Part 2: Needles Overlook, Canyonlands, Utah

Wednesday, May 25 (continued)

At the conclusion of Part 1, the crew and I are at the overlook, eating our lunch inside the Perfect Tow Vehicle on this hot afternoon.

P1110791-001“That was good, wasn’t it,” I remark to Bridget and Reggie as I gather up the trash from our picnic lunch.

“You had your walk around, a drink, and lunch.  Before we leave, I want to look from the other side.  I’ll only take a minute and be right back.”

Quickly, with camera in hand, I trot away from the PTV to the other side of the overlook.  Steadying myself at the chain-link fence, I snap a few photos.

P1110787-001Ever conscious of the crew, I don’t take time to absorb and reflect upon the powerful images while trying to fit the splendor of the scene within the frame of my camera lens.

P1110788“Okay, I’m back.  Let’s go!”

P1110807(Dear reader,  I may post the photos out of order.  I can’t remember exactly how they go. Just ride along with us here, okay?)

The crew settles in for a post-lunch snooze.

P1110814-001With steering wheel in one hand and camera in the other, I drive more slowly than before.

Inside the well-insulated PTV with air rushing through my open window, we’re comfortable.  It’s a great feeling, rolling along by ourselves.

P1110816This is the part of today’s excursion that I enjoy the most.

Unlike some people, I didn’t experience a spiritual moment standing at the overlook.  Stillness is required for that to happen.  For reasons I stated,  I rushed.

P1110826To be honest, I don’t respond like other people do to visions of grandeur, especially those that involve looking down.  

I’m not sure what causes me to feel the urge to withdraw.  It’s not fear of falling.  After all there are barriers, a fence to grip.  I think it’s the immensity.  Too much to take in.

Here I am in Canyonlands.  I could drive to see the massive anticline, but I don’t.  That would be too much for one excursion.  I’ll save it for another visit. . . .

Oh, I have to stop for that!

I hit the brakes.

Laughing at myself, I rush to kneel at the roadside in order to take this photo.

P1110818-001I’m not normal.  No question about it.  Sheesh.   I give more attention to plants along the road than I give to one of the most incredible natural wonders, one that draws visitors from all over the world!

Further along I stop again.

What fun!

P1110796-001 For me the glory of this world is best revealed in humbler forms, like this ragtag bunch of flowers in grass . . .

P1110810I give them more attention than the “Seven Shooters” at the overlook!

“Sorry to keep waking you up, Reggie.  I have to take photos of the flowers.  Go back to sleep, honey.  We’re going home.”

Bridget hardly pays me any attention.  She’s having a good nap.  Bless her heart . . .

P1110809 She enjoyed herself today, out on the red rock, trotting beside Reggie, tail wagging, sharing a “picnic” inside the PTV, snoozing as we roll home . . .

P1110829It was fun today.   I’m glad we came out here.  Tomorrow morning we’ll pack up, leave our piney camp at Devil’s Canyon, and head out for a new home.

Colorado!  We’re going to Colorado!

I wonder what lies ahead for us . . . .



Here’s a sample of items from Amazon ordered recently by RVSue shoppers:

Moji Light
Telephony Cable Modem
Women’s Sanrah Circle Dress Sandal
Smartwatch for Apple/Android Devices
Corelle Super Soup/Cereal Bowls, Navy Blue
KIND Bars, Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate + Protein, Gluten Free


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95 Responses to Part 2: Needles Overlook, Canyonlands, Utah

  1. Robin B (Oregon) says:


    • Robin B (Oregon) says:

      I love it when you photograph the road, too, as we will get down in that area some day. It will be a big help to look back on your posts and map what we may want to do, so thanks for the detailed reports! Can’t wait for your Colorado reports.

    • rvsueandcrew says:


  2. Kathie says:

    Welcome to Colorado!

  3. Ilse says:

    Third? Not bad. Good morning Sue!

  4. I’m just like you when seeing those huge expanses. First, I have problems with heights, probably worse than you. But I can get overwhelmed by the immensity, and sometimes even numbed. I sometimes appreciate photographs better than the view I had when there. OTOH, like you, I love to focus in on small vignettes. The details — whether an architectural oddity on the corner of an old building, or unexpected flowers from a pile of rocks–will always draw my eye!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      “sometimes even numbed”… I know exactly what you mean, kisstab-chick! That’s what I meant by “it’s too much.”

      Funny thing about photography. It really does help one focus. Like you say, the photographs help one appreciate what one saw in reality.

  5. Norman in San Diego says:

    Hi Sue,

    You will really like Colorado. Looking forward to seeing the camping sites you will find.

