Spring blooms in the Mojave Desert near Blythe, California

Tuesday, March 7

Reggie and I share the results of our flower-finding expeditions. In addition to the desert lilies which have almost reached their prime (see previous posts), these other beauties help herald the arrival of spring in the Mojave!

Do you know what they are?

Photo #1 — small flowers, low to the ground

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Photo #2 — Single flower, leaves similar to dandelion

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Photo #3 –  Several white blooms with purple striped backs, some plants over 2 ft. tall

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Photo #4 — Very tiny purple flowers, clusters, furry stems from center stem about 12″ tall

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Photo #5 — Single bloom about 2 – 3 inches in diameter

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What are the names of these plants?

Tell us what you think.  When we’re sure we’ve identified them correctly, I’ll post their names below.



  • #1 — Booth’s Evening Primrose
  • #2 — Yellow Evening Primrose or Desert Evening Primrose
  • #3 — Desert Chicory
  • #4 — Scorpion Weed (Watch out!)
  • #5 — White Evening Primrose
  • #6 — Booth’s Evening Primrose

If you don’t agree with the above, do let us know!  Thanks everyone!

NOTE ABOUT THE COMMENTS SECTION:  Join us!  If you’re so inclined, please offer congratulations and welcomes, answer any questions that arise, and feel free to introduce topics of interest to you.  Reggie and I will take a break.  Thank you!  — Sue

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Photo #6 — Same blooms that you see in Photo #1


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68 Responses to Spring blooms in the Mojave Desert near Blythe, California

  1. Dawn in NC says:


  2. Rochelle in IN says:

    New post!

  3. Dawn in NC says:


  4. Brenda says:

    I had no idea the desert was so beautiful!

  5. Judy in East Texas says:

    Sue and reggie….not a clue on the flowers other than they are beautiful.
    Have a great break and enjoy the beauty that surrounds you. I just finished reading the comments from the last post…whoa…that got kinda heavy at times. It’s no wonder you need a breather. So anyway have fun and we will see you when you get back.

    Stay safe out there my friend, judy

  6. Sandy Riley Lancaster, PA says:

    I enjoyed looking at the flower pictures as I patiently wait for spring to arrive here in Lancaster, PA. As Brenda said above, “I had no idea the desert was so beautiful.”

  7. AZ Jim says:

    Gambler DAVIS TUTT KILLED IN STREET SHOOTOUTkilled by “Wild Bill” Hickock. Headline screamed the news in the Territorial News July 21, 1865. If you enjoy reading news of the days when the west was wild. There is a way you can do it and it’s free.
    Go to http://www.territorialnewspapers.com/ scroll down to free download now. It will let you read this issue free. It’s easy to navigate and they have new issues often. It can be downloaded via PDF. It’s really a fun read and worth the time to learn to use the site.

    • AZ Jim says:

      Missy, I posted this at the very end of your last post, but because I think many will find it interesting, I pasted it here too.

      • weather says:

        Thanks, Jim. I found it very interesting. What a well researched and informative article! I’m adding the site to my favorites list so I can check for those new issues. I hope you and Detta are well and enjoying the season.

  8. Retiredcajunlady 'N Louisiana says:

    Oh my gosh, I have no clue what their names are, but the are just beautiful! Springtime has definitely arrived in the Mojave in all her glory…and you and Reggie are there to take it all in…and share with us!!! Thank you for this pretty post, Sue!
    Belly rubs, hugs, and ear scratches for Reggie, and prayers for you both.

    • Retiredcajunlady 'N Louisiana says:

      Sue, each time I have either baked or rotisserie chicken I think of you and Reggie!! Even though the weather here is rainy with lots of wind, my little Willee came out of his hiding place for my supper…well, our supper.

  9. Pat in Rochester says:
  10. Dawn in MI says:

    Love the colors in all if the photos but especially that last one. I have no idea what any of them are though.

  11. Sharon in MO says:

    Lovely flowers! I have no idea of their names however.

