Hide n’ seek ’round the cottonwood tree

Wednesday, March 15

Sunrise at Las Vegas Bay Campground, Lake Mead Recreation Area, Nevada

Reggie and I cross the campground to deposit our camp fee in the iron ranger.

The camp fee at Las Vegas Bay Campground is $20 regular/$10 with senior pass.  The campground has water spigots, flush toilet house, trash bins, and an on-site camp host.

This campground is unusual in that no checks are accepted.  You must pay in cash.

Good thing I have the correct amount . . .

I fill out the pay envelope, insert my money, and slip it into the iron ranger.

Reg and I start our return walk to our campsite.

“Hey, Sue!” I hear a male voice call out.  “Is that you, Sue?”

I turn to see a man sitting in a camp chair next to his fifth wheel and under its awning.

Do I know this guy?  He looks familiar . . . .

“Do I know you?” I call back.  In that instant I notice his dog.

“Oh, that’s Sadie!”

My mind sorts recent memories . . . .

Sadie’s owner, Cedar Pocket Campground. . . um, Charlie, yeah, Charlie, that’s his name.

“Charlie!  Is that you?”

“It sure is!” he replies.  “C’mon over and have a seat.”

As Reggie and I approach their camp, Sadie gets up to meet us.

“Hey, I remember you!”

While Charlie and I catch up on each other’s lives since last October when we camped next to each other, the canine pals do their own catching up via various sniffs of body parts.  The preliminaries over, Reg and Sadie commence a spirited game of hide-n-seek.

Reggie hides behind the cottonwood tree.

Haha . . . Sadie knows where I am but she won’t ever catch me!

 Sadie contemplates her strategy. 

Reggie waits, poised for the get-away.  Speed is his advantage.

I’ll wait until Sadie comes around behind me and then I’ll run really fast.

Sadie does a fake! 

She comes around the other side, surprising Reggie head-on!  Uh-oh.  Look out, Reg!

You found me but you won’t get me!

A confrontation occurs! 

Big girl against little guy . . .  Which way will the game go?

See how scary I am, Sadie?  Back off, buddy!

In a flurry of dust, Sadie makes her move on the Reggie Man!

Ack!  You got me!  Ooh, let me gooooo!”

This is intense!

Reggie informs Sadie that she’d better not try that again or she’ll be sorry.  After all, a guy has his pride.  Sadie tilts her head with understanding.

I’ve got jaws too, ya’ know!

Game over!

Contestants pause for a moment.

Hey, Sadie!  That was fun!  Whatcha’ wanna’ do next?


NOTE:  To read the story of Charlie and Sadie which I wrote about while at Cedar Pocket Campground in the Virgin River Gorge, follow this link:  “Cedar Pocket Campground and the love of a dog” – October 2016


Every order, large or small, is appreciated.  Here are a few of the items readers recently ordered from Amazon:

Crab Trap Crab Jaw
Yuasa 12 volt Battery
Ladies Wheat Straw Clip-On Visor
Gooseneck ultra-high security lock combo
7 Piece Nesting Stainless Steel Cookware Set
Caravan Sports Suspension Folding Chair, Blue


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114 Responses to Hide n’ seek ’round the cottonwood tree

  1. Kat and Cookie Dog in NYState says:

    Hi from cold NY

  2. Norman in San Diego says:

    Hi Sue,

    Second today?

  3. Pat in Rochester says:

    In the first picture I saw snow. haha! No, guess not! Boy Reggie sure holds his own, and Sadie is beautiful.

  4. Susan in Dallas says:

    Caution – dogs at play! So glad you let them do a meet and greet.

    • rvsueandcrew says:


      Yeah, Reggie needs to play with other dogs. I try not to pass up any opportunity for him.

  5. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    WhoooHooo! Yay for old friends, two paws and four alike!

    Geez, what does one do if they don’t have cash? Yowza… Pretty camp!

    Hugs from Hoquiam,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barb!

      That’s why it’s a good idea to have both checks and cash and the cash in an assortment of denominations. Early on I paid $10 for a $6 camp fee, or something like that, because all I had was a ten dollar bill. Of course that grated on me. From then on, I always have a mix of cash.

      • Barb from Hoquiam! says:

        Great plan Sue. I always forgot that you have to have TOKENS at state parks in WA, so now I have a supply in the trailer! 🙂

  6. Kat and Cookie Dog in NYState says:

    Oh Reggie sure told Sadie off. He is a really brave little fella, of course if he is like CookieDog he thinks he is as big as Sadie is…lol. It’s fun when you accidentally camp where a camping friend is, so you can catch up on life. Plus good for Reggie to have play time with a old friend.
    Love your posts as always. Enjoy the wonderful weather.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Kat and Cookie Dog. The heat wave left yesterday afternoon. Today is cool with gusty wind. Very pleasant. Not to rub it in… I hear you New Yorkers are having some fun weather.. 🙂

  7. Judy in East Texas says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie….Sadie is a big girl! So glad her and Reggie had a good game of hide and seek. Can’t wait to hear all about this new Campground. It looks like it’s going to be quite enjoyable.

    Stay safe out there my friend, judy.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Judy. Las Vegas Bay Campground is in a pretty setting, even though the bay dried up, and it’s in a handy location. I like that it has a No Generators section, plus other things like water, a camp host, and shade!

