Predator to plants to priceless

Thursday, November 8, at home in Arizona

Readers have commented that they like when I write about the little things that my crew and I experience.  This post is about a few of those things.  Photos were taken around our house in southeastern Arizona, including shots of recent bargains found at thrift and resale shops as I seek to furnish and decorate the house on a budget.

While taking photos this morning, the crew begin play-fighting so they’re included, too!

~ ~ ~

Yesterday the crew and I are outside having a porch picnic:

Reggie’s and Roger’s eyes are riveted to my plate whereupon extra morsels of chicken are set aside for them.  I’m chewing on a barbeque chicken sandwich when a surprising thing happens.

A hawk swoops in and lands in the flowerbed!

Right in front of us!

The boys don’t notice because their backs are turned and the hawk keeps silent.  I’m frozen in mid-chew.

Darn, I wish I had the camera!

The hawk is perched in the mess of aloe that grows at the end of the long flowerbed running the length of the porch.  Also at that end of the flowerbed are the bird feeders and bird bath.

The usual horde of birds has disappeared; the constant singing replaced with silence.  The hawk — a red-tailed hawk — is motionless, patiently waiting.

Oh, no.

I do not want to see that hawk grab a finch or a sparrow.  I really don’t.  I know he has to eat and is entitled to eat.  Let the harsher aspects of nature play out somewhere else, not in front of my porch, and not with some poor bird that I lured here!

Reggie makes a whiny peep.

That’s his way of moving me along with the hand-outs.  The hawk lifts out of the aloe and disappears in the sky above the porch roof, out of my sight.

Well, that was sumpthin.’  Ha!  All the days — all the years! — of boondocking, living “out in nature” and in quiet solitude, and I never had a hawk land this close.  I’m on my porch in a neighborhood of homes with cars going by and this one hawk appears and sits about ten feet in front of me.

Reg and Rog never got a clue.

See, hear, and read about the red-tailed hawk at All About Birds website.

~ ~ ~

Important update on plant propagation:

You don’t want to scroll past THIS!

You may recall my mention in previous posts about the Mexican petunia plant that puts out new purple blooms every morning. Love that thing.  I researched propagation methods and attempted three of them.

The seedling you see here was started in a potting mix of potting soil, perlite, and sphagnum moss (stuff I snatched up at WalMart’s garden center clearance).  This is the seedling Roger and Reggie took turns digging up.

I’m excited with the results of the method illustrated below!

Those are Snapple bottles.  They work great for rooting cuttings in water with light coming through a window.  (I moved them for this pic.)

Added benefit:  I get to drink Snapple Peach Iced Tea!

I’ll be potting these up soon:

I search thrift stores for pots for my cuttings.  

So far I have a small collection of pretty pots, each one costing less than a dollar.  I’ll show them in a future post when I have plants in them.

The third method of propagation I tried is bending a branch of the plant, covering a portion with dirt, and later, when roots have grown, cutting off the end.  That method worked well, except the dang Mexican petunia put roots so tough and deep that I’m leaving it in the flowerbed, as is!

Funny thing about my efforts:

Mexican petunia plants are very tough plants.  Easy to grow and they multiply on their own.  I probably could take cuttings, throw them over my shoulder, and let the boys bury and dig them up, and I’d have as much success as messing around with Snapple bottles.

What the heck.  It’s fun!

~ ~ ~

Speaking of fun . . .

The boys never tire of pretend fights.

I’ve been meaning to mention . . .

Reg and Rog don’t get kibble anymore.

A few weeks ago I switched them over to Alpo in a can.  It started with me giving them one can to share and they loved it!  Gradually I gave them more Alpo and tapered off the kibble.

Now they share a can in the morning and another can in late afternoon.  (Roger gets more than Reggie, unbeknownst to the Reggieman.)

Within a day of them eating more Alpo than kibble I notice an improvement in their coats. Thicker, softer . . . Dare I say “more luxuriant?”  (Don’t laugh, you people with long-coated dogs!)

These two have adapted very well to the fenced-yard life.  In fact, I expect they will object to the tether/leash routine when we go camping again.

I think they like the security the yard gives them.  

They don’t always have to be watching for intruders and probably being alert from smelling wild animals about.  I also think they enjoy being proprietors, like people tend to do.

Of course, the freedom to run and play figures largely in their happiness.

And maybe they’re happy here because they’re dogs.  

As long as the Alpo and chicken morsels keep coming, and they have a secure bed at night with me to curl up against, and, most of all, they have each other, they’re going to be happy.

My sweet boys.


NOTE:  The bird feeder in the fifth photo is available at Amazon: Sitting Pair of Birds Pedestal Birdbath or Feeder


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98 Responses to Predator to plants to priceless

  1. Marilyn in Dania Beach says:

    I switched to Orijen dog food and our rescue’s coat is beautiful. It is expensive for kibble but has a great rating. I am afraid to try canned food as she might then turn her nose to the dry. My worst fear is not drinking enough with kibble.

