Return to Saddle Mountain

Our new home!

P1090372Saddle Mountain (3,037 ft.), southwest of Tonopah and west of Phoenix

Friday, January 29

Below roaring, low-flying helicopters, the Perfect Tow Vehicle carries me and the crew away from our Sonoran Desert camp near Why, Arizona.

Soon Bridget, Reggie, and I are cruising north on Route 85, headed for Gila Bend.

Along the way we stop at a bare-bones rest area — just a shelter and trash cans — in order for the crew to have a potty break and run around a bit.  As soon as I park the PTV, three guys in a pick-up pulling a utility trailer pull in.  They’re checking the tie downs on their tarp when Bridget, who is off-leash (far from the road), wanders over to make their acquaintance.

The men stop to pay her the attention she seeks.

“Bridget loves men,” I remark, walking closer.  “Okay, Reggie, you get your share of attention, too.”

A bicycling couple coasts into the parking area.

Soon they’re asking me questions about the Best Little Trailer which leads to questions about the full-time vagabond life.  After a pleasant chat, they mount their bikes and head south down the long, straight highway to Ajo and the crew and I continue north to Gila Bend . . .

Where I pull into Carl’s Jr.

Okay.  Here’s the deal.  We’re traveling.  I need to fortify myself for the rest of the journey. For a couple of weeks I have not let any bread touch my lips.  Which makes it difficult to eat the Santa Fe chicken burger, but I do it!  I almost choke!

Just kidding.

Bridget and Reggie are delighted with their hamburger patty treat.  The two of them are such good travelers, I try to make our moves to a new camp as fun as I can.  And if I buy them a burger at Carl’s Jr., well, I have to buy a . . . . Anyway!

On the east side of Gila Bend Route 85 heads north again.

It’s a straight, divided highway across flat desert.  We pass the Gila Bend Mountains and the Buckeye Hills.  I don’t take photos because it’s a hot and hazy afternoon, plus dust is in the air, making distant views fuzzy.

I miss the turn I want — Old U.S. 80 — which means we zigzag our way to Salome Road.  For those following on a map, we leave Salome Road at Courthouse Road and a few miles later we’re on BLM land!

I have a devil of a time finding a level campsite.

First off, the road is made of pointed rocks.  Well, it seems that way.  Dark, volcanic rock is everywhere.  This is the same road that led to a camp we made here in a previous year.  The road is awful, so at the first opportunity I drive us over the rocks to another road.

I’ll cut to the chase.

After several tries, we settle into a camp that is level for the Best Little Trailer, side-to-side.  However, the tongue end is too low.  I don’t want to unhitch.  In order to bring the tongue up (I don’t want to sleep with my feet higher than my head!), I put the cone under the tongue and jack up the tongue while still hitched.  This works great!

Gee, RVSue. . . Could you shut up and show us some pictures, for crying out loud?

Sorry… Be patient.  You have to wait until tomorrow morning.

Saturday, January 30

Oh my gosh, tomorrow morning is here!

P1090370Colors of daybreak behind the silhouette of crags next to Saddle Mountain

Hold on . . . Let me set up the next photos for you, okay?

After several attempts yesterday to find a level campsite next to one of the lush palo verde, I give up.  We end up with a site next to a scraggly, little ironwood tree with several leafless branches.  I’m not impressed, but it doesn’t matter, we’re in a campsite!

Well, this morning, in “dawn’s early light,” that little ironwood’s scraggly branches draw a lovely, delicate filigree against the softness of the pink-tinged clouds.


P1090371Nice touch, Little Ironwood!

Shortly after dawn, the crew and I take a short walk.  It’s a bright and sunny day, expected to reach the 70s.

P1090374Big Horn Mountains (left) and Belmont Mountains

No other campers are here. 

Vehicles on Interstate 10 are mere specks at the base of the mountains north of us.  Their lights are visible at night.

P1090380Looks like Bridget is dishing out advice to the Reggie Man.

“That was a nice walk.  Time for a drink of water, right, Bridgie?”

P1090381See how versatile the blue mat is since I cut it in half.

 Sunshine feels good in the face, doesn’t it, Reggie?”

P1090382The first morning at a new boondock is a delight!

Oh, one more thing before I close up this post . . . .

Remember the problem with my Olympian Wave 3 catalytic heater?  How it needs a new thermocouple?  How I’ve procrastinated for several weeks (or is it months?) to have the thermocouple replaced?

Well, a friend researched catalytic heater problems online and came up with a possible solution:  Make sure the thermocouple is touching the pad of the heater.

I look and, lo and behold, it isn’t!

I correct that in less than 5 seconds and it didn’t cost a penny.  See?  Sometimes procrastination is a good thing!



Thank you for going to Amazon from my blog. Every order, large or small, is appreciated.  Here is a sample of products that readers purchased recently:

Large Dog Rake Set
Women’s Tahoe Sandal
Squish Mixing Bowl, 3-Quart
L.L. Bean Gift Cards – E-mail Delivery
Trailer Truck Pickup Underbed Toolbox
Digital Laser Infrared Thermometer Temperature Gun


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151 Responses to Return to Saddle Mountain

  1. Mf says:

    Love the iron wood; you are so good at making lemonade! ;o)

  2. Karen LeMoine says:


  3. Annie in Oregon says:

    Am I #1??? Love the pictures and beautiful sunrises sunsets. Cold and wet in Oregon on the coast. Now to read this post. Take care Sue and of course pets to the doggies.

  4. Today is totally beautiful here also 69 degrees. Just sitting here looking at Sardis lake from deck and reading your posts Love reading about your travels and Bridgett and Reggie. They are such good friends

  5. Renee Galligher says:

    Hi Sue and crew!

  6. I’m in the top ten! Hey you zoomed right past us. We’re at the free Buckeye Hills Regional Park for the next 2 weeks. It’s got vault toilets, picnic tables (some covered), trash barrels (full) and uncrowded sites! You’d like it; the people are spread out nicely.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That does sound nice, JanisP. You know me, I love being alone in the desert.

      Good to know about that spot…. Thanks for letting everyone know. Have a nice stay!