  8. LeeJ in Northern California says:

    Little dogs have no idea they are..well..little! How sweet is that game?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, LeeJ… They were cute together, just like kids. They meet, they play, they take a quick break, and they play some more.

  9. Hi, Sue and Reggie,
    I’m in The Top Rank!

  10. That first photo is just beautiful. Just like a fine painting.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Pierre. Welcome! I see from your blog you’ve been doing some… er… extreme boondocking! 🙂

      • Pierregy says:

        Thanks Sue,
        As we approach the time to leave work, the extreme boon docking is decreasing and looking forward to the RV life. You’ve been part of our learning curve. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful information.

  11. Nancy from South Georgia says:

    So cute – Reggie peeking around at her from behind that tree. Sadie is a Gentle Giant.

    I know you love seeing Reggie get to make all these canine friends and play, yet he is still your best buddy and loyal traveling companion.

    A few months back I took my RV up to Minnesota, with several stops along the way up and back, from Georgia. I had both my dogs along with me – my chow/beagle senior and the golden mix senior. On the very last leg of the way home, within 5 hours, I could go no further and had to stop for the night. I was actually nodding off at the wheel at dusk so I decided to follow one of the little interstate signs with the “Casita” image on it. Pulled off at the exit and followed a 2-lane for a mile, then another 2-lane road to a “campground.” Not the nicest and way out in the sticks. But I was beat and decided to go ahead.

    To make a long story short, I did not feel secure there that night. My golden mix, who always sleeps in her bed on the sofa, would not get in her bed but insisted on sitting up in the front passenger seat of our Class C. She was nodding off but insisted on staying. So I make her a makeshift bed so she was even with the dash and could see out the front windshield and both side windows. She slept there all night, and woke me up twice barking her head off. Something was out there and she was letting me know.

    She watched over us all night long and at the first light we were gone. I hadn’t even bothered to hook up to anything when we arrived because of how unsure I felt. So all we had to do was crank up and go. She sat in that seat and glared at every “questionable person” we passed, growling and showing teeth, until we got back to the interstate. Then she got in her bed on the sofa and went sound asleep.

    My point of the long story is…..we dog lovers know how much we are loved in return, don’t we?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Nancy,

      You’ll never find a better friend than a dog. You know that. 🙂

      You don’t say why you felt uncomfortable. I’m sorry that happened. I’ve never experienced it so I’m not sure why you felt that way. Well, if you don’t feel comfortable, there’s no point in hanging around. You did right by hitting the road in the morning.

      • Nancy from South Georgia says:

        The reason I felt uncomfortable is a combination of a few things. The campground looked deserted except for five or six rigs and they were all parked next to one another. I pulled in off the road and drove all the way in to check it out; I saw a couple of younger men come out of one of the RVs, shirtless, lots of ink, staring at me for a few seconds as I drove by. So I went all the way back to the last site next to the highway. A few minutes later a guy in a flashy SUV with spinner rims came into the campground and came to a stop next to the group of RVs down at the other end; one of the men from inside came to the window of the SUV where they talked for a few minutes. Then they looked over at my rig. Just a creepy feeling, but again, I was just too exhausted to get back out on the road.

    • Retiredcajunlady N Louisiana says:

      Nancy, being an old maid and having lived alone for more decades than I like to count, I am a big believer in my “oh-oh” feeling. I do find it has served me well over the years. You were blessed to have a dog who instinctively kept watch on you! Maybe it was nothing; but maybe it wasn’t. Smart lady to hit the road at sunup that day.

      • Nancy from South Georgia says:

        Thanks, cajunlady. Yes, you can just “feel” it when something’s not right. I always say that one of the only perks of growing older is developing good sense, so maybe mine kicked in? Better to listen to that intuition.

        By the way, having dogs at a creepy campground is a challenge when they have to go out. I clipped them onto a 30-foot tether, one by one, let them out the door to do their business, and I stayed just inside the door. This was pitch black dark at night so I shined a flashlight just in a path so they could see and get it done, then they ran back to me. My chow mix is brave but the retriever mix is a little scaredy-cat.

  12. Linda-NC says:

    It might be the BIG Reg and Little Sadie show. Reggie is just a ham! Big or small he is game! I love a good dog story and you tell it so well. The sun is going down on Clark Hill Lake and the wind finally stopped. Very peaceful at the moment. Awful storms last night in norther GA. Lightening, wind and heavy rain. Surprisingly Maggie slept right through it. She can’t hear very well anymore. She is feeling better. She had a visitor yesterday-a beautiful Golden Retriever. She enjoyed the company! Enjoy your posts as always:))

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Linda. I’m glad your Maggie had a visitor.

    • Barbara (Nashville) says:

      We had those same storms here in the Nashville area around 4:00 pm yesterday and sent them your way. We had hail, high winds and some wind damage in various areas.

    • Dawn in Asheville says:

      Glad to catch your post! Sounds like you are “weathering” your first adventures – bad pun intended! Our first one back when in Denver was WIND. 24 hours of gusts that actually picked up our 37 foot and shook her a couple of times. Coming down the foothills was hitting her broadside. Finally at 2 in the wee hours I’d had enough and we packed the dog and cat up and headed for a hotel. We just had to get some sleep and my nerves had to come down off the cliff they were off. We were hooked up to a big propane tank and that’s what scared me most. Uh, why didn’t we just unhook that? Or move to a spot that wasn’t crosswise. Cuz it was COLD and were rather dumb- LOL. What a funny thing now that we look back on it. Noogie to Maggie. Hope you are enjoying your travels!

