They keep their cool, but I lose mine!

Our second campsite at Bumblebee Meadows is at the end of a lane in a secluded clearing.

1-P1060575When we arrived at Bumblebee Meadows this Sunday, two campsites were occupied.  By noon we have the Meadows to ourselves.   In the afternoon, shade moves over the Best Little Trailer.

1-P1060576The crew and I take the path from our campsite through the woods to the river.

1-P1060580It smells like Christmas trees here, the way Christmas trees are supposed to smell.

1-P1060582The North Fork of the Coeur d’Alene River is very clear.  You can see the bottom, even in deep places.  Flat river rocks create a natural mosaic.

1-P1060581And fallen trees provide a natural bridge for critters to cross over to a small island that splits the river.

1-P1060585Back at camp I take care of some chores.  I complete tasks outside whenever possible, not because of the heat.  I always prefer being outside, unless it’s bitter cold.

11-P1060560Monday, August 12

Bridget, Spike and I lounge in the shade of our campsite.  The crew enjoys the soft, cool grass.  The only sound is the rushing river and constant buzz of bees.

I’m reading my kindle when I hear a truck approach.  I stand up and see it’s pulling a travel trailer.  Gee, the entire area is empty with several spots along the river and they have to camp right next to us.  Oh well, maybe the site has sentimental value or something.

I go back to my reading. 

However, my mind wanders.  Clingers . . . People who have to camp next to other campers . . . Hmm . . . Could be a bad sign.

Bridget and Spike commence barking.  Quickly I quiet them, telling them everything’s okay.  The woman barks orders to the man backing the trailer in.

Okay.  Unnecessarily loud.  Another bad sign.  Never mind.  They’ll settle down in a little while. 

I return to my reading.

The generator starts.  Oh, crap.  Generator people!  Of course! 

The voice in my head — that voice of goodness — admonishes, “You can’t expect everybody to live and camp the way you do.”  Okay, okay.  They have a right to run a generator.  I can live through the time it takes to charge their batteries.  I try to block out the noise.

I return to my reading. 

I can’t focus on the words.  Golly, that’s one noisy generator.  Where the hell did they buy it — Beijing?  I try to concentrate but I can’t.  Oh this is hopeless.  I might as well find something to do inside.

Inside the BLT I fuss around tidying up the place.

Dang, that’s irritating!  The goodness voice in my head says, “Just be patient.  They’ll turn it off soon.  Don’t get yourself all worked up.”

I make myself a snack and sit on the bed munching.  Spike and Bridget are on the floor.  Spike lies down for a nap.  Bridget sits looking up at me with her worry face on.

“Remember when we used to hear the river, Bridge?  Remember the lovely buzz of the bees?  Hang on tight to that memory because Lord knows when you’ll ever hear it again.”  Grumbling does help, but only for a moment.

Hours go by and the generator grinds on.

I pace around the campsite in a nervous fret.  I hate it when I get this rattled.  Too much noise over an extended period of time always makes me crazy.  It’s been about three hours now.  Oh no, I’m getting that weird tingling in my arms when my nerves are shot.  I can’t put up with this.

The man comes out and looks at the generator.

My heart leaps. Oh please oh please oh please . . .  He does nothing and goes back inside.  Dear God in Heaven, help us! 

I walk over to their campsite.  I have no idea what I’m going to do when I get there.  First thing I notice is their sad-faced dog is tied up outside, right next to the generator, as if he’s guarding its evil work.  Spike whimpers a hello.  The dog barks in return.  No matter.  The people can’t hear either of them over the generator noise.  Plus all their windows are closed.

All their windows are closed?

All their windows are closed! The implication of this last tidbit of info rises up and strikes me like a fist pounded between my eyes.  These people aren’t charging batteries.  They’re running air conditioning and probably TV.  They’re gonna’ run that damn generator all day, maybe all night! 

At this point I know I can’t talk to these people. 

If I open my mouth to speak, surely my anger will spew out like steam from a busted radiator hose on a summer afternoon.  I’d scald them so badly . . .  The goodness voice has no comment.  Good thing, ’cause I’m in no mood . . .

The crew and I trudge back to our campsite.

“Well, guys.  Say goodbye to this sweet place.  We’re going back across the meadow.”

I pack and secure everything with a vengeance.  Darn inconsiderate people!  By the time I toss the crew in the PTV and slide in behind the wheel, I’m fighting back tears.  Tears of frustration.  Oh, this is ridiculous.  It’s only a campsite.  For heaven’s sake, pull yourself together. 

I drive out of our campsite and pass by their campsite.

I look down at the symbol of a horn imprinted at the center of the steering wheel.  The goodness voice says, “Don’t even think about it.  How immature.  You’re above that kind of behavior.”

Like hell I am. 


I keep going, looking over at the side mirror.  The man runs outside, head a-swivelin’, clearly dumbfounded, until he sees the back end of the BLT retreating down the lane.  He watches the antenna pole wave as we go away.

Our third campsite at Bumblebee Meadows is in full sun.

1-P1060591It may not be much to look at, but it’s quiet.


Note:  Don’t get me wrong.  I’m not saying people shouldn’t have generators.  This was a situation of too much, too close, unnecessarily.  So don’t be mad at me, okay?  

Further Note:  We leave early the next morning.  Not because of the generator incident, but because there’s no internet at Bumblebee Meadows and I want to get the blog caught up.  I also want to move us toward western Washington and the coast!


1-P1060587Make your life easier.  Order online and skip the mall.

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138 Responses to They keep their cool, but I lose mine!

  1. James says:

    Your beep-beep-beep response was very mild. I would have given him the one-finger salute.

  2. Barbara B says:

    I think you did the right thing by moving and then leaving the area. People are so rude these days.
    FYI, My surgery was successful and no Chemo will be necessary. Thank you, Lord. Hopefully, I will be back to normal (?) soon. Needless to say I got behind on the blog and finally got caught up.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Barb! I didn’t realize! And you invited me to your property with that going on in your life? I’m so sorry if you told me and I missed it. How awful for you.

      I’m glad you don’t have to go through chemo. Welcome back! I send you healing wishes . . .

      • Barb Brady from Spokane WA says:

        It’s a different Barb, Sue. I don’t know how you keep track of all your followers. It must be very difficult. Oh, the price of popularity. 🙂

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          Ha! I obviously don’t keep very good track of all my followers. Well, the other Barbara B. still received my healing wishes.

