Light, shadow, and shine in the desert

Another day dawns in the lives of RVSue and her canine nutcakes.


Sunrise at Signal Mountain, Kofa National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona

I make some progress on the clean, wax, and polish project.

By progress I mean I do a little bit every day.  So far I have the front, back, and door side done.  This is the first time I’ve used Meguiar’s products.

I started on the door side of the Best Little Trailer.  Of course, as soon as I finish, I step back to admire the shine.


Two canine supervisors waiting to be served their next plate of raw meat.

“What?  That doesn’t look right.”

Does that side look darker?  Oh, no, it IS darker! I walk back and forth, bending this way and that, scrutinizing the finish.

What have I done?  Don’t tell me I’ve ruined the finish!   It has a blue cast to it.  Yep, it’s blue, all right.

“Wait a minute.  That blue is the outdoor rug!  The rug is being reflected in the shine!”

What a relief!  Gee, I’d hate it if anything hurt my precious little house.

Mid-morning the crew and I buzz over to Quartzsite.

First we go to RV Lifestyles on Dome Rock Road.

They don’t have the LED bulbs I want.  I ask about a new spare tire cover, but in order to get the right size you need the numbers off the sidewall.  I don’t have the numbers.

Next we stop at Love’s Travel Center for gas ($3.39 a gal.) and for a Subway sandwich.

Up Kuehn Street we go.


Not many shoppers compared to a few weeks ago

I park the PTV at the vendor who sells tools and lots of RV stuff. 

I buy two LED bulbs for $19.  Next we make a quick stop at the grocery.  I don’t need anything.  I want to see what’s in the meat case.  I ask the butcher to slice off two ribs from a slab of baby back beef ribs. I tell them they’re treats for my dogs so he cuts them separately.  Only 96 cents for the two bones.  Very meaty.  The crew will love ’em.

Bridget and Spike contentedly gnaw on the bones all the way home.


Light on the mountains, shadows on the desert plain (Photo taken from our campsite)

I drive up Palm Canyon Road toward our camp.

We meet a Jeep with a couple inside.  The Jeep stops.  I bet they know my blog.  I stop the Perfect Tow Vehicle in the road and bring down my window.  Their smiles confirm what I supposed.

I find out they’re Sandy and Scott from Eureka, California.

Scott tells me he’s read this blog for a year and a half. Right now they’re dry camping on the other side of the Colorado in a campground right on the river.

“We were just up talking with Bill and Ann,” Scott says, referring to my friends who are Kofa volunteers.  Scott is interested in the Wilson antenna to improve internet at their house.  Sandy asks about the crew.

I pull Bridget up to my lap and she sticks her head out the window.  (Spike is too involved with his bone to be disturbed.)  After enjoying a great chat back and forth from our vehicles, Scott, Sandy, and I say our nice-to-meet-yous and go our separate ways.


The clouds throw shadows on the mountains. (Another photo taken from our campsite)

Back home . . .

I place the crew’s prized possessions on the mat.  The gnawing continues.


The Bridge with her bone


Spike with his bone







Of course, Bridget has to see if Spike’s bone is better than her bone, and Spike has to see if Bridget’s bone is better than his bone.


Satisfied that RVSue was fair, they return to their original bones.  Always the drama with these two . . . .

By now we’re in the hottest part of the day.

I go inside to blog, but can’t get in the mood.  I change into a tank top and shorts, kick off my sandals, and take a nap with the crew!


Very briefly clouds tease with the look of rain, but they don’t deliver.



Here are links to some products recently purchased by readers:

AR Blue Clean Electric Pressure Washer with Hose Reel
Skechers Women’s Go Walk Slip-On
The Next Exit 2014 The Most Complete Interstate Hwy Guide Ever Printed
Camco RV Wrap Around Step Rug (Brown)
Lodge Single-Burner Reversible Grill/Griddle
A Field Guide to the Plants of Arizona



Spike the art critic, Borrego Springs, California, December 2012

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97 Responses to Light, shadow, and shine in the desert

  1. Chris B says:

    You are such a celebrity! I think that you need to get glossies with autographs on them. It’s funny how many people out there recognize you!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Chris,

      That’s what I get for wearing this hat and driving a vehicle with a big ol’ 200-watt solar panel on top!