    I wonder what other dog owners do for dog food.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Marilyn,


      I didn’t mean to imply that Alpo is better than kibble for all dogs. We find what works best for our dogs — whether canned or kibble. I tried grain-free kibble and the highly rated kibble and the crew was picky about it.

      DOG OWNERS: What do you feed your crew?

      • Marilyn in Dania Beach but presently in Akron says:


        I believe canned is better due to the moisture content but I cannot stand the odor of canned pet food. Until the vet says she needs canned it is dry for her. I am still concerned.

        Lately I have been reading reports from the FDA that grain free might possibly be causing a heart condition in dogs that normally do not have it. Because of that, I am supplementing the kibble with oatmeal.

        Does anyone know about this issue? It is difficult to be certain.

        I believe I worry more about this rescue’s food than I ever did with my three children. Shame on me.

        • Jan Johnson says:

          An assistant at our vet said they had many cases of pancreatitis caused by grain-free food. She said there was a lack of taurine in that food, and it is vital to good health.
          She said it was the foods with lentils and pea protein. And I have heard many stories of Blue Buffalo causing pancreatitis. It is so difficult because I try to get my dogs the best food I can afford, and I thought grain free was great.

          I have always given my dogs kibble mostly with warm water or broth added. The food is dehydrated and not easily digestible without moisture. I also mix in some canned, or scrambled egg, or cottage cheese, or chicken scraps. I try to boil chicken with baby carrots from time to time. The dogs love the carrots, which are healthy for them, and they sure love the chicken! I think they need real fresh food just as we do, but time and money do not permit me to feed them as I wish.

          I always vary their dry. No single type has all the nutrients, but if you switch around – whatever good food I can get coupons for – they get a variety of nutrients, and if there is anything bad, they don’t get it all the time.

          • Jolene/Iowa says:

            I also know someone personally whose dog almost died from Blue Buffalo and their vet told them other people had had problems also. These particular people changed to Purina Pro Plan that they had been feeding before they switched to Blue Buffalo and doing fine now.

      • Mary in CO says:

        Our black labs are 13 years old and have eaten Blue Buffalo dry food for sensitive stomachs since they were 3 months old. Being labs, they do not turn up their noses at anything,

      • Sandy in TX says:

        While I have used a variety of kibble supplemented occasionally with canned food (or broth from meals I’m cooking) thru the years with my many canine companions, even the vet commented on our dog’s coat when we supplemented with fish oil capsules.

        • Barbara (Nashville) says:

          My vet flat out told me not to give Angel grain-free food. He also advised me to feed her a quality food. She is on Hill’s Science Diet healthy weight for small adult dogs. I think it is a bit pricey, but cheaper than vet bills.

  2. Suzi says:

    Morning Sue!
    We survived another very cold night. HaHa! The propane stove heats the little Casita up in no time though. After boondocking off a FS road overnight, we are on the road again this morning. Sunny and warm in the Van heading Southward. We are just passing Carson City, and it’s really a beautiful day! Wonder where we’ll camp tonight?

    Hugs, Suzi

  3. Columbus Calvin says:

    I’m still thrift shopping, too. Having lost weight and changed some things around, I needed warm shirts to be outdoors in winter. Four good shirts, $7, happy camper.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Calvin!

      Isn’t it fun to find just what you need and without having pain in the wallet?

      $7 dollars for four shirts — That’s $1.75 a shirt! Well done!

  4. Pat in Rochester says:

    Love all of this.

  5. Pat in Rochester says:

    Well that’s weird. I posted, left, came back, no posts. Radio check?

    What I said was, I love this post. I still do.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      The comments section acts weirdly right after I post. Glad you came back. 🙂

      • Lucy says:

        Hi RVSue, nice to know you and your boys are happy proprietors & have adapted to house-life splendidly. Congratulations, the new taken hobby of yours ( gardening ) is very entertaining & rewarding, it’s just wonderful to see new plants rooting & turning into adult ones. My regards: Lucy. PS: Keep on having fun.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thanks, Lucy, for the sweet note. Gardening has been a lifelong passion. I enjoyed vegetable gardening and landscaping (the latter mostly for others) for many years. I didn’t do much with plants in containers until this house. That’s my new hobby and it is fun!

          You keep on having fun, too. 🙂

  6. I had a hawk in my front yard, on the ground eating a squirrel when I drove into the driveway in my car. I was able to get out of the car and actually got very close to the hawk and filmed his activity. When Mr. Hawk was done, there was no trace of the squirrel, not even a tuft of fur.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elaine!

      Isn’t the efficiency of nature a marvel! Everything serves a purpose. Even that which seems to be wasted is used somehow. I didn’t know that a hawk would eat every single bit of a squirrel.

      Although when I taught middle school, we pulled apart and examined owl droppings and saw for ourselves how the owl didn’t waste what he caught.

      Wow, and you were able to film the process!

