue liquidating and do the test drive (with my Daisy Doodle) this summer for a few month to see, if full timing is right for us.
    I as well suffer from depression…..but I am snapping out of it faster these days than before…….and this dear Sue is thanks to YOU. Yes, you read that right, because of you sharing your life and having this inspiring blog and the outstanding pictures, filled me with a desire and due to this my goal developed. Sorry, if my blah blah blah is not as fluent to read, since english is not my mother language. But I know you get the point.
    I am so immense grateful to you. You changed my that sounds dramatic…..well it is 😉 Anyways know you are loved and appreciated. Big hug from me and loving licks from Daisy Doodle. Sabine

  33. Rover Ronda (WA) says:

    Hi Sue,
    I’m glad you’re feeling good again. You reminded me of a song I like. Feeling Good Again by Robert Earl Keen. The chorus: “Feels so good feeling good again.” The verses describe how the little things in life can change a situation a make us feel good.
    Wishing all the blogorinos good feelings and may yours continue. 😃

  34. greenmountaingal says:

    Hi Sue!
    Sorry to hear you were blue.
    But you knew what to do:
    You found a new view
    For you and the crew!

    Glad to hear that things are looking up.

  35. Marlene says:

    When I was very young there was a train track that ran behind our house and the train mostly carried coal and lumber. It was a small train running through a very small town and it would sound the horn sometimes even at night. So, to this day, I find the sound of a train and the horn to be very comforting. I, too, get discouraging ups and downs and have learned for the most part to recognize them for what they are and deal with them just like you. I blame it on H & H (being Human and Hormones) LOL! And, like you I get mad at myself when I let rude and ignorant people get to me and give them the power to ruin my day. When I think of my giving them that power, I can quickly shake it off. Thanks for the nice photos of the Salton Sea. I hope to visit there next year as I refuse to stay in the northeast for another winter!

  36. Linda-NC says:

    Hi Sue- No one really understands depression until they experience it. I found out and I empathize with you. But you found your bootstraps, and did something about it. Great for you! Gawkers sheesh! No class. Hugs to you and the Wonder Dog.

  37. Pookie and Chuck in Todd Mission Tx says:

    I too get depressed when I spend too much time at the house and like you I will get
    out and drive somewhere….sometimes bank fishing for a couple of hours at the lake
    does it and sometimes grocery shopping does it for me….
    you will always have gawkers trying to see you out and about…..your like all these
    Hollywood stars and rock concert folks that cant get away from the public..just
    accept it as part of your popularity and do what you did in this situation: move on
    to another spot…….
    I am planning a trip to mississippi coast to camp out with my navy son from
    virginia in march….will give ya details later….
    thanks for your post young lady
    chuck and pookie

  38. Cinandjules (da zone) says:

    Hey lady! Nice spot you found! Nice to stop with Johnx2 and chat!
    As for the gawkers…REALLY? What childish antics! Hope you both enjoyed the sandwich.
    Boondocking closer to the mountains….now that sounds like an adventure! Can’t wait!
    Have a great evening…..

  39. Michael says:

    I frequent some of the areas you do Sue and have seen you a time or two. I have never approached, and wouldn’t. Your requests and the fact that I also don’t like busybodies are all I need. That said, you’re famous!!! You’ll be on youtube, twitter, instagram. You’ll have your own cooking pan line. Reggie will be modeling the newest line of doggie wear and have his own line of treats. The doggie girls will swoon over his beach pics. Nawww, just kidding. I know you understand this, but it doesn’t hurt to hear it once in awhile. You impact people every day with positive, interesting, original posts. Some live a dream through you, more are inspired to make plans based on the road plan you share. You impress me often, you give me things to think about often, as a result I come here often. Thank you S

    • Sabine Seidel says:

      Michael your post made me giggle…..I was picturing Sue introducing her cooking pan line and Reggie modeling,lol. And yes, Sue did have a huge inspiring impact in my life.

  40. Shelley in California says:

    Sorry for the other lookie lou’s, some people think the rules don’t pertain to them!

  41. Hi Sue, that’s a nice campsite! I enjoy so much seeing the desert beauty that you share with us. So sorry about the gawkers, how annoying and disruptive. It’s a real shame that you had to deal with that. Maybe the depression was a little premonition that trouble was coming your way. But now you can enjoy freedom and privacy in your beautiful new campsite! Have fun!