  13. Pookie and Chuck in Todd Mission Tx says:

    thot you could sneak this post in on me, huh?
    now to go back and read…….
    chuck and pookie

  14. Sonia W says:

    I camp there all the time. I live in Henderson, NV and the campsite is 20 mins from my home.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sonia,

      I do notice, every time I camp at Las Vegas Bay, that the local people enjoy it, too. In fact, I met a woman who lives in Henderson and I’ll be writing her story in a future post.

  15. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Nice photos. Reggie looks just like Angel giving the bigger dogs what for. She bears her teeth and barks like crazy. I always though she was trying to pick a fight and I pull her back. Guess that was incorrect?? Please let me know. I am still learning about dog behavior.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barbara,

      Sometimes the growling is for real, sometimes for play. Angel might growl at the big dogs out of fear/defensiveness, but if she found out they didn’t want to hurt her, then maybe they could be pals.

      Always be hesitant to pull back, unless it’s absolutely necessary, because, in my experience (I’m no expert, have no training), pulling back intensifies the aggressive behavior and can worsen the situation.

      I can’t tell you how many times Reggie has approached a leashed dog in a campground, ready to play. Before the dog has a chance to indicate that he’d like to play, too, the owner pulls him back and then the dog lunges aggressively, all chance at play gone.

      You’re doing great with Angel. We’re all learning and trying to figure out why our dogs do what they do. That’s part of the fun! 🙂

  16. Jan Johnson says:

    I love how dogs, just like kids, can pretend! The growling and carrying on when they are just having fun. Reggie had quite the magnificent playmate this day.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It’s fun to watch, isn’t it, Jan… We have to be careful with Reggie and Sadie playing together. Sadie would never hurt Reggie on purpose but sometimes she’s hopping around like Reggie and accidentally steps on him. For that reason we don’t let them play for long, stopping them before they become super excited and rambunctious.

  17. Retiredcajunlady N Louisiana says:

    The sunrise picture took my breath away!!! I my mind’s eye, I saw myself sipping coffee and watching the sun rise!! How blessed you are to be able to wake up to such beauty! And Reggie–such a cutie-pie…small, but mighty! So nice to meet up again with Charlie and Sadie. She is such a beautiful dog. Love the pictures and description of their play!! Gotta love dogs at play. Thank you again for another wonderful post!! Belly rubs and hugs for Reggie-Man, and prayers for you both!

    PS Paying $10 for a $6 night stay would have irritated me too!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, retiredcajunlady,

      That’s exactly the kind of reaction to my photos that I love — you imagining yourself at the same scene, in this case, watching the sun come up. I want to share the beauty that I experience and it is gratifying to learn that I succeeded with that picture. Thank you.

      Yes, I am blessed. With sunrises, with happy dogs, with readers who take the time to write here. 🙂

      • Chey (WA coast) says:

        “with sunrises, happy dogs, readers who take the time to write in.”

        Okay, you got me good, RVSue. You know I haven’t missed a post since 2011 and have read all of your archives and geez, I don’t put out 😵

        Well Sue, I get out of “Shady Pines” in a few days. For the blogerionos who don’t know, I’m an aspiring full-timer whose plans have been delayed when I lost my leg from above the knee 15 months ago from a blood clot. So I’ve got an apartment and a G20
        wheelchair van. I might just use the van. Until the space drives me mad, then a transit bus, sell the van. Yep.
        What a great post and that campground is a for sure on my list.
        That Reggie sure is a good dog. Ya done right by him, Sue.

        • Dawn in NC says:

          It’s great to hear from you Chey. I always like an update from fellow blogorinos on how their plans are going! I think that you are awesome for overcoming your delay and keeping on with your original plans! You Go Girl!

          • Chey (WA coast) says:

            Thanks Dawn. What a community! I love me some Blogerinos 🌵 🌴 🌞 🌛 🌎 I could go on 🐾🐾👣

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, Chey,

          Ha! I got you good! I am happy to see you here.

          I like your thinking. Just use the van and if or when it doesn’t serve your needs or wants, move on to something else. That is much better, in my opinion, than going with bigger or more expensive and then finding you have more than necessary. Lots of folks make that mistake with their rigs. I think it’s a carry-over from buying real estate — The former belief that you should buy as much house as you can afford because it will appreciate (those were the day, eh?).

          Then they buy a rig that is as much as they can afford. Start RVing with it and find it doesn’t fit in those wonderful, out of the way campgrounds and boondocks or is too dang complicated…

          Enough of that! I’m very happy for you, Chey, that you are out of the rehab facility and have your apt, the wheelchair van, and a spirit for living life to the fullest. Brava!

        • Nancy from South Georgia says:

          “Shady Pines” I laughed at that one…it’s from Golden Girls, right? My mother and I always joke about it, she’ll say “Oh, yeah, you just want me in Shady Pines, doncha?” whenever I tell her I’d like to help her with some security and/or issues or maintenance on her house. She is just kidding because she knows that she isn’t going anywhere unless it’s with me or my sister, that we’d never put her in a nursing home unless we are both too feeble to care for her. Ongoing family joke…

  18. Pam from Wisconsin says:

    She’s a beautiful big girl! Go, Reggie! Show her who’s boss:)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pam,

      Reg and Sadie played a lot more than what I show in this post. Reggie was exhausted by the time our visit was over and we walked back to the other end of the campground where our site is.