  12. Lisa W says:

    Beautiful flowers, I love the desert in bloom. Can’t help with any of the names.

  13. Mary says:

    Calif poppie

  14. Cinandjules (🌵) says:

    I too have no clue as to the names of the flowers! Pretty aren’t they?

    Have a great day!

  15. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    The flower blooms photos are beautiful. I have not idea what any of the are since i have not beet to the desert. I could research them, but am just beat right now. My workload has been way too heavy this week. I will just wait for your post. Sorry I am so lazy!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Pat! I’ve researched the two suggestions you make and this is what I think:

      #2 Desert evening primrose — I agree! This looks correct! Good job! 🙂

      #5 Pale evening primrose — I don’t think so. My first reaction was “this isn’t the same flower.” Also I noticed at the link you gave that it’s not found in California (which doesn’t mean it couldn’t be here, we’re so close to AZ). However, it is well established and abundant all around us.

    • weather says:

      Using the link given for #5, I clicked on the wildflower heading, then California, white flowers. Found Booth’s evening primrose, has the right appearance-four petal white flower and purplish elongated buds hanging at top of stem with it.

      • weather says:

        That Booth’s primrose was offered to identify #’s 1 and 6, not #5

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Okay, I’ll check it out in a few minutes…. Finishing up a new post. 🙂

          • weather says:

            🙂 !

            • rvsueandcrew says:

              That’s it, weather! #1 and #6 is Booth’s Evening Primrose. Wow! I didn’t think anyone was going to figure that one out. . .

            • weather says:

              It really surprised me to find it, too. Once you know the name it pops up all over the internet, without that the search is so complicated. It’s fun solving mysteries. This was a good choice of topics to give blogorinos the fresh start you’d said you would.

  16. Patti from So Cal says:

    Hi, Sue
    I’m gonna take a wild(flower) guess at some of these…
    1) Dames Rocket
    2) Yellow Evening Primrose
    3) not sure….they look like some sort of daisy
    4) Scorpion Weed
    5) White Evening Primrose
    6) Dames Rocket
    I’m still catching up on older blogs. I love the one where you list all the camps for 2016. Lovely photos too! I think my next destination will be the Anza Borrego Desert.
    I’d better go soon! I want to be there amongst the wildflowers with my Canon in hand.
    I wanted to go last year but my truck somehow heads north…every time!
    It has a mind of it’s own. Kind of like the horse and buggy in the classic movie The Quiet Man….the horse automatically stopped at the pub 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, Patti! Good job! I’m no expert but looking at the plants I say you’re correct for #2-Yellow Evening Primrose (or Desert Evening Primrose — too close to tell), #4-Scorpion Weed, and #5-White Evening Primrose!

      • Patti from So Cal says:

        Good morning, Sue. I’m far from an expert, but I’ve been going out to the desert every year for over 30 years. Mostly to ride dirt bikes and 4wd’s. I keep a little book describing various flowers, (and another one for butterflies) in my day-sack.
        I literally pine to get to the places you’ve been, such as AZ, NM & CO. I toured UT and found it to be one of the most beautiful states. I’ve been to NM & AZ and 20 other states but I astonish myself ,and those who know me as a serious nature lover, over never having been to CO! As it stands now I can only go as far as a day’s trip.. due to my mom being in hospice care (at home, fortunately). If she takes a another turn for the worse, I need to be able to pack it up and be home the same day.

        I’m getting very nervous over the upcoming temperatures.
        85 this weekend! UGH! I fear the wildflowers will get toasted before they bloom. I just wish the high temps would stay at bay until the summer.
        -Praying you and Reggie will remain safe, well & in good spirits.

  17. Hi Sue… just catching up on some old post! AS ALWAYS…. I WANT YOUR LIFE! LOL! So glad you didn’t get washed away in any of the bad flash floods last month! Bet the desert is looking quite inviting these days with all the wildflowers. Much love to you and Reggie always! Tell him to keep his nose out of any bushes with snakes!

