Grizzlies visit our campsite at Brooks Lake!

­I’m sitting in my camp chair watching the fish jump when Larry, my camp neighbor, comes over.

“You know the mama grizzly with two cubs I told you about yesterday?  I saw her this morning around 5:30.  She was right over there by that rock.”  He points to a huge boulder on the opposite bank of the stream that flows to the side of my campsite.

“Have a seat, Larry.”  Lena, his border collie and blue heeler mix, trots up to me for some attention.

“That grizzly was huge!  Her cubs were the size of full-grown black bears.”

I ask him how he could tell they were grizzlies. 

He explains that grizzlies have a hump below the back of her neck.  “That mama grizzly comes down to the stream for the fish that people catch and release.  Most of the trout caught on the lake and thrown back . . . . They end up dying and floating into the stream.  That’s what brings her here.”

When it comes to bears or most anything else having to do with these mountains, Larry knows what he’s talking about. 

Larry used to guide parties on horseback on trails all over this area, often involving 50-60 horses, including the pack horses that carried tents, equipment, and supplies. He had the help of a wrangler and a cook.  Some of the trails he made himself.  He’d take “dudes” high up in the mountains.  He also led hunts for bighorn sheep.

Larry has had several encounters with bears.  He can tell you their age in a glance, and he can explain their behaviors.

“Bears are psycho,” Larry remarks offhandedly.   

Lena brings me her Frisbee to throw.  I give it a toss and she sprints after it, bringing it back to me in a flash.  Spike is at my feet and the hair on his back stands up whenever Lena returns the Frisbee to me.  I pet Spike to help him deal with his jealousy.  Bridget shows her teeth. Even though she would like nothing more than to rip Lena’s face off, I know she’ll control herself.  Spike’s the one with anger management issues.

I quietly wait for Larry to continue. 

“They really are psycho.  You can see it in their eyes.  Don’t ever look a bear straight in the eyes.  They take it as an act of aggression.  I did that once.  Years ago I was driving my parents (farmers from Nebraska) around in their old Mercury up here and we spotted a bear way off.  I got out of the car to take a picture for them and, by the time I walked around the car, the bear had come all the way to the ditch by the road.  He came up out of that ditch and we met eye-to-eye about twelve feet apart.  No, you don’t ever want to look a bear in the eye.”

Larry lives about 65 miles from here in a house he built himself.  He sadly reveals that his doctor told him he had to sell his horses and quit the trail rides.

By this time I’ve thrown the Frisbee for Lena numerous times, and she shows no signs of quitting.  Larry gets up and hangs the Frisbee on a tree branch.  “That’s enough, Lena.  Go lay down.”  Larry has had a full life, rich with outdoor adventures, but not without tragedy.

Larry has me over to his campsite for dinner. 

I watch as he expertly cooks up some one-inch thick halibut steaks in a frying pan over wood coals in the fire ring.  He also cooks sliced potatoes and onions wrapped in foil which he turns frequently to keep from burning.  The halibut sizzles in the butter to a golden brown.  Larry dishes out our portions of fish, potatoes and onions onto paper plates.  We sit at his picnic table with Lena and the crew at our feet.  The dinner would have been delicious eaten anywhere, but it is particularly good eaten at a picnic table next to a mountain lake right at sunset.

Lena brings out a plate of pork cutlets.   “These got freezer burn so I cooked them for the dogs.” We give the chunks of pork to Lena, Bridget, and Spike.  After dinner we all sit by the fire.  Larry tells me more stories from his past, including fishing and camping in Alaska, visiting Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty in New York City, and eating a five-pound lobster in a fancy restaurant in Connecticut.

Three girls around 18 or so come up the slope from the lake. 

They’ve been out canoeing all day and now they’re dragging the canoe up to their campsite which is across the campground road from my camp and Larry’s camp.  The girls are from Utah.  They have a tent set up.

After talking with the girls for a few minutes, they go to their campsite.

Larry resumes the story he was telling me, but is interrupted by Lena’s fierce barking.  We assume it’s another fisherperson walking the path along the lake.  The campsites slope to the lake so steeply that you can’t always see who is on the path.  Larry tries to quiet Lena but she insists on making a fuss.  Finally Larry gets up and bangs on the metal bear box with a big stick.  The loud boom brings Lena to a low crouch and she stops barking.

Darkness creeps over the campsite, so I call Bridget and Spike to me. 

