Sun shines on vagabond friends

Sunday, December 25 – Christmas Day

Midland LTVA, Blythe, California

“Reggie!  The sun is shining!”

I throw back the covers, grab Reggie, and carry him outside to greet Christmas morning.

Oh . . . It’s a glorious day.

The dark overcast of yesterday is gone.  Only a few wispy clouds above the western horizon grace the blue sky.  I set Reggie on the mat, hook on his tether, and then I pull out my camp chair from the Perfect Tow Vehicle.  I set it up against the side of the Best Little Trailer where the sun hits directly.

Now I have a sun room for breakfast!

Later, after reading online Christmas “cards” from blogorinos . . .

I stand at my work table washing dishes in a basin of hot, soapy water while Reggie plays with Duck L’Orange.

Our Christmas dinner is simple fare.

When last in town, I bought a “petite party platter” of raw vegetables arranged around a container of vegetable dip.

When I wrestle open the package a few baby carrots leap out and land on the floor.  Reggie jumps off the bed and begins chomping on his first raw carrot.

With jaws working and orange bits dropping from his mouth, his eyes grow big and round.

“You like that, don’t you!”

Gosh, everything this little guy does is so darn cute . . . .

Anyway . . . .

Throughout the afternoon, I snack on vegetables while doing other stuff.

Several weeks ago, soon after the refrigerator stopped working, I gave up keeping fresh vegetables.  I had to throw too much away.  Thus the craving for this vegetable party platter.   It makes the perfect Christmas “dinner” for us.

After a game of “Go Get Blue Monkey I Threw Against the Wall,” I draw up the comforter around me and settle my head perfectly in my pillow. I’m lying on my side facing the wall.

Reggie plays contentedly at my feet, squeaking his toys.  Several minutes later, while I’m wandering around inside my head, Reggie climbs on my side and settles on his haunches with his front legs on my shoulder.  I hardly notice him because I’m deep in reverie.

Ever so gently he places something on the side of my face.

“What’s this?” I ask, pulling the object away from my temple.  I burst out laughing.  “It’s Pink Piggy!”

Reggie peers down at me, inches from my face.  He’s a picture of big eyes and floppy ears.

“Aw, I love you, Reg.  You want to play more?  Sure, honey.”  I give the toy a toss to the wall at the foot of the bed.

“Go get Pink Piggeeeee!”

This reminds me . . . .

Family and friends tell me they’re sad when they think of me alone on Christmas and on other holidays where people celebrate together.

My answer?  I’m never alone and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my entire life!

Around four Reggie and I take a walk up to Rusty and Piper’s camp.

A few days ago Rusty moved their camp to a place where, inexplicably, three concrete picnic tables are situated.  It’s not much further from where they were before.

Piper likes having her own look-out point.

Piper and Reggie play a little.  Reggie tends to tease Piper, rather than engage her in play-fights.  He’s learned that big dogs, when they get excited and rambunctious, sometimes step on little dogs, not meaning to.

“Did you see the coyotes last night?” Rusty asks.

“No, but I heard them.  They were close!”

“Five of them, going up that wash to over there.”  He points.  “Piper started howling and one turned and looked back.  Then they kept on going.”

We chat for a while, grateful for the warm sunshine on our backs.

“That sun feels good, doesn’t it,” I remark. 

A little more talk and then Reggie expresses his happiness by zooming in circles.  This gives Rusty a hearty laugh. Piper joins in by lifting her nose to the sky and letting out a series of howls.

“Merry Christmas!” Rusty and I say to each other, and then Reggie and I head home, walking toward the sun.

Monday, December 26

Another sunshiny day!  I hear the rumble of a truck.  I grab Reg and go outside.  It’s Rusty and Piper.

“We’re leaving today,” Rusty announces.  “Wind is coming and there’ll be a storm Thursday.  I don’t want to drive in wind.  Our fourteen days are up on Wednesday.

After conversing for a while, we hug and say our goodbyes.

Rusty adds, “The next time I see ya’ will be when you come to visit us at our new house.”

I don’t have any plans for today. 

I was told by the RV service place that the refrigerator will not arrive from Dometic until after New Year’s.  That’s okay. We’re doing fine without a fridge.

Later Reg and I will probably go into town in search of a late afternoon meal, an every-other-day routine we enjoy during these lazy, winter days.