  7. Pamela A Hollinde says:

    Well Sue, you have inspired me; since my recent move to Ajo I went and checked out the local thrift stores and found all kinds of neat stuff! My favorite thing was a rack of “Godess” sized clothing. I’m a larger woman and it’s a drag to have to search through all the cute stuff in tiny sizes. I appreciated that they took the time to sort things out. Thank you for another great post.”

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good for you, Pamela! I remember the Ajo thrift stores. The one on the main street was just opening under new management. I’m glad you found what you wanted. I like the description “goddess-sized clothing.” 🙂

      Anyone who hasn’t shopped thrift stores may picture rummaging through bins. Not so! The volunteers or employees sort, organize, and display the goods for easy shopping.

  8. Judy in East Texas says:

    Hello Sue and the crew, I’m still here, just not able to post that much as I’m driving from one place to the next working…ugh.
    I have to say every time I see the pictures of the crew playing and having such a great time I am reminded of the story of how Roger came to be live with Reggie. That was such a beautiful beginning that it brings a tear to my eyes. It was just meant for you and Reg to find the little homeless Roger.

    Have a wonderful rest of the week and thanks for keeping me entertained.

    Stay safe out there my friend, judy

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Judy,

      Your letting us know you’re still with us and writing a note is appreciated, especially under your circumstances of driving for work.

      Yeah, Roger’s life took quite a leap that day in Rogerson, Idaho, and he has blossomed into a fine member of the crew. The bond between him and Reggie is very strong and was from the moment they met. They always know where the other one is and what he’s doing. Usually they’re side by side, running, napping, playing, in mischief and in fun. 🙂

  9. Peggy says:

    I really enjoy this kind of post! I’m enjoying your new home and projects very much! We’ve had hawks in our urban (high traffic, busy city) backyard several times. In fact, I am no longer surprised when nature comes to visit us! We’ve had raccoons, rabbits, ground hogs, chipmunks, possums, hawks, and Great Herons! We also enjoy RV travels (several weeks at a time all over the country) but there’s no place like home.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Peggy!

      You have quite an assortment of wildlife at your house… even Great Herons!

      Thanks for the feedback on this type of post about daily life and my projects. You know, I’m having so much fun puttering around, thrift shopping, enjoying the porch, coming here to be with the blogorinos, that the days fly by. I hope you are enjoying life, too, whether at home or out and about with your RV.

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        Gosh Peggy, after reading of all your wildlife sightings, I thought you could be living in my community. The only additions we have to your list is Armidillo, coyotes and a bobcat.

        We had a hawk land on a tree branch right over the spot where Angel was taking care of her business just 4 days ago. We have never had one that close. Kind of scared me. It was on the news yesterday, that a guy let his dog out in the fenced yard and a hawk was circling. Thankfully he scared it off. Seem like they are getting more aggressive.

      • Peggy says:

        We have a nice size backyard pond that was once full of large Koi. They were the attraction for the herons. 😊 Gave way all the fish a couple of years ago and now we have a beautiful water garden again! The fish ate the lilies, etc. Only heron now is a very real looking fake one I got from Cabellas.

  10. Alice says:

    Those hawks are intense. I have one that hangs around. He, I think, is watching for my neighbors dogs who are very small. Had an owl, I think, in the yard at dusk. When he took off his wing span had to be 4 to 5 feet. But, like you I don’t want to see them catch the bunnies or birds.

    Love it when you score thrift shopping. I posted a comment a couple of times ago and it disappeared. I thought it was my old brain trying to do the math and got it wrong. Oh well.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m sorry your comment was sucked into the WordPress vortex, Alice. Very annoying.

      That was a big owl. You have me wondering if the big bird that took off out of the mesquite tree that night when we were camped at Midland — I didn’t see it but the wing flapping sounded like it was huge – maybe was an owl?

      I went to the thrift store again today. It’s an addiction. Well, at least I have the excuse of this house. Boy, did I score some neat stuff!

  11. chas anderson says:

    We get hawks frequently up here in northern PA So far, we have had red tails,marsh hawks,coopers,sharp shinned,kestrels and have had an osprey visit the pond.One time a marsh hawk (northern harrier) grab a squirrel near the bird feeder and lug him off.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Gee, chas, I’m excited about one lil ol hawk and you have a dang aviary flying around. Even an osprey! 🙂

      • chas anderson says:

        For some reason PA is a pinchpoint for raptor migration.Forgot to add that we see bald eagles fly overhead heading to the COE reservoirs.

        Lots of hayfield and cornfield rodents which terrorize my RV though.That is the biggest reson, lots of prey,

  12. Lauri C says:

    GREAT post!!!! I could survive on this type of communication! I do have one thing to say, however, regarding the lack of kibble…. definitely KEEP AN EYE ON THEIR TEETH! I was an RVT (Registered Veterinary Technican) and I saw what canned foods did to teeth! If you’re u stick with just canned food, be sure to supply something hard that they can gnaw on.

