Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument

Tuesday, January 27

1-P1020332 - CopyOn the way to the Visitor Center at Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, I pull into a wayside and let Bridget out of the Perfect Tow Vehicle.  After a few minutes of running around, sniffing, and doing her business, she happily consents to being tossed onto the bench seat.

The Visitor Center is bustling with people checking into the campground.

I present my Senior Pass which waives the fee for driving the Ajo Mountain Road 21-mile loop through Organ Pipe.  An employee hands me a brochure and explains that the paragraphs correspond to numbered stops along the route.  On the way back to Bridget and the Perfect Tow Vehicle, I flip through the brochure.  Gee, I know all this stuff.  I’ve learned a lot about the Sonoran Desert over the past few winters.

I slide behind the wheel of the PTV.

“Okay, little girl.  Let’s do Organ Pipe!”

1-P1020333 - CopyDirectly across from the Visitor Center is the beginning of the loop.

The road is damp from yesterday’s rain.  It doesn’t look like mud will be a problem.  I had heard that the road is miserable washboard with lots of loose rocks.  So far so good.

1-P1020334 - CopyAbout a mile on the road we encounter a road scraper coming toward us. 

“What good timing, eh, Bridge?  The road has been scraped in anticipation of our arrival.”

1-P1020355The red car in the first photo stops in a pull-out and we drive by.  Not one car is in view ahead of us or behind us for the rest of the loop.  I drive slowly, stopping frequently for photos.

1-P1020336 - CopyThe clouds are constantly moving, gathering in mighty columns of white, blue, and grey, draping shadows like shawls across the mountain curves.

1-P1020337 - CopyDuring the first part of the loop, the saguaros are the most prominent vegetation.  We come upon a forest of saguaros.  There are hundreds of saguaros!

1-P1020339 - CopyI stop so we can listen to the birds.  A bird silhouetted on an ocotillo has the distinctive beak of a Curved Bill Thrasher.

1-P1020335 - CopyThe road narrows, curves, goes up and down and around and climbs as we wind our way through Diablo Canyon and around massive promontories.  I need to pay attention to the road and skip photographing some of the most dramatic landscapes.

The clouds conceal craggy mountains in the background.

1-P1020365Bridget is curled up in her bed.  I know if I park and get out, she’ll jump up with alarm.  Instead of parking at the picnic area,  I capture the arch by slowing to a stop in the road and quickly pointing the camera from my window.

1-P1020356Past the half-way mark of the loop, a vista opens before us.

1-P1020362It’s fun moseying through the park, just me and Bridge, the windows down, fresh desert air, still scented from the rain, filling the PTV.

1-P1020353As we follow the loop on the ground, a helicopter makes great circles in the sky.  Probably Border Patrol, scanning the landscape .  .  .

1-P1020367It’s difficult to do justice to the beauty and magnificence of Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument from our drive-through and the few photos posted here.

1-P1020347 One could hike and explore for several days and still not experience it all.

Bridget is a good girl the entire drive.

She doesn’t whine or fuss.  As I drive the PTV up the lane to the Best Little Trailer waiting among the saguaros, Bridget wakes up from her nap.

“We’re home, honey.  Wasn’t that fun?”




1-DSCN0938Clark Canyon Reservoir, Montana, August 2012


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129 Responses to Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument

  1. Vicki & Kitty campin'... says:

    Now I’ll go back & read it. Always enjoy your posts.

  2. Gloria Brooks says:

    Here comes number two! Wooohoooo! What a lovely place. I’ve got to go there some winter!!

  3. phoneguy1212 says:

    Now that’s not right. Shouldn’t you have to read before you say you’re first. Just teasing. I’m second and I already read the post. Have a good evening.


  4. Calvin R says:

    Nice tour! I can see by the pictures you got that there’s a lot of good territory there.

  5. Michelle SLC,UT says:

    What an amazing place! Thank you so much for the wonderful pictures.
    We can’t wait to get back out.

