Leasburg Dam State Park, NM

Goodbye, Caballo!  Mooooo!

Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee. . . These two are always together.

I wake up intending to leave Riverside Campground before noon. 

The crew and I get a late start on our morning walk.  It’s already eight o’clock by the time I have a cup a tea and breakfast. Bridget and Spike go back to sleep.  They continue sleeping while I get online, answer emails and blog comments, and wander around cyberspace.

I call Chip at Baker’s RV service.  He’s back from his elk-hunting trip.  We schedule the installation of my Olympian Wave 3 propane heater for next Thursday.  I tell him I’ll be sure to be back at Elephant Butte on that day.

The crew wakes up, we take another walk, and before I know it, it’s almost eleven!  Where did the time go?  I have got to take a shower and wash my hair before we leave.  Finally, around 12:30, we hit the road and head south for Leasburg Dam State Park.

Sometimes I do things that don’t make a whole lot of sense.

At least I know they don’t make sense while I’m doing them.  Why do I head south when I have to be north of Caballo next Thursday?  I’ll tell you why.  Impulse.  That’s all.  No logic.  Maybe all this travelling around has me unable to stay in one area for too long.  All I know is I have the urge to go somewhere new, to roll over some asphalt, to move on!  To add to my poor decision-making, I’m going to arrive at Leasburg on a Friday afternoon at the start of a holiday weekend.

What the heck!  We’re going!

We arrive in mid-afternoon.  The park’s landscape is desert.  It’s well-cared for with several, rock-lined walking trails.  I drive into the electric loop, scanning the campsites for one that’s available.  I find one that’s empty, pull in, set up the dog pen, put the crew in it, and start filling out the pay form.  I go out to the campsite marker to get the site number . . . Oh no!  It’s reserved for three days starting tomorrow!  Darn!

I pack up the dog pen and the crew, and pull out of the site.

I find another site that isn’t reserved and set up.  I could make a phone call and reserve this site for the weekend, but I don’t want to pay the ten dollar fee.  Maybe I’m being cantankerous, but I don’t feel like reserving a site I’m already sitting in.  I’ll take my chances that we won’t be booted out tomorrow.  If we have to move, big deal, we move.

The late afternoon sun shines across a curved walkway.

My first mishap!

After supper the crew and I go out to look around.  Our site is nice.  The Casita sits on a perfectly level concrete pad.  Well, I had placed my damp towel from this morning’s shower on the picnic table to dry out.  I walk over to get it, and when I turn back toward the Casita, my foot catches on the edge of the concrete pad, and down I go . . . as my father used to say . . .bless his soul  . . . “ass over teakettle.”

Ow!  Right on my knee!  Boy, does that hurt!

I sit on the concrete and suffer for a moment.  I realize I’m okay.  No harm done.  In fact I start to feel pretty good that I can take a tumble like that on concrete and not break anything! 

I’m glad we came here, even if we have to turn around and go back north in a few days.

A circular place to gather in front of an outdoor fireplace.

 Tomorrow the crew and I will explore our new home.  There’s a cactus garden here with indentification markers.  Maybe I’ll learn the names of cacti.  We can walk some of the well-marked trails in and around the campground.  I’ll take some photos.  There’s always something special about a new backyard!

Somebody's tired. It's time to go home.


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27 Responses to Leasburg Dam State Park, NM

  1. Kay and her Border Collie says:

    It looks like you’re in another great campground to explore. I’m so sorry about your fall, but it happens…. If your knee feels sore tomorrow, take it easy on the walking and exploring – we can wait to see more pictures of your new site. Take care.

  2. Chuck says:

    Glad your fall was not serious. Nice looking park, we’ll have to try it. If you get a chance, maybe we could meet up next week.

  3. geri says:

    WoW! Your Gypsy Feet are keepin’ you movin’ on! Hope to see you when you make it back to the Butte! Hope your knee is ok!

  4. kayjulia says:

    Stuff happens, for me it’s another day another bruise LOL 🙂 I’m in Deming still leave for Tucson Sunday looking forward to the trip funny how I enjoy getting on the road and even to places I’ve been before what strange life.

  5. Patricia Kitchen says:

    Dear Sue, I look forward to your posts. We bought our 5th wheel last year and are enjoying part-timing in it; spend more time in here on the road than in our stick & brick place. Still, it is hard to make a decision to go full time. Think I’d be happy though.
    DH retired this year, but spent the last 8 years working at the airport in Roswell, NM. I spent a lot of that time with him there. I just love all your pictures and find myself so wanting to return those “beautiful-in-their-own-way” vistas that you are posting. Thank you for all that you share.
    Pat Kitchen

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Pat!

      Going fulltime is a big decision. You’re fortunate to have the fifth wheel to parttime in. Over time you will know better what you should do. In the meantime I’m happy you love the photos . . .

  6. Teri says:

    Hi, I don’t like paying those reservation fees, I just take my chances that I can find a site. I think the Texas State parks have eliminated the reservation fee.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Teri!

