The Move West: Day One!

Wednesday, August 15, in Arizona

My sister Nancy sends me an email and photo from her phone.  Her brief message:

“Wagons west!  We’re on our way!”

Leaving Boca Raton, Florida, in the Budget rental truck . . .

If Nancy contacts me again today, I’ll post an update here.

I’m so excited!  It’s really happening!

Update:  “Oh, no!!!!”

Another email from Nancy:

“Flat tire so we are sitting at Fort Drum service center on the FL turnpike waiting for a new tire.”


NOTE:  Anyone wishing to enter Amazon from my blog, links are available at the bottom of the previous post. Thank you. — Sue


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79 Responses to The Move West: Day One!

  1. Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

    Is it possible??? #1????

  2. Marilyn in Dania Beach but presently in Akron says:

    Marg doesn’t know what is waiting for her in AZ. Get your camera ready. If you can record it with video that would be great.

  3. Colorado Sue says:

    I’m really on a streak.

    I just want to say I really enjoy your blog and love those two little fellows.


  4. Phiesty says:

    So excited for your new adventures. Wagons Ho!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Me, too, Pheisty!

    • Phiesty says:

      Sorry there is no location. As you may remember, I live the wandering life. Currently in Maryland recovering from my 2nd knee replacement surgery. I had both done over the summer and am doing really well with recovery. Can’t wait to actually WALK and see some of those scenic views I’ve been just glancing at over the last two years of my vagabond lifestyle. Love the photos and so happy for you and your sister. I know you’ll be back on the road some time but it is nice to have a home base..

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Congratulations on your new knees, Phiesty. I appreciate you mentioning that you are “doing very well” with your recovery. You may give confidence and assurance to someone contemplating the surgery and I’m glad for you!

      • Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

        Phiesty, you are gonna love your new knees! I have 12 years and at least 12,000 miles on mine and they still work great!

  5. weather says:

    Yippee! Wow, it’s really happening, I pray they have a safe and fun trip. Marg is adorable

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Isn’t she a doll? Marg will bring some refinement to the boys. Thanks for the prayer.

      And thanks also for being Chief Blogorino for me under the previous post. Great job!

      • weather says:

        It truly was my pleasure to pitch in, and your welcome, Sue. I cannot adequately express how grateful to you I am for your “taking me with you” on your journey all these years. This newest chapter pleases me ever so much. All your years at work, then years of a blogs work, and all of Nancy’s years of work are finally giving you both rewards, big time! What a joy it is to watch it all unfolding, I’m all happy sighs and smiles as I type this.

  6. Elaine and Miss Lovey says:

    Safe travels for Nancy and Marg!

  7. Columbus Calvin says:

    It’s happening!

  8. I can feel your excitement…I’m excited for you both and your fur babies!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      This is such a big deal, Susan. I haven’t seen Frank in decades, not since he was a boy. The crew is meeting their new pal and “sister.” Nancy and I had a weekend together in July 2011 after decades apart and now we will be housemates. This empty house won’t be empty any more!

  9. milliehubbard says:

    Oh how exciting!! For sure Marg doesn’t know what she’s in for with the Canine Crew. What a cutie she is though. Happy thoughts and prayers for a joyful reunion for you and Nancy! Yes, we want video of the Crew!!

  10. Geri in the FL panhandle! says:

    Yay! Nancy is on her way! I think I am as excited as you are Sue!!! Marg is a real cutie! Th boys will be in love love 💘!💗!😂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Geri,

      I think Reg and Rog are going to be totally enchanted with Marg. It will be fun to see what happens. 🙂

  11. Dawn in NC says:

    Yay!!! Can’t wait until she arrives. You’ll be too busy to post for days, but we can wait. So excited for you!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for sharing my excitement, Dawn. I plan to post updates of their trip. I’ve been checking weather forecasts for the days and locations ahead.