“C’mon, time for us to go home.” Larry walks us back to our campsite. Right as I’m about to thank him for dinner and wish him a good night, I look across my campsite to the stream.

“Oh my gosh, Larry, look!”

A bear and two cubs are on the bank! 

“That’s a grizzly,” Larry notes.  “It’s not the one I saw this morning.  This one is smaller and younger, and her cubs are younger, too.”

“You know, Larry . . . . That’s what Lena was barking about.  Those bears walked right past us!”

Larry calls over to the girls at their tent.  “Hey, girls!  You wanna’ see some bears?”

They come running over. Together we watch as the mother grizzly fishes and her cubs romp up and down the slope behind her.  The dogs stand still and watch, too.  After a few minutes the three bears follow the lakeshore away from us, going toward another campground on the lake.  The girls retreat to their tent.  I thank Larry for dinner, and the crew and I go into the BLT.  In a few minutes we’re in bed for the night.

I hear a commotion outside but I ignore it, figuring I’ll find out in the morning what’s going on.  No way we’re going outside again tonight!

The next morning . . .

Larry tells me the grizzly mom and two cubs came back immediately after the crew and I went inside.  “You wouldn’t believe how fast she came across that stream toward us. She crossed it in two leaps. The girls were back over here looking.  They screamed and ran.  I yelled for them to get in their car.  See, if the bear attacks the car, they can always put it in gear and drive away.”

The bears didn’t come all the way up the slope to our campsites. Instead they took the path below, returning the way they came.

Larry continues his report.  “Joe (the camp host) drove over.  I told him I sent the girls to their car and he’d better go talk to them.”

Joe also told the girls they should sleep in their vehicle.  I don’t imagine they were very comfortable in their little compact car.  No wonder they were gone by daybreak!

Well, I haven’t seen an elk yet, but I can cross grizzly bears off my list![slideshow]

When viewing the slideshow, look for the photo of the BLT, a little white dot nestled in the forest.  I took the photo from across the lake.  The photos of the grizzlies are poor because they were taken right before dark by a very excited photographer!  I forgot to take a photo of the halibut cooking, so I took a pic of Larry’s T-bone supper the following evening. 


P.S.  Since this post was written, the grizzlies have visited the stream along our campsite every night!


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121 Responses to Grizzlies visit our campsite at Brooks Lake!

  1. Chinle says:

    Great story and photos! I’m sure you’re aware a bear can get into about anything they want, including a camper, though normally they won’t. Be careful with food and anything that smells like food, as I’m sure you also know.

    In all my years camping, I have yet to see a grizz in the wild. You’re very lucky (I have seen lots of elk – LOL).

    • Chinle says:

      PS A few years ago, my brother and I were going to pack into the WInd Rivers and do some climbing at CIrque of the Towers. We stopped at the outdoor recreation store there in Dubois, and they told us the grizz had been a real problem up there that year. We had our dogs with us, and they also told us that dogs will sometimes attract bears, so keep an eye on those little cute scrubduffs.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Okay, Chinle…. I’ll keep an eye on the crew. Larry cooks outside but I’m doing everything having to do with food inside the BLT. I’m hoping the abundance of fish will keep the grizzlies satisfied!

        • Chinle says:

          Yikes. I was taught food should all be outside…but i don’t know much about bears, and I hope to keep it that way. LOL But I do recall camping once in Colorado with all my food hanging high in a tree in a bear bag and having something scary in the dark trying to get it – turned out to be a raccoon.

  2. cinandjules says:

    Once again……… you find the most beautiful campsites must be a 7th sense. Steaks look yummy. Spikey in the water as always. How come the pics of the bears came out a bit grainy? Yeah don’t mess with mama and her cubs. As for the girls….ya wouldn’t catch me in a tent knowing them bears are around. I thought all campers in that area needed hard sided sleeping quarters.

    Have a great evening!

  3. Carmen D says:

    I bet the sighting of those bears was exciting. Bears are one of my fears so I probably would of been a basket case and ready to load up and leave. I did not get to view the pictures, they never uploaded. This has happened once before, a little glitch or something. Stay safe and careful in bear country. Carmen D

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I am so sorry, Carmen. I don’t know why you had a problem with uploading the photos. It seems like many were able to see them.

      Since I wrote this post, the bears were back at the stream. Larry and I were watching and all of a sudden the mother jumped in the stream headed this way. I thought she was coming up to our campsites. It really scared me! Turns out she was jumping on a fish in the stream. Whew!