          Thanks for clearing up my confusion, Barb.

  3. Alan Rabe says:

    What a shame. Makes you wonder why someone buys an rv to drive who knows how far and do nothing but sit in it and watch tv, what is the point. You have to wonder what their life is like back where ever they came from that this is preferable.
    We have a trick for things like this. We have several old tents and when we could we would set them up in adjacent camp sites, park our cars at those sites, and kind a take over part of a campground. If someone came buy we approved of we’d let them have a site.
    Of course I have a generator in my rig, but when I hit the road I will also have 560 watts of solar on the roof. The generator is for those times when the sun don’t shine. I hate paying for diesel if I don’t have to. The sun, at least for now, is free.
    But you were right not to say anything, You just don’t know how people will react.

  4. Kim says:

    You showed great restraint, Sue.

    You did the right thing; though I know for a fact that is was difficult to move. Been there. There is no point in even the most genial discussion because people like that are NEVER EVER going to get it!!!

    They are just oblivious. Which translates into inconsiderate. Which equals selfish.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re absolutely right, Kim. You can’t teach adults to be considerate.

      I remember years ago a pastor dismayed at the self-centered behavior of his son. He said in exasperation, “How do you teach a person to be gracious?” Well, you can’t.

      • Tesaje says:

        With a kid, you can appeal to his self-interest by teaching him that not being gracious nets him what he doesn’t want and being gracious gets him a lot more of what he wants. Just like raining a dog – you got to figure out the motivations and stop making the bad behavior work for him. With adults, not much you can do except leave. That flocking behavior seems to be strongest with the most obnoxious people. It’s like they have to sit next you so they can start belching to irritate you.

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          I do believe there are children who will not respond to any method or efforts to form a gracious heart within them. It’s the old nature vs. nurture argument. The older I get the more I swing toward “nature.”

          • Tesaje says:

            Well, yes there are psychopaths and they are finding some physiological markers for them but they also find that the worst psychopaths have bad nurturing and others with the markers make for good people to do the brave and dangerous tasks. We have way too many people who are trained with the motto: I got mine so screw you.

            There does seem to be something to the link of obnoxious and selfish people also being the clingy ones who sit right next to you.

  5. Greg says:

    People are just so darn pesky….we would be much better off with all of them gone

  6. Sherry says:

    Mad at you? Are you kidding. I have a generator and I hate using it and hate people who run it for more than the time necessary to charge their batteries. All through this post I was saying “Yup that’s just how I feel when the noise goes on and on and on”. I simply can’t let go of it. I get more and more angry. My blood starts to boil. Above all else, I really have to have my quiet. It is one of the main reasons I went on the road to hear the natural world and be immersed in it. Especially when boondocking there is just no reason to be camped on top of each other. Glad you are on your way to hopefully even greener pastures.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      People complain that we have too many rules. If people were considerate of other people, animals, nature, personal property, etc., we wouldn’t need rules. What? We have to put up signs that say, “Don’t run your generator all day.”?

      Already we have signs telling people not to treat the place like an OHV playground, to stay on the road, to protect the resources, etc. Sheesh.

  7. Tawanda says:

    Ah Sue,
    WTG you made my day, I’m sorry you suffered so much getting to that point, but glad you moved and hope your nerves calmed quickly, every thot you expressed I could totally relate to…
    Yep you could sure write some books on humans in the wilds of america, “Boondocking Among Space Invading Generator Degenerates”.. You lasted longer than I would have given all the space they could have picked from!!!


    Oh that water is so clear, love the trees that pine scent but like you say not to be totally englufed/smoothered in them (ok I guess I said that)…
    Never get tired of seeing your kids, Spike soaking up the cool waters and Bridge getting her paws damp to cool off.

    Anyway as I sit here at my desk at work watching the traffic zip by out the windows the sky heavy looking with smoke from 2 fires outside the valley I was soo happy to check in and see your post 🙂 Sighed, cheered and chuckled out loud!!
    Thank You, Again!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Gosh, Tawanda… What a great comment! I’m happy this blog cheered you with some chuckles.

      I’ve always been the type that put up with things. I always avoided confrontations and kept my mouth shut when people did inconsiderate things. I’ve found I feel much better when I express myself. I don’t mean beeping your horn when someone cuts you off in traffic or things like that — flying off the handle, so to speak. I mean when I’m in a situation where I feel “put upon,” it restores my equilibrium to stick up for myself or express my displeasure.

      Once I parked, pulled out the awning, set up my chair, and sat down with a cool drink, I, too, had a few chuckles. We enjoyed a quiet, last evening at Bumblebee Meadows.

  8. rick van frank says:

    Sue, you MUST elaborate on the tingling in your arms. I have been experiencing “pins and needles” in my forearms at times of stress – is it “normal”? Drs have told me it is a pinched nerve – so I ask him if nerves get pinched when stressed out – he said “possible”. Do you experience it often? Is it “pins and needles”?

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Rick… Okay, I’ll elaborate.

      It doesn’t feel like “pins and needles” to me, which is how I describe the feeling when my foot goes to sleep, for instance. It’s a tingling, like I can feel the blood moving through my arm or something. No pain. Just a yucky feeling.

      It started in my fifties. I’ve never worried about it. I figured it was a part of aging, the ol’ nervous system becoming more sensitive and not quite as able to handle over-stimulation as it did years ago. Let’s face it — our parts are wearing out. 🙂

      I’m not telling you to ignore your symptoms because I don’t know exactly what you are feeling. I usually avoid the triggers (stress). I let the situation in today’s post go too far before acting. I should’ve beeped my way out of there a lot sooner.

  9. Oh Sue you behaved much better than I would have. I can’t understand why people will park right next to someone when there are tons of other places to park. It’s like they need some sort of gravitational connection to the planet and you’re it!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I know what you mean. I’ve pulled over to let tail-gaters by and they drive like they don’t know how when there isn’t someone’s bumper in their face. What is this need to be close? I don’t get it.

