The houses of Round Valley, Utah

Whoa!  Is it hot today!

I don’t have a thermometer to give you the exact reading but the weather websites predicted mid-90s to 100 degrees for today.  I should’ve read those forecasts yesterday.  Then I would’ve known to wait until afternoon to take a drive up Route 50 in air conditioned comfort.

The crew and I leave early this morning.


It’s only about 15 miles to the tiny town of Scipio, Utah.

The nearby interstate has brought the usual gas station plazas.   Judging by the rodeo arena and the many horses in fields and corrals, horsemanship is big here.

The architecture of homes is interesting.


This, of course, is a Mormon community.  Homes tend to be spacious.


This home (below) makes one wonder.  As the family grew, was the contractor told “Build a second floor just like the first floor?”  Unfortunately, those directions weren’t specific enough.  Should’ve said, “Build a second floor just like the first floor only LEAVE OUT THE DOOR!”


These folks keep it simple with easy upkeep.  No frills.  No nonsense.  No kidding.


Patriotism is big here.  Many homes have the Stars and Stripes out front.


The ranch-style house never caught on with the residents of Scipio which some would say is to their credit.


This house is very strange.  I don’t know the style.  Is it an old house?  What is that thing sticking up from the roof all about?  “Na-na-na-na-Naa-na . . . My house is taller than your house!”


Yellow roses and a red roof.  I bet these people eat hearty and laugh real loud.


This next place has that Old Homestead look.  The walls are plastered with memories.


Not all the houses are big.  Some are tiny and have tiny dogs to guard them.


While wandering around the streets of Scipio, I have my eye out for a clean water spigot.  My supply is getting low.

Once you get into so-cold-the-pipes-freeze territory, water dispensers are harder to find.  I find a good one, but the water’s been turned off.  Guess I’ll have to take my nine empty gallon-jugs back to camp.  I’ll drive into Salina tomorrow.

On the way out of town, I stop to watch the goats and their kids.



Not everyone lives right in town.  Up and down Round Valley (which actually is an oval but I’m not going to quibble), cattle graze around the sagebrush and ranchers live in the middle of their ranches.


Well, all you homies, I hope you enjoyed today’s tour of the homes of Scipio, Utah.  Oops!  I left one out.  This one is “for the road.”


That’s all!  Time to run down to the creek and cool off!



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74 Responses to The houses of Round Valley, Utah

  1. cinandjules (NY) says:

    Different architecture…the one looks like a pilgrim’s hat.

    My favorite is the canned ham!

    Scipio………I’ve never heard of Scipio. Google is my friend… I’ve learned so much from your blog. One that sticks in my mind is Slab City and their art.

    Thanks for the tour. Stay cool.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes, Google can be a friend, the kind that likes to sneak up on you, give you a scare, and laugh. I looked up Scipio and discovered it is up at the top of the list of Utah towns most likely to have a 5.0 earthquake or worse within the next 50 years. Thanks, Google!

      I’ve learned a lot through this blog, too.

      • cinandjules (NY) says:

        Being a Caleefornia native 5.0 on the richter scale is a “foot massage”. Now 7.1 was a bit hard to walk.

        No worries Sue…you’re out in the will just roll like a wave on the ocean. Unless you’re close to the epicenter…then it jerks….but you’ll hear the moan first. 🙂

        I’ll take an earthquake over a tornado any day!

  2. Geri says:

    What an interesting town! Beautiful well kept homes. Reminds me of the America I grew up in… Norman Rockwell simplicity!

  3. Kim says:

    Nice overview of the housing possibilities. I DO like the no-frills model.

    I think I’ll keep my van. Next to your Casita and (TinyCamper’s), it’s my favorite home-on-wheels.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Can you imagine, Kim, your home or mine sitting next to that big grey house with the strange door? Ours would look so small.

  4. CathieL says:

    Sue, I was getting an email when you had a new post, but since the switch, I cannot find a place to subscribe. I joined wordpress and now have a new name. I was CathieOK.
    Just wondering what I need to do or if notifications are possible with your new format.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Cathie,

      The WordPress email notification option is not available for a self-hosted site. I’ve tried other email plug-ins without success. I hope you will bookmark my blog or make a shortcut on your desktop or type in in the address bar in order to stay with us. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. Several people have mentioned they miss it. I will try to find one that works on my new blog.

  5. Hey Sue,
    I emailed a couple of times about no longer receiving notices of posts by you in my inbox. I have had to google you each time I want to see if there is a new post. Is there any way I can again get notices at my email address of new blog posts? I sure hope so. Let me know.

