Tuesday, January 16
If lambs are a sign of Spring, then Spring has arrived in Blythe!
About a week ago, on the way into town, the crew and I see a mama ewe cleaning up her just-born lamb. I only slow the Perfect Tow Vehicle for a quick glance and don’t stop for photos, not wanting to cause alarm.
Yesterday, on the way to town, the scene is much different.
Lambs all over the place!
The photo (above) shows only one group. There are several more across a large field. I would like to sit in the PTV and watch them, but after a few minutes the moms become nervous.
At the first sign of that, we continue on our way.
~ ~ ~
The PTV has a new starter!
Reggie, Roger and I walk the sidewalks of Blythe while the work is being done. I don’t take photos because the light is too harsh.
The labor for installing the starter is $90.
Juan’s Auto Repair Shop is a “cash only” business.
I’m not aware of that until I ask Juan if he wants payment with “check or credit card.” I don’t have ninety dollars in cash with me. All I have is twenty-five which I give him.
I promise Juan I’ll return with the rest of the cash.
I offer to leave a check with him. “You don’t need to do that,” he says smiling.
I gotta’ say… Juan is a hard-working guy with the most consistently cheerful attitude I’ve ever come across. Later we return with the balance owed.
~ ~ ~
I almost never drive after dark any more.
There’s no need to. Night attractions don’t interest me. In fact, we’re rarely on the road at sunset. Maybe that’s why, as we roll across the desert toward home, the boys want to look out the window at the special light of the setting sun.
First Roger . . . .
Then Reggie joins him.
“It’s a beautiful world, isn’t it, guys.”
If you’d like to browse and shop Amazon and see a few of the products recently purchased by readers, follow these links:
Organic Elderberries
2 Stone Diamond Ring
Cordless Rechargeable Hair Clippers
Instant Pot Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker
Time Release Multi-Vitamins for Senior Dogs
From post of June, 2017: “7,000 Surprises While Boondocking”
RVSue and her canine crew is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.
It’s the wonder of all wonders! Thank you, Sue!
It’s a beautiful world indeed and not because I’m first, but because it TRULY is a beautiful world, especially living the life you do. When we are on our road trips, we are seldom on the road at dusk. We find a stopping point with plenty of light to setup for the night or days. We often though are up early at the break of dawn to hit the road. Ahhhh . . . the “road” and I say that lovingly. My husband and I are vagabonds at heart and truly enjoy the journey as much, if not more, than the destination.
Are those twins nursing in the third photo? My daughter in law’s family raised sheep. They often purchased award winning rams to sire their herds. They also said those rams are very mean and cornered them more than once in the barn. Those were days past as they’ve sold all the sheep and retired to a simpler life.
Yes, those are twins…. You’re very observant!
You give me the opportunity to explain something not shown in the photos. I noticed that twins each had a leg tied to the other with a bright plastic strip. In fact, in the photo of the twins nursing, the strip was distracting to the photo, it being so bright like neon, that I edited it out.
If you look at the two lambs in the photo by themselves (different lambs than the other two), the lamb in the foreground shows evidence on one leg of once having a leg band that has been removed.
Interesting comment, Renee. 🙂
I thought I saw one too many sets of legs! I see the band evidence on the one’s leg. I wonder why they join them together? So the mother is more likely to accept the two or that they are less likely to get separated from the mother and abandoned? Hmm.
I don’t know. Maybe to keep the lambs from being separated and spare the mother stress?
Maybe a blogorino will explain…
Banding is generally referred to as an act of castration or tail docking. What the picture shows is likely where they tied two lambs(twins) together in order to keep a wandering lamb from wandering off prior to the ewe/lamb bonding process.
That makes sense.
Had a Ram ram me in the back back when I was in FFA.
They are both protective and aggressive.
Lesson learned….don’t turn your back to a Ram.
Love your use of words!!!
mrdsee – thanks for the answer!
LOL…I didn’t even THINK about being close to first. All I wanted to do was see those lambs! 🙂
That’s funny! Hi, Suzette. Glad you’re here.
You and Suzette tied for second!
So enjoyed this post as usual, and rereading the June 2017 post. What a life
I’m getting close. Wondering, who did your solar install? I’m dreaming.
Hello to all blogerinos, and hugs.