  4. What a beautiful area you are in!! The mountains are gorgeous. What a camping spot. The grizzlies might keep me on edge but what an opportunity you have to see them “in person” Great pictures,, great story. I will be catching the plane for UPSTATE New York at 6AM out of Nashville. Be gone 10 days but will have my laptop with me so I can keep up with you.
    Love you much!!!!!!

  5. bearwise says:

    it seems funny not getting an email everyday that you have posted, however seeing where you are I can totally understand your desire to stay put for a bit. I love bears I think they are awesome creatures but have to be respected or else. I hope you see an Elk on your travels they to are amazing creatures in their own way.. Spike sure does love laying in the water, does he ever swim? Floating away doesn’t count lol… what a wonderful supper that looked in the pic’s you must have really enjoyed that. Take care and give the crew a pet from us. Your northern ontario reader

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi bearwise,

      The water is too cold for swimming. Spike would rather just soak anyway. I’d have to pull him out over his head to get him to swim. I bet you know a lot about bears up there in Ontario. It is a thrill to see them.

    • hobopals says:

      If you don’t see Elk in or around Yellowstone, you’ll be the first person, I think. About the bears…I’m not your Mother, Sue, or your keeper so I’ll shut my mouth.

  6. mary strasser says:

    You do have an outstanding spot there…almost as good as Bear/Blue Lake near Cuchara, CO. JK. I think those bears have plenty of fish eat, as long as you don’t entice them with something easier, you and the crew should be OK. What an experience!

  7. Elizabeth says:

    Very beautiful spot, but my oh my…with grizzlies even…very scary…they are MEAN and do not need a reason to attack. Glad you have Larry there to be of help!! Fortunate for those girls too!! Do be careful!!

  8. Cari says:

    Another fascinating post, Sue! You always manage to find beautiful, uncrowded sites. I love the serendipity of meeting fascinating people. I don’t think I’d let the dogs run around loose if there are bears in the area, but that’s just me LOL Thank you for taking us along on your journey

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Since those photos were taken (and the bears keep coming back regularly) I keep the crew leashed up and with me at all times.

      I’m glad you enjoy coming along with us on our journey, Cari. Thanks for writing.

  9. kristine barr says:

    You are sooo brave! I’d be out of there!

  10. Casitagirl says:

    Hi Sue!

    I read about your adventures and feel as though I’m right there with you. Sure wish I was there instead of where I was today–Where I work, I don’t often even see a window or go outside! That will change someday…soon!

    My in laws lived in the New Hampshire mountains in a ski town where there are plenty of black bears. We had dinner at their condo one night when my kids were little. I sent them out to get in the car and was saying my good-byes when they came running back into the house–A large black bear was just outside the door!!

    I did what every stupid mother would do–went out and yelled at the bear and made lots of noise. It looked at me and slowly lumbered away. My mother in law told me it never came back after that. 🙂 I wouldn’t do that with a grizzly!!

    I love hearing about your adventures, Sue. Thanks for sharing.

  11. earthdancerimages says:

    Wow! What wonderful adventures you are having! Beautiful campsite too!!! Yum on the campfire dinners! Lucky you! Not sure I’d be taking very long walks with the crew, leashed or not, with grizzlies around… they look plumper and tastier than a trout! LOL!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      The crew and I are NOT taking any walks with all these grizzlies around. Several people, including parents with children, play along the stream bank below my campsite (to the side). I tell them that’s the mama grizzly’s favorite spot to fish, that she’s there at least once every day, and they look at me like I’m an old fool . . . Larry gets the same reaction. People are nuts.

  12. GingerDa says:

    Great post!! Loved seeing all the pictures too. The bears are so fascinating, but at the same time scary.

  13. Good for you! It is magical seeing a Griz in the wild… It lets you know your place in the food chain.
    Box Canyon

  14. Angie2B says:

    Sue, My son worked a couple of years at Philmont Boy Scout Camp. They were instructed to do no cooking close to where they slept. The food smells would bring the bears to them. They also had to not keep toothpaste in their tents. The bears have really good noses and can smell anything that remotely smells like food. Just an FYI.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Believe me, I was wary as we were cooking and eating outside. I didn’t bring any food outside the BLT. I couldn’t turn down Larry’s baby back ribs and taters, though.