  10. Rita from Phoenix says:

    Camping is not what it use to be. I still camp old fashion…a pop up tent, Coleman stove, army cot. The only noise I hear is the sound of laughter, rushing water, etc. or my truck starting up when I leave a camp. My sister & I saw RVs the size of a small home and yes they are running generators. To me that is not camping. I guess they have expanded the meaning of camping to include motor homes. I’m appalled the two campers moving right next to you to run their generator…very inconsiderate. they might have asked if it would bother you and moved on to another spot…after all it’s first come first service in national forest camping.

    • Rita from Phoenix says:

      P/S the national forest should enforce noise pollution…after all it prob disrupts animals in forest too.

      • rvsueandcrew says:

        I’ve wondered about the effect of noise on animals… from birds to insects. .. all of them. If it drives some humans bonkers, what must it do to those creatures?

    • Ed says:

      ” I’m appalled the two campers moving right next to you to run their generator…”

      I’m always amazed how a story that Sue writes about get changed in the Comments. She said that it was a truck pulling a travel trailer that parked next to her. I now read in the Comments that it was two campers right next to her, I assume one on each side. That does make for a better story I must admit!

      • cinandjules (NY) says:

        Well well…..look at who the cat dragged in!

        • Connie & Mugsy (ND/MN/AZ) says:

          Not to mention that the noun “camper” also means a person who is camping. And… there were two humans (“campers”) in that camping unit. So, I’m thinking the problem is a lack of vocabulary knowledge being demonstrated here.

  11. Linda in NE says:

    What’s the point in spending the money to drive somewhere to camp and then stay inside in the air conditioning with the generator running? Sometimes I just shake my head over people and the things they do. I do feel sorry for their poor dog…at least they could have taken it inside with them instead of tying it up right next to the generator. Dolts!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Linda,

      The sight of that dog fueled my anger. Of course, people who are inconsiderate are going to be that way about everything. The dog was a tool to guard their precious generator. To them the dog wasn’t a living thing capable of suffering.

  12. mockturtle says:

    It’s my most dreaded camping annoyance: I pull into an empty camping loop in a remote NFS campground and some idiot, who has the entire campground to choose from, settles in right next to me!!!. And they inevitably are the kinds of neighbors you don’t want in any case. Which makes sense, because anyone so obtuse as to do that will also be obtuse enough to shout at each other, play ‘music’, run their generator all day [night] and let their dogs crap in your campsite. :-\ Chances are they also have a diesel truck which they drive in and out of the campground fifty times a day.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I love this! It’s like a Vent Party! Let it all out, folks!

      I’ve been annoyed by every item on your list, mockturtle. And you’re right about the loud voices. That’s why, when I heard that woman’s voice, I figured we were in for it!

  13. Dorothy says:

    I hear you Sue. Nothing worse than a generator to disturb peace and quiet. I have a few thoughts on what to do with people with generators but I probably should not put them in writing! I don’t think I would have lasted 3 hours. Too bad your trailer couldn’t kick dirt at them like dogs do.

    I have similar rude people near me with a 40′ Class A sticking out into a very narrow, winding road even though they have plenty of room to back further into their site. I think it is to allow their rooftop dish to get a clear signal so they can watch TV. Everyone else has to work to get around them so they can watch TV!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Dorothy,

      Gee, I wonder how they’d react if the end of their motorhome was scraped by a vehicle after dark. Not that I’m giving you any ideas . . . 🙂

  14. Jeff says:

    Sue I have to wonder if that is how generator boy clears out the area when he arrives at a campsite he likes, then enjoying the peace and quiet when everyone has enough and finds a new camp. The more humans I meet, the more I love my Labrador!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      That could be the case, Jeff. The only thing is… He could enjoy the peace and quiet without us leaving. I think people like that simply don’t think of others.

      I’d rather have a Labrador for a neighbor any day!

  15. cinandjules (NY) says:

    Good evening sunshine!

    Love the flat rocks in the creek and Bridget posing nicely.

    Living in the BLT…. you can pick your neighbors and neighborhood. It all comes down to respect…or the lack of respect. Glad you found another quiet spot. It’s sad that you had to move. Mad? You certainly handled it better than I would have! The crew probably becomes concerned when you get to that “tingling” level.

    Our seasonal neighbors just arrived for the weekend(oh joy)….and our house is vibrating due to the volume level of their surround sound. Drive to the woods and enjoy the sound of nature’s critters…….LEAVE YOUR CITY LIFE IN THE CITY! Argh

    Okay..I’m done venting.

    I must made me chuckle when I read your post..not that the incident was a laughing matter..but the manner in how you described it.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Good morning, cinandjules! Sorry I missed you last night.

      I’m also sorry you have to suffer through the presence of inconsiderate neighbors. What is it with people and music? Just because you CAN listen to music wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, doesn’t mean you have to. And the high volume! I don’t understand it. You have such a beautiful home in a lovely setting… and then you have to put up with that?

      Oh well, I’m glad to provide you a place to vent… along with me.

      I chuckled, too, once I was away from the noise. Amazing how calming silence can be… or the sound of a rushing river.

      • cinandjules (NY) says:

        Aren’t you glad people can’t hear what you are thinking?….by the time it makes it way to your mouth it normally has been somewhat (word used loosely) filtered!

        Have a wonderful day!

  16. AZ Jim says:

    Ok! This may offend some but so be it. I HATE those damn generators. If people need all the crap they use generators to power they should just stay home where they have ALL their toys. Camping in the wilderness should mean QUIET!!!!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I hear ya’, Jim!

      It does make one wonder why a couple hauls a trailer out to a beautiful, riverside meadow on a perfect day only to sit inside with the windows closed all day. It was the kind of day where you can be comfortable inside with the windows open or outside in the shade or in the river.

      I suspect that many of the illnesses of today, both physical and mental, are due to over-stimulation over time… too much light, too much visual stimulation, too much noise. We need the dark and we need silence.

  17. Kris says:

    Golly, that’s one noisy generator. Where the hell did they buy it — Beijing?

    omg, I think I spit laughing so hard…

    I’m fighting back tears.

    ok, now I’m not laughing, I get the same way when frustrated. I know everyone can say we’re so lucky we can move but it’s just a lot of work and unfair….grrr, you have to wonder why they even go camping..
    Glad you don’t encounter that too often. Kris

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Kris,

      Given all the pleasant days the crew and I have enjoyed since taking to the road, I really shouldn’t complain. Those people did give me something different to write about!

      I am glad those of us living on wheels can move when rude people get too close. I probably would’ve moved sooner if I hadn’t already changed campsites that day.

