One more day needed to recharge

It’s Thursday and I told you I’d be north of here. 

It didn’t happen and here’s why.  Remember I had a bit too much heat and sun yesterdayWell, I wake up this morning about 3 o’clock with a miserable headache and slight nausea.  Oh boy, I know what this is.

It’s time to hunker down.

Although I’ve been blessed my entire life with good health, my “constitution” is a wuss.  I don’t have huge energy reserves.  My sisters can confirm that the least little upset and I’m down for the count.  I have these episodes about 2 or 3 times a year, and have had them since I was a kid.  What do I mean?  Let’s say I have a major emotional upset or I eat the wrong thing or I get too much sun or whatever . . . . I lose my physical equilibrium.  On comes the headache, trips to the bathroom, muscle weakness, fatigue, nausea, blah, blah.

I’ve learned a simple remedy to pull me out of it.

Sleep and eat.  Eat and sleep.  And in this case, drink a lot of water, too.   I woke up around three in the morning with a monster headache.  At daybreak I noticed my skin was not right.  You know how, if you pinch together some skin on the top of your hand, the skin goes back in place when you let go?  Mine stayed bunched up.  Weird, I know.  I think they call that loss of elasticity (dehydration).

No travel for us today!

I took the crew out for a quick potty break, then back inside for a marathon snooze.  I put water bottles on the bed with me and kept the water flowing for hours.  It is now about two in the afternoon and I’m beginning to feel normal again.   My body has been recalibrated.

 I realize more than ever the importance of wise decisions in this lifestyle.  I don’t mean become so cautious I miss the point of living like this.  However, I do need to be aware of my condition and capabilities on any given day.   There will be times when I get one of those messages . . . .

“Please wait while your body configures itself.”

So I’m still here for another night at Brantley State Park.  I’m sorry I’m not able to write and show pics about a new adventure in a new setting today.   Let’s see what tomorrow brings!

Since I was inside all day, here’s a photo of the little kitchen I love!   

The faucet spout is too low and someday will be replaced. This little kitchen is all I need.


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31 Responses to One more day needed to recharge

  1. John says:

    Glad to hear you’re starting to feel better. With your new life style you’ll have to learn to pace yourself.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You are so right, John.

      I expected there’d be a mental adjustment. I never gave much thought to the physical adjustment of going from humid GA to hot and dry NM. And then throw in the excitement of new places and new people . . .

  2. j says:

    hope you are back to your old self soon.

  3. Carla says:

    I’m glad you are feeling better now. Major changes no matter how much you look forward to them and heat can really take a toll on your body. As a result of drinking more water due to the heat ( will it ever stop?) I’ve noticed my skin looks better! Take care and enjoy!

  4. tinycamper says:

    Sue, take it easy and take care of yourself. You’ve got the rest of your life to do this!

    I’ve read so many stories of new fulltimers going at a frenetic pace, then burning out and not enjoying rving any more. I’d love to see you relax, take it easy, stay rested and healthy, and move when you get good and ready to!

    Even when you are not doing “anything” your blog is still the most interesting one on the net! Hope you’re back to 100% soon. 🙂

  5. Kim says:

    You’ve been through so much in the past days, weeks, and months. Good for you for having enough insight to not keep pushing it. Very sensible indeed!

    And Isn’t it comforting to know that you don’t have to be moving to keep us all captivated? Your kitchen is so beautiful!!!

    Oh, here’s another piece of unsolicited advice: as soon as night falls, grab that gravity chair and the binoculars.

  6. Greg and Jean says:

    No problem with slowing down….heck……you gotta be somewhere???

    Where you is ….is where you is !!!!

  7. rvsueandcrew says:

    At this rate, by the time I get to a cooler area, summer will be over! Assuming, of course, this summer IS going to end.

  8. Joan Gagnon says:

    the smaller the space. the less housework, and who doesn’t like that? Hope you feel better soon.i have bouts as well, I know what mine are and am experimenting with an agreable diet, so far no luck, but will keep trying till I hit on something that agrees with my weird system. Get better soon and don’t rush, take time to smell the roses as they say.