  42. Elizabeth says:

    Well, there is a price to fame, my dear…heh, you are brave to write and post photos!! Pesky people abound however…we are not quite moved in totally yet in our new location…and already yesterday we were BLASTED awake with some awful noise (music to some, noise to me)…BASS notes and drums mostly…and before too long a migraine began. I guess we must have annoyed him somehow…and again the landlord was not overly truthful as to no sounds carrying through…they obviously do!! I THINK maybe he does not like me doing laundry late at night…but I never heard his day or night….or maybe taking a shower late at night…but again, never heard his…so not sure why. But next time, if there is one, something will have to be done…even if I have to trip over there in my robe and protest…or bring the landlords inside to hear how WE hear it!! Sigh….maybe one day we will be able to move about at will as you do!! Maybe…at least you can move and quickly, from what bugs ya…and maybe that in itself will help you with the depression. I think it is somewhat the time of year for such…ole grumpy around here has not been easy to live with…the turkey!!

  43. Nancy in California says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie and all,
    I have never suffered from Depression myself, but i do have bouts with it’s little sister, Anxiety! It too, often comes out of nowhere, when i am perfectly safe and content, and, if left to it’s own devices, will take over and leave me a worried, distracted, fearful mess!
    Like you, I find that a change in scenery will help calm and center me. I will take a ride, a hike, a trip to the local mountains. All help. We do have our bugaboos!
    You are a gentle soul. For the morons who invaded your home and your privacy deserved to be told off and run off.
    I am glad you are feeling better in your new spot.
    We are expecting a big rain event here in the SFV thurs nite and fri. Think you will feel it less in the desert, but stay cozy.
    I am getting my GSD puppy friday. Very excited

  44. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Glad you found a nice peaceful spot, Sue. Some folks sure have a lot of nerve! It takes a lot of gumption to actually sit at someone’s campsite and wait for them to return. We missed you and hope the depression stays at bay.

    It’s getting close to bedtime, so I need to get my shoes on so Angel can go outside. She is such a sweet little dog. She keeps looking at me so She is more than ready.

    Spent the last 2 evenings watching the Westminster Dog Show. This is my favorite time of year as far as TV goes. Superbowl, Westminster, red carpet viewings and March Madness will be here soon.

  45. Sunny says:

    I struggle with depression too. Mostly when too much contact with people. Like all last month when I had to leave boondocking on Bates Well Rd in east of Ajo, and go to RV Camp as my toad had several problems needing fixed. I ended up being “stuck” in that “city of RVs” for over a month. I was so glad to leave (people were nice…. i just can’t take the closeness) In my exploration I found a nice new spot on the other side of Ajo totally all by my lonesome and love it!! I am having quite the fun time here! Depression gone!

  46. Lauri says:

    Hi there Sue… I don’t have any idea what gawkers get… What’s the pleasure or satisfaction from afar?? Why not politely address someone and have an adult conversation?…. But then again i never collected autographs either…. I’d rather have real eye contact than any of that.

    Anyway, I was wowonderi if you ever made a point to do any or many National Parks? There’s such restrictions for pets there, if so, how did/do you handle the canine(s) at the time?

    Awesome post!!! Keep us posted!! Lol


  47. Renee Galligher - Idaho says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie, good to see you back and feeling better. How disheartening to find gawkers! Obviously they aren’t true followers for if they were, they would know your wishes regarding privacy and space, but you’re right – illegitimis non carborundum!

    Take care!

  48. Teri Live Oak Fl says:

    Renee, I learned something today. Illegitimis non carborundum. Lol Love it.

  49. AZ Jim says:

    Well, I have no words of wisdom (come to think of it I never have), but I did finish my battery of heart tests this morning. Now I just need to wait (did I say “just) for the cardiologist to digest it. I just know it’s gonna be some kind of surgery again. Carotid artery on left side probably but if they say “crack chest” for more heart surgery, I would like to pass. Hell, I am 80. The only reason I need to stick around is to be here for Detta. If it has to be, in order to live long enough to see to it she is not alone, I’ll probably cave in and do whatever it takes. Anyhow on that upbeat note, Hi guys, keep posting I read here every day and wonder how you’re all doing. Hi Missy and the main man, Reggie.

    • Pookie and Chuck in Todd Mission Tx says:

      AZ JIm………..I know of what you speak…I am 72 and have been thru
      2 triple by-passes and not sure if I would agree to another…..I feel like
      the 2nd one really did me in and still havent recovered from it even
      after 10 years;…..but it is what it is…

    • weather says:

      Earlier I was thinking about you, Jim, and hoped you’d comment soon. May whatever news you get be easy to hear and follow through with, meaning that I hope and pray for all to be well with you, and with Detta. Please let us know, when you can, what your cardiologist has to say and recommend. I’m so sorry you have this to worry about and go through. Your devotion to Detta is just so touching and wonderful, what a truly dear man you are. hugs to you both 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Sending you and Detta hugs, Jim. I am sorry that you both have this stress and worry to deal with. You both are in my thoughts and prayers.