  18. NoisyGeneratorCouple says:

    Boy that Castia woman was stubborn; took almost three hours of the generator to get her to clear our favorite spot. LOL

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      . . . But I do like her horn. It’s nice and loud. Honey? Turn down the AC, okay? I’m going to run my hair dryer. Open up the freezer and pick what dinner you want to microwave. I don’t feel like cooking tonight, it’s so hot. Your show’s about to come on . . .

  19. Dear RVSue,

    Sometimes I get tired of the dull comfort of my house, and I want to get back to nature! Throw off these shackles of civilization and the bonds of my everyday, mundane existence!

    So, I’m wondering if you can tell me of a nice place to watch my flatscreen while I cool down and burn gas? Preferably someplace really quiet, because, you know, mundane shackles.

    If you can give me some advice, I’d … shhh! Game’s on! Tell me later.

    Longing For The Great Outdoors

  20. Karen says:

    Your first impression was correct in calling them clingers. I would say Klingon’s. When compared to all the days that you have had such idyllic settings just look at this as a bump in the road. You handled it better than I. At my age now I tend to speak out. I’d have walked over when they pulled up and said how bad the site was with snakes and all kinds of yucky stuff and pointed to a better spot. But don’t let it let your blood boil. You did what you needed to do. Enjoy each day with whatever it brings.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Aha! THAT’S where the phrase “don’t let your blood boil” comes from! The tingling I get is my blood boiling. And that’s kinda’ what it feels like.

      Overall it was a good day. We went to the river in the morning and we enjoyed a quiet evening at our last campsite. It was fun writing this blog post. Great way to vent!

  21. Kay says:

    Oh My… you were so darn nice, and well behaved RVSue. I, on the other hand would have placed my little special stick I created to hold down the air horns. And, I would have let it hold the button down for most likely 30 minutes.

    Within a few minutes, I know the man would have come knocking. At which time, I would have simply said “Hi there, can I help you?” And, when he said anything about my air horns blaring… I would have said “Yes! They will remain blaring as long as I hear a damn generator. I was here first, relaxing after years of working. Welcome to the neighborhood and then, I would have promptly shut my door.

    This method works pretty damn well. I had to use it last year. It only had to last 18 minutes. The damn people packed up faster than they set up and all I seen was a cloud of dust.

    Ahhhh… Peace at last. Good luck Sue. Remember, some kids grew up without manners… regardless how hard teachers worked to teach them on chicken feed.

    Hello Spike and Bridge…. you both look so good!

    • k&p Catalano says:

      The air horn is a neat idea. I think in this day and age and not knowing how people could react when you stand up for yourself…I might tack this on to my strategy.

      NOW I know in reality this would probably never work…but it’s fun to imagine scenarios…

      I’d let the person come knocking, let them stand out there a few minutes, then casually open the door and act surprised that they are there…
      “Oh, Hello?”
      Then I’d get a nice puzzled look on my face as he started to speak. Then I’d remove the cut-off end of an earphone/bud (preferably in clear plastic, and with the tiny foam cover removed) from my ear. Then I’d peer at it closely, give a few quick puffs of air on it. And then for a little theatric good measure, give it a few good ‘flicks’ with my ‘middle’ finger’, blow on it once more then re-insert it into my ear.

      Then I would just nod and smile pleasantly, shrug my shoulders and politely shut the door in his face.

      I would scurry to the window to peek out at his reaction.

      This deflects the possibility that you ‘air-horned’ him on purpose because of the generator…after all if you can’t ‘hear’ your own air horn…you probably ‘never’ heard his generator…

      …just some silly musing…

  22. Elizabeth says:

    SO sorry about the creeps, Sue. There are plenty of annoying things you could have done…sounds rather mild to me, the beep, beeps!! Hubby says you need to get ahold of some rattlesnake skins and hang them out (as in drying them, right?) Of course, they do not have such in that area…but if these bloks are distant folk, they might not know that.

    We lived in one very remote place one time…hunters would show up pretty close by…I did not want them shooting either us or our dogs…so I spent a fair amount of time on my back step (unseen) banging the bottoms of 2 of my heavy duty cooking pans together…yup dented them a bit…but it was worth it!! HUNTERS left…cause no self-respecting bird was going to hang around long with all that noise going on!! Heehee..

    You really cannot make any kind of sense these days with people like that. We happen to live beneath some of those jerks kin right now…yep the little condo we rented, in a very nice area no less…we have to listen to S T O M P I N G until the wee hours sometimes and then it sometimes begins again 5 hours later. This dingbat also refinishes furniture…yep, banging, grinding, chemical smells…smokes like a chimney and we have had to close our sliding glass door because of that, when it was hot. (Our condo owner does NOT allow smoking…so go figure). SO…when the noise bugs us bad enough, we crank up our music…yep, and it is not rock band either…no doubt NOT their choice of music. And when they pipe down, the music loudness goes down too. I would no way say anything to them…we are fairly certain they are in “trades” that would hire a hit man on you if you bothered THEM. Saddest thing, they have Montana license plates…tho surely MONTANA is relieved they are gone. We would be stark raving mad by now were it not that our time here is short and we are gone a lot helping our daughter and family.

    Well, the best part is that you CAN PACK up and move, Sue…we are stuck here by the rental lease. But I have begun keeping track of the noises, dates, etc so the owner figures out that the next renters might not be willing to stay under such circumstances. Even being deaf would not be a total solution because of the vibrations they make…I am not so sure the ceiling will hold at times. I am not sure that had we lived in a seedy hotel it would have been any worse…oh well…soon the time is up for us!!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Elizabeth,

      What a dreadful situation you’re in! It’s like some people stay up all night trying to come up with more ways to be rude and annoying.

      You reminded me of the time many years ago when I had noisy upstairs neighbors. Every night they would engage in their… ahem… “athletics” … and with their bedroom directly over mine, I couldn’t help but wake up and hear it. Not pleasant. Some things I don’t want to hear. LOL ! It was the same routine every night. Oh, the dramatics! I never could figure out why “it” involved stomping across the room several times…

      Anyway, I got fed up, took a broom, and rapped the ceiling several times. They must have moved their activities elsewhere, as all was quiet from then on, and at the end of the month they moved.

      I hope you get relief from that “dingbat” soon.