  7. Biz Crate - still 40m south of Chicago says:

    Once again, your words and pictures transport my imagination and I am there. Sorry, you are now not there, as I have replaced you and I prefer not to camp near other people. My daydream thanks you for having found me such a tranquil spot.
    Now to get back to the reality of downsizing my household! I got an offer on several furniture pieces and they are willing to wait until April to pick up. At least I’ll be able to stage the house a bit as it gets shown.
    What in God’s name do I do with all of this miscellaneous stuff?!? It’s a little cold up here for an actual garage sale. Craigslist hasn’t netted me much. I am strongly considering bring in a professional to conduct an Estate Sale. Thoughts, blogerinos?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Always happy to bring you a daydream, Biz Crate!

      Blogorinos: How does one get rid of miscellaneous items when it’s winter and you’re south of Chicago?

      • Marsha / MI says:

        Getting rid of stuff anywhere depends on what it is. I’m downsizing for the sake of downsizing, and I find trying to sell things an exercise in futility and frustration. Now I just load up the back of my little car and any time I pass a donation center, I drop stuff off. I keep a plastic storage container by the front door to add to it and then out to the car it goes. Sometimes I get sucked in to thinking about its worth/value, but I’m finding as I do this more and more the feeling of getting rid of clutter and extraneous stuff is so much more valuable in time and space, and it’s quite liberating. At times sentimentality gets the best of me, but then I just take a picture to remind me of whatever sentiment is attached to an item, and then send it on its way.

        That may not be the answer you’re looking for, but it’s working for me. Best of luck to you.

        • Biz Crate - still 40m south of Chicago says:

          Boy, do I know that seesaw of “get rid of it, already” and “I paid $$, maybe I could sell it”. Ugh! Seriously, it just needs to go. I like the idea of one bin at a time that has no real attachment to me and just donating it. It will likely clear out a lot of stuff one bin at a time. Very manageable idea! Thank you, Marsha!

          • DesertGinger says:

            Don’t forget to get your tax deductible receipt. And don’t use Goodwill. Goodwill benefits no one except the guy who owns it. Use Salvation Army…they do a lot for many people.

        • Sidewinder Pen says:

          I’m with you, Marsha. Valuable items, sure, selling them is very worthwhile. Small, “miscellaneous” stuff? Especially when on the verge of overwhelm? I drop it off at Goodwill (or equivalent) post haste and feel great afterward!

          Everyone’s different of course, but that’s me.

          • AZ Jim says:

            I also recommend St. Vincent De Paul…..

            • Biz Crate - still 40m south of Chicago says:

              (I place a “thumbs up” emoticon here but I can’t seem to find that option)
              I have a St Vincent DePaul drop off spot in town. I’m heading over with a couple of bins this morning.

      • Cynthia from San Clemente, CA says:

        Nina over at Wheelin It blog is doing a 4 part series of getting rid of stuff and I think she has some tips about selling things. I didn’t read it all because I enforce the rule at my house: for everything that comes in, something has to go (usually given to younger relatives or Goodwill), but it looked like Nina had some good advice.

      • Lee J in Northern California says:

        When I rehoming things I go directly to the local yahoo group of free cycle. I simply list what I have and someone always stops by my fence to pick it up. I live in the country so I generally just hang things in a bag on my front gate, no one approaches my house.
        Last year I needed some gallon jars for pickled eggs, asked on free cycle and within an hour I was driving into town to pick up two jars left sitting on someone’s porch.
        I once rehomed four cans of coffee left by my mother when she moved!
        You might consider this when you have things that have some value. Wouldn’t do that for antiques!

    • Chris(MN) says:

      I downsized out of my house last summer. I did hire an estate sale company to get rid of my stuff. Some estate sale companies have their own place where they can sell things. Also check out any auction houses around. You could maybe sell off boxes of miscellaneous items with them. After I had my estate sale, I called all my friends to come help themselves to stuff before I hauled the rest to the local thrift store. Everyone was happy!

      • Biz Crate - still 40m south of Chicago says:

        Thanks for commenting, Chris! My daughter keeps telling me that she will organize the estate sale for me; which is kind of her. I don’t think the logistics of keeping the house ready to show while sorting thru heaps of sale items is really hitting home. I’ll contact the auctions houses in the area. Thanks for that suggestion!!

        • Chris(MN) says:

          I don’t know how big your house is. I was selling my 10 acre hobby farm at the time and had a ton of stuff in the house and outbuildings. I could not have done it on my own so I had to hire someone. The estate sale ladies put in a lot of hours of sorting and pricing. If your daughter is willing to help and understands the time involved, you can save quite a bit of money. I had considered having an auction company come in and sell everything. That way everything is sold in one day, but I had some nice antique pieces and I worried that I wouldn’t get the prices I wanted, although you can put a reserve price on items. It actually wasn’t too hard showing the property while getting ready for the estate sale because everything was organized nicely.

    • Krystina ~ Sutton, Vermont says:

      Good Morning Biz (and Bloggerinos). I put my 3200 sq. ft. house in Northern Vermont on the market when I decided to go full time on the road. Most of my smaller “collectibles” I listed on Ebay…which is a lot of work. I had 10 yard sales that I set up in my 3 car garage so everything was set up in there permanently. When the house sold on December 24th I then had an ongoing “estate” sale. I was so lucky – the new owners bought ALL the furniture, my deck furniture…etc. The weekend before the closing of the house I took all the remaining items to a consignment store nearby. I made $22,000!!! It was a tremendous amount of work but I had all the time in the world to do it. I LOVED doing it…I am a anal retentive Accountant after all. You just have to set your mind to it. Money is money after all. Good Luck Biz.

      • Biz Crate - still 40m south of Chicago says:

        Holy moly, Krystina! You are certainly the queen of resale!
        That is a great example of getting the most out of the work it takes to downsize. Very inspiring!

