Led to a peaceful camp at Kinney Flats

“We’ve gone far enough.  Let’s see . . . .There has to be a place to turn around somewhere.”

The crew and I are out for a drive on Route 84 south of Pagosa Springs, Colorado, and it’s time to return to camp.  I spot a break in the trees clustered alongside the highway.  The entrance to a road is on the left and it’s wide enough for the Perfect Tow Vehicle to make a U-turn.

As the PTV turns left, my eyes fix on this scene.


I drive onto the dirt road and press the brake pedal. 

Hmm . . . . There’s something about this road . . . .   I wonder where it goes . . . .

I pull out my Colorado Benchmark Atlas.

This must be the road to Kinney Flats.

“I wanna’ see what’s up this road, guys.  Maybe there’s a place for you to run around.”


How pretty it is here!  The yellow is lovely.

P1120451 Such a peaceful place.  Pines and oaks and meadows of yellow and green.

P1120452 Oh my.  This keeps getting better and better . . . . 


“Gosh, crew.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful to camp here?”


Around each curve of the road I search for any sign of a campsite.

“I hope that’s one up ahead, under those pine trees.   I hope, I hope, I hope . . . .”

P1120454A few minutes later . . . .


“There’s the fire ring!  Yep, it’s a campsite!”


We could camp here with meadow all around.  Plenty of shade and also sun for the panel.  Nice and level.  I wonder if that’s a pond over there.  I bet wildlife roam all over.   What’s that?  Oh, bluebirds! 

“Isn’t it fantastic?  Pretty nice, eh?”


I grin watching Bridget and Reggie make a thorough check of the site. 

P1120421-001Reggie could have 50 feet of tether with all this open space . . . . We’d have shade all day. . .  .  I don’t think we’d be bothered by 4th of July noise . . . .  Today’s our last day at West Fork Campground . . . .


“Okay, little boondockers.  Time to go.  We’ll move here first thing in the morning!”

Thursday, June 30

Our new home at Kinney Flats!


The next morning, shortly after dawn, we have a visitor!


I hide behind the window curtain and take these photos through the glass.


I love this life.  Having the freedom to roam, the freedom to live how I want and where I want, in peace and quiet and with my kind of neighbor.


“Happy Independence Day, everyone!”


NOTE:  There’s a slight change in the way one enters the comment section of my blog.  You are asked to solve a math problem in order to gain entry.  It adds a layer of security to my blog that has become necessary due to the large number of comments received.  I tried to make it as easy as possible for you.   — Sue


Follow any of the links or ads you see on my blog and your Amazon purchases will send a commission to “RVSue and her canine crew.”

Here’s a sample of items recently purchased by readers:

Skin So Soft
Reflective Running Vest
Hanging Toiletry Shower Bag
Tekonsha Electronic Brake Control
Mesh Back Lumbar Support For Your Car Seat, Chair
A Taste of Cowboy: Ranch Recipes and Tales from the Trail


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179 Responses to Led to a peaceful camp at Kinney Flats

  1. Millie says:

    Happy Independence Day

  2. Millie says:

    Pork butt and Turkey Breast in the smoker we’re havin’ a PARTY!

    Y’all are invited!!

    Hope everyone has a safe, happy 4th celebration today!

  3. Laura K. says:

    I love your blog! Happy 4th to you, and the crew also

  4. Mary in CO says:

    Happy 4th in a beautiful place! We are celebrating on the road now for 3 weeks in our new Escape 21. Wirking out all the kinks and getting to know what to expect as we travel in Alaska. What magnificent scenery, and on such a large scale!

  5. Millie says:

    Beautiful, peaceful site Sue. So happy the crew will have quiet for the Fourth…our little guy doesn’t seem too bothered by fireworks which is good because here in the middle of suburbia people are setting them off all weekend. Feel so sorry for the furbabies who get so scared. Again, lovely site and such peaceful “neighbors” 😉

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Remember when people knew how to WAIT? Firecrackers were for the 4th only. Not the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Christmas didn’t start before Halloween. A girl got her first Barbie around the age of 6. Now they have a battalion of Barbies by the age of 3. Kids drive motorized vehicles soon after they learn how to walk. Ha! This is a rant that I could maintain for several hours. 🙂

      I’m glad your “little guy” tolerates the fireworks. Enjoy the day!

      • retiredcajunlady 'n Louisiana says:

        Oh, Sue how I do agree with you! Holidays just sort of blur together as retailers stock shelves months in advance. Too much, too soon has desensitized us to the joys holidays have to offer. My personal rant: teaching children to read within months of being out of the womb! Read to them and let them explore their world, but don’t cram facts and phonology down their little throats. Ok, I will stop.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Uh-oh… You touched on something that gets me started…

          I go to University and learn about the stages of development a child goes through as he/she matures in abstract/analytical thinking. I graduate and find myself forced to teach a math curriculum that is beyond the developmental stage of most of my students. Like trying to teach a toddler to pole vault. Then I have to test the students and answer to my administrator why every single student did not excel! And hear over and over again how lousy public school teachers are!

          • retiredcajunlady 'n Louisiana says:

            Oh my gosh!!! I have lived your words too only with the ELA curriculum. And we wonder why our children burn out by junior high? Education should be left to educators and not politicians.

        • Pat from Mich. says:

          I learned to read by being read to. My kids learned the same way. Both could read well by kindergarten.

  6. All I can say is “So beautiful…so blessed!”

  7. george says:

    Hi sue and crew.
    looks like you found the perfect place to camp over the 4th.
    fantastic photos. enjoy your stay.

  8. Marilyn Moore says:

    Happy 240th Independence Day RV Sue and Crew. Looks like you found another perfect campsite! Freedom to move and choose…love your lifestyle.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Marilyn,

      West Fork Campground is nice but already, by Wednesday, I could feel myself beginning to go nuts. I’m spoiled by all the private, quiet camps we’ve had over the past years of full-timing. I feel I was led to this place for the holiday weekend. The answer to many prayers! Hope your day is wonderful…

      • Marilyn Moore says:

        Yes, thank you, Sue. Busy with last minute prep check for the for the garden watering system before heading out on a vacation with friends. We’ll be going to New Mexico, Colorado, Utah and back home to beloved Arizona. Whew. I use Delorme’s maps. Big difference between your favorite?

