Horses of many colors: a slideshow

The BLT is cool.

With the window on the shady side of the Casita pulled open and my Endless Breeze 12-volt van set in front of it, our home is cool and comfortable even in the warmest part of the day.  I guess it’s around 83 degrees here in the desert of central Arizona.

Other than a quick trip to shower at North Ranch and to check for mail at the Congress post office, the crew and I are relaxing at home.  We discover the horses on the way back to our camp.  They’ve become quite bored with the sight of us, except for a colt who approaches me with curiosity.[slideshow]

This warm weather isn’t going to last. 

Temperatures are expected to drop so that Sunday’s high will only reach the high sixties with a strong possibility of wind and rain.  I knew there was a reason I didn’t head for the mountains just yet!


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29 Responses to Horses of many colors: a slideshow

  1. Sherry says:

    Love those horses. I love animals living and roaming freely. Great pictures! Love the slide show. So how did you do it?? You are SO creative!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      How did I make the slideshow? I uploaded the photos into wordpress. Then I clicked the button that has the word “slideshow” on it. LOL

      I love horses, too, which I guess is pretty obvious.

  2. Geri says:

    WoW! The horses are beautiful!!! You still got apples on hand??? You are one lucky lady! Hang onto your hat girlie……… it’s supposed to get real windy starting tonight both in AZ and NM !!!

  3. Chuck says:

    What a beautiful little herd you have there, Sue ! Wish we were there with you! Hunker down, kiddo, thars a nor’easter acomin’ !!

  4. Donna K says:

    I enjoyed the slide show of the horses. The cream colored one with the black mane and tail – it that called a bay or???? I don’t know anything about horses but I love that color.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Donna! I think that color is called ‘buckskin.” We need Chuck to explain these horse terms to us . .. He knows horses.

      • Chuck says:

        Buckskin is correct!!!!! Sue wins todays prize!! The coloring is a bit of a throw back color, usually have black mane and tails and a stripe running from the base of the tail along the spine to the tail. Some will even have ‘zebra stripes’ on their upper legs, usually pretty faint. Buckskin, like palominoes and pintos, are a ‘color’ breed and the colors can go to Quarterhorses, Arabians, Tennessee Walkers etc. EXCEPT Appaloosas.Appies are somewhat like the spotted horse in that herd but the viscera in their eyes will be white vs black. Study hard, kids, quiz will be tommorrow morning…..

  5. hobopals says:

    I have an Endless Breeze that I keep in my truck. I can’t use it in really hot weather, but on the iffy days if I have to run into get groceries and can find a shady spot, I put it on to keep Jack cool.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks so much! I completely forgot that I could do that with the 12-volt plug on the fan! The Endless Breeze can move a lot of air quickly. If the PTV’s been sitting in the sun a long time I could cool it down for all of us before leaving camp instead of relying on the AC. With so much stuff holding heat, the AC takes some time.

  6. hobopals says:

    Oops, forgot to comment on the horses. We saw a lot of them in Nevada-incredible to watch a herd in a dead run.

    There’s a wild horse and burro rescue ranch over by Pyramid Lake near Reno. We saw a colt born when we were there–we didn’t think it was going to make it, but after an hour of filming, he got up on his feet and the horses (like elephants) gathered around it to support it until it got its sea legs. Sad to see hundreds and hundred sof them. A friend of mine told me that they became pests where she lived in Sparks–that was a number of years ago. Another case where humans encroach upon the rightful owners of land.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I may be wrong, but I’m wondering if these horses belong to people up on the main highway. Their property is adjacent to this land, and they have a big corral. It looks like they might rent horses or lead trail rides. The horses are obviously not wild.

      What a memorable experience you had watching the foal and his “support group.”