  12. ReneeG from Idaho says:

    Oh boy! How exciting! Even little Marg looks excited and ready for the ride in her car seat! Travel safe!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Renee. I’m very glad Nancy is not driving out here by herself with Marg. It was nice of Frank to fly to Florida from New York to help.

  13. Nancy in California says:

    So very excited for you both!!!

  14. Jolene/Iowa says:

    OMGosh, the time is finally here!! I am so excited for all of you!! What an adventure!!

  15. Cinandjules 🌵 says:

    How exciting! Didn’t know she was actually driving the truck herself! Probably towing a car as well! YOu go girl!
    Marg is a doll! Look at that smile!
    Does she know LaQuintas motels are Pet friendly?
    Safe travels!

  16. A gal in Maple Valley, Wa says:

    Hi, Sue!

    Such excitement now, I gotta pee!

    Marg looks like she is smiling.

    Nancy, Thanks for letting us bloggerinos share your family. Hope you can chat with us, too.

    Frank, Do you know how MUCH happiness you are bringing with you?!? We all thank you for your contributions. I hope you like smoothies. And doggie kisses.

    Safe passage for the journey.

  17. Donna Foster says:

    Safe travels!

  18. Marilyn in Dania Beach but presently in Akron says:

    It is probably better at Ft. Drum since they are at the plaza where there is AC. If they were in TX it would be terrible. That is terrible when you are so anxious to arrive at a destination.

    Roll on, roll on.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I didn’t think about a/c. Good to know they have it! Yeah, it’s a shame to be delayed on their first day, although I’m thankful they got off the road safely.

  19. MollyLuvsRoadtrippin (WA) says:

    Well good to get the inevitable roadtrip mishap out of the way right away. Clear cruising ahead for all I hope! What an exciting next chapter…

  20. Donna n Girls Chandler, AZ. says:

    Aw gee, Marg is cute. Looks like she’s readv to get the show on th road. Flat tire, rats! They’ll be on their way soon, remember there’s a reason for everything.

  21. Deena in Phoenix says:

    Excitement plus! Marg is a cutie patootie…OMG I hear Carole King “Anticipation”, closer and closer oh schucks, a flat…on long trips to a new duty station, my Dad would always say when a flat occurred that is was time for the Kids to get out a check out the woods or lake or pond or mountains or wherever we had come to a stop…he always had a different child help him each time…we all learned how to stay calm and change the tire safely and quickly…Glad that Nancy and Frank had a service team to call for assistance…Happy Days are a coming for…

    Thanks for taking us along Sue, guess who just arrived at my door, Zo and Giada!
    Zo wants to know how Marg got Miss Mollie’s car seat, gosh, he remembers the weirdest things…showed him pictures of the cute little dachshund from Prescott that received Miss M’s car seat, now he wants to go to Prescott…joyful times here this evening.

    Take Care Sue, Reg and Rog

  22. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Oh, how exciting! Less the flat tire, of course! 🙂

    Gracie pup sends a “Hi, Marg!!” to her Westie sister! Gracie says that Marg is a pretty girl, just like her! 🙂

    Sending wishes and prayers for safe travel for Nancy and her posse! 🙂

    Have a good evening, Sue! Will you even be able to sleep the next few days from the excitement?! Yes, it IS finally happening! Happy Happy Joy Joy!! Sending you, Reggie, and Roger lots of love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! xo. 🙂

  23. She’ll be coming round the mountain when she comes 🎹🎼 🚚 . Safe travels for your sister… she’s on her way. Her little dog is so cute, I think you crew is in for some fun very soon.

  24. Gail from Buckeye AZ says:

    So excited for all of you. New adventures for all!

  25. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    To Sue’s nephew, Frank….