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Sounds like quite a nice vacation you’ve planned. Have a great time!

          I’ve never used Delorme maps. I’m sure they’re good. I did hear from a few readers that Benchmarks are better for finding boondocks. I think because the area of public land is easier to find.

          • Marilyn Moore says:

            Thanks for the reply Sue. Since my current DL maps are getting a little used? perhaps it’s time for an Amazon order, through your link of course?
            Enjoying your blog even more as I am getting to know your preferences and the different characteristics of the Blogorinos. Yep, and highly appreciated too.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              It’s the same with any group… the more time you spend listening to people and getting to know them, the more enjoyable it is to be around them. Me, my blog, the blogorinos and the lurkers are blessed by the spirit here. You’re a part of that, Marilyn.

  9. Linda in NE says:

    You do find the BEST spots. Hope you’re having a lovely Independence Day.

  10. Alane in Durango Colorado says:

    It’s been fun hearing about your experiences in Southern Colorado, where I have lived since 1990, in Durango. I once accessed the Continental Divide Trail from the Williams Creek area, while doing some volunteer work for the Forest Service. You photos brought back memories! We brought all our gear along on llamas, so we just had daypacks to carry. I was really glad of that, as we were at 10,000 to 12,500 feet in altitude for the whole 9 days we were up there doing campsite restoration, providing visitor information and doing wildlife counts. I really enjoyed learning to work with llamas. Mine was named Rio. I’m pretty sure it was because I had that experience on my application that the Peace Corps posted me in the Peruvian Andes. My village was at 11,350 feet. You and Bridget would find that altitude very Not Fun.
    My big news is that I’ve bought a used Casita! It’s a 15-year-old Liberty Deluxe. I don’t know if you remember, but I wrote in a few months ago when I was thinking about buying a 13-ft Scamp. That never worked out—the people decided not to sell it after all. I’m glad, because a 16-ft Casita is what I really wanted anyway. I would have liked a newer one, but at least this one is very well cared for.
    I was just out in it for 3 days at a local reservoir, and it was fun, if rainy. I took my 8-month-old ginger kitty (Talisman) with me and he did great. I started training him to harness and leash when I got him from the shelter at 2 months of age, so he is very nonchalant about being on leash. The only problem is that I have to stop what I’m doing every few minutes to unwind him from trees, awning supports, lawn chairs… Is Reggie like that, too, or has he learned not to wind himself around every dang thing in sight?
    My plan is to set off on a full-time vagabond life (with Tali) in two years, when I retire from college teaching. On this first test drive, I kept looking around my Casita and imaging myself living in it all the time. I could really picture myself doing it. I thought of you often–thanks for being such an inspiration. I hope you enjoy this new camp. Happy 4th!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’ve led an interesting, adventuresome life, Alane! I’m very impressed. Can’t imagine doing anything productive at those altitudes…

      Congratulations on finding a used Casita and it’s a Liberty Deluxe! Really, what more does anyone need for living space… One person fits nicely in a Casita for full-time living. Two more years . . . Good luck making preparations for retirement. You’re off to a great start, Alane!

      As for Reggie tangling up his tether, he doesn’t do too badly. He has learned to walk back, following the tether, in order to avoid becoming caught or to untangle himself. As for your Talisman, he’s a cat and he’s going to keep on being a cat, even on a leash. 🙂 Cats love to weave in and out, jump on things, hide, maneuver into tight places, well, everything that tangles up a leash. Good job training him to walk on a leash. I wish you many enjoyable walks together.

      Happy 4th to you, too. Thanks for the update on your life!

      • Alane in Durango Colorado says:

        Walks with Tali on his leash are so different from walking with a dog. Dogs are into Getting Somewhere. Talisman is into Being Here. He wants to sniff rodent holes, get under bushes, pounce on bugs…I find that I can be more patient with wandering in circles in a small area if I bring my camera and amuse myself taking pictures of the things that interest the cat.

    • MollyLuvsRoadtrippin (WA) says:

      Hi Alane – congratulations on your new to you Casita!! Isn’t it wonderful to have a tiny home to take wherever you want to roam? This is my first summer with my Casita and I find myself looking around while in it and thinking the same thing – I could live here easily and simply. Enjoy the preretirement planning phase – that is a lovely part of the transition.

      • Alane in Durango Colorado says:

        Yes, it is fun to plan and dream of the future. The space is small, but so am I. I’m only 5′-1″, so the Casita is comfy for me. Some of the tall friends I was camping with came in to check out my new digs and their heads bumped the ceiling! They can’t imagine living in such a small space. I’ve always loved small spaces, starting with tree houses and blanket forts as a child. The Casita feels secure & cozy to me.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I feel the same way about the BLT. I probably would find a regular house cavernous and uncomfortable.

          • BadgerRickInWis says:

            Never thought about it before but I wonder how big is the largest indoor space Reggie has ever been in?

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              My guess is PetSmart where the adoption event was held. Boy, that seems like a long time ago….

  11. Linda - from Central Illinois says:

    Beautiful spot! Beautiful deer!
    We’ve been able to enjoy the twin fawns and triplet fawns at our
    conservation campground this year.
    Wildlife beats crowds every time for us!!
    Happy Independence Day to all!
    Remember ‘Freedom Isn’t Free’!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda,

      “Wildlife beats crowds every time . . . .” How very true…

      And, yes, our freedom is precious, easily lost, and worth fighting for. Happy Independence Day!

  12. This post simply makes me happy.

    Happy Independence Day, to someone who worked hard for her independence. May you enjoy it for many years to come.

  13. Linda Rose, Muffin, Murphy, Molly & Midgy in Carmichael, CA says:

    What a wonderful find. Wish I was somewhere far away from the holidaymakers scaring my poor fur babies. Happiness for you and the crew in your lovely spot.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, dear… The four Ms are scared. Poor babies. I hope the celebrating quiets down soon.

      Happiness for all of you, too!

  14. Linda from Oregon says:

    Happy 4th to all of you. It looks like you found the perfect place to spend the holiday. Celebrating the freedom to live as you want is exactly what you are doing with your crew and neighbors. Today Kathy of Gil and Kathy is coming to help us celebrate the holiday. Potato salad is made, meatloaf is ready to go in the oven and sunshine is making our garden sparkle as the misters water.