    Have a wonderful weekend.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Norman. I wish you a wonderful weekend, too.

      I look forward to showing what we find in the great state of Colorado!

  6. Martha says:

    I’m with you … I love the natural wonders, but I’m one to get out and photograph the flowers…a natural wonder in their own right. Great post. Thanks.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Martha. I’m happy you understand what I tried to convey in this post. Thank you.

  7. Dave Stewart (in missouri for now) says:

    As is your custom, Great post and pictures. Like the ones that look like cone flowers.

  8. Colleen from Alabama says:

    Packed up and leaving Alabama for Rice, Texas and my new Casita. Yeah!!!!!!!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re on your way, Colleen! Have a safe, enjoyable trip and be sure to tell us about the Casita orientation…. when you have a chance, when you come back to earth. 🙂

      I’m excited for you!

    • Applegirl NY says:

      Good for you, Colleen! Have a wonderful trip – very exciting.

  9. Millie says:

    I’m with you Sue, I love the wildflowers that so many think of as weeds. Here back east, my favorite is Queen Anne’s Lace. I’d love to plant it in my garden but my HOA would likely issue me a fine. I long for the days of no HOA!

    Can’t wait to “see” Colorado as we ride along with you and the crew.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Millie! Queen Anne’s Lace…. lovely flower, lovely name… The HOA tells you what you can’t plant… 🙁

  10. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    Love the flowers! Weird? Nope..just enjoying and appreciating nature!

    Weird a chain link fence!

    Have a great day!

  11. Linda Hughes- North Carolina says:

    Hi Rv Sue, just a quick note, the photos are outstanding! I feel like I took the day trip myself, have a safe and wonderful move.

  12. Shirlene (Huntington Beach, Ca) says:

    Good Morning Sue, this is Saturday, a rare day at work, just checked in on a break and a new post to greet my Saturday…So in some small way I am glad I had to work today. Beautiful pictures, I cannot wait to follow those roads….my dogs will love it too!. Have a good weekend, travel safe and I will catch up with you on Monday, many things planned for the weekend for me… Hi to all. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Shirlene,

      I wonder where you and your dogs will be this time next year. 🙂 Wherever you go, you’ll take your sweet spirit with you. See ya’ on Monday!

  13. Susan in Dallas says:

    The only time I saw the Grand Canyon in person, I felt the same way you described your thoughts on the overlook. It was simply overwhelming to comprehend. It’s great to see some “dry” pictures to contrast with all our rain this week.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Susan,

      I haven’t kept up with the weather news lately. I heard about the floods in Texas. I hope you are out of harm’s way.

  14. R. (now back in CO) says:

    It is such familiar feeling to read about your and your companions adventures again. I’m now in CO for a while with my broken arm but still planning to backpack Colorado Trail starting mid-July. I can see right now plenty of snow on Grand Mesa

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Broken arm? Well, that’s no fun, R. Heal up and get back on those trails! Nice hearing from you…

  15. Willow (AZ) says:

    Sue & Crew,
    Sometimes it’s the small things that take your breath away, I have a small bird that comes to my hibiscus bush every morning to nibble on the flowers just outside my bedroom window.
    I so enjoy those few moments watching that little bird I always wish her safe passage on her busy day and say a prayer for her.
    I enjoy reading how Bridget enjoys her day and how rambunctious Reggie is ready for the next adventure, blessing to all of you.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Willow. I’ve heard that hibiscus blooms have medicinal properties when made into tea, although one can experience negative effects, too. Not for everyone. Apparently your little bird enjoys them . . .

  16. Andrea in Glendale says:

    Ok Sue, something really grabbed me in looking at the rock formations in your first few photos. In one of them on the right hand side it looks like a big tiger cubs head – lovin these pictures – THANKS!

  17. Hi Sue, I think I am like you in that I find the spiritual and happy in smaller scale things. The flowers you posted caught my attention much more than the huge grandeur of the overlook. I am really glad Bridget had a good day.
    We are stuck here in Fremont until the end of July for medical reasons. Miss Pepper (our older lady at 13 human years [what is that 91 doggie years?]) is ready to move on, she has smelled and seen all there is to this place.
    Safe Travels.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lisa W.,

      I hope the “medical reasons” are resolved positively and you so you and Miss Pepper can move on to new sights and new smells. 🙂

  18. Kitt, NW WA says:

    Morning, Sue and Crew,
    I just came home from walking with “the girls” – a group of women who meet at 8am Saturdays to walk, talk, and then have coffee. Today it was 5.7 miles on our local InterurbanTrail in beautiful dappled sunshine. Bellingham is blessed with an amazing spider web of trails throughout the city.
    Love your post! Those long expanses of open highway really speak to us. We are always looking for the off the beaten track way to travel. How wonderful it is to go for miles and miles without another car in sight, it is such a peaceful way to travel. And the photos of flowers, beautiful! You can never have too many flower pictures. Glad to hear Bridget is having a wonderful day and Reggie is being Reggie.

