The Perfect Tow Vehicle goes in for a check-up

Monday, November 21

p1150136Poverty Flats, Overton, Nevada

Last week I made an appointment at Carl’s Repair Center in Overton, for the Perfect Tow Vehicle (a 2005 Chevy Express 1500 van) to have a physical. Carl’s was recommended to me by Charlie (owner of German shepherd Sadie) back when we camped at Cedar Pocket.

Today Reggie and I drive into town for that appointment.

Walking to the office, I check out the vehicles in the bays and in the parking lot.  Lots of vehicles and almost all of them the vehicles of locals.  A good sign.

I explain to the woman at the shop’s desk that I specifically would like hoses, belts, and seals to be checked when looking for the cause of a small leak of oil I’ve noticed on the ground under the engine.

p1150133-001The road from Poverty Flats to Overton with edge of mesa in foreground

I turn over the keys, ask the woman to keep my purse under her desk, and Reggie and I set off for a long walk.  We may have a long wait and I don’t want to deal with an overabundance of energy from the Reginator while sitting in the tiny waiting room.

p1150137-001The infamous silica plant that kept us awake all night recently

Upon our return I notice the PTV is parked outside. 

Inside the woman reports “I have good news and I have bad news.”  She tells me the leak is the result of a loose cap at the fuel filter which, of course, was tightened.  That’s the good news.

The bad news?

“You do need new brakes.”

p1150134Neighbors at Poverty Flats and early morning clouds after a night of thunderstorm

Here’s the estimate . . .

Front disc brake pads:  $44.13 . . . Rear disc brake pads:  $44.13

Remove and replace front disc pads and turn rotors:  $115.00

Remove and replace rear disc pads and turn rotors:  $115.00

Subtotal:  $318.26 . . . Tax:  $7.19 . . .  TOTAL:  $325.45

p1150139Rapidly changing clouds

Is that a collective gasp of horror I hear?

Okay.  Here’s the deal.  I don’t know if I’ve been given a fair estimate or not.  To tell the truth, I don’t care if it is or if it isn’t.  For those of you who can do your own brake work, it may seem like too much.  For those of you who know of a place where it can be done for less, keep in mind that I’m here, not there, and I want this task finished and behind me.

p1150142Layered landscape topped with clouds

The woman tells me the parts will be in for the work to be done tomorrow morning.  Reg and I will be there, first thing!

p1150140Little clouds rise to join the big clouds

On the way out of Overton, we stop at Lin’s grocery.

I reach for my purse and . . . “Oh, I left it at the repair shop!”  Fortunately it isn’t far.

I buy our main meal of the day (Remember I have no refrigeration these days):  a small container of hot macaroni and cheese, along with chicken tenders to share with Reg.   I also decide to try Twinings of London “Irish Tea” (100% pure black tea) and purchase a box.

The PTV carries us home to the top of the mesa. 

After our meal I fix the tea and that’s what I’m drinking as I type this. (Reggie is fast asleep in his bed beside me.)

Mmm . . . I like this tea.  It’s good and strong!



When you follow any of the links or ads you see on my blog, your Amazon purchases send a commission to “RVSue and her canine crew.”  Here are a few of the items recently ordered from Amazon by readers:

Spin Mop Bucket System
New Look Sewing Pattern
Moultrie Deluxe 6-Volt Solar Panel
Red Line 85-Plus Diesel Fuel Additive
The Learning Journey Match It! Spelling
Lenox 2016 Decorate The Season with Mickey



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183 Responses to The Perfect Tow Vehicle goes in for a check-up

    • rvsueandcrew says:


    • Usually one can get a better price in larger towns like Lake Havasu City and camp south of town, there are a lot of auto repair shops to get better prices for that work + there are rv shops there too for your heater and refrigerator repair that you need to get fixed,,,, BTW,, I may be going down to there because there are no rentals for us and we are not prepared for the Cold up here while waiting for a home and don’t have the means to get us out of the mud,,, and there are a lot of stuff I need to do, renewing my auto insurance and getting the cards for it and I have a lot of things in my box that would cost more than gas to ship to me, things for my leg and meds and large packages, so I’m waiting for a call from my rep,, there are 8 Veterans in front of me and the holidays is going to slow things down,,,, have a great week and have a happy thanksgiving and give Reggieman a huge hug from us,,,, Rusty n Piper

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Sounds like a good plan to move south of Lake Havasu City. You’ll feel good once all those “details of life” like auto insurance renewals are taken care of.

        You’re probably disappointed you have to wait longer for a house. Knowing the kind of person you are, I’m sure you’re happy for the eight veterans ahead of you…. and your turn will come.

        Happy Thanksgiving, Rusty and Piper!

        • Thanks Sue,,, we left at 3pm after getting the ok to head out and we are at a ol’ friends house in Bouse, AZ,, he and his family knew me when I was walking with my Donkeys all over the western part of the states, he, David says I’ve come a long way to be as I’m now, all modern and such, we will head towards our Winter camp tomorrow after seeing Stitt and friends at the last set of homes before crossing the Bill Williams River Bridge at the county line, then we’ll be from the camp ’bout 10 miles from camp and close to Lake Havasu City and the mail,,,,,😎🐾👍

    • MKReed says:

      Hi Rusty Hi Piper!

      • Hi MKReed, have a pleasant Thanksgiving 😎🐾🍗🍗🍗🍗

        • Finely I’m at the winter camp after getting a flat, fixed it, got propane, groceries, water ,dumped, and found out that the pay center in Montana denied my claim, so I guess I will be footing the 4,999.12 er bill on my leg to the billing department up in Utah, 😨 *%##*%$# the VA Payment Center in Montana,,,,,, well at 25.00 a month , I should have it paid off in 16.66 years, 2032.6 as it is said on Star Trek,, Scotty, beem me up!!! 🚀,,,, but other than that ,, we are doing great ,,,🏜🏕😎🐾

          • Elizabeth in WA says:

            Don’t give up on that bill, Rusty…maybe some good changes after January…and also there is the Hill Burton act I think?? Don’t forget to try other avenues…Utah is one of those states…you may need to be there on a certain day to get in line EARLY…that act paid a great lot of my parents bills in Idaho…and they were not vets either…it is first come, first serve, as it was then at least…some years ago. Here is a link I found: and do keep us posted here…if we all banded together and wrote some letters…maybe the huge number of letters coming in would help you…also try the congress members in your state of residence…

            • Elizabeth in WA says:

              PS…when my hubby was in the Navy back in the early 70’s believe me a couple letters I wrote got a LOT of attention…and some things improved for him and the men on his sub. Crazy ole dimbulbs that are in charge anyway…our congressman was NOT PLEASED….heh….kind of funny afterwards…I never expected really anything to actually change…got my hubby a LOT of consideration after that…nope, did not like his wife writing those letters!!