    So glad you found a safe and peaceful place.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      A sparkling garden and the aroma of meatloaf… You brought me to your party for a few moments… 🙂

      Wishing you and the “kgdan”s a happy holiday celebration!

  15. ValGal (westernWA) says:

    What a lovely place! Your photos are great. Looks like there are lots of beautiful places for you and the crew to walk there.

    I have become addicted to your blog. I always feel like I’m there. That’s the sign of a good writer!

    You and the crew have a great 4th!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you for that very nice compliment, ValGal. We share addictions. I have to check in here several times every day!

      Walks with the crew are enjoyable here. The variety of plants, including flowers, makes it fun for me. When walking the lane, we go through forest with clear understory, and that opens into meadow, and then we go through more forest and beyond that another meadow, and so on … enchanting!

      Hope your day is all you wish it to be!

  16. weather says:

    Gosh, that place is glorious, I see why you consider it paradise. How perfect that you’re there and posted about it on a day when America the Beautiful is being sung across the nation. Has there been a clear enough sky during a night time potty run for the stars to be seen? I imagine seeing everything by starlight or at sunrise would be simply wonderful…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I love how you make connections, weather. Our camp and “America the Beautiful.” Looking out our back window at the swaths of yellow, pale rose, and various shades of green across the gentle meadow, and with blue sky above the pine tops, I do hear the music. 🙂

      Yes, after two days and nights of overcast, clouds, and intermittent rain, last night the stars were “out” again, clear and bright. Sunrise is a delight. Sunbeams reach between the pine trees. Reggie, always eager to go outside, enjoys me taking him out after dawn, holding him in my arms while we stand in the warmth of a sunbeam. A wonderful way to start the day! Hope your day is glorious!

      • weather says:

        My day is glorious, thank you for hoping so and for your delightful reply about the changes I mentioned yesterday.

        A farm stand nearby has the years first blueberries out. I’m going to have apples with them for a red, white and blue plate to celebrate the holiday 🙂

    • weather says:

      P.S. Below the comment box my name and email address appears as it always has. Then a Hello! appears with a simple equation to answer before I can post. Thought you might want some specific feed back on this, how it looks to readers and how easy it is to use.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        YIPPEE! Yes, I do want feedback. Thanks so much, weather. I’ve been working on this situation, on and off, for several days. Actually, the captcha people have been working on it more than I have. I’m very happy that it was easy to use. It provides a level of security that my blog requires due to the large number of comments.

        Happy, happy, happy! 🙂

        • weather says:

          Now I’m happy(happier), too , good job, glad it all finally fell into place so nicely for you and all of us 🙂

        • weather says:

          It may be a good idea to put a note about this in the post, I recall readers thinking it was a problem with them or their device before. The equations are different each time, all very simple. Maybe include directions and an example such as Readers,when you see:


          four – _ = 3. Just place your cursor over the blank, click, enter 1 and click post comment.

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            I’m not sure about that. Let’s wait and see. Sometimes explaining what is simple makes it complicated. I’m also thinking of changing the greeting (Hello) and maybe I could incorporate some of your suggestion there.

            • weather says:

              You’re right, so far no one seems to have had a problem and there are a lot of replies for a holiday. As is works 🙂

            • weather says:

              okay, the new greeting is obviously yours, not computer generated, nice, I like it! Have a great day, I’m off to play decorating stuff, see you lalter

          • gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

            “Math is hard for girls,” said Barbie in 1970.

  17. Pam N. says:

    Great photo of the deer. His antlers look so velvety soft!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Pam. It’s amazing what this camera can do… and through a less-than-perfectly-clean window!

  18. Elizabeth Evelyn aka E2/etwo says:

    Hey Sue & Crew…….

    Your blog & pics let happy tears flow from my eyes this morning…. My memories of
    similar places where I have parked in my 32 years of full timing were the trigger.
    No more travel for me…. Coming up on my 85th B’day the last day of August….

    However, I still live in a 36′ fiver in an Escapee’s park with others who do travel
    & come home to tell us all about what they see and do. That and reading your
    wonderful blog and of course your fantastic pictures! Next best thing to being
    out there too! Have a great Independence Day celebration!

    Hugs from Elizabeth aka E2 and Clyde Cat. Clyde is now 11 yrs old & weighs 20 lbs!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, dear Elizabeth…. Happy tears as you remember similar places you’ve camped in the past. Bittersweet. I’m glad you have the snuggles of Clyde (what a big boy he is!) . . . I wish both of you a grand day!

      • Elizabeth Evelyn aka E2/etwo says:

        Yes, my Clyde is a big boy, though small for a Maine Coon Cat
        who weigh twice as much plus more I am told! He sleeps
        most of the day and is quite at night…. He jumps to my lap
        and “allows” me to rub his head. He gives me sweet kitty kisses.

        My Mom lived to 103 … A fall broke her hip and apparently
        she chose no surgery…. I do not expect to live that long, do
        not think I want to. I just want my Clydie boy to go first…..

        Keep on keepin on Sue. More hugs for you and furkidz! E2

  19. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    What a beautiful spot to spend the 4th of July!!! It looks so peaceful and quiet and CLEAN….no trash, no pollution, no broke down cars in the yard, no houses falling into ruin, no noise,….just clean mountain air. Sounds wonderful to me.

    Have a wonderful Independence Day everyone. God Bless America
    Sending lots of love and big hugs

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re right, Pauline. It is clean. It’s my habit to pick up trash I find at a campsite and on our walks. No trash in the fire ring and the only trash on our walks … a Bud Lite can and a Coors can. That’s a record for cleanliness at boondocks!

      We received a tremendous blessing the day we were born . . . being born in America.

      Love and hugs to you, too.

