Lizard games and muskrat rambles

The heart-shaped leaves of the cottonwood trees twinkle over the campsite. 

Puffs of “cotton” swirl lazily to the ground.   Soon the sun will set behind the Pahranagat Range across the lake.

I’m lazing also as I sit back in my lounger with an Audubon field guide to birds resting on the tray table, along with my monocular.

Reggie wanders on his tether nearby.

We have become well acquainted with a fat, brown-speckled lizard about six inches long who shares this campsite with us.  Fat Lizard greeted us shortly after we arrived at Pahranagat Lake and since that time he has developed a game with Reggie.

Fat Lizard’s sudden appearance on the log at the shoreline signals . . .

Game on!

In a strategic “fake” that Reggie cannot resist, Fat Lizard dashes toward Reggie and then zips back to home base, a log with one end submerged in the lake.  Not only is Fat Lizard speedy, he also possesses the size advantage, and he knows it.

He can hide almost anywhere. 

Reggie sprints into action. Fat Lizard races along the shoreline with Reggie in pursuit, and then he disappears under dead leaves.  Reggie stares at the leaves with head cocked, waiting, poised to pounce, when Fat Lizard re-appears.

“Hey, I’m over here!”

Reggie lifts his head and charges, but Fat Lizard whizzes right past him, going the other way!  Reggie pivots in a smooth predator maneuver, but his prey unexpectedly leaps into the lake!

With tiny feet a-kicking and spine a-wiggling, Fat Lizard swims out to a raft of floating, dead reeds. He climbs aboard, turns his head, and aims a taunting eye at his pursuer left befuddled on the shore.

Game over!

Bow-legged Fat Lizard pumps his head up and down as his chest balloons and deflates — an end zone dance of victory, lizard style!

To see  and learn about the varieties of lizards around here, go to this page at “Wildlife Around Las Vegas: Lizards.

~ ~ ~

What the heck is THAT?

The small head of some aquatic creature slices through the water, a wake fanning out behind.

Is that a snake?  Sheesh . . . .

I climb out of the lounger for a better look.

No, not a snake.  That’s the head of some kind of furry mammal.  A beaver?  No.  Maybe an otter?  Could be.  Kind of small for an otter though. . . .

He crosses the cove and dives underwater into the reeds.

I bet that’s a muskrat! 

I’ll have to ask the folks over at the Visitor Center.  Gee, I haven’t seen a muskrat since I was a kid in New York State.  If that’s what it is. . . .

Our house was on a dirt, country road next to railroad tracks. 

Many a summer day I would walk those tracks to the trestle, climb down to wade in the slow-moving creek, or stand very still to let  minnows tickle my ankles and nip at my toes.

Sometimes I’d walk along on the bank and listen quietly to the creek’s murmurs like a best friend receiving whispered secrets.  The creek would slow and deepen while turning a bend.  I’d shed my sneakers and step out into the black pool, bending at the knees to bring water to my chin, my long hair floating around my face.

I watched, fascinated, as a water bug skimmed the surface.

After a swim, I’d climb onto the great, warm slab of granite and collapse with summery delight to dry my clothes with me in them in the sun.  I’d recline, propped on elbows, squinting to follow the path of a dragonfly.

Occasionally, not often because it was a long walk stepping from rail tie to rail tie, I’d set out for the muskrat pond.  As a diversion on this trek, I’d challenge myself to run on a rail, a feat requiring balance, eye-foot coordination, and a focus not long sustained.

The muskrat pond sat beside the tracks as convenient as a railroad depot.

Sitting on the rail, I’d wrap my arms around my bony knees and peer over them to enjoy the show of muskrats playing, swimming in circles, diving under the lily pads, and, if it were my lucky day, scurrying on land among the skunk cabbage plants where I could get  a good look at them.

I remember one time . . .

I returned to our house and stepping onto the porch with my stomach crying out for supper  — it must’ve been a weekend because Dad wasn’t at work —  I heard him inside asking my mother and sisters, “Has anyone seen Susan?  I haven’t seen her all day.”

P.S.  You know, the more I think about it . . .

It probably wasn’t a muskrat.  I’ll get back with you on that after asking at the Visitor Center.  Whatever it was, it gave me an excuse to write my muskrat rambles!

~ ~ ~

Today is Tuesday!

Yay!  My new computer is supposed to arrive at the Sinclair station in Alamo today.  As soon as I bring that baby home, I’m going to download photo-editing software which means I’ll be able to post photos for you again!


NOTE:  How about some happy, head-bobbing, smile-along music?  Turn your volume up and click on the short YouTube video of The BOBCATS playing “Muskrat Ramble.” — Sue


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119 Responses to Lizard games and muskrat rambles

  1. Suzette (TN) says:

    Surely I’m not first!?

  2. Kat and Cookie Dog in NYState says:

    Oh Sue I love to be camped near water, think because I grew up camping on Adirondack lakes. Cookie hates water…lol…silly pup!