  23. Our minds think exactly alike when it comes to inconsiderate people huddling in too close & cranking up their noise. Has happened to us as well. I don’t have the option of confronting someone though so our only option is to move. & that is what we have always had to do. I have a very quick temper when it comes to things like that with rude people it is never a good thing for me to confront someone. You did far better than I would have by trying to tolerate them as long as you did………….

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’ve thought about this issue of noise a lot. I can tolerate noise if it has a valid reason… like a train whistle warning at an intersection or trucks hauling freight or a helicopter looking for fire in the forest . . . That doesn’t bother me one bit.

      But noise from rude people? Drives me nuts!

  24. Diann in Montana says:

    Q: How does one go about reporting animal abuse and neglect you might witness while out on the road? Or any other suspicious behavior one encounters out in the middle of nowhere.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Diann,

      I’ve recently learned that bad behavior in a National Forest — such as vandalism or roudiness — can be reported by dialing 911. I never would’ve thought of that as I’ve always considered 911 for emergencies, but I read it on a NF website.

      One could call the local animal control re: abuse. However, this could result in the animal being killed. It’s a tough call.

      One time, when I lived in a regular house, I witnessed a pug kept in a wire kennel without any shade IN GEORGIA. The poor thing was given a bowl of water in a margarine tub which he — being not more than a puppy — knocked over right away.

      I went to their door and offered to buy the puppy for $100 (which was a sacrifice for me), but they refused because “my son loves that puppy.” I called animal control and described the situation in detail re: water and heat and no shade and pugs easily develop breathing problems, and they came out immediately and had a little talk with the owner. Conditions improved dramatically.

      • Diann in Montana says:

        Oh, my goodness! No wonder I love to follow your blog! rvsue is a good person with a tremendous heart. God love ya’!

        My niece is attending the U of MT in Missoula and is majoring in forestry so she can become a FS Ranger. She just informed me that if hired by the USFS, she would indeed become a law enforcement individual. Amazing! What a brave girl!
        Thanks for all the good work you do, Sue! An Angel in the Woods!

        • rvsueandcrew says:

          You must be very proud of your niece… and rightly so! People sometimes complain about rangers hassling them and, sure, there are always some bad apples in every line of work (or districts that interpret regs beyond the original, intended meaning). I admire rangers for the challenges they face. The ones I’ve met truly respect our natural resources and work to enable people to have good experiences on forest land..

          Best wishes to your niece!

  25. Sue says:

    I laughed and laughed and laughed at your post. It could have been me writing that post! Every time a “fellow camper” comes into my view I silently (and sometimes NOT so silently) chant “don’t park next to us, don’t park next to us, don’t park next to us”. And sometimes I let my dogs bark as someone sets up to near…..I’m a bad girl.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m glad I struck your funny bone, Sue! You struck mine, too — I do the same chant! My variation is “Go away, go away, go away…”

  26. Gerri Jones says:

    There’s not much I can add that the others haven’t already said and said well. We do think alot alike…there is a code of ethics (unspoken perhaps) but a code non the less for camping. They were rude and you did exactly what we would have done!!
    Your account of the situation was so funny…thanks for adding laughter to the situation even if it was after you calmed down. 🙂

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Gerri,

      Nice to hear from you… and you did have something to add! I love to hear that my writing made someone laugh. Thanks for letting me know.

  27. Rita from Phoenix says:

    The more I read this, the more I think about what I would do. My first reaction, this is true at home, I politely approach the person and ask to discontinue whatever it is that is bothering me. Generally, I get a positive response. My kids think sometimes I am too forward but I don’t think so. I’m too old to put with things. I allow myself the pleasure of speaking out for I have little time left on this good Earth. I guess that is why we have cartoons of feisty little old ladies LOL or in movies. This would be especially true with the incident you experience. I prob would have marched over to noisey neighbor, knock on door, and ask if they can turn their generator off or move else where. I camped here to get away from noise. Then, I ‘d wait for a reply. If we don’t come to an agreement, I’d leave as you did. I don’t have time to subject myself to unhappiness, stress and that sort of thing. I want to enjoy my life.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You have the right attitude, Rita. I don’t think you’re being “too forward.” If you let people walk all over you, including violating your environment, then you’re being a doormat. Life is too short and each day too precious. A better person than I could have gone over to the people right away and discussed the problem.

      I considered that but chose, instead, to wait. A verbal interaction with those two would have made my stress level skyrocket. Once I realized the generator wasn’t going to be turned off, I was too rattled to approach them in a civil manner anyway.

      Keep doing what you need to do in order to enjoy your life!

  28. Ron says:

    Me thinks Sue is spoiled, (ducking and dodging here and laughing)
    You have had so many perfect camp spots that a little company ticks you off.
    I can see the Canine corner now, spike . Oh hell Sue is fixing to blow up , get under cover Brid you dont want to be in the line of fire when she does. LOL
    I have done a lot of boondocking and sometimes I think most folks are herd animals ,they bunch up for protection , I think they really are insecure and need folks around to feel safe. I dont think they understand someone that enjoys there own company.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      You’re absolutely correct on all points, Ron. All the boondocking has made me more intolerant than ever of people and their annoying habits. All the silence has made me more intolerant of noises. And yes, people are insecure and fearful. And it’s also true that many people don’t understand how a person can enjoy being alone, can actually relish their solitude.

      Just as I don’t understand why people yearn to be part of a group or why they are so fearful.

  29. Since I’ve just started my RV odyssey, I’m learning lots from your blog and comments. I first parked way out on my friends’ ranch and had to use the generator for AC because of the heat – even upwards of 110 F! Nobody could hear it so I wasn’t skimpy with its use. Then when I filled up with gas before my jaunt up I-5 about 175 miles, I found out how much petro I’d consumed – YIKES! So for my one-week stay in Red bluff (temps over 100 every day), I’m biting the bullet and staying in an RV park; it’s actually much cheaper than paying for the gas! I want to become comfortable with boon-docking but needed a little RV orientation by experience before heading into Oregon and beyond. Thanks to you and all your followers, I’m learning lots about how to deal with jerks and not be one myself.
    “Do unto others as you would have them do undo you”
    If I’m as jerky as some of your ‘neighbors,’ I’d hope somebody would set me straight!