      Allowing reservations for the weekend right up to 2:00 p.m. on Friday (keeping the person in the site in limbo) seems a bit restrictive. If a person can’t decide to reserve until the last moment, they ought to show up without a reservation and take their chances or not come to the park. So there!

      This is why I want solar power. There are so many more places to camp!

  7. lonewolfgal says:

    Sue, do you travel with a good first aid kit? When I hit the trail I plan to have on hand a comprehensive first aid kit that includes a wide-spectrum antibiotic. I would also like to take along a canine first aid kit that includes not only antibiotics, but also activated charcoal (for neutralizing poison), atropine sulfate (for eye injuries), kaopectin (antidiarrheal), etc. It’s a safe assumption that a doctor or vet won’t always be available on the road, so it’s good to be prepared.

    • rvsueandcrew says:


      I have basic first aid supplies. I appreciate your suggestions for me and the crew.

      Can you get antibiotics for dogs before they need them?

      BTW I answered your question about expenses under yesterday’s entry.

      • lonewolfgal says:

        Regarding whether you can obtain antibiotics for dogs (or yourself) just to have on hand, it depends on how accommodating your vet (or doctor) is. Otherwise, they are available from various online sources, although I haven’t used this solution personally. Yet.

        As for your expenses, it’s pretty early in the game. Six months or a year down the road (literally) you’ll no doubt have a more complete picture. One thing’s clear even at this point, though — you’re living very, VERY cheaply, yet comfortably. I love the idea of an off-the-grid (well, sort of), minimalist lifestyle like yours.

  8. Know exactly what you mean by not staying in one area too long and having that urge to move on. I am exactly the same way and to me that is what RVing is all about. There is a lot of beautiful country to see and experiencs to be had and sitting in one spot for months at a time just doesn’t work for me. It seems such a waste of a great opportunity. The fun is in the travel and the excitement is in the unknown:))

  9. Pauline says:

    Glad the fall was nothing serious. I continue to love the pictures and the tales of my foot loose and fancy free sister.

    Love you MUCH

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Isn’t this your anniversary week? Happy anniversary to you and Jerold!

      I remember clearly your special day. I wore the dress with the blue velvet bodice. And you were so pretty in your bridal gown . . . Wow, time has flown!

  10. Jim Melvin says:

    While you are at Leasburg Dam don’t forget to take a walk out of the park and over to Fort Seldon. On the weekends they usually have interesting people dressed in period costumes that are a real kick to talk to. They can tell you all about the area. You can read about it at http://jimbosjourneys.com/2011/04/09/fort-selden-radium-springs-nm/

    You and the crew injoy yourselves while you are there. It is also nice to hike down to the dam.

  11. rvsueandcrew says:

    Hi, John …

    Dad lived in various places in NY and NJ (not Long Island). He had many unusual phrases that pop up in my own speech from time to time.

    You can’t teach a Californian to be a New Yorker.

  12. Bill Kelleher says:

    (Quote) ” If we have to move, big deal, we move. ”

    That’s why they call it a travel trailer, because you can just hookup and go. 🙂

    Bill Kelleher

  13. Bob says:

    Hi, Sue and crew …
    Anyone can have an accident (your bruised, hurt knee). .At least yours occured where you were in unexplored territory … just enjoying life! Hope by now its feeling lots better.

    Last week, I had an accident (big left eye shiner) in my own bedroom … tripped getting out of bed and slammed my eye and left cheek on the corner my night table… Boy did it hurt, and Boy, did I feel stupid! Luckily, no permanent damage done. I went in the kitchen and grabbed a bag of frozen vegtables for my eye, and slunk back to bed.

    Thanks for all the fun (and not so fun) details of RV life. Always a good read.

    Bob (aka stude53)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Bob,

      Ooh, that’s sounds terrible! You’re lucky you didn’t suffer permanent damage. Like they say, most accidents happen at home, even if your home is on wheels.. .

      Nice to know you think my blog is a good read . . .

  14. Mick & Casey --soon to be "Travels with Casey" says:

    Sue & Crew — I really like your blog. I stumbled across it from a blog list from another site. The fact that you focus on the ordinary is what makes RVSue and her Canine Crew so useful. But it’s also the way you express yourself. I have been following several nomadic blogs for the last few months, planning and fantasizing about the day I can say adieu to the job, the
    condo, and all the “trappings” (a telling word, if there ever was one!). I look forward to reading more, so keep up the great work in casa Casita — we newbies rely on blogs like yours for knowledge and inspiration.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hello, Mick! and hello to Casey, too!

      How exciting for you! I love “Travels with Casey” . . . I’m assuming that will be your blog title. I found it exhilirating to shed possessions . . . big ol’ furniture, useless bric-a-brac, stuff I never touched, just stored . . . . I’m happy for you. You know the secret to a better life!

      Best of luck to you and Casey! And thanks for the compliment about my blog . . .

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