    I am looking forward to your adventures in Colorado, a state we in which we have not spent much time. I’ll be watching closely and taking notes!


  19. Pam N. says:

    I’m a Midwesterner at heart…pictures are cool but seen in person, vast open spaces and extreme scenery make me uncomfortable. Greenery, flowering trees and bushes, bubbling brooks charm me. Canyons, sweeping vistas and great heights, not so much.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Pam N.,

      I like all of it, except for the “great heights.” So what do I do? Go to the mountains of Colorado! Ha!

  20. Linda Rose, Muffin, Murphy, Molly & Midgy says:

    I’m so glad to see that I did my Amazon purchase correctly this time. Glad you and the crew had a great day.

  21. Nature’s beauty both big and small are miracles and bring delight in their own way. Thank you for sharing it all with us!

    Birds are singing and chirping outside my window, so lovely and cheery. The rain has stopped and I see a bit of sunshine, the birds must be celebrating.

    Colorado is one of my favorite places, look forward to reading about your adventures there! Oh and I loved the happy photo of Bridget in the previous post 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Sunshine and birdsong in Austin, Texas…. I’m happy you are enjoying both of these blessings, Linda. Thanks for the nice note.

  22. Retiredcajunlady 'N LA says:

    I can well understand your sensory overload. Looking at your pictures, my mind swirls with the all I have learned…the geology of the area, the vastness, books I have read, the beauty and splendor…a rush like that in person would overwhelm me too. The photographs are beautiful as is your commentary. I spotted the tiger cub head in the rocks too! I love that you share the photos of the wildflowers that grow among the rocks. Such beauty and strength they have to be able to grow in the harshness that the area offers.

    “I guess she’d rather be in Colorado.” I confess, I am a John Denver fan from wayyyy back. I hope you have safe travels and many marvels to see on your journey to a new state. Thank you for sharing your photos and thoughts with us. Be well and safe…and belly rubs for the crew, prayers for all.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Retiredcajunlady.

      Thank you for the kind wishes, for appreciating my photos, and for the compliment on my writing.

      I don’t see the tiger cub head! 🙂

  23. Pookie in Todd Mission Tx says:

    oh my what pictures………..
    Ive been to the grand canyon 5 or 6 times in my lifetime either for a short visit or to camp out a nite…..Ive always gotten out my cigar and sit on the side looking down into the canyon and reflect how small a thing I am in this world…..its humbling to say the least…..
    I must say you live a great life living in a small camper…my wife’s idea of camping is the Holiday Inn…..:)
    thanks for the great pictures

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Chuck,

      I hope all the problems you’ve experienced lately are in the past and things are good again. So you’re a cigar smoker, eh? I’m getting to know you in bits and pieces…. 🙂

  24. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    Thanks for taking us on your excursion. Wonderful pictures. I can’t look over the edge on an abyss regardless of the safety precautions. I have such a fear of falling over. I had trouble with that when I went up to the observation deck of the Empire State building. However, it is amazing country out there. I love the wild flowers.
    Hope you are having a great weekend.
    Love to you and the crew.

  25. Sue - Colorado Girl says:

    I’m so glad you will be visiting Colorful Colorado.

    I must warn you — Should I see you at Walmart, I plan to say Hello Sue.

  26. weather says:

    Suddenly seeing scenes of grandeur may be stimulation overload given your heightened sensitivity and awareness of details. Your considerately feeling the sidewalk(in part 1) to make sure it wasn’t too hot for the crew’s paws was so touching, and comes to mind. You aren’t normal, that delights me! It’s a joy to see you look in wonder at, care about and appreciate the everyday beauty in this world.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You are very kind and perceptive, weather. I don’t doubt there are readers who look at my travels and think, “Why didn’t she go there?” or “Why did she skip that?” I avoided Moab and all the wonders that surround it. Too many people rushing around!

      I suspect you aren’t very “normal” either. Ha!

      • weather says:

        Most people go to see famous scenery and thoroughly enjoy that despite the crowds there. The bonus for us is that leaves the less sought after places more quiet and pristine. You’d mentioned the camp you’re at having interesting to watch and human activity that wasn’t disturbing. I hope it’s remained enjoyable for you this weekend. Do you plan to remain there a bit longer or move soon?