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Mary-Pat,

      You’ll never be as “jerky” as those people because you obviously care about the comfort of others. You are wise to ease into boondocking. I didn’t jump into it right away. I stayed at NM state parks the first four months and became well-acquainted with the BLT and camping, since I was a total newbie to camping. There’s always more to learn — That’s why my blog is a delight for me. I learn a lot from my readers.

      Best wishes to you for the near future and for future travels to Oregon and wherever your gypsy wheels may take you!

      • Alan Rabe says:

        Hi, Mary-Pat
        You learned two things. First the air conditioners on the tops of RV’s are not all that efficient. And second, why Sue and other experienced FTers go north in Summer and south in the winter. They follow the temperate zone. Even with the solar system I will be using, it can’t handle air conditioners.

  30. Hi Sue…I am an old timer fulltimer! I use to love being a camphost for the summer season…quit it 7 years ago.Some of those ” campers” were determined to put me in a straight jacket.
    So…now for the summer I stay close to my homebase in the boonies of the Big Bend in Texas. It is much safer 🙂 for all concerned.l

  31. Mary Carlson says:

    Sue I love reading your blog and following you on your travels. Sorry but I have to add my two cents here, I have not often been known to keep my mouth shut when I should. 🙂

    Having so often during stressful times I have been, like you described – so mad I had to take action. Then again, I have also way too often been so tired I couldn’t think straight and realized that tired makes normally kind, intelligent people do stupid things. I bet most people can say ‘been there, done that’.

    So when I encounter situations like you did I try (don’t always succeed) to protect my health by making up a scenario for the others, something that changes how I think and rect to the situation. So a possible scenario for that couple. Her mother just died and she has been primary caregiver for the last six months, while holding down a very stressful full time job. She gets 4 days off work to arrange and attend the funeral. Their son, the one without a job, moves back in and neither of them have the energy to deal with his loud music. They look at each other and decide they need to get away and now. They are unfamiliar with where it is ok to park and too tired to spend time learning the campground, oh there is someone over there, it must be ok to park there. Being tired, they are naturally louder than they should be when getting camp set up. Finally she can sleep and mourn for her mother. They turn on the air conditioner, set an alarm so they don’t oversleep and forget about the poor dog. The poor dog who has been so neglected while they spend all their time with her mother. The horn wakes them up but being so exhausted she falls asleep again. They wake up and walk the dog for the first time in many months. She feels some semblance of normal calm returning. She goes back in and goes to sleep again, finally waking up in the morning. With the first quality sleep in so long she greets the day. She looks around the campground and sees the layout and that you had moved. Oh shit she says, we could have parked anywhere, that was pretty inconsiderate of us, I bet the air conditioner noise bothered her too. I wish we could apologize, well have to make it up by being understanding when we are in her shoes and others in ours.

    Who knows their ‘story’, but this technique does work to keep my stress and blood pressure down. 🙂

    Happy travels.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi, Mary,

      That’s a great way to give yourself perspective on a situation. I’ve used that method myself at times.

      However, in this case the hypothetical you present doesn’t ring true. The people passed several, clearly marked campsites to park next to me. The dog couldn’t have been forgotten because the man came out, stood beside the dog to look at the generator and then went back inside. The woman didn’t seem at all weary or distressed when trotting around the campsite barking out orders or later, walking the lane. And even if they HAD to have that campsite, they could have offered, “If the noise of the generator bothers you, let us know.” They could have apologized for the noise when they went walking that evening… etc.

  32. Chris H says:

    My tactic is to knock on the generator troglodyte’s door and politely ask him/her how long s/he plans to run the genset. If it’s an unreasonable amount of time, I move – after telling the person how much I hate to do that. Staying next to a camper who you have just confronted makes for an uneasy and tense environment. Fortunately, in my camping experience, generator abuse has rarely happened, and I think that’s your experience also, Sue.

    Chris H

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Chris,

      Since I often boondock I don’t have a handle on how often people commit “generator abuse.” I’m like you… If I talk to a person about their generator, even as nicely as I can muster, all it would take to ruin my day would be a snotty reply. That’s why I tend to avoid confrontations.

  33. texastom says:

    Just no way to know what was going on without a howdy and some palaver!

    There may have been a great reason why they had the generator running. When I was recuperating from heart problems I could not stand the heat and to this day I’m not much for anything more that 85 degrees..

    Still love your blog and we all get cranky occasionally.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Texastom!

      I certainly understand why some people may need to run a generator all day. However, there are other choices than parking next to another camper in an empty camping area.

      My behavior was not due to crankiness. My crankiness was due to their behavior. In other words, if you need the A/C on all day or if you need a medical device running all day, camp with hook-ups or camp away from people in a dispersed area.

      I hope you and your heart are recuperated!

  34. Cherie from OH says:

    Any law against making and staking a “Please, No Generators in This Area” sign on the road between your campsite and an empty neighboring campsite? Hopefully campers who plan to use their generator would move on.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      My experience living around people is this… I’d need to fill the PTV to the roof with signs to keep up with all the ways people can be rude and obnoxious. 🙂

  35. Pauline says:

    Just finished reading all the replies and I can’t think of anything else to say 🙂 I understand your frustration.
    Love you and the crew

  36. Sue says:

    So glad you decided not to confront them. Stay safe. I can’t imagine staying in all day and night when out in the beautiful places like you stay. I just wonder if they have been full timing a long time and it is starting to get old for them. So glad you enjoy you full timing and share it with us who don’t have that blessing.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Sue,

      Staying all day and all night in beautiful places is the safest way I know how to live. Thanks for the kind words. It’s my pleasure to share our days.

  37. wheelingit says:

    I have to admit that if it were me, I probably would have asked them to move before they even backed into the spot, especially if there was a lot of space around. I’m not known for my subtlety tee hee. I’m not a generator fan either and the rare times we use ours (e.g. if we’re dry-camping and don’t have solar) we’ll try to run it the shortest amount possible so it doesn’t bother anyone. Hope your new spot is cool and quiet.


    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m sure there are better ways to handle such a situation, but like I’ve said before in a different way… I tend to take the passive approach until people push me to my limits.

  38. Ed says:

    “I’m reading my kindle when I hear a truck approach. I stand up and see it’s pulling a travel trailer. Gee, the entire area is empty with several spots along the river and they have to camp right next to us. Oh well, maybe the site has sentimental value or something. I go back to my reading. However, my mind wanders. Clingers . . . People who have to camp next to other campers . . . Hmm . . . Could be a bad sign.