  20. Dave Stewart (in missouri for now) says:

    Thank You!
    For your pictures of a wonderful Camp. Hope that you and the Crew Have a wonderful 4th. Reggie Gets a place to run, Imagine how far he can go on the longer tether. Wont be able to see his footprints from one end to the other. Oh! the room to run! and Miss Bridget, Will get to have a ride in Her car on a long smooth road. what a site. Not to mention that Sue gets what she Needs, Peace and Quiet. what more can a Boondocker ask for?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m chuckling, Dave. That’s a cute message… Something for everyone at our Kenney Flats boondock. 🙂

      I have some photos of Reggie and Bridget loving this camp which I will post, of course. I pitch Bite Me as far as I can for Reggie to fetch. What a great time he has! And Miss Bridget, a more sedate individual, enjoys sunbaths between rests in the shade. She’s walking really well these days. We haven’t used her car at all. I think her mood has a lot to do with her walking and she likes it here.

      Thank you for mentioning my photos. I glad you enjoy them, Dave. Have a wonderful day!

      • Dave Stewart (in missouri for now) says:

        Thank you for such another great post. I hope you will let us know where this site is later. couldn’t find a kinny flats but see lots of possibilities for boondocking sites.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Kenney Flats is shown on the map in the Colorado Benchmark. Remember the two maps in the previous post? It’s south of Pagosa Springs, right between the two areas shown (beyond the bottom of one map and beyond the top of the other). If you have a map that shows National Forest roads, look for the number 006 running east off of Rte. 84.

          When you come this way and turn in, you’ll see a brown NF post with 006 on it, just past the cattle guard. It’s easy to fly right by the entrance, so go slowly. Heading southward on 84, it’s shortly beyond the sign for Slier Canyon.

          • Dave Stewart (in missouri for now) says:

            I marked it.

          • edlfrey says:

            That would be Spiler Canyon and if you are traveling south and see Trophy Lake Pl to Spence Reservoir you have gone past it.
            Google Maps doe not show FR006B but if you click Earth it can be seen as a dirt road going off to the east from US84.

            Sue a p.s. Do I now need to be Smarter Than A 5th Grader tto post a Comment?

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Haha! Yes, you do, Ed! Looks like you are smarter than a 5th grader because you’re here!

              Thanks for the correction on Spiler Canyon. And you are right, of course, about Trophy Lake Place. That’s past Kenney Flats as you go further toward Chromo. If the road we’re camped on weren’t a dead end, if it continued further, it might go to Spencer Reservoir because it heads that way.

            • edlfrey says:

              I’m not sure where you are camped but FR006B does loop around and back to US84 – I think.
              Take a look at this site: https://sites.google.com/site/pagosarides/home/kenny-flats

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              I’m not sure what our section of road is called. I looked at the Motor Vehicle Usage Map for Pagosa District of the San Juan NF and I still couldn’t tell. Less than a quarter mile after you come onto FR006 it splits. Bear to the left and stay on the main road (don’t take any spurs). Our camp is about halfway before that road comes to a “T.”

              Okay, I looked at the PDF map at the bottom of the link you posted (the 1st PDF). If you look at that map, we’re camped near that intermittent stream just past the second arrow.

  21. Cari in Plano Texas says:

    Serendipity – luck that takes the form of finding valuable or pleasant things that are not looked for

    It definitely sounds like you had some serendipity (and maybe divine guidance) that led you to this hidden gem of a campsite. Such a peaceful setting and a definite illustration of America The Beautiful, as others have said.

    Happy 4th of July to you, Sue, and to my fellow blogorinos.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cari,

      I marvel at the fact that we could’ve driven further or less on Route 84, resulting in us turning around at a different place. However, we DID turn around at the entrance to Kenney Flats and “that has made all the difference.” 🙂

      Happy 4th to you, too, Cari.

  22. Steve says:

    That might be one of the best campgrounds you’ve had. Great photos of your early morning neighbors. Did either of your dogs bark?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Steve,

      I smile at your comment, thinking of all the times readers have written that “this is your best campground so far!” 🙂 This one appeals to you… I wouldn’t recommend camping here in the fall when hunters are in the woods. Spring is best, lots of flowers.

      Thank you re the deer photos. Neither Bridget or Reggie realized the deer was there. Fortunately, when they’re lying on the bed, they can’t see out the window. So, no, they didn’t bark.

      • Steve says:

        I’m afraid mine would have been bolting through your back window, or at least trying to. Yes, that would not be the place to be in hunting season. I’m enjoying following your trip through Colorado.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          There are other visitors to this camp that would have your pups bolting through the window…. I’ll show you in the next post!

  23. Alice (So. Fla) says:

    Happy 4th to you!! Beautiful spot and quiet. My girls will be under the covers shaking and yes it did start two days ago. I dread tonight.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I hate that for your sweetie-pies, Alice. Wish they could wear ear plugs or something…

      Hoping you have a subdued (quiet) 4th of July!

  24. DeAnne in TN says:

    Love the new campsite Miss Sue! Sitting here in hot and humid TN watching a thunderstorm slowly approaching. Melvin also stays calm during the fireworks–maybe because we’ve had 3-4 days of scattered storms with fireworks in-between. My couch is just as comfy as it was three weeks ago and summer break is amazing! Watching tv, Netflix, searching for activities for my reading class (or not ;P )–I love leisure, and as you know, it will be short-lived. Just to let you know–I don’t remember if I told you, but my youngest son and I have been communicating through Facebook Messenger since April. I treasure every word…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s wonderful about your son, DeAnne! I’m very happy for both of you…

      Enjoy the leisure time while you can. Isn’t it wonderful how much fun doing nothing can be? Ha!

      Best wishes to you and Melvin for a cool afternoon and evening!

  25. Dawn in Asheville, NC says:

    Gorgeous! And, happy 4th!

  26. Beth AZ says:

    Happy Independence Day RVSue and crew!! Your campsite looks awesome. I’ve been following your adventures and I now have Benchmark maps for Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and I think one more state, but would have to go look.

    Things have been really busy for me and my mother. We put our house on the market and it sold within two weeks! So now we’re busy packing, cleaning, thinking about all that goes in to moving. Along with that I have had to really get moving on what I’m going to be doing as a vagabond! I’m excited, nervous, and a little scared too. It’s happening sooner than I thought.