  6. Marilu, now heading south says:

    Beautiful photos! Of course the best one is the flashback. We all miss that boy.
    We’re at Morro Bay for a few days on our way south. Hey all you guys and gals interested in machinery… There is a very cool park in King City on highway 101. We camped there over night. They have a wonderful display of antique farm machinery. San Lorenzo County park, King City, CA. Check it out if you’re in central California.

  7. Lynn Brooks says:

    Thank you for sharing!!!

  8. Jan Johnson says:

    What an absolutely gorgeous place! Wonderful photos! A nice photo of Bridget too. Thanks for providing such a lovely dream for this armchair traveler!

  9. Jeannie, Vancouver USA says:

    Beautiful pictures. So glad those clouds didn’t open up and rain on your tour. Bridget seems to be smiling at you.

  10. Gayle - SO CAL Beach Boomer says:

    Bridget actually looks grateful in that photo as they grade the road “for her”!

    That was nice of you to honor your blogorino’s wish to see a Spike soak photo again. It was bittersweet.

  11. Betty Shea says:

    Wonderful tour, thanks much!!!
    Pretty pictures and I too love the desert after a rain…heavenly!!!
    Hugs to you and sweet Bridget

  12. K & B in CO says:

    Beautiful, thanks for the photo show. We hope to be there tomorrow or Friday, however the clouds in front of the weekend weather will likely spoil the photos. We very much enjoyed Ajo Way from Tuscon over to Why as well.

    Be safe and cheers!

    • K & B in CO says:

      We made it to Organ Pipe today, enjoyed the drive. This desert landscape is new, almost as much fun as sitting on a beach. Just kidding, but its nice. Rain chased us inside when we got back to our campsite.

      We reviewed some of the photos from today. Nice, except the cloudy skies today are not nearly as attractive as the broken clouds in your photos from a few days ago.

      Safe travels!

  13. R. (Western Colorado/now in Ajo) says:

    Great report and photos. Thank you so much and because of your description I feel I need to return there for more hiking. So you did not see Gila Monster? This monster is very handsome.

  14. Marg says:

    Thank you so much for sharing. For those of us who have been, it is like going again. No matter how many years pass by, things look the same and I am enjoying it again through you.

  15. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Thanks for the tour.

    Bridget smiling in anticipation!

    The photo of Spike soaking made me smile. Same position…looking straight ahead! Miss you little feller!

  16. Susan in Dallas says:

    Beautiful, mesmerizing photos. I was facinated by the first one where the large cactus are so close to the visitor’s center. Glad there wasn’t a traffic jam to ruin your views!

  17. Phyllis L. says:

    I miss seeing Spike taking his soaks.

  18. Pat in Rochester says:

    This morning my Facebook page had an entry that immediately made me think of you. (My Gracie came from this shelter in KY).

    Yeah I know, bit of a hike, and a “two-fer”. But can you see why I thought of you? lol. And boy I could use some Arizona right now. It’s currently 12 degrees here, and it’s a blessing to be in double digits. brrrrrr

  19. Lisa W says:

    Thank you for sharing your tour with us, Sue. As usual very nice pictures. I’m glad the road was graded so her highness could sleep through the drive. 🙂 Is the arch close to the picnic site you bypassed? Another place I need to make sure we visit when we get on the road.

  20. Jolene/Iowa says:

    That was awesome Sue!! Thanks for sharing. Loved seeing the picture of Spike.

  21. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Thanks for sharing the pretty photos…that looks like an area I would enjoy too. Very scenic! Glad Bridget was quiet and peaceful and let you enjoy the ride.

  22. Edie, OK says:

    Hi Sue. Thank you for the tour! And thanks for the pics of the crew. The Bridge looks like she is getting used to the camera. And, our boy spike was a treat to see soaking. You know that is where he is right now. 🙂

    Thanks again and have a wonderful day!

