Luna Lake Campground, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, Arizona

Tuesday, September 13 – Saturday, September 17

P1140162Our campsite at Luna Lake Campground, Alpine, eastern Arizona.

The summer season is over. 

That means no reservations; sites are first come – first serve.  Just how I like it!

Driving into Luna Lake Campground you pass by the camp hosts’ site.  A sign says, “Pick a site and a host will contact you.”

This is a camper-convenient system. 

Usually one drives around a new campground to choose a site, then has to drive one’s rig back to the self-pay station at the entrance to feed the iron ranger the pay envelope with site number marked on it.


I have a difficult time choosing a site.

They’re all good sites —  large, well-spaced, and attractive with tall pine trees and clear under story of grass and flowers.  I choose what I consider the best of the best!

P1140124A few hours after I’ve set up our camp, the hosts, a couple from Bullhead City, western Arizona, come by to register us and receive our camp fee.

During our conversation, they tell me they were camping at Luna Lake Campground in August when the camp host gave up the position.  The concessionaire company asked them if they’d like to take over.

They had no camp hosting experience.

“How’s it going so far?” I ask.

“Well, we survived Labor Day Weekend.  We figure if we can do that, we can do anything!”


Reggie finds treasure!

One late afternoon Bridget, Reggie, and I are on a stride-and-ride around the campground when we approach a site where a man sits reading a book.  He looks up, shouts a greeting, and a chat begins.

While we talk, Bridget lies contentedly in her car and Reggie sniffs the grass alongside the road.  A few minutes later the man and I conclude our conversation and I turn to push Bridget’s stroller.

“C’mon, Reg,” I say, glancing around.


He looks at me with eyes glazed over in blissful concentration. His jaws are working on the remaining two inches of a hot dog which sticks out of the side of his mouth like a cigar.

“Where did you get that?” I exclaim.

“He has a hot dog,” I call over to the man.

“Oh, that’s one of mine,” the man replies.  “I left it out and a crow took it and dropped it.”

“You’ve eaten most of it already, Reg, so you might as well finish it.  That’s quite a treasure!”

UPDATE:  Everything came out all right.


After three days at camp, I want to go somewhere.

“Let’s take a drive into town.  I could pick up a few groceries.”

It’s only three miles from Luna Lake Campground to the little town of Alpine.

P1140147-001The grocery store isn’t very big.

It’s crowded, mostly with men and women wearing camouflage outfits. People stand around chatting in the leisurely fashion of country folk.  I buy a jar of peanut butter for $6.50 and 1.75-quarts of ice cream for $6.99.

What the heck. I need comfort food.

Out in the parking lot I notice a hunter getting into his truck. 

He’s wearing a full camo ensemble of camo shirt, camo pants, camo hat, and coordinating boots.  He also sports a neon orange hunter’s vest.

Dude.  Either you want to be seen or you don’t want to be seen.  You can’t do both.

Bridget rides in the front passenger seat.

I want to keep an eye on her and that’s hard to do when she’s on the bench seat. From now on Her Royal Highness rides in her doggie bed placed in the passenger seat next to Reggie in his bed on the floor between the seats.

On the return to camp we drive over to the boat ramp and tackle shop area.


Although we can see a bit of the lake from our campsite, it isn’t right next to the campground.  There’s a path that goes from our site to the lake, probably made by people who fish.  It’s too far for us to use.

“The lake is really blue today,” I remark to the crew.


Bridget sits up, interested in the view out the side window. 

I bring the window down all the way and drive very slowly over the dirt road that takes us home.  Bridget points her nose into the breeze coming through the window, obviously enjoying the coolness washing over her.


Bridget still does not want to eat. 

I wish I could give you some comfort food, sweetheart.  Enjoy the breeze . . . .

Thanks again to all who wrote kind words for Bridget, Reggie, and me. 

Your support is appreciated.  We’re doing fine, taking it one day at a time, pointing our noses to the breeze.





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176 Responses to Luna Lake Campground, Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest, Arizona

  1. Dawn from Camano Island says:

    Thank you for the Bridget & Rusty updates. Have a good day!

  2. Susan in Dallas says:


  3. Pam and Maya, Still in NY says:

    Hi Sue and Crew, glad to hear that all is peaceful and well. Your campground looks beautiful, I hope you can’t hear the shots from the hunters there. Hugs to you all, we are thinking of you. Also thanks for the update on Rusty.

  4. My thoughts are with you and Bridget (and Reggie).

    Your campsite looks gorgeous.

    We are in Las Vegas heading to Green Valley, AZ, where we purchased a small (very small!) casita/condo! This decision arrived after almost a year of discussion of what we want to do with our retirement life and we think heading to the land we fell in love with last April and becoming geezer snowbirds will work. Looking forward to exploring the SE and NE areas of Arizona that you’ve been talking about. What we do for RV’ing during the summer remains to be seen…

    Take care,

  5. Jolene/Iowa says:

    This is so pretty here. I just love the outdoors.
    Praying for all needing prayers.
    My first cousin just had a double lung transplant on Thurs. Quite irony in the fact that is my mom’s birthday also . My mom is still alive and doing well. We lost my sister in 2000 to the same disease Primary Arterial Hypertension, in 2000. So the fact that this is the day she got her new gift of lungs, nothing short of Divine intervention in my way of thinking.

    This brings up the fact of how important organ donation is.

  6. Alice (So. Fla) says:

    Sounds like a great place, pics are beautiful as always. Take Care.

  7. Rochelle in IN says:

    Oh good -a new post!

  8. Gail on the Olympic Peninsula says:

    I’m glad to hear that Bridget seems to be feeling no pain and is enjoying life. She is in the best possible place she could be at this time – with you and Reggie, who love her beyond measure. May God ease the way for all of you with peace. Thank you for sharing your lives with those of us who follow your travels and lives.

  9. Lisa, Tommie and Buddy in NJ says:

    So nice to see Bridgette enjoying her day. Enjoy yours.

  10. JIM PETERSON says:

    Funny stuff about the hunter — also crazy how many of them ride around on their four wheelers or in their side-by-sides . . . that ain’t no kind of hunting where I come from. My good friend hunts elk every year in Montana, and he and his buddies are usually very successful. They walk . . . and often have to go back in the next day to retrieve their kill. Last fall my friend covered his up with his jacket (forgot and left his cellphone in a pocket!) and the other three just left theirs (freshly dressed). By the next day, a wolf (or wolves) had completely eaten one elk but left the other three alone. I was taught to hunt 50 years ago but never got into it — love to fish though.