      I’ll be showing more dog pics in coming posts. I didn’t want to overload this one.

  19. Dawn in MI says:

    Hi Sadie-girl! Nice to see you again!

  20. Pookie and Chuck in Todd Mission Tx says:

    sue, I just ordered some flea medicine for my fur babies thru
    your website…….not big bucks but I figure every little bit helps..
    my babies have already got fleas and its not summer yet…..grrr
    chuck and pookie

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, chuck,

      I zipped over to my Amazon Affiliate account to see what orders have come in today and I see the flea medicine. Thank you. I mean it when I say I appreciate every order, large and small.

      Darn fleas. Animals suffer so. You know? Fleas and tics are a very big reason I want to stay where we are. I’ve never seen a flea or tic on Reg and I want to keep it that way. Good luck with the medicine. I know you love your crew and want them comfortable.

  21. suzicruzi from Van, WA. says:

    Hi Sue! First, thanks for the great advice yesterday! All doable, and it makes good sense. I too am afraid I’ll worry about money at first and try to be too stingy. I think it takes awhile to relax in that respect, and get into the “flow”.

    I wanted to say that your last picture on your blog yesterday, with your camp in the shade looks so peaceful and so inviting; like, “pull up a chair and have some ice tea” inviting. What came to mind was a perfect picture for a Casita catalog. Talk about selling a lifestyle!

    I also wanted to mention the photos you posted today with the two dogs, and how quick with that camera you are! I love, love! the one with Reg’s teeth bared as he comes ’round the tree, and he’s almost in a play-bow, but his tail is not up. It’s a wanna be play-bow, with just a tad of trepidation. Part of what attracts me to your blog is your relationship with your dogs, and the fact that the Casita and your travels is just a cover up for a good dog story!! 😉 You had me from day one because I cannot put down a good read about dogs.

    And you are right; your blog is “magical”, and I say that because you have brought together strangers from all walks of life with your stories, and have given (us) a place to come where we feel safe and have a sense of camaraderie. I thank you for offering us this. It’s like an island of peaceful breezes we can retreat to at the end of a busy, or hard day. Or for me, someone to talk story with over my morning coffee after my walk. Either way, your blog is a great place to just “be”. I do very much enjoy the Blogorinos that have found their way here, and I love to read all the comments as well as your posts. What a great, non judgmental community! Reggie, this is for you, you handsome Jasper! xo

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      What a wonderful comment, suzicruzi! Fun to read, interesting, and heartfelt… and full of great compliments (that’s my favorite part). 🙂

      Your presence here in Blogorinoland adds to the “magic.” I’m sure there are many who enjoy reading your comments as much as you enjoy reading theirs. Every time someone drops in here, even if only to say a few words of hello, this place is enhanced. Thank you for being a part of my blog, suzicruzi!

      “you handsome Jasper”… Never heard that expression before… 🙂

  22. I’m with Chuck Sue, you snuck this post in on us,, lol😃, we went for a long walk and saw some coyotes, so we came back fast, but I’ve been watching the clouds coming up over the mountains to the south of us and thought about you and the Reggometer, hope its not as windy as it is here and it’s a cold one too , NOAA says snow at 6500 ft. elevation to night with more tomorrow 🌨🌨❄,,, I truly hope Reggie didn’t get hurt when Sadie got him, his neck I mean,,, nice to hear you was able to see Charlie and Sadie again,, well have a safe and warm night and give the Reggometer a huge hug from us, okay?,,,,,,,👣👣🐾

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Piper n’ Rusty,

      Reg and I are at a new camp and, yes, it’s windy, and turning cold. The sky is incredible! I just now ran outside to take photos… Gorgeous pink clouds against deep blue . . . .

      I never thought I’d say this, but the cold wind is refreshing and a nice change after the heat wave.

      No, Sadie didn’t hurt Reggie at all. That was a pretend bite. 🙂

      You have a save and warm night, too! Hugs all around…

  23. Cinandjules (🌵) says:

    Reg man’s big boy snarl made me laugh!

    Remember when Reg man was scared of bushes and trees? He’s come so far! Sadie is huge compared to him! Glad they had fun! And you enjoyed catching up with Charlie!

    Starting to get windy down here in da zone. T storms tonight!

    Have a great evening

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Gee, I had forgotten how fearful Reg was. Well, he still is scared of sharp noises, but, you’re right, he’s come a long way. He trots around the campground with such confidence. It’s funny.

      It’s stormy here, too. No rain yet, but it’s on its way.

      You have a great evening, too!

  24. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue!

    I just caught up reading your last few posts. Ah….you have returned to so many of my favorite places! Joshua Trees, Lake Mead, Boulder City, and Las Vegas! Thank you for sharing the cool facts about Clara Bow! I had a hunch that you might end up at the LV Campground. Despite having close neighbors, it has always been an enjoyable stop for you and the crew. Enjoy your stay…stay cool in the shade! 🙂

    Reggie man…you are so ferocious! You put Miss Sadie in her place! Glad that you had fun playing with your pal. 🙂

    Sending you both love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! Thanks for letting us tag along! Oh, did the new fridge survive the official break-in, lurching over the washboard road and cattle guards? n’Nite! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Denise,

      It’s nice to know you don’t mind posts of repeat camps. Sometimes the best choice is a place that one knows.

      The refrigerator survived the washboard road. Thanks for asking!