  23. Diane, Blue Ridge Mts, VA says:

    Oh Sue, I loved the trip through the park!!!!! Felt like I was there with you guys. How absolutely amazing! HA! Had to laugh out loud when I saw the shot of Bridget as you exclaimed the road scraper was there. Too funny. Thank you for sharing the experience, I have never seen these huge magnificent cati before. The photos were great also.
    Take Care Sue and cruett.

  24. DesertGinger says:

    Ooohhhh Spikey-boy I miss you so! That pic has me in tears.

    Organ Pipe is very beautiful of course. Another destination for me to visit. Just sitting around, resting after ‘moving’ home.

  25. Pamela K. says:

    Well, Sue, you have done it to us again…left us wanting more 🙂
    How could anyone not love those wonderful landscapes? It leaves me breathless at such beauty! I loved the light and the shadows too. Natural light just plays so nice with the camera’s lens. I could hike there for days on end and still want for more of it. Something about it reminds me of the Old Arizona of days gone by. My husband and I honeymooned in the area back some thirty years ago. Just beautiful and your photos are postcard perfect! I hope you write that photo book one day… It would be fun to see a series of sets in both color and black/white too, same photos for contrast.

    Bridgete, I tell you she IS liking the camera more and more 😉 She looks so fit and lively too!
    Spike…that photo just screams to be mounted on canvas!!! So HIM and that view, amazing! Spike, we miss you so!!!

    Well, there ya have it. I like sweet candy, we want MORE!

  26. Pat K says:

    Beautiful picture of Spikey 🙂 Yes, it made me smile with a little twinge of sadness. My little black Pomeranian, Pepper, went to the Rainbow bridge on January 9th about 3 weeks ago. She was almost 16 and I miss her. You know. Your picture made me remember Spike’s good time soaks, and also stirred the sadness in I’m holding down inside. We run a lot with our 5th wheel and always an eager traveler, she went along. I miss her most when we come back to an empty house. Guess I’m distracted when we are on the road. Sorry to go on for so long. But thanks for listening. Pat K. in Bulverde, Texas (Hill Country)

    • PookieBoy says:

      Pat, know what ya going thru…we lost Bingo a Pomeranian about 4 years ago after 14 years with us and we still havent gotten over the loss…he went every where with us….just part of the family.

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      So sorry to hear this, Pat K; I do understand. Still miss our lovely dog we lost now over 4 years ago!! Well, at the time she died, she had been with us for over 25% of my life to that point…no wonder I felt that impact. She was with us almost as long as I lived in my home with my parents.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      My condolences, Pat K., on the passing of Pepper. I wish I could write something that would make your loss easier to bear.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      So sorry for you loss, Pat.

  27. Pat K says:

    Ps… That may be one of the most camera friendly poses Miss Bridget has ever given!

  28. PookieBoy says:

    Sue, another great story and pictures…thanks for sharing. That Bridgette is getting to be quite a ham for the camera…she sure looks happy!

  29. Fantastic pics, as always, Sue! I want to go visit there, now!

  30. Diann in MT says:

    Thanks, Sue, for the tour.
    I want to go there and hike! Terrific photography. Bridget looks so happy and up for the adventure.
    A Spike soak (in MT, even)! What a bonus!
    Keep havin’ fun, e-friend!

  31. Tara in PacNW says:

    “It’s difficult to do justice to the beauty and magnificence of Organ Pipe Cactus National Park from our drive-through and the few photos posted here.”
    –Sue, you did pretty well! I loved these pictures. Just amazing. I will definitely have to visit this area one day. Also–great picture of Happy Bridget in the passenger seat.

  32. Kay Dattilio says:


    Beautiful and emotional pictures to me……makes me want to move back to Arizona! Thank you!

    Kay from KC!

  33. Applegirl NY says:

    That saguaro forest is beautiful. Also love the picture of the arch. I think we all agree that Bridget seems much more compliant in this picture. What a cutie.