  11. R. on Colorado Trail says:

    Hi RVSue and crew. I laughed when I read description of a hunter and his orange vest. I had very similar experience but a guy had also orange hat. Only a couple more days and Im done hiking Colorado Trail. B1ridget looks content
    Now I’m going to read your previous posts to learn about Bridget. Hope she is OK

  12. Pat from Mich. says:

    Prayers for Miss Bridget. Sometimes they know better than we do.

  13. Virginia620 (Mobile AL) says:

    Beautiful camping area. Enjoy. Love the photos.

    Prayers still for Bridget, you and Reggie.

  14. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    The grocery sign made me giggle… “Ice….Beer….Worms.” Catering to hunters and folks who fish, they definitely have their priorities straight! I am sorry that your comfort food came at such a high expense. I wish that I was close by so I could leave a care package for you….not imposing…..hmmm…maybe next to that large pine tree with the clump of wildflowers growing nearby…with my contact info if you had a need for anything.

    Sending you warm, loving thoughts and a big hug. I hope that Reggie’s treasure did not upset his stomach! Enjoy the cool, pine-scented breeze, Miss Bridget…you are loved so much by so many, beautiful girl! Have a good day, Sue – love you! xxxooo

  15. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    Thanks for the updates on Her Royal Highness and Rusty. It’s wonderful that Bridget wants to go out and enjoy the breeze – every moment is so special. Love that photo of her in the front seat of the PTV looking out at the passing scenery. Still praying this is a temporary condition and she will perk up and be hungry. Love to all of you …

  16. weather says:

    It sounds like that host couple was camping in the right place at the right time, I really like hearing about things just falling into place for folks. Camper- convenient is a clever phrase and good system, having that and your choice of the best of the best sites seems like you, too, were in the right place at the right time, neat!

    Bridget gets to ride right across from you now, and enjoy the breeze, sweet! I’m glad you let Reggie finish his hot dog and you got some comfort food. That way each of the three of you had a special treat 🙂 Wow,according to the grocery store’s sign they sell ice beer worms ! With bait like that a person must catch some amazing fish. I wonder if they’d have beer bellies if everyone used those worms and did catch and release fishing? Thanks for including all that you did in this post, and letting us share the journey, Sue.

  17. Glad to see Bridget watching out the window and enjoying the breeze, and that the hot dog had no ill effects on Reggie. Typical boy. Enjoying each day as it comes is a great way to go.

  18. Deena in Phoenix, AZ says:

    Beautiful site, wonderful breezes to enjoy, a treasure to digest and comfort food, what a excellent time spent together.

    Miss Mollie had slowed down her eating habits and I was watching her chest rising, she is 14.5 yrs after all and still looking for Partner, so I was preparing myself for the natural pathway of life. Then she scratched one of her lumpy bumps off and I couldn’t get it to stop bleeding; visit to her vet, he proclaimed her very healthy so we made the decision to remove lumpy bumps (six) and clean her teeth…lo and behold, had to have 4 teeth removed (2 upper left and 2 lower right). Yep, bad mouth problems had been her only problem and she is eating well, happy, eager for rides to the park and walking around investigating EVERYTHING and we are having a blast. My neighbor believes that since I wasn’t paying attention to Miss Mollie’s mouth, she scratched off the lump to get me to take her to the vet. Debbie may be correct.

    At 68 I’m still learning…now to focus more on the moment not the passing of the moments.

    Deena and Miss Mollie

  19. Jan NH says:

    So glad you are having these wonderful days to cherish with Bridget and Reggie.
    Love to see Bridget looking out the window pointing her nose to the breeze!

  20. Tom Moore says:

    Bridget looks happy looking out the window.

    Beautiful camp site.

    Most pray animals can’t see in color so the hunter orange is a trade off for the safety of those hunting. Most hunters LOL! understand that deer do not carry flashlight in the dark or sport hunter orange.

  21. Teri in SoCal says:

    I’m so sorry your sweet girl still doesn’t want to eat. Could it be something like a bad tooth? Whatever is bothering her I know she has the best mom. My best wishes to you both.

  22. I’ll bet Bridgie is also loving all the smells! They’re telling her so many things about her world.

  23. Retiredcajunlady says:

    Oh what a lovely spot you found! Breezes, pine trees, and lovely blue lake! What more could one ask for? $13.50 + for a jar of peanut butter and < than a half gallon of ice cream???? Yikes! I sure hope that is some yummy ice cream and delectable peanut butter at those prices…LOL.

    I had to laugh at Reggie and the hot dog. Willee tends to taste and eat whatever he finds too. It's always a contest to see how fast he can chew and gobble something before I can react and get it from him. I haven't won the contest yet…but I will one day!

    Have a beautiful weekend, Sue. Belly rubs and hugs for pups, and prayers for all.

    • Retiredcajunlady says:

      I just looked at a map to where you and crew are camped, and I saw Winslow, AZ off I40!!! Being the Eagles fan that I am, I would just have to trek north to see the statue. For you and crew and of my Eagles favorites:

      “I was standin on a corner
      in Winslow, Arizona
      Such a fine sight to see…
      It’s Sue’s Crew, my Lord
      In a Chevy and Casita
      travelin round the SE so free…”
      (Sung to the tune of “Take It Easy”)

      • Karen LeMoine says:

        Winslow is a dumpy town filled with rundown homes,nasty looking motels and the prison on the outskirts. Standing on the corner is all Winslow has going for itself.

      • Cynthia from San Clemente says:

        Love it RCL! And Winslow does have some redeeming qualities 🙂

        • Cinandjules (finally in da zone) says:

          We thought about stopping and taking a photo. But we decided we wanted to get home! Had us singing the Eagles the rest of he way!

      • Retiredcajunlady says:

        Thank you all so much for the comments. I will, one day, get there to take a picture! And I am sure the town is struggling as so many small towns in our country are. But it won’t stop me! It is so true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Thank you, Lord, for all the beauty in my life and in this world.

        MMmmmm Just tried to post this, and got some kind of cap error. 9-5 used to =4, right? With all this common core crap, now I am not so sure anymore….mmmm.

  24. Lee J in northern California says:

    I love that sign, what a meal that would be! Did you ever chant that ditty “no body loves me, everybody hates me, I’m going to eat some worms”? Now we know where to get the worms!