  8. weather says:

    Funny, yesterday I happened to think of how Bridget so enjoys male attention and wished for her sake that she’d receive some soon. I’d also thought that I hoped you weren’t taking your menu’s adjustments so seriously that you deprive yourself of enjoying occasional treats. How nice to see that you both had something special and Reggie had fast enough service at Carl’s Jr. to make eating his part of the burger fun, too 🙂

    You must be a bit early for the spring bloom there, I’m glad, and not surprised , that you find it lovely as is. Terrific heater solution, I love when things work out easily and inexpensively for you. Have you unhitched or do you intend to look for a different camp close to that one ? I hope the rest of your day is as beautiful as the sunrise and view of the mountains looks.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      That’s one thing I feel badly about, concerning Bridget. I think she would’ve been happier living in a household with a man in it. When Spike was here, he was her man. Now, she seems man-hungry, more than ever!

      I don’t plan to unhitch because we’re only going to stay a few days at Saddle Mountain. I’m watching the weather to decide what to do next… some rain and cold coming to parts of AZ. Right now we’re enjoying very pleasant, warm days. This site is nice, now that I see it with appreciative, rather than weary, eyes.

      Funny how one’s perception of something can change when looking at it in new light. I hope the light on you and your home brings beauty to your day!

      • weather says:

        It’s fascinating to watch our fur family’s tastes and preferences and how those can change. Mine loved getting attention from my husband when he was here. Yet when he was no longer here they received more attention and enjoyed that even more. As a couple our time really was spent with a larger proportion of it focused on each other. If Bridget wasn’t living with you she’d likely have had far less of the happiness you have given her. My cat has become very happily pampered by having me shower her with so much of what she enjoys since the dogs aren’t here. That has given her the confidence to feel freer and to ask for increasingly more affection since. Perhaps the new balance in your household without Spike is affecting Bridget the same way regarding human males. My point is I hope you rethink feeling badly, she so obviously loves you and enjoys being with and close to you I can’t imagine anyone being a better choice for Providence to have entrusted her care to.

      • weather says:

        It seems that most parts of AZ within easy driving distance from you will have cooler temps and higher winds soon(beginning this, Sunday, evening) .I wonder- Are you moving today? And does the Wave 3 seem as though you’ll be able to use it? ,guess I’ll find out sometime and for now trust that you and crew are and will be right were you belong. If you drive may the wind , if any, be in your favor and next camp be a nice experience to find and be at. It’s been a treat having you on here , stay comfy and well 🙂

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, weather,

          We left Saddle Mountain shortly after dawn this morning. The wind hadn’t arrived yet, so I decided to “make a run for it.” We arrived safely and are partially set up in camp. I’ll save the details for the next blog post. Thank you for thinking of us and wishing us well. Bridget and Reggie are asleep on the bed beside me. It didn’t take them long to doze off with the wind rocking our house!

          Oh, you asked about the Wave 3. It’s working perfectly now. We don’t need it at this point. Probably will when early morning temps go down to the high 20s as forecasted. Hope you are warm and cozy . . . .

        • weather says:

          It was wise to make a run for it early, and I’m sure nice to be where you wanted to camp now -with the rest of the day to settle in and relax with the move behind you. Living where I do I have to pick and choose the best times and days to be on the road during winter, too.

          My grandson had spent last summer home in San Diego, the following semester in London and the month long Christmas break back in San Diego with my son’s family. His flight back to the university near here arrived during an extended icy snowstorm so we’d arranged safer transport than the jeep to get him from the airport to his home by campus. Today we had lunch, our first visit in eight months. Wow what a treat, I’ll spare you my gushing about him and just say he is a gift I’m deeply grateful for.

          Thanks for your hope 🙂 I am warm and cozy with happy on top-the kitty family sharing dinner on the porch, finch songs and my cat’s purring to listen to…

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            You had lunch with your grandson…. how nice! I wondered recently how he was doing. It sounds like he is well-equipped with the education, experiences and family support to continue building a great life. I’m happy for both of you!

  9. JIM PETERSON says:

    Nice spot — we just spent two weeks at Ferguson Lake — hardly saw another soul the whole time — our review of that place here:
    After two weeks with no WiFi (couldn’t even send a text!) we are indulging ourselves with four bars of 4G here at The Slabs of all places. We’re rolling out tomorrow to spend a leisurely four days/nights travelling the 150 miles (via the scenic route = 78/76) to Chino, CA to celebrate Annie’s birthday (2/4) with her Dad. He’s been SO generous with us — even gave us a Wave 6 heater which we love so much — so when he makes a suggestion, we take notice :o)

    We recently celebrated our first three months of FREEDOM and we’re loving it more every day. From Chino, we’ll mosey points East and North through AZ to spend some time in Moab, UT. (Annie has never been and it’s one of my favorite places on the planet!) One of her two daughters — and two of her five grandkids — are visiting the others in Boise (from Virginia) the last week of March so, of course, we’ll be back ‘home’ for that. I’m assuming you’ll be headed to higher elevations as our good ol’ desert warms up through the summer months?
    JIM & ANNIE (Fulltiming since 10/24/15)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I had to chuckle reading your comment. It’s obvious you two are getting the most you can out of your home-on-wheels, being able to go where you want, when you want. How nice to visit family and places you’ve wanted to see like Moab.

      Ferguson Lake sounds like a pleasant boondock, once you get there.I’m happy that you enjoyed it for two weeks. One time I drove out to Senator Wash and attempted to find Ferguson Lake, took a wrong turn and then wasn’t wanting to search further. Being unable to go online keeps us from camping there… It is far from cell signal, I believe, as well as groceries.

      Yes, we will go higher up as summer arrives. Right now the priority is staying warm, waiting for spring, and enjoying each day at a slower pace. Good hearing from you again, Jim and Annie… CONGRATULATIONS ON 3 MONTHS OF FULL-TIME VAGABONDING!

  10. Pat in Yuma says:

    Nice campsite and great views of the mountains. I thought about you when I drove thru that area a couple of weeks ago. I wondered if you would be returning.

    Enjoy your new site!!!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pat H. . . . The rocky road aside, this is a handy location. I’d like to hike Saddle Mountain — there’s a smooth trail zigzagging up its slopes — but that’s not an option with Bridget and I don’t want to leave the crew behind. Priorities, right? 🙂

      I don’t need to wish you warmth… You have that in Yuma!