      • Chris B says:

        LOL! I guess the solar panel on top of the PTV gives it away everytime, huh? It’s hard to be stealth! Sounds like my thirsty state is finally going to get a few inches of rain this week along with Arizona. Hope that you stay dry and warm!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Very overcast this morning. Clouds look like they hold rain and then they go away . . . Some rain would be great… as soon as I finish waxing the BLT though. Then fix the drought.

  2. Barbara says:

    The campsite pics are beautiful. I get more drawn to the desert each day, but would definitely have to move to cooler climes in the summer, like you do.
    Wanted to ask a question. I know you have the 17 foot Casita. Is it 17 ft. of living space or is that the length from hitch tip to bumper?
    Thanks for the info.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barbara,

      That’s one of the things I love about this life. When the desert heats up, we move to higher elevation. Soon we will be among aspens and mountain wildflowers.

      The Best Little Trailer is 17 feet from the tip of the tongue to the back bumper. I got up and measured the distance from my back wall to the door of the bathroom. Only 10 feet! Not an inch more than we need. 🙂

  3. Rose(Houston) says:

    The first photo in your blog of the sunrise is really captivating. Love those morning colors. Such a sense of peace. I know there is a lot of hype about desert sunsets, but it seems the beginning of a new day in the desert is worthy of a prize or two as well. Be well.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re absolutely correct, Rose. The sunrise show passes quickly and often has softer colors than the sunsets. I didn’t touch up that photo at all. No need to!

  4. Phyllis says:


    What an active day you had. I’ve lost my mind, because after reading and admiring all the pictures all I am wondering is what kind of Subway sandwich you ordered.

    I’ve decided to go with Good Sam, thanks to you and all the readers for the help.

    Saturday I paid $3.45 a gallon for no ethanol gas in Oklahoma, so it sounds like you got a good deal.

    Phyllis in Oklahoma

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Phyllis,

      Well, wonder no more! Turkey breast with pepper jack cheese and everything else, except no peppers of any kind. Oil and vinegar, heavy on the vinegar.

      I have Good Sam, too. Hope neither of us has to use it.

      Love’s usually has good prices for the area they’re located. Probably had ethanol in it though.

    • klbexplores says:

      I love my Good Sam service. When I got my new 4 wheel drive truck I high centered it in a ditch…. the first week (I know….girls and there toys!) Just a signature and I was on my way. Best money I ever spent! Great feeling of security.

    • Chuck says:

      No ethanol gas is over $4 a gallon here in FL but it is 89 and 91 octane, sold as ‘boat gas’….grrr

  5. LeeJ says:

    Right now I have a belly full of beef enchiladas, rice and pinto beans, home made, but that doesn’t keep me from drooling over your sandwich!

    It is funny the way certain things go together…turkey breast, provolone, dill pickles and mayo, and a big glass of iced tea, yum.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, LeeJ,

      Your sandwich does sound good! Cider vinegar was a frequent condiment on the supper table during my childhood. I still like a lot of it on a sandwich. I always have to tell the preparer, “more” . . . “more”. . . okay, a little bit more.”

  6. klbexplores says:

    Does the best little trailer have a little dent by the door in the front? I don’t remember seeing that spot before.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I scrolled up to look at the photo. No, that’s not a dent. The fiberglass shell is molded in a curve and then flattens out to accommodate the door frame. Hey, if the BLT gets a dent, you’ll hear about it! WAAAHHHH!

  7. Pleinguy says:

    Love the photos of the desert and mountains. Different times of day do indeed produce varied color. The BLT is looking spiffy. Reminds me I have to get busy doing my own.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pleinguy,

      It’s a good feeling seeing the BLT shine. I let it go too long. Now I want to get a new spare tire cover and I’m thinking about painting the Wilson antenna and pole as they’re yellowing.

      BTW, I don’t think I’ve ever told you I like your paintings. You’re very talented.

  8. Ron in TX says:

    Is this the first time you have waxed it?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ron,

      No, I wax the BLT every winter. I should get it done when we first arrive in Arizona, not wait until February. Arizona sunshine is harsh.

  9. Dawn in MI says:

    It’s snowing here. Again. I guess I could change into a tank top and shorts and sandals and pretend as long as I didn’t look outside.