Hi, Virginia,
I’m pleased you enjoyed both posts. My solar plan was designed by Mick n TN and the installation completed by Starlight Solar in Yuma, an excellent company that I recommend. They let me camp overnight in their parking lot and then set to work on it early the next morning.
Hugs to you, too! Did you get your new rig? (My memory is crummy.)
I haven’t got new rig yet as present one is still in service for extended warranty issues. I have a couple VERY interested. I have FOUND new (used) rig north of Tampa and I’ll be headed there the day after mine sells to inspect/purchase, if it’s still available. EXCITED!!.
The Utah and NM Benchmark recent purchases were me. Building library, and dreams.
I’m heading to Page, AZ and UT April/May, come heck or high water. You started my dream. Now’s the time. BTW, 6 months today. I’m doing ok.
Thank you for the fast response, Virginia.
Six months. You’re doing very “ok,” dear one.
Thank you also for those purchases. I think you’ll find the Benchmarks reliable. It takes a while to see all there is in them. Heck, I’m still discovering stuff!
Page and Utah…. Great choices! I know you’re going to be wowed by the sights and experiences!
Good luck with the sale and also with finding and grabbing the best rig for you…. It’s exciting making dreams real!
Benchmarks delivered today!! Happy reading and dreaming tonight!!
Haha! That’s great! I’ve worn mine out as much with the dreaming as with the actual travel. 🙂
Two thumbs up for Starlight Solar!! Wonderful people.
Good morning, Krystina! 🙂
Thank you.
Long way from Mobile to Yuma (sounds like the making of a song 😁), but can I be a name dropped, Sue, when I get to that point?
If you meant “be a name dropper,” sure, but I don’t think my name means anything to them.
Adorable lambs, thanks for the pictures!
That sheepdog sure looks like he was giving you the stink eye! “Move along, nothing to see here…except SHEEP” Lol
Hi, tamra,
You’re right. He WAS giving us the stink eye. “Move along. You’ve got no business looking at my sheep.” 🙂
The mama sheep and the dog are sure giving you the eye! Love the little lambs and enjoy Reggie and Roger looking out at the sun. So enjoy your blog, thank you for always having something positive to say.
You’re welcome, Shirley. 🙂
Wow, another great post and Rosey is part of that White Large Sheep Herding Dog and Australian Shepherd…
I’m going to the ER at The VAMC in Louisville Thursday Morning, Elizabeth is taking me in cause I’m having trouble breathing at night, I’m unable to lay flat and I get out of breath just walking to the main house for dinner, I keep telling myself that I am getting better and sometimes I feel better and then I start gasping for air, so Elizabeth is fetching fire wood for me, so I can keep my chest warm, unable to understand what’s going on, I don’t have Mucous in my Lungs, So I’m going to get it checked out, my next Appointment is in February, the 5th and the 6th, Lab then see my New Provider,(Doctor), up at Grayson County VA Clinic near Fort Knox, 29 Miles away, but on to the ER at Louisville VAMC Thursday 78 Miles away,,,,, Pray I don’t have COPD,,,,, Have a Pleasant week and give the Boys a huge hug from us, ok,,,,,, 🐾👣👣
Hi, Rusty,
I don’t understand your first sentence. Is Rosey a dog at your place?
Prayers that you find out what is causing your breathing problem and that there’s a sure and quick solution for it. I’m glad you have people nearby to help you get to your appointments and anything else you and Piper might need.
Thanks for keeping in touch, Rusty.
Are you on any other medication, like any heart medication? Of course you don’t have to answer, but there is a certain class of heart medication (specifically for v-fib but also prescribed for a-fib) which can cause shortness of breath.
Nothing other than Aspirin Sarvi in Oregon 🐾👣👣
Prayers going up for you.
Thanks Virginia 620 AL
Yes Rosey is a old dog and Ally Couper is a young Blue Hound female dog,,
Rusty, I have been diagnosed with different lung issues, including COPD. Whatever’s the correct name for mine, I do all right except for two things. Any product with the word “fragrance” in the ingredient list along with cleaning products and a few other things give me trouble. The other thing is extreme weather. I’m in Ohio, the same part of the country as you, and we’ve been having extreme weather here lately. That’s important enough in my health that I’m likely to either move to the Southwest or just take to the road. Any way it goes, COPD doesn’t have to stop you from enjoying life. You might have to take care of yourself, though.