  11. Chris(MN) says:

    It is 41 degrees here in Minnesota today. I know that it is supposed to go back to normal at the end of next week, but for now I am going to pretend that it is spring. Right now I only have about 4 and half months until I retire in June. I can hardly stand the anticipation! Woo hoo!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, Chris… Retirement is sooooo wonderful. When I was young and clueless, I thought of retirement as a dull time for life going downhill. For me — and I hope for you — it’s the best time of life!

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      I’m pulling for you! It will be a lovely time of year to get rolling. The “world” will be your oyster, climate-wise. Spent 40+ years where you are now, so I get it. Here’s to spring! (Now and later both :D)

      • Chris(MN) says:

        Thanks for the good wishes! I was baking cupcakes this afternoon and it got so warm in the rv that I had to leave the outside door open. In January!

  12. Kitt, NW Wa says:

    Beautiful scenery, a tranquil site, and furry companions, what more could you want? Thanks for letting us tag along.

    Here’s an idea, when your trailer tongue is too low and you don’t want to unhitch, you might try putting the PTV rear tires on a couple of levelers. We have found it can raise the tongue just enough so we don’t have to unhitch. It sounds like your solution worked just fine though.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kitt, NW Wa…

      That’s an excellent suggestion! Why didn’t I think of that? Raising the tongue of the BLT with the jack was easy. There may be a time when putting the PTV’s back tires on levelers will be the best way. Thanks for sharing that, Kitt…

  13. Dawn from Camano Island but currently in the Sonoran Desert says:

    Hi, Sue! We were curious about where you would go next. We’re here at Gunsight Wash & plan to stay awhile longer. There’s so much to see & do in this area–we feel as if we’ve just scratched the surface. We sure love it here.

    So glad Bridget got some male bonding time–she would’ve fallen in love with Jim. Maybe our paths will cross another time. In the meantime, take good care.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn,

      I’m glad you are enjoying the area around Why and Ajo. It’s an easy place to love!

      You’re right… Lots to do in the area. You could even go to the casino up the road, if that appeals to you.

      I purposely “save” things for future visits. We didn’t tour Organ Pipe until our 3rd year in the area. If you don’t see and do it all this year, you have plenty of reasons to come back.

      Enjoy those sunrises and sunsets!

      • Dawn from Camano Island says:

        Good advice, Sue, particularly with the weather changing. The high clouds are beginning to roll in & it’s quite windy. But the sun is shining so no complaints from us! Take good care–ear skritches to The Crew!

  14. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    Love all the pictures but the ironwood branches against the sky are beautiful. You have such an eye!
    Always love to hear what you and the crew are doing.
    Sending big hugs to all

  15. Glad you got the heater working. Looks like the weather deteriorates starting tomorrow. We’ll be bringing in the sun shade and tying down the chairs. We’re supposed to get sustained 35 mph winds. Hard to believe when it’s currently 70 and dead flat calm. Happy travels.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re right, Allison… It is hard to believe on this beautifully calm day that we’re in store for strong winds. The weather looks crazy for the next few days. I thought we would pull out of here early tomorrow morning (Sun.) … Now I’m not so sure that’s a good plan!

  16. Sidewinder Pen says:

    Always fun to be “on the road” with you.

    Good move on the Wave 3! On mine, the thermocouple (as it came originally) is actually sort of poked up into the “fiber” of the pad. The tip of it that is. Friend’s is the same way (I looked at his when I got mine to be sure it was supposed to be that way).

    Looks like some weather coming, doesn’t it? Today (western AZ) it is hot and windy (southish wind), tomorrow cooler and windier, then Monday….. will be holding onto my hat (and my heater!) as the wind will go north and REALLY honk, plus bring cold weather. Oh, plus a little rain on Sun/Mon. Jeepers. Not really complaining, but won’t mind when it settles down again either.

    I was reading the “Scientific Forecaster Discussion” on wunderground (I enjoy that – link is at bottom of the 10-day graph) and they said Hwy 395 near Bishop had 80mph winds already, a tractor trailer was flipped over, and they had closed the whole highway. Geez.

    • Biz Crate - still 40m south of Chicago says:

      Holy Moly! That’s some kinda wind!

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Aren’t your fellow blogorinos great? You asked and in a flash you received several good answers about getting rid of stuff.

        On family sentimental stuff, I put big bins on my bed. A bin for each relative. Then I went through family heritage/photos, trinkets, whatever, tossing each one into a bin. It’s called “passing the buck.” Haha! My sister Pauline got a bunch of stuff. 🙂

        I also sent a few WWII items to a historical society.

        • Biz Crate - still 40m south of Chicago says:

          Sue, sorry about the delayed response. I entertained my niece and her family yesterday. My little (grand?) niece and nephew played house in the RV while thier mom and dad decided to adopt the 100 year old china and silver that I had put away. Rehoming is so heart warming. In effect those little ones will be enjoying holiday meals with thier great-great-great grandmother this year. (Wow, I’m pretty sure I’ve got that right)
          I like that you took a few bins along with you. I think I’ll do the same. I was planning to mail out some items in the coming weeks. Since most of my siblings have moved west and that’s the direction I planning to travel, I can gift some smaller family items along the way as I visit. Thank you for the idea, Sue!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pen,

      Yes, that’s the way I have the thermocouple positioned — with the tip in the fiber. Apparently something bumped into the heater at some point while we were jouncing around on a back road (I put things on the floor so they don’t fall) and the lower panel was jarred loose. This caused the thermocouple to move away from the pad.

      Good heavens, 80 mph winds on 395 near Bishop! I bet the dust was flying!

      I like It seems to be the most accurate, in my experience. If we don’t leave in the morning (Sun.), that means we’re bound by the weather until next Wed. or so. I don’t want to stay that long. I also don’t want the BLT to roll down the interstate either!