  10. I think I want to be one of your dogs in my next life. 😀

  11. Alan Rabe says:

    Darn I do love KOFA. The way the peaks just jut out of the desert is so unique. No mater where you go there is always a different view and angle. Baby back ribs for the nutcakes, what a life. Sounds like you may be headed for the Flagstaff area, Aspens and all. If you do, try and visit Wupatki National Monument, just to the north Flag, free to us ancient ones. Nice Anasazi ruins with no hiking for the main ruins. I once did an overnight ranger lead hike to the Crack in the Rock area, major petroglyphs on practically every inch of rock face. They only do the hike on weekends in October and April. They use a lottery system to pick who can go, only 12 per weekend. for those who may be interested, It isn’t as hard as they say as it is all flat hiking. The area is protected by seismographs to warn the rangers if someone tries to go there on their own, it is a very special place and well protected.
    Enjoy the life.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It’s hard not to fall in love with Kofa. It’s especially appealing to anyone who likes taking photos.

      No, I’m not going to Flagstaff any time soon. Waputaki sounds very interesting. Thanks, Alan, for the information, the link, and your enthusiasm.

  12. Mark Watson says:

    So, do you think you’ll like the Meguires products better than the Nu Finish product? What is your thoughts after doing one side of the trailer?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mark,

      Meguire’s is looking good. Of course, it’s difficult to compare the two products because I’m not doing a side-by-side test. The Meguire’s has the advantage of taking away dullness right before my eyes.

      It will take time to evaluate Meguire’s. I don’t know how long the shine will last and I don’t know if it will yellow. I’m pretty sure it will stand the test of time based on the testimonials I’ve read on the fiberglassrv forum and the Casita forum.

      I’m not unhappy with NuPolish. Last winter’s application of NuPolish was the first fiberglass maintenance experience I’ve had, so I’m not exactly authoritative on the subject!

      This morning I did the bottom of the back side. Spike was napping in his doggie bed. I wiped off the dried wax and there was Spike, clearly reflected in the shine. Beautiful!

      I’m even more impressed with Meguire’s Oxidation Removal. It’s taking off scratches and discoloration spots with very little work. I haven’t tackled the worst of the oxidation yet. That’s the area of the curve near the top.

  13. Elizabeth says:

    Is it my imagination, or are the crew a bit more round these days?? They certainly do not look anything but very well fed!! -;)

    • Ladybug says:

      That’s what I was thinking, at least about the Bridge. As for Spike…I was thinking he’s looking like a happy guy. That grin!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Hi, Elizabeth and Ladybug,

        The photo notwithstanding… This is what I’m seeing in the crew. Bridget definitely has lost weight, both on her behind and on her chest. Those are her two “problem areas” as we women call them. She’s also lost some on her belly. I notice that because the skin hangs a little loose in that area.

        Spike, on the other hand, is developing a paunch! I don’t know if it’s the redistribution of his weight due to his age or if it’s added weight. His legs, behind, and flanks are as skinny as always.

        Spike gets more food because he eats the organ meat and sometimes grabs what Bridget turns up her nose at. And, also, I admit he wears me down for “more!” by barking loudly and non-stop at the door of the refrigerator.

        I wonder, too, if he’s not burning calories like he used to by sleeping restlessly. Now he sleeps like a stone… which could be the raw meat diet or the lessening of arthritis aches due to Cetyl-M.

  14. Gayle says:

    “The clouds throw shade…” photo is absolutely spectacular! You have a reader named “Plein Air,” who paints landscapes, n’est-ce pas? What a great spot to set up an easel!

  15. I don’t know how long the Meguiar’s has been around, but I remember my dad sending me to the store to get his ”must have” wax, which he believed would guard a car from almost anything! Of course I didn’t know how to find “McGuire’s” wax, so I didn’t find it. Sounds like it is STILL reliable! Awesome looking shine you have!!

    I’m really curious to know when you ‘get credit’ for things we buy through you on Amazon, so would love to know when a bag of dogfood and some treats show up! ………..and it’s dangerous for you to post ‘what people bought’, because my curiousity caused me to buy the “Next Exit” book, too! I’ve been buying them for years, even after they changed formats!! So in 2 days, I’ll have the newest one! (Thank YOU!)

    Have you had a chance to see if the crew is losing any weight on the raw diet? Mine all lost a couple of pounds+ , depending on their sizes, but they did look more muscular! Thanks for keeping us posted!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Becky,

      Here are some of the dog food products recently purchased through my blog:

      Old Mother Hubbard Mother’s Solutions Snacks for Dogs, Low Fat Recipe
      PRO PAC Nut’R’Nipz Dog Treats
      Pala-Tech Cranberry Plus Chewable Tablets
      Queen City Animals 57 mg Nitenpyram Beef Flavored Flea Killing Capsules
      Blue Buffalo Freedom Grain Free Chicken Recipe Adult Dry Dog Food
      Blue Buffalo Health Bars for Dogs, Banana Yogurt

      Blue Buffalo Wilderness Grain-Free Wild Bites Salmon Treats
      Blue Buffalo Wilderness Trail Treats Grain Free Duck Dog Biscuits

      Thank you for your Amazon orders! I am very grateful to my RVSue shoppers!