      I always appreciate the love and hugs from you and Gracie pup… Sending you the same from Reg and me. 🙂

  25. Rover Ronda (WA) says:

    Looks like a great time was had by all🐾😃

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes! Charlie is a relaxed and easy conversationalist and Sadie is a friendly dog. Always enjoy visiting them both, which we did more than once at that campground.

  26. Joyce Sutton says:

    I had fun with that crab trap. Who knew. Amazon has everything. I have kept them busy this last month getting all the little details worked out for going full time with kids for summer at least. I bought that pan set last year. I keep small one with handle on in oven for quick use for hot chocklate coffee grits oatmeal etc. I bought it for spific reason. They work on the induction hot pad I bought. Only use in campgrounds I have electricity though of course. Got my generator repaired and boondocked for 4 days and so bother by how loud it is. Someone will run me out of a camp it upset me even and stuff like that usually doesn’t phase me. After raising 4 teens and not grand teens. Not mych phases me but after a while that hit to me. I guess just talking to Sue has ruined me. I don’t need much anymore and propane is enough but the younguns want power with a capital P. Gene repair place says to run everyday and at least once a week for 2 hrs with a load of at least 50% power load. I’ve bought buch stuff as sue can attest I haven’t slightest idea what yo do with but hopefully if I need it someone will. Like fuse and battery monitors and 12 volt extension cirds for vac and lithium batteries for am power tools. Amazon is truly a wonderful place. Lol

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Joyce,

      Wouldn’t it be great if someone would invent or design a way to muffle the sound of generators? Then solar people and generator people could camp beside each other with nobody being annoyed or feeling guilty. “Sue has ruined me.” Oh dear, I’m sure you aren’t the only one, Jean!

      You are going to have an interesting summer, making memories with your “kids” as you RV. I’m glad you enjoy shopping at Amazon (of course!). If you meant you were the one who bought the crab trap, I thank you for thinking of me and Reg when you went shopping.

  27. Dawn in NC says:

    Sue, I love how it how you remember the dog’s name and struggle with the person’s name. I do stuff like that all the time!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Funny thing, too, that Charlie told me he wasn’t sure if I was the person he met previously. Once he saw the dog with me he knew I was the same woman. Then he remembered Reggie’s name and it took him a while to remember mine. 🙂

  28. weather says:

    Good Morning, Sue,
    What a beautiful sunrise scene your first photo shows. Your being an early riser, and so often finding morning to be the best part of a day, adds a lot to the pleasure you , and your blog, give me.

    How nice that you canines and humans happened to be camped near each other again. Reggie and Sadie have such fun when they play together. I hope part of Charlie’s and your catching up included finding out that he’s doing well. The whole story about his helping out at the dog shelter and how he met and adopted Sadie showed what a good hearted and special kind of guy that he is.

    One dog I had a longtime ago was a German shepherd. Like Sadie, he could be trusted to not hurt smaller creatures. Their breed are guardians by nature. Having him be with my son and the children in our day care center made his being in my life all the more wonderful.

    You and Charlie have advantages most people don’t when it comes to understanding safety when the dogs are playing. You spend round the clock time with them, are the only ones walking them, seeing how they interact with new acquaintances, etc. And in the cases of Reggie and Sadie can tell they hadn’t suffered a lot of physical abuse or injury from animals and people before you adopted them. What wonderful freedom to enjoy themselves all of that has let your sweet furry companions have.

    Thank you for another fun and happy story, I love those! To the best of your knowledge (I know mutts can be hard to guess about) what breeds and/ or mixed breed dogs did you have in your life before you began blogging?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, weather,

      I love it when I see or learn of dogs who live a life for which they are perfectly suited. Your German Shepherd was a happy dog, I’m sure, because he could protect and guard the children in your day care center and be loyal to you. A perfect fit! Thank you for sharing that.

      What an interesting question, at least for me! …. What breed dogs did I have in my life prior to blogging? Well, my first dog was a mid-sized dog, probably with some collie in her, another similar breed followed. In adulthood, my early dogs were really my husband’s… a German Shepherd (who could be vicious… Should’ve been a hint regarding my husband’s character as dogs are often reflections of their owners), a Saint Bernard named Gretchen…

      My choice of dogs, or the dogs that chose me, were a wire-haired terrier mix, a pointer-type dog, two collies who herded and protected my miniature goats, a small cur-type dog, Janie, and then the original RVSue crew, to Reggie.

      Simultaneously with these dogs were the ones who stayed with me for short periods, each one a sweet memory. Many of those stayed long enough to seem like MY dogs. 🙂 They included mixes of keeschond, husky or malamute, beagle, shepherd, hound, wire-haired terrier, and Heinz 57s. My foster home was primarily for mid-sized dogs, although there were a few large dogs I took in because the rescue org didn’t have another place for them to be fostered at the time.

      I wish more people who have the facilities (fenced yard and such) would become foster parents for dogs. Many who would make wonderful foster moms or dads don’t foster because they fear they will be heartbroken to give the dog up when adopted. I wish more would try it because any feeling of loss when the dog leaves is overcome in far greater measure by the joy at seeing the dog become a special member in a loving home (instead of being a statistic of euthanasia!). Foster parents feel little or no loss because they know from the get-go that their purpose is to bring together the dogs and people who will love them.