            • I won’t be able to go up to Utah to do what you said Elizabeth,, after getting into the home here in Arizona, I really am tired of driving, long trips, they now do more harm than good,, I just pray and leave it on the lord,,, Happy Thanksgiving,,,,,,

            • Elizabeth in WA says:

              So sorry about that, Rusty…I understand the need to live life simple…well, take your sweet time paying that bill…whatever can they do anyway? Maybe a letter written to someone in authority in January or February might fix all of that for you!!

  1. Rochelle in IN says:

    I was hoping for a new post today – thanks!

  2. Dayton Crummey says:

    Enjoying your blog.
    Retired teachers, part time RVers.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Welcome to my blog, retired teachers! I’m glad you’re enjoying it and decided to join us in blogorinoland.


  3. Kristi & Daisie (Nampa, ID) says:

    Brakes–such a necessary thing, especially when towing. I’m not a do-it-yourself’er either. I keep up on my maintenance because I don’t want it to bite me when I’m not near a repair place. I hope you can get your fridge fixed as well sometime soon.

  4. Virginia620 (AL) says:

    Back to read now. 😃

  5. Val R. Lakefield On. says:

    price didn’t seem too bad to me….your safety is important.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      So true, Val R., for all of us. I have no idea what the job should cost. It seems fine to me. I suppose I could look it up online….. Like I said, don’t really care. I care about getting the work done.

      • Don in Okla. says:

        Sounds like a good price to me. Very similar to the price quoted to me by the Ford dealer here in town for my F 150 pickup. And the Ford dealership is owned by my good neighbors who have always been fair on maintenance charges.

      • Renee Galligher - Idaho says:

        Time is money, my husband always says. You can spend a lot of time and energy hunting for the best deal, when it’s right in front of you.

  6. Pam & Maya, still in New York says:

    Wonderful photos as usual!

  7. Cheryl Kline says:

    My mother just had new brakes put on her 2003 Saturn this past week and an oil change and the total of the bill was right around $300 and something. So it sounds to me like the price is a fair one. And like you say you’re there not here so you have to do the best you can but I think it’s reasonable.
    Safe travels

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for the comparison, Cheryl. I imagine the parts for your mother’s Saturn are a bit less expensive than for my Chevy Express van. I say “imagine” because I don’t know what I’m talking about. Ha!

  8. Reine in Plano says:

    Glad you’re getting the PTV it’s checkup. The brake job doesn’t sound out of line to me. The folks have to earn a living after all. Sorry for the problems with the fridge. Hopefully it can be repaired when you get to a good place to have it looked at.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re right, Reine. People deserve to make a decent living and mechanics work hard. The refrigerator isn’t a big problem. Whether it’s just the control board or the entire unit needs replacing, neither is earth shattering.

      Hope you, Paul, and family have a happy Thanksgiving. Those grandkids will provide entertainment, I bet!

  9. Hi Sue and Reggie. I agree with you that this should be taken care of. If the locals go to a place it is usually good and fair. Glad you and Reggie are enjoying the Mesa, even if you have to go into town for the main meal.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Lisa, for the nice note. The short trip into town for a meal is a pleasant addition to our daily routine. I hope you are enjoying Ft. Huachuca!

  10. Sharron says:

    Well, scrolled down to see what people had to say about the price of the brake job and there were no comments, so maybe I am first!?
    Loving your camp at Poverty Flats…..have that on my bucket list. Thanks for all you share.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re welcome, Sharron (or is it Sharon?)…. WordPress has been weird lately. Auto-correct has become obsessive. Comments are sometimes delayed in appearing, causing people to double post, for example. And it ramps up the excitement for the race to be first! 😉

      • Sharron says:

        No, it is 2 r’s. It’s a wonder auto-correct didn’t change it to 1 r. Aka Shar in the Casita postings and here in the past.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Thanks, Sharron. I know we have a Sharon who comments, too. What state are you in? I don’t mean are you in a nervous state or in a state of confusion. Hahaha! I’m talking geography.

          • Sharron says:

            Hahaha! I am in a state of anticipation of getting on the road in my Casita from the state of Texas. Have enjoyed some of your camping areas a couple of years ago and hope to be back on the road again next year.

  11. Marnie says:

    Better safe than sorry! Have to say, that’s quite a deal on pads and rotors… I’ve paid about $500 just for the front before! 🙂

  12. Lori says:

    I don’t know much about it but the cost of brakes for my Sentra was about $250 so that seems about right to me. The way I see it is that when you are not in a place where you have an established relationship with a mechanic, you seek out someone with a good reputation and chances are they are going to be fair for the area. They wouldn’t have gotten the reputation they have if they were fleecing people. What’s the cost of peace of mind, I ask you?

    I love trying new teas. Now I’m craving a good cup of tea. Guess I’ll go in the work kitchen and see what they have. Luckily they provide more than just Lipton’s.

    I want to be you when I’m out on the road: rolling with the punches and not letting too much phase me.

    I can’t get over the different views from the Mesa. Seems like there’s a different view of the same thing every day depending on the light and the weather. Love it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Lori,

      Enjoyed your comment… Like a mini-blog-post! 🙂 Thanks for sharing what your brakes cost and affirming the estimate I received. A busy repair shop is a good sign and Carl’s is always busy whenever I drive by.

      I have a feeling, from what you’ve written on this blog, that you’ll do fine on the road, Lori. I mean that.

      You mention one of the things I love about living on the mesa… the ever-changing views!

  13. DeDe says:

    I think the price sounds very reasonable!

  14. Repeating, because I didn’t realize Sue had made a new post. . .

    Marilyn, I have very close friends on Santa Maria in Golden Valley! Is that street familiar to you? They were the folks who introduced us to RVing!

    Sue glad you got brakes fixed! They are non negotiable in my book (good brakes).
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving Blogerinos! My hubby is brining a turkey for the smoker.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Ooh, smoked turkey…. mmm….

    • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

      Sounds wonderful! My husband often smokes turkey legs for thanksgiving but we’re not hosting this year 😞Maybe I’ll talk him into doing some anyway 😃

    • Marilyn Moore says:

      Hi Velda! Santa Maria is two streets over to the east of me. I have a good friend, Sherri, that lives in on Santa Maria too. Both of us are south of Highway 68. Small world eh?
      Autocorrect wants to change your name to Vera. Ha!