      I’ll see what it looks like in the morning and decide then. Hang on, Pen! Point the nose of your rig into the wind! You know that already… 🙂

      • Sidewinder Pen says:

        Nose is pointed NW (but a reminder never hurts!). So I’ll be “back to the wind” tomorrow, but nose into the really wild/cold stuff.

        It’s so warm right now! I know the bitter cold (for here) wind is coming, but I have to force myself to believe it.

      • Barbara (Nashville) says:

        Just checked the site. I am impressed, thanks for the link.

  17. I react to Bread that same way. Wonder why?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Charlene,

      I was joking about choking on the bread, if that’s what you mean. The reaction I get from eating bread is added weight. And I love toast with coffee in the morning. . .

  18. BTW, we are suppose to get very high winds tomorrow, so don’t leave your chairs or carpet outside. Be prepared. (i have secured all my rocks, lol)

  19. rand says:

    I like this wind map–can’t see it, taste it, or touch it but sure can feel it when opening a car door on 395.

  20. Shawna (Far Northern Cali) says:

    I did not see a saddle in them thar mountains … But I did see the outline of a face, looking skyward. That would be in the first photo. Anybody else see it?
    Working hard to get this place on the market. This may be the year!!
    Hugs to you and the crew. Enjoy!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Shawna!

      I didn’t see the face… I do now! It’s in profile. The lines of Saddle Mountain are much more dramatic as one approaches from the east as we did yesterday. Unfortunately that side was shaded — the light was wrong for a photo. I believe you see the saddle from that vantage point.

      Best of luck preparing your property for sale! Thanks for the hugs… Same back at ya!

  21. BeckyIO says:

    I’ve been at Saddle Mountain since the 27th (waiting for an appointment in Phoenix to get my fridge fixed on Monday and may come back here after it’s done), it’s a beautiful place!

    I don’t want to disturb your privacy, but if you happen to be out on a walk and see another Casita it’s probably me. Wave as you go past. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi BeckyIO,

      Are you on the north side of the mountain? Funny I haven’t seen you… unless you’re tucked up next to the mountain.

      Monday is supposed to be very windy. I hope for your sake it’s not!

      • BeckyIO says:

        Yep I’m on the North side, few more rigs up here but still not crowded (least by my definition, hehe). I didn’t even know one could camp on the south side. This is only my 3rd week boondocking.

        • BeckyIO says:

          Or maybe you’re saying you are on the north side and haven’t seen me. I am pretty close to the mountain, parked out here with friends who are showing me the ropes of “real” i.e. Not Quartzsite boondocking. They’re in a bus.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Congratulations, Becky! Boondocking is the way to go! Of course, that’s my opinion.

          Reggie and I walked up that way and when I saw the roof of a vehicle, we turned around. It’s nice up there. I walked around that area the last time I camped here. I thought there might be weekenders parking their cars there so I didn’t take the BLT up that far.

          I don’t think you can camp on the south side… at least I’ve never heard of anyone doing that.

          • BeckyIO says:

            Thanks! I’m enjoying it so far. When we arrived on Wednesday there was nobody else on the road we’re on, it’s farther to the west, it seemed less rocky than the first two coming from Salome. I’m crossing my fingers the winds aren’t too bad tomorrow and Monday as well. Take care and enjoy.

      • Too cool! We spotted another Casita on our way in to refill propane today – and then saw this post. And here’s Becky already on it 🙂 Yup, we’re the bus friends mentions – having a blast here hiking, geocaching and enjoying the relative solitude.

        We’re to the west of you, on a much smoother road with lots of flat spots 🙂 As fellow introverts craving our alone time too (and trying to be on the down low here in general) we totally respect your privacy. We should be here a bit ourselves, working on writing our next book. If you happened to meander by this way, do wave.. or even stop in and say hi if so inclined. (Or drop us a note if you’d like to schedule a more intentional bumping into each other on the trails or some such.)

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thanks for the invitation, Cherie. I plan to leave in the morning if the wind isn’t too bad.

          I went up the road you’re on yesterday… a road to the west of here. Didn’t go all the way though.

          I should’ve connected “bus” with Technomadia! 🙂 This is a good place for working on a book… serene, quiet, and good internet!

      • Oh, oh. Becky and Sue in the same place at the same time. Saddle Mountain may start bucking. ha ha Have fun you two. Take a lot of photos.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          As we drove away from Saddle Mountain this morning, I saw a collection of RVs which I think is Becky and also Chris and Cherie of Technomadia, as well as others.

        • BeckyIO says:

          Photos on IO will be coming before too much longer Charlene, glad we had the chance to meet up in Q even if briefly. Sue – still just our 2 rigs for today, I believe Chris and Cherie have friends coming out tomorrow when I’m in Phoenix. I’m crossing my fingers for an easy install of the new fridge. Overall though I’m happy with how long the appliances have lasted, my Casita will be 17 in March.

  22. Fuji-maru says:

    Hi-ho, Ah-jo! Hi, RVSue and canine Crew, and blogorinos!
    If I were up late half an hour longer…anyway, Nice post as always!
    I’ll be back here again after I’m finished my job.

  23. cc and canine (Eastern Missouri) says:

    Kudos to the blogorino who researched your Wave 3 thermocouple issue online!! (Was it Mick??) We kept wondering when in the world you would fix this….I had just about given up hope, and thought you were just waiting for spring… We had been thinking about getting one, but had turned cool on the project as yours had broken after only 3 years, but I guess it was just jostled out of position on the back roads.

    An easy fix…you DO know that you lead a charmed life???

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes, I have to admit my life does seem charmed. Gee, I hope I didn’t turn others away from purchasing a Wave heater. The only reason mine stopped working was my abuse! I’ve driven a lot of miles over very rough roads. If you keep the heater covered when not in use to prevent dust collecting on the pad, and don’t shake the living daylights out of it, letting stuff crash into it, the heater will serve you well for a long time.

      No, it wasn’t Mick.

    • Bill & Ann C, AZ says:

      Bill did the research. He loves doing this. Nine times out of ten he can find a fix if something is broken. Great to have around.

  24. Linda-NC says:

    So far I can’t seem to get better than last place. Soooooo- sweet dreams and good night and I really enjoyed your pics.