NOTE:  I want you to know I really appreciate all the Christmas messages you sent our way.  It was fun, seeing blogorinos’ merry messages appear on my laptop, while dipping and munching vegetables with Reg.  Thank you very much.  You are the best!

Wishing you safe travel and sunshine in your heart . . . Sue



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127 Responses to Sun shines on vagabond friends

  1. Jill says:

    Merry Christmas Sue!

    • rvsueandcrew says:


      • Scott says:

        Merry Christmas, Three Feathers!!! I wonder if you remember me. We worked together at Riley’s Farm in Oak Glen teaching school tours years ago, back around 1999. I remember that because we went and watched Star Wars Episode 1 together. I tried looking you up a few years ago to reconnect and see how you were doing, but that must have been before this blog came online. I look forward to catching up with.

        • Welll Scott, I remember when the mountain men would put on a Rendezvous and the schools would come back in the day, at Rilys in Oak Glenn,,, and the civil war reenactments for TNT,,,,, ya even that I was walking, I always arrived early for the show,,,, how be ya,,,,, yep I’ve come along way to this time and now uperly mobile, I get to the Ron Dee Voos a whole lot faster and still way to early,,,, I have a Smokless Signaling Device, a smart one too,,,,,, ask RV Sue for my number or email address,,,,, ok ,,,,,👣🐾

  2. Linda Rose, Muffin, Murphy, Molly & Midgy in Carmichael, CA says:

    Woot woot a new post

  3. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    Third? I’ll be right back!

  4. Dawn from Camano Island says:

    Good morning!

  5. Ilse says:

    Hi Sue, hope you and Reggie had a peaceful Christmas!

  6. Cynthia from San Clemente says:

    What a lovely post. Thank you for reassuring us that you were just fine with your own company on Christmas. Not everyone needs to be surrounded by people to enjoy the day, and really, your celebration was much more like the quiet solitude in the stable on the first night of Jesus’ life. Thank you for the gift of your blog all year long and please give The Reginator a big hug from me and a butt-sniff from Lucy and Sam. (Well, on second thought, you don’t have to pass along the butt-sniff)!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Cynthia,

      Yes, I’ll skip the butt-sniff… Thanks anyway, Lucy and Sam! I hope y’all had a nice Christmas.

      I’m pleased, Cynthia, that you see my blog as a gift and that you appreciate it. 🙂

      Geri sent me an email of a poster that reads: “Some people think I’m unhappy, but I’m not. I just appreciate silence in a world that never stops talking.”

      • Barbara from Camano says:

        Yes, thank you for the wonderful gift of your blog all year long. Here’s to hoping a wonderful new year for you, and to hoping I am able to get out there camping in one form or another!

  7. CHERYL KLINE says:

    Enjoyed your blog. Safe travels in the new year.

  8. Linda Rose, Muffin, Murphy, Molly & Midgy in Carmichael, CA says:

    Sounds like you had a perfect “RV Sue” Christmas. With all the hustle and bustle here in my corner of the world I kind of envy you. I could totally picture Reggie’s perch on your side. Muffin or Midgy have been known to do the same thing but without the “pink piggy”. I hope 2017 will be an even happier year for you and Reggie.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Linda Rose. I hope your new year is all you wish it to be.

      I’m not sure but Reggie placing Pink Piggy on my face may have been his way of saying, “Don’t be sad” (even though I wasn’t).

      • Glinda says:

        I think Pink Piggy was Reggie’s Christmas present to you. He’s a sweet boy!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Hi, Glinda… I wish I knew what he was thinking. He may have thought I was sad or maybe he thought I needed a toy because he had so many and I had none. Whatever prompted the gesture, it was very tender.

          I hope you’re enjoying the holiday season!

  9. Gary says:

    Looks like you are doing great. I’m glad you hooked up with Rusty for the holiday.

    I have a question. I remember you starting to travel, I know it was long before I did, just how long has it been? What’s the longest you’ve been without having a neighbor within sight? Stay warm this week.

    Thanks again for sharing your adventures. Gary

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Gary.

      I started this vagabond life Aug. 16, 2011. A lot of my camping has been alone, although it’s difficult to camp without a neighbor within sight. My guess is I’ve camped without a neighbor within sight for about 21 days.

      I’m thinking of the camp on Badger Mountain near Ephraim, Utah. The original crew and I camped alone for 14 days and then the ranger let us move camp to another place on the mountain and we stayed there for several more days.

      • Gary says:

        Wow 21 days is a long time. I may have done a week at the most.

