Sand Island Campground, Bluff, Utah

Wednesday, April 16 (continued)

The crew and I leave Arizona and enter Utah!

1-DSC03681Driving Highway 191 from the south to go to Bluff in southeastern Utah, one swoops down to the bridge that spans the San Juan River, and then up to connect with Highway 163.

1-DSC03684I turn east toward Bluff and about a mile later the sign for Sand Island Campground comes into view on the right.

1-DSC03686-001It’s easy to miss the turn to the campground because the sign is small and the spectacular bluffs all around are distracting, to say the least.

It’s time to stop oohing and aahing and look for the sign!

The campground road winds down into a canyon through which the San Juan flows.

We camped here last year so I’m familiar with the sites. 

Our former site by the river has been dramatically altered with the removal of trees and the addition of boulders.  I assume this is an effort to shore up the river bank. Until nature works her wonders on the bare ground, the site doesn’t appeal to me.

I drive around the loop.

I pick up a payment envelope at the kiosk, and, continuing around the loop, I find a spacious site under the bare branches of cottonwood trees.

1-DSC03692Once I’ve set up camp and put things in order, I sit down at the picnic table and fill out the payment envelope.  I insert a $20 check for four nights. (Fee is $10 regular/$5 with senior pass.)

“Hey, nutcakes!  Let’s go for a walk!”

Bridget and Spike enthusiastically sniff the ground along the campground road.

I pause to reacquaint myself with the river.

1-DSC03698 We pass a site being held with a footstool and jugs.  A Class C, maybe a truck camper, van or an RV without a toad . . . .  

1-DSC03696At the kiosk, I put the payment envelope in the slot.

Later, sitting outside reading my Paperwhite, I look up and watch the light from the late afternoon sun as it paints a glow on the bluff across the river.

1-DSC03689The crew is content to laze at the campsite before the last walk of the day.

1-DSC03718 It’s hard for me to believe we were at Navajo National Monument this morning.

That’s the sign of a very full day — when morning seems like ages ago.  It’s fun to be moving again.

1-DSC03700Tomorrow we will explore the area around Bluff!


NOTE:  Due to weak internet signal, I’ve fallen behind in my posts.  As I type this, tomorrow is Easter Sunday.  I wish all my readers the joy of that special day!


I appreciate every purchase.

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117 Responses to Sand Island Campground, Bluff, Utah

  1. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Hi Sue….another beautiful, peaceful campsite! Enjoy! Denise

  2. Geri Moore says:

    YaY I am second! LOL! You are in one of my favorite places … I love the petroglyphs there !!! The HUB of everything interesting can be reached within a day’s drive from Bluff! Have fun!

  3. Robert says:

    Woman you crack me up!……….a full grown but still has the little girl in you! Keep it up and enjoy.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Robert . . . Yes, I’m a kid in a candy store. 😉

      • Chuck says:

        Had any Navajo Pizza yet?????? Is Bluff City Cafe still open.?
        You’re in one of our favorite spots!!!!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Getting ahead of my blog posts here . . . Yes, I had Navajo Pizza at the Twin Rocks Cafe. $14.95 for a supreme, very tasty, but smaller than I remembered. Fry bread crust was the best ever! Grill City Cafe is closed.

          • R. (Western Colorado) says:

            OK. I want more details about your Navajo pizza. I got rained out on Saturday but I’m going to Bluff in a few days. Just have to make sure there will be no rain. But pizza sounds delicious. What are toppings on supreme? I like mine only with vegetables, no meat.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              You can order your pizza however you want it. The supreme has sausage and pepperoni, mushrooms, black olives, onions, peppers, cheese, of course… The delight is in the fry bread underneath it all. When you order your pizza, the waitress will ask if you want fry bread crust or ash. Don’t get ash.

              Last year I had a Navajo pizza with only cheese on it and it was delicious, too. Enjoy!