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, weather,

          Yes, this continues to be a pleasant camp. Thank you for wishing it to be so. We will probably move on Tuesday, unless we don’t. 🙂

    • DesertGinger says:

      Doesn’t everyone check the heat of the pavement? I can’t imagine not doing that; I don’t want my baby’s paws burned.

  27. Elaine in Colorado says:

    I love pictures! So happy that you stop and take pictures of flowers, they make me happy! With that said, spring is my favorite time of the year because the trees and flowers are blooming sort of like earth’s renewal!

    Not sure what road you are taking, but the Colorado Monument is a place to see. It almost reminded me of it in the picture with the chain link fence.

    At 3:35pm, it was 77 degrees in Metro Denver. High is supposed to be around 84 tomorrow.

    If you like sand dunes, I’d consider Alamosa (although I have never been there but friends have) and Buena Vista is another place.,

    • Elaine in Colorado says:

      I forgot to add the link for the Colorado Monument:

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elaine,

      Thank you for your suggestions on how/where the crew and I can enjoy Colorado. I don’t travel with a specific destination in mind. We mosey along and I figure out our route as the days go by. This method may not take us to the “best” places, but it works for us.

      • Elaine in Colorado says:

        Hi Sue! Since I wasn’t aware of places you have been or your route, I offered suggestions. We are alike in the way we go off the beaten path as to not been seen as a tourist! 😀

  28. Jeff Billingsley says:

    Sue & Crew, my wife and I were up at a campground in Colorado having a picnic yesterday and saw your rig. I told Ruth about you, the crew, and your camper and the Perfect Tow vehicle. She wanted to meet you but it didn’t look like anyone was up so we didn’t bother you. We had a nice day out exploring possible new campgrounds. I hope you are having a great trip. Jeff , Ruth, and Dub.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jeff,

      The weather has been perfect for picnics lately. I appreciate you sharing me, my crew, and our rig with your wife, and her desire to meet us. I also appreciate you refraining from dropping in on us. I prefer that readers not do that as it can snowball and, contrary to what this blog makes one think, I like privacy.

      I also appreciate you not “spilling the beans” where we are! Best regards to you, Ruth, and Dub for happy travels this summer!

  29. Ann of Tacoma says:

    Love those massive overwhelming vistas and love the tiny flowers. And your descriptions of everything are perfect, Sue. Puts me right there. When I was motel-hopping, so to speak, in the area several years ago, we drove through Wind Whistle Campground. In the rock walls surrounding the campground, I swear there was a giant nose and mustache looking over the entire campground, a priest in full garb on the right side, and Santa on the left. I saw faces in the rocks everywhere I went .. sometimes human, sometimes other animals or birds .. friendly faces. And yes, that tiger cub is there, or maybe it’s a bear, who knows? Thank you so much for sharing. You have a special gift.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Ann,

      Wind Whistle Campground has a unique setting, tucked in those massive, red rock walls with their caves and swirls and outcrops. I saw some markings on one of the rock faces — They were made by natural processes, yet reminded me of Newspaper Rock because of the detailed squiggles.

      I didn’t care for the close, tight lay-out of the campground, yet it is in a handy location for exploring that section of Canyonlands.

      Okay, I’m going to look at those photos again and hunt for tigers and bears! 🙂

  30. Linda-NC says:

    Sue-if stopping to take pics of flowers along the way isn’t normal then I wouldn’t want to be normal! I am AbbyNormal. Ah-Life is Good! Have a good trip!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Linda. 🙂

    • Nancy from South Georgia says:


      I love you using the term AbbyNormal!!! I had a kitten once, a very rambunctious tuxedo male that I named Abner. He thought he was a retriever canine and would endlessly chase and return a piece of newspaper rolled into a ball. One day I called him AbbyNormal rather than Abner. It was just so funny to hear this term again – thanks for the memory.

  31. Nice 2 part post Sue, and your pictures are great to,,,,, we are on the skyline road, not much snow on the North end and the day s are nice and the night s are not cold,,,,,,,,? give them pup’s a huge hug from us,,,,,,,,, rusty

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I think I know where you are… Fremont National Forest, if I remember correctly… pretty country. Hugs to you both from us.

      • The other Manti LaSal,, 89 to the West, 6 to the North and Scofield to the East,,,, page 52, 60 in the Benchmark of Utah,,,,,

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I found it, thanks. Rusty. That’s the area I was thinking you were in. I mixed up the name of the national forests. One time we took Route 31 east out of Fairview to take a look at Gooseberry Campground but we didn’t go all the way up onto Skyline Drive.