        I started reading your blog in 2013 as I was trying to decide if I should also go full time, as you did. At that time I went back and read your blog from the beginning. I must say you and several others were a big influence on changing my lifestyle in retirement. One that I have fully embraced. Loving every day. Thank You again.

  10. Chris(MN once but now AZ for the winter) says:

    I hope that everyone had a merry Christmas. I went out to eat at a restaurant in Quartzsite with some RV friends on Christmas day. The rest of the day I was home in my RV with my fur-babies enjoying the sunshine. I like to sit at my laptop and look out the window at the mountains from time to time. Still can’t believe I finally made it here for my first winter on the road! A happy new year to all!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Isn’t it grand, Chris, to have a wonderful view out your window? I like to position the BLT with the back window just so…. because that’s where I look when writing posts.

      Congratulations on making it to Quartzite from Minnesota for your first winter as a vagabond! I’m glad you’re enjoying this life!

  11. Dawn in MI says:

    I feel sort of sad to see Rusty driving away with little Reggie watching. But I know good things are happening for him, so I convince myself it’s OK. Happy New Year to you and Reggie-man and to Rusty and Lady Piper too!

  12. Diane J says:

    Merry (Day After) Christmas!….Happy to hear you got the sunshine back!

    I spent Xmas dogsitting alone, eating pizza and watching a Disney movie……it was pure heaven!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That does sound “pure heaven,” Diane! I’m glad you were able to enjoy the day.

      BTW, what part of the country are you in?

  13. Melanie (Mel) says:

    I think your way of doing the holidays is cool! I love the picture of Reg looking down the road as Rusty and Piper drive off. He knows those are your pals. So cute!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      It makes me happy to see you here again, Mel! I hope everything is well in your world… (northern California?) Have a great week!

  14. Gail from Buckeye AZ says:

    Your Christmas Day sounds like the Perfect Day to me. Hopefully next year I am able to have a day just like that! Thank you for sharing!

  15. Peggy says:

    Happy Holidays Reggie and Sue. Love your Blog and wish you the best year to come!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Peggy! I’m happy you love my blog. You have a wonderful year, too!

      Next time you sign in, I hope you will include your general location with your name. It’s fun knowing where people are…

  16. Nancy from South Georgia says:

    Just catching up on my “RVSue & Reggie” reading, and glad to hear you had a good Christmas and, as always, happy with your life of adventure with Reggie at your side.

    Your descriptions of things are always so very funny, too, of the little games with Reggie and his toys. Gosh, that is one cute little pup. I loved the description of how he carefully climbed up on you to give you a hint — “play with me!”

    Peace and blessings for this holiday season, Sue and Reggie.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Peace and blessings to you, too, Nancy!

      Your comment is great feedback for me because I’m rarely sure whether I’m describing situations such as that one in a way readers can picture.

      Reggie can be a very tender, gentle guy. I usually capture his energetic side in photos, but often he is a little sweetie-pie. Like now, curled up in his bed beside me. If I pick up the camera, he will lift his head and think we’re going outside….

  17. Millie Hubbard says:

    A belated Merry Christmas to you Sue and the Reggieman too! Sounds like a perfect day!

  18. SweetP from Calgary says:

    Merry Xmas . I drove to Yuma (from Alberta, Canada) me and the two pups.Now catching up with your travels. Though I did have Xmas potluck lunch with a few people, I spend the holidays alone with the fur choice.. George the Yorkie, Trixie the chihuahua and me wish you a very happy New Year to you and Reggie..

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, SweetP. I wish the same to you, George, and Trixie! That’s quite a drive you made from Alberta to Yuma. Now you’re in a good place to keep warm this winter. I’m glad your Christmas was how you chose it to be.

  19. BadgerRickInWis says:

    Sweet treat to see friends for the holiday and that shot of Reggie saying goodbye is perfect.

  20. Pookie and Chuck in Todd Mission Tx says:

    whoo hoo a new post……….
    chuck and pookie

  21. Barbara (Nashville) says:

    This was a sweet post. I am so happy for Rusty & Piper getting a new home. Your Christmas sounds so peaceful.
    We had a nice Christmas, as well. Took some time to relax with DH and Angel, made a delicious meal with two new recipes, not too elaborate, though. Just had an enjoyable day. Still looking forward to being able to travel, though.