    Thanks for the shot of Spike, too. That’s exactly what I think of when I think of him.

    Great post on a wonderful National Monument. One for the “to do” list.

  34. A grader was usually a sign that the road would be even more washboard so I’m glad that didn’t seem to be the case for your drive! After the crowd at the VC, having the road to yourself was a sweet surprise. I especially like the white clouds hugging the dark mountain with the single saquaro in front, but all the pics are beautiful. Bridget is just like the kids – take them to see cool stuff from the car and they sleep the whole trip 🙁 Oh well, we appreciate being taken along for the ride!!

  35. Sue (Alabama) says:

    With tears in my eyes I write this after seeing Spike soaking! What a beautiful picture it is! Such great memories of his many soaks! The pictures are so captivating, I can’t wait to get there in March. We used to camp there many years ago but I think after looking at all your pictures this year I am appreciating its beauty so much more! Thank you For that Sue and Bridget.

  36. wildflower in prescott says:

    I have lived in Az for43 years and have not toured Organ Pipe Nat Monument. You and Bridge put me to shame.
    You live in beauty.
    When I begin my fulltime adventure I will visit all the place I now dream about.

  37. Shirlene says:

    Good Morning Sue, what a beautiful day you had yesterday and I must say Bridget took a wonderful portrait, she might even be smiling. The blog yesterday ran itself as it always does and always will when you are on a break…I am not sure if you are breaking again today, but I am sure all will be okay again today…AND the picture of Spike, well what can I say, love, sadness and grateful for the memories that he left behind…sniff…ok, on with my day.

  38. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Good morning, Sue!

    Reading your post and oohing and aahing over your beautiful pictures is such a wonderful way start to my day!! Thank you! I am so glad that the weather broke for you and Bridget to explore Organ Pipe. Bridget looked so happy to be on a field trip! The park is lovely…even prettier than I imagined! I love how you captured the play of clouds against the mountain. The last picture of little Spike soaking made me smile and misty-eyed….so sweet.

    Just looking at your pictures warmed my heart and soul – thanks so much for sharing! Another clear, sunny, cold day here, so some desert goodness was welcome! Hope you and Bridget and all the blogorinos have a great day! Hugs to you and Bridget from me and Gracie pup. 🙂

    One more look at your pictures before I get back to work – break is over! 🙂

  39. Teri in SoCal says:

    Spike 🙂

  40. Chas Anderson says:

    We leave for AZ Saturday to stay ahead of the snow.We will swing by Organ Pipe during our trip.Have always meant to do that drive.The campground looks nice for a two nighter even with all the likely generator noise.

  41. Gorgeous photos, Sue! You captured so beautifully what could have been depicted as a cloudy gray day! Bridget looks quite perky there ridin’ shotgun! It’s cloudy here this morning but the birds are singing & we had a really nice walk out in the wash. Will be going to Ajo & Organ Pipe when we leave her in mid-February. Such sweet memories of Spike brought on by your photo–he sure did love a good soak. Have a good day, you two!

  42. Krystina at Wellton, AZ says:

    What a fabulous post! LOVE the pictures. How nice to have the road graded in front of you. The photo of Miss Bridget is great. Looks like she is saying “where we going next Mom”.

    Thank you for sharing the soak picture of our boy Spike. I miss his antics.

    My daughter had my FIRST Grandbaby two days ago!!! Her name is Nora Evelyn Lavallee and she is just adorable. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

      Congratulations on the addition to your family and welcome to the Grandma club!

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Congratulations, Krystina! Wonderful, happy news!! 🙂

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Congratulations Krystina, on your first grandchild!! Though each one is special and wonderful, that first one has a special place as it forever changes your place in life too. I will always remember cuddling our tiny first one. He is 14 and taller than me now!! 🙂

      • Krystina at Wellton, AZ says:

        Oh Happy Day Mickey!