    I’ve changed my mobile carrier to one that covers more of the USA. I got my jetpack, and I have a question I’d like to ask. If this question is too personal I understand if you don’t want to answer, but it won’t hurt to ask someone of your experience, because I think of you as a type of mentor even though we’ve never met. So my question is, how many gigabytes do you use on average per month using your jetpack ?
    I signed up for 10 gigs, and it’s good for two months, but just setting up the thing and testing it out for about 10 minutes it’s reading as I’ve used 2 gigs already!! Good grief?? I feel like Charlie Brown and Lucy just yanked the football out from under me! Ten gigs might not be anywhere enough. I mainly plan to use it for email, bill paying, maybe try to start a blog in the future, but not streaming movies or tv watching. And these gigs aren’t cheap! I still need to get an antenna for it, I want to get solar panels, etc, all that will come with time. I’m just starting out on my journey, well, July 20, 2016 will be the actual traveling full time start date. How’s that for a run on paragraph of a jumbled mess for one question!?! Is it showing that I feel a little stressed?

    I’m not going back to fix that mess of a paragraph, I hope you, your readers will send some encouraging words my way. If you remember, my mother lives with me and is in the beginning stages of dementia, which makes this move more challenging. She’s not going to be traveling with me, but moving to a nice retirement community back in our hometown in Ohio. I have a sister there and she’ll get mom settled.

    Ok, I just dumped my current life struggles in a messed up way!
    And now the area I’m typing in won’t scroll so I don’t remember if there is anything written below what I’m currently writing! LOL

    Thanks for your help, your blog, and for being an encouraging person for people like me who are becoming full time RVer’s.

    Beth from the Phoenix area

    • retiredcajunlady 'n Louisiana says:

      Beth, not at all mess up. Sometimes our lives are heavier with details than others. Yours is in a busy, detailed ridden time. This too shall pass. Take a deep breath and remember so many folks will be in your corner and pray prayers of strength for you at this time. You have an exciting future just waiting for you! Now that is a bunch of details you will truly enjoy. Take care.

      • Beth AZ says:

        Thank you, retiredcajunlady. I need all the prayers you have to offer, so thank you so much! I’m excited about my new journey, but have a case of the jitters about it. I’m sure I’ll be fine once all the final details of house packing, moving my mother, and signing the final papers are done. Once again, thank you for your prayers!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Beth,

      Great to see you here again! Congratulations on the sale of your house. Wow! That was quick!

      10 gigs is plenty for you. I don’t know how those 2 gigs of data were used already. Could be something to do with starting… Rest assured that 10 gigs is plenty. I went with only 4 gigs in the beginning, before my blog took off. Your projected usage is sensible and doable and matches what I use, plus this blog!

      Okay, relax. Everything will work out fine. Remember you do not have to know everything there is to know from the beginning and you do not have to have everything set up before you hit the road. I certainly didn’t. You can learn and purchase/tweak your equipment as you go.

      July 20th is your launch date and you’re in Phoenix. I suggest you head for a campground in the mountains or to an RV park where you can have A/C. You don’t have to prove anything, just find a place to spend each night, even if it’s only a few miles from your present home. Give yourself time to adjust and become comfortable.

      You were smart to invest in the atlases. Become familiar with them and they will serve you well. If ever you want me and/or the blogorinos to offer you suggestions for camps, don’t hesitate to ask.

      The waves are high right now and they’re scary. Hang on, ride over them, and you will arrive at the calm seas ahead. You can do this, Beth.

      Best wishes for your mother and for you and your sister as you help her transition. Keep in touch and good luck!

    • BadgerRickInWis says:

      Consider this some encouraging words Beth. 🙂

      Yes, you can do this! It sounds like an exciting time, but that was the idea right?

      Regarding data usage 10 gig sounds fine but you want to be sure to avoid videos. If you use facebook try to tweak your settings so that the videos don’t play automatically. There are some free programs you can download that track your data usage. Maybe try to monitor it at home for a few weeks will make you feel more comfortable. Again, you can do this!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        If I may butt in here . . . .That’s a good suggestion, Rick. I didn’t mention that I avoid YouTube and also that I installed AdBlock to keep automatic ads from running.

        • In addition to AdBlock, I use a Flashblocker as well. It cuts down on the number of videos that start up. If you can keep them from loading, it cuts down on using bandwidth. Also, if you’re on Windows, don’t let it automatically download upgrades. I batch those when I have someone else’s wifi.

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            I appreciate the advice, Allison. I have Windows 8 and I frequently see a pop-up window begging me to download Windows 10. Pffftt! I kind of enjoy being able to ignore it. 🙂

    • DesertGinger says:

      Don’t forget that any time you are in a campsite or other place that has internet you can use their internet and not deplete your 10 gigs. That helps. I try to do all my video watching, Facebook cruising etc. from home where I can use the parks internet. I only have to use my data plan when I am out and about.

      Also check if your carrier allows you to retain any unused data to the next billing period. If you can get that, it’s a better deal.

      • Beth AZ says:

        Thank you to all of you for the encouragement and advice I’ve received! It’s so wonderful to have such nice people I can rely on that I don’t even know!!

        A big thank you to Sue for her blog, her advice, and for attracting these wonderful blogorino’s that she has! Sue, you have no idea how blessed I feel to have stumbled upon your blog. I’ve read your adventures from beginning to now, and have asked questions and you, your readers, have been a true blessing !! I appreciate you and what you’re doing with this blog, and how you’ve given a blueprint of sorts for newbie’s like me.

        It has been a whirlwind these last 3 weeks! Two more weeks and my adventure starts! I plan to get to Flagstaff on day one, where it will be a little cooler, then spend a few days resting and getting my bearings. Then based upon my studies, and what the weather is doing I’ll be heading into Colorado or the upper elevations of New Mexico. The plan after Flagstaff is not finalized. I just planned to get out of the hundred-teens first, rest, and then decide.

        Once again thank you for all the advice, that goes out to everyone! Sue, you’ll hear from me again, I don’t know when, but I’ll still be a blogorino lurking and enjoying your blog.

        Once again, thank you so much!


        Beth from the Phoenix area, for now but not for long, lol

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          You’re welcome, Beth. It’s my pleasure to see how people who dare to follow their dream are helped by my blog and the folks that gather here.

          I don’t know if I mentioned this before… You might consider buying a New Mexico pass. They were $225, last I checked, for non-residents and they give a year of camping at NM state parks (free w/o hookups and only 4 bucks with hookups).