Hi Calvin, I lived here and in Jersey and didn’t have any issues, I haven’t had any cold or flu in years, but had Bronchitis back in 2003 at a YMCA Summer Camp in Big Bear, California and had to have a Inhaler for a month and healed up nicely ,, prier to catching the flu this last Thanksgiving Weekend we went 4 wheeling for 2 days in a Honda Side by Side over the back roads and down to the Green River running through it and just about a weeks ago when I thought I was getting better we went again, I’m thinking That I must have a bad chest cold or Bronchitis again, or this cold weather is really messing with me, I’ll be going to Louaville VAMC Thursday Morning to find out,, but every time I talk myself into going, I start feeling better, Must be a syndrome because of Pheniox VAMC that I used to go to, huh,,,,,,,,,,,, Rusty
Rusty, In September my husband was having trouble breathing. His oxygen level dropped to 80%. So he was put in hospital. They said he had organized pneumonia. I had to google it to see what that was. He is still on oxygen at night, but on the mend. Good luck hoping you are feeling well real soon.
Good luck on getting a good diagnosis, Rusty. Hope you’re feeling better very soon.
Thanks Ruthy and Nora, ,, BTW, my Brother’s wife’s Mom left a tank of Oxygen with a Nose hook up tube and this afternoon set it up for me, it’s on a wheeler and I have it set to the #1 setting and it’s helping a lot, also I heard that while out in extreme cold weather to breath in thru ones nose and out the mouth, all is working great,, the Oxygen is like having a very large can of Boost Oxygen, which I used when Piper and I visited the Colorado Rockies this Summer to help getting over the Passes of 11,000 elevations,, like RV SUE did the year before,,,,,, 😎🐾👣👣
Glad you’re feeling better on the oxygen Piper and Rusty, Ky, I have asthma, but well controlled. This past fall, I was coughing more than the usual, so I upped by inhaler, which is ok. Then I got a cold just before Christmas and the cough would not go away. My Dr prescribed 5 days of Prednisone to “knock it out” and 14 days of using Breo instead of my Flovent. Flovent is a steroid and Breo is a steroid and a bronchodilator. It’s helping, so now I have to determine if I can go back to my Flovent or have to switch to Breo. Oh the fun of having chronic health conditions.
Hi, Rusty,
I will be keeping you in my thoughts and sending up some extra prayers that you are feeling better soon. I am glad that you have your brother and friends to look out for you, and get you to your dr appts. Sending you a hug, and snuggles for Miss Piper. Take good care!
Thanks Denise in Richmond, Virginia,,,, Here is another thing that I thought about, I bought a electric heater and then bought a wood stove to better heat our little home and save on the electric bill,, well in the middle of the night I would load up the stove and as I was loading it , it would smoke till it lit and only had 1 window cracked for ventilation, soo, now I open the Bathroom window and place a fan in a window across from the wood stove and turn it on high to draw out the smoke and refresh the air,, my smoke stack is 3in in diameter and it clogs up a lot, I’m changing the stack to 4in with a “T” for a easier flow,(draft) and clean out, now when I used a W Stove before, I had 4 inch pipe and never had a problem and not thinking and lack of funds and damp wood all combined I was slowly killing myself with poor venting and drafting,, but NOT NOW,,,, love to you all,,,, Rusty
Hi Rusty,
I noticed & was also thinking that the breathing trouble started after you were heating with the wood stove. I’m hoping that’s all it was & now that you’re ventilating better, that will help with your fix. Feel better every day. Good luck with the docs tomorrow. Hugs.
Hi Rusty, With my asthma I can’t heat with wood. I have breathing problems if I do. It’s the smoke that gets to me.
Hi, Rusty – How hard it is on us when we can’t get a good breath. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Hi Rusty: I’m glad to hear you’ll be going to the doctor this week, although it sounds like you may have figured out what’s been causing your problems: poor ventilation and cold air. Cold air is definitely difficult for your lungs, especially if they are already compromised, so be sure to breathe through your nose when you’re outside in cold weather and/or keep a scarf around your face to warm the air before it reaches your lungs. Will be saying some prayers for you – please let us all know what the doc says on Thursday (if you’re comfortable with that!)
You captured the mamas and babies so beautifully. Love the photos of the boys enjoying the sunset.