    • rvsueandcrew says:


      About 20 years ago I became fed up with headaches (almost daily!) and feeling lousy. I eliminated all dairy, chocolate, and wheat from my diet. The headaches stopped! At Christmas I was given a lot of chocolate and I tried some. No headache. I ate some more . .. slight headache. I tried cheese again, because I love it. I found really good cheese like bleu and aged cheddar gave me symptoms, where Kraft slices and other pseudo-cheese did not. Now I’m back to eating everything (!) but in moderation and I rarely have a headache.

      I think I built up some kind of defense against these foods . . . call it an allergy or whatever. It only took 6-10 months to give my body a new start. You are smart to experiment with what foods agree with you.

      Thanks for the good wishes.

  9. Reine says:

    It’s great to see that you’re listening to your body and making a wise decision to stay put and rest and DRINK WATER. No way would you want to be striking camp, driving and setting up camp with a pounding headache and the other ills that go with your body’s need to recalibrate. Drink, sleep, drink,eat,drink,sleep,drink,eat,drink….sounds like a great plan. You will enjoy the new campground a lot more when you feel good.

    For folks stuck working or NOT camping, then a picture of the campground or Spike or Bridget or the kitchen looks great. I believe the folks that live the longest are the ones that learn to pace themselves and enjoy whatever the day brings.

  10. patticake2 says:

    Awwww…I’m sorry you’ve had a tough time! Another learning curve! Glad you are just taking it easy…please DO! You are in my prayers for a full, speedy recovery! You’ve got nothing but time…so take care of YOU! ; )

  11. kayjulia says:

    Just take care of what has to be taken care of and the rest will work itself out ….
    Kay Julai

  12. Oh, Sue, so sorry to hear the heat got to you. I have similar issues with heat and can wind up with horrible headaches that last for days. In addition to drinking lots of water, I try to have something salty on hand to munch on. I prefer pretzels as they are non-fat :). This seems to help with the electolite imbalance. Hope you are feeling much better and on to your next adventure soon!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Karen!

      I’m sorry to hear you get bad headaches. I can’t cope with headaches. Fortunately mine left the same day. I remembered I have a bottle of Powerade electrolyte drink in the fridge and that helped.

      I’ll remember the pretzel idea. I ate peanuts which are too fattening.

  13. Hi Sue,
    Sorry to hear about your ‘spell’. The silver lining? Camping fees are less than gas, you’re in your beautiful new home, in a beautiful spot and your crew is giving you unconditional love and support. Of course… you’re now one day behind in your retirement schedule and… LOL… who cares. Thanks for taking the time to let your on line family know how your doing; we care.

  14. thatcase says:


    I call that “rebooting” … something that just has to be done, occasionally. Come to think of it, you are rebooting your whole life … good for you! Thanks for sharing.

  15. rvsueandcrew says:

    Hello, thatcase!

    Sometimes you have to reboot or you’ll crash. . . and there’s no back-up!

  16. Emily says:

    Episodes, like the one you experienced, are why I hate being on a schedule or make reservations too far ahead on a trip. If I feel crappy, I (like you just did) just stay put for another day or so. So much easier on the body – and mind. Glad you are getting back on your feet and your companions were there to “help”. Oh, and I crave something salty too when I don’t feel good.

  17. Lynn says:

    Hope you are feeling better soon. Just take your time and take care of yourself. You are on your own schedule. I am soooo jealous. Janie says, ” drink lots of liquids” and sends her love to you and the crew. Feel better.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hey, Lynn!

      I always smile when I get one of your reports on Janie. I know she is getting a lot of love.

      I’m feeling much better, but I can tell it would be very easy to succumb to this heat. It is incredible. And I thought nothing could be hotter than GA!

      Enjoy your weekend! I’m sure you earned a good one …

  18. Hey RVSUE… Just joined up after reading about you with Al at Bayfield Bunch. Loved your posts sooo much that I went back to day one and read them all~ What a wonderful adventure you are embarked on!

    And…. in February, we camped at Brantley in the same site that FOM was on. What a nice remote and quiet place.

    We have 20 months to go to full time, so for now we have to be content with weekends and vacations. We got the rig, can’t wait to hit the road full time in 2013~

    Karen and Steveio
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House… BIG Backyard

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