  18. ValGal (westernWA) says:

    I think the desert flowers will be incredible this year with all the rain. Awesome photos, Sue. I think number one is a trailing lantana or sand verbena (although sand verbanas seem to be pink).

    Check out http://www.desertusa.com/flowers/desert-sand-verbena.html
    and other flowers on that site.

    Also, check out http://mojavedesert.net/wildflower-photos/

    Wish I could see them in person. And feel some warm sun. It’s quite unseasonably cold and wet here in the PNW.

    • Suzicruzi from Van., WA says:

      YES it is! (Cold and wet in the PNW). Ugh. When can we please please please get some ☀️!

    • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

      Indeed! “unseasonably cold and wet”. I’m seeing an unusual amount of umbrellas around here too. I didn’t think most native Washingtonians even own an umbrella. Sheesh, if this keeps up I may be tempted to buy one. Usually it lightens up some and it’s just misty for awhile but lately it’s been all day most days.
      I was trying to be funny but I’m afraid when the ground thaws we will see more mud slides than usual too. I hope you’re all safe.

    • Karen in Pacific NW says:

      We have been spoiled in the Pacific NW the last 3 years with unseasonably warm weather. After a few years of that it is easy to forget what a more normal March is like 🙁

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, ValGal! I can see where you would think #4 is sand verbena. From photos they are similar. The plant here doesn’t have the creeper-style growth. It is an upright plant. Thanks for trying and for the links!

  19. So glad you’re sharing the spring loveliness – it is going to be spectacular this year!! Lived in that area for years and yet I don’t know the names of the flowers (they didn’t bloom every year either). Enjoy the show!!

  20. Terri says:

    Gorgeous photos of flowers!!! I love when the desert blooms.

  21. Tammie Villanueva says:

    I don’t have a clue to there name’s
    But they are all Beautiful❤ flowers.

  22. weather says:

    Number 3 might be white chicory, your area’s version of the cornflowers(a different type/color of chicory) you once filled a field with. You may recognize the similarity of the stalks, stems and leaves.

    • weather says:

      The correct name would be desert chicory, not white chicory.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Good morning, weather! This was a tricky identification. At first I thought it might be tackstem but it doesn’t have the gland below the flower which is the distinguishing characteristic. Then taking your suggestion I found three plants that are commongly called Desert Chicory (California plumseed, New Mexico plumseed, and others).

        #3 Desert Chicory — Yes! Well done! 🙂

    • weather says:

      Patty’s guess that number 1 may be Dames Rocket might be right. It’s not been reported as growing where you are on the sites I searched, but because the desert flowers only bloom some years that wouldn’t make me rule it out. It’s also called mother of the evening, because it’s a night blooming plant. I think a determining factor would be if you saw them still open near sunrise or beginning to open at sunset, as opposed to midday , when one would expect them to be closed.

      This morning after sunrise an amazing thing happened. As I went beside my kitchen window to pour a cup of coffee I saw a small bright light fluttering so went closer to the window to have a better look. Every tree seemed lit with clear flashing Christmas lights. I’ve never seen anything like it before in my life!

      Knowing, therefore, that I may never see it again I went outside to capture the moments. There’d been just enough sun’s warmth to melt the frost on the branches, yet not enough to evaporate the moisture. Every small twig held just enough liquid for the slight breeze to make quiver. The sunlight glinting on each drop was causing the Christmas lights effect.

      My home is the only one occupied this close to the lake during winter, and the breeze was too light to reach further onto the rest of the land. So it was only happening in a circle around me, I looked everywhere else and saw an ordinary morning’s scene. Some may think just right place, right time.

      Of course, I’m convinced it was sent directly to me as a gift. This winter I hadn’t put up my own Christmas tree for a few reasons.Winter never seems complete without that. With less than two weeks until spring arrives He made sure that it was, in a far grander and more beautiful way than a mere human could produce.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Twinkling lights just for you! That sounds like one of those sights I call “So beautiful it makes me cry.” You deserve such a present, weather.