Thank you, Martha. I wanted so badly to stay for more lamb photos, but I count myself fortunate to have grabbed these few shots. I might take some more the next trip into town. 🙂
I love looking at lambs! They are so sweet and adorable. There are quite a few farms around here with lambs, and it’s just incredible watching them being born and grow.
The miracle of new life . . . . 🙂
How cool to see all the baby lambs! My friend raises Savannah goats. They are having babies now too! She also sells the males to increase other herds quality. What a fun surprise to see the baby lamb photos! I agree, the work dog is giving you the stink eye!
Hi, Geri,
You taught me something. I never heard of Savannah goats. Here’s a link that shows what they look like. Nice looking animals!
Savannah Goats
Thanks for the link, Sue!
Hi Sue,
Signs of spring! Loving seeing the little lambs. Here in the frozen midwest we are not seeing any signs of spring yet. I sure wish! Thanks for the pick me up today!
You’re welcome, Jolene.
Awww, what could be better than baby lambs? So glad you got to see them. $90 to install the starter is a pretty decent deal. Glad the boys enjoyed the sunset as you drove by.
Hi, Lisa,
$90 is Juan’s hourly rate. The starter cost over $200. I’m happy. It’s a good thing to support an independent, small business.
It’s nice to know spring is arriving somewhere. Not here, but somewhere. That sheep dog knows his job is to keep anything but the ranchers away from the flock, especially with the vulnerable lambs. He’s succeeding, too.
I could watch that sunset right along with Roger and Reggie. Thanks for including those pictures.
You’re welcome, Calvin.
My parents raised sheep hence my first job was a shepherd…it’s on my resume too. Anyway, I’ve never seen lambs hobbled together. Perhaps it’s a new thing to get abandoned lambs to be accepted by mother sheep. As a young shepherd, we were discouraged from touching lambs and getting our scent on them…once a scent gets on lamb, mother sheep will abandon lamb and discourage it from nursing. I also saw the movie “Cold Mountain” where Nicole Kidman puts a lamb skin over a little abandoned lamb to be accepted by mother sheep…this too I have never seen. Sheep spook easy so a little lamb running around with a carcass on it’s back would surely not be accepted by a herd.
My present home use to be out in country and often a herd of sheep and lambs were pastured in a field across the street from me. The I-10 freeway went through, development all around me now and the loop 202 has begun….no more cotton fields, pecan trees, coyotes, jack rabbits or sheep in the hood anymore. Even some of the migrating birds don’t come through here anymore except I do hear hummingbirds in fall and spring and put out my feeders. I also plant flowers year round to help bees and hummers. Love your photos…especially Roger and Reggie enjoying the sunset.
Hi, rita,
Yeah, putting a lamb skin on the back of an abandoned lamb sounds a little hokey, like something Hollywood would think up.
It must be sad for you to see the changes around your home. I’m glad you had that in the past, at least, and that the hummingbirds and flowers are something for you to enjoy
That is my first thought. New momma has to bond to the abandoned lamb. Need to make sure every lamb survives.
Oh, Sue, thanks ever so much for the photos of all the sheep and lambs! You know I just LOVE sheep, of all kinds and ages! Some lambs really are the very picture of innocence, aren’t they? The photograph with two lambs by themselves is adorable!
It’s so considerate (typically so) of you to not disturb a ewe with her newborn and then on another day leave at the first sign of the other moms becoming nervous. With their natural concern for their babies the last thing they need is to be disturbed or frightened at such precious moments.
Juan sounds like a good guy, not just a good mechanic. I have to admit when I read that your starter is now installed I actually winced a bit, thinking of how soon the canine pals will be separated. That’s silly, of course, considering that they all were happy before they had their daily visits , so all will be again.
When I first looked at the picture with Roger at the window and of Reggie looking toward what looked like home with Roger my initial thought was that they were looking for Skeeter. I was relieved that you thought they were enjoying a rare chance to see sunset while riding, you know your boys so well I’m sure you’re right. You’re absolutely right about “It’s a beautiful world, isn’t it Guys?” … 🙂
You’re welcome, weather.