    Carol Landesman

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Carol,

      The email notification feature is not available for self-hosted WordPress sites. I have tried several plug-ins and have been unsuccessful in restoring that feature. I hope you will bookmark my blog or make a shortcut on your desktop or type in in the address bar, until I can figure out how to put the subscribe option back. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

      • Chris says:

        On the right hand side of the blog you will see “Meta”. Click on “entries RSS”. A box should open up and you will have the choice of clicking on “Specify the URL for a feed”. Click on that and the link to RVSue should show up wherever you read your mail and get RSS feeds. I am using Mac mail on a MacBook Pro.

        Chris (Denver)

    • piperlin says:

      I am having the same problem. Thanks Sue for the info. I will bookmark it. Hate to miss your posts. 🙂

  6. That last dwelling sure is a fixer-upper! Scipio seems to be a very interesting little town, but I don’t think I’d want to live there.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I wouldn’t want to live there either. It’s a little too far from stores, medical, etc. I would assume that one would have a difficult time “fitting in” if not part of the same culture and religion.

  7. Brian says:

    Great posting Sue! I think you are seeing a lot of Mormon influenced home styles. Very solid, very well maintained.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Definitely! You know something else I’ve noticed? Besides the tidy homes and lawns? Kids doing chores. How quaint is that? Kids mowing lawns, raking lawns, watering lawns, feeding animals, cutting brush, driving tractors, etc.

      • Gayle says:

        It would be worth the trip to see a child doing some chores! Love that canned ham trailer — an RV Sue wanna be, if I ever say one! BTW, returning to your blog under my own steam and seeing your rig makes me appreciate how you have conquered the technology, etc. that delivers you a wonderful life and us a wonderful blog. I just tried to install a shower rod and it crashed down. So much admiration to you!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Oh I’ve been bumped on the head by a shower rod more than once. Thank you, Gayle, for your nice comment.

  8. Ladybug says:

    Well, at least they had enough sense to leave the garage doors off the second story!! My personal favorite is the ‘no frills’ one as well.

    I live out in the country north of Nashville; I pass 4 places with goats on my way to town. More and more young’ins every day.

  9. carol says:

    Maybe the house with the strange tower use to be a church and t that
    was the steeple?

  10. Connie & Mugsy says:

    What lovely houses. Did you notice all the unique window shapes on the house with the … um… steeple… or whatever it is? We have a house here in Minot ND that ended up with a door on the second story just like that. (and how odd that they have two front doors so close together) Anyway, every time I drive by I wonder why? was there a balcony originally planned?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That house is for sale. I wonder what the asking price is. About the door… Even a balcony doesn’t make sense because of the wall that juts out next to the door. Quite a puzzle. The house with the red roof and yellow roses has two doors close together, too.

      • bob says:

        In the UP of Michigan the second story door is common as it serves as the winter entrance in places that get over 300 inches of snow. Many leave the ramps up all year but some remove them for the 3 weeks of summer.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Oh my gosh, what a place! Instead of building a ramp, I’d build a sled and slide the heck away from there!

          • Cari in North Texas says:

            Oh, no, not 300 inches of snow – one reason I live in Texas! I lived in Germany for 2 years and saw enough snow there to last me the rest of my life. Hats off to those who live there!

      • Debbie Rasch says:

        Door for the men and door for the women perhaps? Don’t know about the 2nd story ones going no where.

      • DesertHawk - Las Cruces, New Mexico says:

        Maybe the Second Story Door is used to get heavy furniture upstairs? Would have to be hoisted up.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          The door is awfully narrow for that purpose though. I think it’s there due to piecemeal construction.

  11. Rita from Phx says:

    Very interesting homes indeed. I’ve learned so much about Utah that I never knew existed. I read Wheelingit’s blogs about their travels through Utah which also added to what I learned about Utah. Utah is so close, I wonder why I never explored it. I camped at a KOA campground in Brigham City, Utah and fell in love with the little town. On the way home from our trip, my sister asked me if I had a choice to live anywhere where would pick? Since Brigham was still fresh in my mind, I said Brigham. They had fruit and vegetables stands all over the place. Bought home made canned goods including huckleberry syrup, jellies, etc. I came home with an whole pantry full of homemade goods.

    • Rita from Phx says:

      We drove a full size truck on that trip so we wouldn’t hesitate to buy if we found something we liked. In Idaho, I found homemade drinking glasses from recycle bottles, and two adirondack chairs. Love those chairs in my back yard.

  12. Ed says:

    I think the two front doors is a carryover of the style from the late 1800s and early 1900s. During that period one door opened to the kitchen and day to day family rooms the second front door was an entry to the more ‘formal’ part of the house.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re right! I don’t know why I didn’t think of that. Although my grandparents’ house in upstate NY didn’t have the doors close together, their house did have a door that opened to the kitchen and a door that opened to the parlor. We children were rarely allowed into the parlor. That was used for “formal” occasions like Sunday visitors.