  3. Cat Lady says:

    Hi, Sue and Reggie.

  4. Jenny Johnson says:

    Top Ten??? I was waiting

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, Jenny, I hope you haven’t been waiting for 2 days!

      • Jenny Johnson says:

        yep sitting right here for two days eyes glued to my mail waiting for the post for the new post to pop up. Get up and go to the potty and look what happens –and if you believe that I have some swamp land in …………..

  5. Nancy in California says:

    Hi Sue!! First?

  6. DianeJ says:

    Top 10?

  7. karen waskow says:

    Hi Sue,

    I am appreciating your muskrat ramblings and look forward to hearing the final outcome of what exactly it is that you did see:). Here in Eugene, OR we get Nutria’s. I grew up on the East coast and had never seen any of these. Even having lived here for 16 years or so, I have barely ever seen one except for dead in the road:(. I was happy when I finally caught a glimpse of a live one.

    They are much despised as an invasive species. Every few years one hears of someone taking out a gun and shooting a bunch of them just for “fun”.

    I can’t say I’ve ever seen a muskrat either. Will have to do some reading up.

    That looks like a really nice spot you are in.


    – karen

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Karen!

      I never considered Nutria, being unfamiliar with that animal, having also grown up in the East. I thought Nutria was a sweetener or soft drink or something. 🙂 I’ll probably go over to the Visitor Center tomorrow and see what they think it was.

  8. Marieta says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie, loved today’s post. I too way back when loved to explore by myself. I could write a book of those long ago summer days. I could ride my bike anywhere and everywhere and be gone from 9 a.m. til suppertime at 5 p.m. What is sad is that kids today cannot do that. Oh how times change and not always for the better. Anyway I was with you by the train trestle, lol. Give the Reg a hug from us. PS Are you aware your background on the post is bright red with black lettering?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Marieta!

      You’re right. It is sad that children, especially girls, have to be supervised constantly when outside their yard. I’m so glad we grew up in a time and place where we could roam freely on our own.

      The background is red-orange on my monitor, as it should be. Perhaps the color needs adjusting on your end? I’ll see if I can make mine a bit more orange-y.

      Anyone seeing red, instead of red orange?

      • weather says:

        To clarify, you are, I believe, describing the borders around your page, Sue. I, and seemingly Marietta, meant the background on which the lettering of our comments appear.

      • Toni CT-NH says:

        I was just going to post about how great it was when we were kids. I used to explore all the time. Woods, marshes. Go bike riding all day.

        I’m just over a year out from my surgery (tumor removed from my tongue) and coming up on a year of not smoking. (May 10th). So many changes in just a year. Highs and definite lows but I feel growth as well.

        I’m always here with you and still feel the longing for your lifestyle. For now I’m ok with where I am.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Good morning, Toni,

          Congratulations and a big hug for achieving one year without tobacco! Also for the progress you have made since the surgery (“I feel growth . . . “).

          Thank you for coming here with an update. Sharing one’s accomplishments, especially in the area of health, can encourage others. You’ve had a rough journey, for sure…. May your life’s road from now on have fewer bumps and ruts and wash-outs.

          It makes me happy to read that you are “always here!” 🙂

    • weather says:

      Regarding Marieta’s P.S. That sometimes happens on both devices I use to view many websites. I think it has to do with how quickly a page is loading. I just refresh the page and wait a few seconds, then every thing appears normally, like yours is now, Sue, white background with black lettering.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Oh, I know what you mean! I’ve had that happen before. I think it was when I had a weak signal. Thanks for clearing that up for me and Marieta. I was wondering how in the world I could fix it.

  9. Thank you for sharing the childhood memories. I am always struck by the things that take me back to my younger days. I can see Reggie playing wiht the lizard, my Pepper would have done that. Miss my girl.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m sorry you feel the ache from the absence of your dear Pepper girl. Wish I could say it will go away soon.

      Yeah, the older I get, the more vivid and important those childhood memories become. Those of us with good childhoods were and continue to be blessed.

  10. Pat from Mich. says:

    Oh my, I haven’t heard music like that in too long! That looks like a nice camp spot!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pat!

      I was beginning to wonder if anyone listened to the music. Isn’t it a day brightener? I won’t do videos often, just ones with a lot to offer like this one.

  11. Marilu in Northern California says:

    Hi Sue,
    I loved reading your muskrat rambles. It recalls my own childhood. I left home on weekends as soon as my chores were done. I chased lizards through the scrub oak, made daisy chains from dandelions, skipped stones in the creek. I came home when the porch light came on. Do any kids enjoy those activities anymore? Do parents consider it too risky for them to be unattended? Are their days completely filled with lessons and organized sports? I think we are losing children who can entertain themselves.
    A little feedback; I miss your list of things Blogorinos ordered. Amazon’s suggested ads don’t pertain to my lifestyle as much.