    Thank you for helping your Mom and Marg move cross country. Your Auntie Sue has been excited beyond measure! Ever since Sue has shared the wonderful news of your Mom and Marg joining her and the zoom-zoom brothers in AZ, well, we all have been excited, too! You are a blessing! Safe travels! 🙂

  26. jenny Johnson says:

    Hope she is out of florida by now — you will have such fun

  27. If she’s on her way that means she’s official retired! That’s wonderful news. The flat tire is, I’m sure a bit of a let down…but patience, patience…it will all work out and she and Marg will be there before you know it. Safe travels for her!!!

  28. Jan NH says:

    Woohoo! First glimpse of Marg! I’m excited along with you in the anticipation of Nancy and Margs arrival (and of course her son). Wishing them safe travels and hope the flat tire is the only setback they experience.

    Can’t wait to hear more on the cross-country trip and reunion as well as see pics of the first meeting of the crew and Marg.

    (Been out of touch for a few weeks and just catching up with blogs, emails, work and just life in general. I spent 2 weeks in Italy and disconnected from the world…totally. It was rather nice but I’m back to the real world again.)

  29. Carlene and Corky still in NW Montana says:

    Oh my… It must be tire day… I awoke to a single flat on the motor home passenger side dully. 6 hours later 2 were on phone calls. Aaa didnt have anyone to tow it / whats with premium AAA… Finally a local tow company driver aired it up so I could drive less than a mile to big O… 4 hours later screw is removed tire is patched. I will always worry about that tire.
    I have spent the last 10 weeks in wonderful marvelous western Montana. Mostl without cell aka internet but loving that.
    We are so happy the rest of the “crew” sis and pooch will be there soon.
    The west is burning up and I ask everyone to pray or be mindful of all involved in the fire fights. Many have already been lost, so very sag.

    Take care…

    • Jean in Southaven, says:

      I pray for the firefighters out west during this time of year. My brother used to be a firefighter in Idaho in his younger days and we always worried about him. It was rough enough back 30 years ago, I cannot imagine how it must be now. So many more fires and bigger fires.

  30. Adrienne in Carlsbad, CA says:

    Three white dogs, good thing it doesn’t snow in Tucson!

  31. Pauline in Mississippi says:

    I will confess, this brought a tear to my eyes. I am so happy for my sisters!!!! Praying for Nancy, Frank and Marge safe journey!!!
    Love and Hugs to all!

  32. Cynthia in San Clemente says:

    This is so exciting! How many days are Frank and Nancy planning for this “almost” cross-country trip? That’s too bad about the flat tire but I do believe, as someone else said, that things happen for a reason. Don’t know if you saw the terrible photos of that bridge collapse in Genoa, Italy, but can you imagine where that guy in the truck who was stopped just sort of the edge would have been if he had not stopped for espresso, or not been slowed by a red light, or cut someone else off in order to get ahead? That’s why I try not to get impatient when life hands me flat tires or when I’m in a hurry and it seems I hit nothing but red lights …..

    Marg looks adorable and very ladylike. Either R&R will turn her into a tomboy or she will civilize them. Anyone want to place bets? This is going to be so much fun!!

  33. Jean in Southaven, says:

    Oh boy, the next chapter has started. I have been canning tomatoes and just now saw the post. I am anxious to hear how their trip goes from here. I hope it did not take too long to get that tire.

    Marg is a real cutie. She does have a surprise waiting for her. The crew is going to be very interested when she arrives. But it will calm down and they will be besties in no time. Praying for travel mercies for them all. I am praying for you too, I know you will be on pins and needles until you see them pull in the driveway. Thank you for sharing as always.

  34. Linda, Molly & MIdgy in Carmichael, CA says:

    I’ll be praying that the rest of their journey will be uneventful with good roads, good weather, and good tailwinds. So happy for all of you!!!

  35. Barbara Buchanan says:

    I too am looking forward to this joyous reunion. That Marg looks like she can handle Reg and Rog, no problem!