            • R. (Western Colorado) says:

              Great. It sounds so good except ash. Hmm! Ash? Really? I’ make sure it will be fry bread crust. No ash for me. Thank you.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              Carolyn Niethammer in her American Indian Food and Lore (Macmillan, 1974) writes the following when describing a particular ash bread, “Corn Puberty Bread” … “Ash breads . . . were standard fare for all the nomadic tribes, usually small three-inch round cakes, fashioned from a stiff dough and placed in a pit with hot embers, then covered with more ashes and hot coals. The cake is often as much as five feet across and eight inches thick. It is baked overnight while the family sings and dances. The first piece is cut from the center to be shared among the lead singers. Sprouted oat flour is sometimes used instead of panocha (sprouted wheat) flour. Today, most bakers pour the batter into a foil-lined and foil-topped baking pan and bake the cake slowly in a 200 degree oven until firm.”

  4. Steve says:

    I love the way you travel!! I should be on the road soon. I have my truck, selling what vehicles I have and shopping for a trailer.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Steve . . . I’m intrigued. What is it that you love about the way I travel?

      I sense your excitement as you put together your rig. Best of luck to you in your search!

  5. Dawn in Mi says:

    Utah…it’s so’s one of my favorite states to wander in the national parks. There are so many and each is so distinctively unique. I suppose that’s the same for other parks…but Utah is just amazing. I can’t wait to see what you discover!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Dawn . . . Utah is incredible. I wander down roads and come upon the most enchanting places. Even so it’s proving a challenge to find boondocks… either the spot is on a rez (Ute Nation) or there’s no internet. Gotta’ stay connected with my peeps!

  6. Evelyn Wood says:

    Hi Sue,
    What great pictures. My mom and I are out on the road now as well. Right now, saturday, we are in Payson, AZ. I need boondocking lessons. Every place I pull into just doesn’t feel right. I need to follow someone around some time and listen in on the thought process. The ones I find just don’t look ‘right’. Anyway we are ok with staying in rv parks and blm cg.
    Here is the link to my blog, not as advanced as yours but a work in process.
    It has taken me 6 hours to do one posting. Yikes I hope I get faster.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Evelyn,

      I’m not surprised your blog post took you 6 hours. It is very well done, very thorough, and contains a number of outstanding photos. It’s like three posts in one! Best wishes to you and your mother in your travels, your photography, and your blogging.

      In what way don’t the boondocks “feel right?” Do you feel vulnerable or is it something about the places you choose . . . I’d love to help you with your boondocking, although the BLM does have some good campgrounds, as you’ve discovered.

    • Sidewinder Pen says:

      I’m no expert (most of my “boondocking” has been on the fly while traveling), but I have started doing a bit of “RVSue-style” boondocking lately. One thing I find to help is to get there earlier in the day (now RVSue is laughing, because my first desert boondock, where I happened to meet her, I rolled in around 10 p.m. and chose a spot in the pitch dark!). But anyway, if I get to a place early, I can park and sort of “live there” for a while and see how it feels. If it turns out to be a problem for someone, well hey, I was just parked for a little lunch, or whatever, and there is still plenty of time to move along and find someplace else. On the other hand, if it works out and I stay, then I’ve been there long enough by nightfall to feel like I have a sense of the place and sort of belong there, if that makes sense.

      Finding a campfire ring is another sign that you are someplace that’s been camped at before.

      Another trick is to choose a spot that has already been well-described as an established place by other RV folks. I did that for my first desert stop (Sidewinder Road).

  7. Oh, yes, blue pancakes and Navajo Pizza coming up!!! Yum!!!

  8. weather says:

    That site ,because of the great setting,seems huge!Temps permitting,do you have approachable access to the river for Spike to soak and Bridget to consider?Have a beautiful Easter Sue

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather . . . Our site is a very long, back-in site. Today was warm and I bet Spike would’ve taken a dip if given the opportunity. The riverbank is steep in most places accessible from here. I found a place with a bit of beach but it’s much too muddy, although Spike would enjoy a mud bath, too!

      Warm wishes for your Easter Sunday . . . .

  9. Bill & Ann says:

    Beautiful place. So many things to explore in the area. The Comb and Butler Wash areas. Wish we were there; except for the fact that we will visit our daughter in Woodbridge, Virginia next week. And Assateague Isand which is on my bucket list (Ann speaking). Missing the desert; we are not swamp people! Take care, Ann & Bill.

    • DesertGinger says:

      Is that the island with the wild horses?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Bill and Ann . . . I went out by Comb Wash the other day but I didn’t explore it. I don’t know where Butler Wash is. I’ll look it up.