  13. Susan in Dallas says:

    The HGTV version on RVSue and crew! The houses were so well kept up and I didn’t see litter in any of your photos!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      No litter at all! It’s quite striking how well-kept the homes and yards and entire communities are in this part of Utah. Loa is absolutely immaculate, even though livestock graze in small fields around the houses. I suspect it is because home and family are top priorities.

  14. Gary Slusser says:

    Another reason is the possibility that someone’s parents live in ‘the apartment’.

    My guess for the funny roof part is natural cooling.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I thought it might be for cooling. It looks like there are vents in the fascia, but shouldn’t hot air be vented out the top? Very perplexing.

  15. Mary Ann (Pontotoc, MS) says:

    What a neat place! I have a theory about the upstairs doors–if they originally belonged to either polygamist or multi-generational families, there may have been landings and staircases at one time.

    During the same youthful trek I made when I discovered those shepherds’ wagons, I went through an idyllic town near Bountiful and walked under a gorgeous peach tree full of ripe fruit. I put my hand under one and it plomped right down. Best peach I ever ate. Isn’t it just about peach season in Utah?

  16. Phxkayaker says:

    I look forward to your blog daily, but as an architecture fan I especially enjoyed this one. We’re currently wandering around Alaska and I have a post for my blog tomorrow about Alaska houses. Very different from Utah!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I try to post something for architecture fans once in a while. These homes are quite different from the homes in Ajo, AZ, that I featured on this blog. I’ll look at your Alaska houses.

  17. Cari in North Texas says:

    I’ve always enjoyed looking at architecture and houses in different parts of the country. Thanks for the tour of Scipio! That stream/creek looks very inviting – it’s supposed to be in the high 90’s here all week 🙁

    I dipped my toe into the RV waters this past week. I rented a 22ft Class C and spent 3 days in a Texas state park. Loved everything about it, especially not having to walk down the road to the potty in the middle of the night! It felt a bit cramped to me, though, and then I thought of you in your 17′ BLT. Wow, I don’t know how you live in that space full time.

    I took a bus tour through parts of Utah back in 2001, and I was impressed in the towns and cities how clean everything was. I guess it’s part of the Mormon culture?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      22 feet seemed cramped? That’s a lot of space! 🙂 I find the BLT’s 17-feet is just right for me and the crew. We do spend most of our time outdoors. Almost every meal is eaten outdoors. If it weren’t for this blog, I’d be outside even more.

      I’m glad you loved your RVing weekend!

  18. pam perry says:

    loved the houses. i tend to take photos like that too as I travel.

    Now – from this old technoignoramous granny — how do I get your new posts in my daily emails now that you are .net instead of .com? I don’t have daily access to the internet now, so if you could find time to send me the answer directly to my email, I’d be grateful. I used to sign myself as PamP in SW Florida, but I’m traveling to visit my kids and am currently in St.louis area – next to be Longmont CO

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hello Pam . . . .The WordPress email notification option is not available for a self-hosted site. I’ve tried other email plug-ins without success. I hope you will bookmark my blog or make a shortcut on your desktop or type in in the address bar in order to stay with us. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

      Several people have asked the same question. If I start sending emails to everyone who asks, I’m afraid I’ll be inside at this laptop all day. Send to one, gotta’ send to all who ask. I hope you’ll understand.

  19. Cherylyn says:

    Like looking at the different styles of houses. Each area is unique. My neighbor has a field just like the one with the goats. They are called Boer goats. I get a kick out of watching the babies in the spring, so fun. The mommas come running when they see me weeding the garden. They have a lush field but love my weeds!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I used to have a few miniature goats. It’s the nature of goats to climb and jump from one high place to another. I built a platform up in a tree with a narrow ramp with slats on it. Their shed was about halfway down and away a few yards.

      It was fun to go out to the field and watch them — baby goats and adult goats — running and jumping up and down that ramp and jumping from the ramp over to the roof of their shed and back again. They liked to rest on the platform in the tree and on top of their shed. I think they felt secure being off the ground.

      I wish people would consider the nature of animals and try to provide for the exercise of their true nature. One thing I can’t stand to see is a herd animal, like a goat or a sheep, all alone.

  20. AZ Jim says:

    HOT? Come on we’ll show you hot! I put in a new ceramic bird bath/water supply. I’ve been out seeing how the little feathered guys do with it. The old one was hard to keep level but this is fine. I’ve seen all manner of weary and thirsty birds today. They approve of the new bath. My hummingbirds (now on the summer diet of 1 to 5 sugar are usually coming around toward evening. Who knows where the little fellas hide from sole during the day. Nice little side trip there Sue but now you’re back where you can dangle your feet in that cold creek water. Hi to the crew from your ride along….me.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Very kind of you to provide the birds with water to drink and splash around in, Jim.