  25. Sealarkesmiles says:

    Hi Sue and Crew! Nice to read your responses to the blogorino’s again! Level side to side is good and I often return to those sites because of that simple fact. Level front to back….thanks for the reminder. Piece of cake. It’s amazing how pups search out company. Lily doesn’t care how big or small….I can’t spell the expression/sound she makes when able to make friends with other friendly dogs or people. Good to have you back. Should I invest in that internet antenna 😉 ? 😉 A charmed life? I hope mine is too as I bought the Wave 3….lol. Later, Gator.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you for the welcome back to comments, Sealarkesmiles!

      Should you invest in an internet antenna? It depends upon where you camp. I’ve noticed in the past year that I haven’t needed it as often, I guess because more towers are up. There are times when it has made the difference between going online and being shut out which is very important to me. I’d “play it by ear.” If you need it, you’ll know.

  26. Calvin R says:

    That first daybreak silhouette is breathtaking.

  27. catew says:

    Hi Sue & crew,
    Beautiful photos at current & previous camp…sure beats looking out my window at brown frozen ground, dirty snow, and remains of ice. Ugg!

    Every post is anther reminder of all the things I will need to learn for RVing. What was that about nose into the wind?

    Please remind me of the advantages/reason to get a Wave heater instead of buying an included furnace with the trailer?

    Did you or any of the blogorinos subscribe to mags like Trailer Life?

    Having a stressful period at work and dreaming of an escape. Working on a Web presentation for Feb.10th and wish I hadn’t agreed to do it. Visiting here with all of you is the break I needed.

    warmest regards to all,

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      My two cents’ worth.

      On the nose into the wind, well, it depends on your rig/layout, but oftentimes that makes for less rocking (although I kind of like that – very boat like), and maybe fewer cold drafts. Since most RV’s go down the road nose first, they are typically fairly “happy” nose into the wind.

      “Please remind me of the advantages/reason to get a Wave heater instead of buying an included furnace with the trailer?”

      Like everything, there are plusses and minuses. (I have a Wave 3, btw.) If I had to choose just one of the above, I’d take the Wave for sure. It’s silent, pretty efficient, and uses no battery power. Radiant heat is a bit wood-stove like, if that suits you. They are inexpensive as these things go. The potential minuses are that you need to crack a window or vent (not that that’s necessarily a minus, but could be), the heat is very directional (radiant), the moisture created by burning fuel is not exhausted via chimney (although I have had zero problem since I have the prescribed amount of ventilation – I am in a dry climate though), and you have to light it. Some people are uncomfortable with the fact that they are not vented, but in a way they are if you follow the venting guidelines (given in square inches).

      Plusses of a blown-air furnace are that the heat (if ducted well) can reach all corners of the rig, the air is heated, and you don’t have to get out of bed to start it in the morning (presuming thermostat located well, but that’s fairly easily done). Also it’s vented “for you” via the installation. With a thermostat, you can set it while gone to maintain “X” temperature. Minuses are that some (typically stock American RV ones) may not be very efficient (7x%), they are noisy, and they use at least a couple of amps (maybe more) when running. They have an on/off/on cycling nature, of course. Also blown air heat is, to me, warm when blowing and then instantly chilly when it shuts off. They also may cost more than a Wave. They take up more space for sure. There are some that are more compact and efficient, typically having originated in Europe/UK (e.g. Propex)

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Pen did an excellent job answering your questions, catew. Of course, I have to chime in!

      Nose to the wind, your rig isn’t being hit broadside. It makes a big difference!

      About the furnace…. With Casitas purchased from the factory, the furnace is optional. My plan was to go completely solar (no generator) and the furnace has too much of a draw on batteries. I would only be able to use the furnace when hooked up to power and I planned to boondock most of the time. Other considerations: additional weight of a furnace, also the interior space taken up by a furnace (I store my pots and pans where it would’ve been installed).

      Another important thing — I suspected a furnace cycling on and off would be noisy in this small space. Shortly after I started full-timing I was camped in a campground in NM when another brand new Casita came in and parked in the neighboring site. After the first night I was talking with the other Casita owner about our new trailers and he said the furnace was too noisy. He couldn’t sleep!

      In summary, if you want to camp like I do — off grid, quietly, simply. inexpensively — a furnace doesn’t fit into that picture. If you want to use a generator or stay where there are hookups, then a furnace may be a good item to have. As for the noise, I imagine it’s not as bothersome when in a large rig. Another story when right next to your pillow!

      Best wishes with the web presentation. Someday you won’t have those deadlines and stress-makers hanging over you!

      Thanks for noting the photos. I’m glad you liked them.

      • catew says:

        Thanks Pen & Sue,
        Ok I see there are many reasons to go with a Wave heater and I agree with all the positive ones. I do want quiet, efficient,cheap..I hope to boondock a lot and use solar power as much as possible. I would like as much storage space as the rig can provide also.

        Duh..sorry to be so dense about nose into the wind…I just didn’t get why folks were mentioning it..thought I was missing something.

        I’ve decided not to volunteer for any more extra educational duties and say NO when I have the choice. I have nothing to prove to my employer after over 10 yrs. of very good performance in my job.
        From now on…do what is required as well as I can and CRUISE toward retirement!

        Thank you for answering my questions with such helpful

        Hope ya’ll have an excellent day,

        • Chris(MN) says:

          Just wanted to mention that there are other excellent propane heaters besides the Waves ( I have a Wave 8 and love it ). I have heard a lot of good about the Mr. Buddy heaters, as well. You have to decide if you want to hook the heater into your trailer’s propane line, use the disposable canisters, or use the larger 20 lb. propane cylinders. I went to Camping World and they put in a quick connect hose attached to the propane line to my frig. I just pull the hose out from a little hole in the wall and connect my heater up to it. I have had the heater running full time for the last month with no problems. I do have a dehumidifier running all the time, as well, to help control the humidity. I did have to start using the house furnace when the temp’s starting dropping below zero but the Wave 8 does the majority of the heating. Once I start boondocking this coming year, I know that the Wave 8 will be perfect for off the grid living.