        About the flowers… #1 blooms throughout the day. I admit the photo is misleading because the flowers are on tall stems and usually in large numbers together. However, there is a single plant at the edge of our campsite that is in bud. When it blooms maybe I’ll post another pic if we haven’t figured out its identity by then.

        • weather says:

          Having looked up white oleander after seeing it suggested as a possibility by Sue CGVegas I noticed number 1’s having 4 petals rather than 5 made that an unlikely match. Without a correct definite identification I’ll call it something that’s just fun to say, Ha!- flora mysterium.

      • Patti from So Cal says:

        Wow, weather, what a gift to behold! You gave me a nice visual.

      • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

        Sounds amazing! So glad you experienced the grandeur and thank you for sharing with us.

  23. Rover Ronda (WA) says:

    Many years ago I rode with my aunt and family from Rochester, NY (upstate NY) to Washington DC. All the way down she frequently exclaimed with joy over spring blooming before us in hours instead weeks. The farther south we drove the more evidence of spring we saw. This time of year when I’m impatiently waiting for my daffodils to open I always remember that joyful trip with my aunt. I should call my cousin.

    • Dawn in NC says:

      What a great memory Ronda. Yes, call your cousin!

      • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

        Thanks,I did call my cousin. It was great catching up with her! We haven’t talked in years. No reason just opposite coasts n busy with life. Of course those are just excuses. Both of our phones work just fine.

  24. Krystina says:

    Gonna be below zero this weekend here in Sutton Vermont. What flowers??? Fantastic post RVSue. Can’t wait to plant flowers here at the house as there were NONE here when I moved in. Last year I got beds ready to do that this spring. Friends and neighbors are going to give me LOTS of them. YEAH!

  25. Abel In Austin says:

    No can do on the names. They for sure are poodie,

  26. Dawn in NC says:

    I love the flower pictures! Things are in bloom in NC. I can’t wait until the azeleas are in bloom. In a nearby park, they have rows growing side by side. When they bloom it looks like one big plant the would be in a Dr. Seuss book!

  27. Cat Lady in Tacoma says:

    I have no idea what the name to all the pretty flowers are, but they are beautiful!
    I do have a question for all you blogorinos out there. As part timers or full timers or just as vacationers what is on your traveling (rving ) bucket list for the coming summer?

  28. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    WE have been having such pretty early spring weather here most of the winter, got to 73 today, 75 tomorrow and snow predicted for Saturday night/Sunday morning. We have all been wondering when the bottom will drop out, guess it it this weekend. RATS!

  29. Jillian-Michelle in North Dakota says:

    Hi Sue and Blogorinos,

    Lovely, lovely, lovely! I mostly just read your posts, have commented a time or two in the past few years. I’m housebound due to chronic illnesses or I’d be a nomad too. Living vicariously through your eyes has been wonderful, thank you.

    I thought you might find this article interesting, it’s about the wildflower ‘superbloom’ in Anza-Borrego State Park (Calif.) The link is to the park’s blog:

    I think you’ll enjoy their pics too.

  30. Sue CleanerGreenerVegas says:

    #1 White Oleander?

  31. Geri, Florida panhandle! says:

    I tried to leave a note yesterday but captcha wouldn’t let me! haha I DO know that 1+1=2 lol! I turned the arrow wheel several times, got all the answers right, but not allowed to talk to you! Weird since I responded to another blogerino with no problems! Anyhows, I loved all the desert blooms! Beautiful photos, wish I knew the names, wish I could smell the aromas! I used to love seeing the Southwestern Bird of Paradise bloom in the spring, they quickly became my favorite flower! Lets see if I have better luck today in saying Belly Rubs to Reggie and love to you!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Geri,

      It may be that you need to clear the cache which should be done frequently and regularly. Other things to try are refreshing the page or restarting your computer.

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