    • JazzLoverWMa says:

      AZ Jim, Am going to pray that no more surgery will be necessary for you and other ways to help you can be utilized. Let your doctor know your wishes if he doesn’t already and ask if there are other alternatives should it come to more “crack chest”. Having had 3 major surgeries in 5 years I’d would say, “no thanks” and walk away, but you have your Detta to take care of and need to do what is best for you both. You are one sweet man Jim, God Bless you and Detta.

  50. Nancy S. Indiana says:

    Hi Sue & Reggie,

    I don’t know why I feel the need to apologize for the gawkers but I do. They surely won’t. It’s the sneaking & pretense I don’t like. People leave her alone!!! I’m sorry for what they did to you. We’re on interstate 10 at the other end headed toward Gulf Shores Alabama, wanted to see New Orleans but forgot about Mardi Gras, no way we want in that mess so we changed plans. Spent 2 months at Galveston on the Gulf. I know you’re a desert girl, I like the water. Either way we have a beautiful earth to enjoy. Be safe & have peace.

  51. Hi Sue,

    I’m in your general area and so have been enjoying your posts as I plan where I’m going next – you’ve given me some ideas. Your writing really gives one a feel for each place.

    Does Midland LTVA still have the free book exchange kiosk? I was thinking of dropping off a bunch of books if I pass thru that way.

  52. rhodium says:

    It is reprehensible to invade your privacy when you have been so clear. I was just finishing reading Ghandi’s autobiography and I learned the word darshan. In India, getting a glimpse of something holy or an enlightened person is darshan. Ghandi complained that he had to take off from his work at times for several hours of being exhibited to pilgrims who came for darshan. It is clear that those women were not there because they saw you as an enlightened being. Nevertheless, Ghandi would have approved of your motto “living on less and enjoying life more” and there is a sense your blog demonstrates the idea that the most important things can be shown but not said. So I guess my point is if you want some darshan, read the text, don’t seek the author.

  53. Dianne says:

    Hi Sue!
    SO glad to see you back and hear that you are feeling better!

  54. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    So glad to see you back! I love the leafed-out creosote bush. Are the leaves or spines smooth, or do they have barbs? Thank you for sharing your beautiful piece of green desert with us – so pretty! 🙂 🌵

    To the two women gawkers….Bless Your Hearts. (Cinandjules…you are falling down on the job! 🙂 ). I don’t get it…ambush, gawk, and run. Some people!

    I am glad you are working in nipping that depression in the bud. I struggle with it at times, too. For me, too many gray, sunless days can put me in a funk – I need my sunshine! 🌞

    After picking up your turkey sub, Reggie must have been drooling all the way home! I hope that sub was tasty! Tonight as I was putting some fresh fruit salad in a bowl, Gracie pup willed a strawberry to jump off the counter. We both enjoyed dessert! 🙂

    Sending you and that adorable little Reggie love and hugs from me and my sweet little Gracie pup! Have a peaceful night! 🙂

    P.S. – How is the new fridge working? Does it seem to be more efficient or have improvements (sturdier shelves, etc.) over the original unit?

  55. Karen the Empty Nester says:

    Huh. Your unfortunate encounter has shed some light on something that occurred a few years ago that I had not understood until now.
    See, a relative of a co-worker of mine is a famous blogger, too. I don’t follow her or any blog (except Sue, now), but one day my sister mentioned a blogger she follows, and it was the same woman. I thought it a fun coincidence.
    One day this person and I happened to be sitting next to each-other at an event. As an introvert, usually it is a struggle to come up with something interesting (or anything at all, really) to say when first meeting people. This time, though, I had a genuine compliment ready. When we introduced ourselves I mentioned my sister enjoyed her blog.
    That was exactly the wrong thing to say, evidently. I must have tripped her “creeper meter” because she narrowed her eyes and made a point of moving away from me. I had always wondered what I’d done to make her mad, but now think I understand. She probably thought I was a stalker-type who just wanted to get a thrill from meeting someone famous.
    At the time, I’d never read any blog at all and wasn’t even sure what it was. All I cared was that she was the relative of a close co-worker of mine. But she didn’t know that, and mentioning her blog at our first meeting put her on the defensive.
    Now I get it. And feel kinda stupid.
    Looks like the usual introvert style of not speaking unless someone else decides to strike up a conversation really is the best way to go, after all.
    I can’t apologize to the blogger I met, but Sue, I am so sorry those women made you feel uncomfortable.