      I’m not a swamp rat either, definitely prefer desert, mountains, or coast. Go see the ponies and then get yourselves back here where you belong!

    • Chuck says:

      Hi Guys!!!
      Sorry you didn’t make it down to the swamp, would love to have seen ya’ll!!!

      • Bill & Ann says:

        Assateague & Chicoteague: home of the ponies. Can’t wait. Chuck, we are in the swamp. Just a different one. We are camped by the Dismal Swamp. It is huge. We leave today for Assateague.

  10. Betty-Shea says:

    Have a wonderful Easter Sunday …by the looks of your beautiful site…you and the crew are just lovin’ life!
    The best to you!!!!!

  11. Hi Sue and Crew, got my chair today and I really like it. Can’t wait to try it out. A few days ago, I also ordered “Heaven Is For Real.” I’m stocking up on a few e-books so I’ll have something to read on the road.

    BTW, it’s been a few weeks since you posted about how you got your start with the Casita/getting started. Do you have plans to continue with the updates? I’m particularly interested in your solar system.

    Hoping you and the crew have a very happy Easter. I think you know by now that your followers think the world of you three and want only the best for y’all.

    Take care.

    Cat Lady

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cat Lady . . . Thanks for giving your location, kinda’ makes you more real. 🙂

      I saw your order for the ebook, too. Thanks. Hope you enjoy it and your new chair.

      With an air card you can order your ebooks whenever the mood strikes, or when you’re near Wifi if you don’t have a card. It amazes me every time I pick up my Paperwhite and pick out a book. Less than a minute later I’m reading it!

      Yes, I am aware of and grateful for the kind thoughts and caring of my readers. I am blessed with the sharing on my blog.

      I wish you and all my followers a wonderful Easter day!

  12. DesertGinger says:

    Well, perhaps I made it to the top ten…yay!

  13. Deb from NJ says:

    Loving the photos!! Great color. Can’t go wrong with those blue skies and red rocks!
    I stared at your first photo for a few seconds….then closed my eyes and kept that vision. With my window open I could hear a few birds chirping… was as if I were right there in that photo! Now if I could only wiggle my nose and actually be there that would be great. For now….I guess I have to live through your photos. Thanks for sharing them.

    Bridget and Spike sure look well rested and very content just to sit in the shade.

    Have a great Holiday …..whats for dinner? Wondering if you have a little grill and if so do you ever cook outside?

    Have a great weekend!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Deb . . . . My Easter dinner is Navajo pizza! (Not really, I ate it on Saturday.)

      I don’t eat much meat, therefore I don’t grill very often.

      Happy Easter!

  14. Pauline from Mississippi says:

    Wishing you a Blessed Easter….you, the crew and all your readers. Love the picture. Your camp site looks so peaceful. Will Spike be able to get to soak in the river?

    Love you

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pauline . . . I think it’s too dangerous for Spike to go swimming, although he would think otherwise.

      I send my love and wish you — and all your kin 🙂 — a wonderful Easter Sunday!

  15. Rita from Phoenix says:

    Happy Easter, Sue, Spike and Briget!

  16. Marilu, Northern Ca. says:

    We drove through Bluff two years ago in mid-April and it was snowing! You never know about those high desert areas in the spring. It looks like you have beautiful weather.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      April is very unpredictable. The crew and I were caught in a snowstorm in Arizona in mid-April. Might as well travel northward then and take whatever comes our way. Today was like a summer day.

  17. Penny (from Utah was in Baja) says:

    Hi Sue,
    Welcome to my state (I was born in New York but this has been home for 35 years, plus)
    I love rving in my Casita or my husband’s VW van in southern Utah. I especially like the San Rafael Swell area. Have you been to Goblin Valley? They have a nice campground.
    A good dump, water spigots, and showers. We will spend a night so we can dump and fill up – and walk around the goblins. But we spend most of the time dry camping. There are lots of places and the scenery is beautiful.

    • R. (Western Colorado) says:

      Penny, I thought you need to have reservation in Goblin Valley. When I checked there was nothing available for the next few weeks. Are you a hiker? Can you recommend any good hikes in the Swell?