  25. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    Lovely camp. Folks have been talking of their pets dental needs. Have you checked her mouth for a sore or gum issue to be sure she doesn’t need some dental work? Of course you have, that was a dump question. Sorry, I didn’t mean to insult your intelligence.

    My brother is in a room now in the physical therapy wing and he is doing well today. Thanks again everyone for you thoughts and prayers.

  26. Des says:

    Hi Sue, My best wishes to you and Bridgie. Also can’t forget that little fireball Reggie. Last Wednesday I lost my 16 year old rescue beagle. Like Bridget she refused all food & just started sleeping most of the day. She was well loved & will be missed everyday by my crew. Your faithfull reader, Des

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m sorry, Des. Thank you, on behalf of your sweet beagle girl, for rescuing her and giving her a good life. You and your crew have my sympathy.

  27. rvsueandcrew says:


    I’m not replying individually to comments in order to spend more time with the crew. It’s a gorgeous day outside and that’s where we are spending most of our time.

    A few comments have been posted about possible causes for Bridget’s decline. You care about Bridget and want her to return to her former health and vitality. I understand this and don’t fault you for hoping your suggestion will result in a cure.

    I have checked Bridget’s mouth thoroughly. She does not have swollen gums, red gums, loose teeth, bad breath or any other indications of dental problems.

    Please restrain yourself from guessing what might be “wrong” or telling us how your dog had the same symptoms and was cured. It’s doesn’t accomplish anything and it is distressing for me. Thank you for understanding and for caring.


    • Renee from Idaho says:

      Thanks for the update, Sue. I have to admit I thought the same of her mouth, but held my tongue because I knew that you know best for her.

  28. Sharon in MO says:

    Hello Sue. What a lovely campground! Glad to hear you and the crew are enjoying each day, especially Miss Bridget. That is the best way to live.

  29. Geri says:

    Wow. another beautiful campground to explore!
    Miss Bridget, can you feel all the love and prayers we are all sending your way? Hopefully you will wake up in the morning with tummy rumbling with hunger pangs and eat a happy meal!
    Another day of rain here, sounds wonderful to hear raindrops dancing on the roof of The MotherShip!
    Enjoy your peaceful and beautiful new camp!

  30. Beverly says:

    All hunters in AZ are encouraged to wear hunter orange. I teased my husband the other day about wearing camouflage gear. Has something to do with what colors animals see or don’t see. In the meantime I can step out my front door and talk to our resident deer while dressed in any color I choose. 🙂

    • Beverly says:

      Found this on the internet under “Why do hunters wear camouflage and orange?”
      The color is valuable to hunters because people notice but deer don’t. Deer cannot distinguish among orange, red, yellow and green, which all look like the same shade of gray to them. Turkeys and waterfowl do notice blaze orange, which is why those hunters are less likely to wear it.

  31. chas anderson says:

    My beloved Juice used to go on occasional hunger strikes as she got older.Always is worrisome but the old ones get finicky sometimes.

  32. Rover Ronda (WA) says:


  33. Lovely campground you are in now. Prayers for you, Bridget & Reggie. We are all part of the inevitable circle of life but it doesn’t mean it makes it any easier for beloved humans or animals when dealing with end of life signs. Peace for you and crew.

    • Brenda in Texas says:

      “We are all part of the inevitable circle of life but it doesn’t mean it makes it any easier for beloved humans or animals when dealing with end of life signs.”

      Nancy, you said that so eloquently….. Much better then I could do.

  34. Pat (Ky) says:

    I hope this doesn’t offend you. I’m reminded of an episode of Northern Exposure. I guess it was a popular TV show but I didn’t watch any episodes until someone loaned me the complete DVD set. Anyway, the episode I’m reminded of is the one with Nedra. She is an elderly lady who we see having a full life living by herself. Joel (the town’s doctor) goes out to her house to get some smoked salmon from her. The next time he visits, Nedra is napping. She doesn’t want to eat and just wants to rest. Joel wants to find out what is wrong with her and insists on doing tests. Nedra agrees if it will make him happy. Still nothing shows up. I think the term she used was that she’s just “winding down” and is looking forward to her next journey.

    Dying is what is going to happen to all living beings. Yes it’s sad to see the inevitable getting closer, but why not enjoy the days we do have with loved ones. I think you came to the same conclusion. You’re in a beautiful camp, fresh breezes, a nearby lake and you’ve got your pups to share it with you. As my dad told me when I got teary eyed around him during his last days..”don’t cry, I’m not dead yet.”

    • ApplegirlNY says:

      Northern Exposure, in my opinion is one of the best written TV shows of all times. I watched it when it was on and several years ago my husband gave me the entire series on DVD. For anyone who hasn’t seen it, check it out. Great characters.

      • Pat (Ky) says:

        Do you have any favorite episodes? I’m torn between the piano fling and the one about light. I felt like I was there when the fling happened. I loved the speech Chris Stevens gave using various quotes about light…and then to see all the lights he’d gathered from all over town come on leaving everyone amazed.

        • ApplegirlNY says:

          Piano Fling is a classic, for sure. Of course, being a Monty Python fan, it is one of my favorites! It’s almost impossible to nail down one episode. I tend to take a nasty winter weekend and have a marathon. Ah, yes, Chris in the Morning. He’s my favorite character. The rest of my family love Ed. The characters are all 3 dimensional and the town itself is a character, which is what makes it so special. Glad to know there are others out there who love this show.

  35. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    What a beautiful site and I love the blue water!!!!! So glad Bridget is enjoying the scenery and the great weather.
    Sending lots of love to you, Bridget and Reggie.

  36. AZ Jim says:

    Just ridin’ along Missy! Here’s a laff for ya….

  37. I am glad yu are doing what yu are with Bridget. Don’t blame yu! Enjoy the moment and treasure these times. Time is short! I would do the same. Who knows maybe she will perk up.

  38. When I say I wish I and we were there. Things are getting scary here and I live in a small town! They are trying to kidnap small children. Following folks in grocery parking lots and grabbing their stuff. It’s become a free for all. I see strange cars roaming the back roads. Had a friend go to our local mall and she got ran out the new imported people told her she is not welcome. I had to go buy a new purse that is locked to my hip and shoulder.