It was easy for me to know that Reg and Rog weren’t looking for their pal, Skeeter. Where those photos were taken, his campsite is in the other direction (driver’s side of the PTV) and the boys know this area quite well. They might have been interested in two RVs over that way. Who knows…. The way they were so calm made me think it was the special light of sunset. Plus it makes for a nice ending to a post. Ha!
Thanks for the nice post, sue. Are we lucky to have people like Juan in this world!
I have a question for the blogorinos:
I am in the market for a van to convert into a camper. Would you recommend AGAINST getting a dark one? I do plan to be in the desert a good bit. Thanks for any advice you have.
It’s a proven fact that dark vehicles become hotter inside than light colored ones when parked in sunny places. Also they will take longer to cool off, even with air conditioning. This isn’t just from my own experiences of having both dark and light colored cars, though I certainly noticed the difference. You can do a web search to find sites like Autotrader who have conducted experiments to show how much the temperature rises in one vs. the other.
If you don’t mind waiting for your vehicle/home to cool off or ever have a living being left in one I guess a dark one might appeal to you and so be worth choosing.
Thanks, weather. I had seen a dark one I liked but all of a sudden it dawned on me that that might not be a good idea for precisely the reason you stated.
Love your lamb photos!
Glad to hear you got the van running well!
It is sleeting today here in Tx. and I am taking care of Bret who is sick with the flu for the 2nd time in two weeks. And we both had the shot!
His 60th birthday present I guess. 😬 We are tucked in well, though, and hope you are too!
Take care! 😀
Oh, gee, sleet and flu… happy birthday to Bret! 🙁 Get well soon and start enjoying your 60s. Mine were the best years of my life!
Hi, Terri!
Wow! They lamb early out there! Around here, we plan for April lambs, when most of the bad weather has passed and the green grass comes back.
Hi, Becky,
Well, I guess the lambing can be early because there’s no bad weather to pass and there’s plenty of green stuff in the irrigated fields.
Full-timing and traveling to stay in mild weather has my sense of seasons all mixed up. Not that I mind. 🙂
At the library a couple weeks ago I noticed the yellow leaves had fallen from the big cottonwood trees, covering the ground. I thought to myself, “Looks like fall.”
Hi Sue.
When I was a young pup in the Air Force, my mother used to write to me. She would write something about whatever she did that that day and would mail 2 or 3 days worth of notes at a time. Your blog reminds me of her writing style and an email from your blog gives me the same comfortable feeling I used to get when I went to the post office on the other side of the world to find a letter waiting for me. Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate it.
I have a favor to ask. Over the last few weeks and holidays, I am beginning to think that there is no peace and quiet left in the world. Big, exploding fireworks all around me have made my dogs a nervous wreck. 4 Wheeling Off road vehicles zoom around stirring up dust and noise and I can hardly enjoy the recreational areas around Phoenix because of the constant gunfire.
Can you please tell me that there is still peace and quiet to be found in your world? Please take time to notice and describe the sounds for me. I have a situation with my dogs that has made it impossible to go camping for several months and my day trips are not inspiring me much. Thank you.
Gosh, Ken, you have my deepest sympathy. Not only is the noise of guns, firecrackers and loud vehicles irritating and disturbing to the ears, the feeling of helplessness and unfairness that goes along with it can be infuriating. I’m really sorry you have that in your life.
I’ve had holidays and weekends like that, even when full-timing. As time goes by, one becomes more aware of the signs of an impending hell of noise and can avoid it.
One of the reasons we come back to Midland LTVA is the peace and quiet. It’s a big reason actually. We camp far enough from the road that the trucks from the quarry aren’t noticed and they only run on weekdays. At night there are long stretches of no sound at all, then it is broken by the bark of a dog far in the distance or a band of coyotes yipping. The sounds of nature are pleasing.. . rain tapping the roof, wind whistling through the ironwood tree. . . .
I treasure the quiet and wish I could send some to you, Ken. I hope you can escape the noise and dust soon.
BTW, that’s a lovely compliment you gave me, telling me my writing reminds you of letters from your mother at home. 🙂
Thinking about the location of Queen Creek,AZ…. Someday take your camper to Las Ciegnas Conservation Area, not far from where you are. It’s a serenely quiet place to camp, breeze bending the grass, herds of pronghorns, not a lot of people, and it’s quiet.
Thanks, Sue and Crew. I hope my situation changes before long. In the meantime, I’ll be enjoying the peace and quiet vicariously along with you, Reggie and Roger.