    I give an after-dinner treat of “Smartbones”. Yes u can find them in most pet stores…and Bully Sticks are great also….(except I hate to think about what they are – google it)

    Another tip for a truly awesome coat, incorporating some raw food! Incredible what an improvement that alone can make! Truly phenomenal!!! The coats will glisten in the light!….even at night!!

    Again, great post! Love hearing about the crew!!

    Thank you!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Lauri,

      Interesting and informative comment! Your suggestion about keeping an eye on their teeth is important. When I switched the crew to canned, I gave that some thought. However, whenever Roger is given anything special to chew — like a chewbone or Smartbones or bully sticks — he wants to save it forever. Out he goes to hide it, usually burying it, never to find it again. I might as well dig a hole and empty my wallet into it.

      On the bright side, Roger takes care of his teeth like the homeless dog he used to be. He finds his own “chew bones.” He stands near a bush or tree with broken off branches and gnaws on the wood. Or he finds a good, hard stick to gnaw on. The big treat is finding an animal bone. He will chew that before hiding it.

      As for Reggie, he mimics Roger and now he’s a stick-chewer, too. I know there’s the chance of splinters but so far, so good. Lately they’ve taken up the sport of cracking pecans.

      I’m hesitant about giving them raw food. One dog alone, okay. With two dogs, my experience is that it leads to fights. The exception to that was Spike and Bridget, but then they were an exceptional couple. 🙂

      Glad you liked the post!

  13. ReneeG from Idaho says:

    Hi Sue!
    Our lab, Maggie, is wheat intolerant so she eats the salmon and sweet potato dry food from Costco with Hill’s Prescription ID canned food stirred in. Our Mica, also eats the same, but is not wheat sensitive. It’s just easier to feed them the same. They also eat romaine lettuce scraps, apple bits, chicken scraps, and whatever little treat I give them. The canned food was eaten by our little Missy years ago and when she passed away I had this leftover canned food so I just gave it to Maggie and Mica. After it was gone, I bought Blue canned grain free chicken or turkey, and it gave them both such terrible gas that I went back to the ID canned food and continue to use it.
    Your comment about the hawk not coming close in all the times you were on the road is not surprising. We see hawks around our place, but only in the winter do they come in the yard near the feeders. They know it’s a place to catch a meal, but so far I haven’t seen them catch anything. Once I watched from the window, a hawk dove straight into the bushes on the side of our house to catch a bird among the many roosting in there. All the birds scattered and the hawk ended up hurting itself. It flew out of the bush and sat on the nearby fence repeatedly stretching its wing. After a couple of hours it flew off. The birds are leery at the feeders in the winter and I suspect its because of the possibility of getting caught.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Renee,

      Thanks for sharing what you have fed your dogs. This kind of information is helpful for others.

      Interesting story about the hawk who hurt himself. The birds around our house have to watch out for that hawk and also for a tuxedo cat that likes to come up the street, hunting in yards as he goes. Roger and Reggie have chased him out of our yard a few times. The cat executes the feline high jump, up and over the chain link with ease.

      Rog and Reg look at it and go… What just happened? Ha!

      • ReneeG from Idaho says:

        We have a pet electric fence all around our yard. Well, that has not kept a local cat from jumping the fence to sit at our bird feeders and probably catch mice that come in for the dropped seed. But . . . one day, a year ago, Mica, our rat terrier was outside barking and barking. Well, I went out and what do I see? She had that cat cornered in the yard. When I went out, that made her braver so she lunged at the cat and it jumped up the fence, hit the pet electric wire and shot over the top like a rocket! Needless to say, it has not come back. Mica may run out and chase off the birds, but the cat does not come in our yard anymore!

  14. Dawn in NC says:

    Hi Sue, what a treat, two posts in two days! I love it when nature comes close. However, like you, I don’t want to see the hawk take off with one of your little birdies! I love to hear about your puttering around. I also love to see action shots of Roger and Reggie. I don’t have dogs, so I can’t comment about their food. As for cats, some groups, such as diabetes and kidney disease folks are adament about not feeding dry, citing higher disease rates and less water intake. However, you need to find what works in your own circumstances and go with that! I am having fun with my two foster kittens, Mac and Kristy. I am becoming close to being a foster fail. I really love those little goobers! Kristy now tries to nurse on me! She licks and licks, all the while purring, and then I feel a suction start. They are SO cute. Just trying to figure out how to integrate them with my two more mature ladies.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Dawn, you are so cute with your foster kitties. Obviously they have stolen your heart.

      Good luck with the family dynamics of two generations getting along. They may get very attached to one another… You never know.

  15. Mary in Co says:

    Speaking of thrift stores, her’s a little story. Camped at McDowell Regional Park outside of Phoenix with a group of friends, bike riding. On a trip to the nearest market, a huge Safeway in Fountain HillsI noticed the local thrift store and mentioned to my friends, “ I’ll bet you could get some great buys there as this is an upscale area.”That evening , back at camp happy hour, one of our male friends was showing off his new pair of $5 shorts to exclamations of “Wow, what a good buy, great condition, good price, etc”
    “Well”, he says, “when I put them on I found a little folded piece of paper in a pocket, took it out , unfolded it and it was a hundred dollar bill! “
    I think we all made a stop at the thrift store on our next trip to Safeway!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mary,

      That’s a bargain hunter’s dream, finding money in the pocket. Your friend has a great story to tell!