  39. Kathy Mauzy says:

    Every morning I walk into the TV room to let my sweet friend out of his crate and he comes ‘happy to be alive’ is a good day for me. Charlie, my chocolate Lab, was diagnosed with some sort of cancer in his chest cavity and quite possibly on his heart. I was told 4-6 weeks is all the time I will have to love my friend. That was in Feb. this year. 7 months later, we still have each other. p.s. Try canned cat food (just a little mixed with his regular food) it helped Charlie regain his appetite. Happy trails to you and your crew.

    • Cynthia from San Clemente says:

      Kathy, sorry to hear your time with Charlie may be limited. Thank you for the suggestion about cat food – someone else told me that a long time ago but I had forgotten it. Both of my dogs are doing fine now, but hopefully I’ll remember that trick when the time comes. Having said that, it is tough to know when a pet is going through a temporary disinterest in eating, or is simply winding down. I do think there is a tendency in mammals (humans, dogs and cats included) to eat less as they get closer to going home to their maker – as if they know their bodies don’t need to store those calories. For those of us who equate loving with feeding a loved one, it’s a difficult process to watch.

  40. ApplegirlNY says:

    Sue, what a lovely site. So glad you’re enjoying good weather and some comfort food – what’s a few extra bucks at the end of the day. You’re so good with your finances, an overpriced treat now and then won’t put a dent in your budget. I guess we all need to purchase a few more items on Amazon through your blog to make up for that expensive peanut butter!

    Glad Miss Bridge is enjoying the breeze on her snout. Reggie with a hot dog cigar, cracks me up! That hot dog must have looked huge in his little mouth.

  41. Linda in NE says:

    It’s hard when our animal friends age & we know time could be short. I know you are giving Bridget the best life you can, while you can. No animal, or human for that matter, could ask for more.

  42. Nita Laughlin says:

    I’m just testing to see if this sentence gets through. Computer problems.

  43. Nita Laughlin says:

    My previous remark did go through. I tried to post a comment after you talked about Bridget. I just wanted to say I think you are making the right decision, keeping her at home with you. I always worry about mine when they go to the vet. Happy Fall to Yall !!

  44. Pamelab in Houston says:

    Hello, Sue and Crew –
    My prayers are with all three of you. Such a beautiful area to enjoy lovely days.
    I have been without decent wifi for about three weeks now. Pleased to find out it is the CG and not my Jetpack.
    Hugs to you and the crew.
    Pamelab in Alto, Michigan for now

  45. Treasure your time with the Crew. And when the sad day comes to say goodbye to Bridget, try to think about her & Spike, reunited. They’ll be happy to see each other again.

  46. Cinandjules (one day away from the zone) says:

    Glad to hear Reg man found a treat and everything came out okay! Heh heh

    HRH gets to ride in the co pilots seat! Good to see her smile and enjoying the scenery!
    Bridgeee will eat if she wants to…and if she doesn’t that’s okay to! Whatever you want to do princess! Don’t tell her…but I am sad! Sad for your heart!

    Thought about you today as we arrived in Gallup!

  47. Kat & Cookie Dog in NY says:

    Oh I bet Reggie was so happy to have that forbidden treat-a hot dog he hunted, and caught all on his own! Cookie Dog wanted me to tell you he thinks you are doing the right thing for Bridget. As he is aging rapidly this past year, he has decided he would want to be home with his family instead of at a vet’s getting poked and prodded. He has notified me he only wants to visit the vet if he is in pain and they can help him deal with that. We are both hoping things will improve for Bridget but she appears happy, so keep doing what you are momma RVSue.

  48. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Have not read here in a few days as we were gone to Oregon, etc. So sorry to hear about Bridget. It reminds me of why I think we will likely not get another dog even though we love them…we cannot where we live right now anyway…but you know, once you love dogs, you probably always do…so we shall content ourselves with petting other dogs belonging to other people!! Fortunately, we often get to do that on our walks around here. I hope you will be ok Sue with how this all plays out…your choice makes sense.

    • AZ Jim says:

      We are in the same boat as you. We spoil a pet so badly that we would worry about what happens to them when we go and having seen so many pets end of life during all the years gone by, we don’t want to live through the loss of another dear pet. So, we contribute to shelters and SPCA to make sure we help other little pets in that way.

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Thank you Jim…I know we are not alone. Our dogs brought so much comfort and joy to our lives…but this last one was just way too hard to loose…we had her so long and also, she was one who bonded to us as if we were her Mama…plus was totally obedient and loyal…wherever could we even find one close to her??

  49. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue and fellow blogorinos,

    Did anyone see the full moon tonight? It was huge early in the evening – absolutely beautiful! 🙂

    Sending you, Bridget, and Reggie hugs from me and Gracie pup! xxxooo 🙂

  50. Just a quick note, got in two days of boondocking in the Whale. Day 2 it rained like the dickens. I like the sound of the rain on my little (plastic and fiberglass) roof.

    The propane heater works the treat and kept things just toasty enough to make for a good nites sleep. Can’t wait for next summer! Just added the antifreeze for the tank/pump/drain for this winter.

    Again, love the photos, the north of AZ is just a delight to camp in.


  51. Jo in OR says:

    Sweet picture of Bridget looking out the window. Love to you Sue. I’m addicted to your blog. Every night I check your blog and read all comments. You all feel like family.

  52. Laurie in NC says:

    Hey RVSue and Crew! This looks like a lovely spot to camp! I feel more relaxed just looking at the pictures. It also reminds me that it is time to leave the rat race for a camping weekend in the woods. I find myself breathing more deeply and really relaxing when I am in a quiet place in nature. I am close to retirement and ready to experience what nature has to offer everyday! Just 18 months….with camping weekends in between!

  53. MB from VA says:

    Riding with my “nose to the breeze” is one of the most comforting things for me…must be for Bridget too. So glad you got that stroller for her. What a difference it has made and continues to make. Take care. Love from VA. MB, Wyndy and Bella

  54. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Hey Sue,
    With all the wonderful descriptions and sharing you do… it is so simple and easy to fall head over heals for the crew… Each of them has a wonderful bit to add to your adventure. But we are not their ‘M <3 M'.
    But we all know, M <3 M knows best.

    You are loved.
    Hugs from Hoquiam,

  55. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Oh darn, I thought the hearts would come through! BLAH!!!

  56. Pat K, Bulverde, Texas says:

    Testing…can’t seem to get a comment posted 🙁 Pat K

  57. Pat K, Bulverde, Texas says:

    Oh, duh! Worked that time 🙂 Wishing the best for you and pups. Hugs, Pat K

  58. Andrea in Glendale says:

    Sue, you’re a good Mom and Bridge and Reggie sure know it. Would you adopt me?