  36. Paula in Indiana says:

    Sue, I’m so happy for you that Nancy, Frank & Marg are on their way. Marg is soooo cute! I’m looking forward to pictures of her meeting the crew. Safe & Happy Trails to the travelers 🙂

  37. Suzicruzi says:

    Awe! Rotten luck! I’m so sorry Nancy. Nothing like a flat or car trouble at the start of the journey. Hope today was better!
    We’ll be anxious for the updates. 🙂


  38. Rover Ronda says:

    Woohoo! 🎉 finally on the road 🚚! I’m praying for safe travel, no more road blocks 🚧, and all green lights.🚦 Hopefully the flat tire has been resolved. God speed! 🏁

  39. Ruthie in Fontana says:

    The prayers are in abundance for Nancy and her gang. Can’t wait for the big hello to AZ. Safe travels and keep on truckin.

  40. Krystina says:

    Yeah!!! They are homeward bound!!! Marg is JUST adorable. I look forward to the pictures of the reunion when they arrive. A flat tire!!! Yikees…nice to hear they got off the road safely. I can only imagine that you are running around the house getting all the last minutes tasks completed. Don’t wear yourself out…we want you to be awake enough to take all the pictures!!! xxoo

  41. jazzlover says:

    Well Good Morning RV Sue, Reggie & Roger too. Bet you have some butterflys going on right about now. Marg looks like she can hold her own, Westies usually can. After a spell of getting to know you, all three will become good friends. Don’t exhaust yourself trying to get everything perfect. Hopefully you are getting some good sleep. Think it was great of Frank to fly down to Boca to help his Mom on this journey, one person can do it but it helps to have another along you can rely upon. Thank you Frank for reducing everyone’s stress level. OK, one flat tire is all that’s allowed on this trip. Smooth cruising from now on. The truck does have A/C correct?
    Realize many of your blogorinos want pictures and an update right away, but hope they understand that this is a family reunion first, then unpacking second with eyes on the three pups to see how that goes. We fully understand that certain things like the above mentioned are priorities and do not want to stress you out about satisfying our curiosity with pictures etc right away. Safe trip Nancy, Frank and Marg.

  42. Kathy (NC) says:

    So glad the wait is almost over! I hope everything goes well from now on. We’ve had a busy summer here, getting much gardening etc. done so I’ve been a few posts behind for several weeks – finally catching up in time to say how much I have enjoyed the look back at your travels and all the news about your new house.
    I know you will all have a great time together once Nancy and Marg arrive. So exciting!
    I’m looking forward ‘hearing’ all about it! Wishing you lots of fun.

  43. Kitt NW WA says:

    Hi Sue,
    Glad to see that Nancy and Marge are on their her way. How wonderful that Frank was able to take the time to help out with the move. Exciting times ahead!
    We have been on the road exploring Northern Washington on our way home from a family wedding in Idaho. No cell service for much of our trip. A bit too hot for my liking but still fun.
    No sooner did we get home when Riley got a nasty bacterial infection that put him at the vet for five days! Today he seems to be getting back to normal. Off to the vet this morning for a blood test to make sure his “numbers” are still coming down.
    I’m looking forward to seeing pictures of the big arrival! What fun !

  44. rvsueandcrew says:


    Thank you for your good wishes, prayers, and enthusiasm for the trip west. Rather than reply to each one this morning, I worked on a new post with updates from Nancy.

    The new post is almost ready, so hold your comments until it appears.


  45. Virginia620 Mobile says:

    Safe travels Nancy and Marge!!

  46. Lisa, Dad, Tommie and Buddy in FL says:

    Woohoo, the family is on the way!! Marg is so incredibly cute, I hope she’s a good traveler. I find traveling with my crew to be easier than going solo since their needs force me to stop for more than gas and coffee. I hope they have an enjoyable trip at a comfortable pace. God bless Frank for helping his Mom. I am sure he has done (and will do) a lot more than drive. I look forward to the new post, now I am off to continue my yard maintenance weight loss program with my reel mower. Thinking of you Sue.
    P.S. I bought a book last night from your site

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