          It’s a great deal and a great way to ease into full-timing. It worked for us!

          Whatever you decide, it will work out well and be YOUR adventure. 🙂

  27. retiredcajunlady 'n Louisiana says:

    While many of us will sing, “America the Beautiful” this weekend, you Sue & Crew are living it! Your photographs are truly spectacular. The tiny yellow wild flowers are a bit of sunshine on the meadows. What a glorious place to spend time just enjoying the beauty of your own personal campground and the independence of this holiday weekend. You and your pups truly live a life of independence. And we are all blessed you choose to share it with us. Happy Independence Day Sue and Crew!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, retiredcajunlady! I like the thought of “living” America the Beautiful. I wish that for everyone who seeks to do the same.

      I don’t know what these yellow flowers are. They’re probably considered a weed. En masse they make our camp feel like we set up our home in an impressionist painting! Sometimes, when the light is right, the meadows seem to be lit from the ground up. And when the breeze comes, the meadow is a sea of yellow waves. Sounds ridiculous in words, yet exquisitely beautiful to see.

      • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

        Those flowers are one of the things I miss a lot. I would drive or walk by acres and acres of them as far as one could see. When the sun warmed them and a breeze blew, the most sweet fragrance came from them. We called them alfalfa; some called it yellow clover. I was returned to memorable time when I saw them in your photos. Thanks.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          You’re welcome, Maple Valley gal. They’re all over Kenney Flats. I don’t know how long they will last into summer.

  28. JazzLover says:

    Happy Independence Day Sue,Bridget and Reggie. What a serene place you found to spend it in. It says “peaceful” in every direction you look. Apologize for not commenting in a while. Got behind in reading your adventures when sidelined with an, as yet unknown virus. My feeling is “you don’t give up and you don’t give in”, so this too will pass.

    All of the places you have stayed at in Colorado are so gorgeous. Having not been there yet, seeing them through your eyes is the next best thing along with the sharp, crisp photographs you take at each area. Hope you get to go back to the one at Cimarrona CG at some future time. That was a keeper, but then so is where you three are now maybe more so.

    Thank You for all the time and effort you put into your blog, your gift to those of us who follow your adventures. It takes a lot of work to put forth what you do and sometimes makes you frustrated we know. Recharge your batteries when you need to, we’ll be here. Sorry to get long winded but been meaning to say these things for awhile. Stay Well.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, JazzLover,

      Sorry about the computer trouble. Technology is the best and the worst. Glad you’re online and here again!

      When you mention Cimarrona CG, I think you mean the boondock near the Williams Creek Reservoir. If we ever go that way again, that’s where we will camp for a day or two or three. Beautiful country, no matter where one chooses to camp– at Bridge CG, Teal CG, Williams Creek CG, or Cimarrona CG, or in the boondock up on Trail Ridge. It’s all great!

      Thank you for acknowledging the effort I put into this blog and for your kind reminder to “recharge” when needed. You’re not “long winded” at all. I enjoyed hearing from you.

      Wishing you a pleasant 4th!

      • JazzLoverWMa says:

        I was mistaken about the boondock location. It was the one in your post of June 26th. The one with the picture of Bridget and Reggie walking away that you asked for a caption for. A heavenly boondock above Weminuche Valley. You are correct, it is all beautiful country and we are all so fortunate to live here. I forgot to mention how helpful it is that you include some of the maps as others have said. Hope your 4th was as peaceful as you had hoped. Enjoy.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I figured that’s the place you meant. 🙂 Our holiday couldn’t have been better! Thank you, JazzLover.

  29. Dawn in MI says:

    Happy 4th. Looks like a perfect site. Enjoy you three!

  30. Pookie in Todd Mission, tx says:

    the picture of the deer made me realize that you are a lot like
    that deer……a free spirit is what both of you are……..
    Im enjoying your trip thru colorado….thanks for the memories…

  31. Norman in San Diego says:

    Hi Sue,
    Happy 4th of July

  32. Judy J. in upstate S.C. says:

    Your beautiful, peaceful pictures were exactly what I needed today. Our 20 year old grandson broke his neck in a gym in Atlanta. Had surgery with repairs, filing of C7, screws and 2 rods. Blessedly, he will make a full recovery, though in much pain. Drew has the best attitude. This 4th has turned into a day of thanksgiving. Prayers so appreciated!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good heavens, Judy, what a scare and what a close call! You and your family have been through it!

      I pray that Drew sleeps well tonight, wakes tomorrow with less pain (better yet, with none!), and that he heals well. God bless your family as you support your loved one.

  33. Jan Johnson says:

    My word, I think you’ve landed in Paradise! That road is so inviting, so beautiful! No better place to spend the 4th in my opinion. I love your new neighbor, too! You do have a wonderful life – it inspires me and makes me a little envious.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jan,

      The road pulled the PTV here! It’s exciting (at least to me) to drive a forest road, anticipating a beautiful camp around the next bend.

      I used to envy full-timers. Envy is a powerful motivator! I’m thankful for those bloggers who inspired me.

  34. Cynthia in San Clemente says:

    Sue, I’m so glad you found a quiet, peaceful, beautiful place to spend the 4th. And such a handsome neighbor!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cynthia…. Isn’t that deer a beauty? He was eating the leaves of a small gambel oak that grows in front of our camp. He goes over to the pond nearby about 7 o’clock every evening. I don’t always see him in the morning; maybe he comes through here when I’m not looking. We people could learn a lot from the quietness of deer.

  35. Wow Sue, you got a good close up of your 1st, 4th of July visitor, Truly Fantastic photo, as always, ,,,,,, we are way up 180, still in Coconino N.F. off 523, page 58 and a tower with a great signal to boot,,, we have cows as visitors with their calves and hardly a soul around, ,,, have a great blessed 4th of July and give them babies of yours a huge hug from us, will you, ,,,,,,,,,,Rusty n Piper

  36. AZ Jim says:

    Happy Independence Day fellow Blogorinos ! Remember every year many pet owners lose their little friends when they become panicked and run off during fireworks. Bring them inside and make sure they’re safe. They will thank you for it !!