    • Linda Rose, Muffin, Molly & Midgy Carmichael, Ca says:

      I agree Marilu about the blogorino orders. I miss them too.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Marilu,

      I’m glad you enjoyed the muskrat story. Thanks for letting me know and for sharing a bit of your childhood.

      The Amazon ads will be posted until May 1st, only 6 days away. I have those ads up because, during the month of April only, any purchases made after entering Amazon through one of those ads, earns me 12% commission, instead of only 4%. I ask readers to bear with me… I’m trying to “make hay while the sun shines.”

      Of course, most folks aren’t interested in the items shown in the ads. Click on any one of them and use the search box that appears to shop for anything you are interested in.

      Posts beginning May 1st and beyond will include the usual link at the top right, an Amazon search box, and the list of links to items recently purchased by readers. You’ll get to see some of the products bought during the month of April.

  12. Suzicruzi from Van., WA says:

    Hello Sue and Reg, your day sounds awesome! Loved the little story about Mr Fat Lizzard today. That little Reggie-Man; what a little rascal and entertainer he is.

    Sue, thank you for the advice on the Wave 3. I don’t want the stock electric heater. Back to rethinking my plan, I guess. I wonder, where else could the Wave 3 heater be installed? Anyone have any ideas?

    Now the best part: Sue, how’s that new computer working out for you?

    Hi everyone! Have a great day! Cheers to all. 😊

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Suzicruzi,

      You’re welcome, regarding my Wave 3 reply. Where else could it be installed? I’ve seen one installed on the wall space between the stove and the bathroom door, at head height. I think that was in Reine’s (Plano, TX) Casita.

      If Reine sees this, I hope she will share her experience with the Wave 3 in that location.

      I haven’t picked up the new computer yet, still making do with this little Acer with its keyboard for tiny hands. Reg and I will go into town closer to suppertime and see if it has arrived.

      You have a great day, too!

      • Gloria in Prescott, Az. says:

        Suzicruzi, Beetlefreak on the Casita Forum has a Liberty and they have their Wave 3 attached to the refrigerator wall as you enter their Casita. It is on a piano hinge so you can just flip it around and face it toward the back of the Casita when in use. Otherwise it is covered and fairly high on that wall. It did not seem to interfere with entering and exiting his Casita at all. We would have done that but we got ours Casita used and it had the furnace which is propane but does use an electric fan. We are really glad we got the furnace as it doesn’t take but a couple minutes to warm the little place up. Anyway you can get all kinds of ideas at the Casita Forum if you have the time to look.

  13. weather says:

    Reggie just loves to play, with other dogs, stuffed toys ,and now a lizard(!) , his antics must delight and entertain you every day. What a little bundle of joy he is. It is strange to see a post without a new picture of him in it. I hope after picking it up you find that you really like your new computer, for all of it’s features, besides being able to include recent photos on here.

    Yee boy howdy, did I ever like reading about your days as a kid in the country! How wonderful that your parents were able to provide that setting for you to grow up in, and allowed you the freedom to wander to your heart’s content. You’re still wandering, only now your neighborhood stretches across several states, Yippee!

    On you tube I found that song done by The McGuire Sisters. In that version they sang the lyrics. Among them -Happily waiting at the station, look at the train…about to arrive the band…they’re gonna play that Muskrat Ramble tune. I wonder if you’d once heard someone sing it, and that’s why you associated your muskrat and railroad tracks memories with the song.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Funny that you mention The McGuire Sisters! I was debating whether to go with the instrumental or with their version. I also listened to Louis Armstrong’s version but I prefer the rendition (right word?) of The BOBCATS. I like some jazz but a lot of it drives me nuts. For me it’s like listening to someone tell a story and they keep going off on tangents and elaborations and I become impatient to know how the story ends — “Get to the point, dammit!” That’s kind of like what jazz does to me and so did the Louis Armstrong version.

      Take a melody, play it well, and I’m happy! Guess I’m not very sophisticated, music-wise. 🙂

      No, the song didn’t come before the memory of the railroad tracks. I saw what I thought was a muskrat, recalled the childhood memory, then thought of the song, looked it up, read the lyrics with the lines about a train. Aha! One of those loops in life, and I’m not surprised you made the connection!

      I thought of you on the return from the store in Alamo. The lake was an unusual shade of green-gray. One time it was silver with diamond sparkles, another time bright blue, another black. I thought how you must see these changes on your lake, too.

      • DesertGinger says:

        I am so with you on jazz Sue! I do not like those endless riffs that keep going and going with no resolution! Drives me nuts.

      • weather says:

        “…like listening to someone tell a story” is a good analogy, Sue. It’s pretty common for someone to want to show off their own skill and want to be a star, instead of being more keen on the music itself. They are the type that desert the melody in favor of their own path.

        It’s grand standing and doesn’t support the other musicians who are playing with them. I was fortunate to be introduced to live jazz in small clubs . The only improvisation that went on was when one found a way to emphasize the emotion the song was meant to evoke, then the others would follow that lead and run with it. It didn’t ruin the music , just made it more moving.