      Those “upscale areas” can have some outstanding buys in their thrift and resale shops. I’m thinking I’ll stop at thrift stores when traveling, the way other people stop at restaurants and museums.

      Wishing you many bargains in your future… 🙂

    • chas anderson says:

      That is a good store.We stay near Fountain Hills most winters and always visit it when we are at the Safeway.Might want to try Fry;s about a mile away though,We find it much cheaper than that Safeway.

  16. Linda Sand says:

    The challenge for me with canned food is not overfeeding the pet. Leaving some in the can is not wonderful but causing the pet to be overweight is not wonderful either.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Linda,

      I know what you mean about leftovers from a can. I don’t have that problem because one can is the perfect amount for my two. Maybe you could dump the leftover dog food in a zip loc (the cheap kind, throw it away the next day).

  17. Jolene/Iowa says:

    Hi Sue,

    We have been super busy so I haven’t had a lot of time to comment the last week or so but got caught back up. I love thrift store and garage sale shopping. It looks like you are getting some good buys!

    Dog food…I have went round and round and round with this because Harley is a picky eater. He is a Boston Terrier so has a large mouth and swallows more air when he eats because of that. He is also prone to be gassy. He has had a sensitive stomach at times.

    So I have always used Dog Food Advisor online to give me some idea of dog food ratings. I think I started him on Diamond Naturals and then they changed the formulation some and he didn’t like it. So from there I went to some different grain free ones that were rated well because the grain free was supposed to help with gas, and it did.

    Well then he had some stomach issues a few months back and also just seemed to be sluggish. He had been to the vet and we put him on some sensitive stomach food for awhile to help with that. His blood work looked good then. So a month or so on that and then I started hearing about the possibility of grain free maybe not being good for our dogs. Feel free to remove the link if you want Sue.

    So more research and after he had been on Taste of The Wild grain free for over a year; I decided to after researching more from that article and other sources to transition him back to grained dog food. I like to stay in at least a 3 star or higher food on dog food advisor and had heard great things about a food called 4Health that is the store brand of Tractor Supply. It is quality food at a very reasonable price. I am feeding him adult small bites which is chicken as the first ingredient I think. It is a small kibble BUT I also mix the 4Health canned Chicken and Rice with the kibble. He would love to be canned food all the time but I keep him on kibble also because it is good for their teeth to have some kibble mixed in.

    So that is my dog food story. Lol.

    • Jolene/Iowa says:

      Oh and to follow up on the dog food. Since I switched Harley back to a grained food he is more active and just looks better. So there could be something to that grain free food. Because some of the articles I read did say that if caught early enough the effects of it could be reversed.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jolene,

      Good to see you here and bringing all this information about dog food with you. The link is fine. Your journey through dog foods is interesting. It illustrates that not only does the food have to be nutritious but it also has to be right for the dog you’re feeding. The grain vs. grain-free is something to explore.

      Also apparent in your comment is the high quality attention and care your dog is fortunate to receive. Thanks for sharing your “dog food story,” Jolene.

    • Claudia says:

      Check out the reviews and/or ingredients in the Costco grain free dog food. It’s comparable to Taste of the wild but less expensive. I mix the two for my boxer and at night he gets some taste of the wild canned mixed with his dry.

      • ReneeG from Idaho says:

        The right food for the dog is so true. Years ago we had a long haired Chihuahua, who has since passed away. She kept spitting up her food at night and since she slept with us, I had to put a towel under her. I switched her to Iams for small breeds and she stopped spitting up. I had to mail order it, but it was worth it for her.

  18. Barbara from Camano island says:

    Thanks for a wonderful post. So many great pictures of Reggie and Rodger and I love the thrift store finds. Don’t think there is anything much more satisfying the finding a treasurer for cheap!

    I have a dachshund mix and my vet felt the English had better controls on what went into their dog food and recommended Royal Canin (dry kibble) for her. I also add veggies and anything else I might be eating! She loves ice cream.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Barbara!

      Thanks for the nice words about this post and the pics of the crew.

      “Don’t think there is anything much more satisfying then finding a treasurer for cheap!” Yes, I agree! Especially if the treasurer does what he’s told without complaint.

      Sorry. I couldn’t resist. 🙂

      Oh, ice cream. The boys love it, too!

  19. Sandy and Scott says:

    Our Vet told us to “just add lots of water. Make soup of it. It keeps them hydrated”. So canned or dry they always got soup.

  20. Jean in Southaven, says:

    Another great post, I was surprised to see another post so soon. We have Mexican Petunia here too. Of Course, they die back in the winter, but they come back in the

    He ate a little this afternoon, so maybe he is on the mend.