  7. Sure glad you had the camera batteries charged. That’s a great slide show. They are all beauties. Was Spike going nuts? Hopefully these winds pass through quickly. We could sure use the rain. I read possible snow up here. Glad I just filled the spare propane tank. Hang on.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Gaelyn … Glad you liked the slide show. No, Spike wasn’t going nuts because I left him and Bridget in the PTV. I had to walk a distance from the lane to get close enough for photos. Yes, he probably would have gone nuts, though maybe not as badly as with the cattle. Cattle have a way of staring that freaks him out.

      I was thinking of you, wondering if you’d be getting much snow. You’ll surely be hit with lots of wind. You hang on to that mountain!

  8. Elizabeth in NC says:

    Beautiful horses!! 83 degrees in dry desert is way cooler than 83 degrees in humidity, isn’t it? Glad you are able to manage there!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth!

      In reality it was more like 86 degrees according to the weatherman I listened to at the end of the day. (I need to get a thermometer!). You explained why I thought it was around 83 degrees!

  9. rvsueandcrew says:

    Given the possibilities of animals that could be strolling around us . . . I’m glad for horses!

  10. Bill and Ann says:

    Beautiful horse photos. What an experience. Cold and raining still. A bit of sun out at the moment.

  11. What a lovely site…. I know looking out and seeing my horses is but one of the reasons I am still here. How wonderful to know that one day I can enjoy the wonders of horses without all the work! So are you enjoying the wide open spaces of Arizona versus NM. I would be interested in your comparing both experiences since you have some time under your belt. I have been following your travels but experiencing computer illness. (I hate when that happens)! Karen

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Karen!

      Compare NM and AZ . .. .hmmmm. That’s hard for me to do because I didn’t have solar in NM so I had to stay in campgrounds for the hook-ups. As soon as I got the solar power,I went to AZ where I enjoyed my first boondocking experiences.

      Good idea for a future blogpost someday when I can do a good and fair comparison.

  12. Hello Sue,

    I’m not quite sure I have the words to say what I’m thinking and feeling. I’m new to your blog. I want an RV more than words can say. I’ll have one too, as soon as I can work out a few things. I created my blog in October and have been reading other blogs and researching the way of life ever since then. Being a fulltimer speaks to everything within me.

    Yet, in all the reading and research I have done, I have yet to find anyone doing it quite like I imagine. People seem to “gather” in their RVs. That’s not me at all. There are a lot of men that remain remote, but I haven’t found any women and quite honestly, was getting a little worried, until I found your blog. You give me great hope, and you are such an inspiration. Thank you.

    The horses touch my heart. The cows make me laugh. Sure would like to see a video of your dogs tail spinning while running. Thank you for taking the time to share it all. I look forward to reading from the beginning.


    • Hello again – just curious – I realize I posted my comment on an older entry… does WordPress alert you to all comments like Blogger does? Thanks again, Debra

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        I used to get the email alerts and found I compulsively went to my blog every time one appeared which put me on the computer most of the time! I need to allow the alerts again and exercise some self-control. I would hate to miss heartfelt comments like yours.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Debra . . . Hello and welcome to my blog!

      Your comment touched MY heart. You’re so right about women RVers wanting to “gather” with others. The way I look at it, if I wanted to have tea parties and potluck suppers, I would have kept my sticks-and-brick house. A house on wheels means getting away from it all and the “it” is primarily people!

      I’m glad you found my blog. It means a lot to me to hear that I am helping another woman see and realize her dream. I can tell from your comment you are much like me. So much comes through “between the lines” when a person is a kindred spirit.

      I hope you do read my blog from the beginning because I’m sure you will identify with the stages of preparation I went through, as well as the excitement and happiness once I shoved off from my old life. Debra, you’re going to love it. I can’t begin to convey how much I love living like this, no matter how many times I try or photos I publish here.

      You are blessed to have found what’s right for you. And yes, you can do this all by yourself in the way that is exclusively yours. Keep moving toward your goal. It’s a wonderful life! Good luck!

  13. RTL says:

    I’ve always wanted to see the wild horses. Love your photos. Thanks so much for posting all of the wonderful photos of the desert and the crew. They are so cute.

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