      I’m pleased you enjoyed the photos and story. This is Reggie’s blog, too, so I have to include his activities. 🙂

      • weather says:

        What a wonderful variety! Gosh, I’m glad I asked you about that.I imagine you have sweet memories about each one that was, or seemed like, yours. And that being cared for by you was a great comfort to those that later went on to become part of other families.

        Alright, I just have to ask about your miniature goats 🙂 ? !! Did you have a lean to where they slept during the rain? Did they have the run of your whole property to graze in? have a water trough? Did you wake up one day and think “I’m sick of mowing grass, think I’ll get a herd of animals to keep it short for me?” What was that all about?

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Ok, the miniature goats..

          No, I didn’t get them to keep the grass cut. Goats prefer to browse, rather than to graze.

          When I bought the house in Georgia the back yard was a jungle. I cleared the area near the house(snakes in Ga). The jungle area, which was a good sized plot, was fenced. However, goats are master escape artists so cow fence wasn’t adequate. I fenced a smaller area using fencing that would hold them in and had that fence go around a sturdy shed with a good roof that had a door opening, one window, and a plank floor. I kept the floor of the shed covered with a deep layer of clean straw. This is where the goats went when weather was bad and also to give birth, unless they were the kind who liked to drop their babies anywhere in the field! Yes, they had a water trough.

          I would let the goats out of the smaller field into the larger field for munching on brush. They wouldn’t escape with me present as I was the head of the herd. It was very relaxing to watch them browse on the brush and to walk around with my little goats following me.

          By the end of the year they had the jungle cleared out quite well. Then next spring it would grow back (plants grow like crazy in GA) and another cycle would begin.

          Sometimes I would take the goats out so they could graze on the brush at the fence line to the side of the house, even though this meant they were loose. The collies were in charge. I could go inside the house and trust that the collies would take care of the goats. One time I looked out the window to see the goats in the front yard near the road. No danger. The collies walked back and forth between the road and the goats to make sure none left the yard.

          At my request, my uncle built a platform up in the tree about 20 ft off the ground with a narrow ramp. The goats liked to go up to their treehouse where they felt most secure. They would relax up there, surveying the property below. The baby goats were fun to watch as they would gambol and play on the ramp, knocking each other off and such, and daring to go all the way to the treehouse.

          And that’s the story of my goats.

          • Elizabeth says:

            Sometimes my dad’s regular sized goats would jump up on cars he had around his place (he worked on cars for a living)…but I never heard of a 20ft in the air place for goats…no doubt they liked it however…nothing they seemed to enjoy more than playing “king of the mountain”!! Heh…interesting info here…thanks…

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Goats do like being above it all. My uncle was a retired billboard painter (back when people liked billboards). He set up a scaffold for himself and built a sturdy platform with 2×6’s with a long ramp that had slats so the goats wouldn’t slip.

          • Cinandjules (🌵) says:

            Great story about your goats and the collies.

            “This is Reggie’s blog too”. Way to cute!

          • Denise - Richmond VA says:

            Hi, Sue,

            Thank you for sharing your experiences with your miniature goats! It sounds like they were very content with their jungle and tree house! Did you ever use their milk? 🙂

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Good morning, Denise,

              No, I never used their milk. Miniature goats aren’t good for dairy purposes. I had no interest in goat milk anyway. These were pets and jungle-controllers.

          • beach boomer says:

            weather’s question was mine, too. Saved you 2 responses! I learned how awesome goats are at a farm park in Oregon. They come when called, show affection, have personalities, and jump straight up in the air! Who could ask for more? Sounds like they are a good memory for you. Interesting reading for me.

        • weather says:

          That is a delightful story, and wonderfully told! I could picture everything you mentioned, Sue. Your photos often let us see places we want to visit, too, yet you really don’t need them to illustrate somethings that you write about.

          As often happens. I sit here likening you to a pioneering woman. Though for periods of time there were literal or figurative fences around you, you didn’t let anything keep you fenced in for too long.You packed your wagon to head south then out west after a better life.

          In this story you even had to clear the land, wow!
          Knowing you planted a garden to grow your own food , and filled in an adjacent field with corn flowers to bring a touch of beauty there, adds to the concept.

          For perspective of what an adventurous person you are, I’ll mention that I know people who have never or rarely been outside of NY state and still live in the small area they were born in.

          Several times readers have suggested you write a book. These excerpts about your journey are, for now, more than enough to satisfy me. Thank you, once again, for taking the time to give an amazing response to one of my simple replies. I’m all smiles and happy sighs, such a lovely way to start my day…

  29. Good Morning, RVSue,
    I love your RV-lifestyle as a splendid vagabond/blogger. So I could not believe your long stay at the Midland LTVA, but enjoyed your pictures of various species of beautiful flowers like “Spring ephemeral” in the desert.

    I’m really glad to read your recent posts about proceeding with your travel because I’m all excited about your first campsite or boondocking area where almost no one knows.

    Your route and anchor points from now on are fixed? If not, please…
    I’m looking forward to reading how you search/challenge and where you trip.

    Have you been to Lake Mohave where is part of the Lake Mead Nat’l Recreation Area?
    How about Cottonwood Cove or Katherine Landing CG?

    Have you been to the Carrizo Plain Nat’l Monument, CA?
    Wildflowers spread across the plain during March, April and May!
    How about KCL or Selby CG? Both CG are Free and FCFS.
    I parked overnight right in front of KCL CG because of the government shutdown in 2013.

    Have a nice day!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning/evening, fuji,maru!