        It’s hard to find those kinds of sessions on the internet because those that only wanted to be stars were the ones that became “big time” and were recorded and filmed . Those small clubs would often be so full that the whole crowd was standing, silently swaying to the music, because the music itself was the star and what we all cared about.

        You’re right, I do see those changes on this lake. Nature seems to have an endless palette of colors that I’ve watched it use to color the water. I especially love seeing different ones being displayed at the same time as I look near me and farther away. The lake is large by most standards, 22 miles long and seven miles wide, so one part can be dark navy blue under a cloud cover, the next have huge green-gray waves as a storm passes through and at the moment one sees placid sky blue water where they stand.

        Which computer did you buy? If you don’t want to start a thread of folks opinions about your choice, I’ll understand your not answering me. I’m interested because my Lenova laptop is an inexpensive model with limited features, so I’ll want something better the next time I shop for one on Amazon.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Good morning, weather,

          Promoting oneself instead of letting the music be the star — That’s exactly it! Turns me off completely.

          My new computer is an “Acer Aspire E 15 E5-575-33BM 15.6-Inch Full HD Notebook (Intel Core i3-7100U Processor 7th Generation , 4GB DDR4, 1TB 5400RPM Hard Drive, Intel HD Graphics 620, Windows 10 Home).”

          I’d post a link for your convenience but I’m encouraging folks to click on the ads this month.

          I haven’t opened up the new computer yet. Although I don’t care for the tiny keyboard of the little ACER I’m typing on at the moment (I’m still getting used to it), the new ACER is large and it receives high ratings from Amazon customers and PC ratings sites.

          The only thing I don’t like about ACER is the home page is set up to be MSN. I refuse to be brainwashed by the propaganda of fake news. I know how to change a home page. Somehow ACER has made it so the usual steps don’t work.

          Other than that, in the short time I’ve used ACER, I like it.

        • weather says:

          There’s a lot to like about your new Acer. Two things I find especially attractive are it’s blue light filter that reduces eye strain and the backlit keyboard. At it’s price of $349 it is described in reviews as being the only one currently made with all of it’s features for less than $800.
          Great choice, Sue, wow! Thank you for letting me know about it.

          Here’s an unusual note I found about it that I think may matter-to ensure the battery’s longevity it should be fully charged before being turned on for the 1st time. Then allow the battery to run down to the point of almost no charge. This process should be repeated 3 times, then just resume normal use. All that is included in the manual that comes with it, I was just surprised by it. Ordinarily instructions for all electronic devices advise simply fully charging them before using them. And like your now dead computer, most of my devices rechargeable batteries just quit after a couple years of use, and the heavily used ones less than that.

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Good morning, weather,

            I didn’t know that about charging, then draining, the battery on my new computer. Fortunately I haven’t opened it up yet so I’m able to do that. Thanks for alerting me!

            I went ahead and downloaded Picasa to my little Acer and edited a few photos last night. (Memory cards arrived.) I hope to put up a post today.

            It’s nice that you agree the big Acer I bought is a good choice. 🙂

  14. Dawn in MI says:

    We had muscats on the lake I grew up on. We saw them regularly and now muskrats have suddenly shown up on a pond across the street from our house. Cool! I don’t recall studying them when I was a kid in the way you did though. We just sort of accepted that they were around.

    Glad you’re in a lovely place. And glad Reggie has someone (the lizzard) to play with!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn!

      I think you mean muskrats in your first line, although I suppose grapes could be floating on the lake. Oh, I’m teasing you, not nice. Bad RVSue! 🙂

      Yeah, Reggie has more than one lizard with which to play. When we walk they dart across our path. And rabbits! At dusk they party hearty! One late afternoon on the road outside of the campground I saw about 10 of them in a distance of no more that five PTV-lengths, running back and forth across the road and then playing “freeze” as we passed. Cottontails, not jack rabbits.

  15. MN Liz says:

    Sue, I don’t know if you are familiar with this blogger, but she is fostering a dog that seems might be just the dog for you and Reggie. I know you haven’t talked lately about adding to your crew but… Here is the link:
    As soon as I started to read about Rudi, you and Reggie came to mind. Just an FYI.

    • Sarvi in OR says:

      I peruse local humane societies sites often. I’m not looking for another dog by any means, I just like to look at them. Lately though, I’ve been noticing that I look for dogs that seem to meet RVSue’s criteria for a dog… small, white female with spots. Lol!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I appreciate the thought, Liz. I’ve learned not to attempt going after a dog far from our location. I’m very picky, especially when choosing a second dog, so the travel may turn out to be chasing windmills. It’s best to find one as we go along.

      Lately I’ve been rethinking adding another dog, simply because Reggie requires so much attention and security. Thanks anyway.

    • Renee from Idaho says:

      Thanks for sharing this link MN Liz. I read Rudi’s story and about his progress. What a great person to take him with her to save his life. How awful that there are shelters that just kill strays. All our dogs have been from shelters and although we’ve worked through issues with them, they’ve all turned out to be great dogs. I’ll continue to follow along with Rudi and get some of those training tips that I can use too.