  59. Michelle from Salt Lake,UT says:

    Hugs to you and crew. Wishing you a very happy day.

  60. BoxinTheCompass says:

    Its ok Reggie… my wife wont let me eat hotdogs either.

    Brig my heart goes out to you and to Sue for taking care of you

  61. Piper(Virginia) says:

    Wishing you happy days ahead

  62. rvsueandcrew says:


    In an email Rusty apologized for not keeping in touch with blogorinos while in the hospital. His hands are shaking making it difficult for him to write.

    His body has been rejecting the meds, causing rashes. The wound specialist has been on vacation, but will be in to look at Rusty’s leg soon (not sure if Rusty meant today or tomorrow).

    Rusty’s doctor told him he will be released Monday or Tuesday with instructions to stay in the area close to the hospital in case the infection worsens.


    LATER…. See Rusty’s report below!

    • Retiredcajunlady says:

      Oh my gosh, he has had an awful time of it with the infection in his leg. Thank you so much for letting us know you’ve heard from him. Infections can be tough to clear up with so many infection strains that are resistant to antibiotics. I will continue praying that the doctors can do something to clear the infection in his leg.

    • ApplegirlNY says:

      Thanks, so much for the update.
      Rusty, if you’re reading. We’re all praying for you. Keep the faith and take care of yourself.

    • Hi all,,, the doctor and team has stopped all antibiotics through the iv, everything else is being given by needle and a cream with a antibiotics is put on the leg, the wound specialist is coming Monday and then I will know whether I can leave Tuesday or not, the reason for camping nearby is for wound dressing change and checking how my leg is doing,,,, the rashes are gone and today I went for a walk out to the truck twice,,,,, and because of this problem with my health, Christopher a va rep has suggest that I get a home soon again, so instead of being at the bottom of the list, I’m at the top of the list to try and get a home like what we ,(Timber and I got back in July 2013, but Better and Christopher is going to see to it that it’s right, so we will be close to the VAMC again and this time I will be able to go camping when we want of 14 days and have a home based too!,,,,,,, I thank you all for your prayers for us. And I love you all and so dose he!,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Rusty n Piper

      • weather says:

        Such great news, Rusty, I know how grateful and blessed you must feel. May He continue adding much to your story, including that you get and stay well.

      • Retiredcajunlady says:

        Oh Rusty, I am so glad you felt well enough to post to us all. It is such a good sign that rashes have gone and you don’t need IV antibiotics anymore. And you felt well enough for walks!! All such wonderful news.

        Seems like you will be having the best of both worlds soon…a home base and a truck camper! I am so glad things are looking up for you. Do keep us all informed of how things go for you. You have so many friends and fans who pray for you and care about you and Piper. Take care.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Wonderful news, Rusty! Thanks for the report!

      • Deena in Phoenix, AZ says:

        Very glad to see your update to us; sending positive thoughts to you and to Christopher to find you and Piper a home base soon; prayers for you.

        Take Care, Deena and Miss Mollie

      • Cynthia from San Clemente says:

        Rusty, so glad to hear you seem to be getting good care. It would be wonderful if you could have a home base and also be able to go out camping – I know open spaces are in your blood and heart. Lots of us are praying for you and Piper too.

      • ApplegirlNY says:

        Well done, Rusty. Sounds like you’ll have the best of both worlds. Thanks so much for the update. Still praying for you!

      • Mick'nTN says:

        Great news Rusty.

      • Jo in OR says:

        Rusty, onward and upward. Best wishes to you and Lady Piper
        You are in his care!

      • Thank you for the update, Rusty! There are lots of us out here who care about you and Piper and what you’re doing. Glad to hear the VA is on top of all of it. My daughter has an 80% disability and gets really great support through the VA. But, I know I’m telling you nothing new. Sounds like they’ve got your best interests in sight. I hope you have the time and energy to keep us posted as you continue to improve.

      • Pauline in Mississippi says:

        So glad to hear from you Rusty!!! Please take care of yourself.

      • Pam and Maya, Still in NY says:

        Thanks for keeping in touch Rusty, we are all thinking of you. Glad the VA decided to be more proactive about getting you a home again. A home base sounds like a great idea! Heal quickly!

      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Wishing you all the best Rusty…take all the care you can of yourself…rest and get all well!!

  63. weather says:

    It’s good to know they intend to keep trying to resolve the problem with Rusty’s leg. In the meantime, that he and Piper have been being taken care of , though separately, is something to be grateful for. They both, you and yours, and blogorinos that could use it remain in my prayers and in my heart. Thanks, Sue, for the update.

    You may remember the smallest kitty with golden eyes that was born just over a year ago on my property had become my favorite one. It’s a long story for another day about why and how, unless things change she will soon be living with me and the kitty that I’ve had for years. That has long been a secret desire of mine, and when we first saw each other again I was so happy that I cried in sheer gratitude and relief…These final days of summer have been just the right combination of temperatures and wind here by the lake. I hope you’ve been finding some things that lift you, too.

    • Cynthia from San Clemente says:

      So happy for you Weather. There is something very special about being chosen by a feral – be they animal or human 🙂

    • ApplegirlNY says:

      Weather, So glad you’ve found yet one more thing for which to be grateful. Great story. We’re also enjoying the warm days and cool nights. I always have believed that June and September are the best times of the year in Upstate NY.

      • weather says:

        Thanks for being glad for me, too, Applegirl. I’m glad you’ve been enjoying! June and September are wonderful, the other ten have given me much to be grateful for as well…we really do have so much beauty surrounding us that I can’t find a favorite time of the year. With kitties, well, that’s a different story 🙂

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Happy for you Weather…having pets is a special blessing!! Though of course, I am a doggie lover!! Ha…well, being allergic to cats rather keeps me away from them mostly…or quickly washing my hands after a quick petting…

      Fall is my favorite season for lots of reasons…and I hope you will be enjoying all of yours there too!! We stay so busy that days all fade together…but winter comes ere long and that tends to slow things down some…always something good about each season isn’t there?