      Re: Bridget’s and Spike’s weight… See my reply to Elizabeth and Ladybug (above)

      • Awesome! Mine were the Blue Buffalo! A bag to tote to destinations and treats for travels. I’m glad to know they came through, ….. glad to know credit is applied correctly! Only way to know was to ask!! Looks like notifications came fairly quickly, instead of ‘later’. Yeah!!! So happy to feel comfortable that it’s working!! Thanks!

  16. Glenda from Glendale says:

    I swear Spike looks like he’s grinning and showing off his bone! “Look what I got!” The things we do for our four legged friends. What lucky pups! Beautiful pics of the desert too.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Glenda,

      Spike does look proud and happy with his bone. As you may remember me writing, Spike is not a very affectionate guy. He doesn’t go for snuggles. I do notice though, after he gets a bone or rotisserie chicken or anything special, he sits close to me for a few moments and even gives me some eye contact.

      Hey, I’m thrilled with the crumbs of affection, whenever he tosses a few my way!

  17. Lacy says:

    Wow Sue, you have the BLT shining and reflecting colors! Looks great 😉 Reminds me of that line: “How do you eat an elephant?………one bite at a time!”

    Enjoy the day,

  18. Marie taylor says:

    Hey there
    Coincidentally, I just finished waxing my little huevo. Like you, did a little each day. Isn’t that mcguires stuff amazing?!

  19. Bill from NC says:

    Hey Sue I really like the pic of the mountain! Also glad to see Spike is gettin around better! That Casita and PTV keeping their good finish in the desert sun and sand blasting winds amazes me! Especially the PTV with its age! Have a great day, Bill

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Bill,

      On behalf of the Spikester, thank you. He is doing better. I’m optimistic he will continue to improve with the Cetyl-M.

      I’m amazed with the BLT and PTV, too. . . Especially the shine on the PTV, given she’s 9 years old. I’ve noticed the Chevy Express vans I’ve seen on the road have a great finish on them and look good, given that they’re usually used for work and probably not given tender treatment. I’ve neglected the PTV’s exterior this past year. Once the BLT is done, I’ll give her some love. 🙂

  20. Gonna have to get a rag to dab the drool. And it’s not the bones I’m salivating over…it’s those views!

  21. mary (in Colorado) says:

    Compliments on your pictures of the desert and background mountains. We are leaving in 3 days for our sailboat in San Carlos, and I am anxious for the early morning drive through Arizona to get to Douglas where we enter Mexico. Your photos remind me of what I will see there.
    And, your waxing reminds me of what we will need to do to the fiberglass on the outside of the

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mary,

      One of the things that attracted me to the Meguire’s wax is the word “marine” in its name. Anything designed to deal with salt water has to be good. Have fun on your sailboat!

    • Ed says:


      This is not posted to scare you from crossing the border at Douglas/Auga Prieta. There was a shoot-out between two of the Mexican cartels on January 18th which caused increased security. I don’t know if that has been relaxed now but you might be prepared for more check points and possibly a more thorough search.

  22. You captured some beautiful photos from your campsite. I love the way the clouds and setting sun casts shadows across the hills.

  23. Cinandjules (wearing fleece clothing) says:

    Nice sunrise!

    Looks like the tents at Q cater to the rv lifestyle and more! Kind of like a flea market atmosphere. How fun! Are the prices comparable to store bought items?

    Meguires does cost a tad more…I use that and NuFinish on my car! Their armor-all type product works well on plastic/rubber. Doesn’t turn that white yucky color and doesn’t bleed that dreaded black under the windows of a rv!

    Do you have that the black rubber seal around the windows on the PTV and BLT? The UV rays will dry and crack them.

    Pets are funny….that always happens with ours….so we always switch it BEFORE…heh heh.

    Read that some folks in Maine were able to see the “northern lights”. We tried when we were in Alaska to no avail….froze our tushes off. That is on my bucket list. Has anyone here seen them in person?