  56. Rebecca Lloyd says:

    My husband and I own an Escape trailer. Before we got our Escape we had a T@B for 11 years. Everywhere we went we gave tours of our trailer. We didn’t mind it too much but sometimes we wanted privacy. After camping one Memorial Day weekend at a very crowded campground in Leavenworth, WA and being stared at and constantly watched we headed out very early after one night and headed to Rainier National Park. It was May so not very crowded but we managed to have a gawker move in next door. This lady walked around our camper and across our camp site to get a better look all the time pretending she needed a good stretch. I was not in a patient mood and proceeded to quickly close all the blinds. If she had just come up and asked for a look see I would have given her one. The T@B trailers are so well documented online she could have chosen that option as well. If I ever see you out camping I will leave you alone unless Reggie wants to make my acquaintance. 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Lucky you and your husband owning an Escape! A 17B or 19 is in my dreams! Having a cute little egg brings out looky loos. Sorry that you all had to deal with a creepy clinger.

  57. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    You are more than just a lady with a dog who blogs. You’re a living legend and a celebrity of the wild west. I don’t blame people for wanting to get close to you. It goes with the territory of being famous. I remember years ago when you first started your Amazon enterprise and I wrote something like ” I hope success doesn’t spoil RV Sue “. Well has it? To me you’re still the gutsy lady that we all love and admire. So when things like this happen, just smile and chalk it up to Living Your Dream.

  58. weather says:

    Hi, Sue, I hope your and Reggie’s trip into town yesterday was fun. According to the widget there’s a chance for a bit of rain there today. I imagine that if getting a little wet while outside makes you feel kind of chilly, it’s nice for you to be able to turn the BLT’s heater on for a short time again, now that your propane leak’s been taken care of.

    Reading through comments is always so interesting. On this post’s set I noticed a few that mention your fame as a reason to expect attention, wanted or not , while you’re living your life, as Sue, not as RV Sue. I do understand readers thinking that way. I will, however, point out that you’ve made it very clear that the kind of attention being referred to is not something you welcome, so really you shouldn’t expect to receive it.

    Perhaps it would help if I explain a little of what it’s like from your (and often mine, too) point of view. I think what’s commonly misunderstood falls within the category of differences between introverts and extroverts, loners and those that prefer a lot of social interaction, etc.

    If the latter, in both those areas, has someone they don’t personally know waiting nearby to meet them they may very well be pleased by that and enjoy a conversation that follows. Whether that would be true or not if those people were to park waiting for the meeting right next to their home would depend on their level of trust that unexpected visitors are there for innocent reasons, of course.

    In the case of those of us that often prefer to be left alone, rather than be pleased we are upset, particularly if that type of thing has become repetitive, despite our making it clear that it’s not what we want or accept. The closest comparison I can think of to how it can affect our nerves and well being is it’s close to the feeling of driving while trying to avoid an accident in bad traffic conditions. For a few minutes, that’s awful, for longer, such as every waking hour spent anticipating a problem, it’s a formula for ruining an otherwise wonderful life.

    People seem to readily understand how stressful it would be to live in a marriage that was so bad that going home is something to be dreaded. Everyone would like to have their home be a haven where peace can be enjoyed. If they are working their job may well not be a place they find wonderful, but that’s separate from their personal life, so they accept it for what it is.

    Your blog is about RV Sue, and should not interfere with your personal life as Sue. If someone’s coworkers or boss were to bother them at home few would tolerate it, they expect their personal lives to be respected as just that-personal. Why should you not be granted the same level of respect in your personal life? As always, feel free to delete my comment, for any reason. I’m not trying to be controversial or start a thread that is. I’m trying to foster more understanding about how much intrusive behavior can cost those of us that don’t welcome being sought out , by even well meaning folks.

    • Cinandjules (da zone ) says:

      Well said as always……!

    • Deena in Phoenix, AZ says:

      Thank you weather, your words ring true and I appreciate them…I like the difference between Sue and RVSue…have a great weekend enjoying your world…a very lovely world…a hummingbird paid a visit today to my new hb feeder…spring is coming….all of the trees are getting tiny green leaaves…

      Deena and Miss Mollie

  59. Tammie Villanueva says:

    Im i first?

  60. Judy Fryant says:

    It’s weird that those people showed up after I had asked about visiting you!!! Some people just don’t have any boundaries, or manners!! Like the country song “God is great, beer is good and people are crazy”!!!

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