      • Pretty cool you are two streets from my friend Lynn. They have a bus and a big RV in their yard if you pass that way.
        Silly auto correct. Sometimes I am amazed with what it comes up with!
        We look forward to the smoked turkey. Our nice butcher at our nearby grocery was happy to cut out the backbone for me, saving Mel fighting it. We have brined a spatchcock chicken before but not a turkey.

  15. milliehubbard says:

    Sue, I completely understand your position on the brake job, sometimes just having it done is worth a little extra – if it even is extra – the price didn’t seem all that outrageous to me…but then I’m a native western New Yorker…anything in NY is expensive.

    Funny you mention the Irish Tea. I love a good strong cup of tea too, and I have a recommendation for you. The Tetley British Blend tea is really good…and pretty darn affordable. I used to buy my tea from the local Irish Import Shop (Bewley’s brand) at $6 for a box of 40 bags, until I tried the Tetley and found it to be just as good. It should be in the grocery section right alongside the regular Tetley, Salada and other more common brands. Round my parts a box of Tetley British is about $3 for a box of 80 bags.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Gee, Millie, those tea prices seem pretty reasonable to me. I paid $2.99 for 20 bags of the Twinings Irish Breakfast. Small town groceries naturally have higher prices than the big box and big chain groceries.

      I was curious about the differences in teas and found this at Amazon under a question asked:

      “Irish breakfast tea is a stronger blend and has a slight malty taste. Scottish breakfast tea tends to be the strongest and English breakfast tea being the least. They are all black tea blends. Regarding smoothness, it all depends on how long it is brewed for and personal preferences ie milk, sugar etc.”

      Thanks for the info on Tetley British Blend…

      • Lori says:

        I always keep around either Tetley or Lipton’s but I do love some variety. My tea of choice this afternoon was an orange blossom white. It went well with my mood: mellow and smooth.

    • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

      I like a variety in my tea selections too. My favorite black tea with milk n sugar is Burundi Tea, but I’m biased. It’s the first n only tea I had as a missionary kid there. My dad still travels there n brings it back for me.
      My second favorite black tea is earl grey, just a tad bit of sugar to smooth it. I like the bergamot flavor in it.
      My favorite tea that doesn’t need any sugar and is good hot or cold is Bengal Spice.
      Sue, you’ve intrigued me with the Amazon answer quote. Now I want to do a comparison taste test and I know just the person to join me. My step mother loves tea. My mom died of cancer when I was 30. I love my step mother she’s great for my dad but she n I don’t spend enough time together. I have to make a point to think of things to do with her. With moms you just naturally do things together without thinking. I miss that.

  16. Susan in South Central WA says:

    I don’t think that the price on both front and rear brakes is bad. I could be wrong but I think if a shop is ASE certified (with ASE certified mechanics) they get their hourly charges or at least estimates out of a book don’t they? They know that it will take X number of hours to do that specific job plus the parts plus tax (plus what ever else they can talk you into) = your price out the door. Last summer I had I can’t remember which set of brakes worked on and I think it was in the $179 range after tax.

    I’ve been a fan of Red Rose tea for my entire life.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Susan,

      Usually I check the hourly rate for jobs I need done on my vehicles, ever since that handy feature is available online. The internet has helped the consumer in many ways, one being the information regarding pricing for labor. Shops know their customers can check this.

      Thanks for explaining the situation and for sharing what you paid for a set of brakes.

    • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

      Did you collect the Red Rose figurines? I’m thinking of the right company aren’t I?

  17. JazzLover says:

    I have fallen behind a few…6 posts. Dislocated shoulder and trying to get things done at home before snow came, am catching up now. It is usually a good sign when locals use a mechanic. If they don’t do the job people go else where. Go with your feelings, you have a great track record when it comes to making choices. That price does not seem far away from the norm and it used to cost me a little more when I had a van because it was…a van, not a car. Lived in it on Cape Cod one summer, one of the best years of my life, me & the pups. Just wanted to let you know I’m here tho not saying a lot right now. Loving the posts, the wide open spaces, your interaction with folks & Reggies’ play mates. Now time to be by yourself again. Enjoy, Be Well.
    Jazz Lover

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, JazzLover,

      Great to see you here again, but not so good that you dislocated your shoulder. That must’ve HURT.

      A summer living in a van on Cape Cod . . . That does sound idyllic and so very young. {sigh} I’m glad you have that memory.

      Thanks for letting us know you’re still reading the posts and comments. Heal well, be strong and happy!

      • JazzLover says:

        I will never, ever discount anyone who says they have dislocated their shoulder. Always thought, ‘oh, ok, no big deal”. Well, it is a big deal. I can take a good deal of pain but this nearly sent me through the roof! Went to the ER and played jump rope with the er doc to get it back in place, no go there, finally said, “knock me out & put it back”.. He did, I went home with a greater appreciation of er docs’ who have a sense of humor.
        However you and the “Zoomer’ celebrate Thanksgiving, know that a lot of us are thankful for having you and the crew, past and present, in our lives. God Bless.

    • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

      I hope your shoulder heals quickly.

  18. Barb from Hoquiam! says:

    Oh Geez! That is a bargain, compared to the alternative!!! Seems fair to me.

    I agree that locals know the best places. Our guy “Norm” is amazing. He has a Silver Streak like ours, and a collection of VW’s that is pretty spectacular. I think the shop there has been in the same spot since the 30’s (not Norm, though). Very much our ‘go to’ for most of the stuff we need done. He has even been known to make a house call!

    Well, back at the grind. Hope you have a great afternoon.

    Hugs from Hoquiam,

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      A trusted mechanic is a treasure! Hi, Barb . . . .You have a great afternoon, too, while in the “grind” and beyond. 🙂

  19. weather says:

    Truly gorgeous photos, Sue, gosh that area has such beautiful scenery and cloud activity. Interestingly they all illustrate landscapes one couldn’t safely access and enjoy without good brakes . A less honest place could easily have made the oil leak into a bill by itself instead of tightening the cap for free. Assuming they charge close to what my mechanic does for an hour’s labor you were billed for three hours, which is a fair deal and the standard for that work. It’s not something I’d think twice about, you, thankfully, got good advice, used that and your own good sense, got two problems taken care of, a nice meal and good tea-enjoy!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, weather,

      Yes, I agree. This shop is honest. I’m actually happy about replacing the brakes. The PTV’s odometer reads 165,608 and I’ve driven her since spring of 2011. That’s over five years. I’ll be pleased with five years on the new brakes.