      • MN Liz says:

        Renee, I think Rudi is one lucky little dog to have been picked up by this compassionate woman who seems to know just what to do to socialize a dog. Hope she finds the perfect forever home for him too.

  16. Pam and Maya, still in NY says:

    Hi Sue, your post took me way back to when I was a child. I used to go off like you and have adventures. Thank you so much! Hi to Reg and the other Blogerinos.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Pam and Maya!

      I’m glad you had that in your childhood. Beats any amusement park or video game!

  17. Sarvi in OR says:

    I was born and raised in MI, which is full of lakes and rivers. I spent my summers “up north” at my grandma’s summer trailer on a lake. I would go out first thing in the morning and come back when the sun set, and i didn’t wear a pair of shoes all summer! I’d play with frogs, go fishing (I could gut and filet a fish by 5 years old), go sailing or row boating with my cousins, catch crayfish, get the heebie-jeebies when I swam through seaweed while swimming across the lake and back. I think fondly of those days, and I miss them so much. And here I am, decades later, I still HATE wearing shoes!

  18. Pookie and Chuck in Todd Mission Tx says:

    great story Sue……..takes me back to my childhood days in the 50s
    keeping myself entertained during the hot summer months……
    thanks for the memories……
    chuck and pookie

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, chuck and pookie! Our generation learned how to entertain ourselves and we loved it. Now we have stories from childhood that the young people today can only dream about or see on a screen. Maybe sometime I’ll write about catching snapping turtles or jumping off the bridge into the river (making sure to hit the spot between the submerged rocks) or the time I climbed on the neighbor’s horse which was people shy and he galloped under a low branch. Ah, good times, good memories….

      • Ha ha ha…our horse Jasper would run for a tree and stop short pitching us over his head into the tree or bush. He was a rascal but I learned his ways and he couldn’t trick me anymore.

  19. Tammie Villanueva says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie
    Alamo has a dump station?
    I love it up there and Panaca.
    Sue I love the way you tell your stories
    I can picture it in my mind as if I’m watching in on tv can’t wait for more pictures and another story or adventure.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Tammie!

      Did you mean that as a question about a dump station? There is one at Picketts RV Park located behind the grocery store.

      I’m pleased you are enjoying my stories and are looking forward to more. Tomorrow morning Reggie and I will be out early, hunting for photos to take. I’d like to catch some wildlife. 🙂

  20. Rover Ronda (WA) says:

    Yay! I love it when I come shopping n find a new post.

  21. Rover Ronda (WA) says:

    My friend has been bugging me to get a Fitbit. Anyone have one? Do you use it everyday? Are you glad you got it?

    • Barb from Hoquiam! says:

      I have had one for over a year. It helps to track my steps (over 11,000 a day) and my sleep (not enough). I like it. I wear mine all the time. I got a fitbit flex… not all of them are the same. 🙂


    • I have worn the Fitbit One for I think 5 years now. Really like both keeping track and the incentive to walk a little more to make my number higher. I like this One fastened to the inside of my shirt on my tshirt like undergarment. It’s out of sight and protected but easy access. Just not sure I want a new one on my wrist like many are now.

      • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

        Me too, I ordered the Fitbit Zip. It clips to my undergarment. It just arrived! I haven’t figured it all out yet, but I wore it when I took the dogs for a walk after dinner, 4500+ steps. Interesting. I think I’ll use it and be glad I got it.
        Thank you everyone for your input.

    • Renee from Idaho says:

      I have a Fitbit and love it. I wear it daily and to bed at night. I average about 10 – 11k steps a day. It’s really an eye opener when it tracks your sleep too. A weekly email is sent out showing you your status and you can even link to others if you want to be competitive on it. I have the Fitbit HR so it tracks my heart rate, which I like. It also signals me when I receive a call on my cell phone.

  22. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    LOL My Uncle Bobby “Lips” Levine was in the Bob Crosby Bobcats… from the 70’s-90’s. LOVE that JAZZ!

    Hugs! From a soggy sloggy Hoquiam. They say we have had a record 10 FT of rain this year.

  23. Thoroughly enjoyed both Reggie’s lizard games and your muskrat memories – thanks for sharing :-)))

  24. Rover Ronda (WA) says:

    Hm? It seems I’m only granted one comment. My second comment didn’t post. I’ve noticed this pattern for the last few posts. My first comment posts, then some of the secondary comments show up days later a few lost into cyberspace. I suspect you are more worried about comments than I. Please don’t stress any over it on my account. I don’t mind. It’s not like I’ve lost my contacts data or anything. That’s what I worry about. I used to know all my loved ones phone numbers by heart🤔Not anymore.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I see two comments from you. When a comment doesn’t appear after a minute or two, refresh the page. I wish I knew how to fix this!

      • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

        Just feedback if you need it dealing with support staff – I have tried the refresh button. Once exiting n powering off worked but didn’t work when I tried it on the next post.
        But yay, thanks to Barb from Hoquiam, I learned something. Even though at 8:23 I could not see my second comment or Barb’s response. Obviously Barb saw my comment at 8:02. So that’s encouraging. I just need to keep on commenting. Surely no one will think I’m being rude dropping the conversation, they’ll just think I had to go do something else. 😃

  25. Michael Bordeaux says:

    Thanks for the wonderful writing and excellent taste in music.
    A long time follower,
    Michael the Old van Man.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Michael. I’m glad you enjoyed it, also that you’ve been riding with us a long time. Thanks for the compliment!

  26. Glenda in OZ! says:

    Hi Sue…………..checking in after a long catch up read. Glad all is well with you !!

  27. DesertGinger says:

    Hi all! Love the childhood stories too. Like everyone else it reminds me of my days out riding my bicycle feeling wild and free, just coming home for dinner. In those days my Mom fixed DINNER. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn on the cob, sliced tomatoes, hot biscuits. Dinner was a big deal at our house.

    I have some kind of virus and am fighting to breathe. Spent last night in urgent care. My face is like I have a faucet in the middle of it.

    Beyond that, I just work. Work, work, work. Never thought I would say it but I’m getting tired of work.

    Alright, I promise next time to be more UP. It’s spring, it’s warm, it’s wonderful outside. Driving home from urgent care at 3:00 am I nodded off and hit a thing on the side of the road, a directional sign they put up when they do roadwork. Wow did it make a big noise! That woke me. So I drove home dreading to see what I had done to my car. But when I got out there was nothing. Are those signs made of rubber or something? So scared me. But I was ok. Been thankful for that all day.

    Thanks for the walk down memory lane Sue!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Gosh, Ginger, what if that road sign hadn’t been there to wake you up? Sounds like that was a near disaster. I’m glad you and your car survived without damage.

      Well, urgent care in the middle of the night. Must’ve been pretty bad. Get well soon. Like you say, spring is here and there are places to go . . . . 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Feel better soon, DesertGinger! 🙂

      • Jo in OR says:

        Geepers, DG! That was a close call. Get to feeling great, ASAP.
        So happy you and your car survived unscathed. 🙂 I always enjoy your comments.

    • Renee from Idaho says:

      I’m glad you are ok Desert Ginger and are unscathed by your near call/or near miss. It could’ve been so much worse. Take care and I hope you will soon be feeling better.

    • My sister fell asleep at the wheel once and hit the concrete barrier and woke her up. Since then, I’ve encouraged her, family and friends to please take a nap in the car…pull over or stay put and sleep a bit. It’s unbelievable how quick one falls asleep….I did. I remember stopping at a stop sign and I must have drove off and woke up and couldn’t remember where I was. My niece was sitting in the passenger seat and never once did she realize I had fallen asleep. I pulled over onto a forest road and took a nap…..a close call.

  28. DesertGinger says:

    So I should mention I bought one of those dresses shown in the ads above. Only 16.99. If I like it I will be back for more.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      If it’s the Molerani, it has the best customer reviews of the bunch. I hope you like it. It looks practical and pretty!

      I can’t tell from your comment whether or not you went through the ad on my blog to shop Amazon. I see the dress on my orders report. If that’s yours, thanks, Ginger! 🙂

  29. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue and Reggie!

    Your new camp sounds wonderful! A peaceful view with a playmate for Reggie! I hope you are able to make a positive identification on the animal in the lake. Thank you for sharing your childhood memories with us. 🙂

    Sending you and Reggie love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      I love the new header Reggie, pleased as punch to be out front, leading an adventurous hike! He is loving life! 🙂

      All this talk of muscrats brings to mind the Captain the Tenille song “Muscrat Love.” 🙂

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Good morning, Denise!

        That header photo of Reggie looking back at the camera was taken at the coral-pink sand dunes near Ponderosa Grove. Reg had great fun zooming in the sand.

        I never seem to catch your comments shortly after you post one. Methinks you’re a night person, while I’m a morning person and most likely I’m sleeping while you’re posting. 🙂 I hope you and Gracie pup are well and enjoying this day.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Love and hugs to you two, also!

      I have made a positive ID of the animal in the lake and will let you know in the next post. 🙂

  30. Last fall on the way to the Peach Festival in Utah, we stopped at Pahranagat to visit. We loved the area but didn’t camp. Instead we moved on the Cathedral Canyon, an awesome place, and into Ely, NV to camp. Your Muskrat story reminds of Kansas. On a Saturday morning I’d make PBJ sandwiches and a bottle of milk and head out on my bike on any country road. In the summer heat, I’d eat my lunch near a pond or creek and listen to birds, watch insects and other wild life that happen to come along. It was always nice to take a dip in the water and air dry on my way home. I’d be gone all day. I don’t remember ever being afraid. Now days I don’t know if I’d let my granddaughter ride alone into the woods. That Reggie is the cutest…Fat Lizard got the best of him LOL

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Rita!