    Thank you for sharing. I love your new life and hope you and the boys are happy.

  21. Jean in Southaven, says:

    looks like half of my comment did notpost. oh well,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m sorry about that. Weird stuff is happening with comments tonight.

      I get a “duplicate comment” message when my comment hasn’t appeared. Then I refresh the page and there it is.

  22. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    I enjoyed the photos of Reg & Rog. They have so much fun together. You really got me in the mood for thrift shopping, but I have spent entirely enough money lately. I will have a new kitchen, at least, for Thanksgiving.

    I need to get Angel out as it is supposed to be raining in the am.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Barbara!

      I don’t know if you saw my reply under the previous post. I’ve enjoyed your happy and excited messages about the progress on your kitchen remodel. How nice to have a new kitchen for the holidays!

      I suppose it’s raining in TN as I type this. I hope you can take time to get cozy in a snuggle with Angel, relax and enjoy the day. 🙂

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        Kitchen is almost there. Getting the appliances tomorrow, then I can finish putting away the rest of my things. I have most of it put up, just some odds & ends that I haven’t quite decided where I want to put them or may just get rid of them..

        The rain had passed us by the time I got it in gear and got Angel outside. She did want to get dried off and play in the towel when we got back though. I think I have mentioned that we have a leash law here. Well, Angel seems to think no one but her needs to be attached to it however. I was getting the paper out of the grass yesterday and slipped on the wet grass, thus dropping the leash. I immediately straightened myself and realized she wasn’t standing there. Here she is prancing herself up the street dragging her leash behind her. It was hilarious!

  23. Cynthia in San Clemente says:

    This post made me so happy because the boyz look so happy and it is obvious you are enjoying the house , the yard, and all your wonderful thrift store finds, Sue! We feed our dogs a small amount of Zignature Venison kibble two times a day, along with a topping of organic lean ground beef or organic shredded chicken (both cooked), or any kind of healthy human leftovers.

    I didn’t get to read this post until 8:30 pm Cali time and it is the one thing today that lifted me up. Between the shooting in Thousand Oaks, the Costa Mesa fireman (a family friend) killed by a DUI driver, a spinal epidural, and a vet visit for Sammy (who is gradually declining :(), it has not been one of my favorite days. But God is good, there is a plan even if I don’t know what it is, and there are always Reggie and Roger to brighten my day! Thank you.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Cynthia!

      No wonder you needed to be lifted up after such a day as you had. I’m sorry for all of it. For these tragedies and trials to occur when you see Sammy in decline, well, it’s a heavy load.

      I’m glad you have your faith and your God to lift that load from your shoulders. If my blog and the kind people who visit here can take part in that lifting, then we are honored and very glad.

      Thank you for keeping in touch on a painful day. Isn’t it wonderful how the innocent joy of two pals playing can travel from our house to yours?

      May your today be better than yesterday,
      Reg, Rog, and me

  24. Sandra Stewart says:

    Hi Sue,

    Everything from your great posts to readers comments is a treasure.

    Thank you for sharing.

    Hugs, Sandi

  25. weather says:

    It must have been a wonderful experience to have the hawk so close to you! There must be countless places away from a city where a hawk could find a meal. I wonder if the attraction was the available water in your yard. Finding water is probably not always easy in Arizona’s desert like areas. A bird unfamiliar with you, your dogs and yard being that brave and bold would need to have a compelling reason to be there.

    You have done really well propagating more Mexican petunias, Sue, amazing what nature, a little time and patience can produce, isn’t it? I chuckled about your thinking throwing cuttings over your shoulder may work as well. Even if it would, what you’re doing is good practice for growing your own less hardy plants.

    Gosh, I love the lamp you bought at a resale shop. I’m also glad you aren’t confining yourself to shopping at those, the birdbath you got from Amazon really is a work of art! It’s so heart warming seeing how happy Reggie and Roger are…I’m all happy sighs and smiles now, thanks 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      As much as I love the search and discovery of bargains at thrift shops and resale stores, the entire house and yard cannot be furnished and decorated from those sources alone. If one overdoes it with thrift store items, there’s the risk of one’s house looking like a thrift store!

      Also there are some items that, by their purpose, are better bought new, like a mattress for the beautiful bed I found at the thrift store for $80. I love this bed! Solid wood with a foot board, scrollwork on the headboard. It needs some sanding and a repaint but I know it is going to be a joy to see every time I walk into the room.