  15. Pat says:

    You have the best adventures. I lived in Wyoming and never saw a bear!!!!!!

  16. Chris Horst says:

    Hi, Sue. Just drove by the road to Brooks Lake this afternoon on the way to Lander on 287 – driving from Big Sky, MT. We will stop there next year on our trip back from Big Sky. What a beautiful spot! Lazydazer Chris

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Chris!

      Be sure to stop at Brooks Lake. There are two campgrounds on the Lake. The one the crew and I stayed in is called The Pinnacles. Larry and Debbie are in their fourth year as the camp hosts. They are wonderful! You’ll probably meet them if you camp there next year.

  17. cathieok says:

    No way I would be in a tent. You need some good bear spray. Be careful walking. It is not good to be in between a mother and the cubs, which could easily happen. When we were in the Tetons we talked to a ranger giving tours and he said never be without it. Other than the bears, great spot. :)) Oh, yea, bears can run really fast too! :))))

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I agree wth you, Cathie! I would not tent around here. Yes, believe me…. when we watched that mother bear and cubs, our eyes were on the mama to catch the first indication her mind was off her fishing. She ignored us.

  18. john says:

    Hi Sue, What beautiful memories you are making,,, As It’s been said Bear’s can run fast, but all you have to do is run faster than Larry..

  19. Robin Harp says:

    Love reading your posts about your adventures, but this one is too much adventure for me!! 🙂 I don’t like to get near bears but 4 years ago we tent-camped in Yosemite and woke up to bear poop 15 feet from our camp! Be careful!! The sunset dinner, however, sounded heavenly.

  20. You are in site #2!!! we were there just about a week ago… Say HI to Richard the Host!!! Of course in Salem now. Let us know if ever near by… Are you following us?…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Ara!

      Salem, Wyoming? If we follow you, it’s by serendipity, not intent. If my path goes near yours, I’ll be sure to give you a shout and give Spirit a warm pat. Carry on . . .

  21. Sherry says:

    WOW! Grizzlies almost in your campsite. I’ve been tent camping and backpacking for years and have never seen one in the wild. What an honor. It really does make it clear where our place in things is. But I’m thankful that we have been wise enough not to eliminate all the top line predators. An experience of a life time is what you are having. I’m so glad I could read about it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m glad I can share all we are experiencing with people such as yourselves, who seem to appreciate what I appreciate. Not only did I see a grizzly with two cubs, Larry was with me to identify her for me.

  22. Llanos says:

    Some people! I rode a bike to Alaska and camped in a tent every night. I saw dozens of black bears, but never, never saw a grizzly. I know you will, but just have to say it, be careful Sue.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Llanos… You are so brave to tent camp in Alaska. Brooks Lake area is crawling with grizzlies. After I made this post, the camp host from the campground across the lake drove over. He stopped me and said he just saw a male grizzly climbing up the bank toward the campground! So he hopped in his truck to warn us!

  23. Dolores Tanner says:

    Gorgeous pictures!!

  24. Ms Minimal says:

    Wow, you are camped in pure heaven!! Loved the story about the bears, and the pics. Spike sure loves laying in the water. 🙂 I just got my Casita brochure in the mail today, very exciting.

    I love your blog. Enjoy your stay!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hello, Ms. Minimal!

      Nice to hear from you . . . I remember when my Casita brochure came in the mail. I wore that thing out! It’s so exciting to think of all the possibilities that will open up . . .

  25. Mark Watson says:

    Yippee…. RVSue has posted …… Life is good again.

  26. Joy A. says:

    Sue, your cooking should be the other way around in Bear Country, in particular Grizzly Country. Keep your cooking and all the food outside. You don’t want to attract the Bear to your trailer. They have a great nose for food and can sniff it out anywhere. Don’t leave a cooler in plain sight even in your Tug because once they know there is food in one they won’t hesitate the next time they see a cooler.

    Black Bears are a nuisance but Grizzlies are definitely nothing to mess with and to be sure are very psycho especially with cubs. I’d keep the dogs on a leash. No telling what would happen if Spike decides to stut his stuff with a Mama Grizzly.

  27. geogypsy2u says:

    How exciting! Especially as they didn’t come any closer.