      • Penny (from Utah was in Baja) says:

        It probably is booked solid because it is Easter week. We usually have gone in the fall. Even if there are no spots you can go in and dump and refill. We usually camp on the western side of the formation. You take the turn to the right just before the entrance gate. There will be a sign to go to Little Wild Horse Canyon. It’s now a paved road. There are lots of dirt spurs off to the left that are good for camping or rving. Little Wild Horse Canyon is a great hike. It involves a bit of rock scrambling near the beginning. There are a couple of places in the slot canyon where you may need to wade through very shallow puddles. There are lots of other slot canyons that we have hiked. I would recommend getting a hiking guide. “Hiking and Exploring Utah’s San Rafael Swell” by Michael Kelsey is what we use. When we explore the Swell, we either go in our VW van or leave the trailer in the LWH Canyon and take our truck.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Penny,

      The crew and I went to Goblin Valley last year. The campground was full which turned out to be a good thing. We ended up camping off by ourselves in a lovely canyon. I avoided Wild Horse Canyon because that’s where the overflow crowd was going… OHVs everywhere and I didn’t want to hear them.

      I agree — The scenery is beautiful!

  18. R. (Western Colorado) says:

    Great pictures. Did you get some rain today (Saturday)? It rained all night when I camped at the Natural Bridges National Monument. This morning it was 40 degrees. At least it didn’t snow.
    I drove through Moab today and couldn’t believe crowds. I never knew there are so many Jeeps in this world and they all seem to be in Moab. They were going, going and going. Many groups of them and in one group I counted 84. I always thought people go on jeep tours because they are eager to get to secluded places that could be reached no other ways and with no other people around. I hope all who went today on jeep tours had a great time and didn’t get too wet.

    BTW, a few days ago someone mentioned antivirus Kaspersky program. I had many problems with Kaspersky including Trojan Horse. I now have another program and no problem so far.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, R. (Colorado) . . . No, it didn’t rain here, only a few sprinkles in the night. As you can see from the weather widget, it’s like summer in Bluff.

      I’m beginning to feel apprehensive about going to Moab. It sounds like a vortex of madness. I hope it’s due to the holiday weekend and will settle down soon, as frenzied, tourist crowds give me the heebie-jeebies.

      Interesting regarding Kaspersky… There seems to be nothing 100% secure!

      • Geri Moore says:

        If you go all the way through Moab, cross the river and turn LEFT on Potash Road, you will find some magnificent rock art UP HIGH… and keep driving down that road, several nice pull out roads for boondocking! Not many people around either the further down the road you go. However, at the road dead end is a river boondocking campground and there were several campers there.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          You say “not many people around either the further down the road you go.” When was this?

          • Geri Moore says:

            Probably 4 years ago in the HEAT of the summer!
            However, there was plenty of open land for boondocking. Most of the folks were in the 3 organized campgrounds… only saw one boondocker way down on Coffeepot Road.

  19. Chas Anderson says:

    If you happen to get on Utah 12 try Hole in the Rock Road near Escalante for boondocking.We unhooked and got all the way to Lake Powell.Awesome area.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Chas, for the tip! Last summer we saw the area on the other end of Lake Powell at Hite Crossing. The scenery was so magnificent it was difficult to comprehend it all.

  20. TMMN says:

    Jealous! Love Utah. Enjoy!

  21. Phxkayaker says:

    Enjoy the petroglyph panels!

  22. Cinandjules (NY) says:

    I seeeeeeee water! Spike wake up! Can you smell it? huh? Can you smell it?

    Happy Easter to you and the crew!

  23. Love those straight desert roads! What a nice campsite you & the Crew have, Sue. I hope Spike just either a mud bath or a soak. Happy Easter!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      So far I’ve successfully kept Spike from the lure of mud and water. I’ll let him soak as soon as we come upon a safe place with not a lot of mud. He’d love to make “boots” for himself! Haha!

      Happy Easter to you, Dawn! Thank you for your loyalty to my blog.

  24. Dixie says:

    Happy Easter Sue and crew! When we leave Tucson to go back to MN.–We are going to “follow in your path” Going to N.Az. and wind through Utah–can’t wait! So anxious to see some of the places you’ve been.Hopefully we can go a different route coming and going each year.Safe travels to you –Hugs to the Pups!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Dixie,

      I love that drive across northeastern Arizona. It’s one of the drives I wouldn’t mind doing over and over again.