Quite on another topic, I had to click to see what a Squirrelinator was. ha ha.
Good marketing name… I leave the squirrels to do their thing, though.
Hi, Linda,
I read some of the customer reviews on the Amazon page. Hilarious! One guy wrote that the squirrels banded together and attacked him. He ended his review with the simple statement, “I’m taking back my home.”
Oh dear, that’s a serious situation, that there.
One of my favorite picture books as a child was called Miss Suzy and it was about a band of rogue squirrels who took over the nice squirrel home of Miss Suzy, a lovely housekeeping sort of squirrel. So there are bad squirrels! I’m not sure it’s available any more but I recommend it to anyone with squirrel-loving tots.
Is this it?
Miss Suzy
That’s the kindle edition. Amazon also has it in paper.
“Miss Suzy was a little gray squirrel who lived all by herself in the tip, tip, top of a tall oak tree. She liked to cook, she liked to clean, and she liked to sing while she worked.
Every morning Miss Suzy made herself a bowl of acorn pudding, and as she stirred it around she sang:
Oh, I love to cook, I love to bake,
I guess I’ll make an acorn cake. . . . “
That’s our Miss Suzy! For sure!
I enjoyed reading that book to my children back in the day
Haha! Glad I’ not the only one who looked up the squirrelianator. Sounds as though I need to go back and read the reviews for a good laugh. 🙂 The boring old dog vitamins are ours. So was the plush electric blanket a few weeks ago. With today’s high temperature of 8 degrees, that blanket is SO wonderful!
Thank you, Rochelle! I appreciate your purchases. Glad the blanket is keeping you comfy!
Sue, I love it that you expressed concern for the lamb moms…and I’m sure the MOM’s appreciated it as well. I also love people like Juan because they are the folks that make our country work. Great pictures!
You’re right, Joe. The people who DO things for themselves and for others are the backbone of our country. Hard-working, honest, full of cheer, a positive attitude from doing what they enjoy and are good at.
I’m glad you liked the photos. It’s not hard to take good pics of sweet animals. 🙂
One of your best photos depicted a great example of just such a worker. I mean the one in your 7000 surprises post, of the guy and horse walking over the bridge behind the herd of sheep. It’s a really great photo suitable for framing , and portrays the dignity and dedication of one taking their work seriously.
Good morning, weather! Your comment gives me an idea. I’d love to create a collection of photos of workers of this country. What a challenge and a delight! A challenge to capture the essence of their daily lives, their contribution to the world, and their character and point of view…. and a delight to meet them, to learn about their line of work and to share their “dignity and dedication” through photography.
I changed the photo to the one you described. Ha!
Nice, thanks! It really is a work of art, and has the type of meaningful depth I referred to in my reply to you on the last post. I really like your idea about creating that collection of photos, too.
We often have thoughts in common. Yesterday and today I had phone conversations with two different women. Both times we spoke about how we wished more people respected all kinds of work and appreciated the people doing it. We weren’t talking about your blog, we were talking about friends and family, about their sacrifices for their families and other people, and the values they hold that make whatever they do worth it.
whoops, now it’s in two places. : (
Hi, Sue –
What a lovely site – all those ewes and their lambs. I would love to see that sometime. I remember the Pagari Bridge post. Such nice photos of a fabulous event.
Thanks for sharing.
Today, as I picked up my battery from the solar place that equalized it and gave me the good news that it was ok, I had a thought. “What would Sue do?” I admire you for the way you have met obsticals and thought about them and then handled them.
Thank you.
Pamelab in Quartzsite AZ for now.
P.S. I never realized those Interstate batteries weigh 75 pounds! Getting muscles.
Nice comment, Pamelab. Sounds to me like Pamelab is handling obstacles very well. 🙂
Enjoy the Big Q!
Thank you, Sue. I’d say I want to be like you when I grow up, but I’m older than you!
Hi, Ronda! 🙂
Hi Sue🌠🌃
Ooooh, a shooting star!
Hi, Sue,
Thank you for sharing the lamb pictures! The babies are all so cute! The dog seems to be saying, “You all had better move along. Don’t even think about making me get up!” Ha! He is doing a good job, protecting his herd.