      • Krystina at Wellton, AZ says:

        The bad news is that my daughter lives in Vermont and I am in AZ near Yuma. Whaaaaaaa I want to hold Miss Nora soooo much but an RV in Vermont in winter is not a smart thing to do. 🙁

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          Oh my fly in to see them, if it is allowed!

          • Krystina at Wellton, AZ says:

            I am living on just Social Security……………………………………….I appreciate your suggestion though.

            • Elizabeth in WA says:

              I hope something happens so you can see her!! Sometimes unexpected things come along. You are doing well to survive on SS, I must say!! Our 1st one we did not see till 5 wks, 2nd grandchild we did not see until 5.5 months, the 3rd one at 1 week, 4th one at almost 9 months and 5th one at 5 wks. We love them all…and the good thing is the children will never remember us seeing them at all under a year anyway…maybe a child could even be 2 or more before they remember. So whenever you get to see her, it will surely be ok, in the long run!! I hope you can Skype at least. It helps us to be able to Skype with the most of our children and grandchildren on the opposite coast.

            • Krystina at Wellton, AZ says:

              Wow Elizabeth….you had to wait as I am waiting. I am hoping to go to Vermont in April when I leave this park. I was an accountant so my SS is not too bad and I don’t have any “bills” so I manage. Sure love to have more though. LOL

            • Elizabeth in WA says:

              I hope it all works out and she will still be very little!! More awake times so should be more fun even!!

            • Krystina at Wellton, AZ says:


        • Timber n' me says:

          Con grats, GRAN MAW ……….Timber

    • rvsueandcrew says:


      You have great self-control, waiting until the third paragraph to make your announcement! 🙂 God bless you, your family, and especially Baby Nora.

  43. weather says:

    In one of our recent “conversations” on here you’d mentioned that I live anticipating something new.When I saw the title of this post I was expecting new-photos of plants and views that I’m familiar with-seen through new eyes,yours.What I didn’t anticipate was Organ Pipe looking like an entirely different place,I’ve never been there when it was cloudy.That completely changes it,wow!Beautiful,Sue,I didn’t know it could look like that at all.Being there without clear skies is an experience I’ll now plan to have,thanks!

    • Shirlene says:

      Hi Weather, how is that heating system that you added in the Fall working? I noticed that it was 7 degrees in upstate New York last night….burr…At least you have a troupe to keep you warm if needed. Stay warm and safe.

      • weather says:

        Hi Shirlene,it was a cold night outside!The temperature outside can vary between 65 and 20 below and inside doesn’t vary more than 2 degrees.In other words it’s worked out very well.I’m glad I did it and saved so much by doing so,I’d rather spend it on what I want for the road.Weekend’s close good for you!Enjoy 🙂

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Oh my Weather…that is awful cold!! I can hardly breathe when -20 comes!! I am so glad you are warmly tucked inside!! Stormy weather can be some of the most beautiful can’t it? But I kind of prefer most of the stormy weather in our region here….some of it we faced in NC was the most scary I have ever been in!! So could not enjoy being outside at all. We have so loved the interplay of different colors on the waters of the Sound here….sometimes all at the same time even. I never knew water could be so many colors!! And listening to the fog horn during foggy times is special too.

      • weather says:

        So good to hear that you find beautiful what’s near your home now Elizabeth,I’m glad that you do,enjoy!

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          I do love snow, truly. But now that I can be klutzy and fall down even when no snow…well, tis best we stay in a more temperate place…and we can SEE snow all year long from here…so that helps some!! 🙂 So enjoy the beauty of the snow and winter for me!!

          • weather says:

            Gosh,you sure ask a lot-enjoy beauty-well,because I like you I’m willing to endure doing that for you

            🙂 As always dear,it’s a pleasure to see you here.Well,off to enjoy all I can find,see you on the next post!