      Those childhood experiences with nature gave you a love of the outdoors and travel that I know (from reading your comments over the years) has given you much pleasure in adulthood. Yes, times are different now. Back then we didn’t fear; we were free to roam independently with very little risk.

      Ah, the PBJ picnics in the woods! Great memories!

  31. Krystina says:

    LOVED this post RVSue!! I do like the way you write. I too was remembering my childhood…riding my bike all day, playing in the creek across the street and staying at the town pool all day. FUN, FUN, FUN…the good old days.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Krystina!

      I just found your comment in my spam bin! I don’t know why that happened and am very sorry it did.

      Your granddaughters are growing like weeds, no doubt, and you’re loving being their grammy. I’m happy for you and also glad that you keep in touch with me and all your fellow blogorinos.

      Thank you for the compliment on my writing. You and I are fortunate that our childhood memories are a pleasure to recall. Enjoy springtime in Vermont! 🙂

  32. Renee from Idaho says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie! I’m anxious now to find out what it was in the lake. Not the creature from Pahranagat! Well, we shall see. I looked at the lizards in the link you provided but didn’t find Fat Lizard! I too have my Audubon Guide and binoculars when we travel. I can sit most of an afternoon bird watching with my trusty canine scouts signaling the direction to look.

  33. Cinandjules (🌵) says:

    Hey you! Didn’t you see my “don’t send out the posse” post?
    I flew in from Sacramento earlier this morning. Haven’t had time to catch up on your post! No worries lady…I’m not going anywhere!

  34. Great memories. I spent years driving from Nellis AFB to Caliente just up the road a piece.

    We would stop to do some fishing from time to time – the bass in the lakes were, at one time, large enough to gobble up a duckling. The Feds poisoned the lake to kill off the fish and I don’t know if it was ever restocked.

    Perfect time of the year to stop and spend a few days next to the water. Cathedral Gorge State Park is very nice this time of year as well.

    I enjoyed the Muskrat musings, so much of what children do – or don’t do, is either enjoyed or missed much later in life.

    Looking forward to see you new photos.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Don,

      It always gives me a smile to learn a post and its photos brought forth a reader’s fond memories. That must’ve been some exciting bass fishing! I’m surprised there aren’t more people fishing the lake. Maybe it’s because of the frequent wind or, as you say, the question of whether the lake has been restocked. A friend did tell me he had good luck fishing Lake Pahranagat last year.

      Thanks for the positive feedback on my muskrat rambles.

      • In a related Item I meant to ask about earlier.

        You have mentioned several times about buying water in 1 gal containers as the rig water is for washing, etc. We did the same for our pull-behinds, carrying drinking water in 2.5 gal jugs filled at home

        Do you buy water in the gallon containers that are square or get the one that look like milk jugs with the built in handle?

        If the square ones, how well do they hold up to being bounced around in the BLT?

        Now very space constrained the Great White Whale (VW Eurovan camper) I need to consider using smaller water containers… I would appreciate your feedback on container durability.


        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Don… I hope you don’t mind. . . I’m going to move your comment to under the next post where it will be seen by more people. I’ll be happy to share what I’ve learned about water containers.

  35. Shawna says:

    Loved your childhood memory of the muskrat pond! And oh my, Reggie and the lizard. You described that so perfectly I was laughing out loud at the picture you painted of the Reg Man trying to tag Fat Lizard!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Shawna,

      What’s even more laughable than Reggie chasing Fat Lizard is me totally involved in the activity. Sheesh… Talk about easy to entertain . . . 🙂

  36. suzicruzi from Van, WA. says:

    G’morning Sue, and Mr. Reg! I’m having my morning joe with you, and getting ready for my walk. Today is my TGIT(hursday), as I’m down to a 4 day work week. 🙂 Yay!

    I read your post again, and it reminds me of simpler days too – not coming home until the street lights came on. That seemed to be a universal theme where I lived. We’d run around barefoot all day long, going in and out of our friends’ homes, in various pools in the neighborhood, but only if the parents were home, and down to the park and playground. I only had brothers, and there were no other girls on my street, so you know how I grew up, right? Right. Learned to climb trees, skateboard, throw rocks, fly remote control model planes, BUILD model planes, mow the yard, and fight. Yes, I got my share of “nuggies” to the top of the head, so I learned to either run super fast whilst squealing, or I learned to fight.

    Later, I was sent home from school several times for fighting or pushing (boys) off the jungle gym at the school playground during recess. To this day I remember the words my kindergarten teacher used when she spoke with which ever parent came to get me; “it’s like she’s had a few martinis the way she escalates with the boys”. Sheesh…. That was growing up with 3 older brothers, and about 4 other boys on my street. Anything goes and anything went back then. Lol. But we did have a great childhood running free and never having to worry about “stay in the yard where I can see you!” . Life was good.