          • Sidewinder Pen says:

            I have both a Little Buddy (the one canister “sunflower” style) and a Wave 3. I had the buddy before I got the Wave, and I keep it for spare use (like now when I was neck deep in a project and didn’t go get propane – I can run the buddy off disposable canisters; or if the Wave malfunctions). I prefer the Wave for a few reasons:

            1) It is catalytic, so puts less “combustion fumes” into the air.

            2) It’s more stable.

            3) It can be mounted firmly if desired.

            4) It has two settings vs. just “on/off.”

            As purchased, the Buddy runs on disposable canisters and the Wave on bulk propane (tank or cylinder). However either can be modded to be the opposite way.

            The Buddy I have puts out a bit more heat than the Wave (3,800 btu vs. 3,000 btu). However the Wave 6 can put out 6,000 or 3,000 and there are also larger buddys. One note is that if in a small space (especially if low ceiling), the Buddy may put out too much heat “straight up” and overheat overhead surfaces. The Wave doesn’t do this in the same way due to the more radiant catalytic nature of it.

            I prefer the Wave if I had to choose one, but you are right to point out that there are other options – both in catalytic (Wave) and non-catalytic (buddy) styles.

      • Velda in Roseville CA says:

        We have a 22 ft Sprinter van Leisure Travel RV. It’s probably no more square footage of living space than your Casita. The heater is at the foot of our bed and overhead is a heat pump AC unit. I can tell you they are both noisy and interfere with our sleep. We avoid using them when at all possible. The heater can run intermittently on our batteries but the Heat Pump can’t as it’s too big a draw. Not really room for a Wave or Mr Buddy heater but I’d go that direction for boondock heat if we got a chance to go. New options are coming online for quiet efficient heaters, but that’s in new pricey RVs. Given enough batteries and solar heating can be done.

  28. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi, Sue,

    Welcome back my friend, you were missed! 🙂

    Don’t ever feel guilty about indulging in a treat from Carl’s or anywhere else. We would not want you to faint from hunger…. 🙂 You have been good for weeks…enjoy! Glad that the pups enjoyed their treat, too.

    Have a good night! Sending you, Bridget, and Reggie hugs from me and Gracie pup! Stay safe….better put on your ruby slippers, just in case the mighty winds whisk you to Oz! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for the welcome upon my return, Denise. It’s nice to know I was missed. I didn’t miss you because I still read every word!

      Thanks for the good night wish — it worked! — and for our safety.

  29. Krystina ~ Sutton, Vermont says:

    Love the sunrise photo RVSue!!! I am missing my RV and life on the road…however, yesterday was my granddaughter Nora’s first birthday and what a time we had 🙂 She is amazing at opening gifts!!! Puts her adorable little fist in the fold of the paper and just rips it off. Grami was a happy woman. Right now I am sitting in my little home watching the sunrise here in Vermont and looking at Burke Mountain. Keep on keepin on RVSue, Bridget and Reggie!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Krystina. . . I’m happy you’re happy! I bet Nora is absolutely adorable. The first birthday is such a big milestone and it is good that you were there to celebrate it with her. Thanks for keeping in touch with us!

  30. Applegirl NY says:

    Good Morning, Everyone. Sue, you’re probably hitting the road to your new destination. Hopefully you’ll get out of there and not be trapped by the wind.

    We started getting our Casita ready to head to Florida. Less than 2 weeks away YEAH! We don’t have an opportunity to boondock, as we love being near the beaches, but we have had wonderful experiences in the state and county parks. Most of them give us decent space, and if we position properly, we don’t have our neighbors in our line of sight. The staff are always wonderful.

    Can’t wait to walk on the beach. Do you know that most mornings when we’re out there, we’re the only two for miles – how fabulous is that! I bought a cheap used bike – funky beach cruiser type thing – to ride around the campsites and to buzz to the beaches (usually a 25 minute walk, or a 10 minute bike ride). Can’t wait to see how much we use bikes. There were loads of trails that were just a bit too far to walk to, and we hate to drive if we can avoid it. If we don’t like the bike thing, I’ll just get rid of it. It only cost me $25 – the rental price for a bike is $30/hr so I have nothing to lose. Hubby is borrowing a bike from a family member. If we really love the bike thing, we’ll upgrade someday, but for now, it’s all we need. 12 more days, but who’s counting?

    Sorry to babble so much about ourselves, but we’re really excited.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Applegirl NY,

      Your comment overflows with excitement! Fun to read . . . I know you’re going to have a wonderful time. The purchase of a used bike — great move! Florida does have some wonderful beaches… I’m sure you have readers salivating all over their electronic devices… 🙂

  31. MB from VA says:

    I’m glad to know that procrastination can sometimes be a good thing because I am certainly good at it! And when coupled with an equally impressive talent for rationalization…..not good! Then you rationalize why you procrastinate….. LOL! 🙂 When I was a K teacher I tried to let my children know that it was ok to have “things to work on”. One book I read them was Morgan and Me by Stephen Cosgrove. It’s about a little girl who procrastinates. I told them this was one of the things I needed to work on. Cute story…..not to be confused with the one that comes before in the series….Morgan Morning which is one of the saddest ones I’ve ever read. Shesh! And btw…..I have had procrastination “work out” for me too…..which reinforces the behavior…..Well, you get the picture. Have a great day! Love from VA, MB, Sissy, Wyndy and Bella

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Gee, after all this time, you revealed more about yourself, MB, in this one comment than all your previous comments combined. Maybe you did mention being a kindergarten treacher. . . and you’re a procrastinator like me… and you have a crew of Sissy, Wyndy and Bella… 🙂

      • MB from VA says:

        Yes….Sissy is my 15 year old cat that I rescued at 6 weeks. Wyndy is a hound/Golden Retriever mix who was left at the top of our farm road at about 6 weeks….with 6 siblings that went into foster care. She’s 9 now. And Bella is my 4 year old Chihuahua….also a rescue. I lost my other crew member, Hazel, in the fall. She was an 11 year old cattle dog mix….also left at the top of our farm road at about 6 months. We sure do miss her. She kept everyone in line. 😉

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Maybe you did tell us about your crew… sounds vaguely familiar… something about “left at the top of our farm road.” My memory is awful.