  37. judy in east texas says:

    Good Afternoon Sue and crew….you have once again found yourself a beautiful spot. What a thrill to awake and find that beautiful buck right out side your window.
    I hope it was nice and peaceful over this holiday weekend. It’s hot as the dickens here in Texas so I envy your Colorado visit.
    I have finally figured out why none of my post have been showing up on your blog!!! I was beginning to feel like i had been ban….lol….so the story goes….if I respond to your blog via my smarter than I am cell phone it does not post, but if i send a message on my laptop…wa-la. There it is.
    So please know that I await your blogs and am thrilled to read of your adventures. I have been replying, it’s just can’t get there from here!!!

    Stay safe out there and Rock On my friend, judy

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good afternoon, Judy,

      I don’t like your cell phone blocking you from here! I wonder why that happens. Thanks for mentioning the problem as there may be others who have the same thing happening.

      Sorry you are experiencing Texas summer heat. I’d love to send you some of the cool air wafting in through the open window.

      Thanks for not giving up on my blog! You “rock on,” too!

  38. What a wonderful surprise. Enjoy.

  39. Paula in Indiana says:

    Happy Independence Day to all!!!

    Sue, I love to follow roads or trails like that. I’m always curious to see what’s around the next bend~~~~~~~~~~Deer 🙂 Beautiful photos, Sue.

    Math was never my favorite subject, but even I can do this math, lol!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Paula,

      About the math… I really did try to keep it easy. I could’ve included multiplication problems in the selection!

      Thanks re the photos… I hope your holiday has been a good one.

  40. Susan in Dallas says:

    Your camps keep getting prettier everywhere you go in Colorado. Happy Independence Day!

  41. rhodium, RI says:

    This part of Colorado looks like almost heaven, certainly. My favorite blog (yours would be perfect if it just had a little more organic chemistry), Derek Lowe’s In the Pipeline, had to go to a math problem CAPTCHA too. Some people complained and at least half those commenters have science degrees, so it seems this group is actually better behaved. Actually, after going to enough science meetings, I am not surprised.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s hilarious, Rhodium. People will complain about anything, it seems…. unless they’re a blogorino, of course. 🙂

  42. Alaska Don says:

    Goodness, you seem to find the **best** of boondock sites. Mine seem to be filled with bears or moose and such. Still, it’s nice to be away from the crowds….

    Do you ever worry about leaving the BLT parked while you go into town for supplies?

    Happy 4th of July!


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Alaska Don,

      Oh, I’ve had a few bear encounters… 🙂

      No, I don’t worry about leaving the BLT behind. I suppose there’s some risk. I figure it’s unlikely someone will see the BLT and say to themselves, “Gee, I think I’ll saw off the hitch lock, hitch her up, and drive out of here and maybe I won’t run into the owner on the way out.”

      Happy Independence Day to you, too!

  43. Applegirl NY says:

    I’ve really enjoyed the last few blog posts. Interesting to see your thought process on going over the pass.

    I’m catching up after a weekend in the mountains. What a glorious time we had – family, friends, good food, campfires, and time at the lake- and even quite a bit of reading on my Paperwhite – and yes in full sun!!!! I really didn’t believe it, but it’s true, you can read on the beach with it, even better than a book, because you don’t need sunglasses. Lovin it! I probably wouldn’t have gotten one, if you hadn’t been so happy with yours, Sue.

    Sue, this latest boondock looks so peaceful. It feels so different from the mountain vistas you’ve been treating us to lately. Glad Reggie and HRH have some nice meadow to roam around.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful Independence Day. God Bless America!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      How nice your mountain time must have been! And YAY for Paperwhites! I’m tickled that you put yours to the test in beach sun and it passed. Powerful testimony, Applegirl! Maybe I’ll sell another one… Haha!

      I love that I can read in the evening with the lights off so the crew can sleep. I’ve had mine for a couple years now and it still works perfectly.

      Always enjoy your comments… Have a wonderful week!

  44. Marjorie says:

    Hi, Sue, I’m new to this mode of travel and have so far stayed only in full service areas. A delicate question: How do you handle dumping your tanks? I worry about carrying all the water weight as my tv travels to a dump site. Especially on the Colorado ups and downs. Regards, Marg

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Marg,

      I’m not sure I understand exactly what you are asking regarding dumping tanks. I go to a dump station about every 2-3 weeks. The stations are easy to find at some gas stations, campgrounds, rv parks, city facilities . . . . One can look them up on sanidumps.com and at other sites.

      Generally speaking the weight of a full waste tank shouldn’t be a problem for a tow vehicle. I don’t have a lot of experience with “Colorado ups and downs.” If your rig has handled them so far, why worry….

  45. Virginia Henkaline says:

    Happy Fourth Sue. Looks like a great place to spend time. Fun to see how the crew checks out the site first . Vhenk

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Virginia,

      When Bridget and Reggie check out a new campsite, I wonder if they realize it might become their home. They seem to be extra excited!

      “Vhenk”…. I thought that was a typo at first… 🙂 Have a great week, Vhenk!

  46. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Well, Sue, now THOSE are great neighbors. We learned, the 20 months we lived on the edge of a forest, that if the deer and the wild turkeys were about, probably no predators were. Sure enough…when they were gone awhile, that was when the young cougar faced my hubby down just outside the open garage door!! So if those kind of neighbors stay put…you should be safe there from critters too!! And surely you keep your loud horn nearby anyway…have a great time there!! Looks very quiet there too…there have been some fireworks nearby but the police are out hunting tonight as they outlawed them in this town. We sat in our usual spot where we watch the ferries and watched the distant fireworks on Whidbey Island tonight. We watched one trip where the ferries went so slowly you could hardly see any movement, in order for the folks to watch…one went so close to the opposite shore we wondered if he might be grounded. I am sure the passengers enjoyed that.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      I imagine the ferries crossing at night is a lovely sight and then with fireworks added…. How nice that you can see them from where you are. Smart town to eliminate fireworks.

      I appreciate your concern for the safety of me and the crew. We’re fine here and enjoying it very much. You and your husband have a good week!

  47. Mary in Battle Creek says:

    Do you ever hear from Rusty any more? You never mention him.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mary,

      Rusty posts a comment whenever he has internet signal. Scroll up to find his latest comments. He uses the name “Rusty n Piper” or “Piper n Rusty” and with his present location.