    Bridget and Spike commence barking. Quickly I quiet them, telling them everything’s okay. The woman barks orders to the man backing the trailer in.”

    You know how you are – it was time to move! The next time someone starts to park next to you – MOVE! But, please don’t blow the horn as you do.

    • Rita from Phoenix says:

      No way Jose!! I’d make my point first! RV Sue was camped there first and the people had wide open spaces to park their noisy RV & generator…glad RV sue blasted her horn!!

    • cinandjules (NY) says:

      Remind me again…………this IS RvSue’s blog……….right?

      Am I at the right place? Oh okay … for a minute there I thought I was somewhere else.

      Damned if she does damned if she doesn’t…’s what she did…damn it! They probably didn’t even notice….remember their generator was on!


    • Kay says:

      Why should RVSue leave? Why should her peaceful camp spot be rudely interrupted by some heartless, mindless, idiot who has no common sense? What the hell, tie the dog up outside in the heat and let it bark while they are inside with AC. They should have had their butts turned into the authorities for being cruel to an animal, AND to an elderly woman. Be damned if I would move if I was their first. Hell no, I’d blow my AIR HORNS all damn night. They are located in the front of the RV and my bedroom is in the back. You might hope not to encroach upon me and my camp spot, that’s all I have to say.

    • AZ Jim says:

      Sue did the right thing in my book. Too bad she doesn’t have an even louder horn.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Hi Ed,

      You say I should move as soon as someone parks next to me. Why should I move? Many people run their generator only long enough to charge their batteries and I can put up with that.

      If I did move right away, I certainly wouldn’t blow my horn!

      If there had been one other person other than the generator people within hearing distance of my horn, I wouldn’t have used it. As it was, these people and myself were the only campers around. The rest of the area was forest.

      • Connie & Mugsy (ND/MN/AZ) says:

        It’s pretty clear that “Ed” is a troll who only posts to get a rise from everyone. I suggest that he be ignored… or perhaps banned from posting in the first place.

  39. Bob says:

    I can take a lot of things but going inside to the AC while the dog is tied outside is not one I tolerate. Probably good for you for driving away with a few beeps. It would not have been me. I would have been in their face and probably have provoked something. Never have been able to just standby when kids or pets are involved. Oh ya there was the time I got arrested for punching out the guy who was physically abusing his wife in parking lot of a restaurant. Best fine I ever paid. You probably handled it right. Glad it is rare.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I’m glad it is rare, too, Bob. And good for you for helping out that woman in the parking lot, although it was a dangerous thing to do.

  40. Donna D. (stickhouse in CT) says:

    Hi Sue, Sorry you had to be so inconvenienced. I know exactly how you felt. I would have done similar and waited and hoped they turn the generator off after an hour or two. I would have proceeded to get angrier as time went on. By that time, I would not have been able to be polite enough to ask them how long they were going to run the generator. I would have packed up and moved also, but by then I would be so angry it would take me awhile to calm down enough to enjoy myself again.

    I was hoping someone here would have a good tip on how to handle this. The one I read that might work for me would be to politely ask the inconsiderate louts, I mean, people, how long they will be running the generator. I might even say that I’m asking because I’m noise sensitive. Then depending on the answer, I would move. Unfortunately, there would be nothing else I could do.

    Warning, curmudgeon me: Even in regular campgrounds, people can make all the noise they want within certain hours. Generators, music, shouting! I don’t understand it. I have it in my own neighborhood. I currently live in a village and each house is on at least 1/2 acre. I wish all those with lawn mowers, hedgers, weed wackers, leaf blowers, power washers, chainsaws, etc. etc. etc. would at least coordinate their lawn work so I don’t spend all weekend listening to noise. Geesh. how inconsiderate! LOL

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Leaf blowers! Oh, is there anything in the world more annoying? I think they’re even worse than generators! Remember the days when people used a rake? 🙂

  41. gingerda says:

    I think it stinks that you had to leave such a nice looking place because of noisy inconsiderate people. I don’t get it when there are lots of empty spots, that someone wants to park right next to another camper. Especially when they plan on running their generator for hours. Reminds me of when I go to our local casino once in awhile to play slots and I pick a machine at the end of an empty row and someone will come and sit at the machine right next to me and light up a cigarette. Dang that pisses me off. lol.

  42. Cheryl Ann says:

    Sue, I understand you completely. We spent 5 nights up in eastern Arizona, up on the Mogollon Rim, in a cabin near national forest land. It was so quiet and peaceful. Several mornings we heard cattle calling and our last night there we heard the lonely howls of a coyote. Last night we stayed in Flagstaff and awoke to the scream of sirens at 5:30 a.m….sigh…I want to go back to the Rim, but hubby and I have to go back to …. WORK!

  43. Eileen P says:

    And it is top story on! Great!
    Eileen in Phoenix

    • Sandi says:

      Eileen, I was also excited when I opened and the main story was of Rusty and Timer. It warms my heart to know that so many people have come to his support and continue to do so.

  44. Marilu says:

    It was a great story to read and how special that our little rvsue online family was able to play a small part in it. With all the bad news, isn’t it wonderful to hear such a warm and positive story? Again, congratulations to Rusty, Timber, Rvsue and the Crew.

  45. Oh Sue, I can imagine how disappointing it was to have your lovely peaceful camping spot ruined by all that racket. It’s interesting to read the comments about what folks would do. Myself, I would probably just get disgusted and move like you did.

    What a great article about Rusty and Timber! So happy for them and it sounds like they’re adjusting very well.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      I managed to read the article with this weak cell signal. (Darn Mt. Ranier keeps getting in the way!) I haven’t been able to load the video or see the slideshow. I’m sure they’re great.

  46. Donna in CT says:

    Sue, I predict you will get a lot more followers from those articles! If Rusty were ever so moved, his memoirs would make interesting reading! Maybe someday he will entrust someone to help him write up his stories. What a gift that would be.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Yes, the story is timeless. More followers are welcomed, of course. What I really wish for are more gift cards toward Timber’s fence!

  47. Glenda says:

    Sue we could never be mad at you for whatever responses you may have and this last event would have tested us all and I bet not all of us could have been so restrained. Sorry you had to move camp!