  44. Terri From Texas says:

    Absolutely gorgeous! What is the “Gila Monster”? A rock formation?
    Love those cacti! Is an Organ Pipe a place or a type of cactus? Different from the Saguaro?
    And, of course, love the pics of Bridget and Spike.
    Be happy!

  45. Terri From Texas says:

    I forgot to comment on what I think is the most artistic of the photos-the one of the bird in the cactus outlined against the sun. Fantastic!

  46. AZ Jim says:

    I have a new desktop photo now Missy. Good Stuff!!

  47. BadgerRickInWis says:

    Such a wonderful post of what seems like a wonderful day. Great pictures of Organ Pipe. What an amazing sky, so smart of you to wait for the perfect day.

    Then we get the bonus of two fantastic pics of your two co-pilots. The physical one that is probably near you now as you read this. Plus the spiritual one that will travel with you forever.

  48. Glenda in OZ! says:

    Wow oh wow! What a magnificent place. Loved your photos as always. Thanks for sharing Sue. And Bridget, seen one Saguaro you have seen them all…..hey girl!!

  49. mary Gray says:

    Hello Sue,
    My name is Mary. My , Glenn and I have given up on living the life of everyday things such as working, and the government, etc, etc. We have sold one house and have 2 more to sale. Then we will be hitting the road. Like you, we just want to boondock, travel the USA and just enjoy life as much as one can. We both just turned 55 in June. Next thing we know we have sold everything and moved into the RV. My last day of work was independence day July 4th, my hubby is still working. I have a few questions for you, if you don’t mind.
    1. How old were you when you started out?
    2. We will have to get travelers insurance. Do you know of the cheapest but best health insurance out there.
    3. Having a website and blog. Is it a pain in the butt? I want to start one for travelers but my husband doesn’t know if it is really worth It. What do you think?
    4. I read where you have a bear horn, I want to go up North and boondock. Have you ran into many bears?
    I think that is all the questions for now. I do enjoy reading your site. Thank you

    • wa_desert_rat says:

      Mary…. many of us are members of the Escapees (SKP) which is an RV club (very loose-knit) that owns some RV parks of its own and has co-op parks affiliated with SKP. Their forums ( is a good place to start reading and asking questions. Sue (*my* Sue) and I just returned from a 3-week RV trip where we spent many happy days at the SKP Park Sierra (near Yosimite Park at Coarsegold, CA). SKPs offer inexpensive overnight spots, places to use as a “base camp” and even retirement living (with a place for in-home-care while you live in your RV!).

      This is not your average “camping club”.


    • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

      I can answer some of your questions.
      1. Sue and I are the same age so in 2011 when she hit the road we were almost 63.
      2. Health insurance! My husband and I have Medicare and a Blue Cross plan from his retirement. Sue has Medicare and a plan from her teaching retirement. Perhaps some of the younger crowd here can suggest.
      3. Sue may answer soon on that one. She is on a short break. I do know she started with a blog that was free and later moved to this one when she had enough following to be worth it to her to monetize the blog. Many of us use her link when we go to Amazon so she gets a little and so we can thank her for keeping up this wonderful blog.
      4. She did have a late night bear visitor. And has seen a few but not a lot. Maybe someone can give you the date. It’s very worthwhile to go back to her original blog which is a .com blog of the same name and read the story from the beginning. You will learn all about how she prepared and a lot about why she does things her way.
      Wish you success in selling and your move to fulltime.

      • mary Gray says:

        Thank you WDR. My hubby and I belong to Escapees. We took a PO box there. Once our houses are sold we will go there and get our RV and jeep registered there. Get a library card at the local library. Thank you for enlightening me on escapees. I will have to start reading the magazine we are getting via email. Thank you again MARY
        Velda thank you for answering my questions. Everyone have a beautiful day.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Thank you very much, Velda, for stepping in with answers for Mary. You did a better job than I would’ve done!