      Yes, Reggie and I did spend the longest time ever at Midland LTVA, mostly because we were waiting for the refrigerator to arrive, I wanted a rest from travel, and I wanted warmth in the winter. I’m glad you enjoyed the flower pictures.

      No, my route is not fixed. I will look for new boondocks again this summer. The main reason we return to former camps is their location on the route out of southeastern California. There are only a few ways to do that and this route is my favorite.

      No, I haven’t been to any of those places you mentioned, except for visiting online and looking at photos. That government shutdown made life challenging for us RVers! We stayed in a few campgrounds that were officially closed (water turned off, no camp host, etc.) which was enjoyable.

      I will look at your link…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I read some of the entries in your blog, fuji-maru. Great job! Thank you for including me in your list of favorites and for putting me at the top. I’m honored. 🙂 You have a nice day or evening, too.

      • Thank you for visiting my blog.
        Your blog is very impressive and have a bunch of info for Japanese travelers including those of who rent an RV in the US.
        There are few people in Japan who know “Full-timer” and RV-lifestyle. Very different from American.

        I’ve been thinking that I could introduce your posts to Japanese people by English-Japanese translation on my blog in real time.

        Television show named like “RV-lifestyle and Full-timers in the US” will air in Japan on a newscast or documentary channel someday.

  30. ApplegirlNY says:

    That Sadie sure is a beautiful dog. Funny who’s name you remembered.

    Yup, when you have kids and critters, you become “so and so’s mother” or “so and so’s owner.” It’s all good.

  31. Elizabeth says:

    It never ceases to amaze me, Sue, how little dogs…esp. little male dogs, seem to feel like St. Bernards!! My daughter’s little hairless rat terrier took on 2 raccoons…now they hurt him bad…but one of them limped off and the pair never returned…but I must admit seeing Sadie with her mouth on Reggie’s back was scary!! You never said anything to stop it?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Elizabeth,

      No, I didn’t stop their play until later, when they had become hyper and Sadie was jumping and lunging. I didn’t want Sadie to accidentally pounce on Reggie’s back which could hurt him badly. That photo of Reggie in Sadie’s jaws was them having fun, nothing more.

  32. ChanW says:

    RVSue, It’s so nice to see you and your friend Charlie letting Reggie and Sadie ‘do their thing’, and play, in the way that dogs do.
    Sure Sadie’s huge, and too, Reggie clearly knows how to ‘state his case’ with teeth bared etc. but you-all let them play it out and have a good wrastle.
    So often my DW or I would just like to let the dogs go at it (in fun), but the other dog-owner is getting obviously uncomfortable with all the scary growling, so we call it off.
    We’ve only ever had one situation over the years, where the other dog was actually ‘serious’ (and its owner was taken by surprise), but we didn’t realize how serious until a few days later when we found the puncture wound festering in our pup’s ribcage.
    I like your dog-sense!
    Best wishes.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, ChanW,

      Great to see you here! Your story reminds me of the time Spike received a puncture wound from a lab named Scooter, a fellow RVer friend’s dog. Spike and Scooter got along fine until Scooter figured Spike was too close to his man. If I hadn’t been so busy gabbing and instead was watching the dogs, I would’ve seen what was about to happen!

  33. Terri from rainy (yea) Texas says:

    When I was 3 my parents had a house built and we moved there. One day my mother was out talking to our neighbor across the street and their big german shepherd named Rebel came over. He scared me so I ran. He chased me! I fell on our sidewalk and skinned my knees up! To this day I absolutely LOVE German shepherds! Ha! Actually I was frightened of the dog for several years but one day the older boy called a bunch of us over and showed us how well trained he was which was smart of him. Love the pics!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Terri,

      That “older boy” did you a great service, as you know. If all you heard after thinking the dog was chasing you to do you harm, were people telling you “Stay away from that dog!” or “People ought not to have dogs running loose!” or “Oh my god, you could’ve been bitten!”… well, you could’ve been turned away from loving dogs from that point on.

      Thanks for sharing that personal experience.

    • Rita says:

      We introduced my infant granddaughter to our female German shepherd Heika the new member in the family. Front that point on, Heika slept near Kayla. When Kayla started walking Heika supervised Kayla so she wouldn’t fall, Heika was always there so Kayla could grab her for support. I have some adorable pictures of them playing in the sand box, sunning in the back yard, swimming in the baby pool together. When school started, Heika always waited for Kayla’s return looking out the window. I miss Heika terribly…she was one lovable dog but very protective.

      • Cheryl Tucker in The Lower Thumb of MI [Vassar] says:

        I was terrified of dogs up to the age of 8. My late Dad brought home a white and brown spotted terrier mix. He let him in the house, I immediately jumped from the floor to the top of the couch in one bound, screaming my head off! My parents told me, ” You better make friends, ‘cuz he’s staying and so are you!” So, with much coaxing and coaching by my family; Casper and I became fast friends, and I loved him to death. I’ve got pics of him and I taking cat-naps on that same couch I was perched on top of. We had him for about ten years, and as Terriers are want to do, he wandered off to die by himself, so we didn’t have to bother with him. That was one looong week of worrying and searching for him, but to no avail.