      Safe travels to you and have a blessed Easter!

  25. Edie says:

    Happy Easter Sue and Crew! And everyone else. 🙂

  26. Tawnya says:

    Happy Easter Aunt Susan!! I love you!

  27. Nan says:

    You are so right Sue when you say a full day is when the morning seems a long time ago. And last week seems like light years ago…. Just yesterday we were in the hot desert of Anza Borrego Desert State Park, tonight, we are in the Palomar mountains around Temecula. A cool breeze is wafting through our windows, crickets are chirping….geez, was it just yesterday that we were in the desert?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Nan,

      Now where in the world are “the Palomar Mountains around Temecula.” Readers all over North America and Australia want to know! Haha! I’ll have to look it up in my trusty Benchmark, but I don’t even know which state atlas!

      Oops… Maybe in Thailand, too!

  28. Wendy in Thailand says:

    Happy Easter Sue, Spike and Bridget.

  29. Krystina McMorrow says:

    Happy Easter RVSue and crew! Love the long stretches of road. Also loved the pics of Navajo National Monument. Cannot wait to be “out there”! The crew looks happy and content….ahhh the good life. I took my mainden voyage from Vermont to NC where my sister lives, stayed in my first Walmart on the way down. My “Buggy” and I are camped about 5 miles from my sister and I have spent the last week organizing, re-organizing and then re-organizing again. FUN, FUN and more fun. Michele’s (my sister) friends, who have a class A, have taken me under their wing and are teaching me…and teaching me. They took me to my first Camping World….I didn’t want to leave 🙂 The weather has been perfect…warm and sunny…until yesterday and now we have some rain. It took some time but I am finally a full-timer! Perfect I’d say. Stay safe RVSue and hug the pups for me.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Krystina… Your enthusiasm for your new life ripples across your comment. I am very happy for you. Finally you are “on the road!” How nice that you immediately headed to visit your sister in NC. “Perfect I’d say” . . . I say that, too! 🙂

      I remember well the fun of organizing and learning how to manage my rig and all that’s available. You beat me to Camping World! I haven’t been inside one yet although I’ve zipped passed them while on an interstate.

      Enjoy the opportunities you choose from all that are now within your reach.

      And congratulations, Krystina, the Fulltimer!

  30. I’m salivating at the sight of your Welcome to Utah sign! I love taking photos of those as we travel, but have only earned four so far while out with our trailer (California, Utah, Oregon and Washington). That’s soon to change, however, as tomorrow morning we’re heading out for a six week tour of New Mexico, including a few stops in Arizona and Nevada coming and going. That’ll bring our RV total to seven! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Tamara,

      You’ve already earned signs in four, very fine states. People can become jaded with the passage of time and with frequent air travel. Going from one state to another becomes nothing. To travel with the anticipation and excitement of a child . . . That’s the way to go! Hoot and holler at every state sign you meet Tamara! 🙂

    • Rattlesnake Joe says:

      Hi Tamara, Take your computer with you and check the weather for where you are headed. The weather is sometimes hot this time of year in the low lands of Arizona. Nevada is usually okay close to Death Valley, but wet and windy elsewhere. So best to check the weather channels to have a good time. If you haven’t been to Rachael NV on the Extraterrestial Highway 375. You need to go. Plan to stay all day or even over night. Listen to the stories in the Lil’ Ali Inn that the locals tell. Keep a close watch on your wristwatch for Missing Time.

  31. Diann in MT says:

    Happy Easter, Sue and Crew! Hope your own sunrise service came complete with a hot cup of coffee! Have a great day!

  32. Geri Moore says:

    Wishing you and the crew a blessed Easter day! You are in paradise for sure! Chuck and I are headed to work then over to a family Easter dinner! YaY!

  33. Terri From Texas says:

    Have a wonderful Easter Sue and Crew!

  34. Illinois Jane says:

    Happy Easter Sue and everyone!

  35. R. (Western Colorado) says:

    RVSue, did you get to see petroglyphs across the road from your Sand Island campground?

  36. AZ Jim says:

    Happy Easter Sue, Crew and all.