Glad the PTV is fixed and is road worthy again. Yippee! 🙂
That huge swath of snow moving across the country is headed my way in the next few hours. We are expecting 1-4 inches, possibly 5….which means they really don’t know for sure! As of now, work is opening late….if the storm is more than expected, the delayed opening may change to closed for the day. Gracie pup and I did our snow dance….hoping for a snow day off! 🙂 ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️
Have a good night, Sue. I love the header of the boys playing happily – pure joy!! Sending you, Reggie, and Roger love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂 N’nite!
N’nite to you and Gracie pup! I hope you have the day off tomorrow! 🙂
Yippee!! Work decided to close due to the inclement weather. Gracie and I are watching the snowflakes fall….so pretty. I love the “quietness” of snow. The real world is temporarily blanketed with beauty that muffles the noise that has become part of our “normal.” **happy sigh**
Have a great day, Sue! 🙂
Hooray for Denise and Gracie!
Good morning, you two cuddlebugs. 🙂 I’m happy for you!
Thanks to everyone for your comments about not being too old. You gave me a lot of food for thought. It is evident that full timers are a great big family. I didn’t realize how much support is out there for full timers. I need to do some planning and set some goals for myself. Seventy is still a couple of years off. I also have to do some things for myself to make sure I am in tip-top shape for the trips.
The idea of working on the road is appealing to me. I worked for 40 years as a teacher. Are there opportunities on the road for and home schooler tutoring for students? I am also an amateur story teller and children’s book author. I loved what I did and would like to keep sharing my skills. I just don’t know what opportunities are out there. The more I think about it, the more excited it get.
Good morning, Ms. T.,
Maybe blogorinos will give you ideas on what you could do to share those important skills you have, although your message is at the end of comments (and views by readers).
I’m not coming up with anything off-hand except for this thought: If full-time life on the road is something that appeals to you and you determine that you want to do it, then go about “planning and set some goals” to make it happen. It’s my belief, for what it’s worth, that while you are on that new road in your life, the opportunities you seek will present themselves.
Some folks call that serendipity, others call it destiny, I call it God’s hand on your life. Whatever it means to you, if it is the true desire of your heart, believe it and it will be given.
I hope you choose to be a part of our community here. 🙂
Hi Susan,
While life has taken you to new parts of our great country, I have traveled back to Clarke County. Still hoping to win the lottery. Until then, still teaching:) I love reading your wonderful stories of adventure. I am sorry about the loss of your babies. You will be shocked to hear Janie is still with us. She does not see well, but eats and gets along with Woodie and my new blind kitty, Jim. I found him at school. You keep my hopes of a less stressful retirement alive. Miss you dear friend, Lynn
Lynn!!!! Oh, what a fantastic surprise! I have thought of you so often and wondered how you are! I figured Janie had passed on and maybe you didn’t want to bring that up….
I am so delighted to hear from you! I hope you and Chuck are both well and happy.
I heard from Tawnya (math teacher) a couple years ago and she told me you were at a different school. I was glad to hear it and hoped you found a place where your skills and wisdom would be recognized and appreciated.
There aren’t many people in this world that I miss, but I DO miss you. Thanks again for taking such good care of Janie. You played an important part in the change to my new and better life. Retirement is incredibly, wonderfully, stress-free.
Love you, dear friend.
I love it when dear friends reconnect!
That is so cool. I am happy for them both.
Darling lambs – and so many!! The Great Pyrenees is so serious :-))))
It is definitely a most beautiful world to enjoy with our besties.
Hi, Jodee!
Awwwww, the lamb photos are so sweet – made me want to just reach through the computer screen, grab one and cuddle it! You are so wise to realize when the mama ewe was getting nervous, and leave. NOt being a farm girl, I’m not sure I would have realized it and would probably just sat there in awe, taking photos all day! You did make me curious about why the legs were tied together and I found this article, among others: http://livestocktrail.illinois.edu/sheepnet/paperDisplay.cfm?ContentID=9831
Who knew I would go to RVSue and get a lesson on animal husbandry!!! Have a beautiful day in this beautiful world 🙂
Wow, Cynthia. That’s a thorough article on what to do with a motherless lamb. I learned a lot, too. Thanks for the link!
You have a beautiful day, too, in lovely San Clemente. 🙂
Wow! Great article! Thank you for sharing, Cynthia. 🙂