      Not only where do they hide from the sun all day… I wonder how little birds cope with gusty, strong winds. Boy, even the oak trees were swaying around here last night!

  21. Bob says:

    Sue, We have stopped at Scipio many times for a picnic lunch in the park at the south entrance of town, when traveling to Sacremento for visits. We used hiway 50 many times and Scipio was about the last nice shaded place for lunch. You’re right though, not much else, but is a nice little town.
    Montrose, Co.

  22. Donna D. (stickhouse in CT) says:

    Love the photos of the different types of houses. I hate to think that the second story door is because of snow! Hopefully it’s because they have yet to add the balcony/stairs to it. Also, I certainly hope they have that door blocked from the inside otherwise someone, someday will have a rude awakening!

    After reading through the comments on your posts since the switch, I’ve concluded that you have the patience of a saint! Thanks for all you do for us.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Donna. Nice of you to note that . . .

      Whatever the explanation for the doors on that house, it is one imposing, cold-looking structure. An attempt has been made to “soften” the look of the place with a picket fence and fake geese by the middle downstairs door.

      My curiosity got the best of me, so I tried to find online what the listing price is, but I couldn’t find it.

  23. Glenda says:

    Thanks so much Sue……………enjoyed so much seeing the houses of Scipio. I like to see how the people live just as much as the scenery…….all part of the enjoyment of travelling. I took tons of photos of the housing in Vietnam and Cambodia recently and in particular the houses and the way the people live along the Mekong River was most interesting. AND if you see any horses around the place be sure to post some 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m the same way, Glenda! I’m fascinated with seeing how people live. It’s part of my analytical nature. I look at their homes, yards, the design of the community, even what products are stocked on the shelves of the local grocery and try to put together a profile of the residents of the town. In fact, I almost wrote a post called Anthropology 101 at the Local Grocery. 🙂

      I bet you have an interesting collection of photos from your recent visit to SE Asia. I can’t comprehend going there — My world is so small!

      I wanted to take a photo of a field of horses with foals. It was noon and the foals were lying down on their side in the grass. I waited, drove around, came back, and they were still lying in the grass! And the mamas were hanging their heads in the heat.

  24. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    Are the streets wide there? I have heard the streets are extra wide to accomdate turning a team of horses with wagon attached around in a circle. Or maybe it was just Salt Lake City that was designed that way? I like forward thinking people. Not much planning in the rest of our country, just the profit motive at work it seems. Do you suppose the door that leads nowhere is a tribute to Mrs. Winchester 🙂

    • Dave says:

      LOL…That’s a good one Joe.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Joe…

      Yes, the streets are wide.

      I hadn’t heard the story of Mrs. Winchester. Very interesting!

      • cinandjules ( NY) says:

        The Winchester Mystery House (Caleefornia) is an ominous house indeed. As a kid…it gave us the creeps.

        I had a friend whose parents live in Logan UT. The really old old old house had two front doors and the inside mirrored each side..she told me it was a polygamist house. Not sure if that was the reason…but I’d thought I’d throw it into the mix.

        I too tried to search for the price of the Rosabell Robins house by it’s address…110 West 200 North , Scipio …no luck.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Women being as they are, it probably was important that one didn’t get a better living space than the other!

  25. Sue says:

    Love the little trailer. How do I sign up for email alerts from you now that you have switched blogs?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Sue . . . Email notification of new posts did not transfer to this self-hosted WordPress site. You might want to do one of the following . . . bookmark my new blog location or make a desktop shortcut or type the new address, in the address bar to return to my current posts. I apologize for the inconvenience.

  26. Ed says:

    It is very interesting that the people that post Comments about not receiving an email notification do NOT read the Comments. I think you have had four of them Comment on this posting alone. Not to disparage what you write in your posts, I enjoy your writing, but I get as much from the Comments and your replies to the Comments. Those people that relied on email notifications have been missing out on a lot.

  27. Karl Peterson says:

    I spent most of my youth in Scipio – but lived In Salt Lake. It was a great place to be a kid. A good sling shot or BB gun was always handy – I wasnt allowed to shoot Robins, Doves or Meadow Larks. i remember some of my Uncles and my dad just used to sit and talk and whittle – now I live in Phoenix which is the 6th largest city in America – a big change from that town that had to traffic lights – a pay phone that didnt take money, and a mercantile that used to keep the back door unlocked in case you needed something – just leave a note. A great piece of Americana, Scipio Utah.

  28. So you can lose weight very quickly without dieting refeed.
    He suspects his weight gain was separate from the diet.

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