  48. mike mcdonald says:

    just found your fun site. I do my exploring on a Harley with a small tent, sleeping bag, saddle bags with 4 suits of clothes. like you, I hate when idiots camp next to me. acting like a bada__ outlaw biker usually makes them move on. loved your description of the whole situation, had me rolling on the floor. be keeping track of you and those two little heathens!!!!!!! have a great life on the road. people don’t need near as much stuff as they think to live comfortable. see me later…..

  49. Renee (from Datil) says:

    Not offering any excuses, folks — just a comment to remind those who suggest that those who run generators/watch TV/have a freezer in their RV don’t HAVE a place “to go back to.” Their RV IS their home, and as such, still have mundane things such as cooking, online bill-paying, vacuuming, etc. that have to be done occasionally.

    When we are in a “no-hookup” campground, we run our generator as little as possible. We don’t like to listen to it, either, and run it just long enough to charge up batteries. We have solar, which helps immensely, but if it’s hot, our extra freezer (which we have because we do like to go to out-of-the-way places & don’t want to have to go into town every few days) sucks batteries down in no time.

    We’re one of those “inconsiderate” people with large rigs (which just might be a more energy-efficient that the home you left behind for the weekend), but do still have energy needs. We choose not to stay in RV parks all the time just because of these energy requirements, but are very cognizant of the irritation factor of the generator. We sit in the shade & sweat, rather than turn on the generator just to sit inside in the A/C.

    All that said, Sue — we’ve been in your same position, & can totally relate. It IS a shame that some adults (& children) haven’t been taught consideration and the concept of personal space. Running a generator 3 hours a day should be enough to charge up even extremely low batteries. It may be a pain in the butt, & you shouldn’t have to move, but the beauty of your life is that you CAN. And did…

  50. Linda D. in Avondale, Arizona says:

    Saw a reporter on Channel 12 (NBC) in Phoenix reporting on finding the dog and that the man, a veteran, is being helped out by the VA and other generous people that are connected with you and other persons and sending him items an I believe helping with furniture in his single wide mobile home. Yours was a great story, but I had a hard time finding your blog site. I belonged to an “organized” camping club that did all types of camping and even though we’d find huge spaces where people could camp apart, complete with the pets, etc., we’d find people bunching in and not allowing room for privacy and occasionally someone would run a generator more than a few hours, but there was usually a quiet time that was respected and lots of people were tent camping or in trailers or rv’s with solar as well. The main time we used a/c we were in very hot humid weather in a campground on the beaches in Mexico and we had electrical hookups. Of course, many times, I and my ex-husband dry camped in the boondocks by ourselves. Over the years we camped with various pets – a pot-bellied pig, (most well behaved and trained) and/or a couple of dogs, a couple of times a cat that liked to camp and would go outside, climb the ladder up the back of the travel trailer and lay out on the awning enjoying the sunset! Another loved walking the beach with me, on or off of her leash and loved people – and even dogs – she put on a show in a Mexico campground wrestle-playing with a chihuahua! The looks we’d get when we’d stop for a potty break for the pot-bellied pig and a couple of small dogs on leashes and they all would “potty” on command! They’d say, that’s not a dog, it’s a pig! She loved to hike with us in the woods and once in a while rolled in a mud puddle, but unbelievably she’d be dry and the dirt brushed off of her in little time! Through the years we had quite the menagerie and set ups to accommodate them.

    I’m looking forward to buying an RV, probably a Class C after our family deals with my mom and her Alzheimer’s and I so miss camping and traveling – especially to cooler places than Arizona – love Colorado in summers, Mexico beaches in spring and fall and would like to travel down in the southern states and into Florida when it’s not so humid. Want to explore the Oregon coastline, Washington, and many other areas, probably staying in places a few weeks at a time, especially when visiting family and grandkids, with several in Florida.

    I have enjoyed reading your blog and all of the comments. One of these days, I’ll be there too!

    Linda D. in Avondale, AZ

  51. Jordan O. says:

    Hi Sue,

    Someone just hooked me up with your blog for valuable information and inspiration as I begin my life on the road (I’ll be living in a teardrop trailer and traveling the U.S. starting this fall and am very excited!). Reading your posts have been very helpful and enlightening, not to mention greatly entertaining – THANK YOU!!

    I don’t even have to be camping anywhere to know how inconsiderate people have become – I just did a post on my blog called “Got them Garage Sale Blues” – not sure, but garage sale junkies MIGHT be worse than RV generator-loving clingers – at least you get them in greater numbers in a much shorter timeframe. But they get my blood boiling too.

    My suggestion is to get yourself some outlandish head piece and any gaudy “decorations” you can find along with some loud noise makers. Then, when you see a big rig heading your way, passing up perfectly acceptable campsites to cozy up to you, just run outside naked, draped with your accoutrements and noise makers in hand dancing wildly with arms flapping while hooting and hollering. And don’t stop until they are kicking up dust in their wake down the road and well out of sight. This way you avoid confrontation, get your blood pumping in a good way, and have a fun and a good chuckle watching their reaction. I’m sure Bridget and Spike would love to join in too. 🙂 (Let me know how it works so I can also employ the same technique!)

    I look forward to reading more about your adventure as I embark upon mine. Any suggestions to a newbie of full-time living on the road? I did a lot of primitive camping when I was younger, so being on my own and boonedocking doesn’t scare me, just generator -loving, nature loathing, clueless, clinging Campers! 😉

    Thanks for the great stories.

    • rvsueandcrew says:

      Welcome, Jordan, to the world of fulltime vagabonding and also to the world of rvsue and her canine crew!

      Off-hand I don’t have any advice other than to keep reading blogs — especially mine! — and you’ll learn from our mistakes and successes. Also the comments of my readers are a valuable source of information… Best wishes!

      • Jordan O. says:

        Both your blog and comments from your readers have already been a great help! I am only through your first few months, so still have a lot of reading (couple of years worth) yet to do to catch up! 🙂

        Also want to thank you for your product recommendations – you have posted a few things I hadn’t thought of that would be very helpful to have with me in the boonies. I suppose like you, I will start with more than I need until I can figure out what I really do need. I just don’t have quite as much room as you do 😉

        Happy times to you and your crew and wishing Spike lots of soaks in beautiful lakes!


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