      As for the lamp, I’m pleased with it, too. Wait ’til you see the lamp I bought yesterday! Kind of quirky and fun, at least I think so…

      Cool and breezy with plenty of sunshine today. Hope your day is filled with goodness and light. Thanks for the nice note, weather!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Forgot to mention the hawk’s “compelling reason” for coming into our yard. I have a pretty good idea what it is which I’ll explain in a future post. 🙂

  26. Terri in Tx., for now says:

    Hi All! I have been interested in all the pet food comments! I have done a fair amount of research on pet foods. Bottom line is a lot of commercial pet food is garbage. Research Susan Thixton, and other pet food advocates. The horrors you will read! On a side note, my sisters 2 Labs were both given kidney disease by Diamond Pet foods a few years ago. They died. Remember about the Chinese ingredients? The truth is that most of us would rather not know what goes into pet food. When my cat died of severe digestive problems a few years ago, I started researching. Animals don’t eat grain in the wild. You shouldn’t feed it to them. The current debate between grain free and grain diets has to do with the amount of taurine in the diet. There are ways to ensure your pet gets enough of that. Experts agree that the best food for pets is raw, but let’s face it-most of us don’t have the money or time for that. If the first five ingredients in your food are not real meat (not meal and especially not by products), or high quality veggies I would rethink the food. Corn starch, wheat, gluten, animal by products and other unknowns are not good. Sue, I would definitely rethink Alpo. I personally use Halo pet food. U.S. based, owned by Ellen Degeneres (a pet advocate), and they use real meat. My Cat will be 20 years old in June 2019 and she runs around like a kitten! After my other cat died, I got rid of the Purina One. Garbage!! Do your own research and remember-unless your vet is a pet nutritionist they probably will just sell you Hills Science Diet-which ain’t all that great ingredient wise. I did feed my dog that stuff for his thyroid condition, but after losing 7 pounds he never lost anything else. He also takes thyroid meds. I think the Science Diet was just lacking in decent nutrition so he lost weight. Anyway, I have really gone on too long!! Do your own research! Enjoyed your pics as usual, RV Sue! Take care!

    • Jane says:

      Oh yes Hills Science Diet killed my 10 year old cat CD was laced with melamine prescribed by my vet. For several months I poisoned her and I took her to the most expensive vets trying to save her life. Not one vet knew she was being poisoned by kibble in 2008 only until it made the news. Sadly I have to live with this horrific loss and mentally beat myself for killing her accidentally day after day with another bowl of poisoned kibble. She was my child and I had to put her down. China, regulations, my vet, and the FDA let me down.

      It boils me this is still happening to cats and dogs. Please take a deep dive and read all over

  27. Becky in NJ says:

    Hi Sue – this was an enjoyable post. I can’t wait to see how the house looks as you do the rooms “your way”! You have a very nice yard, so I’m not surprised the boys enjoy life there.
    As far as dog food goes, I use a mix of kibble with canned mixed in, for their supper. In the morning I give them scrambled egg with some torn-up bread, and yogurt mixed in also. They love it! I also use the 4 Health brand from Tractor Supply. I don’t know if you have a Tractor Supply in your area but if you do, check it out sometime. In addition to pet food and supplies, they have an awesome section for feeding birds, garden supplies, do-it-yourself supplies and rustic home accents, and great sturdy clothing. I guess you can tell we go there a lot!

  28. Val R. says:

    Hi Sue,
    Enjoyed your post….especially the “priceless” pic
    Thrift Stores are great. We have one next door to the animal shelter. I am working a shift there in the morning. I hope I’m not my best customer. LOL. We just had our AGM recently & the financial statement shows the store brought $45,000 in last year & it all helps support the shelter. We do not get any funding, just rely on donations, fundraisers & adoptions etc.
    My dog had bladder stones, she is on Medi Cal mature consult for small dogs. I mix a bit of wet food with it. She is fed two small meal a day rather than onc larger.

  29. AR Rose says:

    I’m lagging behind here on comment reading, had to laugh at the comments about flatulence and Boston Terriers. Julie Zickefoose has a blog dealing with birds, plants, etc. and is a great naturalist. She had a Boston Terrier for years and had this to say about their farts:
    “Well. I know all about THAT. I told them to put his food dish on a paint can, so he wouldn’t gulp so much air as he eats. And to put a couple tablespoons of canned pumpkin in his food every day. Being a good Boston, he’ll still fart, but maybe it won’t be as potent.”
    Thought the Boston Terrier blogorinos would like this info. Enjoy your blog whether traveling or staying put….just keep on blogging.

    • Elizabeth says:

      Your comment Rose, explains a lot. One of my daughter’s friends has a Boston…and her friend cannot smell…guess that was a good match for that kind of dog!! I had not heard this before about Bostons. They surely are cute though!!

  30. Elizabeth says:

    Aren’t the boys characters though?? Haha…I am sure they provide a lot of laughter!!

  31. Your post is engaging and so appreciated. I have two Chihuahuas and the lady dominates Baby, the little boy. Both rescued from making babies so life is better for them now. I also have a Doberman- usually two but lost my lady and may stay st three now.

    I will think about changing from dry food. J

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Janet,

      I’mm sorry for the loss of your lady Doberman. I hope the memories comfort you.

      You have an interesting canine crew, a mix of Doberman and chihuahua! Thank you for the nice words about this post.