    Your photos are stunning and captures vivid details. Safe travels!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cinandjules,

      You can find good buys at Quartzsite. Mostly I believe the draw is finding things for the RV not easily found elsewhere. Don’t really know much about the vendor part of Q. Only shopped there once before and only briefly. It’s a fun place if you like that sort of thing.

      The BLT does have that black rubber seal around the windows. I do need to put something on it before it starts to crack. The Meguire’s says to keep it off rubber. I think I’ll do a search on Amazon (of course) and see what’s available to protect that seal. I could also apply it to the rubber “feet” around the tilt mechanism for the solar panel.

      A reader recently purchased roof sealant through my blog. I don’t want to buy a lot of it though.

      Northern lights, anyone? Anyone? (Bueller? Bueller?) 🙂

      • Cinandjules (wearing fleece clothing) says:

        Roof sealant, if I’m not mistaken, is for the white rubber roofs on many RVs. Pretty sure that won’t work on the trim. Very expensive and it has a white chalky residue.

        Meguiars has protectants like armor all “ultimate protectant” and “protectant with natural shine” all available thru amazon.

        I used it in the grooves which made the windows slide easier.

      • Angie2B says:

        Northern Lights are on my bucket list too. I understand people in upper Michigan can see them at times too.

      • Connie & Mugsy (MN/AZ) says:

        The Northern Lights were a common occurrence when I was growing up in ND. They were around every winter pretty much without fail. The difference was that some years were more spectacular than others – more colors and more movement. That said, I haven’t spent a winter there for many years… give me a warm southern climate for those months…

      • Cathy S says:

        We saw the northern lights while living in Mountain Home, Idaho back in the early 80s. Driving back to the Air Force Base one Sunday night from church in Mountain Home. A long stretch of wide open desert with no lights of any kind. Suddenly the sky began to “move” almost like a kaleidoscope. We were not expecting to see such a stunning show and pulled over to watch in amazement. I feel fortunate to have witnessed something rare and beautiful. I have always felt our time in Idaho was a waste after living in Europe for over 5 years, I wanted to be somewhere near a city with shopping and theaters and such….not out in the middle of high desert with nothing for endless miles. But now, looking back, I see how lucky we were to be there.

      • DesertGinger says:

        I was visiting my girlfriend in Cable, Wisconsin when she took me to Madeline Island one hot August weekend. You catch a ferry from Bayfield, WI across part of Lake Superior to go to quirky and beautiful Madeline. We spent the day at Tommy’s Burnt Down Cafe (yes it actually burned, and the roof is now a giant sail) listening to live music, then caught the ferry home about 10 pm. I was prowling on deck, enjoying the breeze, when I noticed beautiful shifting lights in the sky. It took me a moment to realize I was seeing the Northern Lights. I was so excited! All the way back we were treated to a predominantly green light show. It was phenomenal! I have been back, but only saw them that one summer.

  24. Mick'nTN says:

    This post may not stand the test of time?
    From RvSue’s Alumni Bio >
    I remember…
    … wetting my pants in kindergarten

    Lots more to come … maybe!

  25. Wickedlady of WA says:

    I once saw the Northern Lights when I lived in ND but they weren’t colorful at that time.
    FYI, Sue, raw egg whites deactivate the body’s biotin which is essential for normal metabolism of fat and protein.
    Love the pics.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      So why do I think raw egg in connection with the raw meat and bones diet? Maybe I misread . . .

      This morning I made the crew a cheese omelet. I hope that’s okay.

      • Ed says:


        I think the cooked eggs in the omelet will be just fine. However, adult dogs generally are lactose intolerant (includes cheese) but as long as you feed it sparingly it can make a good occasional treat. I don’t think there is anything eatable that is NOT harmful to a dog in some way but I also encourage you to just keep on keeping on. HA

        …raw egg whites deactivate the body’s biotin…
        This is not quite accurate and I don’t think you feed enough raw eggs to cause any harm. I have underlined the parts of this quote that I think are most important.
        “Avidin, one of the egg proteins, can combine with biotin and make biotin unavailable. However, a human would have to eat 24 raw egg whites a day for biotin to be inhibited by avidin. Heat inactivates the avidin and eggs should be served cooked.”

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, Ed,

          I don’t give the crew cheese very often, and then not very much at a time. They love it and if they have some of their own I can eat mine in peace!