        • Velda in Roseville Ca says:

          Thanks Sue! I was hoping I did ok. I did not see anyone else answering and knew you needed rest so decided to give it a try. Hope you and Miss Bridgette are having a good day rain or not. Now if only you could sneeze and send the clouds north. We will finish January with the least amount of January rainfall in recorded history at 0.02 inches for a month in which average should be 3.7 inches! Going to be a bleak summer if we don’t get rain soon.

  50. So good to see Spikey in his favorite pose! That is a beautiful photo of him! Bridget!!! WOW! She actually looks like she is smiling for the camera! Love it!
    Thank for sharing Organ Pipe, we never made it there either! Your photography tells the story of Organ Pipe, the clouds add the drama. I had a favorite image all picked out, then I saw Spike! He became my favorite photo of the day!

  51. Sondra-SC says:

    Very nice photos Sue, I really enjoyed that tour!

  52. Dawn in MI says:

    What a wonderful park! Thanks for taking us along. It’s definitely something I’ll visit when I’m out that way.

    Nice writing too..the shawl of clouds on the mountains…liked that a lot.

    LOVED Bridgett’s photo…that’s the happiest I think I’ve ever seen her! Cutie pie that she is.

    And thanks so much for Spike! Beautiful shot, and beautiful memory.

  53. PookieBoy(houston) says:

    well another great report with great pictures….I had to get out my maps to see where you have been….I cant believe I drove past those areas without even stopping….keep up the good work young lady….we enjoy reading about ya’ll…

  54. Ron Sears says:

    I think I have mention before that I am not a fan of the dessert, but it I ever wanted to see one it would have to be this one. Great shots and a real good shot of your safe

  55. Timber n' me says:

    Well,,,,,,, sorry I’m late, But I’ve been workin’ on our power collectors and just finished settin’ up 173 watts for a while. tomorrow I’m ordering thru your blog, from Amazon, a compete water system, even a pump in all. ,,,,,,,,,,,But like I or we say, Those are great photos Sue and we’re real glad you and that sweet Bridget got a chance to see the Pipes. Have a great pre weekend and GO SEA HAWKS!!!! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,me

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Wow! More solar power and now you’re going to put in a water system!

      Thank you for all the stuff you order from Amazon through my blog, Rusty. I really appreciate it. Have a wonderful weekend!

  56. weather says:

    Hope Life,the road and desert are being especially good to you Sue.We got three inches of fresh snow around dawn-enough to make drying flakes off pup ears fun for us- without bringing anything less beautiful before it left.Thought about how glad I am for you because the PTV and BLT windows give you such light filled views,and realized how true that is of our lives,float on air currents…

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, weather!

      I’m sitting here, with the curtains pulled all the way to the sides of all three big windows, drinking coffee and looking out at our new camp!

    • Shirlene (So. Cal) says:

      Good Morning Weather, glad to see that you are surviving the storms back east with your usual uplifting description of events…Enjoy what the day brings to you and your troupe. Our day here is cloudy with spots of rain, but I am still able to enjoy the outside with just a sweater…I find that I am feeling really lucky about that as I hear about temperatures dipping lower and lower where you are…Sending warm wishes and spring like feelings to you.

      • weather says:

        The large storms on the news continue to bypass my place,I’ve yet to reach twelve inches as total snowfall here this winter.This isn’t surviving,it’s celebrating a beautiful season and what Providence ever gives me-all I need and want sprinkled with joy.Thanks Shirlene for the warm wishes,hugs and the same being sent back!

        • Shirlene (So. Cal) says:

          Thanks for turning something that could be tragic into something to celebrate…as only you can do in your own way…glad to be your friend. 🙂

  57. Shirlene (So. Cal) says:

    Hi Sue, I am so happy to see that you have not rejoined the blogorinos as of yet, that means that you are having a mini vacation and for that, I for one, am happy for you…It must feel good just to know that you do not have to get back to the keyboard for a minute and just be who you and Bridget are without us…be we are there, lurking around, taking care of ourselves and others, waiting for your return when you can’t stay away any longer…..Enjoy, Enjoy and Enjoy some more…you to Bridget….