      Thanks for weighing in on the estimate I received.

      I loved your description of the icicles and sparkling ice and snow, feeling like you are inside a Christmas card… And your yellow-eyed kitty is cozy and warm with you…

      Whatever you have planned for Thanksgiving, I wish you a wonderful day. I know you enjoy the blessings of a grateful heart.

  20. Kat and Cookie Dog in NYState says:

    I am like you, can’t do those brake repairs myself. When someone is traveling and gets an estimate like you got I would have gone ahead and just had the work done. (especially since another rver had recommended that repair shop to you). The price seemed in the right ball park to me also.
    Hope you can get your BLT repairs done soon.
    Enjoy where you are- we have heavy, wet snow everywhere. Even Cookie dog doesn’t enjoy being outside in it.
    Have a nice Thanksgiving day whatever you do!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kat and Cookie Dog,

      Yeah, if it needs fixin’ and someone who knows what they’re doing is here and now…. I take the opportunity!

      “Heavy, wet snow”…. It’s been a long, long time since I’ve experienced that but I remember it like yesterday. Happy Thanksgiving to you both!

  21. Gene in Ohio says:

    Sears auto repair lists a special for brake pad replacement with coupon. Didn’t say if that includes pads or turning the rotors, or was just labor. Go here for a comparison.

    Your quote isn’t that far out of line given your location.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Gene,

      Thanks for the Sears link. Yes, it isn’t clear what that $99 job includes. I agree with you… The estimate I received is fair. Location does come into play.

      Have a happy Thanksgiving day, Gene.

      • Gene in Ohio says:

        Well thank you. And the same to you and Reggie. You know, I just played with a little Reggie, smaller than yours. She is a Chihuahua and terrier mix, same color as Reggie. I thought right away she would be perfect for you and Reggie, very active and likes to run and play. She was found abandoned at a gas station in a box when she was about 8 weeks old. She has a nice home now with a former neighbor of mine who is 81.

  22. LoupGarou says:

    The bill sounds fine to me. Keep in mind your towing a trailer full time, which gives the brakes a constant workout. I’m sure they checked the fluid as well. It should be on the clear side, not dirty or dark.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Important point, LoupGarou, about the workout from towing. I’ll be sure to ask about the fluid tomorrow. I appreciate you letting me know how the bill sounds to you. Have a great Thanksgiving!

  23. Elizabeth in WA says:

    My dad, the car repairman always said 2 things MUST be kept ship shape and that is brakes and steering…so being in a small area and all…parts may have to be sent for, and other expenses that large city shops don’t have. I hope they are being honest with you…but you know, isn’t that what we always face, no matter what business we do? And I hope they do a good job!! Price seems reasonable.

    We are in the biggest attack by the dimbulb downstairs who is lying to our landlord. Funny that…must be some other benefits to him besides money cause we have been here much longer and taken care of the place…people are so strange…I will be oh so glad to be OUTTA HERE!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      Neighbor trouble. Ugh! There’s no winning with a neighbor like that, no matter how hard you try. I hope you and your husband can keep your nerves calm, difficult as it may be, until the situation is resolved. You have my empathy.

      I expect the repairs will be done right. Everyone so far who has expressed their opinion agrees that the cost estimate is fair. It’s nice to know that!

      Thanks for writing, Elizabeth.


      • Elizabeth in WA says:

        Yea, wishing I lived like you at this point…even though physically it may be too late for us…but who knows?? Living with all the stress we have here, maybe moving away would help us feel much better too…well, that is probably going to change very soon. IF daughter can ever get a full time job then we will know WHERE to move…she and we are wishing we had a little bit of land to put something small on…so time will tell…hubby does not want to move 2 times of course…so we are hoping we can stay till it is OUR choice of when to go. I am so ready to be a hermit…I am so sick of these kind of people anyway. Liars, cheats…you know…so thanks for the encouragement. Yea, our only choice will be to move as soon as we can!! But that is ok…twas already on the radar…

        • Cat Lady in Central, La. says:

          Elizabeth in WA, you might want to remind your landlord that he had no complaints about you until this person moved in and now he’s getting complaints. What or who changed? Character counts. Remind him of that.

          • Elizabeth in WA says:

            Very kind of you Cat…thanks…I think he must have asperger’s…a lot of what he does or has done is downright strange…and other neighbors we have had, not his renters even, hate him…must be a reason…guess we should be glad we managed almost 3 years…tis ok…we more than want to leave and I have felt that way for almost 2 years…and other things are changing for us too…so soon we will…just hope it is OUR timing….they have mediation boards in the area if needed too…so that might forestall it a bit…

            • Elizabeth in WA says:

              I THINK maybe he is done for now…hubby got somewhat upset and more or less told him to back off and leave things alone. So he kind of stupidly said that he and the other renter had had surgery recently? Been some time…too bad they did not fix their heads!!

  24. judy in east texas says:

    Hi Sue and The Reg. Your pictures today were beautifully awesome!
    Take care of you and The Reg and have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.

    Stay safe out there and rock on my friend, Judy

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks, Judy, regarding the photos. I hope your Thanksgiving is all you want it to be. We’ll be rocking the day! 🙂

  25. AZ Jim says:

    Turkey Season. I always loved this holiday. When I was a boy in Los Angeles we always went to Grandma’s for Thanksgiving. She was a wonderful cook. They had a tiny little house in Bell Gardens and somehow she cooked for and served us all. Sixteen of us at the table’s. Lot’s of laughter and good times. My Dad almost always was a joker and I remember more than one such dinner when he looked at my brother and me and said “eat all you can hold boys ’cause there’s none of this at home”. Actually 😯 years later I can still see us there like it was yesterday.

    Detta and I always had our daughter and her two kids to our home for the holiday, that lasted several years and then our daughter passed away. Now both those Grandkids are parents and because we live here and they in California, we don’t see them often but this year they will be here for our dinner. We have a 21 pound Turkey and all the goodies to go with it. Both of us are excited to see them and have little visit before they rush back to their busy lives. So this will be a special holiday for us again.

    I hope all my fellow blogorinos have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope our Missy Sue and Reggie find a Turkey dinner somewhere also.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You write the sweetest memories, Jim. Thanksgiving at Grandma’s, 16 around the table, Dad telling you to fill up…. precious memories.

      I hate it that your daughter passed away. I can’t imagine the pain of that loss. I thank God she left you with grandchildren and that those children grew to have children.