  34. Rita says:

    I remember the old days when Route 66 was still Route 66. First it was a one lane with traffic in both directions, then it turned to divided highway, then to interstate. My elderly uncle and aunt couldn’t read or write, so when the interstate was built, they parked before going across the interstate for fear they might enter the wrong lane. My cousin discovered them one day and asked if they had a problem….’yes’ was the answer. So cousin instructed aunt and uncle how to cross, enter interstate in both directions but he cautioned them the exit and entrance to interstate were different and not all the same. Aunt and uncle said they had no need to enter interstate…they just wanted to cross to get to the post office.

  35. Patti from So Cal says:

    Hi, Sue..

    I very much enjoyed both the blog and the comments! Particularly, the advice you gave regarding fostering dogs. I also loved the last blog about Nipton. I don’t think I’ve been in a blink-town with a population below 10.
    The photos here are adorable. Reggie’s eyes and ears give him so much character, and the ‘growling look’ is so cute!

    So, as I mentioned, I’ve been reading your blog from the very beginning. I began in 2013 and left off in 2014, save for some ‘dipping in’ periodically.
    Here are some comments on old posts;
    I love the house and property you sold! It’s always been my dream to have land, and a small cozy house…with a veggie garden, fruit trees, chickens, etc., etc. But, here in CA it’s way too expensive. I am grateful for where I live now, it’s close enough to what I want without the large mortgage.

    “His Casita is in the bassinet –er, bay — ..” 🙂
    “Good. I don’t need spectators for the backing-in.” (I can relate:))
    “It’ll be good to throw at a rattlesnake and run”

    Those are just a few of your many, many comments that made me laugh.

    I also learned you’re a retired English teacher. I knew you were a teacher but I didn’t know in what field. English came as no surprise, as your grammar is practically impeccable (which I find refreshing). My mom has always been very strict in terms of us kids speaking properly. To this day she corrects me.

    I relate to so many of your stories. In the early 90’s, my boyfriend at the time built me a utility trailer for hauling dirt-bikes. So, by the time I bought my R-Pod in 2013 I was already experienced with backing-in, etc.
    Now, here I am at Olema campground in the Bay area. I noticed a woman, by herself,
    beginning to back in her little Air Stream Bambi. I assumed her husband must be at the office or something (because surely, no other woman, besides myself, is camping alone). I turned away and went about my business. Anyway, we got to know each other and I learned she actually was by herself.
    Her name is Ann. The night before she was leaving we decided to have dinner together. She told me about the couple camped across from us and how nice they were, but, way too eager to help with her backing up the Bambi. Her story made me laugh.
    She left in the morning and I was leaving the following day. Instead of waiting until I pulled out the next morning I decided to dump that day while no one was there. Done. So, I’m back at my spot and started to back in. When I turned my head towards the front of my truck I gasped from being startled by this man looking right at me, with bulging eyes! I rolled down my window and smelled a strong odor of alcohol (not that I have anything against drinking…responsibly). He never said a word, just started giving me hand signals. Now, here comes his wife, with a Bud Light in one hand a Marlboro in another. She never utters a word either, just gets behind me and starts her hand signals! He was telling me to keep going and she was telling me to stop. At that point I was getting irritated.
    I am always friendly with people, and truly appreciate offers of help. However, these people never “offered”, they just a$$umed I needed it and commenced in giving it.
    I finally told them I was doing OK on my own and I thanked them. He insisted I should be farther away from the picnic table, to which I replied; “I don’t really care, I will be leaving early tomorrow”. Sheesh!
    I couldn’t wait to tell Ann. 🙂
    I remember reading about the man getting angry at you while you were backing up the PTV. 🙂

    I still have not made it to Anza-Borrego, or to any wildflower territory! After all, “Daylight’s burning”. Something always comes up. First, I did some work for my nephew but hey, that’s always cash in my pocket. Tomorrow I will be taking my niece up to San Francisco..which will become her new home (ugh). Along with her mom, the 3 of us will have some fun! I hope take some nice photos.
    Perhaps next week Lilah (my canine kid) and I can hitch-up and head somewhere…God be willing!

    I am enjoying your blog so much! I’m only up to Sept 2011 so it’s going to take me a while to catch up. I still read the most current ones first, even though I don’t comment on all of them.
    Have you ever thought about turning your RVSUE blogs into a book? It would make for a nice read.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Patti,

      I do appreciate you reading and commenting on the archived posts. It’s fun for me to receive your feedback! I’m sure others enjoy your interesting comments, too.

      No, at this point, I don’t want to put my blogs into book form. If I ever write in another format, I may write short e-books priced inexpensively. That probably won’t happen until I give up blogging. Who knows?

      I was particularly interested in your story about the couple trying to “help” you back up. Good for you for turning them away! I make it a rule never to accept help for something I can do on my own.

      I hope you and Lilah get the chance to go camping next week. Thanks again for traveling with us… both in the past and in the present. Have a great day, Patti!


    • beach boomer says:

      Hey, English teacher! Wm Shatner tweeted a message to a guy on TV named Nick Viall. He said, “You are disgusting, Nick, just like your last name — a homonym.” RVSue, do you see Shatner’s big mistake?!!!!!

  36. JazzLoverWMa says:

    Love the hide and seek pictures of Reggie and Sadie. They really look fierce baring their teeth to one another. Had to remind my self that Sadie was not hurting Reggie when she had him in her mouth. Your captions were spot on as always and you are absolutely correct, it is Reggie’s blog as well and would be incomplete without him. Thanks for the smiles.

  37. You and Reggie are so brave, that’s a big dog! Love the way it turned out.

  38. Shirley Altenes says:

    What a sweet story about how Sadie got adopted!

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