  48. weather says:

    There are homes on hillsides, some in suburbs , many in cities , a few in the mountains or countryside, along an ocean coast or by a lake, on an island or on wheels just about anywhere.Depending on what continent each is on and what part of it the season and local climate is different from all the rest. What is seen through each of their windows is unique to their place, too. In a picture this vast the scenes are endless, all beautiful in their own way. Looking at all of them from a distance would take a long time, looking more closely is fascinating.

    The one thing each part has in common is a road because everyone there is on a journey. Some travel on foot, others by car, in their imagination or in an RV. They may be going somewhere by themselves or have companions along the way. From whatever direction they are coming they are going to meet the others in a way that each looks forward to. A quick glimpse or hello, a long conversation, with one person or large group-the choice is theirs, guaranteed to suit their tastes,dreams and personality. Blogorinoland. Good morning, Sue, I hope your corner of it is lovely today.

  49. Laurie in NC says:

    I really liked the way you allowed us to join you in the excitement of discovering a new boondock through your pictures and story! I think the unknown around the corner or curve is what I love most about traveling! I love it when I get a chance to take a road that I have never been on before. There is always something new to discover no matter how small. This boondock is so peaceful and welcoming! I love the fields of flowers!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You give me feedback on this post that is very encouraging, Laurie. Joining in my excitement at finding this boondock is what I hoped to accomplish, because it’s a big part of my enjoyment of this lifestyle. You mention another benefit . . . “There is always something new to discover no matter how small.”

  50. So happy for you, thanks so much for showing us how you find a boondock, perfectly. Colorado is gorgeous!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Sandi. Sharing scenes of Colorado and my happiness at being here is a delight. Thanks for appreciating my blog.

  51. Karen LeMoine says:

    All I can add is thank goodness the holiday is over! My little chi’s were miserable for 3 days with fireworks and a miniature canon going off! They are decompressing nicely! Glad everyone survived!

  52. Carol in the Finger Lakes says:

    Woohoo! Finally I have caught up! Read all the posts, and all the comments, and took notes. What a wonderful resource my notebook has become.

    Hugs to Sue and all the blogorinos.


  53. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    I have not read the comments, just read the blog. I have to read it at work. I do not have a computer at home right now. Love the new boondock. Hope everyone’s 4th was good. Hi RVSue, Happy July.

  54. Mindy Reed says:

    I don’t post much but just had to see if I can do the math ~ I’m very math challenged and I know you were a math teacher so that’s scary to me LOL

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hahaha! Hi, Mindy… That was one of my personal measures of my effectiveness as a teacher. If I could take a student scared of math and, by the end of the school year, have them confident and happy to be in math class, I figured my work was well done.

      Look how well you did! You’re here! 🙂

      • I wish more teachers had your approach and joy.

        Miss Bayless, our fourth and fifth grade math teacher, had us play baseball every Friday. We’d divide into teams. Being up at bat meant you had to do the problem on the board. If you did it, you made it to first base. You can figure out the rest.

        Only math teacher I ever had who figured out how to make it fun.

        On the other hand, she was diabetic and at one point had to have a toe removed. I still remember her telling our class that she knew some of us would be interested, and so she propped her stockinged foot up so that those who were interested could see her three-toed foot. [Yes, this was the second toe she’d had removed.}

        I was such a girl. I squealed and looked in the other direction. Which she said was quite all right. She didn’t want anybody to look who didn’t want to. LOL

  55. Now that is a beautiful spot to celebrate freedom! Love all the wildflowers and of course your visitor is very handsome. Hope your nice and cool among all the trees 🙂

  56. Pamelab says:

    Hi, Sue and crew – lovely post and campsite. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. I’m in the same boat as Beth in AZ – but she is headed out there before I get ready. The Verizon jet pack is on my list. Selling and giving away furniture, etc. Ordering from Amazon, setting up domicile, etc. It can be overwhelming, but your words of advice are good to hear, Sue. We don’t have to know everything at the beginning. It is a process. Best of luck to the newbies out there. Thank you, Sue.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Pamelab,

      If you buy a Verizon jet pack, make sure it has two ports, one for a power cord and one for an antenna cord.

      Thanks for using the links on my blog to shop Amazon!

      • Pamelab in Houston says:

        Thank you, Sue, for the jet pack info.
        I am happy to use your Amazon link to shop!
        Happy trails.

  57. Cynthia says:

    Do u use Benchmarks for each state?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes. As it is, Benchmark issues an atlas for each of the states we tend to visit… WA, OR, CA, NV, ID, MT, WY, UT, CO, NM, and AZ.

  58. Mary in Battle Creek says:

    How is Rusty, you never mention him any more?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mary,

      I answered this question above. I guess you didn’t see it.

      Rusty has been fine up until recently when he developed an infection in his leg. He sought medical care and the leg is healing. However, he’s having trouble with the antibiotic so tomorrow he’s going to the VA in Prescott, AZ, for help.

      I don’t mention Rusty much any more because there’s no need to. He comments under every post whenever he has signal, sometimes several times, and keeps us up-to-date on his life, travels, and so forth. That’s how I know about his medical situation of late.

      Scroll up and look for “Rusty n Piper in Arizona” and you can read his comments.

      Maybe you aren’t aware that Rusty’s dog, Timber, passed away several months ago. Lady Piper is Rusty’s present dog.

  59. Hi, Sue, and all, well we got to the VAMC at 0530 before the team did and waited until the Doctor came in and saw him at 0745 , he told me not to worry that I need not take them bad antibiotics any more, he gave me 2 big tubes of Bacitracin ZINC Ointment for my leg and said have a good day and we’ll see you on the 23/26th of September for your yearly check up, ,,,,, Thank you Sue and all for your prayers, ,,,,,, I have a medallion that says, ,, Prayer is a powerful weapon, ,, Not looking for a Sign, just waiting for the Call, ,,,, Bless you all,,,, and Thanks again, ,,,,,,,,, Rusty n Piper

    • You don’t know me, but you should be used to people who feel like they know you because of all your participation with RV Sue! I am so happy that things are looking up for you. I was concerned.

      Wonderful news!

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