  22. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    What a great post!!! Did my heart good to hear you being so happy and comfortable in your life. Reggie is a perfect companion and so darn cute!!!! Glad to hear that Rusty will have a new home.
    Sending lots of love and big hugs

  23. Glenda in OZ! says:

    Merry Xmas Sue and Reggie…………..I know how happy you are and at peace in your world. Lovely that you caught up with Rusty and Piper. A perfect day for you all. All the best for the New Year Sue and Reggie………….good health luck and happiness from across the ocean from me to you XXX

  24. Geri says:

    Life is good!

  25. AZ Jim says:

    I hung all morning waiting for this post, but alas I leave to do some chores and then you post it. I give up, I will always be late to the party. Anyhow, I am happy to see ya back, Missy.

  26. Olga says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie,
    My husband Rich and I have been full timing since 9/6/16. We are having a great time. I have been following you for a while now and wanted to say hello. Thanks for all the insights on biomedicine, it’s been helpful. Happy New Year. Olga

  27. Lori S says:

    Merry Day After Christmas, Sue!

    I know people get confused when someone says they are fine being alone at Christmas. I had family around but I’ve been alone other years and I was happy then, too. It’s all just a different way of approaching the day. There’s so much pressure about being with people over the holidays when not everyone needs that. I enjoy my own company and would much rather be alone with a pet and a book and my own thoughts than with a group of people I don’t know. To each their own!

    I hope the wind Rusty mentioned doesn’t become a problem and that the arrival and installation of your fridge occurs without incident, thereby starting 2017 off right!

    Keep enjoying your furry little guy and this amazing life you lead. Best wishes for a wonderful 2017 wherever it may find you!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re right, Lori. Whether one is alone or in a crowd of strangers or among family and friends, one can be happy. Everyone has a preference which may change over the course of one’s life. Of course, I think those of us who enjoy our own company are blessed. 🙂

      Thank you for your kind thoughts. The wind is howling outside, but it’s a blustery kind of wind, not the steady, relentless kind that blows a lot of dust. Of course, I don’t know what tomorrow will bring. We will take whatever comes our way!

      Warm wishes to you, Lori, for 2017. May your dreams for the new year come true!

      • Lori S says:

        Thank you, Sue!

        Had a good long talk with my children over the holidays, sharing with them my plans and giving them an opportunity to ask questions. If not wildly enthusiastic, they are accepting and supportive. I expected no more or less.

        Now that the holidays are over, the serious purging and planning begins!

  28. Teresa says:

    Merry Christmas Sue and Reggie!

    I good website that will email you links to free books on Amazon is
    You choose genres and how often you want to be notified (Daily, Monday only, etc). A book may be free for a limited time that day. I am addicted and look forward to my Daily email. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s funny, Teresa. A minute ago I checked my email inbox and there was my ebookdaily email. 🙂 Thanks for sharing that with all who come here.

  29. Diane J says:

    I’m in Pine Lake, GA…..between Atlanta and Stone Mountain.

  30. Like all ways Sue, you put out a great Post,, arrived up here at the right time, just before the cold wind started to pick up,,,, I received the package and have a lot of warm gear and “wool” socks,,,,, we are just south of Lake Havasu City at the 14 day spot,(BLM),, and we’ll get the mail on Friday along with supplies and wait for the call to head to Yavapai County to get our new home,,,, I truly injoyed our visit with you and that little Reggieman baby,, ,,, have a great day and a pleasant evening and give Reggieman a huge hug and a tickling,,,,,,, 👣🐾

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Rusty,

      I’m glad you arrived safely. I enjoyed having you and Piper for neighbors. It’s too bad we didn’t have some warm days where we could sit and talk. You have a pleasant evening, too. Reggieman will have to wait ’til morning for his tickling. He’s in bed for the night already!

      Howls to Piper and hugs to you!

  31. A plate of fresh veggies on a warm desert day sounds ideal to celebrate a holiday! It’s funny how folks worry about us being “out here” when others are tucked in with family. But we too are super, duper happy and while we do miss the kids and grandbabies, we’ll see them in a few months. Piper is such a beauty but I don’t think you’d want her climbing on top of you to share a toy :-))) Reggie is just right!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jodee,

      There’s a joy in choosing how one will spend each and every day. Retirement gives us that freedom and then having wheels under our homes adds more. It’s a good life. I’m happy you’ve found it, Jodee.

  32. Waianaegal aka Carlene in the Foothills of the Sierras. says:

    Merry Christmas!!! A day late but again so enjoy You and Reggie.