  32. ApplegirlNY says:

    Hello Everyone, I was out of town last week visiting a friend in Chicago. Had a great time. Visited the Chicago Art Institute downtown, and the Billy Graham Museum in Wheaton, where my friend lives. Most of the time was spent chatting, however, which is the real reason I went.

    Came home and we said good-bye to my dear uncle. My mother’s only brother, and the last of that generation in our extended family. At 91 he had a full and wonderful life, but it still breaks your heart. He was at my home as often as possible for Sunday dinners, and family gatherings. I’m thankful that the last several months we had an opportunity to spend lots of time together. Good-bye Donie!

    Sue, absolutely loved the Cowboy Festival pictures. It’s fun to do those things on occasion. Being in a happy place, surrounded by beautiful animals and the aromas of carnival food. Sounds like a great day, and makes me consider more and more heading south for the extended winters. We’re still a few years away from that, but it’s coming.

    Roger and Reggie look full of life. What cuties. They are two lucky dogs.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Applegirl,

      How very blessed your uncle was to have the love of family, especially in the last months of his long life. Your Sunday dinners were a gift of great value. Again your heart is broken and you carry on with grace. Hugs to you….

      I’m glad you had a great time in Chicago. Thanks for noting the festival photos. 🙂

  33. Jane says:

    Hi Sue been a big fan for a very long time. However I’m writing out of concern for the brand of dog food you are feeding your beautiful pups. Melamine to pentalbarbitol can be found in both cat and dog food. I implore all RV super readers to visit poke around and educate yourself.

    Several people have posted this particular brand of dog food you mentioned has made their dogs very very ill. 😱

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I checked the site and see that there hasn’t been a complaint since November 2014. Reggie and Roger are bright-eyed, energetic, and evidence no problems with elimination. I will, as always, keep a close eye on them.

      Thank you for reading my blog, Jane, and for your concern.

      • jane says:

        The dog food being recalled involves 13.2-ounce and 22-ounce Alpo Prime Cuts cans and 6-, 8-, 12- and 24-can Alpo Prime Cuts Variety Packs with four-digit code dates of 7037 through 7053, followed by the plant code 1159. Those codes follow a “Best Before Feb. 2019 date. This information should be checked on the bottom of the can or the top or side of the multi-pack cartons, the company said.

  34. Paula in Indiana says:

    Roger on the “elevated pedestrian walkways”. Too cute!

  35. Susan in south central WA says:

    Tala fell in love with Cesars kibble last summer when she decided not to eat her regular when we were traveling for 10 days. So that’s what I buy now plus she gets her usual additions of steamed veggies and yogurt. She leaps in the air for roasted Brussels sprouts!!

  36. A Gal and a cat in Fl says:

    Love the pics of the boys. How lucky Roger is and loved the story and pics when you found him in Idaho. Funny how things work out.
    As former vet tech many many moons for a practice that catered to breeders I learned a lot about nutrition. Sadly most all dry and canned is garbage. Indeed they can survive as our present day pets are adaptable. The benefits to raw including bones with some veggies mixed is incomparable to any commercial food. For my cats only raw diet mixed with a teeny canned is essential. Same with dogs. No dental problems nor digestive problems. Skin coat no body odor shedding etc. It is the natural diet of canine and feline. Have seen hundreds maybe more dramatic changes to folks pets when switched. For me on the road, it is not hard to find any market for stew beef chunks or stir fry strips and keep small amount in my fridge or cooler or freezer when planted someplace. PS old myth dry helps teeth. Does the opposite by pounding dry up into the gums creating that nasty tartar. It gets soft when mixed with saliva and sticks like glue. Dry and canned foods were created for *people* and the convenience of feeding lets. Not really for their health or needs. Some may disagree, and that’s fine. Just a suggestion to optimum feeding for longevity.
    Keep up telling us all about the finds and goings on Sue. We love this blog!

    • Marilyn in Dania Beach says:

      What is the recipe for raw dog food? Also do you use raw bones? The grocery here has raw beef bones sliced across in about one inch widths. Is that all right for dogs?

      Do you cook the veggies and use raw beef?

      • A Gal and a cat in FL says:

        Marilyn you can find all kinds or recipes for raw feeding online. Gosh so many! It’s pretty easy and yes raw bones are fine and very good for dogs. It’s only when they are cooked that they become brittle and sharp and can do damage. Even supplementing your dogs food with some raw beef is a help and step in the right direction. Less garbage more nutrition.

  37. AZ Jim says:

    Still here Missy, just quiet!!

  38. Marlene Telford says:

    Hi Sue, So happy for you ,that everything is working out for you. I live in Idaho, Boise to be precise and we have hawks here too and peregrin falcons. I use to keep bird feeders in my yard also, but noticed an increase in mice around the feeder, (small yard). Then I noticed a hawk sitting on the fence watching my back door. I thought it was looking at the feeder hung on my porch and told my son about it, he said,” it’s probably after the mice, better watch your dog.” I have a shih tzu. So just wanted to give you a heads up, because they do pick up rabbits off the ground.

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