      I don’t need to wish you Happy Thanksgiving… Sounds to me like it’s going to be an absolutely marvelous day of love and laughter and good food.

      Thanks, Jim, for what you give to my blog and to all of us who read it.

      Hugs to you and Detta…..

    • Rover Ronda (WA) says:

      Thanks for sharing the warm memories and the well wishes Jim. Sounds like you will have a wonderful thanksgiving too. 😃That’s great

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      SO SO happy for you Jim!!! What a lovely Thanksgiving you will have!!

      • Jo in OR says:

        AZ Jim, I wish you were my neighbor…I’d like to sit on the porch and listen to your stories. Have a wonderful time with your Grands. Happy Thanksgiving.

    • Denise - Richmond VA says:

      Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Jim and Detta! 🙂

    • ApplegirlNY says:

      Jim, How wonderful that you’ll be gathering with your family and making new memories to add to your older memories. Blessings to you and a Happy Thanksgiving.

    • JazzLover says:

      AZ Jim,
      How wonderful that you and Detta have your grandchildren with you this Thanksgiving. Beautiful memories will be made to go along with yours from your Grandma’s Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving,
      Jazz Lover

  26. Terri From Texas says:

    After taking my truck in to the dealership recently to have a recall fix done they told me I needed new brakes. I went home and told my husband. The next weekend he promptly took all 4 wheels off and looked at the brakes. They were not even half worn. He told me “Thats why they call them stealerships! He showed me what to look for on a brake to see how worn it is-I feel grateful for the knowledge. Maybe you can have someone show you what to look for so you can have anyone actually repairing your brakes to show you how worn they are and you can make the judgement next time. Hopefully these people were not lying to you. Since these place charge about 100.00 an hour, the price seems right-cause by themselves the brakes are not that expensive. Cheers to you and Reggie!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Terri,

      “stealerships”… I admit I tend to agree with that. Dealerships for repairs make me nervous. I much prefer the small business in a small town where everybody knows who is honest and who isn’t. I’m sorry you had that experience.

      I figure after 5 years (and I don’t know how much longer than that since the PTV is 11 years old) and 165,608 miles, the PTV could use new brakes. Maybe there are a few more miles left on those brakes. I’d rather replace them now then have them fail on the road.

      Cheers to you and your husband for the holidays, Terri!

  27. chas anderson says:

    It sounds like a fair price.When I used to tow the 34 foot trailer I used to go through a lot of brakepads.I started at Monro Muffler a nationwide chain that offers lifetime pads.You pay for the labor and get the pads free.My truck has 180 K miles on it and I am on my 4th set of free pads.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Interesting information about the life of brake pads, chas. Thanks for sharing your opinion on the estimate I received. Hope you’re set for a happy holiday!

      • chas anderson says:

        Yes we are.By the way my truck is a heavy duty so they wear faster.Your van and lighter trailer should be good for about 50 K miles in ordinary conditions.I used to average 40K due to the weight.

        Have a good one.

    • chas anderson says:

      p.s Every time I get an oil change they check the brakes and give me a printout showing how much pad is left so I can monitor things.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        Well, I bet that gives you reassurance! I remember a shop doing that for me when we camped in Borrego Springs, said I needed brake work soon.

        The first chance I had — it was in Wickenburg shortly thereafter — I had the brakes checked and they had lots of life left. Ya’ never know with some places…. I’m glad you found an outfit you can trust.

  28. Kevin in CO says:

    I have seen better prices for brakes advertised, but those shops often use those ads to get you in the door and then upsell you like crazy. The quote you got from the shop in Overton is not bad, about 2 shop hours total for all 4 wheels, including turning the rotors. I have not had good luck with turned rotors, a couple bad experiences made me a believer in buying new rotors rather than turning. However, the cost difference for new rotors on all 4 will be a lot.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Kevin,

      That thought occurred to me, too (upselling), as it has been tried on me many times. As for turning the rotors vs. replacing the rotors, I guess I’ll find out in time if I should’ve gone for the more expensive option.

      Thanks for the comment, Kevin. I learned something! 🙂

      • Kevin in CO says:

        I was looking at new rotors from my jeep, and saw prices of about $40-50 each. Your rotors may be about the same, a quick call to a NAPA store would get you a price. Good to know, because when they get into the brake job, they may find your rotors cannot be turned.

        If you have any chatter or pulsing as you brake to a stop, that could be a sign of warped rotors. Best to replace.

  29. Pat in Rochester says:

    Had my rear brakes done a few weeks ago. I finally have a mechanic I trust (recommended by a number of others at work) and it is such a relief! He even apologizes if a price seems high. Foreign parts will do that.

    Tea – I love some Earl Grey and have been meaning to get a box to keep at work. But I served it to an English neighbor once and he thought I was quite fancy. So I asked what his family drinks back home – Tetley! I’m actually not picky about teas as long as it’s the dark kind. A friend has tried to get me into green tea, but so far it taste like grass clippings (or how I guess they’d taste as I’ve never actually brewed any.)

    Well we went from a lovely 70 degree day to a good old snowstorm with the flakes coming in horizontally from the wind. My side of the city didn’t see all that much, but schools on the other side were closed yesterday, and a colleague in Syracuse has 2 feet of the stuff. We certainly did pay for that unusually pleasant November day!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pat,

      “Grass clippings” — That’s exactly what I think green tea tastes likes! I think that the better something is for your health the disagreeableness increases at the same rate and then some. I haven’t developed a mathematical formula for this theory yet. 🙂

      Yes, it does sound like you had “a good old snowstorm.” Winter “comes in like a lion….”

      New York state has its surprises — a white Thanksgiving for those in Syracuse…

    • Rover Ronda (WA) says:


    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Heehee…thanks for the laugh ladies…green tea tastes like grass clippings…I need a laugh today!!

  30. Jean in Southaven, MS says:

    I think you got an excellent deal. it cost us almost a $1,000 to do both the front and back brakes on our Ranger. Man I am way down the list today and it hasn’t been that long since this post came thru my email. I am so glad you are getting brakes if you need them. I like to keep my maintenance done on my Nissan Versa. We have a lot of crazy drivers in Memphis and I need good brakes. No hills like you but lots of braking. So glad you are doing good. I guess Reggie was pooped out after a big day of travel.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      As someone pointed out, the cost of a brake job goes way up if you need new calipers, too. Maybe that’s why yours was so expensive.