  28. A grizzly will rip your trailer open like a paper bag if it thinks there’s something yummy inside, Sue. Be very, VERY careful!!!! Up at the Granite Chalet in Glacier, the old kitchen door to the outside has 6″ spikes sticking OUT to keep the grizzlies from trying to get in. They closed the chalet as a hotel and restaurant after the grizzly attacks and killings in the 60’s. Be very careful with anything that smells good to eat. Do what Joy says.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      We’re being careful, although I must say, I don’t think we’d be sitting around our campsite if those grizzlies didn’t have a steady, easy supply of fresh fish to gnaw on.

  29. Robert says:

    I am also having trouble being able to upload your pictures, all was going fine up until about a week ago when all of a sudden, no pictures. I am looking for the problem, hope to get it straightened out soon. At one time, I lived in that country, sure hope I can fix my problem soon. I can probably recognize from past experience just where you are.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Gee, Robert . . . I’m sorry about the pictures. I hope it’s a problem on your end and not mine . . . Ha! How selfish is THAT! Seriously, I know you’ll enjoy seeing photos of places from your past. I hope you get it straightened out real soon.

  30. Bill says:

    Hi Sue- All this ‘bear’ talk is beginning to make me nervous!

    Many years ago, I was canoeing with a church group near Glacier NP and we had special containers to store food. They were ‘bear proof’! No kidding. They were made of composite material, had rounded edges and corners and bears couldn’t get a good grip on them!

    Come to think of it, they looked alot like your BLT!! I think your safe. cheers, br, k and kids (all back together, headed North to CO for my B-day)

    • rvsueandcrew says:


      All the campsites have a bearproof container for campers. Notices are posted all around giving directions on what to do, or not to do, to keep bears from coming ’round.

      As I wrote another commenter . . . one morning, very early, the camp host from the campground across the lake, drove over to warn us that he spotted a male bear (a boar”) climbing up the bank toward our campsites!

  31. Marsha says:

    Bears. Oh my! I hope I never get to see a bear in the wild. We’ve done backcountry backpacking and in bear areas my meals consist of cheese/peanut butter crackers. I’m afraid to cook or eat anything that might be construed as yummy by a bear and end up BEING yummy for a bear.

    That Spike lounging in the water always brings a smile 😉

  32. Emjay says:

    I worked in Yosemite summers when I was in college and we were told not to keep even a gum wrapper in the tent. Nothing that smelled tasty. Over the years of backpacking there, we even had bears send their cubs up the tree and out on the limb where we had food hanging. That was the year we all ate a lot of fish from the stream because the bears ate the other stuff.

    Never had any encounters with the grizzlies, though (they aren’t in YNP) but had lots of dealing with other bear.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Sounds like you’ve had some great adventures yourself, Emjay! I didn’t know there aren’t any grizzlies in Yosemite…. I’m ignorant of all things Western, but I’m learning!

  33. Karen says:

    We absolutely love following your adventures. The bears would scare me to death. I just feel like they’re unpredicatable even more so with cubs. Take care.

  34. Ron says:

    Hum hum ,not going to say it, nope
    Ahhh Sue
    4 days with no fix I think I am going into D T’s ,shaking and cold sweats.
    Hope your having a blast.

    • Angie2B says:

      I know! I miss her posts. Bet she is having a blast.

    • Sharpei Mom says:

      Now I’m starting to worry Ron!!! 5 days and just after Sue told us about them darn bears!

      • hobopals says:

        Personally, I think Sue has just found heaven–I know I found it out there. I wrote a blog, but I didn’t get as many comments and I didn’t take the time, and I’m sure it takes a lot of time, to answer each comment. She is most likely out of range of wifi.

        I wouldn’t have stayed with dogs once I saw a grizzly, but that said I think if there was any kind of bear incident, it would have been all over the news.

        Most likely, Spikey is soaking and Bridget is watching his antics and looking for her next piece of chicken from Sue.

        Also could be that she’s not feeling well for a few days–there are so many scenarios that it’s foolish to guess. I’m just hoping (and betting) that she’s in a place that gives her the peace and tranquility that she seeks in her “nomadic life”.

        • hobopals says:

          I drove all the way down to Los Alamos from Santa Fe or Taos to get USB from Verizon for wifi, and it worked maybe 10% of the time out west. I’m still angry about it. I can’t find her on the Amazon Site with my Kindle. I did a search for “Bear Attack Brooks Lake” and Sue’s blog came up and this was the second in line: so there are no recent attacks reported.