      • weather says:

        Hi, Elizabeth! Thank you for sharing my happiness . I’m a doggie lover ,too, and have also had and loved cats, turtles, birds, people, Ha! I guess there’s always room in our heart’s for one that belongs there. You’re right, seasons, whether of the year or in life, all have something good to be found . Like you, I try to find that good …you are part of it, nice to hear from you 🙂

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          And I feel the same about you, Weather…give yourself a hug from me!! Going through a tough spell here as we watch our daughter’s marriage disintegrate….but still there is hope…so we hope!! And talk to GOD…

  64. gayle beach boomer says:

    RVSue, if you need a little pick-me-up, Tillamook now makes “farmstyle gelato” and “frozen custard.” Now! At a store (not) near you! I have my $1.00 coupon in hand and will send you my “virtual” moments of happiness consuming said product! You are lucky to have the gift of treasuring every moment each new day. Admire you for doing so.

  65. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    This just came in on my Facebook feed and I had to share it, because it seems so true and so appropriate for everyone here who is grieving the loss or coming loss of a loved one:

    Grief never ends, but it changes …
    It’s a passage, not a place to stay.
    Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith …
    It is the price of love.

  66. Cinandjules (finally in da zone) says:

    We made it and are officially residents in the zone!
    All the kids are enjoying their new home. Its 103 degrees….gonna see if Annie will go for a swim!

  67. A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:


    Sending moonlit nights and warm, cozy days of keeping company with your best friends. And yummy snacks whenever possible. With scented breezes that nuzzle faces gently.

  68. Glenda in OZ! says:

    Thinking of you every day Sue and the crew………….and Rusty and Piper too………

  69. Renee (Datil/North Ranch) says:

    Glad to hear about the very real possibility of Rusty getting another home — and a good one this time.

    I’m sorry to hear about Bridget. We had to let our Bailey-girl go less than 3 months ago. I still miss seeing her face every single day and even typing this brings tears to my eyes. Still too soon, apparently… Anyway, she also stopped eating. I tried feeding her by hand — canned food, chicken bits, nothing appealed to her. She was 16-1/2, and we had her since she was 5 months old. She was such a good girl, and even though she had a stroke in spring 2015 (that she miraculously recovered from), was deaf & mostly blind, she still appeared happy & was eating & drinking fine. I guess she just wore out. I refused to just watch her get weaker & weaker, so made the decision to have her put to sleep. Such a hard decision, but pet “parents” make the best decisions we know how. You will be in my thoughts, Sue, and hopefully Bridget will rally as she has before, and as Bailey did for a year.

  70. carlene back on the road says:

    So happy to read that Rusty is doing better and they will have home base soon. Some day that comes for most of us who choose to be out here in the world.
    Sue, I came across a pic of you at Merrill Campground at Eagle Lake NW of Susanville, The BLT was nestled in the trees. Corky and I are leaving Valley of the Rogue state park south of Grants Pass and will hopefully be there Monday thru Friday morning… We (I) have a wedding to attend in the Reno area next weekend. I might pull off somewhere tomorrow and Tuesday and then hit Merrill the rest of the week. Next weekend will be at the Carson Valley Inn, Rv and Casino… Such a varity of places to stay. Don’t have solar yet so the desire for hook ups out weigh not having them.
    My brother just left Luna Lake and I’d been there last fall… lovely country.

    Hugs to Bridget and Reg… safe travels.

    Carlene and Corky

  71. DesertGinger says:

    It’s very hard to read about our princess. But of course we respect your opinions about her care. I worry about my baby who seems fine right now but I know I will lose her in the next couple years. I don’t know about any more dogs after this. I couldn’t bear to die and leave one behind with no mommy.

    I keep toddling along. I have a few more weeks of cardiac rehab, then I will probably do pulmonary rehab after that. Trying to do more walking as well. The cooler weather will help with that! It’s already changing here.

    Well, regards to all…

  72. kgdan from Wapato, WA says:

    Blessings and hugs to Bridget, Sue and Reggie this morning. Wish me luck— first consult this morning w gastroenterology (aka–colonoscopy!). Hope my issues are resolved so we can get on down the road. Did I tell you, Sue, that Gil is the proud new owner of a 16′ Lund fishing boat! This is for our spring/summer fishing/camping in Washington. He is in love! Hope I can tear him away from it so we can go south!?

  73. Retiredcajunlady says:

    Sue, YOU, and only YOU know what is best for sweet Bridget. Never, ever doubt this. To be perfectly honest, I will do the same thing when Willee’s time comes. I can’t imagine anyone second guessing your decision as it is yours to make…and only yours. No one loves and adores sweet Bridget like you do. You just love her and give her all the reassurance she needs. You are doing wonderfully! Hugs to you all and prayer too!

  74. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    My thoughts and prayers are still with you and the crew. Stay strong, but cry as much as you need to. Hugs to all of you.

  75. Jolene/Iowa says:

    It is the hardest thing any pet parent has to deal with and only that pet parent can make the choice for their pet. Hugs, prayers and good wishes for you. I have been thinking of you often.

    Great news about Rusty!

  76. cc and canine ( now in Clackamas, Oregon) says:

    Sue…I’ve been away and am just now catching up with your blog. You are the only one who know’s what’s best for Bridget. I know that you will shower her with love…..And that expression of love will help ease her way….

    I realize it may be some time before we hear from you again. Take your time, and do what feels best for you and the crew…..we will be here silently praying for you and the crew.

    • CC I agree with your sentiments. RVSue knows how to cope with her situation and all we can do is stand back and let her come to terms with what is best for her little family.
      We can however, send our love and best wishes as she goes through this phase in her life.

  77. Jan NH says:

    My heart goes out to you….I’m so sorry you have had to deal with that. Sending smiles and good thoughts for you and the crew……..Also for Rusty and Piper.

  78. Jules MN says:

    Thinking of you Sue and the crew. Fall is a beautiful time of year to find a great campsite and cuddle with the crew.

  79. A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

    Greetings Sue,

    Many here have written about Fall. I have to keep reminding myself that it is still Summer. A lot of us just enjoy the kaleidoscope of colors and the pleasurable temperatures so much we are rooting for Autumn to come early. When I lived in Colorado with the colder nights and much more sun, the leaves’ colors changed brightly and fell or were blown off the branches by the end of September. Here, in the Northwest, the leaves slowly turn brown and many leaves stay on until the new ones force them off in spring. Also, here the grass is glowing green through the winter and brown in the summer; the reverse in Colorado. While I have been up here over 20 years, I still have to take a moment to wrap my head around those differences. One could imagine in your travels you have seen most every scenario of plants and their seasonal ‘wardrobes’. How wonderful that must be! Instead of “If it’s Tuesday, it must be Belgium” … it’s ‘If it’s cactus, it must be winter’ 🙂

    There was a segment on the radio today that made me think of you again. The dead trees you showed us, a few posts ago, are because the now hotter, dryer temps make the trees more susceptible to beetle invasion. The folks that are studying this massive die-off (@ U of W) reported that if it continues another season or two, when you return to that area you will probably see a stand of another type of tree that has replaced them. Constantly changing scenery.