  31. Hilogene in Az says:

    Having watched my husband changed front and rear brakes on numerous vehicles over the past years, that seems like a very fair price… I am not an expert but based on the amount of work involved, I would pay that to save my husband hours changing brakes these days. I cannot see anyone charging a lot less, $115 for labor for each axle seems quite reasonable…

  32. Marilu in Northern California says:

    Hi Sue and Reggie,
    I enjoy reading about your day to day life as you travel about. I imagine walking along with you and Reggie as you wait for your PTV to be checked over. I’m thankful you will be rolling along with new brakes and that you bring us all together to share your life. Have a peaceful Thanksgiving Sue, Reggie and Blogorinos.
    Now, for some reason, I’m craving a cup of tea.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Me, too, Marilu. I’m going to make myself some right now. I think a good cup of tea is going to be a winter habit…

      I’m glad you walk along with Reggie and me…

  33. Lee J in northern California says:

    What an interesting post and.comments today. Our long time mechanic finally closed his doors, he and his employees retired…good for them, but he recommended a shop here in town also run by an old guy who is still working, but his son is going to take over..good for us! Interesting thing about the retired man, his dad and my dad were friends and my dad worked for his dad at one point… this is what happens when you are older than dirt and live in the same town for over sixty years.

    Nice comments about tea, I also like Red Rose, and lately have been drinking Tazo Zen. It is a green tea with lemon grass and mint. I normally don’t drink grass clippings, loved that, but a friend served the Zen to me and it was really good.

    I am doing last minute preparation for a camp trip with my best buddy lady friend, we are heading to Woodward Reservoir by Oakdale for four days. Not kayaking this time, too cold, plus they restrict water sports in the winter. My friend’s son and daughter were disputing over who got mom this year for thanksgiving, so we solved it..we are leaving! So there!
    My son is coming to visit the end of December, New year’s break, so why not. Not cooking no stinking turkey this year, yeah me! We will be the two women sitting by the fire sipping tea and grinning….

    • Peggy P from California says:

      I camped at Woodward Reservoir in September, but it was me and 15,000 of my closest friends! I’m sure you will have a much quieter time. I was there for 5 days of an electronic dance music festival called Symbiosis. So hot. So dusty. So much fun. I go by myself in my ’89 VW camper van, start dancing at 11 am, and crash by midnight. Discovered these music festivals 2 years ago and now build road trips around them from April to September on the west coast. Because I’m 60 years old and I’ll do what I want! And I have VERY good earplugs.

  34. Gail on the Olympic Peninsula says:

    I don’t know what others have told you they paid for brakes, but I replaced all four of my disc brakes and rotors and calipers (?) recently, and my bill was over $800.00 ! If I had gotten mine for less than $400.00, I would have been very happy indeed !

  35. Norman in San Diego says:

    Hi Sue,

    That price sounds very good for all four wheels. Worth the peace of mind.

    Happy Thanksgiving from San Diego!


  36. Chuck Hajek says:

    Hi Sue and Rocketman!!! That is a reasonable price on the brake job ! Great pix as always. Happy Thanksgiving!

  37. Bob Hampton says:

    Hi Sue, Brake job may be a little high, but I would go with the recommendation. Anymore I can’t do alot of this stuff, word of mouth is usually good with locals, I shy away from the local Big O because they have too much turnover with workers and I’ve had problems twice over the years and they tried to hide the issues. Last time they spun an alloy wheel on tire changer, gauching deep grooves, didn,t notice until I got home, went right back and got service manager (I knew this guy)to acknowledge it was their problem. Cost of a new wheel would have cost me $500, yea did’t know these new things cast so much.
    Always look at turnover of employees in places like that. I like the old family operations, they care and want you back
    Just let them know you hve a huge following and word will get out, ha ha !!

    Be careful Bob

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Bob,

      Good to hear from you! I’m sorry you had that hassle with your wheel.

      You’re right about “old family operations.” That’s the situation at Carl’s Auto Repair…

  38. Fulltimer Judy says:

    I hate to be responsible for making a recommendation, but I had some work done in Boulder near Las Vegas at Findlay RV and they were reasonable. You might want to call around and check hourly rates. Findlay was recommended to me by a cousin who is knowledgeable, also, and at least they did not try to sell me a bunch of repairs I did not need! And I think your brake price was reasonable for all four wheels.

  39. says:

    I like your style…short and sweet to the point! You go girl!

    Having peace of mind is priceless! Brakes are important especially the precious cargo inside ie Reg man. Not to mention pulling the BLT and the safety of other motorist on the road!

    Hmm a silica plant. Kind of abrasive eh? I’m kidding. My keypad is stuck. Might not be able to do the math. Yikes. Crossing fingers

  40. DeAnne in TN says:

    Hi Sue–I’m still out here in middle school hell…sorry; I meant land. I’ve been reading your blogs but have had no time to read comments. Just know that I’m still reading and enjoying your pictures.

    Twinings Irish Tea is a big favorite of mine. I like the bold rich flavor. I usually have a cup or two after I’ve quit my coffee for the day. Give Reggie lots of hugs. I was so sorry to her about Bridgee Baby.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thanks for letting us know you’re still a reader of this blog. I understand you not having the time and maybe not the energy to comment, after days with middleschoolers. Enjoy your Thanksgiving break!

      Thank you for the hugs for Reggie and for remembering Bridgee Baby…

  41. Dawn in MI says:

    What a stunning and interesting place you are staying at the moment. Such views! My favorite of this series of photos is the “layered” one…and of course that last one with just the trailer….just stunning!! 🙂

    Hope your vehicle got fixed and you are now settled back into your home. And I hope the refridg goes just as well.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I appreciate the positive feedback on the photos. The views here change several times every day… both the rocky landscape and the huge sky.

      Happy Thanksgiving, Dawn! You are one of my blessings…

  42. Karen the Empty Nester says:

    When thinking of this lifestyle, I somehow always picture a really excellent cooler, like a Yeti, rather than a fridge. As one person alone I’m imagining I won’t have a whole lot of refrigeration needs. What made you decide on a refrigerator? How does the cost of energy to run said fridge compare to the cost and annoyance of having to keep getting more ice while boondocking? Was it a food-safety issue? Curious to know which to invest in.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Karen,

      To answer your questions: I didn’t decide on a refrigerator. It is part of the package when you buy a Casita travel trailer. If I had a choice, I would have a refrigerator. The convenience far outweighs an ice chest. As for cost to operate, my refrigerator runs on propane which is probably cheaper than replacing ice every couple of days. Since I didn’t consider having an ice chest, not for one second, the issue of food-safety didn’t come into play. I don’t have any experience with a Yeti cooler, so I can’t voice opinion in that regard.