  58. rvsueandcrew says:


    It’s Friday morning and Bridget and I are at a new camp!

    Thanks to everyone for bringing your unique sunshine into my blog in my absence. As much as I enjoy our interactions, the break was good for me. It turned out to be necessary, too! All is well now, but yesterday was… *eyes rolling* . . . .

    I read every comment and enjoyed them. Forgive me for not writing a personal reply to each of you. Thanks for the positive feedback on the photos. It was fun sharing our drive through Organ Pipe with you!

    When these heavily overcast skies lighten up, I’ll take photos of our camp and write a post, probably not until later today.

    I hope y’all are enjoying this day!

    Bye for now. . .

    Sue and Bridget

  59. kitt, NW WA says:

    Here’s to blue skies and sunshine, in the sky and in the heart!


  60. You really lucked out with the road grader. I guess I was there at exactly the wrong time.

  61. A gal in Maple Valley, WA says:

    Did that coyote become you new crew member? I’ll bet he won’t make you cook that nasty liver. 🙂

  62. DesertGinger says:

    Geez sometimes I hate technology. I had an Amazon order so signed on thru the blog, found my items but couldn’t check out…kept telling me to create a new password. Finally I phoned. They told me to clear my cookies and browsing history…so I did. Went back to Amazon and didn’t realize I no longer had the link to Sue’s blog. Darn! It was a good order too. Sorry Sue. I have more coming up and will go through blog.

    It’s raining here and cold. I worked today and tomorrow. Have had a few clients. My first client was one of those who is telling you a big pack of lies. It’s lie season for tax prep. Like….I’m 23. Live in my moms house. I am supporting my nephew, who is 11. His parents are unavailable. I’m on my dads health insurance. But I’m head of household as I support my nephew.

    Anything to get those child tax credits and earned income credits.

    Oh well…its a job! Still not losing tons of weight but little by little. Doc wants me to walk an hour. Kinda hard with my knee, dragging my oxygen. But I’m trying.

    Going to go make my tiny dinner. Re fried beans tonight! Woohoo!

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Oh Ginger….I hope you can walk even some….we have had to work up to the longer walk (we go for a little over a mile….takes usually about a half hour here in this hilly area) and we find that is enough, those days we actually get time to do it, to keep our blood sugar and blood pressure numbers lower. I am sorry you have to lug oxygen too….I encourage you to work up to it. I have read that even if we walk as little as 20 minutes after each meal, it does the body good!!

      • Timber n' me says:

        Elizabeth in Washington, the radio I listen to says to turn it off and walk 3 times a day at 10 minutes each or walk 30 minutes 1 time, it dose a body Good And don’t Worry, Worry dose more damage than not walking. And if you have a dog, you’ll walk a lot ,,,,,,,”Right, Timber?” ,,,,Rurrrrght ,,,,,,,,,,, Thanks Timber. ,,,,,,,,,,,,me

        • Elizabeth in WA says:

          Rusty, it seems even just a little walking is helpful alright. I would be concerned about not working up to a certain level…takes some time for the body to adjust. And I think doctors are not reasonable sometimes. Well, some of them are still kids, for crying out loud…how would they know what it feels like in these old bodies? I agree about worry….well stress at least. It is a killer for sure. You know I believe either you have high blood pressure or you give it to others. So if it is one or the other, then I would rather have it than give it to someone, if you know what I mean. Yea, I wish I had a dog. But we cannot in this apt. Maybe eventually. I do not intend to stay here longer than necessary. Hubby hates moving…so we shall see. Heh, I can imagine walking Timber…heh…with those legs I bet he never gets tired out!! A brother used to have a malamute husky mix….that dog could go like the wind!! When it got loose, they would have to drive a long ways to find it…it seemed to forget where home was.

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