    Oh yes the sun but was down to 26 on Christmas Eve. Burrrrr.

    Do you have a particular brand of stuffed dog toys? Corky usually has them UN-stuffed in a mater of minutes. However I bought him a KONG Cozie for Christmas and it is still intact. I know their other items are tough and this stuffed moose is great.

    Have a wonderful New Year.
    Carlene and Corky

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Merry Christmas to you, too, Carlene! Thank you for the Kong Cozie order! No, I don’t have a particular brand of toy for Reggie. I usually pick them up at Wal-Mart (Blue Monkey, Sock Monkey, Limey, Armadillo, and Duck L’Orange came from there) or from whatever grocery has an interesting toy. I’ll never buy him another Sock Monkey. They unravel and no amount of surgery can save them.

      Happy New year to you and Corky, too!

  33. greenmountaingal says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie!
    A belated merry Christmas and much happiness in the new year!
    I’ve been reading about your adventures and enjoying them for a while now, ever since I decided that life on the road is the way to go. I will begin my vagabond life this coming April.
    Thank you for the tips in your blog, and your descriptions of wonderful places to visit. My list is growing every day!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Ursula,

      You have a launch date set — Good for you! April will always be a special month for you for the rest of your life.:)

      Happy New Year to you, too!

  34. Elizabeth says:

    Nice photos and glad you are having nice days!! The photo of the birds…pidgeons, right? We notice when we go into town, often they are all gathered on wires above this certain intersection…we wonder why…but pretty funny to see them…even on cold, snowy days…would think they might seek some kind of shelter in trees or someplace…funny birds!!

    Yep, we are moving before long…daughter is accepting a job 2 hours away…so we will move as close to her as we can…to help with the kids. We are ready to leave this location!! I HOPE we find a quieter, nicer place for less money…and we might…judging by what is online at least…not looking forward to all the work…but looking forward to leaving this noisy place!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That’s great news, Elizabeth! I hope your daughter likes her new job and you find a place near her that you and your husband like. You and your daughter will have a fresh start in 2017. I hope it is a very good year for you.

      I don’t know what those birds are. Maybe starlings. I took that photo while waiting for a light to turn green in Blythe. They made me think of RVers in an RV park. Ha!

  35. Kevin in CO says:

    Happy Holidays Sue, and I wish you safe and enlightening travels in the coming year.

    Best, Kevin

  36. Renee (North Ranch/Datil) says:

    Sue — a belated Merry Christmas to you & your little fella. I’m happy for you for a number of reasons — you have Reggie for company, you had some nice visiting time with Rusty & Piper, you’re doing exactly what you want for the holidays (& the rest of the year!), and you’ll be getting a new fridge soon! I’m also very happy to hear about Rusty getting a new home soon; I’m sure we all look forward to a report when he gets moved in.

  37. Reine in Plano says:

    A belated Merry Christmas also. After spending significant time with family on Christmas Eve (12 adults, 7 loud kids between 8 months and 8 years), Christmas day (7 adults and 4 LOUD kids between 8 months and 5 years) and today (5 adults and 2 LOUDER kids) your QUIET Christmas sound really wonderful. I love my family and our grandkids are wonderful but toddlers and 5 year olds have really piercing voices especially when they don’t get their way and decide to scream. Silence is really golden right now.

    Enjoy your fridge. We’re getting a new water heater next week. After 8 1/2 years we decided that we’re tired of the manual one that’s 16 years old. So after next week and a visit to Little House Customs we can flip a switch and have hot water. Yippee.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Forgive me, Reine, but I couldn’t help but chuckle at your description of Christmas with the family. Those “piercing voices”…. Haha! I bet you are savoring the silence. 🙂

      A new and automatic hot water heater to start the new year! Yippee is right!

  38. Cinandjules (da zone) says:

    What a lovely post! Tale of the pink pigeeeeee made me smile!
    Piper looks regal on her throne! The photo of Reg man watching Rusty and Piper drive away was precious! What a love!

    Enjoy your evening!

  39. Janis from Oregon says:

    I love your blog. I’m planning on full timing starting next May a shout posts inspire me. Thank you for the great ideas, web references and other tidbits of knowledge and information.

    Have an awesome New Year.