  37. Mark in Salina Ks says:

    Happy Easter Sue. The pictures look so peaceful. We had some campers next to us that had left a few items out to save their site. One of the things left was a gallon jug of water. Black birds pecked at it until they made a hole, then started drinking the water as it ran out. I think they knew there was water in that jug.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mark… Happy Easter to you, too.

      One thing about a travel trailer… It takes a heckuva long time for the blackbirds to peck a hole in it. 🙂

  38. Joan Latrell Roberts says:

    Sue,have a blessed Easter! Sitting here at home in Phoenix. Itching for a road trip maybe up your way or over to the west of northern Az to the Page springs area of the Kiabab area. Time will tell. PAULINE, IF you see this….Happy Easter to you also.

  39. Alan Rabe says:

    Look at the Needles section, not many people this time of the year. Go to Moab for food and such. There is some camping along the river but it is small, confined and busy and highly desired. Also look a little to the east of Moab in the LaSalle mtns. it is NF and there should be options available. Moab itself has become one big party spring to fall. There is always an event of some kind going on, but it is Moab! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Alan!

      • R. (Western Colorado) says:

        Alan, a month or so ago I went to Needles section of Canyonlands NP, south of Moab and north of Monticello. That is one spectacular park, with some magnificent rock formation. I spent all day hiking but there were many hikers. It seems that spring break these days lasts all March and April. I stopped to take a closer look at the campground and promised to return there one day for more hiking and camping. However, if you go there, Sue, you really have to get on some trails even if for a short distance. No dogs are allowed on trails. Alan, camping you mentioned along Colorado River is on route 128. That’s a gorgeous drive until you get to Dewey Bridge (MM ~30). Stop at Fisher Tower (MM 21) but I’m not sure if I would take RV on that road. Before mile 21 look for Onion Canyon on your right. There is some disperse camping but I wouldn’t recommend going farther than the first stream crossing or you can find yourself on this rough twisted road so narrow there is no way to turn or pass someone going in opposite direction.
        The LaSalle Mountains is a great suggestion. Unfortunately, it looks like there is still lots of snow but they do look great from route 191 south of Moab, Arches and Needles.

  40. bobg says:

    I’m looking at those green bushes around your campsite. Last summer I camped a little north of you in a draw along Hwy 95, on the way to Natural Bridges Monument. The campground area was not maintained, and consisted of picinic tables and fire rings under some dead cottonwoods along what passes for a river along there. The campsites were overgrown with low light green weedy bushes with shallow roots. I pulled up a number of them to get access to the table from my trailer and burned them.

    The next day I had a severe itchy rash all over my hands and forearms. Even with the cortisone cream, it lasted nearly a week. I don’t know what those bushes were, but they were growing wild everywhere. Be careful.

    I spent a couple of days at the campground at Natural Bridges. It is nice, but crowded. There is better and more isolated camping to be had for free on the BLM land off 275, the road into the park. Unhitch the trailer at the park and take a ride of to Big Ears (I think the FR # is 0088). Inside of 5 miles, mostly straight up along switchbacks, you will arrive at the top of a plateau with a view of a hundred miles of desert. There are many turnouts to fire rings after you get to the top of the plateau. Some are just in the trees, some have spectacular views. And all are within about 10 miles of the Park Visitor’s Center.

    I suggest going up there first just in the van. There is nothing dangerous or difficult about the gravel road, but it is narrow and some of the turns are tight. The dropoff is scary. It would probably be less intimidating if you went up there sans trailer for the first time. But once you get up there, you will find motorhomes and big fifth wheels set up along the road. If they can get up there, you can. I had no trouble with my 17 footer. I just went slow.

    Once you get up there, I think you’ll like it much better than the monument campground.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I was up that way last year… spectacular! Thanks for taking the time to write all this detail for me and my readers.

      • bobg says:

        Did you come south down 261 from the park? Now THERE’S an intimidating drop off, especially with a trailer pushing you. Have a look on Google Maps, and note the tight little knot there. I was happy to have 4 low.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          No, I didn’t and I’m glad! Someone warned me last year to stay off that road.

          I like to visit spectacular views from high places if it doesn’t involve terror getting there. As far as look-out boondocks go, I’ve passed up some beauties for two reasons: 1) I can take heights for a while but I don’t want to live there and 2) I have to consider the crew. I don’t want to let Spike out for his middle-of-the-night potty run and have it turn into a potty fall!