    • Mick'nTN says:

      There is a “Blogorino” that has a high efficiency 12 volt DC electric refrigerator that she operates from a 280 watt solar panel. If we call her nicely maybe she will tell of her experience. Oh Lisa … dear sweet Lisa …

  43. Jay says:

    Sue, I’m a retired mechanic and the price is good for the brake job and turning of the rotors, but if they can’t turn the rotors do to being to thin from wear they will need to be replaced. With that many miles on your van the brake calipers may need replaced and I would have them flush the brake system . I hope that you won’t need the extra brake parts as they won’t know until they take it apart and measure the rotors and get a good look at the calipers. Didn’t want you to go in and than they find this out and you have a hart a tack on the cost that could double the price. Like I said the price they quoted is not a bad price as long as you don’t need more parts.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Jay, for adding that information which I used when I went to the shop today for the work to be done. I’ll report on that in the next post. 🙂

      I appreciate hearing the opinion of a retired mechanic!

  44. Jo in OR says:

    I am thankful for you, Sue. Love your pictures and honest, humorous writing. Reggie cracks me up, can’t get enough dog pictures. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

  45. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Good morning, Sue and Reggie!

    I hope you enjoy your a Thanksgiving eve! Maybe picking up an extra turkey sandwich to enjoy tomorrow? Glad that you were able to schedule the PTV maintenance – now you will have peace of mind. Money well spent!

    Wishing you and all the blogorino family Thanksgiving blessings! Sending you and Reggie love and hugs from me and Gracie pup! 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good evening, Denise!

      The PTV has new brakes, I stopped at the library and picked up more DVDs, and in a little while I’ll eat the turkey sandwich I bought at the deli. Why save for tomorrow what you can eat today! Ha! 🙂

      Thank you for being a blessing all year round, Denise. Have a happy Thanksgiving with your sweet Gracie pup!

  46. ApplegirlNY says:

    Blessings to one and all! I’m getting ready to start my Thanksgiving prep. I’ll get those pies in the oven and make my cornbread today, then tomorrow I’ll pop the turkey in and have all of my casseroles ready to go.
    Thanksgiving is my favorite day of the year. Our house will be full of family, friends, food and wine!

    This year I am thankful for the health of my friends and family, I am thankful that the election is behind us, and the blessings of this great country of ours. I am thankful for this blog – Sue, a special thanks to you for adding that bit of sunshine which I enjoy on happy days, and which has also helped me get through some rough spots this year. So glad your brakes are fixed. Take care of yourself – we all depend on you!

    God Bless America, and all of you guys! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  47. John in Azusa says:

    Seems like a fair price to me. In your case, the logistics of wait time and parts availability are also considerations. Too bad they don’t fix RV refrigerators!

  48. MB from VA says:

    I like Irish Breakfast tea too! I like both my coffee and tea strong. I also like green tea with some honey and ginger added. Very “warm” tea when you have a chill. Try getting a little teapot. There is just something about pouring it from a warm pot into your cup. My dad taught me this and his little teapot is one thing that has made all the “cuts”. 😉

    I am totally with you on the brakes! If I know I’m at a good shop, I don’t second guess the price. I just want it done and done well.

    Have a good day! I am off to feed the horse, walk Wyndy and get started on leaves. MB

  49. Dawn in Asheville says:

    Happy Thanksgiving RV Sue, Reg and all your followers!!!!

    I thought the brake work sounded more than fair (in comparison to our area).

    Juno already has a dead battery – we are beginning to suspect that in this rig the house chassis and truck battery is one and the same (ack!). It’s rare, but it’s an 84 and it was done back then, especially in a camper this small. We haven’t been able to locate a house battery in the usual places.

    Friday Rick’s friend/mechanic (who checked it out for him before we bought it) is coming back into town to help him out. He lives full-time in an RV so I’m sure he’ll set us straight. Of course I’m hoping it’s just a battery that has gone bad and needs replacing – trying to figure out how to get in a house battery and the rewiring involved would be another major thing to add to the list, even though I had planned to “add” to the capacity. Which is actually a project I’m looking forward to. While we don’t have the opportunity to boondock as much out here in the East, I’d like some capacity to do so at least a day at a time.

    Again, best wishes for everyone to have a peaceful holiday – and perhaps a brief respite from daily worries.

  50. rvsueandcrew says:


    Wow! Thank you for all the great comments! It’s fun when loads of people join in….

    I let the comments pile up and now it’s time for Reg and me to leave for the repair shop. I do appreciate you sharing your opinions and giving advice regarding the brake job.

    In case you won’t be checking in here until after the holiday, “Happy Thanksgiving!”

    Safe travels,
    Bye for now,

  51. D says:

    Sue, just wanted to offer a big THANK YOU for your blog. Reading it over the years fortified my intent, and now realization, of my own adventure. Just arrived in AZ (for the winter) from the northeast after a meandering journey of three weeks. I got interesting looks/comments at campgrounds, as I am female and traveling with pets only. I had all I could do not to cry yesterday when I was registering in the office of campground, I was just so happily overwhelmed with reaching this dream goal after so long, to actually have warm sunshine nearly every day, and no driveway to clear of snow, or single digit/negative number temps to endure! You were the inspiration. May we both have many more years of happy healthy travels.

    • Elizabeth in WA says:

      Wishing the best to another brave lady!!

    • ApplegirlNY says:

      Congratulations, D. Wishing you many happy journeys ahead.

    • MB from VA says:

      AWESOME! So happy for you! Sue has inspired me for sure…..but so do people like you! Have a wonderful winter! I hope to be there next winter. MB from VA….for now!

    • Geri says:

      D, Congratulations and Happy Trails to you!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Oh, D…. My heart skipped a beat when I read “I had all I could do not to cry yesterday when I was registering . . . .” I had a similar experience. Cried my eyes out when I realized my dream was actually happening.

      Funny how you know it’s what you want to do, you dream about it, obsess about it even, work toward that goal, bit by bit it comes closer, until you’re about to explode with anticipation…. Then the final steps, launch date arrives, and away you go! Shortly thereafter, when least expected, the reality of your new life, the life of your dreams, hits you in the biggest WOW ever… You become fully aware of the treasure your life has become and it’s overwhelming.

      How nice of you to thank me for my blog’s influence on you. You’re welcome, D. I’m very happy for you. Thank you for the wish for many more years of this good life. I wish the same for you!

    • Pat (Ky) says:

      Congratulations D. It looks like you left the northeast just in time. Let the good times roll. 🙂 I hope you will update us every once in a while as to how life on the road is going.