  26. Lynda says:

    I’m pretty sure we stopped at that same tools and RV supply place on Kuehn St., and bought the lounger next to the red chair in photo and a whole bunch of LEDs. Really liked their display and the fact we got a healthy discount for our purchase. I think with the crowds thinning they’re more willing to deal. Plan to stop back there for more…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lynda,

      I asked for LEDs at that place but they didn’t have the kind I need. I bet you got a better deal that I did over at the other place. I did notice a clearance sign on one of the booths.

  27. jeff says:

    sue, in regards to the “blue” on the trailer. Don’t you just hate it when you scare your own self like that. Your heart seems to skip a beat and panic sets in until reason prevails. Been there too many times myself on different projects etc.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jeff,

      It did look like the finish had turned blue because the reflection of the blue mat was exactly the same dimensions of the part of the BLT I had just waxed. What’s the likelihood of that? It wasn’t until I saw a faint outline of the design on my rug that I realized I’d been fooled.

      Instead of a disaster, I was looking at excellent results!

  28. Kitt, NW WA says:

    Sue, I had to chuckle at your blue fiberglas scare! Last summer we pulled off into what we thought was a paved turnout to let a tailgater pass and hit a gigantic pothole! I saw our Casita give a huge leap and began to wonder about damage. On curves I watched the tire in my mirror, I thought I saw a definite wobble. My husband thought he saw it too. We spent the night stewing about what to do thinking we might have destroyed the wheel or axle. The host recommended an RV shop in town and bright and early we carefully towed it in. Well…it turned out mud on the sidewall of the tire created the optical illusion of a serious wobble! Needless to say, we were thrilled (and slightly embarrassed) that with a simple wipe the issue went away. The mechanic said Casitas are terribly strong and it is unlikely that a pothole could cause such damage!
    Lesson: Keep your tire sidewalls clean!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kitt,

      Quite a story! In that case, I’d rather have a lot of embarrassment. Our imaginations can do a job on us. Too bad you didn’t find out what the cause was until the next day. All the fretting for nothing!

      I’ve lived through similar situations…. like when I hear a strange noise and I think it’s something tearing loose in the engine . . .

  29. Mark Watson says:

    Regarding northern lights, seen them twice. Way down in Columbus Tx around 1996, and at Eldorado Tx, around 2010. Reference for details. Left side about 1/3 of the way down lists a “planetary K- index. The higher the number, the higher the chance of seeing aurora. When they get to 5 or higher, it might be time to look for them. Both times, they appeared after midnight local time and lasted between 20 and 30 minutes. It also helps if there are big sunspots facing the earth. They can give rise to a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME). CMEs sets off the aurora. Reference for this info also.

  30. Shelley says:

    I see someone ordered the skechers gowalk shoes, they won’t be disappointed, they are very comfortable shoes. I bought a pair at a local store, got black and the wild colors at the bottom so I hardly wear them, not sure what I was thinking but they are so comfy.

    • My grandchild requested the Sketcher’s “Air” for Christmas. They have little ‘bubbles’ on the bottom. The child swears she can jump higher than everyone!! (She’s the shortest on the basketball team) ……….but no one tried to explain! FWIW, they do look like they would really be comfy!!

  31. AZ Jim says:

    Sue, you have rain coming on Saturday and Sunday according to reports. Make sure where you are is high enough and the road out is too so you don’t get caught in a flash flood. When the water starts coming down from the mountains it can get nasty. This may be a false alarm but it is worth thinking about. I am using the signal mountain shot on my desktop. Be safe….

  32. I love Spike’s grin–he’s a happy camper! Your photos are gorgeous, Sue. I’m a lover of the early morning light too. Fun to meet fellow bloggers–they must’ve been happy to meet both you & Bridget. And hey! Congratulations on 1.1+ million views!

  33. Sandy & Scott says:

    Sue, I hope you didn’t take my comment as negative. We were very happy to meet you and half the crew. S & S

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Sandy and Scott,

      I don’t know what comment you mean. (Sandy’s or Scott’s comment?) I thoroughly enjoyed our happenstance meeting on the road. Did my post make it seem otherwise? I hope not! 🙂

  34. Terri D From Texas says:

    Hi RvSue,
    I was just reading where you said you fed the dogs so they would let you alone. It made me laugh, cause we have always had cats and I spoil them. When we got our dog two years ago I was very firm that he would not beg at the table or be fed table scraps. The other night I fed the cat a piece of chicken from the table and got a very disbelieving stare from my husband! Wha??? He says! (However, the dog does not beg at the table)
    Ha! 🙂

  35. Terri from Texas says:

    Believe me,
    things work out equally. The cat doesn’t get to go

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