          It bothers me, however, that neither Larry or Sue were aware of precautions to be taken around
          Grizzly Bears. There were a number of attacks in 2010 and 11 so I would have assumed that the rangers who checked on the camps would have instructed campers, including Sue and Larry as far as safety, but I don’t recall her mentioning it. I’m posting it here for informational purposes for anyone interested.

          Grizzlies are a problem in the area, that’s for sure, but I’m not inclined to jump to the worst scenario. I don’t know Sue’s real name, but the number of the ranger station is 307.455.2466 . I’m sure her family would call there if they thought there was a problem. I think Sue will post as soon as she gets within wifi distance.

          As I said I was annoyed with Verizon for trapping me with their good for nothing widget and monthly fee that was supposed to give me wifi from “anywhere”.

          • hobopals says:

            Now, that’s odd. My comment was put into moderation. I don’t recall that happening before. Now, I’m beginning to worry.

            • hobopals says:

              The test one wasn’t put in moderation. Sorry Sue. Maybe because I posted the rangers phone number and URLs. Here’s the rest of the post. I drove all the way down to Los Alamos from Santa Fe or Taos to get USB from Verizon for wifi, and it worked maybe 10% of the time out west. I’m still angry about it. I can’t find her on the Amazon Site with my Kindle. I did a search for “Bear Attack Brooks Lake” and Sue’s blog came up and this was the second in line:so there are no recent attacks reported.

              It bothers me, however, that neither Larry or Sue were aware of precautions to be taken around
              Grizzly Bears. There were a number of attacks in 2010 and 11 so I would have assumed that the rangers who checked on the camps would have instructed campers, including Sue and Larry as far as safety, but I don’t recall her mentioning it. I’m posting it here for informational purposes for anyone interested.

              Grizzlies are a problem in the area, that’s for sure, but I’m not inclined to jump to the worst scenario. I don’t know Sue’s real name, but the number of the ranger station is. I’m sure her family would call there if they thought there was a problem. I think Sue will post as soon as she gets within wifi distance.

              As I said I was annoyed with Verizon for trapping me with their good for nothing widget and monthly fee that was supposed to give me wifi from “anywhere”.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Linda….. I’m sorry! Please remember I can drop out of cyberspace any time I move camp. It’s sweet of you to be concerned. And here I am having a great ol’ time without a care in the world!

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Any comments with two or more URLs are automatically put in moderation. That’s a bummer when I’m not around… sorry ’bout that.

      • Angie2B says:

        I’ll say I am worried. I thought for sure she would have posted by now. If she just hadn’t posted about bears, especially grizzlies…. 🙁

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Sharpei Mom…. Thank you for your concern. It was bad timing to mention grizzlies and then drop out of cyberspace! Forgive me!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Sorry to cause any concern!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hey, Ron!

      Never in my life did I expect anyone to miss me that much!

      Yes, we’re having a wonderful time . . . .

  35. Jeannie says:

    Would you be willing to email me and let me know how you do your wonderful photo videos for your blog? thank you! Jeannie a.k.a. “Sparky”

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      First off, Jeannie . . . I don’t do anything special for my slideshows. I use the WordPress function for it. If you’re having trouble with WordPress, maybe I can help. Otherwise, I’m pretty clueless technologically.

  36. Ron says:

    I have been in that part of the country and I would be like Sue ,just soaking it up.
    But I do have to pick on her a little. lol

  37. Dan Bailey says:

    I have a question about solar under your batteries section.

  38. DesertHawk says:

    Never been to this, just heard about it today….just outside of the Tetons, I believe:

    • Darlene says:

      Has anyone signed up tp follow Sue on Kindle? I don’t have one so I can’t do it. Maybe she is busy with that.

      • I also have her on Kindle, it’s the very same thing we get here, WITHOUT photos or comments. So nothing showing up there either! Chuck and I are keeping our fingers crossed that Sue is just having a good time and we are trying NOT to worry! Geri

        • hobopals says:

          Geri, I tried looking her up for my kindle and it didn’t come up. Could you tell me what it’s called?

          Here’s my take. When Sue was in the desert waiting for winter weather to pass in the north, she had oodles of time and interest in the blog, but when you’re in the country that she’s in, it would be an awful waste of time spending a good part of the day on the blog no matter how much she likes comments or her commenters–at least that’s the way I felt. I maybe spent an hour, if that, per day on my blog because there’s just too much to soak up around you. I look back now and can think of a thousand details and adventures I could have put in, but I just didn’t want to devote a lot of time to it. I’m hoping that’s what Sue is thinking–I’d almost bet on it. She may be writing at night, and when she gets to where she can upload we’ll find out all about her adventures. None of us would be worried except that she mentioned the bears, and some of us realized that she and Larry were not taking the proper precautions.