  40. Rick & Brock the Dog, WA says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie Man,
    Wishing you two a belated merry Christmas and a very safe and happy New Year. Brock and I spent Christmas with my middle brother, his son and my 89 yr old mom in Bend Oregon. Had a great time. Brock is happy to be back home where he can hog the bed and walk on grass vs snow and in temperatures warmer than 20 degrees. Wishing you both the best in 2017. Safe travels.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Fun comment, Rick! Thank you for the holiday wishes. May you and Brock travel safely to wonderful places, easy on the eyes and easy on the paws. 🙂

  41. Piper(Virginia) says:

    Sounds like you and Reggie had a peaceful Christmas. Wishing you a very Happy New Year with lots of good travels for 2017

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Piper. Yes, it was a pleasant Christmas. I hope all is well with you and you’re enjoying this holiday week. Happy New Year!

  42. Virginia620 (AL) says:

    A gift to us all. Another post from RV SUE and Reggie!! Feeling blessed.

  43. chas anderson says:

    I spent Christmas where my mother in law was cooking for 14.I am 65 and on Medicare.Do the math.She is 91 and can still play golf.So, even if you start the lifestyle you want later in life there are no limits.She is an amazing woman, glad I married her daughter.As long as she is with us we will not snowbird until after the holidays.

    Happy New Year to everybody especially those on the road.I am leaving soon.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      How wonderful for you and the entire family that you have your mother-in-law with you and that she is a blessing to your lives. You give her your presence at holiday time — a very loving gift not available at any store. 🙂

      Have a safe trip in January, chas! Happy New Year!

  44. Renee Galligher - Idaho says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie. What a lovely post. I saw it yesterday, but I held off reading till I could “savor” every word. What a happy and expressive little guy Reggie is. As a pet owner, I thoroughly understand your love of him and the companionship he gives you. He doesn’t have to mutter a word as everything else he does speaks loudly! I too felt a little sad for Reggie in that one photo where he watches them leave, but the next photo of Lady Piper is reassuring. She looks so content. Her coloring along with her red collar in itself reminds me of Christmas. She could be the cover of a pet Christmas card. Take care till we “see” you again in the next posting.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Renee,

      Thank you for your kind post! Reggie does look sad in that photo. If he was, the feeling left quickly. He lives each moment as it comes and doesn’t fret about the moment that has passed. Dogs know how to live!

      Yes, Lady Piper is strikingly beautiful and very photogenic. While Rusty, Reggie, and I were in our homes waiting for warmer temperatures and less wind, Piper was enjoying being outside in it.

      Have a great week!

  45. Jan NH says:

    I just love the many faces of Reggie. He is such a joy and could teach many of us a lesson on enjoying the simple things of life :).

    I’m with you on being alone and enjoying my own company. It does get tiring though trying to explain that being alone does not equal lonely and that it is a preferred choice I make 🙂

    Wishing all a Happy, Healthy New Year.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Jan,

      I know what you mean about having to explain. Not only does being alone not equal lonely, it is something loners THRIVE on.

      Remember the movie with Darryl Hannah (“Splash”) about the mermaid that is captured and put in a tank where she languishes and begins to die? That’s the best analogy I know for a loner forced to go to a pot luck dinner. Hahaha!

      Happy, healthy 2017 to you, too!

  46. Randall Small says:

    “Reading” you is a pleasure, Sue. Just wanted to share the Christmas and New Year Spirit with you. Blessings.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Randall! It is a pleasure for me to hear from you. Thank you also for reading my blog.

      (BTW, I fixed your address as you requested.)

      Best wishes for the new year!

  47. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    Another great post. Merry Belated Christmas and a Happy New Year. I really enjoyed your post. I had a nice quite Christmas too. All of my grandchildren are almost grown so we don’t have a lot of loud any more, but I went to their houses instead of them coming to me. That way I can leave when I get ready. One of our four sons took us to see Mannheim Steamroller concert Friday night. We enjoyed it very much. They give a good show. We have an autistic granddaughter who is 11. She loves to rock. We gave her a rocker for Christmas. Had trouble getting her to sit in it at first, but once she sat down she was in it for the day. We could not get her out of it. The last few years have been rough for our family, but we have high hopes for the coming year. Hope you and Reggie have a great week.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Jean,

      It sounds like your family is at a turning point, where good things are ready to come your way. I wish you and those you love a very happy and prosperous 2017!