    Just stopped by …… Catch ya L8R.

  80. A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

    Any Blogerinos that DON’T have Amazon prime and order things???? Is it me or did Amazon change so shipping with a qualified amount still won’t get you free shipping unless you have prime? I use to save up and combine orders to get free shipping, but now it won’t unless I get prime. Anyone else know if there was a message somewhere that I missed and/or is this just the new normal?

    Thanks for your help.

    • Mick'nTN says:

      I gave up prime and now have to be careful to select items and sellers to qualify for free shipping. The new amount is $49, up from $25. I still regularly get free shipping, usually via UPS or FedEx to the USPS (slow).

      Maybe what you saw is true as it has been a couple weeks since my last order, I did not see any announcement about a change.

      • Virginia620 (Mobile AL) says:

        Like Mick, I save up until I have over $49 and opt for free shipping with is usually 5-10 days, depending on vendors. I’m usually never in a hurry to get my shipment anyway.

      • Mick'nTN says:

        I just placed a Amazon order for $49+ and saved $18 on shipping. 🙂

    • Virginia620 (Mobile AL) says:

      I’ve never had Amazon Prime. Too cheap. ?

      • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

        Thanks for the replies. Last week I ordered $60+ but none of the items ‘qualified’. I’ve been looking up many items and none of them had that note beside the photo that said ‘free shipping for items over $49’. They all said free shipping (only) with (6 mo. free trial) prime. I’ve had all my orders before that qualify for free shipping. Too scared to click and find out how much prime costs because the cyber-lords will then suck all the juice out of my lappity-toppity. 😉 I’ll keep ‘window shopping’ anyway.

  81. Mary Batt says:

    Hey there Sue and Crew! It makes my heart glad to see Bridget in her bed where she can still get out in the sun and shade! She is so glad you know what to do! Bless you and Reggie and Bridget! And it sounds like things are going Rusty’s way…someone knows what he needs, too. Bless those that care.

  82. weather says:

    Opening this page, checking in,probably most not knowing what to add just decide to wait and try back later. Wrapped around the quiet one can sense that blogorinoland is filled with those nearby, with their understanding and camaraderie.

    Being familiar with that place where I am not inspired, able, ready or in the right frame of mind to write or share much, explains the pause between posts and updates to me. If anyone would share about a different topic, I’d enjoy some feedback on it.

    How many places have you lived? Would you want to return to any of those if you could? If so,which one, and why?I’ve moved 23 times in my life, so far.
    If you’d asked me most days in all those homes if I was happy I’d have said yes. Still, I wouldn’t want to go back to any of them now. I have ideas, dreams and real options going forward yet am open to other ones.

    • Renee Galligher - Idaho says:

      I too have been checking back for an update on Bridget, Sue, and Reggie of course.

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      I think we are in the 27th place I have lived…some of those were only maybe 5-6 months or so…one I lived for nearly 13 years and another almost 10 so there were some we lived a long time. I would have to say I FOUND A WAY to be as happy as I could in each…the one place we lived for 13 years was for at least 11 of those years, a hell on earth. What I learned from that is to never stay so long once you see that things are very bad…even if you need to move a continent away in order to have jobs, etc. And that one sign of a bad place is when people meet you they seem desperate to know HOW LONG you have lived there, were you born there, etc. Strange cause before WW2 that place was not even a town!! And one of the streets was called Newcomer…another, to me, hint to not land there!! The place we have worshipped here has a lady who this year showed her “true colors” attacking my husband in an email sent to quite a few others. Totally unfair…but then she also had lived in that hellish town and LOVED IT!! Heh, soon we are making our way elsewhere…we refuse to stay even in a congregation with such a person in it. Life is way too short to have unsought for conflicts and attacks (people in that Hellish town were oh so good at that…first and only place I have lived where I learned that sometimes people will hate you because you breathe air and take up space, tho’ knowing nothing at all about you.) So I have learned a lot in these many moves…and everywhere we have lived since that awful one, has been good. Does not take a great deal to be good to me…we have lived in mostly places with gorgeous evergreen trees since then…I wonder if living in beautiful places does indeed help people want to be kind even?? So I HOPE we will be able to continue living among the trees!!

      • weather says:

        Thanks for responding, Elizabeth. After I left this and the other comment that wasn’t just expressing concern for Sue and crew I thought perhaps it appeared that I was being too light hearted , all things considered. Really, I’m trying to keep the blog alive to buy time for her to not need to.

        Wow, 27 places as home is a lot! Finding a way to be happy in each is a great way of putting it, and a great way to live. I, too, have found that people asking questions, about many topics, can tell us sometimes what it will be like there. Often it seems that and telling the new person some information on that topic is a way of establishing a rank of some sort…

        There are methods I use to avoid conflict when possible. One is as soon as gossip enters a conversation I listen for what they act concerned about. Then ask them if they believe in prayer. Almost everyone, of any belief system, will say yes.Then I’ll say a short prayer (out loud and on the spot) for whatever’s bothering them to improve. That establishes from the gate what to expect from me, Ha! If they seek out my company after that, good. If not, I’ve avoided both of us wasting our time or worse.

        Maybe people are kinder in beautiful places, at least where they see beauty, though others may not notice it. That trees matter to you doesn’t surprise me. Most people I’ve grown close to love them too. One of my favorite homes had beautiful large willow trees surrounding it. The house itself wasn’t much by most standards, but it pleased me ever so while I was there.

        • A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

          Speaking of homes, weather, would you mind sharing with us your thoughts about your 2 ‘mobile mansions’? What have you found surprising in the models you chose? What would you improve or redesign? What are the best thing(s) you did to make them ‘yours’? What is the most adjustment you had to make?