          I’m still wondering why one of my posts is waiting for moderation. The only thing I can think of is that I removed the URLs and the phone number to the ranger station–then it reposted and it went through.

          Can’t wait to find out all the beautiful things she’s seen, and what Spikey and Bridget are up to.

  39. GingerDa says:

    I came back to check on Sue this morning, thinking I missed an update from an email notice. I hope everything is ok, and that you are just busy Sue.

    • Dominick Bundy says:

      After Sue not blogging for almost a week, (6 days) I’m starting to think something seriously has happened. with all kinds of terrible scenarios going through my head, I surely hope I’m wrong but as each day passes It doesn’t look good .Would there be anyway any of us readers could find out something? Let’s hope for the best…

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        I apologize for worrying you, Dominick…. although it’s nice to hear your concern! (kidding)

        The crew and I have been enjoying the Tetons… I’ll post about it soon. Gotta get us up to real time!

      • Dominick Bundy says:

        I’m glad to see your posts again, I was imagining all sorts of things.. Especially where you were camped. with all those grizzlies around… BTW , I hope you have a backup plan just in case something does happen during your adventure. (Like if you had to be hospitalized suddenly).. What would happen to the crew , the BLT and PTV. Anyway glad to know you and the crew are among the living..

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Everything’s fine, Ginger! I appreciate your concern.

  40. EmilyO says:

    Is anybody in the area of Brooks Lake and can check to see if she is still there, okay?

    • EmilyO says:

      Or someone in the area get in touch with the camp hosts – Joe & Debbie – perhaps through a Forest Service area office?

  41. Jools' Jaunts says:

    Pauline – do you have any news? Just want to make sure Sue, Spike and Bridget are all well. Though I don’t want Sue to feel she has to report in to us constantly. Bloggers need a vacation too. 🙂 Thank you so much, Jool

  42. Chinle says:

    I believe by now Sue’s up in the Tetons or even Yellowstone, totally enthralled with the country. When you’re out like that, a blog becomes less important, plus I bet she hasn’t found a wifi signal. If something had happened, it would be all over the news by now. That’s big country and if it were me, I would want to just go feral out there and forget all about civilization and the internet. 🙂

  43. rvsueandcrew says:

    Hi, Harriet! Always nice to hear from you… Glad you like the mountain pic. This place is a photographer’s dream.

  44. Cathie Laurent says:

    I think when she sees all this, she is going to be quite amused. Her computer could have crashed and she is just enjoying the solitude.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh no, I wouldn’t be amused with people concerned about me . . . . You do know I love solitude, but not at the expense of my dear readers’ concerns . . . All is well that ends well.

  45. Salli says:

    Thank you so much for the whistle and “Bear!” when our family (3 from Colorado, 5 from Louisiana) started our short hike along the stream next to your campsite to get a better look at Brooks Lake on Saturday. We certainly hustled back to the safety of our vehicles (2 of the kids must have done it by astral projection!) and watched her and her cubs with mouths agape. I’ll never forget it. The area is gorgeous, but I was glad we weren’t camping there when I saw the momma and cubs heading for the campground! You all are brave souls!

  46. I just happened to be searching the internet for “Bear Box Brooks Lake”
    & fortunately, I happened upon your travel blog! A few years back, my family was
    traveling/camping along the continental divide trail from Canada to Mexico, my husband
    would travel by motorbike & the rest of us moved via car–meeting up at NF campgrounds along the way. This was in September, my husband reached the camp first without any camp-g gear & he was very chilled, sitting there in the open at the picnic table, like a grizzly bear’s dinner, I arrived a few hours later, around sunset. We set up out tents & cooked a meal, packed our teen girls in our SUV & then retired to the thin tent, truly the cement latrine building looked more appealing to me! Though we didn’t see a bear, I could feel them—thanks to that seriously “bear aware-looking” Steel Food Box at the campsite—I’d never seen anything like it—boy, was it cold that morning, 28F, my husband etched into the frost on his motorcycle seat! I dream of returning there some day, maybe for a stay at the Brooks Lake Lodge, I wouldn’t mind being snowed in there winterlong!

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