  48. weather says:

    How wonderful that you had a sunny Christmas day! We’d had a few overcast days similar to the ones you did prior to Sunday so the beautiful sunrise,blue skies and sunset we enjoyed on Christmas felt like special gifts. I imagine that when your new refrigerator is installed a few extra carrots to share with Reggie might become a staple in your home. My dogs enjoyed them, too, and considering them healthier than biscuits for treats I was always grateful to find them stocked at a grocery store. Your simple fare for dinner must have been a treat for you after all this time of having so few vegetables as often as you’d like to. My food treat at the dinner I shared with friends for the holiday was a parfait dessert. I don’t keep sweets at home so when I do have one I really appreciate it.

    Reggie having gently placed pink piggy on your face is precious! I think animals enjoy expressing affection as much as we do and that may have been his way of doing that. In any case what an endearing little boy he is, I’m ever so pleased for you both that you’re sharing life with each other. One evening while I was reading a book in bed Polly, my once feral kitty, climbed up to be there with me for the first time. She softly grabbed my face to turn it towards her so we could look into each other’s eyes,then purred until she fell asleep as I held her.

    When some folks wonder how spending certain times or occasions without other human beings with us can be satisfying I guess that they believe everyone needs people’s company as much as they do to feel the warmth of exchanging love. I’m not sure if your saying that you’re never alone means the same thing that I do when I say that. I mean that I feel the warmth of being loved by God and His creatures all the time. That may show up in any number of ways-a person’s,wild or rescued animal’s trust and affection, a time of communing with Him or nature’s beauty, to name just a few.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      Another lovely and thought-provoking message. Thank you. I’m glad to know you enjoyed your holiday, complete with parfait dessert! Your story of Polly’s paw turning your face is lovely. 🙂

      You understand exactly what I meant when I said I’m never alone. I agree that God embraces us with love through the many forms of His creation. Little Polly and Reggie, with their simple acts of tenderness, are part of that divine embrace. 🙂

  49. Pam and Maya, Still in NY says:

    I loved hearing about your Christmas, Sue. Reggie is the best! I am a loner too but ended up hosting one event and attending two others because members of my family can’t seem to get along. Even with separate events it was touch and go to make sure everyone’s feelings remained intact. On December 26 I spent the day on the couch, emotionally exhausted and wishing for a simpler life. Next year….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I imagine you try your best as peacekeeper and that’s a demanding and tiring role in the family dynamic. You can only do so much. I hope the day will come when everyone in the family looks at Christmases past and wonders what all the dissension was for. I wish you much peace in the new year, Pam.

  50. Maryanne Davis-Baldwin-CT says:

    Your posts always are enjoyable; not many things are always so. Your Christmas Day definitely sounded enjoyable too! Those of us who have family occasions over the holidays may look longingly at your solitude on the Day, but to each his own. Myself, I’m looking forward to heading south to Florida on the 12th or 13th allowing for the dreaded bad weather so as to be in my place (in a campground) by the 20th. To walk where no ice & snow threaten my footing, where only a jacket is needed & that early in the day, where instantly I gain an hour of daylight, where the warm water of the Atlantic are 15 minutes away & free to boot–ah, it’s worth packing up in single degree temperatures. My dog for company, my Kindle for reading, my sewing machine in case I get antsy & some knitting to fiddle with–& people around if I want to visit.Can’t wait. I still may head west come spring but being flexible with the idea.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Your winter retreat sound delightful, Maryanne! It’s wonderful to be looking forward to the coming weeks with plans that suit you perfectly. Happy, safe travel to Florida!

  51. Diane in NYC says:

    Happy holidays, RVSue.

    I have been enjoying your blog immensely. I was led here earlier this month from a link at Strolling Amok, and have been devouring your blog ever since. I went back to your earliest posts from when you started out, and could not stop reading! Certainly, you have grown and gained so much from these past years and it shows. You have come a long way from that first nervous drive on a steep cliff road – now you are zipping back and forth through the mountains! Your photography has also gotten better and better – and don’t say it’s the camera! It’s never the equipment that makes a good photographer. Your composition within a frame is instinctively excellent.

    I was reading nomadding blogs because I’ve recently become fixated on the idea to do it myself. I lost my job in August and have become fed up with all the effort and hard work it takes to afford my expensive apartment in NYC. My life became bogged down with accumulated stuff and there’s some emotional baggage I’d like to get rid of, too. I would have to find ways to work and earn income while on the road, but I am loving the idea, even though I would have to face quite a large learning curve for many things! Never been a camper (only camped twice in my whole life, I’m 56). Squeamish about bugs, snakes, and spiders. Terrified of bears, mountain lions, cougars, etc. Don’t know anything about cars, and would have to take driving lessons (I know how to drive but lack confidence after 30+ years living in NYC, where I could count on my fingers how many times I’ve actually driven a car). In spite of these things, I daydream of being a nomad and living a life of freedom on the road. I really don’t know if I could do it. Maybe all I need is to move somewhere less stressful, but that could be fear talking.