  52. Dan in Mi says:

    Hey, just leaving work and wanted to wish you and all the commentators (and lurkers like me) a Happy Thanks Giving!

  53. Diane McGarry says:

    Wishing you and Reggie a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  54. Karen in Pacific NW says:

    If I smelled a gas leak at my RV propane heater I would do a bubble test to see where the leak is at. If the leak was at a connector fitting I would try tightening that fitting. Turn off the gas first before you try tightening it. Then turn it back on after the job is done. Get a friend to stand outside to shut if off or turn the wrench to try tightening it if you are really frightened. Then of course leak test again after you have tried tightening it.

    This is pretty basic stuff as far as DIY efforts go and well worth giving it a go to save the at least $100.00 for a one hour minimum labor charge you will be hit with for them to solve the problem with that same steady pressure turn of a wrench. You do travel bumpy roads and it is to be expected that once in a while such activity will back off the nuts on threaded connections be it car parts, cabinet door hinges, water plumbing fittings or gas plumbing. The first time is the scariest time, after that you will figure out that you might as well try checking and tightening the connections before you head off to a place that will quickly drain your wallet.

    Now for things like a connector at an elbow or fittings with a flat surface on each side of the joint such as on a hex shaped fitting or the flat spot on a pipe elbow that you can get a wrench onto you put one wrench on hold the opposite piece still while you use the other wrench to tighten the nut that moves. That method reduces stress on the parts. This two wrench method is how professionals do the job. People get scared to try new things because many of us have never had anyone around to show us the right way to do such task. So now you know the trick to use when you try to tighten a gas connection fitting. Don’t be so frightened that you won’t even try to tighten a connection instead of living for months without heat.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Thank you, Karen, for taking the time to explain in such detail. It’s not that I’m terribly frightened. I feel that the entire propane heater needs a safety check, not just for the leak. The bottom part of the heater is falling off and the heater will probably have to be removed in order for that to be fixed because the heater is near the floor. The thermocouple keeps moving away from the pad. And there’s at least one leak.

      To simply tighten a connection or wrap a leak isn’t going to give me peace of mind or solve the other damage to the heater that I’ve caused over the past five years. It just isn’t something I want to do. I don’t want any doubt in my mind that everything is ship shape with that heater and propane line…. Since I’ll have the BLT in for the fridge, they can take care of the heater, too. If it costs $100 for peace of mind, it’s worth it to me.

      We haven’t lived for months without heat. I think there have been 2 mornings I would’ve turned it on since this problem occurred, and only for an hour, maybe two, so not a big deal.

      Thanks again for sharing your knowledge with everyone who reads here.

  55. Rattlesnake Joe says:

    Hi Sue, Please take a minute and think about giving your purse to a stranger? ID thieft is at an all time high. Your money may still be in your wallet, but your bank account may be drained and your credit cards used up to the hilt. I had some friends just two years ago that went through hell over their ID being stolen and used by a gang of ID thieves to the tune of $60,000. They were in Arizona but their credit cards were being used in Washington state. Unknown to my friends until later. They had to jump through more hoops trying to get the credit card companies to realize it was ID thieft and not these helpless card holders. The cops arrested most of the gang fortunately but my friends had to fly home and go to the trail to testify.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Joe,

      Good reminder for all of us…. Thanks!

      The woman who held my purse is part owner of the repair shop. I can’t imagine her stealing ID from a customer. And, anyway, if a thief wants to take someone’s ID, I don’t think they’d pick me…. with my 11-year old van and thrift store purse… Ha! There are better pickin’s elsewhere!

      Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  56. BeckyIO says:

    Was anyone else thinking “$326, was that all??” Lol. Last time my truck was in the shop I shelled out over $3,700…

  57. Pamelab says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Sue and crew.
    Beautiful and dreamy photos of the mountains and clouds. Very nice.
    I’m with you. Get the repair completed and put your energy to other things.
    I’ve been in RV parks for the most part since I started out full-timing August 2nd.
    I want a change of scenery and I mean I don’t want to hear neighbors stomping around in their trailer, and don’t want to hear the highway, etc.
    When I head to north west Texas for Christmas, I want to continue to NM, but it’s going to be too cold so I am searching my benchmark for more options.
    So far I have benchmarks for only NM and AZ. Those benchmarks are loaded with all kinds of good information.
    Not able to get solar til February at my favorite mod shop, but could get a small generator in the mean time.
    Take care and thank you for your superior blog.
    Pamelab back in Missouri City for a bit.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Pamelab,

      I’m not sure if you’re asking for camp suggestions or not. If you’d like ideas on where to find a quiet camp on your way to northwest TX, feel welcome to ask under the next post. Happy Thanksgiving!

  58. Tammie Villanueva says:

    I love reading about your rv adventure’s.

  59. Denise - Richmond VA says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

  60. Toni CT-NH says:

    I just popped in to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. Have a great day Sue and Reggie.

  61. Kathy (NC) says:

    Just sitting here with coffee, watching the start of the Macy’s parade. Wishing you all a wonderful day – Happy Thanksgiving.

  62. rvsueandcrew says:

    Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes. New post coming up in a few minutes! — Sue

  63. 11Blade says:

    I agree with the others that ‘time is money’. The quote for front AND back brakes is not unreasonable. The other issues of getting the vehicle worked on and returned quickly also figure in. I tore up my car on the Mt. Shavano road going to work one morning…hit a rock and put a hole in the oil pan. By the time I made it to the airport outside of Salida the engine seized. The local place I had it towed to (C&J Automotive), recommended by the taxi driver, gave me an OUTRAGEOUS quote of $5600 to put a used engine in…after making me wait Mon to Thursday for them to look at it. Folks from work helped me tow the car to Pueblo West, Jeremy’s Garage where they located a used engine on Tuesday and had it installed by Thursday for $2600, including a new alternator.

  64. 11Blade says:

    I second Rattlesnake Joe’s advice on securing your cards. Sometimes that doesn’t even help. I left Colorado in October and spent two weeks in Albuquerque, NM getting service done on the diesel pusher and other tasks done. It’s a good thing I check my bank account daily, AND, had filed a travel plan with the bank. I picked up mysterious charges from places in California that I was not at (Wells Fargo card). Thieves ran up $400+ in charges at various stores in Las Vegas, Oakland, etc. and the card never was out of my possession. I suspect that someone in Albuquerque cloned the card when they ran it for a purchase, but even that is iffy. The takeaway is check your bank account regularly when on the road (hard to do sometimes when no internet service).

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