          I imagine that you have filled it with ‘cozy’. 🙂

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          Well, conversations face-to-face do give opportunities all right…and that is a good way to deal with it. Sometimes these electronic modes of doing leave so much room for problems…one reason we don’t use some of them at all. And too, with most, one can block problem senders if needed…sometimes peace is found best by just fading off into the distance…in this life not everyone wants to be friends and we need to give them their space. Blessings on you…I understand you were wanting to give Sue space to deal with whatever is going on now…

          A place with lots of willow trees would be beautiful too…really the amount of fancy of a house, is not that important is it? I have lived in great varied choices…this one the smallest at about 500 sq. ft. But less space can mean a bit less work too…and that is welcome as one ages. Ha… Also, one would need a great lot of money in order to have our location and view, if owning…so for now renting is ok…after all, this is not our final home is it?? Just a resting place for now…a place of shelter and comfort.

    • Pat (Ky) says:

      I never counted how many times I’ve moved. I didn’t leave my little hometown in SD until I was out of college. Since then I’ve only lived in 3 parts of the country. I did move around several times in each area. Then I ended up in Ky and have actually lived here longer than anywhere including SD.

      My best home though was none of these…it was the six and half months I spent hiking the Appalachian Trail. Those were the happiest days of my life. Since then, the past 18 years, I feel like I’ve just existed. I love being out in nature. I’m hoping that with retirement on the horizon and getting the Casita I can find that sense of peace and joy that I had on the trail. I’m not unhappy where I am, I just know there is more for me out in nature than here in the city.

      • Stephanie from Albany OR says:

        Pat – may you refind that joy in your heart once you are on wheels. Sometimes just existing is ok as long as you can wind your way thru it and rediscover joy. I wish for you all the best and so much happiness and peace your heart overflows.

  83. I am sorry to hear the latest Bridget update and hope that you will take comfort that so many are concerned and thinking of you. We all love RV Sue.

  84. Elaine in BC says:

    Dear Sue I am just catching up with your posts after 2 weeks on the road. I’m sorry to hear that Bridget is fading. She is a sweet and beautiful spirit. Thank you for wonderful photos of her.

  85. Hi all, well yesterday I got released after they took blood to check my Liver and Kidneys and gave me meds for my Heart and BP and the means to take care of my leg to complete the healing,, I went and got my coconut oil and Astrogus and met up with STIT, a friend who advice on good foods and things to get my body cleansed, he gave me a bottle of Lemon Essential Oil and a bottled dropper,, then I went up to Chino Valley Animal hospital for to get my girl Piper,,, she was so excited to see me and scolded me by a bunch of barks and howling, I got a lot of kisses and we headed south down Hwy 89 to alt 89 towards Jerome and we are now at Mingus Mountain Campground # 3 site in rain,, I, this morning boiled water, added 3 drops of the Lemon Essential Oil with a half teaspoon of Dr. BRONNER’S ORGANIC VIRGIN COCONUT OIL and shook it up and drank it down, all 14 FL. Oz. and took my meds, now I feel great, Piper was let out to do her morning business and let back in, she’s asleep under the dinette with a smile on her face and I’m in my bed with my leg elevated to continue the healing process,,, thank you all for your prayers for us and no matter where you are may our Lord and Savior bless you all with great health, wisdom and safe journeys wherever you go,,,,, love Rusty n Piper ?

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Good news is always nice to hear Rusty…hope your recoup time continues going well!! Rest much!!

    • kgdan from Wapato, WA says:

      So happy you are on the mend, Rusty, and that you are back with your girl.

    • Cynthia from San Clemente says:

      So good to hear you are doing better and you and Piper are back together. I just finished reading about Bridget’s passing … we all need to hold our babies close and cuddle them. I do believe our dogs and cats are some of God’s greatest gifts to us.

    • Dave Stewart (in missouri for now) says:

      Glad you are back and mending. I Pray that the meds do their work quickly!

    • Barbara (Nashville) says:

      So glad to hear you are on the mend, Rusty. Lady Piper is probably the happiest of all. Glad those folks took good care of her for you and that you have been reunited.

    • Toni CT/NH says:

      So happy you are doing well. I must have missed something though because I didn’t know anything happened to you. Maybe you or someone can fill me in. Keep doing well!!

    • Paula in Indiana says:

      Rusty, I’m happy to hear you are on the mend and Lady Piper is back with you!

    • Pookie in Todd Mission, tx says:

      Hi rusty…..good to hear you are mending my friend…
      stay well and get healed quickly so you can take in
      natures bounty outside with Piper…

    • Renee from Idaho says:

      To happy to see you back on the road to your old self, Rusty and that you have Piper safe and sound with you! God bless!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      So glad that you are on the road to recovery, Rusty! With Lady Piper keeping an eye on you, all will be well. I am glad that you have a good rep searching for a home base for you – it sounds like he will do his best for you. Keep on getting better! You are in my thoughts and prayers. **hugs**

    • Dawn in MI says:

      I’m glad you’re home Rusty, and that Lady Piper is keeping a watchful eye on you! Hope every day is a day that you feel even better!

  86. Retiredcajunlady says:

    Thank You, God, for Rusty’s recovery. I am so happy for you! Take care of yourself and do what the doctor’s say. Piper must be so happy to be back with her human. Take care and let us all know how you do.

  87. milliehubbard says:

    Glad to hear that you’re on the mend and at home Rusty and that Piper is with you.

  88. Jo in OR says:

    Piper is the best medicine. So glad you are doing better, Rusty.

  89. Karla in Kentucky says:

    May God bless you Rusty and Piper. So thankful that you are better!

  90. casitagirl says:

    Hi Sue,

    I’ve been out of the country for a while but am now back online. Just wanted to warn you to be very careful about allowing your dogs to eat what they find outside. Sugar, our 12 year old sweet cocker spaniel, ate something she found at a campground and nearly died from botulism poisoning. She was so sick…I was heartsick and there were times I thought she wouldn’t make it. She still has weakness in her front paws that cause her to stumble sometimes.

    I’m so sorry to hear about Bridget. She was a great little snuggle and knew what she wanted, didn’t she? She was fortunate to have found you. Take care.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Again… I ask readers not to bring up “possibilities” related to a dog becoming seriously ill or dying….

      casitagirl… Your warning may be well intended but now is not the time for warnings about what to do to keep one’s dog from dying.

      At the present time I am going through the guilt phase of grieving. It doesn’t help to read new ideas about what could have caused Bridget’s death, something I overlooked…… I don’t need to wonder “Did she eat something bad at a campground?” or similar questions. Thank you!

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