  32. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Hi Sue,

    Sorry I have been missing in action here. I have had to spend a lot of time the last few weeks helping that couple making their way back to Seattle from GA for cancer treatment. It has been quite an ordeal. They are almost there now. We have also been very busy working.

    This is so beautiful! It is just so vast. Hard to take it all in. I am looking forward to Colorado! Should be fun!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      What a fix that couple found themselves in. You did good work, Jolene. I’m sure they will be forever grateful. Great seeing you here again!

      • Jolene/Iowa says:

        It has been amazing how the RV world has come together with some Facebook groups. They helped with money to go towards repair bills and several tows as they broke down again in IL. Then I had to help find some volunteers to go help pack up their old motorhome in a campground in eastern Iowa when they broke down a third time. They packed it into a Uhaul so they could drive their stuff home. The uhaul fee was donated by another person as they were out of money from all their emergency expenses of the last few months. The motorhome was not roadworthy anymore. Then a very generous couple gifted them a new to them motorhome that was 14 years newer than their 1988 MH and bigger for when they arrive in South Prairie, WA today. It has been an emotional ride for all of us that have been following this story and trying to help them. Just totally amazing and I am so thankful for all who have helped them.

  33. Gingerita in NE Indiana ( for now) says:

    Oh the pictures are amazing! Thanks for taking us along.

  34. Virginia620 (Mobile AL) says:

    You definitely have an eye for catching great photos. Thanks!! I’ll go back and re d the post and comments now. 🙂

  35. Susan in south central WA says:

    Colorado!!!! I’ll be in Colorado too but not until next Friday. My husband is riding his bicycle in the Ride the Rockies event June 12-17 and I’ll be in the Denver area visiting family. I’ll wave from afar.

  36. Harl4me in Fl says:

    Hi there Sue,
    I love the photos especially the wild flowers! The looking out from high places is kinda weird for me, driving very high narrow roads makes my tummy jumpy and if they are cliff roads it’s worse. I can do it but my tummy isn’t happy with it.
    It’s back to Fl for me the end of this week, looking forward to seeing my kids and grands and being in my house for a while. Hope you’ve had a great weekend!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, ChrisAnn,

      I’ve developed a similar aversion to mountain roads after a few scary experiences. Oh well…

      How nice to have your house and family to look forward to! Have a safe trip home.

  37. AlanOutandAbout - Alpine AZ. says:

    It is a shame you didn’t get to the Anticline. From it you can see Arches to the east, Canyonlands to the West and Dead Horse State Park to the north. It is a magical place and you were so close, But it ain’t going anywhere.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes, we were close… an additional 14 miles. I’ve seen photos of the view and knew what I was by-passing. What would’ve been a shame is to go there, suffer in the heat, and not appreciate it. Like you say, it’s not going anywhere.

      • AlanOutandAbout - Alpine AZ. says:

        Sunrise there is a treasure to behold.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Next time we’re in the area…. maybe we will camp at Hatch Point and see the sunrise at the Anticline. It just wasn’t a good time to add that to this excursion. Although it’s comfortable riding in the PTV with the window down, there’s no air conditioning to return to after one is out for a look-see, and I couldn’t leave the crew more than a few minutes in the PTV parked. We should have set out earlier in the morning, but I wrote a blog post instead. Choices: 🙂

  38. Renee from Idaho says:

    Beautiful photos, Sue. I enjoy reading the course of your day and how Bridget and Reggie are doing. I like to take photos of the flora too! It’s the little things the matter so often.

  39. Lee in Northern California says:

    Your photos as usual draw me in, wow.

    I had a adventure last week, I was camping in the sierras and had parked my truck close to the front of my Casita….sound asleep, and wham! Something hits the front of my trailer. Scared the liver outta me… I later found that a small herd of deer had visited the campground and apparently one was trying to pass between my trailer and truck, at full speed, and didn’t fit….by looking at the track, he landed on his keester! Never had that happen before and needless to say I didn’t open the door to see what was out there until daylight!
    I just did the Columbia Diggins 1852, a company for tourism in the gold country did a wonderful video and I am in it..the old lady serving stew…check it out!
    I love this event, but do get tired of the crowds, next camping trip will be solitary, less marauding deer Hopefully!

  40. Lee in Northern California says:

    Link didn’t work….will this one?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes, this link works. I didn’t open up the video because I’m close to incurring overage charges. I remember the event from last year. Very authentic and a fun attraction…. and I imagine a lot of work goes into producing it.

      How weird that the deer would go through a tight spot like that…

  41. Your post brought back some wonderful memories. I accidently went there the “wrong” way and took about 200 pictures just on the road I took to the Needles. I think it is one of the most impressive places on earth.

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