          Your dear Hazel, how painful to let her go. Cattle dog mixes are wonderful dogs. They have such a strong sense of responsibility and loyalty.

          You are good to take in those dogs tossed aside by others (I almost chose another word instead of “others!”.. I can think of several that fit!)…

  32. Nancy from South Georgia says:


    This is off-topic but it made me think of you, didn’t know how else to share it with you.

  33. bess, in Eugene OR says:

    hi Sue, i am glad that you got to your new camp before the big winds.

    i also wanted to congratulate you on having the Carl’s Jr. treat. when we are on the road, sometimes i want a hamburger (and not one that i cook myself) so Barry and i stop. he is a vegan and he knows it is important to me to have balance in my life. i eat organic most of the time and cook vegan a lot. we believe that it is not good to constantly deny ourselves something that we can give to ourselves. some bread once in a while won’t hurt your diet and there is such a satisfying feeling when we do what we want.

    i am not a person that would ever want to “food shame” someone. i love the saying i saw in the 60’s in a natural food store:

    “are you as careful about what comes out of your mouth as you are about what goes into your mouth?”

    so i say, right on sister! love to you, bess

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, bess…

      That’s a great saying! Worth saving through the years….

      You’re right about food. I’m not trying to lose a bunch of weight or totally transform my life with diet. All I want to do is cut back my sugar cravings, trim off a few pounds for my health, and improve my health in general with a few changes such as cutting back on salt and carbs.

      I was beginning to eat for fun. That’s okay, once in a while, like stopping at Carl’s Jr., but it’s not good to let recreational eating take over….

      Another saying: “Eat to live, rather than live to eat.”


  34. Pookie in Todd Mission Tx says:

    well Sue, glad to see you made it to your new camp….
    I cant wait to see the new pictures…….
    Ive been smoking a brisket all day since 8am and hope
    to be done 8 or 9 tonite…….I have been having a hankering
    for brisket for several weeks….stopped last week at a Rudy’s
    in College Station and picked up a pound of brisket for $15…
    it was good but this 10 pound brisket I have on now cost me $20
    so I will endulge myself for several days then freeze the rest…

  35. You’ve been heading south for a while, but now north. I guess you ran out of south to go. At least without entering Mexico. 😉

  36. Lois (AZ) says:

    Just checking in to see if you are “rockin’ and rollin’ in this wind that just now is hitting the Phx area! Hope you and the crew are snuggled in! Enjoy hearing from all the blogerinos!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Lois… Yes, it was “rocking and rollin'” yesterday and last night. All is calm now. I’m guessing the same in the Phoenix area.

  37. Velda in Roseville CA says:

    Sue, about those helicopters you heard. There are a couple of women I know through another group who were in that area the day you heard the helicopters. They have their RVs boondocked somewhere in the area and had driven to a trail point to hike. After the hike they learned they really should not have gone because the helicopters were a US/ Mexican team effort to apprehend some bad guys just over the border! They happily remained safe, but the Ranger did not take people in the van on tour that day because of the danger of the big white van being hijacked, the gals were later told by the Rangers!! Glad you also remained safe. It was apparently Sinaloa gang members being sought.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Velda,

      I figured they were looking for a specific target, the way they kept going over the same area. I’ve never heard of rangers taking people on van tours in the area of Why unless you’re referring to Organ Pipe Cactus NM, out of the Visitor Center.

  38. kgdan from Wapato, WA says:

    WOW! A wild afternoon and night in Laughlin! We were rockin & rollin with gusts to 60 mph. The trailer was really rocking. Lots of dust and then rain. Light rain this morning and wind has stopped. Snow north of here. Hope everyone is snug & warm.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Ha! You got what we got! It was quite a welcome to our new camp!

      Very overcast this morning… Not raining at the moment…

  39. Good Morning Sue and Blogorinos! I hope everyone in the West made it through the winds yesterday…we lost power about 8:00 last night, saw a big blue flash out my bedroom window. It my house could rock and roll it would have last night, have not seen winds like that in years…up to 70 miles an hour. When winds like that hit you, do you point you BLT’s nose into the wind? Move the PTV beside it to block wind? Leave it hitched up? Just wondering….Things for all of us to think about on the road..trees, no power lines for you to worry about…for us, no power, no heater…burr! Hope all is well…hang on to your britches!

    • P.S. I love the Saddle Mountain header that is posted…looks so cozy. Beautiful shot.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Thanks, Shirlene. I’m not going to leave it as the header for long. It looks too somber to me. I put it up because it shows the privacy and solitude one can gain by boondocking.

        I’m going to write a post today and will touch on the nose-to-the-wind advice.

        Wow! You had quite a storm! I guess being on the coast and the storm coming from the west, you received the biggest impact. Thanks for slowing it down a bit for us inlanders! 🙂

  40. DesertGinger says:

    I’m so forgetful. I can’t remember if I posted here that I am scheduled for heart surgery Feb 22. They will replace my mitral valve, repair my tricuspid valve and do ablation for my atrial fibrillation. I will be in the hospital at least a week, and then go to a rehab. Hopefully after rehab I can go home to Tucson. I’m really tired of being in Tabby’s house. Anyone’s house. Want to be in MY house. And somewhere after my heart surgery we will also work on my kidney failure. Don’t know what that will involve.

    So I have three weeks. Will be doing my knife work and trying to get things in order. Have to call the IRS. Fun.

    How’s everyone else doing?

  41. Elizabeth in WA says:

    Wow, Ginger…well nothing we are doing compares to what you have going on…rest up for the surgery and we pray all will go well!! They must think it will work or doubtful they would be doing the surgery!! As to kidneys…one way I have kept mine healthier is for years I have not eaten pork or shell fish…both hard on the kidneys…you no doubt can find an online list of foods that are harder on them…plus if you have food allergies, that is harder on all our organs…so I am trying very hard to stay away from the worst ones I have, such as gluten things. I do feel better when I do so!!

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