    The real reason I’m writing is to thank you for all you do, for all of us who obviously look forward to your posts full of tales and beautiful scenery, and also your helpfulness over the years to all who ask advice or just questions – or, just a place to come to and be part of a really wonderful community of “free spirits” who think alike and care about each other.

    Your blog is free. I don’t get spam. It doesn’t require an email address to browse photos or stories, and I don’t get pestered to buy sh*t all the time! You are helpful, funny, witty, and compassionate. You are a dog person! Double yay! For all of that, and more, you just deserve a big fat THANK YOU SUE!

    Not for brownie points, nor even a special thank you, I squeaked out one more Amazon order just now in your name. LOL! I’m frugal too, just like you, but it’s the last few days of your April bonus, so I put together a few things to help out one last time. Another Benchmark Atlas to browse and get excited over, a few household things “I’ma gonna” need in a few weeks or so anyway, and a very cool lanyard with squeeze bottles attached for the campground showers. I’ve seen those awhile back on Pinterest, and I made a note.

    It’s a cool lanyard you can hang around your neck (kind of heavy maybe unless you keep the bottles only partially full), on your way to the shower room, and then hang the lanyard on the neck of the shower head or the faucet, whichever. Then the bottles are those 3oz “goo tube” things that don’t leak and are TSA friendly. They hang from the lanyard upside down, and you just flip the cap and squeeze in the shower. They are even colored differently so you can tell which is which. I like! I’m excited to get it and fool around with it, ha ha… I like new toys. 😉

    I treated myself to a new mop head too… I’ve been putting off buying one for a long time as they are expensive. I’ll be thinking about you and Reggie-man every time I (lovingly) labor over my clients floors. Instead of feeling like I’m just mopping, I’ll be daydreaming of my trailer & travel days in the near future. Now that’s a funny thought!! Laboring over floors and dreaming of being in my Casita!

    It’s a good life Sue. Cheers to you and your sweet boy. Please give him an extra smooch from me! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Suzi,

      I’m sitting at my laptop table with a cup of Joe. Enjoyed your interesting comment very much. What an adventurous childhood you had with all those boys! Kudos to your parents for not holding you back and letting you “run with the pack”… 🙂 instead of segregating you from all that fun and adventure.

      Thank you for the kind praise of my blog and me. (I do have my faults!) I’m very pleased you feel welcome and comfortable here, Suzi. You add much to this “community.”

      Thanks also for the Amazon orders! I looked for the items but they haven’t shown up yet. I’ll let you know when I check again later. The lanyard is a clever idea… The image you put in my mind of you leaning on your mop dreaming of travel and your trailer is cute!

      Cheers to you, too! 🙂

  37. cc and canine ( now in Oregon) says:

    Absolutely loved the story about your childhood that the muskrats brought to mind…
    We are around your age, and brought our only son up in the suburbs of St. Louis . Our house backed to common ground, complete with a little creek and a large blackberry patch. I quit my job (cartographer) when he started kindergarten, as I just couldn’t imagine him in “daycare” all summer. So he had great summers with his friends getting muddy in the creek, riding his bike and roaming the neighborhood. He too had to come in when the street lights came on, or when we rang the dinner bell!! One of his favorite things to do was put up his little tent in the backyard, and “camp” out there with his kitty. Later, when he was in Junior High, we got our first trailer, and took him camping and hiking in the Rockies. Now he is all grown up with daughters of his own, and is taking them hiking and camping here in the Mt. Hood area.

    We moved out here to be closer to the grandkids, and have recently “upsized” to a Bigfoot 17.5′ trailer….over Mother’s Day weekend we are taking the oldest grandgirl (aged 4 )with us camping and hiking in southern Oregon. It won’t be her first trip, but the first one without Mom or Dad. Hopefully our influence will help them grow up with a love and greater appreciation for nature and our environment!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      A lovely portrait of your family painted in and between the lines of your comment, cc. Your son is very fortunate to have had those experiences. Here you are, ready to infuse the next generation with a love of the outdoors. What a wonderful way to spend Mother’s Day weekend, camping with your oldest grandchild. 🙂

      Thank you for writing. That Bigfoot is a very nice trailer. Have fun with it!

    • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

      Hi cc,
      Enjoyed your comment. Took me back to the creek and blackberry patch on my friends farm growing up. Great memories. She and I are still close. Logistics wise we are only able to see each other about once or twice a month, but at least we have that. She is also my backpacking partner. My husband won’t go backpacking only day hikes. He used to car camp with me. Last year we bought an old 17′ Bigfoot. We love it. So far we’ve only done a couple mods on it. A compost toilet and made the dinette into a (more or less) permanent queen bed. We had to cut the corner of the mattress and the added board & mattress sticks out in the doorway some, but it’s worth it to us. My husband and I are both XL. We and our 2 dachshunds just did not fit on the 41″ dinette bed. The new bed is better than the one in our sticks n bricks😃
      I’m sure you will enjoy your Bigfoot. Your Mothers Day Trip sounds great!

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