          • R. (Western Colorado) says:

            bobg, did you mean Bear Ears maybe? If Bear Ears I had a view of them from my tent when camping at the Natural Bridges National Monument campground. I personally found this campground so fantastic that I want to return as soon as I get my new tent. It is a small campground with only 13 sites. I had so much space and privacy from my tent wasn’t even visible to other campers. I could probably take an outdoor shower and nobody would noticed. The campground is well maintained, bathrooms spotless. No water but you’re allowed to get 5 gallons per day from the visitor center. I just submitted my review of this campground on and it should be published in a few days. Bobg or Sue, can you give me directions to the road going to Bear (maybe Big) Ears. Thanks

  41. Ladybug in Mid-Tenn says:

    Sue, if you ever get at a loss for posts, could you do a consolidation/recommendation one of books/authors you like? I know you’ve got comments scattered throughout the posts, but I don’t think there’s a main post? I just ordered a Kindle Fire HD (wanted to do more than just read with it) and now I’m looking for reading material!

    • Ladybug in Mid-Tenn says:

      And I ordered it through one of your links, so be watching for it! 😉

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        That was YOU! I saw it! Wow! You got a good price and I got a very nice commission. Win-win… Thanks a lot, Ladybug.

        • bobg says:

          I don’t know if you have told people this, but it is easy to drag and drop your Amazon link onto the desktop or anywhere else. I did that with my friend Andy Baird’s link back when his rig got struck with lightning, and I’m still using it years later, just because it is handy and costs me nothing. He still gets the credit and I don’t have to look up the website to use it. It is right there.

          I use Amazon a lot, usually for books. And I always click that ever present link.

          If everybody drug your link onto their desktop, I guarantee it would double your income, just because it is so easy to use it. Hey, it doesn’t hurt to ask!

          • rvsueandcrew says:

            Great suggestion, bobg!

            No, I haven’t told anyone to do that. (Amazon vaguely states it’s a no-no to use gimmicks to encourage sales, so I’m super careful. Doesn’t mean you have to be!)

            Thanks for making it easier for my readers to shop at Amazon and also a big thanks if it increases my sales. 🙂

            • bobg says:

              It is hard for me to conceive why Amazon would not be thrilled for someone to put a permanent link to their store right on their desktop, however it got there! That is prime advertising real estate, and available only if people volunteer it. If they could force you to do it, I assure you it would be there staring at you right now.

              Bob, who spends waaay too much at Amazon.

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              I know what you mean, Bob. Amazon is most interested in having its Associates bring in new shoppers, rather than making it convenient for long-time Amazon shoppers. I guess Amazon figures those folks are going to keep shopping Amazon anyway. Who knows? It is not for me to question why. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Okay, Ladybug… I don’t know how helpful it would be. A recent one I enjoyed… The Kitchen House (forget the author). I’ve been reading a lot of Dick Francis and Zane Grey of late, the former for its lightness and the latter for the descriptive settings in the West that I’m seeing for the first time.

      • I think the Kitchen House is by Kathleen Grissom. I really like Dick Francis. My grandmother got me started reading him. A fun read and lots of books in the series.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thanks, Karen. I have a terrible time remembering authors.

          I love the way Dick Francis has his main character sizing up the other characters, their expressions, their manners or lack of them, their qualities and faults, etc. You’re right… His books are fun.

          I read a biography of Francis. Common belief is that his wife, Mary, was the primary writer. She wanted her husband to get all the credit.

          • Hadn’t heard that, but his son Felix has picked up in his father’s footsteps, and I think the books are still as good. I do remember Mary being cited as his primary proofreader and, I think, primary sounding board when he was working on a book.

      • Ladybug in Mid-Tenn says:

        Dick Francis (and son)-check.
        Zane Grey-check.
        Kathleen Grissom-check.

        The Kindle hasn’t arrived yet, but I’ve already started loading it with free things, one of which was a book about camping at Corps of Engineer campgrounds. 😀

  42. Joe Sakraida says:

    I left Sand Island early morning on 4/16/14. Funny we were so close. Been following your blog since your Lake Powell visit last year.

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