    I also wanted to tell you… after oohing and aahing at many of your images, there was one of a little chipmunk venturing out of a hole in a tree after Reggie was investigating there, and it immediately made me want a wall calendar of your photography (yes, there are still people who hang calendars up on the wall – much preferred over looking at my phone!). I think many other folks would want one, too. There are POD websites (Print on Demand), such as, where you can upload images on various products to sell, like a wall calendar – and there isn’t much more work than doing that and including a link to your page there. They would print and send it to the customer. This is not a plug for Cafe Press! They’ve been around a long time and make it pretty easy for sellers, it seems, but there are other POD sites. All of them would take a percentage of sales. I was thinking you could offer three kinds of calendars – one of the beautiful landscapes you have captured, one of the animals you’ve encountered, and one of the dogs you’ve lived with and met along the way. You could even select some shots and have your readers vote on their favorites to determine what goes on the calendar. Just an idea!

    Anyway, thank you for your openness and honesty in sharing your adventures. Your journeys are quite inspiring to me.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Diane and welcome to blogorinoland! I’m very glad you decided to introduce yourself and that you shared your thoughts so honestly and openly.

      First off, thank you for your many kind words about my blog, my personal growth, and my photography. I’m always thrilled to learn a reader cares enough about my story to read it from the beginning.

      I encourage you in your quest for the life that fulfills you. That’s something you have to find. From your comment I perceive a woman who doesn’t back down from challenges. That equips you for the “steep learning curve” that must be navigated on the way to major change in your lifestyle. I wish I had advice to give you. I can only share my experiences and hope what you glean from them is enlightening and helpful.

      About the calendar idea… Funny thing, I was researching that a few days ago after purchasing a calendar for 2017. The consensus I discovered is that calendars are barely profitable. Their value is in the promotion of a business or other enterprise by being in the customer’s view throughout the year. In other words, an RVSue and crew calendar would be created for the calendar itself and nothing more. It’s not something I can take on right now. Maybe someday. 🙂 All your ideas are appreciated, Diane. I wouldn’t have thought of the chipmunk peering out at Reggie, but at your mention of it, well, I realized it would look great on a calendar!

      Do keep in touch. A journey from NYC dweller to full-time RVer . . . . Wow! Wouldn’t that be sumpthin’! 🙂

  52. Reine in Plano says:

    Our peace and quiet seems to keep being postponed. Got a call at 6:45 this am that we had a sick grand daughter. Our daughter and son-in-law both work so sick kids come to Nana’s. So we chased a toddler around all day (apparently sick doesn’t slow her down any) and I took her to the doctor. Ear infection. Hopefully the antibiotic will kick in and we can have tomorrow to OURSELVES.

  53. Linda (inWisconsin) says:

    Merry belated Christmas and a happy new year to you, Reggie, and Pink Piggy, as well as other assorted toys.

  54. Ladybug in Mid-Tenn says:

    I think Reggie thought he was actually eating Duck L’Orange…..

  55. Scott says:

    Merry Christmas, Three Feathers!!! I wonder if you remember me. We worked together at Riley’s Farm in Oak Glen teaching school tours years ago, back around 1999. I remember that because we went and watched Star Wars Episode 1 together. I tried looking you up a few years ago to reconnect and see how you were doing, but that must have been before this blog came online. I look forward to catching up with.

  56. Lauri says:

    Hi there Sue!!!
    I had a question…you have repeatedly mentioned your Verizon JetPack… Are you completely happy with that? I’ve noticed you end up in some places that don’t have connectivity…do you wish you had something more powerful? I’m trying to plan for my rig… I don’t think I can go without connectivity due to work i do sporadically…
    Thanks much!!!
    Happy travels!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lauri,

      I’m completely happy with my Verizon JetPack and recommend it. Verizon has the most extensive coverage areas in the western U.S., better than Sprint, AT & T, and others. I don’t know anything that is “more powerful” than the JetPack I have.

      In weak signal areas, I connect it to my Wilson antenna (see header pages) which boosts signal but cannot create signal where there is none.

      Happy travels to you, too!

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